The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 30, 1867, Image 4
..ILi.. L THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOM&BU.RG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. DRY GOODS, &c. DRUGS & MEDICINES. DRY GOODS. I TOBACCO & SEGARS. SEWING MACHINES. farmer's pijartmfiit. lull llll. 1X11.1 Mill IN. Tht (lre, Wb hn vp, for Hovrrnt yeurj, pultl iiiu-, tlculnr attention to nrtlclt's In nrlcnltn ml porlmllonN ns well in In tlio roijuliir lU'portft from' tin; Aixrloulturul l)omrt mettt lit Wiwhlii;tiii, upon tho Hiilijet't of grao culturo, fur tlio piirpiHu of forming mi opinion upon tlio compara tive merits of the various lending vari eties of nntlvo grapes. Olio variety In ii )i tit x t high unxllt, and now plante,lextcn4vo - li. Ii. tl... I J...J. I.S., 4IVI'Hl,lll (lllll II ViULUI l'lillin Is tlio Crovcllng, which originated near illoomshurg, and Is believed to bo a eodllng of tho Fox. Kor qunllty It ninKH tunong the best of American grupu), nnil It Is of good .sire and ripens cnriy. Tlio Delaware grape Is famous and jxipular, mid in quality Isoxcoedod by no other native grape. To say that It Is dollclous ivs ntntilo grape, Is to express thuslniplo trntli,aiid If It were larger and tho vine moro successful in cultlva tiou, it would have no competitor. The Concord Is the grape for careless growers and for nllfortH of people. It txurs profusely. Is vigorous in growth nml tho berry is large. It is a smiling of tlio Fox nid has thu characlerNtlcs nt Its parent. In souui li'siiects In too great 11 degree. It has the Fox harsli lata with some toughness of pulp (In tills rcsjiect differing very much from tho Urovellng) nnd must therefore, as to quality, dike a second rank. A venr or two since, Mr. Ureelcy offered u nrciiil um of ono hundred dollars to ho award ed for the best native grape, which, after some hesitation', was awarded by committee to thu Concord. It will no doubt bo displaced from Its position of preenilnenco by other varieties, a great number of which nro coming into no tlce. Dr. ('. W. Grant, of Java Island, In the Hudson Itiver, lias succeeded in In troducing into notice two new varieties, seedlings produced by iilm-elf, which have a high character and command a high price. They are named .lava an.-l Jnvnlln, and are no doubt, grapes of much merit. A competitor of tliteu Is thu Adirondack, a grape which origina ted near Pliittsburg, iiftlioWtateof New York, and which, by some, lias been put at tlio head of tlio list. At present the varieties In highest rcpoto as trine grapes are Norton's Vir ginia and Ivc's Seedling. Tho former is from Kichmond, Virginia, and the latter originated nt or near Cinciunattl. They are tioth said to be verysuccossfui in the West, particularly in Ohio. Very good wlno is mudo from tho Delawaro grape, but there is question mailt) of its general adaptation to vineyard cultiva tion. We observe that complaints are made by growers that the robins nro very fond of Delawaro grapes and very much in the habit of robbing tho vine yards of that particular fruit. Perhaps this proves thu good tate of tho birds. We shall notice other varieties of tho graio in future numbers, and shall give homo account of experiments which have be made in the production of hybrids by crowing foreign and native kinds. Some very promising varieties have been thus produced. Tklulilug Fruit Crops. Wb onco heard a successful raiser nnd marketer of peaches say, that, by thin ning the crop to about one-third or one fourth its ordinary numbers on loaded trees, ho was stltl nblo to obtain as many bushels as before, on account of tho in creased Klze, and to obtain triple price. During an nbundnntteason, his neigh bors who neglected thinning, found it dllllcuit to get llfty cents per bushel, while he sold all his readily at a dollar and u-half. All trees that overbear, and all that have defective fruit, either from tho attacks of Insects or otherwise, will Ikj iiiucIi improved in the quality or their crops by timely thinning remember ing uiways to pick otr tlio poorest speci mens and leave tlio best. Even thu ap ple crop, which is cheaper and more nliunihint than .most others, should not bo neglected. If any ono who doubts, will remember fora moment that an over loaded tree has to be llnally picked by hand, ho will ico tho propriety of doing I apart of his picking so early in thu' M'leion that the portion left may bo im proved by tho operation. .Suppose, for example, that a treo has at this moment three thousand growing appiis upon it, and thnt two thousand are MiiaU or f-cabby, or Infested by tlio apple worm or stung by tho cureiilio. If ho allows these three thousand nil to grow, they will crowd each other, and nono of them will bo largo and fine fla vored. Yet If sulfered to remain, they mint lie all finally hand-picked, and bo carefully let down and carried in hu"kets. Now, Instead of this laborious process, let thu owners pick oil' two thousand poor ones, which, requiring no euro to keep from bruising, may lie donowitli great rapidity. The remain ing thousand, which will then huve n chnnro to swell up in size mid become perfect In flavor, may bo gathered when mature with far less trouble than the original threo thousand. Let tho ex-i-erlmcnt be made now in season. rrrnrrt Inir Prtill without UuRar, Wn givo the following recipe lor preserving fruit without sugar, as it must bo ti great saving of expense on tho old Hystcm of using a eertnln quan tity of sugar to each pound of fruit. In thesu days of high prices economy should bo exercised in every way possi ble, for tho time may como when tho benefits of btrlct economy may bo felt and appreciated: To preserve fruit lu this way, for win ter use, in a fresh stnte, put the fruit in bottles, till them up with cold spring writer, tto down with bladder tightly; put them in a kettle or copper of cold water up to tho neck of tho bottles, witli hey to steady them; let them simmer for n quarter of an hour, hut not boil; let them cool in tho wnter; wipe tlio bottles, and put in u dry place. On no account open them till their contents aro wanted for eating. 11 ow ) nulla (lilmury, In building a chimney put a quantity of wilt in tho mortar with which the In tercourbo of bricks aro to lie laid. The effect will bu thut thero never will be any accumulation of soot In that ehlnir ney. Tho philosophy Is thus stated! Tho salt lu tho portion of mortar which Is exK)sl absorbs moisture uvery damp day. Tho soot thus becoming dump fulls down to tho tire-plats.-. That man cannot boyourfrltmlwho will not allow you loteach lilmnnytliing 'I'lie Klttauiul III Collide r. TiIHiu: wns imeeu cobbler, who work--il very linrtliintl wm very honest I but tlll he could not earn enough to llvo up ii and at last nil ho had In llin world was gone, niivo Just Icnlher enough to mako one pair of kIkkh, Then ho cut his Inither out, all ready to mako up next day, meaning to rlsu early In tho morning to his work. Ills .......L - ..l....- 1.1 . ,.... II, .1. i-uh-h-iuii.-.1 m ir cii'iu ( i nn iii'itri iiu-u 1, ,,.. ... .,.. . " -v ww...,... i iiv. "vin peaceably to lied, left all Ids cares to Heaven, and soon fell asleep, lu the morning after ho said his prayors,ho sat himself down to his work ; when to his great wonder, there stood the shoes all ready made, upon the table. Tlio good man knew not what to say or think at such an odd thing happening. Ho look ed at tho workmanship ; there was not ono false stitch 111 tlic wholujoh; all was fonciitnndtrucjlhat It was quite a mas terpiece. The same day a customer came in, and the shoes suited him so welt that he willingly paid u price higher than irtual for them ; and thopoor .sliocmaker,witli tho money, bought leather enough to mako two pair more, lu the evening lie cut out the work, and went tubed curly that he might get up and begin betimes next day; but ho was saved nil the trouble, for when hu got up in the morning thu work was done ready to Ids hand. Soon in camo buyers, who paid hlin handsomely for Ills goods, so that ho bought leather enough for four pair more. Ho cut out tho work again over night and found It done again as beforo; and so It went on for some time: what was got ready In tlio evening was dono by daybreak, nnd tlio good mini soon became thriving and well olf again. Ono evening about Christmas time, us ho and his wife wero sitting over tlio fire chatting together, ho said to her, "I should like to sit up and watch to-night that wo may seo who it Is that comes and does my work for me." The wife liked the thought; so they left n light burning, and iiid themselves in tlio cor ner of the room, behind a curtain that was hung up there, and watched what should happen. Vs soon as as It was midnight, tliero c.iuio In two Ilttlo naked dwarfs ; and they sat themselves upon the slioema ker's bench, took up all the work that was cut out,nnd began to ply with their little lingers, stitching and rapping and tapping away at suchu rate, that the shoemaker was all wonder, and could not take his eyes off them. And on they went, till the Job was quite done, and the shoes stood ready for use upon the talile. This was long before daybreak ; and then they hustled uway as quick as lightning. Tho next day tlio wife said to the shoemaker, "These Ilttlo wights have made us rich, and wooughtto bo thank fut to them, and do them n good turn if we can. I am quite sorry to seo them run about as they do ; nnd Indeed It is not very decent, for they have nothing upon their backs to keep off the cold. I'll tell you what, I will make each of them a shirt, and a waistcoat, and a pair of pantaloons Into tho bargain; and do you make each of them a little pair of shoes." Tho thought pleased the good cobbler very much ; and ono evening when all tilings were ready, they laid them on tlio table, Instead of tlio work that they used to cut out, nnd then went nnd hid themselves, to watch what tlio little elves would do. About midnight in they came, danc ing and skipping, hopped round the room, and they went to sit down to their work as usual ; but when thoy saw the clothes lyingfor them, they laughed and chuckled, and seemed mightily do lighted. Then they dressed themselves in tho twinkling of an eye, and danced and apereu nnii sprang anout, as merry as could bo; till ut last they danced out nt the door, and away over thu green. Tho good couple saw them no more; but every thing went well witli them from that time forward, as long as tltcv lived. The I.I011 mitt tlir Mom. A I. kin wiissleeplng in his luir, when a mouse, not knowing wliciohn was go ing, ran over the mighty beast's nose and awakened him. Tho lion clapped his paw upon tho frightened little crea ture, and was about to make an end of I1I111 in a moment, when tho moiHO In a pitiable tone, besought him to spare ono who hud so unconsciously offended, and not stain hi- honorable paw with so small a prey. The lion smiling at his little pri-oner's fright, generously let him go. Now it Iinppcdued no long time after, that tlio lion, wlillo ranging tho woods for ids prey, fell Into tho toils of tho hunters ; and finding himself en tangled without hope of escape, set up n roar that filled the whole forest with Its echo. Tho mouso recognising the voice of Ids former preserver, ran to the "pot, and without more set to work to nlbblo the knot in the cord that bound tho M011. nnd in a short thno set the noble beast nt liberty; thus con-J vineing him that kindness Is seldom 1 thrown away, und that there Is no crea-1 turn so much below another but that he may have It in hi- power to return a good oltlce. TU rutlltr ami lila tun I)i.uKhl rr. A Man who had two daughters mar ried ono to ngnrdencr.tho other ton pot ter. Aftera while ho paid 11 visit to tho gardener's, and asked Ids daughter how she was nnd how It fared witli her. "Excellently well," said she; "wo have everything that wo want; I have but ono prayer, that wo may linvo n heavy storm of rain to water our plants." Off ho set to thu potter's nnd asked his oth er daughter how matters went with her. "There Is not a thing wo want," she replied; "mid I only liopo tills lino weather may continue, to bnko our tlltH." "Alni'lr . snlil Mm ftl,n-i uif you wish for lino weather, and your sisier ior rain, wmcli am I to pray for myself." Tli Trumptli-r Takru Prisoner. A T11u.MiT.TK.11 being taken prisoner In 11 battle, begged hard for quarter, "Spare me, good sirs, I beseech you," said lie, "and put mo not lo death with out n cause, for I have killed no one, ,1.,,,., ,, ,,llt uus trumpet only." "For that veryrcuson." . .1 1 ,1 , 1 1 ... ... .. said they who hud seized him, "shall ' YOU t lUSOOIierd O. forwithont tliimnlr. It to tight, yourself, you stir up others to warfuro and blood shed." Ho who Incites to btrifo is vorso than ho who taken part in It, HAND Ol'ENINO UHANH Ol'KNINO OtlANll Ol'KNLNO OttA.NII Ol'KNINO IHIA.NI) OPKNINU KALI. ANll WINTKH (I001M, PALL AND WINTKH OOODS, TALL ANll WINTKH UOODH, FALL AND WINTKH OOOIM, FALL AND WINTKH OOODH, (Onslfttlllg III culislstlllg nf consisting (if consisting of conlsLlt.a. of llltV (100DS, DUV OOOIVS, DIIY OOODS, DUY OOODH, llltV HOODS, HATH AND CAPS, MATH AND CAffl, HAW AND CAIN, HATS AND CAIN, 1 1 ATS AND CAW, MOUTH AND HIIOKH, HOOTS AND SHlIKH, illlOTM AND HIIOIX, HOOTS AND HIIOKH, HOOTS AND HIIOIX, IIKADY-MADK CUJTHINO, ItKADY-MAIlK CUITIIINO 1 1 1 ! A 1 1 V-M A 1 1 1! CLOT 1 1 1 NO, miADV-MADU CLOTHINO, UIIADV-MADK CLOTHPtO, LOOKINO-OLAHHIX, 1.O0KIN0-0LAHSIX, I.OOKINO-OLAKH1-X, LOIIKINO-OLAHSIX, I.OOKINO-OI.ASHLK NOriOXH, NOTIONH, NOTIONS, NOTIOr.H, Ndl'KIXH, 1'AINTH AND OILS, l'AINTH AND IIIIX, PAINTS AND OIIX, l'AINTH AND OII.H, PA I NTH AND OILS, (inocT.itux, OHOCKIIIIX, onocKitnx, OltOUKHIIX, ouocnnms, QlIKKNHWAIti:, (JUKKNHWAIli:, (iUKIINSWAIli:, ciiiKr.NHWAiii:, QUiXNswAm:, HAltDWAItK. HAHDVAKi:, IIAIlDWAIti:, HAimwAiti:, HAiinwAHi:, TINWAlll:, TINWAHK, TINWAIti:, TINWAHK. TINWAHK, HALT, HALT, ' HALT HALT, HALT, PISH, KIWI, PISH, KITH, KIHII, OUAIN Olt.UN OHAIN OUAIN OHAIN AND HKKDH, ANll SIXDS, AND M1KDS, AND HKI'.DH, ANll KKl'IlH .ili'KI'.LVV, McKLI.VY, MrKKI.VV, McKKLVY, Ml-KIILVY, NIIAL NKAL NKAL NKAL NKAL t'O.'H, CO.'H, (JO.'fl. I'O.'S, CO.'H. Niirlliwtut mnoTiir M11I11 ini.l Murki't Hlrti l, NuilliKiwt I'orinT of Miilu unit Murki t Muvl, Norlhwut cornur of Muln nnd MurUi I Htiwln, Norlliwi't oornrrof Mnln runt Mi.rki t Htri'iU, NorHm-mi i tin r of sfuiit 111..1 Mmkttbtrnta, lILOOMHiiimo, IILOOMHIimiO, WiOOMHIIUItO, IIUlOMHIItlltd, lllO.MSHUHO, IKON 1HON IIION IUIIN IIION AND AND AND AND AND MAI IX, NAIIX, NAILH, NAIIX, NAIIX !,', Ir.uf,",'111""""''1' '"'""I "". iwy P. 0. IIOWKK, I'l'iiotl 11 flrNt'!an HOOT, HI10K, II AT AND CAP HTOHK in ii enm mnii on jniiiiKiri'i t, iiik)ii,i,ihk, toi'kli')iiii.mlslorih.veryliili-Htnn, imfi Ilia -lr liinr.l ti Ui.t ..lll.n.w ..r ....I...... il 7i myl ! " Dm imhlio III, u, tJ"&: .Mi'll nilf lil flu,. nn-li'M kip, iloublu Mile lloy.' tljIl.l H lu. Msn' movo kill Coiwn.K,Ao Mr ulovo klil llnlm(iniliilii ,.M,.1'lWoiiii.ii' liy;, mill mljii'' xlnvK kM Inallnic Killiem. Wis .', !.. . .-- r ,r."'( iii""mi, wompirn nuii'iMcmiiiiiuci "I""'", isnniimn kIiim-k, .Mim.i'm' mill rlillil'H ,Jmr, oiiihi', ihim.-. i)y',Vm'i i'iJim'! "i"lllinil uru'iyor HATH, (IAIN, AND HTIIAW OOOIW of pvi ry kliul, ut tliu iowiuit iirlcwu. Ijutli foi null arm outiiilry iiriMlure, IU'iiiuinljertliuA(liiu-tlon UlnourKootls. Doli't bo ulariiiiHl at Uo ory of lilitli prlooa.T,ui call und net lot yourwUuH, Iuictfully. r.auowit. G -MoYF.Il'rt OLD lXTAIlLIHIIP.n IlllUO HTllltn. DltniHI DltlKl.sil DIlTTCWIll Tin: most piiinU'tPiitUrnrcfiill.x cl ilnlsioclt lolio rotlliil In tlio rouiity, eonlitlnit In lull t of Dnm, ClieinloiN, Point, Ollr, 01n, VnrnNlirn, Pnlly, HriKhcr, ll.voMliill .Mlxist Pullita, HYHUl'H, IXHKM'KU, KXTIIALTM, HPICIX, ISSKSTtAI, oll-S, IVrruinory, I r 1 1 .n, Kiincy, UrlKlicn, Ciinibs, CiistnctltM, Hlnllnnorj'. Porltot llookn, PKN KNIVIX, PIIT.S, CIOAH.S, TOIIACCO. Lull's, ClIIMM'Vs, HIIAliM, IIUIINI.IIS, Hiiiiiiic'i", Cliiilnoh Willis, ColliotrrM, '' Hpccllllllill HyrliiKi', Ilioint PniiiH, Trusses of n.provcil iimke, A InrKoniiKorltni'iitnf (hulce Lkiliors Tor .MmIIcI mil iniriswrii, toucllur with Iho various WKI.L KNOWN HTOMACII DITTKHS. Tlii'soHlth tunny other nrtleles too liuinrroiK loHsiry r.irliuifUHlc wliloli ilelles eimie!ltlon liollins Mwinlii pilco nml tlieiimlllyortheKoinN. I'lllslrtANSl'ltliScllll'TIONS eolll'OITNIICIl WITH TIIK t'TMOST CAltR ANll li:sl' VI I'll. Country ileillcrs nro linlteil to hum-el the moek lielore un hnsliiK risen here, ns they will llllil It Kreully to their n lviilltiiBe. Ki mil L'ooils nro eonstimtiy heliiK ren lvisl from tho rlty, nml n lie olttthmt tilfur lii ti botanic or retail, uenieinueriliopinee i;xcilAMln IIMick nhovo KxrkniiRa Hotel, .Mnln Ktreet, Ulooinsliurit. Allfflisl !, 1NI7, T It. MOYKH, WIIOLKHALK.l; HKI'AIL D 11 U CI a I H -r, COIINKU Of MAIN ANll M llUSnr Hrt.KKrs, liLoo.MHiit;i;o, pa., whole ullllie fouiul 11 Inmo nml neleet loelt i.r DltlK, MKDlOINlvS AND tMIKMICALS. Also nil tho I'Aiiisr MKinclM.s oe Tin: hay, I am nlso prcpnreilto furnish Country Stores ltli Coslor oil, Ooilfrey's Conllnl, TUIll.INGHrON'H HAIXAM, ntnliill other meillelnes kept In their line nt City pi lees. 43. Pieserlpllons ciinfnlly i'oiMpoulul'il nt nil hour. In moillelnrs, ipmlily u of the ill vt lin rtimc o. llloomshurir, .lutie", 1Si!7 7 i:vKnr.TT a nit. j. n. case's ukv niira sroin:, IN OUAN(li:viLLK, J U H T O V E N E I) WITH A SI'l.y.Nlllll ANll VAlilF.II ASMinrMi:NT OK cnoiis Ai'i'iniTAi.NiNii 1 11 tiii: iiia'ti iiusixksh. I'l'iti: nituos, C1IK.MIC.M.H, inc., AIAY.US ON 1IANI1. Ill hholt nny nrtlelo Hint ran I nme.l In the l"lilll nil ho lini I nt Iholi Moie. Dr. J. II 1 use Isn prnetloncr, nml nlso iiniterstnuils Plnr innev: I.. lAireltls n .Me.lloii Muilenl, hns ut teuihsl 11110 lei 111 nt tlio .no..rt.... t.uii....l ,...m mill unili'mtnn'N llioeoiiiiHiuinlliior Hruu-s. " ' llo Yiespiyirully Invllolhoi'iitronniiio of their rrieniKmiii thepuWIo uem-rnliy, ussurlnj: ihem S , K. llllil U'llllloV'el. . Ill 1... 1 will he tiesh noil pure. inuring Vrinat rncmiuni -Of 11 Silver Meilnl WAi AirARDEH 10 Off BARRETT'S HAIR RESTORATIVE yJL lly th i ll. II. blaM ArlcDltiiral Soclrlr. l ti It, I air liolilrn In bathini, Scpt.'.n, 111. II All It i:XT'B Vegetable Hair Restorative IlNtorct any llalrlo It nttnrl color. Vto fAinotca tho prowth ot the Hair. Ciianica the ft roota to their original mnic ictlun. tridl-. cftea Dandruff and llumora. IVcrenla llnir lulling ouL ji a buicrior Dtung. t k and ia lhamait populoraod rU- f kbl artti'lo tlimuitiout tho . . I.Qtt, Writ, KomIi and C sftV bouth. J. R. DA n RETT & CO., Proprieloii, MANCIIE3TE1I, N. II. i-4-Holilhy U N. MOYKH. llioomkhuic. Pn. nml Drut'Klstiigeliernlly, fnrir.Tli7-Ciu THB , OBEAT ZINGARI BITTERS The component p&rts tt UiU rcmnrV&Ua prcnar&tion were firit iliscoTcreil, compountleil anil uliiributeil. lomo twenty yeare sgo, by llr. Cuiorics, tlio cele trateil Esypllan rhyilclan. Thous&oils of till lutTcr. leg connlr) men were rcitorcil to licaltn,ai wtllai great cumlicra cflhe lohablunts of Nubia anil Abyuinia, a&a ot thccountrlei bordering uptp Uio Houtlierncoail um aicauerraneaD sea. inuecu, tho lunl or thu ZINUAIII DITTEIIS won spread over Kurope, anil was adopted by tno principal l'liyilclani la charge of the hoepltals of tho old world, In which It ll Still mill WHS Hint success 1 ho Iceroy of Ugypt placed the nam! cl m. Cueopscb upon the " lloll of Nobles," and pre sented to turn a Medal bearing the following Inscrip tion! "llB. Cmoricl, tho Public Ilintfactor." This Hitters Is now offered to the public of America wlm Hie full assuranco that It will bo found, upon a fair trial, toiact as arpcclflo for tho euro of (holers, Dysentery, Diarrhirri, cho.cra Jlorbu., r c,,r , Agllc, cUotv I.'eier, llheunintisni, TyplioiiT Fever. 1) siiril tollc, Ilronchltls, Coiimiiinlioi,. 1'lBto. ltn.c.;t.U1'""lt "'o KlUncja, Ntrioua Uehlllly, and Female Coinplaliits. Remlrkablo curi rf dm uiu..... .ii...... kn cffjctisl by Its mo, as numcrouscertlllcatcs, many from regular physicians, fully uttest; and It Is destined to supcrsedo any pieparallon catant. Alan agreeablo Tonic, and an i.vviooiumo heyiracc. IT HAS NO EQUAL. Tnrs ,ni ZIMGAKI IHTTnrtS HAS BOL'I. A3 WCI.L AS DODY, AND AS A TREVENTIVE or niSKASt;, HA3 NO SUl'KltlOn. A FEW (TOMIS TO I.ADIF.3.-TIio use of tha ZIN'OAItl DITTF.R3 will l,o to you that soft, seiol. transparent complexion which tho Ood of nature (de signing woman to bo tho loveliest or Ms workil filly Intended that you should hare (or It Is nature's own powder and paint combined. By purifying the blood, stimulating tlio pigmentary cells or the dermis, and Imparting health and lif j throughout the tnUrii system, it especially gives that smooth clearness aud beauty to the complexion so much to bo desiredre moving all roughness, blotches, freckles, pimples. and that yellow, sickly look so cotomnn In our if jv and what Is even better than this, It cures every ipcclei ol female Irregularities ami dlseau m rrlnclpn! Depot, llarrlslurtr, P.i. EAHTER & HATJSE, Bou I'rofiuxtobs. S-l'or wile hy L, N. MOYKII, Wlmlesnlo mul Itelnll IlniKKlst, HIiKimshuri;, Pu, ( tliVUT-Hui . y.M. I'. SIUItl'IIY'.S HONS, .S T A T I O X E It H , HT II A -M PHI.VTKltH A.NH IHsANIC IIOOIC JIANUKACrUltEllH Xll Clii'utniit alnil, AHHoulh Kourlh btrei l, PIIILAIH'.LPIIIA, PA. They Itiukii n seliillty of furillshhlK Nutliuml llniikst. County Ollleers, Inaiirniiee Cninpnnles, IliiukliiK Houses, ele ullh KVKHY AIITICLK OK IILANIC IIOOKH AND PHINTINO, hiivluuiniiehliieiy Hrlnlly mlaptwl fur nil work they may n iiilri'. r,li OT-ly. JOHN C. YEAClElt A- CO,, Wholtanlo Ik'nlvu lit II A1H, CAIW, HTltAW OOODH, AND LADIW runs, No. 837 Noith Thlnl Hluet, '" Phllmleliihlii, J II. VAf,TEIt, luito Walter & Knuu, InilMutor uiirt Denier In CHINA, OLAHH, AND qllKfafHWAMf; No. 231 North Third Street, bctWMU llano and vino rtiluvdelphla. Jj. JJUltltAll I'OH OATAWISHAI THIS WAV I-Otl llAHOAtNH. Ooottg to roinimre with utrliiKeney of tlio money market. Iiok ntnl eomimre riilis-s hefore iir cliiKlim nlnewhcre. JiintenN nt Hi f.irorltc Imsl liesn Htnlul of .Mc'NINCItA.SIIir.MAN, nml you will lioinet liy theohllsluic proiirh lormir tlielrelerks,mul shown through their RrenU arlely store frruofeliniKo, orcourno. They will kIvo you n fair f-hntiee to spent! your looo rhnime. thoy trust iiiiieh more iiroillnhly Ihnu It inn ho spent elsewhi'ie, Their HTOCi; 01 IlltY OOOIlH llils Hirlns Is much Inruer lu nil Us vnrlettes llinu itsiinl, Tholr LAIIIIX' DIIIXH OOODS lire of the nicest Mj les lu liiiul.el. Tlu'i tuivon Hue norttiieut of HATS, CAPH, II00TH AND HIIOIX, CLOIIIH, CAHSINiriH, OAHSI.MHltlX, AND VIXI'INOH, ntiit liumeiniiH mtleles -otninou to suelJeslnhttsh. luents, hestites n jft-ncrul nssortment of llAHnWAUK, TINWAHK, tlUKKNHWAKK, AND onocKiiirx, nil lit xicntly leiliici il prices. They wish to eon iluet their lillsluess on tll system of "PAY AH YOU 0(1," nml they think they enli nironl to sell vervelien Theyietuin their thnnkn for inniiy pusl fnvoi-, nml iisk thefntuio inlrounio of their foriucr rui- lomera nlnl tho puhtle cenernlly. JIl'NINCII 4 MIU.MAN, UMimUSTEIl A UltOTlIEIt, importtTH mul Johhers of HosiKilY, (1L0V1X, H1IIKTH AND DHAWK11S, IltlTTONH, HUHPKNDl'.lW, 11(101- Hk-IUTH, llANIlKKHCllIKI'H, TIIHKAIW, HKWINO HILK'H, THIJIMINOH, l'OUTK MONNAIKJ, P0A1, PKIII'U.MKKY, l'ANOY OOODH, AMI NOTIONH (IKNKHALLV, Also Mnt!tif.tcturclH of imUHllr-S AND LOOKINO (ILAHHKH, nml Denh rs lu WOOD ANll WILLOW WAHK, IlItOOMH, UOl'KH.TWINI'.'. AC, No. .HW North Thlnl Htrui t, ohm o Vine Pllll.lilellihln. sr. maui'IjE, NOTIONH, IIOSIKKY.OI.OVIX.ANI' l'ANCY OOOIW, No. .VI North Thlnl Hlnsit, Phlluhl.hlii. yjt J. IsUSTKIt, holesnlo mul Helull Denlei In rOIIKION AND DO.MKHTIO CAHPKTH, OIL CI.OniH, WINDOW HIIAI'KH, Ac, No. 21 North Hiion.l Mici t, opp. Christ litirell, P)llliiili'lhl.i. , IAltCItOKT .t CO., Imtiolli'tw mill .hihhrlM of HTAPLK ANll l'ANCY DUY OOODH. ''LOTUS CAKHIMKUKH, IlLANICiriS, LINf.NS, DUY OOODH, IIOHIKHY, .ttl. l'hlUilelihlu. NDHEWS, WIIiKINS & CO., Ilenlers in KOIIKKIN AND HOMKSTIO DUY OOODH, No..Vrl Mnrket Hliect, Phlluileli'hlH. JOSEl'll S. DEIilj, Mnnufilclurer of nml Wlinlewilo Voter In CLOTHINO, CU)TIIH, CAKM.Mn'.i;s, AND VKHTINOH, No. 11 North Thlnl htnji, Phllnilelihln. GROCERIES, Sec, E MOV A h O V C. C. .MAIlll'H R N K W S T O I; E TO n II I '.".V II LOCK, ON TUn COHNKIt 111' MAIIIvKT ANll it ON sritKKTS. The iiiulcislgnd hnvlnj! rerohn, from the city il full uml complete supply of HI'ltlNti AND HU.MilKP, DRY OOODS ANll OltnOElUES, N O T I II N H, T1X-WAUE AND IIAItlMVAItE, CKII.lll a.vh, CONPKLTIONKP.Y, OLAKS-WAHK, T O II A C! V it, ll A V.V A X J) AUO KS, 1'I.OCIt. HALT, PIHII, AM) MKAT, nil of which I propiisL'selllnijiilnveiylow il'jilru for cnsli or proihii'e, j Cull uml see, April li ls.17, c. C, MAHH. JEUNAUI) HTOliNl It, Wuiilil leii itriillyiiiinoun. lo Ills friends mul IHitluus, ho hns openoil n ririt't'lnsM KIlUI T & CON I-'ECT I ONE 1 1 Y STO HE where tin to may ho louml nt, ,i times, lino col lecllun of PIll'IT, CONI' NCTH, Ai'., ns well us KINK (lltoCHIIKS, which luny liooiitulueil ut leisonnliie rules. Tlio Mock Isiiluuys fresh tiiulof Hi. vi ry host ijiiulily. i No piilns will ho siiitreil in muko llils estnh- l.sliiiii-nl the lliiesl of Us kl tl in lown. a cull Is Kotltileil lu'foie ptiri-huses i-u m-olo elsewhere, lis It lslielieeil Hint perfect tli.fiietoii will ho SlVi'll. llll.l IIIIIA HOl'HK, .Mill 11 St., o.p- io filler's Ht , nus'i'1".: lilisilnshuri!. 1'". gCHEUs, HEltfJEIt & CO.," IH'.Nl'.ltAL COMMIhlilllV JuXUCIIANTH Dealers III KIHII, HALT, CIIKKHK, I HOVIaUONH, Ac, Nos. IZInml 121 North M'lb.-ves,nlivo Areh Ht, Plilliololimlii. Huluii'tentHtor Wlhox'H H'I.eel Orense, In uur re Is, ke;s, mul mliv. YAINNVHIOHT A CO., W1IOLKHALK OltOOKUH, N. K. Corner Heeoml mil Anil Htreels, I'll 1 1. A IiKt.1'11 1 A, lleiil.'. , ,i TKAH, HYItlTI'H, COKKKh, HL'OAlt, MOLAHHIW, IIKF, hl'K'KS, lit t'Allll SODA, ( Ar, L'l- Onlers will rrcolwipuuupt ntlentlou. JlnylO, 18U7-ly. J.STAHIiISIIEl) 1703. JOUDAN A lltOTIIKIt, WHOLUSAI.I OltOCKItS, und IVi'er In HALTPKTIIK A' I) IIKI.MHTON K, NoaiUNorll, rhlrd Htri-et, I'll His. IpJiln. gV."l,EirKHJ... Willi L1PPINCOTI iTllO'lTKll. W1I0LKHA. KdltOCKHH, No.SI North Wutsristi t, mid No. S North Itohiwnro Avenuo, Phil lelplilft. yEAVEH A M'HANkXe, WIIOI.IWALKOKOCl HIKH ANDCO.M.MIHHJON MLI IIANTH, Nos, ttSian , st AtUi Htrfct, l'h. . ilulubla. JOHN STHfit.1- a CO.", " Buccemora , M roup 4 Ilrpther, wholesale riEALniw in nun, Ja il NorUi WIuut' nod SB North Wfttor St., . lti udalpula. 'JMIE ONL.Y l'I,AUE to itet tho liest TOIIACCO ANU CIOAItH, AT WIIOLIXALi: AND IllrrAtL, I" si IIUNOHIIKIIOKIPH, n few iloors helow the American Hoiike, llliHimhurs, 1'u, lie lina tho largest mul monl select of HMOKINO AND CI1KW1N0 TOIIACCO eiernrrereil In the eltlrelis of Iltoolnsliiitv. All io nincy nrnnus or HKOAltH, mil tie, liest Flne-eul nml Plug CIIKWINO TOIIACCO, run lie hail nt Ills coil liters. TOIIACCO ril'KH In H-rent vnrlcty nro nmong tils large slock. DON'T I'OItOIrr TO CALL. II. It. IltlNHIlKHOKIt. JJAUUN, ItOYn ,t CO., COM.MI.SHION JIKItCHANTH, nml Wholesale Denlers In t.KXV AND SIANtlKACTUllKD TOIIACCO, HKOAHH, Ac, No. 61 North Third Street, l'lillmlelihln. inlj;norenn forwnnl their stoek "Hi lloml," without prpimylim tho trnlleit Htnles tnx. J.J W. ItANK'H WIIOI.USALK TOIIACCO, HNUPK, AND CIOAIt WAItKltOtrHK, No. 110 North Tlilnl Wreet, holwecn Cherry uml Itneo, wi si shle, Phllniloliihln. Q Ii. VOOI)HUr'I' WholcHiilo Denlers In TOIIACCOS, CIOAItH, PIPUH, 4C., Ar., No. 11 North Thlnl Street, nhovo Mnrket, Phllnilelplil.1. JjMtI.SmiUTJI, UllOTIIER & CO., VllOl.t;SAI.K TOIIACCO DKALKilS, No. Ill North Thlnl Htreit, llvo doors below Hnce, Knclorles, Nos. 22! nlul 21i (unrry Htreet, Phllnilelphln. HARDWARE & CUTLERY. QIIARUM V. HNYDEH, liIIAt.Klt IN H A h n W A H E, IKON, NAILS, HTKKL, id., AC, AC. .MAIN HTllKKT, HLOO.MSIllTItO. I'KNN'A, Tuliethlsiiiellioitof liifoniilnutho elilyensof c... Ilinihlaeouty.lliut ho hns oiemil nn clensic iinniMnrestoreon Jlnln ttreet, hi llloomshuri;, nenr Iron street, nml Hint ho hns on luiuil u LAIUIKH HTOCIC AND IIKTTKIl AHAOHTKD iiuin mil no louml nny where else In tho futility, nnil whhh he Intends in sell ut prices wlihhilefy competition. CHAIN'S, AXES, STEEL, IHON. I lime ehnlns, nil slvis. axes, nil muko nml wol'iht, steel, nil sizes, Iron, nil shapes, ami nil ery low. IIUILDKK'H ItAIinWAItK, of in ery ilesei Ipllons. Nails, uxlo imlli ys, snsh eonls, lutehes, loeksnllil knohs.liutl serews.sush fusts, wlnilow kprlllKs, huso kliohs, strap hliiRes, linaps uml Unples, honks ami Maples, ami In f.ict everylhlliK neeile.1 In that line. COACH A WAOON .MAKKIW 1IAUDWA1IK. emhracliM nlniost every thins In Hint line. Also 1IAUNKSH .MAi; Ills' IIAItDWAHK, Ililckles,.Iiilinniieil; hurkles, sllter plateil; hilts of every kliul , llAMK.s, lronjp.ul trees 1IAMF.S, woiHl'sailillotiees, KUHees, islrlh weh, worsted und cotton :, silk, uwU uml neisllcs, hsils of all khuls. hi(ii:.mai;khh HAniiWAUi:, A full assoilment foriaricuters. I husuphiucH all khuls, suws; hulul, paunel, rip, und compass, sonnies sleel, Iron, nml Iryihorliiu ni.ichlnes, ehlsles, minors, heel, mallets, lirares, kiuikcs, plows, ntles, hits, ami iihuut iver thing for ear pelllels. POI1 TIIK PKOPLK OKNKUALLY' I have eoal hoils, eoal shovels, scoops, eoal sifters, lant ei lis,tahle eutlery.lHH'ket eutleiy, plnteil sjmio'hs, lihlteil forks, serters, teiinml isif. fi'osits,liutterklilves,mllls.ius, erossent saws, circular saws, KutiKsa lis, Illes, horse hhoos,w renehes, rh ets.hain liiers, hatchets, Mullocks, picks, forks, Bruh tilliB hoes,shovi ls,sisiilcs,spu(UnK forks, hoes, lakes, hoil ins, twlne.skali s, plows, eollln Irilil mllias, Kmery, reil rhalk, while chnlk, wire, hoise nnlls, meat cutters, scales, wash hoards, holse huckets, woisleu palls, clothes plus, t;lue, doormats, pinch milts, par lor mats, eoru poppers, paint hriishes, h.uso hrushes, slelith hulls, heel eulKs, enamel eil kwttles, hrnss kettles, copper ketths, Mowkettles(sniieo iaus,hroad axes, mills, Sledges, euilaiu ll.tluies, Thlmhleskelus aiul lioxes, Pumps, lent! pipe, etc., Tiiiml ropomul hutiilreds of aitlcles mit,eiiii. lucitiled eonstaiitly on hand at CHAHLKH W.HNYDKU'H, -Mnln Htreet, lllooiiislnilK. RON, TINWARE, &C. RATION A E KOUNDHY, lilooiiishuii;, CululiihU Comity, Pa. The suhscrlhcr, proiirletor of tho iihove! 'I'msl eiiteiisHe establishment, Is now piepared to ro I elM'oulels for nil kinds of -MACH1NKKY roll COI.Llr.ltlUS, IILAST KUKNACKS, HTATIONV ItY KNOINKS, MII.IJS, THIUXHINa MACHINKH, Ar lie Is nlso prepared toiuuko htovesorall sUes and patterns, Plow-Irons, and evirythlnu iisiinlly iiiuiluln tlrsi-cl.iss Kvumlriis. IHsexlunslvofacllllles and pinutlciil woikmeii him lu rei uli liuj ihu larucst isnuriiels on Urt' most reasoii.ihlo terms, Ornln of all kinds will ho tnken In eichaiujo for Outlines. This eslahllshment 1, loeateil near the Luckr SVBUIIIUUid lIloomahuiK Jtallloud Depot. I'KTKIl 1IILLMYKK. gTOVES AND TINWAHK. A. il. Itlfl'KHT iiiiuounces lo his fi lends aud customers that ciwdlniiHs Ihouhovo huslness at his old pluceou .MAIN HTIIKLT, lll.OOMHllfltll. Cusloniers call ho aci omislated with l'ANCY STOVKS of all kinds, Stovepipes, Tinware, nnd every Mi rloty of artlclo found In iiHtoMiaud Tlnwaro Ii. tahllshimut lu tlierllles,nnil on I he most rinson ahlo terms, HeiuilrliiBdolioiit thushortisitiintleo. ST DO.KN MILK-PANH on Imiul for sale. JiTEW BTOVE AND TIN B1I0I. ON .MN HUtEKT, NIHI1I.Y OfPOSlTK MII.I.Kll' mioiii:, llLOO.MHIItlllO, I'KNN'A. IllTl'iew'"1' '""J1"'' n"',, "I1 u"11 "l'sl"l STOVE AiS'I) TIN HHOI', 111 this tiliice, where ho Is prepared to mako up new Tin WAliKof all kinds in his line, nnd do Tepalilujr with neatness and dlsputeh, upon the most reasouahlu terms. Ho ulao keeps on hund ST0VI2S OK VA1II0UH I'ATTKKNH AHTYI.KH, which ho will sell upon terms to suit purchasers. (Ihu him n mil. Hols u Rood iiipchnlilo, und di'servliiK of Iho ptihllc palronuKe. llloomshurn, April ai, 1M7, JACOn M'-1- jowj:, lOUSTON & CO,, ifaiiufiiclurers and Whulesalo Duilers In COrfO.V YA11NH, CAltl'I.T C1IAINH, IIATTH, WICKH, TIK YAHNH, COIIDAOK, llP.OOMH, WOOD AND WIU.OW WAHK, LOOK'atirAfiHKH.CLOCKH.FANOYIlAflKrn'H, TAniJ1!, FlJWII, AND CAHItlAQK OILCLOTIIH,Ao., No. KI1 Market Blrcsjt, south aide, I'lillad)(ililu, . IV () V E It A HAK Klt'S S U W 1 N 0 M A 0 II I N EH, Welo nwnrded tho Highest Premiums nl the Htuto Fairs of New York, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, Mississippi, Mlchlitan, California, Kentucky, Vermont, New Jersey Missouri, Alnhnma, Ohio, tndlniin, Vlrttlnlit, North Carolina, Wisconsin, lown, Oregon. AT TIIK FAlltS or T1IIC American Institute, Franklin Institute, Mnry. hind Institutes, Muss. Mechnnlcs' Associa tion, Penn. Mechanics' Inslltute.Ht. Iuls Aitrlculturnl and .Me chanics' Association, Andnt numerous In. litotes nn,i County Kuini, including nil the Kulrn nt w hleh they wero exhlh. ltd tho past three years. 1'lrst Prlren have also I seen nwaideil llieso Marhlnesnt Iheexhlhltloiis of LONDON, 1'AHIH, DUHMN, MNZ, Ilesnnenn, Ilayonno.Ht. Dlrder, Chnloiis, and they hnvo liecn furnished, hy speclnl eomninnil, to tho Kmprossof 1'rnnce, Kmpressof Austria, Kniprcsa of Itusslii, Knpressof Ilrnzll, (Ineeli of Hsiln, aud lluecn of Ilavarln. Tlir: onovKii a hakkii KLASTIC-STIC'lt S E W I N CI M A 0 II I N K arc superior lo all others for tho following rca sons i 1. They sew with two threiuls direct from tho ski1s, and requiring no rewinding. t. incynieinoro easily understoisl und iun.1 nnd less lluhloto derangement than other ma. chines. 3. They mo caisihlc of executing iH'tfectlv. with- out change of adjustment, a much grenter variety of work than other machines. 1. Tho stitch inaile by these machines Is much more linn, elastic, and durable, osp.-clully liisui articles which require lobe washed and Ironed, than nny other stitch. 6. This stitch, owing to tho manner In uhlch tlio under thread Is Inwrought, la much tlio most plump and beautiful lu use, and retains this plumpness and benuly even upon articles fre quently washed and ironed until they nro worn out. 11. The structure of theseani Issncli tlial lliooeh It lie cut or broken at Intervals of unlv a row stitches, Ii will neither onn, run, nor mul, but remain mm and durable. 7. Unlike other machines, these lasteu ends of the seam by their own niicrallou. K. With theso machines, wlillo silk Is used noon tho right or face side of tho heatii, cotton tuny bo used iiKin thu other side without lessening tlio strength or durability of tho seam. This can ho done on no other machine, ami Is ll great saving upon all articles stltchn! or mudo up with silk. I'. These machines, in addition to their superior merits as Instruments for sewing, hy a rhaiure of adjustment, easily learned and practised, execute tho most beautiful and permanent embroidery und ornamental work, In addition to their family machines thrv huvo also tho IMI'HOVEI) DOUIIEE LOCK STITCH MACHINES, making a stitch alike on both sides. This Com pany uisko lailli the Icicle and I limbic, stitch .Ma chines, so that person having a prefereneo call select such ns they llko best, nnil If not suited ran eiehange for tho other, thusgMng the public Uio udvnntagn of this arrangement. They also make too tinny Imcntcvi NO. 1 LOOK STITCH MACHINES on advnneo iihiii all machines heretofore known ror sewing with tho Lock-Stllrh. It Is of great liwer nnd stlength, esjKelally adapted for Uillors, shoemakers, hnrness-inakers, carrlngo-trlmmcrs, and for nil descriptions of noilt to which the hsk-stltch is applicable. II works with equal facility silk, cut ton, or linen lliieud.aiid will sew Iho finest muslin as well us the thickest leather. Prlcu SftO' v lib Ilemuiers. 8sJ. Their No. ll Is .1 LIGHT JU'XXIXU MACIUXE, containing lnuny Improvements, adapted for tai loring, vest.tiiaking, llghtshoeinaklng, us well m for finally sewing. Ijiruo numbers of Huso inn. chines aro In uo, and they gu0 universal satis. laction. onowhohavosien tills machlnowlll w llllngly uso tho noisy and cumbrous lock-stitch machines heretofore In general use. Price fii; with Ilemuieis, $110. Theso machines of every description can lie hud ntthungent's nlllcc llillluiiusburg, ut positively tho liianuf.iclurer's prices, to which tlio attention of the public Is especially Invited. T, II. .MAHTKItH, .locn, llurtman'M Ilullttlni, UUlu.UallUilll, Jlal'JU'iri-ly.) Columhlii County, Pa. poWDKH KEGS AND LUMHEH. W. M. MONIIOKAUI., Itupert, Ph., Manufacturers of .POWDKH KKOH, und dealers III all kinds o(, Biro noil,o Unit they aro preparisl to aeeomodate ineir ciislom with dlsiialcli, und on the cheapest l.'l ills. jpUiHH A HOST, Huccessors to rranklln I'.Heltrer A Co., Importers und Wholesale Dealers lu LUIUOIH, WINCH, Ac, Nou. 110 and 112 North Tlilrd Htreet, 1'hlhidtlphla. J A. IIENDHY, Huecessor to Hendry A Harris, Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer In IIOOTIS ANll HIIOKH, No. M North Third Ktreet, Philadelphia. J. I1. itEAitn, nn LiPPiNcorr, hond a co., Munufacturers und Wholesale Ilealtis in HATH, CAW, FUIUS, AND HTltAW OOOIW, No, (11 Mnrket Htreet, PlUludilplila. gNYHEH, IIAHUIH A HASSETT, Muniiracturi'ra und Jobbers of MKN'H AND IIOY'H CLOTHINO, No. (2H Murket, and SSI Conimerce Htriiot, riilladnl ph la. Q.EOH0E II. ItOliKHTS, liuirterund Dealer In IIAItDWAHK, CUTI.KHY, OUNH, 4c, No. nil Nortli Third Btreol, ubov Vlue, lUfttdtliJiIa. RAIL ROADS. JkjOHTIIEHN CKNTKA Is HAM,. DUIICOT ItOUTK NOHTH AND HOUTII ?,!uTiinn"M''U2' ,m"" imn TIIAINH NOllTltWAIlD. fj.03 Ai M. LKAVRKotlTtlrMnKHt.ANndallyeT. n,l'lVi ;"1:lfW"l,"',l,1,,''"lJ,rl'lsltat Ions 4.43 V. M. I.KAVR NollTllf.MtlF.nLAN I, dallyfei. rr2',t..H"'!''!'WlMol'''l,"",t "Intloni! nr. MM p. in. l"Inll"llorl "'" P- '" Klmlm nt TIIAINH HOLTIIWAHD. 6.0.1 A. K. LKtVr. NoltTIIUMIIBIltANIl dnlll- s opping nt principal stations! nrrtvli i ll llnrrlsl,urgs.:ln. in., llaltlmoro 12.H1 p. ,,, V. f"""" S,m '' I'hHmlelphhi l.iii '"'"li.'A ,'1i,AV'! NnnTttiiMiiFBi.ANri dally (nx tT,it.KV,",il.,!y,)' "r""'" nl llnrrlsburg U.-, p, pi., Ilalllniorell.lioii. , Washington Iu iVi p. til., and PhUnilolpuIn 8.1) p. m. h . . .. . ' " it ojsor.iii. ce il Huiidnysl. stoouliur onlv '' AVE MlllTIHIMIIF.llt.ANn dally (ex. i i' .lo,.'".l "rrlylitic a llnrrlsburg nt principal I'hlhuh'll'hlal.isiii. m., and lliifliinoieT.uj ,l,1,0..'':Jf' I',KAyKN.0"T"t':,"1r"'ANri,i . : urV ,f,,"'ruftii:ni.ANn, stopping 5i. I" ,1''1"! ",.'.,""L,,rrlvlnK' ''""Is hum " '' IklltlmoreV.Olln. m I'lillnilelphlS 'hlliiilelphla ..v. ,., ,Ui(, nsmngloti 7.IW a, 111, May 8, 1S07. ICIK H. vnilvrl Oen'l, Passenger Agent, 1I7. pHILADEIil'IIIA AND KHIK JL IIAILUOAD-Thls great lino traverses he portheni and norl hw est inunllcs f I'ennsyiVn nla to tho city of Krle, nn Lnko Krle. It has beeii leiiseiland.lsois.rntiHlbvtlie " PKNNhVLVANIA ItAlI.ltOAD COMPANY. T'"!" ' Jciiiwr Trains at Northuin.erhmdi Lkavk lLlsTWAliii.-Krlo Mall Train, Ilisn'.M.' iV' S .;i,,.r,21i'll"'":(",A',,'i Mail Trail 10:10 Uick Haven AecolnliKslatlou fnlll. ,.i,'Kt.VK w i-srwAltn.-Krlo Mall Train. 211 A.M. I:ric'..,";?,,rr,,',,rrV,,.n.- ":41 ' -t KlnilrailallTrali CHl'.M.i llllinilo Kxpn Ss, lj;OI A.M. I assenger mrs run througli on the Krle Mall and I':J,'r.''",".i1ir" "," ,win'"iit.haiigo Iwlh ways be tween Philadelphia and l.'rle. . K1?r.yi K i .c;i N; KC-r I - I M-n vo New Vm k at II A.,'r7.!l!.r'.l'' Kr,n,!l,. xttm A.M. J U'.ive New York YoLUe'i!-,.'.l',n,',,':rlo,'.'i:l,ll v-v" i"rUonl New ,0Xff. "l11 ",' -f t,avn -"" ' Ith'aA.M., arrlte nt New Y ork nt lo:lo A.M. Klegnnlslei'i.lngearson all night trains, for Inrormnlion rosieotlng luissenger business ElVr.'..,li.iVri,i".".'r or .Thirtieth and Market uion'Vn ,a,ivi.'iSn"t,.',ml " ,rc'Bht """'-" u.V.1 iSfl'","! ,.r',' t'or'".'r."f Twelfth nnd Market Htreets, Phllnilelphln! .1. W. Itevnolds, Krle! Wil liam lllown, Agent .V.U.H.11,, Ifaltlmoru. ' , IL II. HOL'HTON, Octieral I relght Agent, I'lillndelphla. .. . ' w- HWINNKlt, (leneral Ticket Agent PhUadelila. May hi0""' H"l"'rllll,11,ll''l. Wlliln'm'sport. r I ATAWISSA HAI LHOA1). rs hW?rWZ,toh-1" ""' ' Ooinii NoilTII.-Kliulm Mull at 4 p.m.. k,0 Kxpnssnt2:ISA.M. " (olNil HouTll.-Phllnileliihla Mall nt 11 a.m.' New i ork Express at 4 p.m. OKOUOK WK11I1, Hupt. PUBLICATIONS, 1807. Oct Vp Your dm,,. iHin "rpiIE AOIV'-A DEMOCHATIC X M0HNINO.I0KItNAL.-0llt:ATlMl'iioi-. .MKNTS ANll rilll.AT INlllrf.M KNTS.-llNio 4 llr! SiroKATION ANll CONSTITUTIONAL Lllll.KTl .-1 lie p:'e1wr,M-neri,i.a (Ions, llellgl..u nlelllgence, Legal Mimnin y H' efgn nnd liouieslle (orresiioiiilenee, I'oni i, 4 ThL,fH,''ill,I,i:,',,.r'. '"-I"'"" " Public 'Mi el li gs, ihentrlial Criticism, ltevlewn of Lllerali re l'rlco Current, Literary Notices, Agricultural Iin fonnatloii, Art, M.,,l,.f , te., elc'. lli siiles s",',l ,1 tch-griiius, llhasnll Ibc ilNpnlchesor Iho Assoc -nl.i .i '"m iV 0VTy l'rt or the llnlteilhlnles, and also the Ispatehes received by t lie Allan lo able ! nnd he news fiom all luirts of Klirm brought hy tho steamers, I Instantly ton graph .1 fmiii whatever tsilnt tlio steamers lirst toiici! , "" l ;,KKI-V AiiewIII Is. a cumplclo is.mpen .llumof the news ,u- Hi,, week, and la-sldes he ending editorials hum tho Hilly, will eontalna large iiinount of lnleiesting malter, preiuired es" pressly for the wit kly issue. Ilwlll beln all re. siH i tsii first elass Kuiiilly Journal, isirtlculnrly adap led lo th,, isdltlclan, tho I'orim r, the Mcr. eliaut. llieMis'hanle, thu Family elrcie, und the general leader, having every i haracterlMlo or u llie new spnpei ,ach niiniber will contain an In- iiiselylnu iesiliigserliil, liyonooftho most iKipu. nrandfasrlun lug aulhors, nnd It Is also Ihe lii. tentlon to laiblhb, ironi week to week, I n tl". fuesV!loVelst'nI''lhri0 "r,""r "' "" TKllM.S ALWAYH IN ADVANCK. TIIK DILY. One nipy one year, Sllsi; sli months, SI .V); thri lonlhs, f'J,Vl! for sny less IsTksl. atlhoniteot one dollar per month. Post. """Y 'r11'" P'r qualter, to bo piepuld at the otllce of delKcry. TIIK WKKKLY. Oneeoiy,onoy,ar,$:,ll! lit. copies, ono vear, J'l.tsl; ten copies, one ) eaf, 7,J: t w enty isqiles, one i nr, WI.Ou. To eluhs, where the pais-rs are sent to ono address, the following reduction will bo made! l'lto copies one siar. "."". 'en copies, ono Jear, SI8..V); twenty copl, s one isir, $.ln,uo. A copy will li funilslail giulls lor each club of ten or more, to one nildress, f.u one year. Postage llvo cents per (iiiailer. to la preiiald at thooilleeof dclHery. The llhove terms will lie rlglillyndlicred to. Hue clnien loples of the Dally aud Wii'kly senl gnills oii appllciitloiiat thlsolllce. AilM rtlsemelils lu sertisl at UKMlerato rales. Address, WKI.sli A ItOIIII, Oinuslnut Htleet, Philadelphia. T 11 E WOHEH. IN liolltlcs. Til P. Willi, Ti mill I... .1... Isild ailvia ate of libcrul, mireui, r. Hrmntrt?, the lltilliuch tiiM'hatiiiiloii or ( ,. .!..,. I', nnd coiistllullonal rights. Tho Iniplriillon of .1-. .- HC.-IIIII11 reainuneti by luellco: or, to slu nk moro strictly freedom pure nnd sluilile In Iho lurgest iiilhs'tlve menstiro! the olllie ot lllKtlcu tielllir tllerelv lo iiriili...! fir....!.,... r criuiililnelilsi free.Cini of the Individual rltlen 111 his rlghlK of thought, apecch, religion, uml In eomolloii! lu his right loilusise his own food and drink In splto of nieddlesoino leinperaius- laws; 111 Ids i Iglil to inakennv money bargains he thinks proper, In spl i. of fisdish usury lawsi In his right iohiiyaiids.eUln nil markets, domesiie nnd tor e gn, In spite or unjust luotootho tnilllsi In his right to reprij.elllulleii lu tho legislatllo bodies w'hlcli lux lilm. In spllon! uuismstltiitionul exclu sions: llis-dom of collcillvo toassemlile for the discussion of grievances; fieedom of all lis'iilioininiiiillles to manage their local allalrs without central Intcilcrciios ireedoin In iNerl iccllon of the eounly from tho arrogant and un constitutional domination olothei sections: this largo and eompiehi nslve Idea of fieedom sums up tho politics of TllKYoitLIi, which will news be found wanting lo this capital Intelest of the country and of tho human nits?. In Its accurate eoliilnerclal Intelligence, nnd careful, reliable market leports.Tlli: Wolil.n wlllenntlnuo inlilli tain It present high reputation. A paper puis. ished In tho colnmerchil nutiopolls is natliriillv looked to for iiuthenllo inforinntlon relating lo Irude, commerce and flnnuco; uml thl beluga fcaturo on which Tun Vont.n prides Itself, tl boldly challeeges coin purlvai with etery Jouriiid lu thu mi trillion. TIIK WKKKLY WOULD, A larjo otiaito sin., t. Kuini. ai?.. iw ii..n.. i ....u. printed tlirOllullOUt 111 IlinO tei.e. im.l Il.u gestelrtiilailoii of any weikly Journal puhll'lail, ....... ...... ..... -.ii.miiu, ,,ui.v hiiis'i ss since lis union with I ho New Vmii .i.:....i.... i most liberal eTpendllures, which will make It "urlvM ed In Interest and value to tanners, pub. .i-ii. o eiinesiiay. i. iusuiari.i'1 lenolia embrace tho New York, Allmiiv. Itrhrliloii ,... I .1..1.1 1 1. . kcts j ihe New York country imsluce and gem rid ....loo iitiuat i; special 111111 vaiuaoie noi line. Igcnio! 11 dciiarlmcnt nf agricultural leadlnc! Ill tOL'et ICr eoiillsisllii 1111 unrUnlli..! I......I luA. of current lurormatlou for the runner, llvo sh U and produce dealer, the country in, 'reliant. Ac. , A isigi'oriiiorewllilsiieservedlorenterliiln. log I'hesldo Ueadlng ror the Family Circle embra cing llic fleshest aud best stories, imetry, rellulod reading, etc.. anda pnuofrlbi' discussion of 1,11 ploinliient topks. ofgenevul Interest, iiolillcul, ugrlcullural, lluancial, lllerary, ute., etc. 1. Ilsdigestof lliouews Is not like most cllv weeklles.ii 1111 re wash-basket of the Daily ; only lualtcrsor luleri'st and lniiortanco nie chosen from the Dally, while the muss of lis l onlenls urn prepared especially for the Weekly. Ill every illstrit thero should I found soiueacllve public spirited Ik mis rat wlm Mill miller 11 benefit upon us, his neighbors, nml the cause, by counseling will, his lleinocliille friend und making 11 d. terinlncl etlort inform an large a i Inh as possible for tho Weekly W01I1I. TiiK daily would tillonls a eoiiiileloe,iiiis'ndluui of, nnd comiacii' lary uin, tho new s of el cry day, TIIK WKKKLY WOULD. Ono ropy ono year (J IB 1 our collies, ono enr w 7 ,i 1 ell copies, ono J ear. ill Tw enly copies, to one addres ill 111 ! Ifty copies, one year "u nl hKMI-WKKKLY WOULD. Ono copy, ono year. Four copies, one) ear Tin isiples, ono year DAILY WOULD. Ono copy, one year ..SI a' ,, HI"1 .. ai ' CI.UII PHIZIX. I'or clubs of 10 ono Weekly, olio year, '! one heiul-W11 kl) , one ) in. I'"1 ono Dally, imu 3 ear, DIHKCTIONH. Addition to club may be made any time In theyear at the uNive club rates. Changes lu club list 11111, In only on renucsl 111 poisons n cell lug club packages, stating idllldi. sist-oilhoniidHlatetii which It hns preloulr been sent, mid enclosing tin nt j -di o cents lu ji; lor tumble of thechiingo to separate address. .. J.'r"i?' 111 "di Ullee. Hi nd. If luMaluli', I'osl (inico .Money Order or Hank Draft. Hills n ut hjr laall will heat tho risk of sender, YiehuYonuirincllliigaijeuts. Address all or dersand letters. Tin; U'niit 11 fehl 07, l I'AllK How, NtW YoIIK. JOHN 0II.11U1IT. Tltl.,1. A. ItllVAl-. QIIiHEHT A HOYAL, tUTAULISUEII lftll. WnOLKHALE DIlliaOIHTH, Son. SIX! nnd 31) North Third htriel, Philadelphia. ImiKirtemnnd lienlers In IlItirOH, SIKDICINKH, HWl'fW, PAINIH OIIA OLA SB, IIYKHTUFPH, etc., Muy 10, Ifcm.iy. fy?- von neat and cheai' ll Ull i'JU 11 IN U , CALI, AT THE LXJLUM1IIAN OFKICKJ