THE COLUMBIAN, JJLOOMSBUIW , COLU-MIHA COUNTY, PA. u t N13WS ITEMS. Ci.urMi.'tirnit Pillow Ini'iit tust Iipimi "in Him Ili'lil" to n 1 imrpiMi1. Hi1 t",,nu.iti'-t Ills nim rrni tills yintr ill "mi, ii'i.i IiihIu'I.i, W-',l,,i.M,..H Mt.'V-.n, l''VL HtUMi a j Ii'tti-r To tliu ltuilloilsof 1'iMiiwvlTOiiliTT that tlu-y iniiy lio In tlmiufT of ili-feat In 1 U 'touor "tiiniitsii np.iiiiy." nu iiniiin tliiuuKU Duiiioi.'riicy. V I ll'.,-.' , -lLuril- -H- fj-f-TIm nvlll'llHl! fill!. ri'ristriltloll 111 Arkllllsivsl.H'ltllimll'll!llSSOll.fl.M. Oil tlmt , basis tho --iitlnmul of m-lsti-atlou ill ll,.. ri.mlli will Ue.tltte-iH minions. ( t i-A wiiltlliiirlii AruatKH ieiuyn , ii illvniwi wouiiin of tlilrty-nlne mill a youth of nineteen took 'ilueo at the iimisj of the briile's fornior hlUbaml, . . k it. ..I ....l .. ' who Is mid to have betin' til the highest -hlK tSi-StIel-lyu Walerl-ijvitcmu, now n'venty-.-iuvisn years ohl, Mill lives In Kti-jliuitl, anil luis tireu wlvuu, ami ten cliildrmi liy each wife, Such U tiie force if peiseveittiiio. j m-.rMr.nnil MM.9tKMti;i,of .laci'son, Midilj-uii, li.ivea ulillil twelve il.iys ohl, wriuituiK only one unit a half pouiula, u,l,'o .mil healthy. A ci ninicii liiiitir lllltf i-outtl liu niliipi il, with uaso over Us amis to the shoulder. f-i A neV lior.-'.o di-teniper has ii j. i t I 111 New Jersey, which luused the ill ,iCi of Its victims in one ortwo days. l'h (UJ 'rt'".! b.illles the skill of all the terinavy surj-ooils Tin' next r,6Rislaturenf Kentucky i in taml about (is follows : 'Heiiati I. in icracts, til; UiuUttils,!); thinl party, I. l.i the llou-i there will be "W Demo-' cr-ats .mil 11 lt.iilltal; third lurty, I. M A Catholic priest, the llev. M.3t. M.ii-co. of La Croe, Wisconsin, while on hi- lvo'tit visit to tlio, I'arls Hxpost tio.i, loccivediu a special pre-ent from tli.'luL'iilo a solid -fold chalice, u iny-ime Inches in height, mid most elaUur.ite!y and viirlinisly oriiaineutod. iii-()iiu Hunter, ivyouiii'niau.Ulllcd hi-, mother at Cliilllcotho, .Ohio, by thniwin a timu which liraincd her, wild she wa-. K'-eechini; him to conic out oi'a riini-diop, where ho wiw drink In with hisw.mpanioiis. d-i-IIoniee I i replay cays, "tJrent as Or uit Is, lie cannot curry our banner unle-s he wears our tiull'oriii." Thu Ini.iylnntlve reader H respscfully ro .Hiested to call up the plctiuo (ienernl Onint would iire.-eiit were he to panulo r.n l'ennyls-aiilft avenue in Horace. Oreeley'si'iulform. A'. )'. M'orltl. ! j-Tlic return' fnim Kentucky tin prose as they oll'ii'Ially colne In. In HBI eoiintles, Helm, the lieinocratle eaudl date for (inventor, hasa majtirit'y bf.'H, nl,ii over ISarucs, lladleal; 7I,iki over ICinl-ead, Independent ;iind about lillll over both. WelldonO! j-y-Thu Louisville Jotinw! funiishe our people with a ray or .-unshiue 1'or the future a applicable to tile action of our .State Convention: .Michigan has decided, through her Convention, toudmit negroesto uirrage. ny ehango in that lladii-.d State mint lie tor tho better. A negro Senator from Michigan would bo a great improve ment over the blood letter (.'handler. True enough, tlu;re U never any' great lo.-ri without Mime small gaUunetmlt J-J'nsi: (rj- a negrogirl,abotiteighteenyear.s old, named Arabella Dormiie, and re siding near Camp Scliotlcld.was arrest ed yesterday by bffleer Dluguid, of the eity police, charged with throwing her new-born babulntoa pen of hogs, by whom it was devoured. Thu girl con fessed the brutal deed, and my that she made way with her Infant because, he did not care to undergo the, trouble mid bear the cxpcii-e of railing i.Linvh hwj Aim.- jy-It Is reliably rumored that the agriculturists have agreed together, In antlci pntionof an enorniouscropof wheat tlds fall, to prevent, by combination, a decline less than fl a bushel, for wheat and 310 per barrel fori Hour. Tlio .fact that such an understanding Is thought liece'-ary argues most favorably for thu prospect'! ofmi abundant harvest. Mr. I'luiiib, Secretary of Legation to Mexico, having received uutliorlly mid inntnutlotisffoin the State? Depart ment to renr's-ent tlio United States ti.ivernuii'Utat that Cotirt, left Wash ington ojj Monday en taute to enter upon his duties. Tho recent commis si in of Mr. Otterburg in act as United nlatlvo in Mexico Is can- and Mr. I'lundl succeeds hfiu with .oveii in the nature of Clmrgeir Ailidres. The Ti iture of Olllie law has Had mi unexpected result, which we hardly know whether to call deplorable or c.iiulcul. A Postmaster win su-peuded lor defalcation ; tho .Sciudo rejected tho pt ton nominated as his 6Uece,i-or ; ftnil nailer the law thu delluuuent was re- in: lak'.l. In cnuimuuicutlug, to lilni tills amazing result, thu I'cstmaster (iciieral polituly ruiuuited him ''as "a lavor to the Department, to use asllttlu n; t'ie iiinney of the (ioverniuunt and make few, entries as poislb'.e." It is not said whether there Is any legal puui-hmciit l'U- steallm; lit the wmreln thlngentlviuaii lives. tir The Hutlerito papeiu which have been lately threatening to fall foul of (trout, In case he illumed tho duties: of Secretary of War, asSliuiton'sniccehSori will now dodhtliA iuakogood tlirff threats. In !m several exchanges wltlclj we received lat night from mljaieni cities, showed that the war is ahcmly opened upon (iraiit, and ho U warfiod that ho will now mid henceforth mrive his full share of tint odium which ha hitherto been the almost exeluilvii pro Krty of I'mMdent .lohii-on. AsOrant w.i fully win nrd of Ids jierlls before he n limed the dntleH of bU now piist, it -wins that ho does not fear them, or i" su expects to overcome them by the style In which headuiliilitcrstholitl'alrs of 111- depurtment. r- -The IjoiiiIoii Nuliinltii ItevitwXvxt been warning this country ol'tiieiiiinger to treedom from the extension of mili tary power. It cautious us that fuuiiil urily with tlio exerclsu of ilespotiu power produces Indllfureneo to all restrictions of law and of tradition; uiul Ituddsthat "the Anicrlcaiis are mistaken If they believe that revolutionary nlwiliitl-in In the government of the coiwiuored States 'III he found compatible with tho maintenance of orderly fretdom In the North." We ijullo iigreo with our lullslicoiiletiiporarylutlie.'-ooiiliilous. e believe that the only safety to the country lies In the fact that tho milita ry government In thoKouth nro necs.s arlly limited In their duration. Were they to last ten yiars, wo would not glvo a lip for liberty In any part of America. Sfhc Columbian. m.oo.usiunio, pa. ,,ullAV jioii.7;X;l.(1Vst. no, io-. , 4. .nllJ ,.,,, lSl i,; ,. i,,Kr,i n,,,,!,,,!,,,, i t i,M mui n,ijoi,,i,.K .. . ' ' r "" '"' la nl.ii miti-h Urn.r .lit.l limn any iif ll.tnlmi...inilr. nil. I l Die rr fnrr llir lirfl u...,. fwn , i.. ..... -mi "r ' m ,Ar i arriuinu iiuiivin 1 Sl'ECIAIi NOTIcn. Jfiwif. l'.t.Wi'.l.b authorizes us to an tioiilice, that owing to Indisposition, and under advice of his physician, thu Ciril ,,hl in rou'lnuril, A Criminal Court will bu held. Ju ries, witnesses and parties under recog nizance will bo required to ho present. TIISJ.COJIINa ELECTION. Tun election returns for the last few years In tho Statoof Pennsylvania have shown tho lk'mocraey to bu In u conslil-. erable minority. It Is evident, If we ' nro to succeed this fall, that we must have large accessions to our vote. Those ' additional votes must comu from some where, mid that too, from men who for some years have been voting against us. Intense ltadieals, who believe In Ste vens and sunnier, mm tne pouuem equality of the negro, like P. John, for example, will votu with that' dynasty to tiie bitter end. Of such as they, nothing good whatever Is to be expected. Hut there are thousands, of men in the Statu who do not agree with these ltadieals and iiiiialgauiallouist.s; and Who arc naturally Inclined to vole with thu party of law and order, with the party of the Constitution, in point of ! fact with the while man's party What then is the point of wlsdonV Shall we conduct the campaign In such a maimer as to drive oil' these voters whose proclivities are towards the De mocracy; or shall they not rather be permitted to swell the ranks of that good old party, wluws StatcMiicu con- j ducted thu ulfalrs or the (lovernmeut 1 from its foundation, and whoso retire-1 mcnt Irom power lias lett In upon us radicalism, uegroism anil an liieir at tendant horrors. Vinegar never catches Hies, nor do vi tuperation, iiii-representatlunaiid abuse matte votes for the party which adopts I such n line of policy. Men of that kind , ire a positive drag on a party. I hey have not even the wisdom to learn from our opponents. Shall wu ho less wisu i than they, and fall, when we have on our side, truth, Justice, law and the popular feeling.' We cannot fall if we let these senti ments do their perfect work, mid gis'o to those honorable men who are tired of radicalism and misrule, such recep tion and welcome as they, and the glo rious cause wuaro laboring in, deserves. THE WHISKY TAX. Wu are not about to complain of the tax up n whisky, nor of tho amount of the tax per gallon ; hut of the unneces sarlly offensive' and expensive manner of levying It. The truth Is, that upon this question, the majority of Congress Is in the hands of the large Distillers. How many barrels of whisky, or how many thoiwind dollars they nro paid for this legislation Wo do not pretend to guess; but it Is apparent that the law was made to favor tho largo operator, and tax out of existence tho small one. Tims' in those extensive Western estab lishments', a matter of live dollars a day, paid to a government spy Is of no account; but wllh other incidentals eats up tlio entlre'prntitKofa small one. The iiiode;too, Is' exceedingly offensive in Itself, but caii bo made much inoroso by the person holding the petty office. All this could bo avoided with the greatest ease, mid at a saving of all ex peusu and otl'oiise, both in the govern ment and thu distiller. instead of having a spy at each dis ti'lery, lot theru hu appointed in each district one experienced distiller, whoso business It shall be to examine and test thu capacity of each establishment. I'lii.ii I..F ll,,.,llwlin...- Ii.i...nil mrinlli ly, for the full number of gallons ho is '"""y entrri,rlse l.iets may .. . . .... , .Bll.luo. Hold bv nl! Ion le. mile to inanuiacture. ii nu noes not i inn as many as lie can, that is Ids own fault, and he loses thereby, but thu lois will not be heavy aid is not likely to occur twice. Money will be m.ulo and saved by tho goveriimuiit, for tltoso small manufacturers will be ublu to go on, who are now taxed out of exis tence. It Is true a lot of loungers will there by be obliged to vurn instead of i)H) uut their living, but every body else will besatlslled. nrv,. win, ii ,1,11,1 ,,r...,. Wi: o! faction the attention bestowed on Sena ' . i" t" .. ... u" .., tor liuckidcw's .great speech entitled " Ciiniuhitlvp Voting." Though boniu of "tlio minor llepuhlican journals" speak slightingly uf It, thu leading pa pen of both parties uudoivu It lu thu liiglic.-t terms, mid the attention of ail America has been turned to this Import ant biibjoet. Horace (Jreeley made a motion in the New York Constitution ul Convention to have the system adopt ed there, and the Parliament of (Jreat Britain has introduced tho measure into id) (hp districts whii-lehsthreu mem bers. It Is a filet of Widen 'our pepplu PUiy well bo iiroud Senator Iluckn lew'sHpeecl, Iui.1 u important Clect In the it 4- r i rii i lit inn iiiriinirii imii -""?" -v -.p" pui.iiMici unn nivorauiy comu cnteu i n tl.l,H.,,l hv tl... liiioi.iMlUwiMili. ........ 1 r H...II.. t ........ ....... ICVt V VI I Ili.V I7HVJ tl. Will I'V't III 1 III ,.ll,IV-IV has in it course, have jead It. cot conies nrlnted to elrculale ' . . " . . ' V , .. . " . . Vi" .. ;. " . ",?. nMl 0 " .mu. ,0' 11 1 f mu' (ireat Hrlttaln. As mo have mailed " ,r phaut v.ctory li, the flection of all ot.r (t all our reider, thev must of ' r I, , ', , vo"'1 "u UM Ml-" p Candida es would he Midi, Unit we t'Onld rJllJJll ' ' VM"' UU ''W""" '"'"-vordance with 11(lt (M h, .my ease, under which clr- ' the notions ol u polltlisd majority, ho ,.,,,.,.,. U'11 itmilit Mot tlmt flin't'r.K. No-nc.:.-TI,o Democrats Htn.ulluic I actio.,, the Iliidleal rqmlto, M Alio- Committee of O.lumbla County Is re- I B,ielly My. Is such man lit to be ipicsted to meet at the necorilcrlsOlllcei, ,.(,.,! w,, ttm m,( r Hupreim- lu Hlooiiijbui'K. on Muiiduy, iSi'iileiuher'' Ane. !Uh. at one o'clock jm, A full at ti'.idance Is delicd. ToC. II. JI'llKNitv, (ii:o. W. Vtt, .1. ('. Vi:nm:h, It. .1. .Mn.r.Auil, J. 1'. ilANNII.Nr John i. I'rii'K, K. J. AiiiimtiMiN. JUIINf l'lilK. , ""'"" Tin; Kqiuil IHkIiU (iuluruii) Lchkuu, wlilcli met In Ki'iiilliij: liituly, t'liilorti'il It fjiliuld hi iirlt.l il.. f.ii. I In S4i i iiri.infi ui.iiii .. UI.I..I.I.IIV .v. W.J......V JU'imli. If I'littcil liaUt'xiitH.'ti'il toili - dilu tlmt iiinlur thu Civil illuliU 1)111 ni'jiroi'H etui voto In I't'iiiisylvuiilii. IVo j.lowlionio ojijiom'i! to nigro votliij;, Mllluiijiort lion. G'torgu fjluirswooil, THE C32D.00O AUJJITIUIlAb ( ESTATE TAX. I Tim: HiiUlntl oilli'i'rs nt llnrrlslmri, have tniuta K bold cllVirt to rpplunlsli tho Tmisury, mid mil', iw wo think, by no nii'iini Jii'tllliilili' by liny law or iisirc. I A year or two tijjo, the Knilkul Ijck Mnturo ri'pi'iiliil tho .Slntu tux on H'til I iftiili', mill left tlio tux on pur)iml pro ll"-".'! liuillll ;,iini,iiv.ii, uiu 1 0.,.,r.. ..... nt UnrrNlmnr frankly nil i . . I A., i.i .inn ri'1... inlUtliilt tliii tut on personal property may not bo heccwary, mill certainly It ,,;, bn, UwUm, iu i,(.KWlturo liwt ,vllltur xv,0y or miwHeIy, neKlcete.l to mi the bill propo-eil by tho State Trvmiirur, to iipportlou mat amount .. .. . among thu several counties of thu 1.0111 inonweiillh, thereforu these officers gravely undertake to Increase thu val uation on personal property to such an extent ovur anil above tho valuation of the township ufsessor.s as to ralso $lii", Odil! Now, what reanni was there for this arbitrary addition of fiJi,()0.l to the Statu tax. Kor the lift year or two there has been on an average nearly three mill ions In thu Treasury of the State, and when wo remember the rich drippings that fall from so large an amoiiiit, which cannot he less than flin'.OOO pur annum in addition to legal salaries, wo can hardly wonder that there should be some zeal on the part of the olllcers to collect taxes. Periiaps alrsj when these lladlcil olllcers found that thu Statu sustained an annual loss of over $V'U,uni) by lea- sou of borrowing $il,0DU,(Kii) at six per cent., exempt from taxation, to pay oil' a tax loan of a simitar amount, at live per cent., they concluded to lesort to this moilu of proceeding to make it up. Whatever may bu the reason given lor this gross outrage upon tho tax-payers, it cannot relieve thu ltadieals from the charge of having repealed thu Statu tax on leal estatu only wllh u view t deceive and humbug thu people. Had the Demo'cratiu party remained in power, the Statu tax on real and per sonal properly, would have been repeal ed years ago, and theStatedelit reduced if.),!!!!!),!);)!) below what It U. BOOK NOTICES. Du'ut.ns, Woiikh are published by Messrs. Kurd it Houghton, No. 4.VJ llroomestreet, New Yorl-,iiithr.o differ ent styles. Tho "Household IMition" in ftl vul nmps. nl SI. i"i ner volume. Illustrated imd bound in green vellum cloth. Tiie "Ulver.sido Kdltlon" in vol- nines m $,.-,!) per volume, crown octa- vo, containing ail the ICngllsli and American Illustrations, and being, por- Imps, the lianilsome-t edition ever Nsued from the press. Thu "Olohu Kdltou" In 111 volumes, at I.iiO per volume, with (lilhcrtit Dar ley's Illustrations, sixteen mo. In size, on line paper, mid in large, clear, long primer type. Peoplo who desire to take care of their eyes will buy tho "(llubo Lilitlon," issued at the rate of n novel per month. (iomiY's This f.lMirito of the ladles is before us, and well sus tains its reputation as one of thu lead ing Magazines 1" "e country. Tlio steel engraving represents "A Hustle Scene," and is true lo nature. The fahlon plated are full and complete, as well as the numerous "designs" for la dies. Of cuurso the literary contents are of the most interesting character as they always are. Terms $L'.no per an num. Address Louis A. Cfodey, Phila delphia. PiiTilitsox's Maciazi.vj:. Wo have received Peterson for September, and regard It as. surpassing thu most of Its predecessors. Tlio steel engraving rep resents some, iboys, witii pantaloons rolled up, wading after a boat which linkup! urned. Tin other plates In the Magazine are well designed, and well executed. Thu reading matter Is enter taining, unit lu fact Is eagerly nought af ter liy both su.Xes. Terms si'.W) per an num. Address C. J. Peterson, oUli Chestnut Street, Plilla. Tub new Illustrated Weekly, "The Pen and Pencil," No. ! comes to hand much improved. It must provu a suc cess. The principle upon which It is started Is entirely different from theor- soeuro all Xewsdealers. T. - ',. . ' '. It. Dawley ,fc Co., Publishers, I it 2;l Ann Street, New York. Tin: only fault tlio ltadieals can llud In Judge Sliurswood Is his decision in Doril vs. Trott. The point ho there tif- tinned was that a contract for pay- iiient in Spanish Milled Dollars must bu paid In them or their value; that an act of Congress cannot Impair tlio olill gallon of a contract. Wo are glad to see that this decision has lately been af firmed by the Supremo Court of tlio i V't,..L:".MJ ? 1"'.lum v 1 m"rL'? mici win no iouiki on pages nil) 'Mil smttli's lloports. Hingularly enough tlio ease went upirointiie District Court oi rnuaiiuipiiia, wnero juuge rjuar.s- wuml nuts, nml thu opinion tliiTi- U ilo- llvi'ri'il liy Juiljo Hiiro, i IltuUeul. Tim i; ol' tlio ik'ulslon N that u Imud con I illtioiiinl for jriyiiiciit In itolil of u iTr- tiiln tlnuiii'as, is not iiiyulilo lu j,'ri;c'n backs. Tims lius . r JjiilBo Sliiirswnoil been i) lilalu-a Juillclitl im- i vinillciiti'il liy tlio tlmt'ity In tlm .State, mul If thyu Uuuy ejmuuuHiH uio iiiiruyiyjiii-inust resi uiijlu) i)prctiiiC;oiirt 'in which thu itauicim iinyu ii.niiijority. t ' " ' i 'rX . . .... ut' no liouc-u. asiiK'ti in a ol' honv the rjwitiwi of ,c,rtalll r(lUrail, 1)(lllls, JIu wu 1 7. ' ., . " " ,,v .....ii ui'Mi iniiii v tv'iin mil pp. mti mi.i i 'f"i J " ii... nniln.w r n n.inii-.ii .,i,ii..i.iiv i, I - i -j". ..j will naturally sustain, hv his liullchd A Cirv of .Mexico miner kiV.s that 1 nml its tl.iiciinvi'i.lliin vv. Ii'li tin. nliiuluil 1 . ... '. .... I wis pcr-ons woio bhot durlnt; the hin-1 mont every I'liKUKCiiieiit which Im led 1 -"' wl lV ' ll,all't,'le'l-iiualntthe tebels, recently became ef 1 u,i,,.,li ., , , 1 fendisl becaiue a band pluyed "Dixie" liiany Iniiocent I liersoiLfAvcre shet without 11 trial ilurlni; 1 the liistKlx yi-arsln the United fcStiites, , hut wiulo knew that in tlio 1110U des- , ntlu vuunlriw nf i:iirii"-'i In tliuw iif i vobi'llloii, tla-rq wt'ri" mil u iunny url1!- i 1 nt rv ii rt'iil nu I tvt.r.i I ii t litu ...... ... i ....... .,.........,. ifc .v . Iry. in our county altmu, wu know of, 1 00, nml (Until rctulttil in hiivwiil of thu ll rCT.UltC'11 ill hUVWlll Uf tllll I'lifctw, Tlio lliistilo of riiiiito VM not mi Imtl us tho bom li-jiroof of I'ort iWlf-. lliu. s o 1 11 ill Xlik l Ja i KAWO.i Atldi ai."-1 )l.s)ialdics frohi Sial n stall! tliftt mi tliait r nvtl littl ilifta .i,,ll lil the Province of Arroyo, and that at the ) present moment the rebels are carrying everything before tiiuiu. 1 i n. ..reciv , uocKi. i.e-r. , uer ..,v,.m,, being puiwied by a U'urklMi inaii-uf-war was tired by her cruw. Tho Vessel sooil Thedreek blockade-runner -I'.' !, sunk. Tho crew reached tho shore In .small boats. liy dispatches from London wu team that the S.iUburg Conference continues to engross a largu share of piihllcu llcn tloii. It was rumored that an explicit understanding was arrived at between their Imperial majesties Xapoleou ami Pruncls Joseph, not only in regard to the formation of a Southern Oeriiiau Confederation, but also to resist any in tervention In the Kustcru question. Jt was also agreed that the states forming South Oerniiiuy should remain lu the Zollverein so long as Prussia abides by thu Treaty of Prague. In regard to thu Schelswlg question it was proposed that Ills Majesty J'r-iucls Joseph Interpose Idit good ollkes, mid that, on thu oilier hand, Denmark should make consilium hie concessions In her demands, Thu Mexican question cauiu up for consider ation. The body of tlio Archduke Max imilian was to bo demanded from the Mexicans by both Krauce and Austria, and the citizens of both Kmplres in Mexico were to bu yrotectcd nt all huz za ids. AL'il. 27. It Is reported thatwhlluii Russian war vessel on thu Cretan coast was takinir on hoard a number of refu- ....... ...,',.",,!. ..,.,. rii,...;,.,.. .,..1 furiheren.barkatlou. The Kussiu,, ve. scl refused to desist, and both vessels j iirenared fur a lhrht. when Omar Pasha conitiianderof the laud forces, Interfered i . . . and prevented an engagement. ;i:.l;i:.w,. .U'ii. -t.- A special dispatch from l-'ort 1 layes stales that a desperate en counter had taken plaeu near the Hu publican Klver, between the Indians and the United Stales troops. After lighting three days the latter were re pulsed. Our correspondent Inform us that a great battle appears imminent. An Omaha dlsp.Ucli says that infor mation has been received that (Ienernl Cook, about four weeks ago, camo upon, a camp of Indians in thu Puebla Moun tains, and surrounded and killed nearly all of them. Subsequently another camp, eight miles from I'ort Warren, was found, mid theinniates wcrutreatccl lu the same manner, l-'ifty Indians were killed altogether. Am. -'s. It IsTeportcU that thu dif ferences between the President and (Jen (irnnt, in relation to tho removal of (lens. Sheridan and Sickles, are irrec oncilable. The orders Issued by tlio President on Monday directing Oen. Hancock to relievo (Jen. Sheridan, and Oeu. Canliy to relievo Oen. Sickles, have not yet boon executed. It is said that (Jen. Grant in a letter to tho Presi dent declines to direct thu order to bu uxecute.1, and states his refusal in strong terms, virtually denying the right of the President to interfere in any one of tho live military districts created by Congre-s, averting that the entire con trol of the departments rest, by the sup plemental Ueconstructlon Act, in tlio (ienoral of the armies of the Cillted States, any that thereforu lie is not at liberty mid will not transfer 11 touuoth er. The letter has not been made pub lic. , OOMMUNICATBD. Miissiis. Hditoim: It is a mysteri ous and ditllcult problem of unknown results, taking Into consideration tlio events and Issues through which our country is rapidly passing, that puz.les the minds uf the thoughtful. Is not tlte President a friend of Constitutional (ioverniuunt, guarding mid defending all its departments, and exercising ids own vested power in execution of con stitutional law? Is he acting in accord ance witii that element which placed him In power, and adhering to tlio prin ciples and designs for which ho was elected? Hu avers that Stevens, Sum ner Ac, are traitors, ami vetoed all dia bolical acts of Congress which lie desig nated as such, mid why leniain so long In the hands of bis enemies. Truly, tho President' has gained a multitude of friends by removing Stan ton, and were the cleansing thorough in tho line of similar suspensions, the country would bo relieved from a great calamity. So long us he permits Seward, Unit, Wells, and others at the heads of Depurtment, so long will bu Obstructed Ids nollcv of reconstruction'. j am) n,e country agitated and excited, ' j tliv-iir present positions. each control- iinga powerful political 1 n II uence direct ed at the organization of thu Demo cratic party, with a view to suppress lis strength, and of securing butter success ! miller -'f ecc-lly to concentrate ,mwvr , which when wrestud from thu j,anil, of the people will liavu uceom , piMmd their desired ends. So long as they can convulse tho country with startllii and exciting Issues, so long tlioy liopu to Incrcni-o tliulr liowcr, mid no loiiuus tlio l'iv,-Iileiit iillows lib f-ccrct I'lK'inli's to rule wllh lilni, po lnnj; will ii,... .ii,,,,,. ... t.,n ii, ,i I',.,, -in, ,ii,,.. . ...ivt, Liii,' , iirlvo tlio .slilii of SiiUoTu rtiu5r ' lii t'ci nimrcliy, wiien ill1 WSIiJi'kncss of tho Iioitr.tlu'ro will buiioillstliictlon nr-i.trty or color, i-iit or i-clilsni, lint mere phIi jects to u i'1'iitriillul liowiir. ilouht lv nol.tin f nu, Hcpuhliciiu party lovo lliu Coustltutloii, law and liberty, but ! JT, "SS SZ' .TiZ i - ------- thu lU'clurulIou of ono of their dlstln- Hoes not know Its own face, jt Is not iiuiionaii.iiiM'eiionai." iiiereiorocouiii every lover of his country co Its Inter- 1 1.1....1 . 1 1.1., i. i iii i.t. ........ j.... I , " j . , tr " C "l 1 " 1 iiixw-y. I , . jv .Mii.riAiiv suirup, naiiiuii "X'ope," whu was illsuracefully wlillipeil In id on a public occasion In a town of ( 'cor- " , " vc s, V'r .AT, ., .L' 'Ar "I'diioV' iiuUiriiiittoii In this wkiit (ienernl l'opo niiKht renieniber that rresiuent ijincoui iiinisc.l cont-eeratiu "Dixie" In tlio patrlotlo rervlco of the I'nlou, when en 11 public occasion in v. tiaiimuiv'iit tn in V t v itv-tiiiJii it tin luiiil; i Washington, us the rehelllou was eolui; ilown, liu onlli il for a Imiiil to piny It lis'"i"--."n...i i.i. i ,. , nun, lliu iiiiiiru in K' vi. iuii'ii ii uiiuii hiuii uvur to u 1ml uuiK', nml Unit hi'iii'iforlli "Dixie" shonlii Lou national Ajncrlcnn ijicJuiiy, AjrTbitlrni rflli! HEMOVAIj IIIDAN I -s ps ntf! t'oitt'.i'.si'oxtiK-'t'ilpO'.TW'i rs rin in:snii!NV .VNiruh.vuitAi.i.ii.vN r. 'tti-sAttiKNi .i.mss.i.'j !. 1 1. iiiian , . t'tTci ri i M is-! s, W iiiiis.iT.i., P. '., AuiiUM I.', I' . Drl!Sltt: llcfore you Issue Instrn -lions to carry lufb PlfiH't thc fnMnwin - , . , l( . (,,r, Arduous .Vdif may . deemf liiMsr.v t resiiecIllig'tltO a'slgumeliti to wlilcll file ' tiril.i.1 liitnlK. Trulv viuirs, Andui.w .tottvuis ( V.ii. Orntit, Sscietfivyof ,.r, ml in it ft in. Till! Ollllllll or Iir.MIIVAi.. Uxcrriw M i.n i s i W asiiis iru. It. '., Air-tiw I-., 1'..'. I M.iln.'.l le nem! Oeori'i! 1 1. Thomas Is hereby assigned to the command ol the l'lflh '.Military Dl.triet, created liy tiie act of Congress passed on the L'd day of ; ling oilr recent civil struggle. March, IHI7. I in ns,uiiilng that it Is tlio o.xprewd Mnjor-Uenernl P. 11. Sheridan N here- ' wish of thu peoplo that Oonrraf Sherl bv assigned to the command of the dan should not bo removed from his Department of (he Missouri. I cnniliiand, you remark that "thiols I lit Wlnlleld S. llaneock law of tho land," and "beg thai their Is hereby assigned to the command of voice may bujieard." This Is indeed a the Department of tlio Cumberland. lepulille based, however, upon a writ- The Secretary of War ml interim will ten Constitution. TheConstltution Islhe give tlio necessary Instructions to carry ; t lil r tinier into eueci. Axnni;w Jounso.n. i.i.m'ii if. iiniVTui .inirs'iii, Mi-inuc MtTi:t. A-iiMiisiimiK t'.H., i VvAslllscli'S! H.C., AIIkiihI 17, Hi Jlmlh ne Aiutinr Joluimn J'rmi drill iiIIh L'nijcd Mitfc. ii.... i i .. ,.r i-l ill. 1 .1111 ill 11 ... ll.l. Ul.ll . .. w.' "I , .n.T ' to hear anv migitostlous you may Uceui whlch'tlleorue.' reKw . ' ' ' . ft",; rf ;,'11,!'.KMir,!!ii'. 1 i. '....n.,..,.' ,,...,7.1.1 usm ! i ii i in; 1 111 1 1 iu in i, i'.ii ui.iii. in i.i.ii. uivo H.ierlticoit luiuiircus oi luoumu- this date, directing the command ol lho m ino i iitn Atiiiiary Disiraaijau.-oiuic-I'iftli Military District, (ieneral bherl- ' necessary lur ii i lallhful execution ol dan to the Department of thu Missouri, he laws, 1 have Issued the order which and (Ienernl Hancock to the Depart-1 '"J the subject of t ils correspondence; mcnt or tho Cumherlnnd ; also yolir ntl lit ithus exercls ng a power Im ; iu nolu of tills dalu (enclosing these in-. ''"' thn-hxecutlve, luider ho Con structluns), eaylngt 'UJefuiu you lup stltution, as(uii.iaudcr-iii-t, del of he Instructloiis to carry into effect tin nillilary and naval lurces, I mil U n enclosed order I would bo pleased j eharghig a duty required ot mo by the ol'loval lives and thousands of million . "my, wiuioui u. me en..-. -oftteasitro to preserve the Integrity nr' 1 'ineucys to hinc-el , to hold sacred mid union of this country that tin oni be not insisted (in. It Is imnilst.ikab the expressed wl'h of lliu country H tjuoeral Sheridan should not borunov I from Ids present command. This 1- . republic where the will of the people the law of the land. 1 beg tlmt tli ir voice inii v bo heard. (icneral Shendau has jiurfnrineil civil duties faithfully mid Intell. n Ills removal will only he regarded an effort to defeat the laws ol 'oniT-s. It will lie interpreted by the mini u structed element lu the the South, if 'se who did all they could to lire..' up lis government by iirnw, and new wMi to bo the Only element consulted as to iho method of restoring order a iiiuti eh. It will embolden them to nii.ewc.l. .p posltiou to tiie will of the loyal ma believing that they have the Preen vo with them. The services of (ienernl Tlmmf- in battling for the Union entitle lib., to some consideration. Ho has rc'ie j' illy entered his protest against helm as signed to either or the live A Mta rv districts, and especially tobeint.assl g'ucil to relieve (Ienernl Sheridan. Oeueral Hancock ought not to ie re moved from where he Is. Ills d part mont Is n complicated one, whldli will take a new commanderKometlim'lo ho- comu acquainted Willi. . . 'J Hero are military reasons, pec maiy Tfflttttntl n, j 1 beg to refer to a letter, inarjucl ) vate, wlilch J, wrote to thu IJn.-iilenl when consulted on tin silijcci oi the change in the' War Departirrnt. It hears uiioii thesulilect of tills ruuoval, and I had hoped would have pr-vented it. I I have the lienor to be, with.ireat re- sped, our obedient servant. V. S. (liiANT, (ienoral United Slates Arniy,ancl Secretary ol i ar, lUt iiicnni. I'llKs'iDUNT .loiixso.v Til it f,.f. UKANT. t:n cm i-m N'M . i v vsiu.Nii nx, p. c, AUI4U- ii. j (Ir-.vr.i'.Al. Tliavereceivedaireoiii- mimication of tho 17th lustiat, imd thank vou for the iiroiuptii with which you have f,ulin!tled yo r viuwa respecting thu assignments dlrs-tod 111 my older of that Uat. Wheii stated, in my unofficial note of the' th that I would bo pleased to hear 1115.- sugges- tlou vou might deem iiuecsfi.j upon I In, t.t.htfi.t'. Ii u'iw nut lnv Inli i! 'in to I iisk from vou u fori mil rni)on ,1m rather to In vitc n verbal 'htuhmipn' nf rtny tleir.cav, hot apart for tho iKvommuJa reasons alVoctht tho public uitoro-w tiou of imonuei'ri, any pornonor pur wliiuh, in vour opinion. vot!i rouUor font., on noootint of oolor, or raco, or tho oytiv ' JucYpotlk'nt. In .i-mucli, vho hali rufuso to carry such por.-on,or howovor. iw yot Imvo (mbo''cl your ! per.som, on umuut ol color, or raro, or mttrirohtions in a wrltton ooinni inlcatlon , who shall throw any ear, or mw, from it in nronnr that L nhoukl nnKo bOiuo reply. , Vou earnestly urge that th n.lor ho ! tint tiwUtnil mi. rwniirMn" ' lit "it U ! MiimUttiirivtlilv i1incvnr(--Mli Ulinftlio coimtrv that (.ionoral ShorUt 1 (should not bu removed Irom hir- pn- at cum- iuaud,M While 1 am cog'ib A of the ollurts that have boon imvi retain (ionoral Sheridan in ooniri adof tho Klfrh Military Dhtriet, 1 ar -tot uwaro that thpmientiou habeen sujuiUted o thb people themselves for Ictermlint tlou. It certainly would I A to tlio "army to ftnnio that, in ho opinion ol'thiiiiiitlon.lieiiloiiL'isfiii' ileot i-oiii- iimuilllijr thu .States of anil Ti;;;ns, ami that, worn lii! fo my c.ittsu renioyeil, no otlitTKcheral I1 the nillltu- ry fervid! or the ITnlteil Htti- - would bo competent to till his plti. Uvimml Tlioinii?, whom I liavu ileal, i i(utlii Ills amviiuor ii well known tp cuiititry. Jliivini; won li Ij-fii and hi nihlf ills- (inetlon In the Held, he has ini-f, In tlio , (mi. inonoy to about one hundred thous execution of tlio responsible d'ititiif a , and dollars.c.iL'h. di'.artine!itcomm!iuder,i.o.i itilteil (rreat , ,-,,.. L ..... ability, 60iiiU Ulscrclion i.i cieruii'; patriotism. Ho has not ' lied, linder the niost tryill'f efreumst i ices, to en fiircu tho lawn, to pruorve uiee unil or der, to uncotiriiKU tlio ti-l"r.nIoii of civ il tiulliorlty and to piom io, in lar us 009&H.1C, a niin 01 it'i-o.i n.iiiun. on, iidliilnUtratfiiii of the l pertinent "f1 tho Cumberland will cert nily counmi'i' , imrit l'tivorably .with than otVUuUW"' .siicrhlmi in,thsAlftli.MI'.uiry J'litrict. Their ulfalrs appear to In. m ftdlstttrlicd Irs appear to lit m ftdlMltrlicil eoiiilltlnii. i'uid a bitter pr1 It of luldero- llHIn seems to h.i'e reMiii -u from Oeu- eral .Sheridan's ninna;' 1 -Ml- Jin ' has reuilerwlhinioelf uxcei'ilii.lvobuoxlotH bv thu niannur in vh . 1 ,e 111 . ext'r- I i lfucveil uio innvcrs t ' ''ni'ii liy v. ini ' .rri'. nml titlll iiinrit v.n 1 i i....iirl to nil- thoi lly not Kniiited by Ii - nor nccce.ssa ry to Its falthful.iiuil etlii . utexeeutlou. lils.rulo has, ,11), fact, beta one of abso lute tyranny, without reference to tho tirliiclnles of onr'iroveriimont or the mv ture'of our freoliistltutlimH. Thin Mute dt.n nrs wile a Jifli vCbUiUiU from uio ,. i,,, I,,,. i, , , ,,,, i t,, tsour&u (in luis puiuuUui4 fcuilovuiy I- tt'i'fOrt'tl with l!lC Imrn. iloT, Sll-lac- jury, mill Hpwylycxt-o Jr.i (.r wtff of t'oiiKl'i'., mul lSitlono ft-ir'a'lcnt tijjuMl- fy Uidiuugu; i J is rcni -vul, Uiuiglou, c.uinntl-4lHi,rcaiikvln? t, oiUut to iU UUL (UU JllWrt Ul VUllKr - i KH III" " Jcct U tp mollltat4 -'"Ir t!.K4uum, iIipoukH im Hlwr .vlu mil never lulled to olioy. lliu.ibtattii.'H ct , id land, nud to uxiict, M'Ulilu liJJurUn tlon.uliUu dluntj irom tttlmrs, 3' aiiinot ,MW hi t6rpttWlUy tliulnircctif rudodohMncnt lu tho South- XUn v o did all they count tb brvukt up th, Kuvrniui'iit hy hniiPundimvvKh tui Oiuuuly ulcniut ctmlM iw to tin in 'hodof rtntmlitK ordi'r i ntrhnn)Ji fnr,! lntelHUfiU men, thtv- nttit km v that tho more eiianu of military liiumdors ruuuot altur tholtiw, anI tin Ucinaul Thomas vt'lll l.i. nu ..HI..I. 1...... . I .."'ll . ...... iili-it. U liy na iijut'li boui liy IU nulFl-7 IIU'llU As ticneml SI', rlihiri. It cannot , 1 "einboldeii theui to nnwi il OlllKIHltlOII 1 lo the will of the lov I IIUISM'H, , Ill'lll'Vll .. I,,,, Ill' 1111 1 inai mey imvo ill I them j"'lor they ur with tho antecedent iiXL'CUtlVll WltH l.nrluvtly' ll till) JTl'lilULMUl not olwtrueti'il tlio ,uiy nit of -'un- 1 mid now that he hi fultlirnl t'xi'ciitlim fri-ss .No ono ii, you nri. .waro. Iiub n hlah vi Hjjjiavmuiiu nun ijjm'uui vIgihoI Ucneial rJi .iiuiH, uiul no MT- tiltu -.VOllKI 1)0 lets llll'll il to lisslgll llilll to a eomtitatut not.ctiUraly to hlajhvljliw. Kii..wlnjf1lilniM I del, I eilunoi tilnu thai he will hesltutiyor a lilntlieiltjtti nlie.v anjbrilcliuvni; In vlujit t;om lib ajllfd speedy frestoratlim oftho l 1 1 .iinj Ifi tlio'iircservntlim of which la mi' it'iniiTcu seen impoiiiiiu mm vino able mt lees, l i'iieriil 1 liiiieii.'lf. known the whnlo "j X lu,JJ. ..jlV,', inLiiiry as a gallant, nine ami patrionc er, will, 1 nave no iiiiiint, sustain 'IMIlltlKMl 111 IU11llllll in iniiv be ii'siiiiii'il. If. us you ) ol -wi ve, the deiutilmcut which he will h iVe v u cyiiiiilii-iUcil one, j. leci conn lleliijtlMt, lliiiler tiie giihlami' utid lli-uruetloii'- of ("ienernl Shcrniaii, Ocileral Hicrldiitr-will suon buconie familiar .llhii neibfcsUiestnitwIU nvull him self of the opportunity (dlonled by the Judlaii troubles-' for the. display of the iiierj'v, enterprise mid daring which gave hint so enviable iv reputation tin combined and expressed will ol the peo i plo, mid their voice Is law when rolled led In thu manner which that instru ment prescribes. While onu of its pro visions makes the President Commander-in-Chief of the army and navy, an other requires that "ho shall take care that tho laws lie faithfully ovecuted." HMiiivi a change In the command ' '. . ...... i , . . , . i , " mi'"", '."'."s'.'j ''", thb siit.renio law of the land. Ilv his l'1 W Tl'X"' l-rotect and defend "hTi nnXll' m,'' mid ulllioii'-h lu times of irreat excite- . . . " . . . . . . ... " "".;." " - "' i'"' "' " " " " to enforce tiny mid all of IN provisions Any other coiir.-e would lead lo the de struction of the republic; fur, thu Con stitution once abolished, there would be l'o Cong.vss lor tin. exercise of leg islative powers, no ICxecutive to -ee Unit the laws are faithfully executed, no judiciary to afford to the citizen pro tection lor life, limb, and property. LV f pation would Inevitably billow, and despotism be il'teil tijnuthe people 111 violation of their combined and ex preyed will. In conclusion, I fail to perceive, any "military," "pecuniary," or "patriotic rca-mis' why this orucr slioutct not lie carried Into effect. You will remember that In the instance 1 did not con sider fleneral Sheridan the most suit able otllcer for the commando! the Filth .Military District. Time has strength ened my convictions upon this point, and has led me to the conclusion thai patriotic coiisldcrallou-! demand that hu should be superseded by mi oilleyr who, whilo ho will' fait Ii fully execute thu law wile at the same time give more gen eral satisfaction to the whole people, white and black, North mid South. I am, (ienernl, very respectfully yours. Axiiiiliw Jolixso.s. (Ienoral C. H. (Irant, Secretary of War in' iVi rim. " -"" AH ACT U,:i..u,v,:toneroeso railroads and streetcars. That on and niter the pasigo of this net any railroad or railway corporation, within this commonwealth, that shall exclude, or allow to be. excluded, by their agents, conductors, or employees Irom any of their passenger cars, any person, or per-mi", on account oi color or race or thatslialLrel'use to carry in any of their car-stliussetapartiny pcr.-on,nr persons, on account of color, or race, or that nhall, lursueli rca-ou, compel, or attempt to coiiipcl.auy persoii.or pcrsoiis, toocciqiy any particular part ol any of their turf, .-it apart for thu accommodation of pe6- plo as pas-ongurs, shall hu liable, in an action of debt, to the person thereby in- Jured, or aggrieved, in the sum of live hundred dollars, thus.iilioto bu recover- ed, in an action of debt, us like amounts are now by law recoverable, Si.crio.N 2. That any agent, conductor, or employee, of any railroad or railway corporation, within this commonwealth, whuHliall L'xdiulc1. allow ti bo exi-ludnl, or in tho oxclu-hm. from any of tho tiML'ic, thoroby provontin' porMiin from rhllu, Miall bmlooniud uilly ol u misdemeanor, anil upon conviction tlioreoi". hlmll IMV u line, not exooedliiir live huutlrod dollar, nor lens than one 1 hundred dollar, or bu ImprNonod, for a term not exeoedin tnree monuiri, nor h than thirty day.s, or hoin, or hoili, nt thu tlisvrutloti of the court. .lout; 1. Oi.a -s, SpiMkor of thu llotie of Itepriwutsitivi'. l.oi'i.s V. i I Ar,t,, .Speaker of the Senate. At'i'liovr.ii. The tweiity-seeiuiil ilay ofMiircli, Amio Jl.imlnl ono thous.iml i-iglit liunilnil anil Hlxty-siiven. I .Ixo. W. (illAI'.V. i Tin: Kniperor of Austria has sent fur the families or Mlr.imou mill .Mejla. They itro to b' ennolileil, anil reslilo in Austria. I will be remembereil bv his , last will Miixiiiiiliiin l.eiiueatlieil to j thb.50 I'amllle.i lefraeles amoiiiitln'' in riitl'Ut-t Itrjiiirl. Wlu.ll l.i-l liilsltt lljf 'III " rlo.iv ifr lutrrel , t ,,l-tKI'.,l riaxhi-ul Ilnttfi 1 '.'I II o TiTiuw" i'init,.vi' .".ft.1 Vt,i'','s i,",?, ' siiiosm., siiio8ni.,iHhuiiiiicra n i. M I f"" l"-. l'"'.'. ! y " "i"t"aii"!V"iV ! ,,,,, :i 'j,rtr,lH ,.r 'UMmm'uX fPP, , 1'i.n. " " " unn' in.-iu 1 1 1") KlUw I". IU , ft IN) ".'. r-Miiiiiim, rm ik, uii-ini.K-i:i. liuul.' Hl.llli5 .Nu. I i. . tllllllMtlll'l . . ,:. 7 'V n. '. l HI 1 1'tlll.tilrliililu ruciwu IV, AllljUst L'J, IMI. I'l.lll I. ' Nut ill iv c Muni &iiiiiijliii)ntM ilJUs 7.7I .Kirfnt !.'KI UMM.i U.V) NiaihwcKti in lit th lii- rtrl li wt'Kii'i ji i'Mi.i (," iVrv' hl";. Viiuh.n Unn lu iih'l oslrlii cllu ri nuHyiv.uii.i i Witi-m Mmiiy. ... " IVuiiMylMiulaiiml Wohioru t.mry m,l;r lv)lIl, tvuIllu r HoutliVrn " .. . cuiiroruia " u ! 'UvK-.iVmwh.niri ryV, v i T. ... x.-ym,l,m . .li','4i;.iiii .. 11. HI L'.:m ,, 9,l.i:.j:i.'j .. il.i-tl.M . i.axl.i .. l.'JlH-jl.l ,. nii-ft-Hiv : , Mut'lfl 'III U.SI.H.. J.I.' U'vWlllvl , u,i;t' 1-I.Vl , i.sUniVI 11.' Ul ?llll .1II7.' f.r-i -n-MIUi IO.OW11H.VI ! us-n-now. Whiti. f ) v is t lmn i'ttovitiu Mir I'oili. V hhU Miiwlti W, " IIChM Hnpi.'Y Ih ' ' HlilokiHl Jllllllt " Hiioultlers r U jlld,1lh Hn!H CJovoimmmI t Iiuh , l huolh m ml t lain I'lllXfcfi'il " 1'iu I noN No. 1 H(.'otoh , No, t Anu-lluau (Ml n.r, llifi Ci.ttlu v !- Cowk, "(i liny I HlIM.f-V U lloi.h V4 JKUM 'lu ( IINM'MlTIVI.S.-'lln. li'Ui llUil, ImllliK In ' ll It ilul I'll lH Il"nllll 111 ft l'l'W WI t liH ii...iuitiUvUj,uiii.i-iiuMnn huiiiiwi i . )uu ii it it r.t- i-t.-lunu iiii.f.-i !. tm.l t hy a vt ry lilt hp V t'llll nu ullt'i'l nu. iin.l t ml i ri'it.l ' V. , roliMluilitlnii - IHiinxliilll Iti I!1H UllUVi'll lit Hit it iinvt -hiuii ii'.i. lur iiit'iuii. n( t nil'. , Tn nil Mini iloslrp II, In will i-riul n tH.iiy nf tin' I )'livll'lli'U MsiJ (lu ti in tluinji i, Willi llttitlllii'. linilH inr ). l J'ltt ihk llll'l ll' lliu nil Muni', vVlllfl. tli.'V W 1 1 1 Uiul ll Nl'lll' fl'ltl. Itlll rilNNUMKI'IIIN. ' AMH.I.t, IlliOM lllliii, (til'UIIH, t'uUIH, ulUl Ull ! 'lltiuiiliiiiil l.iiuu Allittluim. 'jhn only oljtxt of tin' tiiUi-itUvr In RontllnR tno frPBcrfptlun Inin i . lit'iullt thu nnilctcil, unit hu-nil lulminullou . vhuiiiinrnlrcn to lo tnwtluitlile, nnl Ih.Iihih'h - ' '.'.r.'.T.r.t'lS:'.' ?! Z i'if, MUTiS; "X"":.' 114 11 VV Ul I 'M hfihtir. l'iit-1 lii. u-uiilnu lit" ii!'mi-ii.. hi, iiiki., Ii.n it'turn uiiill. win inutiiti iitiuii sf mjU'w ly.i WlillunihliUiK, KliiuA-u., js'.'v. I DEMOCRATIC TICKET. I'Dii.iciHii: oi. Tin; nri''. lot'iir, cii'.oi :(!!: siiAiiSWoon, OK I'llll.AIHXI'lllA. I'Oll A'illiMIIIA', THOMAS OIIAI.KAN'T, " MO.N'lOt'U COtN-l'i'. '"- I'Olt Hl!i:ttll.'l'. MOUDKOAl AIIM.AHI), CttStttK TOWNSIttr. ' foti'Tiunn'ttiiit. I OH .IA(!015 Y(JIIIJ. Mii'ii.i.N iinVNUiii'. ' I'ou o.ii.Missio.M'.ii. IAVIJ) YKACS'IJK, I.OCUWI' ll)WNHllll', . I'Oll JfllV lOMHlSHtONHIl, TIIOS. .1. AVJni.l.IVKIt. Jtr. I'UIAIAN'l' lOW.VSIIII'. j-mi .irniiiin, JAOOH MAUHIS, lin.MUH'I TOW.NHIIIf. Sorao Folbi Cart Sleep Nlghta, Vrnv iunny Millar ri-nniKMi-Titl ilibilltfitlMM fnitn wrnkiu'wi of Mio stomach mid Itialilllty to illaf-Kt Ihptr lo'Hti Mtiiin liiivt' criH pin miikui Ions nltiiii. t tic iicrvt' Ilhri-.t, nr twiiii in tlm Ikh Ic, xvitii iichliiif niul uN'rtrv HiiuMiliuor tho limlm, Tliim r'iint4ol Jndtiv4 nut I'm r Ihrnttuli laiiff hitm Irom wlitit nre .tlli l'r.MAl.H t'uMi-i ,iniH, ixiiimiiI l.v Hi it'titKitllnii uf nitwit- imtl li'cuucnt tlmt nt- Ii n (it i:.m. in hi t ti t-Hi'. . I liouiuil( ol ijin Iih"h iiii it, ii-rnoik (I Iti iiilitd ii itl IhmI.v. iim' ur tin- ihtxhmh ihtul mid iMH-ninr unlit iuv iltity on tin- 'ii((.viiu-iiln "f lire, I2xi4 s.hii jnUtJi.diutllir torrnili riltfiH orievrr nn-l nyun, lnvnlvc nlmt irji'il cimHiitutl'Mif niul ilm fiillui-p nf tlio lionem! Miirtlonf of lif'ftlth, Ti.nnie-r,i from nit tln-to iMnuvrt m:i:vini; and invuiouatou tilUT nn Invnlifilili lio-Hi i natural ami i-illi-lent iHctirV'in i' )tt m iw CM, .Vt ptisoti, hiuii it wu- tlllltl, Hllllt'VlllllllOlll I .11 Iso. IH 11 llllitnl ttl HfU' let t lIUs u'tm-ilv, ili Svi vino wilt ho lotiixl to ixwtiwi un r-un!,in-? anil nutrnivu nrlni'lpli'. It imh nJllnity tur Hut NirmK K1iik, nttl nupi!' thrm iir thu uutlii (tiat coiiht-mtly taliluzpl'ici'. I.Uilt U lluU-MI-lIU1 llHhl tllKl n Into IJiu MuiuaiJi. II nni1iii ' ritpiil thri'sMiin, ln tunr-itfug lu lln jiiutn'M it to uiKillM! orKilli-i, Hli.l Li'ail(.'U)K a CAI-MNKMS AMI 'j JtANCUI MTV unknown tmv ritlicr iitTti.tnillitin. It r-rtfilnltiv lio ujiluni nr imiilinpFli, nml mi lar rmm pit)'lu'ln I Hs.tfv lM-Ht- It Will IW tlMlllit (ill I llll'll'tlt I'll n-ion 4-iinsu,Ml Imii, niul iiit(iiti'l ft WMn ri'iinwn inr tiit- i-e.'uii.iritv. wifAr oi;oi'i.i:vv 'l)"ar iMctr.r: Tin- InM ni-'llflii" ii.isoifltiil ly OH I I lilt. ll IK' I. ItUt W lit HflV liirhl S Ni i-in ntnl tn lyonil'ir in nil lluil )l i IntliH lo ho, I ! c liKi ti in-v lium; I sU vt v; Ii.m-noo.1 niiftltc uiri i-'i-i HirniiuT I U.ivu lur niihv yiMrs I'-iit. H'linlrliHitl bv IM. II. A, lurltt-r, riiuini! -si., Uiuoivi.s n, ;v, v. "I hu f umhI ii Xt'ivliiL'.uiiililihliiubilt niiu Ii Ih-iuIUihI by if, iirtitlrulmJ In tin- fmitao u( i-ir uitiii ii iti i tui'' oi i hum' iivmMiiiu si'muoi M ritoiii iiffd iiImi at-i'iiis to hu i niluly rnn-.l.' jl, tt.T tultr. TuoUtT. ' Ihi-nietlicliiH in inltiuii UJikkIh Nciltit) wo hai liikni tiiK-n hottliM nf. It U u Kn-al iiiin.(. m Wilv tw lma rujU'T Iini- rum iiouiroin unn inriv imrioiN. nno ii ciTtninly neiipr. i.Lu.'iirniuttftiriti: don t it'll uio iiuu Inaovn bit niii"li; bowi-N nmn t tiNlvr, mui lu tv ht'Iter iii'i niiH ioinlltl(iu t'Vi-iy wuv." u. n. .mii 1 1 in. nw.mrr(.i.'ii iiMut",u.M'i JU-iiin-Ii, N,.TMHl:itostlMt IkkmI'h Neivlun Iuih iiiiullilm ul I'hmittf WlMlUli'-s ol (In loliitwli. -lljr.iii.K-i mitl 'sh'k lioml.iclii', and "truily stn tiirtluMinl lit lt"l' HJ VU'lll. " , lln il II Hthliorn. ' n Mtitti'.-st . I!i.hiT:I ti i-nrml nl i httiiilf tnUM.'iilariiinl ni'ruiiskhillt. .iniin luirnui, i;io.iiit ii, x, v, r,-ts: "Tu rt'cu-htt- Ihi' hoMlM wltl.oiil vvmliiWliK Mitliaith' rt h't i, tui t Un nori aiul loin' up tin- s sit-in, I liu.- n-"i uti'il nnythitu 111 tt oinl.tlloil I1h NitnIuc 1 W. I'". IMiiih, Lt liittr.nil. Conn, i "Mv Wli liasMiUrifl i.r .ui'nlu-u i-uifi with oxlruum inTourt UvlillUy ami imnliul iniMtratiuii hln whh liuluctil hv ii irlcml lo tiy lt. .1. W, IhuhIV Nerliin -uul liii-ntiif ilor. iiiitll its u-u N now u-Htou'tl to p.'iH'cl hr.illli. Or. (;. t:, ork, t-'li.uli'Mown, Miis.i "In mso-. olmuil nuvouH ili'hillli, not couiuhhI hj nnv nit'iint to I lit- uinaU' oruilulluti uionuptuiuoii tlmn unions men, I tniltiv HihhI'h Noj Jim niul luviKoinlnr with Urn li.iphiot vilct U t-fi-i-iU In tunic t"iwT nnj lliln llml I know, uiiilo lis m Hon upon iliHlniwi-lstnill ilmt run ho uYji," liiHurj N-,rluc nml Iiiu-ntlsnlot N unnIoi'il 111 tlio .'tniti-liitlW Itrllul lurlln' lUHUIlu at Tnuuloii, nilt I'Kltsii.N I. TI.TIMo.Al.M lorillrs ot ti. li ttloii, Mt'-i- m "., Klilm i i uiiijili'lui. lul coin .1111(1 IVjmte ('iiiiiplaliiu lu th trov.n l.nnilU, wm wUi, n it ti IMTniN-iH, in tin loliowny k nlli nun in thU lehilt : :. W. Ittill, iM., Filth Avrntmlloti.!, N, V. W. II. Hm.Ici, 'luiPt llou-i'( N. v. .l.hii Wlllhuus l'ulhi-nian, X. V. .1. W. IVrkptt, n(., t'lhiton-t-t., Itnklvit( Ur. 11. .'tuckpinintnu-Mt., ltitPiklyu, .1. H. Wi lht. i'M.prM'y t'liv, Jloii. Wmri'ii Iihmc, ull Itroiduiiv, X. V. I ur salo tty nil lrui;!zlstj, I'rlin tl.w p-jrhortlp. 11. II.Hlonr ,t Co., 1'tuprli tniK(X V, WMTAU'H ItAIVM OF WIW) CltttllHY. Cbttfhj, OtULt, JU'OACMii, Alttintt, frotift, W'iuop iiiff Oivyh, (jh nu;, itml fhu iiuimruUH ih wWI,u il.inai'iini . tlNrurto ol tin- thivttt, citif (in'l Ltni'ji, in our dmnu'-nhli i tinu'lo nl nil Ki'htms of iln yrnr: fiy' nrv nro fortunato enouah tpi Si'iijiU their himeujl lullucnor. How Important thou to hnvci nt lmii'l n t-ritiila nu tl'loto to nil tin w ruiiipUiInts, KxptrU'iico lnoi. thnt thUi'xUts In Il'.ir' JluLut-i an L'VtcuL not fount in imj nllur lnut'dy; however ncvito tho MiflorlnK. the iipnll'ittlim ofthh wiotht Int.', luallnanJ wonUirful lUihum atones v.mi jtiKhos tho MhTie anil ri'storos iho sutlrior tn wmiU'il In ullli. ' Mr. joii. m :To, nt iN, in. mi mi Coi.m i, X. Y, w ilkt.; "I whs uroil hy n uoftthhur lo jot miu hotth of tho Il.ilHiiin inr mv Ifi', hohiK tissiiii'il 1 him (hut hii-aM It ilitl not proilnci' com I i-HV-t-ts, hi' would mv orthi'litiltlo)itniitii, 4111 tin Ktreneih ot Mch I'l.lkLIUtl l Mt-IH'i' of itis lucrllt, I l'liiiUI I'll a hottlo. My wheat thN time wiihho IowmvIHi pliyidcllllS iLTIllf il HKA1KII CuNStnitTION to to hi1 nn-thlO to rnNc hrrsHf fiom tin' tn-tl, cinuuiiKunU ralln moioor Iom hloinl. 1 uoin iiu'iu-i'il t;l Inn thu Itiilsiun ii illroi'ti-il, niul viis no niiioh plcawil with 1U npiTiilluiiH (hut I oh. tiiiiu'il nuothcr iwitth', nml -onlmit'il ulvlnc II. liflnii llih ln(th win olitholy u .(!, hIio ci'iisod coimhlmjaml wa- htroii' ml'niKh tu hit up. Tlio lltth hnith ontlivty luinum urn ro, itoliur thil whlrh Mjvt-ral rhUhuiii hud tileil to ilo hut hail fatli'd." 1'H'p.iifii hy Hum w. rowi.i: a son, jstm- inom HL, llosti'ii, ntiilfor n.iluhy Hnii;uU uom-i. ally. ACItovric. ff intly It piiiii'tratL'H throiuh cery poro. It i'UovInthlitli ioi fiom uii'h ttnyrii wv i A 11 mailt it heu'9 with ti-itulnty uiul bpceil: C vtt, Jli(iumtivom Inllain.UIoii mku nro irml; I. nn.tUmn, at IK picmmu illsjipponr: s I;hiHloM.'raoh siuln,.t tho i-oiuploxion's olrnr! S'h n4 (in vrj;S( ojy onohouMhuy, A 1 1 to Its uii'Jt(iii tnorltH titlt, , 1. it thori u ho ilouhl. n Jkitmlf l,t,, Lnti.'n V i.rllv, Ai list into id! rt Uwiotlrt h.o; K ou uuUi'1U' on would land li: u i;N h hi llorUI.A. ThoUeN.OiorKuhtoris, of ltuxik, N, ,.ml.k, lu (hu ISihh lAamliu r. hy wuv of apology for puhlKhlnn nn-dlud loitlllfiito lu ion innuiiie, or inocuru oi im oniv mui, uri-cro-Julii, 'ulttr dlylullun apprarul Inuvltahlp." " npuhlUh thU, hid frpa, hulln " Kialiludt' lo (iod u ho Inn utitui'hut pinvi'i. au 1 "Inju-dleo to Ur. Andui; Uhi mll-Jld that 'Mh'-ii' U luuu In tin- Indian Wati-r tn-almi ul, ' whl.'h Urn ii-odi'ifc ol thU!nn ulllth.iul-: " ii 1 .lliu i d.i-hiiunhiKlotholrnuih'o." 'in ulai-h fn c, Ur. Amlr-is' in.tlno Water U for falo hy J. V. I)s.oitK, I-roprh'lor.:-'. l. yHt., N. Y.. and In' nU.lruutctw,,.. UIVH7, XBW ADYHRTISBMUNTS. i DMlXlSTUATOlt'.S KOTIOK. J. l-l'll Ol IttJIII U'A 1., U 111. it" 1 1. i.i 111 1 in iiuiiimiMiniion on un- ntuit nr in lii'cui 'nudiivi v, Iiiti'ol Ulmim tuwiHhip, Co. i IHIIIM-.1 -iuiM , uf t'tiM'u, nu i in! u uiauii'ii oy tlu Iti-iKli r i.i I'.niiilv i.t .1 lt..lvi.r vn.l..i. hi! ii' ml ml ni ,1 1 nt i ir who 1 1'hltli'M I., i,,,iit Pl.-itk. It lit tOWIIhlp, All poixoil- t,hniiii; Un tilM'll"i i mui ui rii in i lie htiin iii'ri iii'iu tut' ii'i-iit'i-iii u in tu.iUi' pa incut, ami thow ha hu claluii or df tmindx aualu-'t tho n-uko will I'H'hMU th in with mil d. hi.x. .1. JlKls'l WI VAXIlKItMldCi; Ml. I'h-awtnt, Auv,:in, hn7, AdmhtlHUntur. I'DITOltM' KTA'I'KJII'NT. Iiami i.T.M'ICihn iN.'i'ii'i.i.iiiriiril.iunn I 'uui nf fun) .iKliuiii liiiiilili, Im Un- .M'tir ImIii, 1UI. r.ixl. ifi'i'ivi'il fiiim i'i,ii..i,r f,,r isivi ::io m " " " " 1'iulil I'liinp lur. ".' 'j " " Jns. IviilKlo.Tli'iii.tiii r 1'ir l-i.i .'11,01 ii, :k Ul fit. CiUd 1 lank Kthuu-Ui-r lor funiMiImr i huh-.tililt n , . " Uoht'lt (lorn I nuJliiMd-l " .liwi'ph M. 1'ilclt on lioiuN ' THiiMiier'H coininlHihu $.HMi,rki l.T.Vi :il l.iw in (17 lis lUhuu v dui' In IMnIt-lT. MlKIi uan.Ti ca- mrer 571 IW Tin- uudiMltiuil ImMi oxiiuilntNl Uut ah.vtuj tiuiiil nmUluil lLfoiu,!, IWNItV Mom n, . l.l.'KW HHl-INNAN, CAN1TK I1C(U1I.H, Augiut M. lt&, AudlluiH. pAxroN' a- nA'Tnr'Ax, ' HPIMIHT. 1A.. ma .v i i wen ' 1 1 1 :i i'H a t n h, iuh rin:.M.nnr nArmiW'Ss' II A W JI ONU .SUI'MlU'IIOSlMIATi: OF WMH, at siANvrAcinti:trrt riucix WU.M, tolUV I'MUKSr. INdU AhlMll'fl.Ol'h, Kill (It, l'U,, Allg, ll, M,7 .1, I ii k umlcrolKiti-tl takpi thU ini'ttufl ht Inform Dip tttiIto that ho Iris t.p'lieil n Ni:v lTtiNirutti; wahi: Hot-Hi: tn (ho Wnlti-r Ihkk I'.nllilliu, on Mala M(n (, ttt.OOMMU'Htl, PA., Wlilrli Iip lta iiiiii-taiM'ilaml IuIpihN to ki'i uir mainiilly lUkil wllh I liriiltuin of m.vnTOfAinrtnu it coitruHi-s or n n i) i a t u Wh h'k h , ' jt. uim(i: Tfi' .ciTitj:, tMi.!i-fWnftrtt)AKriQrHW!i:ii1 AM WOOD r,OTTO.Mi:i. KXTI'.NMlON TAIU.r-M, I.OOlCi SiV fL"Uiti,l ' t'AULUU, CHAMUKK AK1) DIN In'fiu t it fttll rtsnttmpnt of n i: a i v.. m oov i n h nf nil fiffpi, ami of nVKHYTlHJCO IN TllV. UXU 01 1M 1 llAIiH. Atlof WhUlilllUnl(i' C II II A H . U U. C'A H It. Tho imhllpftmlnvllpit lopnll -anti ukiunltit mv BtiH'k hi-forp purflinUnt clM-wIipro. . oKoiuiR v,. cnui:i,r IlloonishllW, AllllHt M, 1-117, rpiIKMUTUAIiljIKKIXSUltAMM: COMPANY OK NMW YOUIC. (. m;...r;..r AniiI'1-i over $.411,000, ouo. i:vixslvi:t,V cm. As-t't. invth'Niw AV.ttnf.n MnTTpr,v in imukahi; mi: i.NHCTtwcn nu-rn tti'j r-tvi: rUV. Vttl miivm'.' TliPCnintmny Murd durlnor tlm j-pnr pmlhnt J.tmlitrr Nt, ntrrj iNiiirku, liHurliu fH,s7r,,(iii), 'Ihptntat tncompnf tlio ypnr ln-ln MJIitiVs-i, ffKull pirttiutnrs a t.i thu wmklmcof tho VntipAhy if lit lPf hpfMfiillr Rl.n hy Hiiplvhuc to .IOIIN O. KRKK.K, Itvltr' 0tice, MtvtViir.l IlrnoMiRTTiiri, '., "JJKYOND WHY, MISSIKSIPIM A tnipU'to Hlfrlory ut the Nvy ttUMnH mulTir xltnrJiMri, Jryin ilio Uitat JtlM-r to thu (Jrat ttcum. Ily Albuit P. ltlclmUkuii. liVL-lt'J'J.ltdl tirilM HOMl IS OHK MONTJI, Tan; ami adrrntitii-ftn the I'rfltrli, Monniftln ami tho Pncltlr Const, With over all 1pm1i)U ftlnl l'hotor:iphk' VIi-uk ot tin- Hcutu-iv, CUii, I-ainlh, Mlnch, Tioplc utnl Oill stilt so( tint Now htntr- itful Tprrltntlt". To lu'oxi-if-itvp iiulurantH nn-t wtlleri lu thp 'Un Wu!," thlt IHLor ur I Uut n.Uuinl firtllu li'Hlon wllliuovit nu tiniiluMilc nsItiinop, mp. i-lvltuf ii It ilopnii want Imi;nMtirn nill.nutln n (li uiul ii liahli' Kulilr lo t-lhuntp, soil, piihIucIh, III! litis Of tlll'l, I'tC, I tl'. ((1:N'1. -S( ml I'orClic-ularsnmVoi' onrlerim. ami it full ilcvcrhitlon of thu uork. Aiiilli'Hs, NATIIXNAIi I'UMMhUIINU annyK-llj M .Minor & i., VhUaili-Unila, l'a, riDOWS ,APlMtAlh.i:Mj:NT.S. Tin4 fnllowhi-S npprnlr!nPltt'- of rr-il nnd piT-f-niial propel tV spt'iiptitt lo widow or Oc-rptli nt, liavo hct'U 11 It-il iti Ihculllcc ol thu lU-ulslitrol Co Iniuhla county. uinU r tho ltuUi uf Court, nml vltnp prpPnfnt for MimhiTP rnTinrniaitftii. in tlnMrIinnirouit tnlinholit lu JlloouiNhnrtr, In nml inhaiUcomiy,on Wi.hmv-uias.hih Kui i;tii JUv myn. Mm, it, 1jT, at trto o'cUnk r, m,, of oilil iiny, iimIp'-'i i 'trppilfin to tuptl ooilflnn:i tloiiH nro nrpvloimlv tlh-il, r.r whloli nil iwrwiiis tnti-n-nliNl 1 u Milil fstnliH uill luko ijmUw: I. Widow j1 iicuuiu Crtuiuer, iate of lilouui townUiIp, lUrcuia-'I. WMow of William 1'alinum, latp of Mount riotHiintlow uslilp, ih ppiiTd, H. WMow- of tonnr Ilrtrhnnl, hto of MnilNon tnwnlill, (hMvaspil. I. WMow i.f John tl tt rkh, into of Mnnlour lou n-thlp, lci ( , Miiis (i. riii;i;n, iuvMci. Iilounislair-;, Aumist 2, ISU7. AltMlOltS LOOK HKIU'M '1 hi liinlrs' it.'slroi lo huiiiti iit In Un fn rm - liu riiiiimunlly llml hi' ..1111 t-unlluius. lu mutiu raitllU' lliu LVIvl l.llnl;' H I'.lUilt ItiUlw u l.'lmlll iimtn: tnwiiit and Tiil'.iwiir.ii, nl 11'p ol.l stn nil III I Ulit Mri 1 1... i.'(liiiiibl.i ciitiu tj.l'a. IMvlim nl.nci'.l his lioii, in mm thi-liti-ri-iisln.' ilfi.mntl lu. IliPtn. In- 1hiIh nsnuri'il tlmt I in will li.'nliln tniin'mninmlnli' till wliu fuvur nun i nu ini'ir unir rs. llii lnir tilt Jin lid ii ti. im I ill n l.i v iif vi i 11 i.i .1 lll.ll' l i 111 .lilt ll.-M IJIIIIIll. mill MuriiiH'ii ivjiu liar li.'fii I'lipi'fi'il Jii 1 liMr miinuf tiitrt furvojit'', In' mmntnlfi's Ihri.i riiunl ir not .niiprji?rtniiny Win) hou toioio madu. Ilv 'H,o innmii.tctitro llOSTiriTIT.'S I'AITAT J1.(J Ilol.IU.St, 'i urcK ani oxvi;vi:it. Ih'piiirln;; tu iho vli'ntcst uoilnnn'd)ti n-auu ahh'ii-iu. l'i i lltiit th.uiloul lor past ihmhm'Jio sollelhi a i-ontlnuiuioo ot lhi pidionai:ohiii'iotoiit oxti'tuli'd to him, 1 ' WM. HtalCYUnt. i.Uiit Mlu-vl, l'U., AliiiiilH, 1-7, JXI-XVTOUS XOTICH isrTK'nrUAi,'rnNti:i t.r, orwinTTV., npr'u. Lot tor tostamonlniy on tin eMiloof Ilnrmon Kllno, tat of N'frtt township, Columhlit C'uul( ha Ih on ranti-d ly tholh-ulftti-rnf mtld cnuuly, to .lithii tJ, Klliu, who i ii'Mldon lu niooiutuui;. All pi'isons h.iv hu hilius nuulio-t the olati' am ronuotpd tn pr'v-nt thoni to th l-Ivocuior for s. lth'iiu'ut, mid Ihoso know lu thfuuthos lu di'htcd tonuiUo luiynu nt, - JOHN, AiUUtlf, 17. ilM'tuttd Out I.ilc uui. mui l'fiiiulo Tviavlivir lui' llt 11m tii(;li ul 1'i'iiltiiU.i, (.'uliiiiililu, for iv li-rni nf i-llit liit'iitliRiirltniiii i.i nmmcm luiiiiiitlii llrnl .MiniilnvliiHi'iiti'iiilii'r, Kxiiti.hiiitliii.til iipiilli'iintH Mill Ijltt'lll 111 llii; Hi liiiol-liqis.!nrtlKMKP iln( in. Atiuust -'.ilti, HIT, nl l'i o'clfH-U, A. M. liy or- tii-r ..riiit- ini'iM .ii:i:i;.miaii iio.nni:Ii. AliKtlst l, 1M.7. ht'L'. j)l.t)tl.MHItritn FAXUV TliiJl- MINll NI r.OOKSTOm:, ht'ctiiul ilimr Ix'low lltirtiiiu.rH.M.iln Sti-tict. .lust it'C-t hitl n now siuelc ol zu'iiviiR, whom::.- AMI CHITON YAttNn., wrw, Kiimtnii)i:iin:H, .MUHI.I.V i;i'UIMIS, DltliS T1.MM1N11S nml ovt'l j-vnrloty of nrtliiin imuully kept lii n l'ANCY STOnil AUo SClWUr. IllQliH, JIY51N 110HKM, 1I1UMI, Hl'NDAV-HUllDDl. HOOKH, ami ft lurii lut uf MIMITI.I.ANKOIIH noOKrt, AlXHt'ST AND MKMOIIANDU.M 1ID0ICH, j:i.ank ni'.inis, hhniw and moht(Ugii, uiul rt t'enciiil itml u-ult-sclt't-u-tl iisiviirlliit'iil uf rAt', i:Nvi:i.oi'iii, Ac. A. ll, WK1II1. JMIK ICKVKTONK ULOVJUl SKJOD H T Jt I 1' 1 jq H . l'AI'KNTi:i UtTOUKU C, 1SCC, 'J'hN tdinphs, though i iliutlvamui hlm Ik ail mi i'-li-il hy all hi'ltnlltloohtui i i-i k to he thoiuul ilUrtt dt'Vh'i for uut lift Inn elovi-r si'i'il vol rtlKOovi-rcd. A mrio clnni'o nt It Is MitUptrnt tn couvlnoo tin Juost ohtiuo mtti'l of It nractlcnl utility., . , . IL itUp4 Iho i lovt't licud from th'o hUUU JunJim thu straw stniullii!? upon thoptnnmt. It hcasllv ilmwn hy ono horito, a 1x4 Hdulics hutwio luait or hoy lo worU It It U cojupaci, hlmplo In trufttiro, ami net liu bin to out of oidt-i', mul caii hi; Oionply jjot up Thuurpnt nihant.iKo in thin inaclrno H, w Imvo Uie fiivd uutlu'toa lu tfiocluilV. fatlj' lor Ih' cluvor mill ror hulti'i', honldci Kaylng tha uroiii hdurlhof time and Ktlmrof imtwin, luiudllhi; ati'l thvhiny it fiom thMhtinw, Jt ulll iiN'o pny o ty lai-iiii r to iruthoi-IiIh kpM with IhU machlin1, on ai-couul of tho kuvIuu ol thu koi-U wLU U Ik Iom tn thu old way or uallu-ilnu It, Ktlmoritlmti v luduccnu nUudurvtl toem rnol'i inr-u whuulnhioptuchiibeHluluor tuunty Jtit'lit 1'or inrlluilan addiH vi:uniAK -t ui:ixiiQM, . ChNfUAI.IA. Janii t7. ('olumh)a Couuty,,!'.! Mj;Ai)Mi,ii:TjrKuaTc- M'UOOl,. 'iho Vail let in htiiuu hiph hur J, Tno l-'iu ulty pf limtnu'llon ronlstn ol toiu M Idcnt ami hiiir jiou-i-i'Hhh nt proli-j-.MJin, and luloi. Tin' uljoot t to oduuitu j ouiiji intm ft" liu- Chil-.ii.iu 311nMry.r 'Ihcjo 1& a ptfpiiralor i-hoiit foi Uiom whn Juyrtnot itcfhi d ncolIcKint' t'diu'iitlou, ouo humlrml nml hlxty ilollnrw i j tut itiifl Kiutih'd to lit iiHU'iarit-t. Wllh Ull Lulditlounl u in In MiieWal ciuei. 'Iho tnlllon, ut-oof J4hrun nun luxtdHHikM, ai- fu to all. Tho belaud wu Itauidod hy thv Unitariaii unil ChrUllun iU uoini luitlnnn, hullMopiMi toall who hi-llevn Jit thoJt luooriuiu ofChrltluulty. Th library i-ouiW-of oltiiuriv AppIiiMlIon may ho uiudn In JUiv. A. A, r inoi.', ITctil.ivnt nr thu ikutrd ul Jiutrurllon, .Moinlvtllf, 1'ti, ) iio J7ty G. w- Mnmifncltiitl-H of OII.CUirilH AMI WINI.OW HU AlllS. Wnrt'lioiiBi', No. 121 North Tlilld HIKol, ; ' Hitliultdplilu. K.NMA Ml iTGIi Kicki lii'nlf r In (AiirirriNiiH, winhow hiiaimx,, math, o, 3.1 Noi-ll Hot nilil HI ret t, riiiiaiiiiiJiiii, FnAVHIt A-RI'TrA'NIUil'), ' wiinr.Ks.M.i.'nitoriiitti's ani)commis'sI"s Jtl.ltl'lIA.NTrt, .Von, sa nml ?.7 Auli Htrr"t, riiiimuiiiiiii.