l!XT-m,i THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBUllG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. in- the ounfl Mollis. The Mlnrhi, I'fo.N the liwt liousn In it little vIIIiiko stood n sdnrkV net. The torkiiiotliir sit In with her four little ones which ftretrhcil out their hciuN with their pointed liliu'k lilIN, for these had not yet lieeomi; red. A little way oil', ipilto n'ltl and straight, stood the stork-father; lie Imil onu lei; drawn up in the nlr In order not to ho entirely Idle while he itood sentinel. One might helleve that lie Win inrveil out of Wiiml he, was so ntlll. "It realty look-" tllstinguMietl tlmt my wn should havuu sentinel by her nest," tliiiltt'lit In,. "Tlim i-minnr L'tinu' Unit. 1 am her huhand.Thoy Mirelv l.elleve il, ,t i .i.u.inn.i.i (.. wi,. twt I That look so nohle I" And ho contin ued to stand upon one leg. lielow on the street ipilte n crowd of children played togotlirr,ntul when they espied tho storki, one of the livlle-it of the hoys, and afterwards nil together, :tng the oltl vere admit the storks. Hut they sauit It only as they could re inrmher It : "Slork.slorh, Il home In Is-nt slutnl lmt there tisin one leu. IhiMt'lli'lsnllll Hill, 111 Hi.' nest ll"-a"lnil tin' llltl,' ones In rent." 1 In) i)iit shall Ui intuited, llollier sllllllhi' lllltlieil, lli.'llilidnhiillliiisli.il, '1 In- limtlhnn a spil In- lltilusl, "Onlv listen, now, what tho bows I ping," -aid tho little stork children ; "they sing that we shall bo hanged and ! burned." "Do not trouble yourselves about that," said the stork-mother. "Do not listen to them, and. tlien It will do ho harm." Hut the boys continued to sing, and they mocked at the storks with their lingers ; only the boy whtwj name was V' t r said it was a sin to make fun of tu ats, and would have nothing at ats, and would have nothing at . t, ,lo with It. Tim stork-mother , winter, w Hat a review was mat : in ei i.. iiorted her little ones: "Do not bo ' fro-ts and villages imi-t they go, only w r'id about that ; see how quietly , "!'" llnw well tliey could lly.for it cer- i' lather stands, and always upon I talnlywa., a great Journey that lay be one. 1c." i fore tlam. Tlie young storks did their "W e are Midlv frightened," said the I young ones, and drew their heads back deep within tho nest. s in n neAt day the. boy.s came togeth-i".- a ;aln to piay, and saw the storks, thi .v sang their .-ong : "Till' Oil.' Mlltlll lii' hutucl, AnotluT slmll l.) Idirmsl," "Shall we lie hanged and burned'.'" a i.ed the young storks. o, certainly not," said the mother. "Vm shall learn to lly. I will soon ti, it'll you. Then we will lly away over Hi ' nieedowniind pay the frogs a visit, 'they I'l bow down before us in tho water and sing, "croak, croak," and then wo will eat them up. Tlmt will atl'ord ih great pleasure." "Ami what then?" a-ked the young storks. "Then all the storks that are in this whole country gather together, nnd the great autumn review begins. Then it is neivessnry that one should fly well. That is of the greatest Importance. For whoever cannot flviircttv well then will ! be run through bythudeneral witli Ids bill ; therefore tako good heed to learn something when the exercises begin." "So wo shall be burned on a spit after all, as the boys said; and only hear, they aro singing it again !" "Listen to mo and not to them;" slid tho stork-mother. "After the great re view wo will fly to warmer lands, far from here, over forest and mountains. To Kgypt wo shall fly, where there are 1 three-cornered stonu houses, which,run-' ning out In a point, reach even above the clouds ; they aro called Pyramids, anil are older than any stork can think. There in a river that runs out of its bed and turns the whole land to mud. One can go Into tho mud anil eat frogs." "() !" said the young ones. " Yci, it Is splendid there, onu does ( nothing the wliolo'day but eat. "Audi while wu havu It so good there, in tills I country thcio Is not a green leaf upon thotieis. It is so cold here that tho clouds freeze in pieces, and fall down in ilale wl Ito rags." It was tho snow tlmt slie mciiiit,butsliecoiild not explain i .i ly better. "Do tho naughty boy.s also freeze in paces asked the young storks. , they don't freeze in pieces ; but , .j'o pretty near it, ami aro obliged t , .i in a dark room and mope where a can fly about In strange lands e there are Howe's and bright siin- 'v. some time luitl pa-scd and tliu , .ii; ones hail grown so large that i'. i iilil stand upright in thu nest . I ie far around them ; and thu stork i a r came every day with beautiful i and little snakes and all the stork i ui.icles that lie could find. Ami, oh! 1 . beautiful it looked when hu exhib i . I all his tricks before tlicm; hu laid Ms nend u,nlto back upon his tall, clat i i d with his bill as though it wero a ' le rattle, and then ho told them sto r, all umnccled with the swamp. -Listen! now you must leirn to lly," m the stork-mother one day. And .she mailo them all go out on the roof pole, o ! how they swayed back nnd frrth as they balanced themselves with tluir wings, nnd Mill were almost fall ing down. "Now look at me," said tho mother, ' you must hold your head to; placo j our feet so; one, two; one, two, That is what will help you along In thu world." Then shu Hew a little way.und the young ones made a little awkward spring. Hum I there they lay, for their bodies werotoo clumsy. "I will not fly," said one young one, and crept hack lutothuiiest ; "itisuotli ing to me to go townrin countries." "Will you freeze here, then when tho winter comes? riluiU tho boys como to bung you nnd singo you and roast you Now 1 will call them." "(tno!" salil tno young stork, and hopped again upon tho roof with tho others. On tho third day they could lly tolerably well a llttlo way, and then they thought tlmt they could alo float nnd rest upon the air. Hut plump! down they fell and wero obliged quick. ly to move their wings ugaln. Now tMiueniio boytt below upon tho street nnd sang their song: "slorU, lurlc, lly liotllr." ".Shall not wu lly down nnd peck out tlwli m'fsV" nsLrpd tfio v'ntlni- ones "No, let that he," Mild tho mother. Listen only to inuj that U fur more Important. One, two, three, now to Mm left, around tho chimney. See.tlmt wn very well. Tho last stroke was so pretty and correct that you shall havu permission to lly with mo Into tho Hwnmn to-morrow. Thither will como morogcatwlfctork families with their ynmitf ones ; liov tlicm Hint initio urn the pri'ttiivt, mill tlnit ynu trnt iilotiu properly; tlmt Ituiki will iiml t'om iimiiiU ' I'spcct," "lliltlnill w- Mil dike revenge- on tin-naujility Iio.vm'.'" niUi'il tin- youiiK "Let tlii'in cull out in iniiili re they plciiM1, You will tly up even to tho I'loinN iiml i-oiiio to tin1 liinil of Cyril- mill's when they iiro freezing ami lmve no Krccii Iruvi'.s tuul no sweet apple." 1 "Yi'x, lmt wo will luivo reseiice," they wldspeiHl to one anntlier, "and' then wowlll oercNe again." UI all tho boys upon the street, none i were more Jprovoklngly Intent upon sliiL'lii!' the soul' then he who bciran It, 1 11,1,1 1111 'jis ipiltc a little fellow, lie waseertalnly not more than six years I old. The young storks really believed any loaallty It appears In small iiianti that hu numbered a hundred, because j ty, but lis Its character Is unknown, It he was so much larger than their father Is permitted to perfect Its seed for ill and mother, mill what did tbev know I trlbutloli by the winds and presently It I how old children and huge men might ,ul tlrpatlon. We ailvl-e our farmer irieiins The whole weight of their vengeance , to attack It early, upon its llrst appear I should be visited upon this boy. He , mice upon their lands, and by due. vlgl- had llrst begun It and he always kept lance, and exertion prevent Its llrm -ft- at It. The young storks were very an-, tlemeiit upon them. Where this has I gry, Klid as they grew large they would 1 been neglected greater labor mid earo i bear It k-s patiently. The mother had t will bo nivessary to clear the farm of ! to promise, at length, that they Miould this nuisance, but 111 the course of a few i be revenged, but not till the last day of years it rn U done. I their stay. , "We must Hist see how you deport yourselves at the great review. If you do badly so that tho Cieueral runs you through tho breast with his bill, then tho boys will borlght, nt least in onore sped. Let us M'f now." "Yes, that thou shalt," wild the young ones, and so took great pains. They practiced every day, and Hew so pretti ly nnd lightly that it really was a pleas ure. Now came the autumn ; all the storks prepared to collect together and to lly '" warmer uoumuus umn, ..... well, tlmt tney reccive.i ino xes. tlniouial, and tho frogs and snakes they could eat ; and that they immediately did. "Now wo will avenge ourselves," said they. "Yes, cortaltrfy,".-ald the stork-mother. "What I lmvo thought of Is certain ly the most fair. 1 know where the pond Is, in which lie tho little human babies, until the stork comes and brings them to the parents. The pretty little creatures slei'j) and dream so sweetly .as they never nioiodrcam afterwards. All parents like to have such n pretty little child, and all children wish for a brother or sister. Now let us tly to the pond and bring one to each of the chil dren that have not sung the wicked song and made, fun of thu storks." "Hut hu who began It!" cried the young stork. "The wicked, ugly boy! What sluiil bo done with him ?" "There lies in tho pond a little dead child that has dreamed away its llfe,tliat one we will take for Mm. Then he will weep because wu have brought him a little dead brother. Hut to tho good hoy you surely have not forgotten him, thu onu who said it was a sin to tease thu poor bea-ts 1 To him we will bring not only a brother but a sister too. And since ho is called I'eter, so shall you al ways ho called I'eter." And so it hap pened as he said and all storks arecall eil I'eter and so they aru still called. farmer's! gcpNU'tmcnt. j l ull Tllh COI.VMIll.W. The Wil.l Cmral, I Vk can well remember when this i plant was unknown in Columbia C'oun-1 ty : Now it is becoming one of the most general anil troublesome among our i weeds. : Thu Wild Carrot is a biennial plant, 1 and It produces seed in enormous quan tities which, remaining persistent upon the stem, is widely scattered by Into au tumnal and winter winds. When the snow is crusted over in the depth of winter, the seed-heads are torn by the winds ns.d tho seed carried for miles over thu smooth surface of tho snow. It po-ae-scs great vitality and will germi nate probably for several years after it is producisi.whon hurled in thuearth by plowing or other means. Heing, when young, Inconspicuous, tho carrot does not attract attention, and the plants may become numerous before they are observed. Hut In its second year of I growth when flowering, stems aru pro dined, no one will overlook it either in his Ileitis or along Ids fences, and when It is (Uncovered, relentless and contin ued war should be m,idu upon It. Hut tills war must be intelligent as well as earnest or it will be unsuccessful. Hence it will be necessary that tho farmer and horticulturist who de-Ire to prevent tho introduction or extension of this scourge upon their pieuiiset, shall understand tho character and habits of the plant. .Mowing oil' the carrot in order to de stroy it, Isn complete mistake. Several flowering stems will succeed to each one cut otf, and will very rapidly produce flowers and mature seed, even a socund mowing will be followed by another ie niovid of flowering shoots, and many of these will be so short or dose to the ground tlmt they will ec.ipe tliu scythu If It should be again resorted to for their extirpation. Vhen seen at a distance, the carrot I resembles tho Yarrow plant, and may be confounded with It. Hut upon near i Inspection It is found to ho a much moru showy plant with a widely branching , flower stem, and much longer and more I deiicatu widtu heads of (lowers. The I ntfit mitut be jiulitl out or cul ojf' Moie I (hv vdlhir or neck of the plant in order to ' Its effectual destruction In nny eonvenl-1 out manner hort of deep plowing of thu surface. Fortunately the carrot can l) pulled up when in Mower with-! out much inconvenience, particularly when thu ground is moist and yielding. In pulling, however, If thu stem should break off without drawing out tho root, the latter should bo dug out or cut off witli a knife or hoe, Thu carrot commences flowering in July, and huccussIvo plants como Into llower until t ho fall frosts arrive. In cleaning out ground infested, It Is there fore neciissary to go over It several times during thu summer and fall, and repeat tho operation of pulling the plants, if thu flowers aro well advanced when tho pulling is performed tho plants should bo burned to prevent tliu ripening mid distribution of seed. ' Tho carrot will grow on roaiMdes, and along and In thu comers of fences ; litnc.0 ono reason of tho dlfllculty of de stroying It completely when It has ho- 1 como located upon wfjirm. Ittoiwcull arlly trouhlesoma In grass and clover lauds. Its acridity and odor render It oirenslve and Injurious In hay, and It Is highly Injurious to the growth and continuance of the clover or grass fields 1 In which It appears. Theso become white with It In llowerlng time If It be permitted to spread over them, present ing at a distance the nppearanceof lipids of buckwheat In bloom. Of tote years the carrot has spread widely over the country. It appears to follow tho lines of ml I rii.it h, anil miring tho war was no doubt eon veyeil to many j military posts anil camps In Vunkr m. i Wo suppiw; It obtain distribution ulo In clover seed nlthollgh It 1ms been at- j leged that tho process of cleaning clover seed, when properly ponormoil, re-, . . .... I, . I....... i i .. moves it. lien ursi lnirouiiueii nuo becomes abundant and dllUcult of ex-1 DRY GOODS, &e. AND Ol'KXINfi (llt.V.NII Ol'IINI.VO (lU.VNK Ol'DNl.NU (MIAMI! (M'llNI.NU (iltANII UI'KNIXll l'Al.t, I'AI.I, I'AI.I. A M 1 1 AND AMI WlXTIIIl l.(K)i--, wi.vrnt (toons WINTKIl (iniliw, WINTKIt lidOHS WINIT.II tiOOlW, KAM. AMI l'VI.I, AMI ruiHNIltu nl cmislslln nt 1-nllsNtlllK "1 .nnsMlnt: of f'llhlll.i; nl I1IIV llllV 11I1Y DIIV llllV t a kids (iooiiS (iODlls, HA'I.H AMI CArS HATS AM) CATS, HATS AND C.U-H, HATS AND I'AlV, 1 1 ATS AM) I'AI'.-, ltd ITS nuurs 1 10( ITS Honrs Honrs AND SIIOUS AND SII01N, AM) SHOIX, AND SIIOKS, AND SIKIIIS lillAllY-MAJli: CLOI'IILNC, ni:ADV-.M.Di: cMiniiNii 1!i:ady-madi: clothing, ih:ai)V-maiii: currniNa, ki:ai)V-madi: ci.onii.ii.'. I.OOKI.N'U-(iI,AsJ, I.OOKIN(!.(II,Assr, I.OOKIMi-fJr.Asl'.s, l.OOICINd-dl.Assl'.s, I,OOi;iN(l-lll,ASsH NIII'JO.Vs NOTIONS NIUKlNs NlTI(OK NOTIONS I'AI NTS AND PAINTS AND PAINTS AND PAINTS AND PA 1 NTS AND OI1.S, ( ) 1 1 -S OII,s, OILS, (!i:oi'i:itii:s, (iiioci:iiii:i., din )ci:iiii:s, (iltOCilltlUK, (iitori:! urs. iji)ki:nswai:i:, (Jt'KlINsWAHi:, iiui:i:nswaui:, hui:i:nswaui:. lll'I'.KNSW'AP.i:, HAItlWAIin. ItAHIlWAIIi:, HAItllWAlli:, HAHIIWAlii:, HAitmvAtii:, TINWAlii:, TtNW.Mli:, TINWAilll, TINWAI'.n, TINWAP.i:, KAliT, HALT, HA LI SA LT, "ALT, liSH, mil, nsn, Kirn, mil, OltAIN (lll.MN liltAIN (IIIAIN UllAIN and hi:kds and hiikds, ,M) sunns, and m:i:ds, and hi:kis 1 t ' -r i .itrKlXVY, NUAI, i fti.'.l, .Mc-Ki;i,Vy,!M-.I, & po.'H, .MiKIII.yv.MVM, A (J).'ft. MlKIXVYf'NKAI. A Cil.'M. .MiKi:r,vv;'4MiAr, ,t po.'h, Korthweat isirner of Main unl .aiket Wrnel, Nol lliwt'kt comer r.f .Main anil Market Htret-ts, Norlhweiit corner of Mnlnimd Muikct HtreotN, 'orthweKt corner of Main unit Market HtretU, iliiHttt triiiT of Jlulu uml Jlarktt blitiln, lc, An, DRUGS 8i MEDICINES. 1 N. .MOYKlt s 1 -i nt.i) iNrnt,isiir.ii mini htoiii:. Diunsi iir.Cdsi! Danism Ttf. tiit'-t coin h-to ntt-1 curt Tullv HclccloiNtnrle Id he r.mml Itt tin- rnuntv. cntitlllntf In l'H f 1)VU'!, rlictiilciiM, t'.ilnt, MU, ill"H, VlU1llitl"S I'nlK, Unfiles, Iiu'MiufK Mlnl 1'itlhN, lVrt'imii-i. Hitlr Dcs rnm j-niti"( llrni!n', Cmiitiv, Omiih lit-, Ktnllimi t, l'ntlvct llnokK, iM'.N ;nivi:h, imim:-. rjiiAKs, loitAan. Iivmis, rni'ivni, hu hks, iiciinmis Spnitcs CtmiiKils Skill, rullicH r.. SpmilaniH SvlllUf't, I'.U'Uit l'UIMH Tnit'H of npimiM'it tiulu, A l.twuiMHtiiU'iit nl' clinico I.lqunri for Mcilit I Hill pUtposO-, lOKOt'UM Willi till1 MlfloUH si;r.t known KToMAcu mrniiis Tlii'vcwltli iiiuliy titlit r nrtlclci Inn tuiincrmii tuvpt-i'lh r'timuft"'U which ilollcs competition iHitli s icyanN pi Ice niM IhcfpinlltynrtlicyoniN. riISH IAN4 rut -t( iiiitiuh cnni'nr.Mii M WITH '1 lit, 1-TMOsr V Witt AMI liMI'ATCir. 4 'tin nl ry tleiiloiH iirc hnltcil tn ItHpcct the HtM'l: herntt- pun ii.'i"lnn eKeu here, :ih lhe, will llinl It nu-ntly tn i heir luHuntne. I'reslt pimh ni-e c mutant ly helm; tcecHcil frmn the cltj, niul rfi be obttttiittt r.thr I',' lihnfvt.alrot'rttilit, Ueinemht rlhe place IlxcllANdi: Ilt.nr k nhne V.xvU. iliac UnlcJ, M.ilti '-till t, liJoomshilOt. AlUU"t H, IwiT, j it. ;.toYi:n, WIIoMAT.KAUIXVIIj I) U IT (J (J I S T, rni:Ni:r. or m vis ash m kukiit sr cults nt.fK.Mllinu.', I'A., where 111 1-0 tniniil a Jaw nml elcci ftoik or ILlU-( Mnnicixus Axn i'hkmicaks. Also all the iTKr XKiiiriNKH uy Tilt: n w, I urn iiho piepareil tf funiKh iVitml r K(rr w llh Cnvlm- oil, (iotlfi vy'n ronllal, TriU.INO.STON'H ItAT-MAM, ami all olnr Metlleltien Kept In lheli tino at Oity pt I rev, v ft. riVMTlptIou4 e u'eitihv coinpi.uiitletl al all hom-t. In nicillcliies ijuallly In of the llrst Impmtiinoo. iJlonnishur, .tunoT, 1A" KVKiTrrrTt nit. j. n. Cask's A;ir Di:.ra sroi::, E. in oumw:vim.i:, .1 IT H T () 1 K X K I) W I I It A sfl.l MHIi Ml V Mill I) A-.iKI7H.N T 1 1 h t.nni.s !mm iirAiviNO Tin: inn o iu-im s-., iti:i; mtros, nn:?iu'Aif ivrc., AI.WAH ON II VN1. In .hnrt am ntlMo that can ho mnneit hi the lirui: line can he hail nt their store. In; .1. II. Cao f-i h l'mctloiier, am! nkn innleistaiuls 1'Irir m.iev; i:. i:crcttis u Metliial Minimi, h.i vt teii'letl one term at Ihe.Ieilelsnn Mi'il'i .it College, aid ui.leiiamH th" ompntimlhu nf Oruj.". 'Ihev ic-pot Uully linlte th" palion.w ot their frieinU, mwl the pnl ille in i a lly, msurlm; them ' w v," ant wh.it cm r will he pun hacl ol them lit he Jivh ami pure. "ipii'C r FinsT PREMIUM FIRST PREMIUM or u Mivcr a: imi ui WAI AWAUDKU J DAflRETT'S HAIR RESTORATIVE Rvtho N. II. Mnte Acrlcultunl Soclrtr.tt l: I nlr holder) Hi tikuhun, cpt,vi, lt. It.VItltl'.TT'K Vegetable Hair Restorative luituci c;ray imirto ill rsuiral rnior. I'ro- ntun uiiiri'nifiiiiii oriiiiiu miioii. i rmn raicH Urinurnti umi iiinimri. iTHinn -9 ll.l-l.ll, t j n 4 11 iiitvlj.p f I ra aui . 1.. Itrontain 110 Injurious ingrfilirnli. Vv mid U lh"nit oMilaruinl tell- " lillv oniric Ihniiijlinitt tlie K "" !. NwiU tnj J. R. BARRETT & CO., Propnelon, MAM llt.srnit, N. 11. jrs-Hniil ly U N. MOYi:i:, Ilio. in slmm, l'n. iilnl Dmiiclsts u'cni'iMlly. mprVi,7-(Jiii t THE , GREAT ZMAHIBEfTB The component rarta tt tltia rcraarVaMa rrcparation were Crat ducoturi'il, compomnkj ami UlstributeJ, it mo twenty cars aso, by lr. Ciioiacs, the cole 1 rated Ej j tiun I'hjiician. Thousands of liij suCer 1 tg countrj mtn were rcitorcil to licallh,as wtll as great LiimUTi cf the Inhabitant! &r .Nubia and Abjumta, tnd ct thccountriei bordering upon tho Southern coast -ei ino cicaiterriuicftD sea. I Indeed, tho famo of thu ZI.NCiAIU UITTHIIS I boon crtad orcr Kurcpc, and wud utlcHed by thj urlnclpal riiiiiclani In 'kharso of tho hoipitats of 11110 01a oru, m wiatn it 1 lj Still used with Lietml. r.ent iucccij Tho Viceroy of Kgypt placed tho name T ra- C'nroP8ra upon tho'T.olur NobIci,"and pro rr.Ucd to him a Mudat I carina the fuIloK Intf luurip tion ' Da Cuioreca, the Public Iltm factor." This Jiitters is now oQered tu tho public cf America HilU the fall assurance that it nl!l bo fiuod, upon a fair trial, to act &3 a sptcluc for tho curu of Cholcrn. Dyscntrrj. IJinrrlian, Cho.era Morhui, I'cvcr rtjitt i;ue, illow lVirr, Ilhcumutlsm. Typhoid Kccr, Dyepipsln, Colic, HrumliitJj, Cctikiiiiitloii, I'lnlu lency, UlM-ahtB of tho 1C:iIuch( Ncruua UiljtUty mid lVmnlc CuinplQlnts ItecnrkaMo cures tf the abo dlseaies huubccn cfToctfbv Hi me, tununurnaicertiflcatcs, mnny frtnt KKuhr pHyfilcUm, fully attest, and it Is dtttined tn mpcrictlo any preparation cUant. At an Burctallj Touic, nnd an iNvicor.ATiNO nnvcr.AGE, IT IH SO I.QLML. Tnrs rnr ZX.VOA1U IIITTUS t has houj. A a WlILIi AB 1IODY. AtD Art A PREVK.STIVn OF IH3KASK, has o aumticm a rnw Tvonns to jamns.-The mo of the ZINOAni IlITThUS will nho tJ jou thatwft, aemi- irannpiiriiit coropiemoti wiaca ino uoa 01 nature (ao ininji worn ail to bo tho loveliest of Ms works) fully launded that you should have for It It nature's o a powder and paint combined Dy purifying the blood, Umulatinc tho pigmentary iclli ff tho dermis, and Imparting heattli and hfa throughout the cnUrn yitem, it p.-f lally nives that smooth cUarnen and wauty to fliornmplexlrm s mjfil to tw Uenlfd re movinfr alt rouKhncis. hlotitK, frfcklci, pfniplrs,nn I thatjtllow, dckly lnok so common in ourtLy, and what Is even Utter than this, itturcs tvery Fpiclcstf fcroala Irregularity nnd Uunnj Viiutl-tt lvput, llarri.hurK, r.i. RAHTER & HAUSE, Hon PEOPmirom. I i" i'nr iiln l,j 1,. N. MiiKII, WlmU-MlIn mill Ui'tnll UrutiitM, lll,,lisl,lll, P,i. Ili-. i.T-l III . .y.AI, I'. Jlt'ltl'JlY'S SONS, S T A T I O N I'. H S, KTIiAM I'D Willi I'ltlNTKHK ANII llliANK 1SOOK MAN U I''AC;T V 1 IK 1 IS .'in t'liesliiuthlieel, A ilHuulli I'liuitli fctreel, PlIIIiAIHII.PIIIA, PA, They inaUuu .peeluity of luillishlliif Xntlnrmt lliiulcs, Ciaility otUeelH, luMiiaiit-n t'niupnnle, llanklnt; Houses, t te., with j;vi:p.v a ltTjci.r. m- iii.ank udoiih AMI P1UNTIM1, hnvlin; maelillaiy hpi ilally ntlapted for nil wnlk llieyinay lequlre, 6 IfehS'W-Iy. TOIIN C. YKAOKU A- CO,, O '' ' ,' Whollk.ilp llea!i in In 1 'IIATH.M. HTUAW HOOD:-!, AND , r k- r-Muis' Pints, Noti7 Nurtli 'J'lilul Htreet, Philadelphia. Ijlto Waller A Kauh, y Importer ami )i uler in ciiiN' , fu.ASH, A.vn iiii'.i:snwAtti Mu. 'JH Koi th Third Hlrcet, botwMiu ltiico nut Vino Philadelphia. DRY GOODS. TTlMUtAlt KOlt CATAWISHA! TIMS WAV Poll UAtitlAINH. i OihhN tn cmnpnrn with RtrhiKcticy of the money i ninilu't. IHik iiml c-otnparn pilccn licrnre ur ' chiKltiKcltewhcre. JuhI call nt the fiinrltc hul- MrNINClI A HlllTMAN, ntuljmi xv 111 ho met hy tlieoblllnn pmprlelnr- ir Mich i tell;, nml hn it thrmih thclrKrcat varlely ftnre frccnf h true, of cmirie, Thev Witt uhf.vi'ii a filr cliiHicc tn upend otir Intwc cliniuc, they tiuit mucli mm e pmiHuhly tlmn It can he spent eliewherc, 'J'lii lr hiock op DltV (iooiw ()il spiln l linuh t.u ifcr In nil i nrlt lie tiMial, 'I heir i than tliu' nssfirtliH'Ilt of 1 1 ATS CAPS, Honrs AND SllDl'.S, Sl'.M.Ml'.ll CLDlltS, CASHlNL'lS, CASSIMI.IU'.S, AND VliHTINliS, nml niuiu'imis nilirli'H ctiiniiuiti tiiMiifh istnlilLsh mcliti, lipsIili'H n Ki'lirrnl iisnrl hu lit of HAiiDWAiti:, TtNWAiti:, iiriniNsw.uii:, AND (HtOCI'.P.IKS, nil nt Krcnlly lciluii',1 ,rii'os, Thiyulsli to ron ihirt tlirlr Imiliievs on Ilio KynlMii of "PAY AH YOU do," niul tliey t Itln It llicy rnn nlloril to sell cry i lien p. Tln'.v H'tiuit their tlintiki for ninny punt favois, 1111,1 iisk tho lutun' pntrotiiiKo of their foiiiirr ctis. tomi rs niul tho pulilli'Ronrrnlly. MrNINClI A MIU.MAN. iiaiimusTKH a imoTinnt, Ilnpoitcis utnl Johbcri of IIOSir.HY, (H.llVUs, HIIIItTH ANDDIlAWLliS, IlUTTONS.HU.sPKNtliniH llOOl Hiv'IP.TS, HANDIClIllCitlLl'S TIII'.IIADS, SI'.WINd SILKS, TIHMMINIH, PdllTi: MONNAliy SOAPS, PI'.III'I'MLIIY, I'ANi'Y (IOOIM, AND NOTIONS fll'.Nr.UA LLY, Also M.'iniif.iclurcis of lllltrslILS AND LOOICINll (ILASSi:s, niul Di'nlers lii WUODANII WILLOW WAlti:, llltl 10.MS, IIOI'I'.S TWIN I'M, .t .. No. KM North Tlllril Sim t,ulioo Vino, Plill.lili'lplilil, jjjj M. MAltl'IiK, Nol'IONS, IIOSIKI'.Y, (ILOVIN. AND l-'ANCY (loOIis. No. ,11 NorlhTlillil Silent, l'hllnili'lplib. E. I. l.ICSTKU, WhoIfMili' 1111,1 It. tail Di'liltT 111 ; l'olll'.KiN AND DOMIVriC CAIU'IVI'S, j OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SllAIIIAc, j No. 21 N01II1 Si'coinl stifi I, opp. ClirUt Clulili, j PlillmU'lpliU. I jAli('li()l'T A CO., iltllpoi-ti-ls mill .IoMipii of rsTAPI.r. AND PANCY DIIV (IOOIIS, CDTIIS CASSI.Ii:itI-, HLANKLTS, LINIINf I DitY (i(K)DS, IIOMKltY, Ac, ! Plillmli'lplil.l. j XDUKWS, wlliKlXS .V CO. 1 Dealois In 1 KOHLKiN AND UO.Mr.STIC DIIV CiOIW, ' No.U.M.iil;ctMri't, I Plill.itli'lplil.i. j joskim! s."i)iTiii,, Miuiuf.u-turi'rof unit Vhol,.suKi Di-nT In I , CI.OTIIINd, CLOTHS, CASSIMUPJisAND I VISTINdS, No. liNolthTlilrilStrwl, Pllll.lll0lllll.l. GROCERIES, &c, 1: ji o v a i, o i'1 l . r. MAUI! - X K AY STll U 11 T ti .v r ; ; . o c . iin mi; t iiiini 1: up M.wtKi:r am, iiior i ruiiK rs. Tin' uinlt'ihlitiii'il liavlii' ifi'i.i',l fn 1 tliodty a lull niul I'limpli ti supply nf i ' SPIll.NIl AMI M'MMER I DitY COODS AM) (iltOCllUKS, ' N II T I II X N, - TIX-VAltH A.VI) llAHDrt'AUK, ciaiMi .i.v; wir.i.nw-if.'ii:, i'o.ri'.i"rio.si:nv, ;i.ass- ahi:, T O I! A (' (' O, A V S A A' ) ,V ll't 1: ,V, n.Ol'It, SALT, Plhll, AS1J 51UT, nil of uiilrli I jtriipiH,' selling ut n vi low liyiirn Inr fash nr pi miner-, u i'ii' ''all llllrl SCO. April I'.', M17. CO. MAP.ll. J K1XA11D HTOlIXIOr., Viiul,l r,'vpiitrull iiiiniiiiiii-i' In l)ti li'inl nml patioiH, that l,n lias iipi-nrtl h rlisti ,ts , FuiTivt'oxi'K(;noxi:i y stork wlii'ii- llu-ii' tuny l.n Itiiiinl ut all 111 in, a tllu'eul lirllimnl , I'ltl'IT, ('OM'i:iTU).Ni:itV, K T.-l, At'., as w,'ll as 1 I I'-I.NT. uitocimtr.rs, ' v I1I1 li iiinv li' iililnllii'il at ti'iisnual n rali'h. Tin slink ImiiIu-hvh fn'Mi ninliif (lii'Mr lu-wt quality, , N,i pains will Ik, t.p.lH',1 t 111Q IlilN .-stall-lishin, ut llm tliii'Kl nf Us iiiini Uijf n. A fall is ' snlli-lti'il In-full' puuliin-i-s ari' 10 , I'lsruln-ri', us II is l,i-l ln i"l t lint pi-nVi'i Mitlti -Hon will Iin uim-ii. tlll.PMlHi IIIH'HM, M.ilu st nppslti, ilcr'n stnri', itiis'i'uT.i U 'iinsliuitf, Pu. 3KU A .7 OKNMlt VI- COMMISSION r HANTS licateis tn iTsir, h.Mr, ciikii:, vu monk, ac, 1 No, l.aud lii Noith Wlmrvc4,U'tu Arch HI. I'hlla.h'lplilH.' , holu agents or WUcox'm Wlafi Oruisc, la Inn n'N, licgs, and cans. v rAINW'ItKillT A C'O, N, i:. Collier rn'ismd anil Irih Htmts, I IIUDl'l.l'IIM, Iienleis in r.-:.H, kviiui's, ii)n'i:i:, kpc. vu, mulahsi, IlK'B, Kl'll'i:, ll CAllII 01,A, .11'., AC. til.llrileri. will rcrelvu proiuji miciitinn. rJaylO, ISOT-ly. ISTAHI.IHIIKD 17IIII. jnp.HAN a liiioimut, wiiomxw.i: uitncuitN, and PealerM la HAI.TPiaili: AND UliIMhTONl!, No 9H Noi th Thlril Stieel, PhlladelHihi l'ny!OlAN, IT. with i.iPi'i.N'Cfirr a Tin rn ku, WIlOUMAl.r.UP.OCKIlH, No. SI .S'orlh Waler strut, and No. 91 Xoi ti, lailawai e Avf nue, Phllailelpl. u rKAVIUl .t Sl'ItANKDK, WII()I,i;SAM'.llUIK'i:HIlX.NllCOMMIKHI(lN MlillCltAVrri, Nos. 'Jil and Anh wtret-t, Phtlndtli' a J OHN HTllOCI' A CO., HlH-eesMorH to htro , A lliother, wiioux.M.u dkai -:m in nan, No,SINortli Wharvej, anil ,NorlU Water HU, rmifcieipuu. TOBACCO & SEGARS. rpiIK OXliY I'IjAOK i'iim t Ilio Wt T0I1ACC0 AND Clll AIW, AT WHOLISSALi; ANI1 UIlTAtl, Ik nt llUNUSIIi:U(li:iPH, n Ti'w doors lirlow Ilio Amcrlrnn Itousp, llloomsburit, Pa. Iln 1ms tin' lnrufst nml most sclcrt of SMOKINCI AND CIlr.W'INfl TOP.ACCO CM'riliriTl'lt til tllU tltUl'HS Of illOQIimbtlM. All 1 11' Intiry brnnits of SlKIAlls, lint tbo bi'it riiii'i'tit niR PlUK ClIi:W)N(l TOIIACCO, r.lll l,o hint nt Ills roimtcrH. TOIIACCO P1PI5S ,11 itn,,it Mil Inly urn nmnng hin lnrsiKls It, DON'T l llltflirr TO CALL. It. It, HUNHIlLIUiLlt. J.TA(1K.V, H0Y1) A CO., COMMISSION .MLltCIIANTH, anil Wliolcfmln Dt-nlcrs In LI'.AP AND MANUI'AtTUIIini TOIIACCO, HIIOAllS, Ac, No. CI NoilhTlllnl Hlri'i'l, Phlliulclphl.l, t'ohslnnors ciiii lorwnril tlnSr kIim U " In Ilonil," without pn mj ln; llm Unlti'il Mnti s lux. JJ AY. HANK'S WII0I,I5SALi:TOl!ACC(),SNUrr AND CKIAIt WAitiMlotrsi:, No. Hu NorlliThlril strti-t, htlut'in Ctnrry utnl lhuo, wt st hIuV, Plllnililililn. c. l. Avooniturr, Wholo-i.lle Dealt r III TOIIACCO, CHJAIW, l'M'KM, KU, Av.f Sit. 13 North Thlnl Miect, ahoe Market, I'hll.ulclphli, jiusumutii, imoTiinu t coM WttUMXVLi: TOIIACCO DHAMIltW, No. Ill Nortli Thlnl mrikt, Hoihxnt l)clov Knee, K.ictoikH, N'us. 2JI and lii'i (Juarry Sticet, I'hll.i.lelptil.i. HARDWARE & CUTLERY. QIIAItliKS V. SXVDKIt, hr.AI.KH l.W - II A II 1) W A U K, nto.-., nails, sri:i:r.( ac, ac ac. m vix sti:j:i:t, iti.ooMncitn, pk.vn'a. Take thU mtthntl or liifnrtnliis tin cltbcnorCo luiuliU entity, that ho h.w opi-ncit .m etetislo llaiihT.iic htoic on Main htu-ct, lit ItluouhuiK. near Iron Mn ct.aial that ho has on h.iinl 11 iiAi:oi:i; sticic anh iurrn: amhitj:!) than can he found any Wicro t-Kc In tlie county, ami v.-lih h tin In tenuis In at pi let hhli ilcfy cntiipctition, CHAINS, AXKS, KTKKL, IltOX. I hac 'hahiH, nil .1i-m. ncw, alt make ainl wclcht, htct I, all stcs, hon, alt shaptw, uiul all cry Idw. IIL'lhDI'.ll'S II A It l W A U i, oT every nW'iIptlons. NulN, nU pnllK, wivli cnnN, latchci, loclCHaint l;nnhH,tiutt HcnYH.Hash TiMs w InthtAY xprlnK1, Immi IcnohM, utrap IiIiikck, hapH nml staplco, hooks and staple, and In fuel 4.crythiii'4 needed in that line COACH A WAIJON MAKKUS' iiauou'.m:i:. Oinhrncintf almost cerythln In that line .Mm IIAHNINs MAICiKS- lIAUDWAIti:, llurkhM, .hipanncil; Imrkhe, sltcr plated; hftt or every kind , II.diia, Iron ; pud tries 1 IU.MIV, Hood ; naddle tree-, tlccn, i;li th Vvh, sn-stctl and cotton : thread, Mlk, nnls and nudles, tools 01 all kind, Mii)j:MAKi:ns HAnnwAiti:, A fall iiwtrtnicnt f-rcnri)enlers. I haeplan all kinds, haus; hand, p.innel, rip, andcoiupa.s, Nipiaics steel, Jinn, mid tiy:horln machines, chlnles, miKt'is, hewls, inalh-is, hraecs, kiuikck, plows, mil h, hits, mid ahout cerythln lur car pent CIS. 1 ou Tin: i'i:oi'u; n:.vt:u.u(v l hmcco.il hods coal 1OM'N, KCIHIp!, t nil slltcrK, lniil crns,tuhh)f utlcry,iK ket cutlery, plated spoons, plated inr!;s,scrvers,ieanndcor lct pots,hulterkul cs.mttl ium, ciossieut sawH.clreul.ir hau?t,t;anysaYs, (lies, horse shocs.w icnehf k, rl ets.ham iniri, h'.itcheis, ni. itloiks, picks, folks, trml. dntz hoeK,nhovt U,siadop:idini; lt)rks, hoes, r.ilten, hed plnrt, twine, skates, plmvc, coilln trim In hiUS Kineiy, ltd chalk, m hlte Phalk, wire, hcuse nalJx, meat cultus, scaleii, wash hoari, hnise hu( kct", wood 1 U pulls, clotliCi pins, Kltu, door inntt, pnnh niatu, pnr hr taats, coin poppeiH, paint hiushcs, hoist hrushes, slclyh hells, heel calks, eiiaiiicl cd ketlles, hiasK kcttlps, cupper kittle, slew ketih ,-am c p.tUs,Uin hi ue,n ills, P hh dt;is, t urtuln ;ltures, Thiiuhleskelus and hncs, rumps, IcatJ pi pt Tuned rope and hundreds of aith len not , tie., inenited constantly on hand at CIIAUI.KS W.SNVli:ii'S, Mailt Kilt et, IllnolilsUilZ, IRON, TINWARE, &C. JATIOXAli KOUXDUV. Illonmshurg, Columhhi County, l'a. Thu Huhsriiber, propilelor of the aboeO H'llf d extensive establlshini ut, Is now pnpuriHl to re cclve ordeis for nil kinds or MAciiiNi:uv i-'oiicoM.iintius, w,akt rcitNA('i:H,MrATioN,Mtv i:nciinix, MII.Ut.TIIKUSIIINO MACIIINI, Ac lie is also prcpaied to make Stoves of all blcs and p.itti iiu, I'low-lrons, and ever thing usually made tu llrsl-cUv- roundrles, UlsexteiHhoi.icllltleH and pravtleal workmen iy riant him In receiving the large ft contnicts on tli most reasonable terms, (ii alii of all kind will be taken tn exchange Tor Castings. This i stahllshincut Is located Hear tho LacW wautta ami UlnoiuburK Ifnillrouit le pot. i'i:n;u jum.mykii. rovi:s and tinwaiu:. A. X. ItUPPKT lumnuniert to his ftieiids aid ettstninerH Unit mtllllH-M the aboo huslliesrt ut III sold pliien on MAIN MTl!l:i:r, IIUiUMhllUUU. CuslomerN e.ui Ihi ui , inundated with l-'A.M V HTOVIW of all hinds, stovepipe, Tinware, and eleiy va- llely of artkln found in ahtovoand TiuvMilu 1 tnlillshmcut In llniellles.and on the most reason alile tt-rius, llepalrluRili.ntiat thenhort(t notice. 'J", lld.IIN MII.K-PANH ml liauil for Kale, j"i:V STOVK AND TIN SHOP. ll.N MUX hTIU.Kr, MIAIII.Y IH'l'Osl ri! MILI.Kn' hioki:, llt.tiOMhllUlttl, PIINN'A. Tin: uiiiUisliiiied has Just lilted upniiil opuimt his new STOVI-: AND TIN HllOC, in tills place, Mlieru lm Is tirepaleil to maUn up liewTl.s Wakk of all kinds ill his line, and do repalrlui; M llh nenllieKs and dispatch, iipnu tin most ri-iuiouubtu ternu. Ho also keeps on hand HTOVIiH 1)1' VAU10US PATTIIHNH AM'YMX, which he will hell upon terms tomtit purchasers. Ulw him ueall, Ilnls u icimhI lueehanle, and dcfcervliii; oi thu piihltu nulrnnntie, JAl'OIl MPTZ. llliHimkhuii,', April lW,lt7, QKOItdK II. HOiri'IIlTrt, Imisirtir and Pcaler in HAItllWAlti:, CUTMUIY, (IlINH, Ac, Nn.'JIl Noith Thlnl Htuct, iihovo Vlue, Plilhidelphla. II. I.ONd.STHKTII, PAPKH-IIANOINO WAW:lIOUHi; No, 12 North Thlril Htfoet, Pbiladeiphlii. SEWING MACHINES. ri no v i:u a IIAKCH'S S V.W 1 MI Jl A C It 1 N KS, WereruvitidMl the lllln l iVcinlmnsat the Htato I'alrs of Ncv oik, Teimcssci', IVnn"yhrtnl'i, Mississippi, Michigan, California, K ntneky, Now ,Ierse Alalmtua, Vcriiiout, Missouri, Ohio, VlrKlnla, Wlscunsln, OrcRoii, Indl.tna, North Carolina, Iowa, at tin: .tr.H nv Tin: Atncrlcim Institute, CrankJIn Institute, Mary l.md Institute, Mas. Mechanics' Assoclii' tloti, Venn. Mcchanlos' Iiistitute,St, Imls AKileulturnl and Me ch.mtrs' Association, Anil nt miiiirimii I nit It uti-B nml I'mmty Fiitin, ln ImlliiR nil Ihc Pairs at ttlili'h limy ui'lp cxlilli- Itt-il llm past tliruo j nars. I-'lrst Prl7i'H linvn also lii'i'ii iiwanli'ittliisi' Mnrlilni'satllioi'iilillillliiiisiif LONDON, PA1US, DUI1L1N, I.INZ llosaiipiui, Ilaynnm'.w. Dlrler, t'lialnns, anil they liiiM- In'i'ii furnlslii'il, by special I'liiiiniimil, to the I'm picks nf Piuine, 1 Impress nf Austria, Km press of Ktlssla, impress cfllrazll, liueell (ifHpalll, mill lluecn of ll.ivnrla. Tiir; (iitovi:u a hki.u KI.AkTU'-sril'H S K V I X (i M A U I X K H aiesupeilor toull others tor tho follow I n lea' mmib: I. They sew with two threads dhccl tioiu the Kpooln, and renuliliiK m rewind hij?. '2. They are more iiislty undeisiiMl ,tnd used and less ll'ihte to deratiKCincnt than other ma .1. They are capuhleof i.t cut Ink pt'i feet ly. with- out chaiine of adjustment, amucti renter arlely of work than other inuehliies, A, The t Itch made hy these machines Is much mote lltm, clastic, and ilunihle, epc latly upon uiticles which rtquhe to he unshed and Ironed, than any other stitch. Ct, This stitch, ouini; to the manner In which the under thread Is Inwrought, Is much the most plump nnd heautlfut In use, and ictains this plumpness and beauty ecn upon aitlrles fre (piently w.vshcd and Ironed until they are worn out. (!. The Kt nu tare or the s? am Ik such that, ihoiiiih It lm tut or broken at Intenals or trnly a few NtltcheK, it will neither open, run, vir rael, hut rem:i!n lltm and durable. 1. I uhko other miichines, theso fasten both ends ol tho seam by their ou 11 op ration. s. With these nun him s, uhlle silk Is used upon the rim or r.iee side nr thesemn, cotton may he used Uu theotln r tiU wllluait lessening the Htrenjith or durahlllt of the seam, 'I his can he done on no other machine, nnd Is a e,reat Having upon alt in Holes htltcta (1 or made up w II h silk, 'I la Hit machine-,, jn uddlHoU to their silpi-rlnr merits as Instruments fur seu ln, hy a ch ine or adjustment, easily learned and practiced, exevute the most lieautlful ami permanent cmbioldcry and oinuiuotit.il work. Iiiaddltloii to Oicir tainll machines thej hnv also the STIT(!H ?IA('IIIXKS, I makhu a stltrh alike on both sides, Thin Cimi puny make both the 1,01 k and loutd stltth Ma chlm h, so that peisons having 11 preference can w led such as they like best, and lr not suited exchange Tor thenthit, thus giving Uie public t If advantaxe of this nrningen nt. Tlu als make the nvwly Invented XO. 1 UK'K STITCH MACHIXRS an ndvaiico tipou all machines heietnfoic known loreuhiK with tlm Loek-Stltch. It is or gieat povrcr and strength, especially adapted fnr tailors, hf makers, harness-makcts.caii lage-lrlmniei And for all descriptions or work hi which the lok-titch is applicable. It winks with equal faculty silk, cotton, or llm n tluead, ami will se the nnt'st muslin as well as the thickest leathe i'j-lee S-flj; with llcmmcrs, SCi. Their No. 91s -I fJUJlT JtCXXIXV MACJIIXL "ontalnlng many ImpiowmenlK, adapted for tal lorlnc, vest. makliu,, Ilghtshoem.iklng, as well as lorr.miiiy seulng. uuge. iiumhoi.s or thesu iuu clilius tire In use, ami they gle universal satis- taction. None who have seen this machine will willingly dm the imlsy and cumbrous lock-stlte iiKichiues hcrctotoio in gcm-uil use, I'rlce with IleinmeiH, fid1. These machlncn nf every descilpthm can be hud ut the agent's oltlce InJIllooinsburg, at positlv the manul.icturer's prices, to which the attention r the public Is especially invited. T. II. MAhTi:ilM,,t0(,if, ll'iitm'in'a Jlnililmi, Hi.oomAhuiu', MaitD'oT-Iy.J Columbia County, Va, II'MI'IUKSUUTTU 8KVIX(J-MA JJ i 1II.MX nie sit iH'i ior to a olbiTM for I'AMII.Y AND MAN uFAtrnritiNtj l'uitro.si- tVintnlu all thi'lateht Improvements; aloNpcedy Illin-llnteill'lreul'srsf Alients wimled. I.lli- srrui iivi-,iiiui niiou il. .Ml eitnslitlllnenls lllililc Addriss IIMPIIIi: M. M. It).. aucl ly Mil HiiLiilwny, New York POYVDKU KlXi.S AND I.OIIIKH W. M, .MUNHUI'.ACO., Huperl, Pa., Mjimfm turers of POWDIIll KM, Ulld den'eril In all kinds of i.u.Miii:it, k'Hb nollte thai they are prepaied to aeeumoilale tlu-lr custniii with dispatch, and ou 11. e cheapest teriiu. jJILDKH A HOST, SuceesMiis tn Krnukliu P. Ht-ltri r A Co., ImiHirtclHiind Whohsalo Dealers 111 l.KH'OIW. WINIX, Ac, Nun. 110 and 112 Noilh Third Siiiet, Philadelphia. E. A. IIKNDHY, Hiuiessor to Heiidiy A Harris, Manufacturer and WholesIu Dealer In llOOTrlANDHlIOKH, No, M Nortli Third Street, Philadelphia, J. 1'. 1IKAIID, w llh I.IPPINC'UIT, 110NII A CO., Muunfaclurers and Wholesnio Dealers In HATH, t'APH, I'UIW, AND HTUAW IIOODH, No. II3MarlutHtreit, PhlhuUlphla. gNYDKK, IIA1UUS A ItASSIHT, iuiiuiiicturiTM una uuuihth or mi;n'H and nova cwmiiNu, Nov, 125 Market, nml &22 Connturtw Htritt, ttilladolpUU SEWING MACHINES. MIK KLOUKNOE HnviNfi.MAC'iitNr.s Aim Tin; 11 put is tub woiti.D. Rah Hiuoins, KVl Clirntliut Htrcct, Plillailclplila, Pn. Wlillo it iar unrulier of Machine liavo litspn oflcrcit to the pulitle.noulonf which 1ohscm pnlnU 1 excellence Anil neknonleilitcil merit, wn have. hint? felt ufint tithcrn lmo experienced, tho ne. nsllyof a .Mnrlilno limrn perfect lulls tnecliunl. eat ulructure, t-.niiblnlii(r In tint HKiiiiMT ni:tiui:i: HI.MPI.ICITY WITH llUltAIIILITV, ainl whllu eapaliln nf lining u (ittt:,vTi:u KANtin up wouk-, one Hint eouM he easily uihIitsUmhI aint eumpre. iieiuieu ny nil, Tn mipplr 11 SeMlnir.Mai liliio free frnmthooh. lections iillacheil tn others has been noeany tnskl for vw not wnly hail to mirpass other MacVjuvs, n they nppeareil yearn agn, hut also as Improved from time to time hy inoro recent experience. Thin we boldly claim has been accomplished by Ilio liberal expenditure or capital, and the pa. tlcnt, untlrlmt labor of years; unit In prcselitltiK our Mnc'sltin in tbe public, wo shall iiiulte ttrnni; assertions iepeclliiK its merits, which wo urn prcpareu to Kunslalitlnte In every particular. iiisennuiiK timchaliiand Iiop.orKnltHtltches. we adopted tho UH'K" HT1TCH (alll ; on both rdd en or tho rubric), which U re- IClI llT thu tlUlMlH 111 llimf Ultlf.t.t Ic nil 1,1...! Kariu work, HuMo Inect objections nometlmcH urged tnralnst tblii ravioli uili,.i, unva ...i.i...t .t ' .inn, iniuiiio j,is'k, ami 110111,11, Knot, either of wliii'li Ih HTimxfmu anii Muui: iii.ahtio than the Lock; thus diahllng the operator to -leet a Mitch rnUKKCTM' MUITKI) too cry trade or r.'iln-iiv im.i uimi.. vcaniH much stronger tlmn It Is pollute t do by hand. tiii: I'LoitnNci; rocu inrri:iii:xr stitch 1th as innrli eae as onlltmiy .Miichhuti i.mi.-. one, and with as little ir.iu hhiery. The result or rep..abd tests hiw been all we could delre, and Hohi II nrht IntriHluctlon tile Finn lieu haw liillied Ii.ivtj .,( frl.....iu i i ri g.irded ii 1I0UHKII0M) NKCUSMITVi pin Ita: that the oubllnriinv..t1.Pn..i adMintnges combined in the Kloreuro Machine. vmit auoincrs.inu Kloreiu-e must U heeii to be rully nppteelated. We tlnlm tor the rnoitiiNci; the following ADVANTAOI'-S over any nnd all KCWINd-MACIllNns IN Till; WOULD: ca It m.iknc r,nr.iiirr,..,i tin.), .... i. -t. knot, doublclocli, and double-knot, oi'. ono ami the muiu' machine. Icht-tltrh being alike on both sides or the fabric. Oh- Kcrv Machhie bni tbi i-vai--ii,1 t. ,,.1.,.,.,. tl(n, which enables the operator, by tdmply turn me u uiuino-s.(Tev, to have thu work run either totherlnht or Ifft, to nlay any part or the ufam, or laslcn the endsor Mcanis, wllhimt tunilnx the raWlc. Ai-ClittiiRlnic the lenslh of wtitch. and from one kind or stitch to aimther.'can icadlly be dnue while the Machine Is tn motion. fld-Thu needln Is easily adjusted, nnd does not skip Htltrhe.s. JTa It Is almost noiseless, and ran he used when-quiet Is necessary. tlv Its motions am till podtle; thrmire no sprhias to net iut or order, and Its simplicity en- iihicH any one to opciate II. CJ- It doe not reijulre liner tin end on the under than for the upper side, and will sewacioss the heaviest scam, or from one to morn tlikkie-sses ot cloth, without elmiliio or needle, t uslon, bi dik ing tlm ml, or hklpplnj; stlt.hes. 4rTho Hi'iiiiuer Is easily adjusted, and will turn au width of hem desired. Hi)' No other Machine will do sn or aluiunue or work as the CI on lue. tfa-It will hem, fell, hlml, Blither, braid, (iiitlt. ami wither and vew on a luttle nt the same time. It hns nohprluKvtniiet out ot order, and will la.sl aliretlme. ti- It Is lully protected and llceusel hy Witts Howe, Jr., and our own Letters Patent. The takliu; up or the hlack-threud Is not pel - termed by the lncjjular contiactlou or a wire colt or uncertain operatlou tf hprlnH, The picclslun and accuracy wlth'whlch tlm I'lorence draws the thread Into the tloth Is unapproaehed oy any how lnMa -hluc hllhcito olh-rcit In the world. I We turtiMi each Machine, w 1th " Jlai nuin's Si It- Hewer," w hlclmuldes the work Itself, nnd Is or In calculable value, expisdally to Inexperience oper idols. While posvsMn-; the alios e, and many other advantages, the Klorence iswld at corresMimllm prices rllh otlifr tlrst-clnss Much lues, and u care ful examination will lully substantiate all that we huvu claimed for It, and Justify tho itsserllon we now make, that It Is tlm but Sewiiiy.Machlne fn the woild, We waraaut every Machine to be alt that we claim for 11, and to nle entire Mitlsr.iclton, and will nlvu a written wnirjuty, IT rupilrcd. Liberal arrangements mudo with those who buy to Kell aalu, I'm t her information may be hud by Inclosing i.iamps to the thucral Oitlccof the I'loi cute SewinK-Machlue Comany,il'JO Chestnut Sheet, I'hlladclplilu, l't uiixyh aula. THICKS OP MAtJHINIX No, 1, rialn. This Machine makes Urn l(H-k and knot stltchcs.and bus thu reversible reed. .8W No. -, flounce. (iold-oruainented Machine, with drawer, uml Uxht cover, without lock; makes nil the four htitches, uml has the re erslblo feed, No. Silver-plated Machine, ornamented; I able olbilnlshed walnut, w 1th heavy half- cuse, lot k nnd drawer ; makes all the four fctltches, and has the U'verslble feed Ho. ). silcr-plit,ll Machine, hlnhly oriia- meiited, nnd iiuvkts all the four stitches, and has the reversible feed. polished mahogany table 1'olUhed HoHcwfHvi Table No. .1. Walnut table, in oil MahoRany table, lu lt Rosewood table, In nil , No, it.-Walnut, oil finished Jdaliemuiy table Unsewood table 97 ti. (I, HVAN.S, Dcmral AKfnt, tliTOtnicstnutKtreet, Philadelphia. rp If K LOST CAUSK, Tiik oni.v HrAMUtit) OprtrtAi, HOUTJIKHN IUSTOHY OP THK WAH. lly IMward A. I'ollnrd.of Virlnla. HAMI'LL KCHWr.PPKNHIHKH OK MII'KLIN Tow nKtili, has procured the Atiency of tVdumbhi County, for tho Mile of the above work. It com prises a full account of the rlso mid prourcbs of the lata Southern Confcdciary, the campaigns, buttles, Incidents and adventures of the most id Hunt le vtiuiiu'h' or the World'u history, Complcd, In one liiw volume of nearly 8W pages, with TWLNTV-l'OUn HPLLNDII) HTHLL roitTKAlTH or dlstlueiilshed Confederate leaders. The hlsto ry of the vanquished has too often fallen to the is n ttf the vh tor, and to Insure Jiutlce to the Hi-uithei ii inline, the pen inuHt bo taken by Mime Soul hem mini w hn Is wllllnjctn devote his time uml talents to the vindication of his country men. In a history which shall challeng the criticism of thu JiitelUuent, and ln lie the attention ol ull honest Impilicrs, Such a work will be of jiecullar Interest to the candid nnd ltttellh;ent public of the North, and li of the utmost Imjtortance to the eople of the Houthern Htatcs. Mr. Pollaul. ut all writers In tlie South, Is douhtie the best qualltled to prepare a complete and standard his lory of the War, and tu commit to the pieneiit and future uciiciiitiou a falthtul mid worthy re coid of thelryrent htrunule uml of n i-uust lost, have In honor, bin 1m; beey einphtjcd durlnn the en tiro irerlod of tho War, an editor of u ltlehmoud limapttper, feUVti7, joiin un.iiKar. iiiko. a, iioyau QILI1KHT A JIOYAL, KHTAIU.ISlIKJi 18-V). NVHOLIWALM ItUUGOIHTH, Non.twjitiid 311 North Third Htm-t, Phlludolphiii, Imporli-is and Healers In PIlUdH, MLDICINlHPICKH, PAINTH, on, UIAH, UYKKTUn-H, Ac, May 10, lW7-ly. irj W 9I 105 111 VJTt