I THE COLUMBIAN,' BLOOMSlttJJtG, COIATMBIA COUNTY. PA. te ololumlrtiw. ILOOJIlll ltd, 1.-IIIHAY, Aid. -A3, 1KOJ, Jgin: Di'tiKicnitM of Clinton county invi' iioiiiliiittcil lion. U. (). DcKofor Vwi'Milily. tllllX. JAMIX AHMHTltllNf-. nf U'll. llUTlSttOrt. lltf'll tltOl'li MM llm 1MII. ..I . I. I (lit, uu'i'il Kovt'iity.fmir yoiiM, Ho was lhort tlmuon tlio Supremo Ilcncli, by ippoltitiiii'tit. vOru farmer rcMdcrs nliouhl roml with lUtfnlltlicJirtlcloln ourAKrleiilliirnh'ol. imn this wook on "Tlio Wild Cnrrot." It is written lyn (,'ontlcnmii yfhru ex jcrk'tiro mid deep study on Ajivlcultunil natttJi-!', mid Is h Huliject of iirlmt- Im. jortnneo to our farmers. i ltAUic'At. DeleKatoKleetlou In llloom lwlndlcd down to n very sitmll point, tadC'itl the 1'. John party l.s very nearly limit. The tally paper left on the hi. bio shows ns follows: 1). A. Hockley .Sjvotes j '1'. .1. Morrl, lfi votes. Thero lecm to ho fifteen uf tliem yet. ;i Ciiauixs Caii.man, who whs hound yycrlo the next Court of (JuiirterSe.ions y'J. .M.Chamberlln, Kk,, fortheerlino trhnvliiK waved his lumdUerehlef In :h'o'facu of Jir. l'rlteham'.s mule, was clcnv d on lii-it Wedne.-duy hy .Inrigu llerbcln, on the ground that no erlmo ,vKs committed. The hoy was drought lefore him Oil 11 Writ Of hltf)t'(lit VfH'JHt.i, rhociioi'xcltwl iiuicli Interest. 'i Tlti: means .should he raUed for Mich inohject as rtluiMtlli"; the orpliuus of ait-gallant soldiers and sailors within majmontli. Let all who are ahlu iv lionil, and It mlglit ho done In n week. ,ctnll wlio Juivo no (iHiio-ltion for harlty, hut simply want pictures and wnt to purchase whero they can he had or.'the least money, lmy of the Wilmi ngton Library Company of I'hlladel iliin, and more than enough nilfflit bo enllzed in a very short time. Itead dvcrtNcmcnt. Till: report of the ltadical Convention hows that Silas Conner, Isaiah W. llnrtmali, Silas Johnson, Daniel Yctter ind :iiha Ilayman, are the nominees if P. John's little party. On the Democratic side however, .lordecal .Millard, Kmi., for Sheriir, will lent Air. Conuer f-o badly, that he will icvcr be heard of again ; and the simo hlng will happen with every other nunc on the ltadical ticket; for there sail over a determination to wipe out auleall-in; and .Millard, Yohe, Yeager, Vclliver and Harris, will bo over V'lielmlngly elected. Tlti: prevailing rains wlileh have del iged the country It will have been oli cryed are from tho east, whereas our ircvnlllng storms, except 'Jo spring, reTfrom tho west. Tbu recent rain-falls ave been tropical in character and we ellove originate in the gulf stream Mill passes along the Atlantic coast o the Newfoundland banks and thence Iverges toward Northern Kuropc. Vhnt particular cause has thrown this win stream near the coast (or con eyed Its vapor) and induced the iinii unl precipitation of moisture inland enianis tbrscientillc explanation. Tin: North llraneh Diimieritt, for oars the organ of the unwavering Demo racy of Wyoming county, has been ularged, raedre-ssed, and now comes to .s under the name of the Wyming ttmrrttt. The change of name K a tippy thought, as It is more musical 'lantheoldone.makesiineaterandniore verily divided heading, mid localizes liopnper. The Democracy of Wyoming hould reward Mr. Sickler's enterprise, y according him their fullest support, nil they will then soon see the majority Moll has been so long stationary ruli ng on up into the hundreds. ''Domiiky ASon," Ticknor A Fields' )Iamond edition, I-, as are all the pre Ious volumes, a beautiful book. There are not many of the stories of )lckeiw that leave inorecharacters with lie recollection of the reader. Captain .'little, Captain Jack liimsby, Mrfoots, lusnh Nipper, and a host of lesser lights .respeoplo witli whom wo plea-antly as ocia'te. Cousin Phaenlx makes inany iriglnal observations, and in -pita of bl ess he is entertaining. Tho sad story ifDomliey isof the klndmiich lu Dick ms'' way,aud he succeeds In coaxing hu mor nud drollery out of the most ad erse? facts. "1 Tin: DcmocratieStanding Committee if Luzerne County have decided to hold heir delegate election- on Saturdav the til of September next, and tho Conven Ion on the Tuesday following. Among ther nominations, one will bu made to 111 tlio vacancy cau-ed by the death of Ton. Charles Deuul-on. Judge Wood vard declines being a candidate. The following nro the Vigilance Coinmltlee. n, their respective townships : fNow Columbus, John M. Piatt, John r.lMJler; Xcscopco, II Irani Shinier, A. DflBriggsi Salem, Daniel lirader, Kd. Itabcrt; Huntington, Henry Lamed,.!. Ij. Carey, t jTiik Itmilk-an quotes our article of last week on tho exposure of Ashley, UutleriCo. In their conspiracy with Sanford Conover, (alia Dunham, the perjurer,) to get up bogus testimony false ond foul against tbu President, nnd attempts to parry Its force by icelt lug certain New York amdavlts lu vin dication of Judge Holt and inculpating (Jeneral I'ryor, lien Wood and others In an attempt to Injure the Judge and his beautiful Hurcati of Military Justice. 1'. John was too hist, and has "put his foot Into It" as usual. His New York tiflldavlts nro shown to he u tissue of falsehoods throughout. They are flatly contradicted by the parties its-allrd and Judge. Holt hlm-clf has published a card denying all responsibility for them and for their publication. P. John says these lying papers are unfile lu Holt's lttirenu. Iloltsaysthey art, not there, and never have been there. P. John says that Nathan An-er Who makes ono of these tillldavits Is farmer of Cold Spring, Queen's County, New York." lu fact ho UHi brother-in-law and confederate jf Conover, the pvijurer, who is now In the New York Peulten tlary expiating his crimes. All this I'espernto but stupid lying will not save the iiupeachcrs mid their radical back crs from the scorn and contempt of the country. They sink deeper In Infamy With every effort they make to extri cate themselves I i TiiUrdtndlcals nro uxceedlngly dls. Kiisted at Orant for acceitlng the up polntincntof Hecrclnry of War. Kvery body eKu wiiiH to ho satisfied. Hli.viiY W. Wii.i.iamm. u Connecti cut Yankee, nml now u Journeyman .imigo in the county of Allegheny. Is f , .lohn's man for the .Supreme Iicnch. lie nln't running ltntcli, mid llm Itadlcals iireexceedliiuly disheartened. Hatiiai ltull llun l'opo orders, that liereafler in his military district, ollleml advertisements shall be given only to such newspapers us do not oppose, the I ongresslonal Heconstriictlon Laws. We shall next hear that no others n in to he published. Hon. (Ir.olidi: Siiahiwooii, Demo emtio, candidate for Supremu Judge, Is ti native i'uiimylvnnlnii, and has been for twenty years President Judge of the District Court of Philadelphia, lie is the author and editor of several stand n rd lawbooks, lie Is the man to vote for, for Judge of tho Supreme Court. "Tin: Pn.VA.vii Punch,," No. Three Is before us, containing many beautiful lllu-tratlons, among which wo notice ii full page engraving entitled, A Luxury, l.ot In the Snow ; with poems, etc. This new paper bids fair to becomo a favorite, and ono of the mo-t remarka ble features about tho enterprise, Is that adopted by tho enterprising publishers of dl-trlbutliig or returning to their pa trons, iS.'ll.lKHl of Hie proceeds, In prizes varying from $1 toSlO.ono. livery per son buying a single copy, price tacts, or by mall Hlcts, will havean eipial chance. Sold by all Newsdealers. T. It. Dawley A Co., Publi .hers, 111 A- il Ann St.N.Y. A l'r.w Wdiuis Allot r Hrrrr.i:. - When people buysugar, molaes, mus lin or almo-t any other commodity at u store, they pay for it according to the quality of the article purchased No body would think ofpaylngns much for a pound of the commonest brown sugar a- they would for the same quantity of pure white pulverized, nor is It asked ; but a pound of buttar unfit for anything but wagon grea-o costs tho same in a pound oft he sweet e-t and freshest butter in the market. Now, this I- manifestly unjust and wrong--unjust to oou-iiinors and to those who make good butter. It is an evil that should bo remedied, and may be, If storekeepers will but take the matter lu baud and act in concert. Let them dl-i.'ontlnue the practice of paying the same for shoo grea-o as they do for sweet butter, and wo shall soon have more of tlio latter and less of the former in our market. Hut the storekeepers must act together In the matter, and .-tick to whatever they agree among themselves to do. .departure by one or mot-oof them from the rule laid down by nil, would not only operate to the di--ndvantageofother merchant", but defeat the very thing it wits expected to ac complish, i.et our hiil-ncss men act upon our suggestion. Many persons lu sub-ciiblng for a. newspaper suppose it Is n sort of chari ty si work in which nil the obligation Is on tlio part of the prlifter, nnd that they are confering a benefit on him solely. We object to this view. Wo be lieve that every one of our subscribers get- the value of hi- money one hundred fold. Kacli copy of our paper If printed in ordinary book form, would make n volume of over oiui hundred and sev enty pages, and tin-for the small .-urn of four cent-! Jt combines poetry, stories, hl-tory, '.ravels, local and gen eral news, the markets, politics, public sales, marriages, deaths, accidents, and in fact is a eoiicimtiatiou of all that Is readable and iiitorcsting. Put It in tlio hand- of a child, and he not only ac quires a habit of leading, but he be comes aeqtiaiuted with the hi-tory and events of Ids times, and he grows up to lien man of Information and general Intelligence. To th" woman It is not only u blessed relief from labor and a companion during many a lonely hour, hut from it she can teach and instruct her children, hushlcs acquiring for her self many useful hint- and facts. To the man It is all Important, not only be cause it give- Iilm the Information of the day, but licet uo Its column-teem with notices whic h are of vital Import ance. Is theie a new invention, tho papers advertise it. is a bank broke, he is at once Informed of It. If an estate Is to he settled, an account audit ed or filed, notice must bo given in the paper, and thu, lit many instances bun. dreds of dollar-lire saved. Who would bo without their county paper? It is within the leach of nil, n now in llm llun' to twbicfibv. HowTiisTiii'Tin: Pi.nwor Iii.oon, Housekeeper.-, mechanics and otliers.lii handling knives,' tools ami other sharp instruments, frequently receive -evern cuts, from which blood Hows profii-ely and oftlmes end ingers llfeitself. Illood may be made t ccasu to flow as follows: Take the lino dust of tea and hind it close to the wound at all times accessi ble, and ea-y to be obtained. Alter the blood ha- ceased to How, laudanum isad vaut.igeoti.ly applied to the wound. Due regard to the-i. Intriiellons would save agitation of iniiid, and running for a surgeon, M ho probably would make no better prescription if lie were present. Von: the Democratic ticket fiom lop to bottom. LOCAL NOTICES. llnowiili, coiner of Main and Iron street-, ha-gone to the ea-tern mnikets for ids fall stock. Ills selections are of thu best goods, and his price- the mo.t reasonable. Don't forget to call on him. A S'i'AiiTi.i.Ni! Tnu i'it ! -Thousand, die initially fiom neglected coughs and cold-, which soon ripen Into cousuinp t Ion, or othur equally fiiital discuses of tlio I. uiig-1 when hy the timely ii'o of iislnglebottlnof WMm-'n JUtlmmitf IVil Cherry their lives could liavo been ue served to a -green old age. AT a recent meetlngof the Hoard of Health of N ew York, n letter wa- re ceived from Dr. Harris coucerulns cholera lu tlio west. JIo says the ills ease has not becomo epidemic thl s hummer at any point wild of tho All( ghenloH or north of tho Ohio, hut U 1 spreading In a fearful manner went ofrliro ,o hail a fan illy a homo a kind ths tlMUMi'pi, uy-ou tho great routw of master hut now i U wile was lu .la- traycl. Tho Inguri nittewwllljwvu nt nmiCa, his childre a atteretl over tho .T'r a.)hohlmself almost i.vhw.ih . ..in....MVn, o M lliuijiuiM TH j tonic oxmnti l TIIK KALKIDOBCOPE : " A limp nf busy llfi'-. II. MlH-tlmUoll. Illld Km Mi. I colli.', II.," Ml. X.VMV. Till', ISTIIJIt'S op PANAMA. Soon after daylight a train arrived from Panaiha, and after wading some distance through the mud, wo managed to get on board of some open, nnd mis- crnblv dlrtv coal enrs. Wn baited awhile nt tlieClnigres Itlvcr.ovcr which a luindsomo Iron bridge lias been built, CM feet long, nt u eo-t nf s.VM), Krom this point the character of thu country began toclintigc.audhtllstind mountains took tlio place of swamps and marshes, llcfore reaching the summit the train nearly stopped, thoughtwo locomotives were attached j but WW pasacugcra formed no inconsiderable load up a grade of over inn feet to the mile. Another danger of the route was tin! soflelilngofthe foundation of the road by the late rain ; and at one point, while passing along the very verge of n deep precipice, the nud funk quite two feet. I' nun the summit we bad one ol the - llnest views In the world The snot A l'MINlSTUATOU'S NOT1CI-:.-niKsi mcws m nil worm. I ill spot Yl-.TA-it oK.loiixHri.su:, iii.ri..si.ii.-liii.m was also historical, becau-i! from this ot niiiuiiiiMintion to tin i sint, m .totm siiiur, . , .... , , I Illlfororillilto toll II. ll,, Collllllhlll t'olllltv. I'll.. ui(iutitaln,on thuLHth of September I ol ft-1 ,i,..,.u.,..i, i,,, i.ni niniiici t,v in,, iimi.i.r m lliroo oiot ,1 l.otf oonttlrlos itlru- . ' I 'oUllilhl.l l"HIHt , to John UroM', who H'.IiUw III iitreoaiiii a nan centuries ago n-io . H,.nll ,,., it. . ,.tim-. .il i.isnM.iiuvin Nunez tie Ullboa, after aiiarduoiisjour- niipi --rU, ;iiiiiis iimmIm-i tii...ii.i.-c,r ii,.. .1. V . . ili nt nr,' M'iiU'.t,'l toninki'tht in known tollii'itil nev of twentv days, discovered the iiiltiistrntni without ih'hi.v, nml nil i i.on. in- . , . r .11. ll iH'hti'il iiu.l.Uc.l,'it to tiinlci. ,nyliiilit. Pacific Ocean. Speaking of this di I jiiiin duuw, AiImit. eovcry Washington Irving sayi."Nuncz i ' 1'1"- commanded his followers fo halt, nnd that no man sbotild stir from Ids place. Then with iipalpltallugheart,henscoti ded alone the bare moitntiiln'top. On reaching the summit the long desired pro-pect burst upon his view, it was as if u new world were unfolded to him, separated from all hitherto known by 1 tliH mighty harrier ol mountains. lie low him extended u v i-t chaos of rocks and 1'oi'c-t, and green -nvnunnhs and w andering streams, while, at adl-taltce, the watersol'tho promised ocean glittered in tlie morning sun. At this glorious prospect Va-co Nunc, sank upon his knees, and poured out thanks to tied, for being the first Ktiropean to whom It was given to niakethat great discovery. He then called his people to ascend. The people kneeling down Jollied In the Te ilttim litittldMii.i with pious enthusiasm nud tears of joy, and never did u more -Incure oblation ri-e I lo (he Deity from a .-nuctillcdaltar.than from that wild mountain itiinituit." The effect of thl-di-covery on the world it Is hnpos-lble to estimate. We reached Panama about .o'clock in the morning, and at one" proceeded to tlio hotel In a modern omnibus. It is Impossible to convey to the reader my first Impression of the City. Its vast ruins, its battlements, its hl-tory, all inspired me with the deepest inti re t. Here ilonyiarsago Plznrro organized lil band which, though small in numbers ovetlirow theancient Inc.i government, gave new law s and u new religion to a continent, and opened up tho-o mar velous mines of gold and silver, the bare history of which read- like an eastern tale. Here, too, was the scene of the exploitsoftho-iiwiinderful pirates and rover-, Morgan, Drake, nnd Uing-ro-e, who for over a century furnished themes for blood-thlr.-ty novel writers. No American city has u more varied or inoreronuintielii.-tory. Previous tolliOd, it.-site was six miles to the north-ea-t, but having been captured and burned by Morgan, besides sull'orlngsevercly from earthquakes, It. wa- removed toils pres ent location on the south coast of the bay whore It was regularly laid out, and strongly fortllled. The walls are very thick and strong, though now much dilapidated, and at ono tiuiii were con sidered impregnable from tlio land side, although Bolivar stormed and took lite place without much hiss. They are yet deeply Indented in place-, the result of long and numerous sieges, lkt-tion- or towers are placed at legular Intervals from each other, nud from them a line view i- had of the Hay, do '.ted here and there with' beautiful ami evergreen islands. A few dilapidated camion are in position, and a large iiuiiiIxt of shot and ,-hc II are in the covered way.-, but one broad-Ide lrom a man-of-war would silence the entire battery. The mo-t of the gun-were sold u few years ago by New ( iranadlau ftoveriiuient to tho Cnlteit State-, and Ills-tatedthat when they were remoulded enough -liver was obtained from litem topay for their eo-t and transportation. Ju-t insUUitlio walls are the barracks and n fort, which are sui rounded by a deep fo eormoat. In a ft w places tho walls mo inn ruin ous eon ditlon, having been undermined hy thi action of the water, tho tide at thl- plnce rising at times a- high a twenti -five feet. The huge waves, al though they bleak on the reef's half a mile from the city, yet cimie rolling on with in i almost deafening sound, nnd shako I lie very wall-a- they da-li against them, t md cover the whole beach with spray. When the wntor recedes the Iravell r can gather ninyniltlcciit -peci- HU'IH (i I MUMIS TliniU 11 OU lilt' Itcacil, mil whlt'h, howevt'f Itt'.vutlful In tlu'iu'lvcs VOkh nt) other uWortluK'UI.t'n.stJum to bo li mlcil into tlin fetrouis for paving ptirpu '.-. TIu" I'ity, as ritofoiv .tatotl, Is rogu liirly lulil out, lint tho streets nro very narrow , ns its foumlors did not mitlri- iiuto tho ui of wlicolod vi'lilclo.s. A largo a nd Inij; ortant part of tho plaro, callod dengo, IhJutouthU tho walls, and no ir then ill roaddopot, tlio Inliahi tants 0 f which aro principally .lainaiou nogroo tt or tliolr decomlants. TIiom pwpl siiu'o tho oomplotiou ot'tho rail road mvi) hut llttlo oniployinent, ami ht'in -o hpoud tliolr llvos in thiovlng, ami frequently In eoiimdttlng deetU of a ni(irtMlesierato eharaetor. In fact, three llllll.HO 11 .WKIIllllllllnil lit Ill fll.llll. 1 i tt lt II II III t l I IV M I I l l lllliw l lit Willi", yetiteniotl m oxeiteiiieut whatever among thoef tl.WH. Among othoi with whom I umvcrtH'd was an tdd negro, who hnd heen ion. WalUer'n (tho Xlea ray ua lUHhiH tur,f mtviuU, ami who do tailetl with m ut'li eagerness tho seems th lough whlc h hUi nutter and hliu.elf lu ,d jia-etl , llordtowed nioa eertill a iti' of Imlehtt itlue.s given him hy the Cieueral for 5C ,'), under tho heal of tlio '"Iteiaihllean cUIgued hy Walker him .self. Though ec 'iivlneedof Its worthier-uoi-ss, ho would not part with It, keeping It as u fitmti, of his former master. Ho Kild further that ho regarded ennui elpallon in thu 1 Jritl.sh Went Indies as aeuiso to thou Jgro, Immueh as tho plantations had u ,('n ' r n 1 1 1 , t h 1 1 eoloied people werothro vnout of employment, ninl worn nlilt oil in fullmv their tiri'MMit nm-nrlmw mmin n r oxNteneu that he. letlUL't'll 1(1 II('LfLrllt This idlo pojailati V H what hegot tho famous Panama riots ol a fewyearsago, In which so many Innlloiislvo American men, women and children weru ruthless ly inai-acred. The Incidents of this riot as related by eyewitnesses would make a horrible, sickening record, and I the only wonder Is that our men-of-war 111,1 't bum the entire place. We ccr- I ,I1,M.V would have I trustified then In , biking formal possession of the l-thum-, I becaiM' the (l.iwnillicnt had failed In I protect citizens, nnd, at the same; "'. '" '"" -oivcu a prooiem i wl,lcl1 will vex us In the future. As It , !i war vessels nro constantly stationed at Apliiwall nnd Panuiua, to overawe the riotous elements In those places. LEGAL NOTICES. I PMIN'ISTKATOU'S NOTICK.- JV I.TA1K OK 111- V I.V .1 1 X Nt'ss, 1IWF s:l. j.i'i lei . t,r iiihiilnwtriitloii on thi I'.t.ilcof lli'lilii' loin Nit-., luti- of Mnlio' toMii-hiii. (Witmhiii I'ollliti , ,!. n.,-,1, linct' l fli ijiimh'il l,y Hi,' Iti k iKtcrof mlJ t'olllltv to Win, I', shiiliiiin. Allj.-r-solis h.l I'llllln. or ih'iniltxI-MUillll.! till l'!jllo or lh,' ,l,.,.l,'iil urn iciticsti.l il liniki UiVM known, mil llio... Inih-hii'il lo imik, irnvno'iit. WM, 'I'. SIII'.MAN, .lull j.t is. Aitiitltil.iriiior. l D.MIX S'litATOIt'S NOTICK.- XV L.rAit or- Jons Ihi it. hick, ii i 'i,. Let li'l.oi ii.itii nisuiiooit on oiee.iiiKMti.iolin lilel ellrK, lilt, .ol.Monlotll' tow llshll,.! olniill,ljli..lllity. ih I I'tl-i ,1, In., llm l.vnmnllh.l to the lltnler.lL.'ne,l l,v tlf KeiJsti'r ot Mil'l i otinty ; nil ieison. n ih'l, , .1 lo. ! I slate, Mill pleuse ninlie ,n incut Iheieol lo tleln. I ll,t tlio.e Intlll 1 t.llm. or tie nvllnl. nun lust the ..one will ire.'iit tliem .i Ith oi.tilcliu.u, .lulls' II. 1 il I : II ,11 II 'II. T jsaiaii iiiitj:iiicii, Monii,nrt,,.liaj ."i.lM.f. Ailmliilslintors, t - ... - A D.MINlSTltATOU'rs NoTICK. KMC.nl ok OAMI.l, Ms., lll.i'KAr.tl I,, ttrviot lillilllll.tlntloli to IUi-est,lte ot I Mu ll 1 Nil.., hltJMit Millnetow nshl,,l'Inmlil.i eoitn. tv, il iisftl, h.i ' I,,', ll uinnleil I,., the Ueulster ol MtM I'oul.ty to Nnlli.ui Miller. Ml h i.on. linviii elul'n. or ih liininl. nnllisl t.V eslnle of I lu' ill I. ih III, ll I'e liiiie.lnl lo ,reK.Mil tin III to the inliiihilstnitor without th'lny, nn,l nil ),eison. lll.lehliil tllilie'tllesle I lomilUe piivlnenl. N.llltA.N Mll.l.l:!, July 1'.', 1.'.7 A,liiilii!stint,vr. O '! IV V. 1 M'l.( tn niUM VIM f K-r I K M Kl.t-ril, M.t 1. ii. tn; 'Jilt L'oiiuintnwuUth nf lvmi- Ivunl.i i to ltir l.(l.n.ih, i:iN-n lkwih, ImvM Uv.it NmufM-r, .Iitrli li-kiidli, ninl lli. hcirnl llinuii l.ilunth.umiiit'i tniLiiuiui.) iin cllnir, Vj an 1 mi'Ii iI u urc In icltv cid'it ninl I'oiiiniitncl 4 i ln'uml tipixMi tit ymir tirupcr imm-koII ill UlUn'.ltiHM- Cum I, lo he hnlilt'tl III Itliiiiiiuiiiiiv, ll i''i t'Jf nalil I'ountv. on ih 1)1 t .Mlill'i.i ill M)ti'tl.'t't IH ,t, lllt'M llllii tilc'li' I't aiiHw, 1 t 'it- in t tinii t,i 1 ; nmt'Mi.itil'-.M-uhiLt h.i tli lh.it tin -11M 'N.Nmjhiii j;.'i.inti, iiit, nt .Mini in touj ! 1 1, Ml.ifOlttil, ilj.'i! M-iett i cvilulii real fvt:ii- in ,iil A it.iiit, .it nurtiil U 1n1r jHtltlnjup ivrli,,Ii' t uwt ;m-tit in vvi-iihiLr, il.iti'il ;Kt Ji.-i ejii'ifr, jMHt. tu tt-Ji aiul rmiwy the Kiiitio tu tin- Militf Ii'orp' i.uii , UH 1 1 t tn- nv blKlK. tl.U'' lli,'MUi ttliV (III- -"tlt'l Couit el 1:1 1 1 li'ii i 1 u I'th- .ju ciric j. Jiu, utinn'i nt tlu i-iii 1 1 urn . -it hit 1' tnu'ltitcnt ttml iiM-.it; Inl'ifi c nf, uli'i Hint a cpli- iitici- U' iiiui''t.itu!i tt'l ! ( rM tutll' lllnt.sUi.1 .'rlt S.!Ulf, uf tiM' Haiti liit'iiiivs In ii'tHii'li. I N.Mii;r. MNvin:it, Mter'r. !il(iri'tisl.iu,uu- m, ',7. N 0 '' i ci:. Ml'ICtHl fl'lil'iirt VM-I. ttl'M'Klil l'4Hl-S liVIS- im, 11.1 j -ii.n. . - - 'I In' C-mmiitiwcaltli nf IVnn.) it.nl.i ' is. to Wiiii P. It.iMnu, Jii'm liaNtuii, khh silt'itJiiin't W. II. llumltliT, -.11.11. Itiiii u .linn s, I lima Id I'., I.lvii.i unit i'liarlcs KuKtun, nij-)'ir Iill'llt-ii oMEnlicrr It.iMnu il.-i-.!., Mtttllil.i Itiikon.sn-'in .VHhiIi, Mm ilm lti'iilUnmit..liih 1iui'4tiii: it. r. itatiiniii.utmuii.iii r r. luiMnn; ntxt S Nun M'l'lr.v. (ill 1 liu..', yi'U .11 1 I'tldi of nil tin1 luTt It.V cJteit mid cr.irniiJjti'Uul ! In nul :i'pi .11- til ur iri.)ir lnTMll,at h.'l Orj Mils I'oiill, (h l.i holilfli nt JlliMiiiitiurt'. it) aul lirstii'I rmint, mi ttn'ltrl MiHnln ol Sii'rlll)iT IH'M, tin N atnl tlKTi In lllimMT tllil IM'tlt'lUl ol 11. I', lluilliinli, srltiu leilll that ttli' stlliU:iil" HiiMiiu, iliul M-lrdnf (-1-1 tuin ii aj fsiatcfti j'ast liloiuiishiirt.riitiuiiiilii I'ountv, utiTl ami 1 is n-1 fi oiir i iHtmn-r lo jirtU'I- ot ji'fit 1 iiioit In s t! Jiir, M'll an I cm-M'Vtlu- sani'' to -tit' t.ti ;n'lon .M'('art, his l-iis anil nvnli:n.f 111t 1osIk-m c-au.i- wU tln s.ii.'l 1'otut sluill noHlt't-t'i'i iln kjii-riilf I'lMtnnii- ItUI-l'Of till' Willi Cdltrill't IM Mil lo tin ll 114 InliMil ninl iiu-aniia llii icnr, mul U;at a coiim-v-ainv Ih- iii.nli- ini'lei H.1I1I ih'iMi-i- tv ti;c aiorcv,iil Nt Ke.ni f ' mt , ot hi' iii-nisitn fn fi c sim- i.ti.. rMMi'i:i. sNvni:Jtiu'i-iti. lilooinl'iuir, AuikI 0, l-ti7. X" T M'l ru 11' 1 r E 1 Itl niLMlM 1.- -.-si I K U I KA-1 1 1. I'lo-S 1 i ids rii, 1 . . Tt" 'Mifiiotiw. altli of IVniiM Uanla ii. s, tiilMi-rlJUiiith. l.lli-ii KcJ- nitii. Hai.l ' -' ,rl:t Mi.l,iui I.VKmtli, I.ui-v Nniiiics kit, .lo-i'jtii I'rf m-ith atnl to the lii-irn ti Jllnun j;i let oih, nnin"4 viiKiinwii 1 (Ju-t thm, 011 aiiJ iich t yoti iu'ln-rtOi cjicil nii'l com in ui'li I tot niiil I'l'i'i-ar In your i.rti'r ix-lsoli at all On ii.iii, 1 1 jiii t to he liolili-n yt llloom-hiir. In and or .ml -miiitv, on the rii -f j MimuIjh ol M-iiii'iul-r, u i. tin n aiul llu-rt lo 1 amwd tin iH'tit iua 'f AUuImtii fccht'i,-nln'i- iw'l, ni'iiuiu i-'iui uiniiiii1 Mio niiiiiiiiuii r.i iii'Uii, l.ilc ol Mitllln tou'ilhllii, In 4.iiiounty.ili'iiis('il, tllfit M-ioil m 1 rrtiilnii'iiU'stk In -MiHllii town Khip, In --alii I'oiint.inil nj:iil w itli uui p t i tluiitrtix irtii'U'oi n.it-i'iiuni in wrillny, to m-U aiul con 1 thti h-iiicio tin- m j .Jacoii thw'i' In nlu-i-'-i-, Ills In-lnMutl a--.t;u. Ami to how t iiil"i' Uv I hi' s.ill 0n t Khali Uci lU'i-icc tin1 kw 1 lllf tii'iioiin.ini'i' of tu K.iiil (oi.riait a"conilii to tin trii' .nti nt unilimMiiInn t!i-'ji-of, ami that a cniivr. uiti h'a m.uli umU-r snlil tUn-i' to .liicnW si liu'eiii'i iiIh'isit, 01 tin- Kiilil picuviK in lei UU: HA Ui:i. HNYlU:iA.Miciiir. iiiiMiiiisiairu, Auu'Ubui, lHrr pKGISTIIU'SpirnCK. -Xf 1 V' itFiiHiv uni'N (mil l icyatccK, crt'i1 llton ami olla-r peiMJii-t lutt'l't-iitiil til the t-r-t. lies "I th re Kpt ctle ileeeniteut. (tl.l mllior, that the folUtt lumnluiiui'tialhi nin miapll.in uc.'ounts hiiie htt-ll tlh'il tlilhi'i.lli.eif Ihe HeirMer of I ,oluhlhU ciillllt , ami Will he )iii'iiti'ii for eolitlriil.ltiiHl ami allowance In the opiums' 'otirt, lo hu la til In IJIo Hushing. In t ho 1,1111 1 jiioiesaiil, on Vhi mshv, ut l'oi i:iuii V, MjpitrMiiH!, W'7, ut twooel'K-I; III t In jileritt Mitt ot K,tlitla. 1. Seetaiil nml filial iivouut of .hiiin Mmiplt, llM'cntoroi stat-y M.iretuni,oI I'alaw ls-.,i,ii c'il, J. AteouiU ot .laimw iI'Alai m-v aiul Win I.oiu- t llheruei, KXi 1 UtOIrt (if ji-iUKi' ,onui'Uhele, l.llf ol Maine tow lislilp, itveasi'il. :t, I iiial n 1 omit ut Kinui-I .i. ileran-l Mic'i ml IliNun. iliiiliilstrati)iit)f .Miiti.iew ISniwu, late ot .M Itll 111 township, di-t-U'.i-il. 1. I'lnal tcdiunt oflihuaa. I -iimIh- un-1 .lohn HiimU r, '.iluilnistiatpK o John Miyiler, .'sr.J.iti ol Mimil.. 'h-i-e,ii-etl, I .', Account ! A III i'l r, i reellnu', mlinlnMra lornt Ueuliell lie, U i- ill ) i!ihineii t !; (own M.ip.ilec-.nl. ii. A ut f lit fjnikii, ailinlnihttator or J i l.l lit Millnc, lata f'.I u l;.on township, iltc'il, i'.i.. mill fliml .f.i.i.1,1 ..I vt.i'i.in s.iiinn flint 1 .h mint I .mnnu -.r "'! V1 "l-K. Ih'-i. 11s, u'p 01 ,ia iv h hi. 11-1 ilH il. 1 i .ant nt Maiy , linl.iii a !iuhi.-.lraut ot l-,dum llulinti. latilif t'lhhm-.vipek low mlNn ileccased. In !i. Account of Da l.lhliliV., ailiulnhtiiUnr of rurisiopiicrr, Acm-ny-inii ol miaicivcK lowiv Mlip, ill - iseil. ! ill. cei nut of D:i 1-1 Cainllne Ki lit 1 1 , hit. tlcct'io.eil. MUh 1 , luliiilaistnunr of 01 Ihiiiu-iet-l; inunshtp, II. Thlnl aiul final aeionnl iftiiotve IIiiL'he .lohn Mialplev. ami Mdj-il Oatou, laltuluistHi toiN of JhmiIi IMtton, liteol Calawli'Mi.tlee'il. IJ, Ace mill ot It. I,. l-'.Voih-'. , ii'linlnMintor i! J islah Mil , 1 He o i iuii luwiishtp, ih-e'tl, II. eeoiIUt o .loteph lEnitlit.in, atlniililhtriltir ot Maiu.ii-et Haiunaii, litem 1'iaiiKlln lowushlp, ihccasi-il. II. Second mill Una! w count ot (icoiue an I ilnhh V. I'tillllel, i-ei'Uloi of IhiHiias I'ollUt I', liltti o ( nin- tovuilup, Uct.'ca.Li, IV I'liiiil account of SmiHK l Kressh-r, iuanllau ol Heiir 1'. Nils, of .Mulm tovwihip, W. Fiitaml tlmil accimiu ol Hainucl KifMler, lui.mliiiu ot ( 'h.ii les J, NlltK, laic ol .Maine tow i fhfp, ileec.iscil, 17, Klivt ami tlmil acetamt of Jaiuch Van lluiu, inlmlnUtiiiHu ot Hainucl Vim llnni, Uiieof(lu-t n wootl tow hsiilp, ilecciiKctt, ' Iv l'lit anilllnulai-ctMmtonhome A.nowtnaii, i fU "I" 'l .101 Ml Ut IIMUIH, J.llt' 01 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 tow II' flllli. tlci cave. I. I'.i, Aicmuit of Auul Ciaimnnt CIiuiIch Mcnsih, mlinlulstiaturH i Ahiiihmn Meiisili, late of lUuirtuccii't U township, ilm-iiM'il. at. Aicounl of .laincM UasteiH, iiliululslriitor of , .ittjoi oi iiinii, i,iii-it i om (iiuilMiip, tieteaM'.i, I t!l. Act-ounl oi 11. 1. Iltirliiiaii, luluiluistriittirnf V Uliaui lluiihes, late of Itkioin low usliip, tlt-t-M. I'lnal m count of It.Hilel Imih ami Kiinut) iniuniuau, c&i-euinrrioij.iiihin y liuiuliu.il), late l Mhi rty Tounhlp, ilic'il il, Aci-ouni ot William I'lilrUliimn. lulnilnlslni lor of NuthiHl IVlM-, olheoll Tuwiishlp, ilcu'il. Jl. Account ol Solomon Hihm, ahiiinUlrator of John I'ealci-.l.ilctii Klsiilny, rteLTwiishlMh-fM, 4 "oiiN ti. j m;i;.i:, ite-iMci. Ulounuhui'tt, Auu. lv7. ? X i:t l T( H'S X( T i C'K. ir.n.oi ii.MiMo.'. Ki.iM'.dFhnur'ir., Men. I.cllein t f t i tin ntiirj on the cutnie of llniuiuu Kline, late ol hcott tnw nshlp, I'oliunhla I'ounlv, h.le heen iiaiitit hv (he KeuilcroI italil touui , lo John t', Kiltie, who HkU.-M lu lUooinshuii,'. All pcisoiis havlic-i claliUK iimihikt tho it,lateme Icqia ft dl tu picstllt t tit in to the !.ct Utoi' lor M'lih ini-nl, nml thofe Uie.Mhu IIu-ium-Im In ilchteil o hialtc na im lit, JOHN C. KMNK, Amjiut 1', W-7. uior pKACJUJlW WANTKl). 'tin,..Miiie(tiuinnivmaU T.-u,-iu-i mrtim iiui- r:!1::; I.;.;:: IV im'.VUV ,Y.o 11 i'ljiWirJiiriSteJa t'll UK Ilk I t'lo, I 1J n ' Jutil-lOlU, M, Ol lliT ll tlio Imiiiii) U.,..' ."1.,-IUIU, I .1. (I. I Jl.Uh.MUll OfoSNI ll. AUUU.I V, IN,7 hi-o'y. LEGAL NOTICES. MMtAVlUlSi: Jt'uAltH, i on m'.iTi.Miir.n ti'.iim, i-,- tll.ocl.t-MIHiui't Wiilli r, Win ll,',,'iiniti, in wnt Win Ml-lim-l, John Limit, ill, tk'T. .r.i John shiini'iii. Itin.ci: cintK- t (' smith, Ut.NloN .lotill .1 MMIcliry. I't'STIIM.tA Uoll. .to.rl!l M Klilk, Com niiiiam I'hlllii llri'iill, fn cNi;t.i"-i:il.i Wi.n.r, .1,,, ri.in-,1 Cio i s -I. III. nii In i. Illll IVWMOtt Win It llo-l,-. I lit, I., 11,1. 1.1 ll,...1tt. I,r I 111 MI.OCU ,.,nl,'ll K,,M,ih , -jmmVVi.-imi'ili.'ciwii,,, num. ji,i, Knviler. Item. Winilier. Mil i l.l v . to. (I Wllitei.leeii, I'hliiin. Smith, Mimiii'l Nil.., I'lillln I'ren.y, .-.iimnl cre.i.y, Johllinohe, Mr. I'l.ci.CNr-Joliii Wnnli'h, (lo.lrre.( Melhli, MAIiISOS I'eter Wolf, Jlieoll N' (llrtoll. Mosroci: .Im k.oti U'iliy. M AIM W Lolnri liheru'er. I'lNl. Itli hnlil W. Lynns. Ito mumi ciita-K- liiinlel ItniU, tintill (h'firhnit AniI eriilir, (.ltAND Jl'ItOltS, rim ni'.i-n:Miii:ii ti:iim, i. Ilt.oo.1 Win, shiilti'i, J. J. Illower, Win..M'nrlile. III1IAII Clllt.K Ail.illl IHi Hi I If'K. Itot;. in.uwn k 1. II. limlson. eniTin Win. shinier. I 'ONI Milt .M l'l ter I low i 1'. 1'i.it I mi I 'in FK Hi my Hi l.hlltie. ritANKl.IS--l.iini' lli'lliler.lli.t. mo usu'ooli lleiilH'ii'Uleli, W1I.011 M. Cm . llf.ir.ocK l.nrte 1'ilt.i II, M.ll.M-1'lliln I. Klelillln;, Jolill t Slilltiliin. MAtirsoN chiitle. Tyreni-iti. Mil j i is-llenry lli thir. ('. II. lie.., I iieam,-.. -tiiliitiel Aelmihiirh, Hoa ijm. I IC I'rnnkUii Yim-uih. st.j-rT sj. IV. C'rn i-ltna, Win, (lower, Jnliii Ney 1m rt. Hl'llAULOAl IJllJ. Cole, Hlieinlllllc III .H, I 1ST OP CACSKS POP. Till A I. at Hin-niMur.i: tiiii.m, m-. . 1 : 1 1 .lone. s. Mill .1'. Ahhnll, et. III. i. Wrliihl IIiijIii h v.. I'i tei .Miller, n. Jiti.llhini Kntttlevs. Wrtytlt lluiche.. I. j'iuv J',.llr(i'li ItohellH, Howell, et. ill. - 0. l..i,.j,M enuel ...e'ltlllon Ilewllt.t.il. iC Iiil l"ry.. Iiiivl.l shiiNinn, 7. t,.to-,, lll'tllll ... 1-line Yl tte ', s. Hi'i. iri-nttl ii-e .. Iinnli'l Kriltn'jtuiltnl'.. I', lllliin A. M.irr ... Jiilne. Ilyl.e. In. 'I llolillisi, Vlillilet.lli.. M.. Amos Ilre.ller. It. si-.Iw.terJ, J'lUI ... Wllllnlll ('. (lll-etl'HItil. 'liitiil.trntoi., Ii, .tin-oil S. i:IU4-i .. W 111. (llteeir. llillltr . 1 1. Joseph l.llley .I'eter .Melll.-H. II. Jncoii A.HwI-h. j . niilmnl W. l..on. '. .1,1111.1. Hill mail .-, l.,'tell.iel I'lelllH", I I, 111. pi. i -ii, lliown . I, ml. ml Sllni'iii.iii. 17. I h.l. W. I'lllllphell :il.. ... Illluh 11. Ml' lfi lli'lils.l I. 111. .. s.lve.tr J. 1'niu ss.Johi, ll.,lli.on, l'l. 'llllninli I'niix ... Mjl.e-lerJ. I'iin.. in. John 'In inhly 1 1, in., Miir.. Il.ilieeti 1 1. nl. L'l. I'liirkHh-unrt rt. .it. i:ilnl. i'. Clen.er. S! 1'r.ilil.llli V,'i:inn .s.'wm.T.MIiillh-lli. Ll. IMu iint M I'.UI 1 1. ill., n. Johli swiK.iii'y. '.'I. We.l llllllii ll lll.lllilln Co. ... S. ('. It.'ilxe. lu, John Kelehner . JeiemLih i;.IIe..',.,linr.. 27. Mill, in Tnumii n-e ... rhlllp ;io.M.r o nl, L-. .ks.e llohlflll. Iill'l wife ... Will. I I.e. A VX!.'. , KoliiTt .1. lA oils' intlilf. . 'i"l'.V l.MUl. 0. Jaiih M'Vlf kcr m. N. I.. I'liutiitii'll. .1. i;i. W. Mtllfi s. tlti t lunslilpnl llldinii, Ji:s-i: f'lH.KMA.N, rrolJliHtntmy. C'lKOtuiMtr, AlU. N'T. S iiKiurrs SAM- Ih lrliir fi-w.'lry writs f 1 lulifmiii 7i- tm ninl .1. 't minim! .siiHKf., Kiii'iI nil I nf the I'outt of roiiuiioi'ij'li'ai ot roiuiiihlaCounly, mnt illit'i-li'il t nit', v 111 in rio-cil to iiuhiii' will' at tlu Coin, HotiM-, In U,.iiii.(iini', 011 Mmnlay. the si-('(iii. iiav of Sfiti'HiUt 1nt, at mu o'clock In th iifii-inoim, th' t.illnwli. H-11I ("tntii to wit : A ccilain tiacf of hunt siH.ui' In ri-.hlnutTi-.-K tou nhl-, t'olmn'la cMiinty,i'oi,;-ilnliiK om- hun iltvil ni-ici, inoii in 1 1 "-in h(iiiintii(.:i tin- M.'ith 1i It'tals of .Incoli Laulj.n I', "ii Iln hy laintt of lolm r.ili.'it, on tln-ijortlt I'V lamlH a .1, KartH, anil on tin1 fit hy Im.'Nof John 1'i.iU l,oj uhlch Unii'ctcila liaini' ilwJini; hatsi- aiul u I'am, W itll IN' II Mill! It 11 111 l K, Si Ii-i, t.lk.'ll lu f" u- Hon anil tohiMoM 111 tli- jTopfity urlitu l'.'-ilt-:. I MO At 1 lie -.nil" tlim ninl jititco, a nitaln lot or nlii-t-oi moiiirl, silit'iti In iln town ol IUouinn ; tuuii, roiinnhl.i i-ountv, lit'lmr two hmnlioil 1 t-t ilcianil lolt U'ct 111 Ul'ltll, liotltl'tct oil tho ( art st hv lion Mr ci t, 011 Iln math ly lot of K. II, I.iillc, on the i-ait hv nn alley, ami mi tin hoiitli hyl'-tol Mrs-. IlairK wlu-i-on N cii-ct'it a two Klmy Jinie'itut Ut'i hoii.c hIK'Iim' iiirlfii.ni' tv.. .l.so- Two ltit, tin' om' hiMiifX titty fpft in ulillh an-! four huu.hcil fci--t ilci-p, (In olht-r ilttv f.i-t Mt.n atilsi'fiitv.H fci-tilt i-p.ailjoinhnr, iioumh-tl mi tin' iimth ami uM Im lnmlH ot .lacoii JJytT. un the' MfKl I iv ImnUiH Mh'liacl Cai'.v ami an alli', ami on thti siatth hj 'Jlilhl Htit-it, utu'ii'on N -iii1i two tr.iint'Uwt'llJf'i hou.i-, with thfiin-urttt,':uf-i . bi'Icil, IfiU-fi In t'Vti-iillon ami 10 liUKoKt tv iln prnpi'ily ot JJn Hmtill, Win. I', .loin"', JnUi Wlltlaiiwnml Mali' Willi. mis. JA.SU j At tin Miia ijjh anil place, a ci.('aiii lot or lili'ct'ol moiual, nituulo lu thi- town 11 tonms hum, i'ohiiuhla(uuvl, hclnii tuo huiiiia',1 hit th4-ii an-l foily fi-ot vt4i , hoiimlt-il 011 tlm writ )y Iron (11 i-t, on thi'imrth hy lot of i:. II. I.ittlf, oi (ht4as hv analU'y.anfKn the Kouth hy a lot of Mtn. ll.uiN, wN'iaou Is t-j t: I n twostory inittif (li-lllic4 lioai, with the iipsjar',;anct-h, Twootln r tli-"ii.' h,-iiL' Illh i--t In uMth nml lniii humlrfil fci-t df-ep. the otlu-i tilts hv wMi' ami hi'fiityliM-tt't tih fi,jiilJolnl;iK; lun ilft I on tin- mirth ami oct ' lainN iW.Iacoli r, on thfUiNt hv UmN o llcha'l Cusy ami uu allc , ami on tin- t-'nitli h I'lrsi kJm (, hcu-oii an it iM til two lriitut ilwi lllnir hnusrs v. it Ii tin appurli-mtnci'r. Scl7cl, tnl;cn in vi4-ution and lo hi Kohl iih the properly of .lohn HowWi. JAMI- Vt tho Katm tltni ami plat, a lot of uroiim! kI(- W hi ih lioniusltot tvntiiilliij'i'luuihl.i i-xiiii. ty, t.i'lUK Ihty left iriiui nnu our uunuiiiii nun toit i-et ill t p, hellia two tjoiouuh Hilt, Poumieii on thehoithhy lot t 1 cns(( luiichor. outhi west hy alley, on tliesouih hv IM of William .eteler, jiu,' on tlie east h Ticiitwlne ftnet, lieretHl Istt rteil a two Mr tratllf tlvveiu hou.e with tl.tpuit. nances, ht leit, lakcii In execution him! tvJ,"M.M a- tin piopciiy ot K. U UelL J , M.SO that eiThtiu two-ttoi, frmne hoine, un xsii- au- ami tt nanu-nt. sltu.ilc Im t'etitnilla horoiitfh, In tii t tjiintv ut ('nlunihlii, iMKinitetl ati'l ot the lUiueiiHinjiH as tolhiwHi afr.iiiultiai,si'twi-utvrita irontaiMllhlrty-twiMei-tih-ep, Ik-Hu 'wo istorl hiiili, uu'l trfillt nnufi-rliiln lot hnuu'lclA'tirlherly h a 1 il ! Jt'l'ii 'A 1'ilcr; easterlv hv twoi,'lyroet wl. eaile) : Mnitin riy ny mi 01 .nicuaci Moiianan; t-lte let-1 ill trout, ijtl'tCNtt inline ot that width, lii ilcpih, one Iiuniln-,l nml mrty teet. helfil, ami tiiM'ii ui -m cm ion mm tone on us1 the pioperty of M intra ret Jlr.ihany. Klt'i;i. VVIl-:it,Mn rhf. Hiioiii"huu AuUt i, 1jT. FINANCES. QKNTltK TW1'. liot'N'i'Y ril, Al'PIToll'K Sl'ATK.MKNr, '-vMi'i i. Nia ii.iit', I't'lhciur of l'.i'unt U j:. To imioiiul on Duplicate nt. Pvi.ih pull Joint IIIllriViiMller t-Miut rations " pen ellt-ti;o spirit 7 11 .v 17' 71 t'll v;-, II. 1 111 rri:iiK 11, tlolhi lor of lloimly 'lax, It A. To amount oil IHipllcalr 87,l.7 ii f't. V.y cifh ptiM .lohn HIII.TivawtttiT, ' it-iliictloji of I'oll Tti ,tti i; l,f 01 lUlahceoii luipllcati .loll v llii.h, Trui'iiicr, U J. Touiuouiit friiiu iit National llauk ltiuille,(note in ll.inlij t ,IM It) ly (llseotitil mul htaiupoii tliflillsts.unl " am t pi I if.' vohinteciN at J-tinii ach ' epen.i laklnur oluiiliets In Tmy nml tin Ir mi hs (stance " pi-rci ntiute on glu.nm 1 1 HI t'7 !"( Ol Uahllice lu I'.lMT of Tit Usui el1 .'. ToiiimatiU 011 liral fiihscrlptfoii i' ii, Hy ain't pl .IJ oluntct is oei a Hj a per n-i i'i a Italauce iluc John Mill, Tieunirer it. To rash troui K Nc hanl, Collet lor f. II. Itli Hi rich, t'oitector. " " I,. Allouiui Int 011 his lax for onej car M-N 1.7 i.rm (m i.tm 1: 1 11 :li, Mi u'i 10,01 1H C)7,7S CJt. Ilvcash paM on iiott ut l-'ltst .N'.aiou.U Il.inkol Unoillc llv ciifh p.il-i iIIm-ouiiIIii hole ut aM liiiul; ial. nice due Tow nhlp ti i. To rush on 1 .01 n 1 of Watuin I ('icvcltntr " " Marpiret AlUmnn ' lii-WAIUm-m " " " Jci. Ilaiiiitl-mh I'iiI "t "."ill Ol at. )ty cah nalil 011 hnmli ih per lei dpi $1,111 n) H. W. Dilu.n, t-p. to lioy tlm liy illscount cn Hjou, note in Ji.inMlle .Natieuiil Hank rah pal-1 1 itw CtcM-littu, 1 .pcnt n lo llairUhuu "tush pa M I., I.. Tate, pifnllmc t'.tl. Il.iiklc,alfy ftt " ' " Kiimlrv peihniis as pei ni I pi " jcrtculiii;e oulll.it;;! 70 tm '3 7-1 U ul 'JU l t :u 17 0!) Ml Ilal.tme In faor of TicasiiriT fi mhi: TounimI', Hit To Mtira.iiet Alktnan oil homl " .1. 1', t'n-asy ' " .1. W, llayenhiii li " " Hint Int., " H. Haiiou " ' " am' i'n i-llu " ,vj i it 1 ;um im 1 VA an ! f ,1ml ll .M.n as, .i,7 i' Hi,1 unili-iuliiril tiillti . oi rmiiii tuvMi ltllp, Colunil'lil t i.unl I, riL.tloliiTl'liYH I Illy that Mr hnvc cari'fullv ixmniiu.l iho loii'tiolim ac toiiiiu mul Unit ttu'in Into rouvi'L I.I.VI A.lll'fl IINON, I.U AVl'l'iri.ltKAHV. Aim. " IU " Ml.llli.l CLOTHING. JyTlOW STOCK Ol V'ri'uli an Ivul nf CI.0TII1N0. K.M.I. ANIf WlNI'Ut (liinliH, ; tiAYiti uiwi:.ni;nci Invites utlt ntlon lo Ii'h tlH It of t I'll HAP AND PAHII!ONAW,i:(;l,llTIIIN(l. ,t tils .lol.. r.n Muln so. i.t.tfot,H,r.Kli,,Vi'ltii' Miiftlnin ll.'ti- . Uloomshtiiu, I'.i., Mlnri' h," lift. Jtl.t l-lfplM.! riolll New York Hint I'liUivlell.hUit lutl n.-ortliienl or MIl.V AMI ItitVs' CtrrillNd, lin'linllng llm ino.1 rii.lilnniiMi', iluriihl,' liahiLomu MllXSdOOlis. roti.l.lhiLi ol ""'I I'.ox.mai'i:, nitici;,titiM, ANP(tir..cririi . COATS AMI PA NTH, ol nit kitrlH.Mlo., unit color., Itn hi,. nl.i replesi. l.lieit hi. iiln.nly Inriie hIik k of PA l.li ANII Wl.NTl:itHllAWI,H, HTUIl'i:i),l'l(IUlli:l),ANIll'lal.V VI. ITS, HlllltTS, L'UAVATM. HTUCKH, C0M.A1LS, iiA.Niii:i:iiciiii:i'H,it,ovii, St'Hl'i:.Vl)i:it.s, ANI 1'ANCY A11T1CI.IX lie lin. eoli.tntitly till lnilnl n lnrp unit Mel.ts. let twt! iLhorttuelit of f.T)TIIs ANII Vl:"TIN(jS, whlpli li. Ij pliiureil to initial to onter Ititouny klli.l of elollilui;. .ery .hurt liotk.i, nml In thu l,e.t m.'iiini r. Ml IJ. f lothlin; I. lninte to weir, ninl most of ll Im,; J;me iiiiiniif.ic-ltire, (IOI.ll WATCfCW NI jnWKI.ItY, I of every ile.eriplioli, (il. ilienp, ltl.ui.rof I Jewelry I. not ..nr,...eil ll) llu'.i Jilnee. Cull nml exnlnllll, 111. Kl'lll rill nurtlivel.'tX i ci.oTin.N'd, WATcmve, .)Kwr:y,.,-.c. . DAVIll lAIWKNM'tvU, ri:w cLoTiiiNo and uT:Nfi7i:- j ' MI'.N'S I'l'llNISItlXd MdllK. i 'Hf ,jiuler.lneil ie.Helfntiy iiinioiiljei . to hi. m.iu ii.'einl. th.it he Im. i,Hneil a new Clothing j ninl (jeMtlii...eirs rnrnl.liliM stole, Ju the luwc-r j room of ll. Jl.rlinmi linllilins, .outhwe.l conn r i of Mutii im.t Mjirui-lej.els, UliHini.lnir, I'n, j ,, I llitMiiJinlli'llin,i-l o.w IVjIlinli'li.lilii w III, ii I i-ir,,,. Mi,k i,r i h ... ''I''' ANII WlSI'I'.l; CUlTllINd , ninl u:.vn.i:Mi:xs i ntxiNitiNo (jochw, Af.,Ai. In MatlerH liitnsi'lf that ln ran plcasf all. Ill- sttK'Ii COlllpI IsfH WJN'M, UOS'.ANK YdlTTIM' ('MirJUNd, f u ch t-; MACi: ( OATH, OVIIlU'iUT, stum's. I'S'M'H'WIltl. niivvriix, 1 tH.I.AIH NIU'lC-'flKs. IKHll.itV, HVHT.XUVAI, llANIiKT.ltt IIIKI'N, L'MIIUKI.LAH, lu .imiluf.ict vvfithltiK In tin flolhliu 01 l'ui liMilns line ut vy Uw nWvs, Jn tuhlillou to the nhovt he Ins an 1 It k Hit vr. KOlttJWUt ot CLOTILt, t'VVSIMIMil-M, AND VIXIlN'tiS. t'ionil.Nt; MADi; TO OltllKli AT Till! siioUTi:sT :;otici:. fall ninl hi a hefoie p-inhliliij; cl-e,vlu 1 , uii't SKcL'Ili: tJUKAT HAUCi VI Ns. nettt-iy j. cm:Miti:itr-Ai.v. MISCELLANEOUS. pCUMTCJti:! KliaxlTl'IIi:!! NIAV KI'ltMTPJ'.i: w.miimidosiu, II liu l.r.S.M.H AX It IIHTAU., nun.!. n 1 1: Mit.i. ku's .mm, nUHIM-Ill'IKI, l'A Will. nl. m ly In- l.uiiul tin llm .1 iiK.iirliin-nl i.f i-' r it . i 'p u it !: i- i-r i.;U'l cil to Iln pi'iipU' ur thl. Hi'i'tlini, cnnsl.t IllS.if iaui,uu, Knviu:x and iu;ii.i:tM.M Nirriii:, ITll- ot alt Umls, si.e', MjKh, ilcsnipiloti nml piht-s, riiAHtS OF Ahl STYhKri, Klii)u')i, 1)111111 I'arloramJ sitting UMjm chalrn, KXTKX.SIOX TAHIjKS, Un .il. last TahUf, JtliilnxTiihl.-j, KIUaliv Tablet, l.ihrary ml LVntrc 'Jahlt., i n MM. Ji if a ii it r , I , ..... .,... l t lichtimt, Waluul, ami (,hctlnutwiilimt Tilui- ' tili-il, i:tili;eii-s a IarR'C tls(Uttlli ia on laaal, I well in ulean.l liltelv llnlfheil wt u in.uie una nu 1 1 iiuiMie.. ' DItl'HSIXfJ CASKST I HaUHIaii.1 I J.iltl n i.ii.I llwlfuta, t'UTy Mill ( t-ty utnl ittiKh, 1 u i n i v u m ii u i " It ' ' J I P M, , .... . . ..,.-,,.., ,i .,, .i... ,,,,1,0, I ,M ,x, r '"1 tn Uw puhllc. I PirTI'lM' I'll Af1-' I 1 iy 11 Ui' 1 Ana ii, (act ctry thtni; to he foiuut In a t'ity "''" ery I' 1 Ware Itooni can he h.nl in our loom, ami at tin lowot priic. 1 h.ivi' cftal)llthtsl thu ki;aiiv pay ami om: l'liici: hyti:m iu,l )atriuit our kooiIs a repiesi-nlcil. J. II. HATI niinuiislAUr, Way 31, W. qu x v ) ' T 1 o x 1: n y, l-MtlMT, XI! TH, AC, AC. jAt'ojt) 'V wiimyi:k, M VM'I'AriL'KI US', Whou-sahi an.) IteUtil peahiK lu vj.MX ash PAXt y vo.xn:vTju.i;nvt MU DMI.KK-S IN KOKKKiX ntUlTri AND XU'JVS. Kxt huiiiie IU01I;, Illooiiishur 1'a. ' ouAMiix, i.i:Mt)Nn, luihiNs PitniNH, It () (.' K (' A X I) Y , M.tlillH tMsiN-t, HU.I! 1:01?., (I'lIIMNP, tlTKt)N, I'(W( IKUJA At., UKKAD A XI) CAKKS, all Id mK KVIK JAI'uHV, rni:i. 1:. w:h.myi.iu lltontnshui-j, A pi il.i, Mrr, riMIK AMKItlCAN HAY ICXIKK L ANI nUtK.-Wr the un.terik'lieit iltlrlis oti'olumhii t'oiinti wltnc.!-.! the tilal ol hay Inilts on the inrm ol Mr. rmii'l, tu IleialiK'k Towiuhlp, on Mnmliiy, Mav 7, hi'tureii tho American Mav Kutii ninl ik 111 uiufrtcturt .1 hy Hl.inilt, V.'AI.IjH, HUUIM It A .. of h'MU huri;, I'n., .tml the Hvmtcl'rt t'ateut 11 a Ihmk. The AmirliMi) I'mk lltie.l mine hay In one ilrauulit than the It-ni'lel lu thn e. Wo are m. Ihvl ll w 111 tiUe as much hay into I he mow- as two i;oih hoises can ili.tw, NSeaNoKiw It cutting hav, uml think It cannot le U-at 11s j hay knlte, mul chceriulty leeommeml It at liu- ln-t ha) imk aiul kulle wi hiiM i-M-r m-eii, c. Hi 1 rr sui-s in it, Im. V. 0. H.wuuhon, W. II. Kooss, .loilN HiMK, John Ii rKiucK, 1).mki. Noikk, 11. luiiu.Miu.mt, hu.vMrnc I'i'itshh, Mkiiui, 1 1 1 i.i.kk, Jons Woi.k. Th' also inmuifat Hire tlie ri Irhiatnl Ilnckco I tea 1 k v ami Mowi-r, ami otln r agricultural iwipfc im tilt.. j)l! I V A T 10 HA JK Tin: umtcrslmictl wouhl announce to the pul-lic lh it he w Mu h toill-losi' at private t.ale of '1 WO ur.Nin;i:i anh i uty auu.h m TI .M It 10 It LAS I, Kiluatcln ruhlnucreek IowukIiIii, Columliia t-o,, hoiiiiiltil hy laials of 1 lean t r M'llciiry, Joseph Coli'inan, Katnuel t'oh-uian ami otheiM, The tim hi v Is piluclpalh while pine, yellow- pine, ruck oak ami rht stuut. '1 wo humtn-it ucick ate lu ally lerl, ami all iouM he i aslly tartneil, Ample time i;it ii, hut hihkI M-cnrltv is aktsl. .Mit ii.i:i. i.i:MtN, 1'oi:kh I. ti., .Iimclis NI7. I'olumhla county, Pa. O T 1 i: K. tu hi i. oi ihk Ui.ooM. nri.fi i,i ri it kh t INWIHUH-. Jllly I, Nj7, i Wr.the thllcernot tht'lioaiiloi TMLlcn., iviilij that llu con-lit Ion iihiii which the lust huhstrln lloitM to the M.nk oi miM liiitltulc wan ma.le liau' hem euiupllcit wltli. !.. n. urn:uT. rie-Mcm. AlU!, ', ) i it, hetlit.ll. The ,uhciiheri to the rMokoftheiilio i-uauu-il IlHttltUtr will oh use pay the 1 1 I luliilltuclit, to . win wne-iouitn oi im irfcuiiM-ripiion as itTiaihl comlltlou. lo Wit. l.l UlNS) in-a. Tii'ioam-i. , , . , I. II, m'I'UtT, rieshleiit. Jul a, "r,. rjiHAl'lir.ltS VAXTI-;i. l ull. liuliam Si hi Hit IlMrh t until. 11... niiiloi.n.l Dili' li-linih' tilU'lii-l. tol lhui'lii.ullii:rar, All a.i iilli-mit. inu.t iniili'r.tiuin I'.iiiiiiiintlon U'loni tiai loiiniyhuiii rlnii'iiili iii on Ha, .mli ilnj- ol An. iiu.t iii'xl or micr, at t'riitiulla, '1 lu .i-hooUu i oih'H nil tho Ul ilu ol hi'.ti'liihi'r, lllnl ihi1iIIiiu Ii-ii inontli., It linaltc-iittiiii. ah'lnailr lu-i,iurii.r Hy iiiilvrnt IIih lioulil. , , V It. WIllll.I'MtTJI, K.i'y. Icu.H)ali., Ann. II, 117, DRY GOODS. a i ii,i,i:it',4 sTtnti:. riit:sit AittttVAt. nl- sI'IIINd ASH st'MMIIlt mioiw. I llipMih.itll,, r Im.Jii.t teiitrnnil lrom therllh'. I with niiiitlicr innte unit wlii t ii.soriment nf Hl'HINd (NH -HIMMIUl I0(1I1, I iilMi.i'l In New iik nml I'lilll'ili'lpli'n nl ll'ii" low.-t llpire ,1 wli(, hliel'leterllllll'.l III n il I on a. iiiol'rnle term. n. nin lie immri.l el's ' when, in Itlmiiu-liunt. III. li 1. i.,iiipn-es I.AIUIX' IHlKsM (IOOIiH of the rholi.'.t ulyli-n ninl Intest fii.hlons.tnr.'llier I J wtt)mliire..orlliiilit of Dry Hik.I. iiikI (Jlo- ctr!e.,riil.lttHKir t tit- tollowlni! nllh lv ! C'nr,et., (Ill t'lolli., Chilli., Ci..lmere., shnwl., Khinnel., Silk., White (IlkI., Linen., loop skirl., Mu. Iln., Ilollowwttie ( Viln rwme llnrilwure Qnei'fM'.rev lt,vrmft.J Jt.-in ., Ir.U mill t'A itlV) ..ts,. t,7tlm:lii,. I,ooWli'V!i.ei'. Toliiulf!, Collei.', .-iii?er., Tin. III. All.pl,.,., eilliKei, Cllllinnioit, Niiltii,,. 1SM.I.Y. A.vj) .vonnNs (ii:.v In xlinrt, rrrtlihif u-iialiy kept m nmillry More.. In whleh mi hull,.. m.ii, puhll,' Ki-nomlly. The huhe.t nrlre will 1... ...l.l " ----- for eolintry Vr,u-:e In e.ih:ill;e foruooil., Si. II. .MII,.i:il, Areuile Ullllilllis., IlliMlln.burir, I'll, riHKAT Iti:i)lT(TI()N IV imri: AT IMITIU: IJN'f'H STdl! 1:, IS IJflUT TKI'J'.T, II V S!UN(I AND Hl'M.MKIt (KIOIH Till. Mihsi-rlN-r lir.K Jut nn-clvt-il ami Unn on luiul al hU ohl xtaml lu Mht Stteit, u latucuml Kl-ll-( t ASSOKTMKNT OF AlKltC'IIAXDISK pnri'lin. 1.1 nt llm luufst IlKiiri', ninl v.lilrli lin 1. ili'ti'tinliii il Insrllmi n. mihlrrntu ti'iniH n. nin If pn.'iin.l i'I.i w Ikti, in I.lhl strts't, tin: r.wrr nit cuc.XTiir pr.nuvrr. III. sl.n'k i-niisl.t. nf tiADIKS' DIU'.SS GOODS, I'lmli'l'st l.l,.. im l l.'il.-.t .i. noil , cm ...Muslim, G I milium., I'l.tiuii.., llnsli-ry, cnipi'is, Mil!., hli.iwl.. HHAHV -MADi: CLOTHING. 'llllli'tt., Cj.s.iic ., Ciilliiiinil..., Ki-i:tink .Icitt. AC, AC, m: (atoci:iur.s JIACKKltAl., , Hiinlnnli', Mullilm'. ejiu.uii.uiin-. Ctil.iriiri' In nys, (nl., Piiliit., Ac. HOOTS A- siioi:s, HATS .t CAI'S. Ill .Unit f-v.i j tiling u. ii. illy Kept In n ronnlry (.tori.. Tliu piitriiuii!Oiir hlsnlil irk ml. nml tho puMIc Ki'lli'inlly, I. u.priirullyMill, t,.il, Tliolilnlii'.t inittki'l pilct. mlil tnrrutttitry pin. line Pirn:ii iint. I.UIlt Striot, Mnyll. NiT. (JUKAT ItKDUCTKlX IN IMIICUS AT II. ;. Hl.ll.SX'H fiTDUI., in oi:a.(h:vii,i.i:, i-a,, 0 1' Sl'lUNli AND SCMMKIt (KX)US. l'll,i.vll,.rrllK rh.i.JustU'i'i lti'il hiiiIIiiimhiIi.uiiI ul 111. Muri' III 111 11 n-:i s 111.-, u lurm' uuil .i'IitI ASSOKTMKNT OC MnitCIIANDISK imri'lm.cil nt thu lowi.t nmu; mul which he I. ili'l(rtiiliii-ilti)iii..U 1111 a. lumlemtp tenii. nMnui In' liKii-urtil clnuMlicrii InOuuiKi llli', nin i'asii on ciirsTiiv I'ltdiin i:. , HI. .ti.-k roll. l.l. (if J I.ADI US' 1) 11 HUH (K)UIIS, 1 noicKxr nnu. ash i.Tr.r i vsniiiss, , I'iilli'iji... Mu.llu., llliisli.uiis, I'hiuiii.is, iimiirv, i I'Aitrins, Sm uvi.s, IUUDV MADi: Cl.OTIIINU, r-vitliit-ls, Oas-Imei., t'ottonnih h. K mucky Jcan, 1 At'., AC, AO. ! (inorKiiucs mackkuai,, i Queenwiirc, (ViUrwmv, Ilartlwarc, .Mcilh lnc, ' imt'ds, nti.s, i-MMrt, .vr, I HOOTS A HIIOKS, HATS A CAPS. . lu hhort i.irllliu; usually kept luuctiunltyi tlorc. The patromiKi ofhlsoM frlcmU mill the puhltc generally, U icfpeftftitly sulU-IU-iI. I j I'he hltila nt maikt t price paiii (or rmtnttj pio- I " ittif'. 1 I.' rt 4 s- I I i iranevllle, May J, 'j,7. i J .1. II It O W K I!, I. now oHiTlriK to tin. i.tihlli- hi. Sli. I; of i ,s- A' a o o n s ! I'ou.l.lliiK In juiit of ii mil tlm' ui ! IN(il!AI.V, WOO I, AND II AO i I' A It ! i: T s, j KInp iloth. aiul r.i..lnii'ii' for I.:h1U.' i.i,iln, HA.vii-iiMi: iu;i.s (loiii)-i, ! of all luilti-niH mul qimllllt'., Inlul'l. mul 1'rlnt. of .in lull. tiultlt aiul iri((-., lll.lJAC'lir.ll AND lIltUH'S MrHI.l.NN, i.apik'h ritKNcii cousirrs, A N 11 llAl.JIOItAI, SKI UTS. lino,! ll..oll)lu-nt ol A.IiM" ,1 Cllll.HHK.V'.S (.U7.V.'...l 1HI01X. l'H'.hiiroifrlMdiiil i.plii., Ni'ir uhv,iuitriii t,r ii,.ws and (irr.i:xs.VAi!i:, FX NO, 1 ll.fKl',lt Ml, lu o!H'hali ti ii' 1 oui'fu i 111 liiiitlK. Now Is tlio time tu make your m'Ici lion, as J nm ollirlim KiHl-i at ctj low- pliers, ami our mntio U f-tir ileallnu to all, iui'1 not to h'Himlep sohl hy any, J. J, HUoWKII, IMoom-huiK, April 1 KltC II AN 1)1 si:, .sunt i: is in:in:iiv divr.N Tuiuy Irli'ti.K anil ihv luihlli- KUii'inll), lint all kin. I, of DKV (lOODS, flltOCKllIKS, (Jt'KKNSWAIti:, NOTIONS, iVC art' I'oii.ianlly on luunl anil for t.ali' AT llAHTON'ft (11,11 ST.V.N1I, lli.onii.jtciia, nr jamim c. iivi:i:. ly-.l, Hill1 Aytlll tor Kl 1.1S' I HtlM-lMTllol' tm:. l.uttti' lot i. ii.luitll) t ii I nml. (hU iT, iNi:v STO K !: ,v ; ir i o o n ,s, I N Miru.iNVii.u:, oili'miiia idi'.ntv. 'riii.i.ulwrlh'r n i-iK-i I fully luiurms hi. Irh n.l. nml Ihn iiiilillo that huhiisju.l r.-ltil mil lrom tho rlty ulth ii iio.li an. I ii ...i.tti.t A(.(ihtmi:xt or Miini'iiAXinzi:, mul lu.iipi-ni.l a .lorn In tin, roont luum rlv oo. i'U.li.l bv Mi iilu-n Woll. III. .n.. r.in.1.1. of i-u rjthlni: u.iiall) Uipt Iua i!r.t.i-lii..i.iiiuir .toil', .ui'h ,i. iui iiiiuiH, iittiirmiM, ll iiium aiik, ixinn- Willi', lUU'llH, HUIIllM.,.tC.,lr, lli Iiiipi lo invrlt it .Imri, of thu luihlli, i.ilron in"'. hi:i:m j. .mii,i,aiii. .Mlillln. llli,, .May ii. v;r. JOWK," lU'STON A CO., Miuinuiluin.ini. I Wholt.nh. limit r.lu I'unux VAiiNs.i'Aiti'irr chains, 11 VTIS, Wlt'KS.TIi; VAUNt,COIUAH;, llltiio.Ms. Wliilfi ANII Vll.!.tiV W.Mti:, I.OOkVtllll.AXSI Sl'I.l('Ks,'ANl Y IIASIUrrs. TA1II 1., 11.(101!, ANDlAllUIACll' OII.('I,0'IIS.,(,. ., Nu. CM .Markut htr i-t, .outh Ui', I'lillmli-ljilihi, miscellaneous:, i. . . , ,.4.-l Mil: W.SSlllNflTON l.lilltAltY 'J CO., PHILADELPHIA. WflSt llflTtfiS iNt TjM..ft ' 4:i(in,(ioo, ' ( ' Ul'HllNTs TO Mf 11 f It 1 1: kS ' lINHCASIl l'lllll,sr,lll'fll,l". iinh cash ri'WH-r if tU". , iWneisit i-m.-ifc-iT n use. cash cniJ'f.NT ol' l'i,. TWOIA.lt i'tll.-l:STSI,l two MI 11, KttlilHlltrhnlulr If JVtKPIt lifim. t ,,,,, ,.0fstni l! I. nreotiltmlili.t Willi n iiitAfTirri, wn:i:trtTr. nsintAU.su. worth mine (it rilnll llnyi tlie ,ft,f Certltlciilo, nlnlnl.oln.itrt'j tolhe holiler u Pre'iul,lli tlw (Irelit lil.trlhiillon. , , I'lIK WASIIINOTON lilltitAIlY CO. I. elifirffreil l,y Ihe Slnte of Pellll.)llranla. nnd ortiinlrisl In nUl of the , it t v j: hh 1 1 t: iNHTtrt'Tr. , I on Koi.niHis' ash unni oiiwiANs. , Ini.iririilPil hy the Mllite of N. J.. April f, l"t. I Tin: litvr.icsint: i.Nvrnri'i:, siiuite nt l!Uir.Iite. I'.iiillnaton lonnty. New ' .ler-ev. I. finniili"! lorlhepur.i.i,of uinlnltoii.lj eillleiittllltthesoll. of llueliml M-Iilli'in undssii- I "'Ihe .onnnlr "'rnMm.l.l.of the followln, well-l.Il.iWIl iltlell. ol I'ellli-jUlilllil "IHi ' i '''uonWin. It. Mnlin, lit.trlit Attorney, Phlhut- I ' m: li'w I. It. Iiioinnll. r.TChh r tyilnf r t Mini, ninl liieoriler of Iveil", I'lilhiili'lphln. X Jtt.il. .lumen M. .,.. el, New .Icr.ej. linn. W. W. Wine, .Sew .lerse. --nrr llollnilli, li., Auelil Vlanis' l.tun. Ii . L'n)..'of .1o, CoeA Co., I'lillwlilpliln. Phllni 1. 1:. i, 'T.Mt.NT, VA.IIIMnnS'. I'. 'nlcriml Ih oiiui't lliW' i.teiiii. thnl die pre,' i .T"c-fin Iiipa.. I .1.11 trf ',.. .'. ... '"' -I '" w""h ...w .iv, i-.i .Hii.i.Kiory e.. , eieits or the , nil Ipil.e eomlml. Ic.ul'il t siutnl l'l , "'Kion i.iiirnry Cuinpany, win j flinrnilM,Mi.i'K,iK.im,;n i, i,,.,,.),.. B. s.il.1 L'lHiijmii.T lii.ini,lu,.tMi,-il i.in,.rJ. ,.,.,.x Uipt m.,m ii .hai, Mhi'lln r finni cl.il tu: o A. i:ui.MN4,i f,mm..lnpr. 'Inly. i 'nil: WAMii.virro.v i.iiiiiauv cumpanv In fiiili.rth.il . hcmnnicut i,jt,.(.Hi f,irii,i ;i.i;;;:r,:lx::!r",sr""y H.ni: srn.wi.ATi: i'mjiiavim.s, .wVh.'l?r.V'Vll!!!rr,,''',,, nl "ri"1 ""''' ll'nlHn,nn,V:',''ri'!,l':'!,"'"l, I'lwffifll i! tl, f, il,?,?i . n", '.'''!tU''"VliiMM.,1l,,,,.r1m ' ",r"""wln- "si. I'i'l imi'i iTIlllml.. r Blnrtt. in. , -uriiiK im,. pri.s,.nl ur pul,l,u, whi.lulll. Ihn- It'itlrn- l.'iiin'iti nt'ja. ;V''ilr.','.,,,v ' Mj Ciiit'll' Ni.3-'Tlipyi, i Si.i.l: TIm- n hin ; St:H"i u s,'.,mi.. i iv orii...r,.i, .,., ti,VVtl,,,iil,n:,,,,'v ,.lil .'i..VVn'",'ir''-',l"'5 !w" ''""'in will nrvlt,. ! ti.'!.',V!o":;v,;,.'.,('.'n, ,u w.i ! 7'iii m7.i,. Kii'nm him, I ,, lv-'V-l'i"s-'''i I 'mrthlp." .Ni..l'...Vl).h. . l:i,-l,,nM,ii.l lnt,.n,. wlili lili .MiTtlir." j nrrr lk,"r,r rhttrmlw. Anv p,.r.i.ii pnylm: I lir.-.. .Inllnrs will r..i ! .l.',,,,r."''u,l,,,1t!.'.-'1l,lle,'ii "lnltn)nllho W!.lr. ti. tlir. ,' rie,,,;:'''"' ,K" f nlUHnu; Hi m to lau-ires.nts. TIIK WASHINGTON I.IIlItAltYCO. win, uvAun Tlllil'.K llI'MHinil 'I IKHXANII Mll.l.Al: IN l'l..KN'ISTOTin:'lll!-nol.liH;., Un U'tilm-sila!), &'iih;nUr '!!, I'fi;, AT lMIII.AIIKI.lMlI.V, fA., m: r Tin: l.sarrruri:, mvr.nsu.K, n. i. Srhcihtlc i.f Vc.rni.. 1 riwh 1'ri'M'itt , 1 Ci.h I'n .i-nt Mt I Cu.h I'ii-.i'iii I 1'im.Ii I'n n'til " !: 'i.ii rri-nMiis ot iS,'i"in.iu-ii ' S-H.u ,. 'JU.UIO .. iu,iii.i .'.I'D J,Wl i iimmsoimi lounlry U'.iilim Lrrolllll...V.. Ii..ri,ii,t,.ti .. i,t.o'...i..i. .ninl.', 1 lioulil,. ii.uiin., tlii,e.iorv "hrlilc Ii il.'.'f",'.'.'.' .!;, . , ' . li,(i huisluess euhllshul, No.'lU Wiilihu. ton AMnue. 1'htla.h'lphla T ,iMim" I l'tiuniryiesitliiu'ttlUt-rsUle,N..I.,'vith ' mouiiil. li nit. i 'iinn-sioiy mtt.iKc i,',r(A;;; ii alimlih. ImlKlIni; Im.. Iiti.,ui;. I'lU'll , I ),0."o 5,M . J.K.I,lk tioooin, laiio v ..., ..... .,... of hoi...., hurni-.., ,Vi... cotupli.t,. ', 10 aln.il.li, liullilliu; lot., l;Hi rsl.iui t'ii i'iu-li .... .. I Iwnlillful .Ihi r-vniV hnr..., 'V ini'ini. "' liu. .trtiio. im, i-u..urnti.il liiii,nrti.. . Ara .lull llor.i. '('ullph;" ) ' nml w.iu.in, u, Muht llil,ouii.., wlll..,.L ol .ll,i I lor Klniili, h.iin...., A... iintlilniS iillrK.ili..H...ial,li,nmnt.... ... .. Mitt ?i l'limi... ..Vmisu-h o,:,; jn i, i.i.i,.ot... m; ,.,., .'..:;.;;; if'.';j .i iii.i.vioi.i .i ninn uui llm,.., ...u,.'t.h.,'. ,V 10 l a.nlly .toIiik ln.ulilnM. .11.1 iwh. .. . iiin ..I Mllt'lfolil atf n., ril.HI. iu-1 i.Lfl.l lul oil null,! I,,.,. 1.,. I. V '- "Vl ........ , ...,. .. ....... ,,, iiia iiiiri C.ili- Milui' . :i OiiHi-r. hair .haw I., fi,ii'i'arh -' ('uniol'. hull .haw I., f l,n r.ll(.h t liatulMimr Ijn... slmw U .Sii-a.-h l'l i'a.liMi.ii .hawl., f .i .Mifii Vl silk ilioi .,tt,.rti., iT'nudi yi l'll 1 .t; 1 1. 1 ni K.i m. - it.-, .-u.-i, 'Iliciiiiialnil,.r mil i.in.Nt of mi'Vi.; Mali', niu.lnil Ui.- o,.a ulu,.,., ii.l!i. IiIIiIck, ami iilii.-Mni nrtMi. Ol ll Il.llll.llt ll I l.l aw, ll 1,1, .11 ii u t ,K U, lO.lin 3.K" .") ,7VI J, 0,ttl Tolal All tJii'io!iiTtU. Wn,li ol Iht'tiiuliiiim-t'., .'I.rti Hoar IHW TH OIITAIN MIIAllK.S ANJl IIXOIU" VINds ' Kinilonl, u ion. h.v nmll, .iwIo.lnKnomSI In cii, i lll,, r l,y l'o.t (iniiH. oril..u or In n ii'islkUr-.l Mu-r, at our rl.l.. lirs.T amount. .hnutU Iv Nonl hy ilr.it. in i.xj.ri.., lO.hm,.. with llimr.ivliiu. gj "ishtili'.i v. Ilh i:ii';ravlnus jjj. .') .liar , . Willi i :nura Iiik., "Lli.-ncii wllli):iii..rinlnij, ui.'t) liHiBhaivs with IIubkuIiiijh,.. . (0,00 Inl AdlWTn V NTKli iiimticlmnt tin. 0n. iwlhlali'., Mi.rs. (Iiiiudk A. cnnifK ,i ('o,, hoVlii7l illloh.ii i,itiiiniit..,.tl,,it t"i. inoii,.. Juiruiln! it'll,"!'" I'tuiiiiJtly iipiMti.t in ih,. t.iitii,Vi' 1'IIII.Wil.l.l'tllA, M.iy ao, IrilJ. 7V. it.itci 1 1 nml (.v nilit't i if ii li',;i,-,i,;f,, biwu (i .V. N, DK, ), ftn-niim; fiiMilU m.-n: mi i.....pt or innr fhwv nf t)t. I'tli ln. tiotliyliiK n. oi oiiruiHiinlwi,ntii. lti. ccher.i lur yuui couiptiii), uutooii in. lliit'iivn. w. .uui ii .-,v oi .our i uuiU'J, with ft phm i j n.ir i nioi prl.i-, to thi. lik-runt liipil tintliorlty nl Iho siato, mul linvlnu nxvlrdl 1,1. r.ioruu. upliil-ui In nwiul tn It. hiBillty, mul tyinpnthlj. In;,- Willi tlw lnncolcnt dijwt n(our AmuIu lion, tin, filurat Ion nnil innlnlinnmnortlu. in pli.m rlillilrrn of our .oMIurs nml enlkir. at liu II Ivcr.lilu I n.ttuti'. uu liiivt .'um-iuJul tunwvfi llii'liu.l.amltoii.i-oiir l.,t .!iiii to jaoiuot.i an wntlhy nil cilijift. Ho. j ,1.,-t I u I ly , j on l , Ac., UUI l. A, (.OltKK A CO. AiMu'm. all h-tti r. ami orih-i. u tli:o. A. C(iiKK A- Cti., lUNKi:r.. SISoulli Thlnl slr.-. t, I'litln.l.-lphln, I'u. Itiri-I.in rurthi' W.i.hlnijtiiii Lllmir I'n. .1. li. I'CltSKI., Authuili'il Aui'iu lor lllooni.liun: ninl lclnlty. Jul) .1, 1h,7iii, QOrilT I'ltOCIiA.MATlON. Viii:iies, thi'llon. William i:iu,-, I'm-IiIcu' .lu.lL-.'iii ih-- i'..uit of ti,r ami Tirnilnir mt. ili-iu-rat Jail ii.lii.ri , routi oi ijuartrr s.'..lm.. of Un; I'n nt. ami (Sunt m Ton iinni I'l.n. im, m iinn ('ntiil In h,. .LU, .lu , ml Ji.ul,.t, .,Vi, I'imhIoI tln-i.iuulli'.ol l'oluinli.i, sullllull mill Miniliiti, ninl th.. 11 1 1 uui h tran.l IVnrK ll.-rl.-lli, U.ih I.iIi. Ju.lir... of K.liiinl.ln i.aint.' hmr i.mii.1 ihi'lrpn ii ii, lii aruu ilnti- tlm tfii . ilav ol .Miii.Ii, lu Ihi' i'iir ol our loM, n.i., ,.,,.i ,,.,, ,.i iiii-i .iAiy..i.ii, ana t. I ini'illti-. p..) for liolilliii-in'ouitorfiMiraniiii riti, hit mul .. n.-rnl Jail Ii.-ltv.-rj m ini ouiu-ti i si-..l,,u.i,l ll, IVnn-, I'ouiun.n l'l,u t.iui ilinh. i un l .nil I, In llh.ini.lairir, In tin. i.iunli m ij.. luiuiiiii, on tlm th. I .Moniia), I., im; i. it ii.i ,,, ! s,-,i'iul. r iiiai, tm ..iiilnui. nin. tn-ft. ' , .S.illiv I. Iiii.-Iii i.-,.n, io lli.!Colimii,li,tU. I .In. In-, ol tin-IViu a i. u.l ll,.- I'on.iuM,.. of in, j Mkl U.Uim III -.llUtll,l Hun t.V , llH'lllllM thi-i-i, in ihi-it-1 i . .i..-.- 1.. I...1, ui t, i, ,, , i lini-iu.iuoi .i l.l 1 1., . iiiiti.H i, Mini. ii.i,i. tlun. unit ot in r ii-uu-iutii.in. . :,, ,i,, thoM. tnitu,, Mltl.-li lu tlu-lr oilli.-. , ,ii , h,, ,h... Ami , th,..i. that nu- liuuini l,.i ii.minlriiuiv, lo uiu. I r-uti' iimilu. tin- iirl.oni r. llun ara or ni.iv l,i, in I tin-Jail nl lh, .,,1,1 ,., unt ot l nluiiti.i.i. i.il.u Uiu i i all.) tlli-IVlii pln.1 i-llli-lliiiu a. .hull lu u.t J, . , lorauri' n-iUi,.t,,l in I., i.unilui.l In il .ir allrii, I - - .lU.i-.niiii-. .'.Ii f il.. ii lu , . . ,., I .S. nt I'li.iiH.nurL. )i. .,,h !, . ... i. . I- - I III 111, )i i . f i r ,, a, . H I, . mul t ht Itun.lrt I -.1. nmra, tm n, itlni-tii Ut y i ir i. tu-in .imi.u.c it,, i. , Stale. ,f (,., ., n .,1 1 M, N. WKVt. II S ,, H SSI.Hl,.V,7 ii,miilll - Vl- ' . A 11. KINDS Ol-' J0I1 1'IUXTINfr FrmllhWrn1 'UtUj"1 'n"' "' ,""A mw"