1 i BLOOMSBUHG, PA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1867. PRICE FIVE CENTS. VOL I.-NO. ;u. MISCELLANEOUS. riMIi: FADDY HUX (J () A I 0 ) M 1 A X Y , HIIICKMHINNV, I'KNNSYI.VANIA, CAPITA! 91.10,000. JOHN M. HTACKMUl'Mi:. l'ri'Klilcht, I'll AM, A. UOONK,Hcrrplary nml Tn-ioum-r, diukctoum: John M, Hlftckhoim-, .', L. Ounjdicll, ClifiM. A. I loon o, C'J run Htnikhou-M', A. M'Dowell. a met:.- MAIN HTUKKT, HltlCKHllIXKV, The lniuW In M 1y Oil Conn-iiny, rrmiM of FOUH HUXDUKD AXD KOltTY- OXK AUKKS, ntul Mxty-four jwrihi", of curefully i-elect oil huul lyhiU mmthwpHt of VIHtr.-tllnrri Luzerne rmm ly, 1'it.. In tlte wwti rn utt of Hit' (ln-iil Norlliem or VonutiK on! liaHin. X A very rn refill nml thorouh exniuhmtlon re f$ ci-ntly niiuto liim pntM'ii thru! (for the iihou-) h,:' IntitlH tw lm tlio emWllincilt of n Viwt amount of th cry Ik'kI qunllty of nnthriielt-n roul, linvlhi; jfy vwry facility that could lie ile.ireil for trims 'l jiorlnlloii hi till illrt'ctlotii. The nlmve truct It crosstM hy n K"'xl ro.nl, nml itUo illicitly In front, mid joining nretHe Idu'liiwwtunH .V Illoom " fcf lmrn railroad, und tlm Wyoming cutntl, tliui nf fording tluivrry licRtmhantiiKo of marry ln toad mul raf ml running to I In' i-ry mouth of the i mlnci w Ithoiit I'TpHisM to tin company. The measurement of tlieilltliTcntbi'iUorspumt i nl ready developed wan can-fully obtained mid i added together: tho thlrlcm- of thew Hen nix, Including t he eelehrutcil "I ted Adi,""lhu-k Moutv tirin," or "(Irutid Tunnel" olu, Is tlili ty-ono and a half iVet,(SlJ), ou-ry cuhlcjnidof whlth will k-lda ton, giving iv largo uinount of the t st quality of coal. The loriitlti Ihkik'Ii that all the veins may be rut and worked tothe greatest jmsHlljle ad Mintage alioM water lew 1. and at much Ic expuisp than can la- ilone from roller let operating: U-low water lewd. The coal can be drought to the mirf.ioe through drift or tunnel which drain tlm water from the ntlncH and aeH the hoUtlug of the coal. So the t liability of these lands for cheap minim: It uu 1 (uetlonabIe. Very lately the "Orand Tuiinel' i or "lted Ahh" vein has been opened, and U now : producing as line n quality of coal as has ever bteu produced In the anthracite region. The f breaker now In operation Utapable of preparUg f iiom lVitoliittoiH per day. TlieMirlaeecontaln uu abundant supply of wood and tlmherery vl- uabbt tor mining purpose., which glw the trait HOTELS AND SALOONS. J O X () V O X I) H O T K ti. 1 1 UK undersigned tiavltm leitMNt ntidrp.fnrnlsh' cd in khmI t lu thu llbe U'llktioV. I) 1 Inline, I hltliute AM (IN (I TUT. M OI'NTAINH In tlieboidiTHof i'lihiinbliiand Hull twin counties. I In one o (he toon beautiful and heallhtul it Klmis In Hie Htati'j Is fullv pre puied to iuenmiontule wsnors linn unjourncrM WITH Tlir.llt KAMII.1I. TIim I'niid and M renins are w ell ntucked ulth ddli luus HhIi of many kinds Including T H t V T A N I 1 I K 11, I and boats In komI order lll be kept fortheaf cniiiiiHlaitou unci amusement of mieM. either for ilthhu or pleature exeurhlims iiou this beau- 1 1 iu i siivt i 'i wilier won ii is HKVKHAIj M1I.KM IN KXTKNT. 1 Kiirrounded by an extetido Forel. theielsntror- ui u io me miuismau a piiiciiii neat lur um own I'ecuiuir n miis, aiio e.iert isit w un oih I O (I A N 1 (1 U N. Ills fjildt r Wilt he nluiivx l.rnvlded ulth the lt-Mcat leu of thttM-ason and his liar Mocked With l'rith J.uu'ons. 'ihe lloust! Is larnental commo. ditais ; tlm .stabling i-xtensiw and Mife. 1 he House Is reached from hcw-ta l hits on Mat IllootiDtburic A ljH-kawann.i lUtihoad; and Is plenum place in pass me noinmntns iu mini llier. II. H. HAVIUMlHr, amy 17, i7-im( THE COLUMBIAN, (Orlfllnnt goftru. inn niKini.rMiii.lv, IT MIUIIT IIAVi: IIKKX. Ill MAUI VN ll"1. trlN ns limy triuil In outer, liu lnciilli I llll till! ivlilli! hs wiftly IH ll0jlllu. I Til's win iii'tiwiiry, ih Iiwh iiro kimio- ' rally .rrltutoil hy belli; liniitliwl upon. 1 llo tlicn Ih'huii to ioihIiUt what coursi1 lie 1iimiI1 tuUi'. Ill' win mmiio ilNtnncc rroiii lilt limin, anil iki line 1 near lilm ir wl'.hlii rail. 1 1 It llr.-l i tlii)ii(lil wilt to wall; .-loivly Into thn THE DISSECTING ROOM. ANNOYING AND FASHIONABLE Till, student anatomy Is liitroilureil , ACCIDENT. lutoal(int;ilIf.-ef:tlnt,'liall well vcntlliit-1 a vol so l. ilV I'Al.r.s Titnoffiir cil and lighted from tlic roof. An array 1 nroov. oftaliles,mimlierlnj;,licrliai,two(lozi n, , o.s-uof the nnnnylni;, yet ludlrruus Mretrlirs around tlic liull- null wltli u mrldents. ililrli will haniieu In tlm lantlnp; .surface rnverod with zinr. Suliji i ts aii) proslded by liurtles ri(' ulnrly employed for that purpose who, XCHAXdK JIOTKIj, Itr.ntlMMttl'IKJ. Clll.r.MHiA l OtTNTY. l'A. Hie litiderslL'llisl bn Villi tHltihiied this Well know u mid cent i idly-lot aiett htaise, the KxchatiKU Hot I.Klluatuoti MAIN M'Kl.llT.ln HliMiioburK. Immediately npiMititelhe CorunibU t'oiinty Tourt House, resirectiully Inform his friends and the pnbllii lu cetieral that hit house Is now In order hr Hie reception and cntettalnmciit of tiaw-llers whom iv bedlpttsid to l.ior It with llielr cus tom, llo lias Npart d no exp use In pu-parlnu the r.xchiini'e for thu ciilerliiliini.-tit nf his ltucsIh. neither Khali there be un.whlm,' wantlui; (m his liari " niiiie'ii i mi mi ir personal cnouori. un iiolise H hpachais, Htnl eliJtijH an excellelll liusl- ess location. (iinnlhutMeH run at all times lutwei-n thu l.x- Chinee Hotel atal the vnrloi t railroad depots, by whicii tra-Ufrs win lie pleasantly conw-.veu 10 and from the rewpectUe stallons Indue time to meel im cmr. jiiii.s r. t v-iij' Ulocmisbiirs, Mnich fJ, lMit, 0 li UM III A II O U S K, II K It N A H 1 S T O II N K It . Itivtvii lnfnlv luirehiiHed and lltted Illi Hit1 welbknowu Koblson Hotel rropeity, located a, t KW IMIOIM AHoVK T1IK OlUllf llOl'HF, onthehamn hide of the Mreet. In the town of ll ctomsiairi': atat iilVinu omaiueuu license hi; the Mime nsa H i: S T A U It A X T , the I'roprletor hat detei mined toylw- to the peo ple vMlliut the town on buslnesK or pleasure, A m iti.i: moiu; UDO.M. IlUMahlhite also Is extensive, and Is titled up to put buiiutes and carriages lu the dry. lie prn; Uestlait ew-r thlnt; about his cMahlMimelit shall beconducteil In mi orderly and lawful manner; imd he respectfully solicits u share of the public pairoiiaiie, i".' ON OptWr HoHlmu (Vir;i. mi! k i ito i ka n ri.N. laet (liat almost all valuable ronl lands an- bclnj; Si11' nntj lapldly taken up by heavy capitaii-ds or i.irne cor. ,( o-f tt HUttAHWAV, N. V, poiatlotlM, Allows iimi 1 1 icy iiiiisl Mcuony nun Kreatly rise In the market value, while with the Immense antt constantly tucreahiK dem.iud lor this eoal, and the ltallroad and North ltranch ca- n.tl, passing by the mouths of the mines, through thedreat Iron iniiklnn districts of lUnmnsiniiu, Iianvllle, Ihineannon, HarrisburK, Mltldlelown, Marietta, and ColiimbU, to tl le-water at Hare tletlrace, one can scarcely conceive of a more proiltable or permaibiiit source of wcuUh than nuy be found in lainN like tluse. Inonltrtobe able to open their work on n more t xlenslw pla"i, this company has placed a oortlon of their eanllal McH'k In market on the lolloulin; terms: Any pet son taklnnone nr more Khan ft oi siock ai THN DOIjIjAKK KA(!H, will be entitled annually to a ton of c oitl at cost at the mine jht share, and any sIcM-khohicrs Ntr ui:i;kivin(i thi: mai iu.it,.rM.nM.lMlH eredlteil oil the books of tla 'onipaliy. Willi the dllKltlue in twei 11 the ect and ht Hint! price for eiu h Hilary, to he paM he fore a d vldt'inl hli.tll hftieciareii. ...... t V. KNAt'P, ABiiit. .Maieh I, ls07. TinihiKVKNs 1 Torsi: Is well and w idely known t.. tb.. in.irlliiir i.itlilli' The locution Is ewOeclul iy sunaoie to merciianiH nun miniu" jmn , n n In cbiHo proximity tothe huslness part m"the city Ik on tin hluhwav of Southern ami Western travel and adj.it ent to nit the principal railroad ami sleamboal depots. ineniewns nouse nas noenii ii-coiiiiiini.iieu fur over.W KUeuls 11 is v. ell inruisiieu, aim jkjs. nirri- nunliTiife lnHiniW-liietlt for the tsilil' toil ami entertainment oi Its Inmates. The rooms are ht.iiclmm ami u ell cut Hated provide withKas and water-the attemUnce Is prompt and lespettful and the lnnie is Kent rousiy pro- i t-il W Ull ewr ut'llcacy oi me season ai mini- eiate lates. UVM. K. ( 1 1 AHK A til. IliyHlo-Uil.i rroprieiors. is I'fiitdsin ti rvidiv Htmw moknino at llbdO.MMHt H(J, TKNN'A. Till prlm-iplcs of this pa per are of theJctlerKoh- lau HchtHil of politics, Those prlnctpleM will w beeoiniiromlscdtjctcourtrsy and klndesH ttlml nd be iornotten In tllsciissliiK them, w hether with Individual or with contemporaries "f the l'rem i Ihe UMlty, lmppitiess,atid prosperity of the eouu trylsourtdm and object; and as thn menu to neeurethat, we Khali labor honently and 1-artientlj for t he harmony, success and crow t h of our orj?an- Iratlon, TKitMsoi-Hfiwitii-rios: Two tlollaift n yeai If paid lu ad a nee. If not paid In adwilice tw- dollar imd fifty tents will be Inwirlably charts. T UMHorAhViriiTiHisdi One fcquaie(t(i lines or lens) one or three Insertions 8li0j each subse tiuent lti"ertlou .V) tt nts. Ml'At K, lM. M. 3M, t.M. IV, Onesiiiian- $V fU" W, 51"."" TwoKipiares n.co .1,1 ti.w H,t) Three Hcpures .,( 7,M IV I'tmr Htiuiirtk ,! k.im ly.im Ii.uj lm,im Half column.. . UM" W V ," i.m One column IVi1 1."" :t"-fl 'H1"1 Lxccutor'sand Administrator's Notice $.!,)); Au ditor's Notice 2,K). Other ndw-rtlst inentK Inser ted according t special eontrnct. IIuhIiu-i-h notlct s, without advertlsi ment, twenty cents jK-r line. Transient atlwrtlMturnts payabto lu advance- all others due after the first Insertion. H Is, lu alt caics, more likely to bo satisfac tory, both to hubHcrlber and to the Publishers, th.it remlltaucuHaud all conimuulcatlotiH respect ing the business of the paper, be sctltdliect to the olllcti of publication. All let lets, whether relating to the etlltorlat or buslnt-sg concerns of the paper, and all payments for subscriptions, luhertlstnc, or Jobbing are to bo made to and addressed imot-'KWAV A I'llKK.i:, "Otlumbioa ty?rr, Hi.oDMsiirmi, l'A. Printed at Koblson's Ihiildlutjs, near the Court House, by I'll vs. M. V4.NItKltsf.irK, Kit NK It. H.NVhhlt. Iicst of funil IIiM, occurred on Suinliiy, not over u llnu:unl miles from tills city. A dry iooiN clerk lunl mi cniemcnt to tiikr Ids ludy lovi'a lniKfKry rldinjj. Kar ON-'K, while I alone was slltliu;, win re the d lint llu-llKht. tllltlim, Cist iis)ii the walls mil mau a tiemblinic, ichost-llke shadow, thin. WHle I iK.n.lered.d.ei.lythlhkltitf.fancy sthalu river ty, fttul t'lltly "Illk llH lit'iid . iuitvItllst1llitiK tlit'MiJV'ty oftlielrtnulr, Ami mS t( kolt Uu- IklIiil-h of jy tlt. im,riiliiK lu. npptMirt d before tt-iy within. swarm. Hut n iiKitiiontM consideration tho nllit. TIumi Mibjccts aro brought ,ur fatlier'sdoor, with onu of tho-o koI- lttnaiisawMorms or fancy, and my secret (iHsamitMi mm iron! nun lUieuipUMi from the Maud which Xuv York bcs der-Uke vehicle, which are probably remedy. JIu eoiiltl not have dhenuyed tw thol'otterVKleld.andare thu icinaliH eoiistruded with u view of ascertaining tbemall,for many were between his 0f pauper, erimlnaW, and those uufor how liht a butftfy can be made, and at neckcloth and UU skin, and Mill more tuuato women who from m ltiryo u ehKs the Ktine time be serviceable, were crawling down bis back. He . n ty life. They are conveyed Into J Tho lady U nwect sixteen, beautiful, found that if he walked he could not i the receptli)Urooni, and each one Inject- and Jtut a little bit of what is termed help disturbing; the hanulnt' iiiivv, and (.(i NVtb an antUeptie, eontalnlii"; hie j "fast." She Is full of life, fun and frol that every little agitation, however i mercurv. or arsenic, mixed wltli nhister ! If, and Is decidedly rn homminL weltrh- sllht, eaiiH-da hum and a hiss from 0f IarN(and the whole mixture colored about one hundred and forty-five t-ouie thousand. He then reiueni' to a tint of red. Tho aorta Is opened, pound-. As the youiiK Ketitleiiiaa thotights within- rhlnkhiit of what inlht hae bet n. As if ntifwer, then, reluruliuf, to the thmihts w It 1 1 1 it me burning, Idle 1 sat ami sadly lUteued to thu sltthln of ' the wind; Ufi tied to its nmuriilul tlnhliu, like the wdces of tll('dllllf, II their death-thrcMM wildly erylinf, suddenly, l aboe the din, !u (.voire low and sepulchral, et distinct ubow I thu din, i t'.une t hi? uuds 'H mlht hae been," htl no otht r wotd was spoken, In the slh nco so unbroken them cctuld hear dlslhuth but the Iropplnc tf a pint Wiflit haMtonl7ed so trulj with my thoiuht, itrt aiiduuaily, Tint 1 said, there's no erne, Mirelv none but me 1 within; vj i It not ni) self made aiisw er, lo my sctret thtamhts w-ilhln? Spoke the Wilt e, "It mUtht hae been," Ah 1 tald I, politely rising, 'tis some trlcnd, me hus surprNltiK, Wlii, Is-fore me, thtiM, in secret, h.ith my t ham tin 1 tt. jdn 1 icr t-ntt red In, QMXIHUS MX I-:. The uuderNlned would rtspectfull auuminc nhe eitli'UH of Illoomsbnr and the puldle (jeiie- rally thitt he N iuiihlmnu OMNIHI'S I.INI5 tMtWten this place aHd the dlttt rent railroad de ' its dally (Kundaj s excepteih.toeount el with the .seNrral trains k1uk South and West on the fata- w-lssa and Wllllamsport Itallioad, and with those yutm: North and South on the Ijukawanuaaiul IHiMinisbiiii' ltallroad. HtsOniHlbnssisare in Kod condition, coiunio- dloin and cointortable, and clurKi-s rt-asonat.Ie. Persons w Milns to meet or see their irh ndt d 4 mu t.canbeaccomodaleil upon reasonable charge i by lealn timely notice at any of the lintel. JACiin f. (UUTON, I'ropiietor. . VTa itiu a(7i: MANL'KAirroitY. lllooinsiairi:, Pa. ?; M, C, SLOAN A llltonilT. Oniueessiirot f WILLIAM SLOAN ii SON continue the business ol making - $ CAUUIAOIH m-(;uil, 1 and uw-ry st lo ol i KANVV WAliONS, ! which thev li.ie coiistanlly on hand to suit ci' B touiti. Neer ushu; any nialerlal but the hest ft and fiuhbuimc the most cxpcrieiued woikmen 1 they hope toiolitlnueas heietofon to eelillrt1 1 Mttlsiactlon to e cry customer. An Inspection ot J& their woik. and of the reasonable pi he asked fur ! the same, Is sure lo Insure a sale. x s u it a x c !: a o i: x c y . (1i:oil(Ji: W. MAL'or.lt, Proprietor, 1 he ubo e well-know n hotel has tereutly under- K'lim radical cliani-s lu its Internal arranuemehtw, and its pioprli-tca-aniioutic es to his tormer custom and the travelllm: public that his accomodations for the reunion oi his KUeslsitreset-oiei in none in the eou nt rv. His table will aluajs be found sup plies!, not only wUh MibKtantl.iI hsid, hut ulth all the tlelleneles (d the season. His Uh' a lid II- ejuors feitept thai popni.ir iicwutgo Known as "Mi'llfttn ), poll Itascu ciireci iroiu ine Hiiporuii houses, me entirely pure, and tree iroiu all m. soiiousdrn-'s. Ho Islhatiklul foru liberal patron in:e In the past, and will continue tndesrrw It In the luiure. tllMUdi: V. MAfdr.K. KWA.V 1IOTKI., BUSINESS CARDS. J on Pit IN TING Nt-atlr exccuti'! nt IhW (Kllre. .M. lviilil.K," A T T 0 11 .N i: V A T -1. A V, AliLiml, Sfhuylkill I'nmity, IVhii'il. TV J" K. JACKSON, A T T O It N I'. Y - A T-1. A W, HirulrU, Coluintil.v Cnuitty, Vtuin'a. 11 M. TUAUtiir, " A TT" It N li V-A 'I'-I. A V, llcrwlfk, Ciiluliilihi County, l'i iiu'n. "yyiM,IA.M II. AllliOTT, A TTII II .N i: 1 'AT - I. A V ci:n:Ai.i , pa. IOIIN (i. I'llKIIZi:, (tin: I'ri'i it iun'si.,j oitANt n:vir.i.i:, (i)i.f.MiiiA co., l'A. tIim kiilisfi Hut ii'hiii I'tfullv Inri.rni'. hN lilttilH illKl the ulilir, that 111 ll.c tuk.'h tlli iilmvi- ucll KIKIMI Uini' HI i.iiii'I iiiiiiiiiriu, nun 11 plt-lltl'il III rri-flM' till' I'UMiill! Ill llll WUH Will ,.Mir hhii ith it i-iill. m: wii.i. Kiir.i' a (iniiii taiii.i:, it liar H'l'lUtm-Unl Willi tin- lii'st ni l.i(inili. nml iirv i-llurl u ill In iiiiuli lu riinli-r inlln miiih-ltii-t ili. .IOI1X MNVIlllll. llllllliti'Mlli', !M.( .MIIU-ll l-i, 1)7-1111. JXCIIAXtSK SALOON, 1 lit: rrnlirli-lnr iillln' l.xrliiillKi'M.uiiill huh iihw ull liiilnl u luri:i itiu k ul stiM.MDit iti:riti:MiMi:.s"iH, ll)ll.l.llll III' il'ITFIi iiiih:, vmiiiin, lllll'K. lliili'ilNAS hhki l niMil'r, idilt.l li l i.i.., uhlll.it rill A K, i,A(ii:u 111:1:11, ai.i:, m: i-1 iimi: dm:, co.mi: ai.i. ami hi;i:. -u I.AWf-uN CAI.MAN. ItliHiiiisiiurn, May:i, lMj". OMIi: KSl'Y 1IOTKI., KSl'V, CtlLUMlllA (lirNTV, l'A. Tliv. htiliM-rlln r ti Kin. Ilnlly Infill in, lil. rrli-liiN nml Un I'lililic, tlilit lie lm. Ii.ken ttii'iilniM vi It knnwii iiiiuli nf I uli iliilniiii-lil, nml will in liluiM'il tu milr the (lintnlil nt ull wlui will favor Mm w 1th a cull, in: wii.i. Kin:!' a coon taiii.k, a llnr wi ll klurkul ullli Ihe hi-! if I.biliurk, ami Wyiimlmt ' .Vina 4VIJ1IUK let Kultnn Jlilllle I'ut.uila Minli.iittn -irlm;tiilil Iiertiianla Im.uralicii('"liiialiy nf Mate I'.im'n, I'lintifctlcllt Mlltiial Mfe Nnlll. American Triumlt KIUIAH lIltOW.N. -Iliaf, inur'CT-ly. Huiiivnit'iiii, tl'AK.I l,IKi(l,tJIl iki,i..i iiun.iii.i iV 1,1.0 :iw,i.o .1T0,l. I ..,IMI lLl,IWl 10,UNI,IA) .! I..I eery I Unit will heliuiili1 laelliill. i:l'y. i Arll 1.', N,7. tn remler i ntlre MIIN' IIUCK II(ITi;ii, (IIIAMiliVll.l.i;, (1)1,1 MI1IA Ull .Ml, l'A. IMIAKI. JIIMMA, I'lUll'lllKTtllt. Hi,. Inv tiiLi n i.im.. k.Iiiii nf IliU well-kliiiwti hnur.1', -ii Inlili ki lit hv Salutlel Ai relt, the I'rii nrli Itir him tint ill It lierinnlli lit II lullralul flirtllsli ul HAH AND I.Al.IU.li Willi tin i liiiln ul lliinirH ,ii, ,1 ,, ,...,. it il,.li.inl,.k. IIIm htnlile 11 tint exielleil 111 Ihe enmity; unit mi itlni will la iucil In IH'l'lllllllllllHlII' (tlll'.l H. l'l . IMIK WKKKI.Y ,i I'ATUIOT AND I'NItiN. Tn i: l'i- ru i. lit MootAi ic into an .IK rm.l-.r.tlt..-lhe e.Kly l-al lnl nun liuiu . nulilixheileterv llinrsiln, hy the 1'alrliit aiut I'lilini I'llnllnu ami I'lihll.lilliu AsMielatlim. II 11 u i null.' Mieel iniwni iiiii, ini'i ...i."ii .....i..i,, ,...t,,.a r imiitt-r. m.iile nn nf 1.1 t-r urv. Atfrliultural.NeWh.Traile anil MUeellamnll el.-illi.ns, lleliiirlmir CiiliKri..! l anil 1.' KIM.- t,. l'rm'i-iHlinvii, Knieehi , rnlltleal l.KMlh, Ull turlalti, etc. Tin: ti:umi A TTII I! S i: Y-A T.I, A W, In UeuMer ami Ui i-unlt-i's nlUce, In the url II(iii.e, lilniiim.hitri, 1 (lllli h.lsemellt nf thn ( liorcil tlio luvmmt kIvcii In Tlinrk'.v'rt work on lifi'S of it swiirm M'ttlii uu the face imd ni'i'k f "iTvnnt limlil, who oMMjio ii uli ti rt by tin- wire unit mlvliv of licr liiii-ti'r; In1, wllhoiil Irritating tho NWnrin-', litivliiK lilvcd It from oif Iht with a lilvu wi'U mii'iiml with honey. To nvolil nKltntiiiK tlio t-wnrm. Mr. SlmninmW hltiwly kni-lt down on the Ki'"" llll(l ruliinlniil licrfwtly ntill. Hi! t lien found a niiinlicr of Ijciw were cutherliiL' In n inu.-i iiiul'T tlm wni-t- nml tlieiirterit'-i tilled In it similar man-1 drovo up, his lady hivo win Minuting m tier hy iiiean-i of n lai'itnnnd powerful the top Mep of the front door, with her yrlnjce. After tilts preparation thu veneralile father, who had lili gold peii liody m 111 re.-lt ileiompoMltlou fromtwo clevuted on his forehead, in order to to six weeks. A- coon its laid on the get a ill-tiint view of his future Mm-lu- tuhle, it cIiias of live htudents attaek thu Mihject, one ii--uniltifi the head, and each of the others working at one of tins limtis. In order toa-sl-t in tho tracing of arterle-, the latter are Kiinetllne.s In-1 freaks to which the dear sex are all Jected with nieltid wax tinted with dlf- siiliject. The -huggy was standing law. Adonis jumped out of the huggy pre paied to iis-Ist thu young lady lu hut she suddently took one of thoe strange Wit anil ttmor. Wlir.N ladte-s vote, ciitidldnte.s will alwiiyH he etei'teil by "ImniNome," mid sometimes ".sweeping" majorities. "I HATl'.to lieur ioopli) tnlkliig he Mini one's back," tn the robber ?iM when (lie constable was chasing him and trying "Stop thief." A Moritr.ii wroto to her bon, "Como home, John, as a rolling stono gathern no moss." llo replied, "No mother, n setting hen never grows fat." An old "soak" wants to know If wa ter will destroy boota, what inust be Its fearful eirects on thu dclluitu linings or the stomach V He Isafryld to try It. A John 111'!.!., conversing with an Indian, asked him if bo kurw thu Mm never set on the Queen's) dominions. "No," said the Indian. " you know the reii-on why?" asked John. "He-cau-e (j'od Is afraid to truM un Kngllsli man lu the dark," was tho savage's le- ply. ferent colors, thus luluglng out their JOlir.ItT CI.AHK, A T i ll It s i; v-. T- 1. A W Ollli enrner nf Main alul Maiki I strei ti, I'ltht Xatlnnat Hank, l!lnim!.lmr, I'll, J)!!. ii. it. kiim:, A unnlu.lte of J i lb rsoli Medlenl Cnlleire. I'hl!. adi Iphia, Ii.ivIhk penu.uieul ly loeated, oilers bin proteMtloiial mt lee4 to the elllens id I'utaw Issa and li tnit . otlleeon.Malu treet, oemnddoor a-t or fieasy tv. John lluflilin, apri'iiT-Oni E. II. I. I TT I, K, A T T t 11 N 11 Y A T-I.A W, (Mllee on .Main Ktreet, In biiek bulldltn; below the Court Jloiie, ItlooniKburi;, l'a. Q It. imoCKWAY, A TTtJ It N K V AT LAW, JU.DOMSllUIUi, l'A. t'ou it 1 louse All fliT-Ol-KICK- UtmbinH Oltlei below the f t. (Jaul't7. J. .Vi to (hie eoo.V. one J ear, eiuh " " Mx inonllH " i i. ...i.. I'uiir mi. mm to ifetter HO lit 1 riii.....: ' woo Twenty eophK, one jear, and one to K'dler n. Up of ciun tin: "ltAii.v ivnu)r a tnhin Mil be rumWied lo mall HUbwrlbt rH lor $.. per ahiiuin. , , ti' HiiKlneM letlem should be iulilifM-d to thu M IMtrtoi U1H1 t llio-u, i iiii ii'imii ti, ii. i.iirniiuiii .Mi 1( M)'-,,;,Xl.Uk. W.M. 1. 1IDAK, rnbllilier. 0 un vorxii koi.k.s. We rei..ei milly ln lleallenllim In llin li'llnw Inil liule llnlll me anin Him ii'iiiiii "i - liiTlllleliilellt nt ISrlinnl" mr l'i im IMilliai Vi.... t l'.'i,u.i I'li-i iiM. liiiKtmi. Main. 1 ' lll.M'l.hMKS.-rellillt ine In ei.nitlatlllale jnu i,n ll. iiiiirkeil KUieeM nf "llur iilllll! Inlkk. Krnlil the lMlenf Ihe llrKt IllllllliiT I llae watell . .1 .. i.i. ..I. .1 l,.l I in I.. itH time atat el.iraitlT. well Uiiiiwlni; tin liiiiiieiiM. intliiinie. for bikI nr .... ....ii li u,.l.l 1... ILi-le III uli'f.l. JLlilli lit hv Ihelnne whli ll has pre. nihil In inuilinf nur linenlle llteliitllie, lintll lillulnu. alul m i illar, I SUSQUEHANNA HOTK1., l'atawlHa, l'a. The almve Unti l lias lately linen iiurrliiu.nl hy lIKNltV J. CI.AHl;. ami hu. hu ll IlinlniiKlily re mnileUiil, li'i'iilreil, ami n furnl-heil. II will he f.iuiiil nun', In INarraniteKient ami niiiiilntiiu ntn, llr,li'his lintel, ami heenml tn nnne In the eialhllV. 1'er- Ill cities WMllnu In t.,iliil llei hut liliinlll" In the eimtltiy, will il well In slve Ilia )iiniirii mr a call. rjMlK UNION 1I0TK1., Atrh Ktieil, lntwiiu Tlilru ami I mirlii Slrieln, lllla.lilihln. fllltlST A WKIIUIl, I'rn.rlelntl. Q.1HAH1) IIOUSi:, l nrner in .Minn ann I m an in. i-uet i", l'hlla.le)illlil. II, W. KANAIIA, Prn.rleiiir. r.itcuA.NT's iioti:i,, IH Mllll II Hll'lil II STIII t.T, i'iiii,Ain:i,i'iiiA. .1. A W. 0. M'KIIIIIIN, 1'nnirl. lm. May In, lwi7-ly. it. uoii i. son, ATTllI(Ni:V.AT.l.A W, llhnilMsllCUIl, IT.NS'A, Olllee 111 lllllllli!l' llllllillll,',.Malll Slleet, We-t nf Hie Aim rlean ian.e, pn)Jli7, v v f i o n k i: a . MUMr.K I'll K KM A N , lli.vlnu fnlLiweil the inifi.-lnn i.n'uhlle Vi mine I'rler nr manv .Miir, wnulil Intnrin hli lileinU thai he ix ktlll In the llelil, naily ami wlllllli- In lillelnl tiiall the iltitleH nt JiU eallllu', relKimn ilislilii.'hlHherleeH.liiaililiall nr write tu hlui at !.iiiiiiiiai!ij, ni. Iniarvi. I 'J)lt. V. II. HUADl.KY, " j" (Lille AshlMatlt Meilleal Ilre.llr i S. Army, I 1'IIYhluIAX AN 11 KIMill !)', " Cil Drllie at thelinllM ii.iu.ll.,-hhi' lllnek, I llltnilll-iilll ), I II, CalN imiiiiiilly altenilul In Imtli tilitht nml ilay, IlInnniKliH-K, Jan, IK, si7. Amllt lillsi'hli f thlit ilellKlithnt, me In xecret Is (illrlulitlni!. Iliitihlle I my laiiip am lluhtintt, llitlillmt tip tie KhHiiii herein, Tell in hy what name In tfreet my llliklliiw'li S Kltnl herein. t S(iake the nli e, "il mlitht hateheell," .lfi'WI'iirfc,ci n.iy, llmu ml btiii'j, IIioukIi he. itnl all mortal KeeliiK, Crirt I, hoi fly exul, mill hpenklii w lllilitit tll- fbMleea'.eil-liaitrlll, l lamplight o'er all Hleallnc, eery ilark- fcieil iiiml. revealing, l'rnl'il Ihe ttlonm win nallitht rnneenlln, sue tl usual fniniH II erein , Krf( eil I well eaell lilililell i nrner, hut llliujtllt It'iliu fnuiiil therein, Whli h i Vtlil say "It mlitht lm, e heeli." I'r'imll flliltless heareli rttiiruitij;, wltli lusa. tlrni ardor hnrnlti!: lltlt U H llellatn the lllstery tll.lt si elneil In- p J in) ken, Willi ill: heart all in a tint Icr, elnse I hnrreileacli tlQt- ami shutter, Alul Hth inuar.l, iiniti) mutter, then lenuiiu-il my tile pen. rnml,Mi, miiM,i rleil 1 iletinnt, Ntiiiiei i my hill ii II. H.iM the voice, "It mlht liave he. u," Ahl tliouht I, Willi liimiril tenor, I hne iiriiIi ino. stttoua error hlnee llrnurfh U in) ln)lts ami lialH It h.ittl lu)' eiiulr iiiU-r-ict lu; lie It Irteil, or foe, or ih-.ll; iiieans It viuhI, or UIOAK it ell; II hatlfi till Intuit tn iiM-t, all lii) inmnht 'thnulils within, (lms.st my hefrol inrriiw, o seen rely lm-keil lltlt? Nllil the Miiee, "II lilluht h:iU hei II." S)ilrlt, uikI or hail, must trul), I kunw not, )it, niiltlsurely Ssl.rhi Kit 1 nut lot answer, tell me, art thnu of my 111 est l;ln? Hast llioaiiessii4e, ha-l Ihiai token? ami what meanheworils Ihou'rit himkui In Helli h else uuhroken mnl my jirlMite rnnm In-riil.' What hill tlmll tn Ii 11 me, eliteu it tlilniuh m hir.rail hulls herein ? I A li-ui r entile, "It in kill )iae hefli," "Siitil,"i'rlil l,lell me truly ; lis thnu knowi-st tell liliKlllel), iiitheoQcmy miiI soul IomIIi, el.ilius ni f-ur. niu-auls kin, Thu.e wliol Kate wnulil nihil) si Mr, thus lo ili.i lljiutt lureer, Ami t. l lilleit never ill this wnrlil ol Htrtfe llll-l til Tell un . 1 itpliire Ihee, will the) llleel lieynlul till- fllil nt sill ' Dilil Ihe Milee, 'lt lllh;ht llil e heell." Ali! rrii il t niiKiilsh hlluilly, nnw tit) worils are mot unkliittl) , Ami to Kfth) .-Nil tiil-slnn heleat hi-l I now hemnfj It uuiUllKtn.il) lii lelt ine, ill Ihe only fioiaee lell Infi, Thus ih i rrlisl of ill! iii pi nllii tor Ihe pain ami sirit" nilu" Silll, hi 111 thi'Wll, tli.ilt I Mlll.-st,, I wolllilhe III I ei.fctlth!n ' till tin olee, "it inlnht hate hi ell." 1 awoke, ilo worils still rlnttinu' in nt) ear, nml sii.il hrtuimt All the M'erf pain ami sorrow- lm kul in) In most snqwlthlu, While Uu !' . u l!re!llhl, Mrelilillni;, HIM' the tiMim a t .islly set mlll-4, Ali! I eiliifl hine hei ii ilreiimlint. here Willi lliuuuht.t-loi. i-hut In. lleliee "lllfflr nml that -.lie ilnaln, linuutllii; tllolUhtNelohi'Nllllt 111, DamliiK of what ml;hthaM hit n. I Ami Hint -.I'leetlll, Slllll) hlt,,u Miliiorh- rn ..on hiule sluinher In r most .lellt dull is ull Mo, Ami when stnVitihl hfi-k tu iHiimw re-pile Irum e'er preseiisurriiw, ll thniiKhts ( hrlithter morrow, whh h Mime peine iili'ljy iiilht win, lliell IliU il' u st my Imml of lilt trou-i'is, in the hollow nf e.itil-lte riiiiiilliittiiins. Wo are uwnre hln lini'k, to whh'li spot tho olliers were that some nitty consider this niepulslve ilmwiiiL', IniliintiiiL' that the iHieen witi i employment, nml yet there ! ureal there. 1'eariiiL', tlierefore, that the tl;;htnesiof tho waltltaii(l niidlit eru-.li, or tit any rate irrltatu this part of tho swarm, ho slowly uiihuttoneil tho front of lili trousers. It is not easy to conceive u morn helplr.-seoiiilltloii than Hint to which Mr. Slninionils was now reiluccil. llo that was tlio muster of forty hives, from which he could n-nally levy what spoils lie plea-cd, killing ills thousand-, at his plcasuro with a hrini-tonp match iile.istiro lu iitirstiiii"; anatomical lnves- ti;atloiis, and all sen.-o or tho horrihlo is lo-t in tlio value ami importance of tlie study. With repcet to the appearance of the subjects, it may he promised tli it they are not strlldnj,' lllu-tratlons of human beauty. On the other hand they are I generally the vilest, lowest and most unfavorable specimens of thontce. They ;tre the victims ol famine or i-xliaiistinu dl-ett-e, or are llio-e who pim.il away niiout lour reet riom tlio steps anil con siderahly below the steps upon which stood tlie yuuiiu lady, Shu probably minted to convince her lover that she was not clumsy if ,.0 was fat, and thought tills would be il Kxd t,0 ( show him her nullity. He that as It may she t;avu a jump mid landed in the sentre of tlio buuKy. If lio had stop ped there all would have been well, but alas ! the thin boards of tlie bottom of the ljtiucyi unable to stand thu presiire, (j.ivu way, and the younj; I.uly contln- Ol.n Itofinu was visiting u friend, who had a remarkably fine little girl, about three years old, famous for rtiiiart sayings. As usual, she was shown ofV before our esteemed friend. " What is papa'.'" said the "parient," hi order to draw out the precious child. Papa's a blockhead !" said the ju venile. I declare," said old Hoger, "I never in my life saw so young a child wltli so mature a Judgment." mil her descent There was a piercing scream j tt plunging horse with si young man hold- u-ns mm- eonitiletplv In the uower of In wearv senllltv. Occasionally some , m mm, a ouniiie oi miisim in mu one detachment of his own arniv, mill robu-t form still bears evidence of a life ' ul''.v mid two little gaiter hoots point was reduced tothe most suppliant po-1 of crime, and the scowl of abject de- '"K 'u rtitliiu six Inches of the ground sltion. Kven to call for help would1 pravitv vet lingers upon tlie ilobu-ed under It. Pater fiiiiiijln- rushed to the , , .. , ... ,' i' ,;,, ,, ' ,,. ,.,,. re-cue and detaclied the horse from the tl.li- uecil iiiiiifiL-i iu, u- uiu in..-' HI.-.H ciillllieiitiui. L i.i. .ii..-, in, i --., .." Ids mouth would have been undoubted-1 sometimes contru-tedyoungandilellcatu ly irritated, and would have probably I shapes, which siigget the entered hN mouth. At this moment ho I early shame and u career of heard u railway train on tlie Chertsey ltranch Hallway, from which hu was about tlfty yards distant. It fortunate suddenly changing from the ,'iiuily sa loons of splendid vice to tills cliarnel- hou-e of science. On one occa-lon of buggy, lie then got up on one side, I .1... 4t I ,1 hi-lorv of i 1 lu, iii'iu on nn inner, iiuu iney at- .,t ,,e. iciiiiiii'u ui laiso vuung imiy up, It was cu-touiary for u certain college professor to linmiru of the graduating cla-s what each proposed to do or hu In the world. One would be a doctor, one lawyer, one a merchant, and so on. "And what do you propose to bo, .Si mon'.'" "1 am going to bo u Pithcopal minister," was the answer of the lUplng graduate, "for three reasons first, thu prayers are all In print, mid I can read them easily; second, tlie sermons of ithcopal ministers are short, and them 1 can steal ; and third, Pithcopal min isters generally marry rich wives." loji, sTiii'! you are killing ine," she cried. The boards had broken in the centre, and the long sharp spllnteis extended lv happened that the engine-driver was (this nind the students were seen ,d the long sharp spl inteis extended know, to him, and had a commission cluster with looks of deep conipa-slon jlowiiwnnl,, and when they attempted r, , 1,1,1, In s ,,! 1,1s rnlKvnv wlil.lle nr.innil ..., wh.w, life. I,i,t enteri.ur on to rals ,llu ol,n" hl,,-v m,t 1,l'r l"'" dlcament thestj sharp splinters would calcli In Her le psliaw ! nut you ever , see ti m Ire 111011-0 trap '.' I f not, go and I get one, stick your linger thiough the I entrancu tunnel and try to pull it out. You will then understand the sad tlx that our young lady was u on Sunday I morning. The old man comprehended I In- -itun- fiinii bint to sound his railway wlil-tle around one who-n life, list entering on Ifhosuw anything wrong among his I blasted woman-hood, had hi en termin cows and sheep, luted by sudden death. Her feet and This engine-driver, seeing Mr. Sim-! bauds were -mall tind white, her hair liioudson his knees, with one arm ex-1 fell lu curls about her neck, and in her tended as for help, and something odd features there lingered the traces of hanging from his face, sounded his former beauty; What was her hUtory'.' whistle. Tills was heard by Mr. Sim- i What 11 volume could have been written monds' wife, who stippo-lng that some ! of life's battles, temptation-, and mls- . , 1 .. r 1...- . !. .1 It 1.1 I ...1.1 41...1- , con ,,.!-.- r,, , ............ ...... . -, iion m a moment, lletolii tlie youii" man out In the tie ,1s. I hey soon found story. It wasa spectacle which recalled , lmm () (.(m.n im, t)u, .Mr. Miunioiiiis 111 mu iiiciiiv.iiii. il. j iin.-i,Miiauinii. uiivsinw.ii .., ....,,., 1 )(ri y()k 1;uy S(reanied, "II, above iiescnueu. 1.1 au.mio,, .i. u.v ; don't !" and he wouldn't. At this hanging ma--, mere was a ciouii 01 i.ees ii,,,,.,,h.,n,,s,, , ()f proceedings a practical neigh- still liymg aroun.i n un, mi mat 10 . - -- ;,,;;;;,,; borcanieup with a hatchet, and the proai 11 111111 ns inn me iiiu-n.H. .....-.. x, , .,, ,, young ladv was soon extricated from olllee. However they came near j mi that reinaiii.or hei ,,. enough to hear him speak, wlitcli lie " w,..,,,,,,,,. did verv L'entlv.iiierely saving: "llring i The dl-ccting-room of an afternoon Is I S lliH'ill, t-1111 is Mr ilelllin Mile nf l.onnr, In .)' siu wnulil will, S.iytiKslllI, "!' mlnht Inn Itii'cUancoufl. A TBJAL OF NERVE. J. s. II. PUKSKL, IIAl'.NUSH, HAIIlU.l:, AMI Tltt'NK MANl'KAl-ll'ltr.lt, ami ilinler In I'AHI'hT.flAlIM, VAI.ISIW, KI.V-Niri'rt, Ac, Mnlll Hlleit, lllo-imshulu', I'.l. c. s 11 1 v 1:, I' A II I N i: T I A K K. It , l.MI MAM t-AI-tl'IIKIt 111 S11.AM Of SASH, III.INDS, DOOItS, H III' T T V. It IS, M 11 I' I, II I N II is, WINDOW I'ltAMP-S, AC. M ts hi 111 t:r, lll.llllMslll'110, l'A. SIXI'INll 01 IN June, 1 hWAllM or piax's r.u'i:. Weyhrldge, lll'.l'.s on 1 Hi I, Mr. Slminoiids farmer residilir ut llrookland I'arm, Ms dressing lu order to a bushel hive well rubded with honey and some brick-." While they were gone at the top of their speed for tills, he remained per fectly still. The tickling of tlie bees' feet on his face was almost unbeara ble, and the dangerof Irritating tlio-e that were down his neck wa- Imminent. Tlie most dllllcult part he had to per form, however, was that before men tioned, of dissuading the bees, Willi tin an Interesting -cone. A hundred young men may lie seen, mo-tly clad in black cotton gowns, sitting on high stools around tlie slanting tables, and tt.-lng forceps and scalpel, as occa-ion may re iiullo, laying bare the mii-cle, tiacing arteries, or investigating nerves. A few meerschaums relleve;the heavy atmos phere by the liavor of tobacco, and a noisy hum llll- the hall, occasionally breaking out into laughter its -oinu Joke aid of Id- two fin dinger-, nom getting enlivens ine iuiet pursuit m -nonce, nn his no-trils. Thiseliic-wcie not 111 1 One may in whistling lu 11 low key, a good humor, 11s thev were breathed 1 aiiotlu r humming a -natch of familiar upon, and wereiil-odoterred fiomiloing as they piou-od, and one hoe showed lii- dlsplea-ure by stinging Mr. Miiiuiniiils rlous occurroiiie, as it might lie tlie prelude to a more exten-lve attack. I le avoided making any -tart when he wa stung and continued to pu-h away a gently as pn Ihlo tho-o that wete near his no-tills. This wa- the only -afe place to breathe frim. n- it wa- neco ary to keep his mouth perfectly closed. Ofcourso.the few minutes (hat I'lap-ed before the return of his -on and -ervant seemed a terribly long period to Mr -ong. rite opera may ui'Htlcletloer a decompo-ed arm, w hile tho topic u itli another will be the party he attended at the fork of hi-two fore lingers. This nisi nigiil, anil ine uoiiiiiet oiieieu to uosiuit nlen-antoflt-elf. but it wa- a I some beauty by a hand that now, like i.ear - siiicu- in 11101 iuiu . livery little uhiln Ihe various licture hells aro luaid, and tlieio Is a riiuning in and out in oUdloni e to till- Impor tant -minium-. Vl-lt tlie -aiiio spot at a Liter hour, when darkness timl solitude Invest it with their -oleum mantle. All I-still. There I-no one there bill your-f lf ami the dead. A dim gn-burner throw-a siillli'lent light to -how the nature and 1 ,, .., 1 i... Slmmond-. and during tlio whole of t siinoi.i oingsoi tn.i sc.,,e,.i,per,i. ho remained ti- inotloule- a- posslhle n 1 si. nlng througl, the iroa.l w...- M I j j.f dow, light- up the gliu-tly luces thai "on'thelrarrival.tl.e hive wa- plac- 'ft .Hall, their natural covering, giv od on three brick-, with II- mouth iiig a still more learliil a-pivt tothe half downward, and Mr. Sinimoml- -lowly ' ''""-' .skull- that lie around. I hole laid hlm-olf on hi- hrca-t on the gra--, ! "' ' thi- d,--ectl ,g thoat.o with his head tlo-e to the hive. The I mut'li that i- -ad, and tearful, and re liouevsooi, itttracled the be,- neare-t xltln ; but I al-o ha- , t nge 0 the .I.- ij v,.i,.l ifthu ,,,.,!rouiantlo-perhap- it might be added, 111 Mini a nuu'c r-ii.u .v look place', till at length tlio whole '; l"'"th' attend the reilt audit at Wobiirn llou-e. j slirm Knidually gatheiod It-elf under Poe might have caught a IV1-I1 lnpira- Iteforo puttm on Ills coat, heprecelvi'd i llml wltliln tlie hivo.except a few patch-1 '''. Hawtliornn loiini a new mea nwav J r. "i" " '" " from hi- wlijlow an iiutisiially large swarm ofbeiii lllllngtliealrwltli their cloud and iioly. It was, in fact, a he afterwards itsertnincd, two swarms, Hint had como.utof two ill-taut hives and had imitedlii the air. lie ran out os nflusis. whicii. walking away Mr. Simnioud-ca-lly ill-engaged from hi-dro.-s with his hand, and made them IJoin their coiiipanloii-. Mr. Slmmond- thu- ose.ilicil Iroiu not omy a very ill- style. unpleasant situation, and dl-ap pearoil behind the front door. Wo dont know whether the youn; lady sustained any -erlou- Injury or not we are not going tn u-kiiny ipie-tlons of the young man. umltrillv CoiiuVi A lliiiiinm.i: l)isA-Ti:n. The col iiniiis or the J.uropean (iermau papers are lllled with the particular- of tlie greate-t dl-aster that over desolated any mining district. On Hie flr-t of .Inly la-t, tlio woode Iraiue-work or a I ,.11111 loot 1 loop pit ol a eoal mine in the neighborhood of I.ti gun, lu Saony, gave way, lilocklugii with an Impenetrable ma-- of timber I I. .1 t. ..I .. .I.....1. ....! l,i ; nun lin-i,, lliejiiL .11 l ilt-jim 111 .iinnu i.'io ! ells from tlie top. At the moment of tho ill-aster 102 men, nearly all of them the -upporters of large families, were working In tlio bottom of the mine, Tlielr provi-ions wine calculated for 0111 day. ontiio.ith of .Inly, the date of our latet new- by mall, the place were the fallen ma-cs had stopped the pit wa-siieli nsolld striicturethat the wate wa- -landing on It many feet hlgl rroiii all -Ides tiie nio-t available hel was ollered, hut the conviction that nothing could bo done soon enough to s.tvo the unfortunate minor- weakened a- It -eon!-, any energetic efforts. They were doomed to die of starva tion and want of fre-h ulr. On the Ith of July all attempts to reach tho bottom of the mine by any ipiick proce-- were abandoned, and a -low but -urn plan wa- devi-ed by which at least the corp-i's of tlie peri-hod could bo oMtraot ed. Iron tuhts of about two ftst in diameter were to bo -uuk through the obstruction-to the I ottoiu of the pit. Among the dead are fnity-four married men, one of whom had a wife and nine living children. The scenes at the en trance of the pit are described as lamen table without a parallel. One hundred A iioiTiilt was summoned to :t cottage at Ilarwood, England, and found a boy In need of his service. "Show me your tongue," said tho doctor. Thu hoy stared like an owl. " .My good boy, lot 1110 see your tongue," repeated tlie doctor. Talk Kngll-h, doctor," said the mother; and then turning to iter son, said- " llopen thy gobbler, and push out thy lollker." Tlie mouth flew open and tho doctor was terribly "taken In." lune : , Is,;?, feareil Ihnl II. ionlrllrtilur inlilht lack that ouiii! j,....,i...i..ku .1 hl,.n .-un 11 urn sneak In the ihllil 1 1 ... 1 11... i.ilili unit I1111 iiuuloilieha ol .south lillsht he lulilh' n il Willi inn. illsphii'i'il hy a r.ilieytor the lees aim iiin-ni" i iinn.n. . Happily my lent" hawi prmeil itiiailnllesi, ami 11,.. u i.f.l.i ...niimiiiiltv ha 11 In th. nk ) uu lor pio- iliii liiua miurarlne u well iiilapleil lillhei urn lor whlih It Is liitiliileil.lili'Uneh'Xatlniriiii'l lelln I UK lu II. IllllUi III'IH. HAMlim. I'. IIA 1 1--1 Iieputy slate Mipelliilelulelil Si Insils, l'a. WltMHOr HUH Ylll'Nll KlI.KSl MHJfiir, In .'li,i'.!'lin'leaillaililllln'ualisipy ll,V. Iwellly roples, But, alul itfiipyullllU. in I lie pi'isuu pimiu- SiHilal lu'liieiinelilKUI'eriil In teneliers limit u ,. ,t is, .... I11I ..oi,. mnl elll ular fcellt lu lar- sons who wish I.i nriHlire suhseilheisi.lur ten lent., TIl'KNim A Kli:i.lH. 'u HlsUir.. Ilostuu, Mas., - A'I' A WIKKA II All.ItOAl). J Krolillvlldullerlliliiher'J,l'S'llmlll''l1l Tn Ilntvl ana hali.ni. kerprr. nf ItliHiius- hutu mnl ruliinihlii I'liuuly. I ham 11 j i .1 i t -.l Mr. 11. Slohlielii(elit lor the sulci, I iiiyale,sirter hrowii .lout, iimi lir hi er. who will supply nu at thn h.imn prtit (alul Willi the sitlmi nltli'le a. I uhl lurulsli )tu trum the hn-w. ry, Kiumiwiiu; that he will he puu'lual ami nllelltlTe tu llll wlin inn) fiiMir him villi llielr Iruile, 1 sollUt for him juiir.uppnrt, Very lespeittully, nil. n i.Ai i.ii, tsti-am llrewery, UfailltiK, l'a. O C. ( Ol.l.lNS, ' V A IS II ION A II Ml SUA VINO, UAIH CUTTING AMI SIIA.MI'OOINII HAI.UON, liter Wlilmayer A .laeuhy'i lee Trillin Haloiin, III.OIIMSlll'llll, l'A. Hair Pmiiiu ami Whlskeis iiilureil hhult or hmu 11, llalr T noli In ileslrny ilmull llll mut heiiu till lull Ihn Imiri will If.tule lullr In Its orlKlllal lolor wlllnilll miIIIhk Ihn lillest tahrle, eollslnutly on haiiil, aprlJU, lifreeablo but a perilous situation. j ill his shirt bloo'eu, anil without hlshat, ( ()Ccupied two hours from tlio time I to see where (ley would alight. (uit tlio Ihi nllnliti-il on their muter j hee, alter tuakrig sonio circles in tin- j t ( time of hi-relea-e. I air, led him iilt'.o the bank of thu river . . Woy. Thinking that tlie bees might Tin: lNi'ii i:xi'i;or Ni.wsi'M'i'.r.s.--cro-s tlio river mid perhaps escape, hoi i).,i(. Weli-tor once remarked: "Small adopted a plin not iiucomiiiou wltli s mesiiiu tliat is remit red to patronize c. i:. S A V A (I II , lln.r, . fnllnUMI 1 V - 11, ..In, Mull lit 1 IMI i:rlu 'llotMt mVuTII.'-i'liillulelpliIll Mall ul II -"I uw torn .au, , I.AII1MAN. t, II, HI I.I.I. Ml tit. Il, II. A 111 Ml N. HTMAN, mi.UNlSKlt A CO., sn.Noiiru Tiiinn bTiui.r, (AVfu'j tl'j"ifjr Jauit'St A'.nf, Mlal-fi it ti.) wflinleNiile leillern In VAIINH, II.VIflNll, WAIUUNU, I'Aliri.ls, mi. 11 rut, siiai.i.s, n.r mis, tlllAIN HXllS, I'tlllllAOi:, AC. A lC, WII.I.0V ANII W00lli:.N WAIIK, Btll'lllltS, Tfl'NKH, I.OUKIMJ 0I.A1U11.S, KIC. My 10. 1IS57-IJ, i nu ni'tl. WATl'IIMAKliU ANH J1IW III.UV, Muin Mint, ni in Hi' tli'r un-ie, JIMiiiMsiii-iiu, l'i, I'oitstuiitly 011 hmul a line irnHnrtmenl of AMKUll'AN AN1 HWItlK WATI'HKIS, I'lnelln, Jewell), Sllviiwnre ami s.pei'lnile-1 I'arlli'Ular iittt-tillt.it pahl lu Ihe repnlrlni! of Wnli'hf , 1'luekn, Jewi ll.v iimi Hpeetaolel. Masonlo liutlkH liuele lu onter. All wurk w11111.11l.il. nirl'.i't7. bee-inastors, mmcly, that of throwing dust Into tho air among the Ine-, This often uiiikei them settle iilli kly, They did scttlu Quickly, mid this more so than he expect d, for In a short time the wliole of one (ifthe largest swarms a new, -paper, and amply rewarded I-its patron, I care not how humble and un pretending the gaotte which he lake-. It I- next to Impossible to llll a sheet with minted matter without putting in It something that I- worth tliesiib-erlp llAil.ltiAliSii.NAl.H.-.coteinporarv imriy-soveu cuiiiireii uiieii ine air ha- done the traveling public good ser-1 "'Ith their woeful cries, whilst the sii vlce In procuring the variou--ignal-by perinteiident of the mine-, to who-e which the movement of trains are ill- negligence tlie ilK-a-ler wa- a-cribed by rooted. The signal-are bv tlie steam the people, could only be saved from whl-tlo, lanterns, Hags and tlie motion j being mobbed by hi- sudden Imprl-ou-of the hand-. They aro given a- fob ment. lows : One wbl-tlu- "Down break-." Two wlil-tles-"oil' breaks." Throe whl-tlo- "Mack up." Continued wlii-tlo "Hanger." A rapid -lure. ion of short whl-tlo- I- the cattle alarm, at which braki always bo put down, A -weening parting of the hand- on a level with thooyi- is a signal to "go ahead." would 110 doubt hlvu ricelvod 11 sulllcl cent number of -tl jgs to hiivo.phtced his life in peril, llo has obliged to clo-e I his eyes slowly, aid to keep ids mouth shut. Then, In nnlcr to prevent their ' entering bis nostrils, which they on j delivered to do, h slowly thrust one I band thrmmh tint ma-s. and wltli his A 1-1. KINDS OP JO H j'lllN''l'l.NH I to lingers maiuiyed to keep drawing and puihlng thoiji uwoy from his :ios- be had seen, settltll upon his head, facu , ,, .. . ... ... 1 ,,,,ri t who-e son I- 1 and breast They hung down In front wuy fioiu I101110 at -chool should stip llko a gloat beiiid to the bottom of , ply'lilm with a nowsj aper. I well re hi walst-coat. ILd hu not boon well lm',..,1(.r what a maikod illllereiicothoro acl'il-toinoil tobei'liind perfectly colli'ct-1 )i-t -i-n tho-o of my schoolmate-, oil, hi- situation would have boon a who had and tho-e wlio iiad 1101 iicoos vory diingeroiis one; for, Imd lioat nil i t m.Wspap.'rs. Oilier things being Irritated mis miiMot armed In-ects, lie 1 ,.,,,,.,1 th tir.t wore always superior to the la-t lu debute, coiiipiHltlou, and general Intelligence." 01,11 grou-e of any kind rubbed on 1 hen's heads and necks and under the wings will kill all tlie lice 011 them. It I ..si 1 1 I. Ill .1,,. II,.,. ,,n ...itlli. nml nilK-ns. 11. mi. .in.. iv- . .,.. ...... .... Ii-ti:i:-sini. At rllii'.NT .1 Man lm imcil Alict. A young nun named ' Straw hacker came to his death In Phil I lip-hurg 011 Saturday la-t In a nio-tdl--- treliig maimer, lie had boon throw- "I" 1 lug some hay into tlie mow of 11 barn near hi- ri-lileiicoainl iiaiia-ieniiou 11110 the mow for the purpo-e of arranging tho hay. I'lui-hllig the work he threw V i ownwai'd motion of one hand, thu fork with which ho had In 011 work- w Ith extended uriii- "to -top." , () lir ,(.n,,,,,, mlll ,i,,ul)t. A beckon ng 1110 Ion o one hand "to , , , . ,, I cit-U ing but that It wa lying Hat upon the A iantein lal-od and lowered vertl-1 Hour Jiimpod afti r It. Ily smno niifor- cally, is a signal for "starling;" swung s,cn and nio-t uiiaccoiiulable ohanci' It or crossing mo tracu, to In a circle "to back tho at right anglt stop !" swim: train." A rod Hag waved upon the track must bo regarded 11- 11 signal of danger, so wltli other sigualsgiveii with energy. Hol-ted at tlie-tatlon is a signal lor had stuck wltli the bauble towards 1I10 Hour and the prongs pointing upward-, ' and tlm had lodged. As lie fell ho t -truck tlie fork, both tlm-. of which en tered hi- abdomen unit mo-t fearfully 1 lacerated Mm both Internally and e- JX. neatly inisulld ut W fulUMUIAH Htium t'lititinsuniiT. llll. tisiln t, . .It. Stuck up 011 the loadsldit l u signal tomally. lie wa- Immediately dl-cov-l of danger on the track ahead. orod mid removed to his hou-e, where, ( nri li il iiiifiiileil 11 lion the oiiL'llie Is a . 1 ... , .1 . . . , t, .. , . 1 1 1 1 r,, 1 ,n,..,i .,i,,,,,,i. I ., , , , 1 ll'f-l,l..nu-li'-.r.l..l,ll.ll.i.lvilll.l,ll.-i iwiirulng that another engine or train I- Wt , tt fuw ,l(mr, ,, ,wli ,WIV,R Hub lilontvof Hon tliobacksiindnivksl his sorrowing wife an I wooiilng babe to, so It will run down about thu body, and 1 A liltoTlil 11 and two sisters live In mourn Ids untimely end. 1'tih tt A to the door and pick out lingers, for they aro "genu up entirely." ' Portland whoso united ngosiiriiis.1i yrs. 1 I nioii. Thompson wants to go home?" DriilNt: a vl-lt of the hero of tho battle of Now Orleans to Philadelphia, while lie wa- President, a hale, buxom young widow greeted him with a -hake of both hands, at the -nine instant e-c. claiming " My dear Oouera!, I am delighted to see you ; 1 have walked -ix miles this morning to enjoy tills rare felicity." To thi- the Pre.ideut replied, with an air of dlgnltlod gallantry ' Madam, I regret that 1 had not known your wishes earlier; 1 certainly Wfctild have walked half way to meet you." Hl'.l'KlI'Ts THAT NllVKIt I'aii.. To dn-troy rut- catch them one by one, and flatten their heads with a lemon .-ulieezer. To kill cock ranches get 11 pair of heavy boots, then catch your roaches, lut them into a barrel, and then get In your-olf and dance. To kill bedbug chain their hind legs tn a tree, then go around in front and make mouths nt them. To catch mice 011 going to bed put crumbs of ehee-e Into your mouth, and lie with it open, and when 11 mouse's whl.-koro tickle your throat, bite. To prevent dog- from going mad cut their tall- olf.iu-t behind tlio oar-. At camp meeting 11 number of ladles continued standing on tlie benches, not withstanding tho frequent hint-from the ministers to -it down. A reverend old gentleman, Father (irtivor, noted for his good humor, riw mid -aid : " I think if those ladies -tandlug 011 the benches knew they had holes in their -tocklngs they would sit down." This addro-s lutil the desired oirect there was an immediate sinking Into seats. A young minister standing, and blushing to tlie temple, -aid: "Oil brother, how could you say that V" "Say that'.'" -aid tlio old gentleman, "It's u fact If tliey hadn't holes in ther stocking-, I'd like tn know how they could get them on." " Wiiak," asked a renowned stump orator, who was running for tho otUco of constable, "whar, my enlightened friends of the Sixty-sixth militia dis trict, was Andrew Jackson in the battle of Now Oilcans'.' Wur ho thurV lie war. lie was a rldlu' up and down on a hohtalled Arabian, 11 wavln' of a cracked -abro, up to the armpits In blood and mini, and a glvlu' of the ltritl-h thunder, tho genius of his coun try a holdln' of her icgls over his head, cotton bales pavonoorluglii front to pro tect him from every danger, mid the American eagle, with the stars and stripes lu it- beak, a soarill' aloft lu tlie blue einpvrean, cryln' 'Hall Columbia!'" John toll-ii story of Tlionip-oii and lingers, two married bucks of New York, who, wandering homo late one night, stopped at what Thomp-ou sup posed was his residence, but which Ids companion In-istisl was his uwli hou-e. Thump-on rang the bell lu-tlly, when a window was opened and a lady inqui red what was wanted, "Madam," Inquired Mr. T "I-it't thi- Mr. T- Thump-en's hou-o'."1 "No," replied the lady; "this is the re-ldonco of Mr. lingers " " Well," exclaimed thoiupsoii, "Mrs. T T Thouip-on beg your pardon - Mrs. lingers, won't you Just stop down