THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY. A,. u (Columbian. IIMIO.imil'lttl, RIUDAV, Aflli 10, lHflT. .Mm' in the llcmfiirmi went to press lis iiiui-maly heavy limit nf imtlness broke llic iniirliliii'. l'.vcn n ('iuiiilicll jiiiwi-r pp. could not ftitnil It, I'. .lolIN kIvos us tliu iiuinlicr of lil.s ndicrllnTn In Cutawlssiutnd liurwlulc. Wo would rr.-pcctfully ink for tliu INt nt t ho otlior oIHcm In tlio County, If he itdir ihr them. It Is MiiKiilur wnut u Inrjjn nnmlior of Ik'iiioi'riitlci'orri'Hpnndeiits 1', .tubulin. It Is also HtnuiKo tlml they all tiliiiso tliu Coi.i'.miua.v, Ciulil'nt that (jlrtoil li-lter writer (jive their nanie.s'.' W'r. are liifonued that tliu contaact ItirtlioruiiMructlfin of tlioentlre,len(tth of the new railroad I'nini Stinbiiry to Wllke.-harre, a illsliuiiv of llfty.elnlit miles, Ims been awiuded to Mc-srs He witt A Co., of Danville. Kvr.ltv i-emlble, reasoning man should read the addressof the Democratic Statu Central Committee, which we publish to-day. Its pregnant truths, and .stir rlii,' words will llnd a resjion-eln thousand-, of hearts In thu old KeystoiieState. Tii-.MuiiiKiw theri! will heaUnion Sun day School celebration In Mllllln, near ,Schweppenh(;iei'shtore. will be delivered by Mers. Ikulur, l'reezu, and IliocUway. The Orantjovlllc llr.i-w Hand, we are Informed has been cnaed for occasion. A liiruu turn out and a pleasant time Is anticipated. Vi:.seo It stated that thu Pennsylva nia Hall Ito.ul Company has bought a eontiollnj; interest in thu I.ui'kiiwiiiiiiii A HloouisburK Kail Ito.ul, This va-t monopoly buvlii"; bought the Legisla ture, N now eiiK.ied In "(jobbling" smaller "corporations," until llnally it will have complete control of the State. How the copperheads continue to prate about the Constitution. -'eixtj-limn. It Is very well that some persons con tiiiuu to prate about the Constitution, and endeavor to keep Its provisions be fore thu people j seeing that thu Itadl cals are contlnuint,' their best endeavors to destroy Hand render it obsolete. A iici'out reaches u that n .vomit; j;irl about seven years of no was found In thu huckleberry woods, near l.acka wa.Nen, on Sunday last dead. Shu bad Kimii out on Saturday beforo to net ber ries, i:nd not returniiit; at nljjlit earch was Instituted. When found thu body was terribly bloated, and bad marks of seventeen slings of rattle-nakes. Kxri.u-ioN. It is reported here that tlvoof thu powder mills at Wapwal lopen blew tip last week, killing three men engaged at the works. The watch man on duty fell asleep, and during this time tliu explosion-occurred, ltlch aid Ashworth, ono of the unfortunate men, hnd been engaged in the mills there seven years, and during that time no accident of a serious naturu ever occurred.-- Hi cunt of tin Time. Tins week has been iiitilo a round of festivities among the young folks, of this place. On Wednesday the Hpiscopal Sunday School hold a celebration In Snyder's (irove, and on Thur-day the Methodist School was to have held a similar celebration, and to-day the Bap tlstsare to hold ono at thu same place, The scholars of thu dllfurent schools look forward to thesu reunions with much Interest, and they olfera strong inducement to attend the schools, 'I'm'. tt'iiMinm does not deny our chargu that the Radicals haveabollshed the L'nlon and thu Constitution but tlaim-as a sutt-oirthat they have thu abolMicd "Slavery, the ltebellion, and the Democracy." We think tho people are becoming convinced that In abolish ing the Democracy, they destroyed tho l'nlon, for which even four millions of freedinen.mllllousupon millions otdebt anil the slaughter of thousands of our countrymen, Is not nulllcleiit recom pence. Tin: School Directors, of Illoom Town ship havo selected teachers for tho ensu ing term, which Is to begin on tho llr-t .Monday In September, and continue seven months. Thu following aru thu names and In cations of tliu teachers : 1'. M. Hates, (irad. School nt Academy, .lennlu lirecce, Assistant. MlssT. A. Vanatta, Academy. .loscpu (iarrisou, MissC. ."ree.e. Scott Town I'ort Noble .Miss Wile Vance, A. Moiii-oo, 1,. D. Kase, C, Mauhart, .1. II. Vandersllce, M'Kelvy's Fernace. i:ast Hloonisburg. Welsb Hill. Irondalc Tin: storm of wind, rain and hall on last Saturday, between liloouisburgnnd Danville, wiu tho fovurcst over known in this nelghliorhood. The oats remain Ing uncut was llattcned as If a roller had hern passed over it, and thu corn unless very large and thick, was almost In the same condition. Where it was at all small ami light, it was beaten to thu earth. Tim little streams were ilowlng wide ly over their banks, collars were tilled with water, ami In places where the rain could not readily run oil', the water stood In t lie road leaving of the fence, only the top tail nnd part of thu fecund vl-lblu, Tliu hall also was large and destructive, and wo heard many per .sous say tho btonu exceeded any thing they had ever witnessed. On tho Lackawanna A llloouisburg Railroad, at ono point the Immense volume of water rolling from thu hill, had carried uway thu bridge over the public road, and the road Itself, and precipitated tho whole over the track of tho railroad Into tho North Ilranch C.imiKso that boats below that point v cro absolutely stranded. Still further up, near the dry saw-ndll, another bridgo with tho public road wero wa-slii-d a way, and hundreds of tons of earth and stones deposited on thu rail road track'. When thoslxo'clock train (up) reached that point, wu found -Mr., the very elllclent Track Master, tit work with all available hands removing thu ob struction. Hut tho train could not for hour. A telegram had been sent from Danville, and when wu reached thusllde, an Improvised train was wait ing us iibovothu point, Wu tramferrod ourselves, baggagu and all, to tho trucks and baggage ears provided for us, and with lint llttledeluy reached home. TUB KALEIDOSCOPE: "A JiiA, of bliy'ltf!s lln IHiolimli.iiis una (la vitsl cniirenui." NO. VY.VIII. Till) ISTIl.MUS.OF PANAMA. Tin: Isthmus of Panama, or," as It Is sometimes i'4illud,DarIen,connccts North mill Sinnlll Amnrlm ntwt la ihn i.rniit tlloroilLdifai-uoftVnvel bntweeii tbi.'Al. I Inntlc and 1'iu'Mo Oceuns. Htcalnshlp lines center herefrom nit parfs of the world, mid almost all tho exports of California, tho western coast of South America, thu Sandwich Islands, nttd a large amount from thu eastern coast of Asia, as well as supplies lo tbmu coun tries, cross at this point Instead of tak ing thu tedious and dangerous voyagu mound Cape Horn. The Isthmus ucqultcd historical Im portant soon after Its discovery at tliu close of the fifteenth ceiitury,anil though the Atlantic coast Is now n solitary waste, when Columbus visited It there Weru thou-ands of people Inhabiting that region. Thu discovery of tliu I'a cllle Ocean, thu large ipiantltlus of gold found, as well as the inoxhaiwtlhlo wealth of Peru, early attracted atten tion to theplace; and thu Immense travel over It may bo Imagined when I state that according to the best estimate from .'IIUIIHI to I0.IMHI neonle have iierNhed in I the transit. The discovery of gold In California called trcsh attention to the Importance of thu route, and proved the necessity of better means of transportation. Indeed, tho subject of an lutci'-oceaiilc canal has been mooted since 1 . I S ; but al though Hie feasibility of the project has been demonstrated by the numerous surveys, yet the Iiumeii-e cost of the scheme, as well a- the danger of a rival route through Central America, has pre yclited the accomplishment of anything practical hi tho way of u ship canal. In lsl7 tliu New tiianadlan (ioverument granted a charter for a railway to some I'renchmeii, but falling to execute their contract, it was transferred to a compa ny of Americans, who after unparallel ed dllllcultles, thesacrillce of thousands of lives and the expenditure of millions of money conducted the enterprise to u successful Isaiiu. It Is stated that as many lives were lost in the undertak ing as there are sills In the road. Although It is only . forty-seven miles long, its construction and tho erection of appropriate depots and1 ma chine shops cost at least twelve millions of dollars. Notwithstanding this im mense outlay the stock of the road is so valuable, that none of It is In the mar ket. The value of tho road may be judged from the fact that initially Its average of passengers is:!I,liiio; of treas ure $.i5,(iui,()iH); and or freight iKI.nwi tuns. Kach passenger pays $-.00 for a ride of forty-seven miles, and ten cents a pound on all baggage over llfty pounds. The road earns about $1,000,- non a year over and above all expendi tures. According to treaty stipulations New Granada receives three per cent of the net revenue of the road, and $Iii,ikmi per milium as compensation for the tree transit of foreign mails, and in return protects the road, and mantaiiis order. Alter the lap-e of a certain number of years -he can take po-sosslon of It by paylngallxed sum ofm oney. Of cociso I'rauce or Kngl.ind would gladly ad- vanco thu amount In orderto secure the control of the Mhmtis.uutl be-ldes there i strong element in New Granada, opposed to granting Americans further privileges. The itiiotlon promises to be one of tliu serious dllliculty In tho fu ture, although the construction of the Pacllle ltallroad will lessen the import ance of the Isthmus to us. splnwall received its name from Win. II, Aspinwall,a leading New York merchant, and one of the projectors of the Panama Railroad. The New Ciiii- nadians, howevei, persist ill calling It Colon, t lie Spani-h name for ( oliiiubiH. The place Is built upon an i-land called Mamtanilla, which is entirely of coral formation, anil rises only a lew inches above the level of the sea. In fact, dur ing the prevalence of a storm from the north I havo seen tho waves roll into the street, anil feared that tho frail ten ements would be engulfed. It is the eastern tcrmlmis of thu Panama Rail road and owes Its origin to that enter prise. It consists of a few hundred buildings, the most of them being de pots, warehouses, residences for tliu em ployees of tlio Company, and n few Hotels for tht accomodation of travel lers. Thuextreiuuunliealtlilness of the place, caiistii by the surrounding swamps and the frequent rains, will ever prevent It from outgrowing its present limit. lie-Ides, no fresh water can he found In tho vicinity, and thu people aru obliged to uu rain water altogether, which Is caught in huge Iron tanks durlnp the ralily cuoii. Their food Is brought mainly from the I'ldted States, although tropical fruit and some llh are broujht In by natives from the nelghborliiicoa'ts and front the Interi or. Ordinarily the place is extremely dull, hut upon the arrival of a utoamer It Isthronged with Indians and Negroes for it is theji they reap their harvest. Tho exciteiiient does not last long, how over, for thptr.dii soon takes the passau ger.s on acro-s the Ishiuus. It ras about two o'clock In tin' Alter- noon when we left for Panama. At Hist our route led through lowsw-uinps, from which arise the dreadful malaria, w idt h causes the well known Isthmus fever. The water lias a deep black color, and Is covered with a green scum, which hides from sight many a hideous rep tile. This pit 1 1 of the road was the most dllllcult to build, bettiuso piles had tirst to be driven deep into the moras, and then the bid or tupiirtructuro built up uu that. It wasu blngulut'scii-atiou for onejiist frcm the woods of Pennsylva nia, to rldf at the rate of thirty miles an hour though u jungle otherwise iin- i it'i it' 1 1 ablt . comtiooeil of trees of tron in I tiiiilnrf-riiu'l Ii u.ii'li n I tin inn tii'fm'ii . imihotjauy, and paint, while screainlnc ti-irvulu niwl idiutt tw ii rr iiiniil.'iit'k titwl AriU of ujxinhtccut )!tiniaKi', gavo U-j vorplty tijlht'M'tHH'. i .Soon afji-r Inivliifr AHplnw'till a lii'avy ' rain K't Id, ami from that nuio Mprtuij; 'a lirootlbf troutilLs," Jiocaust wxin tho li'iidor wm thrown otr tho track hy a t,laml!ltK'.M After half an hiairV tlo- lay woailn Kt lu inutloii, hut afU'r procvrtllp howral ntlle.s were again HtOppOll y another hlltlo iiiikIi morn o than tho other ,mnl in whh-h tluM'nt;! oalmo.-t Ijurlwl Hwlf. Upun liispcoth t wu found that tho routt was nivprt'd ir flftyyanU, and In homo pla ccntt'n ft 'tdcop. Aro worotortalnly inn lIx'Mini Itheoamoa heriotis question ih loourtettiiih'anyhupper or breakfast. Sount In vove.r, tho earn wor bunouinU od hy tl i natives, aud though tho food and wn t theytfavo us was of rather u uucstlonablo (uallty,lnour hungry con dition wo could do no better than shut our eyes and eat. Wo had baiiannas, oranges, cocoa-nuts' lemonade, colfee, chocnlote, etc., In nbttiidrtnce, though the prices were somewhat steep lo a person Just from tho United States. Thu standard prlco for a cracker was five cents' a cup of rain water was a dime, and one lucky Individual pur These I Ited III- 1 chased n chicken for two dollars articles weru sold us by hnlfnal. dlaiis to whom thu accident was a liar vest. Thu males wero armed with knives, much to the terror of thu, ladles who remembered the riots and outrages coninilttid but u short time before at Panama. The natives called the place nnd U muUivtl of ll fiV !ui(4 I tti I I I s,(1c u..t. lulu t1i. mult ol liumlton canos Mtuck into tin.' j.iriti nnd (nn-i'thcr u'lillt the ' roof was ilmtcluMl with ilatittlu leaves .... . . t t i . i. i. 1 'i nure wn-- nut one room in im-n inu,i" (Iio center of which the Hre was huilt, thu Miioke inuktn eresi through the Interstice ut thu fMes Mint and nith were prevalliiiK features in the M'cne. THE NEW CRISIS. U't t.i-titf l.i.lnu n h'Hf-r to tht! SliW i a 'mil "v,v - - York Ifvrahlt written iy iru i i n i ,1 r.iri', evnosltion , II... II. ...I .. ...wl ,l.,,r,.rj I,M,I It 11 JkiiuiCit. m vi. ...s...-, -- - , a KhiKiilar tiling that Mr. Harris eould not, mm the eoure events weretiuiinj:, when Democrat were IiwMIiik that ..I ,i ..i ttt.t .-i.' negro oonueai ruie nun i-!uiuu .-iv,- thc object of Steven-, Sumner v i o. Wo tru-t tr. Harris1 warning volie h.w not heen niUod too late, multhat ho ,-i ii 1n olili. t i turn (lie eves of may jet HO linie tt) optn III u hnne.t. hut ueluded JtepuimeaiH untie (hint'tT-i of their eonr.-O. ShW YoitK, Auj(ilt 7, W.i. Tfi'i'ifp t'lii-rntw ol' Til ll I nilA 11 10 Illl. l.uiniK-oi iin, iit.iwi.i I t.i'inL vmi fnr vi)tir iiianlvaniiouiH'O - ,..,., !,, ,,ifti.itiiif' Ilrt'uld hi this nil'Ilt III this moriUML J;"f"(' , ,n lU'tlelo hciltled uThe0V( riIs." imr vlntfu Iii hut tirl i'lf firn mi Wlioie.-onie ,1. ..I ', i i, ,,, it... ,.(,, UiIj iiwirn. intr. belnir tninsli'iitly licto, without livurih.. nr. (rrill IH. I !l-sssll It- YOU. sir, tluit tin1 prc-put ntti'inpt of jiarty K'llllors io si'cnro IIOIlllCllI jhiwit uy ,im klntf tlio Sontborn Stntos ni'fjro Stittos Is inoit ulariiilnt;, unil tlio puoploof tlio North nuiat notullow Itssnm-s, If tnw Viiluo lliclr own frcodoni nml prosperi ty. If tlio pi-oplc stoji to think, thoy will spurn siii'h nn attempt with IihIIr- nation: iiothlntr but fal-o Isui'S nm Hi6lblV IllloW stllll ll rillllOUs project to MlLfioii. To choat till' pisiplc, tho ndvo - eaie oi iius neiartous H'nemu win kvi j beforo them thu Idea of martyrdom nnd all that sort of thine; Init tho true is sue should bo over present to our minds, .mil nmrtvrs rewnr.Ie.l at i less expense than till' overthrow of Olir institutions. Now, Mr, I havo done my hum we part nl ... .iin mip fur lln. lTnln,,. Tu'fl llf mv soil's havo fallen under tho Union "iisii'i". i.iiii 11 ... llil, .1.11, ,.1 '.11I.IIU7 m II. v...... tloni, and not In tlie reception of a pen nv's profit durlnsthestrire. Hut never Imvo I wlihed nnvthltiK lut restored Union. For this, and this alone, 1 have suerilked, and not for tlio elevation ot tho ne'ro nor tlio dlsfranelii-ement of tho people of tho Southern States. If tin. Denote, of the South arc not to be restored to the l nlon, then inooui eop- erv that thu Colon eould not I . f, , ,i,.,l riMii. tiln.i ' liu restored byarnis Is verilled. Jhelilen that tlio South must bo AfricaniiCil be-1 (iii-i. Ila intiic nn. ollnweil to return isi lore its hlate tiro num. ui to ri uini ia i an ailnii' urn that tliu war has neen a wlekc.l rtllor.i nml has been waired for . 1CMU l.uiuiL, anil lias oit s. ' thu destruction ol tho republie. It Is I not a debatable iiue-tion. W e did not I .nml IIMM.IHI. In .11.. fur tlx. ereettoll ol M'llil oui son;, to uie lor me i niuo netrro Stales in the South. I appeal to , l... ..,...1 t. ..-.,,. In ilin Viirtlt ii'lin s.n . ..r,-.. I...' ........I..... lw.l f .li.l nml KonerotMy poured out their blooil nnd treasure In tho eonlllct. If this wastnelr iililniir Air l-Mltnr vim l.'ivn lilt ll tell- ' onjei t. Mr. Minor, on i.tM nn a it i iler chord in your remarks this morn-1 In;,', and will, I know, awAken thu 1 sks.'plnj; sense' of the people on tills , erl-is. I have purchased a plantation in Alabama and contemplatu removal , I... I I .. ..tin, ci llii "".'. "V" ..''"""'-",. ""'V:. Stall' is to bo ll ni'L'ro Stiiti", fnruwoll lo my iiiiivlin,,... Tho rua-ons.irool.vlons l-':itl:it IcS ItlllV not M'l) tllClll. lltlt 1 1 1 0 1 1 l)f common senVo .an. I tlmnk yii. inraln, Iron) my lii'iirt. I HA J.. IIAltlt. Tm: oli'i'tion In 'IVniii'sNee is a stun- nor to tlio I'oiiiii'iiio.ii Is. Itfutttitimn. .... V, , Why yos, rathiT ! When tho H'oile .f,n ,,.ii.' lo iIiihs ot tii-iri. ciirrv an sum p.uij llllllllli in iiuiti, l.iri". oli'i'tion nt the point of tlio onyonnt,ill fr.iiielil-lnfr whito men anil ilrlvlnj; thi'in from tliu poll-, anil voting igno rant il.irkk's nnilt'i- thu miiig prot'i-s, il Imi stininor. On this siilijcut tho .Vow York Time I Iti'piiljlli'iin) sa : "If tin; mi-i-lon of tho Hepulilimn party woro to Invust tho Aituro of tin- oouui Willi ui i kut inn iiiii i;iiii.v, ims ri'lolrinc would lio intolllKlhlu anil jtist. It tho ulin woro to hnllil tin it black iartv In tliu Southern Stall's as thoonly .. ..... .... . ill nroiier nllv of tlio .Vorthi'rn lti'imlill l.llis loilllt'lllliu llio ri'lll lliuioriiy ui rosiilcnt whiti'S and torco thiun Into a iiisilion ofiioriiiani'iit ho-tillty noth in could bo moro natl-fai'tory than tlio yonlli't ot Tonnussuc. Or It' incnrablo ri'liclllon wore assiiiiii'd to bo tlio lot of fniir.lll'tlisor tin, wliltps. nml tinwrli,. lion and insult tho only treatment tiny aro i.'iitltlcd to, wo could nndorntand thu vi-(lom of hol(llii;iipToniK's.n'u tactics foriniitationlnthutuiU'.xclndcdStatcs." Tin; ))i(rv (!) unil ili tl!) oilltors of tho t oiii'M m an call ns n "black Hiuird," As their sayint: so didn't miiku iii nu.ltijitttjliciiii. Nor would our Miylntf ho was a de cent and resptrtaJilomnn make him so. Tho notorious character ho su'-tnins In tills community, he hax earned fur hint elf. LOCAL NOTICES. Takinii inodlclnu tocurc diseases oc casioned by a dellclency of 'oil in the Illniiei, without rentorlntfit to tho sys-1 tern, Is llko trying to repair u liulldliiK when tliu foundation Is tfouc. The To- J ruplan Syrup (a protoxide of iron) sup plies tills dt'llcleuey and builds up uu j Irnu constitution. " 'I'n liii i,'. il,;.JZ',l mi- twit Id I liii lo 1)0 liell III meil or not, thai IS Hie iiuestlon " Whether It Is better to rim HUisiiou. iiiiuir ii is utiu r io urn throuirh tho streets exposm to tlio uti.ti .. ., , ,., , ,,, 111 the people With ill-nttillK and III- ,11'wln i.lillil.iii U n (il'lf i,,iis.IIii,, . in.liie cioiiiiu', is ii sLiious nucrtionj especially when O.iviil I ,o won berg's Clothing Store is in full blast, nnd his minnlii nn.l ulii.K',.- Illl, -I will. tin. ""''" ........ tiu hti niul numi fnsliiniiiililP irootU. Now. - " it urmerrf, mivini; wnien hi your intr - ' .. . i . 1, call upon Mr. I, and t't incaMurtHt I N Oft ) f'r a nood suit of clothing, I DIED. I'll J At hi rosldoiico lu IhU place, on I'rlduy, ulloi u protim tod 11 Incus Cnu Try, hkoiJ 7 otirt, 1 mouth umliM d i)n, I yiiH Fry Win u joiim; iiuiu, v Lnouti to nil our c 1 1 loiu ; und no iiuiu ocr Npoko of him ox- ropt lu lot ill of U'SjHU't mid pluUo, lln uih u t hrUllnn unil a p-utlcnum. II W louit lllnobn su homo with mcikiitsi and icKUnittlon, und ho Ii.i pussott to hi lost. May wo all fin with an tsputl tvrtnlnl), mounioil hj us ntriiiv Irionds m it h an ttlticvi o, fori'im . ;n In Otuusoon tho H'lh Imtt., Mr. Huin Hull, ;, II month luid lldnj-. rA'WA'WW-On Hntunhiy, tho 10th limt., imir ,M k II UU I ill, l ll Kill m, rii'WUlU ru nvr, IUIIOI'1 of thU, Mtfoil iilimf.-JjiurM. Mr HtetluT wtvt u )iMiiujiutiii of moral worth, a,l UU ;l,.all,ni I- Uim-uM l.y UU '" IrlfiuU. HNiiimiinHUtu'hftlthUplucoon Wod. nchjii) owulnif, niul the funt'int ooromony will tiilio oIumi to-dnv AM.V.Vlit riHhliili'tk utt tho Ut lm,t, Jucoh Kuinw.nnu-lMjfuni, vt lln ul I 'liui li Mine, at'isl W. LEGAL NOTICES. A D.MtNISTItATOIt'S NOTftfK.- 1. .ST1K Of lll.VfAMIS NI'BW, liH'KAHfll. U Hi r nf nilitilalvtnillnti oil I In- fntntH nf Dmih mln .NtlM, lull, nt MfilTin limiishlp. rnlmnljlt, (ounlv, ili'ts'iixiil, lmi Im'i'Ii uraiitfil liy tin Ui-u-Ut'T nt manly to Wlti.T. Hliimyui. All nt Ml lui InK rial mi fr ilrnmnil-iitttlHvt lln'pslllln ntllio ili'i'i'ilcnl itrn rrillcsti-il to lnnk- IIh'Iii ktoMIl, nml llio-n tn1rl,tcil 0, lnukr liavlisMtl. T W.M. f. MllUMA.N, July ai, lsiiT, .ilmlnli rnfir. ADMlMHTItATOR'S NO T I C K. nir.;liiilnl:ll;itlo. i ll. II..' .M..;.; nt .luhl. KII.,.T, ill mii.h, iut 1h t-ii if rut i ted hy Hit lteuiL-r tif l'i)llittlHinUhlyttn .luhli (IniW. Ulin HnMi-k hi S(ttt luuutlili. Mild county. All im imomh iiuv In fl.i m or itMnninI iitfiitmt tlii'i'ilittn if Dim i1tx( h itali'ri'fiUi'Mtt ittutunlu'tln in UtiuwiitntlitMut' mil itrutr wiihmit nm! u i r in . dfttfil n re rrijlKtwl tolmiKn jiMiinriit. JOHN' UltoW. Ailm'i A DMlXlSTltATOU'S NOT 1 CK,-. 1 xl ltrATIJ ill' JuilN Dtl-IKJIKK, DM'l). lit t i,.iofinimhtWmiioiiMiitiHiKtti'ot.iohiiiiM. criiMiitfol MnMtniirtimnthln.Cftlutiil'liuoutily, ;rj"' iwuuwr ut Miutniuno : ail iH-rxmiH m- fl(lt(l to Mild c tit ale. Will pU'MMi itiuko iui tui-iit tiitioor to tiicm, nmi iinnu imvin ciniiusnni.' in-lTl iiKnln-st tlit Hiitiii u III tm-Ni'iit ttit'tn . Ith nut ieiny. i i. ii. iMin i'.iucii. ISAIAH lUKIKIIH'II, Mmtfuir Ijn, July .", N,7, AtltiihiKiiutir, J: ir.rv. nr twtrt. si'w, nt.ri:A-i.n Uttrrn if adinlliMrntioti to the vUif nt J mii U Xu-i. lute of Mnitirlou iiklihi. I'nlninlilii rf.un t ,tti'winil, htm1 lifrii Kiuntfti by tliu Ki'KlHtt-r of Id t'oimty to Nullum .Millar, All ihthouh !'.VK V"h ir lU'iiiuiKJt wliint tliu . Mat.- of line iin oim, an ii-uucntM ut irr8t'nr incm io tti MlmlnUt mtor It limit il lay, and nit Ih'ikoim lll'l'imu tur ri''ut'Mi'(i iiiMHt' ii) infill. 5'-.',l" AitiuliiMrAtor, PVT O T I C K. , j.,,KlU.r i.nnot;vAiui -.i;sTvn: or rotmtnx f ' ntiut r 'iwifif, n: , . Tin- I'ntiimimu-cnltlt of l'i'iitityUaiil.i I,. I.. tv.(-r lkru!n, ;lrti Kt'kmtU. ' ' l.ticy uti2itscr, .loscpu -'ckrnth, nntt wliHof lliniin IU.'krutht(iiaim". unLiiowii.) aivtitiu, , mi a'i'1 rndi of yon an- lnrrhy rtidl :uid iimmulid il to hi unit uihmi.ii' in our tirnoi r I !'" onlwtis' Court, to l- hoidcn nt i iunimri;, iiiaml lor.ii.U'ouiity.uu thu lltst I M.mi.iy i M-ininnH'r in-xr, turn unci inw Ithittli wil Mihmimi IVkrotli. liit fhiiliiS1"3 '.S. "I'vl. t,.,Bi.llili .11 ... I 1 j,u1 ,.r . ..H,.l., i ....... in Kitli I towiiilli. nnd ncrrml with i 1" Utorier ty arllcU- ot uKiviintiit In willing, nnd ronvoyilu! 1 MiiiKtotiifMiM tit'oij mhhIi'. Iin IuIih m us. 1 "Urn Atnl tlu-rnsliowpnuvMliy thctuM rmirl f M.itl nm ilwn' tin- -vtv p.-riormaiHi- ot thu snldotitru.ltoth.-lnH'Inii'nt andni.'iminutli.Ti'. nr. Hiu ori: uronxi-yuiu'iHio nnuk'iinu.'r Mild du- cno "tin- iifonalil (h-nrm' Hpadf, of tlu (atd llt Ilisi-H in U i' hliiiph'. i j samit.i, h.vyiiiih, hiutiii. Hlotii'-huu. Auut !', Im.T. 1 V K . sl'ICl H' I'l ttlnilMAN'c l: I.ST.UKOF IAMI.S ll(. ln.S. III. I'lsl ll. Ojfntji'iit ISmntil, us ,, 'I ll.' I'lilllhliillMi'i.tlll .if IVnusylunilu '. I..h I t(i III. 1. llillstoii. Joliu llltlsliili. Atini-i. 's--' isil.rtliirtM'. W. II lluuiiikT, Kniinliim of Jal .'s. I hin.tM l'.t 1 .1 vim itml L'hurl.'S lCalstim, inliidtrliliMri'ii nr uoiuti llnMnn.ilor n.,, Iill-lt4 l,StH.lll All1ifitt,.t.llllll.lU-iJll-lllilHI.liisl.,i I lUlsl..: n. K nl II. li-,lst,.ii; , tltvi ItiL', yon nnd I'ticli of you nrc heri'hy citi'd aial toiiiuuiilfd to In' aud ai'iir In our proper tr-oi iu tin urpinihs- rmnt, i in tiindcii ul Moiido ot ptt-mhi-r ni'xt. ih.-n nnd'.to tin. I,, illl, xi ..r it i' iiniih.,11, L.,ttiir qiiouri;, in unii ior Mini i ouiuy, on Hit,' ur-i di. ot I'lttt'liihi-r next, lln'ii nnd tli. n tn utiwe tho piiUlmi of 11. I llnttintin, Mttln ttirtii i ui on1 aui .mint tt mminii, dtiti m-170i1oI rountj nml nml with jour I'llloni r l.y rtiuiri'.tt est. nr in i-.ti-n liiiKUiisrxHE.i'niiiiaiiia 'XVS n ' .I'laV 'nS," , m, y '1 1.1 ..I ..i.'..'ii.. ' ""M Otut l...u n'nt ',iivn. u.o m..iiic iHTiun... . nun' Olllii' m.M nil.lriu't iiiriinlhii! In 1 1..' Iru." intttit aid lih-anlti'j Hanoi, nnd that a cnini'V- iini-t' biiadf iindt'r Mild th-fU'o to the ulon-xnld .Nrlsiijid CnrtN, ni tin- vti.i itri'TiiNi-H In it'Dhim pi.-. ' sami'i:i, sNvin:it,iuTiti, lIl(K)ihuru, Uiiiifai', lVi", OT I C K sri.i i it 1-1 loiut't im'i' l sr.m; oi.nsmv u KKorll, 1IH FASt II. tihtnbi f.iiili.v, - 'ri,.-t-otiitnonw.-niiii m lvimsxiviuiu i. i I'.i'T i:rotii, uiifu ilikiwii, imvia 1 KOI I. .IO I I 1.1 urn. I, I.IH'y .sillUPS-,i,1 .m..ih,iiii.i m tin- hvii m liinua i:ikii.tUii.ii... sunioi.iwn.) Un-i'tlK. ou nlnl .'mil ol you nm Ihti Ij citul ,.,;,;!,.,, , , , uj,,,Mr tn vur ,,.r .!(. t m. oiiiiumv iimn tola- imiiun nt iHinmitinr, lit nml lor snM county, on tho ilrst j,,in,Ul,r mhl.r n,.xt ih.n i.n.l thii,. io .. ..MH ,,i Aiimlmm Hi'im,.,,,,,.,,!,, !. mt, m-iiik loril. tlml Hu-miM siiiiiii lkUroih, l.iloot Jlllhi tovlislilitliiMililrouiilv,ilPiva.pil, b . , r .i.i,. i .mhiii., iu. iii. nml I muiuv. nml nnsii win. our mil. Iil), liiiiili-nuiuy, nari'i il wltli mnr lull- 1 Hiiiiit lliittlrlo ol uifit.'tiii'iit 111 writ nir. In wll I UU1 1 . olfl'V III Killlll. lo tlio wild .Illl'Oli hihwrli- I ,.i.i, i,i, h. irs ..s.iuus. Ami to .how 1 muir wi-ih.'n.iiii'ouii nI.ii i.t iini.-.. ih-in.- rl,i pi'nnn..nrii til Ihn halil l-ontnu't lUTiilillnn ,,;, ,r,.n.Mi,m,i ninininBiiioi.-of, nml Uu.i ,t r.,i,M,.v, i uinii rint.1 .io, i.i-iii .Io.mIi Miii-njiiiiuU.r, or tin. s.ii.i iK'tW''i, h.,l"' 'Sr:jnrAutS"l,!rHNSl,,XM,0,lfl- ii I) IXIt.TMIt'S NDTlCi:, Xhtici; is 1 J 111 1J.V (ill t.N ll, Illl ll'lMtt'l'H. I'lt'lUttllS. ami ' oilr.4filnl...,t.,l In ll... .M'nl.s .'inc llxdiU-i'udeutx und minors, tluit the lollow i Imjii.lmiisiijitlnn kiuhIIiiii uni ItfW SI! 'ouiitit hiiM of Columbia , iindttlt'iWriei in tlie urolmiiV Couit. lo u held t.r.. . ml. ..I l..p nml ikiiiI i.ii m lniil;;;!', ; i mmffnit in,,niiui miMiI.ij. ! I, Si't",n niul Ilnnl luciiiint or .lnhn siinrnless, Kxis-uinijimiu-y MmKimim.rii itita ikw, iW'.i, '-, i"W,t r Jiuii...M-Ainim' nml Wm l.niu- , i-nt.i'ri;,'rJKi-i'.itorii,il (ii-or';ii l..ini:i nlii'ici r, lull- 1 m .Mulmiiwnsiiii., iirivui. 'l. I iiMli'i'iinnt iirs,mt:i.lSiii.Tiui.l .MMia.l , Hi i-v ii, A(ln Inlsirntm s nt Mnllluiv llinn, l.iti1 if mimIii tMn iiip, ii,- usi-ii. 1 J-;'" 1::?,;"! "L,!V,''l?,h'i,v,h.'i's.JV!','.', nl llillnl,.r .im'iI. i. i'-.,nt nl Allrisl T. l iijm Mn :, mlnilnlstrn tnr i if l',i ul i. 1 1, ss, liii nf l-'.hlncri'.'lc tiiv.'if ship, ilis i-t. Yu'mui nl I41I l'.uUi'l, nilinlnlstratnr of ll.ivSil 111 Mim, Intl. nf JiirllMtl. t.iwlisliip, ilis.'il, 7, rirsl'liil iltuil ncrniint nf Alirain Vninii;, ailtnlllislmiir nf Will, i:. Unliirts, lali' nf .lark- kiiii nnsi.siit, ui'i. ,!. , .Tiiii,,f Mnrv ! , Min i,mt ii,.uf Kisiiinsm-, kii.nsi,ip, i ii'di.-.'i. 1 1 ''. m.ufcf Duiia miii.t, n.iinii.isiri.tnr nf f lirlstiiiiluv. k i,ii. Mi- 1. itn nl llrlnriTi ik tiiwn. Dtp, , Inf l).i M MIII.T, nilmlnlstmtnr nf tli-lly, l.lti- "I 111 l.lliT.'.'k Invuishlp, rarniin ll'l'I'llS. il. 11. il Ilnnl ai'i'iinnl nf (Iciiru,- HtiilhO'i, .lnhn hhataliis ami lilnyil 1'iiMim, uillillnlblni. tnrs ill Jn. i I'nxlon, hiti1 of CntaulsH.i, ilcc'tl, 11 Al uinir U, 1.. I Collo-, inlminlsti.itor of I J I-iIimii ijati of licnlou township, ihs: d. ii .Iiihi'iih llnrliiiiiii. ndiiiliiihtr.ttor l,lSMf.r."ii! j ,i.ivn,"i. i n. (-uniui 1 ''.'..''""".'i 'il Jiiiiiiiitn, l.iluol rrunklltt township, I kid till ll account of (limine nml John at ninth of 'I hointti ('inmcr, lute of Hi ll. (ll't'l'llSI (1, IV Hunlh.litunlof biimtiid Ku"lt-r, ol llt-ury .i'ih, ot .MiiIiik iottnhlj. It:, Kti st itil Ilnnl necttuut ofhunuifl ICnlcr, Kii.iitUnn ot rinrh-nJ. Nus, l.U'jot Mulnt) low n sbi, dt't'tMd IT Virst -d lout iit'cuutkt ol Jatut'H V.m Iloili. udmlntititi?rit hiinuol Vnu Hoin.hitiMit (lict'ii-, MMld tOMItilcultJ. !. KIit aiiilualim'oiiut of (h ort A. Iloumun, i m tutor a to ui Ucj iioltls, htti ol Mi llllu lowt fhlp, th'tTMi. J'J. Acctmlitl Anit Ci Ok and ChuiU-H Mcuk(Ji, ndmluUti tvi ol Ahrnhiiin .Mi-umIi, t.itt' ol nmirlMKOi fl tiwimhlp, thcciusptl, Jft. .Niriiufct of Jumi'S JlnsttTi. ndmlnUtrntor of John llrnit'tf.litcof 11 m- towunhlji, dtvt-ajod, Jl. Accontt f.f H, y, Ilm I muu, niluilnlfitrntor of ILhLcm, hit- ot Illoom township, ih-oM. 2;'. I'iunliicrouut of nnnft'l ltN nnd Humutl lliiudiiuill, I'Xivutorittif Jiunci 1J lloiidlil'ill, late olI.lhtlt'O'il 'A Vfcoiintof WtllliiiuChtriitman.iulmliiHtru. lot ot Nutlniriu-f, of heat t Township, dee'd, SI. Aei'oiuit'ufbolouiuu lliis1), udmtulstiutor of John I't'iiht.liitt'ot l'tKlilmsfrilt Tow nhlptlft'M, JOHN ti. rilKKi:, ItcKicUT. IllooiiuhilrHj Aim. 117, f (Ol'KT I'UOCI.AMATIO.V. I Wlll lll. l, Umllnn. William i:im II, 1'm.lili lit .jKo u,r Cuuil nt IIjit nml IVrinlinr unil 'i"nil Jll IKflimry, I'.m.t oi liu.irii-i nhih n ivncn mia c Wi t nt fominnn I'l.-.i .mil or- plum'" I'mnt nriim j.iii .i.uiiiiiii nisuii i, inm- piimilnl tliu.Hiuiit It'i, nl tlunililti, hullliiin ami Wnmlni;, ini'llli-JInn. IramliiTi ami 1'ilirK. Il'r"' ''., ,nurim,i .iuuiiik ni (.iiiun.nm ,'niimy ,,u, isnni tiioiruniipl, iwuriiu .ut.- ib .wh ilnv nf Miirch. IL Ilin ii'iir nl nnr l,nul. nni' tl!iillsui)i!,i'lgtit llitliilrt'irunil 1.1x1 -ioi'll, ami tn lni'inri'i-lisi ini ikiIii neat 'mirl nltli i-raiul liTln ' ' V,."1 V'VV ' .'.'.'V ':.'..' , ' ' ' 1 1 A''.1 r. r n'tniK'UNKI ll IVUI't'.ltUIIIIIOII I ll'ttn HUH I'l HI- , '.ll''4.1'ur''l? 11 hM'h!rtl m. '"i'y "r uinioi't, uu mo u in Momu , im'IUK ui .tl mi) of ' ,i,l' mw hwcomuiiH iH .Noltco I" lioriliy Bii'ii, to tt .iusiicok or tt iw ami tim i Dill Ul4 k tho Cortmt'r. to tht 'omttsiibh'K or tho uld nullity ni lVi)umljit tlml th- lt thru and tin io lu ihi'lt iiibi r HThon ut tm o i hu k In thu forenoon ot iid 4nj- sith tn'ir ni-ordii, tuquItU tlmit ami otln r riiinemhriiuttt' to do thyM thiiiici i litt-h lo th' lr oJtUt iippi-rtiiiu lo W iiuo And thi iho that nit- ImjuilI iy ri'ttuiilAiim'o, to pioit ctito ituulnst tin' prltouuu (hut nr or imiy ho in thojioi oi iiii'wu) diuniy ot rommmit iotn nmi und tht-ro to proNiirutothi'iii ut hlmll ho jiM. Jit rorMaio loipit'Miti i mm puiit'iuiii in ini-ir auouu t , unco, nRfMuhly to Ihotr iioili'i'M. Put ml l,.h, ul UliHimminitf, tho it It dn.v or .luh, I ' k In tho tr ut tmr Jidt ouo IIioiih mid oiuht huiuUttd itml nlxU -som-u, und In tho nitn lltrlh our or Vn- Indi-i tidi iuvot tho irullod Stntot of A mo Met,, tdon hAr. tiik Cohon. ui.l.lll.l HAMl'r.l.NNV)i:it(.Su7'. ItliHiiiihhtnu, Aumt 7, Ihio i HAND JUUOHS, III ooM-Wlll. Hl.Hl W, J. .1. Hiohi ( S HI, M'lh Il0. umt'. Hkhwh k -j, it. Hudson I'rttl UK - III rliHRt'r Pummiiiam lit r liny it Kihiimi Cuki k Houty lMJtltm.-, 1 JiK i'lif.i. T"i"n' UU'hl'wil.uii ,M, iumiook- Imiko uuoll, MAiSfc-rKriuu-jii 1 miM:, Julm I" bliumuii, I Miiho.v Ctmrl. TrnuHii. I On stih- Hrtiiiu! V noiiWh. t iiuahiish i r ikiiu i (wuiu, , Hisil'T ll, W.riDMliuii, Win. Ilnmr, Ji.hl. NVy hurl. Hll.lAKI.UAl-ItuuJ. f'oln, hUcaJrllk 11 vmi, I ' I LEGAL NOTICES. llMtAVKIWi: .IfRORH, ' ' l oll HKITIiMllKIl TllltM, lt;, HUmM Mlrlmrl WnlU-r, Wm llolillrliiitti. In- iviaiW'iti Mli-luH'l, lului l,iiK.'nlHTK r, ir., John stimnnn. ltitiAurioK--.t I'Slilllll. ll-Nli,s-.,lnhll .1 M'llfUr. I'CMntAMA I10l(.-s)usl-ltl M t'rri'l.i ru.wsiolAM l'hlllp llriwtl. Vn nkmn r.llm W't'inrr .IfM'I'rr I FrsiiiMi cm m-Dllhstsoirki'i. (l ? " ,V1M " "" l, r' V-lom.. I Hl. rmmi, .') I liliriCH fil('i, II, Diiuli i llllll. John "iij ui'i , ji.'mj, t Jiuoi r, Ion ii Wlntitrxlrrn, I'hhuiiM Smith, ittiiiii'l Ntist, I'lilllp Cri'tiy, Siiniin-l frcmy, John It Volte, Mt. l'i.KAfM.Iohn Wiinli h, (ilni y Mclkk. MAniios-I'i-tiT Woiflntfih N Utrion, MoNTfifH .furknon liclhv, M mm- W Iitmi iihrritiT. l'iM,-Illihard W. Lyon-. KuAiitvo Ckkkk lintiif I Jturiir, Iiiitiicl (liurhurl Amzl I'rultf, T 1ST OV UAUSKrt VW, 'CmI " J ATHi;i'ii:Miu:it TimM, hc. 1. Kit Jones n. Mllrn ( AhlKitf. i-t. nl. 2. Vrlhl HnuhrN . lutfr Mlllfr. :t. Jntinthiiii Knlttli'VH, Wrlylit lUmhcH. I. Mary II. (Iirctt , lloht rt H. Howell, t, ai. ft. Itiivld YtMittcr m. I'ltntun lvwllt, rl. al, fl. !nld Try . Duld Hlnihiaii. 7, Oi-oim In tun n, Ihiute Y'lti r. m, i;ilii4 Krum nti I'linii'l KrinitVitilrnr'n. i. Willlnin A. Mitrr f. Jtiiiii'H lHUo. I", 'UioiniiMj, Vundi-rnUro . Atuos On slier, 11, slvi"tr Ji I'unx . William V, tlrcrn'H ntl mlnlHtrutoiH, 12. JucithH, i:iiimn. Wm. r.flrci'n's mlinrV. H. Jom'oIi I.lllry . IVtrr Mi-Ulfk. ll. .1 will i A.NwKhcr n, Uk-hard W, Lyntu, 1 1. JiimiiOnrmau . Mlclmcl t'ri'attc, t t, n.1, la. (l.ti(p Hi own h. Lt-oiutnt Stlni man. 17, tluw. W.CuiiiKIl i l. nl., vi. HukIi O. Mc Ui iioUKt-t. ul, I. i 1 cstir .1, l'uii . John ltnlilnm, 11', Tillman tuu vn. Syht-slcr J. l'liux, IV. .lohti Tn inhly ittul vij.St iryi;.(lri H i t.ul. 2 Tliirk Hti-warLt ttiil., V4 Klllali ( fliiivci. 1".'. Mchorah Oi tiU i. ilwin 1. fi an, 't. I'nuikltn Viicutti Win. T. Khuiiiitti, IMwtxrd M'l'.ill 1 1. nl.; vt. Jf.hh snpnrv. 'ii. Wvt Ilr.inrh iriunmi'tM'n. f. M. iVKhiw. S't. John 1C lrhmr , Jrn'iiiluh K. Hpsh' adtnri, J7, Milton 'InniKli im vk, l'hilln Moye r H. rl. tN, .li'SMUtohl'iiwund wil'i' w. Win. K A wlfp, llol'i-rt M.vonVadinrn. v. Wi"hLjon. f ImiifH M'Vh-ker N, I.. Catin.iifll. .11. (.'has, M, Mlth'r V. tlui tnwmhip or IMootn. Jl-si; l 01.1 .MAN, l'rothoimtaiy, IllooniHlmrfrt Am:, 2, inc. virtue ut mi tut rr writn of VrntlUumi J,'Lo. iiutnlid .1. Vemtltl&nt Ermnm. Wstinl out of iho t 'unit tf O minion I'l wis of L'liltimhlal'otmiy, nttd tlhfi tt-d to nn, will hi- imposed to putiUfhult' at tin- Court ItoiiM-, tn lUrviiiishurtr, oil Moiulny, till' Sfcotvl itav of Si-ptfrnhtT, N,7, nt'oni' o't-h k In thu ultci in Mill, thr lollou Ins H )l ft.ttc to u it: A i iTtaln I nu't f Innd ultnuti. In FNhlu( rt-i k tounMilp. t'oltimhla ftMitiOtVonlnliiiiii om hun dit'd artiM, iiioio or h M,l'omid d on tJic south hy lands of Jiuiili luihiich, on Uu1 wt hv la in It of Jtdm llrkht, on tin' north hv hunts of J,Kani, niidon (hi rant h l.mdHof.Iohn IVaUr, on width Is iTi't'lt'd n fraint' dwfllliiu hoiuu utitt a ham, with tin1 ntipuitttiaiiM-s. ScImI, taken In eeru t Ion nnd to he wild uh thu piopwty of t'ilt,Ltr IValet. jf-ij Atthi'innio tltnn und plrtrt. u portnln lotW nlLtoot uroitnd, sitn.ito In th' (own of Hlooinv luirif, t'ol iinhl.i itaintv. U'lmr two InuuIrM fi-i-t tlrepund forty feet In width, lnunti'tl on thu we'd hy lion .Htu-i't,oti the nort by lot nf K. If, Uttlf, n the eat hy uti ullt'j, nnd ml tic1 mtth tiylotof Miti. Harris, lu'ti'on U rrt'i'tt'd a two stnry triimo ilw-llliu hotioulththr1 nppnrtcninc ri'n, Two loU. thoono lii'ltm lift v ft't'lln width nnd four htmdtiHl fi-et ilti'p, tho otln-i til ty fi-et widn "'d Rt'pntv-!Ko f- tiliHp.nitjolnlnK, Kmn.Ietl on t 1ii noilh nml cust hv ItLitds of Julo J'lvrr. on the ui Hi nml east hv lands of Jacob Kyer. on the ttt'-l hy hindM tt Miehuel Uawy nnd an alley, and on the south hy Ihlnl Street, whereon Is ens ted two frame tlwollhiic liou.eft( wlthtientt urten.inres. Nt ied, taken tn erecutlon nml to he told as tho in opi rty of John Howell, Wm, K, Jotu', lohu Wllltumsiunl Mery Wllllamv. , i At the Hume tlniK and phu-e, a iviluln lot or nieiroi irround, hiiuitui In tho town of lilooms ouru, t'olumijla county, helnn tuu htuidi'ed fmt tlei p and imty f i t whle, hountU-d on tint wett hy 1 Iron strtL't.on the north hylol ol' U. II, Mttle. on (he ottxt hy nnnllfy, and rm ihe ninth hy n lot fif Mr-. 1 1 Arris, wlieceonls erfetetl n tuustorytrnnle tiwidliu houir, with th" u'puTtelllu,. Two other hds, theoue hi'lni! titty f. ct In width ami tour hundred ti-'t deep, the othei filly wvi it tde nnd Mintllvrfctt deep, jutjolnlnj Imiuii tied on tho north and easthvlandH of Jmnh Ever, on the went by lfttnls of Mlcluol Cuey nnd an alh j, tmtl on (hp Kouth by Firnt Ktteet, whet eon nre t reeled two frnmo tlwellliiK lioute with tho appurtennnres, Heltfituki-n In execution und to tie sold uh tho propel ty of John Howell, A1A0: tthe nnif time nnd rtlnre, n lot nf ground fit tiatn in the llonmh of Cent rutin, Coluinlilti c.un i , hetiis lltty font front nnd out. hundred nnd flirty feet deep, heitiK two iMimUffh lots, bounded on tin north hv Int ol -- KeiiMtcnmeher. mi the st by nn ulle , on the Miuth by lot ot willinm u liox-c.'n Is rmtnl a tivu ktnry Iritux- ilMi llhnt Itiium u III, uu npi-iill. nunrfH. r.i.iiii, uiki I. in t Xl'dltlnll tlltil In III' i-nlit lis lll.i nrniTty nl K. 1 HAMI'III, SNVDCII.Mirrlll. I llliiiinistiulK, Allllllsl I', 1Ni7, , FINANCES. C1 u:ntiu: twi. iiopnty it'.n'd At'iiiTDitis tati:mi:nt. Sin.i. N'i:i iiakii, rnlli'iinrnf ll-iinity Tat, li 11. Ti.ainnnlit nn piipHi'ati' (.;. llv nish palit Jnhn III1I, Trctt'iiriT ill.lTl. 71 $:i,sr.' ft! L-il i.i lit " t'Miiniraiiuiis " piTli'lltiiiJO ' !,17!I7I ("has M,, I'nllcdnr nr llnnnty Tnv, inc. 'I'n lunntml m. linplli'.tt,. '11. '. I'nsh pa ll .lnhn IIULTrfiiHur, i " ii'iliu'licll nl Tn!! lax 7,1" 12 5l,t.i I.' 1,::i."i in Mil 12 7"il ll II ilnliri. nn Ilupllcati. InllN Illl. I., Tll'llslll'IT, nit. Tn iiiniinnl trull, l'lrst National 1 1., I , U nl l..uMlli',iinli' In llnnk) $ln,'. 0 ('.'. Ily itlsi-iiunt ai.,1 stuiiipsini llrsl itfsi'iinnt tl (17 " anrt nl .12 Miluntt'iTn at i bl cat I. wo Ivl prnsi s inaiim Miiiinii'i'rs in i rny niul their MihsNtnn't 3IT to pt'ici'iitnyt- on KV" ll.ihimv In lnvor of 'I if.nun-r Hit, To uinoutiL on I'M'.il suIim-i Ipliou ('lit Ily iiiu't n ,12 nt it n toot h omt s I'M it icr rocolpt I lul .i nco tluo John 1 1 Ut, Tr. nsui or Tomsh trom H. NV tmtit, Cothrtor c. Jl. liii ttorli-h, ColUctot, " " " I.. Alkmnn hit on hi tn for ono oui II W i!7 SI, IMI C A', Jtv oiusli pit Id on note ul I'lJ-t NiUhmnl tmiiK oi iiiuiuo Mv 1'iirili until dl-ciMlllllti Il.inlc ltt,(hlO ui) llnliincc iliic Tot, nhtp To rush tm I Mint Knmut'l Cn'flin " M Miitirniot AlJtmmi " 1.1-Nt " ' ' Joi, ltitjcciilun Ji SX 10 IV) i3 ;-ii) on en. imIi l'.dd on houdt iik per lot o Ipt il l IM . 'IV,... ll oi Ui dlNC4iuut on ftfOi, uoto In Iauilh National ItiuiL " rah paid Crus Crooliutf, oxptiiM- to IIuiiIkI'UIi; "dixit p.. Id I., ., 'Into, pi I nt lie; ' " C. 11. llalMoV. Utt'J foo 70 ()0 WW II u ifi t ' " H hiiudr horson-iUH por lucoiptH :ti 17 MptiPfntaKoonlll.llri 3f Ni tI,W Ci I llaliimo In luvui ! 'lriauioi jvt ei Ci-NTitt: Tow.nsiiii, .'. To Mnrarot Ailiiuun on ImiihI effrt (0 " J. l. I TOIl1 " l" M .1. V, Ilairtnhiu-h uul hil. 'mi ti H II. C Uitrton " " i W M him'l Cioi linn " " "Al w ml M.w t isi;. Si tho imdi'ruluod And I toil of (Vnlro low n hhlp, Colli Itlhlii CoiuiU, I'll., di I horoh ivltlt thai wo hao cuii'lull) t'iiiiiilioil tlio foiiuolm; no xiu nin nml rim I liii'lii lo In col root. w;vi a. licrciiioN, iAr.Yirrn:fiinAhY, Uii. lt.7. Audlloih. Nil. N". i 1 1 it k lit. i iiii I i t v h 11)1 I. JJIlll44tM4lt OKI I 1 4 IV I 14 I JlAll.ltDAD.-Thtx uroal lino truveiKi-s tho I nm I hern and notlhwont cmiutiiHt.f uu, Uimia to tho i lt ol Krlo, on Utko Mric. It lm Itoeu leiiM'd atid it operated h Iho , ri:..s l ASIA It MI.ltOAD COMPANY. ' Tlutoiif I'ttthi liver Tiuliu at Noithuinhi i hind ; 1,1 am. i:.Krw,itt, i:rlo MailTialn, Ih'idi'.M., ' Krlc j:pichi. '1 ratn, i-ui a.m.; Chiiiru Mall Tmlu, ' Ut-li) v.m,; IK-k lliitcii ActuniiiiodiiUuu Tido, 1 Ij'vk vni).nio .Mall Train. it a.v, 1 i:rlo r.xprofTriiln,i;:l( p. m. ; i:imira Mail Tram I Hi'iM.; Hull, ih Kv. pr km, ti ul a.m. I'lixitoimoi larHruu Ihrouuhon tho Dilo Mall and KsproK--, Train without change both wtin ho-j tWeetl 1'lilhulelphla lllld Tlio. .NhW iiw CoNNMiio,-Uao Now Voi k at a.m.. arrlo at Kilo al lO.uu a.m. t 1mjio Ni w oiU i at MR) i-.m.: I,cuo Crloat TkUI uirhe at New ! Wirk at o.m.; 1'iiM-j;rio at lU.UTiA.M., aruvo . at New York at H:10 a.ii. KhKiint hUvpiiitf all hluht traiiiH, l'oi Information ionhooiIiiu meiiLEi-r buslniM atiply ut tho ooiitoi ut 'llditieth ami Muiket hllti U. nuiatlelplilii ami fur lii'liiht luiilni'ssnl tho Coin i mil ' luionlH. t. ii. iiinustuii. jr., .in hit nri'ut'iiiii ami M Mr.s'ls, I'lilhiiltlplilnl J. W.lli imilik, Kriu Wll 1 1 it Til III own, Aliilil N.l.ll.H., Iliillllniiii-, hi, li. Kiiiyhiou.jr.tit)iucrot'j wi'llthuiid M iii.t t Jl. II, lllll'MIU.-V Oii.i'ial 1'1,'lght Aui'i.l, riillinli'lphl.i, II W IIWINM It, lli'llullilTll llil Am nl, 1' Iphla A. I.. Tl I.I It, ll.'lii'lul (super nli'iii t'lll, WDIIalnspinl Mny lu, linn, i CLOTHING. . ji:v srocu oir'C'IAynnNr. I'M'kI. nl I .W.I, AMI WINIT.II lll.'llw. I'.wtii i.ovi:snr,ii(i IllVlllSkltllltloll til l.lK Kl.K'k Ir CIIK,l'ANIll-'.SIIIONAIllj'!l'l,liniIN(l, nt I.Ir Htnro nn Mi.lns1,..,n,,i,,r,il,lAm( fi,,,,, ulu lliH,insl,jiiu, I'ji , whi'i.. he Ims Just rurlwl rinn. .Ninv Ynrt nml I'hlli.'li Ipliluu mil uHuitl,iri,t ul MKN AMI lltlYH' CliOTIM-Mlrf lhclu.llh Uu. most fiiihlntiohl, rliilul,!,.,' nml hniuKotnti llltKN-SdOOIls, conMsthiK of I10X,HACi;,ntO('K',(HtM,ANlHHt,-fI,()TII (UTri ANIM'ANTK, of "ill orts, hlcos, and vaUtn. Up Una nKo rvplwi Nhotl hlsnlteady latKf m:iiIc of FAMj ANlJ WINTUIl HIIAWLM, KTKIl'lIP.KKJL'ltKD.ANIU'I.AIN VIHIS, ! KlIIItTS.l'UAVATH.MIOCKM, rutXAU. I iM.M'hl.lll Jlll.t pt, iilA lJM( HlTHI'IlNDJMtH, AM) I'AMJY AKTIl'MX Hf Iiim tontaiitly on luiiul a Itirno tmd ItrtM nimortiiiftit of ci.oriiHA.Nh vr-sri.s'cw, Mliluli ho Is prepared to maki- to order Into any kltutof clothlncon wry short notlci', mid In tin hcht maiititfr. All his clothhiK in .mlM toumr, nml most of it It if home m-iimtartuu'. flOMJ WATCIIKSANUJKWl'.r.nV, fif pvoiy ih'MTlptloti, flti nml rJicup, HIsciiM'of Jewelry Is not Mirim-sed In this phiep. Call nnd examine his m nrnil nsorttiunt nf CI.-)THINO, WATCIIKh, JIIWIII.IIV, Ac. liAVIIi LOWKNUtMl.t. K W CI.OTI I INU AM) (J IINTM:. MKN'S KUUNISHINCI HTOUi:. The niidrriltttii'd reipootfully niiiiounpfH to hi many friends thit he has opened a new Hothlmi and Gentlemen's Furnishing storo, In the lower room of the lUrtmnn liulldlmr, w.uthwtst rorm r ' of Main and M irkit Mtret, Illoomsburtf, I'a. ! HiivlnJuit if luiiieil from l'ldUdclphU with Larue stock of KAI.l. A.I) WINTKi: CUnillNii and (h:.tu:m:.vs rruxisiiiNdoooiis, c,t ac he Hatter hlm-elf that he tun plejine nil. Ills stork eomprlvH Jir.NS, JlOs'.ANtl YOUritS' fl.OTHINO, such tus I)K1S COATS, SACK COATS, 1'ANTs, VI NTH, u.Mtr.itsiniriM, DUAWKItS. OVIIHUUTM, SIIIUTS, lOI,I..Mts NT.fK rir.s,, srM'KNIIDIls, llAXIlKIMlCIIIKlV. tlMllltKM.As, ,lr ntiil In Tact c-itTj llilujj In (In ctotlilnKnr I'm nlshlni. 11m at . ry lw ihIock. It. iiillltliin In tin" uljove lie Ijhh an ,-U'ant in. Miiti.U'iit nf CI.W1W, CAsslJltniKM, AND Vl,TlN(i-, rl,OI'IIIN(l MA1IK TO llltlli:it AT THK Miomixr Norici:. I 'nil .mil scf bi-furi' 1 iiri'liiislu tlsfwlu-ir, mni SllerilK (lltKAT HAltn MNH. nelb-l .1. V. CHKJli:ill.AI.N. MISCELLANEOUS. L'K.NMTl'Iii:! ITllMTriti:!! sr.w rt'iiN'rifiti: w.Mii:nooM, wui) i. i:s. 1. 1: a xi) liirr.i ;., IllHiMS nVl.ll .Mll.I.Ht'S srnllF, m,oo.iJsi)fiui, i'. WiiKUf in.i In' fiiunit tlio iiiu'st ni l-' c it n i t i: u !: '. r nlliTPit til Ha" pi'npli' if this si-rt l,ill, .'iinslst. Illtfnf PAItLOll, Kill lll:. ASK l',KI)-ltOOM It'll. NITUIll:, nl nil Ulli'ls, sli's, si U'w, ili'Krilptlnn tunl prli'i's. CIIAIKS Ol'' AIJi STYI.KS, Kill lii'li, I.lnlnt.', lul 1c ir nml siltlirj Itninn rlailrs, nXTKNSION TAIII.KS,'aKf..l T.ilili's, ll.llll.l! 'I'al.lis,, Klti'ln!. T.llil(, l.llii'ary uli'l OntrnTulilis. s i ii i: ii o a n n s . Chi tstnut, Wahiul, niul Chi hliiul-walmit 'l.lln. niul, l.liiHiTi's-n l.irj;i asMirtlni'iil nn luiiul, ivi'll mailt- anil nli-i ly lliilslnsl. DKKSSIXt! CASKS, Hall Wl. .ml-. ll.ittrit'Hiinil ISruI: 'In, , i'ry arl 1 1 unit thil-li, s i n i .v ti it k D s. 'I In, In si I'VIT nlli'li-1 In 111., plllilli-. I'KTl'Iti: l-'lt AM KS, Ami In t.u-l .'ii-ry tlilni; In In fnunil In a I'lty Warn Itninn ian 1m h.ut In our rnnins, ami at thn . ly louit pili'i's, I Iwvu I'nlalillsln'il lln' ItKAIlV I'AY AM O.Ni: I'lllt'i: KVMT.M, Ami ual rant nnr imiiIh as rrpres ntisl, J. II. 1IATKS. llliHimsliiiri;, May 31, WIT, q"(T. V K 0 Ti (fx !: K Y, l-'lluiT, . i;t, .t'., iir. JAIOIU wiiimviii:, SI M Al'li;illill.s, Wlioli siiln niul Hi lull Ik'iili'rs In 7..I.V .I.Vi Kl.VCT CO.XFIX'UOXKIir, INI. l'Fll.1 IIS IN l'OKKKlX I'ltl'ITS AXD NCTS. Dxi'lianw Illiiill, IIInuuishiirK, l'a. UllAMir.-', l.i:.M(.NK, UAIsLNS, I'lllU'.NS, It O C K C A X I) V , si MitX-v, ItA-INS, K.lsls, (ritllAMs. 1'ITIIO.V, l iii-, IKII.I.S, Al' , It It 10 A I) AX I) OA K KM, nf all Minis. KNlrt JAfollV. UU.I). li W tllMVKIl. Illnnlslitiu, Apill ImTT. riMIK "AM Kill CAN HAY KXlCK L AMI 1 MllK.-W,' lln im'i'lHln.ii'il illlins nl Ciilulnlil.l tiiuntj wllni'v-isl lln nl li.iv InrkN nn lln- iHim nl Mi. l'lnscl, in Mi-mliM'k I'iiv. u.lilp, nn Moiulny, May 7, In. I, Is'tuci-ii tl.n Amriii'ttu Hu Kulli unit 1 ink in.inutAi'turid l,y W.llT.It, WAI.I-H, MIllINi:!! A I'n., nf Iwlii. Iniri!. I'll.,' niul tlio KuniM I'litint Hay Honk, 'llie Amirliuii 1'i.rk Ull.d muni liny In nun ilrauulit Mini, the Uunil. l In Uiri'ii. Wo am wills lliul 11 ulll hike in. inui-ll lull Int.. Hit' lanwaH tun f;,nHl liiirmK ran itraw. lnalsn m.w It Oltllluil utv, ainl tlilnk It t'aiinut In' la'at us u luiy knll,., anil rtii'i'!ft!! li'i-umini ml It an tliu In-.l liny Inilt ami kntfn in Ii.nn t',-i m en. I'. HllTIM.hM.PII, I IK. 1'. '. IUIIIIIS.IN, W. II. Knnss, .liillM IKIAK, Inns'K, I.AMKi, Nnvi.a, II. Dllll.l.MII.I.I.K, SU.M-.sruil I'l'll-KI,, MnilAH. II :.!. it. John Wni.r. Tlii'j alwi .ii.iiiiiliirtur,' Ihn t'l'li'liniu-il Ilui'l.pu It.sipiT ami .MiiMi i', niul other .siriculliiml lu.pli-. niv.iu. n It I V A T i; S A U K ' Tin: unileihiiMH-d would aimounco to the public tluit ho wl he loilluooat prlvalonalo of 1'W O Ul NDItKD AND I IKI Y At III: OF T I M II II It li A N I), , ultuato lu rishtiiucrci k towiMilo, Coluhihla co., 1 bouudotl l laioU of Donrir M'lli-m, loxeph ' Coh man, hatuuel Coleiiuiu aud otheii, The tini 1 her U prliielpallv white pine, tdlow pine, rook ' link and chcxtiuit. Two hundti d aen ate Hourly 1 lei 1, und alt could bo eanll. f.iriind, Atopic time kUou, out uoou n'ctirttv I unicoii. micu i:i. i.KMtiN, Jtinoii, N!7. ColuiubU county, l'a. o t i c i-: . UlbllK Ul Illl. lIUsjMnlll I.I) l.lll.lulO I iMirnrn., Jiny I, isiit. i Wu, iholiillwiKiif Tniniis's, ci.rlll til ,t tin' innitll Inns ltsin whli'li llm lint .nWiTlp. linns tn Ihn Hlm'l; uf hall llillllltf hk intuli. havi' In en roi.ipllisl will.u I.. II. Ut'l'KHT. I'nl.l,'nl. Attel. V. I".,Mi'i,lKi). Thn -iiilisi'illMTn In I hi Htm'k.if llipalsi..ianii'.l 1 111 It in. will iilt'iisn niy Hit- urn! Iiisiitllnii'iit, in wilt Dnn.tnniil. ul Ihi'lrMtlii.rllplliil. ivs lnTalil f-in.illlliit., In Wll.l.lAM HM km:, T rensuier, I.. II, lll'l'llltr, l'n nl. Inly .I, in.7. V. ACIIi:U.S WAXTKl). TVu. nuhaiii ScIiihiI DUtrlt t wuiitHlhi'iuuleiuid . one It liinle ltat)ui lorthot'iuiuiiiKjoai, All ap pi leant iuiii.1 uudtntcuauoxiiiiiluailuubejuro the , louni) hiiperlnteiiih nt on Iho jjth daj ol Au HUt next or alter, al C utraha, Iho w huolH w 111 npvn on tlie b.t day nt Hoph mber, and continue lull nmiilhh, It nu all tii Dolt ale liiiub huioalter ll) older oi liiolloaltt. h a, wai.r ani He- y l.iicit Dal UC .1, MI7 DRY GOODS. V IH'stl AlUIIVAIi OP HI'lilS'ti A.VT Hl'MMCK (IOOMM. 1 he ubHrrlhT Im-Just ti (ttrjiftl from Iheflllcs ullli niifilhi Murine uini t led nMirhiKtit of SI'IUNO AM) M'MMKH UOOIW, pitnh.trl in Nvw oik und I'hll.tiUIl.hla at Hiq Mi-t nmirr, nun wruc n ne is (icierniimn to fen on ut infidel-Mo terms ns rati ! prfH tniil eNe. w !o re In ItloomfcbntK. Ills utor k tsmiprlMH 1 I.Altn;M' IHtlSM OOOIW ( of ther hnlenst Myles nnd latest fithhlmit, together w Ith u Uro;aorttnenl ot Dry 'loods nnd Jni rerlex,f mislMluifof the folhiwIiiKiirtlelfni on cloths, ' llothf, Cu-snlmclet, v Hhnwln, Floiibtls, Silks, White OosKln, UnrtiH, lliK.pSklrb-, ItolloHuare (Vdarwnre (lueensware, Ilurdwro lioots Olid Hhoen, flntM nml Caps, Hoop Net, Cmhrelln, IN)klntOt.isesl Tobacco, Co the, Sugars, Teas, Ulrc, Aiitpiiv, y .OInel fn i Cinnamon; ' t r NnlnKn1, AN If NOTIONS (iKN !t.M,V. In Rlimt, fvpiythlni; usnahy kept In country Mores, In which ne imltrs the nt knt Ion of the public generally. The highest prlrewlll he paid for 'tiuntry piniluen in exchange for Rood. S. II, .MII.I.EH, Arcade llulltliiiRs, Iltointhburtf, l'a. It 1 1 1 EAT iu:nrcTioN ix pricks .7 AT I'UTl'.It IJNT'H HTOIti:, IN 1,1(1 HT HTttr.r.T, u y iSI'UIXli AXI) iSUMMKR (JOODS. TIIK KUlisrrllur lias Just recrlU'il anil tins nn ut U nlit htatnl III Unlit Htri'Pt, n larco nml M'll ct ASSOHT.MKXT Ol.' MKUCHANDISK ptiri'll.isi'il at tin' lnwrst flmilf, ftlnl whli h In-Is ili'ti'rmliHsl lu snllnii ns iniMlrnite ti nni iiKran In. priM'uu-it I'lsi'whi'ii' In LUhl Hlri'ft, ton f.i.s ui: iDiwriiY I'ltunrrr. Ills hlni'k ninsl... if liADlliS' ll'...S.S GOODS, cluilcpsl htyli niul lntosl ra.shlnnt Callis.i'S, Mll.lins, tlhulmtus, rtiililn!ii, Hnsliry, rnrpptu, Silks, Miawls, IlKAllY .MADK CI-OTIIIX(!. satin, tts, I'jsslnii'rs, I'litlniiaili's, K. iilucky Ji-ans, At'., AC, AC. (illOCKIUKS, MACKKIIAI., Qtlt'iitiswai,', Ci'ilarum-i1, HarttMart', Mi'iilcllii-s, lluus.olls, l'alnls, Ai. HOOTS S. SIIOKS, If ATS A CAPS. In shurl rierjthliiii irsually ki-pt In a innutry Inro. Tin- pnlmiiasi" nf hlsnM tYli-mls nml the pulilk'Ri'tit'raHy, U ri"iptriilly.nliiltpil. Thn hlyhcst malki't pili-n palit !nr country pin. iinci'. i;nt, UllhtSlri'Pt, May3, N". I ri UKAT IlKDUCTIOX IX I'IIIC!1 AT II. K. SLOAN'S STOItl.', in on anu i:yi iii.r., pa., SI'KlNfi AXI) SU.M.MKU tiOODS. The Milneriher hio. ju-t i oci'I ih! mid lm on hand ut hisKton in Ornnt't Illo, u Ioiro and udoot ASSOUTMKXT OF MKltCH AXDIHK juirch.wtil nt tlio lowci-t Htnuo, und which ho In ilotoiiiilncd to si-H on iw motlorato tonm usi-un ho pirnurod tlM-hoio In )nino Wt hun caii on twNTitY iMtourci:. H U vtoik oiui'iUtM of hA 1)1 KS' DUKSK 1)S, (itouir nnt.M anu r,Ari.-r famiion-, Cutioos-s, Muslin-, lilnuluunt, 1'l.innoW, llosh ly , CAltl'lirs, HltAWI.t, KKAHY MADi: (JLOT!IIX(J, Nitiiii'l-i, C.t'isliuor', Cottomulos, Kontiu-lty .Icnni, M AC, AC. tiunonswaio, ivdarwato, llanfwaro, Mullclnon, in:t(j, otii, i-tsTs .ir. HOOTS it SIIOKS, HATS A- CAPS. In rdiort ovorjthlnu: usually Icipt in tipounto storo, Tho jiiittomiKo t h in old frloniU and tho puhlio (;onoiull, I ro-itoctfullv Milioitod. Tho hlalu-st inarki t prlco paid fur country pro diito, li. K. .SI.OA.V. oraimtvillo, Muj Jl, n. J J. II U O W K H( N now' olicrln,; to tho pit hi It his stiK'k ot a p n A' ( a o o n s coiUtin in pan of a full lino of INUKAIN, WOOI, AXI) It ACS C A It 1 V. T S, Pino flutliH nntl tai.-lmcro lor Ijidlps', UAXlHOMi: Dlii:SS 0001), oi ull pattctiHnndfiiialitloi, IuIuMh nnd I'lluti ot vailouh quatltloH niul prices, iii.kaciu:i AND JIIIOW.V MI'KM.Nm, IjA OIK'S IMtKXCH oksi:ts, A A l IJAhMOUAU SKlItTri. tfiHiil llulllUI'nl ol la D 1 1 if ii cilll.lni.. :s ii a ii mis ,i imois. Kn sh tins eili s ami hplet-s. New nssoitlm lit uf lil.Aho AND ifi:i:N.s-VAr.i:, I '' X - iV 0 . 1 MACK K H V. 1. In tau'-hiilt and ono'lMiilh ImrioU, Sow U tho IJiuo to m.iko our MlootiouH, us I tun oin-rlnK ttiU at wry low juIcoh, and our mottn ffi fair ttoittfnu to nil, and not to ho under sold l; nn. J. J. IIUOU'IIK. litoouuthuiK. April 1'J, W7. !; U (MI A X O I S li, notici: is jii;iii:iiy oxvi:n 'loiny fnond-tand the imMfo couonill, liuit nil Wludtoi OUY (iOOOS, OltOC'KHIKS, (iUIIKNSWAIti:, NOTIONS, AC, aie toiitttuntly on lirtiul und for hiMo AT UAllTO.N'rt OUU HT..NI, Ill.OoMHllt'KU, 11V jamiw k. i:vi;h. Uit'AlU hole Am lit lot Ki.l.ts' 1 lioM UATKOt 1 Wl . 1-uino lot (onMlilitl) f ti tulid, Ittt'C "XTOUTIIKHN C'KXTItAI. A Mi ll WAV. uiiu:iT utirn: nouth and surra. Thimmh tweeu linltlinoro und ItochoHtc-r wrram'T ciiANta; ok caik on and tutor April ls7, (ruin will have iw followh: THAINh NOHTIIWAIID. .li:i V. M t.K V K VoUTllCJUFItt l.Nidilllv . ropt .Moiula.M'i.hioppliimit nrluclpul station airivlnu ut WIlllaiiniMiU T.lUa, in.. Iliintiu 12.W iiiNin, CatiandnUuii .' p, m., ltiH-he-i. tor 4. i p. in,, lluthiiDti.lii, in., and Niagara ruIMVUUn. 111. I 1.11 P. l, I.IC.M 1' .SlUiTllI'MliKllUANIi iliillt it'K . ,vpl rllliilnm,Mipll,K at all .liitluiis; nr rlilnunt W lllliiiniirt U.15 p. m., niniia ni I ll.u! p. in. THAINh Ha'TIlWAHI.. U.ll'l A, M , I.ISiUI'' Nlllinil'MI.KIII.lM. lIUl), sluiiplnij al prliu'liHil stutlom,; arrlvltual HiiriMi.iri: s.'n.a in., lUHImuiv !.'.) p. ni., I Wiuhliniiiiii .'.!. p. in., .,ml I'lill.iJi-liJil.i i.. , II 10A. N, I.hAVH N'ounil kllll.ll! i.N , iliilly ,K. ivplriiinila., airlvlini nt H.irrUl.urii Mi p, in., Hi, llln ion' il, U) p. in.. WnMilnulol. h',10 p, in,, mnl I'htlA'li'lpriUii.iii p. in, 5.1 I'. M, I.Kll k Nolillll'vlit III. A Mnl illy r,'j ci'pt Htimla),, .tiippini; only ul .irlnrliml .lull. nisi ill-Hum ut Harrlsliuni H.'H p, in., I'hlUll'IpliM 1 Wl n. in,, uml lUltllilulu 7,1V a. I... II.3U 1' IU I'. M, l.KAM. NoUtlll.'WUI.IU.-lM'. ftoppllU at prlnciHil Mutloii inn i. limut Hurri-.fiur i. iu., Ihiltlnuiri'7.00it, lu., rtilliwlelphlu p, iu., ami Wa-hliiKtnn t.iai u, hi. i.D. s. vncvti. .Miiy3,l.r7 It-li'l lnK(-naer Ajfent, i-oit .nm:at a nii ciiiwM'. '"''""'''Ni.VriViu'iv.. .JCli llt I TO'PI K?n liil.lli.h'ri Mini ili'iiJiTH In MuU, ami miuiutiu i ii i ,. , ,,:., : ,:.:,:, LAM. Al fJlh C01.UMIUAN Ol'l'R'l: MISCELLANEOUS. CO., I'lliliAHKIW'JIIA. HUnsclHtTIO.V ONI! IKiMiAlt. rifio,ooo f 1 t'ltHHIINTH To HrilHCUIu'lMt, onc Vi ritr.sf xt or lo.oii, ONH t'A!! I'ltf-SNT OF 'M,MK ost: cAnlt imtKNT.of tlftrn. ONfl'ASIt PKFSETOF !iJtt TWO f ASH I'ltKShNMOF &2H.l(Ut Ayititf S A''f(i(f f lrfacnt rVtyiv. liif h rerl Ideate of Htm k Is nefsiiniiiiilt lth a liiiAiiriKru sti:ki,.m(atij KNtiitAViNij, worth lnoicntn lult lhaii the wl ut CertlflVo'te, nnt) nNo insures tolhe boMt-r n Present IntJu Orent iKNtrlbutlt.n. ' Trn:wAsfiiN(iTOXhnmAitYco. Lsrh'irteNil by the Slate of IVnh UanUi, und ortt.uilrett In ntd or the H I V ll It S I I) K INHTlTt'T K tott Wil.DlI.lLH' AMI HAtbOlU OKt ltMS. Ineorporuteil by (hefitnteof -V. J.,A'ilI 17. nni iiiyniisnir. iNHTiTtTr:, sllunlu m llhiisiil,., llurlliiulni. rnuiity, New JiTsi.y. I, lnumUil turthuptir.N. of I'llucatlucthn nns nl thvcasi'il SoMlrn. ili'tStfu. in.'M or Ihy ti'lillislHtul.'S. . 1 In- lloaiil of Tnisl i'nnilsi i,r lh,',.ulnj H.-ll'lcunun cltlzFlis or 1'rnnnylvaula niul .New JlTSI'Vi linn. Wm. II. Mulin, IHslrlil Allnrnrv, I'hllnrt. i'll'la, l'iu Hon. I,i.wl It, Ilrnlnnll, i:.f'hli'f t'olnrr V. s. Mini, mnl ItwriliT nf Iksu, l'litlmldplilii, linn. .Ittlnns M, Sio ol, Ni'W Jir-i'j . Hon. y. V, Warn, New Jc tfi'V. Ili'iiry llnrmiili, Ksij., Ak.'iiI 'Adams' KJipif--, PhniitMpliht, l'a. J. I.Cuv, ks'.,nf Joy, I'ui'i Co., l'hll ulilphla. Tnr.isiisv ini AittMi.xT, WAsiiiximix, 1. i . April H, ls7l7.-4)mci.of Inlrriinlltivriuifi-lluv-lliri'l(ilatlsf.ictnry .m,li niv that thnt rii-ri-iiiN nf thy mUTprlsu comlucnsl liy tlie Wivih Innlnn Ml.rary I'niiipaii), will 1m diAolnl In charitable usos, permission U hereliy Kriilin-l I', mlil Company tn eotnlui 1 sneh eiitcrprl-ecxi'mpt from nil eharge, wlKther fnn npis-lat tax nr nthiTiluly, li. A. IIOI.I.IN--, (Vinimli.i.lniii'1. nn: WAsiiiNirrnN i,inr..tity oimi-anv. In onkr that Ihn heurvolrnt objiet set fnrthlt, Ihls i lri'uliir may ln hiiiTessrully nceuliiiilliihisl, ha,' IskUeil live nerles of 1'INE HIKKII'LATK KSUKAVINGS, jihkli an. mt nu subscription ut prices much li" low Ihi'lrn tall Millie. ri rlllkali.Hnf Minkliilhc WasliliiL'tnn I.lbrarv tiilnimnywlllhelssueil, mnmpi-il with the nil nf lln. i on. pany, ami ltmsl by the hn-ruturv. None others m nulne. Any persnii wnilliiitns One Iiotlnr, or pajlni; the Milne In our li".l auellls, will receive llullle illat. Iv a line-,!,., i l'lalei iicmvlinr.atcholcefrolii thelnllnwlm: Ilsl.aml onei erllllenleiif lnck, In-Mll'lln-ime present lu our pllMlshoil Mhcsll.le. On Engmviniji. No. 1 "Mv rliiMI MyllilM!'. Nn. '.'-"Thry're MUeil! They'rn Mneilt" No.3 "Olil Seu-utJ. Klxi or the Karly Ilavs of the llevnlntluii." Any person rmylnu two dollars will recelvo either nt the rllimlnx line sleet plat. ,at choice, ami Iwcorlltlcatesnf Bloik, thus heeomlnsen lllle't to two plesents. 7'i'n lh,tUir i:nrjmvlnqi. No. I "Va.shlniiton'i Court ship." No.S-"Wanh-liMtnn's Last lutcrvlow iWthhls Muthir." 'yVtrie JkAhtr A'tifrntfaiv. Any person pnjlnic throe ilnllnrs will recel.e the lieaullliiUieelphiienl "Hoinnlriim the War," ami three cerllrloales of stock, boconilnn entltlisl to three presents, l'ouv lloll(trrnrailngi. Any person pa.ilni; four ilulhirs shall iceelve Ihe hiran nml lieaulllul steel plnle or "I'he 1'erllK nr Our Knrelatliers,"anil liiurcurtlllcaloHnf stuck eulllllni! them to four presents. 'ne thillur yMjmviio. TIIK WASHINGTON LIHIIAHYCO. Wll.l. AU'AIIII THIir.n HUNllllIlI) THOUSAND IKlI.IiAUH 1 I'lllisKNTS ID Till. HJ1 HI.HOI.n:KS, On U'rtlneatluy, September iVA 1S07, AT 1'IIII.AllKI.l'IIIA, I'A.. 11 T Till! INMTITUTK, 111 VKIIH1DR, N, 3. .Schedule of 7Vi tent; I Cu-di I'rohcnt 1 Cath Trot-cut I ca.h l'rcsont. ., 1 Cash I'n m nt . . -' Cash l'ri'M'iitK ot K'.Vmrnch.... . frll.HI) .. ai.tujn .. JU.tJOO .. -Voi 6,1 MJJ. i jiuuuMMiio ooiimry rofliuoni1 L'roundt,.sc. (o.'nii.tntown.l'hilitdoiihlft 1S.0O0 1 noiihlf rihld- ntv, thiot-htoiv brick, lu Camden, N..T. iti l ( mil Depot, oUU'on, hhotln, L'lound, w ith I hi 1 Host o-tatilMitt, Nn, .ut Wanhlnu- ton AM inio, I'hilatlflphia. I Countr rtKidfiH'i',',.S.J.,with LTouud, ti tilth, Ac . . w ii im 1 Thr story iotiui', Iut,Ao O.iiio 'J.I iilu.lhlt huitillu loti, UIflHldP, i-ini , V'.V'11 1 l.lofiint turnout fmilly cnrrnmo, t-im nf hoisi-h, harness, Ac, coiuijIoIo r,Ai ID ahmblfhulldlnK lotH, UlNendde, $.'luu , " ;t(in 1 hiMiitliiil hlhi r-nr.ij hoiM', lV-2 luiud-t hli;h, vltttl hy tho tvlchnit.-tl hnpoittd Arahlah HnlM) "CJlllph:" also, u lh;hL roiulwairtin weight 110 poiuuN, wltlrt of superior Kini;lo harm"-, ttc, maklim a tlrst-cl.isH Htubli'-huu'nt . iVftn 2U I'lunoM, $jH0oach iu,(tti -""t Molodoons 3JL."i ouch,, jd .1 Hosew'fmd hewJli" Jilliclllni M, t.1l raell . l,lll Vi ranillj M-wliiy laachtiu s. flwifiidi. . i.nti ftt Finotriild watt lies Ji'ic:ich ItjiiM in oil p ilntlnjis. Ly loading artUt-ti!irf. -iti value lOon :i CaiHolV hair Khawtii, eat h ., ;iiui - Camel-! hair Mii.wlf, S.!.il each tumn :i HimihointT Iju-o hhawW, i ach 7JU lu Ctthhlilcro sh.iwlh, oai h .'in 31 llk ilreni pattonih, tTjo.ich lt .') City huildiui; Intc.,l"ioach 7iu The ii in.ilndor will wmM of MHor waro, mu-'lcul imxtH, ojiera alat', pocktt hihlcs tuid Uitlolent artlcltt ot ornament and uno, aiuoiinthiK to . sjm Total AM tho propoitlo $,'flt,nu ieit char ol luciinitiranct-.. HUM Tit iHlTAIN WIIAUKS AND KXOIIA VI.VCiS. SindorderK to ns hy mall, inclrwdtu; trom $1 to $Jii, either by Tost OtlUo ordi mor luu tesWtereil Utter, ut our ilik. I.irncr uiMtmntf .hould Ui soul hy tlralt nr oxpro.-. lOhharotiMiiii KiiKnnlnn, .. iurii UihlmioA with Kiiiirailnjxs with Kmrutwims . .. . j(i.."iii TJfliaioh with rnraiin;s, i hhiut with rimiavhiKh, lrni-al A0M.V1S WANTKlMhj-oimhoutllio i'ul ttnl State. Tin Ah-siii'lallon hau npimiiitt'i! u Hi'ivlv ers. MrMirit. llMilair. A. fiiOKh IV., vlu.. well kniittu Inti Krlly ami laislnt'-s 1'XKrlt'lii'i. will bo n suillcli'iit mmrantti'tliat Uu, innney lntiiulisl In thi'lit is 111 Ui piumptl) appll.Ht li, thu purpoM' htatctt. l'llii.ADi i.riti ., 1'a., Mny N,7. 7'n tin izHcerx tonf .Vrni&rr of th Wmhlnqton J, t,-uw ( ., A". S, UEA , iNrtri t'irv, (itutloiueu: On receipt ol your lnor of the Utli Ihbt., not If) In tin of ouruppuiutiutnl us Ht leiuiH tor our Coiujmui, we took Iho Uhcrt) to Mihmltii copy of our Charter, whh a plan of joureiiti rprlM', to tho hfehoitt logul authority or tho Matt, and htiiikr roii-hod hU laoriihlo opinion in roput to iU loKillty, aud ) ihiuUi1a iim with the bcneuilcnt object orour AshocIq tion.vixi tho education and lnalnteuauroof th orphan children of pur KOldlt-r h and wiilorN ut thu UlverhldoDiitlluto, wuhavo concluded to accent tho truwt, and to tine Utr Im-mI ellortM to proinoto hti worthy tin object. Ite-leelIulJy, un, Ac, uiAi. a. cooki: i- ca Adtlrt'M, all lei torn and order- u UW), A. mKK A C0..1UNKKIW. IHouth Third Htrwei, Hilladelphla, l'a, liooeJvorii lor thu W'anhln.'toii Library Cu. Jul -'i, l-r-tn. JUST IMMJWSHKI). Ni:V YOHK ON SIXOINU. HA KS 1 N I ' S TWHNTV MKU)DD KXr.UClhH, IN I-tlKM OK HiJl.l'OliOtoS (ol'.HnPltAMtnit MK'i) hoi'KNon (iiit-.i,iMi vrin t Mri'idt-h Trt ACgt'lllH TIIK AIlT OV KtNdlNO, ' Thi-Mt ooi clki v ei o on a i it mm h1 io bu ,iiu. ultanouul with hli ff stint. 'Thk Akt ov SiMMNti,' or with an) other method for the cub tlvatlwi ot tlio win, and will lako tho plueoot CtmiNiiie'it soMiuuioi, ln-inu mote melollt'tii tUid liottt'l lul tptc-t torteiu'lilliK, sniiieol t hone o.ereiii. aro hiH-olally l autinil um well u.4 uetul,ii nillllfliiu of tho t'uft rtvttU, whh It Kcouii-ft tholtilereottvi wvll iin tholmprtm" ment ot tht studem, Thiiiiliu-41) odcfloi-otl lu tht'Nt' enenlxi under Uiem iuvaluahlo lu an Oslueatlonal p-ilut oi' vl-'W, us Day toml to m Imiko tho IntcJIltfi ucoiin 1 I he nppieclatlou, and at the wiine time lonil tho t.-wttc ut tho pupil, 'I hoy mtid Im htudloil enretully with refui noo to the luiiuiueiable in irk ot okpnlon and intuit (l oriiiimontatlou. l'm tho minute uectinu-y with whhh Hii-M' aio io'ctnnilWicd ih'ii tid tho not mil htorlhuj Hdvatici-metit ol Ihe pupil; any I'uodnn or iluirltn: lu thM ro!eei ibtluio una l Unit. Utleilt. wiiktett. while, on the olhi r liutiit. u cliMst' ;ui I iiiitlout lmcilKutlnti,niid a tulthtul ox ivutjou of tin nt, will ule unci ptct el jmiwit and i.tciiity, aiut on ti to tlie Miaieni tlio mo.tiii and renur(en by whirl i meat urtlaU oiiklui their 'V t 1 i inoHt brilliant and pmtoaud circcW Watmn's IN TWO VOM .MIi. Hire tnoh, lu Unurd Itolnll t Uf no. uti, in cioin, iu nm nt Mtuiple itipy Hcntl) mail, lMMi-i.itid, on reccji.t i if Vi holiMile Cilti, frii. mimm nuifK, iiii, rLwoitu, A.'., ac, ,vo sc. Knil lot mluluKtte ;f m. (jlHV