The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 16, 1867, Image 1

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illultMllii'rs II (i iiinrli
HIT .snl:'i' jiil
fioalllv;' ! Ill I' II-' I I
ih- - ., , . iii ' -
i i, i 1 I
I lf''iw l, ,
' ' ' . -Ill I I II' I l-.l
' JI'iilA
.ni;idiun!oU vT
l -' '! ! All lVIM.U I
I w
VOL I.-NO. :t:t.
(! () A li 0! 0 M I- A N V ,
HllICKftlllXNY, 1'r.NSHVl.VAJCU.
0 MO 30 1) U O T E L.
CAIMTAIi 6130,(101).
.IiHI.V M. KTACKUOUSIl, rrvHhtotit.
(HAS, A. llOONlBtruUiiy niutTrL'iKuuT.
Jolm M. Hlnclclimur, N. I Camplicil,
ICli-n. A. limine, tyrui HtncltlioiiT,
A, M'lknu'll.
main sTiunrr, smcKsinxxY, pa.
i Tin limits Iii Id hy tliln ConiiMiuy, tyiiKM t
oxj: achis,
ffi ni -1 lxlyfour jwrchcH, of direful ly selccti'it hml
7- lj n fiulhvr-t of WllkcH.lturrp, I.nrrrnp conn
" U In tho western pnrt of tlie flreut Northern
oi WjoiiiIdr Coul Ittnln. I
A wry nin-rul niul tlioiouuh ixruiilitiillon re
cently imulo Jms nioun tin-no (fur the ubove)
lnn N ti tie ttm ctnho'ttinriit of u uiM moonlit of
the ery best fiitiltty of ntitlmu'lto eonl, hmlnu
eiry fnclltty tlmt emhl by it is tie-1 fur tnmv
port ut Itm tu alt illieetlunx, lh uliuvo tiiu-t U
c croNn-tl by n k,,'mI rnmt, mul uUo directly In
' front, nml Joining nrelhe Iju-Unwiiiinn A llloonii
burn rntlrotiil, niul tlin Wyomltnt eiin.1t, tluiinf
font lug the very bo-it tutvuntnguof carr. log rmul
niul rnnnl ! mining to the wry inonth of the
ft mi net without i-xpcnv to tho eomimuy
' 'I he iiiPimucnu'tit ortheillirert'UtlK'ilHorhciiius
nlrcmly tleclnpcil wis eurefully uMiilnetl niul
C'mhli'ii tiiKcther: the thickness nf these mums,
lin-ln.llng the (debrntea "licit Asli,M,,ltmc Momi
ti tftln,' or "llrnuil Tunnel" cln, U thlity-one nnd
imnlmir feet, i.ll'j,), vwry ( ublc jni'it of which will
yh-liln ton, KUltitf u largo nniouut of tho ljft
Hf qimllty of rout,
' A-'i'holoetIn lHsueh thutiill tiio elnn mny bo
AJ cut nml worl(nl to the greatest possible uilvnutngo
?Wnl)ne wuler le et,nnl ut much lessexpemo tlmn
Lean be ilnni from eollerlen nperutlng l low water
Hu i-mil can be Immght to thu surfaeo thrnngli
'l itH iniilprrtlanpd litivtua teiivi'il utnl ri'ftimlrll-
ciUnMKl nljl" thw idioo uulbkuowtt IIuvimo,
A M 0 "N (i tlti: M 0 V NT A I S H
Iti IIinlutnlfrkitrCitllllidiLllitiil SlllllVfltl COUIltli'.
in t.ur nt ihoiiHwi i untifiil itml 1iriilthfnl reidoiis
In thdHUite; Is rtdly prepurod to aeeuinniodttlti
visuorrt nun vojimii't-r
T!u Pritut mtit htritittim urn weUHtfHketl with
uciitioui mil 01 many mium mciumns
T U O U T A NI) 1M K 13.
I nti1 ImihIh In uOitil ortter will Im Itent for thnnc
pommoiunioit nun nmuseiiuiu u Runin. imimu
tor ihhhiK or pleneurui'xcursloiwupon this bvau-
1 inui BUiei i nuieriuvuii
hi:vi;ual Mir.ra in i;xti:nt.
Oed to tb' htmtMnnn UKpleiulid field lor his own
IK't'iiiiar spuiiH, unuuxemwe wun 11m
I) () t A N 1) (i U N.
Ills banter uill bo nlwuy jtrovhhil with tho
itellcark'M of thuhL'iisoni mid his ltar Mocked with
1'riiK ijttnntK. The lloiue Is tnrgennd commit-
illniis; 1 lie Mtablftig extensuuiiuii Ktie.
'I 1... lf,...UA l- u,,,il I... til
thoItlooinsburgiV IjiekaMium.i ltallroud; and Is
HKpIf'tlUIil pIlHO IO plDtA 100 IH1I IIIOIIUIS ni ""i-
Mi'iyit, lMiT-Jm,
Vi nt jHiMsitrnn. (-Mi.i'Mltl.'
inn uiKleiKluiieil liulmi MinluiMsl- this well
ktiowaundeeiitiully-loeuiedhouvc.tlio r.xchatigo
ll0lel,ttunuton MAI? ItiOOUltnuiK.
Imimdlately oppi wile t he Oduuibla County Court
House. reMiedlullv inforiiiH IiIh HktuU ulld tho
public in general that his house Is now In mlir
tor thu n-ei'ptlon inui fntertalnnieut of trnvclh-rn
wlioinnv ho disposed tit lavor U with their cus
tom. Jlo luii h mied no expeimo In jireparliig the
r.xclmngo ror the enteitalni'ient of his giu-Ms,
neltlHT Hlmll there bo anything wnnllug tu bis
iart)tomluitcr to Ihclr mrMonat comloit. Ills
iiousc Is spacious, mid 'iijiys 1111 fxcellunt bul-
(initilbussct run at nil times between the Hx-
.l!iii!ro Holel nlld IliiiMirlo' S nillroad dcimt. by
which tra(llfr wllbbu ideiiumtiy conveyed to
nlld trom Iho lcpectlxt' stiitlnns indue time to
liuut tbetats, JOHN 1'. r.Wl.uw,
lnnomnbury, Mnieh 1, IWJ6,
h u r n 1 a nous k,
Hi: UN AIM) HTOlt NKlt.
Havino Intelv purelnvsed nod filled lip the
Wt'Il-linOWn UOOlSOU JIOICI l injiri , i.n unu u
vhvr wmva Aiiovn tiik corttT iioi-mk,
drlllsortuiinclswhichdralu thowntcr fromtluH onthewim Ride of JliVifn!", nHu..V,w!71r
..... , M liMimsburir: and having obtained n licciw fur
niul caves tho boUtlng of tho coal. So tho
eligibility of theso landA for chrap nilnlng Is mi
qucvtioiiable. Very lately tho ''Clrahd Tunnel"
or "lied Ash" vein has been npcncil, rind Is now
producing as fine n qualltyof eonJ asljoJ ever
been produced In tho antbiaclto alouu. Tho
( breaker now In ojteratlon IsVapablo of prejuirlifg
Jtntii iy to'JiUMonsper dny.I'huHurfacocontiilns
Jn nbiind.itit Mipplynf wood mid timber ery nl
Tuable for mining purimses, which gives the tract
Mlie iidai)tago ofjnany othvr coal lands. The
fiot that almost all valuable coal lands arc being
rapidly taken up by heavy capltallstHor huge cor
iimiatlons. fdiowK that they must steadily nud
.greatly rise In the mnrltet value, while with the
liit 1114 um and constantly Indenting ilemand tor j
Ibis rind, and tho ltallroud and North ltranch hi
nd, passing bj the months of tlie mines, tlmmli
"tho (f rent Iron lunltlng dNtrletH of llloomshurg,
n.invlHc, Iiuneannon, HuriMiurg, MlddU tun 11,
iatiirletta, and Columbia, to tide-water nt Havre
di'iiiace, (uie tan hcmcely conceive of a mine
JpiollUbli! or nouice nf wealth than
1 may bo fmind In lands like tliewe.
In oider to he able to npeu their works on a
ifnioie pxtcnslcpla'i, this coniany has placed a
H pit Inn of their capital tik in market on tnn
is following termHi Any peiwm taking (ne or more
Bitbait .s nf kIih k at
twill li I'litltlcil imniiiilh- tun ton nf ciiitl ut nt
nt tlin lllllli' (iit hlituc, mill liny MurklluIJen
not iir.cKiviNd tiu: coai,
n tifiiti'hiil!. In lm pii'illti'il 1111 till liiiiikKdf tin'
1(JolllllllVlWltll till llilUTI'IKll lMtVl'H lllllI'liHt
ftllll Ki-Illlll Jll I " flll-ll Mlllll , Hi in- .ni.i .w.
HiUliloinl Kliull be
.ii 1'. 1'. K.NAl'l', Aiicnl.
JqjinTiiUs iiiN'i:.
Tin' unilrili!!ii'il niinlil riiKi'iriilly nniimiiM I"
IhiTlM.rlis ul lll.uilllslilllg niul tin- I'UlilU- Kllll-
jvi-rnllv II111I lio li 1 nt.tilim mi
. omniiiimi.ini:
iHtWlVII IlllH lllllV HHll Illl'lllUVll'Ilt llllllllllll ill'
Arilildb.liil'imill'rl Willi I 111'
.il Irnlns Knliili Sinitluilul W'fst un tlii- Cntn
ami Wllllamsioit K.illmail, nml with llnw
Knliia NimIIi inui Simtliiiii llio uiriinHiiinm 111111
't llMiiiiMlliui-i'smi' In Komi nllll'Mi,! 11110.
ifainns 1111.I', mi.l clinri!L'H U'ltumnlili'.
.,' j ".-rwitis wMiIhk t" tni-i't nr mi- tlitrlr fl li-mN '
, i it, run In' lu'i'i.niinliitril upon i' rliiiiKi'
Jjiy li'iivlni; timely nutlii'iit miy "f tl' ImUN.
TO JACOH I. (UllTtlN, I'li.prl.'tin-.
fTi a u it Lu7i'"jiAjr uY'Airm 11 Y,
ltloolllsllUliX, I'.l.
'. M, C. HUMS A llllOTlUIll
til' MHTl'SSIir nt
COlltlhUl' till) lUlsllll'HH Of lllllkH4
CAltlilAtll'.'-, llflKlll'.-',
niul I'vi-ryhtjlonf
,whli li Ihcy Imu'i'onitiinllyoti hninl to ulti'us.
.tnfncrs. Nucr iflnts miy niatiTlul Imt the l't
Sfiinl .iiipliijlnt! tin' most i'ifileni'l woiltnu'ii,
if tiny Imp" tiu'ontlnniiiw lu-rrtofoin to KlMicnllrn
jBiitl-t.trtloii ti I'M'l'y eustoiiHT. An InapritlDti ft
lii-li roik, nml nf llioriuhoimlile iirli-o iiskfil lor
'tin' Mllllt', Is kllli' to lllslirn a wile.
' It' H S T A U It A X '1'
tho I'loprli-tor linn lU'tirmlni'il tonlvo tu tho poo.
pkMtsltlll till town nil linsini'ss or pii'iisnu
Hlsstalillnsnlsnls i"ctcnlc ami ts lltloil ii
t t I ..I..., I .nf.iiir,w 111 thn llrV. Ill' lllOIll-
i-i's that v irythliiK ulmt lilsi'stabllilinii'iil hall
1... n....,i,i..i,..i in in, inih.rK' niul lawful mannrri
inui luiii'siiis ttully nilU'ltsuntiuio nt tlii' pulilli
lullonaai'. ImylTCT-llni.
al, Bl, S-. & , lllM'A
ON TIIK KUttlll'I'.AN PI. N.
'rnt:sif i:vm llnrsi: Is well niul wiili-tyUnown
1,. 11... ii.ii-iillmr mi I illc. 't'lii lot lit loll IS t'SlHTi.ll
Iv Hiiltuhlf to liii'rrhann utnl buslnms nu n j It Is
111 closo pinxlmlty tothi' lillsliiess part nt tlu- ril.V
IS oil tin' lUKIlwny ni r-oiuuuiii inn. .-fi. n
trini'l-aml ailjiiri'iit to all Hi" prlndpal rallro.ul
Tlichti'vens llousf ha llbi'rnl iicooininoilutlon
Ml I1VIT Ulll'SlS 11 IS WUil lllllllSlUil.ll.lll pus- ..1 ..i.f li.ri.T.' It.iiiinv.Mnr-nt for the i-..iii.
toil ami I'nti'rlaliiiii.'iit of Ms IninaliH. Tin;
.....i.w ni.i u,.n..ilisilllil U I'll l'llt llltl'll ITOV M. .1
Willi ami wiiti r tin' atli'lnlani'i. Is piouipl
ami ri'spi'i ttul ami thu tahli' is Ki'iH'rousiy pi..-
11 1... 1 won 1 vi rv 1 11 1 n . 11 oi ii'" "' "
cialiHat.'s. (IIS). IC. t'llASKA t il. l'roprk'lnrs.
A Domocratio KownpiApoi',
IS l'fllt.l.sltrjl KVUlY l'ltlDAY HnllMMI AT
ltl.OHMSlirltfl, 1'HNN'A.
Tl 1 1 J of tlilt 1M IT nro nf lite JctlVriioii-
ItlllMcllool lit llOlltlCB. TlinSolirlllclplCHM llIlll'VI)
l!ocomiiroinliic(l, yet courtesy ntul klmlrM fhall
not Im tnrffottrn In illscusslnu the m.wlicthorw Ith
Inillvliluals, nr with rnntPinpnrarlM of tlm 1'iens
Tha tiHlty, lupplni"i.s, nml in.sperity of the rnun-
irylsourntni nml nl.Jocf ; nml as tho means to
mirothnt,wn "hull labor hom-stly nml cuincistly
for tin lmnnoiiy.initrt'mi nml growlhof our nrgnn.
Tkiims 01 Pi'iiM'itiiTliixi Itt-n iIoII.uh a yi-nr
If imlil in nilunu'P. HnotlHVld In iLlvanco iwo
lollnrs mut iirtyirntH Mill Iw Invariably I'hurijeil.
Tl UMsel ADVr.KTtslNdi unciqunrodeiillnoH
nrli'ssjnni'or three Innertlons I,V ; eneh
iiuerit Insirtlnn 50 eent.
Hl'AO.. la. :m. "si. Om. ir.
imeniuare.. JiW S3,no Sl,m r."
TwoMiuareK B,J tl,ni I', ll.iw
r.,no 7,oo s,oo r.',wi is.hi
11,00 I'.l.) 10,01) 11,00 'JO.OO
10.IM) 12,l) IV"' lo.WI 1'.'
l vm) u.oi) si.n.) .mni asm
Dxeeiltor'K ami Ailnilnlstintor's .Vi.tlre 51,00; Ail-
illtor'H.NotleuJV". "ther niHcrtlsements Inser
ted UTimllnii to ppeelal contrite!.
1'iishiesstiottM'H, without ml vert lsetneiilttwenly
eenls per line.
TrnnslentmlvcrtlbCliienls payable, Innihance.
ull nlhem due after tho tlrst Insertion.
It Ik, In fill casci, mnru likely to bo ntlnfic'
tory, liotli !o Ruhncrlhers and to Iho rnbllshern,
Ihat reinlttaiu-csnnd alleomtminteatlonsrespect'
111? till) buslni ss of the paper, ho sent direct to tlu.
uniraur publication. All letters, Hhether telntlnn
lo tho editorial or bushies concerns nf Iho paper.
nml all payments for subscriptions, advertising,
or Jobbing, are to be made to anil addressed
nnocKVAY a nini'.zi:,
"tblui.ii.iim (Wire,"
riluleilul KoUmiii'k r.ullilluus, near th.i Court
House, hy ('has. M. VANiimsMCK
rnNic 11. MNVll)-):.
Thrio squates......
lour squares
Half column
One column..... ..
Nintly t'MeuU'd nt this Olllce.
"AT 31. I.'VKl.l.K,
MAC.lint, Proprietor.
nKitsd.ill (Sundayw c
fm- rul tin
wls.i and
(ii.oitdi: w
Thealne well-knuwii hotel has recently undcr-
i-tin,. iiuliial t hanifi sin its hit i ird nrraimemcUls,
i.n. t n in h itiriuiiioiiiii'i in hii lot men ustom
ami the tinwllliig puiilh thai bis neenliioil.itinns
t i,..,,,.ifnit ni liistiriK.tsariiMcoUil ti Iione ill
IhiM-nimiiv. lli t.ib!evillaluas b luiiud kuih
plh it. not .-miy wllii Mibstantlal iihmi, iui witn an
the ilclleach'sof the Mason. Ills wlnt's and II
i.u (-..v .t tlm. t k m ill 1m bi'M-iiiifo known as
''Mt'teiirjf"), puiehacii illicit tuuil Iho lmpoi ling
bnUxes.aro eullU'iy puie.anu neo i i nn I'm-
Mmih.ii(1iii's. Ho Istlmnktiil lurallbcuil hat i mi.
iiup In tin' pii'-t, mid i III mill lime to th hel"e tl hi
thefntuie. (Ji:oit(ii: W. MAl'di:!!
tmk ri'i'Kn iiousi:,
(UlANtlKVIIdd:, (,'OI.UMIIIA CO., 1A.
Ths Mibserlber icsiiectfiillv lnfoun hlsfilcials
mid tho public, that bohas lakenthe a novo well
kumwi llDUto of Kntcitalnmitil, and will be
ilcii.ed lo l-i Ivo liii) (Ih-Diii of alt ttlio will
tiiMr him u 1th .1
in: wii.i,
A (ItXID TAllt.i:,
cKiloon ha now
X H V 11 A X 0 K A (! K X V Y
hvoiiilng fiwxio
Vl.tiin l,i,ouo
Cnminelee !lW,Wx)
Fulton "'.'
llaltlc S'AI
jlMlliam '.W.000
Merilianls iV'
H.illiKll'lil 5Tll,000
(lei lunula r.m.ui)
IiiMiranee ('nmpany of Htato 1'wiin'a., . OTo.imO
Coiilieetleut Mlllllal l.lfo Ill,lm,lim
Ni.Mh American Transit .VH),w)
ri!i:AH llllDWN, .liin',
mnS'i--ly. lIMiiiMSlil'llil, l'A.
a !!.r wi II stui'keil with the h. l of I.hiuors, nml
i-lerv ellort will ne lilll.U' to Ullili'r inure Mills-
l.irtl ill. Jl'lIN HNY!li:i!
(iraiiKcvllle, I'.i., March I".. Iil7-lni.
111); rmpri. tor oi ui'i i,.ciiau:
nu Iian.l a large slot Itnf
ni'.iMi:n i:i:n:i:sil.M!
consisting of
SI'KH. .srt.hs, slltl.lM.s, HIIl'l', I'.lll.lillSA'i
Hin.i nuM.rr, rmilti
liACIHIt UlIKlt, AI.H, AC.
lo- COMi: ONI:, tOMi: AM. AND Mil.', "il
i I,AVM).N" 1,'AJ.MA.V
liloonislaiig, Jlay i.isot.
rpiIK KSl'Y lIDTKIi,
i:s'V, COI.l'JllIA (Dl'N'I Y, l'A
r,,,. kiil.k,..ll.... r. in illv hinirmslils lilchils
and the public, Ihat ie has taken the nhow. well
lilionn II. .use ot Iliti i talnmuil, and will bo
l.lensi.l to ii-celM' (lie itistom ol nil who will
1.1 or nun w nu u nil.
HI! WII.I. KIS'.I' A (i(X)I) taiii.i:,
a I hi well slnclced with the of Liquors, and
cm rv i Hull will be Hade to render i mile sails
Mellon. , W.M. iti:.tLi:v.
Ipy. I n.. Aptll IJ, si,T.
l)l!AN(ir.VII.Li:. Ol.f.MlllA Cor.NTY, l'A.
ISUAr.L Ml'llMA, I'llOl'ltlLTOI!,
II ol this uilI'Mlowil
Kept 11' HUlll.i I 1.1. lett. the I'lo-
A T T 0 1 1 X E Y- A T - L A V.-,
Avhluntl, HthuylklU County, renn'a.
A T T ( ) 1 1 V, Y - A T -1, A W,
Hi rwlel;,-Coluinblii County, I'cun'a.
f. TltAUOII,
A T T I) It X i: Y - A T- L A W,
llemlclc, Colmiibl i Counly, I'liiu'ii.
yriiMAJt ii. Aintorr,
A T T I Hi A 3 A 1 - I , A 1.
Ci:XTI!A!.IA, l'A.
lOIIN (i. I'ltKKZi:.
A TTO K X i: Y-A T-I, A V,
(mire In KegMer and ltecriler's otllee. In the
basement ot theCoutt House, lllooinslaug, I'.i,
noiiKUT F. CliAHK.
.1 T J ll li , J, i . 1- 1, A Y
Olllce cniucr nf Main and M.uket stneh-, ove
l'lrt National Hank, Ulnomsbuig. Pa.
T). 1" I'- kijixk,
a uraiuiaie oi .iriiitHon .iituiciii I'niiiw. I'iiii
iii'lnhiii. bavini' liermanentlv Inead'il. nilei-N his
piolevslniud tci Ices to the i Itlens ot Cnlawlssii
niul iclulty. oiiice mi Main htiect, Mecmul iloor
Liii oi Ltcasy tv .it tint s liuiiiiing. (apt i o7;m
, I. IT Tli JO,
Otllceou Main street, In brhk building U
ant Iliaisc, Itloiuiisbiirg, I'a,
11V Til! WAtriJIt H(OTT,
I'ho rviitt wrni o'er, Now hrlminlng wine
In lor-ll cup was wen tonhlho
Ik-lMie each cauer nueid I
nd Mb nco Illleil the crowded hall,
adcepns when the lierald' call
Thrill In the loj al breast.
Then up iosu the noblo host,
Vnd Mailing, t ricl, "A toast I a loasii
To all our lady cm fair!
ttt ie, Kforcall,! pledge the name
f hlauiilon'n proud and Wauteoiis dame,
Tho l,ady (iund.untre,"
I nick to hit feci ea h gallant rpraug,
nd Joyous was tho shout that rang,
Ah Htautey gave tho word,
vnd rery cup was raNcd on high,
fror ceased the loiul and gladsome cry
'Till Htanley's volco uom heard.
Knouuh, cnmlah,,, Io tontllng Mild,
pnd lowly bent his haughty head.
"That all may hao their due,
Sow each In turn miint play bin part,
ml pledge tlm ladye of Ids heart,
I.Ike gallant knight and true,"
icn ona b one em hguet sprang up,
Aid drained In turn the brimming cup,
1 nd named the loved one's name;
Aid each, as hand on high ho raised,
hs ladye's grace and l auty praised,
ler constancy and fame.
Th now ht. l.eonM turn to rise
. him am fixed these louutless eyes
V gallant knight Is hoj
li led by some, admired by all,
Iftr famed In ladye m imweratid ban-
ho tloMimf chhalry.
t I'on nil hoi I his kindling oe,
.i d held the i-paiUllug (Upon hUh
) I drink towi," be said,
hove Imiigo neer may iUuii t,
If P gracu on this grateful heart,
kill u moiy be dead;
To me whose lnc for ine shall lait
X$oi lighter passlona lntig havo past,
ft. deep It I", and pure;
ise loohnth longer dwelt, I ween,
'li tin nil)' yit that pledged hath ben
b; IhcMt bnivo knights before ,"
'. i guepl upstarted at the ord,
laid a hnnd upun his swnnl,
lh fui-tlnhlug('e;
Aiti'tauley said, "Wo crae the name,
Pi 111 knight, of this most peel less dame,
y use love you count so high."
on patwd, as if he Would
till hlu1 tw tfooil its falls to
I tlie Miore "uts fctrewn with
A TTO 11 N M Y AT t,.
Itl.OOMHIltntd, l'A,
7i- Okkici:-
linnlUm lHllee
-Court llnii'.o Alley, below tho Co-Jllllt'07.
u. uonisox,
A T T O U N I : Y - A T-I, A V ,
ni.ouMsnriHi, pk.nn'a,
oitlco in I'tuniM' IlulldlUL'. Main sheet. V, l
of the Anieilean Ibaise, Imjiriw,
V C T I () X H K it.
M OH KH col'l'MAX,
Haling Ink
... i. .i.Vluiu.i.ri In II no .iniiiciit lel'illrnuil I II I lllsh
id IIAlt AXI)'llliUi.s
mid newest ilfllciirlf . Ills stable Is not eMellcd
III U.uinutity; ami lo iilns will be spared lo
nceoiiiinoilateguihl,. lapi .0,,
hii-simii. 'l h,. Wi i Pnli lot niul I'll toll
Is publNliMl every 'Ihurwlav by tho 1'atiloland
Ljuion iTioinm nun i iiiiii'iiiiik 4""i hi"'ii
Ik a doiihlo slaet ol eiuht pugis, mid contains
forty-eiuht columiiH of mutter, made up or Liter
al v, Agricultural, New, Trade and MUcellanemw
n Icttlons, HfpoilH of ConHiehhinual and I.egUlu.
the PnHetsllngH.Hpeetnes, romicai isajn, uu
torlalx, etc.
One copy, one year, cash $2 v0
U " " nlv iiinulliK " 1 in
Ten conies, one j ear, and one to getter up ol
Club 20 (fl
JTumty copies, one year, and one to getter
& in. in ifin. :ti (o
Till; " DaTiA' 1'ATHIOT it UNION "
111 bo furnished to umiltubhcllbein lorS7.Wpcr
A- Ihislness letters shiaild bo addressed to the
' Patriot and rulon,' llanUburg, l'a.
VM, 11. .Mllil.l.ll, irilH"!'.
W.M. I). liOAH, publisher.
qusqukuan:ca jiotkl,
U Cutawls-u. 1'a.f
Tho above Hotel l&u lately btcu punhased by
HI'sntY J. CLAHKIiiiil has Im-cii thoroughly ie
Modelled, lepalrcilind leturnWied, It will bo
i.iini.lnow'.iulUairiiiL'eHunt and apnolntnii ut,
u lrnt-f'l.irt Hotel, ind senind to none In the
ciamlry. reisonsh cIIIch w 1-hlng to sp ml tho
hot month In the cmutry, will do will to gle
tho pruprk tr a call.
Ha Inn tullnwed tho nroleslon of l'ubllu Vcndiiu
t'lier tor many .wai. would Intiiuu his ttieials
tliat lie Ktiit in tholhlil, nadv and willing to
tittdid In nil the duties ot his calling, IVikhiw
dtlrlnu his (ei ii i s should i nil or wilte to him
at litnoiii'-hurg, I'.i. mais'i7.
Uiiue .siuini .uuueai inreeir v, r. Army,)
I'll YMI CI A N AND H U U (I H O N ,
Olllce at thehoiiso oppnslle MiIh'h llloik,
Itliiomsliuig, I'.i,
Calls promptly atteiidul to Imth night and day.
lllooiusbu-g, Jan. IS W.7.
Mil-: UNION 110TKI.,
Arch sn eel, b, tivftu Thlro ami I'outth Klieits,
n utAiti) iTilrsi:,
Corner ol XhtUi and Chestnut stiecU,
Wo resneclfullv Ini Iteatlelltlon tu Iho follow lug
IlKitii Iroin tlie nl. I.' una iiular Helaily Nalehu.
"... .i.....,i,.t ..r sclmnls i..r I'ennsvlMiiilai
IJIismh.Tiik.nou A I'll l.iw, llostun, Mass, t
K lihsn.i-.Jiix.-i'einilt ine to e..iiutatul.ile smi
ion the miukisl success ut "Our .uiig 1 oll.s.
Kioin tlm Issue ol the llisl number I hiiie watch
..I ,l.i. i.i.ii.i. l. ,i i,.i . .. 1 1. It ,.i..l i-biiincler.
veil liiioulnu the lintiicnse intluenie, for good or
;or illl, It liuul.t lie likely in wiei.i, .iuok.oh
ty nil' lOlin Mini 11 nils pit it.... '. ... .. " ';
meiillc llleliitme. both lellglous mid secular, I
i in isl that Itsioiitrlbulors might liuktluilinung-
lealll'dliess wtllcll cull nlolie slteuit u. 1111 ci.i.n
Mitii.r, ,.r 1 1 iii I in., tnltli! Iimelillolisness o
outll might be tnmpcrisl w Ith and dlsphiceil by a
ii.ui'y lor inn i ices noil nccciis oi i.......... j.....
II, i. whoh.ioinmiinllv lime In thmik sou tor pn
Hliirllign mngiulne so well ail. in led tolliei ass or
ftihlch It Is rntended, and so eleiutlng and relln-
;ug Ul Its lllllueuces. rs..Mii.i i . i.a.i.
i' pin) nunc riipi iiiuc. .....
rr.KMH or ot'tt vnt'Nd I'OLKSi ...... III...,, I, .s S.i Dimolilts.KK! lenio-
El'll'MII Hllll I'lll l i.'l'J .."', j
1 1 i..l.', S in, mid a lopy glnlls to the loi prni'iil
sipeclnl Inducemenlsnlli'liil lo.teuihers tuuet
im intents. Hi.eclul col.v anile rcular si III lo pel-
L ..ns who wish to i.iiHiue subscribers, fur tin
Ills, nCKNUK.l l IIM.His.,1 u .ii.uii.,
Uiwloll, lass.
"( inuu'iauA 1) A 1 1 .11(1 A 1).
Al I'rui.i and alter October V. 1MU, Iho Unlns will
fuss ituiKriasioiiowNi
'(IiUNU Nouin,. -Klnil Jlnll lit I I'.M-I
(luiNU Hourii.'- i'hlliulelphla, Jlnll at II A.u.
t II. W.
ii. I'uitsicri,
I'Altl'iri'.UAOM, VALI-.IN, I'LY-Nins,
Main Htl'cil, llloolilsbillg, l'a.
C. Sill V K,
SASH, hunds, noons,
H II I! T T li U H, M O II L 1) I X (I
.lime an, 1-1.7.
onir ruciiiii sun..-..,
h'KIIIIIIX. 1'rnprlctiir.
M 1
J. A W. (I.
Mny 10, lst!7-ly.
To Until nml
burg and Colunib
Mr. U. Mohner ngi
hrowu slouLiiiul I
ntthesnmopi leot
.iti. on kirpers of llloniu.
Coiinty.-I have unpointed
t tor tlm sale of my nle, pot ler
n r Us r, w ho will supply yon
ul with the same article), as 1
would luinlsh nullum Iho l.iew cry, Knoowlng
Hint lio will bu pun
M, AUTMAN. ('.
ol I, nM
tual and attentlTo In all who
may favor ldni wlji Ihelr trade, I inllclt for lilui
yourapioit, iy rcspcitiuiiy,
(t'HLU J.AUl.ll,
'.earn Urewery, Heading, I'.i,
U.lilNOKU A CO.,
mi. l-JOtiiini Tiititii snifCT,
dVinri oi'iturfyjitiiwj, h'rnt, AViuti? .( Cl.)
Wh li wii.i Dealers in
fl, WADDINd, CAlU'l-lls,
, HilAl.lJI, H.Y NITl'D,
COHDAdi:, AC. AI.K',
,;, loo KiMi (Uiiirx, lie,
, l'A.
1' AH II i ox a ii 1. 1:
()er Wlilmajer Jacoby's I in Cuam H.iluou,
HLOOMMll'lllI, l'A,
Hair liyehm und Whiskers black oi
i. T,,.il.. to.lcMlrovilamlrutf anilbcuU'
tltvlng'thehalrt lll leslnre hair to Its nrlglnnl
tolor w llliolH honing inu iiucsi i.n.iic, c,.iis...i..j
on huud. nprlS'07.
i:. S A V A 0 li ,
.Villa Mint, mar ('. Cowl uuf,
llLuoitstii'i.a, Pa,
Cuuilantlyunlinna n lino ivisorlmtnt of
Clocks, Jeweliy, Hlherwme niul ptpectnilcs
l'lirllenlnr uttciitlon imld lo the riimlrlng of
Watches. Clocks. Jew elry und WpeitacKS.
Masonlo maiks made to uidcr. All work
I wan tinted. aprlD'W,
nentlvuiwuteil lit TIIK Cul.UMIlWN Htiain
rriutuitf uiuctf,
X. iteathe far name In caieless mood,
'1 is lightly tonnothcr;
Th rbent his noble hen.!, as tho'
To t1. c that wont the reieretice due,
A H gi Idly snl 1, "My Mothet."
Select Sale.
Look- oiiiiiiou, don't it, to sl'u near
Iv (iv4v trutc-iiost niul (Ulio-brUlKe
nindc ifliltl sliliii'tinthcr'.' Ktwcnoti
to toll, from Its bond, mid thu troo
null lulls. Ours l- iv bad coast, you m.d
not roit', but Willi lonir hlopliiL'siinils
and wllli tlioi-caS IhkIi, nml t hero's
gale oti'iioro, n vos-ol ntrlkes, and tlioti!
hho lU'-slvltli the wiivoKliUliislicr limn
ly, andiion lcttlii"; her full tigtiin upon
thi'Mtinl shaUinjihcriillto jilecorf', Hint
the niuslgo, then it i-eain opeiH some
wlii-'io Iilier Mili, Mid every wavo
II ft ( herliid lots her down, s-liu uhlver
anil loo
liiciT.-', a
old wioi
(iondwaoksu-ed to be llttlo fortunes lo
the folk ini!,' '-hote, hut that's all alte
ed now rthe ooa-t!;uaid look out too
Minrn. lilussaie wondorfiilly chan
ed lo will they weru when I was a hoy
l'ine bit c'simiL'L'llnL'L'oiii.'on i thosu
days; Imlly a fanner alonj: the coast
hut had iilnirer lu It, and ran earjjoos
rlL'ht un tithe littletowiw inland. Thu
coa-t wa- ot so well wittehed, and peo
ple were Jibed easier, I suppose j hut,
at all eve is, that .-ot t of thin,' has al
most dloi nit now.
Never witlt the eoast-siiturd
or tlie eut'tf lu my time, for wo weru
all on thigiit-and-rim system; but I
had a naiT'v escape for my lifu once,
when a hjf.'s crew cumu down upon
us, and I'll ell you how It was.
We wi'itj.stronK party ofup down on
tlieshoieopjiirpointliereat Jlertiiorpe,
bu-y as coall he ; nlfjlit calm and Mill
anil dark, till onu of those, fa.stsalllne;
I'l-euch diiLwc-imtnen, they call
thorn laiujii"; a c.irjjo. Carts and pack-hor-os
andlfcats were all ut It ; and tlie
ko;;s of hrai iy, and barrels of tobacco,
and parcel ) ? lace were comine; asliore
in Hue stylo ; I and another in a little
bout kept iiiKliitf trip- backwards and
farwards lnjtveen tlie shoro and thu
(i(i,.scw((icit, andin"; brandy-tub-, nice
little biaiidy- eg-, you know, with a V.
C, I'lrK.c Co me, branded on each.
I d6n't kiic itow many Journeys 1
liml made, wl m all at once there wa-
an alarm filvili. and as It weru right out
of thedarkiuL 1 could see a man-of-
war'- boat K'luiuo; right down upon
us, while, bllt-e I (piUo got ver thu
llrst frigid, tlilru wils another in sight.
Suchti sci'iiiitigc,--ucli a scamper;
boats seattcliik'iii all directions; the
Kreiich boat! kting up nwill or two,
and all coi fi-iou; wldps cracking,
wheelsiiloiigUL'tliloiigh tiio mftsand,
niul lior-es gallonlug oil to get to U.tu
other side of jll' mild-bank. Wo weru
close a-ldu tlii long, low rftttm'-maru',
In our lilt ofa;in'tlilng, when tho word
was'giveii.aiuiwo pusliedolV hard furtho
shore, which KM about two hundred
yards dl-tautj while on all sides tiioru
wcio other bo.its Bottlugus thoexaniplu,
or following on our wako ; In front of us
tlieru was u heavy cart liaeketl as far
out Into tho na ns she would btand,
with the hoi-Mi turned rcsllvonnd Jib
bing, for there wu a heavy load behind
them, and the nioru tho driver la.-hed
thorn, tho nioru tho brutes backed out
Into tliu shallow water, whllouvery mo
ment tlto wheels kept sinking farther
Into tho sand.
I saw all this ns tho revenue, cutter's
bout separateiKon making for thu ckihh-
tiiwre, and thu other (lashing after tho
Hying long-shoiti siiiuulron ; a.s 1 drag
ged at my oar, 1 had the plea-tuo of
seeing Ihat woiuut cither bo soonover
hauled, or el-o leap out into thuslmllow
water, and run for II, and I said so to
my companion,
"O, hang It, no," ho cried "pull on.
They'll stavo in the boat, and wo wall
loru'all the brandy,"
I did pull on, for I was so far from be
ing loyal, that I wn.s ready to rim any
risk sooner that losotho llttlecargo wo
I A u'
ii. neat
I Fruiting l
had of u dozen brain
y-l;egs, and about
pulled on, and keeping off to thu right,
wu had thu satisfaction ofscelng tiio re
venue, boat row straight on, as If not
noticing us.
" Keep olfa llttloliow," 1 Whispered,
or wu shall bu ashore."
"No, no, it's nil right," was tho re
ply "wo uro Just over tho swatch"
hull is Iho local term given to tiio
longchaimuls washed out In tho sand
by tlin tide, hero and there forming deep
trenchesalong the const, very dangerous
for bathers.
" Hy Jingo, they.fceuus," I whispered
when my companion backed watcr,mid
tlie consequence, was, that thu boat's
hcpd turned right In-shorc, and wo
lloated between tho piles, and wero
next moment, with shipped oars, out
of sight In the outlet of the gowt.
Now, I'm not prepared to glvo the
derivation of tho word "gowt," but I
can descrlbo what It Is, namely, thu
termination, nt tho sea-const, of the
long Lincolnshire lnnd-dralns, In thu
shape of a lock with gates, which nru
opened at certain times, to allow tho
dralnago to How under the sand into
tho sea, but carefully closed when tho
tldu is up, to prevent Hooding of tho
marsh-lands, protected by the high sea
bank, widen runs along tho const, nml
nets tho part of clilfs. Trom these lock-
gales, it square woodwork tunnel is for'
mod hy means of piles driven Into the
shore, and crossed with stout planks;
nnd this covered water-way in somo
ises runs for perhaps two hundred
yards right beneath tho .-and-bank, then
beneath tho sand, and lias its outlet
somo distnnce down tho shoro while,
to prevent tho air blowing tho tunnel
up when tho sea conies In, n cotiplo of
square wooden pipes descended nt In
tervals of somo Hfly yards through the
sand into tno water-way ; at high wib
tor, when thu mouth Is covered, mid tho
lock-galesclosed,tlioalr comes bellowing
and roaring up thcscplpo-s as every wave.
comes in ; ami at times, when tho tun
uel Is pretty full, the water.wlll, after
chasing the air, ru-li out after It, and
form a spray fountain; while as tho
waves recede, thu winds rush back with
astrange whistling sound.and a draught
thai draws anything down into the tun
nel with a tlercu rush. Hut thero was
another peculiarity of tho hollow way
tlmt was strangely impressed upon my
memory that night, namely, its pow
er of acting ns a vast speaking-tube, for
if a person stood at one of the escape
pipes and whispered, his words were
distinctly audlblu to another at thu
other nine somo lift v yards oil, who
could ns easily respond.
"Well, it was into tlie mouth of tho
gowt tunnel that wu hud now run thu
boat, wliero wo wero Voncealed lroni
view certainly ; and thrusting against
thu piles with his hands, my companion
worked the boat farther into tho dark-
lies-, until tho keel touched the soft
"That'ssnug," lie whispered: "they'lf
never llndus here."
"No," isald, a.s a strange fear came
ltll,,f t T 11, (I, to I'l-itury"
II ... II 111V. J.l. I .T (I . ...VI ...... .
" Ka-t," ho said.
"Then we shall bu stopped from get
tin., nut."
" Nonsense." ho said. "It will taku
an hour to rbo nlmvu the tunnel-mouth,
nnd if It dltl, wu could rim her head up
higher and higher. Plenty of fresh air
through tho pipes."
" If wo'ru not drowned," 1 said
"There, if you want to lo-o thucargo,
we'll pull out at once, nnd glvo up," ho
" Hut 1 don't," I replied; "I am stanch
enough ; only 1 don't want to ri-k my
" Well, who does?" he said. "Only
keep still, and wo shall bo all right
Tho few minutes wu had been con
versing had been long enough for tho
tide to float tho boat once more.andthls
time I ral-ed my hand to the roof, and
thru-ting agaln-t tho tunnel-covered,
weed-hung, slimy woodwork, soon had
tho boat's keel again In the sand, sons
to prevent her being sucked out by the
rellux of tho tide
At times wo could bear shouts, twice
nl-tol-shots, and then wu wero startled
hy the dull, heavy report of a small
cannon. , ,
" That's alter t he rtiwwiim," wills-
poicd my companion; "but she sails
liko a wllch. She's .-ale mile-- they
knock a -par away."
" I wl.-h ur were," 1 said, for I did
not feel nt till comfortable lu our dark
hole, up which wo wero being forced
farther and further by Iho Increasing
tide; while more than one wo bad to
hold on tightly by thu horrible slimy
spiles, to keep from being drawn back.
" Ju-t tho place to tiuu (lean Domes,"
whispered my companion, evidently to
to startle me.
' .lu-tso," I said coldly. "Perhaps
they'll Hud two to-morrow."
" Don't croak," was the polllo rejoin-
dor; and then ho was silent , but I could
hour a peculiar boring nol.-u beingmade,
and no further attempts at a Jokul ued
from my friend's lips.
" Suppose wo try and get out now?"
I whispered, after another quarter of an
hour's listening In Iho darkness, anil
hearing nothing hut thu soft rippling,
and the "drip, drip" ofwato beyond
us whllo towards tho nioutli-camo tho
"lap, lap" of tho waves ugnlnsttho
sides ot'tho tunnel, succeeded by a rush
ing nol-e, und tho rattling of tho mus
sels clustering to tho woodwork, now
loudly, now gently while every light
rustlu of the seaweed scorned to send u
shiver through me.
The nol-o ns of boring had ceased
somu time, and my friend now drew my
nltentlon to ono of thu kegs, which ho
had inadoaholo through with his knife;
nnd never before) did spirits comu so
welromo ns at that moment.
"Hettertry nnd gel out now," whis
pered my coinjinnion.
"They must bo somowhero hnndy,
though ono can't seo even their boat,"
said n strange voice, which scorned hoi
low and echoed along tho tunnel.wlille
the rattling of tho shells mid Innplug of
tho wider grow louder.
All at oiico I raised my head, its If to
feel for the liolodown which tho sound
"Wilt libit," said my companion,
thickly; "tliey'ro on the look-out yet j
It'o madness to go out." Ami 1 then
heard it noise which told mo, tiint fear
ful or not, lie was) trying to drown con
sclousness In the liquor to which bo had
miuio uis way.
However, It seemed to inu madness
(o stay whero wo were, to bo drowned
liko rats In n hole ', nnd Inking ad vantngo
of thu next receding wave, I gave tho
boat n start, und sho went down towards
the mouth of tho tunnel forallttluwuy,
n coming current would have driven
her back, only I clung to tho roof, now
very Iowdown,andrathcrcloso to which
tho bont now lloated. Another thrust,
nnd I pushed her somu dl9tnnco down j
but with tho next wavo that ennio In,
my hand wnsjnmniedngulnsttho slimy
roof,nnd unnerved with liorror.I gasped:
"House up, Harry I tho mouth's under
water I"
Hollowly sounded my volco ns the
wavo sank, nnd T felt once moro free,
and In sheer despair forced tho boat
lower down the tunnel ; but this time,
when tho tide camo In again, I had to
lio right back, tho boat rose so high, and
I felt the dripping sea-weed hanging
from tho roof sweep coldly nnd slimlly
over my faeo; when, boforo tho next
wave could rnlso us, I thrust eagerly at
thu side, forcing the boat Inward again,
but In the fear and darkness, got her
across tho timnel,so that head and stern
were wedged, nnd as tho next rush of
water came, ltsmototlto boat heavily,
nnd mndo her a fixture, so that, In splto
of my efforts, I could not move her eith
er way.
Wash camo tho water again nnd again,
nntl nt every dnsh n portion camo into
the boat, drenching mo to the skin;
whllo I now became awaro that Harry
Ilodson, my companion, wns lying stu
pilled aero-s tho kegs, and breathing
1 mndo ono more effort to inovo tho
boat, but It was tighter titan ever; and
after conquering an Insane desire to dlvo
out, und try nnd swim to the mouth, I
let myself cautiously dowu on the Inner
side and stood, with tho water breast'
high, clinging to thu gimwnlo of thu
boat. Tho next moment it rose above
my mouth, lifting mo from my fect,and
as it rushed back, sucked my legs be
neath tho boat ; hut I gained my feet
again, and began to wade Inward.
Yet strong upon mo me ns wns tho
de.-lro for life, I could not lenvo my
companion to his liuu in so cowardly a
way ; so I turned back, and this timo
swimming, 1 reached tho boat, now
nearly full of water; and half dragging,
half lifting,! got his body over tho side,
and holding on by his collar, tried once
moro for bottom' Hut it was a horrible
time thero in tho dense black darkness,
a darkness that, lu my distempered
brain, seemed to bo peopled with hide.
ous forms, swimming, crawling, and
waiting to devour us, or fold us In their
limy colls. Tho dripping water sound
ed hollow and echoing strange whispers
and cries seemed floating around; tho
niu-sols rustled together: and ever loud
er camo tho "lap, lap, lapping" of tho
water a.s it rushed in nnd dashed ngnlnst
tho sides and celling of the horriblo
l was now Clinging wun one naiiit to
tho boat's side, wlille witli the other I
held tightly by Hod.-on's collar; hut
though I waited llllthownvo receded be
foro I tried tho bottom, It was not to bo
touched ; so, shuddering and horror
stricken,!! waited tho coming wuvtymd
struck oll',swlmining with all my might.
It was only a minute's ta-k j hut when,
after twice trying, my feet touched tho
bottom, I was panting heavily, and so
nervous, that I bad to lean, tremblhi;
and shaking, again-t tho side. Hut I
had a tight hold of Hodson.who-o head
I managed to keen above water ; and
it was not until warned of my danger
by tho rising tide, and tho dilllculty I
found lu keeping my feet, that I again
cs-aved to press forward.
.lust then, something cold and wet
swept aero--; my face, and dashing out
my nrms to keep oil' somu monster of
the deep, my hands camo In contact
with a round body which heat iigalust
my brea-t, and lu my horror, as I dash
ed away, I was sotuepaceserotlio drag
ging nt'my limb told me that I had left
my comrade to hi-fate. Thu next mo
ment however, hu was swept up to mo ;
and once more clutching his collar, and
keeping his head above water, I wndod
-lowly along the tunnel, when again I
nearly lu-t my hold, for thu snmu wot
slimy body swept acro-s my face but
raising my hand, I only da-hod away
ono of thu Jong strands ol bladder-weed
which hung thickly from the cross tim
ber- of the roof.
It wa- no hard matter to bear my
companion along'.wlth me.for I had not
only to keep his head up, his body Hunt
ing along tho surface, but my foothold
was uncertain, for now the bottom was
slimy, and my feet sunk in tho oozo
deeper and deeper, for I was Hearing tho
gates through which tho fresh water
of tho marshes was let In j and though
thu water was now only to my middle,
I mado my way with dilllculty, for
thero was a perceptible current against
llrcatldiig wuuld have been easy, had
It not been for my excitement nml now
a horrid dread seemed to check the
very net, for nil nt oiico I heard a heavy
reverberating noiso, and Iho thought
struck inu that they weru opening tho
gates, ami in another instant tho fearful
rii-u of fresh water would come bearing
nil before it, oven our lives.
In' tho ngoiiy of tho moment, I uttered
n wild unearthly shriek, so fearful a
cry, that I shrank against the side after-
wards, nml clung to a blliny po-t, trem
bling to hear thu btrangu whispering
cehocs, as tho cry reverberated nlong
thu place, and mingled with tho hipping
rush of thu water, tho dripping from
thu roof, and u loud sound ns of u little
waterfall lu front.
Now camo ngalii thu shape, of some
thing round swimming up against me,
and ns it struck my side, I beat at It
savagely, though I smiled at my foolish
tho oozu nt the bottom grow softer j M) I
stopped, listening to tho heavy rushing
of water lu front, where thu dralnago
escaped, and washed heavily down,
deepening the tunnel at the foot of tho
doors; while in that hollow cavernous
place, growing smaller moment by mo
ment, the rushing sound wiis something
hideous. Danger lu front, for thu great
gates might at any tlmo boopencd; and
danger behind, whero tho tldo was
coining in ceaselessly, and deepening
thu wntcr around mo with Its regular
beating throb, mlnuto by minute.
Thoughts of tho past und present
seemed to surgo through my brain, so
that I grew bewildered, and had any
chanco of e-capo presented Itself, I could
not have seized It, though I could not
but tell myself that escape, wns Impos
sible. A few minute, ton, twenty,
thirty perhaps, and tho black darkness
seemed to bo grqwlng blacker.
" I must bo free," I muttered; and
dragging Hudson's handkerchief from
his neck, I bound it to my own, and
then making them fast beneath his
anus, felt among tho woodwork till I
could find a place whero 1 could pass
them through, so that I could secure
him from slipping down, or being swept
away by tho ebbing nml flowing of tho
I wns not long lu finding a place; but
then the handkerchiefs were not long
enough, and I hud to add ono from my
pocket; then I left thopoorfellowqulto
and half-hanging from one of the tim
bers. And now I waded about, search
ing for the mouth of tho alr-plpo, in
tho bopo of shouting up It for succor,
since I felt convinced that tho- tide
would elfectually fill tho tuimel, whllo
the very thought of tho gates being
opened half maddened me; and heed
less now of who might hear ine, so that
they brought succor, I hunted almlos-ly
about, a oiling and shrieking for aid.
It was a fearful struggle between rea
son and dread ; and forover dread kept
getting the upper hand ; now it was a
floating keg again and again making
mo dash away ; now ono of tho pack
ages burled In by the tide while tho
strango drippings and hollow whis per'
Ings were magnified into an infinity of
horrors. Every monster with which
imagination has peopled tho sen bccmod
to ho there to attack mo, strange serpent
or Hzard-liko beasts, slimy and scaled,
thronging along tho ceiling or up tho
sides, swimming around me, or burrow
ing through tho sand. Moro than once
I actually touched some swimming ob
Joet, but tho contact was momentary,
nnd tho stranger darted oil. Then rea
son would gain supremacy for awhilo
and trying to cool my throbbing brow
with tho water, I thought ,of my posi
tion, whispered a few prayers, and en
deavored to compose myself. Thero
was even now a doubt : tho tldo might
not rl-e high enough to cover mo; cer
tainly it was now nt my breast, and I
wns standing witli dilllculty in tho
shallowest placo I could pick. Tho next
moment, us tho waves receded, It would
fall to my waist ; but again It was up
to my chest, nnd in snitu of glomus of
hope, despair whispered truly that it
was now higher up my chest than be
fore. True; but ono wave In so many
always camo higher than the others,
Thd tldo might still be nt Its height, and
this bo that particular wave.
Down nguin nearly to my waist ; nnd
then up, up, up, nearly to my chin,
(la-hing away lionu and reason. Hut
stay, another gleam: 1 was standing
upon the soft mud, for hero thero was
no sand : my feet must have sunk In
I moved again and again, hut over
witli tho sanio result ; and at last, des
iralrlngly, I wascllnging to a shell-covered
piece of timber at thu side, with
tho water at my chin
A noise, a clanking noiseas of chains
rattling ami iron striking iron; and
now hone lied, for I knew that this
must bo tho opening of the doors of the
gowt; but to my surprise, no rush of
water followed; only u littlo came,
which lapped again-t my lips, whllo a
rush of nlrsmoto my forehead
Voices, shouts, and Hod-on's nanio
uttered ; but I could not shout in reply,
Then my own nanio ; und I gavo somo
Inarticulate ery by way nf answer.
whlluoncu more rea-on seemed to get
the better of tho dread, for 1 knew that
tho far doors of tlie gowt had not been
oneneil, and that they kept up tho drain
ago whllo tho pair nearest to mo had
only hud thu pressure upon them of tho
wntcr escaping from tho tlrst. And new
n coed bold swim, and I could havu
been In the big pit-like opening between
thu two pair of gates; but thu spirit
was gone, the nervo was absent, and
still clinging to the bhelly piece of tim
ber, I closed my eyes, for 1 felt that,
near as rescue seemed, I could do noth
ing to aid it. As for Ilodson, in tills
tlmo of dread, 1 had forgotten him, for
gotten all but tho great horror of tlie
water hip, lap, lapping ut my Up, and
occasionally receding, Its fizzing spray
In my nostrils.
Higher and higher, covering my Hp;
but by a despcratu effort I raised my
self a few Inches, but only to go through
thu snmo agonies again, as tho water
still crept up and up, slowly but surely,
whllo in tills my last ttrugglo iny head
touched tho ton tlnibers, tho weed
wa-hed and swept over It, and ns 1
forced my lingers round thu timbers to
which 1 clung, my body lloated in the,
WUiwi'llnr minute, and I felt that all
was over, for tho water covered my faco
once, twice; and half strangled, I wait
ed gasping for tho third tlmo; but It
camo not. Half a mlnuto passed, and
then again It wa-hed over my face,
seeming ns If It would never lenvo It ;
but at lust it was gone, and too un
nerved to hope, 1 awaited Its return,
but It camo not. .
1 dared not hope yet, till I felt that
tho water wns perceptibly lower, and
then the reaction was so fearful that 1
could hardly retain my hold till tho
tide had sunk so that, oiico moro i couiu
us : :
Josu HiLLiNfiM 06o.sU Talk. Tho
gooso is a grass nnlmal but don't c(uiw
her cud. , . , ,
They nre good livers, about one nkor
to a goyso Iz enuir, nltlio thero Iz sum
folks who thinks that ono goo-o tew 175
ukcr.s Iz nearer rite.
These low calculations nro so fur apart
that It t. difficult to tell now which wll
finally win.
Hut 1 don't think If I had a farm of
17") nkers, awl paid for, that I would
sell It for half that It I, wuz worth, Just
because it didn't have hut ono gooso up
on It.
Geeso stay well ; somo of our best bi
ographers say 70 years ; nnd grow tulf
to the last.
They lay one egg nt once, nbout the
size of a gooso egg, In which the go-slln
Iz tho goose's babe.
Tho gooso don't suckle his young hut
turns him out tow pastur on sombody's
vacant lot.
Thoy seem tew lack wlsdum, but are
considered sound on tho gooe.
They are good eating, hut not good
chawing, the reason of this remnins a
profound secret tew this day.
When the female gooso Iz ut work
hatching, sho Iz a linrd bird tow please;
she riles elenr up from tho bottom in a
mliilt, and will fight a yoke of oxen, if
they show her the least bit of sass.
The geeso Iz excellent for feathers,
which sho sheds every year by the
Thoy are also amphlblcussos besides
several other kind of cuss.
Hut they are morally sure about ono
thing, they can haul ono leg up into tho
body, nnd stand on tuther nwl day, nnd
not touch anything with their hnnds.
I take notis thnr ain't but dam few
men that kau do tills.
Wi; commend tlie following article to
all our young friends who liavo lalelj1
taken unto them-elvcs a little sweeten
ed calico and aro setting them-elvcs up
as Henodlcts. It is a description of an
old musical instrument, one found In
nearly every house, und how it is play
ed upon :
Timo Night. Hu-band ab-ont.
Wife and mother Don't ty; sweetie
ylttlu babio; daddle islu comic liomie
tolo bringle sweetens yittie bahons can
dle. Hes'o wnsens you darling yltton
babens. (Kiss, kl-s.j
Haby Y-a-a-a I Y-a-a-ti I
Mother Dldi somlo bodie duze'o
drlio yittlo ono? Yesndidl nnd muzzle
wllllo Whipple 'emmlo forio itie ; don't
ty, darlle. (Kiss.)
Haby Y-a-a-a I Y-a-a-a Y -rwi-a I
Mother don't ty, sweetie one I Wislo
hungry? Ycssle, sweetens yittlo one,
dldlowanlle somlo to eatlo? soled didle.
And muzzle dlu't knowio itie. )
Haby Y-a-a-a! Y-a-a-a! Y-a-u-a-a.
Mother Muzzle wllllo feedlo darlle
yittlo one. Commie lierlo anio gettio
somlo tolo eatie, bressio yittlo hcartlo!
(Feeds it.)
Haby a-a-a I Y-a-a-n-a-!
Mother Hre-slo yittlo soul ! Don't ty,
my sweetie plttiebabie. Listen, (Sings.)
Hy, oh, baby, by!
Haby, by ; oh, baby, by,
Sweetie yittlo baby, baby,
Sweetie yittlo baby, by, oh, by.
Haby Y-a-a-a-a I Y-a-a-a-n !
Mother My child, do stop this cry
ing. I won't havo this any longer?
You nasty cro- littlo brat, 1 say I
Haby (still louder) Y-a-a-a! Y-a-a-anii!
Yaa-anaa-aaaaa-aaaaan !
Grand tableaux. Young mother hold
ing "tho beauteous babe" witli onu
hand, while tho other is making a rap
id decent upon tlto said "beauteous
bubo's back, just below tho waist-hand
of tho night gown.
KuLiiits ix Mnxico Sinci: l2l.
Tho following is a list of tho rulers that
havo succeeded ono another In Mexico
since Its independence in ISil :
1S21. Itiirblde.Genoral-in elder.
1822. Iturblde, Kmpcror.
1S23. Generals Guerrero, Hravo, and
Negrete, Dictators.
1821. General Victoria, President.
1S27. General Pndraza, President.
1829. Guerrero, Dictator.
1830. Hustamente, President.
Podrazn, Pre-Ident.
Santa Anna, President.
Hustamente, Pre-ident.
General I'nrinos, President.
Santa Anna, Pie-hlenl.
1S1I1. Hetlrement of Santa Anna, -no-cessor
not known,
1SH. Santa Anna, Dictator.
lKI.'i. General Cavalyo, President.
1817. Joso Ju-to Caro, Pre-Ident.
1817. Paredos, Pre-Ident.
ism. Santa Anna, Pre-Ident.
1819. Hcrrera, Pre-Ident.
l&'iO. Arista, Pre-Ident.
18.'i2. Julian Cedado-. President.
ISM. Manuel Llmhardlni, Pre-ident.
1833. Santa Anna, President, Apr. 20.
18.-.3. Santa Anna, Dictator, Dec. 31.
ISM, Alvarez, Dictator.
185(1. Comonfort, President.
IS.K5. Zuloago, President.
18,'iS. Mlrnnion, Vico President.
18.VJ. Zulo.igo, Pre-Ident.
1801. Juarez, President.
ISi',1, Maximilian, Kmpcror, mid Ju
arez, President.
1807. Maximilian" fallen, and Juarez
What a hi: vor Livrsti For.. A
pastor walking out recently, met a lit
tlo girl belonging to hi- Hock. As they
walked on together, ho spoko to her of
her studies, and wns plen-od to And her
manifesting mi Interest'.
most to enthusiasm in tho cultivation
of her mind.
" Hut why, KlIU," nsked tin pastor,
" uro you so anxious to succeed In your
studies? What doyou mean tu do with
your education after you get It ."'
"Oh. sir." said tho girl, "I want to
loam that I may do somo good in thu
Udu nail sun t su iiuii uumuiuiu i vuum - ., ., , , .
stand, when my shouts for help brought I world. I don't want to tell the Lord In
assistance to mo through the gowt, for tho day of Judgment that I havo, lived
they lowered down a iittiu skiu wun . k0 joniJ j ,,0 world without Having
rones, nil d I was hroiiL'ht out as nearly
dead us my poor companion.
TIUU niglll s wuriv spriitMin iny nair
thu samo number of ncknges; but them of tho volco camo, when, to my alarm,
scorned not tho nil rhtost prospect of 1 struck It heavily against the top of
getting oil', unless Wi hnppciid to bo un- tho tunnel, making it bleed iigalust tho
obsorved in Iho dark ioss. However, 1 shelly surface.
four tho next moment, for It was ono of with gray, and was my last experieiiw
!. i i.' i... r ti. i,t. , Wll tho smuggling business. The los
Hut horror still scorned to hold mo, as I
waded on further and farther, till mice
moro tho wntcr begnn to deepen, and
dono any good In It."
Noblo purpo-o! Who ot our young
friends nro studying and living to see
, so good nn end ? who of usaro making
Had esctmeil wan , ...., c. ,i i,
fe wllllo poor Hudson was- followed 1 u" . V! .TT.' " .. "
was heavy ; but I
tlii L'mw v somoscorothufoll,)wlng I hmrto and lives of those among wnom
j we iiiovii.
May 10, 1607-Iy,