THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBtlUGf,' ' CALU j fiuturr'Jjtpnrtmfttt. r.i 11 ta n farmer lllch I Aimmi Vilo, Wlllouffliby, Idtko , Ohio, wrlti'i: Wo havtt many 1PM In llils country who huvo irooil ilso, lutnia mill orchard, Btitl who jiri' out ofdelit; mid yet they work ns hard ns over, nml seems as uiiflulnhed 'in w lii'ii they wero oor. Tho question nrln "When Is a farmer rich?" I'lip le"t ovldcni'n that U farmer Is rich will bo u iileasitnt lieU-room In his Inure, coiiliilnliig n unnro Utl. On no oft :vUm will any of tho family need to occupy It ; mid thcro will bo such a con- veiilonco that tho nucst will como out nudy for tliu breakfast table. This room not only represents noveral thous- mid dullnm. but nlso good furnlturo und hlwdo in summer. In most families this room is not obtained until tho old est Klrl has a beau, or tho oldest boy Ktli tho mitten. Moreover, the folks have early cucumbers j and, from July till tiio frost, sweet corn. Kvery morn- ln tli llro Is built of dry wood ; twice a day, the year round, thcro Is milk to htiilln; horses arc not beard stamp Injr In tlienlght; tho hogs cannot run, nobody eats poor butter, or drinks cotfeu will, nit cream ; nlcklesaru taken out of elder vinegar; If n. child has a soro tlintat, thcro Is no runnliiK to a nelgl hnijjtt lor honey ; oven In September n fetfl enntre kind enough to lay; If the nliwruuii Kuddeuly starts for the county K'.H, a pai'kuBo of cakes anil cheese Is hniii1 d hlm.aiid ho does not mutter be u.-i a clean shirt Is not ready i In May, Hohieaplilescan bo found In tho hot torn of b:jrrel., and In August there Is Iaril in crpms and pork In tho brine. After biitMKlnst tho father will be likely to nu:l n chapter in tho Ulble, and then bjV lielor tho Creator, confessing His tendi r mercies. 'v, care not how many fat cattle a Tarim r may have, nor how many dairy iiinj nor hogs, in a yard four rails hi, b. fi d with whey and bran from bar n's which steam In the sun; nor how many aires running olf towards a river ; ili i- ltosv many thousand dollars are mi.tcicKt; nor how much folks may s. ml aside when lie goes Into the store; li more is not a spare bed In his house, h Is a poor man. A. 1. Tribune. Trnliittif; lltr Tomato. I U -s not pay to let tho tomato vines trail on the ground. Tho fruit decays :i 1 Itus not ripen, ltrush, cut rlno ii ! , hiced under tho plants before they lop tver, Is a clean, cheap and excellent i ' irt. The vines may bo tied to n h i (lie s.nke, If linlns are taken to pinch l .10 eitle branches und lead up a cen tral shoot. This is u French method, m (I mid to bo successful. Trellises oi various forms will suggest themselves ti every tomato grower. A pilo of hT mo laid around the plant would be oioellent, for It would keep tho fruit and nlm radiate a good deal of heat to .l.e plant. The tomato Is a native of 1 irrld climes and requires heat. Tho i-' ine pile would admit of tho plant tak I" u natural growth. Urass, straw or beards will answer at any rato put mvetliing under tho vines to preserve 'lie-fruit. A small shrub, having many limb.'-, may bo stuck Into tho ground I y tliPFlileofa plant, and It will afford n good support. ftrmer' Home Jour nal: ' . t; . r IJor Vakluff RnMfl Oat of the ItTCa of Hooks. FOLD up, In two, small bags made of open nitialin, some ashes of burnt' bones, finely powdered, or calcined hartshorn, which is always ready prepared at the shops of tho druggists. Lay tho bags of muslin, containing the powder, on each side of the greasy leaf, and having heat ed u pair of flre-tongs, or hair dressers' pinching-tongs, of a moderate warmth, press with them tho two bags against 'the groay spot, and hold them some t'm" In that situation. Repeat the pro c v, If necessary. AVhen tho Irons can not bo conveniently used, tho powder may hu hcafx'tli over the fire, In a clean earthen vessel; and, whilst hoi, applied without any' muslin, on each side of tho grease spot, and a weight laid on It to insist Its effect.. Hote In Kill the Peaeh Borer. I'oi'p. a small quantity of common sperm oil on the bark of young trees close to the roots without disturbing tho tirth. If tho scaly bug infests the Wk of yotir trees, rub them with an oiled swab, and It will be destroyed also. Oil Is tho most effectual tiolson fopU iii-ecHs, It closes their spiracles, or bmithl ng holes, on flip sldo of tho body, iviitial oils, such w camphor and turpentine, kill or drive away Insects ior trjrj tamo reason, and not becauso their odor Is pungent. This advice Is j'lveu by an old entomologist, and has lieen long practlned successfully by him. Hllr the Soli. A (loon farmer In tho growing season k cps-hls cultivators and hoes In as con smut operation as possible Frequent stlrrlljgof thosoll In n dry season will linost entirely Ignore tho effects of a drought. Tho removal of noxious veg etation by this operation nlouo would provti valuable, but when It allows tip iiu Isttjrofroin below to ascend by open ing thti surface and admitting tho air, lis real value It Is only nocesiary to know to enlist tho more serious atten tlini of all farmers and gardeners. I The VChrnt Crap. I'iiomho" quarteV liavb''airv ntor- i u'lou that tho yheat il.njit WQsi! ubiindnut pr iTiipfeoedttittil crdpr'ln' ' iiiii'iui-aiitics ii nas buiieroti.irouwwec-' vil or other causes, but on a whole throughout the length ,aud. breudth of tli llciuibllc, Its equal was noverbefore witnessed. Even in. the high latitude of Minnesota, where. .H was originally fi .u ed by settlors that whcaf-WQUld'iiQt grow at all, tho aggregated yield Is e tliuatedat twenty million buthelt, four times as much as the Statu will need for Its own consumption. Making fowellun. Hoy, In tho busy season. are generally ' int to (ho pasturo to drlvoup theoowsr Oiteu they havo an adjourned gamo Ut ball to play, or a flh to catch,- hence, If ii' specially cautlonod and watched, will "put the cows through on the double-quick." This s bad T practice, It Injured the health of the animal. vll1 ten their milk,, and ilimlntshes the llov ?lt. Cows In warm 'weather and . ZiIIhU'ikIisI udders, should never bo' f'd In (Ids way. or th llounfl Mollis. The Crab and her mother SAttl nil old cmli In n vnimir one. "why do you wnlk so crooked, child V walk straight 1" "Mother," said the young crab, "show mo the way, will you? and when I seo you taking a straight course, I will try and follow." Kxamplols better than precept. Tlir Trumpeter lakru Prisoner A Tiiumpetijii being taken prisoner in a battle, begged hard for quarter. "Spare me, good sirs, I beseech you," said he, "and put me not to death with out caue, for I have killed no one my self, tiorhavo I nny arms but thlstruih pet only." "l-'or that very reason," said they who had seized him, "shall you tho sooner die, for without tliesplr lt to fight, yourself, you stir up others to warfare and bloodshed." Ho who Incites to strife Is worse than ho wh'o takes part In It. Tli Travellers ami Ihe Hatchet. Two men were travelling along tho sainu road, when one of them picking up a hatchet cries, "See what I have found I" "Do not my 1," says the oth er, "but we have found." Altera whilo up came the men who had lost tho hatchet, and charged tho man who liail It with theft. "Alas," says he to his eomnanlon. "wo are undone I" "Do not say we," replies the other, "but 1 am undone; for ho that will not allow his friend to share the prize, must not expect to share tho danger." The Tortoise mid theKaKle. A Toutoisi:, dlsatlsiled with Ids lowly life, when ho beheld so many of the birds, his neighbors, disporting themselves In the clouds, and thinking that, If he could but once get up into the air, ho could soar with the best of them, called one day upon an hagle.and offered htm all the treasures of Oaean if he could only teach him to lly. Tho eagle would have declined tho task, as suring him that tho thing was not only absurd but impossible, but being further pressed by the entreaties and promises of tho tortoise, ho at length consented to do for 111 in the best he could. So ta king him up to a great height In the air and loosing his hold upon him, "Now, then I" cried thueaglo; but tho tortoise, before ho could answer him a word, fell plump upon a rock, and was dashed to pieces. Pride shall Infve a fall. The Thief ami hln Mother. IA Sciiooi.uov stole a hornbook from one of his schoolfellows, nnd brought It homo to his mother. Instead of chas tising him slio rather encouraged him In the deed. In courso of time the boy, now grown Into a man, begun to steal things of greater value, till at length be Ingcuuchtin tho xeryncthowiusbdund ami led to execution. Perceiving his mother following among the crowd, walling nnd beating her breast, ho beg- gou ino omcor io no nnoweii lo speaK toiher. When she quickly drew near and applied her car to her son's mouth, hetseized the lobe of It tightly between his teeth and bit it off. Upon this shu cried out lustily, nnd-tho crowd Joined her In upbraiding her unnatural son,as If lis former evil ways had not been enouirli. but that his last net must, be a deist of Impiety against his mother; jjui no repneu ins sue wno is mo cayse of my ruin ; for If when I stole my shoofellow's horn-book and brought It to her, slid had given me a sound Hogging, I should never havo grown in Wickedness as to come to this untimely end." Nip evil In tho bud. Spare tho rod and spoil the child. i The Coniltrr mouee and the City monec. Once upon a time a Country Mouse who had a friend In town Invited him, forjold acquaintance sake, to, pay hllu a visit in tho country. The Invitation be, Ingaccepted In due form; the Country Mouse though 'plain nnd, 'rough and. sonjewlmt frugal in his' nature, opened. nls ncart and store, in Honor or Hospital ity and an old friend. There was not a carefully stored up morsel that he did not bring forth out of his larder, peas, anif cheese-parings and nuts, hoping by quantity to makeup what ho feared was wailting In quality to suit tho palate of his (dainty guest. Tho Town Mouse, condescending to pick a hit herp.awl a bit there, while tho host sat nibbling a blade of length exclaim cd, t'How is It, my good friend, that you can endure thu dullness of this .uu polished lire .' You are living- like a toad In a hole. You can't really prefer theso solitary rocks and woods to streets teeming with carriages and men. On my honor, you aro wasting your tlmo miserably here. Wo must mako most of our life while (t lasts, A mouse, you know, does not live forever. So como with mo and I'll show you llfoaudthu town." Overpowered with such lino words and so polished a manner, the Country Mouo assented j and they bet out qn their Journey to town. It was late In the .evening when they crept stealthily Into tho city, and midnight ero they reached tho gret house, whero tho Town Mouse took up his quarters. Hera were couches of crimson velvet, carvings In Hvory, every tlrlru' lnfshojrt1 .that ,UeH'5t6aw.uifli,Vi!'d iuxm tlio talo wero tuo remain! jmpiou- dloliannuct. to Drocura which all tho shnns In tho town hnif V(irnmsack'rd the djiy befor it,yrM.iiij,tJuituru u ihtcourtier to piaytno-iiusino places hlitcountry friend on purple, runs to 'And fro to supply Ids wants, presses Uisli ubon.dlsh and dainty upon dainty, and, as though he wero watting uu a. king, tostcn every course ero ho ventures to place' It beforo his rustic comln. Thu Country Mouse, for his part, effects to make himself quite at homo,- nnd bless im.tho good fortune that had1' wrought such a change In his wny'ofllfo ; when, In tho midst of Ids' enjoyment, as hu U thinking with tontcinptof the poor faro ho has forsaken, on u sudden the door (Uwppcn, and n party of rovclUrs ro- r Wfnlilgfrom ajatn cntcrtalmnoutdiursU Into the room. Tho uffrlghted friends Jump from tbo.tablo In the greatest con Bternatlon Ylfutf hldq thcinsclves In the tirsccornertiiey can rcucn, fit soouci do thtiy venture to creep out again than tholiiirklng of,dogs drives them back instill greater' terror (had before. At length, when tilings seemed quot, the, country moustoiuout from ids hiding place,, mui, bidding hli friend gootl-byo, Upereil In his car, "Oh, my good sir, tlno motleofllvlngmaytlo f"r thobo ike It but glvo mi my barloy- pi'aco and security befor tho roieur anu ca are DRY GOODS, &o. G HAND OPKNINO UllANU OPKNINO (III AN H Ol'EXI.Va UIIA.ND Ol'KNINU I'Al.t. AND WINTim 100l, KALI, AND WINTKIl 11001W, KALL AND WINTKIl OOODM, KALI. AND WINTKIl OOODH, KALI. AMI WINTKIl UOOWS, ctm"ltlntf nt coniiNllliK nf cumlKlliiK of cilmltttnu of C-ITlSlstitlJJ Of iiuv noons, DHV HOODS, DHY IIOODH, I IKY UOOIH, IIUV 0(H)IW, HATH AND CADS, HATH AND CAW, HATH AND CA1"S, HATH AND CAIN, HATH AND CA1M, IIOOIH AND HII0I2S, IIOOI'M AND HH0F.H, llOOTH AND HHOra, 1I(X)TH AND HIIOKM,' nitOTH AND HIIOKS, IlKADV-MADK cmTHINd, 11KADY-MADE C'LOTHINO UKADV-MADK CLOTHINO, ItKADY-MADK. CIA3T1IIN0, UKADY-.MADE ClMUla, LOOKINO-OLAKSKS, IXXJKINO-OLAHHKS, LOOKINd-OLAHHKH, UK)KIN(I-(ILAHSII, IX)OKINO-OLAHHIiS N0TI0NH, NOTIONH, N0TI0NH, NOTIONS, NOTIONH, I'AINTH AND OIlJS, rAINTH AND OUH, PAINT8 AND OILS, I'AINTH AND OILS, TAINTS AND OILS, , , . .1 anocEMKH, ' OnOCEIHBS, 'OIIOCKIUES, OROCEHIEH, nnocKiiii-s, , ' ,A.i! I" I' queenhwahe, queenhWaue, iqUEENHWAUK; ' I QUEENHWAHE, QUKENHWARE, ' 1 1 ' I -fr i it r.'i 'nAUDWAHE, ,' ' IUUDWAKE, , , , , , HAIlDWAItE, , 1 1 1 HAltDWAItK, ' ' HARDWARE, .,, II, l ' TINWARE. , TINWARE. , 1 TINWARE, . ' ' TINWARE, ,; l .rflA t . Vi II , 'l'll' ,I,IM. HI I I (- J""" I-I I ll ll -I.I I" Ufe'ill" .l.i.l il HAITV-"!" ' ,hiini BALT,1'1'! ' ' " ' '".- l 'HALT , ,, , HALT,1' ALT, ,JI f H 1 IH "lit ill I ,lll A l O O 'i KIH1I, FISII. t. , "it U .1.., .1 , il HZ FIHII.i 'i l KITH, , KIHII, . ., , 1 1 , I I .1 0RA1N AND HKEDH, ' ORAIN AND 8EKD8, OIUIN AND 'SEEDS,- GRAIN AND . HKEDH, ORAIN AND HKEDH.-, Ac., 4c. nIlKELVY, NEAL CO.'S, McKEI.VY, NEAL 4 CO.'H, McKKI.VY, NEAL CO.'H. . McKEI.VY, NEAL & Cd.'H.' MrKELVY, NEAL 4, (XJ.'H. korlhirmt ooruor of Mala nd -Irkel street, "Mthwent corner'of Jlolii'ra JfSrltel BtreeU, 715?ftI",r"' 5"rof ri' i''nA1"' Market HtreeU, "JTorUiweet cortier of Vaiii and Market Hlreeln, Nurthwisit eorttefof llW and Market Ktreeta, . BIOMSKtJrlTl',W,',',;'-' .'1iBUbMHIMKo; PA". ' ' . . BLOaMSUUUO, I'A- w ' niJllISBUuf), PA., ' piOOMSUUtta.A, . . Jttr:M ,V7'- i- t. r,i.vrMll.l i i ..i ., ,,i if V.' IIU) If AND NAII.' i "." iH- HQi,;ASi;5AK:''';;,i.v ,,I10N,AN, .,( bi'fjqunUle and at redtif tji ;t, aiway H. c " Iim opened a t HOyEO, opened a flrt-ea , UOOT, HI0K, HAT A.ND CAr ST6Wll." '.".I atUiooldataudon tIulaHlreee,Illonnhurr: 1th lock I eotnjHMteil of the very latent and tieat atyloa lie can aomnimodaUi the public with the follow. 1ik Vlixle and at cheap urlceMt Meu'ii ratf IkkiU, n. mm'a kip, doulilo aole, )' cllllit'a liootirMen'a glava kll, iv,inrri, jo Meil a irlnVH'Mi..i'M witmui,1. Ixiyn', uii'l wluea' love kid latlniritulter, Wo men' iliim kkla, very flue, Women's fine (imt moronro balmorula, Women's men's morocco and oall shoes, ooinmoll shoes, Mlshes' and child's shoes, 3ten's, voiueu's, mlsse', boys', and rhlld's ti'), ie aiiKj fceeMi u greai variety or llATH1, DAI'S, AND HTRAW 0CK)IH of ererr lud, at the lowest prices, both for cash and country produce, lUtnmitr Ilia allrutfoii lain our ttot-. tViik't b RlAnuwl at Ui err ot IiIrTi i rict, tut, atil and uieaiin aelurounierM, lUMfwiilrj ICPttOWJaK. J DRUGS A MEDICINES. J it. MbYrtit, J WHOI.i:SAI.R A HKTAir, DllUdUIS T( CUK.VKIt OF MAIN AI HAI1KRT IlLOOMHllintG, VA.t whero will lie found a largo ntul sol eel stock of Drugs, MKDICINRS AND OUKMIOAIS. Alto nil the lATKNT MKDtCtlHliS tJK TlIK HAY, I ntn Ahn jtepnrp4 to fitrnlsh Country Htnri-ffwlth Cnittor Oil, (lotlfrcy'ii Oonlhil, 1 CHLINOHTON'M llAIAr, nnd at) othf r inr.llciiu fi kept In their line at City price. t Prt'Hci.ptlon'.refully com) rounded at all bourn. In medtcfi.ett, quality U of tho first ImiHirUtiice. lUtHiniilmrir. June 7, KVKUKTr A 1)11. J. II. (JAHK'iS IN OltANOKVir.M:. JU8T OP N K 1) Win! A HPI.KNlttlJ ANU VAniKli ArWOKTMENT OF OOOIH APPKnTAlNINU To TlIK DHUO mISUHfl. rum: i m uoh, ciiK.MitjAr.s., A IWA VH OM 11ANI. In nhort any article thnt ran bt nanted In tho Drrnt 11 no mn ho had at their store. Dr. .1. II. Cnxi! in n 1'rnct loner, and also underntnndN I'lmr iiiiu'vi i isM-reiiiiN ii iiiiirm niiiui'iu. ihih hi teiiileil one term at the JefTermui .Metllenl 4'ollcui. 11IH1 UMUtTKlHIKl' l III' CMIUIKHHIUMlt; ill JirUK". FIRST PREMIUM . ' or a Hlleer Medal W, W.l SWABDtD TO f BARRETT'S HAIR RESTORATIVE yJL r By th If. II. BUU Asrieulturtl ftnctftv, it ltalrholJeninN.huSrpUW,lul. n Aititr.TT's Vegetable Hair Restorative RaMtorM Ory Ittvlrlo tli naturtl color, fro motci lha growth ot the II sir. CtunrM th 3 root to their origliul orqanle ictlon. T-rftl v CtM IHadrutf and llnmon. lnvnti ltcontsuni no Injurloua losmlirnta, W Lait. Wtl. Nortli KDd JC t. R. BARRETT & CO., Proprietors, U1KCI1K8TKII, . II. 4-Holdby L. N. JlbVuit, IllianHibutg, I'll, ulnl Druizillits Rcncrnlly. nprG'tlT-liiii TUB OIIBAT ZfflGAM BITTERS Tbt component p&rU of thti remirVkU rrepiirvtloa were flrtt dlKOTtred. compounded nd UUtrlbattJ, tomt twenty jewKO, by Dr. Cuiorict, tht cele brottd Egyptian Phyiiclin. Tbouiandiof fall mffer log countrymen wen rcitored to health, as well ai great Humbert of lh inhabitant! of Nubia and Abynlnia, xd of the countries bordering uptn th (Southern coait -ci mo aicoiierraneao ttea. linneeii, tna fame or tna tUnUAJII U1TTKJUI oon ipre&d orcr Europe, ud u adopted by tht principal I'hyslclani Id chftrga of the boipltall or th oil world. In which It li itlll uied with Huml. Tbf Viceroy of Esrot tolaced tha nu t Bft. CBioriosapon tht1 Roll of Noble," and prt. Mnted to him a Medal bearing lh following Inacrlp tlon: "D. CBiorici.tha l'ublio Oentfactor.'1 This 'Dlttertii sow offered to the pnbllo of America with the full uiurtnce that It will be found, upvn fair trial, to act u a ipociflo for tho cur of Cholera DjraBtanrf Dlarrhom. Choatrm noroui, jravcr amix a . Akuc. Tallow Fewer. JUitumatliin, Trpuold Frcr, DvfprpaU. Cllc BranclUue, Consumption, Flatn- letiey, Dl pebllllw, waKaum, VVUIUIIIJIUVUI DUeaiei of the XUdneya Mcrrona ana re rata conniainu t Remarkable cures of tha abova diuaaaa hav l effected by Its uie, ai nnmerous certificates, many from regular fthjeJelanj, folly attest; and It Is deftioed to lupertcde any preparation extant. Alia acrttaUt a ODMs and an lNTK)OIUTIKa.'lETEIUGS, . it m, I NO EQUAL. Tar, mrs ziiraARi BrrrEita IUS SOUL IS WELL AS BODY, I AKD SB a PBEVOTIVE - DISEASE, HAS UO SUPERIOR. , A-TtW WORDS TO LADIES. Ths tile of lbs ZIKdARI BITTERS will sire to jou that soft, traaipsreDt complexion which the God of nature (de sllalor woman to be the lorelieit of his worki) fulljr latsoded that you should hsre tor It ( nature's en powder snd paint combined. Bjr pttrifrlDa the blood, stimulating the plgmeaUrj cells of the dcrmll, and Impartinr health and life throughout the entlro syitsm. It eioeclallr aires that smooth clearness and . twaat to fte complexion so much to be desired rs- aorlas all rouehneii, blotches, freckles, plmplci,snd St yellow, sickle look so common In our oar; snd t whst Is .Ten better than this. It cures srery ipeclca of S.m.1. Irr.u!aritl.a inl ' Principal Depot, Harrisburg, Ta. BAHTEB & HATJSE, in. Sou PaoruiTost, rorsKlobjrI N..MOYKII, Wbalesitlo nnd Ilet II Druggist, JUouinslvQri,', Pit,, i JI2j'o7-4!lil, GROCERIES, &c E,JiI OV'A U O F c, ui ma n rt'H N E W STOIt K TO HIIIVK'S It LOCK,' ON TlIK fOUNEIl or MAI1KKT ANT) IRON ATltEETS, Tbe umlorhtgned lmvlng recelvetl from the city a fulf nnil complete supply at m'HIXa AND HL'.MMKH DltY GOODS AND aitOCKIUlCS, f ' NOTIONS, TIJMVAnK AND IIAKD-WAUK, cKu.ut axu wiu.on-.wAin:, CO.VriXTIONEHYi atjArJH-WAHi. TODACbO, JIA T S Jt X Ii S II O K S ' KLOUII, HALT, KIHII, AND MEAT, all of, which I propone. Melllug at n very low figure for cusli or proiluyc, Air tail! nml see, , yift mi. u c. m akii. JfEW 8T0TIE ,, 1 NtE w a. 0 '0)V. tM' it- rirv. V i ) '. "-I Mii'Fi.iNVjxiif,-'o,vrw-c'orTt;'iT;i"!i.,B . .V r , ......1 Ai WMJ 1 lIKauliacnBfr fCsrHTUfllly.luluriiSsliLs frJuiyV anil tliKUuhllcUbat'Bcliju AiItllJlri)ii'lis city w III a ITIaiHtilVt'riHjWf " if USITWPT-feeTJ'lriirnrii store, such as ' try UltX ,iouna,-OBOTlll tS ftlilWAlTK7c"DAll. , n WA'RU.'AjRbfaOMkUIClNEa. 1C. AV. . . Tfr luipea t1ueWnafiiVr IMJSiijll iiatron. tr ' srt'l'--iv"-t.1 hJi. ."wrwu'nliaT nMii..w.,rfnii'.'r' '."'"ll 'JOJinArt imOTUEII; tti' ' ri'.,',' tvii6i,ehaijs atcKiw, . u and Dealers Iri HAI.TI'ETIIE AND IlIUMSTOTfK, No ao North Third Blrcet,, t V;1 , rWIadelplda. ' ' i'i" Hi Y. I'ETEIUrAN, ,..'.1 t lilV'5- UlTlNPOTJ, JllOTIKIt, WIIOLIlAI,K OIiocEIlrl, No, il North Water BlreeL i .. ! .HjliJ.NP-fljkatth IUsvar Avenue, o riiluulalphla. II jl i All KA.ri .l.lf. I. 'V, Mll'S ' " 'fJ'l o'te'and'i&Arclifilrert,'j "lliilaVleiiiiTla. ' JO!IK 8TR0UP -& p6,f Kuotoors UH(roupii Ilrother, ' UIIJC3AU: DEALKIW IN KIHII. NaUaWiuYas.aaiJ.NortU Water -HU, Mteif'lphU. 'BB t'flLMw JljmmLBm DRY GOOJ H TJlttTA'lI POIl 0ATA1 THIS WAY FOIl tlAIM I dooda io compare wllh strlna-eiJ market. lok nnd compart prl chaalnfi; alsewhcrc. Jnst call nt til nets stand or McNINCII A HIIUMA and you will be met liy the olillgin J thclrcterks, ami shown through thel store frco of chnrgc, o( courso. The M h fair chniico to spend your lomel trust much more profitably than It 1 clscw here, Their BTOCK OK DIIV OOOlx this Hprlng Is much larger In nil Its vl usual. Their LADIES' liltlJW IOOI aro of the nicest styles In market, flnn assorlmentnf IIATS, OAl'H, IIOOTH AND Kll HUMMER l-Un-ltS, CAKSINKlH, CAHHIMKIIIX, AND j nnd numerous nrllclcs common to suJ ments, bcalitcs n general assortment f j ItAItDWAIti; TINWAIlf; QIIKEl AND OltOCEUIEH. nit nt greatly reduced prices. They duct their business on the system of I "I'AY AS YQU 00," nnd tli y think I her can mrord toael They return their ilmultMfor mnujl nnd nsk the future pAtronnge of thell turners nnd the pnhllc generally. McNINCII A I A UMUUUSTEU & UHOTl XL . .... inilMiricrs turn jobbers IIOHir'.ItV, (II.OVi;s, HIIIItTH AND DItAWEll 1IU1TONM, Stl IIOOV RKIHTH, IIA.NDKi:UClIIi:i- J TIIHEADS, HEWINd HII.K1 THI.M.MINOH, POUTEl HOAIH, l'KUKUMEltV, KANCY Ol NOTIONS OENEItAT.I.I Also Manufacturers of UHUHlirX AND I.OOKINO (III nnd Dealers In WOOD AND WIM.OW WAUE, HltOO.MS, ItOl'lX, ' No. :m North Third Street, nbol l'hlliulclpliln. jJT if. MAHI'LK, NOTIONH, IIOSIEItY, OI.OVl KANCY 0001W, No. .VI Norlh Third Hlreil 1'hllnilelphln. j. i7estkr, Wholesale nnd Helnll IlcilleJ KOUMON AND lMMIMTIU C'AltrEl Oil. fLOTIIS, WINDOW Hlfj No, 21) North Second Slrei t, opp. tin l'hllndclphln. "15AnCI)IT & CO., Importers and JohlierH of STAPLE AND KANCY DltY OOODHB CASHIMEHES, llI,ANKfrrs, 1,1)1 DltY OOODH, HOSIEKY. AcJ Phllnitclphln. NDHEWM, WILKINS 1- Denlcis In, IKOUEHIN AND DOMESTIC DKY I No.JlMnrketHtreeti . . . Phlluil iliulelphla. 'TOSEI'II S. DELL, J 1 Manufacturer ijf mid Wholesale 1 1 CfOTHINO, CIXDT1IS, CAKSIME1U J . VUSTINOH, No. tl Norlh Third Stroet.,1 Philadelphia: MISCELLANEOl TLOOJSHUIia FANCY MING, ANi) .nooKSTonii second cloor liclow llnrtman's. Mall Just received a'ney siock ol liEPIIYlttV WOOI.EN AND COTTI' COIUiETri, IaACKH, KMllItOIDEUIEli MUSI.IN EDC1IN0H. J)IU- jl raid every variety of nrtlelea usually ll ;-VNCYHTOlB. Also SCIIOOI. nOOKM, HYMN IIOOKSJ SUNPAY-HCHOOL HOOKl und a large lot of misci:mneouh dooki ACCOUNT .AND MBMOnANDUJlJ DIANIC DEEDS, I10NDH AND MOI nnd n'genentl and well-selected nssor J PAPEIt, ENVELOPES, CM T17JI. V. MUUPIIY'S SON.I STAT, I ONE 11- ,' STEAM l'OWEH PHI AND IJLANK BOOK 311 ANUFACl'l XU Chestnut street, & Si Ho'ttth Kour' I pnir.ADEr.rniA, pa,'- Ttiey mako a speciality of furnlshjl Banks, County Officers, TnsurancqTiJ Hanking Houses, etc., xvlth J EVJ5HY 'AllTICtiE OP IIT.A'NK 11 V I AND PKINTINO, ltavlug luachtuery specially 'adapted fb 4 they htay requlrn. fell JJOWE, EUSTON A. go., Manufacturers and Wholesale Dcnl COTTON YAItNS, Hl'ET CIIA DATTS, WICKH,.TIE YAItNS, COIl'fl UnOOMH, WOOD 'ANWWILWWflKKE, LOOK'O OtSSES, CMX'KS, KANOTJIaSKETS, TAUI.E, FLOOIl, AND CJAItllflOE OIIiCXjOTHBritc., Nit Kn Xtnr1zit fllliil.ti kuill. 1 PISH. HALT, OHl-5lfHUJtoyl6NH, Jtftj' " Nos. 121 nnd Ut Nortfc WhafWjiliiio b Ardl SU Philadelphia. 'j ,,,ii 7 WAINWHK1HT A CO - I-WHOLKH-A'LE oint'cEits', ,1'. Corner Second and Irch streets, , H.'lllLtliELejIM, Dealers lit TEAJl,f(YIlUI'H,COI-TKH,SfflAn,llOLASSI-s, KJCK, SCI IKS, III CAI11I 4'IIA, AC, AC, , ,uruera Wii receive prottit attention, , Way 0, lJ7-ly. TOIIN C. YKAOI :nl co., )i-f rs In '' Wwlesaio HATS, f:A)t),HTItAJsaO()riH, AND 1 LADUMTItS, ' . No. fa Norlh TlrdH reel, WV I ' l-hlladeliila, T MI. WAIl'Ell, i ' " ' ' ImiMlersn Ieal-rln "r;.?iliNA Mfi"- Af 'aUJ'ENHWAUK, No Wl North ThlrdHtrtl, . . "J , ' 1 hot n ttace and Vln' - ' , 4 i-lilll;lplda ' ' " ' ' ' wm for nj.vp vhd"ciiea? 9m.A JOHfRJNTINGI, l--. L. ' ' BCHELIi, iyjnai,jt.A,ct,. ..'., rVil tl cu.tiMiK'iioN-NKeiiANTtr iiAblotrnts; ... . rVtntlntr e . Thin PHtAUH mien t U loCfttttl lionr tt.A T A wuiummnu ix)nisi)nrPf ltntlrotul IX-pot. V virrm uuxmyer. t 8" riiAin .i J . .7. . X x ' " A V V XJH 4.TIN1J TJXS W.A11E. . i " . I A F lit Tin Mia Ii nnnoulu-es ta Ms.n-lends nwil customers that' eonllmiva Jhiiji'oYii business ftthUoUl place orr . MAIN iTrlElJT IIUHJlfsnjJlUJ, vui,iiiuutiini Willi t'ANCY STOVES , ' cifnll kinds, Bt.t-eniiiee. Tinware, and ovarv rlety of nrtlolo fluid In it Suite and Tinwa n tabllshment In tlecltles.nnd on tl'iem'osl Able (erum: Ulrlnmiheiitihekhor(Mt imtli. S. iUIJC-r.VNH t mi hauil for nu!. ( j JkTEW STOVE AND TIN' SHoT'7 OS UAI.N'HTIIKtr, HEAIILY 0POSITK SILUl' I HTOKKJ r r , HI.iiyMrt;iini(i, PENN'A. I hls new"'WT ,u"-'ll, nttrA upsina oisrmt htov i And tin snop; f In this place, tvUreliff Is rrrniareil In mils In, KHMtf.,!,0!'1 XmAi, hi', Hue., ur du - - . .... .,.,,1,,.-, ,,,, uisiiuieii, uimio ine most ieuaoB,blo (errus. Ha also keeps oulind ,V'' AdlUUlJ l'ATTEHNB A flT f.ES, which he'wlll sell upon terms to suit nurclaters. nil lenus io suit pure els n good meclian losultpiirclKie si lueclianlta ige JAWU.HIra tit- f , ui,qiiiiui,i-iii,, iinia o gtMMl ivst-iylng of tlie iiiblle sitrouuge. ml Illismisbure, Arl-29, IMT. in, . riixiitoS il 'i&iuutm"" VJt 'I ' " I ii.imptsts.rnnUHelilerln ,., ,'IAHDWAlll' Cl'Tf.TRY'.'OUNH.Ic'., . . Nn, ail Nfcrlll fhlrj RtVct, kliovaj'ftie,', ""' 'liillftj'phl.'"t j" papeimiAiHi lo-ivHiiEnotji Na.UrirhJJBlreeij( J-njaiilpMs, I: WING MACHINES. WKTX A U A K Htt'S Il N (I Inllhe HlghcstPremlumsntllioHlnte I'nln of Kenlucky, Vcrmonl, New Jersey Missouri, Alnhnmn, Ohio, Indlnnn, Virginia, Norlh Carolina, Wisconsin, lown, Oregon. I AT TlIK rAIKH OF Tlltl istltulo, Krnnklln Inslllutc, Mary. Iltittc, Mass, Mechanics' Assocln Villi. Mechanics' IliMllutc, St. luls Agrlcultiirnl nnd Me. chnnlcs' Association, I reus lnslllutes nnd (Snnily Knlrs, I Hie Kalrs at which they were exhll). Ilhrec years, Klr-t Prlres havo nlso lllhi'seMnilllncsatthecxIillilllnnsor I I, I'AltIS, DUI1LIN, LINZ, yonne,St. Dlzlcr, Chnlons, and they rnlshi d, by special command, lo tho h-niico, Empri ssof Atislrln, Empress llprcssof llriull, ijiieen of Spain, nnd Ivnrln. Inr: anovEit a iiakeh KI.ASTIC-STK-11 N (i M A C II I N H h stonll othcis lor the fullowlng mi- I'W with two thrcmls direct from the icnulrlng no rewinding, iv more enSlly underslissl nnd used. libit. t derangement than nlher ma- trocupnbleofcxirutliigperfectly.wllh of iidjiisiment, nimieh Bn-nter nrlety in olhcr mnchlnes. lllch made by these machines Is much leio-siic, unit durable, csm-clallr unoii ilch require to be unshed nod Ironed, Itherslllch. Iltcll, owing to the limillHT III Which llm lind Is Inwrought, Is much the most i ih'iiuuiiii in use, nnd lelnlns Ihls huh Denuly even iiikiii nrllclcs fro. islnsl nnd Iron.-d until they nre uom lui-tureiif the seam Issiieiitimi.tiiouKli Ir broken nt Inlervnls of only n few will nellheroiM it, run, nor rat el, but iinndiluruble. other nini-hlncs; tlue faaien Isilh senm by their own oienttlon. L-e,mni-hliies, while silk Is used upon liu'eslileor thescnm, isillon muy be lie oilier side without hvsollllnf the liirnblllty of the Mini. This i nn bo Ulier maelilne, nnd Is a great snviin. Icles stltchiHl or iiuido up with silk. lichlnes, In ail.Utlon to tin Ir suoerlor Ilrumenta for sewing, by a change of easily leariifsl and practised, cxesuto lutlful and permanent embroidery uu wora. I Ito their family iiim-hhies liny have l)YKD nouniiK LOCK ITCH MAOIIINI'W, 111 alike on both sides. This (Join. Iilh the Ik-Ic and Double sllleh JIn. Iiersons Iinvlng a urefercnco can I they llko beat, nnd If not suited can he other, thus giving tho public the uils arrangement. They iiImj nmke l ntisi !K STITCH MACHINES Im all muchluts heretofore known i tlio laxk-stltcli It is of great Iigtn, especially ndiptod for tailors. .irness-mnkerM, car lage-trlmmcrs, (rlpllons of tvort to which the ppllcnblc. It vrcrks with eyuul woo, or linen, nllil will suw In ns well as the tilckrst leather. llcmniers, ti. Tic-lr No. II is ' It tTA'A'AW .1VI CHINK Inylniprotoments'.idniited for ta. liltltiK, light Hioemiltllig. as well a ng.. Uirge numlMS of theso mn. Ise, rind Ihey civil inlversal fcatls- Iwho luivc aeen tin machine will noisy nnd emulous lock-stitch lofore In generutuse. Price (U; I EUU. V lei of veryiloserijlou can be had trico luSIUooiiikuttg, nt (Hislllvely er' prices, to wiat tho attention I especially Invited T, II, MAHTiaii-lowi., Jlmiimi.lluttatha, WioMsiiuiia, Colum jl Comity, Pa, -r IJlHIItl'li'l'I.Tt QTnrixti nr. iW?l??.a.,..11.Pr.rlor In nUlhers for HfiallVl VfitFm .' PUUPOHrH ajjp - .iM - iuumui0! atul 4uutit litht. i,' ' I Addri-Ku UUlll-iy .EMl'IElM, m. a.- Omits lOmln uiv uronstay, NeM. york pOWDKIt KEGS ANpLUMIlKIt! W. m; MONTtOE A ltupert.T'a.',' Mamir.icluirrsnf l'OWDEit KEOSft nnd dealers lnnll.klnds of LUMHElt, Hi r. .ollce that they nre pre,r.-7 , nc-oinmlate ir'mu.""""" ,""1",l-h' Ihe cheaiest IlElTAIIOSTr ' Suceessors to Ktankllri P.Seltfi iv, I.,,...., .,. -. . .. I t-rini" anu it noicsaie n'V.ers hi 141JU01W, WINK-S, AI Nos. (10 nniH12 Nortli thin,,. Philadelphia, X. IIENDltY, rl-Js I , Suecei(or to Huudry A Us I .Mnnufacturernnd Whohsale ll,,' , IlOOTSANDHllOKS.l 1 M No. S5 Norlh Third streel PUladelpbla, j T1 If.'llKAllt), , , .wllh, . LIPPINCOTT. HONDA c-4 Manufacturers lind'Wihleiuile: I hath, caw, Kirns, aInii Htry, . No, 4IJ Market Street, ders In IIOODH, . Plilladelpliin. ONYDKHj' HAKHIH A H. ' rSJ i .... . .... I7IT, .1 aiuimiaciurers mid Jobbv MEN'a.ANU IJOY'M CLUTHI . Ncis.HM Market, and 621 ittuA)t rhiladslphla. 3W MACHINES, . 'UisEWINQ MACHINES rjIIEJ'LonilNCE" ... Sr.WINO.MACIIINEH Ann tiii: ui;sT in the would., m Chestnut street, Philadelphia, p. While n largo number of JUnchlncs hnte ho,.,,' orrcrcl o the pnhllc, soa.e of which ,K,sses, .. of excel cnccAndnckhowledged mVrlt. we 1 long felt tvhnt others havo expcrlenewl the i,V ":" " '""re perfect in II, ,;b,n: cnlslmclure,c.iinblnliigiit,0 tcnnni. IIKIIIEST DEdllEi; HIMI'MCITY WITH Dl'ltAllIMTY, nnd ti Idle capnblo nf doing n tmiUTtiii HANiii: or woiu:, hended;i!,'U""1,I',m',"",'""''','','1'- TO Slipph-ll Mewlllw.'tlael.ln, r r lection, nttached to other, ),, been nocasy t "k . for wo not only hail to inn... ,.....' Uiey npis-nred yearn ago, but nlso n Improt,.! from lime to tlmo bv mr.. ' n " This tvo boldly claim has Ik-ch nci-omplished by he llbernl cxpendlluro of eaplml.nn, Ihe Ileiil,unllringlnl,rnf en. .....i "... m our MacUInc to tho public, wo shall make , r" Z : " " """"" in every partleulnr. -.......... ,, nuiiinnii WKip.orKnllstllches, endojitiithe I.OCIC STITCH (alike on ls,lh side, f Ihe fabric), which is re. garneil by the masses as best suited to all kind. of work. Hut to meet ol il . . ngalnst Ihls favorite stitch, tte hate ndded ji' .... ..,...,,,,., nn,!,. Knol, either nf tthlclils HTItONOKU AND MOUli EI,ASTI(t thnn Ihe Ikl thus ennhlli,. II,,. . select n sllleh PEltKEirn.Y SUITKD lo every grade of fabric, nnd w here necessary sew Jicn"in,,"''h stronger than It Is possible In do bj tiii: ri,oiti:Nci: KOUH DIITEIIENT HTITCIIUS with ns much cose as ordinal v M, .1,1,,, i.. one, nnd wllh ns little- hlnerv. Hie result of l-epi-nleil tests has been all We mid ib-slri. uu. I rr..... ti.. u . ..... . , " "r-'i inirouucuoll Uu. Horcnco has gnlne.1 hosls of frleiuls, and been regarded as a HOUSEHOLD NECESSITY: proving that Ihe nubile rullvni niivantiiKea isunl.lncd In the l'iorenco Mai hlne Over all others, tho Klnreuce must be wrntiibil fully appreciated. We claim lor Ihe ki-oiiiinci; ahvantaoim thefolloMlng oternny and all SEWING-MACHINES IN THE WOULD: -It makes four dim Tfllf titll,,!.. it... s kl,ol,.loul,le-hKik,nn,l double-knot, o-!. one and tlio samo maelilne. I j,,li .m,.i. i.i boil, side, of 1, rahtle. .. . . ' """"'"' iissilieleverslhlerei-d mo. tlon, which enables tho operator, by simply turn hiK thumh-SMuw, to have Ihe work run cither to the right or IUI, to May any purl of thus,.,,,,, rnVrle1'" """ "' Wlll'""t '""'h'K thu -Chnnglng the length of stlu-h, mid from one kind of sllleh to .mother, can readily b done whllu the .Machine Is In motion. The needle H enslly a.ljuslnl, d does not skip stllcberi. L - It Is almost noiseless, nn.l cnii Ih used heriiUlet Is necessary, i-Ils moiloiis me all positive) there nre no spring, to get out of order, and Its simplicity en able, any one in operato ll, It does not require finer thread on tho under llinu for the upper side, aud will vW across ihe heaviest senm, or from ouo to mole I Wellnesses of cloth, without change of needle, tension, break. Ins thread, or skipping slllcbes. es-The Hiiumei is rusily ndjusteil, nnd will turn nny Idlh of hem desired. i-.Nn other Maelilne will ,lo so or llturaligo of work n, the Klorcnee. S-lt will hem, fell, hind, giither, braid, nulll, nnd gather and sew on n rulllo nt thu siiiiui lime. It has no springs to get nut f uler, nnd will last n lifetime. 3-It Is fully proli-cKsl nnd licensed by Ellas Howe, Jr., nnd our own la iters I'.iient. The taking ui of Ihe slai-k-lhreinl Is not pel funned by Ihe Irregular cnuliacllon of a who coll or unoortuln operation of spilngs. The precision and accuracy with which llm l-'lorenee draw, the thread Into the cloth Is unappronched oy any Kcwhig-Mochlue hitherto oill-rcd In thewoild. We funilsh eneh Machine wllh " llarniim's Self Sow er," which guide, the work itself, and Is of In calculable tulue, especially to lnexiwrlcnco oper- While possessing tlio above, and many other nilvautnges, tho Florence Is sold at corresiiondlng prices with other first-claw .Machines, and n care, lul examination will fully substantiate nil that we have claimed for II, and Justify tho nsserliou wo now make, thnt It Is the best Sewlng-Machlnc in tho world. Wo waruant every Machine to lio nil that we claim for. 11, and to glvo entire fcotlsfactlon, unit will give a written tvnriunty, If renuhed, Llliernl nirangeliicnts made wllh thoso who buy to sell again. Kurlher llifuiuiatlon may Is. Imil by lucloslug stamps to tlio tleneral Olllceof Iho Florence Sewlng-Mnchlue Compaiiy.ttiiuchtsiuiit Sitreel, l'hlladelililu, Pcnnsylvauln, PIHCIW OK MACHINES. No. 1, Plain, This Machine make Ihe lock andkiiotstitehes ,nnd has the reversible feed...m No. 2, j-'lorence, )old-ornamcnted Machlne, wllh drawer, and light cover, without lock; makes all tho four stitches, and has the ic verslhle feed 175 No. X Silver-plated Machine, ornamented ; table oll-llnlslied walnut, with heavy half case, lock and drawer: makes nil tho four suicnes.nuii nss the reversible feed No. t.-Sllvcr-plutcl Machine, highly orna. mcnlcd.nnd makes nil tho four atllches, nnd hn, tho reversllile feed. Polished mahogany table Polished ItosewisHl Table (SI 02 W in' No. . 'vynluut, labe, In oil .iianogany table. In II.........,..., .. , Ilosewoxsl table. In oil- N0.0. Wnlnut. oll finished ...... ,,tinlmgany table , n ww. OIOIO.....,..,...,.....,.... i.vt ft, T), EVXNV.Id'enerai'vcent lIMCIirSlniltHllect, l'lrllaileltitilu. rjlIHJ LOST OA USE, TlIK OMI.V HTANOAIlll OlTlrlAt. SOUTIIEHN IIISTOUY OF THE "SVAII. Ilylilttard A. Pollard, of Virginia. SAMtTEt. KC'iiui,iini-viiT(ji..if 11.1 ... ... Township, has piiH-iinsI The Am'nev ot'ltdMiniii?. onnty, for the salo of the alsive work. It com. Mh,tl!&l,TJt:"!,.V!wtkB ?,"u I'KHiresa of battles, Inrlib-nts and iidvenlnrea of the moat itl Enntle sli uggle of the World s history. Complete r." , iiviinj' rw ISCCS, WHO 'i'WENTY-I'OUU HI'IiENIHI) HTEEI, I'OHTIIAITS nf dlstlnmilslieil i'onr..iti.rfiin ri.n i.i.i... rv of tin. vauiiulslied has Iiki often fallen in nn . ho Is willing evoto his tlmo 1, V,1'',"1" '".'"! I'.'d eullon of Ids rounlrymeu, ntn,!'V',M'ih "''i" 1 challengo Iho crlllelsiii of thu l ntelllgilit, and Invite Iho nttelillouot nil i.i. rL , . ' 1 " ' wnrK W1" I'OOIMK-Ulllir i,sr. i,iu canilld und Intelligent, p'ublln.if ill writers In M, 1 iiV"Vj:i...-.,,',.!...u,.V "1 ". I'.'.Jl'."'.1, "V,r,'P'"' ? cmnplela and standard his. torv of tho War, ami to ronlmli to the present and future itencrallon 11 faithful and wor by re! oiuui iinirKreiiislrugcIo and of 11 cniisn bisl.".."".".r' 'sylr-sr been cmiiloyed during Ihe cnllre period of the War ,as c nut ,11s fiiiior of 11 itirhiiiond aiis nr, John niLUEitr, muj, a. hovai.. QIIillEIlT A ItOYAL, ' KHrAIII.ISllEII I Kll. WHOLESALE DHUOOISTS, Nos, SU aud Sll Nortli Third Slicct, Phllailclphla. Iuisirtcin and Ih-iiU-m In DIIUOH, iIHDICINl, NI'ICER, PAINTS, OII.H, tilASH, DYESTUKKH, Ac., May 10, ISJWy,