ic (Columbian, tt.iXMIXIIt'lIU, KltlltAY, At'AV4T0,'lniT. I .Iiill.vuinllils Yniikiv .Journeyman ,lud;o urn In nival distress. Tun outs Imrvoxt Is already licln iilnfT, nuil when tliii winds blow over ttin oats stubble, tbu Full i-i nt hand. A t'ltir.Nii from over tho river (wlion) niiiiH! wo havo boon nimble (() Unrii) has scut to our oMlco lor Inspection suv oral stocks of oats which measure, om ,i!.r feet in temjlh ! Can uny one bout that'.' Now is tlio thin) to kill that iiuxt llllld... tlonabluiloor ynnl wcoil, tho plantain. It ioiiics up cn-dly durlnf tho month of August, nnd boforo thu seed ripens, if pulled now anil biirnod, It Is easily cot rlil of. Wi: present to our realtors an unusual number of advertisements this week, but they urn all of local Interest. l'ax ton A lliiriiiaii uilvertUe their super phosphate or lime, whleh our fanners will Unit It to their ailvantiiL'o to trv. Wi: need hanllv niv that the slut... mont in lust week's tejiiitfiean of a re mark by Air. litickuluw at tin- Convcn. thm In tihuso of onn of the editors of the Ciilil'.Mlll.vN, is u eoiiiploto faUe hooil. This N not I'. John's llr.t oxiu.i t. mont in lying, nor will It ho tiie hist. Wr. should like to have half a liti-dicl ii(Mac!.-i'icirle,i -not dew berries nice, clt-im, ripe, largo ones, on suliserlptlon to tliut'ol.i'Miit.vN. As they are ready -ale people need not bu afraid to biini; them to town ; so that if wo should bo Mipplled, thoy can bu readily sold to others nt fair prices. Xorwiriisi-ANniNO our mixed popu lation, wu believe there is no town In tho Statu where (he Sabbath is so iron- orally observed, or wlierolhosiitiiok'ood order prevails on that day. Our church- es aio well iitltcndcd, as the throngs pa-sing to and fro about 'meeling timo' attest. It Is a good example to the young, and is a credit to our place. Oi l! next I'onimNslouor, David Y ea ger, Informs us that u few days ago u (ierinau named Ka-oman, dli'il in Shu-. niokln townshii, Northumberland Co., lined one hundred ami nceen years and mm? month.. He eamu to this country .-ovoiity years ago. It Is the most re markable case of longevity that has oc curred in our vicinity for a long time. Di:. Hkaw.V.V bus been appointed by the Tension Ollleo Kxiiiiilning Surgeon for this county nnd vicinity. This will lie good news to our Pensioners who have been obliged heretofore to travel to Dauvlllo for examination. Dr. Brail Icy can bo found in Ills oltlcu In the l'x- changii Mock, second story, entrancu one door below Meyer's Drug Store. Wi: havo had tho pleasure of adding thirty new names to oursiibscrlptlon list this week, eleven of which were sent in by one man. Wu mu.sttigiiln thank our friends for their zealous efforts to aid its. To those who may wish u campaign pa per we will send thu Coi,umiiia.v until I after the election for foity cents. Now ' is a mi. nt limn to subscribe. (.'ami1 .MlliiTi.NG. A Camp Mooting ! for Columbia District of thu Kyangoll- cal Association will bo held on tho laud iif Mr. Joseph P. Conner, In Centre Townlilp, commencing Aug. -Jth to continue one week. A well conducted i boarding-tent will bo kcptimthegroinid; Also accomodations for horses. All I liivcrsofgood preaching are respectfully Invited to attend. A r.iTTi.i: sou of Samuel llllbutn, aged about six years, was missing on v eduesday, nnd after long search was found drowned in thu canal. An In ipiest was held over thu body, and a verdict in ucuorilanco with tho facts. vt u sincerely sympathize witli the pa- i rents and friends In their bereavement; but tlu great comfort theyhavulu their sorrow for thu child is, that "of Mich is the Kingdom of Heaven." Wi: publish this week an interesting decision of Judgu I,uwrcncu of Illinois, upoiitbesubjectof .Mllitarymrcsts. The .luiigu takes thu ground that Congress annot Indemnify ofllcers fur arbitrary iine.ss, ami for this reason t' cislun will bo Interesting to many n,..- cltl- I zeiH. As Judgu Lawrence Is u Itepublican, and was elected by them to his present Inlllee, the decl-lou should command ro- Ispect amongCoIumbiaCounty Itadlcals. Ir any of our friends should bo pass. ling near tho establishment of Peter .M. iTr.iugh, Khj., of Hrlarcreek, wo ndvlsu llicuulo make a call upon that hospita ble gentlenian and spend tin hour or two going over his farm. Ho is thu I most successful farmer In our knowledge. lie raised last year loVKI bushels of on- lions, nnd has out this year about threu neres of that same vegetable. It Is a sight to see. Ho raises tho onion from the seed. His farm Is in n splendid state, and will well repay ti passing visit. .Mounts ('. Si.ii.vs- of IliU nlaisi Inn Llllst eouiDleted n barn and oul-liiillillni's liii placu of tho ones recently burned. Ii noy.m'o moueis t neatness, eonvenl-' once mid cheaiiiiesH. oecunvlii"- but lit- III. i space, and preseiIng an attractive levierior,. 'j'lintu wlm coineuiplntuiniilil, jlng staiiles In town would save tlieni-5-elves trouble by examining his plan. 1 1 here Is iimplo convenience for hnr.sos, icows, pigs, enlckens, etc, ! I'.vervbodv knows he cannot ho bent Hill the crm-hitm lino, fin 1iU riiiinfiillmi fxteuiU far beyond our County HiuM; Winn wonruglail to Know that ho has Il'erinilted his Invention to turn for n Itlnie into a nuw channel, Tiii'.followingis tho report of u match Igamu played between the "Airnvi" of Danville, nnd tho "I'lo.vi'.lini." of this place, on tho ground of tho latter, on Thursday last : Acnvi.s. I'IOm.m;. A", , (I. 1 Wnlkr, in. t'i ii IliuknlfW, i,., ' 2 Iviitiimi, h.h...,.. ..I .'.AlililL'llUllll.1li... . Ti 0 Wth iilwuilrr.il ...l 1 llliilu r,'.' Ii . I l I'lulk. r I. . iiin.iiV, p... .. . Itll IKll.lM. ... . I.i. hiiiot.l I, u, :i iui. '. i.. . 1 1'i.uilH'r.Hli i, ir, i ii fv. ..V Jj Mlli'liil.r. I. II' Tnl u "J 1 i7 TU I'l.tui IS. SI. V(.. Irf. f. ai. uii, fUi, wi, tii, wa, w, ,ilf .a "1 a 1 ";i o o - "in kT4 Ii"',-3 17 .V, - U lu 13 5 I -TO , I nilr-(iiH)ii:iilUui.l, I hkIiV luw"'At,,ul,i w'"' !',,'i At the request ol some of ml wo ru-publlsH tho folt6vvniglli " Promissory notes aro I In I stamp duty of flvo cents for cnl iracuonai pari uiereor. j r a tains any special lurrcoiuenl waiving tho stay of execution 1 Innulslilnn, appeal or uxcmiil llahlo to. an additional dilty.ofl Notes, euiitiilnlng coufossionl meutnro liable to an mldltloll ol liny cents." W.i: were pleased to observe! day lu'jmvInK over tho Catuvl road, that'll, Is In excellent ril iter, wiierover nuw rails wcrl they lnivu beeif sUpplled anil nected by menus of U'cWn I'alt n new Invention of .Mr. Well pcrintciulanl of tho road, by which a eontinuousrallisobtiil Webb's skill and energy are to Insiiru the success of any ij his management. lliir ami I'oi.ii. In July sull'ercd, sweltered and sweatl spell of ns sun-stricken haul been known for niiiny years, memeter ranging for several days from lu.l to liii), showing! vaii.illon. Thus fur in this hottest day noted was .Sutidiijl ol July, when It reachod by 1 1 ilegrees. Tho nights have be. ns lo conducu to sound sleep.! who-ucousciencudoes not troij Mu, Wm. llfli.MU, of llenil ship, a largo and successful fail ii gentleman of undoubted ve forms us that he has siicces-i stroyod that bane of farmers, i da Thistle, by the following pii application. Ho takes the stalk and cuts 1 close to the ground, and then on thu petli of the stalk, so thai penetratu tho part in thugrouil one tcuspoonful ofspirits of till lu thu course of a couplu of ul wholu i oot cm bu pulled up il bo found lo be turned black ml The pulling up is of no account! tho satisfaction of tho oxpeilmeil It will show him his enemy thin destroyed. Will not every man take the inr r r In hand '.' A (iiiANi. riAiivi:vriioMi:Ji will belieldby thollloouisbiirg Ml oil church in Snyder's (Jrovil Hlnoinsburg, on Thursday, AugiJ Prominent speakers are invited 1 liver approprlateaddresses; tholll burg Itra-'s Hand has been sccurl tho occaion. It is intended to fj an opiiortunity foru pleasant, sncil prolltnblu entertainment afle" tlul oring of an almndant harvest, and supper will bo handsomely up at thu ground by the ladies, al necessary refreshments will bu J provided. The churches and el generally of Columbia and adj. I eoimtle- aro cordially invited tol and participate in our Harvest Jubilee. The proceeds for tho l of the above limned church. tho weather be unfa voralilo on Till thu meeting will take place the tf day after. Kxerrl'es commence! o'clock. O.v last Saturday quite a largil bei-of peoplo gathered in tho be! giovo nt the foot of the now 'Xob Mountain" for tho purpose! brating "The Harvest Home," siicavos oi grain, ami garlands ol ersdecorated the grounds, and til cuco of sturdy farmers, their wil little oius, and tho rustic lads al cheeked lasses liavp ananlmatodl atice to the scene. The audleinl addressed by Messrs. Ikeler, la nnd Snyder after which danclnl menced and kept up until nearl Alter supper, tho crowd again thu grovo and "tripped tho light I tic toe," by tho light ofpluo kml til midnight ushered In tho The best of order was maintain! tlio whole nirairiellects great erl on tho managers. Wo must no! to add that the Or.ingeville I!ai lireseut during 1I10 afternoon, their charming un-lo added mi! to thu pleasures juf tliu day. Wil favor of "Harviit 1 lonios," gatnermgs lor imnksgiving.unl bu encouraged. , f - "IinvoND 'in: Mississii- Complete lltitoii of the A'cii' .S?l 'J'erri toeles,fi omthe (trail Jlieei Great Occun, byAlbert 1). Itlchl This is a most eltertnlnlng audi bio book, mid Ittpopularlty is by thu salu of ) fr ai.iilio cojilj single month, the Author's II varied exnerlenli in die iittlol and Intel estlng igions of the Vim furnishes tin vithablu niatei lall contents. t Mr, Hlchu;- ha is widely knl one of our mostlfrilllant Joiirnnb writers. Xo oj.r Autiior lias til over so much (lour vast we.-tefl mains, and wo kiow of no one v!l so well dcscrlli4 vhat ho has seen! is always Intending, generally jM lug, and, bettertill, invariably fill. I Thu volume froro iu Is accompanied by mi necurnlehd mlnuto map ,of tho entire, region byond tho Mississippi, mid Hclcguntliirtnteil ami profusely Illustrated wlthover two hundred en. gnivlngs from ijMginal iiliotogniphs and sketches froui tli pencils of Itlerstadt, .Vast, HenuesJ;, Darley, l-'enu, Ste phens, rorbesiijl otheremlneiit artl-ts, Which are nalhUuntiful and worthy of examination us specimens of art. .iiany oi llieni hCl lllio mo nouy ui tlio text, uftoi the popular stylu of r.o.-sIng's PIcloial I'leld llnuk of tho ltevolullon. I It Is n ciedltiotli to'Auierlcau art mid authorship mid Is not only the ino.st vahiuhlo ;irk from Mr. Itichard son's pen, hut b( far the best and most complete hlstuH of thu great West over Issued. Those Idio wl-h for authentic, Information of fu resource-', condition and prospects of or hull' of tho h he Western mid great itlucnt, within a few years to bo soy.j thick with civilized States, rich In ul thu elements of great- ik'ss, should eoij work. Tho wrll alt this most valuable rhasiicharinlngiityle, , and his oxperlences Interest. Wo predict a fund of huiiiu aro of thrilling for this book Mi unprecedented sale. "AH Young Miierivu" expect to go West and si'ok.t)ii'lr ioniums wlien tliu I lUclllc itallroall'ls built, If not before, mid will rtwl.'vVlUi avidity "Iteyoud ! tho.MlssMppI," 1 This work, ,' understiind, Is sold only by subacrlnlloil, anil Isjust puch a . nuo as persons'sii'kliitt t" ""-'t m agents should add to th. IrlUt. It Is published 1 1... ii.. x'..n i.iiniiiisiiliiL't'u.. Ph la- iv lliu .suiiuiini ' ' delplila, Pu. 1 n Hiiuato in Horn IotTctowniililp, two miles Nflrtli of Iluckliorn, containiii(,' sovcnti-tlirco neres) Tho snlo will tako plain jn tliu ITtlifuy of August 1607. ' J. II. Sti:cki:i). t. l'ii ni at last, u renieily tlitt not onlyieliovi's, but curi'i that i-ivuny maiiklnil, Lonsumptluu, as well as tho uiiiii4iius satullltcs which tuvolvo iirouitl It in tho shape of Couglif, Culds, UrimAiltis, Soro Throat, lntlueij.a, etc. Tlio itmi'ily woiilludo to Is Dr. ivistnr's llalsu of Willi Cherry, pruif ri liy Setli . KowliictSon, Hoston. t Do.NlUi afraid to invest 1(1 Ants, It maysitiroyou $l(l,Oiill. Wu huvo ro eelvi'il Imsecouil nuiiilii'i' of "Ttu Pen and Pi'iVll,a new lllu-trnti'il 'i-ukly, hrlm ful nf Illustrations ami entirlaln- Injr md ij; matter, ICvcry putvhaser ofwhlc i will soi-uroa ticket frfc, en tilling h n to participate In tliu.distri. buthiii ii $oO,(i(W in aieeuliiicks, Kohl by till X ivsilealers, Prleo 10 fcnls with Ticket, (V mull li! cents.) T. It. U.iwloy & Co., Pilllsliprs, 21 ,1- l Ann M. Now York. Tii:reiivul of Oeiiernl fcSheliliin Is Jutat preVit tho most excltliiir topic, of thoilnyl Uo lias been turnltij; Oov ernors ami Vnyors anil Alilerimn imil (ivory body -u out of ollko, ljut If he lived lu thlsVwu there Is oiio.iuun ho would nut rolovo, and that (ino Is our popuhir KruAst. N. Ttloet, Yqt If, ho did IttfvVSill cut olr tio')Us( upply' of Drii;s, Chellcals, otci, M Lo round lu tills bcctlonl fall on hfiit mid see If you don't bilovo (Icneri 'Sheridan would bo nboiirlghl, W6 think so. mty NOTICES. vl'JIA TOIl'.S A'OT,IC!K.t- IP lllt.VtAMIW HI'.. ..... .1... J rllhlnillun m Ihr itfitntP nf ll.' l.7il i '1' ?'' I'lWIKlilli, (VitiiiiifMn T HlWfMAN, AuiiiitiiMriiton STHATOll'S 'I-1 1-JllltMKTIMKII. l.m'fHMl.IllVn. I l"Kf ' XiSSSS' i "Al,m"' um"! lll.Mil, Ir .IV. il V"" iiiuiHis ,,i.,. , ii,.::'.'. .T.'.r.v r;i!!,!!i'Xl,i"!''!'?2'!!::!: (iupli ( l iniilii. imynipiit. i7-(lt. IN HIHV, flSTUATOH'S NOT I miHirni ui. ii,..:. .i..?.'. .:,;...":r.'.!'V tili ..r ., .H i . . .. .::."' ."',," ft .1 ;i;:v , . I Ii'!'!',"1"1 1"" luivliiu rlalinii " joiin n. ii CTmiioii , , . 1HAIA1I lllKTKltll ll. l...lllly ls,i7, AilniliiMn ,r. IiISTltATOlt'H XOTlCi; ITK (if IIANIE1. Nl'SS, IIK K.Wtll iKliiilhUlrnllnn t., Ihonlalpnr Imn. nf .Miiliioliiwi ..roluinlii,,,,,, . l"..trTV:.V.,.,;,,Ll?..i"'f1''"' -":?ito "r I r?Til! i'Vut, ""i'"y "ml kU i I rc'tucNlcU t, tunic, i.iit nii-iii: ATHAN MII.I.Wl, AillnlliliilriMiir, FINANCES. TW1. ItOt'XTV KIIN1). IllTOll-H MT.VT1-JII-.N-I-. riiAim, I'nllcciornf llimniyTnt liilpllcaK. ..... i.'Jl, "liii inn, riciwiuiT fll.1711 numif, l uiidior f llnuiity ll'llillaitu S7,ir; Iltlll lllll.Tr-.c...... Il I'l.ll Till Si.cn l.tmi fs.il llll.lll1ll I, Irri-iiMiii.t, II I. V. L'',',1 S,nU"m llniikiil 'III llililo 3lii,iM ('It. ll M.iiiili,;,,,, iii,i,iiM,,. I. iiiiiccih at sum h t Hi. iiiliim....,u ... "llll Imjini ILsManoo hi I'l.iKm :u; ii rlnjai liinrnf Tri-nsiiu r fia I) II. "'Ill lllis(Tlili, nit. it.tV, i, I"liml,vr ,i (,.. i a, i ... ,.. 1,17 Ii.lni IIIII,Tri.a,iiriT f-'lll I) It. -Vi.jIiui.I, cl(..t,,r . II. Mi'ltrrlFh, (Vilhvtor. . Alloiiiin im hi, IaI I.II7H ii n.ili. nt rim Natl,,,,,,! .IK.vilhM ,, wlM "'"" 3I7.7S ill lloTiiHiivhli. nit. nil of Hiiilltlpl CVc-lcllun Munairi-l Alknnm i .iitiiiim Jcr. llnKiiiliiirh Sl-W (10 Oil. il.lll 01 II Ul Ii . turn, nolo ni'iianviiL P'U C'ri'Vcllric?. r.i,.,,. ir i.. nil;. i,rliitln .7 7i II III ,1H',rso"',,'''l"'.'''-l'1 ?! St Ul r,-j.to m iavi ui m ui iornf Tronsnror Ik inn ii im bond I inch" and int., :eui ui mo on rm no 1 ll.ixi us U.v exanune," ho' rL" , Ll !?1 I II" in to ho correct. " i..vrAyhTTi:ciiK'AHV, Auditors. LOTHING. 3K OK CI.OTHIXO. I pil WINTF.rt (1001)3. k-ii) U)Wi:niii:iui to hi, Htock of pNIlIONAlll,i; UI.OTIIINO. ll.,...,i r .. .no .viiierirau iiou,n lUiKimiihurg, la.. il jeeelied from Nu- vrt i . . , ,,-,.iiiiieni or tin nov.s' cnoTHiNo, lo( fiishloniibU-, ilurnblo, and )iii:ss (ioon.ii. I (OCK, fl Uf , A N n 01 U CI.OTI C lAT.S.VNDJ'ANTsl, TKUHIl.VWIA OUHi:i), AND 1-I.AIN VlWltt Hl.VV.VTS, STOL'KH. COf.LA lis wn, ULOVHS, WIW, AND r'ANCV ,VUTll:l.I um- on hand a lamo nmi u..n .. -W y anij vns'n'.N'ns, -froi lo mako loonier Into any . ...j 1.1100. noucw, aud In (he nis (lollilng In luadA to wear 14 humn tnn,,,r,.,.,..n ' OOLaBCHl-a ANII JEWKUty. bPevorv d(wrinTi.ti tin.. i .. Jewelry Is not unnVii.i i n.i. ' . V. .u".' cianilno 1,1, Kentti,,,i,(irn, lR" ""U CWTHINU.VATCJIIX.JKWIXKY.AP. ii.vvii) i.owi:.viumo. wt'Loraixd axu aicxTi.i:. MI-.VH rilt.N'ISHINO HTOllK ,1 -'i-i.-siuiiewiiothlng nnd (lentlemcu's Fk'mUhlng H.ofe . ,,., room of iho HnrtmnnUiIl.liir. .oudiwen't ,rner I 1 " Kf or .Main and Market ,leti, Ill.xinisburg, 1-u. Haying Jn.t rclnrn.rou', rhiudolphia will, Largo Stock of t uiil rAi,i..vNuwx,:u,.w,ril,N.(1 Kill urf ' '-c-lM.'M ' UlllWlIII.NO (lOODH, A,. lt0. iw palter, hlin.elf nmlu , p Jn KtMk (simprlkc, A . .MIIN'H, HOW, ANIJ lYiUTIH' nuijius 1 l)ilI-kS COATS, I Cr1TIIIN0, HACK CXa-, CVNTH, UNtlKIlMIIIUTrl. NKCK-TIIX. OVMtUI.VTH, Viuivrs-, coi.viis Hiwi,i:.Niji;n.s, IIOSIKH H.vNyKiniiiiiiii'H, :i and 111 fact over) llilin'ft t 1,., 7 " ' ac nUhlnu Una at very I.w fi J3to,l"" r 1 "r III lllldltloll lit tllH nlist.2 . 1 M ll II 1 't i t . w ll ttliclai BOrtllH'Ilt uf t MIOUTWT ViOTfc'.. AT THU Call and bcfol, purchaJ isECimi: au, where, and IIAiku rn, .i ii, I'll-VVVlL ocld-ly 13LOOISBUll(4 - G0L VUBlAi iQOUm W A. MISCELLANEOUS, JUllNITUHKl KUIIXITUUKM NUW Kltll.viTlllii! u-iiiL,..,,...,. 1 wiior.Kn.it.k I.V KKT.MI.. IIOIIM IITf.ll MII.I.t.H-S MTOKr, IIUmMRIIIJIKI, 1-A., Wmtumiiny Im f,n th fl nrnrl nf '' V U X 1 V it ii k i 1.' , incriilliri-il in ii, , T ." ol nil klil,.IW).l,U,, ti(tioa. ,,,,.1 ,! CIIAIHS OK AIjIj HTYI.KS, " ', mnorniniHUIliM ic.n.tn A.lm r. OK. nrcakf,, r,.l.l.., ItltiltiK Tnl.l..,, KIK Iu.,, 'y una urnirp Tnl)lr, S I I) K II O A It I) S . ,"l"'''i Z.,"i-,1 r1"1 "'ti'"l-wn1nul : - s- iiirei- nHnrliiii iit (in liitml wi ll lim.ti.iti, iili cly HllNlipl, DHKSSIXd CASKS, . Ifnll s.l,ui,trf, IfnttKMnmtllrmke!., Pv,.ry X!,r lyainllliil.li. nr ill-. s P It I X CI It K 1) ,S . Tim I.f,l iw tr..u.,l In , ,uhp Vml In rait nvrv iiiin i.. i... i. i , Wan- Ho,,,,, , . i i, , ,..,.." .. .". " ' "" vi-rv 1 i ,.,i.. ,".."...'.. - , ii,.,,--,iaiiiii(.,i i)M, ".-vi-1 ANlMlNi; 1-IIICKHVHlKM, Aiulnnrriiiil onr b'-Ii iih K-pn-wuU-j. I, 11 II VTI'S" Illaoml,iiiK, .May 31, Im,7. q o"ni'"i: bT7i OjX TTTi y , IMtlTIT, "XtTTS.tO.. AC lACOIIV it WIIlMYKllj ,. . r .MANl'KAnUHEIIS, O ''''olwuilo Ulul lli tal) lvnli ib III 7,.i.v ,t.vj I'.t.xcr a.vri:cTto.f:it); . ,i:ii -i itti hi isi .vi AND HULKKS IS I'OHKKIX RHU1TH AXU NUTS. Kxchallac llitn k, lllimiinluirg, IViA. 01!.V.V0F.S, I.KMONH, ItAl.SI.VS, 1-ItUKNH, 71 Tin, i: ij mi HOOK 0 A X U Y , Sl:illl.l.-S llAslNV, 'IVU!1I-ISINS, ( l llll.l.s cnuo.v, fins, iioi,i,ic.; UHKAO A XI) OAK KM, "full kinds. K.N'DS .l.VCOIIV, I'ltim.i:. wiumyi:ii. IllnotiiHlaii, Ai.rll 1 N,7 1 1 12 in IH 1,7 im llloiiii,lair;, I'.i. II o-i M. C-. SI.OAN.V IIIKlTllim tin mirccsorA ol WII.MA.M Sf.OA.N- SON 67 i,7 ( iililllino Ihu IhiIiii f maklM" c.viiiiiAai:s nuuaiLM. nn.l -v-iy slylo or Ul which (hey have riilivtniitlv nn t,T,t toinor-i. Xnor imh,.. am-,l',.,i : " im.l rmplw-lnu ll,P,,t pcrlei.rc,l workmen thfy liopo lu cum nnutu iif.r. i..c..-i ' I II .,... ....i.Honnuieprico nskcil for the knnu., I, tnra o Intiin. a m.I rMxiniis r.ivi,-" .f . Thuiruderl,.,o,i,,oi -'-"ruiiiiy nnnouue. in. nur.cn or lilwinuhnrii and tho uiiLlle ... rally Hint lie 1, mnillni! an OMMIIUsi LINR tMceii Ihla placnnd the uluVront lallrnaJ .1.. Il.lRily (Snndaji crcopici). t..0nV i.-,:,-v --. r.iiMnuiM, Boms south and Wet ou tho Olio wksn and WlllJanuport llallronJ, and will, thoU Bolna North and south on Iho Lackawanna nnd IllooniKhurK rtnllMad, ins omi4ii,m.,oS 10 k.k,I condition, comrao. lions nnd comfortahlc. nnd charge, rciwonnblo. lVrilon, wlahlnir In mOftlll- C(inl1s,.k . ... . . l"irl.canl.onccomo.l,,t1, (son reasonable. i ii 1 1 ttifiiuHue by lc lug timely notiee t ,,,- ot tll0 holeK Ji'OBi,-ON:J;ioprlelor. X 8 U,n A NO E A tTjTNSVr Wjojilng..'.,, Ktnii M t'fiinni'erco Kultuii. Haltk- rutnuiu , SI-iTclmntrt .... S1.Vi.iiuu l,u,uu mo,co 300,0U1 :vi,i. S,UJ0 oTO.OUU -SOO.OU) C!U,U0U iii,ujii,i) Hprlngdc-ld (crmanln IiiMiranco CninniuiT nf siiii"iC!,," Connecticut Jlulual Lift, ,. .'"', North American Tianslt KIII.-AS lmowv J.....I . oou.lion inars7-ly. ' iiu,ow8uv,IO'. Pa.- I pit I VATK SAXK I III.' Mf.ltli.'.,.f. . ? lhIiS';.!'ui;'s,1,,'J,woul11 ""uounco tutho publle TIMUKK I. A VII iilcinan, Samuel t-nloiiint n , . i ... . i ' A l.-f J 1 .'.v.x v.'.rl.,.,.'::l.A- -'"- i iiu-; v.'ir.w,;i r; : !ukitNmii-tnut. Twiii .... ,.,,-, jenow pine, ria-k I wo hun.Ired acre, arc nearl? ! unie Kiun, UUl KMHl Mf-tirllvl.1 ..Vi lit Coluniljitifniinij, la. J( O T I V K . "rnti: or tub Hluu.uuh(i I.iri.ima l haiol.,... ,., ,.?,' 'ui-imil,' was made -!-'. r. iv i: m., HecVe,!,Vy l:llT rr"""""' I: l II, ltl'l-l'.'UT, -ro,liient. July . Iu7, QUH YOUXU KOI.KS. irfn-J'-y-r!?:""11 congraiuiai r..:.'.' ...... oci t.ii,ees, or f-Onr Y.aimf 1.', , 1H" ."" "!. I"'' llrnt number i wiib ',".''" i"e waich. wcu knowing iho iV; ," ; :,, '"!".j""'.sv,"h. AVTJ& PWJS yonth might I 'i, ', r. ' .! '.,.'.,,'il'.,',',:' "I 'ISZ.?" " llliniillv me r....... , ....... ...r...I "..-r .loan.. Ilu.wla.le eon n i,,,l -i, ''."'; ..'r,,.n!.,!'11':,'.l'l wbicifi'i Tti&Z "Y "''f B,'''l:"" ' "ra.J' .-.(..ii, niaiowuperlntcnd(nt fSehwiU, jH,, I ' . inducement. oBeii,l to tearhei ,T2 Z: .fffi ' !'" "'TuKnt , in..n. kini, win, v, m; -;k':,.i .:..",r.,. per hller liii .,tv,,,l AI........L J . '""v. cent.. TIl-KNoi i ,Z' V. S "n . ........ ,f , uifiinut-fn. IE -WKKKIA' PATRinT ivn UNION. 'I'll K I 'l-w-r., i . 1.....ZZ.. . . :iims, ii n ii..y, nuo j ear, cukli..,,. i " hlx tiioulb, " 1 .' t- Krl iVui .ioiii.i. jr,.'','' ' 11 '."o'nii Aw.wiull.in. It ' l-l"ivtJi-.iii'jlI,V A vii i.'iii i. tl ntltiA '1u. '"' """ 5 ''"'' """ "'Ki'licr iip'oi i.',.7 Twenly iiiiilcs, iiuu eaV;''an'd'oVi'i.''i'u''u'.'u ' 4111. -1.,1 CAT OT .( ITVTriV.. will bo tiirnMi.,1 In mall mUcnber, for'lT.m per woi:i.:ii'b& 'I'liiv AJllilllUAN HAY KXIKK nl Ii w III lake a, mu h hay lni u,e mow a" I w n (.l horkc. can draw-. V' ul.n Wlw It mituVa Jmv. (JI..1 lliiiik ll . annul I,, bout aiahay i, lie sr.! Kl,',',;rwl,!,!,Ve,.,.r.:,r,'.:'.,n, " m W.".',."1,!.l,',s.!;'"1" lloVli'-l'kU'"""'' John Hi-rtiiH K, Himel Nu! hi. llw sin limn M'loi. .1. i II ' PVlVKrinK I'l'llKKI. I,,, ..... ... , ,.r n. JOII.-, IIULr. Tlle ali.,i inMiufuctura the celebrated Hi a DRYrQ0ODSa mt-wir aiiiuvai, in- si-lll.VO A-S'll HtJlil;iKIO(iW. TI,c..,wtl.r1iM),lrft.,tlml lr, u. with nnullif r larKo nn.l folit ,., f HI'lll.NTI AMI Ht-MMilll OIHIIis. r"n'l'- K,m. Ii.VIUlX' llllHss floillis; rlmln, " rn , ism.l.llnj (if , MU, lug nt (, P, , CnrM-lf( , Oil (loth,, niih, ''Hlllll'l.., HluiwN, 1 "Irvu m-t., SMIk, , White 0,kkI, t.ltll UN, TiiW, Trim. ItmpMlclrla, Muslin,, flutliiw,uri 'i'.lariari. llahluaui QilctisMar,., in.ts mill Shoe,. IIhIn iiiuI ('up,, ll'iNi-t,, I'luliri'lla,, I'Miktntt-llhi, , Ti.liacco, ('Ull'., SiiKf, r, . Tiiwi, f , Itlir, A1Nplc., (llimiT, (-'llitlaluoh: Nulla a.n-ii Nono.N'H (ii:.v n.vr.t.v. Ill (.hurt. i,.i-.ti.i..- , ... "simiiy Ki-ia in cnunt,.,. M.r,.,t hlth i Invito the itoti r ,,. lnil.II.- Morally. The hlBl,o,l ,rl. win ,,,,, Mr cniiiilry ,r(,lucu In cich.uni. fr , , X. 11. MII.I.KII. Aj-onili. Iliill,1im, IlliKiinshur-, I-a, QHICAT I1KDUCTIOX IX MUCKS rs, AT I'KTUIt 11NT-H HT01U- IN I.KIHT STltKKT, n p , SPIUXd AND' SOIMKH GOODS. Till: Milisciilicr ha. Just im lu-a ,,,! ,,, ASSOimiKXT OK .MKHCIIAXIUSK Mlll.li hcl. term, a, i-a,, ""1,r"''"'.'l'l'Uhl.loliii,ithtKirl.t. lillit Kini-i. nut r.usir im rursritv 1-nonccr:. HIS ,tll,-k COIIsKt, (if I.ADIKS' DIIKSS OOOD.S, cii , ,, 'nl'-nfa.l, , I iiIIi'ikm, Mtilh),, ' (llnithnina, Khiniicl,, Hnli-ry, l-niga t,, "III", hhal,. IiKADY 3IADI SUInolu, Cjssliuor,, CI.OTIIIXO, C.lliiim.l.si, Ki murky .Icaim. AH, . AO., Af. tnujcKims, arACKKUAii, Y ..v,n, aro, rwinrmirc, Ilimlwur, , Meillolnt'w .-...-, vai,, i-Hini,, Ac, HOOTS .(. aimm i..,. .. "Am (V UAl'S. to in Niiurf, .1';.","ri.,',:'rV,"l" """"'J' k"l' I" " country 'J, """Be or in, ..id iriend, ,,, mil llO Bc lerally, I, r.protrul1-1.il.iit. The hluhcl ,nai kel pr,. p,,,,, ,r ,.,)U11,r). I-'k''U Mir. et, May .I, IM. l'CTKK K'NT' Q.HKAT UEDUCTIOX IX PII('J AT 11. K. rT.OA.NK STOIIK, in oii.v.vdiivii.i,!:, iAi) .1 1- SP1UX0 ANI SUMMKH CJOODS. at liUntornln Oranioyi , T",.Z ... .....t..,-1 ,ujuLreceu wi UIU hason haml ASSOUTJIKXT OK jn:ikIIAxi)lSK " mo iiiwcki iicnre, and which hoi, determined to ell , ,n,,leral,.ter ., a, ,, b- 1.1 ooinoil el,e here In OraneeN 111.. K'll CAHH OH )UNTItV IMWIIIHT. lllsktockcoiislstnof IiADlKS' DllKSiS OOOIIS, ,, '' "--T rvi.l.s ASULAIHST. ASlUov,, li.Ilc..,.Mn,lln,,llinKliai,H,n,1,,11e., Ho.h.ry (llll-irrs.Mi.vwi.s, ' ' HKAUY .MAlli: CI.OTIIIXO. Sallnel,, ('iwlmer,, ' riillonadeh, Kentucky Jean,, , (iltOCKltlKS JIACKKHAli, Quecnraio. Cclarwaro, Hardware, Medicine, WU.-HS, OIIJ1, l-AlNf,, ,. ' HOOTS A SHOMS. HATS! .t. ,.o .1 In short uvrn-lliliiir iimi,.1u- l- ' ,.r nu ," . .. . I-. ... u country TI..1I . . l-.n..lj KUIICKCll, TllO lllulll-kl Imirlr... ...I , , .i "' iniunir couiitrypro. Omilltolllo,.MaySI,lVi7, K- w'-"-VN J J. U It O W K It, Is now oirerlng to tho public hi, st,K k of . .v v n i a g (i o o n n SonsMlng i of a full Hue of IXC1UAIX, WOOI, A XI) H.WI l A II I- II TH, I'lnoclolhsand casslinero for Ladles-co.,,,, HANDMIMi: IlKIXs (loons. of ii!l palteln,ali,l,,,il ,, Inlaid, aud l'Hul, olMlrlousquallllcH and prlee,, iii.i:.vi'iii:ii and iinow.N- .mi-'.si.'in.s I.A.JMK'S KHKXOH COHMKTS, AMJl' IlAI.MOHAIi SKIItTS. (loud (1-i.oiliuciil ol i'.adii:.v ,( viur.imi:.-N (tA ,r;Mii. J!tlorx . ..s.iuroocrlcniid hplc. New .UKorimu-.l of UI.A.-S AMI ll'Ki:.VS-WAIll- KX-XO. 1 MACKKKKI, Inonchull and i.ne-f.,uilh barieN. Nowl. ll.ellmotu ,ko ,nr ..,,, , , at vty i,,w pih-,.,, a,,,! our mo tol, talr dealing mi, and not to I,-under- -i. J. linowmt. lllooiiMbtinc, April li, IMJ7. ""K'v fi,v,:N kiiiu. 0 ."""""" I-iil.tU- KOi. ri.lly. Unit all DRY 000-D.S, " nnocKi'm; " ' QUKKNSWAIIK, NOTIOX.S,.tC aro.o.ulantiyon hand and for kale AT ll.VllTON'rt Of.I) HT-VNII, IlLOOMUCHU..llv S'vl., S(.e AlKllLlor t , ..v. , .". .','.' JAMi:HK,,EVi:it. , .. , IN .'!'." '-irwAui'-Cru. .i.iii ,', , . .. ! ir- 117ST lilllll remm i uVS;;i)k'S- ifflnttfi i'".1'.'' """'I lall IIHlns. Company. iiV 1 ",r '"'"ln.ii.l I . . . . . .'iiiini.-i .! u ,-r""J " .i5cnii M.1I Klni:tiin 3r.,ci M.1I. I1L-,I., Ir Z .. .n, - .. - . I-h1la.lolil,ia,i j.VV Ili'ii '. i'!",'!, liroun n. Am in N.c.n it., iiaiiimoi;: g.-..crn'r,ie,.!',VWfe 1.iII..i,ImI.,i,i flrilfnlTlcLrt'.ln' 1 1 i- mill. I'hlhideb.nlii. l II I.S.J',11, "llil'ai lll'S MAliK ,v K13MAJ.K. ,V I- A I) i: ! y. ".c'li'ei, iiuMio"; -a '"i''!!;.7. ii miscellA'neous1. TI1,: WA?MMi$nAmunx CO., PJIILADKLPJIIA, HUll.SCIllITlo.N (INK I)r.I,A1l. t.ion,non rtin-sr.N-TH jo 'Ht-iiscinnjuK, ,.,,., (ivi. ( Asi).;tiMh. r oi Sliyjui, I "SI. C.lsll I IIKK.ntiii fai,i. I m: v ,u j iosvtii,. (ijiii, n.vi: ('.iu'."iu"i.vr'(iK 4Vi. TWO CASH MltHI.VTS .11' F. Hmllt(.ftlll(.iofKI,-k I, lie,,.,,, (.nnl,,! iinAt-rti-i-r, sti:i:i,..,vti: i:mii,viv wpith limronl m.i.iII 1 1 .v y - . , ' "i ' iTllllcati.. mm nUi. limit., ,, ,inj,,,.r ).n.1l Miii 'Iron! Ii.tilbii, Tin: wash i X( CroN i, i mt a u y lcl.,,.rp, I.) Ih.. Male of IVi,i,hlil. riiaiilnl In ul.l of (, I! I VIMtHl'ni: I NSTITI' ri; Mill SULIIItlls'iASnisAILlnW ,.,! "riiatc,l,yll.K(1,l.r ,v,.., A,,riii,, TIIK UlVIUtsIhl; INMI1l,Tl.-, Hltuat, .UTni'V .. .. i.-if, iiiiriiii-rTr.il t,,..t,l. I. It'll III llll. I 1llli.il U,..,. j 'l la- Hoard ul Tiun. J,r":.y, " "' ''''"" ''"' iinVl .NV"? . ra'."' "' M""h- ,,UI ' -Ml-riiiy, I'hlla,!. Inn. l.i ul, II, ,,nall, lA.l'hh r ('..li,,.,. l- u ' ;,"i': "TV1?"! '.-r". V''ii"-icii'i.i'.. l' ' !!.".. w.vn-'v;."Nj,;:crsM- :nn,' Kxprcus, J. C. l oo, Li4 c.f .li.y, ('or. ,l ,-., j, hllailolphln. Al.iS I, I - ' ' '"r":ST' " AMIIMMhn, I,,, - , :,-',- inii-riiiii lleniiuc!-lla. ln r.H-i,H,,lv,i.(!,Hory ovl.loncc thiU the pro. ti-ismi,riioiniciurii.o imi,in,.tr.,i i... .i... i. l',i!,lrbnMlbr"ry L'Vm'""y- ' 'HI -Wv-.tlHl I,' ..n r. l- .iiii-siiilll, liiTil,- iirnnti'il ir,.:., Vi ' vnmm" ,,' ''lUcrprlcctcinpt from all chimr... uin-ii,,.. t,... ' ' ll,..r.l... ",-..... in, nr i:. A, I10I.MNS, I'omiiilssloncr. Tin: w.vHiiiNOTON i.imunv fo.Mi-.vvv I'JHK Sri.l 1,-IT.ATIi K.V(lll.V N(,,, low ttniMri,..r.,.':"",i',1 i- il,".V.n'.1"'r."" 'ending u. One Hollar or uny Ilia lliofolloM Hrlhf.'n'i .v. "'"'.' "'.f l"' I""!' " trnni untie Mil lug iii.o i,l.. m "'oc.K, in- ' - I-....IMK11 NeneilUK., sauMi rSAA i's ,eW"y " ""'VTe "it! orlho finrly H,,,,'l( ilaV?,V,"',',',"l:.''-','- nt ivi ;.; i w,: Vmiw';,:' ,"Hik '-"...!; on. Tmi ,(,,, ;.',.. 7lirc llnlhir Ibijrttrtiuji, ..Any poruon paying llir, ,lii. .. int. iu.,,tir..i ui....a ... .. . "... i. ,T i I l.uc lloltiir i nyrut iiiy. il.,: i V; r.Vl .... .V " !S do Inr, shall reecho iii : n.vi i- ."",'iui Med plato ul -Tho peril, "n InVSu'iV.'iV,' THKWASIIIXdTOXiailllAKYCO. WILL AWA1II1 TIIIlKK.IIl-NI)IlKI) THOL-MA.NII IKU.I.AIIH IN I'KIMKNTS To Till sii On Uutneulay, UmOa- -J.Wls,i7, A-i-.., . ' ... , .ii,.i.i.i.i-iiiA, I-A., on at Tin: IJ.STITUTK, mvmsitiK.xij, ihvttulr of JVu(ti; I rim i jii-iifit. l.fl..'l;!!;;t.''"''. ' V"! ouiitryrclitcnee, IU er,de"N" Kround. 1 1 nil .t ,. ' rs'uc, . 'i 1.5,0111 I IliiecMory coltag,., Uit,&'r. -, Valiiablo building iotv. nf I 'l.liu-o-ki,,ry is'itta'ro.'iV.rV::"'' vl-,m iv::v:;:'".x:; " ' ni1 'lT,,''U' '';'''''liy '"li'r'L'uJe iov,.iubh.',,,ilh'1,,'t'l--;7;;v;.1-;ii. l'im wmmm off.ciTur.iuguVu.iV rm kbul a llrkl-ihik, clablMimelil ... " 10,(1111 -. n. -r ' i" ii..- i'-j.i l IvV.Tii.. ' "'' miiclilnet. Mm ,. ei, ' i m I V.Vi''TPXi'irf.A1""',''"'''-- A" .wt li. ' ... i Tu I "' Bl!iJx'a,m,!'","-,: ' te: W"" II lllllliHoin,, r.i ::.C;.'t. WW) hi ('.y-liiucro Khauls Mie.;ch..' if!' f. I'. "IJ'i.l'ultcrn'K. !7o each'.r.r.'J" i si; Tlio remainder in uivist7i,rsi7Sr.'; - KHiioiiii- jois. ,i7 e..., I, " . : J;;, L'.'.'l'-.n.ml iiiiivicnt miiiie, ., ......,,,K io. ft-lUM Ti I aii the i,','i'Vi'r,"j'::i'.'".-.'."".' : tua,.". eiearoi inoumlirancci.. now to,(iit.v:n sii.vi-.es axb kmjua, VINOS. f-i I'-lordciK to i,, by mall. ondoMng f,0, s, , ...... 1... ... ... -.,,uni i,o "v .tiuiiurc.iiirvsi.J ... '. '.'killing'',, ., . ., . co.vi -1. fch.irc, Ith Kngiiivlng', .V.'A - -,.. ....aiavingrlj 7'n.haus with DiiL-r.-ivh,,-. luikhani. willi i:ngmlng,,.. Im.l Vnrvi-s! u-iv-i-i-i... 'l-. ul " -M'-lMliruiigliuiil iu Cu. I bSllfffillllinV'te, rillLADtLl'lllA, l'A ilayai, 1,1,7. fbllllolilolll-On recoil,, r , ce,,',!r';fV,v"f, Iv." W m""' u 1 " K b. n ? T"r """"lv. ""'X I'"' liberty in our ,. , rprlko, ,., ,h ,.,,.,. ,u, uulll0'riJ! .... r.,a,e, ami Having recelv.,1 1,1, fmorable l oii ln ri j.s.i.Hii ns uniur. and .ymratlili. l.(!Uhlh.,bcli.v..lei. ,,,j.i of your Ak W HZ'J. l' "ftrty-nuuut mulnlna,,,.r u,o "M.orn:0',M'-,-'rt- Het-iioctfully, yinr, &Vl. - n im nruemto OEO. A. I'LOkT. .t- , ,, i.... .tlKoull, Third hired, l'hlbulehil.l,. "p li.,cher. forth.. Wa.hinatni, Mb,;,,,- a,. JulyjJ N,7-in. I.IIIM at u.f..aos IOIlF01llAJ,.,l,MKr.ra I, ",,' '"WW U Ah SU'lllhs TO ACdl'lllK Till! HIT OK kM.v, i.an:.o,uirr:itiT Mr.7iasu',l.T.1.".: nr 1 "m- mill ltlrr..lpiUW.,rNt;i! f- u'''"''o Sllll ,Twe. ' :' .! ''AS'!:' l'.b.uy Uuutifni 'lil.1. SccureVi unn.o o'J 5 ..": ':'J"V -iuj)nit i U 1..'.,.. bail: the ;;,, lint .", ," " , . ';.."l,''",;l",,l"" i"i Mtmoutl lnclllly.n!l,,,'llV, , i RE. " iS11,1"'1111 rcour.i. hv lihieli J .mi oil i,Jh' "'''''u.aiul m.Mt l.eiin,.... "Ili-IM PMwIue.. tii.i. K,vr.v.!i!;frr''''U.w.,td4 ;iuVh, IrfnrVaii: itoioiivj vtiici., VHV0-, IN TWO -rll II,,..,. AhamiileyM.,,!!,.,,. , "V ipoL Ol .Wliobklllo I'iCr v-.j.iyip ...rMM-'rw PUBLICATIONS, -4-. fJMI WOJHiU.- a 1-i'lJ St',, T,Vf, Yl"'"T '"' l do 111 ,, ull i.iv 'i.hS, '.vr;, i v.:, Wxuy. iA- IINIIIIAVINU. ill , ,, ';"':!! " '"'"'"BO 11,'rlr l.uVlllaV; ' . ' ' I . - '. ;'.'.". 1,1 in I'lii'mwi frei, inn i,..i.w... co, , - ii .S,,'.!?.l ltlirpr.vln,.;,;l. im: wkhki.v woiit.n, i Kvf'.''.i''-'iiimHH1, - a ":" ii- Mitt' till,'. III. (r-,r...ui. " J " " l''"ilMlft I ..I- I , llu ,... ' Molnllipii t iX !tl' ,l"'' !: !lM-nnl..n of nil Mini I holm " ShlliV.n'.',',,,,r,''r,.,.,,J nr" '""' M i l oiuir. ra Ik' ! , iV V,. I'lr,""' Ui-inucml hn tlio canso, Vv , ',;!' 1 " '"''ill;'"'". ui. fl rial, in, I .. . ' "5 111' 1i-ln.K-rtil1i- lo - u ol,,., "X TOiSW K.' V'y 'w!!' 'J If): nui.v .. ' S!r',?v!.rVI!''li.V: .1V'JI "i "I. mid coni.iiol,. - 1 ..-, iii oory oiiv. Tin: wi'i-u-i.v .,,, ,. n.tnn.. ,,w,.l,l,. ..ouriniihw, m, yml. .'.'" 'iipli s, on,, roar., .lrT.'',,;.','','l''' '" "" nd'-iro'.';'. I'., . tiiio pnr 7lii 7 Ul .. 1.1 IN) .? ui 19i ui "i'"-, oucjinr, , , si:iii-wi:i:ki.v ,.,"''".' ' Jno ropy, nun year. .... ' ' l..urcoi,lo,,nn.,,r,:.";': 1 1 u ci.pl. nno year, ..'.'..'.'.'.'.'."1 IIAII.V" u-.iin SI ui .....In in . 3) III One copy, on,, j car c'.rn I'liizis. . .mo Weekly, uncyi nr Tol- luh, i.r i,i " r.i IM) Ulliurrmvu Ilallr'-V. '-mm.,. lii'iiliovoilubrales. "iiy lime in vn.iiioKin .' .,i",i '!,.",,l",l"OUIy Oil re,.... , r: :"'11iikih!ii il Inn, preMoi ty-fl nt, I,, : t"i.iruiiui(i or t hi (.lull.. ;... .:. " "i" luuit , Term,, r-fiiii in 'i",' ''!W "Mr. I'lM! utby der,i,n,l li-lie,, snM A'.KV.'' n" or 1. 1. 1 .17, j .r,rAi.Ki1,,V'V'.,''i!'.''. I SOT. c 'i Vutir Cl'iiba. "nun.' .i. . ll"'o. moiiATiox ,i s i, (-ossTri ,4nci .V"!'-'''' ",x Inii.yAiiKci.ntiiliiafi.eiT",.'''' '-"'nnrv. Tin or tho world, Sth r, ,r, V''. ', ! " ' lurl! iicnt, I'oiliie,, i .uh no, ... 'VV'" ura. jccil. Im x, Maiit.v; ii . 'ncrnl K11I1. j . itdigiou, 'iitAi Ki"!"' 1'; ' M,,'- on,nmo;i: A tv.'i SK' lclegrnm,. llh. ,,iTl .i .. .'f,'-. 0 0-. Hcldci, IJIL iuT-Si. 'fl!' i'cs'Agricui saw. Hum of lb, , 51,rin.y ," ," .miimiMB mi. . r win ": "WUl bo In all re. adapted lo lho.inii 'II I .i", PartkuJarly cbaiitMlio Jleel ,., i . . ".- ,.lu.1 Ti'". cr, tho Moi. general riiulei, IiihIhic 1 ,V.'.,,'II.,,,, "nd the "' Kiiair. . .i .....r.l (UirteilBtle r ciisHyinici(Hng(r In- conr... r i -elJ r l'al'. "'I"- or four 'of III.! b'eil IP In. latest inlyel In -thf. l'Mt nnd a;ek.-! oillce of .'toUverV. ,uuruT, in bu prepaid nt the co liciTon e, 't-"'y'.t-t.m.,u, lVl,ly,,)p;,i1-,,f,l,.,.n .'.''"l"'"- "!.' -cut to "ins u i1" , 'Wy" sWSMiS'U'i.liV' -. .Ml CO in-, , oil,- Vl-nr' Sl.lji. 7 ll )Uir, no year, J.S,i. ;"' ,f V' !.lw.ty.r.ipl.. "T tacli club oi l. ,.J i...."-. iuiiiismsi gralbi one j ear. 1'om j nC, . 1 """' "'Idres,, I'"Tl'ttib...,iueo.ifVe i".''..l"r 'l-"Ur, ui con, 'u Wbf'VM s,k. " '-..I 'I- IVf-TJIlVi. cM,,u(;ri!11yi1!!;,,i. pIK XEV MAOAZINi:. Tin: i:ivi:iJsnii: M.vii.vzi.vi:, t'oi. -.ol-nh i-nui-Li:, Ml-H. I1UIU) i 1IPL-UI1TO.V, lUibUsher.. No, l"Hlroometreel. N.,v v.,.i. Take i.leukiiro In nnnoiiiiclnir il,.. i,! "kueor ih..iniiln N.TmbeV. f TiiKiiiviJwiiuMAtw::n: tUII tOI'Nll ' '!: lulJii?' HLX"W r- Mrii.i:n u monilily TOninielicllig uiii. i,,',,' ' l'unilMi.,1 iyi i.'lileoftb,1juui,c.r'T . .'.'!:'" "1 "uhuuj. ivun I1 wil lti lux I i-rni.;.v. I .1 " """'I' tllPliltlcln tl,..,, I '. """.WUT tu Illf llltTlt ii uulboi,,nnd all k.v ioiV, ' r',"l,a"'ul "rtlm ful li-.reonto'l. l " ,lll'"".ulry vt HI i, Drm rn.ni en,' , law ' ' ' '"cllpya CS.ifTm - .l,dv-e'1, .'-5Ti. J-Vii'51 Ik. Jt ir. i.nilei,,,Vwio,r,,VfVim r-ji.i inch liiographi,. u sw ,i,.'" """.'I -"'l"n. ami viuiuii'n. n ii i i in.ir.1.1 .ii.; "tu in iiM. pri.iii in,, lining while ll,.. ,11 I.. . .,, V'"'"'1 ""o of .Naliii.,.1 lii..-....1 '.V.V'.'.Ullu-lilit depart liii. i, I. dii,.kbau.,,r u,teio,,rH',,',H'' -lllic.-olell,eJr ".n.. "moit.r S 7, LT,lhr',UVu'M .Uir III., will lLlr ,w'd ,T. "''""'''".I "'Ul ' yonthiiil m..ior S,,tM.'.?.-.-;,l''.l'"'.'nic'l ui ih lUuktiuiiori, , , . V ' full-jsmo Jiuiuor mV Caiio. r..i """-' " iroiiBhout iniryo,,r.a nt.2 iJSyy '.,.V,"'r - TCC.MS ot,- Sl-IlsatHTKLv kiii', i!!l'r'vf'lr-l,,"',Vn",',f iioi.iin to -, - eoiaej.. c. PIul-ji ei-nlk. -ti. . . "?"y K" I Un;lu for lie.iM-11,,1. k.-.v...,.-.'-? '' ouoer I, now rcu.l M'btbj mail., 'km liujJai rVm'c,ol7,l,,r..,,U"'lu'jr Ae nt. 1111,1 Viiivn,,riariffl oP' of -'-'"' Ulliyainirr. Addleka a"''' '".- pari ol lll'lt.l) ifll(ll'((nTo.V, Pubii.her. Nn- Iboonii, KtreeJ, .V "w 1 Vwlt. rvni: GALAXY?""" " ivauta.rV,f.,:,i! f,,, Nic,:,".1,11"' "l"il'Hr in. ? w.iki ,,inf'tl ,U1-V nlnity.kK ts.ijvk, r iujur "s " "' wiukIm rih- i-ii J J"-1 s V XIIII'TOHSJ. Mi'ii'il, hiiVo'T r," ""niniil. Aiiierlcn IKllw from n.-w nuth..KV.r reiil ,il iiiVt1 kciiIii,, Ihoarlhsli n flMK i A i' i V V-r ,1':1-1 tl la-ie.t'wllhtl,.,"i"oiVieV,TVX V1" '" bo all.iwl w,o,, 7,', ' 1 w '"' "I11 onlnloii. i u in,!ni In ll .l expression i.l roo,;' lloli. fiom .1. Ii i ivi .,, i- ooiiirieu. IW.I'.l!..k.'Tc i". ieorVrir,',, ,."""' tai'i 1.(1,11.1 I', Ml , ,', Vl , rAno oV .V..'S,.'!r,,',"'l.w- jiofckkor :. " i'.v " .'v ii. ....... i lie. II. llrajwi. VllWl I'lllXIMll.i.s. .ii.vto.'-:'. Uivvli;.. v M,, iVi'ii'tf''11''!-'. ",( IM "I"' ill'l n mUrif "i J- Via? K.'t m win i,uiiii,.i,V.f 1 .. "KKVi'" f W l-'mtlaiul. -rn. comniciieoltn'iaW,';" irti,.ilV.'V.A-Y "" niire,!im 'lo lilVv ; I1 K '.'"!' .: :..h'""i i- ll: for lb,' "ilA '"JStenl.ntirV t'Um22Mlltl2!l2'u '.uiubMA- -uiuujiiN. 'menu! "cr, unu isiicrutriivull ,.i sccrelarv of n.u.r,i r ir..:::' - i u iijiiii.i tiUN July li, ISW-juVM"-- 1