j 1. T TA n " ' ;r ' '' , ,:M ' : I'M." tl iT 1 I III! ui ll' .' I i ' ,i ii ) 'iHil.ilKw lviliail MI ' bilmi '.bltlllt .... t, mri fll'1'llH in ,1 H )n l-.l,!fil-H! ",kim1j4 i.I ;n 1" 1 iliiiil h I'iiicmI' -.w .1. i 1 ,!..(- i!i!!lll,-m''l'l ' II Ifill .i ..I ;.. it ii -'r.'.iln ! sit 1 . ! , ..!! V l-i I 'lit In ' f tt'J t 'I ' I I ' .itiiidiiujlo!!) wID .J ,I)J -JIIHIOO.IH . . mall .urinioir iHi ,.... I tt .." If IHK I.IK I'll Iimw ! k-IU1n .S"sa f ' , arff lisl". -! ..I .f . .o it.I .1 b I ""T 1 ' VOL. I.-NO. ;. MISCELLANEOUS. rJIIi: PADDY Ilt'.V (' O A I. V O M ) ANY, HI I ICKM 1 1 NNy, PUNNhV I.V.V N ! A . 'ArITAI, 41.10,1)011. , JOHN M. NTArKIIOfHi:, 1-iMMcnl. CHAM. A. llOON-li.Hrorclnryan.lTrui.uiw. imirx-nms: John M. Htarkhouse, y. i Campbell, Clins. A. llnnne, c rus Mnekhoiue. A. M'lkiwrll, ornoit .MAIN STllUnT, SIIIUKSIUNNY, I'A. Tin. hinds held liy ihl, tympany, ennsl.t (,f lOUIl I1UNDIIK1) AND 1-OHTY- OXK Antra, im.l sHIy.f.fnr pprehes, of enrefully Meeted )nj 1 lint snnihvpst of Wllkes-llane, Lurerne comi ty, Ph.. In tlm western hum of Ihe Great Xotthiui or WjowIiik Coiil limin. Avery panful and thorough examination r untly iiiiuIh Iiiik proicu tbeap (for the nlmve) lands ti. lin thn pmbodlmcnt or n lust amount of thpvirybest qunllly ofnnthmelto eual, having Very fiicllily that enuld l. ilmbed for trans lmrtntlon In nil direction. Tho nliovo tract U oiiw pi mm, iui also dlnplly In Ironl, nud Joining nrr tlio ijiiknwatin.i A ntnnin. bum railroad, nnil tlm Wyoming entml, thu, nf. fording Iho very best advantage of a parrying road nnil emml running to Ihn very month of the ...in.-, minimi pppnso in tlio compiiny. Thu liuaMircliii iit of Ihoilllh ifiithnUor uniiis nliui.ly iliircldiN-d wiui rnrpfiilly ohmlncd tml ...in, ii uiKi'inir: iin ihlilini'M nf ihcm; Mimm, lliililll.ilhoi.Ii.,rnl,.d"ItodAkh.""Iluc: M.mn. lulu," or (Irnn.l Tmini't" clii, Is ihlrly-onc ami n linlf ni l, (.iij, every iiihlujiudof HiiUh Mill yield u Ion, nMng a Inlijo ninonnl of the lx-t iinntlty of eoul, holoi'nlln l.mchtlml nil ihe veins nmy Ihj ' ... mo loiiieftiiniel lios.llikMuhunl.ine nhovp wnler level, and nt inu h l-s i-xpi-iiw than run In- iIoiip lioin mllrrlei operalliiK hi'low wnler h'Ml. Tho co.il cim Im biought to Hip nirfncn IhroiiKh illlfHorlnnneN Mhlcliilinln IhiMviitir from the mlnei and mvM tho ImUtiug of the eoul. Ko tho ellftllillllyof thpPlnn.M forplienp ihIiiIiikH nil tiuciilloniihli.. Very lalily tho "(inind 'luiiliel" or-'lteil Anil" vein luis l.pen o npil, Bn.l 1 now l.lodnclnaiis linn n n.unllty of null ns h.n pm-i-In-eii pnluepj In tlm nnlhrnillp legion. The liipnlcer lioir In operation In iiipuhlo of jo-ennrlm fioiii IV) to MO Ions per d.ij, Ihesiirfiiweonliilii,. mi iilitmil.mt nupplyof wfiful mid tlinlier verv vnl iniWu for mlnliiK tiurpop, whlrli i?lve the tract thu nilvnntnw tif ninny tnhnr coal lmi.K Thu l.iel Ih.iliilinosl nil wililnMp imkiI lamH nlu belnii rnplilly lakcii up l,y heavy ruplliillt or lnruu lor IHiriillons, hoVH lh.it they inwa ktendlly and liiiiitly ilt.ii In the iiiiirliut Milne, while Mll'li the Iniiiiensp mid niiuinniiy Incrinsln- ilnualul for thin ifinl, and tl lt.illroud mid Xorlli ISranch en mil, ininsliy tho moiiihspf , niliu, turnuuu llipflruut hon milking iluirktu of lilooinnliuri:, Imiivllle, Uunciilinon, llnnUliurg, Jllddletoiwi, .Mnili tlii.iiiid Coliiiuhlii, t, tldp-walpr nt IInre nouuiisi, nno pun wiircely conceive of a mine I'lonin or peininn.int mini f Meulth limn iiiiij- op loiinu in minis like. tliPbe, in order to li nolo lo open their ivorkn on n iiioiu fxiriiMtv plin.lhis eoni.iinylin placed n irlloni,r tliplrenplliil stock In mnrkct on the i'l'.Viri f ,",'. ', A"y 1"'"" inklngononr more TUN IM) liLA Jt.S i:acii, ,Vi ,i !ltl" unnunlly tu n ton of eiail at poet ' ..-i noiiri', iiu.i any MoeulioLJers Nor iti:ci;iviNu ihk uvai. lisnlori'Mil.1, In l,n prpdUpd on the l.ookii of IhP ( ollipilliy,ltll thu illllert nei. bulwicii Ihn cost nnd n lllnzprico for cneli kluup, to lm mld Hforo '. ICNAl'l', Acpnt. Atoleh 1, IMJ7, x roxemrrs jk aid or THH MAbUNlC HAM. AND AHYI.UM FUND. TUB nhjoct nf tlnt Coiu't'lt in to rnis fmuls in imuu it .uiixuiiic i.au in uio niy 01 2vw Vnrk. t'iunuruturittoult)i tliowuntH or the lrutfinitv. niul to rri-( t nn AmvIuih for il.(nviil Mikhh. nn. ihi- Imllttftit mid inilnu uUIoum ut .MasoiiH uint th.-lr orphniiN. A lnrno fuml Imh li-in i-ujli'ctmi fur tills purpose, hut inuro U nociU-i, which It 1m .ll'Yc(Xwill m K'n'iuusly niut iiuimptly ulwni hy tho tbailtiililo puhllc, ami thoMj linniuluitcly llu Muimuciiu'iit mtat plutMitilii iui- iimim-liit: that tht'li Wxih uiiillati (Iruiul Tlulciil KliU'riiiililiM'nt will taki' placo ut .lom-V VomI, no Tui MiuV, July iWlli, cnniliicju inttat I IfVNm-Ic, ti. in., ami wilt ho linim-Jlalcly iulluid hy tho ""i"4 (mtiiiniiiiiii ui i It-'fiillHf, Oi Hdi of TUBfluAMi MAsrnt ok MamtnO Ofc' Tin; IS TAT n uv Nmv Voitlf, J. Nuw York, .laliuary ID, 1m7. I Hits. (I. . JIowiis., My liwir Mlr:-Youri of tho nth hiKtant hail Ut'ii ri'coixtMlj In rcpU Iran only htalo that anv t iileinrlHH whit h innv iV imu. oralilv niul (.iitiKck'iitlousiv -uniliu'ttiL In aid of nn- .iinvinm jinn Mini .HyiuiM unit OI UIO HiniO il NfW York, will rccuUo not otitv inv iiiHinall Ilcd appiolmtlon, hut inv ycatiais fo-opt-nitlcni, I hat niironltrprhH' will Ihj couduHI with tlihd Ity to our iiroiiilhHM I hao iioiUdfiiht,Judt;Iim fnuii th' reftufiiccrt which you liavi'lvcii. liilc I hiv this 1 Uoslit! kI lit toiU'Hai'tt loymi that any (Unit, no mutter Imw h nice I nmv l tht end Mnmht to boachlcvud, tlut IcarU Ut anv lulatlon l ihe lawn ot tho stale, Minn id not Iih'iw i in It ted. I. ft I lawn laws IxMicId lliMrh't U 'pet t, a hlesMntr will surely tnllnw, and on will reetd4'thhthank-4 (1 Ihouviuds, 'I haiikhm you ln' mir kind ie hiemhiaiHu of ihe widow h nud orphans ofiair erati, 1 am Truly and fiatemally outs. ti. IlOlIintr 1. HOI.MI:, tlrau.l Master. llit; thai in i law of theStntntif New Yoi.C is k laied hy our method of dlstijljulioii, I 1'ieMMit. Itesldi!lienln.1.lUtreet, f'JMO 1 1'ieM'iit, rmiutry UfMdeuLU loeattM hi Mil lllaue ot Wnodlirldui.', -. Juno hour's rld hv railroad iron. S, Y and tlirto minutes' walk fmm rail mad depot, The p'.aco ennxl-itj of two Iiujw dwi'lllnssloie. hmn.cjir- line uniiMt ann nuiej-oill-IMUluintpi! 7 aen ii ol hind 111 (l lil)h Male, of ul tUntlou, antl tlno K'lrdpni larrenf Ijiwtmi ltlackherrli'S. i lih titi niv.ir Miiall hullJiesUli'xKiatulard fmft, I Vn t nt, lU'Mdeiico at Hr(HiUI n, X V. 1K.OM) I -,"0l Lot, $Viln (ioM. 2 At) " (irnud rinno, (lelllH' tlllc, iiutd Iu J. -Jim) $1H)0 mth n,m watt In-. Ijidlei' " " I'm hewlliR Miulllllrs 73 " unit in forhiiitHoi clolh liu. fioni tho welt kintwii t'ManllHhmcnt ol 1 1. T, Ihownrll, fKtl llmailway, 7-i ' S7..V)0 J'latfd Tin Hp, 7.1 S 7.il) Onlern forHlllc Irnt. 10 ' Mux) t'hromo 1.1th. uf Lcutzo lalntltiKof WnHhlnirton ,Fiti l.l'H a it Mwn. lo Masnnlc lIinhlfiitH , .rAto' (lold l'f'iin. lpncit.lil(!S'i i)0 500 t hlhl.rlHltettVrftr'lr, i and rail belts, a " Miihnnhehurw, rnIllnl, uliiftMfManf.hylUx'ny' - iilAuC Miim.iiIc Miiiitfnru 1 Tji T'utl I ikMl riiotuKraph AU-hms; 1 oiwra niaMceM, Wnilcii hy eiullWIlt nubhioii, ChiiIm tnli chaliik, l.uill.s' jro.ii ta..-laiif.kjit -i . "., s iiKtimiiK", uric uuty.. r iiitislLMMixeM, wjlihijc f.p; miiHtetil In Miutufiits hrt'ait phiH unl finger rlnp, etc.. uiiiniiiitlnir li art Mllkhllf III litis lllTirt-fmirii XtVllrfKI nianli. ' val ued ni JJDtl.dsHt rnKirrs, : j..- i.pon.vni, 1 1 It n tttfiia dl NKlmiilfl rltbi-r htttitlu'lr I jiiuiL on.iuiK-ni.mitiMiuiiiuui'y lor liek .tttrHifuUti4t-ifc or v. Mil llt-lora tllO dlf-tribllttou tj.ktt oImi v. n. citn.. iiiui i will on anoniim ii ni reeein in umn Hum W 111 k.'ti'ft tint Killbii i-liT..!... imnlnliil,,:, onit rt tor too prtheidH lor tl)tMut and rvtumtiio tn.lit u nnil i.lli.n lifil.lln. , ii lu f,i i..t,. cat iii uy le'iut'hieiiioinakutlitlrjutMrnitpnuupu ly, and without itelay.at tlio time lumiist uImivc. lurtlie. ttut entertainment. In ordur tlial Uiuru may la no delay lu UindUtilUitloiu IIJ.V. , JIWUMiO i' lit)., . Mannf;ln Jitm-toiii, I'tliu-lpal (UllutiTlK llrtwidway, ' Junu 11, W)7. , Saw Votli. lU-fl'.NTKll ucTltUMI -.isG. -v . 'I Ids hlmplo.tlioiiKlifircftlvo niiirlihiuli admit id bvall heleiillllaiihscrvrHliilMi tin in Aht.it Ire it Ui'lfu fornatherlutf ('loti hi'til yet dUisivfred. M A i iii.m ..1 ... It I.. . i.. . .i. . bmosloiitUMi mind of ItH prRtrtltni utllltvi llio Mihw lumllim inmii iho Liouiul. .It is ea-lly 4i iiti" iii it t in vi i tit nit i rout ine niiiik leavina drawn ny huh hoim, una irnulrtH but miomim o boy lo wtirli It, t ll H euiiinat l, himpLo in iU nn lure,, and ut ltn-- In to oulul older, tutdi-au lw.jlieuly gut tif Tltt uiruL AdNailtaifo lu ILIm Jiutcldi li to thu f j M t'd Kiilheied ill the t bait, roady L'lllllV'H writ kir the- Itiuithttf tUuHKiul labor otmoflm, luitidllntcuud tint liln It fan 1 1 tla si i aw, It will nUu pay t-v ry farmer to utihtT hiHM-ed wllh DiIh inwhlms on aefuuiauf tlio hnvlnu of thu hCfU whleli It lout lu thu old way of Kallierimt It, 1 xtniordlnai-y Indueemeiitituir. rt-dtoiiu'rKt'tlf 'aiienw'lKiwUhtopurehaMjHtateorwiiinty Hlirhtd, (iocr mill nr IHtller, UH'Um kaluu (lift mt-nr m i in iiiiii n iimh I I'M Wl.Itl'MAN A IITINIIOM, t'l NlkiAI.I.l. roliiiubiu i 'utility, ru( HOTELS AND SALOONS. 0 X 0 V O X IJ HOT K 1j. I i in: uinlersliiiipil having lpnpd and n--fnr!ilidi. , CdlUKOiHl filylij Uio nlioill MPll-lllloiru 'IIOUHP, UlllllltO ' A .MONO Tilt! SIOt'N r.VINH I In lliPlwiilppiiiriWiiinlilannJKnlllvalicoiintlis.. ' in one or ihe mp.t hpiiuiirul mi I i,.jiin.riii r.ri..n. In 1 1 lieHliilPi Is lully prepnied to iiccoiimioiliitp 1 . ......in ..in. mijiiui urn WITH TIIKIlt l AMIUIX The I'onil and Mrrains nru well to, ked Mltli ... ..n... muiij iiinos inciuninit TKOUT A N II 1' I K n. anil lamia In nooil order will bo kept for llionp. r Ii . i """""" "ini'Mliieiil ofKiicsla dllier tlliil Ii. . .? I , " ' excuraions upon tills Ksiu BllVHtAt, jtn.iw in i:xti:nt. tin rrcnin.lpd liy nn exteuh o Furral. t lipro Is alhir. Uil to Hip iMintMiin.ii n nilpiidl.l ticfd for his own , . ....... iU)( pcrMHP Willi ins ll ) (1 A N 1) fl IT V. Ills tjlCl.-P .pill l.n ...... .l ilellencft'S nr thpheasniij mid hNlliirKtocked nllli IlIlK IilOt-OIIH. '1 l.n linn... lu I... I... ....... i titu nuioi in PXIPIH1M. 1111(1 Mil l. IhPlIouiiuis reiulipd from i,penil points on tile lllooiiih ntru A. I J...I... ....... .1 i. ut.pluii.lld plncu toHiss tho hot inonlhs of sum- Jlay 17, Mtt-lin. 11. 11. IAVII1I IMP. lYI'IIAVIll,' IIl'lll.M Ali liuio.MHiit'itu, columiiJa coi'ntv, pa inn lilidernlitncd ImvlllK Mirelinsed this mlII. i.iiou'niiuiU'Liitriillylo "uU'dlioiiM', tin. i:xihniii;c llolpl.aiiuatuon MAIN NiHIXT.In lllooinslnirit, iiiiiiiiiI lately npHMiiP tin. fohiniom County Court llou.p icpccTiuiiy informs rileiiila mid Hie pllllllC hi UCllpiMl tld.l hi. IH......I U'll.i.r.l.r lor Ihe rei ipll.in and eutprliilumciit of tiinclkni wlioniiiybeillsposed to favor it wllh their cus- ; i"i "i"o,..i Aienspiu pretiatlim uio l.xe i.iiniP rr n. ciiiertaini.i,.ni f f,, micata, neither hall there bu any thluir vunlliiK tun his W(l(.-.llini.- .O llll If IMTMllltll (SlllllOtl, illS liousn is spacious, anil uigoya ml I xcellent bllkl iipki locatlun. 01111111111.111111 run nt nil lllnca hetwe. il the V.x chanw Hotel nll.1 llicvilll.il Slllllroad depots by lilch IriiM'llerK m lai plpnsniitlv isnitpyeU to iiiul front the rcipe.tlvti atatlons In duo linn, to ineei. iiieeniB. Jlllir r . ( AWUJIV, Itlooinsbutv. fareh IV, Isivl. c u m n i a 11V H O V H K, lUlltXAIll) HTOJINKIt, FKW ltfiURH AHOVK T1IH CoritT Ilitl'Hf:, fin IhcMinp iWp nf Uio Rlroct. In tlm town of iinu.imnu.K; ami imMng ouinincii n ucriisn ror (lie mine n n It i: H T A U K A X T, tin Pioprlftor lint itolonnlncil tonlvo lo thp iieo pli llMn tin' town on Imlneits nr pica Mm', a i.ittm: mohk itoor. lilt fstflljllt'! IlNo It rT'Vtcllstlvn. ntnl 1st flltoil 1111 to iiit liUKUIriuii.l rarri.im-4 lit Hip dry, tnm futthiit cL'rytlilnnlouthlHt'4stftl))11inii-ntHlitill Ihl coiiiluct.?(l In nn onlft-.v nnil l.iu'fnl ifiiititicr itntl he ti'HKTt fully HnllcitN i Hlmio of the j.uhlie (ITUVKXS HOIJHK I, 23, 2". A i!7, llUOADWAY, V V. 0ttmie Jlwtlintr (Irccn, I ON TltK' Ht'ltOl'KASf I'f.A.N. 'Tit k Mt-rnh Horfih. Ii Well nnd wMMv l.iinwn to tho traveling pnllh Tho l.K-ntlnn Is oupeclnl lv ultatle to merchant and huMnois men ; It Is la clos itroxlmlty to tho ImMiiCsn part of tho rlty HI- :i Uio highway orSouthiTit and WoMcrn tnivel and ftd lucent tnnll the mliw-huil rullrimd a lid Kl can i boat dejvotn. ThfrStovont lloiiip ha llhoral ncMimmoilallou far over ,'KKKUestH Ills wt?l If unlisted, ntitl Ikis. Mint's eery nnlerate Improvement for the com f'it and entertainment nf Its imimtcf. The Hf"in nro spaeinimnnu won venuintod provided WltlltrilH mid water the ntteiidfitinf. U nromnr and lewpeetful and the tahlo Is nfiicniuMy pm- Kieii w n u eery iteiieafy nr the neaon at mod- einte lates. (ilia. k. riiAHic .1 en. tuyllV-iim,! Prnprlelnr. (.r.omii: w. .MArtir.it, rmpriaor. TliQahoM well-known hotel has reivntlv tindiri kh lo imlleal fiiaiiKf! In 11k Internal atranuomciitx, d Hm prupth-tor announces to his former custom iiOflthy travt'llliiK puhllo that his iieeomndnllnnB in i lie emu mm i ni Kiirsisai ii Rocnim in nono m the i ountrv. ills tnblp wdll alwuvu hn found nun. pltetl. Hot only with MitiMtantlal fond, hut with all iliinrs (i-sjeept that popular lies era; IIIV UeiK'HCieJ-IH IIIH HellhOtl. HIS K lll'H nnd ll- known n .iic.k 107 pinciiaseil I liousoa, nm entirely nur l.Onousdrui!s. llolslh.ii nL-e in t In the past, nnd will eontlnue to ilpsprvp It In thfuturp. fllXllttll'. W. .MAl'tlint. rjin; swax hotkl, I the ei'i'hit iioeM;l j oiiANanvii.T.i:, roi.t'jiiiiA co., r.. Ths subsprlbpr rpkopploitle Infnvn.s l,lo rpi...ia and Ihe public, that bp has taken the above well kiiliun llntiMi of riitertainnient, and will bp li..i(-(i n iiipivp ine eusioni oi nu who will hiljor hllu wllh a pall. m: wn.i, Ki:r.r a fioon tahi.i:, allnr m il kloeki'd Willi tlio best or I.Iiiuoik, nud eery pllui't will be iiinde to rmder pnllre khiIs. "el Ion. .IIIIIN HN Ill'lt. llranni'i 111.., Ii., Maidi U, lsUT-Ini, 17jX('IIA 1 II.. l'l,.,.l.. XtlK SALOON, Iiik l'loprlelnr of Ihe i:ehnn211K11l0011b11s on ti in.! 11 InrKP stock of Hf M Mi:i ! lUU'ItKHI I m i:n-ix, eonslstlna of SI'lCI II OSMIUM, S.MllilMS, 1KI1-F, I.OIOU.VAS Slim 1' lll.Mll'l., lloll.Mi 1'l.GS, (WI.IT?l K CHI.I Ml', LAC3KH l!Ui:it, ALK, AC. ej- ftiMi. oxi:, i omi: am. ami hi:it. -ea I.AWSO.V I AI..MAN. ploomsbtirg, May 3, PC7, rfMIK KSl'Y HOTKL, lrv, fOI.r.MllIA COUNTV, I'A. Tin: MthM-iILpi 11.1. ..ir.iil.. i..r.M....i,iu 1. 1. ...i and Hip piibllp, Hint l.e has tnkpii Hip nlano wi 11 i.iniMii iiouso or i:nierininmeni, nnd will bo tiliOMd lo iieelio tl.o nudum ol all who will lamr Mm with a rdll, in; will Ki:i:r a ood t.uim:, a liar well hloeked wiiii ii,.. bckt ,,r i.ii.uom, nnd I'W'ry i lloit will be niailn In Ipudir cnlli,, satis, faetlon. W.M. lti:.MI.I:V. mpy, III., April 1.', hit. It KMC HOTKL, 01EAN(li;VII.I,K, C0I.U.MUIA COUNTY, I'A, lSHAi:i, M I'M MA, 1'ItOI'ltir.TOIl. lliti Inir I11I.1 ii i..,,.i,. ,,r ,i.i ...ii. t lioukp, folonc kii.t by riilnllel l'.veielt, tliol'ro. lirll tor has mil In It oormnn. ,tt mi.lrnii,l f,, ...a.... , id IIAU AMI IJMfllKII wllh tlii'diolctatllmnira and new i st dellnirlra. Ills (.table Is not expelled 111 Ihnt'otllity; and no pnlns Mill bp Kpiueil In aeeoiiimodiitp Riifats, InpryiiT SUSQUKIIANNA IIOTKL, I'atnwlswi, l'n. The iiIkivo J Intel Inn lately been piuehased by "Jj.UV J. CI.AKlijnl UuJ.bHilhuioughly re. Jyalclleil, repaired, nnd refurnished. It will bo witind. now, In ilaarrniiKCU'iit nud iippolnimenlii, -.w ,ii.i,-i.t-s uuipi ami .vepmi in nono in the iimiilrv. I'. rsons In rltliN wWdnt lo n , nd IL'u tail inonlhs 111 l.e eouid.iyii ll, do well liioMlvu Ihb proprleUirn-hir?' ,!r trtiiK r.vawittrrm'.t w ' ' ' Alvh stri'il, b.-l.re, if Third nnd 1'i.iirlli Mm Is, 1 tiiladelplila. fiimsTiv wr.mm, -'I'roprloloTs. . CI lltAHD IIOUSK, Cm uer of Mink nnd rli,,i.iui sir. . i . Philadelphia. II. W. kanaOa,; " I'rupi fetu'r,,:.' "j Knri i .ioTs iioTi:Ti,("''T3!rr7 Vi Niiitru mi-ulii wnrrr; ' I'lllI.AIlKf.PIUA. J. W. (l. M'KflhllN, Pro,rlitor. ' May in, sr-lj', To Hotel nud Nnluim krnrVs ..f m.,...- ImrB and L'ollllilblU County. I hnvo nnnolotisl ..... iu i-ii'iinvi in pin sov, ma iai ra minll.t (nn Ier iuo ii Biuui. niiji later beer, w no will upply you nt tl.o (.nine prlind wllhj'hictmbar'lfelej.ai J' would futnlsli'jju fiouijliii brewery, Kniajuliis Hull he -will lu piii.tiinliiiidntteiilltvto all wtili' may favor him Vuh lhel(-tranit.l 'olli)(,' hr .lilm yyraii.ui, Yljy.lWemilly.i, ( . ' " KHUn LAUKft, ' Kti am llrewtty, HeiMtne, 1'" ' H.AnrMAN, . in jNi.i.isurnv r,' It, Ailtji.tx1, llTMAXJ DlIilIXdlCH & MX, Nil, 'IHOIITH llllllli SrilKCT, (.Yrurfj epi.L. Jamn, A"in(, Umln IK.) MyiqieMila lieulvr. In VAUNS, JIA'l INO, WAIUIINd, CAltPI'TH, CHAIN HAtH, COllliAdf:, if," AlTso, wu i.i aii wuui i ,n waiii:, lllll'allts, till MS, ionM tl.ll.ets, .Tl' .iiny i", ihi i THE COLUMBfAN, A lt.i Jioernticv NO"vVr4p;.pur, Is ITU is!!Kt KVt.llV I HI DAY JIpllNtNa AT ii.tMi.MMiiritti, pi:..a. XIII; j rlt, Iplonof lhhpnperftl'oortlio.Iein?inou Inn H j yol if pnlUiew. Those prlnrlphu will nevo bo r.iw.ro illied, tcourtewy and Ulndoss ulinll hoi in- nn tttrn 1in1lctiisInf?thoin(wictlitr with tndh If uujs or with mitteinimrarlcx of the Vrrnn The Jtty jiapplnenH.and profierlty of tho coun try Njnr Jm nnrl "bjcctl find ns tho means to neeir for tl. Izalli Ti If pal 11 , we Mmll lalforhoucstlyandcnineMI uii notiy, miiTi'Ks and if row t h of our organ- soi Hfpscnii'xioK: "iw-n dollars a yvut in IvniK-e. If not paid in ivUntuv two md fifty cumtH will ho Invariably charged. ilotlaii Tki:H ur AiiVEiiTisixn t One Miiiunlcti lines or lesoneor three lueilloiis SlW; caeli nub-ie- quentl wertlott CO i-tiilM. Jit1 V, lit. 2M. .1,0(1 7) itint n.M. H,o) (l.OK H,0i) lu,ou l,(Hl tM. IV. !,) 1 1,00 :,) i,i) n.oo Lit.oo One Rare , $2M , 'MM 1 0,(0 Two n.j mies..... Tlireo I'oiir i .uari'i... Half r nm t One uni f lixeoiii 't a id Administrator' Notice ?1,li0 Ati tlt' t2t Other aihertlsementB Inser lltori ted ftL-ert ltn tn special coutrnct. lSin.lii.tsno l-es.wltlioiitn.lvi.rtlsei,ii.iii.t..iiiv eentiW. Tranm 4t i. Iveitlsmnpnls payable In udvanei . all othtil dm after the first Insertion. S-lt tj.lu iHcuj, more likely lo be aatlsfiip. lory, b. to mibsirlbera and to tlio I'libllsbprs, Hint rem. tan, pa nnd niipntiimiinicntion,ipppct. tuu the 1,'l.ln. ssof tbenaopr. bo seiifdlrppt to Ihe , i ... ...in n iii-iu i liui-r iiiuii ins juir-e, anil oftlppofp.b-ntlon. Alllctters,wheUierrelatlnBvcry ,lttk. t,m,. .., mm fl. o the pilui la' or buslni sb concerns of the paper, and nil pt iietita for MilHerlptlons, advertising, orjobblai;, s. it h niiide to nud addressed l IIKOCKWAY .t I'ltnKZK, 'fbfio,it,iVin Ojficr" IlLOOMUIlCUU, I'A. erlntisl fi rtoiilson's llulldliiirs, near the Court House, b lllvs. St. Vanueiumi'E. TuANIC H. S.NVIIKlt, BUSINESS CARDS. JO.. 'PK1NTING Neatly executed nt this Ofllip. M. L'VKIiLK, AJTOIt.VUY-AT.I.AW, Afhliuid, Schuylkill County, l'enn'n. K. JAUKSOX, A Trn It N I; y-A T- T. A w, llerulnl., Columbia Counly, l'eiurn. M. TKAUOU, A 1(1' ll 11 N in -AT-I, A W, llerwlfk, Columbia (iunly, IVmrn. yi ll5am il aimTott, " atoiisi:t-at.i,aw , UllNTltAI.IA, I'A. Joii.v b. kkkk.i:,- atiiiini:y-at.i,aw, Ollleeln IUsl!.ler and lbvoulei'i. olbee, lu the linsenipiii.r the Couit ou,e, lllooiiisbini!, l'.i. JJ OllKitT F. CLAltK, .TTOI! S II Y-A T I . A W Olllce eolll' I' Ol Main and .MhiI.iI mipi-Ik. over 1'list National llaiik-. llltioiusbuli!, l'n, "jIt. I), il. KLIXK, A iirndiillp of .Iplli-rsno M...ll..nl n..it.,n i.i.n. .'Hltflihlll, :iln lierniilllPlilly loratcd, fillera Ills priitcsaloiiiil heivbs's lii the elilrcus of CntnwIsMi ami Mclndy. I mice (iii Main street, second door inst of uitisy ,1: John'H llulldlnR. apr-illT-imi n., h i ttij A TTOUN1.Y-A' A V. OUleo on phi street, In brk-k lailMlnx Iwdow Uio i'ouit IIoe, HlonmRburK.ra, Q II. (IHUK'KWAY, lTTl)Il.VKY A T I, A W, IlI.ODMsm'IKl, I'A. 1 11 HIP IS.l.rl I lit.iui. A II.,.. l.l..,.. II... r himtilan Olive. ' .Ianri,7. j is. itoni.sox, ATT(ll'.Ni:V.AT-I.AV, UI.OOSISIIL'UII, I'K.JN'.t, lini.'c it, I'll in.r.t'. Hull. It.... M,,l., wi.... in. of the Atreilvan House. tluyil ii7. A v ,c t i o n i: k a. ! ilOSKH CO,'l'.M AN. llavllli! j illnived Iho profession of Public Vendue I'rler foi'many jears, would liilonil his friends (hat be !, hi III In thu Held, leady nnd wllllim to attend Hull Ihe ilullen ol his -;il I Inir. IVrsous ileslrlneCilaMrvkeaahouldiiill or wfllc in blni utJIhiiiiij.biirB, IM, lniar'ti7, J-)lt. W. fl.TiKADlTiiY, " (Lata .IfslHanl M.sllral DlrerUr i'. H. Army,) I'll VkI (' I A N a'n ll HlMilJIKJN, ts- lldipo nt the house opposite Hhlte'K lllmk, Illooiiubaig, l'n. " ' Colls irtjiiiptly((eua.iid luboth nl'uiit mid day. luooinsnu-ir, Jan, is, lam. ..- . oi .:. 4 ntJlH. I 1 1 ' P11RW.Tr. "''I" tit 'U tucr-ii moi'' i H,fjr4Vlitwft-iia-,S?; i'.ii,H-jvSt1,lr'A'itrt' " "'" .,- i'iiin-.-i-s i,.-. .. and ilealljr'lrl- " tijui. n 41 . ill l J l t Aiti'trt'li.toVv.i'.ihW,'rr.T-,.-;-rS, a; 4M I Ull 'j ?,:suftWiv,i'1i'ijSi, ' 1 1. ' a 'c siii s- if, . - 1 -J . , ' s . . ft . ,'S CAIUNM'T MA.Ki:il, AMI ll.lM'mil llbll liy Bip.lfl ill ! SASH, llM.DS,'Jll(j(t'H, '' , H II r T T ll 11 S, .M (l f J, J) N U ri, WIN'DOW PItAMliH, iuV ' ' M.VIK aTln'l.r, III.OO.MMHUIHl, I'A, JnnnJM, 1I!T, ' ' ' g-'-l'. COIil.I.VS, r as ii i on a ii i,i: SUA VIN'tf, H.vrit CtJ'l'TrXO i AMI " 'I lf,vvqOl,S-r- S.Vtto.S', , (her Wlilnuijei:! iJapoby' I. Oenin saloopi ni.oo.Msiurrio ... lliilr'tlvl'tnilr eii.I U'l.f.l..;. ...J.....'l I.I..-I, lKflv .llu.lr Tbnle to iliMioyilandriill nlnl lienu-' tjijlim Ihu lialrt wl I lestnli) hnlr to Its orlulnal l,;r without sollinu ihe niipstlabrlii, imistantly nu liiriul, laprww. S A V A fl Ii I'ilAlUl'.tt. w'.vTVirjiAKa'.H' ANI auWiswiv, , , .la' AATefj-iipm1 lh( tvurf Wuy,', UlJJOMUUt'JlU, l'Al"i ' ' ' M ' rtinstantluu'liiimf u ling usauilnumt i,i . AjjlWtH'A.V ANII HWIHH WATCHUK, "i Cloekn, Jewelry, islherwiiro and HiHilnelp. 'rarllnilar attention paid o bo repnlrlnif of Watched, Cloekii, JoWoliyaiidlspls-tiielHa, snuauiie murks inado lo onier; A1) Wprk j - inprium, A V1' ,iNis,or Jon pitixTixo Flinll"ijom'ee!Cl'U "' '4"K Col-l,w'"A Ktelllil B.LOOMSBTJRG, PA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, (Choice godry. ANIC .Mil M) .110111''.. Ill TII0M.1H C.dlKW. Aniciiip no more n here .love beMiiivs, When .lune Is past, the nullng riwpj Tor In your bi alily'a orient deep These lion prs, lis III I heir pausps,a!tr p. Auk inc. iioiiioiewlillhprilotli aliny The Knlden atoms of t he day I-'or In pure love heaven did prepare Tlto.e jHiwdets to enrich our hair, Ask me no more width pr dolh liasln Tlio ninhtliimili. w hen Hprlng la past ; l'or In jour siveet dlWillni! throat "he winter, an I keeps warm hpr note. Ak inc no more when- lhosptara lllit That itnmiuurds fall In dpad of iiIkIii: l'or In your eyps they fit, and thero rixed lieeolil. as In llielt Hplicre. A.k mo no inoro If t ast or west The I'luciiK builds her apley lipst I 'or unto you at last she illcs j And In your fragrant bosom dip, itUsrcUnncous. CODETING UNDER DIFFIODL-" TIES. KATir.lii.AKi: win thu only thuiL'htcr of Jacob Make, tho old mlsor of West Urook. Sho was inoro than tinconmionlv pretty, and her fresh, vnpiKiiijrniiiiiiierii 1 enhunceil thu elmriiH of golden hair, ' pretty teeth, and eyes like the nkies of I stimmcr. At lierfatherNiU'iithahewouhl behelress to the nice little slimof-eventv !' thoiisintl doling, nnd though wo gene-, rallv nrpteiul nnt In in, Iiil1i,n,....i i. iiecuiiinry matters in itll'airs of love. It I- I to bo reasonable siinno-fil Hint tlilu nrr,. Ulicctivo Weill til hv no nu-.ins 1nwnnn.li tho lllllllber of her" ntlnrera. Alllonor the IIIO"t ardent, mid norlinns ' thu mo-t Mncere, was Will Dartmouth, I ...UI. .. l.rtfc. i .i ,.i i qtienccH. j Kortuiintely.old Jacob nevei-Miapected the partiality of his daughter for Will; ho would have put her on bread and water before ho would have consented tothoMlghto-t degree or Intimacv with Will Dartmouth. j Jacob lslake wasnot In favor of marri age. Tho-o who knew hlseirctimstances iweionotsiirpri-ednt this, for to use it phri-u more exprcsdvo than elegant, .Mri. lllako was a regular Tartar, with temper enough for two Tartars. (At Jacob had to "walk Spanish" for tlionio-t part,or suller the consequences, whl'h usually descended on his head in t lie jhapo of any domestic utensil which hapjencd to bo lying around handy. Anai(leu sister of Mr lilake resided in tljj family, whose principal business seeniil to be act as a sort of echo to her brotll-r and his wife. Whatever they thotilht she thought too. Slid, regarded it as a primary sin for Katlijto associate with the young men, and tils doctrine was per.-everinglv drillet Into her uiece.who, though she nevej'dlsscnted, hud her own Ideas on the hlbject. Outlay Mr. Illaku nud wife went to Dedliiiii to attend a fair, and Mi-s Peggy hclnif at a friend's Katie was left alone. WlllJDartinouth In some way learned thu coiilltlon of all'airs, nnil early in the afteriDon ho came over to keep Katto cnmptiiy. Ast ier inrents were not expected homo until thu next tiny, and Peggy not nitlllato in theevenlng, Will felt perfectly secutu in slopping nwhllo af ter stijper j anil liu and Katie were hav ing ujilly time popping corn in thu old fiishiitfeU frying pan, over thu hugo woodltlre, when there was a sound of voice: it thu door, "(Joed gracious P'cried Katie, turning whiteit ith alarm, "that is Aunt, Peggy. Oh, YVIl, what fchiill wedo? Sho will scold 'j,ie to deutli ; ami father will bo I'uiiouf. (iit under thu lounge, quick! Oh Will, do for my raku!" Wllhould not withstand the pleading in Katlj's eyes, itntl ho deposited him self In tie designated spot. kutieput out tho light, and dartin g ! Into mudjaeent bed room, in amoment 1l',l. (lllllo.r.ii. lo ii ..nt. PoggV-i voice was heard speaking softly invho entry. , " lio C'reful, Mr. Pike. There's a luu-u boaid there. I don't want to ills tuib iiiyrnim'. Softly It may creak." " I'eggy, tlear, where are you'.'" re sponded io squealing yoleoof INqiiiru Pike, whit wer of a year. "1 can't tell you whleli way you've gone." "Thero,L)aulel, bo easy. (Inod lteav-l ens! D.inia Pike, well, 1 never!" and a report btnii on the air like uncorking a ehampaigt buttle. "Oil, ml ?" cried aunt Peggy, "what Itvould Jirltl.ej Jueoli.hiiy'.' ..l.dcelarov t-V," " .'lJ4l'8i.i'it Hiii)-ietl,hy,n man Mdise n ' A't-.Jj-4c.iiHul m ovi.fcusinei s'"'',i'lejl Ut'- hqillre. 'iVou anil, I euu t.,1.1, Mn, ..III.,.,,) bl. I...I...II iV'M thei'u ,1'ijowciWir., repjirt. simttilng j-hnilar to thie llr.st, only moruufit. . r f Dii.betyujct Daniel, juitl let. mu got w light. Hot ght down thfro aforutho . ., o ii ..i...... s...t if" i, I llro and ,m:l4oyouil'frto liillhe." A llghl 'wi, stjon proeurud, . Peggy illvc-lcith'ersA'lf p her .wrapplugs, and blushing llko a girl In her teens wit down opposite the Squire. " It's a fine evening," sahl Peggy by the way uf openhig tho fouverMitlon. " Very," replied thu squire, drawing hli chair 'doso' io hers, and laying1 his arm over tin) hfi-k. "01i,g0()ilgrdcluusj D.iulel.tlon'tset quite oonlgh nu.. ' tlmt Ik, 1 don't consider It Mrlcjly proper. Merey! what was that." ' Jluthllsttiuil'atleujlyely, ' " It win thu wind rattling tlio whitlow, I guess," said (ho Hqure. "Don't you go to getting' (.0 nervous i'eggy." " I thought'it vaiuur (Cute wni(lng up, And If slioblibiild, I never should hear the last ol' If "nark!ni(',o,i4,iu9t,e-l' ",' ' 'MiriU'lum n'lrih .' Jlj b'e)U. It's Jakq DHd iiiarni coining bhcki What' shall 1 do! We in o done' for I OlSqulre.'talii't rigid for us to bo notliln' to' 'tother, AVhatshilU'I ty' "Tell mo'wllcro to'go I'eggy I'ftuy Iho word, I'll HkiAifytVhvlV, for your sal;e. IClt's nit the chlmhisv . "irndertho lounge, qlircki'lt's wlilol mm win noiti you well enough, (julckl don't delay it minute." Tho Sqtiiro obeyed, but thuspiicewus already mmvcII filled Unit It was with illlllpiilti. bo ,..,,,1.1 ............ I.I 1 I..... .,,, isnuaiw; iiiiiiwu mm iHOKinn liiriiiniuiw. Ai.illiwl .l,i,i HiiL'ocfilnd.Mr. Itlnk.iimil iiUi.ir., I . ' l ilurl; irk, for llw!y lintl .Iwnu-d It lict to (thiEubl. thu llRht. .lake .uiul- fur (ho ro, which tlll Kluwcd ml wllh coal, , uiuhlcl over a frlt-kot, and full h,,U I ox ...v, ,...it,. null KliillCU llll llllll Wlllf . stm. ildi.li ,.,i,.t i r..ii i i 11 r., Iuiik ugalnil JVgtry, who w.h st,idl,iK bolt iiprtHht: trying to rolU-ct h.;r Kid- , tcrctl H'liecH.' ...... .vv i, ...... .i.i uillll- tercd tense. "The deuce," cried Jake. "Lookout there, old woman, or you'll ho down over inc. tt'ri dark as ti pocket here, and I've fell over the rocking chair, or tho churn, J can't tell wlilch. Iltiilol what's tills'.'" reaching out his hand to feci his situation, and coining lit contact with Hie bearded face of the Squire. "Hy tleorge! it's got whiskers! Peg) wheruareyouV and whero'tt Kutu'.' and what' all thisincanV" Thu Squire did uutiellshthu assault malleoli ids lilrsutuappcndage.s,and by way of retaliation, he gavoaterles of vigorous kicks, which hit Will Dart mouth In the region of thostouuich, and stirred his bile. " Look here, old chap!" exclaimed he, "I am perfectly willing to ihare my quarters with you, seeing we're both In for it i hut you hud better not undertake to play that again." "Heaven-!" ejaculated lVggy;"whoe voice, is that'.'" "Who In the deuce is here V that's 1 "a"1 lno . crleil .lake, s'r."""!? .foli ."pright position. lmV' w" s "vor mi' hW 1 I'll let you know who's down and who'.s up!". said the voice of Mrs. lll.ike; nnd thu old lady scrambled up, only to go Instantly down again over a cliuir. " Jake, where are you j git up this in etant and get a light, or I'll shako your breath out, when I git my feet again." Jake started to obey, anil just then Tiger the watch tlog, who hearing tlm uproar, had managed tu break loo-u frum his chain, rushed upon tho scene, and sot up Ids best bow wow. ThoSijiilrehad a mortal horrorofdogs and neither fear nor lovu was strong enough to keep him quie-ceiit now. llo sprang to his feet with a yell ; Will fol lowed. Katie full of alarm forherlover, hopped out of bed, and appeared with a Hamlng tallow dip Peggy flung her arms around thu Squire's neck, with a cry of terror, ami Jake was silent with amazement. Mrs. lilake was thu ouu who povessed her wits. She sel.ed the corn popper, and laid about her with vigor. Her aim was not always coricet, and in consequence, sho sma-hed tho looking-glass Into a thousand fragments, knocking down tho clock from the shelf and demolished two bowlsnnd tv pitcher that were quietly reposing on the man tle. The Squire broke from Peggy's em brace, and Hashed out of thu window. Will followed him, and Mi. Illuko would have pursued hiin by tho same outlet, but she was a llttlo too large lo get through with ease. A dreaded counsel was. held ; Jako btormed. Mrs. Dlitku threatened ; and at lastlKilli Peggy and Katie confessed. Anil Jako ami his wifu were so rejoiced atthe prospect of getting rid of Peggy, that they forgave their daughter, and tobk Will Dartmouth homo at tho end of the year. Ami in duo time, Peggy anil the Squire were madu one Hush. TIIE SAGACIOUS DOO. Tin: Milwaukee KaUtuel related (he following: Dog stories have come to be considered stale, Hat ami tinpiolltable, but an Instance of tho wonderful sagaci ty uf nno of these animal-, which came under our notice yesterday, Is worthy of mention. A largeaud noble louking New 1'oundland tlog, while crossing Spring street bridge, dropped his inu. zlo, but not -eenilng to wl-h to part with such a firm friend, ho picked it up In l.t li.nll. IV, I., ti... .,rM,, ,.- j VKemisIl ;,,,' Kl,t Vnlw streets, ho I. ' laid (lis imizy.lu down before a number oi gentlemen .staniling mere, ana as actions could speak be-ouglit them to replace It over ills no-e, Jle placed his proboscis lu its proper place and with a whine and it pleading look sought to attract thu attention of somo friend who could aid him to ivimi..le himself. Ob- .nivrii.. .. .....,,,li, ,,r .dl.,.,,,w, ,,,.li... along The sheet, liu sel.ed hi, muzzle , mil in nu an'righted manner, ran aero-s the street, where ho renewed his Jmpof tmilties to pas-ers by, keeping, mean while a Jealous eye upon thu ' tars, who were,' loitering near. The policu tmcu monrt'nhio neaHiJiii., wldcti caused (dni f WlUi'a'growf, to ruii'th auqtlier .corner , L Oit of their reach. Abeiit this tlluo.au i old frhh'd ' of (ho dog's -probably ,lih iniuier-eamo along, 'lo Jilui tlio Hug I tie lici'olsfh wider dlflteuUleaaud anlij- Uddiwcd hniFclf'as 'before, pleading lions', tfr When' siieakliig'tlielr thouglVts'1 to have'tho'iMiiizlo feplft'cetl. riiii 1 a trtf ttib dreiinfs'taucos In tiiu W ' tleipan nt Hrfct paid no Htteiitlon to him, : friends U'lulViefglibof's; Hum t'have "uve'r , and wis Just' crossing 'tin bVldgU'When rileard'froili eiiltrvateir il'diui's, ofVlet' the sagacious nuluial placed liiiu-ell'dl-' with outside of the pages- of tfie 3'ilbl'e. ' reefly KcnimthopatllwayaiKli'efUxed'th - -. let lilnipiHH, nt the Wiine tlltlf-sliowllig I riis VM' Y I'-nergy, llter-lly from tho ty unmistakable sign", what howlshed. I1'1'01')!. .iliwaiil-.workinguessj, thu Tho gentlemen rightly divining wruU,lbl0l"jl"' ' 11,0 l,(m'1' ''i'W. M'u was wanted; replaced the iiiitzhvou tho-' ll"'l''t?.f .friill, h energy, tho growth i tlog'sihead mid jwetl on. The'Jo.rof 1 "f ,Hiooiy Js energy : yet III all t!uu the nnlimil knew no bounds nt this imp-' ,ll,'ru Is "u N'lulenvoi thu clllincy is not i py lesult, and he leaped ami fil-ked I I'wtructlye, .but vital; .without It the about In the most frantic manlier. The4 wholu.franui iiiit f.dUt uiictiliito eor stars had no longer any teiror for Itlnt, r"l'tl"Hi itl' It. iiiplead olUorriiptlon, ad hopa-td them by with a delimit ' Wl l"l-v" 11 i growl, evidently well knowing that To I.etl.grylmiT tTilles fs niean and hey were enemlcHof his nice; hutth.it ..hUdl-h, tonlgo imd be furious N bni he, furoiie, WBsHifolrumlhelrde-tiH.y-i,,..,,,, , rHnn vlml wrath Is lug power. 4nkln to the-iiraftlce and temper of tlov- AMii.T.oN.-ThnTVs the vnivtituisi'";.' 'f.'" , r'V1". ;,ip,I"'c',s1 r'"K leap the llttiii.iiri. xyfv. ;rhe,i,lKiWts. '-v n,Ml lllvl1";"':: pJra(lous-cijk piit.faipo,, WluUever wo .t'iM'iti;ii.j:nii)rm:.-rl''or a latlv to .caudoof gpoil jij tU world, with jitur .stop In thu erowdiMlitUlnjiui cJniroii to. f4Cultlvri,orvui-atreuIuiis,,rlse.si to. (fo.l.i gtiwslp witli iernullibor,with hererino iw liumiinlly' u) of jimlsi.. Anihl (Jluc stouiing all wlio tiro unfortuiiato thu nillliuu .tpvKHiwpyvnJoljhiK tosvKiill uuuilgh to b beldiiil herefrom reiiclilug. thohoy musiuof tliat, ,sgpg uro .thono itim door. Vorjly, with tint mercury in which souiitl loudeiit.aijilgrandy.here, tlieillm'tles,siifhupra:oodliiglsrefeeHh. the tones which travel pwcelunl ami pur- lug. est up to tlio eternal throne, which, IM'.'JB'H '.'A.'j10 "IV. J'L'I'fevt ,ha;imniy , with the iiuthem of angel choir, May not tlie most ob-cure life be tllgnllled by a lasting aspiration, nud ilcllcatcd to a uoblo lilm',' ll'iVAfc (Wfii. 1867. A MAN ATTACKED hy a hon. i l'J'.ltl'onM t vi'i vnr iv .put. i,ti ' . J'K1 (mMAN"' rm- 1 "''")lloM'ln";wi'takff'ointhcnr. r''" 1 nli ,,"r 'nL,ho l'"T')''nn.iW ..r ! "SKnTX" t iT ,""7" f',rclH "J" , , r , !'! "f lW ,l,nN' " ,nnt , rr,"!''0" i1"-'1'1.1''" Vt'cnr,c,, , ' r. .),, p.,, ll . , Mlll'tful luvldont occurred. , ...1..., ! fn , T IWI "" "r l"? 1 or"""cn , '. 'tlnlt? four , rornflotH lions, wn dratrgLiI into the ! ring. Mr. Charles White was then i Introduced, and fearlessly entered the cage mid commenced performing with these brutes. I Tho performance consists nf the llolis Jumping through hoops, and over bar-. Hers, ami concludes with .Mr. White 1 feeding theatiimals raw meat out of his hands-. Tho performance went smoothly along Tor .several minutes when It was olworved thftt one of tho lions, a vicious looking fellow, seemed loth to act his part, and White commenced punishing him with Ids whlp.-TIiis so enraged the animal that ho sprang upon White, felling hint to the lloor of the cage, setting his Jaws intohlsbmly, as though ho Intended to eat tho fellow up. It was very noon noticed that a part of the pro gramme was being enacted not adver tised lu the hills. The canvas was filled to Its utmost. many ladles being present, and the scene which followed bailies description. The furious roaring of the lions, creaking of the breaking bones of this unfortunate man, and the screaming of the women, was more than the stoutest heart could stand. Men who braved the danger of tho battle-Held, and tinv death lu Its every form, turned pale and trembled. A few seconds only elapsed, when II was noticed that Xero, a noble lion, ruhed forward tothurescueoriiiskeep- er.tind In the meantime Messers. Thayer and Noycs, with their usual presence of mind, with a few of their atfachoes, rushed to tho cage armed with bars of Iron, axes mid everything that was con veniently near, and commenced heating the brute ofT his keeper. In this they soon succeded, and White was taken bleeding from the lions' den and carried to to the National Hotel, where he now lies in a very critical situation. Dr. Whitbeck was called lu to dress. White's woundSjOf which there aremany Ills right shoulder Is most horrlblunian gled by the sharp teeth and ponderous jaws of thu e.clted ami furious beast, Kvery attention possible is shown to this unfortunate gentleman by Messrs. Tli.iyor & Noyes anil it is hoped that, with good earo and tlio skillful treat ment of Dr. Whitbeck, White will re. cover. The', circus closed', with this rather tragical performance, nnil has left the city, taking thc-e lions to exhibit else where. Tin: Stomin Watch. Onu of the best stories wo remember referring to a stolen watch eoniesfroiiial'renchsource. In the pit of an old French opera, ouo of the audience suddenly discovered that his wnteh was gone. The evening's, en tertalninent had nut commenced, and tho owner ol the property mounted a bench, tated the loss, that could not have occurred above two or three mill ules, and begged those around him to remain perfectly quiet, as his watch struck the hours like a clock, and It then belli" on the stroke of seven, the watelt would speedily indicate into who-e pu-sesson It had fallen. There was a dead silence; but the eye uf thu proprietor detected an individual who was trying to edge away from the vicin ity, and ho Immediately denouiiied tho skulker as the thief. The latter was seized, ami the watch was found upon him. As the owner quietly nut tho watch in his pocket he leniarked, "It does not strike thu hours, hut 1 thought my assertion would enable mo lo strike out the thief." " Does your watch go well'.'" asked a bystander of the happy owner. " It both goes well and returns well," replied the latter. An-Tx'Tinx anii Al'i'r.TiTi:. As far as wu havo traveled, and so many miles as wo have been wo have learned some thing -and among them all no no more Important item tluiu tlm fixed fact that thorn Is nothing llko lovu anil hunger to ilrl vmi man mail or mako him happy. N'L'xt lblrt l'"" hisclmw llHuuder raid upon n piled up platter of cold pork and beans after lishlng for suckers all day. One fills tho poetic pulsion, the tother Tiitistles tliontomnch " r fiAV1 heard'Vince sitfiY Sir AV'al. U'rHcotLhlahetheiitliiieifts h-om tho llns ,W-i,h(r1 hiinifni'ut'mi uVimon ;. i,o.. lexercllig'thesplrlf Lfsevere vef 'gen- A.tiiiii I!ai in beautifully said: Plf.ivi man be gracious unto strangers. It i tniw he is a eitl 11 of III ' h art Is no Hand cut oil' from other lantti, but a continent that Joins them." I itrUfliouis Itrnthng. "I.KT.l'H I'll AY." IIY MJIZIK C. SK Slur ll. " l.i.T us prav" The w-ords puma aoft and loir Iinprcssii e, poll inn, alow, Hsu-pI ns n niiK l.lki'nlitunin leuxpn, 'soft, rusll!iiK,iia IIipv fall, WIipii cpiiIIp bri-rps pall. Ho Ikiw pd I bp liiniim, A Keutle hush, Mke t wlllBbt'a, ere Ihe day llPKlnallK ulorlou way, All thought aujipllpd, As If the aoul, In aliiht of holy uround, Walled till all Unit bound Wns laid aside. Then, aort nnd elcnr, I.ptoao n voter lu prayer, Diipvolee for nil heart, theip; flnoolePnloliP, Tho n orda are few Ni few and yet, mo atroiur; Inspired, they bore the throng Vi to tho thtnno. No thought of form, No enra for Fpepeh or word ; rJirthUMktsl. and Ileal. en heald, And tlila una nil, linrkness nskpd llsht, (lrlefjoy, and trouble rest; Tho lonultuc of paell breast Prompted each eiil. No hidden woo. No seeret Idol alii l.urklnslhp soul within, lint, was eonfPKHeu, Nu single want, Notilal.Kileforearp, Hut, lifted bv tile prayer, Was laid at rest. 1-iaeli burdened MMll Stood for Itselrittouo llefore the (Inllna throne, And 'lulled thprp. Na, not the throne, Tho gentle inprpy spat Whpre .iPMialovps lo nippt The aoiil In prnj r, ThGdaz7llm- throno l.ndPd the holy plaint That paeh a hltssl. washed hulllt MlKht rpileh It. Then tints' more the hush, And then from paeh full soul, l.tke inuslp's grandest roll, llrokcthoumeu! I)ur(ifii:i). AVu wish It were In our power to say a few sensible ami C'hrls taln words about tobacco, wortls tliat Would notumlo everything by overdo log, and yet that wouldconie.somcwhat near the sad truth. The condition of those who habitual ly Usu tobacco may bo expressed In the word "drugged." They aro not In a natural, healthy state. They aro filling their system with powerful medicine, that, In its measure, deranges and poI suns the currents of life. If it were thu fashion for men to eo about tho streets with vials of paregor ic dangling from their lips, it would then be tolerably plain to tho commu nity that they were indulging in a dan gerous habit of medication. Hut a man who substitutes a cigar or pipe for tho Vial is doing the same thing, and all In telligent people who reflect upon it know It. Hut the saddest feature In this drug ging Is that it is practiced upon tliat most delleateorganization, whichstands half-way, as it were, between soul and hotly, thu nerves. Tobacco would never bu tt-ed but for the nervous ex hilaration It produces. Many do not Hud this out until they try to leave It off. Then they realize that they aro bound In thu chains of a nervous appo tlto; that they hnvo lived lu a gentle but most harmful intoxication. Header, it Is a sin to poison the nerves. It is tin to seek for a gross and stupid happiness by drugging and defiling God's beautiful ma-ter-piece of creation, tho human body. Was Paul Kvkii Mauuikd. In re ferring to tho airalrs of tills time at a later period, he il'aulj says, not only that ho exercised lls power by u com mission from the high priest, but also when the followers of Christ weru put to death, ho gavo hU vote ngaiiisl them, He could only have given his votes as one of tlio Sanhedrim j and it may rea sonably bu doubted whether tho very Important commls-ion which ho subse quently received, when he went to Da mascus, would have been intrusted to any ono who was nut a iu6inber of that body his Introduction into It might bo materially promoted by thu fact that Gamaliel, who-of.ivorito pupil beseems to have been, was its President. Out of tills nri-os an important considera tionthat to be a parent was a condi tion of mlniMon to that assembly, be- cau-o thosu whose hearts were softened by paternal relations wero supposed to be more humane, more Inclined to mer cy than others. Hesides, among tho Jews It was accounted scarcely repute bio for a man to remain unmarried nf. ter eighteen years of iigeind marriages : in general wero very early. If there fore, Saul belonged to .tho; Sanhedrim, tlio probability Is that hu was at this ti mi) married, and tho father of a fami ly. Hut, If so, It would seem that his wife and child, or children, did not long survive, for otherwise l( is, scarcely pus-, 'snile'hlit'soiiieailusinn'to 'theni would ho found In the I-hil-'fles ; and it' Is vleii'r' thill, 'If he ever had a wife,'hu was 'not iiTiug wiien lie wroto tlio l irst l-.plstle to Mm CoVlnthlaiis. Killn.' i; - - ... CAHTlNtl out l)KVlf.s;-Vu liayo t friend, a feth'o'dfs't preacher, anil a Jo'liy fellow ho Is. Ho has u large, muscular 'friune, with eor'puleiu'o 'to correspond j ho has ti huge hand, with a powerful grlii -uvo us from giving lilm serious i whiteness, 'miraculous" neek.tle and otleiicu If be were n common sinner, spider llko quizzing glass on his, bead I fe Is an earnest worker, and has a well affectedly aside with , earned reputation as itjrovlvalist. Somot "Wnltuli?," years ago ho was holding a meeting, at "Hull?" which quite an Interest was awakened, j " Hwlng .ilMu qwopollah of a fwem.do A liumber of porfoiw hnd come to the w-oostnh!" iinxioiH seat, nntl soiuu had been eon. "Ylssah!" verted, Quo evening. i group, consist-1 "Ami, Wallah, tell the sUtwartl to lug of two or th ree young men ami asiwubmy plate with a Wegetnble culled iiiiiuy young luilles, wero prieut, whoso l onion, which will e-1 v.m ii,.n..i i object lu coming was to have merri-1 mem. i no minister having noticed; While the rellned exJiuisjto wns itl'v their movements for awhile, and think- lug his order, Jolly' yrn tlrov lr ,.g 1 was time they were cheeked, f had lsteptsl,wth opv,o, h ami pro loiiim his way ttnthem, and addressing j trndlng eyes, W e, , 0 ffi X himself-to the voniiL' men. k-lmll.. ,..... . .... A ''"' uiiyu himself-to the young men, kindly re. qiiesteti tnein to niiserve tho decuruiu belltting tho place. One of them, whoso Idea of iollteneh.4 was hardly up to tho nmrk, ventured In rather an ungracious manner to reply that they Imd "under stood that miracles were worked tlion. iiuii .id .mi. i ...... -' tho minister, imxilly took tho youiig I limn hy tho eoat eolhir. dellberately led him down the 'aisle, i l,d ,w.nirf ,b. door, wlth.mi . ... T..V "' work mlracles'lieie, m t yV t iikvimI" st oi-T 'mm FIVE' CENTS. Wit anrt jjtuturr. " filtoliT calls rtrq mwt ttgreoablo," us tho Hy said wlipn. ho lit on n hot stove, A l.AiiV'took her llttlo boy to church for tho tlrt time. Upon hearing th'o organ ho was on his feet Innttth'ter. "Sft down," said the mother, "I vori't'"'lie .limited, "1 want to see Ih6 in6nk6y.'' SoMKtlino since a gentleman died In tho town of X, who during llfo refused to bellove lu another world. Two or thrco weeks' after Ids' demise his wife received through ft medium n commu ideation, which rend ns follows : "Dear wife I now believe.. .Pienso send me my thin clothes." " GKonoi:, do you remember ithe sto ry of David nntlGollnh?" " Yes, sir, David was it tavern keeper and Uolinh was an Intemperate mnn." "Who told you that?" " Xobotly. I read It, and It said that DavIdy7.reo? a sllni forGollah, nnd GolU all got tlewal with It." "Coin: till America, patl" writes a sou of tho Emerald Isle; to his friend lu Ireland ; "tls a flue country to get a liv ing lu. All yjehnvoto doistogetnthreo cornered boxand fill it with bricks, nnd carry till the top of n three, story build ing, and the mini at tho top does nil thu work." A Haiuii;h puzzlki). Throe brothers, bearlngiiremarkiiblereseuiblancotoono another, are in tlio habit of shaving nt the same barber-shop. Xot longagoono of tho brothers entered the shop early In the morning, and was duly shaved by a Germnn who had been nt work in tho shop only for a day or two. .About noon another brother enmo In, and underwent a similar operation nt the handsofthesamo barber. In theevenlng the third brother made his appearance, when the German dropped his razor in astonishment and exclaimed: "Veil, mine Gott! dat man hn-sli do ishtest beard I never saw : I sliaves him dls mornln, shaves lilm ut-dlnncr times and ho gomes back now, init his beard so long ns it never vosh !" On tho capture of Morris Island by Gllmoro's gallant nrmy. tho whole mass of men wns thoroughly pervaded by that feeling of hilarlty.thnt follows n quickly successful engagement sol diers shouting, singing, happy. The sturdy Jack Tars, In quest of ndventuro or abandoned "tobt;" doing and saying ns only they can when thoroughly buoy tint in spirit, came upon tho subject of tno loiiowingynrn: A bronzed sailor had captured a mulet anil not without difficulty, mounted it, perching himself ns near-tho animal's tall ns there wns n'shtidow of a chanee tho mule objecting In every known way of a mule, nnil In somo wnys until then unexhlblted. Jack, sit nioroamldsliln." said Har dy, tho first engineer of tho'Weehnwk en, "and you'll ride easier." "Captain," quoth old'Salty. "this is the flrst craft lever was in command of. and It's a pity if I can't stay on the quarter deck." A I.ouiCAi.r,. Hill Jones had been to sea, and on Ills return ho was nnrra ting to his uncle nn'atl venturo which he hud met 'with on board n ship. "I was one night leaning over tho tiiflhiil, looking down Into tho mlehtv ocean," said William, "when my gold watch fell from my fob. nntl iininedl- ately sunk out of wight. Tho vessel was going ten knots nn hour, but nothing daunted, I sprang over the rail, nnd nf. ter i long search found tho watch, earoo up clnso under tho stern, and climbed buck to the deck, without any ono knowing I hnd been nbsont." " William,'-' said his uncle, opening Ills eyes to their widest capacity, "how fast did you say tho vessel wassailing?" " Ten knots an hour." " And you dove down Into the sea, nnd enmo up with the watch, and climbed up tho rudder chnlns?" " Yes, uncle." " And you expect me to bellevo your story'.'" "Of eour.e! You wouldn't dream of calling mo a liar?" " William," replied the uncle, grave ly, "you know I never call anybody names ; but ir the mayor wero to come to mo nnd say, 'Josiah, I wont to find thu biggest liar in New York,' I would eomo Untight to you and sny, 'William, tho, mayor wants to see you',". William forli tlme frir hornewhatu!;.. igrieved at theiupersiotif-bri his chante ter l'or veracity. .,n I j'.iiiivr.us vs. roes, Dinner ,wtu D.ltOVKlts spryati in timt. peerless oteamer, tho 'iiv M'orhl, and, a splendid eomptiny wero.iyisojiiblvd ubp.ut thettibhv.Among. the.iiaftmigyrs thus,pr.VHirtsl for gastro. nomlc duty was tilttle creature of. the genius. Ppp, decked daintily as.ait early, butti'i'.llv will, 1-l.lu r i ,. ., , to Iny dluiiah.'" creature paused, ho hrfiyght,,hi(sjr , .... uiy-1 uiju wiiii ifjiorcoithtit mado everv dish bpimce.nnd. tljeii tliun. deredout: ( " " ",UL;fy'. , tV(lu i.'.ulil aar'iied',Wof,, spittles !" ' " YU stdi." , "Snh," ' '' ' ' " AifWltt hili' .At'--f.'rf.!!- o-i'.il'M'r' V ' . " 'o 1, ,in ' ''V1- '" """!. l,m r" '"e down poor thindy showed a nnlr i.f , straight tails Instanter, and tho whole I tnblojolned In a "tremenjus" roar.