THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBU11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. dinner's mtnt. Ilnw Tltes Orotv During Winter. In tlio vnlloys of Cuntral lVniHylvn nla, tlio roverest Min'i of cold Hint wiw oxihtIgikimI (Hirliif; tlio just winter, oc I'liif il on tliu 2It of DwiiiIht, tlio toiiiMriituro fnllliiKto 10 )ietov zero. Thl cxtrcmu cold did not extend over a very wide, extent .of tills Htiite, mid win of only llvo or' nix hours dnriitlon hero. Tlie reninlnder of tlio winter was eoinurutlVely mild, nnd snow ly thick mid lute, so that not n idnnt wns found lieaved liy friwtlii tlio spring. All tlio fruit buds of peach, cherry, plums, nnd nearly all of exposed grape vines, even of tlio Concord, Delaware, Hartford I'rollllc ami Clinton, and of pctr trees, were killed, as were also many of the wood buds, but where branches wero covered by snow, even tlio (enderestshowned bloom. Tlio very early period nt which this fro tt occurred, before tlio wood had be- cniiieniinklently rlpo and dry, accounts, no doubt, for Its extraordinary destruc tlVcness; but the phenomenon to which 1 aim to call attention particularly, Is the singularly millnlshed, In complete form of the buds that op-mcd. This Is con?pleloii3 on cherry trees; many of the blossom buds opened out a full roictta of bracts, and somu showed the rudiments of tlio cluster of blosoms vfhlch should bo Included, hut all ircre ly rudimentary, l'rcci-ely similar appearances follow-' .cd mi early (November) freeze which occurred about IMS, only that In thnt ease the buds were advanced oniewhat farther in their construction, Mime sliowlns petals very oddly placed and formed. This seems to ho full evidence that tlio Interior work of coutructln tlio hhoots, leaves and blossoms, within tlio buds, Is goliip on duringiill mild weath or In winter, from material gathered, digested and stored in tlio tree ilurlii! Milliliter. Training Hopa on Slrliitf. A Statement eoiiccrnliiir stake and string hopyanU hi a late number of your lndNpenstiblo paper, leads me to write tho following: I ihlnk the writer had not tried tho system tinderstandlngly, or ho surely would not have found difficulty in keep ing tho vines on tho twine. In my yard I found not tho bust trouble, onco Part ed from the tops of my stakes, which were eight feet on tlio brings ; they re quire euro mid attention certainly not more than tho polo vines. My twine I" being put on thlsseaion for the third year. I hoiked mliio last fall nfter vines wero down. Jf left out I do not think it would last more than ono sea son. My pickers wero ns willing to jiick on thestrliigoas my polo vines, and on my two acres on strings every hill Is now doing finely, while I have replant ed miiio forty hills In tho old yard, caused by Hooding, nnd tho others do not look ns strong. I trjed this plan thrco years ngo, from n slnteincnt I saw about that time. Tlieronro but few hop yards in this part of the. State that 1 know .of, nnd I d.o not thlhk any ono has been hero ad vertising this method, but I was so well pleased witli my trial, that 1 wrote the patentee last fall and got a deed of amount used. X would llko to hear of others who have tried It, and how it work-, with them. Western Jiiiral. Grass for Horses, Many persons think that horses that are kept in thestableallsummorshould not bo allowed to eat grass. They think l will make the horso soft, wishy washy, and that it will throw him out of condition- for hard work. This is particularly tho case with some of tlio trainers of trotting nnd running horses. And horses that nro kept up for farm and other work nro refused grass bccmisu thelrdr! vers think they will not eat hay kj well. This was formerly the ctvo moro than It Is now. lint these nro nil erroneous opinions and practices, and tiro giving way, gradually, to a moro reasonable nnd natural system of feed lug. lras is tho natural food of tho home. It Is cooling nnd healthful food. It keeps tho bowels open nnd sharpens tin nppetilo. It promotes dlge-tlon, ii'id removes fever from tho i-ystem. Therefore, by all menus, let tho horse nip ginis fifteen or twenty mlnutis daiiy. Whether training for trotting running it will ho attended with the h. ;hc.-t bonellt. The horse will loso none nf his speed by such u course of t ituieut. Horses that are kent tin the ear round for farm work should cor , it In. illy bo allowed a nice nibble at grass ivery day. They work hard, and all th' j get for It I something to eat. Let them have, then, what they nil llko so wvll.-Jtitral HbrW. Ilnllul Wheat. It Is possible not as well understood its It should bo, among housekeepers, tiiittn healthful nnd nutritive food may be prepared by boiling wheat to bo eat eimylth milk or molasses tho former to bo preferred when attainable. It Is a Ilrst-rato thing for children, while adults may uso' It 1o' an ndvantngo.' omo have tho wheat cracked In a mill before tiselng, whlclf Is, perhaps, tho preferable plan, but it will answer well without this preparation. A lady cor r(jiiMiiident of tho Ohio Farmer, says; "Tho wheatphoulu bo cracked Inn mill. Take ono quart and put It Into half a pot of warn, water, and let It stand up-. mi tho stove for several hours : then boll slowly, and stir It occasionally, till It becomes thick; put In u handful of salt. For children It can bo used with milk. If left standing till cool, it N very nSco to cut in slices, and uso with cream nnd sugar, or fry it llko mush; the last mentioned I prefer for general use, but it can bo prepared in various ways." If boiled wholo, tho wheat should bo allowed to soak In tepid water -before boiling, that tho grain may have a ehauco to sorten and swell. When properly boiled, use with milk Biiltnbly seasoned with salt and pepper, and It will bo 'bund it nourishing, healthful and palatable dish. Valley Farmer, OUt-alac, I n.,., ,,. . . . , . , , One of our most Intelligent itgrlcu turlsts, , private note write as fol-1 , u y S K owes, "It Is surprising to mo that our', lot ,)t,u wino J ,. "r another " fa mcrsdo not appreciate ho ynluo nf Ho alio HiouBlit of a cunning scheme to oil cuku as cattle food, am will toiitln. OVorrcatli them; and dressing herself to to allow so much to ho exported. ,mt nsn poor girl, with nlmsket on her hey are beginning to find out tho yal-. Iirlll( 810sctoutby night with hermuld, uo of bones uau fertilizer. Btrnngo they ,, went Il)to tl0 ullt.myd cam,, a, , or tHr oung othis. The Soe.Tref. 1)11) you ever hear tho story of the poor soldiers, who, after hnvlng fought linr.l in the wars, set out on their road home, begging their way as they went" They hail Journeyed on a long way, sick at heart with their bad luck ntthiis being turned loose on tho world In their old days; when ono evening they reac ed n deep gloomy wood, through which lay their road. Night came fat upon them, and they found that they must, however unwllllngly,sleep In this wood; so, to make nil ns safe as they could, It wns ngrecd that two should Ho down nnd sleep, while n third snt up nnd watched, lest wild beasts should break In and tear them to pieces. When ho wns tired ho was to wnko ono of tho oth ers, nnd sleep In Ids turn ; nnd so on with tho third, so ns to slinro the work fairly nniong them. . The two who were to rest first soon lay down and fell fust nsleep; nnd the other made himself n good tire under tho trees, and sat down by Its sldo to keep wntch. Ho had not sot long bo fore, nil on a sudden up canio n little dwarf In a red Jacket. "Whois thero?" said he. "A friend," said tho soldier. "What sort of ti friend?" "An old broken soldier," said tho other, "with his two comrades, who have nothing left to llvo on; conio sit down and warm yourself." "Weil, my worthy fellow," Mild the lltlto man, "I will do what I can for you ; hike this nnd show It to your eommdos In the morning." So ho took out an old cloak nnd gave It to tho soldier; telling him, that whenovr he put It over his shoulders anything that ho wMied for would bo done for him. Then the little man made him n bow nnd wnlkcd nway. The second soldier's turn to wntch soon came, and the first laid him down to sleep; but the second man had not sat by himself long before up came tho dwarf In tho red Jacket again. Tho sol dier treated htm In as friendly way as his coiorado hud done, and tho llttlo man gavohlm n purse which hotold him would be always full of gold, let him draw as much as ho would out of It. Then the third soldler'sturn to watch came; and no also Had lime rteii-jacKei for Ids guest, who gave litm a wonder' fill horn, that drew crowds around It whenevever It was played, and made every ono forget his business to como and dance to Its beautiful music. In the morning each told his story and showed tho gift ho had from the elf: and ns they nil liked each other very much, nud were old friends, they agreed to travel together to see the world, and, for a while, only to make use of the wonderful purse. And thus they spent their time very Joyously; till at last they began to get tired of this roving Hie, and thought they should llko to have a homo of their own. So tho first soldier put his old cloak on and wished for a lino castle. In a moment It stood before their eyes : fine gardens and green lawns spread round it, and flocks of sheep, and goats, and beards of oxen were grazing about; and out of the gate came n grand coach with throo dapple-grey horsos, to meet them nnd bring tliein home. All this was very well for n time, but they .found that it would not do to stay at homo nlwnys; so they got together nil their rich clothes, and Jewels, and money, and ordered their conch with three dapple-grey horses, and set out on n Journey to sec a neighbouring king. Now this king hnd an only daughter, and as ho saw tho thrco soldiers tra oil ing in such grand style, ho took them for kings' sons, amUo gave them a kind welcome. Onodny,asthesecondsoldler wns wnlking with the princess, she saw that ho had tho wonderful purso in his hand. Then she asked htm what it was, and ho was foolish enough to tell her, though, indeed, it did not much signi fy what ito said, for alio wns n falry,nnd and knew all tho wonderful things that tho three soldiers brought. Now this princess was very cunning and artful; so sho set to work nnd iiitula a purse, so llko tho soldier's that no ono would know one from tho other; and then she nsked him to como and seo her, and made him drink some wino that sho had got ready for him, and which soon made him fall last asleep. Then she felt In his pocket, nnd took away tho wonderful purse, and left tlio ono sio hail miido In its place. The next morning tho soldiers set out home; andsoon after they reached their castle, happening to want some money, they went to their purso for It, and found something indeed In It; but to their great sorrow, when they had emptied It, i .i i . ...i... ........ ii'inui iiuiu lit tnujiiiu;i;iii is umillL'j uiuis Then tho cheat was soon found out; for the second soldier knew where ho had been, and how ho had told tho story to tho princess, nnd he guessed that sho had played him u trick. "Alasl" cried ho, "poor wretches that wo are, what shall wo do?" "Ohl"siild the first soldier, "let no grey hairs grow for this niishup: I will soon get tho purso back." So ho threw his cloak ncross liUshouldersind wished himself in the princess's cham ber. There ho found her sitting alone, tell ing up her gold, that fell around her In u shower from tho wonderful purso. Hut" tho soldier stood looking tit her too long; for sho turned round, nnd tho moment sho saw him sho started up and cried out with nil her force, "Thieves I thieves!" so that tho wholo court camo running In, mid tried to seizo on him. Tho poor soldier now begun to bo dread Cull.. It. I.!.. 1 .1 1.. ' In " tT Z Z B lis way oil'; so, without thinking of tho ready way of travelling that his cloak gave hint, lie ran to tho window, opened It, and Jumped out; nnd unluckily, In Ids haste, his cloak caught und was left hanging, to tho great Joy of tho princess, who knew Its worth. Tho poor boldler mado tho best of his way homo to his comrades on foot, and I In n very downcast mood; but tho third soldier told hint to keep up his heart, and took his horn and blow u merry tune. At tho first blast a eountloss troop of foot and horse camo rushing to their aid, and they set out to rnako war against their enemy. Then tho king's palace wns besieged, and ho was told thathomintglvoupthopursoand cloak, .... il.ii ........... 1. I. l-t nunnm buhiu ruuum uo ICItlipoil niiotnor. Aim no King went Into i s ,i.,..i.i,.,..,.i ....... DRY GOODS, &o. G HANI) OPENING UllAND Ol'KNINU tlllANl) OPENING C1IIAND OfKNINO (IIIA.N1) Ol'KNINU KAI.I. AND WINTWt (100IW, KAM, AND Wl.NTKH OOODH, AND WINTEll (100DM, KAM. AND WINTlUt (IOODH, PAI.t. AND WINTKH OOODH, fOUKlHtlUlf Of conftUMng of constating nf ronnUtlng of onntfttlr.i! of DHV OOODH, DltV OOODS, DItT OOODS, BUY OOODH, tmv ooom, HATH AND CAW, HATH AND CAIW. HATH AND CAPH, HATH AND CAPH, HATH AND CAIN, liOOTH AND R1I0ES, HOOTH AND HHOKB, llOOTH AND HIIOKS, HOOTS AND HHOEH, HOOTS AND XHOKH, flEADY-MADi: cr.OTIIINO, HKADY-MADE CIXITHINQ HEADY-MADE CLOTHING, UEAI)Y-fADE Ct.OTHINO, HEADY-MADK CI.OTIIIHQ, UXIKINa-OI.ASSEH, LOOKINa-OLASHEH, UlOKINa-OI.ASHKS, I.OOKINO-QLAHSKH, l-OOKlNO-ai.ASHKH. NOTIONH, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONH, I'AINTri AND OIl, TAINTS AND OIIX, PAINTH AND OIW, PAINTS AND OIL8, PAINTH AND OIM, (irtOCEHIKH. OilOCEItlEH, anocEMKH, OnOCEItlEH, OUOCKHIEH, QUEEXHWAItE, QUEENHWAIIK, QUEENS WAKE, QUEENHWAIIK, QUKENHWAttK, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, HALT, HALT, HALT HALT, SALT, KIHH, FISH, KIHH, FITH, KIHH, ORAIN AND HEEDS, ORAIN ( AND HEEDS, ORAIN AND HEEDS, ORAIN AND HEEDS, OHAIN AND HEEDS, Jf,, McKEI.VY, NKAI, A McKKItVY, NEAL i McKELVY, NKAI. it McKKI.VY, NEAL A ilcKKLVY, NEAL A CO.'H, CO.'S, CO.'H. CO.'H. CO.'S. Northwest onrnur of Main and lUrket Street, Northwemt corner of lllu nd Market Street, NorthwMt corner of Main and Market Htrceta, 'NorthwMl corner of Main anil Market Streets, Narthwwt oo rner of Main and Market Strecte, rlLOOMftllUHO, PA., liLOOMSmmO, PA. BLOO.MHIIURO, PA., nu)MHnimo, pa., ULOOMHIIUlHi, PA. inoN and juim, iron and' nails, iron and nails, iron and naiix Ikon and mailh In lurue quaaUtlM and at reduced rate, alwar ou liaad, ' ' tj j;. iiowi:h, Ime oeneU a flrHt-claiia BOOT, BHOE, HAT AND CAP BTORK. at the old eland on Main Hlrret, Illoonuburic. II la toek la coinpuHul of Hie very lali at and beaUljrlea everorierfl In lliecltlzenn of Columbia County, .... .4iM,i.,ttin iiuuno will) me JOIIOVT- Dlnva Irta luttll.ii unl,a. WA. men' glove kl.ll, very due, VYuurn'a line' goal IllOroCCO lMllinorala. M nmn'a mn'.innp,.,.n. calf etirNwt, coiniiion ilioca, Mtaaei' and clilld'a ahnca, .Men'a, woincu'a, mUaca', Iwya', nnd clilld'e llppcra. Ilenlsokeeinagrcai variety of HATH, CAIW, AND HTRAW UOODS of every kind, at the lovreet urlcea, both for ch und country pruduco, Itemeiulsir ilieattractlon la In our good. Dou't be alarmed at the cry of high prlcealiul call and ee fur youraalvaa. JWapetUully. a, w. bs w aeaa. DRUGS & MEDICINES. T"ttTffl A Vtl II? ti'MTM 4 T . CJiv1Y.a a j ,,.,1 uiiu.xiv.nij (71U1VI., RIoomaburK, Pn. DUUfM, CIIEMlCAtA PAINTH, PKltKUMERY AND TOILET ARTICLES. KYF.Il A MOVER respectfully Invito n continuance of pntronngc. Their Drugs und Mnllclnci nro nil ntlcctrd with. tho grcnteat enre, avoiding n much ns possible the Introduction of dellrloua nostrums, nud nro purchnsctl from the heat Importing houses 111 tho country, PATENT MEDICINES of nil kinds, Including Aycr's, Jnyne's, Hothn way s, Hostellers, Wlslmrt's, Iloofland's, Ac, cnustautlyon hand. tX)AL OIL AND ALCOHOL. HAIR, TOOTH, NAIL, AND CLOTHES HUL'HHEH PAINTH AND CHEMICALH of every variety, nnd of tlio best quality, FANCY TOILET ARTICMS. The public may rely nt all times on procuring tho above articles, with nil the new useful prepare tlons kept In the best conducted establishments, rilYHICIAN'H PREHCHIITIONH and Family Receipts compounded vt Itli tho great est accuracy nnd dlspntch. J It. MOYKU, WHOLESALE A RETAIL i) n u a a i s t, CORNER or MAIN ANII HA11KKT HTRRKTS, HLOOMSIIURO, PA., where will bn found a large nnd select stock of Drugs, MEDICINES AND CIIESIICALH. Also nil the PATENT XEDK'IXKS UY THE I1AV, I am also prepared to furnish Country Htoros with Castor Oil, Godfrey's Cordial, TBRLINOSTON'S HALHAM, and nil nthor medicines kept III their Hue nt City prlcos. .. Prescriptions carefully compounded nt all hours. Ill medicines, quality Is of the first Importance. Itloomsburg, June7, 1S'17 7 KVKHKTT fe DIt. J. Ii. CASK'S D HUG STORK, IN OttANOlAMLLi; JUST O 1 K N K D Willi A HPLKNDID AXU VARIED AS80UTME.NT OP OOOn-i APl'KltTAINlNO TO TIIK DUfO DUIINGW), I'UllK 11HUOH. cu:micai,m( ktc., A I.WA Yfl ON II AND. In ihortnj article flint can to naitird In tlio Drug lino cm, w imtl ftt tliefr Htore. Dr. -I. It. CftHo In n I'rortlonrr, and alo umlcrslauds 1'Jinr mftpy: E. Etrrclt I ft Mcillrnl StnJrnt, linn nt- iviiucti luie iiTin nt iiu jfiuTnon Aii'dioni t'oiipgc, Hilt i uilderNtuiiiU tlm cnitiiii.iiinHmr of MriKfat They rcHiMTtrully Invitn tho mtronaco of their frloiHiM, atil tlm public ncniTiuly, nsmirlnij them m'N wimitfver win ito )urcimscu oi llioni "in u i rem i iiiiu pure. lapnai W GROCERIES, &c, EV 8TO lTif A n A" K H' a o o n 8, N MIFFLINVILI.E, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The subscriber resiwctfully Informs his filcmls nnd the public that he has Just returned from the hiui .. ..can uim well Heit'cieu ASSORTMENT OK MERCHANDIZE. nnd has ommui1 a store In the room formerly oc cupied hv Steuben Wolf. Ill i.r everything usually kept Inn first-class country aiuir, BlIVIl tv DKT HOODS, riUOCKRllCS, HAUmVAltK, CEDAIt WAKE, DltUQS, MEDICINES, AC, AC. He hopes to merit a share of tho public patrnu- . . "KEH J-MILLARD. Miminvllle, May 3, 17. JSTAUIilSIIEI) 1703. JORDAN A imOTIIER, WHOLESALE OROCEUS, and Dealers In SALTTETRE AND BRIMSTONE, No 309 North Third Street, Philadelphia. QOTTKEIjL & AYKES, Wholesale Dealers in FISH, CIIEIXE, Ac, 4c. No. 108 North Wharves, second door above Arch Street Philadelphia. Pf V. I'ETEHSIAN, with LIPI'INCOTT A TROTTER, WHOLESALE OROCERS, No. 21 North Water Street, nnd No. 30 North Delaware Avenue, rhllttdelphin. yEAVElt & SI'HANKI.E, WHOLESALE GROCERIES ANDCOMMISSION MERCHANTS, Nos. 335 and 227 Arch Street, Philadelphia. JOHN STROUP it CO., Successors to Htroup A Hrother, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FISH. No. U North Wh irvai, nn 1 ii North Water St., Philadelphia. TBI FIRST PREMIUM Of a Bllver Menial Wit IWABDin to W BARRETT'S HAIR RESTORATIVE a ut ma is. ii. suia Arricultaral Soflelr. Drtha If. II. SUM ArHcultnral Snflelr, at IU lair lioljaa In Na.hua, tayt.W, IIAltKKTT'S Vegetable Hair Restorative RtMtorM Gray lUlr to It natural colcr. l'ro fftinoui th fruwtb ot th llftir. CIidk th nwUtgliiclror-iiiitvl orMnio action. Ei-idl-av r ealai Daodmt) and llumor. lVavrnlc . lllr lalUnii out. It a 8utrlur rt..lnf j .Jk MCODtama no lujuriuiia lnrdlnLi. A. JL and it IhcmiMt popular and rail- -W .IL Unl. North mnA A. J. R. BARRETT & CO., ProprMon, A MAKCHESTEn, . II. J-Soldby L. N. MOTER, llloomsburg. I'u. and Drugglsls generally. apr5'(J7-(;iii QAHWACIE MANUEACTOItY, t llloomsburg, Pa. M. 0. SLOAN A RROTHER the successors of WILLIAM SLOAN 4 SON continue the business of making carriaoi, uuaonis, and every stylo of FANCY WAOONS, which they linve constantly on hand to suit cus touiers. Never using any material but the best and employing the most experienced workmen, they hope to continue ns heretofore to glvo entire satisfaction lo every customer. All Inspection ot their work, nnd of the reasonable price asked for the snroo, Is sura to Inaurn a snle. 0 MNIHUS IjINE. The undersigned would respectfully announce to thecltltens of Illoomsbnrg and the public gene rally that lie Is running an OMN1IIUHI.INE Iwtween this place and the different railroad de pets dally (Hundaya excepted), to connect with tho several trains going South and West ou the Cutn wlssaand Wllllamsport Rayroad.aad with thoae going North and Houlhon the Ijickawauna and llloomsburg Railroad. Hla Omnlbussea are In good condition, commo dious and comfortable, and charges reasonable. Persons wishing to meet or see their friends de. purt.can be accomodated upon reasonable charge by leaving timely notice at any of Ihe hotels. JACOII L OIRTON, Proprietor. J U. PUKSEIj, HARNESS, HADDLF, AND TRUNK MANUFACTURER, and dealer In OARPET-IIAOH, YAI.IHEH, FLY-NETH, Ac, Main Street, llhsnnsburg, Pa. gNYDEH, HAIUUS A UAaSE'IT, Manufacturers and Jobbers of MEN'S AD BOY'S CLOTmNO, Not. K6 Market, and 623 Commerce street, hlladeltkla. DRY GOODS. jg-umtAH roit catawissai THIS WAY FOR 1IAROA1NS, Hoods to comiuire Willi stringency of Ihe money market, lyxtk nnd compare prices before pur chasing olsewhero. Just call at the favorite husl Hess stand of MrNINCIl AH11UMAN, nnd you will bo met by the obliging proprietors or their clerks, nnd shown through t heir great v nrlely store frco of charge, of course. They will glv o yell n fair chaltcH lo spciel your hsae change, Ihey Iru'st much morn profllably than It can ho spent elsewhere. Their STOCK OF DRY (I001M this Spring Is much larger In nit Its varieties than usual. Their LADIES' DH1XS OOODH aro of the nicest styles In market. They hnven line assortment of HATS. CAPS, ROOTS AND HIIOKS, SUMMER CLOTHS, CAHSINIriS, CAKHIMEHEH, AND VEHTINOS, nnd numerous articles cnmniou to such establish ments, besides n gencrn! assortment of HARDWARE, TINWARE, QUEENSWARE, AND OROCERlliM, all at greatly reduced prices, They wish lo con duct their business on the system of " PAY AS YOU 00," and they think they can ntlbrd to sell very cheap. They return their thanks for many past favors, nnd ask the fuluro piitroungo of their former cus tomers ulul the public generally. McNINCH A HHl'MAN. ItJIimUSTEIl A imOTHElt, Importers nnd Jobbers of HOHlrlRY, OLOVES, HlllltrS AND DRAWERS, BUTTONS, SUHPENDEIW, 11001- SKIRTS, HANDKERCHIEFS, THREADS, SEWINO SILKS, TRI.MMI.SOS, l'ORTI! .MONNAll'.l, HOAl-H, PERFUMERY, FANCY OOODS, AN1 NOTI ONS OENEItA I.LY, Also Manufacturers of BRUSHES AND LOOKING OLASSIX, nnd Dealers In WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, BROOMS, ItOPIX, TWINES, ec, No. .100 North Third Street, above Vine, Philadelphia. jyj M. JIAUPI.E, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, OI.OVIX. AND FANCY GOODS, No. 5.1 North Third Stleit, l'hllndclphla. J J. Ial'JSTEIt, Wholesale nnd Retnll Dealer in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, lc, No. 29 North Second Sired, opp. Christ Clinch, Philadelphia. 1 JJAltOllOI'T A CO., Importers and Jobbers of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, CI.01IIH OAKSIMER1M, BLANKETS, LINENS DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, Ac, Philadelphia. A NDREWS, WIIiKINS & CO., Icalers In FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY (10)M, Ni.5(Vl Market Htrecl, Philadelphia. JOSEPH S. DELL, Manufacturer or nnd Wholesale Deulerin CLOTHINO, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, JlND VI-ST1NGH, No. 13 North Thhd btleot, Philadelphia. MISCELLANEOUS, LOOMSIIUHG FANCY TIIM- B MING AND BOOKSTORE, second door below Hiirtmim's, Main Stra'l, Just receiv ed a now stock ot ZEPHYRS, WOOLEN AND COTTON YVKNH, COBSiri-S, LACES, EMBUOIDERIIX, MUSLIN EDGINGS, DRESS TRIMMNGS and every variety of articles usually kept h a FANCY STORE. '. Also SCHOOL BOOKS, HYMN BOOKS, I1IH.IX, SUNDAY-SCHOOL BOOKS, J end a large lot of MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, ' ACCOUNT AND MEMORANDUM HOIKS, BLANK DEEDS, BONDS AND MOKTO.GES, and n general nnd w cll-selectcd assortiuen of PAPER, ENVELOPES, Ac. A. D, VERB. y.M. K. MUIU'IIY'S SONS, S T A T I O N II S , STEAM POWER PRINTER H A Nil ; I1LANK HOOK MANUFACTlItERS :t'W Chestnut slrel, A- V, South Fourlllttreet, PHILADELPHIA, PA, They make a speciality of fuiulshlhgVallonal IUnks, County Ofllce'rs, Insurance Conpaules, Hanking Houses, etc., with EVERY ARTICLE OF BLANK BIOKH AND PRINTING, huv Ing mnchluery specially adapted lo all work they may renulie. foH'i7-ly. jCJWE, EUSTON & do7, Manufacturers and Wholesale Deaku In COTTON YARNS, CARPET CIIAlJS, BATTH, WICKH, TI E YARNS, COItfAOE, BROOMS, WOOD AND WILLOW jYARE, LOOICO aLAHHES, CLOCKS, FANCY BVSKETS, TABLE, FLOOR, AND CARHIAtE OIL CLOTHS, Ac, No. ,ffl Market Street, south sld,, Phlhulelphla. gCIIELL, ItEHOEH A CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCI ANTS Dealers In f FISH, HALT, CJIIXSH, PROVISIONS, Ac, Nos. 172 nnd 121 .Vol lb Wharves, abor, ArcliHt. Philadelphia. Sole agents lor Wilcox's Wheel, In bar rels, kegs, and cans. "yAINWIUOIIT A CO., W 11 O 1. 1, S A 1, 1", OROOIRH, N, E, Corner Hecoud and Arch Hlreela, PlULA'.KM'ltlA, Dealers In TEAH, SYRUI-S, COFFEE, SUGAR, IfOLAHHEH, UICK, HI'ICFJ., Ill CAItli MOUA, 1 ., AC, . Orders will receive prompt aite it ion, May 10, IJW-ly. jTOHN U. YEAOEH A CO., Wholesale Dealers in HATH, CAPS, STRAW UOODH AND LADIES' FURS, No. 257 North Third Street, Philadelphia. J H. WALTEH, IMa waller Ac Kauu, Impoitcrand liaUr In CHINA, GLASS, AND QUKB.Nl WARE No, Ml North Third Hlreet, betv, eeu U tea and Yln Philadelphia. FOn NEAT ANI CHEAP JOB PIUN'lINQ. CALL AT THE COLUMBIAN OFFICE TOBACCO & SEGARS. rjHE ONLY I'LACE to get tha best TonACCO AND CIOARH, AT WHOLESALE AND RCTAIU Is nt HUNGSIIEROER'H, a f. w doors below the American House, Binomsburg, Pa, Ho has the largest nnd most eeloct of SMOKING AND CIIEWINO TOBACCO QVcroITered lo the citlrens of Btoomsbnig. All the fancy brnnds of HEOARS, nnd Hid best Fine-cut and Plug CIIEWINO TOBACCO, can Imj had at his counters. . TOBACCO P1PFJ1 In great varlely are nmong Ills large slot k, DON'T FORGET TO CALL. It. It. IIUNSIIEROER. JJAOEN, HOYI) & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, and Wholesale Dealers In LEAF AND MANUFACTURED TOBACCO, SEGARS, Ac, No. 1 North Third Street, Philadelphia. Consignors can forward their stock "In Bond, without prciyln tho United Stales lax. XT W. HANK'S "VHOLESALE TOBACCO, SNUFF, AND CIGAR WAREHOUSE, No. I 111 North Third Street, belwccu Clierrj and Race, v.(sl side, Philadelphia. JUSSELL A WOODKUKK, Wholesale Dcnlers In TOBACCOS, CIGARS, l'HT.S, Ac, Ac, No. II North Third SI rcct, above Market, Philadelphia. JjMUSIIMUTH, liUOTHEH & CO., WHOLEHAI.l: TOBACCO DEALERS, No. 131 Ninth Third Htreut, live flisrs below Race, Fnclorles, Nos. 221 and 22", (Juarry Street, Philadelphia. HARDWARE & CUTLERY. QIIAHLES W. HNYDEIt, unAf.rii in II A K 1) W A H E, IRON, NAIIJS, STEEL, AC, AC, AC. MAIN STREET, BLOOMSBURG, PENN'A. Take this inellual of Informlnglbocltlrensof Co. iulnbiacouty, that he lias opened an extensive iiariiwaresloroon Main street, In BloomsburR near Iron street. nnd Hint he has on i,n,i n ' LARGER HTOPK ANII BEITER A HM IRTISH than can be found imy uhero else in thecountr und whhli he Intends to sell nt prices which defy CHAINS, AXES, STEEL, IRON. I nave chains, nil sles. nxes, oil mako and weight, steel, all sle, Iron, all shapes, and nil verj low. BUILDER'S II A 11 11 W A It K of every ilcscrlptions. Nnlls, nxle pulleys, xush cords, latches, loclisand knobs, bull scre'ws.sush fasts, window springs, baso knobs, strap hinges, hasps end staples, hooks und staples, and In fuct w.eiyiuuig nccucu in tnat line. COACH A WAGON MAKERS' HARDWARI.' embracing almost every thing in that lino. Als HARNUSS MAKills' HAItnWAIti: lUicklet-tainned; buckles, silver plated: bills urvei) KIIUl , HAMKS, roi;UU tleCS.' IIAMES, o.i j snuciie trees, gig trees, clrth web. wrai...i and cotton! thread, silk, awls and needles, tools u. III, KlUOS. HIIOKMAKKH'H ir.RIiVAUi; A full nssortniciit forcarjK(iitcrn. J lmopInne all kinds sawn; himd.pannel.ilp.nnilcompHSB, fcquarcs-Ktpel, Iron, nnd try : borlnn machttnn, cIiNKh, auecrs, hovtls. n atletn, braceH, KHUgfs, plows, iuU'h, bltsamt ahout i'erythlK fr car prntcrH. von Tin: pi:oplk qknijuama' I lia e coal IicmIs, coal shoM'li, RcnupH, coal fsintTH, lant eriWatiiltlu cutleiy.piH'koL cutlery, plated fpnaui, plati'd fork, mt ers, tea and cof fpo pollmtti'rknlvtH,milHaH, ci'"" cut miwh, circular haws, RaiiKKaWM, hatchi'tN, inattKks, plckn( foikH, gruli IJhiii linoa, shfivrlj., npadent nudlng forkn, hoes, rakes, bed pins, twine, skate, ploww, eoflln trlm tnliiKw. Kmpiy, ri'd chalk, white chalk, wire, horse natlx, meat rut tern, healen, wash hoard-, horso tmcketH, womlen palls, clothen plus, b1iu drnr mats, porch mats, par lor mats, com iwppers, paint luushew, howo hrushCH, Melgh lielln,heel ealki, enamel ed kittles, brass ketlleti, copper kettlcH, htew kuttlca.sauco pans.broad nxcN, nails, SledgeH, curtain tlxtuns, Thltnhlortkclnsan'l boxos, l'umps, lead pipe, etc., Tarred rnpoand liuiulrcls of nrtlclcH not .enu merated constantly im liand at pHAUKUSM'.SNYDinvS, Main Street, MoumsburK. IRON, TINWARE, &.C. JkTATIONAL FOUNDHY, Bloornshiiri.', Columbia County, Pa. The. subscriber, proprietor of tho above-l vned extensive establishment, is now prepared lo ro celve oulers for all klmls or MACHINERY FOR COLLIERIES, BLAST FURNACIS, STATION RY ENOINIM, MILLS, THRESHIXO MACIII.VIW, Aa He ts also prepareil to make Hloves or all sires and patterns, Plow-lions, and everything usually made In first-class Foundries. His extensive facilities nnd macticul Tvjirrant him in reccivinn tho largest contractu on the .nosi leasonauio terms, drain of all kind will bo takeu In exchange for Castings. This establishment located near tlio Laclrr wanna and Jliosiiusbur Itallroad liepot, i'KTi:it nir.r-MVKn. S' TOVIiS AND TINWARE. A, M, RUPERT announces to his rrlcnds nnd customers Hint continues tho abovn business at his old place on MAIN STREET, BLOO.MS1IIIRG. Customers can bo accomislalcl with FANCY WOVEN or all kinds, Stovepipes, Tinwaic, ami every va liety of article found In a Stove and Tinwnro ii. tnbllshment In thecltlei.imd on Ihomost reason able terms. Repulrlngdone at the slinrtest notice, Si DOZEN MILK-PANS on hand for sale. jEW STOVE ANI) TIN SI IOI'. o.t MAIN SlIIKCT, NBAUI.Y orroslTK MII.I.Kll' HTOUK, 11 LOOMS 11 U 11(1 , PF..VN ' A . TllKU'ldersigncd has Just fltletl up nud opened his new 1 ' STOVE AND TIN SHOP, In this place, where ho Is i,reared to make up new Tin WAKKof all kind. In his Hue, and do repairing wllh neal uess and dispatch, upon the most reasonable terms. He also keeps on hand HTOVIX OF VARIOUS PATTERNS A STYLES, which he will sell mum terms to suit purchasers. Uhu hlniacull. Ilets a mechanic, and dfserviugof Ihe publiopatroiiiiKe. , . JACOB MKT.. Dtnuliisburg, April 9d, 1SI17, .EOUUE II. IIOIIEUTS, !mirtcraud Denier In HARDWARE, CUTLERY, OUNH, 4c, No, 311 North Third Hliect, abov e Vine, PlUladelphio. T II. I.ONOSTIIETH, PAPER-IIANOINO WAIinilOUHIS, No. 13 North Third Street, Philadelphia, SEWING MACHINES. Q.HOVEH & llAKEH'H S E W I N U M A 0 II i N E S , Were awarded tho Highest Prcmluniasat the Htalo Fairs of New York, t Kentucky, Vermont, Tennessee, New Jersey Missouri, Pennsylvania, Alabama, Ohio, Mississippi, Indiana, Vlrginta, Michigan, North Carolina, Wisconsin, California, Iowa, Oregon. AT the vAiits or run American institute, Frnnklln Institute, Mary land Instttule, Mass. Mechanics' Assocla tlo;i,Penn. Mechanics' Institute, St, I-ouls Agricultural and Me chanics Association, And nt numerous Institutes nnd County Fairs, Including nil tho I'nlrs at which they wero exhib ited the pastlhrenycars. have also been awardc.l these Machlnesat the exhibitions of LONDON, I'AUIS, DUIILIN, L1NZ, Bcsancan, Bayonne.St. Dliler, Chalous, nnd thoy linve been furnished, by speclnl command, to tho Empress of Franco, Empressof Austria, Empress nf Russia, Empressof Brn7.ll, Queen olSpnln, nnd Queen of Bavaria. THE (1R0VER A BAKER ELASTIC-STICK S E W I N 0 M A C II I N E S aro superior to all others for the following rett' sons: 1. They sow with two threads direct from the spools, and requiring no rewinding. 2. They are more easily nndcrstnisl ond used and less liable to derangement than olhec ma- cnincH. 3. Thcv nre caiii(bleor.ptiilMU... -r,iv ii. out change of adjustment, ninuch greater variety j. oiiik iniui oiuer inncnines. 4. The stitch made by these machines Is much more firm, elastic, and durable, especially upon ""oo require in no wnsiied and Ironed than anyother slllch. 5. Tills Slltcll. nu'tlwr ......... l .. t.l. 1. under thread is lnwiought, is much tho most Piunip nun ix-nuiinn in use, and retains this PhimnnCSS llllll beitlttv nv.n ........ n-.ln iuenlly washisl nnd Boned until they are orn II. The structure of tho seam isstich thnt, though It bo cut or broken nt Intervals of only a few stitches, it will neither open, run, nor invel, but nmuin nrm and durable. 7. Unlike other mnchlncH. these fusten enils of the seam by lliolr own operation. K With Ihese limelilues. while silk la liseil II, inn the right or face side of the seam, cotton may be used Ihe other side without lessening Ihe stlengthorilurnbllltyof theseam. This can be louooii no other machine, mid Is n great nnvlng uK)u mi ariicies mtclied or iiindn up Willi silk. U. These machines, In addition to their superior met its ns instruments for sowing, by n change of mUustmenl, easily learned and practised, execute uiouiosi ncnuitiul ana permanent embrolilerv uuu (irnuineuiai worn. In nilillllon tolhelr fainlly machine thee have niso ine IMI'HOVED DOUBLE LOCK STITCH ilACIIINES, making a slllch alike on Isilh sides. Tills Coin pany make both the Ixick and Double stitch Ma chines, so that peisons hnvlng a preference can select such as they like lies I, and II not suited can exchange, for tho oilier, IhusgMng the public tin) udvantngit of this arrangement, Thoy also make uie newiy invented NO. 1 LOCK STITCH MACHINES an udvnnco upon nil nuichlnes heretofore known forSCWlni! With Dm I.ncU.S.tlf,.l. f, i power and strength, especially adapted for tnllois, iiiniiiiiusria, iniruess-innKcrs, carriage-trimmers, and lor all ilcscrlptions or work to which the loik-stltcb Is tinnllciilite t, u....l.u , facility silk, cotton, or linen thread, and will sow um uncsi musnn ns wen ns uie thickest leather. Price Jsi). with lli ininers, Ssa. Their No. 0 is A LIGHT JWXXIMI MACIIIXi:, cnntaiulmrnianvtmori-iveiMfniu hiring, vesl.muklng, llglit shocmaklng, ns w ell as fur ramlly sewing. Ijirgn numbers of these ma chines nre In use, and they give universal sails, faction. None who havo seen this machine will w illingly use the noisy nnd cumbrous lock-stitch .imiiiiiies imreioioro in general luo. Price tu, with llemmers, These mnchlucs of every description, can bo had ut the agent's office ln;Blooiml,urg, nt positively me manufacturer's prices, to which the attention of tho publlo Is especially Invited. T. II. MASTERS, Altai, 7urffnun't Jlulltling, Bl.OOMSUUHO, Marsg'SMy. Colunbla County, Pa. P JII'IHE SII U'lTLE fcEWINO-MA-lJrAt.'?-I?l?J.,7,.i,.l,.',.r.,?r ,0"' "'hers for 1 Af,",'i AW fANlKAliTIJmN(l PURI-OSES ... i i, " "" 'he latest lmpruveinents: nre speedy niilseless-'durable: and easy towork. I lltStrateil ClriMihtru fri-o A.i.u...iui to.. eral illscounl ullowed. No cons gnments maUe. Address EMI'liTi; H. M. Co.. augl-ly Clli Broadway. New York poVI)EH KEUS AND LUJII1EH. W. M. MONROE A CO., Rupert, Pa,, Manufacturers of POWDER KEQs, and dealers In all kinds of LUMBER, give notice that they are prcpurrd to accomodate their custom with dispatch, anil on the cheajst T V. LA.M1IEIIT, If a J h ROHS, HIIOIT A IX)., Importers and Jobb-rs of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VtHTINOS, Ac., Nn, 301 Market, Phlhulelphla! jJILLEH & HOST, Suoi'essors tu Franklin P.Htzer A Co., Importers and Wholesale Dealers In LIQUORS, W1Ne4,Ao Nos. 410 and 12 North Tb rd Hire el, Philadelphia! A. IIENDIJY, T Successor to Itaar) 4 Harris, Manufacturer am) Hl.'iil) Dealnr lu booth XnIThiiiIih, No. M North Thlnl lilreet, Philadelphia. T I'. I1EAUD, ' a wllh LIPI'INCOTT. BONIW CO.. Manufacturers and WIiolcsl), Dealers in HATH, CAPS, FURS, AND hjlAW OOODH, No, 111 Market Btijet, Pklkvdelpkta.'i SEWING MACHINES, rUK FLOltENCE HEWINO-MACIIINISS ARK THB BEST IN TUB WORLD. Halesrootns, rew Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pn, While ft largo number of Machines have, been ofTered to Ihe public, soaie of which possess points of excellence And acknowledged merit, we hnve long felt what others havo experienced, the ne cessity of a Machine moro perfect In Its mechanl cal structure, combining In the HIGHEST DEGREE SIMPLICITY WITH DURABILITY, nnd while cnpnblo nf doing ft greater Hanoi: of work, one that could be easily understood and comprs. bended by all. To supply a Hewlng-Machlno free fromthanls. lections attached to others has been no easy! for we not only hod to surpass nlhor Machines a, they appeared years ngo, but also as Improved from time to llmo by more recent experience. This we boldly claim haa been necompl,led by uL 11"l",,""rB "'. nl the ,,. tlent. untiring labor of years and In present n. our Macklno to th public, we shall make .",, assertions respecting lis merits, which wo ar. prepared to snbsianl late In every part Icular Dlsemdlng the Clmln and Loop.or Knit slliche. we adopted Uio LOCK STITCH (alike on both sides of thn fabric), which Is re. gamed by tho musses ns best suited lo all kinds of work Rut to meet objection, Somelime, uC again, th . favorlle slllch, we have added the! wlTch Is'" k' nn'' K"1' rMi" "' STRONGER AND MOUH ELASTIC! ieTeet'a"...' U"M "n,"l"-' "I"" PERFECTLY SUITED (o every grade of fabric, nnd where nect.sary sew h,m"f,"'",n"l'n 't Is possible lo do by THE FLORENCE Inakes FOUR DIFFERENT STITCHFi with as much case a, ordinary Machines make one, and wllh as Utile u achincry. coTit . r?" "'"'""W "' "'as been all we could desire, and from It. first Introduction Ihe I lurcncu has gained hosts of friends, and been regarded ns a HOUSEHOLD NECIVsSITYj proving that the public fully appreclale the many advantages combined In the Florence .Machine Over all others, th. Florence must be seen to b. fully appreciated. We claim lor the FLORENCE the follow ing ADVANTAGES overnny and all sewing-machines IN THE WORLD: It makes fourdirrerent stitches, tho lock, knot, douhle-lock, nnd double-knot, ol one and lie. same machine. Ii h slllch being alike on both sides of Ihe fabric. Every .Machine hn. the reversible feed mo Ion, which enables the operator, by simply tnm. ng a thumb-scow, to have the work run either to the riuhl or lurt. to ut. nn ..... ., or fasten Ihe ends of seams, wllhout turning the 3- tliauging th length of stitch, nnd from one kind of stitch to another, can readily be dons whllg the Machine Is hi motion. tfVrThonccillo a easily n.ljllsted, nnd does not sklpslllclies, -It is almost noiseless, and can be used wheioiiulet Is necessary, 9-Its motions are nil positive; there are mi springs to get out of order, and Us simplicity en ables any ono to operate 11. 11 does not require liner thread ou the under than for the upper side, and will sew across the heaviest scam, or from one lo more thicknesses of cloth, without change of needle, tension, break. Ing thread, or skipping stitches. -The llemmer Is easily adjusted, and will turn any width or hem desired. vjfu other Machine will do so or at a n.niie of wolk as the Florence. Jtrd- It will hem. fell ,.. and gather and sewou arum, at the same time. It ha. no springs to get out of order, nnd will lnt a lifetime. - It is fully protected and llceused by Ellas Howe, Jr., and our own letters Patent. The taklm: no of the slack. M,r....i i. .... formed bv the lricvulnr isinlra.lln.. ..a . ...i- 11 or uncertain operatlou of springs. Tho precision nnd nccurncy with which tho Florence draws the thread Into tho cloth Is unnpproached oy anv sewlng-Mnehlne hitherto olfere.! In the world. We furnish each Maehlno with " Barnum's Self. Suwer," w hlon guides the work Itself, and Is of In- raiciunme value, especially to Incxpcllenco oper ators. While possessing tho above, and many other advantages, tho Florence Is sold nt corresponding prices with oilier Itrst-clnss Machines, and n care, ftil examination will fully substantiate all that wo hava claimed for It, and Justify the assertion wo now make, that it Is tho best Howlng-Machlue in me world. We waraant over-Machine to bo all that e claim for It, and to glvo entire satisfaction, and win give a wnueu wnrrauly, If required. Liberal arrangements made wllh those who buy to sell ngaln. Further information may be hud by Inclosing stamps to the General Office of the Floience Sowlng-Machlna Compunr,o30Chosluut street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania., PRICES OF MACHINES. No. 1, Plain. This Machine makes the lock and knot stitches ,nnd haa the reversible feed.. td3 No. 2, Florence, Gold-ornamented Machine, wiin drawer, ami ugui cover, without lock; mnkisi nil the four stitch, and lias tho re versible feed f74 No. 3. Silver-plated Machine, ornamented ; inoie ou-nnisueu walnut, Willi heavy half ease, lock and drawer ; makes nil tho four stitches, and has tho reversible feed Ill No. i. Silver-plated Machine, highly orna- inenieu, anil inakes nil the four atltuhes, nnd has the reversible feed, Polished mahogany table $sfl Polished Rosewood Table bj No, . Walnut table, la oll..... w Mahogany table, In .IL, ..-......,. M Rosewood table. In oil it; No. 6. Walnut, oil finished Ill iunnegany table y Rosowooil table....,Mt,..,..M,.,w..MMM,. yi O. O, EVANS, Oeneral Agenl, 030 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. rpiIE LOST CAUSE, ' TIIK 0I.T STAKPAHn OrnciAi. SOUTHERN IIISTOItY OV THE WAll. By Edward A, rollard, of Virginia. HAM 1TEL SCI I WKPPENI USER OF MIFFLIN Township, bus procured the Agency of Columbia ( onnty, for Uie sale of tho alloys work. It com prises u full account of tho rlso and progress of ilio late Southern Confederacy, the campaigns, battles, Incidents nnd adventures or the most gl. gnnllo struggle or Ihe World's history. Conildcia lu uno large volume or nearly euu pages, wllh TWKNTV-FOUIt HPLENDII) STEEL PORTRAITS or distinguishes.! Confederate leaders. The hlslo rv of the vaiiiiiilsli.Kl liu, -.n... ... the rnnf the victor, and to Insure lusllco to the Seuthein cause, the ism must be taken by some ft? vlnd cut on of his coiinlrynion, In u history which shnll challenge the criticism if the Intelligent, audlnvllelho allentlon ol all honest liniuliers. Sucha work will boor peculiar merest to the i candid and Intelligent public ol the North, and Is ofthe utmost Importance lo the ; rt; i;.- :.-. ..ri "'ro, . . iih , T ' "lo "o"i". IS uouoiless tilt, heal uimllniHl to prepare ii complete nnd slumlord Ida lory of the ft ar, and to nummlt to the present "V.W!fFl,,rBl,ol,''lhful nd wor by re--ifaJ a.f i ''"Ir : .t ruicKla and of n cause'lost, !f,H"J'L',"",r' haying been employeil during lh" entire pcrlo.1 of iheVar,as editor of a Rlchuiond ncwspusir, Ifebuw. JoiiM aiLiimiT, " 110:0.", hoyau QIL1IEHT & ItOYAL, KSTAtaisiinn mvi. WHOLFiaAI.E DRUGG1HTH, Nos, limi and Ml Np,(h Third Hirer I, Philadelphia, Importers' and Deulers In DRUGS, MEDICINES, Hl'ICEH, PAINTH, 01 LH. UIARH, DYKBTUKFH, At'., May W, 1807-ly,