THE IILOOjSISBUI, jfiOJuLBIA " it tiiioM s mud, piiidav, jvt.vun, iboi. Tub Crunbriii Democracy linvo ro nominated Col. J. 1'. Linton fur Assem ble by ncclnmntloiit Wnnro rcqticstttl lo ntmoimt'o tlmt Wllllnm Applcnmn, Ksq,, of llentuti, withdraws Ills iininu.ns h uimlltlnto for HhiTirr. Tin; Supplumi'iilary llwoiistnictlon 11111 as rIvcii In tlio C'oi.itmiiia.v Iunt week, win lULMurt over tlio l'ruslilentlul veto, mill Is now n law. lloTii llniic.s pnsactl a bill allowing negroes to liolit olllco and nit nn Jurors III the District of Coltinibtn. How do you llkotlmt, P. JolinV Ox Saturday last at Ilarrlsburg, oiSU,vi,n.sti(linItlc'(ljrr.Hobt'rt.I.N'cvln, con of ltv. JolmU. Js'cvln, l. I)., to tlio ileaeonato In tlio diurcfi. Tin; Ki;.nt rinnr Justin,. Hy tin expiration of Jmlgo Woodward's term, next December, the Hon. James Thonip bon will becomo Chief Justice of the State. Tun Democracy of Juniata county have selected Kara D. I'arker to: the State .Senate and II. 1'. M'Wllllams for A--enibl,Vj subject lo tlio decision of the district conference. TlMicoiiiiiiutilcatloit from Mulncvllle, and the warning will bo heeded. Such "cattle" Mioiior or later get their re ward, and the Individuals referred will doubtlehS receive theirs. A VAl.i'lIl) correspondent from J!cn tou Nends us a communication, which was too lato for Inst work's paper, anil as we Nsue on Friday It would be too lato for his purpo-e to print it this week. A llAitvusT IIomi; C'i:i,i:imATinN will beheld at thegrove,ln Ornnguvllle, on tho third day of August, 1SC7. It will doubtless bo a monster denion-.tra-tion of the farmers, and the farmer's wives and daughters. W'K call attention to tho advertise ment of tho opening of tho fal( session of the , Columbus Alalo and Female Academy. The Institution is said to be nourishing under tho careof Its pres ent Principal. . Caution. Mechanics and laborers who are exposed to'tho heat of tho sun, should refrain from drinking to excess, cold water. While tho system is in an overheated state, a delugo of cold water has often produced the most serious ell'ects, and has tended to invito that dreadful malady, sunstroke. Ci'iiisi:nt Coin. In tho new Inter national Coinage, If the llve-frane pleco is adopted as the unit, that piece being worth nil cents In gold, in American money, tho American dollar will have to bo reduced In value four cents, the half dollar two cents, and tho quarter ono cent. The new system Is to be a decimal system. Joil.v A. FliNsroN, Km., the member of tho Statu Central Committee from tills district, attended a meeting of that body In Philadelphia last week, lie reports tho most favorable expre-'sioil of opinion from all parts of the State as toourprosdectsofstieccss this fall. There is no doubt' of tho election of Sharswood as Supremo Judge. " Axdv," tho popular carrier employ ed by Paxton A Ilnrnian, was severely lnjutvd on last Wednesday, by being thrown from his wagon whllo tho team wusi'ruiiuing away. Fortunately the Injuries wero scalp wounds, which were promptly dressed by Dr. Harrison, and in all probability "Andy" will soon be jiblo'fo report'for duty. Wr. presuniu it is scarcely ueceeosary lo remind our readers tlmt at the Dele gato election on next Saturday, the polls will be opened from three o'clock in tho afternoon to .seven o'clock hi the evening. All voting must bo by ballot. Wo expect to sco In tho Convention oiiio of the uhlot and most active men in the County and wo liavo no doubt lint that they will form a ticket credita ble to themselves and to tho party. All wo ii-k for Is a fair expression of the will of tho people, and that we wll obey. Wi; Don't'. it. The ac 'knowleducd ori;an of fashionable society in our country, the Jome Journal, says "Thu.,liaudaomest lady In America, is auiss jiinuy ijciionncrg, oi rnuaiiei I'hlo." Pshaw I Wo don't believe it, We will guw.-n.nteo that wo can trot out scv leral brace of brilliant belles In Harris burg who call beat her easy. Patriot A- union, If you.ciui'i beat her in llarrlsburg just.send uijj lU tMloonisburg. Ami if you can 'beat her, then wo hero under tako to beat you. ,Vi: had Intended to publish Mr. Hucknlow's speech on "Cumulative. Voting," but as It would lmvo excluded all other matter from our paper wo have niado an arrangement with him, to get pamphlet copies, ylilcli wo will distrib ute) to our subscribers. AVo would call special attention lo tho subject, beeauso'wo believe tho proposed refprm will prove beneficial to theeoun try, n)d slmplu in its details. The Now York World, TJiq Times, The Aye, and other leading pupers of both parties, speak of the speech In tho highest terms. Tiik eagerness, with which our candi i dates fqr nomination aru canvassing the county, calls to mind tho following siig i gestivo story i A candidate for olllco, canvassing Ids district for voters, c.imo upon a poor 'Mr. White, who had a voto to cast. Poor Whlto was milking when Mr. of-llco-seeker found him. "Shall I hold her?" inked lie, soolug ' tfiQ animal was uneasy, Tho old inuu .consented; tho olllco seoker took the cow by tho horns and tho man proceed ed with hU inlllilii "IIiiYoyotl luul Yuuni; nro(iiul hw, ilately V" nsked tho camlltlato ire.sontly, irururrliiB to lib riviU. "Oh, yes," satil thn old man, "hoM 'liohlnd tho barn, holding tho ealf I" Thonuxt tlmo that wiv wiwi m'vii It was rnther uneasy. 1 IN Port Lou!, Mauritius, tho yellow lever Is very bail. Thirty thousand iiersHliia Im villi; died blneo February 10th ilLSt. TIIE KAIiBIDOSCOFE I .. . -A ninpof limy Ilfi- ll ihirlil.itlom nna Hi vnt concerni." ., NO. XXX. AN (ICHArfVOVAOi:. In lhoflnlter part of July,'18..d, 1 re colvedlnformatlon from a friend, who had been appointed Minister Itcsident to a South American ltepubllc, that ho wished mo to accompany him. Tho olfer,'of;cnurso,,was Joyfully accepted, and u fow' days later wo' wero In Xew York, ready tfi" ruilmrk. To a youth of eighteen, who novcr be fore had seen a great City, Xcw York presented endless attractions. Tho stranger Is no less Interested In visiting Its public buildings, Cliurches,shlpplng, and thousands of objects of Interest, than In recognizing the names of familiar business establishments, or lu hunting up objects of historical renown, llusoon becomes Impressed with tlio fact that ho Is In a new world, surrounded by tluj greatest wealth and luxury, as well ns by the deepest poverty and distress. My curiosity was not yet satiated when Information came that tho Steamer "Moses Taylor," which was to carry us to Asplnwall, was at tho wharf.' Our baggage was hastily got on board, and snugly stowed away In the hold, some two or thred stories below tho level ofthoseti. Wo then went on deck and beheld a scene which defies description. Tho whole pier was crowded with peo ple, and a constant stream poured Into tho Steamer ns though It was a veritable Noah's Ark which would sas'o them from nn Impending deluge. The cause of tho unusual rush was tho discovery of new gold diggings on Frazer Itiver, about liflil miles north of San Francisco, and thousands were leaving their homes in the hope of bettering their fortunes in the new Kldorado. Many came on board laughing, others crying. At one point a daughter was clasped in the arms of an almost frantic mother and as often ns she bade adieu, would sho return to give another embrace to tho child sho never expected toseoagalu. In another place a husband was bidding good byo to his wife and child, until she fainted on tlio deck, and the little boy pleaded for bis father to go back with them home. Another woman on the shore attracted my attention by Hinging her arms around wildly and shrieking to her son not to leave her In her old age, but to return ami bo her support and comfort. The bystanders, in pity took her from tho pler.aud In all probability they never met again. These sad leaves taking brought the tears to my eyes, because they called to mind my own parting from parents and friends of but a fuw days before. Soon however, tlio wheels of the steamer commenced their motion and amidst the shouts of the crowd, tho fluttering of handkerchiefs, and hurried good byes the lines wero east oil', and our voyage was fairly begun. Onboardull was confusion. Thesailors were making all things in their depart ment "snug," and the passengers were hunting their respective state rooms, or if they belonged fo tho steerage were searching for their bunks and berths. Tho steamer's Usual complement was only MM) souls, whereas wo had on board nearly !)0(i. Kven after the state rooms were occupied, and the steerage passen gers had taken their allotted btations, It seemed ns if the decks, saloons, and rlcsing wero full, The state rooms were inero "hole's In the wall," with just enough room to lie down andstreteh out in. However, my dissatisfaction subsided when I passed into thesteerage ind found about fion persons of all ages, colors, classes, and conditions, crowded into that limited space. They wero fed In squads, each person receiving a limited amount. After getting fully under way, the vessel was thoroughly overhauled, and several persons who had secreted themselves were placed on board tho pilot boat. Among them were an old lady and gentleman, who, on being In terrogaled as to their presence on an ocean bound steamer without tickets, replied that they wore on their way to Ohio to visit a son residing there, and had been directed to go on board our Steamer! A few hours took us beyond New York Hay, ami then came that nauseous feel ing known as sea s( kiicss. The heul! fill maiden, the robust youth, and the old luan.nlike made their'heavo'iuto tho sea, or betook t hem-elves to their slab rooms, and there attempted thodilllcult feat of turning themselves inside out When on land it is all well enough to talk about "a life on tho ocean wave, homo on tho rolling sea," but It does not tako long to get through that ro nianeo ; anil Inasmuch as "ml-ery loves company"! had thosati-factlon of know ing that tho nia-s of those on board fell as wretched as I did. On tho Sabbath we had rellglousservl ccs on tho hurricane deck by a Presby terian Missionary bound for the Sand wich Islands, it was an impressive occasion : and as wo gazed upon tiiodeep and broad Atlantic, tho fact of' our de pendence tipon uod lor mo ana sniety was brought homo to every heart In a forcible manner. On tho fourth day from New York, wo camo la sight of tho coast of Florida and kept dose lu to tho shoro In order to avoid tlioinllucnceofthetMilfStream which wan di-cerniblo from tho body of the ocean by the quantities ot sea weed lloating in It, and by tho current settln north. Tlio temparaturo Is nl-o warmer than tho mrroundlng water, Majestic forests covered tlio laud almost to the water's edge, tho sight of which cured . . i rt .... . . it i . .... many a one oi, mimes oi sea-gulls and (lying fish Hew round tlio vessel, thi latter of which wero asourco of never falling Interest as they rcijo lu shoals from tho body of tho water, anil flitted uuuy until their jiiin-drlod win compclUyi them to return to their more familiar (lenient. The sailors say that in tlio fvatcr they are pursued by other llsh, and that the birds mo ready to catch jicm as soon as they rise above tlioHirftii'i fo that llielr tmiplitljlotis nntiiro tiles not tiltl tlit'in inurli, 111 tliey (liul fiietilcs In ulthur clement. Wo Bt&ipcil 11 tovf hours nt Kiiy West, duo nf tlii numerous IslfimWsouth iifthu I'lorliliiJ'fiiliisiila, nnd tllrectly between tho Oulf Stream miiltho Gulf I'fMoxieo. i(.ru tooko'i T'onrd forty-four 'more . jltii. 1....1 r v nassonclrn, WMnnti como irum . Orlean-Jtiul TPIfo bound for tho Oolden State, p i;ivo up my room to a Now OrleaiWlatly, anil klept on n sofii In tho Baloon.lxceut whenil Jurt'li oftho"roll- Iub Mop," as our steamer was famll- liuly e-lli'tl Bent niu on tlio op'ollo , 0fY0 r()0in. Thcru Is iipthlnn TO" nmrku' (ibout Key Vebt fellVO Its troiilfil iiiiitarniia', nml tlio fact tlmt It is n ininary j Ihcro beiiif ereclod .l lii'iir.ltirl vnrv Inri'it. ntul .stronir fortress I whlcfi'colnmn'hds tho Seil from 'n'liriou every dlretclon. Its proximity lo Cuba makes the post an Important one, and would materially asslt us In blockading tho channel. Tho waters surrounding these Islands abound lu llsh, many of which wero caught by tho sailors du ring our stay. is wo averaged UiU miles a day Hdld not take us long to run through tho Oulf of Mexico, lly this tlmo tho passengers bad made many acquaintances, and pleasant books, games, music, all helped lo while away thetedlum of thovoyage. Nothing could bo more pleasant than to go upon deck a short time before sun set, when the heat of tho day was past and tho cool Sea breezo had sprung up, and either promenade tho decks, or lean over the tall'rall and gaze upon the vast and mighty deep. And then what can be more beautiful than a sunset at seal Pen cannot descrlbo nor pencil paint It, but If there Is any sentiment In a man, tho sight of that glorious orb sinking gradually as It wero into tlio very bed of tho ocean, mado glorious by thollght, which Is reflected in rainbow colors against tlio sky ; Iho sight would enll forth ruptures from nstove. As Chaucer liialntly wrote Ilvohundrcd yearsago : "It wns of Kdlil, mill plionc mi lulght, Tlmt liuvcr mv liu-ll Mich n hlfilit t Hut If tlio Hciucn hml yiiomio All nerve nf d(l niinllier minno, S'n ftlinnno the eimrkllnK willrrs brltftit, Alnl -mine1 hut itnwtiwnril Kan It light," Tho day after we left Key West, wo roun ded tho Cnpeof San Antonio, the western point of Cuba. The land was covered with verdure to tlio water's edge, and many people came to tho horo ns we pa-sed. It was the Captain's intention to stop at Huvauna, but tho fear of yellow fever getting in such a dense crowd changed his mind, and prevented us from visiting tho Capital of "the Queen of tho Antilles." Wo now found our.-elves in tho Caribbean Sea, which well maintained Its reputation for storms, much to tho disall'ectlon of our internal arrangements. Tlio rolling, pitching, churning motion made It al most Impo-sHilo tokooponcs feet on deck, and below it was nearly as bad, as all tlio windows had to lie closed making the place sufl'ocutingly hot. Tho follow ing day, however, wo readied Aspin- wall, having made tho run from New York In eight days. Quij:n Sahi;. LOCAL NOTICES. Tmuii Stiikut Oi'.adkd School, next term commences August ."tli, by K. W. Wynkooi- & Wiki;. A WoNiir.K ron Tin: Workshop. Every Mechanic should have ready at hand a box of Grace's Cflehraled Salve, as it is a ready remedy for accidents, such ns Cuts, Uruises, Contused Wounds Hums, Scalds, Poisoned Skin, and F.ruptions, caused by operations in tho factory, dye-house, or printing ofllce. Only 2.1 cents a box. WlHTAUV VlM ClIKUHY IJAI.SAM. This IJnNamio compouiul lias boenmo u honiu flxture. Lot nil who suiTer, antl have iu .vain attempted to euro their eotiffhs, cold, bronchial or pulmonary complaint4, make iw of this unc(iualleu remedy. It can be relied upon, as the mass of testimony that has been publiHh- ed .since It Introduction is amph' proof of it.seHeaey. x JtAuurrr's Vr.fniTAW.i: IIaih Hi:s- TOitATivi:. We speak from expeii ence. bavlnif ulvou a practical trial to this renowned Hair Restorative, when wo say that anybody in want of a line head of hair should at oneo procure a bottle. It will excite tlio scalp to now and healthy action, cleanse it from scurf and dandrufl', prevent tlio hair from falling oil', euro those eruptive diseases which often appear on the head. and. in moit ich. liroducoa line growth of new hair. Ah a dressing, no better Preparation can bo obtained for mi parunir a rien ami mossy appearance to tho hair. In fact, no other Iht'w 7,V.f- tonutve Htm ever rivet ecu a more univer Mil demand than liamWs Wo cordi ally recommend it to our readers. It Is for sale at the stores ofall respectable urui'LiiMS. 1 ry ono uotue, it win etc monstrato its merits In u very short time. ldUbury Commtreitd. Candidates for Nomination! '1 lit lollowlnKt'Mlcnu'ii lmvo hern mentioned for nomination tn ilu M'vt-rnl County O.IWvs to ho llllod hy i'UtIIoii the pit'svul M'tir, unit tlu'lr ii.uiM" will hrt proKt'titciI for Iho consliU'Tutloii-of tin Pi'Mornitie County Convention. roit smuiii i'i jMOUDKCAI MIIiliAHI), i K.Sritl) TOWNslltl. AXOUKW J. ALllKHTSOX, fiiti:i:Nuoon row .n hiiii. IjKWIS KXKK, lti:itwi( k. .IOSIAI1 11 1'1'IOIAX, 111.011M 'HIWNHIlll'. .lAMlIS LAKi:, hroTT TOWNSHIP. hamukij Kiiixi:, IlKNrilN TOWNSHll', i'oh Titi:ANi iti:iti JOHN 11. lUCTLKlt, Mllll. IN TOWKSIIU". KHAXKLIX 1.. BUU.MAN, CATAWIM4 TllllIHI,. HOHHUT STOUT, MAlllhON TOWNSHIP. .JACOlt YOIIK, MIKIMN TOWNSHIP. KOIl l'II.MMlSSIII.i:il, DAVID YKAfIKH, i.oc en r low.ssinp. .H'ltY ( IIMMISSIO.VKII, T. .1. WISUilVKlt, MOUNT I'l.KAStNT. l.'ol'MV TllPASI'IIHl. HllVllll! Wlerl Illli Ile- liloerncy of Coliiinlilii county r.ilthrully for n IHllnlier of Minn In the ruuelty ofiilltor nml piililhher of Hi" llinwu k tiAzhriic, nml lu llev Inn Hull lonu'i oiilllliieil hen lee Uenlltlnlloeoii. Milemtlnu lit the liniuls of the pnrtv, I lmvo been Imlneeil to iillow my IliiliieloRolH lore the people ns n emiilhhite for ciii'nty 'I miAhPiinii. HIiouM I he linuilimteil mul rlei'teil I pioiuUe to peifoiiu tlioilulles of the tilllle Willi Ihlellty uml lo Ihe Ik-.I of III) tlhllltv. J, h. M..MJ;itN. llenvli li.Juneil. 1SC7. T N ,s l' u A N v A ( l' N l Y :r: i wiihuIuk.. J .i:nm l,l,fJ IIXI.KIO iluti.uuu M,lX0 &SD,tl Sil,(J iai,iwi 0,Hl,IXI , J,"',"'"'' 1 inu, ' ruinum . ,. . Alerehullts 1 ','.'"" l,; IllHllliillre HpilllKllehl IiiHiiiuure (Viiuiuiny of Hluto Vwhirn.. t'onneetlelll Mllluul Life Norlh Aiiirilenii'J'riiiiMit i 1'lll.AH llllllWN, .tunit, nnir$'l!7' ly. Uhooiisupitu, fA. FINANCES.-, , V I ) I T( ) 1 IS' ST A T MM UN T up ' llOtJNTV TUN!) OF I1I.00M TOWKPIItt' HOuwil 1 111 e lorn of llliionl toWMilp Timm't of tux on 1iuiUeititof1wi " " " inn ' " " Isftl (12.17!) M Jtm 30 a,ooi r,s fiym ii S7ft-. si an 02 '.'III so is,-, (II 72 Wl 1 1 III l 1H.MN1 00 Jly exoneration- on 1st Implicate " " ivi " " Culler torn com. nn Ul IhmHrata ai " " " 3,1 . Com, of .1, H. Mojer, Tu-iwuier, " 1'.. Meniletilmll Amount pulil iii men to nil quota " " I'l eteian wrimili-cr i;.XK"esof .1. .1, llroMcmnil .M. Whit- lnoer to NaMhllle. IMKCutint, exchange, KtampN alal Icle- CKraililui( Intercut nti IIoihN, Allorneyn I'vrn, .1, .1, lirow error making Implicate .1. K. IMKiiriiHHecrclnry. etc., T. J, Mori In ror nuiklnic Dupllcatg Uiilance In haniU of 'liciwurer I.SIH l TOT .10 112 Zl 1.IH1 7 1 III Ml 5 ni 2I 30 6 to las n uyiii 42 The iinilernlmieit h.ivo exnlnlneit the litMive ac count anil llml It tn Im eorrert, MIMJt CIllIMIir.lll.lN, .0)1 IN . OltOTZ, llluoinshiiri!, Mny .11, lso7. Auditor. OCUST TWP. I10UNTY FUND. K. iUo UlidrrMltrtmt Alulttnm it Twituf Inwn. dlil ii, lierrly torllly Mint w Imvi' Mitlcil ulth J, J. r.unplirt, (.'otlcctomf llminty Tux for Hll, Amount nn Ihipllonto CIt. My jK-wptilnuo lly cnnli pulil r, K, IIciIk-Iii, Tn-HMin-r 80 M 1WI TU . . . . J".'! W lUlanou lu lintul ir Collector :j7 'Zi Henry He wis, on Duplicate for SfV. Hit. MJlltl Cu. hy I'xniicmtlon 112 (T7 1'rtltt 1. K, llt ilicln.Trraiuit r, 3,217 M 8.11 1 I'l IVtcr K. Ilci luln. TmiMirur of ltmmty run.i, nit. Ilv ntxlt n-i'M of .T.-LCntiipfifll'ollcclnr 5,rvii 21 lly vws of Win, UiwKlnmn, mw tf tl coiiinilttcn for )iriuMirhiK olmiti'iri 7 SO llyciiHlior Henry Hflwlf;, i'ollrtor ?,2U in $ll,Mff IS lVtiT K, nonn'ln, fl.itniH mi ulliiwniiio for Iho Inllou Inir piivmiMilH inii'lo: l'n It I toNiitlonill Hunk of lilooinshurtf, $10,lii9 H2 " AHhtI ltorliflit ii vt'ti'run foltlU-r, m " Intf lt-tt on Miiulry liornln, Xll o2 ' Tor Ktiunps (lupllctttcH uiul moiify on hiokfii hunks, :tl irj Vcri'iii(to ,Vi (t TnM Henry llclwlu 12 (j'l " AiHlltorM fort In mmI.ijs, u iw W II ItclnhiiM for piomiliigvotunUrrH 17 " Cotiiinlitij' 1 ."mj " UotRTt 1' I'lnrk for collecting inru-y lrt)in llrnry llelwlg, 10 07 l)ilu!ici in Imii'N 1 f Tn-nsnrfr i-KiH 3.1 iti:riti:N rAiiiiiNOKit, Isaac iiyi:u, IIAVI1 VMAtMIU, AmUlori. ;,IiHMl!t, N,7. .J KM LOCK UOUXTY Kl'XI). A V 1 1 m )1 t.s STATHM i:nt. IIkmI-ock. Miiv 'i 17. Wi-', tin- uiulrrlmictl AU'tllorn, hereby ct-rUly hut Me hnvi' ninllted the lollowliii! account ol Hemlock lownshlpn rum I nml llmHt coriect A. It. IIAHTM AN, JM). M'lU'A'Nol.lW. Atulltort. II. Kiioi'M kkii, Treasurer of llounty Pund f Hemlock Ion n-hlp, lor Ml lo September. I HI. inimounti voluntary mihscrlptloiH W f'A'. Id I'l men V-Vleach Sl.ono im) 2 W) siihicrintlons n fimdetl Mini .incoo ii,trri 011 liouniy 1 una 111 imoi .Vn) W) 167 W ltdit sundry epenen tit I hi4.; in oiiintc rt 65.0UJ 00 $."i,u0-. m Ivi 011 Ili:ui, Ticasiii'-r ol Uminty lund ot llcmloek townnlilp, rioill lbt Sclit. ivll. in;. !i niiiount moncv loi'rru ed 011 Towtishhi llmid IM ft) 1 nonnt .IiiiiIIkkIa f..i- lull .ri 111? .".J 111 el fntiu suttsrrlnlloti to tirrvtuiiH ktilid W m Woi.uot dm, eiitp. lftL". 4:zl 5. ll-ci'it'd from County iiu-eiilnl huid lax IR 0-1 (7. lonetiilloiiH on Pujilleuto ImJJ 5IID vi Ivl It CumHsioiH for W&l hill 01 1'tnlhiL!. Ht inn in and nicmlniUH Inn (.. te to MamfllP I! mk tald S.ri (M r.VPIlsi'Miif N. Iteecn 111 HI l'l(e pcrient.nltoHcdtax p) ern tin HUM IIUCICVI pilKI O.ll t Sll.ifTlt m t!a lance $.113 32 IIImuk k Tow.n-.iui. I Hi. l'iinuutu or noin to lutnei eiuari 8i2 i:i li 70 iiiiKU i, .M'lirido S72 J-5 111. I lt Ctidlt hy halaiice In h.tnd of Tit'usuiei- It.i lance ji jla .tl, Ni7. ' CLOTHING. JTKAV KTOCIC OF CLOTH INC), ltosh arrival ol I'ALl AND WlN'JTdl (It)OIW. I ii.vvn Lownxuniui itl. lies attention to hN htocU of CIlKAl'ANltrASlUON'Ain.KClAHilhNO. atlils rdoic on JLluhtrt't,tuodiirM aboo tho Amel lean lion, I lllooinshuri;, r.i., ,jeie he 1ms Jiit recclxed fioin New Voik nnd rbladi Iphla u full avsoitmeut of i.MKN AND IIOVM' CI.OTHlNtJ, hiding the most f.ishlon.dile, duiahle, and h-tul-ome cilsIviiiiK of IKISliOIM, ! IX, HACK, rltOClC,itJM, ANiioii,.cr.orji COATS AND I'ANTH, 11 hnrthloH, and colois. Ifn han also iepUn tl hN alieady laiye MwU ot I'A.D AND WIN l l'M Mil AWIS, HTIliri:it I'DJl'ltHD, ANi 1'DAIN VUSl'H, I HIIIIU'S, ( 'It A VATS, H Vi CK8, I IS, IIAN-DK'IIItClUKrs.OLOVlX, j HVHl'lINnKIW, AND PANCV AKTICJ.US irt Iuh coiiHtantly nu hand a laru and welNse-h-elft hhmii tmelit of j CIjTILS AND Vfr'XNNGS, U lit!) ho W prepared to mako to order into any kluf of clothing, on very tdtort notice, and In the bi.t manner. All hU etothln N uado to wear, fuii&nost of It itof homo manufacture. (iOI.D WATCH! W AND JUWIIUIV, of fit ry description, tine and rlieai), HU case of jeir U not hiirpaised In tld pl.uo. Call and xufclm hK Keneial assoitmeut of h.OTII!Nfl, WATCIUN.jrAVni.HV.Ac. DAVID I,()Wr,NIlUIt(l. JSWCLOTHINC; AND OKNTLK- Mi;'ri KUUNJS1IINU mtohi:. TlJmiderNluned respectfully annonnct.s to liU Ill . innly frlend-i that ho law opened a now Clothlnii Uentleincu'M rurnUliIng Htoro, In tho lower of tho Ifurtmun HnlMIng, hotithwejit corner "f tin and Marliet H(ret, Illoomshuru'. I'u. luJuKt k-l fiuiu UhltadelphlM with a Stock of I'AMi AND WINTKIt CLOTiUNO l.MlJ and oi:mi(i:mi:n'h ruiiNiHiiiNfj ooodm, ac, ao. ho 1 Horn himself that hu can please all, HW Btocli coinprlses Ml'.: H, IIOVH, AND YOUTHS' CLOTHINO, siii-h m nui:U coath. 1 HACIC COA'I'H, PA NTH, VKSIH, UNDCIISHIKIK j DUAWIIIW, OVi:iUX)ATH, HIIIUTH, C()I.IAltHt HUHPIINDKIW, NKCK-TIl, V, HAMiKnitciiii: UMUUUMfAH, Ae, and hi fat t overthhu tn tho Clothlni, or Vwx iilslilii Hue at vory w prlcet. j In mldltiou to tho ahovo he linn nn uleaiH bnilment of CI-OrilM, UAHMlMUItP, AND VlXl'INQM. CUlTlUNO MAD1I TO OUDKU AT TIIK tillOUTlr NOTlCr Ctill nnd i.eo U'fuit) pun luul nn cIkcm here, and HIX'UUi: UIUUT IlAlttiAlNH, oct(Hy J. W. C11IJMI(KU!.AIN. M'KOrui.A.-Tlu'ltov.llu.iiii'Woi rn.ufllriKik. lyn, N, V,. knu, lii tlit lllblit l:xaiiiliii-r, ly way nf .1 lull, nt V t. 1.I.L.I El.l.i.r ...... II. .i I ..iillll.ii ilia I.., of llii'iiiruuf lit, mily mii, iirM-iu. , fi'i'T ,' 'f"'1,'".1"" "I'l"'""'! liiMllnl'l'-, "Wo puliluli t 1.1m hUiliiunt, nut loriuiy, lint lu "uriilllmlii loliiMl who Im, nluufliil pniAfr, uliil III jlttlliw lu Dr. Alulimt Ik-Iiiu Mil IMlwt' that Mill IO U Itux la Ilia Ili.llali lu min.iil " uhMi tin- j . iu li i .f 1 1,1 h MuhiiIiui u III (hank Uf. I 'V'ir for lirlnijliiij in tluli iiotUc. ' In;. .Viulei.' ImJInii Wnli r, l fur. Mile bv J. 1 yHt.,N..Y,.miliy i j" t A IMINIHTHAT()ll8 NOT I OK. X VKllTAIfcnl'JiJItVIMTIKItlt. IlKCRAf Uj-lg ll(J: of udmliiMiiilloh th tlm cmIhIc of John HtlMrJ lfiluofOmimu loHtiihlp, Columbia county, Vn.? tlerrnxod, have lnfti rnnlrd hv thn Itcntwtcr of 1 oiumum cou my, 10 joiiii wrow. woo lenmcn 111 Hooti township, wfttdfoiiiity. All Imthiff clnlmn or di iiuuicIm aKidnM tltccMalo ofthe det e dcntnro rp'a'f'MMtoninkptheiM known lolhend inlnltlrator without delay, and atl mtkothJu ill bted nil) rc'iucfilod lo innkn pnyim-tit, TX Till: OltlMIAXB' COUltT IX X and for thut'otinty of Columbia t In Urn mat Ut of Iho f uta to of l'etrr KvpIiiihI, dccrnpit. And now towltt MnvlHh, lwf7, llm(nirt npiiolntKIW Jnli It, Ikrler, I ''. auditor, tn inaki dlHlrlUutlon of (he halauco lu I (in hand of 1'cler II eland and John Iceland, ndtulnlKtrutnrH. Ut nnd aniouKt thn hclrNnud leual representative), lly IhwConrU loin lliertconl. .u.-wi; coi.i.uan, Clerk, 'I he auditor nhove nnmetl will attend In tin UitleHofhU appoint irenl, at hlnnmeojn llliKimn ouru. (mi na 111 1 1 lay, juiv n 111 m mo cioi 11 11. ni. f II M.-I'I 1.-11 A.,.ltl..P Ittmimshurir, .lutif ."lMi7. 7XKCUT()US NOT1CH. FA KHTATK OV flAMCKlt M'KAI., IiEC'n. 1.1'licrN leNiiiiueiiiary 011 inn oaio 01 rainuci Sl'iNeal, Into of Itenton township, Clumhlacoiin tv. deecated. lmo Imtii tmintcu lu tho Iteulster of hald county, to Abraham H. M'Neal, of Kald townhlp AltpeiHoiiM huvIiiKelalmf or ttematuU aKalnil tbu 'Hlate of tho deceilent arn requested 10 imiKeliicni Known in uic i.xrcumr wihmuii delay, and all iMTtion tndehtefl nro reiiuested to i,iki pnyiuriii. aiiiwiiia.m m i Ij.oi, June 11. 1Mj7. Kxecutor, A DJIIXlSTItATllIX XOTICIC l'lteriof admlnl-drallcm with (lie wlltaunetod to theettatn of I. W. Ihnw, late of Centralis llor (aiKli.Cohintbin county, d eased, have been jrran ted by the Itetthiter of mild t-mttity to Mary A. Uaui, All HTKoiiH havjim clnlms or demand nftalnvt tho eslato of the decadent are requewtPd to inakn them known to M, M, 1,'Vi lie, lq., at Ashland, Tn., attorney fort herHtnti; and nil mt noiik Indchti i are rcqneKlcd to make paj nieut. mahy a. HAim, AiiininiMrainx Jnnp 11, 1SJ7. cunttcittihicntonnnrxo. A mtlXISTHATOH'H XOTI0K. x.T-'TA'rri Jons Dif.thiiick, nv:r'n. T,et ter4 of administration 011 ihoeMtatoof John Diet crick, late of Montour township, Columbia county. 1. liavmn iH'(.'iiuraiiiHiiouieuniierHiHne(i Iliulsttr of Mild county j all pernoiiM In :i km lit i-Ktate. Mill nleaaa mako navinent tlierefrf to them, and thoso havliiii claims or tle mauds against iho same will prenent them with Ult deMy, to JOHN It. IlIirn'.UM'H, ISAIAH IHiriKltlCH, Moniour tp., July 5, ls(7. Administrators. 4 mriviKT!! A'rnu'si xotkmu J. sr,VTK Ut IHNIPt. lKS, PI-CKAfl.l) LelteiMof ndmliiMintlon to thoistatuof l).iu lid Xtits, latoof Maine township, Coluinhla couu tv. deeeawd. haH been eianted hv tlio UcuUter of Mild County to Nathan Miller. All person h navinu ( laims or iiemamin aainsi innesuiie 01 the decedent, are requested to picsent them to tho ndiululKtralor without delay, and nil peixoriH niueoieii are requesiea 10 mane paj meni. A1 ll.4 .il.l.l.U, July 12, 117 AdmlnlsirAtor. A DMINISTHATOH'S NOTICK. XV-KsrATKOr ISAAC IthllltAitll IIFC'D. LeltrrHfifmlniliiMmtloii on the estate of I4inn ltolilmnL lute of MiulNmi Inwn.litn. f'nlnmhliL eomily, ileeen.eil.lmve Imen Krnnleil hy the Ken Merer wilil counly. In HllMMter Itelelmril uiul CyiuH lllrliuril, iidiiunlstraloiH. All pernon-i hnv lnrlnlnnortlenininls nnlnst the entnte of the deeeileiit nre recinciteil tn intike thrill known to me uouiiiiiviruiorMMiinoni ueiny, nnu nil person iimeuieii lire leouesieii loninire ptiynieni HYI.VIXTIMt llllt'HA ,nu, CYIIUH June 7, 17. TX Till-: OIU'IIANS' COUltT IX XnU'i ro ter of the petition of John Jlcnner.-KUnuUnn of ihe peiton nml eUnlq of Binull rjneiibiu h. Ami now 10 w it : .nivy uih, 1N.7, tlio Court nnnolnt Wll Ham It.Ahhott, auditor, lo report im-ln at the ni'xi uTin, ity ineuouri. i roni mo ueeorn. Theaudtlor idoo named will attend ti the duties of hU apolutment, at tho ofllce of Imuic r. .Moniop, in ( atawissH, on Huturday, thr third day of AUKti't, at Hi o'clock n. m. WM. II, AltliO'lT, Auditor. Calaw lMa, July 12, 1n7. TN TDK ORPHANS' COUKT OK Xcnur.MllIA COUNTY: Inthi matter ofthe estate of Hamurl Itozelle, drreaied. And now to wii: .May in, iw, tlio court apiofnt v. l. iirock. way, IN., auditor, to innkn distrlhutlon of the funds In tho hands of tho admlntrator, l!y tho Court, 1'ioni the Record. Jr.viK Com:ax, Clerk. The auditor alove nnined attend to the mules or tils apiM)intment, at his ofllce In Hloom- hum. on MoiulaV.Auifilst 1st. lNt7.nt lDo'elm-k a.m at uiilcht lino and place all im'Imhi luwlnirelalniH aunlntt Raid estate must present tliom, or bu de clined Horn cialmluca (tliuio In tho Mime, C. . IIHOCKWAV, Auditor. Illoomshun:, Juno U, lto". TX Tl 1 com': I IK ORPHANS COUltT 1)1 I'M II r A COUNTY :-ln the matter of the Mile or i in Heal jjstate or in nor children or ol Miuon Hwank, deceased. And now, to ilt. May titli. N,7, hy agreement of ctninsel, K. II. Little, i:si Ls appointed auditor to distribute the funds as u luiiu hi inr iiaiuis oi toe luinnncMr.uor. lly tho Court, I'rom the recoiil. The iimlerIined will nttend In the duties of his appointment, on Momav, Jvuy l'tlh, lv7, at lu o c ock n. in., at hw ofllie. In itlnnniklmrir. wlien and where nil partleH Interested nre leipilred to pienint their cm I m or bo debaued from eomlna in loraftiuueoi ineiuiui K. II. I.riTI.i:, Auditor. inoomsiHirn, junc n, iv.. IN Till: ORPHANS' COURT OF I COIA'MIIIA COUNTY. Ill the matter of Iho ut cull nt of s.tmuei Henry and Andiewciei tveiiitniM of Anhihald Ilnnrv. deeiieed. . t iinw to It. Mnv oi h. li7. on mollon of Mr.t'h.rk make dlstiliailloii of the hnlaiico lu Ihe t)jn;!s of m the tVnirt, from tho IU cord, .Iisfc Cut pm vs. Clerk. Tin uudetslttned will attend to the duties id his appointment, on Huni'.A, Jui.y IMIi, W7, nt 10 o ciorii a, m. ai insuuice in itiiiuinsnuii;, nrn uml where till in pundit their claims or l debarred fiom conilnx lu lorn hiiai or mc lunu or ass, m. II. II. Liri'S-V; AuJUor. liiuoiinbiirg, .lunon, ptf, El 7STATE OK HARMON A1M)LTR di;ci:asi;d. XOTtCF. Ob' txvvjisr. To Ahiaham IvUmr, Isaao Ijilmr, Mary Ann luleiiuairltd uHh r.eunanl Kline, catti.tiim1 luleiuuuilcd ulth Joswph Ciuulmd, lEebecea Itil.-i in. in led wllh S'iimicl llmnks. Ja ksiin fjl- hour, Hiram Uthour, Anna luteimaulctl with r.llliuei Millie, nil'l r.iniiiiv ijhh;ui, inuuitn, LTaudihlldicn, and hells of llaimou I.ab-.ur. lateof l-'lshlntieelc township, I'oluinhla I nun tf ilefi-nseil Vou and each of ou will lake notice that by Mliuooi a wruoi paiuiioo iir Miiuaitoii, isnm- i.nli.r II. .i Oiiilmiiu I'mirt i.f thn IVilititV lif I'nl hla, an liuiuetAVlll ho held al Ihe dw el IIuk house laiu ui Jiaunou uiuuur, uceeasi, m tiu unwe wliln nt i'l-lilnm.ftn.lj fn m Id ( 'mnite of Pohitti. hla, nn 'IhurvUy the, 1'dh tlay of A n xiiM, A. D. 1n!7, for tho nuriiofcoof inaklim partition of the leal Willi o ni ineMll'l iieceasea, Mimic in i isu IntriTPtit touu-thtp nloiMtld, to nnd nmomx the ehtldreu and renn'RentatKesoflheiiald decettse If the hnmo can Im done w Ithout -pr Julco toor (.pou ms mo niuie, mi vi iw m viinui niei, "i pi UN 11 itl Name. hAMljJ.Irt,k I'Mt, Mieiiil, Hhulirs (mleo, niomshure, MaylT, 1C7, REAL ESTATE SALES. n R I V A TK S A LE r ou VAMiAuu: ki:ai, ustati:. Tin; untleihlnecl would announce totlo1 public lliai no uisncH io nismise tn iiair iaie oi IlL'NUltHD AND FIFTY Al'HKH Or T I 1 H K it LVA N D, hllualoln riihhijrcieelc township, Columbia ci bounded bv lands of Deairer M'lltun. Josei Coleman, Hainuel i olemuu and ttt lit Tho tlm her is nrliiclnallv Idle nine. clluriluo. I'ik l oak and chestnut. Tun bundled acres are ucaiI level, and all could ho intdiy fanned. Amp time yhrn, but lhhI M i urltv is aidtcd. , MICHAUI.I.KMON, Juno , lSo". Coluiuhki county, Pa. J) U inn 0 'H A L K OF VAI.UAIU.K HHAI 1T ATI f. In purMianceof nn order of tho Orphnnx' Court oi oiunioia county, on nauiioiij, .uii.v n in, i"oi( nt ten o'clock in the foremxin. Daniel Hlnulev. Jr., nnd Dnnhd Hinnlcy. vr., ndmlnMintnnt of John HltiKley, lalonf llenvi r tow iikhlp, In ald county, dceeaed, n 111 exposo to ale, by puhllo veudiio, on i ue puriiUM1, n venaui iiieiuie ami T U A C T O I' h X X li , i yjh jx.i s.i.i .i.i.-rii.K.i n.rI.n,.iru tix i i,i 1 1. hoMh by laiulN of Peter llauck, youathan llauck and haiuucl Nunuesser. on tlm wcht bv lands of ha m u el Nunuet-Hcrnnd Peter llauck, on I he north hv hind of Peter K net-lit, and on the cant hy laud oi dticou rueaiiuau, coiuaiiiiuu ONP. UUNDltFD AND TW1INTY ACHI'V andlhlrt.vsl prrlieM, strict meiu-ure, whireou Is eiecicd u ooikI nlank liouso tMOr-torh 4 iinU. a (ihhI fiaino bank lurii. Kpilm; house, and other oui-uuiiiiinKM, jiu-ru u u (ifir laiunt tiprinu or wuter at tlietliMir. About ninety acrcMiue cleared uiul m a rohi itiaio or cuiiiMitinii, ruif e mcret I it'ln ii meadow In lid. Tliuie iiln also on the nient, Uch flireo t hi Ifty s ouiiKnppto orchards In ln'ai Imf rouiiHioiii taio ino eKiaio oi wini iieccaMt u, illli ino in inn iom iiMnp aim tMJuuiy nnuehain, JhHMt Coi.l.M N, HlooiuKbiirK, Juno 17, lwJ7, Clerk, O'lutttutii q'Afc; 'Iho oiiO' third of thu pur i luiK.i liiiiiu.v In l.'liitllll ilnili..l tin. .It !!. i.i hin durlnutlionaliiial llfoof Jud Mm: lev. m It low of tho wild iliriuhid, und tho Inteiekt thueof to ionnuuniit nun reiruiariy pnid her by Iho pur chtuer on tlavtllKt ilav ol Mav of nuh anil eei jea 'duriiiff her iiatunU life, and at her death tho principal tn bo pntd by the: purrhnxer to tho pr konlcuall fiilttlod thervlo, 'lot per cent, of nne-fouilh of the txuMhtiil of the purehaie money tn Ut mtd at tlm Milking down of Iho" liuptil i Iho cue-fouiili of Iho luo-lhlrdH, Iohm the ten ireent. nt tho eoutlrmaltnn nbwlule, and tlioieiiuilnlnu luudhlrdJn ouoear there aher, with Illicit! from tho confirmation nisi, The put chaser In ixiy tm dtvl and tamps. DANIKI,, pANlfe.l.HlNtUd:Y2Jr., ini'VI, Nt;. AUmliiltrltjiiii NiTi0-B. OtIII'K 111' TIIK llllHIM'lll'llll 1,111 lUI'.l 1 iNIIIII'll. Jllll.lMJ7. f r.ilii. DilliTiaur llii'lliuiiilur Iriii-li'i'M, ti Mlfy I llinttliiiruiulliluni U(xu wliii Ii thn lu.unlwrlii. IIoiih m tin. hiihIc orwiUl JiMllulo mi.h iiiuA.i lmu Ih-vii uuiuplltHl wllh, l U II. Hri'llUT l'u.sKl. ut I AUttl. Vi lAllt.Hmllilv! " ' 1 ' ' ' ' 1 rL 11 ' . Tlm .ul.eiljuihi)lie lui liofllii' iilKitenuiiii.l In.tltllto will lilini.e unv tho tlr.l in.ii.niu. nl. i.i Mlti Olle.uulilml lln-ll lhlliliillllH .erMlM roiulliiiiii, to Wll l.tAJt Mxvnui 'I'mnmi r U II, llU'l.Ur,l'ii.i.liii. July S, iicj. DRY GOODS. o aaooo YHa jyj n,i.i:it's htoiik. nuxii 4iiitivI.OK , 1 , f () , HI'ltl.Nd ANll HUMMHIl (KiolH. The milMcrllM-r linn Jii.t ri tiirndl inmi Hip f lllwi Willi nitutlirr Inrgrf nml nlcct AM.nrlinc-nt nf HI'lll.NO A.NII HL'MMIill (HMIIW, Imrdmwt In New York nml lliltmlrlpliln nt tlii lowont nmirc.nnil which lie In ilctvrmllml to noil 1111 im infxlf rntc lirin- n rim l .riKnri.l eluf vlicre In llliHiiiiKlnifK. m. ulivk mnirrlwn liAIIIIM' llltlXM rilNIIH nf tlic rlinltvttyliN nnd lulml rni.hlriiiN.ticllipr with 11 IhO-o liiMorlmoiil nf llry 1ihI nml line crhv, I'liiiKlMlnKiir llio rnlUiwInKHrUilml HI ClolllK. CIMlM. rnnltiicif., Hlmul., nMiiii-w, - HlllCK, While (1ik1, - I.lnoni, i" HiKipHklrln, SIllMllllN, llollunwurv Oilnrware (luvriHwnir, llKitN nlnl Klin-, llivtn uiul Clip-, Hoop Nctn." rnilirrilnfl. fKiUliiK-dlftsiir., Tolmrco, ColTlT, Kngnr-, Tl'llH, Hire, Allitlro, lllnc.r, Clnnnninn, Xntnii'BH, ANll NdTIONrt (1K.N UAI.t.V. .liorl, rM-yllilne ii.iuitir kptit lu emintry Ktnrn, In wlilrli fic Invitee tlio iilUnllon of the pulillc uriirndly. Tin) lllthiht price Mill c pntil for cfiuntry produce 111 exclmliKO for Rootli. H. 1M1II.I.KI!, Arenito ltnltilliiKH, lltrKitnHhtlrt:. I'll. QRKAT RKDUCTION IN PRICKS AT I'nTUU U.NT'H HTOIIK. IN I.KIHT hTIUlIIT, OP SPRING AND SUMMKK GOODS. TUT! Hiihucrlber Iielh JufI reeelvwl and has on hantl at hU old stand lu Light Htieet, a Ian; nnd select ASSORTMKNT OK MERCHANDISE purchased at the lowest fluiire. ami vhlch he In determined lofell on ns moderate terms us can m procured elscwlioro In IJ,tlitMtMet, jvit usn on cotwrjir vnoDvci:. Ilh toek consist of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, eholce.Ht Mtyles and latest fashion, Calicoes, Muslins, 01ni;hainit, FlaniieN, IIoBlcry, Carpets, Silks, Hhawl READY MADE CLOTHING, Hatlnottrt, Cwsslmers, Cotlonndes, Kentucky Jean. AC, AC., AU GROCERIES, MACK ERAL, (iueDiisware, Cedarware, Hardware, Medlclnen, DniKS, Oils, l'alnts, Ac, HOOTS & SHOICS, HATS & C.VPS, Di short eerythlnj usually kept In a country Htoro, Tho patronage of Ids old friends and the public generally. Is respectfully Kollclted. Ihohliihest market prleo paid for country pto- iiuce. i'KTi;n i;nt, MchtStieft, May 3, 1SG7. iTtREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES AT II. l, Hl.UA'M SlUUi; IX OllA.VCiKVIM.K, A., SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. Tho subscribe r hasjind received and has mi hand nt his utoro In OraiiKuvllle, a largo nnd select ASSORTMENT OE MERCHANDISI purchased at the lowent figure, and width he ls dotermlned tn sell on in moderate terms as can be piocured elsewhere lnOran(;e llle, POIt CASH Oil COUNTUY PItODUCK. Ills stock cnmlstH of LA DI ES DRESS (JOODS, ClIOICKST StVLKi AN 11 I.XTIWT KASIiniNS, Callcoos, Musllnsr Inghnms, ITauufls, Hosiery cAitriiT.-i, ?5iiawis, READY MADE CLOTHING, Hallnoti, Casslmers, CottonaiU s, Kentucky Jeans, AC, AC, AC, (JROCERIJIS MACKERAL, tiueensware, Cedftrwnro, llnrdwaie, Medlclnt. iiiti'riVoo,4, PAINT, AC. HOOTS A SHOES, HATS A CAPS. In short everything usually kept In n country store. The p.itrouugu of his old friends and tho public ucneially, is respectfully sollelled. rho highest niarki t price iald for country pro-. duco. D. K, SI.OA.V, orange llle, May '2i, 1VT7, J J. R R O V E R, Is now otlerlnj to tho public his htock of s v n i a a a o o n s confuting In part of a full lino of INGRAIN, WOOL AND RAG t: a it p 1: t s, Pine cloths imd-eaHsJmero for IjidlcH' coats, 1IAND.-OMF. DUP.S-S fiOODS, of all patterns and (pLilUleN, lulalds mat Pilut of Mirloim iiualltleN und prices, iuj:aciii:d and nitow.v muhmnh. LA DIE'S I-MULVCH CORSETS A N tt RALMORAL SKIRTS. OimmI assortment of t.MiltW A CHII.WtKWtlAlTMi.Sii JIOOI.S. Fieh ilriK-cries and Hplct . New assortment of (HArt AND (il'KKXrMVAUK, F X -N O. 1 M A C K E R E L In one-half ami one-furlh barrels. Now Is the time to make your seleitloiiM, ns am ollorlug goods at ery low prices, and our motto Is talr dealing to all, and not to bounder- nold hy any. J. J. mtOWIIU. llhsinishurg, April U, H". .R i: m o v a i. o v V. 0. SIAHU'H XV 13 W S T O 11 13 ro mrrrti'i nr.ovK, ON TIIH rilUNHK IIF MAIIKKr Nll I HON htiu;i:tm. Tho uiulerHlgiiei huluu rtviitM lium thr city nrullnivlcompltqiiupiilyor ,f ' 'Al'lKO"AND BUMMKIl ' ' DHY nOODS AND (1HOC.KHI13S, N O T I O N R , TIN.VAltl3 AND 1IA1UMVAR1 vr.DAR .i.i mu.or-n:im:, (TINtT.tTlONllllY, Ill.AM-W.V.i:, ' T 0 ,11 A 0 0 O , .1 TU A A' I) ' S 11 0 i: S, FUIL'H, HALT, TIHll, A.NB MKAT. all u( u hlrli I irtOM hi-UIm it a ciy low llgnre for fimh or iir.nanrc, , tir Cull nlul'.op. April 12, 1I7.- C. ('. MAHlt iM 13 K 0 II AX 1)1 Hi:. mitk'i; ih iiKiir.iiv uivr.N Tinny hit lull ntul thu public Ki'riiill, tluit all kliuuor DHY noons, - - - OHOOKHIiCH, (H'i:i:NsVAhI:, .NOTIONS, M UKiuiiiUlUlj im luu.4 uiul (or Mil AT liAllTd.V'll 01,11 BT4NJ), IiioM4m'na, hy jaik k. kvi:h. 8-.W.V, rc Aii i.r J l.IJk' 1 lltHl'iMTKiir .. u,.. lot c, ..n.,,1,, , n uui. (HW,, "V o t i v !: . X NiirKi. i lll.llkllV 111. l Mifil..l...t.l. of ii... I'.ikiiuiiu w'.t oI.hmIoii will im hehl on riuturiliiy, IhuVjtli .hiy of I f , i . it I . . .'. ' r,,-o.Hjt iioilHe. tho (iuiii.ho of eleetluu tlvu lr-tnr for ! ......u 3 iij ,i..t,-r..i ine iionr.l. AtliKt H. V.. VAN IIKlMIKN.rWvt'V. CVnU.llln,JuucZ..sH7.4t, 'fi MISCELLANEOUS. Mir; AVASIIINGTON LtHtl'AUY CO., PHILADELPHIA. . SriJfcUMITION ONH IMH.T.AU. $.100,000 PHMHI1NTH TO HUItHCIllIinilW. ONE t'Ahll l JOWt Nf OF $iVM). O.NK VAMl T t'J)JW, ONH CASH 1'HKHh.VT OK ilO,IM. OSK V.KMt VKUSV.HT OP f.l.tmo, TWUCAS1I riUJ4KNMUI KAC Jt, ftctuliUHmtite of Vnxniti Ihfaxc, VaxcU fcrlillcAtouf KtiH-k Is acsoinpatdrd with fx IlKAUTlFUI. HTIJi:irPIATi: KNOHAVINO, worth moie at retail than tho cimt of Certificate, and ulsu luure to the holder a Present In tho (heat Dlfdrlbutlon, THE WASHINGTON LIHRARY CO. Isrlmrh red by tho Htate of Pi niisylvatila, nnd orKanlred lu nld of tho u i v i; it h i d i; i.vhtitut i; ion KOI.lUKIlV AND HAItinV UlU'HANS, Incorporated by the HUito of .1., April 5, 11(17, TIIK ItlVKUHIDi; INHTIU'TU. Situate at ItKrrNtde, lluillncton county, New M-i iii'j . in 1'iuiuieo lor imp purjiofe oi KniUlnousiy I'ducallnu tho hoIik of ileeeaNed HoldlerN nod Hen. men of Iho Unlteil Hlaten. iho Hoard or 'Jrustt e conslstn of the followlm; yell-known citizens of Pennsylvania nnd Now lion. ni, ii, .iiniin, insiricl Altnruey, l'lillnd ph4n. Pa. lion. U Tl. Itt-ititintl I't.I'Mnni,,!,, IT u Mint, and Kecorderof Doh1n, Philadelphia, 1 1 mi. .iiuiifKi ricoci, (pvr jcrwey. Hon. W, W. Wnre, New Jerney. Phllndeli.hla, Pa. ' ' ' o. 1 1, i oe, ivri., oi joy, UN'iUU, l'liiindciphiA. TltKVSl'JtY Dei'AItTMRNT. WAMMINOTON. D. i April H, 1n7. Olllco of Internal Iteenne:-Hav-DiK ieaelycd satlufnctory rvldeneo tlint thf pro ceeds of the i ntcrprlKo conducteil by tho Wah liiKton Library Company, will bo deoted to charitable usch, pcrmlsfdon In hereby granted to wild Comtany to conduct Muh enterprise exempt from all chnrRe, whether fioin upeelal tiix tir cdher duty. ) A. llOI.MNM.CommlsMoner. TIIH WASHINGTON I.II1HAUY COMPANY, In order that the beneolent nbltt t m-1 furl It In this circular may bo oiiccehHfully uccijmplNhed, hao Isftiuil ilto terle of KINK STKrii-IM.ATK ENdHAVINO-, vliloli nte put on subscription at prices much be low their rota!! alue. Certllteales of Htottt tn the Washlnnton T.lhrnrv Company will be IsMiid, Ktamped with tho seal iu ute v iiiiiiiiiiy, ami Milieu ny tho Seen tary, .xiiitr iniieirt genuine Anv ticrsoii hemlltiff us Onn ll.tllnr ni i-.ivlmr the wimo to our lo"ii acentM, will lecelve imme diately a line steel PlaIoenvin lnir, at choice from the following list, and onetertlllcntn of Ktock, In nriiiK one pi oho ill in our puulllictl wliedille. Otc Dollar J.'nfrminss. Vn t"Mv I' tx f' t V. Haetll The'v'rn haed,l" Nn. W'01d SeM-nty-tdx; or tho liirly Daof Iho Ueolutlon." Any iM-rson payln two dollars wilt reoeIe nnd tuo cerlltlcates of utotk, thus tn'odminnen llthsl to two pi est nts. 7itu Jiollar JJiiffraitntjt No. I "'ndiIncfoiit4fYiiirthln ' XilWU'iuIi. Inifton'n Uist Interview nlth his Mother." 77orr Jkillaf Unyritxings. Anv nerson tuivlni Ihrep dnllnrs will rectie thoih'iiutlftll steel iilutitof "Ilortiefrdin tlio U'nr" and thrcocoitltU'iites of wtotk, hceomln ontttled tr Hollar t nyrm itujs. t Anv tiermm tmvliiir four dollnrH hhnll receive tho larue and beautllul Med plate of "i'ho Perils of Our Foretathei,"and foiireeitltlcateHof htock entitling them to four pi own K Flvf Dttllar lltujravlngi. THE WASHINGTON LIRRARY CO. wir.r. AWAitn HIHKi: lIUXDItKI TIIOVHANK DOLLARS in i'm.HK rs ioiiii:sn.itrnoi.DKit On Wednesday tiepUmbcr iV 1K(7, AT I'iriLADr.LlMITA, PA., it at nn: iNsTiTvrr, kivkusidi, n, j. Mteilul o Prvtenh; 1 ('aidi riiM'Ut 1 Cash 1'rescnt 1 Cash riesent 1 Cash 1'tencnt 5 10,000 ... J!h,(W ... 10,1 N) ... .5,i)mi i CjisIi I'roHentM of i2,'M) each . 1 llalldsomo couulry reKtdeuce. vtahle. crnunds, tVc, Ctermantottu.l'hHndelplLlu l,ff l uyumo residence, thtee-siory luiclc. in Camden, X.J 15,u00 I Coal IK pot, oIIU'cm, tdicdM, lound, ulth business established. No. lilt Washln- ton Avenue. 1'hlladelphla M Ij.uuO 1 Country residence, 111 verHlde.N.J., with piound, fruit, Ac M.rtno l inree-htory eottaj-o, lot, Ac 3$ Valuable butldltif- lots, Hlvernide, i H JU each , 1 KicKant turnout fiimlly earrl.iiro, hpan of liureH, haiiitiMs, Ac., comptt to 10 Valuable bulldim,' lotn, lllveislde, $M) .1,11 N ) 3,010 cn h .. 1 beautiful nlleriiay horse, liK hands nu;n, Birou ny tne celebrated imported Arablah Horse "Caliph;" uIm, ii liolit road uation, wetcht ltd poundi, with set of superior sinlo harnesK, Ac, making n flrht-ilass eKtabllhhment 5,(M) 3) lMnii(M,if.l')c'neli 10,(O 1SI Mehnlenns, t-i each ... i,.nm Itoscwood ww Ina machine!, sJOoach... I.mkj 10 ramlly howln nuubliu-H, cluot'uch 1,(M W) I'lnoKold watches, 1)0 vtU'U 10,IN 100 Oil paintings, by leadlim aitUlh Kto value 10,0(0 .1 Camel'H halrKlmwlH, 3l,0D0ench ,i0ti '2 C-amel'H hair sluiu Is, $1,000 each Ctinw a llamlsnino Ijico nhaw Is, each T.Vi 10 Cashinero khuwls, rn each .... rm 'ju Hlk dress patterns, jTjcnih IJVU -'ii City buildinKlopi.ClTeiich .... ,7W 'Iho remainder will consist of SiUer wnn, m ih lent Ihikcm, opera glasses, pokel bibleH, ami dllleieiit uittcles or ornament und uo, ammmtlns to ... JC.uio , Total :tno,00 Ail mo pioperiloH it n clear of invumbiaiic HOW TO OI1TAIN VHAU1B AND KNfillA VINiW. Hcnd oideis to us hy malt, enclosing fioin SI lo 5J0, either by Povt Ofllco orders or lu n lenlsteied letler, at our link. Iirifor nmouuiH shouhl bo Hent by ilraitorexpitH't. I0hluire.i with KiiKmvluKs, . iti.'jd Z'i shares with riirahiKv . 21, Id 50 Khares with Knrnvlns, ll.-"iit 71iluue with Knunilnn l j. i iViKharc with rutfravlns im.imj Iicut AOIINJ-H WANTI'.D thuaiihoutlhe Cnl- toil States. T)n ALL.hll.n ,.,.,l,.n.l nu Iln..n... Mtkr. (iKoiuif. A, iVioKi: & Co., whose u li known lntetrlty nnd biisineHs exis'rleneo will bo iiMitlU'lout uuaranleothal Iho money lutrusteiV to them will bo promptly npplhd to the purpose I'JIU. Wn.riUA, 1'a May lir. Tit the OlHcn ami .Ucainv 0 Me Washington t.i 0,try (u., A. H. Jti:.t , A(TffTry. tbfitlemen: On receipt of your faor ofthe 15th Insl., nntlf Inx us of oitrappolntment nn lte- celvers for your tVimpauy, wo took tho liberty to mi bm It n copy fif your charier, with n plan of your tuterprisc, m the hlnhcut leKal nuthorliy nl tho Htate, and hatn receded hl fivorable opinion In regard to Its Unnllty, andMmiinthk- iiip Willi tho henoohnt nljttl of uur AHi-oiln tlou,Ui thu i'diicatlou and nialntenauco of tho nrphan i hlldren of onr Foldlers and Mdlorn at tluf )tlfrsldujnstttulo, we have concluded to Accent the trust, and (o use uur best efTortu to promote mi wuriii) nn oojoci, Itespect fully, youni, Ao.t a I XX A.COOKK A CO. Addrcw nil lettent nnd orders to cn:o. a, ccoicr. a co., iiankkr", M South Thlid Htteel, Phllndelphlrt, la, Itecelvern forthe. Wanhlnston Library Cn. July i, ls07Hlm, JUST PCRLISHED. NEW YORK ON SINOTN0 hahhinth twkntv mklodic i;'KitciKr.sf IN FOltM OF HOI.ti;i,(JtnH Full HOl'lt.VMl Oil SJPZ70 sum ixon vnitH, intfmifp ASKn'oin IO Ai ql 1UK 1UK AltT or NINfllNO, "Thme cxerelscii werotsuuiiOM'dtnbouwdiilin nltnutously wllh Ids xysteni, 'i'MK Aut ur MhiiiMj,' or with any other iiioHuhI torthocu). tlvntlon of theMiUe.imd will tako the i.huvnf loncane'n SoIUvkU; Iieiiiu moio meliHllouit and belter adapted lot teadiluu. 'Htino(f thewexrrc lMuienpocinllvlieuutlful a wcUuwtiil,ii iulnllnix of tho tluhv it inVr. which ki ruu-H I tie lull rent us well us tho Improve' mcnlnMhcMudcnt. ihe arlnuil lesdwvoloped In thew exerclMsi u nder them JuMiIuuhlo 111 m ...,.... i'iiii "i s iney icim io oil' latco (He lulellltiiuoaiut tho nppleclutlmt, ill. uiul m mi' niuiie tune mrm ino un-IO tiikli. ol Hut ..null 'Ih.y imu I he ktiiilleil eareiuliy ulth ri-fiieiie.. t.i the ltiiiiiiiieinlil miiiltw ..r ,ii.r....i.... ....h .... ..... lU i ! i.i i l ""',,n'' luviilney .. ""... ..ii.. .ii.i... : .i...-..:.vj. h,ii luii fct,ri itii. ,i.i.ft.i.....!i.. . . .4 ... ... ...... PW,,. , mm itmiii-ii IH'lH'IKl-, jsxi1"!' iwii; o,;..i.", stisum rnort. nttrr v xi-itkt.i.1 t.l.n.. .... i i...... .: ,ll,A Illlll ,.il.i..l I... .... li... I. ... .. .. I-.. .-union or'thei i.W ii u I . '.v , ",. j ''fHII.V. umlolnii to Iho ulu.leiii thn liirniiH uml I ISri'i'V.rHlV.ui."!,',1;;1.' lJS2l IV TWO Vol I MIX. rrlc.'. i mii, In liimrilii. Ill i II j. t, ilo, ilu. lu i mill, iu tun , "jjai Hini.le i-o,v m in In mini, iwk.I.1,1,1,1 ,on r. ivli.t of Whoh jlle 1'ilcv. 8I'.l. 1 I'lll.llhlu.llivWM, II MJ A H4IN, , , , No. Ml 111 tfuluny, N y I I ulilu.lien.iind iimiemiti ) mi,., U1 iiiU11Uf.,0. ' tlirers i of tlul.d, llfi , I'lUKoK Ik. f 4, a" , a... Heml foreulllUlli ihUvh, JUU V7 PUBLICATIONS, IN lHilltle-(TltR wltlenlilltiueln lie tho I told ndViMuite of t4r1htHtt frrtwrr mi Jtrm'irntfj, tho unlllto hlnc ch.implmi of freedom, juilleo, or der, nndrontltuilonn rlirhlo. 'II ie inspiration of Hu (Hill tlcn In fncdoiit restrained by Juetleot or, to Kpf nk more strictly, frneilom pure, and ilmplf, In the lament collect Ivn ineaturd) tho olllco of Ju'tlco IwIuk merely to pmteet freeilom fioin en cronehmentsj freedom of Win Individual rltlfeu In hli rluhiM or thnuubt, mn- c Ii, relifclon. and lo comotion r In hH rlftht toiliHMi ids own r kk nnd drink In vplto of inoddlcnomo temiicrniue lawt In hUrluht to make anv money bornhm he thinks projior, litMiltoor foolldi usury lu: In Ids rlitht to buy und fell lu all market, donu tlc and or lgn. HiKpltr ofiuiliist protwtlv tnrimii In liU rlKht tonproMculullen lu tho lct;fliilU bodice which tax htm, In rpltrnf unconstltuttonnl excln slons) fiisfdniu of coIIhcIIvo iJllretin toaKNeiubl for tho dleUwdoti of trrleVahcemt freedom of nil loonl conimuiiltleis toiunnnKO tbetr UkiiI iifmltn n Ithout sntral Interrercrcoj rredom lu every t'letluu of thn county rrom the arrogant und un ifillHtltutl(iiul domlimlloti or other fcectlolm thl larKoand eompndn iiile Men of freoilotn muni up tho itltlc of Tjtk' Would, whldi will nerr b-round wautlULt ( this eaplial interfkt of th country ahd of thn hutnati raer. Ju Ittatiurutw eommeiclal IntelllueTico, and careful, rellnbU market renrts, Tiik Woiilii will continue imilii talu Its present hlli reputation. A paper pub lished lu tho ( metropolis u naturally looked to ror authentic Information rHntluif to trade, eemmwi-o nnd flnnticei nnd this beinn f.'Rture on which HtK Wokmi pridi luelf. It boI'llyehnlleeiceseoiufMtrlM)!! with every Jtunial In tho metropolis TIIH WKEKfiY WOItMJ. A Inrgo quarto sheet, unnin Alto t DMIy, 1 now printed throuj(hout In lnrpo type. Mid haa th lr Hfnl circulation of any weekly Journal published, wive one. It extraordinary cucccm ulnco Its union wlththeNew Yorkn"thnt Jutitled th Hunt liberal cxieiidltuiPM, which will mak It iinrlvnlled in Interest and valuoto farmers. Tub lUhed Wednontlay. 1. Its market lejwirtw emhrneo tho New York, Allinnv, ItrlKhton.nnd C-ambrld lloMock mar ketM; the New Yorkeountiy ptoducound general pnnluce tnarkets; upeeinl nndvnltmhlohop Intel. Ikenco: u deimitment of nmlcuMural readlnpti all toKethereomiKMlmcan unrivalled hand book of current Information for tho fanner, lle ntnek and produce denier, the country merchant, Ac, 2. A paffenrmorowllllmrcHerYedforcnlertnfn ln Hiejdde Ueadlnc rortherntnllyClrclcrmbrn clnir the freshest and tn-st tnrle,jK)etrv, rellalod leadliiK.elc. umlniuiKel-r the tljMUMlon of tall piomlnent topics of Kenerni Interest, iolltlclt aKileultural, financial, literary, hte., etc. ft. Itsdljtestor Ihe ne Knot, like inot eltr j?t kllex, n mero waste basket of the Dally : only matters or Interest nnd Inijiortance aro clioKeh from the 1 tally, whll the inas nf it muUntH rvi pieimrett enecially for the Weekly. In every post-mileo ilistrl'-t there (dinuld b found Mime active, public cplrllrd UeiiHK'rat who will conferu licnetlt tiHin lot, his uolKhbom, nnd the mue, by eounsellnK with his Iiemoeintlo rrleml.uud inaklunn determined efTort to form as Ini RO n club an posllto for tho Weekly World. Till: DvII.Y WOltM) nflordH a completeeompendlum of, nnd oiminu tary upon, the news of oery day. Titr. wi:i:ki,y would. Ono copy, ono j ear 1-oureim en. ono viur 7 4 ,..11 W .as iw ..20 0J Ten eoidcs, one jenr . ., Twenty copies, to ono tuldrcss... Liny copies, ono year.,.., . si;mi-wi:i:kly would. Ono copy, ono ear I 'our copies, one 3 ear Ten oopUfc, one jear u w .10 00 .'Jl w daily Would. Onpcopt one j oar , 910 00 CLCII l'ltiy.r. Por clubs of 10 ono Wokty. ono ir. .i .. one Heml-Veckly,onorr. lw one Dally, ono year. inuKcrioNH. Additions to dubs may bo made any tlmo in tho year nt the abn e club itiloM. ChHtinofl In club lints inndeonly on iequeto porhonsrecelrimt club pack ftRCH, nUitlnn editloa, inst-oiilco and KiHto tn which It ha previously been Kent, nnd enclosing twenty-iUo cents to for trouble of tho olianK" to ue pat nte addreM. liuulvatieo. Hend. If p-slije, post Oflleo .Money Order or Kink Draft. Hills ent b o c nn t riLTnIIIiiLr frr.r. a .1.1 r-.. .tt ..... dV.nil,let,"r" . . TIIK WOULD, " I A KK HOW, VOKK. IRftr. Ort lp VourClnb.. Ii70. "rpiFE A(JE," A DEMOCRATIC 1. atOUNINaJOimNAU-OKRATlMrnovi- Jtn.STS AND 01irT IM.lirHF.NTK.-lr.MON. U- rtTornTio. ami Constitutional Liiifktt. Th JAiiAAtiEconlaln.s tho latest news frtm oil part of the world, with editorial articles on (!nern ment, I'oIiticK, Trnde. Klnnuce and Oenernl HuIh Jectl. Locut Newl Market Ueporis,ftock Ouot tlout. Itollalpus IntflliKWice, rKnl HuinmarT. I oielcn nnd DomeMlo CorreK)ondence,'ouimor elal Intelllneiieo, Uoportu of labile Meetinc. 1 lien triad Crlt IcUiiim, UcMewtf of Literulur Prico nirrent. Literary Notice, ARrlculturul In formation, Art, Music, etc., etc, Uetdde speeUl teleRianis, It 1ms all tho dispatches of tho Associ ated lr s from e cry part of tho United Htiittw, and also tho dlxpntchen reccWeil by the Atlantl (able: nml tho now from nil parts of Kuroi broiiRht by lnttantlv teleuiunh-4 .V." Jjateer point the kteamors dint touch. 1 ho jtKKLV Aoicwlll U u completo compel alum of thnnewn of tho week, and balden th lmidlia editorial fiom thn Dally, m eoutatua lnrue amount of lnlerctln jimUor, orenaud ex pressly for tho weekly Ntu. UwIllWlu ulliv fcpctn ifUfitchwn Family Journal, particularly adiitited to tho politician, the I'nuuer. the Mr. chant, tho Mechanic, the ramlly circle, nnd lb eenernl render. Imiluir ifv llonewpaper.mch number will contain an In ensel luieiestlnKherlal, by oneof thomont popu. larnnd favclnntliisauthor, and It Is nlsn th Iu tent Ion to publish, Irum week to werk, in th cnum-of t lie year, threo or four of the het und Intent HoVoIk. ti:kmm ALWAYS IN ADYANCK. TIIK DAILY. Ont cmiv. t.nw tPf 4ii. ki months, 6I,V); three monthx, S'V'; for Miy 1cm peilod. ntth rate of one dollar tvr month, Pot-ol-o thirty cents per quarter, tn bo piepald ntth olllce of delivery. . Till; WKKK LY. Ono cpy, ono 3 enr, $2,00 : fit coplen, ouo year, 8'J.OO; ten coplen, ono 3 ear, I17.0U: twenty copies, ono jear, J.Vl0, To clubs, whvr ino patiors nie Mcntto one addreps, the followlni reduction will b(j miulo: Klo cuplet oiitf Ttnr. SVA ten copies, one yenr, tlfi.V): twenty rripkV, A copy will Ujumihlutl iriutla for each 1 tub of ten or more, to one addrs, fnr onocnr. PosIako (le cents iwr quarter, to b preiumi iu uie OJUCO or flellt erv. Thi'nboveterniswIlllMtrlKid'lvndheredto, Hp. eimen copies of the Duilvaiid Weeklv seut Kiiitl on application at thiaotnee. Adertl't'mnu in-M-rUd at mndcrntc'lHtt. Address. ni , wrijsit a nonn. 4.K) ( luatnut Htu t, PhlladelphL. HE NEW M AUA7.INE. Vm7(, Hrt'ht, Instructive, vutt JUitettnlnlny, -nn: itivint-iiDr. maoazini:, tOK Ynt'Nd 1-EOri.P. JIUItD A HOUtJIlTON, llibllshcu, No. J." IliiKnneMrett.New York, Tuki- ilea.suro in Miinouncln the Issnoof tho Initial NumUrof '1 Hll UIVKU.SID1: MAOA.IK, run voir.Nii n:oiLL, Iobo e4ltcd by UOItACK II M TDDKU (author of "Dream children," etc.ote.i, and pubiutied monthl.v.coiiimeuclni; with, lni7, Th purpose of tho Klf uldo Magaitio will be to Mil Wty tho tastes of tho younner public w 1th Instruct onnd cnteTtnlnliu leudimc mutter, attiacilely llluntialed bv competent iuiUu, lu U10 eouiif bulloiiH h tiuid will bo luul rath r tu the merit of tho nrtlelts than to tho previous reputation of th authoiK.atid all beetious of thotsamto will ! fully roprtsentid, Jllttory lu lu mor (lopular furm will oirupv promliu nt place, und, iu.appcnaiuliii; lo Him, ir rut les or i ravel. Advent uieit in arloiuisaiutrlo, .Mannerit and Cutuiu uf dltleioni Nutiou. und kucI) IlloKraphlcal skettheH as will Intercht uud proilt thyounif, while Ihodllleient ileparlmut of Natural History and Seicuoo will m i w tbwlr nun itn.iic in iiiieiiLion, Ull IU II HUCi V mtmher tin. Vfit-I.ul untk amusemtnts, and plt-iiMuo of ln-dofir unJ out door life will be pnrtru ed, and tho lutriurti of thw .,.,4,1 ,iur' -"u"inimj niuininuiM, lllO IlllUlrallonM Of Die MhvmIiiiuIII ltt,...t the eyoH ofthe ounsftt as moIIiw bUnu Hi old-. r children. Mr II l.. Nicr.hhn win fnmui. full-pafio tiumoroiiH Cartoon for oery uuuibwr tlmiiwhout tne ear,and with arlUis will turn tiuutf to yho new readings to fnmillor thiuiM. TLIIMM OP HCIIHTtllTION. Pa W 1 ryear, iniulvnnew; 8cople,84 &); Acsinlt, S10; mcopleh.AJ.nnd an extrucoi.y mk j mii;! copies, centb. 'Ihe ttrt number u now redr for liihfis'tlnu. KiupU copies of tUU.numbw' MMit by mall, pofctuce paid, on receipt f H) ceuta. AueuWnud CaiiMuhOiy wuutd hi amry latrt r th. touutry. Addrok ni'HD A 1101!OIiTtN, lublUhu, .. . 1 h?' lifywuia atrtot, Nw Y01 V. rpiIK GAhAXY, vn'UHTNlOIITI.YIU.t.'SrnATKDMAUAy.lSl. ilrm hiuI nriiH 11II1 o( .ivrli monih, unit hnVlli. nntiiKi'ur romliiK In hu riaUer Inlf riaf.Ull liil mii the ninnthllr. nml the wnklln. MIU thu,;iiiia uuiilU-r Uii- MuLHiln, Wi. m Inriieii i,t inmi ,hi,'i, ni.klng II lo itjnii. ninety-, Ii iiucm ol niutter. ITS I'O.NTHIIirTOItM 11IK OAI.AXV lll l. on mluliiiil .m.rl, Mnieatinc or ihe lilitiimt d., .Urmnmii mve hri-orrt n.ljr Wn fur r.unlnrcinlriL. Iluii from lhe.luM fcnuHii nml init lurrllorluM Kilters hi tliuenumry: nmt iiioieurr, Ibe tillua will nlwnyi, ml o i licit juul euoiuiiiieeontrlt.. tlonii hum new million of r. al ublllt orili,lill umlu.. heurtlflMli, Till: OAI.AXY will U Imii.l ItU ihe panio. of llnlr mllKim, who will llfl"i."ni " wWrr''(''l0" I" lhoM.'i,Mlc.Bi The llrk't mt neroiiil uunilwl of Tl I K (1 A I. XT fur .Mv flrt nnu nrurnth, HA conlnln eontrl..: Iloini from John i:tcn Uk4,, Funic.. I'owm r..h1, II... Terrr, OeorKO Alfie.'l To n,ml, L4. iiim.l y stnliiun.tliv Author of "Kmll, Olii l.r. 1'ror.i.Mir I'lene lllol, lir, V 1 llm iT "'..i'l1"!!!1, -"'it. .f'tn. ml rim.. ret, uml oth.hj "Hie f nverliirt" i,v Anlliony Trollope, ut muI nlll i.mtiune to he viIiIUIiii nerUlly ninmU iineou.l j in, their unn.'uiiim e lu iiKliiid, ri,. I.ii. k numl.iof Ihe ttiwHln.. .i.ntnl it i IIiimS t t.,rleuwi lilrii mI ".. ,ii iiwli....ifr7i.i .... ...... . . . 'iirfnitiithhin.ii;i..i... ,.v..,,,,e.ii.ie4 I I'ltul'lAiili nutr OS ronk-riiv 1 T ,. n... .,..t..! ".,1.,-l ........ ci. u,,,i ttiiiiiij. r t,i iiii. , i vxa ..... nitiiMeuml it erli of urllelii ,, iV,kw Tj .. i'...r. v- on n llUKMUl' 1 leriO 11 1 ,1. 1 1... w -L ...... , "v.". ''."'v'ii-iiioii i &iSM"iK "irceilollk of ehM llllul llillmrlllii. e IlitiV WHICH liiiixl ..ii niu lor them Ilii.ummlHoiii.iki.. 11-lt.Mrt. I lie l.rUc r Till' IIAl-AXV I. Sin niu n liiini- lor ,u month, in.lit minilfr.. The olui i" tlie v. ir will lu. lii.i, : ii .kiiiw! i iiV," rat.l liy Iwl lily.tlM.ui liiorn full-uiK ' t li"lu Jiu, wiiitrtl oil llnl. ,1 ,u,.ert Ik-.U". 1i,i ,?; 'lV."".VVi;r,."j!lk.1tfl0""' ""ULri.! tin oil, th ''.V' ?''h.,,AXVliinyK, lli.,;,i tinle lieiu-e'u'1 " fur U "'' w u.1 i r. riiritnit . iw.1... hi. IR .hUW, FtVW .