The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 19, 1867, Image 2

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illtc (Jotamtrtort.
ron i vnuie br ute HVpjikme comit,
. oy riiiLpKLyiiA, i
. , , I,,, , .. . , i i M I t I II I
OTICKi.liereby, given thnt tiic t"'?"?
Veetniii In una forth Miml
ttoDdlntrlcinnl Columbia ;ounty. JliJlrttaS
intUft"niit.l wld dr ! Wg3i
at Ib.WlIUT HOUM;jF1H.E.
rXWOSLS' 0c patty. of& f""-
r 1. I1AI1KLF.Y.
Chairman Dcniocrntle. planning Com.
Wb ro Informed ly ft rwponslblo
OoiitlcmniVthftt a certain liolltlclnn Is
rcportliiR on thfr Ent wide of' tho river,
that lareo prt of tho Stock of th6 Lo
LUMiiiA.v newpaor In owned by He-
Tlio statement l falsa In every, partic
ular. utterly'rindurimiMlflMy1 faM
Tick Coi,uitniAli)iclon 'lnnlnty to
Capt. Churles Il.,llrockvay. TIip nock
holders who) NubscriptloiiM huvo. not
bwn yet reptild to theiri by him, are
Sir. Duckatcrvr, Mri Knt',Mr; IJowfcnbcrg,
Mr. Connor and Hon. (lobrgo ft. Jack
boii. Ho Itepubllcnn hits now, or 'has
bait, nIiico our purchaso,;laatJ)ecamb.,r,
one dollar of stock or interest kt tho iS'
(blhhment. It belongs to Democrats
who neither bolt ft 'fiomjnntioif, 'nor
wratcu a iickci, nor ,iaKO money irom
llopubliciui cuiidldatc.for,Cpngrebs, to
aid In defeating' the'Democratic nonii
Is tho motto o( tho CobUMUiAX, By
this sign wo conquer., AyUhoul .party
realty, success against tjie common en
emy is impofttlbjc; andunlcss tho party
In trueto Itself and true to the organiza
tion, wo shall not succeed. Those who
belong to n political organization must
bo bound by the action, of conventions
and conferences. Those who rcfuso, to
do so, ought not to be trusted with
place or position,! Vi'e, know thnt tho
people, honest themselves, arc also trud
to themselves, and will be their
time honored organization. They will
not put Intq power, .persons who havd
on more than ono occasion,- attempted
to sell out and botray,(he party, Thoy
Will not commit political suicide.
Tho unexampled success of The Co
lumbian Is duo to its deyotion to the
principles of the Democratic party, to
its vigorous defense of its measures, and
to its support of tho regular action of its
conventions. Our circulation is tho lar
gest, our paper is tho largest, and every
body soys it is the best that hi flow or
ver has been published in the, County
of Columbia.
Ko ono has obJec'ted,to, the" .education
of tho orphan children of soldiers, but
many do greatly question tho manner
in which it is done, and tho motives of
Its projectors, especially slnco Dr. Bur
rowes was removed from tho Supcrin
tendency, for no other reason whatever
except his not being sufficiently imbued
with Radical ideas,
We havo before us the report for the
year ending December 1, i$GO, arid we
propose to extract from it, spmo facts
for the informatlon.of ur readers.
Tho children, are divided into two
classei, the younger and the, older, and
each class Is assigned to a different kind
of InititutiouK The younger aro chiefly
provided for in Children's Homes; and
other similar Institutions in1 tho larger
towns; thoy are boarded,' clad and
taught at the expense of the Stato, un
der tho direction of the Superintendent'.
The rate paid for cadi pupil, including
clothing, per year, in nearly all of them
was 1110.00. In a few peculiar cases tho
rate was 150.00 and I175;00. The whole
umber of this class, in all of tho insti
tutions, was 1,135', on December 1', 166(S
The older children, those from nino to
sixteen years of age, aro all sent to 'tho
more advanced 'schools, which aro in
tho hands of privnto proprietors, and
wo hero give a list of tho lattor, with
name f school etc., as they stood oil
tho let of December I860 :
jv. oflkhool. Drnomimtton. Jlay. GlrU. TUaJ,
North Hvwlrklr MeDioUM...;....!!
Quakcrtown...Oer Uformfxl.,.....!!
I irnnKevlll.iw..It.intUt M. .M
Whllo IIiill..Mrlhodll...M..,j
tJnlontowii. ..Imthenin n
('HlSTlllf do (.1H
H'Alltorvltle..Mi-lliiSlli.t..; l
raracttHe.. rrind. Au..Kh
Mount Joy ..,.rreibyti-rlan..v....Kn :w
UnrfforU... ,....Kilacopul , 03 54
Ik "021
The cost of loardlng, tuition nnd clo:
thing, for each pupil of this class, for a
year, is stated to have been 1178.73.
Tho project of-cducatlng Soldiers Or
phans originated In tho year 183-1, and
the following are the annual appropria
tions that-haye been mado out of the
i'n . .. rr 'v rKr-,T
jf$S-v ;..;....;..ri7s',ooo.,
18CC., 800,000.
1867, ,. 859,000.
The last is to boa continuous a'nnronrln
tlon, and U also fixes the rate to bd paid
for tho education and maintenance of
me cnuurcn. institutions recelvipg
Id from tho Btato aro to be $105.00 for
each pnpll of less than ten years of acre.
per year, and those that do"not recoivo
such aid, 125.00.
For the education and support of each
mild between the ages of ten and six
teen years, tho sum of 1H0.OO is to be
paid, together with 125.00 Tor' clothing
for each orphan, (o take effect 'from and
after June 1st, U67.
Tho school at Orongovlljo was opened
on iho 3d -of January 1805,'nnd1 wo glyu
the number' of scholars, and cost- for
each year.
IS5. Scholars.., , t 122.
iraaruing XUIllon,..,,..f I,aC2.02.
low, ci;i!uuir9.,t, , J07(
Boarding 4 TuitIonM.i,.20,in7.69.
Clothing,.,.,, .,.. y.i2.30,
Tub "Middle States' Mddlcal Refor
mer" who used to think catnip tea a
overelgn epeclflo for all the ills' that
flesh was heir to, has gone off omo
whero to hunt up a sour apple treo to
bang Jeff. DavU on. Who'll call for
the roper
Oxn of our exchanges, n few days
ago, remarked that tho Stato election
this Fall) was n contest between mo
neonlo and an honest Judiciary on tho
ono side: and Greenbacks on the other.
only carry tho Stato by lavish uxpen
dlturo pi money, eltner tnrougn tlicir
own tigents, or corrtit Democrats.
W'o'trust-t hnt-no I lemwrnt-crin be
found Wlio will, m otqrnally dlcgracf
hlineolf, as to tnkp money from, any; ,of
theso llnaical committees, with winch
to debauch his larty, and defeat it at
the polls, it would bo nil everlnstinfe
shnmo, and wduld ond ought to Htainj)
mm wltn iniamy. me peopie in
waro of such.
Tlio election this' fall Is of tho first
Importance. 'It Is tho opc'rtlng fight 'of
tho Presidential Campaign 6f 18C3. If
wo win this; fo)ball'BO Into the next
With a moral certainty of 'eventual sud-
"Lkt me write ho Songs of a Ifatloil.
nml T cure ilot who writes their Laws."
Whs tho utterance of ono of tho first
Statesmen of modern times.' Had ho
Hald SchoolJJookt Instead of Sonus none
could gainsay tho truth as, wall .as force
nf Ihn rwnt'rtinn.
The importance and responsibility of
thentltiior m scnooi uooks, especially
thoso of an elcniolitnrv character can
not, bo magnified, Tho results of n
falso theory, or method, or even state-'
input, affect not onlv Individuals, but
Present nnd futtiro Generation. Tho
history and progress of tho world are
hut Illustrations of thco truths.
Tho uvmncr of presenting tho sub
jects of primary Instructions has u.-ually
been regarded ns of lejs conscqiienco
than that or the higherlgnulcs, because
of tholr apparent simplicity : but, tho
mMnL-n Is lipirlmilliL' to boreullml.uilll
tho greater educational adynnccmertt
lias' been inade. within' tho last few
yca In this direction mail nnyoincr,
Exchange. .
A good deal of this progress howovoi
has been In tho wrong direction:. Yan
kee school books, Yankee peddlers, and
Yankee preachers, have been tho curso
of tliU country,; .and no County .Super
interident should permit any sot of
books to be Introduced into the schools
until ho has examined them thorough
ly. It Is of tho very first importance
and has been too mucii neglected.
A Xumdeu of prominent Conscrva-
tives of Richmond, Virginia, (some of
whom had been secessionists,) weijt
sovcrnl miles, into tho country with
their families on lljo Fourth of July,
and proceeded .tothq enjoyment of ono
o'f tho'sqoldrfashibnedceleb'ratiohs vh(qh
haVqecdiho so.rnrc, of lata years. 1?hejr
proceedings, nowovcr, jioii uecn carcrui
ly watched from tho start ,by' onor;df
thoso vielliint military cuardlans of
'reconstruction," a dapper littlo lieu
tenant, wnovjucntiy smeiien treason
in tho wind. Followinir unobserved.,
ho, wntciicdtjiejprcliminary proceedings
from, a' neighboring thicket. Upon pre
celyirig onoof the suspected conspirators
mounting a platform and commencing'
the delivery of what of course could be
nothlng.elBO than n treasonable speech,
no n.uieiiv mauo ms way towaru tno as
semblage and listened. Ills suspicious
wero conflrmedmoio than confirmed.
Tho orator waadcclalmlng from a writ
ten speech in the following treasonable
strain, evidently leveled at the general
commanding the First Military Depart
ment: 'Ho has made judges, dependent on
his will alono, for tho tenure of their
offices, and tho amount and payment
of their salaries ;
" Ho has erected n multitude of now
offices, and sent hither swnnns of offi
cers, to harass our people, nnd cat out
their subs tnneo;
" Ho has kept among us, In tlmoof
peace, standing- armies, without tho
consent of our legislatures ;
" Ho has affected to rondcr the, mili
tary independent of, .and superior to,
tho civil power ;
"Ho has combined with others to
subject us to a jurisdiction. foreign to tho
Constitution,- and unacknowledged by
our laws; giving his assent to their
acts of pretended legislation :
" For quartering largo bodies of armed
troops among us ;
" For protecting them, by mock trial,
from punishment for nny murderers
which they should commit on the In
habitants of theso States:
For imposing taxes on us without
our consent: ,
"For depriving us, in many cases, of
me oonents of trial by Jury"
'iiio lieutenant could stand no more
of such unmitigated treason, and, burst
ing into n crowd liko n bomshell, ho or
dered disperse, threat
ing every man, woman and child with
immediate court martial if not obeyed.
Ofcoursosuch a sudden and violent mil
itary irruption created momentary con
fuslonand nstonUhmont among tho peo
ple, but, in a few minutes, tho officer's
misapprehension was discovered, ami
rectified. iU had mistaken the Dcltra
Hon of Independence for a treatonaltle
V('A ayainsl his commanded and (he
jtump vongresn
No amount of persuasion sufficed to
Induce tho lieutenant toBtny for dinner,
and he wont away, wondering how a
document written nearly a .hundred
years ago' agatnst a tyrannical foreign
uynasiy coum lit mo present, olllcers or
our Government, to exactly. Patriot A
Unions . , 1 .
. The Bradford Argu$ Is the, best'look
irigimpcr that comes to our ofllcc.- Its'
typography is admirable. Northern
'her Gazette,
Hut it is not always tho "best look
ing" paper that Is the best conducted,
And tho trsriw Is not nn oxcoptlon.
Jiloonulurff Jlepullican.
There Is an did saying tl(at "beauty1
is only Bkln deep." A nowspapcr may
bo beautiful In appearance, but lack the
brains to back It. But what Is tlio opin
ion of such editors us I'. Jdin worth,
when it is eternally known that ho is
eternally prejudiced against anything
'democratic. If his' brains correspond
with the ability displayed In his col
uiiiiis, they must lu of u Mrt nnd initio
ell character. JirJoril I ryus.
It,Wquld seem us Jf Jhey know V,
Jplm Jn,,Bradford, At any riito,tho4'r
yu has his.exact measures,
Last week, in Beavor County, I'd.,
an infant child of Mrs, J, 11. Clark,
died under tho following circumstances.
Tho mother had gone to. havo hoIuo
teeth extracted, and was put under tho
influence of what Is called laughing
gas. Immediately after tlio .child was
nursed, and sickened and 'died on tho
third day, Tho physicians say It was
the Inhalation, of, thiuuiaJ'Xthe mother
I'tructi6n AlLL.SS
y. nfe0, JO
s, HdBOtistuctiou;iiiiiij!aH
ngreolfji fcohteten bcVecn alio.
two nouses. un taxing tno vote
Mr. SUMXEit could not help raying
that Congress hud not-beeu-sutllciently-radical
In this work of reconstruction.
Three bills have been passed, wjicfre b)io
would have been sulllclent. Tlio civil
go vernmentTjftho'Sotttho tight tohavo
boou swe'pti awaV' ab'otico. Ho feared
that Congress lintl not bton sufllclently
explicit in the axcluslon of rebel lnllii-.
enco. When. reconstruction was accom
plished, then the time would como to
open the gates to rebels, 'and not till
Ir.iBUCKAixw said tho report was
more favorable than ho oxpeeted, but
whou ho .came, to record ,hls vote,
ho could not voto in the ofllrmatlve,
becauso hq was opposed, to tho cnllro
principles of tho bill.
On agreeing to tho conference report,
the vote was as follows:
Teat Anthony, Cameron, Chandler,
Cole, Conkllng, Cmgln, Edmunds, Fes
sendon, Frellnghuyi-eii, Grimes, Harlan,
Henderson, Howard, Howe, John-on,
Morgan, lorrlll of Maine, Nye, Patter
son of New Hampshire, l'omeroy.ltain-f-ov,
Sumner, Thayer, Tipton, Trum
bull, Vim Winkle, Wade, Wllley, Will-on
Yates 31.
iYdi Bavard, Buckalew, Davis,
Hendricks, Norton, Pattemori of Tenn.
Absent Cn'ttelf, Counosa, Corbltt,
Dixon, Doolltlle, Drako,, Ferry, Guth
rie, Morrill of Vermont, Morton, Ross,
Snulsbury, Sherman, Sprngue, Stewart,
ottip report was ogrced to at 3:30
l'.M., and the. bill goes to the President.
The bill as agreed to by b6th Houses
Is as follows:
Sixtion' 1. That If is hereby declared
fn'lmvn hoen'thn irhn Intent and niean-
Iiig of tlib act of tho second day of
March,, 180", entitled, "An net to pro
vido for tho more efficient government
of tho rebel Slates of Virginia, North
Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Mis
sissippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Florida,
Texas and Arkansas, wero not lecal
Stato governments, nnd that thereafter
said goverulncnts, If continued, wero to
bp continued subject in nil respects to
tho military commanders of tho respec
,t!vo districts, nnd to tho paramount nu-
thorlty'of Congress,
Si:c. 2. Tliat'tho commander of nny
district named In said net shall havo
power, subject to tho disapproval of the
General of the; nrmj' of tho United
States, and to, liave effect till disap
proved, whenever, In tlio opinion of
such commander, the proper adminis
tration of said act shall require It, to
suspend or remove from' office, or from
tlio performance bf official duties, and
the exercise of official powers, any ofn
cer or person holding or exercising, or
professing to hold or exercise, any civil
or military offlco or duty in such dis
trict, under any power, election, ap
pointment, or authority derived from,
or granted by, or claimed' under, any
so-called State, or tho'government there
of, or anv munclnal or otiier division
(hereof; and upon sucli suspension or
removal such commander, subjact to
tho disapproval of tlio.General, as afore
said, shall havo power to provide from
timo to time, for tho performance of tho
said duties of such officer or person so
suspended or removed by the detail of
somo competent officer or soldier of tho
army, or'by tho appointment: bf somo
other person to perform' tho same, and
1- mi !'! .....'-i', 1.11.
tu,mi Yuuuicies uci.isiuncu uy me ucaui
resignation, or otherwise
Sue. 3; That tho general ofthourmy-
of tho United States shall bo invested
with all tho powers of suspension, re
moval, appointment, and detail granted
In tho proceeding section to district
Six, i, That tho acts of the officers of already done. In removing in
said, districts persons exercising 'tho
functions of civil officers;, mid, 'appoint
ing (th'ers .In their stead, aro' hereby
conurinpu; provided that nny person
heretofore or hereafter appointed by
any district commander to exerslco!tho
functions of.miy civil office, mav bo re
moved either bytho military officer in
command of tho district, or by the gen
eral of the army : and It shall bo tho
duty of sucli, commander to remove
irom omco as aforesaid all persons who
aro disloyal to the government of the
United States, or who use their official
influence in any manner to hinder, de
lay, prevent, or obstruct tho duo and
proper administration of this act and
the acts to which It is supplementary.
Sec. 0. That the boards of registration
provided for in tho act entitled "An
act supplementary ,(0 nn act entitled an
act to provido for tho more efficient
governiiiQnt of thorcblo States," passed
.March 2,1807 ; "and to facilitate restor
ation," pa&'sed March 23,1807, shall have
power, and It f-hall bo their duty, before
allqwing the registration of any person
to ascertain, wether Mich person is on-
titled to bo registered under Mild net
mid, the oath required by said act shall
not be conclusive on such question ; and
no person shall by registered unless such
board bludl decide that ho is entitled
thereto; nnd micJi, hoard shall also havo
power to examlno under oath, to bo
administered by any member of such
board, auy one touching tho qualifica
tion of any person claiming registra tjon;
but ii every caso of refusal jjy, tic,bpard
to reglster,u'n applicant, nnd,, in every
case of striking ils,namo, frorn tho list
,08, hereinafter provided, tlio hoard shall
niakoa note pr memorandum, which' returned with, the registration
lst to the commanding general of the
iistr(ct, betting fortl'i the ground of such
refusal or such striking frpm tho list:
Jfqulded, that, no person shall pe dis
qualified, as iiiymber of any board of
registration by rcuson of race or color.
BixvG.iThat the truoliiteutnnd mean
ing of tho oath presented in said uupplc
inentnry act H (among .pther things)
that no person who has been i member
of the Legislature (if any State, or who
.has hold uny executive or Judicial office
In any tjtatu, or whfi has held any ex
ecutive or Judicial office in any Stato
whether he has taken, an oath to sup
port tho Coiutitutlon of the United
States or not, and whether hp was hold
ing such office at the commencement of
the robelllon, or had held it before, and
who was afterwards engaged In insur
rection or rebellion ugaiust the United
States, or given nld or comfort to tlio
enemies thereof,. entitled to be, regis
tered or to voto iuul:tlui words "execu
tive or Judicial" uffico in any Statu, In
bald oath mentioned, shall be construed
to include all civil offices created by law
for tho administration of any general
law of a State, or for tho administration
SEC. 7. Amlbrit further enarteil.TUnl
htratlorl provided for Inhnyjiet maj'i1'1
thb dis&ctloii oftho coMmnmler otymy
thp tliWfoHoinletlnglliodflRlim'l rfg-'distrlJiacxtcl-dtolle
first day ,of
tjctooer, mo ; niiii tiieoonni 01 registra
tion shall havo power, nnd It shall bo
tholr.dutyreommouclng fourteen, days
prior to nny election under said act.nnd
tilbn reasinajili publc .hqtlOj df j ilij)
time andv place thereof, to revise for 11
period of fivo days the registration lists
and upon being satisfied that nny per
son not entitled thereto has been regis
tered, to strike the name of such per
son from tho list, and such person shall
not be allowed to vote. And such board
shall also, during tho name period, udd
to such registry tho names of all persons
who at that timo possess the .qualifica
tions required ,by said act, who havo
not been already registered, and no per
son shall at nny timo bo entitled to bo
registered or to voto, by reason of nny
executive pardon or amnesty, for any
net or thing which, without such par
don or amnesty, would disqualify him
from registration or voting.
Suo. 8. That nil members of said
boards of registration, and ull persons
hereufter elected or appointed to office
hi said military districts under any so
called State or municipal authority, or
by detail or appointment of tho district
commander, shall be required to take
and subscribe to tlio oatli of office pro
scribed by law fur tho ollleo of the
United States.
Six. !). Thnt no district commander,
or member of the board of registration,
or any officer or appointee nctlug under
them, shall bo bound In, their action by
any opinion of any civil officer of the
United States.
Sec. 10. That section four of said last
mentioned net shall bo construed to au
thorize the commanding general named
therein, whenever ho shall deem it need
ful, to remove any member of a board
of registration, and to appoint another
ono in his stead, and to fill any vacan
cy lu such board.
Sr.c. 11. That nil tho provisions of
this net, and of tho acts to which this Is
supplementary, .shall bo construed lib
erally to tho end, that all tho Intents
thereof may uaruiiy and perfectly car
ried out.
Mehsus. .Editors : My attention has
been, called to nn article that recently
appeared in the Jlepublican, purporting
to be an answer to an article lately pub
lished In the Coeumwan, signed "One
of tho 11." I supposo myself to be
referred to, by tho description that 1
livo at Still Water, nnd that 'I, keep a
storo; being the only person there who
Is engaged in that business. Tho attack
is so personal and so untruthful, that a
reply Is necessary to set the matter right
before the public.,
Tho communication to the wan
of June 2Ht, was not written by me,
nor at my suggestion ; and the attack
upon uncalled for and malicious.
His. referenco to my preparation, for
public speaking, even if true, Is of no
moment ; but, I may say, that If he
would look in tho glass in tho scripture
sense, ana. romomuer what manner of
man ho was, and act up to thai charac
ter, it would have been much better for
him, and for tho churches ho has (lis
tracted by his political harangues. For
I assume that the artlclo that I am re
plying to, was written or dictated by,
not a "boy In blue," but by an "old boy
He.says that for eighteen or twenty
years preaching at tlio creek, ho has not
received traveling expenses. I aver that
the people of the creek paid him Jibor-
llly before ho entered tho arena of poll-
tie., when that impppued, lie slated in
conference, tluu lio was not getting sup
ported, .aud, was booking about to bee
what, brunch of tho church to join; uud
a, lay member rebuked him, and told
him the cause of his support falling off
was, his preaching politics instead of the
gospel that he had caused division in
the churches, nnd embittered the mem
bers of the samo church and that this
was tho cause of tho spiritual dearth In
the land. Ho boasts of his abundant
means, butprenches for money.
To tho best of my knowledge, I never
was In his house but once, nnd then hap
pencil there with other company. Hav
ing lugged his daughter Into this matter
himself, it is only necessary to bay, that
it is impossible to tel what designs they
had upon me, there never was thesllght
eat regard or attention on my part. It
is truo I married my cousin. To tljat
tho " old boy in black" object's. But I
consulted my own tosto and am abund
nntly satisfied. with iny choice.
Tho anger of n priest can never bo
seined, ami jus base attacfc on me is
pumiy political. Aim oven now.Messrs,
Kdltors, the excitement Is worked 111
to such a pitch by'thls fanatical parson,
In tho 'town of Benton, that f;ither Is
embittered against son, nnd brother
against brother, to buch a degree that
thoy almost think cutting each others
throats, is doing God service. If this
continues, no will do obliged to ordain
another miui, so he can travel West on
nan laro, as it is reported was hereto
foro done.
Wo hnvo HOW no nreachcr emnlnvnl.
Lonff beforo Klder Harvey's: timo ex
pired, ho informed us that ho could not
remain wnn us. 110 has been paid lie
cordlnc to contract, as 11 en I nmi r,,iti,.
fill servant, with a donation additional.
And Rodenbaugh, knowing wo had 110
preacher, is trying to fasten himself
onco moro upon our people,, but he
will not succeed. Wo all remember
the origin pf tho trpublo and wo nil
remcmoer 100, wncn tho facts wero
brought out beforo a Inrgo congregation
In the church at Still Water, In what a
rage no icit uio meeting house, nnd
went o Bcntou alone, 0100, without a
ooay guard.
1 nave opposed mis man's preaching
In our neighborhood over Mnco his ubuse
of, my father, and other substantial
members of tho church: ond though I
nm not rich, I havo a mind of my own,
and I pay no rent'. Tho little cllquo who
follow him do not agree with him in
theology, and nro only helping him for
political reabons, more potent with him
than tho Gosnel. Ho never was sent
for to preach 11 funeral scrpion for any
member or tho M'Henry family! "or
did ho travel, as ho avers, 'ti distance
01 tmriy or lorty nines" lor such pur
I might ston hero. bilt It Is dlto to tho
Rev. Mr. Rutnu who has preached for
us n low times slnco Klder Harvey left,
to say that if It is Imto whom tho ivWa
tianlixm nnawcriue refers, hn should
hhlo his head In shame, rather than up-,
braid him with pnvtrtu. Who mado
him poor? Tlio friends and political
mhmu'muwius u tow man iiouuijungii,
who dogged him for months, who lllb
gitlly arrested and Imprisoned him, mid
destroyed iindearrleil awn vhiHiiniin'riv.
If ho Is ppor, It Is 110 reasou why a
imtu-iiutm, juuuiiiiii, puiuicui priest
Biiouiu insuu 111111, un 1 siiame, siiamc.
Tho imrtiznn .sinner aeninst the neonlo
of tho creek It Is unnecessary, to repel.
m-ii'. 1 1 iiius uimiu y oeeii iiiuy yonii
lilted, and its falsehood exposed; nnd
neither Itodenbnugh nor his backers
havo character enough to glvo currency
10 me maimer. i, wuiu it x ,
I CS 'Wllflvn.A. t, ill- If
It.1 Sonrtto yesterday proceeded to
isy consideration' of Mr. Howard's
amendment to tho ltof onstructlod Bill
rol!Ofted hyIrr.uiiilmJIIp.rwJdesi,
that tho mere act of voting for an ordi
nance of secession,, (f cnllcd.'sjirdl notofl
ltseifbodcciiicd engaging ill firsurrectloir
or rebellion against, tlio United. States,
anil that persons who held certain mi
nor civil offices shall not bo disfran
chised. After somo discussion Mr.
Howard withdrew thoamendment. Mr.
Drake offered nn amendment to tho
effect that 110 rebel Stnto shall bo enti
tled to representation In Congress .un
less it shall contain in its Constitution
a provision declaring that such Stato
shall for ever remain a member of tho
iVmcrlcan Union: that every citizen
owes paramount nlleglauco to tho United
States, nnd that no law shall bo passed
ny said Stato In contravention of tho
authority of tho United Statesor in sub
version of it. Mr. Trumbull raised the
point of order tiiat this resolution could
not bo admitted under the rulo recently
adopted prohibiting the consideration of
matters not collected with tho Bccon-
structlonBllIjiispasscdtttthulast session.
He claimed that this wns new matter,
nnd tho President so decided. Mr.
Drake appealed from thedeclslon oftho
Chair, nnd, nfter considerable debate,
tho Chair was sustained by a voto of
years 21, nays 13. Mr. Buckalew offer
ed nnnmendment relatlvo to cumulative
suffrage, which was aNo decided to bo
out of order. It gave riso to a lengthy
dlsciiRsion, however, during which Mr.
Buckalew explained his views on tho
subject. Mr. Sunnier read a lengthy
speech rov(9wluBtho.yariousrecoiistruc
tiou measures wjilch had been beforo the
country. An amendment was offered
requiring tho establishment ofn system
of common shehools In the Southern
States, but the Senate, under the rule.
refused to receive it. Several other
amendments wero offered, discussed and
rejected, when tho bill was taken from
the Committee, and, on motion, sub
stituted forthollouso bill. Mr.Buekalow
again took tho floor, nnd in a speech of
an hour's duration discussed tlio general
features of tlio bill. At 7 :30 a voto was
taken on tho main question, and tlio
bill wivs passed by a voto of yeas 31,
nays 0.
Jui.v 1C Mr. Wilson called up the
oiut resolution appropriating $1,075,(100
to carry into effect the several recon
struction acts. Mr. Buckalew moved
to reduce amount to $1,000,000, which
amendment was accepted, and the re
solution thus amended was adopted,
JUEV.H. Tho Surratt trial was con
tinued yesterday. Thomas J. Baybnld
was examined ns to tho Interior nrraii'
gomentof Ford's Theatre, and discredit
ed tho statement thnt either Surratt or
any ono elso could have obtained access
to tho President's box on tho afternoon
proceeding the assassination. Several
witnesses wero called who testified that
neither John Leo nor John F. Tibbetts,
witnesses for tho prosecution, could be
believed under oath. Three witnesses
were called who testified that thcro wero
no performances at Metropolitan Halt
on the afternoon of April 11, 1806, at
which time and place Mr. VauJcrpool
testified ho saw Booth and Surratt. Wit
nesses wero also examl,upd who testified
that Win. K. Cleaver was not to bo be
lieved under oath. Thcdcfencoattempt-
cd to offer. In ovldcncotho records oftho
Crlmitial Court to show that Clover had
bocn'convlcted of rape ond manslaugh
ter. The Court ruled that, inasmuch as
a new trial had been granted to Cleaver
on that charge, tho record could not bo
deemed ono of conviction, and refused
to admit It In evidence. Tho Court
thereupon adjourned to this morning.
Juey 12c Tluj Surratt trial was con
tinued yesterday, tho defence examin
ing witnesses ,tn discredit thosii called
by tlio prosecution. Soveral sworo that
William II. Clavcrcouldnotbobcllovcd
under oath. Mrs, Frederich Lambert
testified that she occupied a houso near
where Mrs. Surratt lived. On tho night
oftho assassination she heard somo ono
in tho btreet Hrty that the President had
been shot. Sho raised her window and
asked two soldiers who were passing
what tho matter was, and thoy Informed)
her oftho assassination. Mnrgarct Wil
liams, a. colored servant II vlus; with Jlrs.
Lambart, corroborated that lady's btato
ment. John T. Hallahan, wiio boarded
at Mrs. Surratl'i at the time oftho nts
ossluotldn, and who was subsequently
employed by tho detectives, was oxaui-
ineuai greai. ipngin regaruing ms ac
quaintance wlli, WelcluiiiUK The only
point of Interest lu his ovldedoe Is the
fact that It was ho who tost tho hand
kerchief marked "J. II, Surratt" In
Essex Junction depot. Soveral other
witnesses were examined without throw
ing nny now light upon the ease, and tUe
Court adjourned.
July 13. Ik tho Surratt trial viter-.
day tho examination of witiwhses for
tliedefencowascoitInued. J3r..Clurvoo,
a detective, relatoiyhe, incurrences at
Mrs. Surratt! house, CfAtl'o night of tho
m'sassluatlon, whevs, tho officers went
there, to.nrrcst Surratt. Hoalso related
the particulars, of his, visit to Canada, in
company, with Welchumn, lu perxuft of
ijurrw .miss, uonora iitzpatrick,
who, lived with Mrs. Surratt,. was ex
amined at great length, and denied
several statements mado by Welehmon
relative to tho conduct of Mrs. furrutt
on tho night of the, assassination, and
deiiied certain conversations reported
by him. Charles B. Stewart, a elothlng
mcrchunt, doing buslneant FJmlra, tes
tified that ou tho morning of the II, of
April 1805, a man wearing a eoat of pe
culiar cpt eamo Into tlio, store and re
mained bomo timo. Ho thought Sur
ratt was that man. Frank II, Atkinson,
an Alderman lu Klinirn.nnd book-peeper
for Mr.Stewart.eorroborated tho state
mcnt nudo by tliut gentleman, Joseph
Carroll,, cutter ,lu Mr. Stewart's cstab
lishnient, testified to tho bamo fact. Tho
Court then adjourned to this .morning.
Mr, Carroll, ono of tho witnesses, who
testified to have .tieu hq prisoner in
Eluilrn on tho 13tl( of April, 18C5, VM
subjected to abenrchlngcrpss-examlna-,tiou.
Miss, Olivia Jenkins, n iiieio of
.Mrs. Surratt, discredited tho reports of
conversations at Mrs. Burratt's house,
iis.telfled by Wdclmmn. Tl)p books
pf thp Waaler Hotel, In Cnnandugua,
Wero ititrodueed, and Mo ((amp "Join
Jlarrlspn bhpwn ui$ hying entered un
dcr datopf April 1016o;s. 'JNmjdefoneo
plnlmed, that it wns Surratti who had
pnterqd tliat, imniq nt that .time, and' de?
roauueu inai.iiio.NooKH. .hp admlpdns
evidence. The question wasnrgucii at
length Judge Fisher reserving ills de
cision until Monday.
W 21 f KOttKUINk 11 A
Lo&"HiK,Julyai.TIl iTSvdjhal an
oxtcfeiyo conspiracy ngalnsi tl$llfo of
) ler'ita lesi v?0ucCn 1 sabel la 0 1 Spa 1 11 .
has'' been discbvcifeii, nn'dlhnt'over two
thousand persons have been nrrested lu
consequence of the dovelopments.whlcli
havo been made.
f JFeorence, July 11 A manifesto lias
been Issued by Garibaldi, which necures
thtttv'hls Bohs 'nnd friends' will light for
thb llborty gCHome. ' !
July 13. Atlantic Cable dispatches
glvousthU morning, the news of tlio
reception of tho Sultan of Turkcl In
London; Ills' Ottoman' Majesty Van
met ,011 landing bjrtho'Prlnco of Wiles
and by tho Viceroy, of .Egypt, and k-as
by them escorted to London wli'ro
tho popular reception was unnsuflly
uiiiiiitiii. umi misusing.
It is reported from Vienna thai crl-
011s disturbances hnvo broken out Ii tho
provlnco of' Gnlicla'. Tho liisurgfnts,
who nro said to hove been excited l re
volt by lliiHslan emissaries, havi re
pulsed the troops sent to preserve ojdtr.
Oun Cable dispatches from St. 1'iten-
burgh set forth that tho Journal dq it.
Petersburg pronounces tho stateineit
relatlvo to a supposed mission noicin
reference to Ireland which statomdt
was published in tho English news i
pers last week sheer fabrication, y
telegram from Bokhara, In Tnrtnry t
Isstoted thatthu Itussiau troops recency
stormed tholntrenchcd camp oftho Khn
of Bokhara nnd obtained a great victor.
Tho Impelal Government of Austin
has dispatched Admiral TegcthofMf
tho navy, to Mexico, to recover tlio i
malns of Maxlmllllan. I
Tho Emperor Napoleon has declarl
his Intention of sending a strong flccl)
Vera Cruze to effect the rcleosoofS.
Dano, his French Minister to Mexfi,
of whoso movements nothing has 1
ecntly been heard. A dispatch fro.
Paris also informs us that, on Snturda;
tho corner stone of n new Froteshii
Church, Intended to oceomniodato tl
American residents of the mctrnpoll
was laid In presence of a lartroconenri
Incidental to tho occasion werofollowi
by a dinner given by tlio United Stat
Consul, and in tho evening, by a grni:
display of fireworks.
Advices from Borne stato that th
Garibaldlnns are .menncing tlio City
lie exnmlnntlon of the students of tlv. Jkii
----- ---- i
In conjunction with tboimuual examination 1 1
thoMudentsof the fcmlnnry. I n, fur.unn ,
to lie irctent on tho occasion, aiul tve ms t
JustilU'il, hy wltiiCHsInKftlmilnr liu-nlal dlnplaB,
In .,i-rtnr1itlltirr It fur In niUnnAn ..f iitiv tlilnfnf
the kind I have yet seen mRutf,.'ste(l. IuUcO,tbd
tliorotii-li and H.LtlKuu-tory examination llxr txisw? '
all at onrnan attestation of tholr twhllty
the acquirement 01 knowledge, aii(lfttruo,mae,c
of Ihelr wttrthy 1'rofpBnor Davis tfttlnt impor-Jji
tnnt department, ilesim Frnurynnd HtephciiO
IxitU Eraduatus, delivered very appropriate nd-Hi
dreKKed. rrufesHov DavN U.uI:tcrAlntf tliatir. ,
J uinen IlrjHon, who hud taken coimmrclal in
htruetion In hli departvtt'nl, In their iiUditt, cal
led upon him to adressthem, which lie did, and
tho superhormatiiitrlnvuhlch ho acquitted him
self, Justillen umln prcdlctliiR forhtmn clorloiiH
future. He eloquently adnionlshel them not to1
go out In tho aetUe arena of com in c rclnl onte
prlto with tlio imprt nslon that t hey w ere consum-1
mtvtp ImnlncKH men; hut tago with tho Intention
of applying tliemseHcH. to the at tidy of tho
inrf piise. Jlo was followed: hy the Itev, W, Bterl
ItiK. who AddrckKfd thm In that ahln manner
which It charocterlbtk) of him.
We firmly bcllcv that rrofessor Vn H ha.n suo
cceded hetter than nny other IndUldunl similarly
clrcuinstnnciUn the btate. The lnotitflllon I ins
nit hecn Ioiir in operation, nnd ntrcady htandi
umonglhu flrht of tho land. The location 1m pleas
ant And healthy, and tho suctt of the InftUu
tlon Is beyond doubt.
Mnrkct ltrport.
Wheat per bushel
Corn "
fi! 00
,. I IS)
.. t DO
.,A il
7 00
.. aw
t uo
... 1 1
: ii
., II) V)
Flour ner ban el ,
t iaxheed
Uuttcr ,
l'utatoes ,
Dried Apples
Hams , H
Hlden andHlumlders
ljud pmt ud.... ... M
llay per ton
Hemlock lioanU per thoctwknd feet
1'ino " ' (one hu h)..
Joint, Scantling, VUhik, (Hemlock)
Shingles, No. 1 ppititniMtniL
., 1MU
,.. l"i U
.. Tl
,. Ml
rlilUdelplil. lllarkela.
TllL'IMUAV.Alty 11,
Noriliwektern superfine nt ,
Nortliweitern extrn.
..iM"M B.'JD
Northwentern mnmr ..-.
I'enmvlvnnlii nnd , entern supTflno,
Penn.ylvnnln nml etern t xtfn
IVnnnylvnnln-nnd Wetern family,,...
rennsylVHliiii nnd M'entern fiincy..,,..
live Hour .,
M'iikat I'ennylvnnln red, liui
HoiTthern "
CaliforntA 1 "
Rttr rennylvnni.i rye, hu ,
CoRJt Yellow, "
White, " , ..
Oats f him .....
rilovjnlONK.-MeHtt l'ork, y bbl
Mens lleef. "
I)re.Keil lroir, th.
Hmoked HnniH
" HhoulderK n Hi
Ijird, Ti lb
fciKKn- Clnverned V bun
Tlmolhyfteed ifibnt
lil Iuo No. 1 Kentch .'irj!M."..,".7
No. 1 Amerlenn
Cattle lleif rnttlu y id
Town, i hend
HHKFI' "p 1i ,
Hon--p 10OIM
re(n. Ityli;
. lMtft7e
Hi:i.I,j:U-HAIT In OronmvllU), on Iho lltll
', by the lloV. Nnthnnful Kpenr, Sir. .Tnmen
er. nnn miui uitharliio Hull, botluifurrcn
wood UiwnHltlp.
HIHKIAHD ftHUW AN On the Ml Imt., hT the
llev. Win. J. Kyer, Mr. J. N. Rlmwird to Ml.
Helva bbumnn, both of Cntuwiumi towriftldp.
l,ON(l In 1'iint IliorirrMburK., on ThurmUy Init,
Mm Kluorn Lone, ngeu1 97 yenrH, 9 irontii. nnd
II daya.
l'KUUVIAM HTIltlP. A prolcrted solution of
tho Protoxldo of Iron, nupplie. tha blood, with It.
I.lfo Kleraent, Iron, elylng ntremth, lipr nnd
new lifu to tlio whole ny.tem.
If tlio thouKnndu wboure nurrerlng from Dytep.
din, leblllty1remnleWenknc.Aewouldhutf.eHt
the vlrtuesoftho I'eruvliin HyruplhoirrectwoufV uienuelviia but would nli-niio
ullthelrfrlendiii for Imtend bf feellnj croH, "nil
gouo" nml lnlnernbln, tiiey would bi ehe'urful,
Tigerouii nnn ncuve,
a PiHTiMorinien jckikt wnira to a' nun
I hnyelrled tho I'kiiuviam HYnrr. kihI theie
null fully mululiK your prediction. It him mndo
n new mnn of me.
nfu.ed Into my Ny.tem new
vnsnrunu enereyt luni noloiiBerlremulnu. nnd
liinrller.iind wllh lurger cnpnelty for Inbo
Ul uml pliv.ii'ul, llinu uL any Hum durum tlia laat
7'Ao!Mmi(fj Ante been ehnnnett htt iht. i.i tt.
remedy Iran Ximk tlehly, tufferwa malum, li
iti-ona, healthy, unit Imtmy men ana vomtni mi
' ?'m'iio nemtue fupue n a frllll.
I bo lieniiluo lm " 1'tuuviAN H liup" lilowu
In Uio giant, AjUpniniinnipbletwillbeiielitrree,
J, V. IirNHMlJllK, Prnprlelor,
Hold by nil lrtrtgll. JIV07
TO I'ONRUMI'TIVW-Tho ndverllner, linving
nlmplii reinedy, nfter hnvlng .nltercd fnrnevernl
yearn with ii neirernluiig nirecllon, und thnt dieud
dli'neroniiiniloii-luiixlouHlii luaku known
to hi. fellow. u li riT Ihn menu, of eure.
I u all who de.lru It, lie IU aeud u copy of llm
prekerlptlou lined (free of elinrge), with Hie dlreo.
on. for prepnrlng nml umug Iho mime, wlilili
lll.y Will llllll U aUUK C'UIIK irpii I'o.Nsuiii'Tuiv,
AaniuA, lliuiM'iiiTin, Oouoiii, Cum, nnd all
Throat and Lung Airiitlon.. Tho onlobjo. of
,tIin.ver!l""rV,' ,".""". ITi'Mrfiillon I. lo
.lieneflt tho anili'led, and ...piend Intnrmatlmi
which conceive to bo lllaliuible. and he ho , .
every .uireri'r will try hi. remedy, in it will co."
them not ling, and iriiiy irove u blelng. I'urll
wi"e,a10Unaa7?M1','0nK'''',' MWU
,l'tXl,E.WM.A, WI1XON.
andictcs for Nomination.
The t,ilolSd' t'tlrtiion hnvo Ixtn nioiitlni'U
fur ncihinnllon" the "lovrrnl County orilcr l
ljpflllpilbyclettm tho ptenont 'iir, unci f'r
nnmo')illl lfurntnl for Hi roiwlilrrntl nt
the l)ptk(icmllc'unty Com cnllon. '
?)m siiKnn'ri I
fistnE Tow'ssiTiTC ""
Jaisn-non tobtiiiii', '
' f.hwick. II. FUBMAN,
J ioom TOWXIItir.
VH TIlliASUlHIll 1
(f"SA TOWJCsllll'.
nni:itT stout, 1
wiiti.ix Towximr.
j ...
f. J-WELL1VE11,
CociTT TnrAsnr.K. HmiiiB nonrd thf
niocrncy of (olunbln county fnillifulW I
ntinibir of rnr
pnlilliorof Iho UKWit-
in 1110 cnisiclly cfedllol
K (Mtt:rTr, hiidM
Atvnr. rmd Is
if thnt lnn,..iin Inun.l u.n.. I. nr ilil..! ,i,..h
iillil ti
suierniinn nl lliciiimu of the pnrty. I hil
1 himloii
e liiiwsil"
ui-,u iu iiiiiiw aiy iiiiinuioKunelcrei
iw n cniidldiitc fori ountv Thkaiitirr
bllicmlnntidas.i..lo I i;,nu ..i-ilrm P
'oitw-rv i-i,i-i,in,(i, rihnld
inoillillcMol hip OIHco wttll lldpllly nnii to In-
best of mvablllti.
J. K. MA.MIEr-.
jicrwicK, Jlino.l, 1NJT,
fob JiLooir school vismia
Vour Fcmfile nel six or Hven Jl-ile T( titYrn
aro wanted for th- .'nil nml AVlnter lVrmncf ao
SclmolH In Uhoni IHstrlct Col u in t Ha nuinty,
All nprlliitn am rt-qiicHtfil to m'et tholJoii
tv suriTlnNitli'iit in tlm upj.criroom of )
innni.iuiii . nir.tM i nu fUiiA l,. u
vX' ti , I tll . j.. ... 1.,
.ffi ?:'1t1,nuVrsi?e,n;,'oi,l,,
, j j. j-uxJAHNec'
lUnomHhun, July ID. 1Nj7 Jt
. l 'L . .
twenty MKUinio Kxiatcinr
soritANt. voicra, iNrrNnpn ai STuniRs
ThPhP rirehes w ero compOHt'd to b ittlHL
fneoufdvu Ith hU MVwtnrii. 'Thk xa-rnr
MHNO. 6 rt llll nnv nltirr inpflnxl fnrlhoil.
lrfitlonofHoolce, and will take tho plain f
rfcono h I oiii'UkIoh; U'lng more mcloUiis
iiki Itetter feiptcil for teaching.
'vjmo o(jentxerclse4ure specially leaulul
s veil mi ttfnl, it mlnellnK of thr rtutce tt tr,
kltich Hefii thulntercHtHH well uHthelmprtt
nontof lhi)iUuut. ThovarluusfttylcMduvelicd
i these cx1kh render them lnvaluablft lan
dcutlonutolnt or view, an they tind torn
iriuitholufllKcueoand the appreciation, nd
tlheMimulme form the tiihtn of tho p,)ll.
hey niunU studied carorullj'wlth refereii' to
'i hmuLieAble marks of expression and fdiis
f orunmertlou. Upon the minute acctney
-Ith whlctheso are nccomplished Upetxllhe
nnal steriff advancement of Hw hnpll iny
a anion orurrlnc m these reMH'tH Wuimj
ri, uwy wasteu, wnue. on m oiner iuoi, h
lk and it lent lnveHtlnatlon.and afaltniutx
utlon of tin, will Klc unexpected power nd
flllty, aropi-ntothe student the nieoiisud
Irainvlf wlili'll Krelit nrtliitH lirodueo tHr
list brilltit nnd iirorimiui eiii-ei,- iiiujij
1 ee, .
enciln lloiinK Iletnll ino
o. ililu I'lotn, i:etnll... 1.. ai
ninhl ir-v Heut by mull. iioKt'imid, on recpl
! in Wliiilt-Kuln Pi lee. jL'ill. ,
il'uhllslied by W.M. IIAl.l, A MMf.
No. 61.1 llroiulH U.V. N. 1
Pill-ibi f'Hi'l di'.ilcri lu Music, ulv.1 miinue
t era of tun, lift. Klniseolell, Ae, Ac, Ae..e.
Bid fiil-a.iliiKlle of prii IJilD''
Onto of Tin; liujomnurm i.itphaxi
I Iff il l l U 1 K, JIIIJ J. ll .
II...MI..... unfl,..ll.vie,lnf I Hlnlftllil M fit
ill lie cfulltlotjiupnn unien ine nisi muwp
ns to to Htitck of said Institute wa ndi
tvo bet Fi-oiuplled with,
Ilctf, V., Hecretary,
ft.heitiiL-ilbers to Uio iStock(.tiV)tM lifted
idiUtc vill pleano pay the flrtt liiHtalliurt to
,oiUUon,t,ViLUASt KNvm.n, TrenHurer.
t t 1.. H, HUTKHT, Treslde,
111 VAI.UAIIU, .r-fcM 4....,
1 tin underiiliincil would nnuoancu lolhe ti'lle
lit 13 withe, to dlHliono at prl te lutln of VO
SlNUIl-U AN1 I'il'-l'V Aflll-H OK
V ' t i ji a k a ii a n i) ;
unliln Klulilnitereek townnhln, C'i4nlibU,i.,
linul by lullUH OI IH'ttirer llt-ury,' jiijii
leiiiili, Hiunuel 1'olemuD and olliem, .1 he n
risilluelpully wldu I'lne, yeiiuw pine.ik
elliMiilui. i.uiiuiiiiii-ii
el .Id nil eovM le- eaully furmed.t '' Alio
10 llen. but aood .eeurllyln flkked.
1 V m"p MlfHAKI, I.KMON,
Columbiu couaty, ,
FItUIT, NUTS, &.O., (5.
fVlml-le and Iletnll Henlem In,
.xciiunge llloeh, IlloomiliuiK, Po,
IU8INH, t.tYEIt 11AIIJ1, CDra,
ciTKO.v, ria voux, ac, J-
of nit klndi,
f.KDH .lAronv
ritHl). K. W1UMYEH.
lltom.lhrg, AprllB, 1W,
lll.KHAl.r. ANll 11KTA1
' IlI.OOMHllUIKJ, l'A., I,
WiiEjgmiiy bo found the. finttt nmortir(
' v v n n i t u ii lig1
eAcrflTcri't t" the people of thUectlnn,eii,t
NiruiiK, n
o( ull 'fi" ilyll'"i dc6crl'tlim andw
KltcV, )l
ng, I'urlor uud Hitting Itnomira,
nbh , inning Tulilea, tltf IwiiIm,
,llir.ry nun wiui .......
) IJ 11 O A 11 1!H
nut and Chciitnut.wnlouinv
- -a Urge unNort incut On 1.
ijn and nicely lulld,',
Uj;INa OASIfflSt
IIHu-ilandllrackot, ireul.
rt uUdllnuu
a i a.
Ji li U
lit ever offered to the pm
And Uct
rry Ihlng lo be found 1-Jty
u be bad tn our room.,, th.
very ct ji
fUv, i i.aye. enlubl'.uw
HKY i.
V AJii ONIVl'llU'lS frl,
iiir good. a. repre.u'i''J
And vrant
Che. l. v5'
mi Kim' yf "
. WCllfV
r " is.
May l, Uv7i
'IllIHK.VTH TO HUllHUItlimitH.
i "i"t.'A"" I'lt,E'T of
oxr. cash I'litaBsT or 820,000. "
ONK CASK I'lllWEMI Of 110,000. ,
(INK CASH i-nRNKrff Or tf.OJOl ' '
h ((rtlscntoof Wock in mWimjmtilml wllhft
ktrrii-ui, htki:i,w,ati: r..vaiiAViva.
.fclh moro nt tolnll thnn tho wt of (Vrtlflcito,
ifcnlolmurc lithe holder ft Promt In'lho
ftit lUntrlhiitlon.
inrtfi-o.1 hy tho HUlo of roninylvnnl, nml
" orgnnlnHl In nlj of tho
Bcorporntpfl by tho fttnte of N. J., April s, IM7,
i Key. Is fmlmtpil fur Lirtirr... nf ....'.! ..
uralliiK Hip wins or diwnspi! Moldlcrs nml Hiii.
It'll (if IllH t.'llllMil Mtntn.
I hn lloiinl of Trusti'i'. FiinsUtu of I In. fnltowtna
'r,'''yi'uw'' cUll'"', "f.l'tiiniylinnln nul .Now
iphhl; Pnm' ,linn' "I'trlctwltlornoy, 1'hllml-
,.f,;"iV,,, 1l- "mmnll, Ki-fhlof (Yilner If. H.
a in, nml ltnimirruf limls, I'lillnrtdnhln.
, J. Ii Cue, Ijiij., of Joy, Cim A Co., rhllmltlphln.
I TRKAHl'HY IlKrAlllMMT, Washimotox, I). ('.
kprll 18, lHU7.-onioo of Internal Hovoiiiio:-IInv-1
rrrolvrd ntlfuctory olclomo Hint tho pro
roils of the riitcrurls i4nclf d hy (ho Wnsh
liBton I.lbmry Conipnny, will hu ilovotoit to
icinrltuhlo Uhos, ioriiilMHlon is horohy gmntPil to
"will Conipnny to conduct such enterprise exempt
f-ora all chame, whclhcr from speclnl Uix or
'other duty,
" E. A. llOI.MNH, t'onimUsloncr.
til order thnt Ihn henefnlent object set forth In
fils rlrculnr muy 1m successfully accomplished,
lnTO Issued tlt serivs of
riNK nlEr.L-l l.ATK KMflllAVlMim.
Vliich nro put on subscription lit prices much he.
7 I"-"""""""! nioiKiniiic wnsninemn Library
Hn'Pnny vrlll bo Issued, stamped with tho sen!
1 eriincnirs or nioi K in ine ivnsninetnn Library
v.u",i',w,'i ",ul s'Kneu oy ino ppcrelary.
Any penon scndlnff us One Tollnr. nr ntivlnrv
'n,-'r" K''nu lie.
be same toour l4cil agents, will rp('cllmme--lately
a lino Hleel 1'late cii(cravlUK. at ehnlefl from
he following list, and onecertltlcute of stock, In
uring ne present In our published schedule.
Ort Dollar Jxgrttrivgt,
No. 1 "Mv Child! Mrfniltrl!" K'ii..iThMi
kivedl They're 8avpt, No. .WOld Hevraty-
vi uiu win nnjs ui uiu iirvomuuu,
IV IierHOU lialiiB tun dnllnrM will rwneiv
' the following fine steel plates, at cholvr,
eertifleiileH or utiwlr. thiiM Itwrxn-kti n.
Utled to two preMcnti.
JVm Dollar MtgraiingM
No. 1 "WiUthlnfftnii'Mf'niirthliln X. 0-'U'ui.1i-
Inaton's ImsI lutvn lew with his Motmir,'
7'hree Dollar Vntrmings,
AtlV rwrnon tiu Itiir t)irr il.1tnr will nnli'
the brtiiit lful stef 1 plate of Mf fome rrom the War,"
and three cerlltlcnteB of stork, bvcomlnfr entitled'
to thrve presents.
Vur Doilat nffrmingt.
AllVIMlnnn tmvltiir fcnir itnllnra tlinll in,nii
the hirtie and beautilul steel plate of "Tho lVttK
or Our Vorefather,"and MurccrtlUcateHOf stcuk;
entitling them to four presents.
W Dollar JtnQratlnff,
On Walnesday, September ZVh I8G7,
1 C'nh Present
1 dm 1 1 Present
1 Ciwth 1'reHent
1 ChaIi Present
2 ('anil TreHenta of ti,fi)eftcli M
.. lO.UDl
... 6.00U'
l liaimHome country reiiieiice, niabic,
f rounds Ac, (JerinaiitoH n. I'liiladalphia lt0
kmblti restdt'iiee, thrceHlory brick, lu
I'madeii, N. J M fifdtxt
1 Coal IH'pot, oftleen, sheds, ground, v.JJi,
huHluesri t'HtublUhed, No. 1311 WakhiLrs
ton Avenus. rtilladelphla IIOOO
1 Country residence, Itlversldo, NJvLtta
uround. iriiit. lnrim
1 nitrt mury t-iniaKe. 101,
25 Valuable bultdtllK lots. HlvrtlkU-r .KIU
1 tuVVioutVamtiy TupTupe"Hpan
ut horseH. liHrness. Ae eomnlrln
10 Valuable bulldlnif lot Klverslde, JW)
1 beiuitrfursi'iver-KnVyr"h"r
ijjko, ninti ujr inn ciriiruiei unpirteil
Arabiuh Horse "Caliph;" a I ho, a lh;ht
road wagon, wslKht 14D pounds, with net
of HUperlorHlnKlehnrneMti, Xc, malclnx
n llrnt-elusi eHtabllshmetit j .ijtori
3 1'lainw, t-'jOOeitch M ... MIp,()it
VO Melodetm-i, eiwh w, fm
Tt KoHVUoodi iMtwlnir machines, bJ)i)eaelw l,i0
i l-'uailly utwliiK maehlneit, flliu euch,,. . J,(XJ
. Kiuoi-uld wntrhes. SJlUf&cli 10 ud
Un) Ull ixdnlluKH, by leading HrtiMtHtinre-
jjiiio vamv . wjufif
a cawel's hulr shawls. $1,0X) each
II Camel s hulr sliawlH, S-UxO eacti btt)
3 Handsome Ij
1 Ijico sliaulH, syifiich H 7:
10 Caihmere 1
win, euch...
M Hill: dress pattern. STfl wu;li. . 1,W
60 City buildfnit lots, flTOcaUi 8,7"j0
1 he remainder will consist of Hllver
ware, musical box on. opera glasses,
iKickct blbliM, and dlfTereut urtteen
of ornament and use, umouutlna lo. H2,uC
ToUl S.TOO.duu
AU tho properties given cleur of Incumbrance.
VINOH. HendiOrdeni to ns by mall, oncloslnif finirujw
S30, either by Post Office orders or In lefrlntved
letter, at our risk, larger uraounts shrtitt be
sent by draft nr eipreu.
10 shares with Kngrnvlags,.
Si shares with Kncravlngs
60 shares with Engravings,
TSsharen with Kmjravlngs
21, SO'
100 shures. with Knijravln,
f-ocal AORN1H WANTED thnjiuhout t CI-
The AMoclatlon havei ppointei u rlecvIverH.
MCKitrS. tlKOHHK A. t"OOKK A ttlfc WllOHA well
known Intenrltv arui business .uj-fience will be
a nufllcifnt Kiuiriir tlmt the OKmey lntrmit&il
10 mem wm dc yfompuy opj-a 10 vue purjoe
1hiladiLi:u, Pa., May 'J), 1VT7,
To th Ojpw ami Mftnbera of th Washington JA
bntry V, ti, HEAD, Kecrrtitry,
Gentlemen: On rei'elpt of your fuvor oftho
rUi Inst., notifying is of ournppolutmeut m I let-elvers
lor i our CofHtnny, we took the liberty lo
Mibmlt a copy of your Charter, with plan of
your enterprise, tn tho hfshest legnl authority of
tho Htate, and liavinn rocched his f.ivorablo
ophiion In lvgnnl tolls leKaltty, andsympathU
lng ylth the benevolent object of jour Asvwla
tlon, vlti tho education nnd malntennnco of the
orphan children of our soldiers nnd snllors at tho
ltlverIde Institute, c havo concluded to accept
the trust, and to uio onr best olfurts to promote
so worthy an object, '
Itespoctfully, yours, tic,
Address all letter and orders to
QKO. A. COOKE CO., IUxkkrh.
03 Bouth Third Htreet, Philadelphia, Ph
UeefltTors for the Washington Wbrsry Co,
July 5, mem.
p U II Ij I O 8 A h K
In pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Columbia rounty, on Maturday, July 27th, 1m17,
at ten o'clock In tho forenoon, Daniel Hlnuley, Jr..
and Daniel Hinaley. sr, admlnistiators of Julin
Hlngley, late of Heaver township, In said county,
deceased, will eiposo to sale, ,by public Ten due,
on the premise, a certain iuetwuat(e and
bounded and described as follows, to wit t On the
fouth by lands or peter Iluurk, Joimtlmn Ilaurk
and Hainuel N'unKesher.on the wct by land of
Hamuel NunRCKserandreterIauck,uu the north
by land of Peter Ktueht, and outhuiust by land
of Jiwub Hhearman, containing
and Uiirty-sli perches, strict yirasnre,
is erected a Kod plank Iioumi twoMtorleH htih. n
Kood frame bank iturn. sprintr hout.e, mid vttier
out'bulldlnics. There is h never fallliiR uprkna of
water at thedoor. About ninety acres itruDlnVted
and In a Riiotl state of cultivation, ilftien acres
lelim meadow Und. There aro nino on the prtm
lseslhree thrifty youngapphj orchards in U-urlnir
condition 1 late the etttute of sahl deeeaMt d. situ
ateluthetonnshlpandcounty aforesaid.
nt . ... JiWSK COLKMAK,
nioomsburir, June 17, t67. Clerk.
amdMoHi c Mite .wTho ono-third oftho pin
chtue monev to remain charged upon tho preml.
sesdurlnir tho natural life of Judy filnitley, widow
pf the said deceased, and tho interest thereof to
bawuuually and regularly paid her by the pur
chaser on the first day of May of each and erj
year during her natural life, and at her death the
principal to be paid by the purchaser to the per
sonsIeBally eaiitlod theiefo. Ten per cenfTof
pne-fourlb of tho two-thlrds of the punhafe
money to be paid at the striking down of the
properlyt the one-fourth of the two.ihlnls, less
and the umuiulnir two-thlrds In one j ear then
",:' ' "v ; . .in . -u"'rmaiion nim
W vi-. j ,j ..iM.iu.uurg, mugt
i wn AUIUIUlStrHtU