The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 19, 1867, Image 1

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; ; .ffKidfllfllel) irfTJ
. r , I,
i ft).
VOL. I.-NO. 29.
- I -- -
CAPITAL 81.10,(100.
JOHN M. HTACKHOUHE, rrc,lilct.
CI IAH. A- HOONK, Secretary and Tn i
.Inlm Mi Stakhouu, If. It, Cnhlpliell,
(Jims. A. Uoone, Cyrus HtnckhouM
A. M'DowcII.
The lands hold by thin Company, const
nnd sixty four iktcIior, of carefully hcU'Ct'B.UHl
lying southwest of Wilkes-liar re, LuzcrnJhcitn
ty, Tn., in tho western jmrt of tho Grout Xf tn
or Y yomtiiB Coal Unslii.
A vrry enreful nnd thorough exAinlnaOoi if'
contly mndo 1ms proven these (for tho tiUvo)
land tw !o tlio etnhodlmcnt of n Mist nuiilitt of
the very bent nuillty cifnnthruclto coat, fcn'luK
tiVt-ry facility that couUl bo desired for unit
lorUitloii in nil direct Ions. Tho nlmvo tiiut 1'
crossed by n sood rond, nnd also dim
I; In
front, ntulJolnliiK nrn Iho IjickawmiiiA A riwims-
burg rullroml, nml tho Wyontlu canal, t! m at
fording tho very best ndmntngo of n rnrryli Rroa
nnd canal running to tlio very mouth )f th
mitten without expense t tho company.
Tlio Measurement of tho different bcdi or .en in
nlready deelopod was cnrefully obtalmil ant
luulca together : tho thleknenr of these fcnitv
Including tlio celebrated "Hed AaIi," "lluck
tula," or "Grand Tunnel" vein. Is tblrty-o
a half feet, (31), every cubic yard of wbleti wi
yield ft ton, giving a largo amount of the '
nn&lltv of eoab
Tlio location UbucIi that ntl tho vetni nj, j
cut and worked to tho greatest possible ad viinUi r
Above m nter level, and at much loss expt nsi th fi
can bo dono from col I erics operating below tt f
iOVCl. )
The coal can bo brought to tho mirfnco th
drlflH or tunnels whlcltdralii thowuter fn
mines and saves tho holntlng of tho coal,
eligibility of these lands for cheap mining
lU6Ktlouablo. Very lately tho "Grand I'll!
4ir"ltetl Arm" vein has been opened, and iJ
producing as fine n quality of coul iw ban
leen produced In tho nnlhraclto reglom.
breaker now In operutlon Ih cnpablo of prep
from 150 to 200 tons per day. Tho .surface c
tin abundant supply of wood nnd tlrnVrv a)
liable for mining purpose which glesth tw
tho advantngo of many other coal land . i
fact that almost nil valuable coal lands ar 1 1
rapidly taken up by heavy capitalists oris 'ji-u
poratlons, ft hows that they must stendll in
greatly riso in tho market value, whtlo vitu U
linmenso and constantly increasing deir. id i
tills Coal. Alul tha llnllrnnd nnd Xnrtli Ilrr.n. h t ,
lial. niuislti? hv tha mmiltia nf ttm mlium i
11.0 ant iron nuUrti autrleu of ....b.
'"""""i I'unuiimuii, imnnuurB, .uui'iicioun, jH a ijl(t highway Oi MiiUlIK
iiurlettu, and Columbia, to tkle-wuter at liaite 'ravel and atljuceut toalltho
de Grace, ono can scarcely conceive of a iirX 'iti Jt?;Vj!!12SStJlS,-i.H llbri.
proiitabio or perman-mt source of wealth
mar bo found In lundi lilrn (1ipi
inoxtortob. .U to open their workn
iiiuiut:Aiciiivt;piii'j,uiiH company mis piaeeiia BflH uhj nter the alien
iNirinm ui iiieircapiiai kiock in in a rite t on tfto una respu uui ami hip mmv i
fdllowliig terms: Any pcrhou taking one or more vided with every dtlieaey of tli
TEN D O Ii Ij A 11 8 E A 0 II,
will Ito entitled annually to a ton of coal at
im, to lio rmllU'.l on tho liooks or tfcnionlivnMl.knon hold li
nml Kollfni! prion for eiu-li lmro, to lio Mild bcfoi lZ'",Vx . Ji "A.,V.....L i.
n illvlilcuu Hlmll be tU'cInretl,
U. r. KNAIT, AspiiU
March 1, 16B7.
Tnc obiect of those OoncerU m u rnUe
TO ouim U Jiawimjc JlUll 1U inuuiy u jwn
city of JSe
eoiiiinenauraie wim inu niunn
of the trntemltw,
and to erect an Asyh in fortliv.iyed Masons
tho Indigent aud iiiilrm widows of Masons
Uieir (rjuans. AUirnuiuuu imi wun n'uiriwi
lor this jmrixwie, but more lsmeded, which I tb
believed will bo generously and promptly gleu
by tho chariwtoie punne, nnu iiiuho immeuiauiy
interosloil in the welfare of the Order.
llio iUiiiuiKCiiivui, uimu Kifiii MM-nniiiiT in nir iuhi i iih puuue, llinv ll wis null
nounclng that their Hlxth and last Grand Musical know n House of r.nlertjlmn.
Entertainment win tauo piaco at Jones' ooti, pieasni to receive the cutmi
on Tuesday, July 30th, commencing at 1 o'clock, favor him with u c.tll.
it. in., and will bo lmmedlatclv followed by the
unuiu jJisiriuuiion oi rn'hfiiiii, t- iu ijiju jvi.i.i a iiuii;
Okkicb JHnrYo'i'H nllar well stocked with tlio hct I.h,.
lluo.O. W,IIoi.MKH,-My Hear MrHTi.uWr" 5p vill.. I'.i Mni. r, iCf-f?
ihnflth instant has been rceelvpd. In renlv 1 can "ratiyo Uif, J a., Mimlih, lHCn.
only state that any enterprise which may lie hou T r, . . ,.vt
orablyand consclentlouslyoondueted, in aid pi I AUlAiNli b tSALUOrsl
the Alasiiiile Hall nnd AsIum l'und or the MaloJ 1
of New York, will recetvo not only my unqunU- Ijh: Proprietor of the IHchansJ oloon
tied approbation, but my realous co-oj -nition. m i,Iti i)iriro htoc? f 1 i,h., C ,, :,. 1M(V,1V
ity to your promises J have nododouht Jmli'ltig Ht'MMLIt HI.Hll.HMIl,
fiom the referenecK which youhaveglvcii, V 'ide consisting of f
1 say this, I desire Mill to declare to ymi bat ntyM.u.rn nvsTnts kuitiims ti'It
nilnit. no matter how hacred mav be tlm u-ltr1 H U1 "TMT.IW, KAltlilM.s, Tl.ll,
of tho laws of the Ktato, should not bo pi rmlthfl.
Let thoso laws bo held In strict respect, a hleshiar
w ill surely follow, and you wilt receive th- ihu'ikt,
of thousands. Thanking you fur your kind ng-
memnrauco or the widows and orphan H
ciufl. I am Trnlv and fraternallv oi l.
UOIIKKT 1). UULM1X, (J rami MasUi
V" v o nave uiu iiiHiiem, icgui tiuuiuriij ncn
llig niat no taw "i iiiorMaiooi iew ior it
lated by our method or distribution,
1 1'iesent, Residence In JIM street, f?
1 Present, Country KeHidence located in
tho villngo of Woodbrldge, N. J., one
hour's ride by rathoad finniN. V,
ami three minutes' walk from rail
ruail dejiot. The place comdsts .f
twi) largo dwellings, store, burn, car
riage house and oiherout-bulldlngs
7 acres of laud In a high statoof eul
tiiutiou, and line gulden; 1 acre of
Caw ton lUnckherrles.wllh nlentvof
small fruit, besides standard fruft, ll
I 1'jifasent, ltesldenceat llrooklyn, N, Y 1.
1 " Cot,
$l,l01n (Inlil,
1!,IX) "
(Iriuul PlnnoH. jH,.rj4i0enct
tlenLs' llnu golil Iocr
Ijullea' " " l
Huwlug Mtielitufi 75 o
Urilcri for (.uiu of cloth.
Iiik, from tho well
Known (.Ntahllnhiiteut
of U T. llrownell, au
Jlroiulway, 75 "
l'lali'4 Tea Hi ts. 73 "
urUora fnrhllk (Int, 10 "
chronio I,lth. of l.euUo
l'alntlimof Washington
aitnMiuun, 10 44
Maonle Kmulcmn a u
(lotil IVdk, reucJItf, and
Slecvo lluttonM, 3
Hllvur plated fruit ktllvu
inn! eatl helu, S "
itlttatiuiL- liiik in, ii uiu ui
The balance to consist of tho following, vis:
rnoiogrttpn Aiuums, ujieru uuibses,
Works by eminent authors. Gents' fob
(Chains, Codies' gold watch chains, kid
iglovus, engravings, ladles' work boxes,
jitusio boxes, writing cases, musical in
istruments, breast pins nnd finger rings,
etc., amounting to
tiik In c In tlio uuurei'iito 300.0UO nrehents
valuo d at 2O0,
Tii'iirru 8t mil-! a i
ltrtles from ft dUtaneosendlmi money for
ti should either have their letters reclstcrw!
miul a post oltlce order. i
Mr ltuforo the distribution takes place, a cI
rnlttee will be appntnted to receive tickets frfu
parlies ll lug at a dlstam-e from New York, wt
will select the sealed envelopes containing u
orders for the presents for them, and return tt
Appnits and othnrs hnldlns HcIcpIh for Kftte.
earnestly requPstetl tomake their ret urns promi
ly, nnti wuuouiueiiiy, anne umo naineti rik
jor iiio iumi viiLvrutiiiiiieiu, lit urour inii in
liiiiy.ou iiu uciity ui uio ouiri niuiuii,
U1XJ. V. HOCMlt A CO.,
Managing IHrectors,
JunolHW, ' New
MII3 ICKYSTONK CLOVKU SICEJ Vu ?,ut' """ .f"1"" .ff
nirit and Columhla Co AY
H T 11 I 1' V K 11. JlVIr, II. HlohnerHBellt for
1-ATtNrmi 1, ImA
-n.u uiooin ii.r.n-1, ..nv...iu. n.,.i,iMo u
ted hynll iu'loiuinoolisererHtiliolhiimot illruliat lie will he puiirluul anil ut
device for Eiltherlnir clover seed yet discovered,',. ar ru v,,r ,,.. ,vlh their 11 Ji
A uiaru lilune, atlt is nulllclonl to iiinvlucejl .V ' . v' .r i, i,,. .(
kiost olituso mind of its Iiractical utility. f J l" "'I'l"" ! M r) H P' '
It strips tho clover lieiut from the stalk lenvifl Mir
Hie straw stundllis upon tho crouiid. HJirl Hleuiu lin-n
drawn by ono horse, and reiiulrtt, but on. ma,
bipr to work It, Mr' '." ' '
Uluconiaet, simple In structure, and nvllli .,.. h tnil.t. '
bio to net out of Older, unit call be cheaply KM.U1 ui,ia' " ' , i i i
The Krcat advantaco In this machlii, la,i ILi'.MANi DIM"- "
liavotliB seed nathered In tha chair, n ailr for Hi '
clover mill or liulter, besldea suvlntr the grf n jii .oinn(1i'ui
leuKthoftlmoandlaliornfiuowlnK.hamlllnitQ ,; j,,ij Km
threliln It from tho straw, It will alsii nay uly lf "' '"" "
cry farmer to Bather hi" o'il with this machUi H ldulo 1 u
on mvount d( the savlna of Ihe seed whlchls iN,ii jiATflS'li WAI 1
IJitraordlnarylndueementiofrcredtiienergj rmrriH, n.
meiiwliowlshiopurehasiiMtateortounty UiiBfUitAlN llAdH. COIir'At'
ioMtateori'ountyltiffliitAlV llADri, COItl'"'
, Count I'lfjJ io )ar.l)'
rut ourui'uiBrw iiouies
P 0 X 1)
1 mk t ndernkned hmlng ,
iUiitrtot tylethe uboo
In t ha borders of foliitiidln n,
dand re-rurnlsh'
Ibknowit House,
ftnlllvim counties,
Ml 0111 11 tllOinOHttKHUItUllllh
1 1 UioHtdti; in roily rotnr
i Isltor and sojourners
Tlio 1 oi d nod si renin.. ..
neuiiniui n-Kion
to accommodate.
ell 8 tucked with
ileil. Ions dsli of mntiy kinds!
I K' I
n ) no.its In Rood order III
niKiallon nnd utuusoim
rOI itltltlL- OrOlCilMllniiTPiir
kettt for Iho rie-
or miosis, either
if ti alu of wider wlikh U
IS UMll thlH IK. HO1
;vi:itAr( mii.iw i
Surrounded liv an ixlrnK
rent,tliOH Ih'dToi
tied to tilt) hutilKliimi n. unlet,
peculiar fcjmrts, and cxeu-he
neUl for lui ow
Ih hit
1) n n a v ti
U N.
111 Ijirjor will 1h alwnjs
lll'llflU' h'HOt I1um.iiii.l .....I
olded Witt) If
llur stocked w "i
ITlih l.lul'OKM. Tlip limine
UloiHl tlio Mauling rxunttl
rill lIOllHP U ti in-lif.1 fi-oi.
InrKiMUtd t "inn
iki muu.
tlio lMJ'slur&IintkrtMni
Itiillroiul . .tie t
Hueinii i uiiLu 10 pass the
months of Niiii
amy if, menu,
17XCitAN(U3 llOTl-
.uoMsitrnu. roLtt.vlA cniT
llllt Ulldf fNilflted Imvhnf mlirw..,! IIiIh il II
iioriniueeniraiy-iocut(d!iiM', Ihol.x
H'ltpl.nllimtu on MAIN MTI! titr in U1.,m
Immediately opiate the t'ouAuu Couiiti hi
11)1160, rciptitlully infoniiH bll trleiuU nnd in
JUIjIIc 111 teiicrfil that hit Iml.utviuf lnnr.!(
lor the reeeftlfm nnd entttlimtrcnt "f ttu elloi
wiiomay imuitio80d to favir 1 with their rut
torn. I In lias spared no cxptnaAIn prepnrlnK till
ieiuuiKO inr inc enienultuitU f hU RUtw
mtthi'r nhall I hero lt imytHiiiMantlnu ion 1:
ioie in M'OclouHtuiid cnjio ml excellent
utMM lorn tluti. ' '
mi niMin.v. ii. mi-ii iienuiill vniuiiiiu i
iitniillnmei run nt all itnpsi int.fpu tho
L-liini!" Hotel rind the VfirloVtraflroad deiHil",
in 1 from tho repoclio btalnni Indue time
mu't the t'trs. jjjIN F. CASIaJW i innciicin i i iin o cinni V ci nuclei
dli i n,uli iaren iNiti.
r j(u n i a nous k,
It Y
niiHNAiii) RdM:lt.
flivTMl latelv nnrehased nnd fitted un
A'ell luiown Uoblson Hotel roi'riy,lofateil
m tn. 8-iiuo fcldo of tho str'J, in tho town
ili tusburii! nnd bavins oDtlned ft lioonno
Ik Hflmoasa
ho Proprietor hns determinei ko rIvp to the y
i.i y lull hit? tlm inu n mi Inisii i-HH or hi ensure
t.llTf. ' ll 11'V 1(1 tflM
lIlsntnbUngiUsolH exten-l-p. nnd Ih fitted
to put burnt les and carriages In the dry, lie pre
,HM HUH IHIT) Ll 1 1 UK iiuimniiBUftiiiiJniiii nini
i it iM.luptcd In no ordcrh i nd li.Wftil liuum
and he respectfully KollcltsftRharo of thejmi
paironng. y-"
21, 2n, S tt '-7, IlltOAI WAV, K. Y,
Ojyxwic flwltmt (ircin.
Thk Kri.VKNS HorsK Is well mil widely ku
ln-ruicl In tin- tniVcllliif nubile. The lH
f, R'1!J,j!ji,,i,11,i,i?!5f ffi 85?lAS?i" S?tW
K'll is cspc
i and V
lllnelpal ralll
this foroer300L'uests-lt Is well fu
iNtieu, and
I uikum n i rv iiutdoriite iimn en
m, jur inu
ilateil pro'
tico Is pt
cUHdii at
crillV I ill i".
orato Kites.
iasi: A 1
cifct Oil ICS HOTEL,
aiioitm: w. MAWinn,
I arranuti
(,ul otproi"' , V t it
s former c
llllll ui trilVCIUUE miDllC IU1U if ' """v
k.i. l. ...fiirt of liU (riinhUfiril-fOtld to n
ho country, i"' moie wiuaiwvn imj muin
'lieu, IlOl OUI wit i emmiuf ' "-
iuors (en-eiit tlmt poiailar MraKO
.iffllatvu purclutodtllroet Wrt tho
lie tlelliaii?l(!',t t1- fcuon 11 wm" i
It, jrfiou-ft-'J-'.art
iriminim ilru
in 1 im.u iirf Jf.rco:
ftlli'ls .iui In the . iim inn! u ill muli it
lie iHUiHiuriii j
o ueser
niri, llliuro, OI-UHH
auCrai IT V y III a V llf'l'l.
mid I ,JA 14 v jiwi J
inn 1'iTi.K not
oitANtinviLcr:, coi.umi
. CO.,
ins hi'
he nh'
, and
nil w
(s( Thsnib-.eilber resneetfully In
W ell
II lie
m-iUKhP TONGl'U. llOU.r.II KfiliH, SW 111X111
at BEElt, AllE, l(
ni:, co.mi: aij im ti:
co.mi: ON
U r,oiiit.huri.', -May 3, If7,
TIIK hiihi.erllii.r rcbin-t Ifnllv lnfornibit.
Klulthe t -1 1 1 .1 1 .-. thai In- Iiih Inl.i n the lit
IiIcqvciI tu receiti thu tlthliiiu of ut v
II oo
uior unit Willi u eull.
ni: WIM. icr.i:i' a (iood mp:,
l llnr well kloekcil uilh the 1i'i.t of Ion
ieiy enoit win no nuuio in miner i-n
fin lion. WM. li:
E," I'll., April 12, 1-W. j
- -f
i.HANai:vu,i.i:, couimiiia coijiT
IHItAIUi MU.MMA, I'isornipi
Ifuv nir taken pom-imIoh of this
no' 'm
noufce. o lonir Lent liv Hiinuiel lAer1
10 1' Tl-
i mletor himhtit In ft permanent lepali
eil HAH Af.ll I,AllIli:ltllll Iheehi
il'lll II-
liiu .rs
it el.ed
ami neweNt ilulleaehK. llln btahlo It
111 tho eoiinty: ami no wiIiih will l
hBired to
ueiMinmoilato KuehlH,
O CatawlHia, l'a.
SThn nlxHo Hotel hat lalely Ihimi pec
iwd oy
lIlENlir J.CI,AIlK.nnil hat Ltellthr
ighV f'1
liuodelleil, repaired, nml refurnished t wll l
I round now, In lis HrrnnxeHietii ana apo iiiiieuin,
a lllst-chw Hold, nml (.croud to Dili It ilia
country, rereona In cIIIih wishing Mtwiul die
I hot moutlui In tho rouutry, will do "II IM H"
Etho proprietor a call.
Arch Htreet, between Third ami Kim
tlell HAJvl 1 1U I hr
Corner of NlulhaudChestnuiHIftts.
riilladdplda. t j
U. W.'KAN (. V
ii epif.ur.
M Aonrii lopnrii ii i t
rilll. I T t'JIlA.
J, A W. (1. M KIIIH' Iniilor.
Yofk May 10, lRrr-ly.
.,r iiio,iii
Ii.. ipMjutod
uf) ale, poller
. .isiippljtynu
.luirtlilel) as I
,t Knoowlng
e in tn all who
, 1 Iril fur him
11 (IKK.
rypAlliif, l'a,
(riiwn and Uer h or w .
(t Iho mine price (nml w Hti me
...t.iiirouli! furnish you imm uui i re
II 11. AltTMAN,
Ktt CO.,
' s ("Tl
,1, ilt' d Cd.)
1IH CAltri.TH,
B, , AIM,
II O T E Ij.
A IJomoorntio Nowfipapor,
X I'UUt.lSlIKU KVKIiy FIUDAY mouninu at
I'll ,rlnclil.'ortliN i.upcrnroof Ih.. Joirr.)n
luu . inotorpfilltlfN, tIioho principles will neve
lx iprotnUi'iltjL'tfonrti'sy nnd klmlpHS ttlmlt
no i rorgotli.iilnuNcuiilngtliFiii.uliellH'rwIth
o ii luiiN, or with contcnipornrlcN of tlio l'rcsi
rl.c i lty, Ijnpplm's4,iiiit1 pronporltyofthccoHii.
yhournlm ivml ohjpct; nnd m tho mcnnA to
'on itlinl, wo kliall Inlwr lioncsllynniUnrnrntly
or ll'O Imrmony, sucrow imil growth of our orgnti
nail. n.
Tf mi of AiivriiTi4iNai Onofiiinr(U'nlliH
or UMi)onoor three Insert lonn Ufa; eneh tnliw
(liient limerllon 0 cent.
fltf. 1Y.
$6,00 510,00
9,(10 14,00
12,00 18,00
11,00 20,00
20,00 30,00
30,00 UMM
One hnuaro-.-. IJ.U)
Twoequares 3.00
.Three squares 5,00
font squares 0,00
llslf ooluinn....... 10.00
Ono 'f. him n 15.00
I'.xecutor's and Administrator's Notice f3,00i Au
dttors Notice $2,60. other advertisements Inser
ted according to special contract.
HiMliicss notices, without odvcitlsement, twenty
cents jicr line.
Ttftnslent advertisements payable in advance
all otluri due nfter tho first Insertion,
It is, In nil cfwn, moro likely to bo satisfac
tory, loth to subscribers and to the Publishers,
tint remittances and all communications respect
ing I In-business of the paper, be sent direct to the
oillceorpubllentlon. All letters, whether relating
to the editorial or business concerns of tho paper,
and all payments for subscriptions, advertising,
or Jobbing, nr to bo mode to and addressed
"(WHmbian OJlce,u
llLooMSiit'ita, Va.
I'rlniPtl at Unblsois Imlldlngs, near the Couit
Hons by Cham. m. Vanikiwmcf,
FltA?4K 11. Hnvdku,
P 11 1 N T ING
Neutly executed at this Office.
jr. IVKLIiE,
AKhlniHl(Sehulklll County, l'unn'H.
A T T O It .V i: Y - A 'I'- I. A Y,
llerwlek, ColtiinhU t'ouuly, lVnn'u.
jr. TitAuau,
' ATTO UN T. V- A T-I, A W,
Berwick, Columhlu County, renn'ii.
A TTO It N II Y-A T-1, X V,
Ollleu In lt'KNt4r ami Ittcortler's olllee, In tho
uivteii.ent of tho Court lloue, lllooinfibtirg, l'a.
(1I1K11T V. C'liAKK,
A T i O UN i: Y-A T-I. A W
e corner of Main and Market slreeU, over
First National I Link, lllnuinsburrr, Pn.
t. U 11. KMNE
Airudunto of Jeirersou Medical f 'olleL'e. I'hll-
adel hht, having peruiaueutly loiated, oilers his
prof Hslonut er lecs to Iho clllciis of Catawlssa
and lelulty, Olllee on Main Ktieet. second door
east of Cieasy & John's Itulldlng. apru'(j7-t;m
I, '
A TT OltNl! Y-A T-L A Vt
Oillto on Main street, tu brick building below tho
Comt Houso, llloomsburg.ra.
1 II.
IlI.Otl.MrtllUKtl, l'A.
,-OKFin: Court Houso Alley, heluw tho Cu.
uni' .un tu Ice. Janl'ti7.
j ii. aTTiTTsoNi,
llUiOMSllUltU, l'KMK'A,
Ollleo 111 UniiUKSl'ii liulldlug, Main Htreet, West
of Die American House, niy2t7.
MH'TIO N E E 11.
Hn lug followed tho profestion of ruhtlc Vt nduo
Crli r fur many years, would Inform ids friends
tha' bo Is still In tho Meld, ready nnd willing to
utti nd tri all the duties of his calling. 1'ersous
desiring bis services should call or write in mm
at I loomsburg, l'a. inarK'G7,
'1 ate Assistant Metllcal Director iT, 8. Aiuty,)
fljOillcont thu houso npiKjwlto Hhlve's Illock,
inn tuiHuurg, i'a.
Cat i promptly attended to both night and day,
p iiiisbn'g, Jan. 18, Sii7,
uudf rslgned takes this method of Informing
un mizutsoi uoiumuia i.ouniy, imii ue is loca
ted In
w hrro ho Is prepared to attend to all culls made
in tic iniooi juh ousiuess, ruu cures
R I N (1 11 ONK, ttl'AVIN, BP LINT,
ana all other Ills that horso flush Is holr to, chal
lending competition tn tlm treatment especially
in .un itiHJYU iiiciiiioiicu uinrnneri.
jr-sRi; i). mei
Ught Plreot, April W, 1CT,
C. S II I Y R i
SASH, IlIiINDS, noons,
h ji iitte it R, ji o II li n I N n ,
MAIN t.TKKl.r,
lILOOMHllintU, l'A.
June 2, 1WI7,
Y A Hit I ON A II 1. 1!
Court House Alley, next door to rUusiIidiiOIIIco
Hair Iiyelng nnd Whlikers colored black or
brown. Hair rollleliiilestroyiuinuruii nuuwuu;
ttfrlng tho hair; will res'orii linlr to Its original
isilor without soiling tho fluent fabrle, isilistanlly
..n I. .1 . ..I limrrj'117.
on hand.
"1 K. H A V A 0 13 ,
Jaln Stmt, war ilie CVuil Hiu(,
HlAHIMHUU'ia, l'A.
Constantly on hand a lino nsscrtiueiit of
Cloi k, Jewelry, Hllverwnro und Hpectauliui
I'nrt'ular attention paid to Iho rriialrlug' of
Watt lies, L'lovKs, jewelry nu rijiecuwies.
tf JIumiiiIo mark, maun to order. All work,
warranted. lnpriU7,
1 neatly ci called at THK Cor.UMliUN Htuaui
i ruiiiug uuico.
(Choir oetrii.
loll THK f-Of.t'MlllA.
1 do lint sio arm.iiK thy sighing train
Of full enamored youlhs, ono weak or vain
TIhiurIi each fond My Is .lrrwd with Rreatevt rare,
With hearil well trlnimeil nnd curled and barber
cd hair,
And vlrttioiH and well read t hey seem to be,
Hut, yet, dear Kva, scarcely worthy thee.
Thy neat attire uninarred by tlouneo or frill,
Thy light brown hair nlloat nt thy wild will,
Thy sculptural Up, brow neither low nor high,
That beauU'ous gam, thyrulln and clear bluo eye,
Till us full Mcll how fair, how pure, thou art,
Hut do not tell us w ho shall w In thy heart.
K.ife nt my hnndn this offering thou may's! take,
Kor though thy presence doe my sonic, wake,
And oft the matchless lauly of thy charms,
Hie freezing current In my Ijosoiii warms,
Old time my folly does full well lielrny,
And sprinkles through my hair the tell-tale grey,
And yet 1 would not that It o'er could Ik-,
Charms such as Ihlnc I'ouM Imvo no charms for
In full blow n beauty mid thy bridal bnnd.
Willi trelubllngjoy I sco theo gUo thy liulid;
Hut do not soo what happy man shall sip
Tho honey from thy chaste and pouting Hp.
oropllng, l am suie, shall tastosueh bliss,
t generous, wnoie-souleil nuiu should have Unit
Not o'en to theo ITai yet apis'iinsl, perchance.
Tho looked for hero of thy young romance,
Hut whoso soe'er that bliss, I pray thy life
-May thenceforth pass n well loved faithful wife.
Tins following cxoiilsltolittlc poem was written
yMIss Ma in k Lacoste, of Havannah. (la., and
originally publlsheil, wo think. In tho .WAcrii
CnureAmnn. II will ivminend Itself by Its touch
ing pnthns to all readers.
Into a ward or tho whitewashed walls,
Where the dead nnd the dying lay
Wounded by bayonets, shells and balls
Homebody's darling was liorno ono liny.
KomcliO'ly's darllugl Ho youngnmt so brave,
Wearing still, on his pale, sweet face,
Roon to lo hid by Iho dust of the grave,
Thu lingering light of Ids lioyhood's grace.
Mntted and damp aro the curls of gold
Kissing the snow of tho fair young brow,
l'ale aro tho Hps of delicate mould
Homelmdy's darling Is dying how.
Hack from tho lienlitlful, bluo veined faeo
Ilunh every wandering silken thread:
Cross his hands as a sign of grace
Homebody's darling Is still nnd dead.
Kiss htm once for omi lotty's it,c,
.Murmur n prayer sort and low,
Ono bright cm 1 from the cluster lako
They were solilebisly's pride, you know ,
Homebody's hand hud restisl lliele,
Was It a mother's, sofl nnd white?
And have tho Hps of a sister fair
Ueen ImplUcd 111 thmu waes of light?
!od knows best. He was soiiiebml's love;
Homebody's heart enshrined lilru there,
Honicliodj wafted Ills name above,
Night and morn on tho wings of prayer.
RoinelMHly wept w hen he marched away,
Looking so handsome, brave, and grand ;
Komeh sly'H kiss on Ids forehead lay;
Homebody clung to his parting baud.
HoniebiMly's watching yet forhlm,
Yearning to hold him again to her heart;
There he lies wilh the blue ejes dim,
And the smiling, child-like Hps apart.
Tenderly bury the fair young dead,
ranting to drop on his giino a tear;
Ciuve on tho wooden slab at nls head
Wmittoij'i ifui on ien bin'it ( Acre ."'
tftcrt C;ilf.
a iinitMA.s
In onlur to fool my lii'iitoil brain, I
went out to tlio open air, uiitl waiidor-
otl about tliu streets. I wi utltlrosnt'tl
by a niimbi'r of persons whom I tlitl
not know j ami of my aeijualnt-
aiifw, to whom 1 inailvertantly spoke,
tliil not know iiie. With thn former I
was very short, answering their qucs-
tions at raniloin, anil Kottlni; olfas kioii
as ponilblc. To tho latter I could only
npolool.e, aisurino; them that they had
been mistaken by me for other persons.
I felt niybltuatlon most unpleiiMiut; for
besides thu coiiselousncss of no longer
being myself, I was constantly running
Into the most perplexing blunders. Vor
Instance, nfter strolling about for a eon
Mdernblo period, I canio, as It were, by
it sort of Instinct, to my own lodgings.
For a time I forgot my situation, and
knocked at tho door. It was opened by
my domestic, from whom I took tho
cantllu which ho held in his hand, and
-Mr. Stndt is not In, sir," said thu man
following me, "perhaps you will sit till
he comes: I expect him soon." This
aroused niofr,dii my ruvorle, confirming
too truly tho fact that I was changed. I
started up from tho seat into which I
had drooped, rushed past Ii lit i with dis
may, and gained tho street. Hero 1
mado up my mind to return to Wol-
stang's lodgings, which I accordingly
did. in a mood which u condemned
criminal could hardly envy.
I kept thu houso for tho whole of tlio
next day, employing myself in writing,
in order tlmt tlio servants might at least
seo some cause for my eonllneinent.
Notwithstanding this, it wnscasy to ob
servo that they perceived something
unusual about inoj nndsuveral remarks
which escaped them, convinced mo that
they considered my head touched in no
slight degree. Although I tlid all that
1 was ablo to composo myself, It wits
Imposslhlt! that I could think llko Wol
Htang, and still lens than 1 could know ft
hundred private and household matters,
on which tho pertLoulsoor sapient liar
nnlms mndo ti point of consulting mo,
Whenever I was spoken to concerning
things that I knew, my answers weru
kind and condescending; but on any
point about which I was Ignorant, I utj
terly lost temper, and peremptorily lor-
bade them to repent It. lloth shook
their heads nt such Inconsistent behav
ior nnd it was soon bruited among tho
neighbors, that lr. Albert WoNtaiig
had parted with his senses.
Tlioseeond day nrrived.and found mo In
thosamo statoof mind. Tho amazement
which succeeded tho discovery of my
metamorphosis had Indeed given way
and 1 could look at my reflection in tho
mirror with less pain than at first ; but
my feelings wero still embittered as ov
or, and I urdently longod fur dentil to
put and end to such Intolerable misery
Whllo brooding over theso matters, tho
door of tho study opened. Thinking It
was ono of tho domestics, I paid mint
tentiou to It ; but In a moment I heard
a sneeze, which mndo my flesh to creep.
and In another, tho littlo man with tho
snuff-colored surtout, tho scarlet waist
coat, mul tho wooden leg, inailo his np
pearanco, Binco I last saw this old ft1
low, I had conceived iv mortal hatred
against hi in. I thought, nil though thu
Iden was wild enough, that ho had somo
hfiml In my Metempsychosis; and tho
nffnir of tlio scales and tho marhlo busts,
togcthur with, hi, 1'y thagorenn opinions,
his vast learning, his geoniaiicy nml n$
trology, gave to my Idea rt strong con
firmation. On tho present occasion, his
politeness was excessive ; ho bowed nl
most to tho ground, mndo fifty apolo
gies for Intruding, nnd Inquired with
tho most outre affectation of tenderness
Into thu state of my health. Ho then
seated himself opposite to mo, laid his
cocked hat upon tho table, took n pinch
of stitiir, and commenced Ills intolerable
system of .sneezing. I was never less In
a humor to relish anything like foppery.
So throwing myself back upon tho chair
putting on as commanding a look as I
could, nnd looking ut him fiercely, I
said, "So, sir, you are back again ; I sup
pose you know mo'.'"
"Know you, my dear friend eh yes,
I derived great pleasure lu being mado
acquainted with you the day before yes
terday. You nro Mr. Frederick Stadt
that Is to say, you aru Mr. Albert Wol
stnng." (,1 sneeze.)
"Then you know that I nm not my
self V"
"My dear friend," replied ho, with ti
smile, "I hinted as much as tho last time
I saw you."
"And pray how tlid you ascertain
"You don't ask mo such n iiuestlon,"
saldjho, with an air of surprise ; "I kniiw
It by your signature."
"My own signature V,l know not what
you mean by my signature."
"Kli eli tho signature, you know
that Is, tho compact you made with
"1 know of no compact," cried I, In a
passion ; "nordld 1 ever make one with
any man living. I defy either you or
Wolstang to produce any such Instru
ment." "I believe It Is In my pocket nt this
very moment. Look hero my dear sir."
And ho brought out a small manuscript
book, and turning up tho leaves, point
ed tn view tho following words:
"I hereby, In consideration of the sum
of fifty gilders, give to Albert Wolstang
tho me of my body, nt any tlmo ho Is
disposed, provided that, for tho time be
ing, ho gives mo tho use of his.
FitKrimticic Stadt.
"It Is forgery," said I, starting up
with fury; "a deccptio vltus, nt least;
something liko your scales."
"What about tho scales, my dear
friend?" said ho with a whining voice.
"Go," replied I ; "Into that room.nnd
you shall sec." Ho accordingly went,
but returned immediately, saying that
heobserved nothing remarkable. "Not"
said I, rising up; "then I shall take the
trouble to point it out to you." My as
tonishment may be better conceived
than described, when instead of the small
apothecary's scales, I beheld tho Im
mense ones In which I had been weigh
ed two days before. I felt confouded
and mortified, and returned with him
to the study, muttering somethlngnbout
deccptio rhiu, necromancy, nnd demon
ology. " ell," continued I.nfterrecovenng
a little, "what about this compact; when
and where was it mado'."'
It is mado somo threo days ago, nt
tho Devll's-hoof Tavern. You may
remember that you and Wolstang wero
milking then1 nt that time."
"Yes, 1 remember it well enough;
but 1 understood that I wnspiittlng in
nnuio to a receipt for fifty gliders which
lio paid me. I never read the writing;
I merely subscribed it."
That wasapity ; for really you have
bound yourself as firmly ns signing
with a person's own blood can do."
111. I I cl.oi 11 M ill. n- nu'ii l.lon.l
said I, alarmed.
" ICxactly so. You may recollect cut
ting youi finger. I bad tho pleasure of
stanching tlio blood ; a sufllcleut iiuan
tlty of which was nevertheless collected
to write this document,"
"Then you wero present," said I
"yes, I have a recollection of your face,
now thatyoumentlon thocircuinstnnce.
You wero then dressed as it clergyman,
if I iiii-tako not."
And what," continued I, "aro tho
conditions on which I hold this strange
existence? Suppose Wolstang dies?"
"Then you keep his body till tho
natural period of your own death.'
" Supposo I die?"
" Ho then keeps your body."
"Then if bodies, my body Is burled
and goes to decay, while lam clogged
up lu his body, till relieved from it by
" Precisely."
This announcement struck mo with
terror. "And shall I never," said I,
weeping, "seo my dear body again?"
'You may seo it, if ever Wolstang
comes in your way."
" JIutsluill I never possess It ; shall 1
never bo my self ugaln?"
" Not unless ho pleases."
"Tho vllllnnl" uxclnlmed I, in an
agony of grief.- "f am then undono; tho
fool of a heartless .unprincipled mlscie
ant. Is my caso hopeless?"
'O no. my dear friend," said tho lit'
tlo man, "not at all hopeless: there Is
nothing simpler than tlio remedy. Only
put your name hero, and you will bo
yourself In ft minute. Tlio fellow will
then lo.-o all power over your lioily." I
seized with avidity tlio pen which ho
nresented tome, dipped Ulna vial of
red Ink, and was proceeding to dons ho
directed, when tho writing abovecauglit
in v eye. It ran thus,:
"I hereby engage, nfter my natural
decease, to give over my soul to tho
owner of this book."
" Zounds!" said I, "what Is tills?"
"It Is nothing at all; Juta form, u
mere form of business, of no Intrlnsl
meaning. If you would Just write you
name : it is verv'easlly done."
"llasanv other nerson signed sue!
deeds?" demanded I.
" Many a one. Here, for example, Is
Wolstang's name attached to a similar
contract. It Is, lu fact, by virtue of
this that ho has the power over your
body, Tho deed which you havosigned
would havuavnlled him nothing without
this ono,"
"Then." said 1," If you rellovo mo
from my present condition, you break
fulthwlth Wolstiuig, Boeing that you
deprive him of his stipulated power."
" I deprlvo him of his power over you,
but I glvo lilm In return it similar power
over somo other person, which will
answer his purpose equally well. I
think you had better Hlgn."
"No.youold villain I" said I, wrought
up to n pitch of fury nt thelnfcrnal plan
which I saw ho was meditating ; "I will
nover sign your compact. I have re
ligion enough to know tho valuo of my
soul, and siilllclent philosophy to bear
with any wretchedness I may endure
under my present form. You may play
the Devil If you choose, but you shall
never get mo to act the part of Dr.
Fausttis." I pronounced these words lu
n voice of thunder; but, so far from hc
Ingnngry, ho used every endeavour to
soothu mo; made a thousand apologies
for having been tlio unwilling cause of
such n commotion; then snatching up
his bat, and making a profound bow, ho
left thu room.
A glow of conscious virtue passed over
mo on his departure. I found that I had
resisted evil, and gloried in the thought;
but this triumphant feeling gavo way to
ono of revengo ngulust the' author of my
calamity. After reflecting for n short
time, It occurred to mo that tho best
way to punish him would bo to commit
some outrage which might stamp him
with Infamy, and render him miserable
If hoover thoughtof resuming his body.
"I shall at least havo hlmexpelled from
the University. This shall bo tho first
blow directed ngninst his comfort. He
will in tlmo become weary of my body,
and will find very littlo satisfaction in
his own when ho takes it into his head 1
to mako au exchange." Full of these
ideas, I entered the collcgo-court,whcre
tho first object thot mot my eyes was
Doctor Dedimus Dunderhead coming
towards mo; the baton In his hand, the
spectacles on his earhunclo nose, nnd his
head thrown back as ho strutted along
a la mttltalre. Without ft moment's
hesitation, I advanced up to him, und
knocked off his cocked hat; nor did I
stop to seo how ho looked at this extra
ordinary salutation, but walked delib
erately on. I heard hi in distinctly call
after me, "You shall bear of this, sir, by
to-morrow." " When you,"
was my answer., "Now, Master Wol
stang," said I to myself, "I have driven
you from Gottlugcn College, and wish
you much Joy of your expulsion." Such
were my thoughts, and tho morrow
verified them : for a meeting of the
Senatus Acadcmlcus being summoned
by tho provost, that learned body de
clared Albert Wolstang unfit to be a
member of tho University, and lie was
cordlngly placarded upon thn gate
id expelled, m terrorem.
Tills circumstance being Just what I
.anted gavo mo no uneasiness ; but a
few days thereafter an event arouso out
of it, which subjected me to much In
convenience. Having unwittingly strol
led into tho college, I was rudely col
hired by ono of tho officers, which so
enraged me that I knocked tho fellow
down with a blow of my fist. For this
I was apprehended tho sanio day by
three gendarmes, and carried beforo tho
yndlc, who condemned mo to suffer
two week's close confinement, and to bo
fed on bread and water. Tho punish-
lent, though perhaps not dlspropor-
tloneil to the otrenco, was, lu my esti
mation, horribly severe; and now, for
tho first time, did I feel regret for tho
absurdity of my conduct. I full nil that
in endeavouring to punish Wolstang
I was In truth only punishing my
self, and that it was a matter of doubt
whether ho would ever submit to a
corporeal change, seeing that my for
tune was much moro considerable than
his own, and that he would come at it
in thocourso of six months. This Iliad
no doubt was the chief consideration
which could have Induced the fellow to
bring about such a metamorphosis.
On getting out of prison I was tlio
most miserable wretch on earth. Tho
flerco desire of vengeance had formerly
kept up my spirits; but this was now
gone, and they sunk to tho lowest pitch.
I found that 1 was spurned by those
cry persons who wero beforo most
anxious to cultivate my friendship.
liarnnbas ami Louiso had left me, re-
olving no longer to serve ono who hail
undergone tho punishment of n male
factor. In order to clear up matters, I
frequently called at my own houso to
Inquire If I myself was at homo; for so
was I obliged to speak of tho miscreant
who hail possession of my body, but on
every occasion I was niisworod In thu
negative. " I had gone out to seo a
friend lu town." " I had gono to the
wintry." "I was expected soon."
Never by any possibility could I get
a sight ol myself. All this convinced
mo that tho case was hopeless, ami that
I must mako tho best of my deplorable
situation. Wolstang had evidently
played my part much better than I did
Ills, for lie had an Interest .In doing so,
and was (thanks to my simplicity) In-
tlmntely acquainted with tho state or
my nffairs. If any thing could add to
this Irritation, It was to notlco the' Im
provements, or rather changes, which
tho fellow was making In my house.
Kvery thing wbb turned upside-down.
Many or tho most valuable books In my
library wero brought to tho hammer,
mid replnced by more modern works.
Somo antique MSS. found ninong thu
ruins of Pompeii, nnd on which I set a
high value, wero disposed of In tho same
manner ; together with my porphyry
siiuIMmix, my mother's diamond ring,
my Illuminated missal, nnd tho Arable
autograph of tho Koran. Tho money
produced by theso valuable rellcH was
aid out lu now palntingmy study, nnd
lu fitting it up with Chlneso Mandarins,
silken pagodas, and other pieces of east
ern trumpery.
(in uu (os'TiM'sn.)
No prediction over fell from our Sa
vior's lips, which has not como to pnss
or will not conn' to pass. When a cer
tain woman, as ho sat at moat, poured
a box of ointment on his head, ho said,
"It shall bo told for n memorial of her
wherever my gospel Is preached." And
tt has been told, Thu deed Is recorded
lu tho (iospcl, Is rend to-day lu ono liun-
lred and fifty different languages, and
Is destined to bu read in every part
thu globe,
The Milwaukee Sentinel vouches for
tho following remarkable incident:
Near ono of our grain warehouses
situate on the rlvor bank, largo swarms
of rate havo been In the habit of feast
ing on tho wheat which has been scat
tered around. A few days ago a terrier
getting wind of tho rendezvous, made
on attack upon neoupioof rats that had
ventured too far Into tho open ulr. Sei
zing ono In Its teeth, It shook It vigor
ously. Tho rnt squealed plteously, at
tracting to tho spot n dozen or moro
companions. These, on seeing the situ
ation of affairs, Joined In raising tlio
alarm. In less time than It takes us to
tell tho story, tho Ico around was black
with a swarm of rats, numbering sev
eral hundreds. Tho terrier, after dis
patching tho first victim, charged Into
tho swarm with the evident determina
tion of serving tho remainder In liko
manner. Hut for once a terrier was
doomed to meet with fight from tho
poor animals he had so long devoured
ut pleasure, and In n trlco ho was sur
rounded ou itll sides by a swarm of fe- J
roclous brutes anxious to bo avenged
for tho death of thelrcompitnton. Then
ensued the most frightful scone imag
inable. Tho rats swarmed around their
ndversary and fastened their claws and
teeth Into his flesh. The dog, enraged
by tho pain, fought bravely, killing;
scores of his enemies In his contest for
life. But tho odds against him wero too
great, and after a sharp conflict, which
lasted for about flvo minutes, he was
forced to succumb. His body was Utcr-
ully devoured by tho rats, they seeming
to take a savage pleasure in tearing
their vanquished, enemy to pleoa-moal.
Scarcely a vestige of tho animal re
mained behind. The terrier died game,
howover, for thero were about half n
hundred rats left upon tho field, bleed
ing and mangled, nnd ns many more,
moro or lass Injured.
" A singular instance of tho kindli
ness of dumb animals to their fellows
was noticed at the conclusion of tho
combat. A number of the combatants
had been somewhat lacerated by tho
teeth of tho dog. Their companions
gathered in groups around them, licked
the blood from their wounds, and then
tenderly carried them in their' teeth to
their nest. The bodies of the slain
wore as tenderly cared for. Ono by one
they were carried away to a hole lu the
Ico near by, where they 'were piled up.
When all tho bodies had boon gathered
together, tho turvlvors grouped around
them, and ono of the number, mount
ing upon the pile of bodies, seemed
to deliver a brief funeral oration over
the remains of their companions. Tho
utmost stillness reigned nnvong tho
company during tho address of their
chief. Tho whole company then pro.
ceeded to tumble their dead companions
into tho water, where they soon sank
from sight. In half an hour scarcely a
vestige of tho conflict remained. This
burial service was the most extraordi
nary instance of the kind wo havo yet
observed, and is well deserving of tho
study of naturalists. Tlio light as a
wholo would havo delighted sporting
men ami dog fanciers. It was highly
interesting to the few who observed it
Cam. mk Gkouoe. Hen. W. served
in tho Revolutionary War, and had
been in tho habit of repeating his long
ami tough yarns so often that at last ho
really believed them himself. Ben
would give a personal anecdote about
every battle of tho war, in which ho
himsoif always figured as it hero. On
being tvsked if ho was In tho battle of
Monmouth, ho replied :
" I guess I was. I had my right
hand pocket full of powder, my left
hand pocket full of bullets, and I had
father's double-barreled duckinp-gun
seven feet long 1 I put in a handful of
bullets, and every tlmo I let her off I
knocked down tho llritish, sir, fifty at a
time I General Washington rode up to
mo, and said, 'Hen. do stop 1 you'r do
ing them too bad 1' I touched my hat
at tlio Generul, nnd said, 'Well General
If you say so I'll ccuso tiring; hut
think I ought to kill a few more of tho
scoundrels.' With that tho General
sprang from his horso, and, throwing
his nrms around me, exclaimed 'Jlen
don't call me General call me George ' '
Tun Tennessee Legislature was in
session when Fort Donelsou full, lenv
lug tho Federals free to occupy Nash
vine. Hearing a great stir in tho Gov
ernors's office below, a committee was
sent to seo what was going on. They
found his Excellency packing up pre.
punitory to leaving. Ho handed the
committee n dispatch announcing tho
fall. When tho committee returned,
Mr. W. was in tho chair, and Just on
tho point of adjourning. Addressing
thu House, ho said : "Anil now, gentlo
mcn, God will take care of us, and it
wo do not meet again hero, wo shall
meet in heaven." A member from
East Tennessee, who had been dosing
off tho effects of the fluid to which he
was addicted, hearing the last words of
tho speaker's remarks roused up and
delivered himself thus: "Stop! Mr.
Chairman, don't adjourn us to that
place. IJ you do we thai! never get a
quorum I"
An Awrur. Disease, A Western
exchange notices tho prevalence of a
now diseaso called thu plpsynlpsy, and
thinks it peculiar to that section. Wo
do not know that'tho exact diseaso has
mado Its appearance, hero, but the rem
ody is in general use. Tho diseaso Is
described as follows t A sudden de
pression of thu colllpsls (Unix, a caving
In of the splunllty of tho buckboulbus,
nnd a feeling of sllmness lu thu immu-
dlato vicinity of tho diaphragm may
bo regarded as symytoms that tho com
plaint Is coming on. Thu following
remedy will afford Instant relief t Spir
its vlul Otard, z. I., sugarum whltum,
q. r.; Hhaklsle vlolentro ) luldus sprig
gus ml nt us duus, and sucklts cum
strawum. We havo heard It said that
of it U worth whllo ha lug thu disease
tho sake of tho remedy.
Fctdinnml Maximilian Joseph, Arch
duke ot Austria, nnd brother of thu
reigning lnperor Francis Joseph, wns
born July (J; 832, and consequently Was
nearly thirty-nyo years of age nt tho
time of his tragic death. Littlo know"
even outside of tlm, European aristo
cratic circles, tlio people of this conti
nent would. JiaypJukenJ) ut si ight inter
est In tlio career of this Cu.slrlan'pnnce,
but for thocxcltlngevents which during
tho last four years, brought Maximilian
so prominently beforo tho American
public ns Emperor of Mexico. TJie
troubles of that country are of too re
cent date, nnd nro oven continuing nt
this writing, that their successive recital
lu this Instance would bo entirely su
perfluous. As a matter of record, how
ever, It should bo stated hero that It
was under the direction of the French
Commander, acting under especial or
ders of Napoleon, that tho Assembly'of
Mexican notables sent, In 180.1 ; a depu
tation of their number to offer tlio
Mexican crown to tho Archduke Maxi
milian, then chief in command of the
Austrian navy. Their address wns pi e
scntcd to hi in on tho 3d of September,
18C3, to which ho replied on tho 8d of
the succeeding month, accepting the
crown upon condition tlmt thu people
of Mexico should express their willing
ness to acknowledge him ns their Em
peror by giving him n majority of their
votes, which should bo cast for that
purpose. On the 10th of April, ISO!,
Prince Maximilian again received the
Mexican deputation at Mirnmar, nnd
formally uccepted the crown of Mexico.
Full of hope, nnd determined to rnlso
tho fallen fortunes of that unhappy
country, Maximilian, and his wifo Car
lotta, Leopold II. King of Belgium,
soon set sail for their now empire, nml
after a brief Interval tho fleet reached
Vera Cruz towards the end of May. It
was, however, not beforo the 2d of June
that tho Emperor formally mado ids
entry into the capital of Mexico. Tho
successes and roverses of the French
army, whllo battling with the numer
ous bands of dissidents, who never
ceased to oppose tho new empire, are
now matters of history, and would, mo
doubt, have culminated in their entire
overthrow, but for the withdrawn! of
theso French troops Just nt ii time when
Maximilian though with n depleted
treasury, was doing his utmost to revive
trade and commerce; and was applying
all Ids energies to devclopo various- re
sources which could not hnvu failed In
course of time to increase tho material
welfare of tho Mexican people. Aban
doned by France or rather by Napo
leonMaximilian bravely, but reck
lessly, endeavored with his small band ,
of warriors to oppose the constan'tly
Increasing Liberal army, until finally,
through tho treachery of n man named
Lopez, whom ho had ladened with lion- 'TM
ors,,thecItyof Quondam, which howe-jj
valiantly ilefoiumie:, fell Into the hands
of Esco'oedo, and he himself was made
a prisoner of war, subsequently "tried" .
by court-martial, and, ns tho telegraph
announces, found guilty, and executed .
on tho l'Jth of Juno. His widow, Car-
lotta, now in Europe at latest dates, had ,'
been informed of the critical situation
in which Maximilian found himself;
and there can be hut littlo doubt tho 'ifj
sick and at times deranged ex-Empress,
when mado aware of tho fate which nasi, , f
befallen her unfortunate husband, Tvllll,t-.
bo unable to withstand tho shock to her
nervous system, nnd perhaps succumb, VC
oven beforo the body of tho executed
Emperor reaches the shores of his native
NEano Superstition. The Baton
Rouge (Ln.) AdcertUer says:
" A grand order seems to havo been
Issued from tho great Fetish of tho Voo
doos, and thero is no end to the 'conjur
ing' going on. A friend of ours found
in his pillow twenty-three Voodoo
charms. They wero Intended to put
him out of tho world, hut they tlid not
work well. As theso Voodoo conjurors
aro spreading their 'eonjuro balls' In
every direction, it would bo well that
the first conjuror caught should bu dealt
with according to law.
Tho Fetisii superstition is most pow
erful among tho colored community,
and among the most depraved anil Igno
rant of them it overrides all religious
sentiment or scruple. In Now Orleans
it is stated that the assemblies of the
Voodoo priests are now frequently held
In secret. Their orgies ore described as
tho most degrading and Indecent. They
all appear naked and dnuco around u
large iron pot in which n compound of
snake heads, toads and lizards isslowing.
The charms aro distributed by ttiecu
priests, nnd are supposed to possess-prr
tectlvo or destructive powers, ftccur jmg
to the form In which they aro made
They tiro com posed generally of feathers
interwoven In various forms, and tho
quills aru saturated with somo poisonous
A Lono Kick. Two Irishmen, en
gaged in peddling packnges of linen,
bought an old mule to nld in carrying
the burdens. Ono would ride awhile,
then the other, currying thu bales of lin
en ou a mule. One day the Irishman,
who wns on foot, got closu up to tho
mule's hip, when he received a kick on
one of his shins. To bu revenged, lie
picked up nstonu.nnd hurled it ut tho
mule, but by accident struck his com
panion ou tho hack of the head, Seeing
what ho had done, ho stopped and be
gun to groan and rub his shin, Tho ono
on the mule turned and asked what
was tlio matter.
" Tho crater's kicked me," wa- the
" Uo Jabors," said tho other, "he's did
thu same thing to mo ou tho buck of tho
A kki.i-ow in North Carolina had
been Imprisoned for having thirteen,
wives, and broke Jail, A gentleman
recognized him, and invited him to din
ner, thinking to get tho reward that wa.i
offeretl for his apprehension. After
dinner the gentleman slipped out for n
constable, and ciimo back to find that
thu culprit had absconded with hli, iwn