The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 05, 1867, Image 4
V r BL00MSBUBO, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. fige Tiitu rich the preccd- nif iSiov nrovrnt It.slnco tho Cnio&j&wjlcnfscontnlncd in tho straw iR tlip oV.Jl' nearly in tho same pro dTonslVVound in the straw of the V,K 4&the''(5llght difference in tho two ..'V'HAj4W9tl''nv b not' in our 0Pnlon yStf faftiiVa from tho oi7, but from tho ill- !. q,T irnt ninrlv flm Kiimn nro- ' mrifnJ,rc : therefore, tho oats may pre- (i'V11'11 lodging of 'inl)ove, It will be 4 A". crops of tho sti U " H '4 .... j-ci'rtho lodging of tho wheat. From no seen, inni ui I.,.. .... t.. frniM in mo saino Kiiiu in LTiiini Should not follow each other in ininie- dilate succesion. We would manure vi our oats stubble and seed lu Willi wncat. The manure (by feeding tho hay, fodder and Summer grain into stock) will moro than replace the loss of soil In driving tho two preceding crops, adding also, warmth to tho ground an item of ad vantage to Winter grain and if tho vard'is, in a measure, protected from tho sun. and rains, there .will bo sulll' cient ammonia remaining to stimulate tho growing crop to greater action. Gu ano contains a largo amount of ammo nia which stimulates grain to tlio most rank growth, while tho ground is good or comparatively so, but, used with no otlicr manure, tuo mini is buuh impovorished.asfar moro vegetable mat tor is consumed by growing crops than is supplied by that fo tllizer. Tho time n Held should rest depends much on its loralitynndfcrtilityjiftlicsoiiisgoounnu tho siirfaco level or nearly so, It won't vusto by washing nnd will hear break ing up overy four years ; but if not, ; wp had better break thesod.oncR inOyears, giving tlio clover two and n-balf years; Instead of one anil n-nan to: aium ro plcnlshing tho soilAvl'lch-it docs in u great mcasuro'hy'nbsorbing a large amouui, of "fixed :hlr,V a nuisanco to societj in connection with tho imbibed rnlna nnd ilew: -It' Is owlmr-to- this.pi!r culliiritv, tha'tV'clover groysnjettcf"orf poor groundihiutiiriose other Iduds of crass and is ithereforei oifo of "tho. most profitable gms-secdJiiOwtln; use. Ow-4 ing to thcai)pen'ranco'ofjrpMlic and py rolignous' acids in nownnd coriiparativo 1 v now lands.nnd in which ?ummergrain could not to advantage bo grown, (wo speak to those familiar with chemistry) tlio erroneous belief lias arisen with some, that ono kind of grain sown suo ccsslvlyonapiecoofgroundunnts tho soil for producing that kind ot gram or vege tableregardless of any fertilizer what ever. Tlio third crop of wheat or pota toes on n field, In immediate bucceNilon is not as good as tho first other things bo ingequal.buton burying tho potato tops in that soil together wltli tno staren nnd refuse nialtercofitained in thopotato, the third crop KUl'be ws good in the Jirst, and the tamo with other Kimis oi root! or ctrals. Working on this principle many person in llngland and Scotland farm their lands continually wiinout runnliiL' thorn down, for tho carbon, ox ygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulphur, extracted from tho field In grotiiTg a crop of wheat, la about all renlneed beforo bccdilfg tho field u sec ond ItiiWi" nnd so too, with tho other kceds. or witli tho roots ; there fovo, tho ground loses nothing, tho cnulllbriuni of chemical Minpics is uu disturbed and henco tho continuous ironnlnirTruc, somo contend there no loss of soli, holding out -.fro Vauhel mont theory, but had an oak twig been planted In tho" pot, It would havo died In two years had It been made io miner go tho saino consumption that tho wit Vrtw fllll , hll t. Imil tliotwicr of a cotton vnAfl hoon uliinteil anil tho Soil kept equally moistfor tlio tame length of time, tho sapling would havo weighed far jnoro man me wiuow wiuwut c Burning as much earth; that bolstered theory, therefore, won't stand. o do not Infer from tho above, that toll needs only vegetable mould, lor it requires i large per cent'of tltlicr ulumliia or. hIII cia, nnd Isnlwtiys tho better for hnvlnt n iiortliin of the nrotoxido of cat cium. Ciur soils in this respect are. ijulto similar to tho stomaeli, lor givo tno iav i uf.iiiiiiir lint wbnt 1 ii-ed In ren ac mg tho worn out parts of the body nnd svr. wummi under, or In other words, ( i v' tho M'cond stomach and lactcals no v ork and thiftmiehiuery'Is om swamp . . Jiy tho of cIoin. wojdav.'tm , fivo r,.mnrlilnro bused nl WirkHlltU Ml elieuiistry, sitpportoil'flfso by nbout i .t vearkOiKwrvauou uy hi.vruu " .. . . .,. ii,u i-mintv. m i. in makiii i' in, we mean no dlctiulon to tho good JMllOUSOltlietOI.lMUIAA. Fields Mwarf fj lilin so make mo 'am sound Msbould y tbrco salt) In it como id wbolo inn. "I i." said J' - OinKinfflftWr. I Wl fhvno wlsheu-ono for each ' t whatever you like." en tlio countryin.m iiyuituu uu i.i- good luck, and said, "I like many thlncs better than money: first, I will have a bow that will bring down every thing I shoot nt ; secondly, a flddlo that will set every one dancing that bears me piny upon It ; nnd thirdly, I should liko to ho able to make every ono grant mo whatever I ask." The dwarf said ho should have his tlweo wishes ; so ho gave him tho bow and tlio fiddle, and went his way. Our holiest friend Journeyed on Ids .way too ; and if ho was ilicrry before, he was now ten times moio so. Ho had not gone far beforo ho met an Old Jew. by them stood a tree, and on tho topmost twig sat a thrush, singing away most loyfully. "Oh, what a pretty bird!" said tho Jew: "I would give a great deal of money to have such an one." "If that's all," said the country man, "I will soon bring it down." Then bo took up bis bow off went Ills arrow and down fell tho tliruth into the bush that grew-at tho foot of tho tree, Tho Jew, when ho saw ho could have tho bird, thought ho would cheat tho man ; so ho put his money into his pocket again, and crept into tho bush to find tho prize. Uut as soon as ho got into the middle, bis companion took up his ilddlo and played away ; tho Jew egan to danco and spring about, caper- insr bltrher nnd blirber in tlio air. Tlio lorns soon began to tear his domes; till they nil hung in nigs about him ; and ho himself was all scratched and wounded, so that tlio blood'ran down. Oh,i for Heaven's sake l"v cried the Jew, "mercy,- mercy, master! pray top.tho ilddlo,! 'What havo Jdono to bo treated in' this .way?"' "What host thou done? ,AVhy thou hast shaved many a poor soul closo enough," said io other; "thou art only meeting thy Sward." So ho played up another tunc yet merrier tlinu tho first, Then th6"JtnrbCgnnto'beg" and pray ; and nt last lioj?aid ho would givo plenty of his - monoy to bo sot frce; Uut ho Ukl not pirrin'nn'fri flin tnuslolfin's tirlon fnrs.nmn . L . . . 1 I timcf'and ho danced him along brisker and brisker. Tho higher tho Jew. danced, tho higher ho'bld; till at Inst ho offered a round hundred crowns, that ho had in Ills purse, nnd had just gained by cheating somo poor fellow. "When tho countryman saw so much money, ho said, "I will agrco to tho bargain." So bo took tho purse, put up tho fiddle, nnd traveled on, very well pleased witli his bargain. Meanwhile, tho Jew cropt out of tlio bush, half naked and in apitious plight and begnn to ponder how ho should tako Ids rovenge, nnd servo his Into companion somo trick. At last ho went to tjio judge, and said that a rascal ind robbed him of his money, and beat en him soundly into tho bargain; nud that tho fellow who did it carried a bow at bis back, and had a ilddlo hanging round his neck. Then tho judgo f-ent out ills bailiffs to bring up the man; wherever they should find him ; and so tho poor countryman was soon caught mil brought up to bo tried. . . Tho Jew begnn to tell his tnle, nnd wild ho had been robbed of bis money. "Jtobbcd, indeed!" said tho country man ; "why you gavo It mo for playing you u tune, nnd teaching you to danco !" Hut the judgo told him that was not likely; nnd that tho Jew, ho was sure, know better what to do with bis money, So ho cut tho matter short by Mjiuliinr him off to tho gallows. And away ho was taken; but as ho stood at tho foot of tho ladder ho said, "My Lord Judgo, may It pleaso your worship to grant mo but ono boon?" "Anythiuz but thy life," replied tho other. "No," said ho, "I do not nslc inyllfoj only let mo play ono tuno up on my flddlo for tho last time." Tho Jew cried out, "Oh, no! no! no! for Heaven's tako don't listen to him ! don't listen, to him !" lint tlio judgq said, "It U only for this onco, poor man, ho will soon havo done." Tim fact was ho could not say no, becaiiho tho dwarf's third, gift enabled him to-mako every, omirant whatever lie naked, whefiicr tpniked It or not. Then the Jow bald, "bind mo f.wt, bind mo fait, fur pity's sake !" Uut tho countryman seized his llddlp, and struck up'n merry t'niio ; nffd nt tlio Ilrst 'note, Judfio, clerks, mid guoler, wero set n-go-Ing; nil begun capering, uutl no ono ) second ItHoiicr co tuuo no Ftho tune, nil "judge, court, who Jmcl fol first tlio tlilinr 'OVOM bllOltL'll : lint oil awhile, mid thorn una 01 mi! r iinv nrr or -lauiiocry out, nua hog I , I ! Bioppca not n "lllf till f in TTis fc. but u'li crowns. ""Tib .low. niul fiilil Jit roirtio. wlicrn vnn ' I sliilll lilav on for vnnr fiit only." "I stolo It," raid niru mui j sioio it. nntl int vnn Ft fiilrlv 'I'limi !.. Ripped hU flddlo, nnd loft tfio xiiKo ins pmco nt tno gallows. DRY GOODS, &c. tAND OPENING guam) opening grand opening grand opening UltAXI) OPENING ok f VAJ.L AND WINT1UI OOOD. FAI.I. AND WINTER 'GOODS, KALI, AND WINTEIl GOODS, I'AI.I, AND WINTUn GOODS, FALI, AND W1NTUU GOODS, consisting ot consisting of consisting of consisting of consisting of DIIY bun- OOODH, GOODS, GOODS. ;ooia, DIC DIIY DIIY HATS, IlATf? HATS HATS AND CArS, AND CAIW, AND r-.MM, AND CAVH, HATS AND CA1W, HOOTS AI SIIOIX, I100T3 AND SII011S, HOOTS AND HUOIiS, HOOTS AND 8H0US, HOOTS AND SHOF.S, , ). ' ' nUADY-MADi: CLOTHING, HEADY-MADE CLOTHING HEADY-MADE CLOTHING, HEADY-MADE CLOTHING, " HEADY-MADE CLOTHIJIO, 'LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-GLASSES, I.00KINa-OL.SSES, LOOKING-GL-VSSIiS, LOOKING-GIiASSEi s?v,! NOTIONSS NOTIONS,! NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS. PAINTtS AND jOILS, ' , SJ&jarAINTS, AND "OILS, - JrAINTS-iAND OJIJB, L PAINTS AND 0B, paints AND Oils, GKOCEniES. anocEitucs. GKOCEllIES, GHOCEHIES, jatil y;TJ .OROCEKIXS.- ..' ?flUEENSWAHE,H-, QUEEN SWAHE, QUEENS WAHE, QUEENSWAHE, QUEENSWA RE, w HAHDWAHE. HAHDWAHE, JIARDWAHE, HAHDWAHE, HAHDWAHE, r.i TINWAHE, TINWAHE,' ' TINWAHE, TINWAHE, TINWAHE,. ' SALT, ; SALT, . SALT SALT, K18H,. FISH, ''Fisnr FIT1I, FISH, GKA1N AND SEEDS, GHAIN AND SEEDS, GHAIN AND SEEDS, GIIAIN AND HEEDS, OHAINtf.VND SEEDS. AC., Ac. .dcKllI.VY, NHAL Jt CO.'S, McKKI.VY, NEAI. A- CO.'H, McKEI.VY, NEAI, & CO.'S. "McKHLVY, NEAI. &iit2.'H. MCELy) NEAL '&f$)Sii " " DRUGS & MEDICINES 7")HU0 AND CHEMICAL. HTOM DRUGS, ClIIJMIOAtX, FAlNrl'KRFirMERY AND TOILET AHT7CI.EH. , l'vER A MOYETl rcBporifully lhYltd""ri co7ltlnuance"of patronage. Their Drugs niul Medicines nro all sclectoil with mo greatest cnto. avoiding nnntif.ii.iv iuMntr tho Introduction, nr delirious nostrum, nnJ"rtrif inirciinscu irom wo best Importing houses Itr tho country. PATENT JinniUINIM or nil kinds, Includliitt Ayer's, Jnynn' ltolli wnys, liosipttor's, Wl!init, lloollnml'ii, Ac, i-unMHiuiy on lllllll. co.Cf. orr, and ArV-onou IIAllt, TOOTH, N.It,, AND CI.OTIIIH imUHlti: l-Alii'il) AJJ Ullli.MllMI.H of ovcrj- vnrlpty, nn.l of tlio )jtniAllly. i'ancv Ton,rrr .vhTicr.BH. Tho public mny rely nt nil time on irMirlimii nhovo nrtlcloi. Willi nil tho now inrfnl nrthmi. tlom Iccpt In'tlic lirnt coiidiiftod (jnblMimfntC i-iiiMiuIAN'H IT.IKCIIIITIONS w nnd Family Itcocliifompoundcd wlllitliajtrn est nccuinoy nnd di.iitrli, whoi"5jhai,i: a hktaiij 1) It ifo (1 I U T, COIt.VKIt o' MAIN A.VI1 MARKHT DTItmUll, 11LOOMHIIUKG, l'A., where will bo found n largo nnd select stock of Drills, MEDI01XES AND CHKJIICAI.S. iMsonll tlio l'ATBNT MUDU'IKKJ OI' THE DAY, I nm nlso prepared to furnish Country Store with Castor Oil, Godfrey's Cordial, 5; TUHLINGSTON'S 1IAKAM, iind nil other medicines ltept In their lino nt City prices. , ta. Inscriptions carefully compounded nt nil hours. Jk In medicines, quality Is of tho first Importance, llloomsbunr, Jnnor, 1S07 - J"- I3VHKETT & mi. J. B. GASH'S XEW DliUG STOVE, : ... . 1 j i. miA.NUiiviLLi;, J US T 0 1' TO N E D WITH A SPLKNUII) AND VA1HKB AUOIITMnXT OP uooDi Ai'i'EiiTAtsisn to the miza iiusinias. l Ulll. 1JIIUU8, CHEMICALS, ETC., ALWAYH OX HAND. II Miort nnv nrllf,ln 11, l.r. , ... .... iruglluecnn bo hod nt their slorc Dr. J. It ii'ncv ? rJe'1?,',10!"'' "'Vi n!f" "lVl01sln,J' I'hnr- er&X''. rp'il'c'5,,,lli"y ,1'ulte tho i.ntronaao of tliclr ws. ; V, '"yi""'iu Knieriuiy, nssuring tliem ?.-,v,FJ-" n,".l whatovcr will bo purchased of e W'lll bo fresh nnd pure. nprfli'UT G-ROOBRIBS, Sic, XTKW STOIt.E" A S D W GOOD A'. I N OLVMIIIA COUNTY, l'A. MirrLINVILLEX-tfuIly Informs his friends Titi:nnbscrlber rcsiiV'1 J"s. leturned from the nnd tho nubile that be lc 'UIJ city wltli a fresh nnd wUTItl'lIAXniZE. ASS011TMENT OV JIXl"1 ormerlv oe- "nnd has onened n store In tho .oonsMs of cupled by Stephen Wolf.- 11 In .v.irvthlm. nslinlH' kent 111 CI btore, such a fcfi DIIY OO0D3, OltpCEItlE-S, HAnnW'.r.u, jL,4WAnE, nnuos, mediciscs, ic., Ho Hopes to merit u share of the publj nce.'nBMVK,'. HE11S .1. MJ i!. idinunviiie.May a, 'TOllN'STROUP & CO., WT.-' SueccKsoin to Stroiip iUrotlj jf WIIOLEVLE DEALEItS INfSH, ', . .... .. c. No.ZINortli wmrvevnna-iuruif'"--' ". Phuadolpliln. WE4VEIt.S PJtANKI Woi'-ESALEtlHOCEHIES ANrllMISSION V; ,;iJIEltCIIAT8, Nos. 233 and 2J7 Areli !J -'t, jTJKUadclphin. XCfIEIjl!f BEUGElt & GENEKAI. COUMIWWON flCtlANTS Dealers lu J - Vrr, ifa FISH, SALT, CHEESE, pif SIONS,;io.t Nos. 123 and 121 North Wlrtr l'u?ve Arch St, "frhlladelph Solo n'scnts for Wllco.i'4 vy' els, kegs, and. cans. ESTABLISHED 17 JOHDAK & Bl , WHOLESALE ' lfeandlleil SALTPETHE AifllllMSTON, ' 'NoCOSyortli 'l Street,"' riOTa,UEIJLi,-&, A7ES, Vnolcsakllers lirti ,- .Fisii.'cirn AC, S'6.. A No. 100 NOrJU .Wharves, ' " :,.,'& or ibovo Arch Street TDLopiirsuuita' 'AN.OY IKSTORI TRI5! second door belpw J nan's. Main Street Jnst received n new Ktl ZEPHYRS, WOOLEN D COTTON Y ARN; ORSUTS, I.CIv', I' iIDERIEH, MUSLIN EDGlNi loHESSTRIMMIVC nnd every vnrlcty of art usunllKkeptln, ni I FANCY Also -j. SCHOOITilOOKS, IIY.i BOOKSTllIULV- SUNDAY-SOIlj, HOOKS, and n largo lot of mikcell.vntN rooks, ACCOUNT AND MEJllANDUM EOOKf1 11LANK DEEDS, BOND IND MORTGAG and n general and well-sellod assortment cfl PPER, VI lines, Ac. A. v, vi.i yn. v MUiu'im sons, S V A T 1 o r' " i STEAM POWER IRINTER AND BLANK BOOK jrANCUCTUIU- 3 Chestnut street, & 65 Soulit'ourtli ineit PHILADELPHIAtoV. They mako a speciality of furVdilaS NM Ilankn, County Ofriccrs, liikCiico Comiwj llnnuiui! llousen, cie., nun EVERY ARTICLE 01' HllNK r.OOI AND PRINTI.1 having machinery jiocl.illy a0 tud for all they, may rcqnlr". febi'Or- H. AIITHAjr. ll. iui.i.i-ui:i K. n, a itr UTMAN, DlIiLiINO no. 21 xoniH riunr 11 & O Suiitre ().) .Xcaily vjijtoiltc Jam, 7iVi,, Wlmliiuiln llAllle Ki YARNS, IIATTINO. WADDl-'0! 0v'"''' oil cLorriH. HnAD.,lVv 01IAIN IIAGH, CORIIAOE.JU.'. A0, . . . v , r; WILLOW AND WOODI.N waiui llltUmilW,' TIll'.NlW, LOOK1NU llI,AHi, May0,P7-ly. . D&t GOODS. JJUUUAir VOlt CATAW1SSA! THIS WAY rottJIAItOAIIflS. Ooorti Irnhompare srltlmtrlnenoyof tlio money jimrnei. ijook and compare pr!ctlHroro iur- (iiRfnng oumencre, jimt cull nt thi favorlto bnsl nmttrhdor,. MBlHNcrt A SPVMAN. and you vtillbomtt h theoCllgliiK proprietor or thoIrcll4, ntid nbown through UlMf gnl vnrlcty BioroinworeliarBO.ofooilr'. 'ny will glvoyeil n lair outtica to upend your Iflflio yJiangc, they irusi innen more prontnbljr than it (Trfi i W etie nt cucwiierc. Tlilr STOCK OV DIIY GOOD tun opting Is rnttoh Inrger In nil U N'srletlcs limn tlsunl, Tlielr 'W LADIIW DniMS afjoil.'s nfo of tho nicest stylos in mipfcet. TJWy haven nno nannnment or HATS, OAPW, HOO-IslrvND WWlS. HU.MMEI: CWfJW, CAWLglflii, ' CABSIMERES, A"KI) VHSTINGS, nnd nunieronli artloJ.comnn to Well entablturrf i mit, leslM)n general tuisortiiient of ILMtDWAltK, TIN WA HE, tiUKlINSVAltK. , ant) onogi:ninn, nil nt jrrently rmliKVil pricw. Thoy wWli to con. duet tlielr Imslniws on the nyjlsjaof , " l'AY YOU GO,' nm tney tniuierthey enn nfnird to sell very cheap. tm?-. return ineir innuKM for miiny iist favors, nnd ntlc the ftitiire imtttmng,! of their former ctw tnmen nnd tlio pulillo genemtly. . Ml'NINCH'SSIlir.MAN.' lWUiRUSTEU IJUOTIIEU, importers nnd Jobliers of HO.SlEllY, GLOVER, . HIIIItTB AND DltAWElBi!, ' IlClTONS, SUSPENDEP.S, H001- SKI11TM, IIANDKEHCHIEPfil, THIIEADH, SEWING SILKS, TMM.MINGS, TOIITE MONNAllS, SOArs, PEllfUMEItY, l'ANCY GOODS, AND NOTIONS GENEEALLY, Also JInmifacturers of IIIIUSIIIS AN.H LOOKINQ tjljAaSI. nnd I)nlers In WOOTI AND WILLOW WAltE. No. 300 North Third Klreenbovo Vine, h riillndelptila. " 1 ar. maiu'i.e, NOTIONS, HOSIEHY, OLOVlff!. AN1U l'ANCY OOODf No. SI North Third stieet, Philadelphia. 1? J.. l.ESTJCJt, Wlinljplo nnd Helnll Dealer In CfIL CLOTHS, WINDOIV SHADES, Ac, No. 29 North Second hticetl opp. chrlt Churcli I'hllailelphln. AHC'ItOFT & CO., Importers nnd Jobbers of TU'LE AND l'ANCY DIIY GOODS, CLOTHS CASSIMEHKS, IiLANKETS, LINENS, BUY COODH, IJOSIEHY, Ac, I'hIIadolMil.i. teTDHEWS, WILKINS & CO.,?7 Denlcra lu f:v AVn nninvrTo n.ix- i-. ....... jiqj.I . j .i,i uut,l( No. SOS .Market Street, rhlladi'.ihln. JOSEPH ad Wholcalo Dealer in Nanuracmrcr THINO, CI.OTV" """-"''-, riN cos, , VI .Third Street, S'onNortb , riiiiadeJ a. MISCBLLAlSiP0131 TJOWE, EVS'iON & CO.," JL. V Alcri Maiuii v airjrs nnd JV ei'H tn ,'R, C01TON Y O'lUll013' WiinopMs.M'piSDjKi.-D w LOOK'Q GUM5SES", CLOCKS, PAJf HASnJ"1"8, TAHLE, FLOOlt, AND C'AHllIAGE OH, CLOTHS, AC, ( No. KO Market Street, fcouth siiie. Philadelphia. EADVTTr,TC 'PTI-rcni.nriTf' a ti SCIIOOrTllf(Fii.ll ter, 1..,,, ier.1. TOO l''nClllf nflllRtrnetlnn nnnol.l. resident and f.nir non-resident Tirnfft,,,, i-s,iindL. tutor. TllAOhlei-l Is In .ltintr w,i,i tha Christian Ministry. Thci iiu pimv',"'' class Xor thoso who have not received n ...deKlato ednc.'itlon, ' Ono hundred nnd slxtv ilo'.ars n year nro i sum nro eranteil'ito beneliclnrles. with ,n additional . in sm ana tcxt-t founded bv IhoVTnltnrlan nud 'christian denomi nations, hut Is opi n to nil who tn'llevo ill thudl vlnomlgln of ChrWlimlty. The Library consists nt IVMI volumes. Application may bo madi1 to Rev. A. A. Liver more, President of tlio Ro ird of Instruction, Meadvllle, Pa. novl"-Iy f"piIEiiVJIElUOAN HVVY KNIEE X..AKD.I'HinivWo tho undi-nliznerl cltlcns ol Oj'.uiabinlOounfj' wllnt, d the trlnwif hay forkstonlthojiatni of Mr. Pursel, In Hemlock TownsbJp.'oiilMonday, M. 7, li-WI, bclween thu AinericaudlaviKTluoind l-'ui k in.inufacturcsl by riLIER,VLUjJSIIl!INi;il .V Co., of Lewis. burgrPn.'nndtttHfInUcl,K Patent liny Hook. Tlio American I'firk lifted moro hay lu one drnin-httlmntho Rundi l In tlnee, Wonrosntia. fled it will ttiko Us mueti lu,v Into tho mow us two good hon-es can 'riw. o aNo mw it cutting ay, nixttli. 'U It euiinot be beat as a lcy kuile, and c1 'lu;v r, mum, nd U ih tlio best huv fork and knile w lta , ev,r si-c n. c. lln-rr-. a, Dn. F. C. Haiuimos, W. II. Kims-, .Ioiin Hoik, , .Tnnv lien ait iz. 1)anii:i, , Hli.i.i:i,ii.i.Kit, vi,vmTBn Puiwki., VltbliAl.L HKM.I.II. JOg wour. , rVSiev ali.oiiiniiuiueturo the eeiebrawl Ruekeyo l,,cr nud Mower, and other ngrleiul mat iinplo- YJNWniGHT & CO., rVOLEKALi: GROCERS, N. l.sVorner Hoi-ond nnd Areli btreet, l,llll.AKM'Ill1t, Dmlevs 111 TEAS, SYR Vi, COFPEK, SUGAR, MOLA&jllS, HICK. Nil. ... ... , - OI I 'll," w,u., tvv., av. - OrderB wl1WBt,V0 nrompt attention, MaylQ.iag-ii'v J. !! . . ii.vuiMv, -sunl,lAND TRUIK " nnd dealer In CARPET.1IAG8, VALt), FLY-NETS, Ar., Muln street, iiii. ,.,,,, JOHN C. YlSAQUin CO., Wholeunle Deuli I'll 11 ATS, U AIW, IM'll.YW iyu AND .... .. . ... ,,s, ! ladiik nm i No. 257 Norlli Third SlA I Phlhulelpbla. Nently executed at tilts OilUe. TOBACCO Be SBGARS. T HIV ONliY'l'fTACE tl.iKOtlhobcit AT WlIOMHALti AND It ETA It isnt iiuN"asiiimai:ifR, n few doors below tho American House,1 ltloumshurg, l'a, j Ho linn tliq larRcHt nnd most select of Smoking and chewing toiiacco overonrl to tho citizens of, Illonmslnira. All tho fancy brands of SEGA1IS, mid tlw lwt.l''JiiO;tut nnd ring CHEWING TOnACCO, can l1 IkkI at his counters. TOIIACCO 1'II'ES In groat vnrlcty rro rnnons Ms largo stock. DON'T roitUET TO CALK it. it. HUNsnnnoEii. "nrAOEN, IJOYl) CO., -COMMISSION MEHCHANTS, nnd WholemaloBAilersln ' LBAI' AND MANUFACTUUKT) TOIIACCO, SEOAIIS, S.C., , :,"o. tl North Third sCfrel, . , I'hllnilelphln. Consignor enn forward their stock "In ltond," without prciatylnat tho United Status tax. JJ W. HANK'S f t lllll.lJlAl.i; TOIIACCO, SNUI I, AND CIGAll WAHEIIOUSE, No, 1 10 North Third Street. bclween Clicrry and Itnie, wefct side, I'hlladelphl.-i. JUSSEI.L A WOODKUVV. - Wholesale Dealers In TOUACCOS, CIGAHS, PIPES, Ac, &c., No.13 North Third BtrcotnlMn o Market, m Philadelphia.- "pitlSIDIUTir, IJHOTIIEll 3 CO., m WHOLESALE TOIIACCO DEALERS, No. 131 North Third Street, . five doom below Race, raclorles, Nos. 2S) and 225 Quarry Street, Philadelphia. IRON, TINWAR.e7&C." "RATIONAL VOUNDIIY, llloomshurt', Columbia Coimly, Pn. The subscriber, proprietor of the nbove-! nuinl exleuslvo cslabllshmeut, Is nbw jircpared to ro coivo orders for all kinds of MACHINERY 1,'OIt COLL1P.RIES, HLAST I'llP.NACUS, STATION. RY ENMINIX, MILT.THIIESHING JIACH.'.-IES, Ac Ho Is also prepared to mako Stoves of nil sleu nnu pniterns, l'low-lrons, and evcrylhlnr! usually umuu in iiisi-ejaii'v.KTn : TIlu ..v. .iLl..r. rn4,it. . . . .... . ,L.,.t, v ..iL-.o.i umi nr iciieni witrk',nin wan nut lilm In receiving tho lai Best contrnett'on iao niosL reasonnuio teinis. urnin oi nil kinds will be taken In oxelim, &r .HM1!I13. This cstablMiment I? located near tho LacW wanna and llloomsbiirg Railroad Denot. PETER 11ILLMYER. S'1 TOVES AND TINWAlHi. A. M. RUPERT nnnoiinc.j; to his friends nnd euvtomcrs tbnt continues tho ubovo business nt hlsold placo on MAIN STREET, RLOOMsnURO. Cuslomers accomodated with l'ANCY STOVES or all kUids, Stovepipes, Tiiiwnie, iind every ni nety of avlluu found In a Stove nnd Tinware En- tablMimcnt 111 the eRlcn. nnd till till) mint Hiniinn. able terms. Rep.iirinadoiieiitthnsbnri,.Kf .n,",ii,. Si D07.IW MIIftMNS n haiul for sale. "f sr (7U:OUG K "I I . ltOUEIlTrS,' Importer and Denlor In HARDWARE, CU1 LERYfoUNS, .tc No. .'Ill North Third Street, nbovo Vine, Philadelphia. H. WAIiTEH, Lato Walter A Kaub, Importer and Dealer In china, glass and'queenswahe, Zil North Third Street, between HaeoTmil Vino Philadelphia. n Dealer in CVRPETINGS, WINDOW KIIADF.S,-, OIL CLOTHS, MATS, Ac, No. 1 North Second Street, Philadelphia. Gr w' 1J1'AJ50X & co'i Manufacturers of Oil, CLOTHS AND WINDOW SHADES', Wuubuuse, No. 121 Noith Third Street, Philadelphia. J II. J-ONGSTltETII, PAPER-HANGING WAREHOUSE, No. IJNoithTliIrdStiect; Philadelphia. J. Ril8, SIIOT1' & CO., Imp, t ten nnd Jobbers, ol CLorns, camimkiius, vestings, sc., V.irUitStrcet, eli-hla. )OWI)I' :it KEUt'.iND Lu'a W.M.MooEAcq.,, :.umueh !- IlUJK Manuf.icturersof 1'OWDi: mid dealers In ill kinds ' give notleo that they aro I paral to nceomodnto their custom with dlspntj nnd on the cheapest IV. ma. jj-lliLER & 1IOS' Siim'raoi to l'mnkl r '.Koltzcr&Co., do Dealers lu Ac, Inipnrtiti nnd Whr LliuoiLS, W Nos. 110 idR2NoifnirdSlVet, I'lilliulelM, ' II .V 1'1:ll1::IOIA M1I "' ' MlT('OTTA'IrrEll, V.'QilHALEGn.jMia' . . . . .. ... . . k net, I ) NprtlJ, .Si): lawnre Avcuuo, Uladclphla I Pa., S:egs, SEWING MACHINES. Q.n0Vli!K & DAKKIl'S a SEWING MA OH INKS, Wcro nwanlcd ilio Highest Pre nilums nt the Slnte I'nlrs of New York, Kentucky, Vermont, Tennessee, NowJprsey . Missouri, Pennsylvania Ttlabama, Ohio, Mississippi, Indiana, ', Virginia, ilehlgau, North Carolina,. Wisconsin, California, Iowa, . Oreson. AT Tlltl FAIl OP TUB Amerlcnn lnsttlntc, l'rnnklln Institute, Mary, laud Institute, Mass. Mechanics' Associa tion, Pcnn. Mechanics' Institute, HI, IduIs Agricultural niul Mc ,f chanlcs' Association, Andnt numerous Institutes nnd-County I'nlrs, including all tho I'nlrs nt which they wero c.xhlli. fted tho past three years. First Prizes have n1n been nwnrdeil these Maclilnesnttlioc.hll,liloiis of LONDON, PARIS, DUI1MN, LINC, Ilesancan, llayonne, St. Dialer, Clialons, and they havobeen furnished, by special cummand, to tho Empress of France, Empressof Austria, Empress of Russia, Einprqss of llrazll, Queen of Spain, nnd Qujen of Ilavnria. TIIE GR0VI3R A 11AKEK KUV?TIO-.STIClt S E W ING H A Cill I N E S arosueiIortooll others for tho following rea. sons: They sow with twoithrcads direet from the spools, and requiring no rewinding. 2. Thcy-sro more easily understood nnd i,.,.,i nnds liable Io derangeiiicut than other ma chines. ' 3. They.nre capable of executing perfecllv. wllh. out change of niljustment, a much ki enter varlen of work than other machines. I. Tho stitch mado by these machines Isiaueii -moro firm, elastic, and durable, especially upon ..nieies h, iieu require io ne wasneii nnd Ironed, than any other stitch. S. this stitch, owing Iodic manner In which tin under thread Is inwrought, Is much tlio lansi plump nnd beautiful In use, nnd retains thu lUUVllllieSS nillllinilllltf i,c,i tmnn nrlO.l .ueiitly wnsiJd and Ironed until they nro Morn Oltri 0. Tho sti K'.turn of tho scnmlssiich Ihat, tliougli It bb cut or t.rokcn nt Intervals of only a few stitches, It will neither open, run, nor ravel, out remain llrm nnd durnble. 7. Unlike other machines, these fasten intli ends of tho seam by their own operation. 8. With Iheau machines, while silk Is ued in tho right or fa'co side of Iho seam, cotton nun tie used iipbn tlio otlicr side without lesscnliii! the strength or durnbillly of tho scam. This can ho done on no otlicr machine, and" is a great aniing upon nil ni tides stitched or mado up with sllli. V. These machines, In addition to tlielr superior merits ns Instruments for sewing, by n change of adjustment, easily learned nnd practised, execute tho most bcnutlful and neriiianciit embrolden nnd ornaineutnl work. In ndilltlon to their fahiily machines they have alltho M i ' IMI'UO.VKD DOUDDE LOCK 'STITCH MACHINES, making n stitch nliko on both sides. This Com pany mako both tlio Lock nnd Double stitch Mu elilues, so that peons having a prcfeieuco enn select such us they liko best, niul if not suited can exclmngo for Iho otlicr, thus giving the public tlio ndvnntngo of this nrraugcnicnt. They also make tho newly Invented NO.d LOCK STITCH MACHINES an advance iqion nil mnclilnes heretofore known for sewing with tho iock-Stllch. It Is of great power nnd strength. csiieelnllvn,iniif,.drorinii,r shoemakers, harness-makers, carrlngc-trlinniers, nnd for all descriptions of work to which the loik-stltch Is applicable. It works with equal facility silk, cotton, or linen thread, and will sew tho llncst muslin ns well us tho thickest leather. Price (SO; with llcmmere, ?S.5. Their No. a Is A i.iaiiT vuxmxa jugeiVE, containing many Improvements, adapted for tai loring, vest-maklng, light shoemaklng, as well ns for family sowing. Large numbers of these ma chines nro In use, nnd they glvo unlvcisal satis action. None who have seen Oils mneiiinnuin willingly uso tho noisy nud cumbrous lock-stitch machines heretofore In general uso. Price fii: with Hemmcrs, tiiO. nM, i.iueiiiues oi every descrint on can lu ihnr at tho agent's limeo Ininioomsburg, at ihisRIi cly the manufacturer's prices, to which the nttcutlon of the pulillo Is especial ly invited. T. H. MASTERS, Affml, Jlartman't IhUldtny, llLOOMSIlUlta, Mai-20 C7-ly.J Columbia County, Pa, EAcinWiSIIUTTJjK SRWING-MA- l'i!p!iSttROSES in, .. I , iiiiprovcmenis; arospeedy AVriUni'!f,''.'-'i,';''"l'"r.',',l'.0' Rcntsirnnted. Llli. k.!,.. ount allowed. No consignments made. Aildress nugl-ly l.'Ml'ini; H M. I-I ' 010 Broadway, New York Jons aii,nEHT, THEO, A. ItOVAL. QILI1EIIT & ROYAL, etaiii.isiii:d 1353. -h. ''WI'KLn DHUOaiSTO, '.os; &gnnd 311NorUi,Thlrd btrci.t,r Plillailelphia. '"fa " Importers niwl n,Lnln,u ,,. I DRUGS, MKDICINES, SPICES, PAINTS, OII.1, UJ,-hS, DYE STUFFS, AC, May 10, lsur.iy. ? A. HENJ)TtY7 j Successor to Ilemlry A Harris, Manufacturer and Wholesalo Dealer In BOOTS AND SHOES, m No. ,V. North Third Street, Philadelphia! HEARD, nil . LIPPINCOTT.BOND.I CO., Manuull'i,rers and Wholesale alers Cit HATS, 4mw, nyi"w, AND;r1m,vSvOI)S, No. JI1 Market Slreot, ' PhlladoTphia, J