"I THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. .tfaniuv's gqinvtmtut. limine Com. It Is rntlier Into to innko nny sensona llo siiKRCsllons on tlio subject Unit hcmti tills nrtleloj but It Is not too Into to innkopcoplottilnknlimitit nutl oxnniino for themselves tlio result of tho lilMIng system'. A correspondent In u western Suite, In writing to w on other Hinders, refers to thU system, hut did not Intend Ids comments for publication. Hut ns they nro to tho point wo qtioto his words. "When 1 wns nbout n dozen years of ngo I ono day until to my father" "What Rood docs it do to hill up corn V" "What do you mean by such a question?" re plied my father. I said that I had no tleed that, after corn was hilled thoso braces which como out of thojolntnext nbovo whero thoso started that wero covered up by tho hilling process; but If not covered up tho flrst set of braces would out-crow tho now ones and would sooner spread their roots In tho round and becomo tr.oro vigorous than tho now set, enabling tho plants not hill ed up to stand against n stronger wind than when hilled. Therefore what good docs tho hilling do? "Tho retort wns" "You blockhead, (n pliraso used by my father when ho was nearly cornered) do not Deacon this and Col. that (naming half n dozen prominent fanners) and everybody hill their corn, and do you think you know more than such men ?" "For moro thnn fifty years I havo regarded It is a desideratum to secure a llrst-rato crop of corn without tho old eastern method of weeding it, half-hdl- (Itand then hilling ; in other words without hoeing it three or Jive times At tho present time I would not glvo a good hand his board to hoc corn for mo on a farm In this State after I havo til rectcd tho operations on it ilvo years ; and yet tho weeds must bo eradicated by tho hand-hoc. If by no other process. Hut tho season Is too far advanced to offer nny peculiar plan now to bo mado available, whether suited to eastern or western cultivation. I may however do so at a future period." There is good sound senso in this and wo trust that it will bo pondered by farmers' generally. Valuable Receipts. Cholera Medicine. Etiunl parts of Laudanum, Spirits of Camphor and Tincture of Rhubarb, 30 drops on a lump of sugar for an adult. Continue tho medicine every four hours in dimin ishing doses 25, 20, 15, 10, 5, when care ful diet is all that will bo needed to ef fect a cure. . Cure for Neuralgia. llaf a drachm of sal ammonia, in an ounce of camphor waterto be taken a teaspoonful at a dose, and tho doso repeated several times, at intervals ofjflvo minutes, if tho pain bo not relieved at once. Cureor Asthma Hub tho neck and breast'with Coal oil, either crude or rc llned, and speedy' relief and a final and permanent euro will be effected. A Sure Cure for the -F?fo;i Taken pint of common soft soap and stir In air slacked llmo till it is of the consistency of glazier's putty. Make a leather thim ble, fill it with this composition, and Insert tho finger therein, and a euro is certain. Wash for the Hair. In a quart of boiling water, melt half an ounce of camphor and ono'ounco of borax j allow this to stand' till cold. This wash will beautify tho hair and prevent it from falling off. Indian Meal Puffs. Into ono quart of boiling milk stir eight tnbiespoonsful of meal and four spoonsfull of sugar. Boil flvominutes,8tIrrIngconstantly. When cool, add six well beaten eggs. Bnko in buttered cups half an hour. . Try them with a littlo butter and molasses, nnu sco If they are not good. Molasses JPie.Tako nine tablespoons full of molasses, six tablcspoonsfull of good vinegar, ono and a half tablcspoons full of flour, o small pieco of butter, n low slices oncmon orgrated lemon peel ; cover with a rich paste. This is decid cdly tho best substituto for apple pie. Ham toast. Boll a quarter of a pound of lean ham; chop it small, with tho yolk of thrco eggs well beaten, half an ounco or inittcr, two tablespoosfull of cream and a littlo cayenne. Stir it over tho flro till it thickens, and spread It on hot toast witljjho crust cut off. Stuffed Cabbage. Tako a largo fresh cabbago and cutout tho heart. Fill tho place with iv stuffing made of cooked chicken or veal, chopped very fine, mid highly seasoned, rolled into balls with yolk of egg. Then tio tho cabbage llrin Jy together, and boll in a covered kettlo for two hours. It make a very delicious (iisn, ami is often useful for using small pieces of cold meat. Muled JScans without l'orl-.V.xccl lent In taste, easily digested, good for dyspeptics, freo from swinish flavors Soak a quart of beans in water over night; draw tho water away; boll in clean wato.- until soft ; put in n bakln, dish wltli a lump of butter tho size of rnegg; salt and popper, and bako ns usual. Curefor Dtptwia. Swnb tho back" of tho mouth and throat with a wash mado thus s Ooldeu Seal, ono drachm ; Chlorate, of Votassa. ono-lialf drachm ; Honey, one tabUnpoouful ; put tho two iirsi naineu articles in a teacup, which twoithlrds fill with boiling water ; stir well until dissolved, and when cold add your Honey; uso oyery half hour, or oftener if necessary, and at tho samu tlmo drink freely of Bed Pepper Tea, mado strong. Apply ono oz. each, of Oil Sassafras, Sweet Oil and Aqua Ammonia, mixed, ana every two or thrco hours to tho whole of tho throat and to tho breast bono, keeping llanncl to tho parts. Cure for J'ohon leg. Immerse, tho poisoned parts In soft sdap for thirty or forty minutes. Corn given to fowls should bo crushed nnd soaked li water; this helps dlges tlon. 4iov the -younfl Mollis. Tin (lull unit the Kit. , V GUM, had pounced upon a fish, and In endeavoring to swallow It got choked, and lay upon tho deck fordcad. A Klto who was passing by and saw him gave him no other comfort than "It serves you right: for what business havo tho fowls oftr.o air fo meddle wllh the fish of tho sea." The Dor mill the lindntr A Boo had stolen a pieco of meat out of a butcher's shop, and was crossing n river on his way home, when ho saw his own shadow reflected In tho stream below. Thinking that It was another dog with another pieco of meat, ho ro solved to make himself master of that also; but lu snapping at tho supposed treasure, ho dropped the bit ho was car rying and so lost nil Tlio (lunt mill the Hull. A. Gnat that had been buzzing nbout the head of n Bull, nt length settling himself down upon his horn, begged Ids pardon for incommding him ; "but if," soys he, "my Aveight at all Inconvenl ences you, pray say so and I will bo off In a moment." "Oh, never trouitlo yourself about that, "says tho Bull, "for 'tisall ono to mo whether yougoorstay; nnd, to say tho truth,! did not know you wero there." Tho smaller tho Mind tho greater tho Conceit. The l'al-fiti?V nml the Xlngs. A Farmer during n severo winter, being shut up by tho snow in ids farm house, anil sharply pressed for food which ho was unable to get about to nro- cure, began consuming his own sheep. As the hard weather continued, he next nto up ids goats. And at last for there was nobreakin tho weather he betook himself to tho plough-oxen. Upon this, tliu dogs said ono to nnotlier, "Let us bo oil'; for since tho master, as wo sco, had no pitv on tho working oxen, how is It likely ho will sparo us?" When our negihbor's house Is on lire, it Is time to look to our own. The I.lnit imil the Goal, O.vn summer's day, when everything was suffering from extreme heat, a Li on and a Goat came at tho samo tlmo to quench their thirst at a small fountain. They at onco fell to quarreling which .should flrst drink of tho water, till at length it seemed that each was deter mined to resist tho other even to death. But ceasing from tho strifo for a mo men t, to recover brcath,they saw a flock of vultures hovering over them, only waiting to poimco upon whichever of them should fall. Whereupon they in stantly mado up their quarrel, agree ing that It was far better fur them both to becomo friends, than to furnish food for tho crows and vultutes. The Mouse ami the Frug. Mouse iii an evlldaymadoacnuaint- nnco with a Frog, nnd they .set off on their travels together. Tho Frog, on pretence of great affection, and of keep ing his companion out of harm's way, tied the Mouse's hind-foot to his own leg, and thus they proceeded for some distance by land. Presently they camo to some water, and tho Frog bidding tl.o Mouse havo good courage, began to swim across. They had scarcely, how ever, arrived midway, when tho Frog took; a sudden plungo to tho bottom. dragging tho Mouso aftcrjiim. But tho struggllngand floundering of "tho Mouso mndo so great ncommotlonlriatho wa tcr that it 'attracted 'tliofnttentlon of n Klto, vliopoluncing down, and" bearing ifftho Mouse, carried awaitlio.Frog at uio same umo in ins train. 'Inconsiderate and ill-matched allian ces generally end in ruin ; arid tho'man who compasses -tho dcstructlonfflflhis neiglib"or,''iBlpften(girtliv!hi3lown snaro. ' ?PpKflr The Slice and the "IVcaiels. The Mlco and tho Weasels had long been nt war with each other, and tho Mice being always worsted in battle, at length agreed nt a meeting, solemn ly called for the occasion, that their de feat was attributable to nothing but their want of discipline, and they determined accordingly to elect regular commanders for tho tlmo to como. So they chose those whoso valouraud prow ess most recommended them to tho important post. Tho new command ers, proud of their position, and desi rous of being ns conspicuous as possible, bound horns upon their foreheads ns a sort of crest mid mark of distinction. Not longcrnflerWUIoensod. Tho Mice, as before, were .soon vut to flight; tho common herd escaped Into their holes: but tho commanders, not being nblo to get in from tho length of their horns, wero every ono caugiit and devoured. There is no distinction without its nc compnnying danger. The Sick Lion. A Lion, no longer able, from tho weakness of oldago, to hunt for his prey, mid himself up in his den, nnd, breath ing with great difllculty, and speaking with a low voice, gave out that ho was very III Indeed. Tho report sooni spread among tho beasts, nnd thero was great lamentation lor tho sick Lion. Ono af ter tho other camo to seo him : but catching tnein tnus mono, nnd in his own uen, tno 1.1011 mauo an easy prey 01 mem, nnd grow mi upon ins diet Tho Fox, suspecting tho truth of tho matter, camo at length to mako his visit of inquiry, nnd standing nt somo dis tance, asked his Majesty how ho did? 'Ah, my dearest friend,". Kild tho Li on, "but Is it .vou? Why do vou stand so far from mo? Como, sweet friend. nnd pour nworilofconsolntloulnthopoor Lion's ear, who was but a short timo to uvo." uJless you I" said the. Fox. "but nvmiinntri 1 . .wuiiiuii 1 cannot stay ; tor, to fell " wo"'i 1 nuito Uliensv n mark of tho footsteps that I see hero nil pointing towards your den, and ,uono returning outwards." Allalrs nro coaler of entrance than of exit; and It Is but common prudence to bco our wny out neloro wo venture In. DRY GOODS, &o. G 1VAND OPENING GUAM) oi'i;mimu UllAKI) OPENING GRAND OPENINO GRAND OPENINO FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FALL AND WINTER 0001)3, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, KALI. AND WINTER GOODS, FALL AND WINTnU GOODS, consisting ol consisting of consisting of nonsistlng or consisting of BUY GOODS, li it V ooodi; imv GOODS, DHY GOODS, DllY GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAW, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAiy, HATS AND CA1V, HOOTS AND SHOES, HOOTS AND SHOES, HOOTS AND HHOES, HOOTS AND SHOES, HOOTS AND SHOES, HEADY-MADE CLOTHING, HEADY-MADE CLOTHING HEADY-MADE CLOTHINO, READY-MADE CLOTHING, EEARY-MADN CLOTHlr'G, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOK I NG-G LASSES, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-GLASSES. NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, GROCERIES, GltOCEltlES, aitOCEUIES, GHOCEIHES, anocEitiEs, QUEEN8WARE, QUEENSWARE," QUEEN8WAHE," QUEEN'SWABE," queenswake; "'HAinnvAnE. kiA II AltD W AUE, - .hardware; TINWARE, ' TINWAHE, TIKT.VAnt! - FISH, FISH, FISH, FITH, FISH, OUAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND HEEDS, GRAIN AND HEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, ila, nIcKELVY, hv..u, & CO'S McKELVY, NEai. & C0".H' McKELVY, NEAL i. cqV McKELVY, NEAL McKELVY. KEAI, "O.'S. XS. Northwest corner of Mnin and Market Streets, Norfhwest corner of Main and Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main nml Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main and Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main and Market Streets, BLOOMSIiURG, PA., HLOOMHHURO, BI.OOMSIIURU, PA., HLooMsnuiia, pa,, HLOOMSBURG, PA, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IKON AND NAILS IRON AND NAILS reduced rates, iilwtiy Wr HHH halt! DRUGS & MEDICINES. JTBUa AND CHEMICAL STOUK, Hloomsburg, Pa. DltUOS, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, PERFUMERY AND TOILET ARTICLES, I.YER &. MOYER veipocirullj invito n continuance of patronage TIipW Drugs nml Medicines mo nil Kclcclcil wllh the greatest care, nvoMIng ns much nt jHisslblc tho Introduction of delirious nostrmni, nnd nro luirclinsed from tho best Importing houses In tho country, 1 PATENT MEDICINES of nit kinds, Including Aycr's, Jano's, Hollo, way's, Hoslcltcr's, Wlshart'e, Jloolland's, Ac. constantly on hand, CO A f j OIL AND ALCOHOL. IIAI1LT00TII, NAIL, AND' CLOTHES HRUSIIES PAINTS AND CHEMICALS of every variety, nnd of tho best quality, I Fancy toilet articles. The puMlc may rely at nil times on procmlng tho nnovo Articles, wall nil the new useful prepara tions 1,1 pt In Uio best conducted establishment, 1'HYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS nnd Fanilly Receipts compounded wllh tho great est nccincy nnd dispatch. J B.jMOYKll, ! WHOM-JSALi: tt RETAIL ! niiuaois t, t'OUM:H Of MAIN ANtl maiikkt Htr.r.vm, I HLOO.MSHURG, PA., whero will bo found n largo nnd select stock of Drugs, I MFD1CIXKS AND C1IKMICALS. Also nil Uio I'ATIWT Mr.niciNr.s 01' Tlln DAY, I am nlsnprcpnrcdto furnish Country Stores with Castor Oil; Godfrey's Cordial, TIJIILINGSTON'S HAI.1AM, nml all odier medicines kept In their lino nt City prices. ' OS- Prescriptions caicfnlly compmiiided nt nil hours. j In mcdldiics, quality is of tho llrst Importance. Illoomsllirg, Juno", lso KVKUKTT A DR. J. B. CASK'S MiW JUiUG STORE, IN OUANOEVILLE, JUST OB K N E D WITH A RPJ.KNDIll ANII VAUIMI ASSOHTMnNT (IF r.oom aiii:i!tain:.no to tiii: intra iiusi.ni.ss, PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS, ETC., ALWAYS OX 1I.VN1I. In idiortniiy nrtlclo that enn bo named In Ihe jiiik iiiieinn uo natt ni incir siorc. nr. .1. n. Case Is n l'nictlouer, ami no understands Phar macy; E. Uicrutt Is a Modkal Student, has at tended onMcrni at Uio Jenerion Medical College, and Ulldcltniiils tho fniuiioiinilinir nf Drnirs. They res'sctrtilly Invite U13 pattonago 11I their iiiu'ini-, uiit tun iHioiic generally, nssuring tneni "hafk," an 1 wlmtecr will bo put chased of them will bo frcsn nnd pure. nprJU'117 G-ROCERIES, &c, EW STOBE AND ATfc ir a o o i) s, I I K MIFFLINMLLE, COLUJiniA COUNTY, PA. Tit r subset her rcsH'clfully informs his friends and tile IHlbl Hint, lin liiw Inst ii,lMitwl Ic.m M.r. city with n frjMi and well selected ASSORTMENT OF MERCHANDIZE, nnd has opci.in store In the room formerly oc cupied by Httphen Wolf. Ills Moelc consists of uycrythlng utially kcjit Inn nod-class country ktore, such as 1 diiy noons, fanocnniES, iiAithWAitr, ckhak- WAitF,lj)nca.s, MnoiciNns, AO., .tc. Ho hopes tomerit n slmrn of tho imhllc tintmn. n?e. I REES J. MILLAltl). Jliniiuvlllc,llay 3, 18U7. JOHN SOltOUP & CO., Buccijiors to Slroup & Brother,' WHOLESALE DE.VI.EIW IN FISH, No. 21 North Viirvos, nnd 25 NorUt Water St.y Phlladclplila. (TX7EAVEEJ & SPRANKLE, WHOLESALE 'JROCERIES AND C0JIMIS8I0N lERCHANTS; No. and 227 Arch Street Philadelphia. gCHELL,, IfERGEB &C0.; - '.a GENERAll CiMMISSION MERCHANTS I Dealers In '" ' ws FISH, SALT, C&EESE, PROVISIONS, Ac., Nos. 122 and 12 Ith Wiarvcs, above Arch St. iilladelphia; ykSt.- .Solangeutafot.Jlcox's Wheel Grease,' In bar- reis, Kegs, nnu enrtg . . ipSTABLlSIiED 1703. v JOIIHX & I1ROTIIER, WIOLfeALE GROCERS, aid Dealers In SALTPETIB AND BRIMSTONE, No 2rth Thli-ii Street, - - ,fllladelihla. QOTTRELLt AYBES,1 Wji salo Dealers in FISH flilEESE, 4c, &c, No. 100 North Whf iwna door door abovo Afch Blieet, Piladelphla,"5 TDLOOMSBUJ IS FANCY TRIM- MING LVD BOOKSTORE. second door bell i Hartman's, Jlnln Street. Just received n ncii j'ock ol ZEPHYRS, W001.iv AND COTTON YARNS, CORSETS, LACES, 3I!IR0ini:itIES, MUSLIN KVaioH, D It ESS TRIMMINGS and every variety of Articles usually kept In n F-VfCY STORE. Also I SCHOOL HOOK'flllYMN ROOKS, RIHLES, HUNDA '-SCHOOL HOOKS, nnd a large lot of 1 misceiAneous HOOKS, ACCOUNT AN1 MEMORANDUM HOOKS, BLANK DEEDS, KINDS AND MORTGAGES, and 11 general and 5l-sclittcd nisoi Imcnt of PAPER.ENVKLOPES, Ac. I A. D. WEBB. yM. F. MU 1'IIY'S SONS, S T Ai'IO N E It S , EAM roVER PRINTERS i AMI BLANK liooi MANUFACTURERS M (-'1'"'"iu (,1,,-J & a 8ollth i'ourt), Bticet, "WEU'IIIA, PA. Tlicymako a i.vof nnuUlilng National Banks, County .ten nTaum companies, Hanking Houtes, c'i, wllh ' EVERY AVTKLE OF BLANK iNIlVltlNTING, a0OKS having machliyry . clally adapted for nil woru they may rcqule. 1 IfebS'07-ly. SI.AHTMAN, ,'. lt.DjLLIXUEII. K It. A11TJTAK. 'AimtAN' 'V1'10'11 & co., SO. 2jtsoirI Tlllltll BrilKKT, (.Vwtrfj ci))o,((e ii't, Kent, limlce ,t Cb.) W.mW'tio Dcnlers In YARNS, B.Vni.Vl. .WAHDINO, CARPETS, oit. ri.irnH, BAiim, vi.y sum, OltAIN HAff?, (lltDAGE, 4C, ALSO, WILLOV) . iJWOODL'N TAItl:, IIIIVHIIKH, TltlSKhWOKtSO CJLASSJiS, i.rt. May 10, 1W7-J', DRY GOODS, TTURRAH FOR CATAWISSA1 THIS WAY FOU BARGAINS. Good's to compare with sttlngency of tho money market. Look and comparo prices beforo pur chasing elsewhere. Just call nt the fuvorlto busi ness stand of McNINCH .VHIIUMAN, nnd you will bo met by tho obliging proprietors or thclrclcrl:,nnd shown through thelrgrcnt variety store freo of clmrge, of course, llicy will glvo you n fair ehanco to spend your loose change, they trust much innro profitably thnn It can bo spent elsewhere. Their STOCK OF DRY GOODS thts Spring Is much larger in nil .ts varieties than usual. Their LADIES' DRESS GOODS nro of tho nicest styles In market. They havon lino assortment of HAT". CAIV, HOOTS AND SlldlX, HUMMER CLOTHS, CASSINE'lS, CASSIMERF.S, AND VESTINOS, nnd numerous articles common to such establish ments, besides a general assortment of HARDWARE, TINWARE, (Jt'EENSWARE, AND GROCERIES, nil at greatly reduced prices. They wish to con duct their business 011 tho system of "PAY AS YOU GO," and they think they enn afford to sell very cheap. They return their thanks for many past favors, and ask tho futuio patronage of their former cus tomers nnd the public generally. McNINCH A HIIUMAN. RMBRUSTER & BROTHER, Impottcrs and Jobbers of HOSIERY, GLOVES, SHIRTS AND DRAWEltS, BUTTONS, SUSPENDERS, 11001- SKIRTS, HANDKERCHIEFS, THREADS, HEWING HILKS, TRIMMINGS, PORTE MONNAII, SOAPS, PERFUMERY, FANCY GOODS, AND NOTIONS GENERALLY, Also Manufacturers of HRUSIIES AND LOOKING GLASSES, nnd Dealers In WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, BKOO.MS, ROPIX, TWINIX, AC, No. :M N01 Ih Thlid Street, abovii Vine, Philadelphia. M. M. MARBLE, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, GLOVES. AND FANCY GOODS, No! 5.1 North Third Htieet, Philadelphia. J. LESTER, Wholesale ami Retail Dealer In FOItEIGN AND DOMESTIC CARI'CTS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, AO., No. 2) North Second Street, opp. Christ Church, Philadelphia. JgAROROFT ,t CO., importers nml Jobbers of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, CLOTHS CASSIMER1X, BLANKETS, LINENS, DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, Ac, Philadelphia. A NDREWS, WILKINS & CO., Dealers In I'onr.iGN and DOMUvnc dry goods. No. 34! Market Street, Philadelphia. JOSEPH S. DELL, lanuiacturer or unci wholesale Dealer In CLOTHING, CLOTHS, CASSIMKltEH, AND VESTINGS, No. 13 North Third Street, jgiJ I'ulladelphla. ST MISCELLANEOUS. JOWE, EUSTON & CO., Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealeis In COTTON YARNS, CARPET CHAINS, HATTS, WICKS, TIE YARNS, CORDAGE. BROOMS, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, LOOK'G GLASSES, CLOCKS, FANCY BASKETS, TABLE, FLOOR, AND CARRIAGE OIL CLOTHS, Ac, No. 830 Market Street, south tide, Philadelphia. rjlIIE KEYSTONE CLOVER SEED S T B I P P E R . TATESTHn OCTOI1KI1 2, 1SC0. Tills hltilnle. though ftlpctlve m;wlil,iA u n, Inci ted bynllhclenllllcobserver.stiibotlieinust dlteet device for gathering clover seed yet discovered. A mere glanco nt It Is sulllelenl to mnvlnco tho most obtuse nilml of Its iiractienl utllltv. It strips tho clover head Horn tlio stalk leaving tho straw standing upon Uio giound. It Is easily drawn by on" horse, nnd requires butono man or boy to work it. It is compact, simple In structure, nnd not lia ble to get outol order, and can be cheaply got up. Tho gtent ndvautago In this maeluno Is, wo havo the seed galhi-red In the chair, readv for the clover mill or holier, besides saving tlio great length or tltunamt labor of mowih'-r, hand ling and threshing it Irotn tho stiaw, It will also pav ev ery larmel In gather his seed with this machine, on account of tho saving of the seed which is lost in tlio old way of gathering It, Extraordinary Inducements on'cred to energetic men who wish to purchase Statu or county Rights, WERl'MAN A REINBOLD, I'KNTIt.W.IA, JanSi CT, Columbia County, Pa. ME A I ) VI L L1C T 1 1 E O L OG 1 C A L SCHOOL. Tlio Fall term begnn Heplem . Tho Faculty of Instruction consists t four lesiilcnt ami four non-resident protessors, and a tutor. Tltoobjeet is to educate young men for tho Christian Ministry. There Is a preparatory class lor those who hae not leeelved a colli glatu tducatlon, one hundred mid sixty dollars n year are granted to beneficiaries, with 1111 iiilillitoimt sum in special eases. Tho tuition, uso of Library nnil text.books, are flee to nil. Tho School was lottmleil by the Unltntlan ami Christian denonil natlous, but Is open to all who believe 111 the di vine Oliulll of C'hristianltv. The I.lbrarvcniisKtK ofnjoo volumes. Application may no mauo to itcv. A. A. Liver more, l'resldent or tlio Bonn! nf Instruction, Mendvllle, Pa. novI7-ly FiTf American- iTayTcnife I AND FORK Wo tho mulcrslinixil rlll7,.u ot Columbia County witnessed tho Irial of liny n,ii,s tjii iiiu i.iriu 01 ;ir, j'lirsel, ill Jlelnloclc 'lounshlp.on Jlondav. Mnv 7. lNkl. betuwn tin. Amerlenu Hay Kulfoaml Fork manuluetured by HL1FEII, WALIX, H1IR1NEU A Co.. of Iwls burg, I'll., nnd tho minders Patent Hay Hook. Iho American Fork lifted mnro hay In one draught than Ihe Rundel In th r. Wuiirosalls. lied It will take as much hav in. ;hn mow as two f:oisl horses can draw. Wo alni saw it cutting lav. mid think It cannot be bi ,i us n liv tntli., and cheerfully recommend it as tho best hay fork' a. Int. r. C. llAimiso.v, John- Dosi;, Damki. Nnvr.n, I . illTTRNltENDr.lt, lilt. 1 Y. Jl. IvOONM, J JOHN' DKTEUIfk'. I U. DKlI.KMII.I.Fll, SVI.VKSTKIt PUIWEI,. The I 1":LLK" JOHN WllU', Tl.,...wT ... . .. "'""l ll"" "u ifii "imi'ii iiucKeye lileuts tr' 111 " "Bl luiltlll'ul linple- -yy A IN WI U I IT & CO., " WHOLESALE GROCERS, N. E. Corner Second nml Arch streets, Pnir.AiiKM'iiiA, Doiilprs tn TEAS, SYRUl'S, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, HUE, M'lt'KM, HI CAItll fcOIlt, AC'., AC. Older will iieclu piompl attention. May 10, ISOT-Jy. TOBACCO & SEGARS. rllli ONLY PLACE loget tho best TOBACCO AND CIGARS, AT WHOLISALE AND RETAHt lsnt llUNOSBERGER'S, tv few doors below tho American House, Hloomsburg, Pa, He has the largest and most select of SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO evcrotrcrcd to tlio citizens of Hloomsburg. All Ihe fancy brands of HEOARS, and thn best Fine-cut and Plug CHEWING TOBACCO, cnu be had nt his counters. TOBACCO PIPES lu great varlcly nro nniong his largo slock. DON'T FORGET TO CALL. II. 11. HUNSHERGEIt, TTAGEN, BOYD &, CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, and Wholesale Dealers lu LEAF AND MANUFACTURED TOBACCO, HEOARS, AC, No. CI North Third Slrcet, Philadelphia. Consignors can forward llielr stock "In Bond," without prepaying tlio United States tax. JJ W. RAN ICS WIIOLESALETOI1ACCO, SNUFF, AND CIGAR WAREHOUSE, No. 110 North Third Street, btflween Cherry and Race, west side, Phlladclplila. JUSSELL it WOODRUFF, Wholesale Dealers In TOBACCOS, CIGARS, PIPES, AC, AC, No. It Norlh Third Street, abovo Market, Philadelphia. JjMUSIIMUTlI, BROTHER & CO., WHOLESALE TOBACCO DEALERS, No, 151 North Third Street, avo doors below Raco. Factories, Nos. 521 and 223 Qunrry Street, Philadelphia. IRON, TINWARE, &C. RATIONAL FOUNDRY, Blnomsbitrg, Columbia County, Pa. Tho subscriber, ptoprlctor of tlio above-! micd extensive establishment. Is now prepared to'ro eelvo orders for all kinds of MACHINERY FOR COLLIERIES, BLAST FURNACES, STATION. RY ENGINES, MILLS, THRESHING MACHINES, Ac He Is also prepared In mako Stoves of nil sizes and patterns, Plow-Irons, and everything usually mnae 111 mst-ciass l'ouuilrles. Ills extensive facilities and prnutleal workmen warrant I1I111 in receiving the largest oontrncts on tho most reasonable terms. Grain of all kinds will bo taken In exchange for uistings. This establishment Is located near tho LacW wanna ami Hloomsburg R.illrond Depot. PETER BILLMYER. gTOVES AND TINWARE. A. M. RUPERT announces to his fi lends nnd customers that continues tho abovo business nt Ins old place on MAIN STREET, HLOOMSBURG. Customers can bo accomodated with FANCY HTOVES of nil kinds, Stovepipes. Tinware, and everv va. rlety of article found In n-Htovo nnd Tinwaro Es tablishment In the cities, and on the most reason- nuio terms. Repairing donout tho shortest notice. 23 DOZEN MILK-PANS on hand for sale. G J.EORGE II. ROBERTS, Impoiter and Dealer In HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, Ac, No. 311 North Third Street, nbovo Vine, Philadelphia. J II. WALTER, Lato Walter A Kaub, Importer and Dealer In CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENS WARE, No. 231 N01 th Third Street, between Raco and Vino Philadelphia. JJENJAMIN GREEN, Dealer lu CARPETINGS, WINDOW SHADES, OIL CLOTHS, MATS, Ac, No. 33 North Second Slrcet, Philadelphia. G AV. BLABON & CO., Manufacturers of OIL CLOTHS AND WINDOW SHADES, Warehouse, No, 121 Norlh Third Street, Philadelphia. T II. LONGSTRETII, PAPER-HANGING WAREHOUSE, No. 12 North Third Street, Philadelphia. J V. LAMBERT, With ROSS, HUOTT A CO.. Importers mid Jobbers ol CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VF.STINOS, Ac, No. 30 1 Market Rt reel, Philadelphia. POWDER KEGS AND LUMI1ER. W. M. MONROE A CO., Rupert, Pa., Manufacturers of POWDER KEGS, ami dealers In nil kinds of LUMBER, give uollco that theyaroprepnrtd to nccomodnlo their custom wllh dispatch, nnd on tho clest jyjILLER A- HOST, Hiicc-essors to Franklin P. Seltzer A Co., Importers ruid Wholesale Dealers lu LIQUORS, WINES, Ac, Nos. 110 and 112 North TlUrd Stieet, Philadelphia. JJ V. P10TERMAN, with LIITINCOTT A TROTTEr WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 21 North Water Slrcet, and No. 211 Norlh Dehiwuro Avenue, Philadelphia. SEWING MACHINES. Q. It O V E It A BAKER'S SEWING MACHINES, Were tiwordcd tho Highest Premiums nt the Htnlo Fairs of Now York, Kentucky, Vermont, Tennessee, New Jersey Missouri, Pennsylvania, Alabama, Ohio, Mississippi, Indiana, Virginia, Michigan, North Carolina, Wisconsin, California, Iown, Oregon. AT THU FAlltS OF Till! Afnerlcan Institute, Franklin Institute, Mary, land Instltuto, Mass. Mechanics Assocla tlon,Pcun. Mechanics' lnstttutc,St. Louis Agricultural nnd Me chanics' Association, And nt numerous Institutes and Comity Fairs, Including all tho Fairs at which they wero exhib ited tho past three years. TlrRt Prl7es have also been awarded these Machines nt the exhibitions of LONDON, PARIS, DUBLIN, LINZ, Besnncan, Hayonne,St. Dlzicr, Chalons, nnd they havo been furnished, by special command, to tlio Empress of Frnnce, Empress of Austria, Empress of Russia, Emprcssof Brazil, Queen of Spain, and Queen of Bavaria. THE CIROVER A BAKER i'.i.A'.Tic-sricn S E W ING M A C II I N E S arosuperlovtonll others for tho following lcn sons : 1. They sew Willi two threads direct from the spools, ami requiring no rewinding. 2. They nro moro easily understood and used, nml less liable to derangement than other ma chines. 3. They nro capablcof executing perfectly, with out change ofudjustincut, ainticlt greater variety of work than other machines. 1. The stitch mado by these machines Is much moro llrni, elastic, and durable, especially upon nrtlclcs which requlro tt bo washed and honed, thnn tiny other Mitch. 0. This stitch, owing to tho manner In which tho under thread Is Inwrought, Is much II10 most plump and beautiful In use, nnd retains this plumpness nnd beauty even upon nrtlclcs fre quently washed nnd ironed until they uro Morn out. (I. The structure of Ihe seam IsmicIi that, though It bo cut or broken nt intervals of only a few stitches, It witl neither open, run, nor ravel, but remain 11 rm nnd durable. 7. Unlllto other machines, Iheso fasten bltll ends of the seam by their own operation. S. With Iheso machines, while silk Is used upon tho right or face sldo of tho scam, cotton may be used upon tho other side without lessening the strength or durability of the seam. This can be donoon no nlher machine, nnd Is n great saving upon nil nrtlclcs stitched or made up with sill;. 0. These machines, lu addition to their superior merits us Instruments for sewing, by a change of adjustment, easily learned and practised, execute the most beautiful nnd permanent embroidery and ornamental work. In addition to their family machines they hno also tho ' IMPROVED DOUBLE LOCK STITCH MACHINES, making a stitch alike on-both sides. This Com pnny mako both the Lock and Double sllteh Ma chines, so that persons having a prcfeience can select such as they llko best, and If not suited can exchango for tliu other, thfls giving the public the ndvantago of this arrangement. They nNo make the newly invented NO. 1 LOCK STITCH MACHINES nn advanco upon all machines heretofore known for sowing with tlio Lock-Stltch. It Is of great power nml strength, especially adapted for tailors, shoemakers, hnrness-niakers, carrlage-tilmmcrs, and for all discretions of work to which the lock-stitch Is uppllcable. It works with equal facility silk, cotton, or linen thread, and will sew the ilucst muslin as well as tho thickest leather. Price SsO; wllh Hcmmcrs, (V,. Their No. 0 is A LI CHIT JIUWJXG MACHINE, containing many Improvements, adapted for tai loring, vest-making, light shoeinaklng, as well as for family sewing. Largo uunibeisof these ma chines nro in use, and Ihey glvo unlu'isal sails fiction. None whu havo seen this machine will willingly uso tho noisy and cumbrous lock-stitch machines herelofoiu In general use. PrlcoSVi: with Ilcmtuers, m. These machines of every description can bo had nt Ihe agent's ofllco InJBIoomsburg, nt jiosltlvely Ihe manufacturer's prices, lo which tho attention of tlio public is especially Invited. T. IT. MASTERS, Autnl, Hartmtm's Jtullilhlff, Hl.oo.MSIll.'IliJ, Mnr2r07-ly. Columbia County, Pa. 17 M PIKE SHUTTLE SEWING-MA- J.J CHINES am superior loall others for FAMILY AND MANUFACTURING PUlll'OSIX Contain all Die latest impiovemcuts; ale speedy tiolscless'-rlurable; anil easy to work. Illtlstrutisl ('irrllUrs lr,.,.. Af.i.nlv uintli.il. Lib eral discount allowed. Niieoiislunments made, Addiess UMPIRE H. M. CO.. ttugl-ly fllu Broadway, New Yuri. JOHN OIMIEUT. T1IF.O. A. llOVAI.. Q.ILBERT &. BOYAL, l.Sl'AULISIIEII ISM. WHOLESALE DHUaaiSTH, Nos. SOD nnd 311 North Third Street, Philadelphia. Importers nnd Dealers In DRUGS, MEDICINES, HPICES, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, DYE STUFFS, AC, Jlay 10, lS67-ly. J B. PURSEL, HARNESS, SADDLE, AND TRUNK MANUFACTURER, and dealer In CARPET-BAGS, VALISES, FLY-NETS, Ac, Main Street, Hioonislmrg, ra. I? A. 11ENDKY, Successor to Hendry A Harris, Mauuf.tctnrcr uud Wholesale Denier In BOOTS AND SHOES, No. 55 North Third Street, Philadelphia. 5