VOL. I.-i0. 20. BLOOMSBU11G, PA., FBIDAT2, JUNE 28, 1867. PRICE FIVE OEKTB. THE COLUMBIAN, A Democratic; NewnpsipiiiN n ru nt.ism:n kvi.ky fhiiiay jtnnsisn at Ill.OOMSmitd, PI3NJJIA. TI llU'rbiel pies of this ia per aro of tlio Jefferson- lan Kchool of politics, 1 hoso principles will never bo compromised, yi't courtesy and Ittmlcss shall not bo forgotten In dlscusslntt them, whether with Individuals or with contemporaries of tlio Press, Tho unity, happiness, and piosperlly of the coun try Isonr nlm and object; and as tlio menus to sccurethut, wo shall labor honcstlyniul earnestly for tho harmony, success and growl h of our organ ization. Tkums m-'AiivrntTisixo: OnCKiunro(ten lines or less) ono or threo Insertions fH,.7); tnch subse quent Insertion GO cents. H1UCK. 1M. 2M. C2.lt) One square... Two squares.... Threo squares l'nur squares Half column Ono column 3U 8,00 c,oa 10,00 n.ou tl,( 0,00 7,00 K,l) 12,00 1,00 3st. S 1.00 (1,00 S.00 10,01) i.-,oo 20,00 on 1Y. I did not sco Hell ngnln until the fol- light. It was Just turning towards the lowing summer, by which time I was house, mid oven ns 1 entight sight of It, tin ensign In her Majesty's th Hegi- it vanished. ment, and under orders to Join the head- "What Is It, Hal'.'" wlsporal Milly. quarters In Canada. I had n fortnight's "Do you think It was Hell eomlng to leave, and as the eottage my aunt had look for mo? Do come hack Just to tho taken was within a mile of the manor, grass." I spent most or my time with Hell. Yet I went hack with her, and watched her When the parting came, I was no nearer Into the house. Then 1 turned and went being in lovo than tho day I met her on my way. llr.it. Wo had not quarrelled, simply, it, I thought, becatwo neither of us eared During the stlvrlncr months which enough for the other to do so. Not a followed on our arrival In India, 1 hint word relating to tho future had passed; nttlo time for thought, still less for and yet I was quito sure Bell knew all writing, Letters were a rarity; we about her destiny, and almost as equally men looked with envious eyes at tlio sure that she did not like it, I despatch-bags. Almost unconsciously I ho th had only to complete Its I had allowed my hopes regarding Hell's term of foreign service; so by tho time first letter to get tho better of my tlls Hell had gone through a couple of sea- cretton, and found myself looking for sons, I was nt homo again. ward to tho contents as a test of her real Hy tlio death of n sister, my mint had feelings towards me. She would surely become guardian to. a little girl, Milly say something to betray herself, either Hyan by name, who, at eleven years for love or against 11. When the letter old, was ono of tho brightest, loveliest did come 1 was half frightened to open girls I had over seen. Wo were friends It, and turned It over and over before 1 it once; I was "Cousin Ilnl" by adop- broke the al. Hell never crossed her M,oo Sio.oo tion, and Milly was my champion, my letters, and wrote a largo hand, so tlieso i'"(io JJ'JJJ second, my backer-up. Hell, looking were four sheets of thick note-paper bc- iiw 20,00 on with scornful indill'ercnee while siden carte of herself. Nothing could ai'oo no'.oo Milly's very impetuosity mid entluisl- bo kinder and more cousinly than the 30,00 00,00 aillu nm(io my cousin's coldness more letter, and yet my heart sank, for not Hvecntor's ami Administrator's Xotlco !i,no; An- palpable : a coldness which suppressed ono single sentence could I.ln anyway Hitor-HituticoSViO. other advertisements inser- nil my meditated attempts at lovcmak- twist Into anything moro tender; mid ted according to special contract. j,, mui fe01nei,w continually remind- crumpling it up, carte and all, I thrust iiusincssnouces,wuuoiiiuileIi.-.e,.,ei,i,..,.,, C(1 ,no t,at u wns ot ncc0Si5ary mat we It Into the breast of my jacket. J was cents per line. should act as ordinary engaged couples still reading my dear old father's chap Tianslent advertisements rayamo inntuance- ,, tor nfhnnin news, tlin munition nf the So, though wo rode, walked, and horses, tho state of the crops, and tho drove together, spelling most of our hopes for tho shooting season, when tho time in each other's company, I again bugle sounded, mid we were again under went back to my duty, and carried alarms. This time I got the worst of It, wholo heart with me. When another TheSepoyshad invented a sort of ilia, vear had passed, my fatherbegau urging bollcal machine by fastening a shell with our marriage. So 1 wrote to Hell, asking a long fuse into a bag of gunpowder; it her to fix a day. She madea very mat- of cour.-o blow up first, and they calcu ter-of-fact reply, only nsklng to defer it lated that the soldiers, seeing a shell rol- for six months; and almost before I ling about, would go up to have a look ; had timo to think tlio matter over, nor were they far wrong in many eases. i, near tho court tidings oftho mutiny in India broke I knew nothing of tlio trick, and after over Kuropo; and the th were ordered the llrst explosion, took a snort cut past to preparo for embarkation. 1 got a tho shell, anil caino m lor the brunt ol week's leave and ran down to Devon- it, ono piece smashing my arm, another shire. Hell looked. I thought, oven peeling my shin. I have an indistinct colder than usual, and listened passive- notion of a terrible thud, hardly pain lv to my enthusiasm about fighting, and yet something horrible, and then promotion, and glory. Not so did Milly , I knew nothing of it nil until the elfects who-o face was a picture In itself; lier ortheclilorolorm, administered toiaeiu color would deepen, her greateyes kin- tate the setting and dressing, going oil", din. and with overv ncrvo tingling, sho I was congratulated by the doctor. M-nniilut iiiil fnnlnrr nioiis I snokeisomo- "A narrow escape; an inch to tho i linos, ton. sho would crouch down and right, and Winchester nan ins promo clasp my artn.whispering, "I lovo you tion, this paper saved your life," and best of all, cousin Hal; mid 1 wish I Iiolieiuup iseirs crumpiou icuer, mni was a boy, and then no ono could stop ted together and stained with bloood inn (mlmr with vou : but girls are such "Lucky for you the paper was thick,' stupid, useless things, they can donoth- went on thedoctor; "I've known some in queer shaves for life, but I never saw '7'lw. nl.ri.t lioforn mv departure had ono to beat tills. Hy Jove, there nml somewhat softened hy tlio goes tne imgie again; u s nun; cr; ono had no right to bo 111 or weal I had princely duarters, and got wd nnace. I astonished the doctor, 1 asto ished myself, and. what wns morel astonished tho colonel, who kindly f- fered to send mo home, nn oiler 1 s cllncd. 1 will not say how much He's etter had to do with my dotermiiinMi to remain In India; perhaps I win true soldier at heart, and having a tto for tho service, had fairly enrolled.y self In the soldier's lot. Any wi, 1 did not go home, and by the timo pco wns restored I was fit for duty, mire' juicing in my promotion "Somebody has been telling nuou are going home, Yoo," said tloral , u few mouths after I hail mymv tinny. "Don't bo such n fool. 'vo had the kicks, stay and have tlualf- peuce. Wo want a few fellows tcid, tons; there will bo a regular edus before the next hot season, and pity of fellows retiring. You'll soonavo nil others duo after tho first Insertion, A- It Is, In all casct, more likely to bo satlsfac- tory, both to subscribers and to tho Publishers, that remittances and nil communications respect ing tho business of tho paper, bo tent direct to the ollleoof publication. Alt letters, whether relating to tho editorial or business concerns of the paper, and all payments for subscriptions, ndvcrllsini!, or Jobbing, nro to bo mado to and addressed imooKW.vY & nti:i:zi:, "tWiimWnn Offlce," llLOOMSIIUKO, l'A. l'rlntcd nt rtoblsnn's Iluitdlnrs, House, by CitAs. M. VANnKrtsr.icE, Frank It. Hnyiikk. (tlioirc poetry. A LETTISH NliVKIt SENT. These lonnlni! eyes may nevermore behold Thee. These yen nlng arms may nc er inoi ecnfold Thee, To my sad heart I never moro liny press Thee, lint day and nluht I never cease to bless Thee. It I do not envy those who may be near Thee, Who havo that Joy supreme ho seo Thee, tiear Thee; I bless them also, knowhii; they, too, lovo Thee, And that they prlzo no earthly thlnioibovc Thee. III. I do not even hope again lo meet Thee, I never ilaro to think bow I shuuld greet Thee, low 111 tho dust should I fall down beroro nice, And Kneeling there, for pardon should Implore Thee. IV. Alas! 'twould be n sin b kneel befoieTbee! A sin to let Thee know I still ndoroTlu-e! I kneel and pray that Heaven may bless and KUlde Theo: lovo of iny life! to Heaven's earo I confide Theo. "COUSIN BELL." ' Our summer vacation was over; and the Sandhurst term again in full swing, when, having accomplished the day's drill and study, I wassmokingmy'mid night pipe in company Willi Jack Clu ney, pulling the forbidden "baccy" up tho narrow chimney of our dormitory, while we related tho various adventures in tlio way of sporting, larking, mid lovo-making, which had befallen us sinco wo Inst parted. When my story was told, Jack drew a long breath oro he remarked, , , ,, "Then you are as good as engaged ."' I nodded, mid ho went on. "I supposo you'-0 seen your cousin, and like her?" "Pretty well'. She's only a school girl, you'know." AV sue uitea J"", I'nini, ... . ... , 1 ..I .... . f .!.... t.n.,..1. approaching parting, somewhat piqued out uere, ami picmj n piu", 'i by Hell's apparent iuson-ibility to what it's not much I'd care If they gave us the increasing intelligence from India fair play, but they don't. Sir Colin ,..i,il wot mm would be a sham lias his petticoats to tne ironi again. and perhaps long struggle, 1 had talked I'll step in and tell the news when I get rather moro that I was wont about tho away, narry. sieep is uiu uiiug im ...,!nMr nCii Bnllllor's lot. Suddenly .VOU." Miilv, who liadboen sitting upon tho Next day wowerent Lucknow.and tho r.,.',i i.,i im nml erli'il. doctor, ill a purled fury of delight, was " "I'll i.on woman when you come back, telling me of tho wilful mlstako made Cotl-ln Hal " liy tlie gallant ".siiy nines," wnen in iv wild r bitterly, "if I ever come Orderly brought me my share of anothe -- ' - . . .. ... ,ti hack. Hut many a poor fellow win one ih.uk n.,liif lirrnniwi leave India again Hell's face grew paler, unit liere.veiui ouivered. but she said nothing; until, lnolciiiir itt Millv. who stood witli her eves dilated and her hands clasped, she Kllll Vim lu-elii.'liteniiigtliechlld, Harry." "No he is not," cried Milly, wildly i,,bi,vr lu.r immls. "He is trying to frighten you, and you won't be rngliten ed, becauo you don't lovo him. I be lievoyoti would not care a bit if ho was killed'." Hero Hell got up mid walked ncro-s the room, and JUUy, who had lost com mand of her voice.dashed away upstairs, " I didn't nsk her, tho governor and nmi returned no more. i,o,. mntlw.r will nut all that square." it olV last words us you wu, imj " Hy Jovo ! what a cool hand you are, mUst come ; and in the dim little draw- I lurry;" mid Jack looked as if ho did ng-room, lighted only by the wood-Ire, not know whether to envy or pity me. i bade good-by to Hell, with something i cum t (i, t,,b IM rather nick out my vio-v like a nang at my heart, and a own wife, though, after all ; I daro say mnviy awakened sensation 1 ,.!i, i Tlu.v iiminuro it your knew how to account for. 3Iy way in France, and,-but I think-" ig one ofthoso women to whom weei. (I , ..I. I I I , , tltlll'l, virii llll'Ill lllli.l nine nn lllllS. .lilCK." Sinn J , miT is a lircv-ai i , I You must get your heart up, Harry, -aid the doctor, one day, "Sir Coli thinks the air here notovergood forll sick. I'll have you made as coinfoi ta bleas possible ; we are to march to-night And there's the devil to pay among tho women : they're wanting to carry off every old kettle they'vetised Hie twelv months. Faith, I'd r.ttlier bo a doctor gilt our majority, and then may do you like.' I'll think of It, General," sahUnd Wliilo tliinlUllg oi it, nnotner ;ier came from Hell. "Hy Jovo!" Ugh I, "I'll show her 1 can be Justus d us he is; I won't go home." And I did not. Next mail bght mo intelligence of my father's slcn death. I wrote home, as I felt iuty bound, told Hell I had accepted ip ointment which necessitated l.re- maining two years longer, andced her to como out and bo my wife her women did so.nnd I thought sho :ht, Hut it is well said that it rcqulr.wo to make a bargain ; Hell did noo it in the light I did ; she was willisho said, to wait. So two years gli'by and then I wroto again ; again ic n refusal, and in the pique of tlioi.ent asked for a post thou vacant, eilng till further service, so that vcryrly Ix years had passed since I Ii.ng and. before 1 made up my il to bravo my ato and come home f)od .The overland Journey was mufter the manner of overland Jonrneyjcn oral. A full complement of lmns and children, real widows, and are popularly known as grass wis; a sprinkling of men; many goinsick leave, one or two, like niyselVIng up their soldiering forever. 1 was the usual amount of tllrtatiotnuai, und Jealousy, from which I mud to leer nrottv clear, until I fell tlio hands of a pretty little woii-.oing home on leave, and who I sciund knew Devonshire. One day.nomo one began talking of matrlmoflrs. iime Eivo us her opinion, ng a story illustrative of her exper nun set tho wholo table in a roar. I am going to LynmouthiMrs Vigne," I said; "I hope yout cut mo ns vou did your husband "Then vou know Lyiiraijis n't itu miserable, dead-all vosorl'laeo ? nothing but artists, reaumg-aauu Illgh-church peoplo to bo seiy tne bv. talking of Lynmouth, trbpo3 of marriage, my sister toils inarm ing story about their grctfess, a JIlssLarristonr I daro say jncard of her, tho story LsJust tlifjor iv sensation novel ; sho has b'jfjfged sinco sho wasinlong-clothtfoiishi, tho reason being that caelum lias half of what Was once n Mtato, and there being a curso ufeplnco until somo old rhyme Is :u ; tlio m rhymo Is that . i The curso ol tho Vco shall b( irdly My aunt be- p- of "Ulll I'OIIIU, liu iiui,--, - . vnwnln", and proceeding to knock tho U.lirsi and when I looked back from he 'ishes ontofmxhausledpipe. threshold I saw Hell knedlng by her .y chasto l.uua's sacred head, mother, comforting her of cini dst. It I vw I shall "my cousin" wed.' was very nice to know the terns weio And so to bed. Three thousand a year she,i i srrv for me, mid I loved my , 4.. ,.,.,n.i nt nml overv fellow t ,i,.lit dearly, but I was notgolng to cannot go in for a sentimental now-a- marry her; and I confess I would ratiicr days. I havo been In lovo half a dozen ,mv0 scc.,i tho mother comforting tne times" already, but it don't last long, 4ilU,yhtor. and I daro say I shall fall in lovo with (ioInt! through tho garden, down the on! niirht. Jack." ...n, t... tin. inurols. upon wlioso Iiroad And so, with the stoicism of eighteen, glistening leaves tlio moonlight shone t r,nt ns pen. It was i mm itt-,, fmsteil sliver, i s ,.n t misias Jack said, as good as en- wIlil0 standing in my path, gaged ; and how this came about 1 had ll)at.ull jiilly clasped her ? i.,i if son mod that somo , ueiiei uAiiioiti. , v . . ..i.,,., hundred years before, the ..1,1,1 vou think I was a gliost, Lotisin ,'!i'i...ii.- 1 ,11,1. nut what on earth 1 IJUiHJ w- urn VOU doing hero alonoV" "Waiting for you.k I was is such a 1 .hired not stay in tlio room. So I "oS , .. . , l,.,.. pretended to go to 1.0.1, tuui to waylay you, Just to bo the very last the next hands round old family property, having fa len to tho share of Joint heiresses, mm divided; after all this lapse of time, by a singular coincidence, tho two halves camo into the possession of a brother and sister, each widowed, and each hav ing ono child. Hence arose an uw.."H" ment between our representative pa rents, to tho effect that I should marry my cousin Hell, and so reunite the es tates, My father told me all about it when I went home, putting it to 1110 In such a plain, busincss-llko way, that 1 ,..,.. fr nn Instant thought oi making any objection. In fact, it seemed rather a lino thing to bedlsposed of; and when t.,..i, t..t thn secret out among our fel lows, 1 gained several steps on tlio social Make lu.sto then If Hell insiiv good by "flood by then, .umj. .,.,.1 ,rmv 11 woman, mm does not earo for me, I'll marry you ..win vnn lenllv? Thank you, nn . ,i.il- lt.dl will earo enough for 1 nun 1 ut.it'. v,m. What's that?" ...... ....-(...I mul drew clo-cr to me Clin , .i.,i,i,.rlnL'. and then looking down tl walk I saw another ilgure.-whlte tin. ghostlikeen,.ugh in the uncerimu ....... tan a eominksariat olllcer to-n iiiutrli it is Jack's choice, between th evil and tho deep sea. You'll have a eep at Dil Koo-lia without the lullaby f big guns, that's one control t." The doctor was a good as his word. 1 ad a plaiKiuin, on which 1 lay as com fortably as on my bed, and worse pain than 111I110 would have been forgotten in the excitement of moving. It was a glorious moonlight night, so Ight that we could see where tho bul ts had peeled the plaster oft' the walls, r where round shot had rent the stones ml mud asunder, leaving great yawn- iif imps. 1 Hoard not a iew i.uiu-i..... vertlio ruin of what Had been a cu.v m astern splendor. 1 for my part, was icartllv thankful to get out 01 it, mm feel, as I presently did.thepuroeountry niv thrilling uirougii " I'hero was firing from the enemy going n the distance; but so admirable wero tho precautlonstaKen ny niri. 01111, fhnt no suspicion of our great move ment readied the mutineers. Silently .,,,,1 stealthily tho great body passed in,, Mirmirrh the desolated ground of .. hot had once been the uauee s pauice, thence to tho road by the river, where the gteat excitement began, and where th,. ...ininv wero actually within sight; so that tho open spaco along which we bad to pass was cloaked py scieens 01 ,imftln-'. behind which wo passed with btted dreatli and an unutiered prnje. of thankfulness to tho wlsoold man who ...mtriveil so ably for our safety. Morning brought renewed 1110 uj mo ,..,.,wi..,l mid wearied tnroug, mm tb.iil iuivit forget tho wild delight witl ..hb.h tlior s iigsun was greeted. ' . . .1 1 men lifted up their voices mid pra.ve.. nml wont. ClsSlllg tllClf Cllllillii. " r..t,.,u . moil with moistened eyes ineu ... hui.rh at the fun, but gave in to the excitement at la-t ; tho camp was In a 1, H'' mid (lod mid Sir Colon wer .i,'i,i.-...l in every dkilect, from tliu full roll of Connaught boys' brogue, lo the roti"h rich burr of "Canny Nowcas.se!." Never had there been siicli a .no vein When Ijirrlston'S girl weds .3 Of course they hate each V?d of tlio heiress has IIP tho church for consolation, afld it In tho curate. My sister snyaxpc-'ts an elopement, ami jntheL'0 tho lady's sido ; now nil' my thicA nro with tlio poor man." "They generally are, "Pl'y to see," said Captain SmitHiu suro we ought to bo awfully n"ll 1 am suro the unlucky lol appro date vour kindness. rci will introduce you ; I daro s some relation, as lie is going e'ero." 1 did not know whet '"i til rowing out n feeler, 1 rem mod to ignore my identity, ti'iised to Hoot tho necessary in"11. " r the rest oftho voya 10 are of Mrs. Vigne. Alter n week In L I went down to liyniiHiutli, th'omu gllsh July air giving a il t( my life, and somehow or -""i? .1 strong deslro to be v'i 11 ilerco resentinent agiu -ui.ue, i nor ex- wlildi wns neither bilned bv the sight oc sreen v " 1 1 , hills of Devon, tho hV''"' mm deep lanes through Krou, bowled me In tlio l h ove over to meet larnsluplo, any moro than by thc'ii'il'm- vei-sation ; lor, alter " "' father's last days, ho olX Into family and county iiul(. !ls 1 thought, purposely avl'a Hell, a reticence ngiiib 1 secret ly fretted, consider? thereby hung a tale. (Jl 311 beauty, and above irI("B. ho seemed never titeil'lng, and when I reached honlu bo remarked oftho ltr, until, determined to brlnglctlll"tf. 1 said, "So, tlio old lt.Bonu, too, Mrs. Clarko?" ,. , ' Av. sir. midino"J . wruw parish, what they want, nnd when It1 tho right timo to give. Ho nnd Miss Hell nro thick; nnd If It wasn't that knowed tho truth, sir, of her and you I'd bellovo what tho country says : but then I knows better, and more, they 110 say, lie's just tho same as 11 Itoman priest, nnd could not marry." All this did not tend to Increase mv satisfaction, although It did awaken a terrible, mid to mo an unaccountnblo tumult In my mind. The moro I tried to nnniyzo this, tlio moro hopelessly perplexed I became, until It suddenly oegan to dawn upon me that perhaps. nfter nil, 1 was In lovo with Hell. Then came tho remembrance of her coolness thesix years collapsed, I read her let Icrs over again, nnd, taking my stick went oir to tho cottage. Hell was in tho drawing-room; it wns too dark to seo her face, but her hand lay pnsslvo and cold ns lead In initio as we .stood togeth er, waiting my aunt's coming. " It Is a sad return, Hell,', I said, nnd men her hand shook, but gave no sym pathetic pressure. "Ono expects chau ges In six years," I went on, thinking 01 tno curate, "but there are some hard erto bear than death." Sho drew her hand nway and turned partly round; but, beforo she spoke, the door opened and Aunt Mary camo 111. JJark as It was, I could see how broken down tho six years had left her, " My dear boy," sho cried, falling on my neck-, "i began to think I too would bo gone beforo you camo home. Why (lid you stay nwny so long, Harry?" I looked nt Hell, sho was standing in the window, only tho faint outilno of her figure visible. Sho moved towards us, and touched her mother's forehead with a caressing hand, saying, "Don't reproach Harry to-night mother ; let us bo content that he has come. Tell her of the war, Harry, and how you wero wounded; tho friend you got to writo was not explicit, and you never explained matters.' She stood by tho fire, leaning against tno ciumney-plece, and looking down at mo as I sat upon a low ottoman by my aunt's chair, " It Is rather a long story, aunt." I said; "but the gloaming is good for story-telling, and you won't seo my blushes. So beginning with my land ing, I went faithfully through my ox. perlences. When I reached that part relating to my wound, and as i spoke of Hell's letter having oh tallied the credit of saving my life, sho walked back to thowindow : and when. having concluded my story. I turned to look lor tier, tho window was open, and lien disappeared. Kvcn the story sho might in common politeness havo stayed to listen to, had it not interested her; but beforo I had time to think much of tho circumstan ces tlio door (lew open and an eager voice asked. "Where is he, nunty? ineytoiu 1110 110 wns hero." It was Milly; and as she camo Reeling her way among the chairs and'tables In the dim light, I met her, and had her in my nrms beforo either of us well knew, It and my arm was still rouml her, when what littlo light thero had been, van ished; and Hell came In by the window again. Milly slid nway but her hand still held inino with a warm clinging clasp. now Joint you nro of tho dark," said Hell, going up to thollro.nnd fum bling about for lighten. Milly sat down and her faco coming onalovel with my liand.I.feltlt drawn forward and pressed to her lips, then thrown nway as sho said, "Now then, Bell, light all tho can dies, and as the light fell upon Milly I was startled by tho change. Tho six years became a fact nt once, since they had converted tho child into a blooming lovely woman. Something of my thought must havo shown itself In my face, for Milly's cheek grow crimson nnd the bonny blue oyes sank. "How you are changed, Harry!" cried Aunt Mary. And turning to an swer her, I saw Hell In the full light. Sho was a littlo stouter, her hair was lressed in 11 dillerent way, thero was a irigliter color In her face than I remem bered to have seen before, and a deeper light in tins full hazel eyes that looked back into mine ; still she seemed un hanged, mid tlio years collapsed again. "If It was not for Milly, I could scarcely be! lovo so many years havo tasked since I went away, aunt," said ; "Hell docs not look n hit different." " My growing days wero over beforo on went away," said Hell, quietly; 'I cannot say you look the same; but then climate and all that may havo hanged you." And so we fell to talking again. It was strange evening ; Milly did not speak much, hut I knew she was watching and listening. Hell talked as quietly as if I had been away only a week ; and nlthotigh I threw out a hint about the curate, and told them of Mrs. Vigne, tow sho had put me up to Devon gos- Ip, I made nothing of It, nnd as I walked home, was utterly miserable nd dissatisfied. I wished Milly l'd been my Jiuncce, nnd yet I hated tho unseen curate, and mentally anjurcu II, .11 .,0 .. l,r..,..l,.o ,11,-1 ,..-! - 1, lllll llvr.. , , til. ,..T ll . When 1 got to theeottago next uny 11101 iiouuuui ; out mciisuiiii'iiuw count 1101 girls wero out, mid my aunt lying down, j reconcile Calvert with the notions of a So. sheltering myself from the sun In , rival. I . 1(1M...... I..,...,.. C..1I .... a summer seat covered in py minimi 1 . ...n .. .iiiiius.inic; .fiiuw your cu- ivepers and honeysuckle, 1 lay down 1 ruio is,-- 1 wnispered to Hell, as wo was something In her faco that I had never seen beforo, and which, though It matio mo look again nnd again, I could not understand. Presently Milly rushed up, panting and flushed, her hair loosened from the net, mid her hat In her hand. "OHnl!" she cried, leaning ngalns one of tho wooden pillars, and speaking inn great hurry; "I havo seen your friend; she's coming hero with her sister, nnd sho told 1110 such things nnout you ; mid so I took a short cut over the fields, and nearly rnn ove your curate, Hell ; ho was going to call at mo manor." I had 110 gratitude or affection for Mrs. Vigne. I remembered too wo! her story, and Milly's allusion to tlio eiirulo was gall mul wormwood. "So you keep a pet curate, Hell." began : "gossip makes wings, but you'll scarcely belicvo I heard of your curate, as Auny calls him, beforo I landed." ieirs nice nusned, and then grew deadly pale; but her eyes never flinched, looking back into mine with a steady gaze, defiant and yet sad, witli n something in them that set mo think injr, and kept mo so, until a scorching breath from my cigar reminded mo sharplyof Its fleeting existence. Throw ingitdown, I uttered au exclamation of anger, thus letting off n small bit of my suppressed indignation gainst Hell Now, It is a bad plan, ono of tho very worst, Indeed, to tako an Inch of lati tude, when you aro secretly nimrv, glanced at Boll, as I spoke, and her faco was coitt and quiet. " Has it burnt you ?" said Milly. " Just enough to mako mo wiser for tho future," I nnswered savagely. "An old cigar is llko an old love, apt to burn out, if kept long." Of courso it was an idiotic, meaningless speech knew that at once, and daro not look at Hell's face; so I went on. propos of nothing, Milly. Do you remember promising to bo a woman wnen I camo homo?" " Yes ; nnd havo I not kept my prom iso?" said Milly, with a brighter color in her face, and her eyes turned away and fixed upon the gray feather in Roll's hat. " So well, that I want to keep .nine." -Milly's faco turned away a littlo more: but I could seo a wicked smilo hovering about tho corners of her mouth, Thero is nothing llko uncertainty to spur a man on; and although I had not tho slightest intention of giving Hell up without making a fight for it, nor was I In lovo with Milly, yet In spite of wiese tilings, 1 rusncd on, until I wns nsgood ns in for both, and had not voi ces from tho house suddenly broken In upon tho silence, I scarcely know what tho Immediate result might not havo been. As it was, Milly pointed up tho lawn, where I saw Mrs. Vigne, with a very liandsomo man by her side, at whom sho was launching her full bat tery of nods and wreathed smiles. "Hell," whispered Milly, "she's got our curate." Hell made no reply ; but rising, wont to meet tho party. I sat still; nnd Mil ly stood watching them wit h angry eyes. " ou don't likojltho,grass-wldow. Milly," I whispercd."'"!, "I liato her," was tho candid nnswer: 'nnd her sister too. I cannot think how men aro such fools as to believe in women llko those." There was no time for moro: Mrs. yigri'o was upon us, nnd eloquent in her reproachful inuendoes, ns to my du plicity in not avowing myself on board tho steamer. She wns still talking when Bell interrupted, presenting tlio curate, ns "Mr. Calvert, my cousin Harry." Air. Calvert's eyes met mino ns wo mado our mutual bows. They wero blue, honest eyes, hiding n depth of meaning in the clear light, nnd utterly ineapnblo of concealment. I liked tho look of tho man, nor had my liking les sened when wo adjourned to the draw ing-room for five o'clock tea. After which Mrs. VIgno nnd her sister depart ed, leaving Calvert, who had proven blind nnd deaf to tho hints thrown out suggestive of his being driven home, taudlng beside me on tho door-step, watching the ponies go down the drive. "Sharp littlo woiii.m, your Indian friend," said Calvert, with n queer, dry mile. " Women nro utterly ineomprehensl- lefrom first to la:,t," I said, the ugly feeling springing up. "What is a woman like?" laughed tlvert. "Kalse.hcaited nml nuujluir. Unsettled ami chautihu, What then do you think sho is like? I.lhonsanilT Mkoaroek? I. Ike a wheel? I.lkon clock t Ay, 1. clock that Is always at strike. Her head's like tho Island folks It'll 011, Which notlilnit but monkevs 11111 dwell on, Her heart's llko a lemon, so ni.si; Khn can es for each In. er a ll o. II. truth she's It. me I.Iku the ulii'l, like tho tea, Whoso ru. Inks will hearken to nojnan. I.Ike a Il.l. f, llko 111 brief, Hlie's like nothing on earth but a woman.' Tlio eurafo stayed to dinner, mull still liked him. Not that I felt at all like tlio immortal Mr. Toots. My affections were by no means disinleresfed ; nnd If he was really a rival, I could hate him, 1 n'( lll-i. innd lives to enjoy a cigar nnil iliako up my mum jniueii me gins 111 tno (irnwiiig-rooiii. new one dim 1 urn ; V- ,. , Jl0W ! to begin the conversation I "1 llko him in spite or Mrs. Vigne's in London 01 tl - (LIl,al.ypar.ll.ia,ic,,l.rnlil,t,,ion,tiud which was to Bol.. ul,ratu wll(,0,1;S'ate, riding 1 decide, my f.ile. My meditations did " 1 am glad of it. Hairy ; ho deserves sous, up mm J"'1-1'. )l0 u not last long; Hell camo up thu walk to bo liked, mid go-slpdoe., not deserve 'i"i T h 011 hi " knows and sat down paler than tho night be- to bo believed," said she. bit or""'" "lf,,i hi thii' run. nnd siidlai viTViitlletlV! but there Then, when .-.im 1. wn. n.r ih,. ,.vcry man, wonu walked off on to tho moonlit lawn with Calvert, nnd Milly having vnnlshcd some timo beforo, I wns left to my med itations, nnd, being idle, Satan of courso kept up his character, nnd found mo something to do In thoshapoofn thor ough resuscitation of thcjenlousy which had been partially lulled to sleep. I could see the two figures each time thatthey turned at tho end of tho terrace. and nlso that they wero talking earnest ly together. I envied him his stalwart figure, hlseay quiet way, his firm senso and tlio manner ho had of giving it without letting it annoy you, or mako mm appear pedantic. I did not won- der at Hell's liking him ; ho wns Just the mini to trust in, Just tho man to feel a pride In loving, and to whoso judg- ment you could look ns coming right from nn holiest heart. I was lior rlbly jealous, nnd yet liked themaii and nlmost liked Hell better for having won such lovo as his. As I lay n-thlnking. Milly glided very softly Into tho room. nnd, without seeing 1110, went up to the window. As tho two enmu nnnnsifn. sho drew back with a sharp angry mo tion, and, leaning nmong tho curtains stood there. I could not distinguish thn expression of her faco in tho dusk, but 1 could see she was watching with an eagerness I could not account for. "Milly," said I. getting tin nml stnn.l. lug bcsldo her. Sho started violently. and tried to push past me, but I held ner last. Tlio spirit of tho morninrr u-nc in mo again. "Milly," I went away. You are a woman now." "Yes, cousin Hal." "You know nil about tho old engage ment mado for Hell and me?" "cs, cousin Hal." "Bell does not like it. Sho never did. Her cold letters kept 1110 in India. T didn't care if I never came home, and when I did start, tho first thing I heard was the truth about tills fellow Calvert and how sho hated mo I did notbellevo it until I saw it for my self. I seo it now; so do you. Look there. Millv Iooknt them. Bell likes tho curate's little finger better than" "No she doesn't." cried Millv. nrm. sionately ; "but he likes her. and sho goes on in her quiet, heartless wav, till, till" Hut Milly began to cry, and a new light broke upon mo. Suddenly. checking her tears, Milly said, "You arc ail wrong about Bell. Sho docs not show it, as I would ; but I belicvo sho loves you dreadfully." My heart gave a great throb. "You don't belivc me?" "No, Milly dear. It's very kind of you telling mo this; but I am qultosuro you nre wrong." Next day I found Boll In tho garden alone, nnd, figuratively speaking, I took a header at once v I told Bell I saw sho did not love me. I told her I was sorrv for my share in the engagement, and that it had been n miserable, ill-advised scheme from tlio first. "The long and short Is. vou would tell me that tlio engagement is broken." she said, but without looking nt mo. "it you wish It so. Bell." "Can you doubt It?" nnd rising from the garden chair sho turned her faco to me. It was frightfully pale, and her eyes had the same expression I had seen tlio day before. "You aro quite free. cousin Harry." "Yourfrecdomismnretothepurpose." said I, fiercely, half mad with lovo dis appointment, mid Jealousy. "W bat do you mean?" "Only what you say, that you nro free, Hell, nnd that I nm sorry I havo nterfered so long with your happiness. inn 1 known the truth sooner it might havo spared mo much. I wns a blind. obstinate fool not to give in long ago; out, inspito ol common sense, I hoped gainst hope. I thought if you did not lovo me yet, another year might make difference. It was not your fault. I know. You wero cold enough : but I ove you so dearly, I I" "Harry! Harry!" cried Boll. "Do 011 know what you aro saying?" Too well," I replied, fiercely ; and ion, llko a veritable mailman, I left mv tongue loose. I told her tho whole tory of my Hfo, seeing It with a new nowledge myself; iiow 1 had learnt to love her, how her coldness had crushed my love until 1 thought it huddled out, and how the story 1 heard in the steam er mado it nllblazo forth again. Hell had been standing when I began o speak, but long before I finished sho as sitting, her face flushed and her anils nervously clasping nnd unclasp ing. As I finished, her eyes rose to mine, mid nlisolutely startled inc. I hud never een such lights In oyes be fore. Her whole expr sslon had chang ed, and, thinking she might havo cloak ed her Joy, if only for decency's sake, I turned indignantly away. The Instant idler a hand was mion my arm. "Harry! Harry! cimie back to me. Aro you blind? Won't yuu see that it was my love, that I only feared you thought yourself bound to mo, that I only wanted to let you try if you loved any ono else?" Hut I need not tell all Bell sa!d. or, how she explained much whleli.-though probably quito lucid to the render, who, being In the plain of a lookeron. pro verbially speaking .-cos most of the ganuv-wtisdark and iiiexplluibletome until Hell put it to me In the clear ligl.t of her love. Ouething, however, I must add. I h.id b r,i ipulli' urging about the curate, who was in love with -Milly all the time, and who told his story mi ef feclimlly that Milly believed him. Thin was fulfilled lo tlit'Jetter tho old ttdago : "Tl.oeiu.oof thu V.s.sl. ill Ik- ilapjiu When l.am-liiifs lil v,e.l, v,.,,'h w,ii(' th itt k ? ladder