THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBU11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, - - - . . 3lL . . - - - - - PA. (favmcv's S'fii.ivlmcnt. It should bo a geiiuml (intctlcn with farmers to Kiithcr tij) all tho sods, weeilo, and even tho year's growth of briars, bushes, etc., and stack them In largo compact heap?, there to remain for from ono to two ycaw, or until they become properly decomposed, and resolved into ono mass. U would take, but little tlmo to gather tho e, while In doing so tho fields would bo cleared of this trash, which, If left to remain, obstruct tho growth of plants and encourage tho In ercaso of drawbacks to growing crops. Tho "inanuro" which ought to be produced on n farm of nn hundred acres by this process, would hardly bo believed until properly put In opera Hon. Hut Wo can cay In advance that there ought to bo realized, at tho low est calculation, one cart load per acre. This substance Is extremely valuable for gardens, and especially for corn, as wcllas forsolls of a heavy and tenacious character. We. havo been convinced that this part of a farmer's business has not near ly been so generally attended to as It ought to bo. In tho pursuit ofagrlcul' turo thcro are as negligent and Indlflfer cut nirmcrs as other uusinc.-s men. Somo, Indeed, appear to havo no desire to succeed, or to make moro than a more from hand-to-mouth living j they ncv cr learn anything from tho cxpcricuco nnd oxnmplo of their moro energetic and thriving neighbors. They know enough, and heneo aro content to hum drumthelr lives away,lcavingthclrchll drcn to pattern after them, unless they possess superior innate faculties of their own, and copy, in spito of tho example of their parents, nftcr those who havo kept paco with tho spirit of tho age, In passing through agricultural dis tricts tlio observant person sees mnny different phases of farming. He con stantly notices where tho eye and hand of tho intelligent, attentivo and succiss ful farmer belong. Ho requires no guide to point out to 1dm where tho soil ns well ns the mind lias been improved llosees no failure of crops there unless through tho visitation of agencies over which man has no control. Even severo drought has llttlo effect upon his crops Judicious manuring and thorough till- ago and draining alono work these ng ricultural wonders. Who, then, who possesses tho true spirit of tho farmer, will not go and do likowiso ? German (own Telegraph. The Canada Thistle l.nw. We have already mentioned that sev eral of tho State Legislatures havo lately enacted laws against tho Canada thistle, and wo trust they all will whenover thero isthe least dangerof itsmaklnglts appearance. In our own legislature, it will bo re membered, some flvo years ago thcro was a similar law passed against tins. tho vilest of all tho encumbrances of a farm mortgages scarcely oxcoptcd Tlds law provides, in elfect, that, "Hero after any individualorcorporation allow ing tho Canada Thistloto ripen seed on Ids or their premises, shall bo liablo to a fine of ten dollars, upon each com plaint that Is p operly .established; and any ono who may fear tho spread of the v anada Thistle upon his premises from tho lands of his careless or thriftless neighbor; may, after flvo days' notice, enter upon any lands where tho weed is found growing, cut it, and recover full costs for tho labor nnd trouble." This is to tho point, and in order that farmers may know it tho newspapers throughout tho State should republish tho law or this article. If tho people of Pennsylvania could too to what a formidable extent this pest has taken possession of several of tho interior counties of Now York, say Schohario for instance, they would fly to arms against It as they would an Invading army. Strawberry lletls. Tun necessity of renewlngstrawberry beds every two years has been a draw back to their cultivation .with somo peo ple. Every season tho strawberry plant makes a now set of roots, each higher up than those of tho preceding year, which limits its productiveness to one or two beasons. Mr. John Dingwall says, In tho Country Gentleman that he prolongs their productiveness by tho following method : "After tho fruit lias been gathered, take good, rich compost, and lay it in around tho plants, to tho depth of ono inch or ono Inch nnd a half thus you bring up your fcoil to meet tho wants of tho i lants , and continue their produc tiveness for a number of years longer, This I havo proven from experienco, nnd havo found it very satisfactory. It would bo equally advantageous wheth er grown in mils or in rows." Thosug. gestlon is certainly worthy of attention, To Cure filieep from Jumping, ' AConnrai'OKDKST of tho Ohio Farm cglves tho following ciirlousnccountof preventing hta sheep from Jumping the fence of Ids pasturo: "J want to tell you about my Jumping sheep and how I broko them, I got them in n pen built Hufllelenlly largo to hold them. I then caught tho ring-leaders, ono tit n tlmo, and niado n small hole in each cur. I then took a cord or string and run through tho holoa In tho ears together, cloau enough to keep them from work lug their cars; I then lei 'thorn out and they wero as quiet as any sheep." tluantlly of IMax ttetil per Acre. Tjik Northweitem Ihrmer thinks one- half bushel per aero is enough flax seed to bo sown on an aero of well-prepared ground, as when bown thicker the plants nre weaker, branch out tittle, nnd tho bolls aro not wol! filled, while tho seed Is smaller and lighter. Caterpillar!. Cnnker-wonin, etc, '-require to bo ' looked nftcr this month. A sponge illniicil In rietrolcuiu and anulled to them will destroy them, or they may bo wyringed and destroyed with whale-oil soapsuds. or thf ouno otitis. Hnniprl-Mllli.ICtn. 11 Y tho side of it wood, In n country u long way oir,ran ailno stream of water-, and upon the stream thcro stood a mill. Tho miller's liouo was.closo by, nnd tho miller, you must know, had a very beautiful daughter. Sho was, moreover, very fhrewd nnd clever ; nnd tho mil ler was so proud of her, Hint ho ono day told the king of the laud, who used to como nnd hunt in the wood, that his daughter could spin gold out of straw. Nowthls kingM'.w -cry fond of money ; and when ho heard tho miller's boast Ids greediness was raised, and ho tent for tho girl to be brought beforo him. Then ho led her ton chamber In his pal ace whero thero was n great heap of straw, nnd gavo her a spinning-wheel, and said, "All this mint be spun Into gold before morning, as you love your life." It was in vain that tho poor maiden said that It was only a silly boast of her father, for Hint she could do no hitch n thing as spin straw Into gold the chamber door was locked, ami hIio was left mono. Sho tut down in ono comer of tho room, and began to bewnil her hard fate; when on a sudden the door opened, nnd a droll-looking llttlo man hobbled In, and said, "Good morrow to you my good lass: what are you weeping for?" "Alas I" said she. "I must spin this straw into gold, and 1 know not how." "What will you give mo," said the hob goblin, "to do It for you?" "My neck lace," replied tho maiden. Ho took her at her word, nnd Mit himself down to tho wheel, and whistled and sang, "Hound about, ruimtl about, IiO nml behold I Heel away, reel away, Straw Into Bolil" And round about the wheel went merir ly j tho work was quickly done, and tho straw was nil spun Into gold. When tho king camo and saw this, lie was greatly astonished and pleased ; but his heart grow still moro greedy of gain, and ho shut up tho poor miller's daughter ngain with a fresh task. Then sho know not what to do, and sat down once more to weep; but the dwarf soon opened tho door, and said, "What will yougivometodo your task '!" "Tho ring on my finger," said slie. So her llttlo friend took tho ring, and began to work at tho wheel again, and whistled and sang, Ilouutl about, loutulabout, I.O timl behold t Herl away, reel away, Straw Into goldl'" till, long bcfoio morning, all was done again. Tho king was greatly delighted to seo all this glittering treasure ; but still ho had not enough : so ho took tho miller's daughter to a yet larger heap, and, said, "AH this must bo spun to-night-; and if it is you shall bo my queen." As soon as sho was alono the dwarf came in and said, "What will you give mo to spin gold this third timo?" "I havo nothing left," said sho. "Then say you will give me," said tho llttlo man, "tho first little child that you may havo when you aro queen." "That may never be," thought tho miller's daughter: and as she know no other way to get her task done, sho said sho would ilo what ho asked. Round went tho wheel again to the old song, and thcmanlkin once more spun the heap into gold. The king camo in the morning, and finding all ho wanted, was forced to keep his word; so he married the iuillor'sdaughtcr,and she really became queen. At tho birth of her first child sho wn$ very glad, and forgot tho dwnrf, and what she had said. Rut olioday ho camo into her room, whero sho was sit ting playing with her baby, nnd put her in mind of it. Then she grieved sorely at her misfortune, and snltU slfo i.i i -f 1 1 ii. ' .... . f i. uuum giYu mm uu uiu wciuui oim Kiuguum ii uu wuuui iui tier on, uutMn vain ; till at last her tears softened Iiimy and ho said, "I will give you Hireo days', grace, and if during that time you tell mo my name, you shall keep your child." ' Xow tho queen lay awake all night, thinking of all the odd names that she had over heard ; and sho sent messen gers nil over the land to find up now ones. The next day thollttloman camo and sho began with Timothy, Ichabod, Benjamin, Jercminh,nnd nil tho names sho could remember ; but to do all and each of theni he said, "Madam, that is not my name." Tho third day sho began with all tho comical namesshe could hear of, Randy legs, Hunch-back, Crook-shanks, and so on : but tho littlo gentleman still said toovery ono of them, "Madam, that Is not my name." Tho third day ono of tho nie.senger,s camo back, and said, "I travelled two days without hearing any other names; but yesterday, as I was climb ing a high hill, among tho trees of tho forest whero tho fox and haro bid each other irood night. I saw a llttlo Iiut: and beforo the hut burnt n littlo liro ; and urouud tho tiro u funny littlo dwarf was dancing upon ono leg, nnd singing. "'Merrily thofenut I'll make, To lay I'll brow, tn-iuonw bake. ; Merrily I'll dance nnd king, Tor next rtny will n stranger brlug. Ulllo doe my lady dream IluuiiJel-tlltH.ken i ,uy j-,. When thociuccnhcariltiiU.iw. i. for Joy. and as soon as her Huh; f,.i,'.,wi camo sho sat dovn upon her throno and called all hor court round to enjoy mu mil, nun mu numu etiuu liy Hyr side with tho baby in her nrinn, as if it was quito ready to bo given up, Then tho littlo man began to chuckle at tho thoughts of having tho poor child, to tako homo with him to his hut in tho woods; nnd ho cried out, ".Now, lady, what is my name?" "Is it JohnV" iwkod 8i10, 'o, madam!" "is it roniV" N. madam!" "Is it Jem- inyv" "It U not." "Can your name u.S"umPei-lltB.koriV" rf.litl tho liitlv silly. ".Somu witch tola von Hint! biiue wucn tout you that V" cried tho iiiuu mini, ami ousiieu hlsrliiht loot In a rago mi ilecp Into tho floor, tlmt hi ls foretM Mi! 1101,1 of u w'Hi hoth hniuhv in mm it mil. Jlien hu imulu Ids way. on, whllo uiu iiur.w miiguctiitnii tiuniaby crowed; and all tho court Jeered at liini for hav ing had mj much trouble for nothing, and said, "Wo wish you u very good morning nnd a merry feast, Mr. Rum. pel-MIIU-ken!" DRY GOODS, &c. "IRANI) OPENING XX IlltApi) OMJNINO (1IIANI) Ol'IlNIN'tf (lltAN't) 01T.N1NO OltAKK ,6l'UNIN'U or KALI, AND WINTKU flOODS, KALI. AND WlNTWl OOOli1, kali, and wi.vrr.ii doom, KAMA AND W I, NT UK OOODK, KAMi AND WINTllIt (100DS, (imfttstliiK ot eomliUiiK of eonsMing of mnstatlns ot enn'lsu'ntf1'iir DltY CIOOD.-, DttY (HVOtM, DllY (lOOHS, DHY (!06lW, DllV OOUDM, 1 1 ATS HATH IIATH HATS HATS AND AND AND AND AND o.vrn, C'AIM, OAIX, CAPS, CAlfl, liOOTS AND KIIOIX, 1100TH AND Hlions, HOOTS AND HHORS, HOOTS AND HIIOKH,' IiOOTri AND S!IoV., ItrjADY-MADi: CLOTHINO, ltnADY-MADi: CLOTHINO HIIADY-.MADi: CLOTHING, miADY-MADl-i CLOTHINO, ItEADY-MADi: CLOTHIKO, LOOHINO-OLARSKS, LOOKINO-OLAKSKS, LOOKINO-OLAKSnS, LOOK I NO-C1 LARSKH, LOOKINa-OLASSK NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, J'AINTS AND OILS l'AINTS AND OII, PAINTS AND OILS, l'AINTS AND OILS, TAINTS AND OILS, onoor.nins, oi!, (UtOCKItlliS, oitocKnir.s, (!itoci:nn-x, QUTUNSWAnK, QUI'.KNSWAIIK, IJUKUNSWAHK, aunuNswAiiK, llUIIUNSWAt'.B, IAItDWAUK. itAmwAur;,jjr,,., IIAItnVATtE,"" w HAUDW AItl'3, JIAUDWAUK, '.TINWAItU, .TINWAUK, .TINWAUH, TINAVAIlE, I'AUK, SALT, SALT, SALT HALT.' FISH, 1'IHlt, PISH, FIT1I, PISH, GRAIN AND SLEDS, on.u.v and ri:l'ds, GltAIN AND SLIIDS, OltAIN AND SKUDS, GltAIN AND' SKLDS, d.C, Ac. McKKLVY, McKP.LVY, JlcKKLVY, JICIvHLVY, McKKLVY, .VlIAL NKAL NKAL NKAL NKAL CO.'S, CO.'S, CO.'S. CO.'S. CO.'S. Northwest rurui't of Main and Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main and Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main nnd Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main nml -Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main ami Market Streels, nLOOMRMTltn, PA UlAIOMSllUltd, vx'l IIMIOJISIIUIto, PA, IIIiOOMHIltmo, p. IIIIOMHIIUIIO, PA, IKON AND NAIIJs, HIO.V AND NAII.H, 1IION AND NAII-sl, lltrt.V AND -.VAI1X, llttl.V AND NAIL'S, !m,.Uufnf.,'U",lt-lM "nJ "".aucyi rates, ...way DRUGS & MEDICINES. WK R rum: DEFY COMPETITION, DltUtlH, l'L'iti: oiti;.Miai-, l'UnM I'ATIINT Mr.MCIKIX, AT TltR JXinV JtJl UU ST 0 11 1 haih imtiflitKH, ci.oTiirs imusiiKM, nail IUU.-3UK-4, Toorit nnt'iiiifl, nt.ACiitNO nuisili, whitewash nntniiist, imint anh vAn.viHit nniMitRt, rniiNmr and amkihcan window glass, every W II 1 T K h E A 1), KLOHllNt'i; WHlTi:, (.'OLOUH IN OIL, liny corons, r.iTnsT imvr.n, LtNsr.rjn oil, Ttmt'RNTt.M: ASH VAr.S-KIIRM, iirttkix than can nn nocniiT rLxr.iviiEnr. StJl'ERIOR RYE COLOllS, . imsT anii fiiEArmT, All tlio Talent Mcdlclncf, mrrnnteil penulnc. COAL OIL LAM1-S, CHIMNIIYS, WIl'ICH AND llUUNLltS, V.'ItOLKSAl.t: AMI lir.TAlt., PERFUMERY AND TOIhET, AM) I-ANCV AnTICI.IM IN (IliEAT VAIUKTV. Agent for I.uulrcth'ii O.inlen Seeds. Agent for Marsb's Celebrated Truisc. cor.vntY sTOUuur.Ertnts Kiipplled Willi (lodfrey'B Cordial,, Hal pain, Harlem nnd llrlthh, Sweet nnd Caster Oils, Ilooper'a 1'lllR, KsNcneo nnd Hnnrlng Hxtrncts, lower tlion New lorlc, lTlecs. liverybmly re, Inember that llfty per eent, ean be saved by Knlnp to HHNDKllSHOT'S inylO'C7-il. Main SriiFKT, lli.ooMsnunc. JRUG AND CHEMICAL. STORE, UlooniRbnrp, I'a. DIIUOS, CIir.MICAI.'', l'AINTS, rKlll'UMLItY AND TOILCT AIITICL11, r.Yint a MOYr.n respectfully Invito n eontlnnanco of patronage. Tbelr Drnss and Mistleliunniunll mlected with the KrentcAt eare, avoiding ns much ns possible tho lutrnductlon nf delirious nostrums, and nre purchased from the best Importing houses in the country. 1'ATUNT MUDICINKS of nil kinds, including Ayer's, Jnyno'a, Hollo way'H, llostetter'ii, Wishart's, Hoolland'H, Ae. constantly on hand. COAL OIL AND ALCOHOL, IIAllt, TOOTH, NAIL, AND clothes imusni:s l'AINTS AND CHKMIC.fl-S "or every variety, and of the best quality. TANCY TOILirr AIlTICLLS. Tlie public may rely nt all times on procuring the abovo articles, with nil tho new useful piepanv tloyiH kept In tho best conducted establishment. PHYSICIAN'S rnCSClllITIONS and Kamlly Hecelpts compounded with tho great est accuracy nnd ill--patch. J R. MOVER, WHOLCSALM & IHITAIL DJ1UG1S T, toitNi:n nt- jiais and .MAitKr.r brnenrs, IILOOMSDUKC, l'A., where will bo found a large nnd select utock of DniRS, MEDICENES AND CHEMICALS Also nil tho PATENT MKI)TCIt-S OV THE 1IAV, I am also prepared to furnish Country Stores with Cn.tor Oil, Godfrey's Cordial, TtJItLINOSTON'S IIALSAM, nnd nil other medicines kept In their line nt City By lees. 3. Prescriptions rmefully compounded nt all hours. In medicines, fjnallty is or the tlrst Importance, Illoomsburg, JunoT, 1587 E. EVERETT & DR. J. R. CASE'S . A"i' 1 1 ' mi VG STOIIJC, IN OIIANOLVILLE, .1 US T O P E N E D WITH A SriXNllIII AND VAHIEII ASSOltTMKNT OV OOOD3 TO THE nitlM lIUNINErtl, rune lmuos, chkmicai.s, ittc, AI.WAY8 ON?itAND. In short nny nitlelo that can bo named In the Drug lino can bo had at their store. Dr. .1. 11. Cai, in a 1'raetloner, nnd also understands Phar macy: R-Uverctt Is a Medical student, has at tended ono term at tho Jefferson Medical College, and understands tho compounding of Druirs. They respectfully invito tin patronage of their irjruu, iuti uiu imuiiG generally, assuring inem "MArE",' and whatovcr will bo purchased of them win uo iesii nuu pure. tnpr-u UT GROCERIES, ftc, A''ir ,G:0 X), MIFFLINVILLE.'COLUMIUA COUNTY, PA. TllESubsertber refineetflltlir Informs tils friends ii... iinj imuiw iuh.iiu mis jusb reiumcii iioin uiu city with a fresh and well .elected ASSOUTMIINTiQF MKltCIIANDIZE, nml lias opcnel a sloro In tho room formerly ue- .-uits4 i,y nieimuii nun, jus stoci. eonsms OI everything usuallvkent. Ill a tlrst.ehis ennntrv store, Mich ns . nuv coon3, onoyEiiiE.?, jrAtmwAm:, cKnAit- WAItE, DnCQS, EDICIXES,C..AO. Ho hopes to merit n sharonf tho public patron a"i . ... . HUCS J. MtLLAltD. .iiuumvino, iay .1, JOHN STROUP & CO., Successors to fitronp A Ilrother, WHOLISAI.i: DKALIUIS IN FISH, No, 21 North Wiitrvoi, an 121 North Wator St., Philadelphia. YJ':AVEK & SPRANKEE, WHOL1-SALE GltOCKUIIlS AND COMMISSION MLltCIIANTS, Nos. Jii and 227 Arch Street, Philadelphia. gCHEEL, RERGER & CO., GKNKItAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS Dealers In PISH, SALT, CHEESE, PItOVISIONS, 4c., Nos. 122 nnd 12! North Whnrves, nbovo Arch St. Phlltulclphln. Sola ngents for Wilcox's Wheel Grease, In bar rels, kegs, nnd cans. I.stXrushei) rwT JORDAN A llUOTHElt, WHOLlWALi: GROCERS, and Dealers in SALTPETRE AND IIRIMSTONE, No 209 North Third Street, Philadelphia. QOTTREEIi .t AYIUCS, s Wholesalo Dealers In FIHlI.CIIEISE.At'., AC. No. JOn Norlh Wharves, second door alsiya Areh Street, 1'lilladrliihla, "' f. II, IIII.UNOEII. 1', II. AI1TMAN RT.MAN, DIMjINOEH & CO., ... ," KUIITH UIIllli HTKEirr, fA,r. ,,,,,,,. Jtmr,t Alff A ni ) YARNS, IIA'ITING, WADDING, CARPLTS nil. iMiTns, miAiiix, F,v J,CTH ' .GRAIN DAGS, CORDAGE, A4.,' lJtil) "'" WILLOW AND WOODKN WAui: ' IIIIUSIIIiH, TIIUNKS, I.IIIIKINU III.AbSLS, t.r May in, lJ7-ly. DRY GOODS. H URRAH FOR CATAAVIHSAI THIS WAY VOH IIAUOAINH. Goods to cinnparo with stringency of tho money market. Ixsik and compare) prices beforo pur chasing elsewhere. Just call at the favorlto husK tiess stand of McNINCIt ASHUMAN, and you will be met by tho obliging proprietors or their clerks, nnd shown through thelrgrent variety storo frco of charge, of course. They will glo you a f.ilr chnnco to spend your loose change, they trust much more profitably than It ran Iki spent elsewhere. Their r STOCK OF DltY GOODS this Spring lsnmrh larger In nil Its varieties thnu usual. Their LADIES' DRES GOODS nre of tho nlrest styles In market. They have n lino assortment of HATS, CA1. HOOTS AND SHOES. SUMMER CLOTHS, cAssiNirm, (.'ASIMEHES, AND V1XTINGH, and nuiiicrous nrtlcles common to such establish, mcnts, besides n general assortment of HARDWARE, TINWARE, (IUEKNSWAUE, AND GROCERIES, nil at greatly reduced prices. They wish to eon duct their business cm tho system of "PA.Y AS YOU GO," nnd they think they can afford to sell very cheap. They return their thanks for mnny past favors, and ask tho future patronngo of their former cus tomers and tho public generally. McNINCH ,t PIIUMAN. RMRRUSTER & RROTHER, Imporlers and Jobljers of HOSlrlRY, GLOVES, .SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, nurroN;s, suspenders, 11001- SKIRTS, 1IANDKEIICHIEFS, THREADS, SEWING SILKS, TRIMMINGS, TORTE MONNAIES, SOAPS, PERFUMERY, FANCY GOODS, AND NOTIONS GENERALLY, Also Manufacturers of HRUSHES AND LOQ.KINO OL.SSKS, and Dealers in WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, llltOOM-, ROPES, TWINES, Ac, No. 3'W North Third Street, nbovo Vine, Philadelphia. jJ M. MARPEE, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, GLOV1CS. AND FANCY GOODS, No. .11 North Third Street, ' Philadelphia. J J. IJCSTER, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, Ac, No. 29 North Second Street, opp. Christ Church, Philadelphia. jgARCROFT & CO., Imporlers nnd Jobbers of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, CLOTHS CASSIMKRKS, HLANKETS, LINENS, DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, Ac, Philadelphia. XDREWS, WIIiKINS & CO., Dealers In FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DI'.Y GOODS, No. SOU Market Street, Philadelphia. JOSEPH S. DEIjIj, Manufacturer of and Wholesale Dealer In CLOTHING, CLOTHS, CASSIMERl-S, AND VKSTINOS, No. -1.1 North Third Street, Philadelphia. MISCELLANEOUS? JOWE, HUSTON it CO., Manufacturers and Wholesalo Dealers In COTTON YARNS, CARPET CHAINS, 11ATTS, WICKS, TIE YARNS, CORDAGE, 11R00MS, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, I.OOK'G GLASSES, CLOCKS, FANCY HASKETK, TAIILE, FLOOR, AND CARRIAGE OIL CLOTHS, Ac, No. 630 Market Street, south side, Philadelphia. rpiIE KEYSTONE CLOVER SEED S T R I P P E R . PATENTED OCTOnEll 2, hSCO. This slmnle. thnucrli etfeetlvo mnebtni, tu n,t,ntl. ted by all scientific observers to bo thomnst direct device for gathering clover seed yet discovered. A mere glance, at it is sulllclent to convince tho most obtuse mind of Its practical utllltv. It strips tho clover head from the stalk leaving the straw standing iiii the ground. It Is laslly drnwn by ono horse, uud requires but ono man or u.i.v iu .vuriv ii. It Is Cniniiliet. slmtilfi hi ktrMpfitrn nml nnl lu. hie to get out of order, and can bo cheaply got up. 'Ihe great advantage In this lnachino Is, we havo the seed gnthcnit In tho chalf, rendv for the clover mill or huller, besides saving tuo great lengthof tlmeaud Inlsirnf innwlug, hiindtliigund iiiri-iiing 11 iruiii me straw, ii will nlsotsiv ev cry laruier to uather his seed with tnu imii'liitm on nccount of tho saving of tho seed which Is lost In tho old way of gathering It, Extraordinary Inducements offered to energetic iii.-i, win, i-ii in puii-uuuniiuuor county itiguis. I or particulars addres WEltTMAN A REINI10LD, . Centhama, Janij'CT.) Columbia County, Pa. MEADVI EIiE T II EOEOOICA E SCHOOU Tho Fall term began Septem. I i. Ine l-aeulty oflnstructloiicouslstsoffour resident ami four non-resident professors, and a tutor. The object Is to educato young men for tho Christian .Ministry, Thero is n preparatory class for thoso who havo not received n eiitl.-f.lam education. Ono hundred nnd sixty dollars a year aro grunted to benellelnrles, with an additional sum In special ensm. Tho tuition, use of Library nun texf-lxuiks, nre free to nil. The School was founded by the Unitarian and Christian denonil nations, but Is open tonll who Indlevn In the ill vliin origin of Christianity. The Llkrnry consists of sioii vohitueN. Application may Ihi mado to Rev. A. A. Liver more, President of tho Hoard of Instruction, Meadvllle, Pa. novl7-ly rpiTlf AMERICAN HAY KNUE X AND FORK. Wo tho undersigned citizens ot Columbia County witnessed tho trial of hay forks on tho farm of Mr. Pursel, In Hemlock Township, on Monday, May 7, INiil, between the American Hay Knife and Fork manufactured bv SLIFER, WALLS, SHRINElt A Co.. or Eewls. burg, I'a., and tho Hundel's Patent liny Hook. Tho American Fork lifted moro hay In ono draught than tho Rundel In three. Wonresiitls lled It will lake ns much liny Into tho mow as two gcsxl horses ean draw, Wo also saw It cutting hay, and think It cannot bo beat as u hay knife and cheerfully recommend It as the best hay fork an, I knife wo have eer seen. C. HllTEKIIKNllElt, UK. F, C. llAIIIUSO.V, W.ll. Kihins, John Doak, John liKTEititk-, Daniel, II. DlllLEMIM.Klt, SVI.VK-STKIl l'UKSEL. MiniAEf, IlKi.i.m, John Wolk. They also manufacture relebratisl Huckrye Reaper and Mower, and other agricultural iinpfn. mints. ' AmVRKiilT it CO., W HOI. IIS A L K GROCEltH, N. E. Corner Second and Alcli streets, 1'IIII.AIIEI.I-IUA, Dealers In TEAS, HYRU1-S, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, HUE, Hl'H'KS, III (-AII11 SODA, M, AO, tl-Onlers will receive prompt utteutlon, May 10, 1607-ly. TOBACCO & SEGARS. rjMIE ONIjY PIiACE to get the best TOHACCO AND CIGAlt.'s, AT WHOLraALE AND HIXVII, Isnt lIUNasilERGEIt'S, n few doom below the American House, Hloomsburg, Pa. Ho has the largest nnd most select of SMOKING AND CHEWING TOHACCO everoffered to thcvcltlrens of Hloomsburg. All tho fancy brands of SUGAR, ami lbs best Klne-ent and Plug CHEWING TOHACCO, enu be hail at his counters, TOBACCO PIPES In gvent variety nro ntnong his large stock. DON'T FOIIOKT TO CAM II. II. HUNSItEROER. JJAOEN, ROYD it CO., iu.m.ui.-.-!ii.i:s .iii-.iil;iia. in, nnd Wholesalo Dealers lit ' LEAF AND MANUFACTURED TOHACCO, HEOARS, Ac, No. 01 North Third Street, Philadelphia. Consignors can forward their stcsk "In Hond,' without prepaying tho United States lax. TT W. RANK'S WHOLESALE TOHACCO, SNUFF, AND CIGAR WAREHOUSE, No. Ill) North Third Street, between Cherry and Race, west side, Philadelphia. USSEEE it WOODRUFF, Wholesale Dealers In T0I1ACCOS, CIGARS, PIPES, Ac, Ac, No. 13 North Third Slreet, nliovo Market, Philadelphia. JjiRISHMUTH, RROTHER it CO., WHOLESALE TOHACCO DEALERS, No. 131 North Third Street, live doors below Race, Factories, Nos. 221 and 22j Quarry Streot, Philadelphia, IRON, TINWARE, &C. JATIONAE FOUNDRY, Hloomsburg, Columbia County, Pa. Tho subscriber, proprietor of tho nbovc-i lined extenslvo establishment, is now prepared to re eelvo orders for all kinds of MACHINERY FOR COLLIERIES, IILAST FURNACES, STATIONA RY ENGINES, MILLS, THRESH ING MACHINES, Ac Ho Is nlso prepared to make Stoves of nil sizes nnd patterns, Plow-Irons, and everything usually made In first-class Foundries. Ills extensive facilities nnd practical workmen warrant him In receiving the largest contracts on tho most reasonahlo terms. Grnln of all kinds will bo taken In exchange for Castings. This establishment is locatisl near tho Lack; wannnand Hloomsburg Railroad Depot, PETER RILLMYEfi. S' TOVES AND TINWARE. A. M. RUPERT announces to his friends nnd customers that continues tho above business nt his old place on MAIN STREET, HLOOMSHURG. Customers can be accomodated with FANCY STOVIS of all kinds, Stoeplpes, Tinware, and every va riety of article found 111 a Stov o and Tinware Es tablishment In tho elites, nnd on the most reason ablo terms. Repalrlngdonoattbeshortestnotlce, 2- DOZEN MILK-PANS on hand for sale. Q.EORGE II. RORERTS, Imimrter and Dealer In HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, Ac, Nn. ail North Third Street, above Vine, Philadelphia. J H. WALTER, late Walter Kaub, Imimrter and Denier In CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENS WARE, No. 2T1I North Third Street, lutu een Race nnd Vino Philadelphia. B EN JAM IN OEEEN, Dealer In . CARPETINGS, WINDOW SHADES, OIL CLOTHS, MATS, Ac, No. 3.1 North Second Street, Philadelphia. Gr W. REARON it CO., Manufacturers of OIL CLOTHS AND WINDOW SHADES, Warehouse, No. 121 North Third Street, Philadelphia. J II. LONG STRETII, PAPER-HANGING WAREHOUSE, No. 13 North Third Street, Philadelphia. J V. LAMRERT, with ROSS, 8HOTT A CO., ImjMirters and Jobbers of CLOTHS, CAteSIMEHES, VESTINGS, Ac, No. 301 Market Street, Philadelphia. 'POWDER KEC1S AND LUMBER. W. M, MONROE A CO., ltiiert,l'u., Manufacturers of kegs, anil ilenlern In nil kinds of LUMIIER, give notice that they are prejuired to accomodate their custom with dispatch, and on the cheapest terms. jyjILLER A HOST, Successors to Franklin P. Seltzer A Co., ImiHirters and Wholesale Dealers in LIQUORS, WINES, Ac, Nos. tlO and 112 Norlh Third Street, Philadelphia. JJ V. I'ETERMAN, with i.ii'Pi.vroTr a, wnnr.iAi,i: ouoc.i:iis, No. !l North Water Street, and No. 30 North Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. I SEWING MACHINES. J. ROVER A RAKER'S" S K W I X CI MACHINES, Wtro nwnnlfd tho Hlghoit rremluins nt tho Htnte Trtlw nf Kentucky, Wrmont, Alftbainn, Ohio, New York, Tctmewipe. Pcnnsylvanlti, Mtsslsolppli Mlclilgan, Callfornljt, North Crtrnllnn, Wlscon.ln. Iown, Oregon. at Tin: VXUVi ov TUB American Institute, rrnnklln Institute, Mnry Imut Institute, Mns-f. Mechanics' AsBocin tlnn.I'enn, McclinnlcR' Insiltute.Ht. Iiouh ARrlculturul niul Me chnntcs' AKSocJatlon, Andnt muneroU' InHtltuto.4 nml County rnlrs, lnchitUns nil tho Tntr ntnlih h they were exhlh Iteil the paittliTOoyertrM. rirntrrlrerf have nlso been uwnrilcil tliPtoMachlnoiatthePxhlhltlonsof INrnOX, PARIS, BUJHjIN, likz, nemncnti, Ilayonne.Ht. I)lrler, C1mloni, nnd they lmvo been furnNhed, by upeclnl commnntl, to tlio llniprcss of Trance, I.mpreKsof Autrln. Kmprest of Husln, Kmpres- of Hrazll, Qnocn of Hpalu, nnd Queen of liavnrfn. TIIK (IltOVKIt lUKKn KI-.VSTICJ-STICH S K W I NO M A C II I N E S nro superior to nil others fur tho following iea hons : I. They sew with two threads direct from tho spools, nnd requiring no rewinding. 2. They nro moro caftlly understocKl nnd usod. nnd Ions liablo to derangement than other ma chines. 3. They nro capable of executing perfectly, with out change, of adjustment, nmuch greater variety of work than other machlncH, 4. Tho stitch mudo by theso machines U much moro firm, elastic, nnd durable, especially upon nrtlcles which rcqulro to bo washed nnd Ironed, than nny other stitch. .1. ThN ktltch, owlnc to the manner In which the under thread It Inwrought, U much tho most plump nnd beautiful In use, and retain this plumpness and beauty oven upon nrtlcles fre quently washed nnd Ironed until they nro worn out 0. The structure of tho fleam Is such that, though It bo cut or broken nt Intervals of only n fow stitches, It will neither open, run, nor ravel, hut remain (Inn and durable. 7. Unllko other machines, thesa fasten both ends of the senm by their own operation. 8. With thcM' machines, wbllo Milk U uned upon the right or f.ieo hide of tho wnm, cotton may be used Uon tho other side without lessening the strength or durability of tho seam. This can be douoon no other machine, nnd is n great waving upon all articles stitched or mado up with silk. y. These machines, In addition to their superior merits as Instruments for sewing, by n change of adjustment, easily learned nnd practised, execute the most beautiful mid permanent embroidery and ornamental work. In addition to their family machine they have alio tho IMPROVED DOUBLE LOCK STITCH MACHINES, making a Mitch allko nn Itotli sides. Tills Com pany make both the Lock and Doublo stitch Ma chines, to that persons having a preference can bclccUuch ns they like best, and If not suited can exchange for tho other, thus giving tho publie the advantage of this arrangement. They also muko the newly Invented NO. 1 LOCK STITCH MACHINES an adaneo upon nil machines heretofore known forsewlng with tho Iok-Ktitch. It is of gieat power uud strength, especially udapted for tallou, shoemakers, harness-makers, cnrringo-trlmmern, nnd for nil descriptions of work to which the lock-stlteh I nppllenblo. It works with equal facility silk, cotton, or linen thread, and HI sew tho lines t muslin ns well as tho thickest leather. Trleo fsO; with HemmerH, SS5. Their No. 0 Is a light Jiuxxrxa jfAOJinxj:, containing many Improvements, ndnptcd for tai loring, vtst-maklng. light shoemaklng, ns well ns for faintly bowing. Largo numbers of these ma chines aro In ue, nnd they gho universal satis faction. None who havo seen this inuchlnolll willingly use the noisy und cumbrous lock-stitch machines heretofore In general ube. lricof'k; with Hem morn, fiW. Theso machines of every description can bo had nttliougeut's oftlco lnJUloomsburg, at positively tho maun fta( ut vrV prices, to which tho attention or tho publlo Is especially Invited. T. 11. MARTKItS, jigait, I fart man's Jtulhllng, ItLooMsnuua, MuilM'er-ly. Columbia County, Fa. "IMI'IRE SHUTTLE SEWINO-MA- XU t'llINlWaie fcilperlor to all nlliern for 1'A.MII.Y AND .M ANUPACTUHINU PUllPOSIW t'iiiitaliialltholutehtliiiproeinentii; nrehpeedy IHilHehw' durable; and easy to work. Illustrated t'lreuNrHfree, Agcnti wanted. I.lli eral dtscaint alluwiHl, Noi-oniilmimcntH made, Addrem l'.MPUti: S. M. tt).. ausl-ly Hit! llroadway. New Vort JOHN IIII.IIKIIT. TllEO, At UOVAIm Q1ERERT & ROYAL, KHTAIIMSIIKD 18M. wunt.ixALi: imuaaiBTs, No. .HO and 311 North Third Street, Philadelphia. Importers and Dealera In WIlTtlS, MIIIIICINKS, HP1CIX, PAINTS, (IIW, (II.ASS, DVUSTI'Prs, ic Slay in, PJ,7-ly. J 11. l'URSEE, " IIAItNIvSS, SADDI.i; AND TTIUNK .MANlIl'ACTUIlElt, and dealer In CAHPirr.HAdS, VALISIiM, KI.y.Nl.TS, 4C, Main Street, Illootnttburg, Pn. 1 4 Tfiunnv Hucecssnr to Ileudry A Harris, Manufacturer and Wholesalo Peulor Ux 1100TH ANDHIIOEH, No. M Norlh Third Street, VldloUttlpUta, 9