THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. CURRENT ITEMS. ).irlsin Kitiirthy unit H.iinlny l.wt I, I- i i'iillKruiit.4 nrrtvi'it tit Now York. . ! A woman tn Wilton, Mo., Is m von Toot, liljrh, and wtIrIh Dili poiintR '(.'unioron Inn loft Vi'mlillio;toii. Hit. lot litrf'WnsliIiiRttiit lo ovorjuyoil. II. utor Iiiim urrlvwl tn WmlilitKtoii. aw',-At H'umntniii.'.M.n'.. if tiiuti Inn'll his ntMjthlior for Mil iluiiiHRoi for kllllnu; u.fuvoiltu. tuinmUwIiilo 11 wad Kivinitii nililniBlit sproniule, AlllumK'li four olorksiiro einploVotl in rn-runglng for tlu imyniont uf .-lolillur.)' botliitkw, It will months tosotiioiK'connifl. foWtmierM llentfiiii Into Ml n Mm to Uo''ota. Imi nro-.oiitoit ((ononil (train with iviulr ot silver .iira of iiiitliino li.iuovn, woisniiiK ono iioiinii oacn. j j" A man iminod .1. 1). Roberts, in Nowoastlo, Intlkum, tun boon arrested and hold to ball in tlio sum of 81, GOO, for waylaying sonio one and roumntf Jilm of tlvu CL'IlK tar An Indlvliliial In Alcxaiidrin, Va., luw hiieceeiled In shallowing up $-),l)00 worth of property In fourteen inontlw, and tli; other day ho wan eom- nmteti to tan ior stealing entcKcn", uy-A person was stiindlng on tlio platform of a car In Cairo paying hi lfO. when tho monev blow out of his hand; in catching at it ho lost ids balance, leu netween uio oars nmi was eni-mcti to deiith. jpaS-A Fish wa -j caught In the river at Lawrence, Kansas, weighing 115 pounds. Tlio iiead was on exhibition with a full car of corn in tlio mouth, tlio carstand- uij; up lengthwise, netween tuo.imvs OuvA boy preacher has appeared in Wales, who according to his admirers, is to extinguish -Mr. Hpurgoon. tiio promising youth is Master Enoch Pro oert, who hasjust completed hlseleventh year. jSaTAt a recent Jointly held nieeting' in Tennessee, tlio Democratic ppeaker, Ktheridgo was presented with a buoquot liy a while lady. The Radical speaker, Jtaynard, was similarly honored by a black lady. fay-Th Lynchburg Virginian says there is u child in Montgomery county, Va., which was christened "Andrew Jackson Gordon, .lames Ruchanan, Raio Tho Flag And l'lre the Cannon Dobyns." tr-Tliomcnnest man that wo have hoard of 14 that ono at Northampton, Mass., who sued his brother tho other day for S'JO for tho board of himself and wife during a visit which they paid him three years ago, when first married. jsr A Xcw York journal very sensi ble recommends that every boy, wheth er rich or poor, high or low, ought to learn a trado; not that lie shohld always work at it, but that he may have it as reserve capital, together with its inllii eueeiu forming his character. Cj7" An Indian passing up tlio streets of Natchez, a few days fcince, was asked tho relative position of whito man, ne gro,dog,Indian. Givingausual"Ugh !" ho said : " 'Foro tlio war,fust cum white man, den injin, don dog, don nigger; now, come nigger, den dog, den injin, and whito man last I" Sf A widow in Paris, aged forty-live, married a young man aged eighteen. Uv her first husband sho had a ton wlioso ago at tho lime of her second uiar riago was twenty-one. Sho recently died and by hpr will, loft her fortuno to her son and husnand. As her husband waa not of ago her son was appointed his guardian. EaS Rev. Scrono Howe, for'bcveral years pastor of n Baptist church in Abingdon, llnss., was accused, at a church meeting lately, of gross familiari ty wltli tho children of both sexes of his congregation. 'Ilemado no denial, but suddenly left town.-. Ho was a member of tho Legislature, 'and sent in his resig nation, which was accepted In secret bcssion. B3r The official copy of tho State ap propriation act settles the vexed ques tion of tho self-voted salary of our legis lators. Tho bill provides that each mem ber shall receive three hundred dollars In addition to his present salary. This means that they can. receive $1,000 apiece, which is only three hundred, and not $550, moro than they wcro en titled to by tho law existing at the time of their election. S3? Milwaukee has a dog factory, tho proprietor oi wnicn pays nuerai prices for first class canines. Tho animals are hkluned, the hldo being used to mako gloves, aim tno nair to stun inatresses Tlio carcasses nro then put Into a hugo Ketuo ami uuueu,,tiio greaso ocing soiu for various purposes. Then tlio bones are uactl for knlvc-handles, .and flesh for manuring tho soil. A cargo of livo hundred dogs was brought from Chica go tlio other day. Tlio proprietor makes VJ. no on overy uog. ESyTholasttwonty Inch cannon fin ished at tlio Fort Pitt cannon foundry, rittsourg, i-emnyivania, nas neon test' ed, and the result wns thoroughly witls- factory. For tlio first three rounds tho charges of manimotli powder used were sixty pounds each, for tlio next threo rounds eighty pounds each, and for tho last threo rounds one hundred pounds ouch. It is estimated that the balls, which weighed 1,000 pounds each, en tered tiioeartn eniuaiiKinentinto which they were urea, n distance oi two hun dred feet. The last twenty inch mm oast at tho foundry is still in tho mold, but will probably be-ready to take out tiqring tno wook &ar Ilavo iSJiiTMiS V"l single' bran on certain officers under tho Stovcii-J Sherman billco3tB them? A single mffl- tary department In tho South litis three1 iiuimreii unarm oi registration. Tliev l have Hlreudy hold their se-sions fo. weeks. Thuy wjn il(,iu t,pn, j-,ir mny weeks to come. Each member Is paid eight dollars a day. Estimating ten members upon each board, Including nil tho runners and attendants, and threo hundred boards to each of tho llvo mon archies, and wo haven dully expense of ono hundred and twenty thousand dol lars for theso boards alone. And this Is only ono of tho drains which liavo so enormously increased our puoito expen ditures, and which compels u taxation onerous umi uunieu'jomo. Age, ttir Upon recoiving Gen. Sheridan')) order removing him from office, Gov. Wulls, of Loui-iaim, sent u telegraphic UlttMUtni to President .lohnsoii. nrotost- lug against tho usurpation of power hyl j.ivviuuii, iio iiecinrtM uiai. ins removal was iiv eonswiuoiiwj of u per sonal rpmrrel with Uiu Ueneral and not becatbo he was impeding tho execution of tho laws or Congress, n0 na Wroto a latter to Gon. Hhcrrtdan, In which ho demon the charges mado against him.1 and denounces them as malicious Hlin. dors. Mlochart'es Gen. Sheridan with having abused tho powers conferred up on hint, mid having appointed rebels to olllce, ami insinuates ho "skulked" dtt rlii" tlio riots In July. In conclusion bo calls upon Gen. Sheridan tn subdantl- nti his accusations by proof, or bo pre pared 10 i.ico 1110 verdict wnicn tno pun- lie always pronounces against a made, lotis slnndoror. Hinco tlieso oommuul. cations wore written Gov. Well) has been ejected from Ids olllce, and llonjl. inaiiF. Flanders, whom Gen. Hherldau unnolntcd as hlssticcossor.lsdischnrglng tlio duties of tho olllco of Governor of Louisiana.' SUItc (itolumbtan; niAxmsBUiia, pa. KltlDAV JIOItXINd, JfMl 11, 10T. I'llll JI'Ddi: OI' Till! BIII'IU-IMIS CllllllTi GEORGE SHARSWOOD Of ritlt.ADKM'lUA. Coltmililn I'ntililylicniocrnlle Com tntlott. vnni'V l. 1iiitiliv ulvcti tliuL tho llcinoi-rntta c lcctom lii ninl ror iiiu neve-mi iioioukiii nnu ciec llnnilltrli'tHiif Coluinliln County, will meet nt their nmnlliliirenf liolillnii their uencrnl olccllnni im H VTtMtllAY Hit! TWTINTY RliVKNTI I DA Y ,it.- iiTi.v.ivj7.h(tu'ii,i i ln limirRiir:! iimlTo clock lu the iifti'timon of mill diiy fur tho imriioso of chiKiHlni: IIY iwii iioii'KniPi lmm ram I'.lc-i-tlon IHitrli't tunirot In dimity Onnvcntlim, nt Ihot'Ot'ltT llottMl!. In MiioiiKhurK, on Mini. itllV tllP 'Jtllll, llliy H.llllV, I"l.,( 111 1 OCIIH'K, 1',.11., lor tilt pilrpnp nf tnilktiifl: the Intuit nliiml uoliil imtliini iirtliitDciiiiioriitlc imtty of Cnliilila Coun ty, I. it. ii;viiii.i.i V IKlir lllllll IfllKIlllUlUnilllUlllldVUlll IMPROVEMENT. Wnr.x wo undertook tho enterprise of publishing in Columbia county, a sound and reliable Democratic news paper, Wo at tlio .same tlmo promised that it should be improved as occasion nnd its support warranted, until It was second to none. Wo bclievo tliat wo havoalready entirely filled our promise, in procuring a largo amount of new material, and in tho editorial labor we arc constantly putting on tho paper; but more especially, In purchasing u &lcam Power Press, the first mid only one In tho county; made necessary by our con stantly increasing edition, and in order to command onco for nil, tho facilities for despatching promptly the growing business with which the public so gen erously favor us. Wo find however that that iacillty in creases our advertising patronago so largely, that wo are forced either to cut down our reading matter, or to refuse decent, pure and proper advertising. Disliking either alternative, wo have come to tho conclusion to ENLARGE Tub Cor.UMlitAN, by adding to It about NINE COLUMNS; making it the inr cest, as it is now tho handsomest and best paper published in tho county, nnu shall remain so. We have added nearly two hundred names to our list in the last two weeks. Wo shall enlarge on tho first of July. Subscribers who desiro to begin with the improved issue will please direct accordingly. Send in your names. DR. MICHAEL STECK Tin: Doctor's name is "familiar as a household word" In Mlfllln, "and parts adjacent-," In thin county. lie peram bulatcdtho hills and swept along the highways south of our great river, in former years, intent upon tho practico of his profession and faithful to tlio per formanco of all its duties. Rut he was called to a new field of ac Hon and Jabor, whero ho could be moro ueful, or where, at all events, ho would be placed moro prominently beforo tho public. For many years prior to isoi, ho was Indian Agent in the Territory of New Mexico, nnd was recognized as an officer of intelligence, fidelity and energy. Rut In that year ho was sud denly removed from otllcoby President Lincoln, and he has sinco-occupied no official position, nor been connected in any way with tho administration of government in the Territory. We hear it stated that ho intends to resumo rest' denco nnd cltizonship in Pennsylvania, and bid a final adieu to tho Spaniards, Indians, Mongrels and Siptatters of tho South-West In examining tlio Congressional Qlobe for tlio lato regular session of Congress, wo encounter a Senatorial debato upon tho conduct of Indian Affairs In tho Territory of Now Mexico, In which ref- ferenco wns mado to tho Doctor's rcmo' val from his position of Indian Agent and to abuses in tho expenditure of-pub' licmoney cos cquentthcrcon.Partsof this debato wo republish on our first page this week. Wo concludo from what appears in tho Globe, that the removal of Dr. Stock, and the location of tho Navajo Indians upon a reservation against his opinion nnd protest, huseost the Government of the United States more than five millions of dollars, this enormous mas of money has been ab solutely wasted upon an experiment which was well described in debato as both corrupt and scandalous, and which Is now to bo abandoned as a completo fallurOjtindcr the decision of the Senate. It appears then Hint tho Doctor'rt re moval was unjust' to him, and deeply injurious to tlio public servlco; tiiat ho performed his duty faithfully in pro- f nfcf tnf nn"ilnsl n iirllf.nilf. ulini,irwir T,, rtlon ("oloniantlon and expenditure, and N" itU friends have good cause for congratulating him upon the thorough vindication of his conduct and char- acter by timer Tin: Judiciary committee that Is, tho Impeachment Committee have been taking tho testimony of tho em ployes around tho Whito llotiso as to tho President's personnl habits, and es pecially as to his nbsteniiotisuoss. It is reassuring to learn from a dispatch In thu Roston Transcript Hint ono of the employes "sworo that ho never know tlio President to take a glass of liquor bineo ho occupied tho Whito House." Now, wo don't like that phrase "glass of liquor." It Is not mnVlontly defi nite, If ho never took a'glass of limmr did ho ever tttko n?nng of overt Let tlo Committee go into this mutter thor- oughly, and clear it up. What tho coun try wants. Is jircelse information us to what tlio President drinks. 1'AitTO II mid III of tho " Dictionary of tho Bible," beginning witii "Antl- ocli" und cntlliiL' with " Butler." nro received. Among tho moat Interesting articWs aro " Apocrypha," " Apostio," "Arabia," "Ararat," "Anns," "Ar my," "Assyria," "Babul, Babylon," "Balaam," "Baptism," " BoelzcUd," 'Behemoth," "Benjamin," "Betlile hem," "Bible," "BUhop," etc., etc., with many capital Illustrations. To bo completed In thirty parts of 112 pages, at 75 cents each, llurd & Houghton, -lfit Broome street, New York. HON. QEOROE SIIARSWOOD. Judge Sharswood. sprung of o. Well- known Pennsylvania family, was born on tlio 7th of July, 1810. llo graduated tin tho .'list of July, 1828, at tho Univer sity of Pennsylvania, with tlio highest honors, delivering tlio Greek salutatory oration, llestudledluw with tho lion. loseph R. lngersoll, and was admitted lo iintcllro nil the nth Holitelllber. 18.')1. In 18117, llvo years after his admission to mo oar, no was elected ironi mo ciiy ui Philadelphia to tho Legislature ol his native State. Tills was at a timo when that bodv numbered among Its mem bers many of tho most distinguished men ofthu State, and when to buninoi, -her of it was an honor. In 18U8, ho was chosen a member of tho Select Council oftho city of Philadelphia. In 1811 and lsia no was again eiecien 10 mo legis lature. On tho8th of April, 18ln, tilion the reorganization of tho present Dis trict i.ourt lor tno city nnu county ui Pliilntloliihla. ho received at tlio hands of that pure patriot, tlio Into Governor Skunk, tho appointment of Judge of tluit uotirt; unii on mo isi, o 'cuiii.u.v, 1818. beeiiino its President, ono of bis senior associates yielding the place to him. When the umsuiuuon wns changed In 1831 and the judiciary bo cameelective, anil again lu 1801, ho was elected by tho people without an oppos ing candidate, tno uiiusuai nouor m u until inntlnn by both of tho ureal politi cal parties having been conlerred upon him. Thus, for over twenty-two years, ntis Judgo Sharswood been a member otiind for nearly twenty years presided over, tlio busiest court in tills largo city. How ho lias tilled that olllce tho univer sal testimony of tho Philadelphia bar Will testily, it is not loo inucn iu stij that no Judge who ever sat lu this coun ty Iins commanded to so great a degree the respect and confidence, and, if wo except Judge Rushrod Washington, the ufieetion of tho profession ns 'Judge Slitirswoodi If It were posslblo to esti mate tlio valuo in money wnicn sucn a Judgo lias been to this community dur ing the long period of his official service, i im sum would seem exiurccratod to any not familiar with ills worth. Age. THE SURRATT TIRAL. Washington. Juno 17. To-day was the first interesting ono in the progress of the Surratt trial. Judgo Fisher .so far recovered as to bo abio to preside on tlio opening of tlio Court, which obvia ted tlio many anticipated legal technica lities nnd objections to another Judgo beinrr called mat this portion of tho case. Tho prosecution opened witii a brief siniciiicui oi wu.iL it, UAiiucieu iu iruYU, and which evidently took tlio defence by surprise, for they postponed their re ply until the evidence sliouliHio taken. The testimony commenced to-day by a narration of tlio facts attending the actual shootlngof tho President of Dooth in the proscenium uox ot tno theatre Colonel Rnthbone, of Alnbany, who was in tho box at tho time, gave his, evidence in an omparrassed, hesitating manner, Hie old lacts being extracted from him by tlio rapid questions of tho District-Attorney. Sergeant Dye, a ro crttting sergeant in tho regular army, then took the stand, and testified, us he did on tho military trial of Payne cl al, to tlio conference which Rooth held with two other person on the pavement In front of Ford's Theatre on tho night of tho assassination, and a few minutes oeiore it tooic place. Ono of tlieso persons ho described on themilltarvtrial as a villainous person. who was resembled by Spangler, as ho then thought, and who is serving out a sentence ofsixyears at tlio Dry Tortugas. Tho second person ho described as n well-dressed man, not very large, who called tho time at intervals from tho clock in ths vestibule of the theatre. Ho added that ho was about five feet six In helghth. Ho was uuablo to recognizohiin among tho prisoners on trial beforo tlio Military Commission, but a sensation ran through tho court room1 of tho ciyil trial to day when tho witness said : "I saw tlio man distincly then, nnd I see him now there ho sits I (pointing straight to Surratt.) I havo seen his faco frequently iu my sleep ; It was so very palo I could never forget It. Tho man I then saw was John II. Sur ratt, prisoner at tho bar." Surratt star ted a little in his chair, but kept Ills' head down, while his faco was as palo and unmoved ns.when Dye saw tl In his sieep. Tho evidence to-morrow will proba blyshow that Surratt was on his way .. nr.. 1. t 1 .1 - .. ., 1 ped at Eltrilra, N. Y., two days deforb mo assassination. Washington. Juno 18. The trial of John II. Surratt is proceeding very rapidly. To-day tlio court-room was crowded. As usual, nearly n fourth of tho spectators were colored people. Fivo witnesses were examined to-day. Threo of tlieso testified positively to having seen ourrait in v nsnington on tliouav of tho assassination. Sergeant Dyo was Kept on tno stand lor over two hours, mi oi which nine wns occupied oy iir ratt's counsel In cross-examination Tlio scenes In tho Court-room during uyo s examination wero mgiiiy interes ting, nnd nt times very oxcitiinr. Tho cross-examination wns most critical nnd evidently trying to tho patience of the witness. Surratt's counsel did nil In tlielrjpower tobreak do wn the witness's testimony. All tho nrts and tricks of tho profession were used to confuse. intimidate, and betray tlio witness. Not withstanding tlioseverlty of tho exaniin ntion, Dyo maintained ids equilibrium. Dyo is a young man, apparently about twenty-threo.liasa very Intelligent look, and his manner during tho examina tion snowed mm to no n tnnu or sound common sense. During tho giving of Dye's evidence Surratt remained seated between his brother and tho bnllllf. quietly fanning himself. Ho kept his i',wa n.oti uu mo witness, mm wnen ordered to stand ui for inili'iitltli-itlmi he stood firm and looked Dye square in tlio face, and never onco quivered. When Recti nnd tho colored woman, r., f,w.w. . ......... i. i i. . . . ' "i". uutivBuu, yiiu uiuir uviuence iw to Surratt's being iu Washington on tlio day of assassination, tlio prisoner was very nervous, crew oaler than usual. bit his lips, censed fanning, and trem bled considerably. Several times liu spoKoto his counsel, and propounded questions to bo put to tlio witnesses. vt iiuo .Mrs. jncKson was on tno stand, Mr. llradiov. ono of Surratt's counsel. asset! tno witness mo samo questions at .vmv uuhvii iiiitia. tin, i utii.,. cu IIIUIIY questions, that Judgo Fisher reproved iiiiiiinr going ueyoun tno pounds ot lho luw' in the matter. Tin; Missouri llenubllcan thus clirnn. icles u recent Democratic victory In (but Stuto: Tho Radicals or Bellovlllo received a drubbing yesterday which they will re member. Tho Democrats elected Wild Iiil's' hv a mnlorltv nf Ifidn ,r.,i,, nr seven hundred sluco fast fall. Tho Hem. ocral bays tlio Democracy Is a corpse! inn ii. Biusnos minimi tno jiauicnis iu u fatal style. TiuiHoiisiuton reports about the Presi dent's IU health nro unfounded. Ho will Uvo long enough to seo tho end of I Radical misrule, dOMMUNIOATED. Srn.t, Watfii, June 1, 1!7, Mr.ssus. EniTOitS! Politically sneak ing, Greeley says In his scathing reply to tlie Loyal League, Hint God for some Inscrutable purpose permits a malorl- ty of their papers to be edited by what ho designates ns "little creatures who through Ignorance or maliciousness arc nlwavs creating trouble In tho cam))." So religiously, tho churuli.lnis her dilll- etiities with tnoso nuscranio creatures, those conceited fanatics, who ill their foolish vanltv think God has especially set them apart to abuso and vilify those who happen to diner witn incni in reli gion or politics. Our community wns infested with ono of tho kind above de scribed, during tho memorable lawless raid miuio upon tnocitizcnsoi tniscom iiitmltv dtirlmr tlio summer of 1801. I say lawless, for it lias been so decided ny too ingiicsi iriotmai mat .Military Commissions have no right to touch citizens. Conscxpiontly ail who wero engaged lu that nefarious business wero law-breaker. I mean not only tho of ficers from tlio highest down, but also those miserablo lickspittles who dis guised themselves nnd prowled around mgiits to point out, uistoyai neiglinors. Rut to return to tho political priest. This man Jacob Rodenbaeh camo into our neighborhood ufter forty-four of the men who had for years assisted to feral and clothe him, wero dragged oil' to tho f ort, ami in an excited public harangue to an already excited soldiery, said ho was glad, and thanked ids God that tlieso bad men had been taken nwnv : that now ho could travel up and down tills beautiful valley without molesta tion. Tiiat previous to tills, ho provi ded himself witii a body-guard, that lie was liablo'to bo waylaid at any time, and Ids body thrown behind somo old log? Tliis wretched crcaturo was then standing upon lho premisss of an oltl man seventy years of age, who had seen servico in tlio war of 1811!. ami was thou shut up ina filthy cell, shut out from tho pure uir, ami light of Heaven. And while thus exciting the soldiers, another old man, 1 mean Mr. Roberts, was being murdered by Inches, whoso only crime was, he was n Democrat. I ueiiovo there is a just God who over rules all. and that cnirnlz.mcfi Is taken by the Deity or wicked nets, and we find already some of the wretches boy. gltig lll;e cripples not to bo exposed, Rut to return to tho political preacher, iVfter villifvillL'tllld lllsfifvlnp-'lhn Inonr. CCratlon of HlOsOinon. lin'lms tlinninlii. city to come in their midst, and is wil ling to risk ids lifo without n body guard. I Bravo man 1 His very looks snuv ins guilt, i supposo no nowwnnis to come oacK ami apologize, or perhaps intends to straiirhtcn up a Ronton mer chant who told him in tlio presence of two oi nis lacKcys, mat no nati laisincti tno truth and lieouiu no proven, where upon lie boenmo very inditrnunt. anil said upon tho honor of a uciillomnn. mou save tno marK,)iio would attend to mm. li lt it appears lis mi overcame Ids valor, nnd that wastholast wo heard of it. About tho best ndvico I could suscest. wero I to venttiro nn.v. would uo ior mm to go boutli and get a posi tion in tho nigger Bureau. I tiiink there is a wido field for political preach ers, nnd Hie Government would furnish the body guard. Then there will lie no danger of being waylaid and thrown behind old loirs ! Another serious ob jection to his coming hero to lecturo us is tlio vivid recollection ot his abuse or somo of tho old members of the church who are now sleeping in their graves. j-iocs no supposo meir cmiuren w in ev er forgot tho Insult'.' May our right hands forget their cunning, and our tongues cieavo to tno roois oi our mouths if wo do. Messrs. Editors, you may think this a little harsh, but the half lias never been told. I think sir, wo have a right to sneak out on tills subject. No man ha.'i a higher regard ior a preacher or tno uospei than 1 have: no man detests more than I do, thoso wno use it as cioaic to cover their ovit deeds. Onk of the 41. THE LATEST. San F.iiancisco. Juno 1(3. Tho Third Congressional Convention have nomi nated Chancellor Ilartson for Congress. Great dissatisfaction prevails over tho ticket nominated by tho Stato Conven tion for State officers, and it Is expected xnai mero win oo an independent Union ticket placed in tlio field. Tlio Democrats aro sangulno of carrying tho Stato in tlio;Fall election. Louisville. Juno 17i Tho Demo cratic Convention of. Bowling Green, yesterday nominated Jacob" S. Gallo way, candidate for Congress from tho xiiirii District, to nil vacancy caused by tho death of Hon. Elijah Hiso. NEW-ORIEANB. Juno 18. Tlio follow. Ing dispatch received from Galveston, dated "(ith'inst : Wo have dates from Quoretaro of tho Od instant, and from Martorez of tlio 9th. A letter fr-pm' San Luis Potosi of the !ld says that a telegram from Quoretaro of thoSdstntea thattho trial ofMaxtmillinn had not been concluded. Sixty ladies in mourning, residing at San Luis, had caneti upon rresiuent Juarez, and pray oil that tho lives of tho prisoners at Querctaro might bo spared. Tho Presi dent f aid ho would do all Hint ho could coinpatlblo witii Justico and his duties : that many Liberals had been shot at for wnom tnoy iiiiti not interceded. Two engagements had taken place at tho capital, which resulted In favor of tho Republicans. Tim foreigners iu tho ciiy nati anviscii .Marquoz to surrender, promising to protect ids escape. The Jlroiciiiville Jtanehero savs that 1:1 Mexwuno oftho luth reports Santa Anna off Vera Cruz. It is reported that Maximilian had nsked for a private in- terviewwith Juarez, for tho purpose of disclosing important Mtuo secrets. Maximilian was convicted on tin night oftho yd In-t., nnd sentenced to boshoton the morning of tho Itli, with Miruiiion and Molia. Gen. Martiuez. commanding tho City of Mexico, lias executed Gen. O'llanin, commander of tho post, for treasonable correspondence wun mo Liberals, jio has also arrested KiO Liberal sympathizers In tho city, and threatens to execute them, and bum tho city, if Maximilian and his ucnornis nro unrmcd. Thk Cincinnati J'nqutrer keens it be fore tho peoplo that 2,rm,m) Radical votes have 21(1 .members of Congress, while :i,riilo,l(H) Democratic votes have but sixty members. Well, what of it'.' Jtmrs. There is this about it : 1. It stops, or should stop, Hie assertion ui ignoramuses mat tno people or tlio country nro opposed to tlio President's restoration policy. They aro not, but a iniijoriiy oi u minion aro in iavoroi it. J. It shows Hint tho pretended repre sentatives, oi tno pcopio,uo longer repre sent their will, but flagrantly misrepre sent ih tl. It Intimates that there Is some thing rotten in Denmark ; something that must bo corrected ; or olso wo must abandon nil claim to bo considered a '"try under Democratic institutions. ... "lm'y conoluslvo evidence that JLH0V.Srum?,ll "s at lxesent udiuinis ;.rti,lrr.t.,!?,,f?ll ,,011)lly government nil i,i . ry ? ,l " "wlndlo, man. ngo l by und for thu bom-tit of tl o few, at tho cost of Hie many. ' 'I'llrftrnliinu r.,.....i .. ii. . . , ;: " """"nun a i-iovis on- al Government, Di'.DicATini. The comer stouo of the new Lutheran Church near iynrtz school house, In Brlarcrcek- townshlpj under the pastoral euro of Rev. A. II. Shorts, was laid on last Sabbath, Iu tho morning tliero wns preaching by the Rev. G. M. Rhoails of Danville, who delivered a very nblo discourse. In the uftornoon at l! o'clock a largo assembly gathered, nnd arter listening to n very Interesting und instructive sermon by tho Row A. W. Lentz, of Montgomery Station, thu cornerstoiio of blue marblo presented by Mr. Rush, of Slinbury, was then placed by tho workmen In tho Southwest corner, after which the pas tor performed tho final ceremonies, Tho following articles wcro placed In tho stono: The Constitution of the congre gation, with ti short history of thosaine. A list of the members und subscribers to tho building. Tlio names of minis ters present. Tho liatnes'of tho Presi dent of tlio United States, and thu Gov ernor of tho State of Pennsylvania. A Bible, thu Lutheran Catechism, tlio church papers, and a number of United States coins and stamp. " lien finished tins will bo n beauti ful church building, rcllectlng great credit to the congregation and a blessing to tlio community. Tho silo cho-cn could not bo better, commanding a beautiful view for miles of thosurroun ping country. It Is expected to have It completed by early ta.llcrwtclt Gaz, Tin: Patriot and Union pertinently says the man who does not read the nd- veitlsements iu his paper can never bo said to bo well informed. Tho adver tisements indicate not only tho business enterprise but Hie enterprise of tlio ad vertiser, when you see a man who advertises liberally, you may be certain of finding a good stock of goods in ills store, Hint ho keeps up with tho market and sells cheaper than thoso who do not advertise. If.yoti want gootl bargains, always patronize those who avail them selves of tlio advantages afforded thro Hie advertising columns of their paper. Tin: New York Tribune thus raps tho Philidelpliians: A resolution to extend a welcome to tho President, when ho passes through Philadelphia on his way to Boston, was defeated in tlio Select Council of tho for mer city on Monday. This is a souse loss act of discourtesy to tho Chief Mag istrate of the Nation and can only do mischief. Pkfladelpliia owes it to her self to reconsider this hasty action. Thousands havo been changed by tho uso of the Peruvian Syrup (n pro toxide of iron) from weak, sickly, suf fering creatures, to strong, healthy and happy men and women, and invalids cannot reasonably hesitnto to give it a trial. For Dyspepsia and Debility it is a specific. SlinniDAX's new Govemorof Louisis- nna, B. F. Flanders. lias assumed Hie duties of his olllce. I- hinders was mudo Governor by one vote General Sheri dan's to whom ho is no doubt pro- iountiiy grnieim. Tlir.Rndieal press throughout tho Stato are declaring in favor of Negro Suffrage. Will their platform to be mado nt Wil liamsport. eomo out boldly in favor of tills doctrine? Wo want tlio question fairly met. Mnrkct Hrport Wheat per huslicl )!' ;; ( om " 82 40 I 1 lu 111 00 . 7 00 i! U 1- lour per barrel Cloverseeil , Flaxseeil Putter Tallow l'otnuii-s Dried Apples I'ork Hams - 1 1 Kiili-s unit Siioulilers Lard ier iiouuil ,IIny iKr ton I,U.MIli:ii. Hemlock Hoards per thousnnd feet Pine ' ' lorn, i.iclii fio no lsnai Joist. Senntlinir. lMnnk. tlleitil.ielcl l i oo , ...i.isv-( .,.7, , in iiiiiiijtuiiu sin, " - " " - 7 ! Kldlns " " ft IK 00 I'llllnitelpliln Mnrkrta. TlIl'IMDAV, JUIIO 20, 1M!7. I-'I-or-lt NotthweiiteriisuperllUDnt SI.THii !Wi) .-.uiiiitti-siciii i-Mrn v.wiib ll.rrfl Northwestern fmnllv IOikiia 1 - imi Pennsylvania nnd Western sum-riliii. .. H.miutt I'ennsylvnnlii niul Wesiem extrn IMWiu lii.iin -. (-.1.131,111111,111111 n i-Mern nullity ii.mi(,trt.iio I'ennsyiv aula nnil Western f.iney 1 l.n live Hour 7 ini w iiK.vr I'ennsylvnnlii red, V bus Sii'saSino s.ouinern .. ., :i.uwaii.. CMlirornlii ' " fi.tio " white " S.'l.l.V(i?.'l.lM Hvk I'ennsylvnnlii rye, It bus (,'imx Yellow, Sl.oito.8l.oil line, S1.JK,VSI.JI OVTS-Vbus 7ll,-(oe7.-, 1'novislONs Mess I'oik, V Mil fil,VI .it-ss jn-i-l, " 5JI.ii Presseil llos, -j it) si-ii-irt.Hi' Smoked Hums ' l.V-r,ri.M -r.i " .shoulders w lb l.lewl.i2o IJtrd,-ftm LicKl.-ltTe Skmis flov erseid - bus S-UJOmsViO Tlinulhvseed V bus i, , I:''u5l',,. " s.t.i)i&,.!.o.. .,. .uu-, i ni-ou-u tflJ.ini .so. i .vinerienn... 811.00 (.'AITI.l. Ileef Cuttle IN lsenhle Cons, -ji liend SlOi.isiiO Snrjcp tt It, iicii7e HoaH V UU Ids nunc siu.i MARRIED. J.t.V.Vi.V-A'.Vyj;W.S707'-On Tlll.sil.iy uven Ina, the lSlli lust., nt the houso or the hride'n father, by tlio-ltev. Thoiiins II. Ctillen. Pr. A. II, Jamison, or Wir-hlinjton, it, v.. Id IjAvii.i.a, il.iiiKbtei- of Josepli w. Ileudershot, it lllooins. bur, .Vif..7,'-rofrAY,,-Inl)iiiivHleJontlie!itlilnst., by Itev. J. W. htelninet, Mr. I'ktkk Mii.i.fii, otni-llolli'iid, Ivii.ernieouiity,liMrs.MATii.iiA iou.Nu, ot Ituicli Haven, l,u.oruo county, I'n. DIED. tiWJ.sllllu in Jerseylown, on Kntiirday the lith ol June, IN17, lit seven n'clis-U p. 111., Airs. M, H. Hwisiikh. u lfiinf Pr. T. J. Swl Jut, aged thirty Mars and sU inoiiilis. How vain Is all beneath tint skies ! How transient u; ry earthly blUsI J low slender ntl tho fondest ties That liluil us to a world like tlilsT Tho t- ruing i-loud, tlio morning dew, Tho wllh'rlug rass, the fading tlower. Of i-urlhly hopes urn emblems true Tlio glory of a passing hour. lint though cartli'H fairest blossoms die, And nil lieneath tho skies Is valu, Tliero la a brighter world on high, lleyond thu reach of euro and pnln. Then let the uopo of Joys to eomo our cures, nuil chaso our fours i IfOoil bo ours, wo'ro truv'llng honie, Though passing through nvalo of tears-. A.o.l.V-lu liliHimsinug on tlmlSlli tust-ltviir hl.ElTA, wlfo of A, J, siloati, ngisl lorly yens, two mouths uilJ iwenty-huven days. A uitiimi wire, it devoted mnthcr and nmlable, lovWy and ehrlsllan woman has gone to lu-r to ward, .Mrs.bluun hud utwiivs livid in lUooms. burg, and a very largu eoncouisu of sortiiitlug friends followisl her remains to their lust ii-sllmr place. Tho beautiful and Impiesslvo ecrciuonlcn of tlio i:plsi-opal Church wero piounuuccil met thn gnivo whero sh? n sts, In tho assuieil hopo of n blessed u-surrrctloii. f.KMOXV-lu Mount l'lensant, on tin-lull lint.. 'A'i- I.kmos,soii nf ltussi l I', nod Kllznbeth i.i-.sioss, ugeu nuoui iweiiiy.iwo ears. SPECIAL NOTICES. WIHTAlffl 11AIXAM Ol' WILD Clir.UHY.- Tlits rpiiiMy hailons: Iiti'ii cliorlslipilliy thp com iiiunlty for lt rrnmrltnlito i-fllcnoy In lelk-vlnif, licnllnx niul I'tirlni! the mint nlntlnntp, painful nnil lonu-stoiiillng rnp nf (bvghi, OiiN, Jnttuctf tntXiHirThrvnltltronehlUn, Whonytng (tiiifA, CVoini Astftuut, Itylamation of the Lung,; while t-vrn Oitmihiittiwi ituclf lniHyleliliil toll iimttta Inllu- euro Mlion nil other inram liavn fttllnl, it wliotii history irevos Hint Hip pn'tliniprnihtcnl no rem city of fiiinl Milne, nnncurci for lliti niunc-rouH nnil ilnnstornm jmtmnnnry nnvctlnm which pr' vnll nil ovor tho Inml. I' TiMTIMiiNY. Voni Andrew Ar- clur, ., of Jhlrjlrhl, Mr. "Almllt I'lullt yi-nm kIik-i' mv nun. Ili-nry A. Archer, now l'ostnm.ter nt l-'nlrllclil, Homcrsct county, Sic, wns nttnckcil Willi Kpilttnttof lilowl, cotmli, wi-nlmcHHof Limits ninl Krncrnl ilclilllty, vo much mi Hint our rnnilly phVHlctnn ilcrlnrwl htm to hnvoiti'Mcnlcil Con HUmpHon." IIo wns timlcr mcillcnl treatment for n number of month, !mt received no heneiu from ii, ai icngm, iroin 1110 noiiciiniion oi iniu-i-ii unit other. I vn lli.ltlcoil to liurclmno one hottto of WIHTAlfs) 1LVJJSAM OK WII.1I ClinilUY, winch ncncllteil mm no much I oiitnineii nnotner bottle, which in n short tlmo reitorcil him to IiIh usual Klnto of henllh, I Uilnkl cnnKiifelyrecom iiieml thin rcmeilv toothers In llkn conilltlon, for It Is, I think, nil It purports to be The itrentl.tini! itcineily for tho Times! Tho nhoMi Ktntemcut, gentlemen, Is my voluntary otlcrlmt to yon lu luvor of your ll.iKaui, nnil Is nt your illsposnl." l'repnieil by Hi:TII W. I'OWMI A- HON, 18Tre luont HI,, lto-ton, nnil for unto by lmiKglnts Kent-rally. Ji-7'07. OItACirHCl-'.M:ilUATI-:nHAt,VK-AMr.sIlt'IlY Mass., OCT. llllh lMtl. Mr, (Iran Dear Mr: Having been nllltctcil itrlevously for sovernl Wei-tin with n Movcro abscess upon my sble, I live,! pevernl roiiH-illes for lt erniilcatlou without reeclvlnir nny rellel, tmtll I applied your salve, which elleeti-il ft speeily unit permanent cure. I therefore feel happy to certify my conlhletico In Its vlitues, Vour.s with respect. .IAMHS I1KAN. I certify to tho truthfulness of tho iilmvo Mnto int. II. H. DKAIIIinux, M. P. Mm I W. rOWI.1I, A HON, Huston, Proprietors. Kolil bv all ilriuslsts, nt ill cents nbox. Ily mnil Il-i cents. TO CONSlTMl-nVIX Tlio luhertNcr, hnvltiR iMeii rrHtnretl to iieulln in u. few v eekM ny n very hnpU' remedy, nfler Imvlnjj sufTered for Beverul vears with a feeriilumralloctlon. nnd tlmt drend dWenm Consumiitlon lsnnxlotia tomnko known to IiIm fellow-KUllererK tho menus of cure. To nlMvho deslu It, he wilt send n ropy of tho preserlptlon uetl (free of ehsiro), with the dlree tloim for jm-pnrltiR nnd uslnj; tlio Name, which they will tlnd n hunt; crnis fok Conmumi'I ion. Astjima, ItitoNcrn rrs, CotrmtM, corns, nnd nil Tliri!il unit I .mm A flix-t Intiw. Tin. mill- ttMwt nf the advertiser In wndlntt the rreRcrfntlon U to none tit ine muicteu, nnd sprend iniormniion whleh eneeles to he Invulunhle, nnd he hopes ei-rv NUlIi-rer will trv his renudv. ns It will enst them nothing, nnd may pnne n !iieMdm:. PnrtleH wiiilnK tlio prescription, Kitrt:, ny return mail, will pleau address hi;v. i:iWAun a. wii.son, myni'di-ly,! W'lllinmshurfr, KIiirs eo., N. Y. p IT I j T O S A Ii K of vamtaum: miAT intati:. In mirsiinneo of nn order of tho Orphans' Court of I'olmuhfft county, on Satunlay the thirteenth duv of -Inly, IM", nt ten o'eloek In the forenoon, Ueorce 't Correll, minrdlnn of Mary Jane Mor- ris a minoreniiu 01 inue, wio oi josepn morri, late of Kloom township, In said eounty, deceased, will ornnmi to unto, hv utihllc ennno. on the nremhes. n ecrtniu undivided third Interest In eertnlu real estate, hounded und ilesi-rlhed us fol lows, to wit: on tlie uoitli by lot of (Jen. Ouiun, on the enst hv nu alley, on the south hy lot or m. rerry, unii on ine. wesi oy iron imie uan- roail hireei, couiainuij; 7) nnrriutoxTvmrrKT in diutii, more (tr Ies ; Into the estate of snld deceased, sit uate In the town of Itlooinshurir. and county aforesnlJ. Jrssu Com;man, Clerk. Terms made known on day of. sale. (ji:ou(Jk w.comiKrj,, IJIoonisburK, .Tune HI, 107. (iuardlan, p UKIjIO SA-IjK Ol-' YALUAI1LK ItKAI, I'STATK. In pursuance of nn order of the Orplmns Court lit H-II nvi rv lit llir I'll lliwiill, J .lljn II VI. HIlHri in, administrator of Clomuel G. llickottn, late of Or- nnce townsnip, in mui county, (teeenseo, will ex pose to pali, hy public vendue, on the premises, a certain messuage and ii o t o r a h o u n d, nl lii.ili" Ill town of Oranuevllle. ('oliinihtii rnnitlv. bounded Ijy hind of A. It. rttewart nnd 1'eter Ach eMbaeh. by Main street In front, nudnn nlley lu rear, wiirrruu in vrmtii n kkhi TWO-STOKY I'ltAJIK HWIU.MNO HOLHE. The lot Is located In the centre of tho town, nnd Is In every resnt'dt a desirable property; late tin estate of said deceased, hituato In th township uiKi l-oiiiii) hum I'Miui. tui.i'.nAn, Itlootnsbtim, Juno 17, 1kC7. Clerk. Onuhtioni of Vip. 'Jhe itne-half of tho pur chase money to remain charged upon tho preml- t .i.irii.,. !, i...t.,-.ti nr.. nf Vt.... Dr,,i...ti.. widow of tho deeeasetl, and tho Interest thereof tube annually and reirulnrlvimld herhv the nur- chaRer on the first day of April of each and every year during her natural life, nnd at her death the principal 10 ur imm oy ine nurciiaser l( uio per sons loyally entltlud thereto. Ten per cent, of ono-fomth of tho one-half of the nurchase monev to be paid nt the striking down of tho property; tho one-fourth of thu one-half, less tho tun per eent. on the absolute cnnfliumtiou of sale, and the balance of the one-hair In ono year from the confirmation, with Interest from lho confirma tion nisi. The purchaser to pay for deed nnd Mamps. i-.uij.yii t. uiuivt.i i, June -I, l'sTT. Administrator, p U .H hi C S A Ij K OF VAMTAIU.K Itr.AI. IWTATF In pursuance of nu order of the Orphans' Court of Columbia county, on Saturday, July U7th, 1NT7, at ten o'diK'k In the forenoon, Daniel Klngley, Jr.. and Daniel hhmley. sr , ndmlntstnitors of John Winuley, late of Heaver township, In said county, deceased, will expose to sale, hy public veildue, Ull lilt lUt'llUil-, II I'l l HUM IlllMIHKU lllHl TRACT O V LAND, bounded and deserlliedas follows, to wit : On tho south by lands of I'eler Haucli, Jonathan llauclc iiinipuiiiiin AuiiKiwr, mi uii wcsi uy inuus or Samuel Nuni'esoerand I'eler Ilauck. on tlie north hy land of Peter Kneeht. nud on the east by laud ui uiuuii r-nrai iiiini, voiiiiiuini; oni-: mTNDiti;i) and twknty achils nnd thlriy-slx perches, strict menMire, wheremi is eiectttl a uoosl nlauk houto two storlt'M blL'h Kootl fin mn haul: barn, sprint; house, and other (Hu-iHiiiwiuK, i nt-ro is a never miiing spring or Water at the door. About lilnetv acres ar.rlfnrl ami ina good stato of cultivation, fifteen neres iii-inK nif.minv iuiiu. mere aro aisoou ine prem ises three thrltly yruuig apple orchards hi hearing i -oi ituiion; Mil- mo esiaie oi saiu ueceaseu, situ ate in the township and county aforesaid. JKvSK COL KM AN, llloomsliurg, Juno 17, 1M7, Clerk; (bud t! ion i nf ,Vi; Tho one-third oftho pur rh ivA mnnov fn rrmiilti ti!t.n.,l ntum tl.a scs during the natural 11 fo of JmlvKint-lev. ii ldnw of the said deceased, and the interest thereof to ooauuuauy ami regularly imiti ner ny tlie pur chaser on tlie llrst dav of Mnv of eaeh nnd i-vnrv year during lier natural lile, and nt her death tho principal to be paid by the purchaser to tho per sons legally entitled thereto. Ten nor cent. f one-fouith of tho two-thirds of tlio purchase ii'n. i i"int in uu MiriKiim now ii oi lho propeity; the one-fouith of tlio two-thlnls, less uieieii jiercenu in ine eonnrmauon nosoiute and tlie icmalning two-thlrtls In ono vear thprtt, atler, with Interest fiom thn conllrniatlun nitt, i nc purcnascr to pay lor iiecM nnd stamps. DAMi;i, K1N(J1,KY. Jr., Adintiilhitrators. im. i j-.i puii din , fir,. June -I, lst!7. JOCUST TWP. UOUNTV FUND, Wk, lho undersigned Auditors ui Ih-usI town shin, heri by eertlty that mo have settled with J. i, .iiupiK'ii, i.oueeior 01 ll illlllj' lax lor isiil. Atuotint on liupllcnlo 81 Ily exonerations :uy fl lly iieri-cntiiKo iu) 70 Hy cash paid 1'. K. Herbelu, Tieasurcr ,!t'is 1 It.iliiuco In hands of Collector H7 fxi Henry Hi-IwIk, on Duplicate for Hit. SI. II l,.n I'lt, by exonerations J12 07 ' by iHnsntiiu'i lil 41 l'ald 1". K. HcrWIn, Treasurer, 3,'ii7 M 3,3U 4(1 I i-ii-i ,. t tii UI.-III, iipuiri in i.uiiiii- Ily eiisll ree'd of J.J.Uililpliell, Collector SiWi 23 lly cash of Win, (jiHidiiiiiu, one of thu committi-o for priK-urlui; oluuieers s7 M iiycasnoi jieury Jieiuiit, couietor 3,-jji is 111,067 18 lvter K, Ilerbeln, claims nn allnwnnce ror tlio roiiowlnir pnynients niiiilo: l'nld to National Hank of llliHimsburi;, 310. Albert Ilerlieln tieterau soldier, " Interest on sundry bonds, " fur stamps, duplleates und money IC9 33 :mo no m 52 .ill iiiimirn ijiiiiks, I'eri-eniimo l'ald Henry 11,-lwlt " Audllors lur Ihree days, ' ' H lteliibnld for procuring volunteers " ('ommltlee " Itobert 1-' Clark for (sillcetlns money irom Henry llelwlu, .ii m -Vi (II t l (IU II UI 17 12 I 3) 40 07 Ill.'-IH Itnli.M,-., It. l,nn.lo r T.Hr., hi:uiii:x r.MiitiNtii :it, ISA All 11V1.M1 IIAVIII VKAlilClt, .luno 21, lsi)7. Auuitors lSTHAY llKII-'Klt.-OAMi: to t iu; 1 'V, i V, ,, , 1 111 r 111 n,Mu lO' niu, u iiiu.iiMii iir.irr.ii, iiihiiii uiren yt earn "in, dfi iin-nj inoini riciirru'K 1 iciiier. tho Tho ' "i"'iviwiiiuPiiiiiiHriy, pay cnargCA und take her away, otherwise sh will UMllBiMised t as the luw directs, MOttl-M COI'r'MAN, JfURXITURK I FURNITURKI I I lliMll'llr; WAHF.UOOMS, VlWI.KKAI.i: AX 11 llKTAlt., ItOOMS OVKll MIM.CIl'H STORK, llLOOMHIIiritd, l'A WllKlit: mny be found the finest msnrlinrntof F U It X 1 T U R K ever ntrereit to the people of this section, consist. Inn of rAULoit, KiTcnr-N and iikd-hoo.m Frit. NiTuni:, of ntl kinds,, styles, description ninl prices, CHAIRS OF ALL STYLKS, Kitchen, Plulnir, Parlor nnd Hitting ltoom clmlrs, KXTKNSIOX TA1JLES, IlrenkfastTnlilcs, Plnlni; Tables, Kitchen Tables, i.iurnry nnu uentre ) nines, S I 1) 11 HOARDS. Chestnut, Walnut, nnil Chestnut-wnlnut Trim. med, ntnBcres n largo assortment on linnd, well mndo nnd nicely flnlsheil. DRKSSIXa CASKS, llnllHluiKls ItnttrreHnniUlrnckctH, every vrl tty muIllnMi, SPKINO li K I) S . Tho beit ever otTorctt to the jiuhtlc. PICTUltK FHAM1CS, And lu fact every thing to he found In u i'lty Wnro Hoom ran he hnl In our room, nmt nt the very lowest prleen, I hnvo established the UKAPY PAY AND ONIJ VltlCH HYKTUM, And wnrmnt our oh us repreKentetl. J. K. iiati:s, llloomsburE, May 31, 1S67. G HEAT ItKDUCTIOX IX PRICES AT l'llTHIt IINT'8 HTOltK, ix m(jht HTnin;T, SPIUNU AND SU.ADllilt GOODS. Till! subscriber has Just received nnd has on hnnit nt his old stand In Light Street, n Inrse niul select ASSOimiKNT OP 51KKC1IANDISK pnrchnsed nt the lowest figure, nnd which he Is determined to sell on ns moderate terms nsenu be procured elsewhere In Light Street, tvn VA.sir on vou.vritv rJionuci:. Ills stock consists ol LADIES' D It ESS GOODS, choicest styles and latest fashions, Calicoes, Muslins, Ginghams, Hmincls, Hosiery, Carpets, Hllks, Shawls, READY MADE CLOTHING, ' Ratlnetts, Casslmers, Cottonades, Kentucky Jeans. AC, AC, AO. GROCERIES, MACKERAIi, Queunsware, Ccdnrwnre, llnrilware, Mciticines, Drugs, Oils, Taints, Ac. ROOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS. In short everything usually kept In a cnnnliy store. Thopntronngoof his old friends nnd the public generally, Is respectfully solicited. The highest tunrket prlco paid for country pro duce. PL'TElt IIXT. Light Street, May 3, IS(,7, QREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES AT II. K. SLOAN'S STOIti:, IN OIlANOEVILLi:, l'A., o r SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. Tho subscriber hasjust received and has on hand nt his store In Ornngeville, u Inrgo nnd select ASSORTMENT OF MERCHANDISE purchased nt tho lowest figure, und which he is determined to sell on ns moderate terms as can bo procured elsewhcro lu Orangevllle, roit cash on couNTitv ruoimci:. His stock consists of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, CHOICEST HTVI.ES AMU LATEST FASHIONS, Calicoes, Muslins, Ginghams, I'lannels, Hosiery, caju'ets, Shawls, READY MADE CLOTHING, Satinets, Casslmers, Cottonades, Kentucky Jeans, AC, AC, At . GROCERIES MACKERAL, lueensware, Ccdnrwnre, Hnrdware, Medlciiu-s, imt'tis, oils, i'Aints, r. ROOTS & SHOES, HATS it CAPS. In short everything usually kept Inncountry store. The patronage of his old friends nnd Hie public genernlly. Is respectfully solicited. The highest market price paid for country pro duce. 11. K. SLOAN, orangevllle, May 21, 1807, E M 6 VA L O F C. C. M All IfH N E AV S T O R E TO N HIVE'S III, O OK, ONTIIECOKNUIt OK 31AIIKKT AND IKON H! IlKl.TS, The itnitcrslgiieil having received from the city n full and complete supply of Sl'KlNfl AND BUMMKll DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, NOTION'S, TIN-WARE AND HARD-WARE, CKDAll A.XD WILLOW-WARE, CONFKCTIONWtV, OLARS-WAlti:, T O IJ A C C O , JI A T S A A' J) ,V II O E ,V, FLOUIt, HALT, FISH, AND M K AT, till of which I propose selllngnt n vory low llguie for cash or produce. V- Call nnd see. April 12, 1S67, C C. MAIIII.Z Tll. fr, FIRST PREMIUM v x ' or u Sllrer MeJal Ws wis iviiDin to W BARRETT'S HAIR RESTORATIVE JL Drill' N. II. BUU Airlcullurtt R.KI, Tutf lu I sir holdin Is Nubiu, btfUV, 1& IIABUETT'H Vegetable Hair Restorative Btitortt Gny Ifklrto it ntturcJ color. Tro motet tii growth ot Ut Hair. Clxutjif th rootitothelrcrimnU orwiic acUon. utdi-& ratfi 1 1 Brim if anit flumora. 1'rcvenU . Ualr inlllnr out. It a fcuprrfor Drtifelog. It (onuiDi NV iDjunuui inKiraicuu, &d U thtmwt popuUrand itU sV nL North and rffC w o J. R. BARRETT & C0.t Proprialori, M1NCIIESTCR, X, It. 48iMljy U N. MOYKH, lUoomnburtf, V nnd DrugnUU geuerully. (ipr3'07-(in rPO ALL WHOM IT MAY COX X CKHV. lMfu. tnko nut Ira that I, Thomas II robs I, nf Mine UIukp Columhla couitty, havliitf tMHiRlittliHtollowInK list of propertv from John ixmRtit me following ltst of proper tv from Junn H. Manii.doiliTlaro tlmt it it my intention to lend tho Mime to tho nld Mnnii, u; Two mules, finn lwn.)uiruiilnrliiivu-niTnn mm t hurutt U'H IKlIl one and two KctNnf liiiriiPUH ' TIKIS LlUOIiSr. lilinu lUdye, June I), lWit. IXKCUTOIt'S NOTICK. li xxrTK or hamuli, m'.ni:ai-, incc'n. ltttTK tt-htumeiitury on tho enluto tf Suinufl M'.MiU, lute of llontoii townfchlp.C'Dlumhlacoiiii' ty, dercuhed, lmo been Krunted hy tho Jlciltr rk!ili1 iiiniili' ti Alirnhulil M'NVill. flf hlttd (ourriklito I 1 i lu.hoiiu lini-liir nlnltnu itr ilotllllllils atftiliiHt thP t'htiito of thu decedent ur riqurtttil to muktWluMii known to tho lUeoutor without delay, ami nil person lndebtelaro rwiuewted to miiKO pay mem, ,im.UA.n ,m June ii, i, i,fruiui. A DMIXISTUATllIX NOTICE. XX. rjiTATK OK I, W. IIAUli, UKC ll. U'itersnrniiminitrntiim witntno wiiinnin-r Uiu estate of I. W. Ilaim, lato of Centriillu Hor iith.Coluinhla eounty.deceaiwil, liuvo been urnn il Ur Hie ll.-ifli.ter of Mild colllltv to Mary A, inula. .11 iiciniiiin iiiiiii( i.....i.o : .....l..u. ..e .....t...., nr.. r.t..l1..Mt,-ll toinakuthein known to M, il. I.'Velle, t'n., at Afchland, I'a., nttorney for theeHtatej und all ik.'I fconw iniieoilii are reiiuenieu lo iiiuho wji'i""- 1IAUV A. 1IAUH, Admlutilrntrli UllO 11, IfUl, HUM irl,ir'"'