THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBUKft COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. .!anwcv,'jS igp;u'tmrnt. I'nlntlol. tit I'm). , Tiir linportiua'c of a rotation of i-riiiw 13'l'll UbUlJt'Ct of Vll't liioinciit to tlio .iKi'lcttlturlit, DoCoinlolIo Iiim nil vnncuil tlio tluorymul lms supported It by btrons ar inient, that of tlio nutriment which plants rceclvo and lt'ic.t, tlicy oxudo an ii i- nntimablo or uumitrltlvo portion by tholr root, and that this uxorontt'iit mattor unfits or polfoiH tlio soil for a Fmind crop of tlio fiuno kind until it In cither con-uitiLd or netitrallxd by cul tivation; thU very niatto liuwuvu provln!,' nutritious to other or dlU'crcnt kinds of plants. From this he argues that one crop of grain should not bo succeeded by another ofthosaiuedcscrlption, wheat after wheat oats alter cats, etc.; nor reasoiilii; fron analogy, oii-jiit wneat lo ioiiow oats, as thoy aro too nearly allied In their na tures, and are supiio-ied to feed on the Mune pabulum, both also coveting tl o Hamo description that which Is cool and rather heavy. Thu abovo fact will account for tho fact that tho clover crop often falls when sown for a lonir .succession upon the sanio boll, l'lbrous-rooted plants aro always best followed by tap-rooted ones plants raised for their tops or grain may be best succeeded by thoso cultivated for their roots and tho reverse. I'rutu attention to these facts arises tho Incalculably prolltablosystei. of "turnip husbandry" In Kngland, lv which they aro enabled to rai-o crops of grain of the finest quality in almost If not quite double tho quantity, and at tli - situo time carrying forward the imtirovemcnt of thesoll toanalino-tlndoflnlteexleiit. to which may bo added tho means of supporting double tho amount of slock by Introducing thu different varieties of roots, gre.'ii crops for soiling, forming a link Ina system by which the famer is enabled to pay In rent, tilhc3 and taxes which in almost every other country would bo 1 mnd unsup.or(abic. It Iso change of crops which we want and not a vH for the land, and I sin cerely believe that wohhould be relieved from one-half the evils which now as sail us In the. shape of Wi. lit, kiihiL rust, mildew, rot and a dozen others, whoio wine would then bo forgotten nhculliv crop being mostly proof against this host or pc.-tilences. And Mich a crop usually springs from a well-cultivated soil nor however made rich bv the im- mediate application of largo quantities of rich manure, for valuable as theo may be in forcing on green crops to bo mown for hay or fodder, I am con vinced that they aro of Injury to tho production of all kinds of grain. Xorarothoio remarks alone applica ble to the farm" or farm crops, but also quite as applicable to the garden, where a careful attention to tho rules of rolu Hon will greatly increase tho crops both in quality and quantity, as 1 havo prov ed In my own case Germanown Tel cgraph. tlunutltj--- J! givo tho following for reference : GltAlx UztlLi,i:u Wheat, ono and a half to two bushels; rye, ono and a fourth to ono and a half; oats, two ami H,half to threoV barley, two and a half to threo; barley and oats, ono bushel of oats to" two bushels of barley; peas, "two to three bushels; buckwheat, half to two-thirds of a bushel; corn, in hills, six to eight quarts; in drills, for fodder, two to three bushels ; broadcast for fod ,der, threo to four bushels; broomcorn r in drills, half to three-fourths of a bush el; beans, ono to ono and a half bush els. dn.AS3n3. Timothy, eight to twelve .quarts; orchard grass, ono and three fourths to two bushels; red-top, twelve to sixteen qua'rts; Kentucky bluo grass, two bushels"; -wliito clover, four to six quarts; red clover, six to eight quarts ; millet, half to threo-rourths; lucerne, eight to ton pounds. VECIETABr.K AXD OTJIIIll filllllH. Iiccts, four to five pounds per aero : car rots, two pounds; ruta-baga, thrco forths to ono pound ; tobacco, two ounces; cotton, two to flvo bushels; turnips, ono to two pounds; onions, throo to four pounds. Htone Fences. IN eoiiio regions a stono wall is tho cheapest fenco that can bv made. In many respects, too, it is tho for farm purposes. It has a look of honest stability that is truly pleasing, but is rarely advisable except where adjoin lug fields will furnish stones enough to incloso them, nnd tho fields will be greatly improved by their removal. Every wall will tumble down soino tlmeorother. On tpringy 'nils, drain ing Is indispensable. A troiich should be dug a fot or more deep with plow and rcraier. Then ilnm tlm htoncs for tlio foundation, and dump iiiem in me irencli, which will save much Imudllftlng. Afterwaiilsdiuwtho smaller, scattering them ulong Union tlro line. Of course, tlio stones should bo laid so as to bind n.smuch us possible, anil inclining lnwariis somewhat, ir practicable, find enough ilat slones to' ....,., !( A, .,.,. ...i 1...1.. t i iwti-t uiu iw(ui vi. w .inn , linn J.I.-.I nj throw off tho rain, and to prevent Jack Frucl from tearing it into pieced. Amor Icon AyricullitrM. Vuttui; ..tutur Many persona, in preparing potatou for cooking, parootv a thick ollco trom the Burlaw, Instead or illaglu-; out thu eyis. I'ref. Wot, in hU lectures on tho potato, bays this i-klmilng proi-cm wrong, us nt'lliu vugutnwio lli-s near tlrfiifmi-t' w sUirch ;;ruv- lag less nliiiiiilaut.sYjf "the u-mtro is up. pruxluiatpil. Tho s arcli, near the sar. face, contains the nutriment which $ not moro than sovon or eight per cent. tlio u.ilanco being mainly water. Trrtimiilautlii'; Titm I'j'.ol'l.F. planting orchards should give strict orders to mark tho north sldu of tree with red chalk before they aro taken up, and when set out to havo tho tree put in tho ground with the marked side to thu north, I'llr Stmt lit tlir Hn(,-, Tur.iti: were two brothers, who wero both soldiers ; the ono hail grown rich, but tho other had no luck, and was very poor. '1 ho poor man thought he would try to better hlm-elf ; so pulling oil' his red coat, ho becaiuea gardner, and dug his ground well and sowed turnips Vheii the crop camo up, there was ono plant bigger than all the rest; and It kept getting larger and larger, and seemed as If It would never cease grow Ing; sothat It might bocalled thuprlnco of turnips, for therenover was such a one men before and never will again. At last It was hi big that It filled a cart, and two oxen could hardly draw It ; but the g:rducr did not know what In the world to do with It, nor whether It would bo n blowing or a eursu to him. One day ho said to hlius.'ir, "What shall 1 do with It? lflsell will bring mono more than another would; and as for eating, tho little turnips 1 amsurciiro better than this great one: the best thing perhaps that I can do will bo to give It to the king, ns a mark of my rev spect Then ho yoked his oxen, and drew tho turnip to tho court, and gave It to the king. "What a wonderful thing I" "1 have seen many strangethiiigs In my life, but such a monster as this I never saw before. Where did you get tho seod, or is It only your good Inch If so, you aro a true child of fortune." "Ah, no!" answered thegartlner"! am no child of fortune; I am a poor soldier who never yet could get enough to Ilvo upon; so 1 ct to work, tilling tho igiound. I haven brother who is lich and your majesty knows him well, and all tlio worm Knows iiim; out as 1 am poor, everybody forgels me." Then the king took pity on him, and said, "You shall bo poor no longer. 1 will give youso much, that you shall be even richer than your brother." So he gave lilm money, and lands, and Hocks, and herds; and made him so rich, that, his brother's wealth could not at all bo compared with his. When tho brother heard of all this, and how' u turnip had niado the gard ner po rich, ho envied him sorely; and bethought hlm-elfhow ho could please he king midget the same good luck for himself. However, ho thought he would manage more cleverly than his brother; , ho got together a rich gift of jewels and fine horses for tho king, thinking that he must have a much larger gift in return: for if his brother had .so much given him for a turnip, what must his gift bo worth'.' Tho king took the gift very gracious ly, and said he knew not what Jo givo in return more coolly than thegreat tur nip; so tho soldier was forced to put it in a cart, and drag it homo with him. When ho reached home, ho knew not upon whom to vent his rago nnd envy; and nt length wicked thoughts camo in to his head, and he sought to kill his brother. So he hired some villains to murder him ; and having shown them where to lio an anibuh, ho went to his broth and said, "Dear brother, I have found n hidden treasure; let us go and dig it up, and sharo between us." Tlio other had no thought or fear of his brother's roguery: so they went out together; and as they were traveling along, the murderers rushed out upon him, bound him, and were going to hang him on n tree. But whilst they wero getting nil rea dy, they heard tho trampling ol a lior.-o afar off, which so frightened them that they pushed their prisoner neck and shoulders together in a sack, and swung him upby a cord to tho tree ; wherothoy left him dangling, and ran away, mean: ing to come back and despatch liimT'ln' tho evening. ? .ueaiiiime, nowover no wonted ana worked nway, till ho had made u hole, large enough to put out his head. When tho horseman camo up, ho proveiT'to be a student, a merry fellow, who was journeying along on his nag, and sing ing as lie went. As soon as tho man in tlio bag saw him pie-sing under the tree, ho cried out, "Good morning I good morning to thee, my friend !" The stu dent looked about, and hceing no one, and not knowing where the voice came from, cried out, "Who calls mo'."' The man in the bug cried out, "Lift upthlnoeyes for behold here 1 sit in the sack of wisdom ! Hero havo J. in a short time, learned great and wonder- ous tilings. Compared to what is taught in this scat, all tho learning of tho schools is as empty air. A llttlo longer ami l shall Know all that man can know and shall come forth wiser than the wis est of mankind. Here I discern the signs mm motions oi uic ncaveus and tlio btars ; the laws that lontrol tho winds; the number of tho sandsou tho&eashore- tho healing of tho sick; tho virtues of an simples, oi Dims, ami or precious stones. Wert thou but onco here, niv friend, thou wouldstsoou feel tho now . i i ...i i Ol KIHJWICtlgU. Tho student listened to all this, and wondered much. At hist he.said,"liloss- eil bo tlio day and liour when 1 found you 1 cannot you not let mo Into tho sack for a llttlo while?" Then tho oth er answered, as if very unwillingly, "A lime space i may allow llieo to sit here, If thou wilt reward mo well and treat V '-"""J ui uiou mui mrry ye: an iKi1' n' 1 10 "nutters that aro yet unknown to IIU' Bo tllOHtudcnt Mit lilmwiir .1,,,..,, waited awhile- lmt the time hung heavy upon him, and ),u bogged hard nit ho m ght ascend forthwith, lor 1 is thirst ot 1-nowieihio w Then tho other brain to ulv,, . ' ," said, "Thou must let tho hag of wlwloiu di'-ceud, by untying .vonder cord, ami thi'il thous'utlt enter." So tho ntudent let nun down, opeiieu ino nag, ami set him free. "Now then," crhd Jii'. "u-t me mount quickly 1" Ashe liegilh lomit himself Into the sack heels Jifht, "Wait awiuii'i" isiw Hie garcinor "inai is not mi- way." rneu no puied nun in head urai, nisi up the hag s mouth, soon pwuni; in. the searcher idler wisdom. uau'-iiui- In tlm "ii.,n. u i, with thee, frim.iv" said lie; uulo tl eo.' llest theru In ., tm tliouart a wiser man than tlmu wort " ho raying he borrowed the btuit..,'.... nag to rtilu homo upon mid trotte.l .,tv astasi as hucoulil. lur iim- tin. . should return; and ho left the poor stu dent to gather wisdom, till homebody should come and let him iii.w,. .i...r. ho had found out in which posturo ho was wisest, on ids head or Ids heels. DRY GOODS, &c. G ltAXI) OIM'NlNli tlllANt) Ol'KNINO niiANi) ornNiNU (lltANI) Ol'KNISa QltANI) Ol'KNIN'O fAI.t. t'Al.t. fAI.I. r.M.i. t'At.Ii AND AND AND AND AND wiNTin- WINTIIIt WINTIIlf WINTKll WINTIUt (I001M, (10O1W, (100 DM, (KIODS, (100DS1, cnnsHtlna ol cotnlitlnK nf .'Oi.hHIIii)? of rtmslstlllV of ruisUtlui of 0001)3, (JOOD.S, (1O0DS, 0001N, (100 1 H. DItY 1IAT-" 11 ATM HATM HATS HATS AND CAT'S, AND OA 1H, AND CAl'st, AND CAIH, AND CA1"!, lit WW IlOOl'sl noon HOOTS I'.oots AND SIIOIls,, AND Hlll)i;s,' and sitor., AND Witt I US, AND SItOIvS, IlIIADV-MADi: CLOTIIINO, 1!i:ady-madi: ci.orniNa 1!i:adv-jiai)i: ci.ivrniNri, ui:ady-.madi: cLoritiNd, ltlJADV-.MADi: CLOTlItrCI, LOOI'INn-dhASSlls, I,0()i;iNO-(iLAS.sli, M)OKINO-OrVSSIi, I.OOKIN(J-OI,ASSIl, 1 .001 I NO-0 1.A SM PA NOTIONH, NOTIONS, MOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, PAINTS AND OII.s, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS (5ItOCP.ItIi:s, (inocnitiix, ouocr.iiiKs, onocintins, aitoci:uii:s, QUP.nNswAiin, ihii:i:nswahi", QlinKNSWAIti:, (im:KN.swAiti:, ('UKHNSWAKi:, HARDWARE. lIAUDWAnK, IIAnDWAIlE, IIAIlDWAnE, ITARDWAIIE, iTIWAItE, TINWAUE, .TINW'AUE, .TINW'AUE; , TINWAR Is, PISH, PISH, PISH, 1'ITII, PISII, nitAiN CHAIN IIItAIN (IltAIN OltAIN AND AND AND AND AND SEP.DS, SlIl'.DS, s.i:i:ds, si:i:ds, si:i:ds, AC, McKELVV, .McI'EIiVV, JIllvELVV, .".IcKELVV. 5lcKi:i,VV, NKAL NEAI, NEAIi NEAL LWS, CO.'H, CO.'S. CO.'H. .VEAL A CO.'S. NortlmcRt cornoref .Mnln mul Jlmltct Streets, NiirlliHit niriirrir SlnliiJiinI Murltit Hlriftn, Norlliwrkt rariu-rc t Mnln nint Marltet Streeti, NurlUwcst v.""ier of JIuli) mul Jlnrlcit Nirrpta, N'ortlm-mt lonicriif .Mull, nml Mi.rkvt b'trcels, llTXiOJtsnililO, P. llU)OMlilmo iiLooMHiunm, p IILOOMHIlimo, 1'a"' iiLooMsntiiu), pa' I HON IltO.V IHON IKON i ito.v AND AND AND AND AND NAIIJS, NAHjs, NAILS, NAfliH, NAJIJ. oaUur!d."Uai'UU" W'aucea'.ate8,nlnr IMP HALT, DRUGS 8t MEDICINES. wk i)i:rv cpjii'jjTiTiox. puitr. Dituas, rum: ciii'micalh, rum-: patent mp.diciniis, at Tin: A' ; ir j j i v a a r o n 1:. HAIil llltUSillis, CLOTHES llltt"Hltl".H, NAlIi liiiusitm, tooth ntcstttn, iilackimi nucsmx, WlllTIAVASII IIIICSIII S, I'Atvr ASH VAI1NISII IIIIUHIItJS Pltl'.NCH AND AMEItlOAN WINDOW (1LASS, every Mze. W II I T K I. K A 1), PLOltENCE WIIITi:, COI.Olts IN IIIL, luiv iiiunts, r.vrr.NT ihukh, Lisskhii oil., TIIIII'liXTINK ANII V.M1NISIII.S, IIRTTKIt THAN can ins unrmiT r.t.rArunnr. HUl'l'lUIOU 1)YK COLO ItS, uiist ami riiKAt'ir. All tlio T'.ilrtit Meillelno", wnrrnnleil KOiiulne COAL OIL LAMl'S, CHIMNEYS, WICKS AND lU.'P.NElts, WHI)l.i:SA LB AND IlKTAtt, PKllPUMUHY AND TOILET, ANII FANCY AUTICI.KS IN OltKAT VA11IKTV. Agent for Limlretirn Unnlen SeciK AKent foe MarifirR Celi-brateit Trusnes. COUNTHY HTonKKEEPEHH cupiillc'l with (loilfrey'i. Corillnl,, llnl Ram, Hnrlcni nml Hrllhh, Siveet mul Cnsler Oils, llooiier s Pill., LKsenco mul 1 lavorlni ExtrnctH, lower tlinn New York, Prices, Everjlioily re- lneinlier thnt fifty per cent, enn be wived by Kolnf to HENDEItSIIorrt m.vlTCT-H." MAIN srin:i.r, Hloovsiicihi. D HUG AND CIUCMIt'AL STOlll': lllnom-.tiurtT, Vn, intras, ciir.MicAix, iun,t, nniFornitY AM) TOILV.T AltTICLlX llVKIt A MOYini rcsiicctrully Invite n cniitlmmnco o( ri'trnnoKc. Tliclr 3)ruK" mill Moilk'IncHtuoHll n-Icctrtl witli tho greatest, nvoMlni? us iiiui'Ii ns imssililo tho tntrntluctlon of tlcllrlous lmMnuns, nml nro puri-haseil from tliobt"t hnporltng houses tn tho country. IATKXT MKIUCIXIX of nit lhtil, incln"lliif? Aycr, Jnync'H, irUo wny'n, Ilostettcr's, VlslnrtV, llooilnmrp, Ac. constnnjly on Imntl. COM, OIL A XI) Atcoxroii. llAIIt, 'IOOTJI, XA1L, AND currnus nurwiiiis TAINTS AND CHEMICALS f every variety, nml of tlio lest quality, 1WNCY TOII.irr AIITICI!X Tho puMlc inny rely nt all times on roeuriiiK the nboo nrtieles, with nil the new useful ieiura tions kept In thu !est eomlucted evtnblKhments. l'JIYSICIAN'H IMtlXMUITIONS mul Family Receipts coinixmntleil Ith tint k r fat es t ueeurney nml ilNpatoh. J K. MOYKlt, WHOLESALE & It ETA I L i) ltuai s t, eoiiNitn or -iain anii siahkht sTnnKrs, llLOOMSDUItO, PA., where will bo founil a laro met seleet stock of Druss AlKDIC'KXS- AXD CIIKJIICALS. AUonllth,) pathst MianeiNi.s oi' Tin; hav, I nin also prepareil to rurnlshCountry Stores with Castor Oil, ('tnlfiey'8 Coritlat, TUItLINOSTON'S I1AI.SA5I, mul nil other mc. Urines kept In their line nt City prices. lli- Prescriptions carefully eompouiuleil nt nil hours. In meillclnci., (u,illly N of the 11 1 Impnitnuce. Ill jnnislmi'K, .Tune", 1817 KVKUKTT & DR. J. 15. CASH'S xn ir j) it va sromc, IN OltANGEVILI.E, JUS T O P E X E 1) with A si'I.i:niii and vaiiii:ii asioi'.t.mknt or cnoiw Ai'i'EnrAiNisu to the nueo uusinim. PUKE IlltUOS, CHP.MICALS, ETC., AI.WAY8 ON HAND. In short nny nrllelo thnt enn bo nameil in tho Drug line run bo hail at their btore. Dr. .1. 11. Case is a Prnctloncr, ami nlxo unilerstniuls I'hnr macy: E. Everett ts a Jleillcal Stiulent, has nt tenued ono term nt the Jen'erson .Mistical College, nnd understands tho compounding of Drugs, iiTheyTcspoctfutly Invito th patronage or their friends, nnd the publlo generally, assuring them 8A1'.E''!.ftna wliatovcr will be nurehnscil of them will bo frcsli and puro. nprSiiw ; GROCERIES, &c, VTEW ST0.HE---1 - va'h.k aYJ 71' MOOD?, MIFFLINVirXE, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Thk subscriber respeSffillyTlnforms bis friends and tho public that ho has Jus; returned from tlio city with a frusli gnd well selected AssonTMiTj()P4in"itciiANi)i'.E, and lias openedlTstoro'ln tiie room formerlv oe. copied by Stephen Wolf. Ills stock c om.M's of eu rylbing usuallylkeprin u tlrst-rins country store, sin-b ns jyguL niiv coons, qndcsmtaSitAnmvAni:. ri.u.u. M'AKK, I)lUt037MEl)IClNr.s, At'., ,l('. Ho Iiojhs to merltTi slmre of the imlille pan-on. "lllnv.le,M?rTM7.'"i'-SJM"-U1 joux STH0U1- & CO., Successors to Stronp & llrother, WIIOLl-SAI.U DEALEHS IN I-'ISH, No. 21 North Wh irvos, an 1 2, N.uth Water St., Philadelphia. "yyK.VVKH & SI'IIAXJCLK, WHOLESALE OltOCElttES. W) COM .MISS ION , MEHCIIANTS, No.. Sii ami 227 Arch Slreet, Philadelphia. gCJlKLL, JJEUaEIt & CO., OENEIIAL COMMISSION MEHCIIANTS Dealers In I'lSH, SALT, CHEIii:, PHOVISIONS, ,tf Nos, liiiuul 121 North Wharves, iiIkivo Arch St. Philadelphia. Solo agents lor Wilcox's Wlie.l Grease, in bar lei., kegs, and euns. JSTAHLISIIKI) 17IK1. JOHDAN A: IlltOTIIEH, wiioi.i-sALi: nuocEits, nnd Dealers in sALTPirriti: and iiihmstone, NiOI'INorlbTlllliIHIIeet, Philadelphia. QOTTltKLI. A AYHKS, Wholesnlo IKiilers In PISH, CHEESE, Ai Ac., No. jtMXoui, Wharves, second d.Mir nbovo Arch street, Philadelphia. u.AiiruiM. c. 11. r. 11, .mrMAS, YUl'.MA.N, Dll.lilNGERIt CO., ... NO.SaiNnur,, TIII1II1 HTItEirr, i.uarlji ot.m.ue jUMeli lSimUc l(. th) VVJ ,..,.". I'ealers III I,. ,V,,,,N"' W'""IN. CAItPEI-S, ' """t, H,Y SKIS, OltAIN HAGS, ('OHI)A(IP., A,.. tIH WILLOW AND WOODEN WAHP llllfallia, THUAKS, I.OOKIN.l lll.ASSM.'ire May 10, 8U7-ly. ' rL" DRY GOODS. JJUKHA1I FOlt (5ATAW1HHAI nils i-UH ll.uw.i.-ir flooili tt) rnmimri' Willi stringency of llio money innrltit. Ixik mul eoinpnro prlees before pur elinslns elsenliere. .lust enll nt tlio f.ivoilto bns. ncssiittiU'lof McNINCIIAHIlU.MAN, mul you will be met by Mic obliging proiirlftonior tbelrelerus, mul sliown tliromli tlieir greni vnneiy nloro free of ebnrce, of eoursp. Tbey will Blve you n fnlr ebnneo In nieinl your lone . Iiiiiiki', tbey Iruvl mueli more iirolllnbly tlinn It enn I'O iwnt elsewbcre. Their STOCK OP DItY (lOOIIrt tills Sprlna Is inueli lnrger In nil lis Mirlttliw tlinn utinl, Tbclr LADIIW' Dltm C.onDs nre of Ibo nlcn.1 Myles In mniket. 'll.ey Imien llnu iiHMitltucnt of HATS. CAPS. HOOTS AND s!tor.s. HL'.MMI'.lt CLOTHS, CASSINKlS, CAbSIMElllN, AND VPJSTINllH, mul numerous nrtieles eoinmon totiueliestabllsb- meuls, bestites a general nsmirtment of HAllDWAItE, TINWAllE, (H'M'Nf'WAI!!:, AND (IttOCEHIP-S, nil nt greatly rcilueetl irleei.. They wlsb to eon duct their business on the ytem of "PAY AH YOU (10," mul they tlilnk tbey enn ntronl tn sell very elieap, They return their thanks for many pnl favors, mul nsk thn fuluro palronax' of their fomier eus. tomcrs mul the publle tienerally. McNINCH .. SI1UMAN. ILMlJUU.STKll & UIIOTIIEII, linjiorters mul Jobbers cf IIOSir'.HY, GLOVES, MllllfS AND DHAWEH-", lltTTOXH, HPSI'ENDEilS, 111)01- liKIHTS, IIANDICEHCIIIEI'S, TIIltEADS, SEWING SILKS, THI.MMINGS, POP.TE MONNAIE-, SOAIfl, PEItl-TMEIlY, l'ANCY GOODS, AND NOTIONS OENEHALLY, Also Malilif.u-turers of HHUSIIP.S AND LOOKING GLASSES, and Dealers In WOOD AND WILLOW WAHE, 11H00MS, P.OPI-S, TWINES, Ac No. niO North Third Slreet, oIkivo Vine, l'hlladelihln. M. 31. 3IAlU'Li:, NOTIONS, 1I0SIEHY, GLOVIS. AND l'ANCY GOODS, No. r.l Norlh Third strict. Philadelphia. J. LKSTEH, Wholesale and Rt tall Dealer In POUEIGN AND DO.MI-STIO UAHPETS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, A ft, No. 21) North Scniul Stieet, opp. Chil-it Chinch, Phlladelpbln. JAHCllOFT A CO., Importers nnd Jobbers of STAPLE AND PANCY DItY GOODS, CLOTHS CASsIMEIlES, HLANKinS, LINENS, DItY GOODS, HOSIEliY, Ac, Philadelphia. XUHEWS, WI1.IC1XS & CO., Dealeis In I'OHEIGN AND DOMIsrHJ DSIY GOOD-,, No..WMnlketSlrect, Phll.utelpbla. JOSEI'II S. DELL, Mnnulncturcr of and Wholesale Denier In CLOTHING, CLOTHS, CASSIMi:m, AND VP.STINGS, No. 1! North Third street, Philadelphia. "XTATSOX .t JAXXEY, Importers and Jobbers ol SILK AND l'ANCY DHEHS GOODS, SHAWLS, Ac, No. 3S1 Market Slivct. Philadelphia. MISCELLANEOUS. JOWIO, I'.l'.STOX A CO., .Miini'.f.iclm. s mul Wholesnlo Dealers In COTTON YAItNS, CAItl'ET CHAINS, 1IATTS, WICKS, TIE YAIiNS, COHDAGE, llHOOMS, WOOD AND WILLOW WAItK, LOOK-G OLASSP.S, CLOCKS, PANCY IIAKKE'I S TA11LE, l'LOOlt, ANIK'AIlltlAGE OIL CLOTHS, Ac, No. ) Market StriTt, south side, l'hlhldi Iphla. rjIIE KEYSTOXE CLOVER SEED S T R I 1' 1 i: R . i'ATrNTi:n oi-Toiinit 2, 1M,C. This simple, though . llecllve luaf bine Is adlull. ted by nil M-h nlllleoli.enelstoliotliemiKt direct device tor E ilheriiig elm cr seed y. t A meleglaliei- at it 1 sullU-li III lo com luce the most olituse mind of Its lirai'llcnl utility. It strips Hie ..lover bead Iroin the stalk having theslriiwslaiidlng uiion the ground. It Iseaslh drawn by one hnise, mul it-iulivs Ijiituue m.ui o'r hoy In wink It. It Is.'omisu-t.siuiplo In Hiuctuio, and not Ha- I llo to gi I out of Older, lllldeau be clieaply got III'. lhe great ndvaiitago In this ma.hlno Is, have Hi.- seed gaihensi in tn,. , iian; rnidv fur iho .lover mill or luill.-r, InM.lcs snilug ii,,' greal b iiKlh oniiiii'aiul lulsir of mow Ing. handling and thi.'tlihig it in, in the siraw, It will also my ev ery larincr In gather hlsseeil wilh tills, ni.-iehlu,' on a.ssi int of the saving ol lhe seisl which is lost In the old way of gathering It. I.xlranrdhmry Inducements nllered to energetic iiienwhowUhtopuri liasi'Sinteor lonnly Eights. I-or parlleulars addri's WEltl'MAN A HEINIIOLD, .'i:n ri; . ,., t Jan-ii.) Coluuibla C.amiv. TV.. "jl TEA DV1 LLIO Tli IUM.Oli I 6a L .. ..-,,, ., iiehiii,.ii prulei.ou, ,,nd 11 ."'".:, '.''.'.""''."'.'S !s 'o .due.iie, Miuiig iii.-ii lor the ChrMlail Ministry. There fs a piviuu-ulorv eljiss lor those wb.i iKi.e nut leceivisl nill.nUltu eilue.illoii. one buudiisl and sixty dollars a 1 em 1110 granted to iK-iieilelailes, wllh sum ill siieclal eases. Tlio tuition, iis,.. l.lbraly foi iideil by lhe I'nllnilau and I 'In Minn delioiiil. lull Ions, but Is onen Ion 1 til,.. 1...I1... u i v.'M,'i,i'rli" "rt'hilIlaiilly. Tho l.lbiarycoii.l-ts Atililii-ailon unit-be tn-iilo !).... t t r ';""; ,',','''SJ'.'' "1 "r ,llu I'o.iril or" Insir'iietlon. Meadvllle, Pa. llovl7-ly 'PIIE A3Ii:RICAX HAY KNIFE ,AN!' , I'OHK'.-Wo lhe undersigned elllieu. oi I'oluiiibla Coiiuty witnessed the trial of liav lorks on iho tarm of .Mr. Pursel, In Hemlis'k 'lownshlp ,,!, .Monday. Mav 7, lsn(, beliee tl, sllVi''r.-n''-t 'w !"v,",',';1,i'!'.1,! iaiiuf.l. l.iie, by SI.ll, NALl.s, SIIHINElt A V'1., of l'Wls. burg, Pa., iiud tho Hundel s Patent W n,;. Iho Atiicrliio -mlt I . rt . .. I ... i."...'' ..." m,"tfl !'VU"' I tmi'lel In line... Welir.'sal s. i i '" 'I"'" '""eh liny into the mow a two inn I horses can draw, We nM saw It ciittliiK hay.audlbliik It cannot be Ivul nsali-.vlVii lie and ell. erfully reeommend It ,,s the In st liny 1, I; and Unlit, we have ever seen. ' W '""IlKJSlJEll. Jill. P C. ILlmilsdN, J. II. KOO.NS, J0,N Il.IlK, Jons,- Dctiiiiik, D.istn. No'-Kit, II. Dim.KMII.IFU. SU.VIMII It Pl'i si:!.. MiciiAKi. HH.I.KI!, John Woi.k. ' I ili'l III tilt I Illliiiilni'ii lit.. -.l....... i ii. Iteajs-raud .Moiu.r.mul oti.r.BVicuHuruT.!,ur TOBACCO & SEGARS. rpitE ONLY l'LACi: to get tho Iiest T0I1ACCO AND CKlAltfl, AT WHOLHMALi: AND llliTAII, Isnt IIUNUSIlEUOI'.lt'S, n fewilooin below tho American House, lltoniusburg, Pa. llo has Ibo largest mul niost u lect of HM0IC1NG AND CIIEWINO T011ACCO everorrensl lo tho eltlens nf lllorimsburg, All tlio fancy brands of HEOAHS, nnd th bet Plne-eut and Plus CIIEWINO T0I1ACCO, can be hnd nt Ills eounlers, TOI1ACC0 PIPES III gfoat variety are among his hiip-nstoetc, DON'T POHOET TO CALL. II, II. HttNSlll'.ltOllll. JJAIIEN, llOYl) & CO., liii.'ii-siii.-. .Mi.ui;ii.. in, and 'WhnlcFnlo Dealei-s In LEAP AND MANUI'ACTUIIED T011ACC0, HEOAHJ, At'., No. Cl Xortli Third Slreel, Phll.ulelpbla. Conslgiuirs ciin forward Uiclr slock "'In llonJ,' without prep.iyiiigtbi' United States tax, XT W. 11 AX ICS WHOLESALE T0I1ACCU, SNUl'P, AND CIGAlt WAltEllorsE, No. IM North Third Slteet, Imtween Cherry mul ltaee, west hKte( Philadelphia. jUSSKLL A WOODIIUKI'', Wholesale Dealers In T011ACCOS, CIGAItS, PIPES, Ac., Ac, No. 11 Nnrlh Third Slreet, almvn Market, Philadelphia. JpiUSII3IUTlI, RROTI1ER CO., WHOLIXALi: TOllACVO DEALEHS, No. 1,1 NorlbThlr.1 hlre.t, live doors below Hacc. l'nctoi les, Nos. 2il and 2i"i Quarry Street, Philadelphia. IRON, TINWARE, "ATIOXAL I'OUXDRY, llloomsburg, Columlila County, I'.i. The subscriber, inoprletor of tho nboe- -.'nisi extenshe eslalilNhiilent, is now prepared to le t-elvo orders fur nil kinds of MACHINEHYPOnOLLIEItlES, I1LAST PPltNACES, STATION,' HY ENIH.VES, MILLS, TIinnSIUNO MACHINES, A. Ho Is also prepared to make stoves of all sles and patlerns, Plow-Irons, and i'er. tiling 1111111 made In llrs-elns I'oundiles. Ills cMcnlvi' f.icllllles and practical Moil; mi l H-airant him In leceivlng lhe largest contracts on the most reiisoiiiilile lernis. Grain 01 nil kinds will In taken In exchange foi Casiings. Tills estalillshiueut is located near the L-icl-wanna anil Illnimishuig Hallmad Depot. PETElt lllLL.MYi:;.. QTOVKS AXD T1X WARE. . M. HfPEItT announces to his ri lends and customer:, that continues ti.eabiile business at bis old place on MAIN srilEl.T, llLOOMsllUHG. Cuslonu rs can be 111 eoiiindiiled lib l'ANCY hlOVEsi of all kinds, SloM-jilpes, Tluwnie, nnd cvoiy va riety or article lound In n Stoionnd Tinwure Es. lahlishmeut In theeltlcs.nnd 011 thoinost leasoii' able terms. Hepalrlngdouenl tliesholtestuollce. ! DOZEN MILK-PANS 011 hand for sale, 1 7 1 Tun ic i 1 a 1 it, Importer mul Dealer In IKON AND STEEL, No. (W Piont slreet, Philadelphia. jEORGE if. RORERTS, IiiiioiIi r mid Dealer III HAHDWAHE, CUTLEHY, GUNS, Ac, No. III! Noitii Third Slleet, alsive Vine, Philadelphia. J II. WALTlRl, Lute Waller A Kaul), Inipoitcrmul Dealer In CHINA, GL.ViiS, AND Ut'EENSWAItE, No. 2.11 Norlh Thiid Slreet, betwi en Itaco and VI n. Philadelphia. EX.JA3IIX GREEX, Dealer In CAItl'iri'INGS, WINDOW SHADI-S, OILCLOTHS, M.VTS.A.'., Xn. SI Norlh Second Ml. it, Philadelphia. Q W. f!l7.l)X.V CO., .Manufacturers of OIL CLOTHS AND WINDOW SHADES, Warehouse, No. 121 Norlh Third Hli. et, Philadelphia, T U. LOXGSTIlETil, PA PEIt-HANG ING WAHEHOUKE, No. 12 North Third Street, Phllailtlphl'i. ! T. V 1'AM1!I':I'1'. IlllpOl ivtH ti!t(l JoMhTS jf ('U)niS,OAKSIMKltlit VUS'n.VdM.Ac., N(i.3i) .M.irUct Street, riiHuii. ii.iii.i. r..M.M(Nitoi:.tfo., 1 Uui-cri, V.i Miinnfacturtrsuf v luul -IcalcrH In all l;!ii(U(ff ur.MUi;it, Kiwi not lot that llicy ru prt')utiiil fu luxumtuddfo thi-ir custnia wlllMUsi-aUli, nml mi tliu tlaN st tt'l'IUN, jJJIiliKR A HOST, Hir(-tgnn iu J'rnnkllu 1 HeltztT t Cu Iinnort-prH ami Wholtwalo jK-ah-ia ju l.IQITOllH, WINIM, Ac,, Xqh. 410 uiul iU North TMul Htrett, l'lillmleUihln. SEWING MACHINES . (jjttO VUItjV HAKE It's SinVlXO 31 A C IT I X E S, Were award-'! the ItlKhi'd P;.Jiilmnsnl the Slnio Pairs ots ICenlueky, Vermont, New Jersey Missouri, Alabama, Ohio, Now York, TeimeHseo, tVniKyhanln, Miiflsit-pi, Mirhtgnn, Indiana, Virginia, North Carolina, Wisconsin,, Oregon. tlnllrnrnlKj at tim l'Atns op Titn American Institute, rrnnlilln Institute, Mary, bind Instltul.', Muss. Mechanics' Assocla. Hon, lVnn. Meelinnh-s', IsjuIs Agrleullurnl and Me chanics' Association, Anlt btimem.ts Instltuten an t County Palis, lllcltullnsnll Iho I'allKnl which tbey were exbll -lied tlio post three yonrs. 1'lrst Prizes have nisi Imh-u nwardeil ihi'si'M.ubiuesat Ibeexblblllons of LOXDOX, PARIS, DURLTX, LIXZ, llesnnenii, Unyoniie.St, Dljtler, Chalons, nnd lhe.'. Inve been furnished, by special enninuuvl, to lhe Empress nf Prance, Empress of Austria, Empress of lliissht, Empress of ltrnxll, ijneen ofspaln, and Queen of It-ivarlo. Tlir. GltOVEH A IIAKEU ni..HTir-srR'ii s e w i x a 3i a c in x e m nfo miiiorlrii to all oIhM's fur tht fullowlny Hons: 1. They wnv with two thu-ail-i tllrrct from tin ki tool's, mul rt'inlilng no leu liulln?. , Tht-y aro Minn easily uii'Ieitno'l nnl im nnd tow linMotn ih-r,iii!;c"i"Mt thnn othor Tn It. -1'ln'y nic cnpftbloof f.xet tit (iiKtH'i feet ty,w Ml - out clmiiKC of mljtistinent, n iiim h crftitrr tni of work thnn other miu-htncH, t. Tho htltfh made by Uh-mo lmvcliines I-s im lnoi'o linn, I'lulU', mid duralite, i-siacinHy mum uitlcW" wliU-li require to ln nhrd nnd Iron..'. th in (itiyulhor MiU'h. .. Th!- Kt it It, owJnn to tho mnuner tn which t:. unda thread N ituvniuglit, U mueli the inn : plump nnd lieautlfut In ue, and ivtahu '.Mr pliimpiiow nnd beauty even upon nrtieles i'i qui ntly wiivlifd nnd Ironed until tlio," art- w. i out. ii. TheJsttuctnuj of thos.-um Uhiu It that, thuu-li It be rut or hro!;eii at Intervals of onl n t Mitehi-s, It will neither open, inn, iph iat i, bei i in i In linn an I durable, T, lull!;e otli"i- mapliinefs, llK'.e fi-tui in' ends of the mmiii by their o n ujieratintj. !, Wll'i tht v maehlni'.', while Mill it um-i1 up m the rilit or f.ui s!dt of tho seam, rot ton nvt ! Usod upon tho other hI lo without leeuln tin trtiuth or durability of thu mmiii. This e.m 1 !ne on no other machine, and K a at . i upon all aitlc!es -: Itched nr ninile uji with kIIU, it. These ti lathi no-. In nddlllon lo th.-lr sup i , ioerlt a-4 Instruments tor se In-j, by a ehane i adjitttuient, easily h-ailied and pnu-li-ed, e.rui' tlannost beautiful and permanent emhi .n hr tin 1 ortmmental work. In ndtlltlou to lU-lr family machines they hte also the STITCH LVCIIIXES, malvltKuMltch alilaMiu bitth hUWs, This d 1 i pany maUe both the Loclc nnd Double Mltih Ma chines, no thnt poisons bavins a prefix nee i-ni select hwU as they llhu bent, and If not Milled a exch.-iifju for the other, thusllu' tbu publle the ntlvantiiKe nf this arratieiiu nt. They id o m ik the neu ty Inveuteil KO. 1 LOCK STITCH MACIUXKS an advance upon all machlncri heretotoie Kn n f.u'hewln;; with tho Loch-stlti-h. It Is offrieut powf r maiht lenyth, ei-pi-elaHy adapted for tai lot , fchoeuuUau, hatimsjj-nuilter!!, earrUe-tflminer-. and far all descriptions of wiil: to whU-h ll. l(fcl;.stlteh Pi applicable. It woiUs with equal f-ielllty slllc, eotlon, or linen thread, nnd will sew the lino. st muslhl as welt iu tho thickest lcathei. IViee Hi; with Hemmer, n. Their No. 0 is A IJUJIT JiUXXJXG MACJfJXJ:, eitutaluim; many Improve in. u1k, lulajitetl fur 1.11 lorliifj, vest-iu.iUIn, liRht shoiinaklinr, u. well u fur family hewiu-4. IjirD numhi is of these mi -ehluef aro lu ue, mul ihey aivo unlvirt. .1 satK f.letlou, Nono who have sieu this mneiilne w ll wllliuiily use lhe noisy mul euuiliroiis ltwUtlti ninehlnts heretnftn'o In Keneral t'.se. Piiee'V Willi Ikiiiinei-, f). Tliekoiiuieblnei. of e cry ileserlnt inn e..n i.u 1... ' nt tliongent'u olllee Iii'l:loom.bui''i, at ii'j..ihi! tlio manufaeturer'i. prleen, to whleli lhe alii nfu of the publle Ik especially luvlteil. T. II. MAf-TI'ltS, .u"i, llitt-tm'tu'it Ilitltttttig, Ili.ooiisi.i-nn, Mar;rc7-Iy. C' I'ouniy, Pa. TII'Iltl-" SIll'TTl.K SKWJXliOlA- ,1 J t'llINIW are Mineilul- to nil olhers for i-AMII.VAND.MA.Nl'I'.MTl'ltIN(l pl'IlPdSl - I 'omul n all the latest improi . im tits; me t.; . . iUi.el..Ns-',lur.i1ile; iili.l to Wt.i-1;. llhisiraleil t'lretilhrftiiee. Ai'tii-. u-iinti 'I. 1 1 crul iliseounl alluM.'il. No t't'lisiutni ut in , Atilli'k KJlPlIth H. M, 111., nlisl-ly lllll llroailu-tiv. New bul. JOHN (llI.UKItr, TIII'O. A. 1M II QU.llKIlT A HOYA1., rsr ini.isnrn 1-.11. WIIiH.lIHAl.i: DIIP(i(llTS No, "an nii.l '111 Noilb ', Pltllxlelphni. liujiorlerM aiul Dealers in DltPtN, MMDiriNiis, Kpin;si, paints, mi. HLAS'S DVHHTl'l'FS, At:, May I'i, 1 u7-Iy. j ii. muisi:i " w.wxsvun, saddm:, and uiI'm; M.Ni!i-citnii:it, mul il.til.r In CAIIPiri'-HAOH, V.U.ISPH, I'LV-NI.TS, Ar.. Main 8lreet, llloouistairt', P.i. A. JIUXDUV, it f-u.K'fUor tn Heiulry A- II.hi !f, launliuitur.'riinil Wholesale Dealer In UOdllu ANUtjllill, No. U North Third Ktrcet, I'lillailulphln. 0