3fhe (ifotumbinn, IILO(MNIIim(l,KIUIVY,.l.K , not. ('oltinililnroiiiityllMiiocrMle Coiivmiii... tlomllstrlotsnf Columhln i' i i .Z m tlZT. !'Lr,SVflHil?CrfiI.M?!iy.,.,P.tl,,'',B''rnl rln-Hn .i.X o, , . . 't iiusiinsiiurc, on .Mon. 'lay lioSilh, tiny orjuly, l-i!7,ut I o'clock. I'M. lor I III, Mil rtutun ,.r ,,nl,i.... . ' V ,w.,iA...' v. V. , no- usual annul I o ill nations or Iho Democratic party or Coluhin Co it ,y ,., , , .. IMI. llAHKI.IIV. llmlrninti DciuoernllcStnhdlnijCoiu. Wi: ninko some corrections this week in tlicMcrcwdile Appraiser's list by ml tlliii? some, tintgos, mid correcting the date of appeal. Those Interested will )ilea take notice. TnnselMyled "far seeiiiff" editor of mo Kepimtican Pays ho " lieiped to noni inate Andy," mid that's why hols pitch, hi; Into him. Then ho was 'nt so "far sooIiik" after all. JIoiv like the owl than tho eiu,'le. "(M'll hearts Ko )iari passu with the heroine, l.ady .Mitibril' lleiublican. Do they indeed V We have heard .-oniethiiiKor this before, e.-peclalv the jutri passu jiart. And how many hearts lias the sensitive "fur seeing' to uo with Lady JlltfordV r'n'Jfontour A merican or last week pulls Hob Clark. ISob advertl-ed in the American .'lleimlilicun. And did not advertise in the Colum bia Co. JlepublicaniiinX that's what's tho matter. Is Dr. Jlrower like you, bought by a little patronage ? Wi: published a paragraph hft week, that the editor or the ltepuMivan is Mir Uclently "far seeing" to think "keen, and sharp, and smart!" Wo should feel gratified if we thought tho " far seeing" qualified to Judge. Mil. William Appluman, of iien ton, has bought or Is-achar Kvans and Hiram I). Applenian, the saw mill ami tract or timber laud owned by them on Jtaven Creek, for the eon-ideration of two thousand dollars. Ukn.iamin r. Ki,Axi)i:ns, who has been appointed (iovernor of I.oiii-ianu, is n stauneh and devoted lovalist, whose record is known to every one who has intelligently followed the fiilon move ments in that State since tho war. The I 'rets. Our people have Mime recollection or Loyalists, in other words Tories, and did not think much of them. The Press seems devoted to them, how is it with the Jlcpublieun 1 "Tun Com'miiia Coi xtv Ulpcii i.ican sitteth at the gale or tho people! Jsit becau-o the aforesaid journal is tho spectral hand from out the wall that holds the balance that conscience tells him he has been weighed In and found wanting '.' Helah Vllrpubllvan. Is not that eloquent and elegant'.' A newspaper sits at the gate, it Is a spec tral hand, it sticks out from the wall, it holds a balance, and it weighs a man. That out Herods Herod for unmitigated nonsense. Komi: radical changes have been made la our streets during tho past week. Certain places have been improved, and others must be tested before their mer its can be seen. We would repeat what wo saiil on a former occasion, that If the So(K)(), road tax were u-ed in properly ilaving the streets each year, they would soon be in excellent condition and that annual expen-e reduced. Jt must be done some time, and why not begin now V Ox last Tuesday a young son of .Mr. Carver of this place, having got hold of a match, determined to have a private bonllro, and ignited some shavings in the stable on the alley in the rearof his father's hou-e. Tho blaze increased rapidly, when ho became frightened, amdgavc thealarmin time to enable the the neighbors toput mil the lire. .Shi ve's buildings, tilled with inltamablo mate rial, was only u few feet di-tant, anil had the flames spread a short distance fur ther a most disatrous loss would have occurred, ns our town I- destitute of tire engines or hose. Claims ron hack pay and ISocnty. Tho Second Auditor receives hundreds of letters daily, Inquiring into tho con dition of claims for back pay and bounty, and urging their speedy settlement. When applications have been examin ed and found correct in from, they are put on tllo for settlement, and aio taken up in their regular order, and without unnecessary delay j and as tho answer lug of such letters would in no manner aid theclainianlsjiutwouldocciipy much time which would otherwise lie devot ed to thosettlement of claims, parties will hereafter be notllled in each ca-o in tho letter announcing tho correct ness of application, that all correspon dence relating to the claim inut bo con sidered as terminated until final adjust ment. Titoi 'ti.no,-(Juitc a number of our citizens were "trout IWiIng" last week on tho I'lshlngcreek and its tributaries. The high water during tho Spring has heretofore provented this annual itinti-o. inent. Among thosiiccvrsfiil fishermen was John J. 31' Henry, Ksq of lienton, who caught a trout at the mouth of West Creole, which measured sixteen and a half Inches length, and weighed nearly three pounds, lie caught lt male soon after, but his rod broke, and though ho jumped into the water and secured tho pole, the fish had unhooked himself. Mr. M'Mcnry, the same day snared ono fourteen Inches long. We also spoiled a good pair or boots in the pleasant exercl-o or cha-lng a Ily down tho creek, and succeeded beyond our best expectations. There are few deep holes on our route that wo did not llnd. Mr. Stephen Kleferissald to havo a trout in his Pprlug twenty-two Inches long, which wo would havo given a new tlress to linvo obtained. THE Tin: -MywMieiM Justifies flreeley'snc- won in Mining Jell. Davis. A 11 tho Ktl Iter's howlliiif about "treason and tml tors" must havo been Intended fur ef fect, then, Inasmuch as ho favorstho re leasor tho principal traitor. We pre- suiiie no enuorses (irccley'.s views on "Treason" which wo publish this week. 's - ... fWn arc requested to glvo nollco that mo uiuiesor JiiooinsijurL'.lntendto hold astrawberry festival In tho Literary In- siuuio at tins place, beglniilii;; on Tues day evening, Juno ith, and continuing every evening throughout the week. Tho proceeds are to be applied to the purclinseora chandelier and other llx turesfor the Instltue. Vr. are pleased to note that Colonel K. Overton, of this place has been no- pointed Iteglster In Hankruptcy for this District. Colonel Overton Is an able lawyer, and his selection rellects credit upon the appointing lower. Wo only hopo that the emoluments mav Drove equal to tho honors of tho position. lirailfonl Argus. Wi: are assured by Mr. Welles of Athena, that the grading ofthe railroad from Towanda to the State lino will be completed to-day, and that the rails will belaldassoonastheycanboshlpiied over the canal from below. The X. II. nnd Junction Canals will bo opened on the Sth of June. We are nl-o informed that the Southern Central road Is being surveyed. What has become of the Ithaca and Towanda road ? U'mvrlv Atlcocafe. TitlOrangevllleHrass Hand prono-e giving a grand musical and lllerarv en tertainment at tli 3 Academy llnll, In OrangevIIIe, on Thursday evening Juno UOtli, and at New Columbus, on Satur day evening, June Ui'd. The exercises will consist of vocal and instrumental music, didactic and comic speeches, pantomime, etc. The proceeds are to go ror the henelit or tho Hand. No doubt tho people will turn out hand somely, and enjoy the promised rich treat. Wi: hear or no preparation ror the coming Fourth or July. It Is a sad to ken of tho degeneracy ol't hot imes,whcn theday which gave birth to American In- depenence is almo-t rorgotten. Certain ly some or our "back township-," can teach the county scat a lesson in this re spect, and celebrate the day In the good old fusliionetl way. True, Radicals may object to the enunciation or the princi ples of 'TO, and wo confess they smack of treason hut nevcthele-s they were Adopted and approved by our fathers, and we endorse themstill . . Haptizi:d. On Sabbath afternoon a-t, Itev. (foorgo J. Ilrensinger, pa-tor of tho JJaptist Church of thisplaco, per formed the solemn rite of Itaptism, by Immersion, upon seven persons, at the mouth or llriarcreek. Notwithstand ing the weather was .somewhat unfa vorable, the solemn and Impressive cer emonies were witnessed by quite a ,roodly number of our citizens. We are requested to announce that several others will be baptized in the SiKiiiiflmiiini rivwr. ut tlii-i nhu'i' on , Sal.lnUh morniii"; next, inimccUatoly . r , . , . alter Uivinc urxnv.Ittrtnrf; (,a:tth ...John has at la-t been c-,..k.L.U.-a to answer the question "whether or not he was in favor of negro Miirrafto and equality." As wo expected, he is In favor of iierfei-t equality, ami that no - 1 ... groc shall vote, lie jurymen, hold of fice, etc. Now, ye KeiubIIcaii, do you longer doubt the aims and purposes of the leaders of your party'.' It will no longer answer to say uu are not in fa vor of it, so lonj? as you act with a par ty whosu only object and aim, as ex pressed by their Conventions, -.pcahois. and pre-s, Is to ;ive the ni'ro, without exception, the same rights and privile ges the white man enjoys. 1 low about the nepubllcau orator in thN county, who declared that when his patty be came committed to negro .suffrage, he would take the stump against it V llin,i) UfjKii.AKY. Wo loam from the Danville Intelligencer,' that a bold and daring burglary wa.. perpetrated at the residence of .Michael Uosensteln in Danville on Saturday night last. The burglar or burgler.s effected an entrance into his hou-u and carried oil' therefrom, a box containing two gold watclie-, si silver i.poous,a diamond breie-t pin, and other jewelry, besides two hundred dol lars hi greenbacks, seventy-three Hol lars in silver and a two dollar and llfty cent gold piece. The box or valuables was located under tho bed whereon .Mr. Ito-on.-tcin ami wife were sleeping. Jt is nrettv certain that the robbers had a prior acquaintance where the box wasj irlor acquaintance where tl.o i.ox .ts, ituatod previous to their entrance into , hehou-e, Xo clue to the robbers has I the been had. A reward of fifty dollars H of ered for the return of the property ami conviction ofthe parties taking it. Mr. Ko-eiistoin is a hard working me chaulcwho Is illy abletobearthis heavy lo-s. Tm: Kdltor of the JteittMiean is it natural born orator, If not " llr-t-rato writer, .lu-t read this last gem: ,'TiinIdii()lIticlansaiidiv'if'iV'Vinen mav hesitate, but the Hat has gone forth that tho American Kaglens it soars alolt and rests one foot on tho iiinuutalns of Hiissian America and t,l.V otl"'f inclose proximity to tho Parliament Shanty in Canatla-wlth its beak ready ', :.V. ii, ii.i,,w,i'liilii.sticothatmay darotoshow its head under the proud l,lr,ljnvf.rlinilnu lllL' W Ilgs frlialf look down upon a country wnere an nan n equal before the law!'' Jack Downing isnownere; ins ihK" falutln is tamo In comparison with this. Wo might modestly MigKO't that it is a htio-o stretch for our notional bird to put one foot on tho mountain- of Itu-Ian America, and the other In lana a, o u this may be a "poetical license. poor bird bus also "a demon of Injustice miter Its wing" which, I'. John mijv. is going to get "grahbctl as soon u- shows Its head." iicpumi. , - not proud ol your t-ell-siyii lug-and-Iudcpcndent-as-aii-eagle-on-hU- e-riis" edltor.' COLUMBIAN, ELOOMSBUllGr, COLUMBIA COUNTY, THE KALEIDOSCOPE! n. n , -A limllf limy llfiv- Its rttictimltohs ,i t; vn,t ,.,',., ril, Ml. XXIV. MtWIC. TO Till; KM.MtiilS(fllK! No doubt, beroro the series of papers you are now publishing Is brought to a tRw, you would havo made tho subject to which I wish to draw youratteiition, one or them. Hut ns II U mm ,i,ti. i'. Just now exercising my mind, I will asii your opinion on it. 1 know that the man who hath no mu sic in his soul, nor is not moved bv con cord of sweet sounds, Is lit for treason, stratagem and spoil-. 1 take no part of that denunciation to myself, because nueii greai iovo lor music, and It Is that which Is at the bottom of this let ter. There was a vocal and Insf riimnnlnl concert held in ourtown sonio time ago, and as evervbnilv. Ids wif mui .,,.. heart were expected to go, I was, 0f course, present. Now 1 do not intend m censuru anybody , hut I must inrorm you that we havo very few lioonlonmoiiL' us, who even pretend to a scientific. uiiow leuge ol music. et the managers had llxed llontl n ttrii'rriimnwv pnnsUtht,. for the. most part, of foreign, and oper atic airs. 1 don't know that I can even name them. Hut we had"HTrovatore," tore all to pieces; the "Montezum i Urand March,"lho "Cuckoo Solo," and I can't tell you how many more nf tlm same kind. Now, toa musically uneducated au dience, what enlovnicnt do vim siiiinisn could bo derived from such selection or pieces? I venture tosay that to nlue-tv-nlne out of everv liinidrcil iMv-.ont at tho performance," so far as tho music was concerned, wasslmply an Indlscrim- ir on the tiiiinrt. or sr:iM. ingon the violin; and for anything I could see or hear, anybody oNe could have done it as well. J t is too most absurd nod ridii'iihms thing for any gentlemen to llx tin such a programme for a miscellaneous audi ence, that could bo Imagined; and what annoyed mo quite as much as my ina bility toappreelatotho most or tho mu sic, was, (o imvo a set or people whq un derstood that scientific perrormau.ee still less than I did, ir possible, clapping their hands to the echo, over scraping and pounding which did not give them ono pleasurable emotion. Do try to give mo some assistance in this business, ror I am iiersuaded you are not an entire stjamrer to "Ni:i.i,n:Oi:i:v." Nelllo'sconiplalnt is undoubtedly just. The vast majority of people are in her situation as' to musical education and appreciation ; and to play the most cor rect and exquisite operatic music to a musically uneducated ear, is Just like reading a splendid passage of Homer In the oritjnui, to a man who could scarce ly master a translation. Most people appreciate music, but they duly appre ciate only what they understand. In Laura Keeno's theatre, New York, some years ago, Mr. Thomas Haker,who led the orchestra, invariably gave the popular and well known muie or the day; tunes that everybody knew, per formed by a band of twenty to thirty excellent musicians was a real treat ; a treat to everybody; while if we had had "CuckooSolos," and other birds of tiiat feather, insfead or listening to the music, the time would have been spent by the audience in drinking brandy smashes, eating peanuts, and squirting tobacco juice over the floor. It is well enough in all concert, to interject an occasional piece of the high est musical grade; but popular, well known music is what creates enjoyment and awakens emotion. What the boys whistle anil sing on the street is what touches the heart nnd charms the ear; and it an instrumental iitTforniLT dosirc tl !vo llN .""Hih-o rwil plcaMirc, lie ! inu-t coiulmUiwu io their k'vcl. I luivc t M1(,roth.in(MW.(,nt(Mwi(Mi (.(.,ris. whom iV.V'V'1: TiVi".;:.."', V't.V mMiluniV) !lmi tl.y were enjoyed because the; were kimirn.' It i-imdonbtedly tine that a concoril 1 '.' " nll", u ,,u ,i , . .tliiti f;i ii t lirtf, ill ivli 1 1 lillli,"ll I'll!'. I' I'M although the melody be an unknown one. l!ut it inu't lie a melody mere musical .sounds will not do it; there mut be a blending together of all the harinoiiie.s to produce theeffect. There is no enjoyment perhaps which depends so much upon cultivation as that of iiui-ic, and there is certainly no accom-iili-liiiicnt which so enhances the de light of home, soothes the wearied spirit, and calms the agitated soul. When the corner-stone of the earth was laid, tbemornlngstars.sang together, and in every place and age music and song have been the nccoiupanicnients ofjoy and happiness and innocence. There is none of the melody of .singing and stringed instruments in hell, but weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. It wastheiiHi-icofthe l'siilniist David, the. sweet .singer of Israel, that chased the Hvil Spirit from the couch of Saul. And long after he could write: siii!; ftliiii'l niiin ciotl our slu-imtli : MuUi-11 Jn nil imlsi' until tin' "I .I.H'i'l'i . Tiiki' a (isalin "nil lirlii'.' IiIUht lllu lliiibn-l, Tlu'i'l' i'-ni't limp ""' l-s.ilu ry. lllow Ui tlu liuiiijii t III tli.- mr lnmin. In tin' lliiiiiiii)nill:liil, iiiiuur.Milrinii tfiil ila. V li.i) I 'iii:i:uvI!a i.sam. -The memo. 'ryof Dr. Wi.-tar is embalmed In the I hearts of thousands, whom Ids lSaUam J of Wild Clierry has cured of coughs, I colds, consiiiiiiitliin.or some oilier form iofluIii ary ili-ea-c. It is now over i fm-tv vears - nee tills iireiiaraiiou wns . . tli-iulllc-. ami yet the W inc.Ing. mui.iiiu i Dit. II. 1.. Iiixni:uMA.v, Director of tho C. S. Mint at I'liilntlelpliia, who was recentlv nominated and continued to that olllce, has proved to bo an ex cellent olllcer and a reformer ol abuses, lie has renovated the Mint by Infusing energy Into its management, by ills missing a largo number of unnecessary employees, and hy the introduction of Judicious rules for the trail-action of the public hu-!nc.s. miot wis tired Into the carriage oc cupied bv the I'hnperors of I'rnnce anil ltiHS-in.on theilth instant, as It waspass. In" along from thereview in tho Chump tie Mars. Xobotly was hurt, and the would-bo assassin was arrested. He is a young l'ole, whotle-lretl toavengotho wrongs of his country by killing Alex antler. Scuanton City Ki.i.ction.-TIio elec tion for Citv anil Want ofllcers came oiriuthat place on Tuesday last, resiilt liii' in tho choico of the Democratic camlidates for City, Auditor, and Treasurer, (the only olllcers elecletl at largo this vear, i by a majority of .117, out of an entire poll of lOWi votes. DIED. nn:ri:ilicil-t liN ieliliiieolnMontourlowu "hlii. oii Ihe i.ih lni., Jimx lui-.iriiii ii, l.si., a 'ihI 75 yean, 1 luoiith, and -I da k. lli:MOrf-U Madison, on the 1Mb of April, l-IJ, I'AIIIAIIl.St., ,,Mi.i. ,...- n j ear- and 7 ilayi. ifVI' i-Iii lienton, on tho SUli or May.HtM " cki. M'.NKiu'.'-'-17t'i-''ir- LEGAL NOTICES. A lUtINl.STnATOU'8 NOT1CF.. i . , ' 1 j -a; lir.icii lull iJFC'li, till I ,'rV,fft'1"I,,lN,rntl,m " llKM'HtlUU Of l(UiO Ilrklmnl, lain f Miullm towmhln. Columbia county ileocjweil, Ui o Iwn uruntrtf Iiy thn lie. vrf,JtMn.M 1 Hylvi-iter Ucklmnl nnd J i mi nichnrd, ndmlnlKtriitorn. All ththoiii hay inrmiia ortlenmmli imahnttlm iMntc of tho iHTwlPnt flnrro.uott to make the in known to h i 7lm,,"lstrl1''" without delay, and nil iHTKotn syi.vi;hti:u itiliriiAUit, Juno 7(1H)7. Admr'. A I)MixISTUATOnS XOTIOK." KSTATK OK (IKUItniJ K 11AM Kit, liK('l. lA'ttrrs of administration on tho rnlatu of Oeo, KmtlU'r. Into Of illonm tnu-imliln I ilnt it Ll.t ii.ii. ly, deuaved. have Ix-tn L'rautedhy tho lteulstcr of Mild county, to John It. Moyi rt administrator. All pLTNons imvltiK Halm or demands nKaluu .... s.,.lu ... ,,. in nicui. mi- ivilllt'NKtl HI inUKO tiH iii know n to tin' administrator without delay, and all iHTMini Indcbtod uro H Miicstcl to ninko Ditvincnt. urn v k uiivL-ii Hlooiuttiurif, Stay 17, li;, Ad'mV, A IXJSTIlATOll'H X O T I C li XVKSTATK or llAUMOSliVMOUK lUX'H. IrftttTS ;-i iMiHiiiiiMniuoiim i no CHiaicoriiarmon uihour. latlt OT I llilniroriiLr l,iiuiihlii ('j.lnt.il.l ' jtcccavpti, imvi boon urnntpil ly tho HcuNtor ul It. Ki.ink, ndmlnUtratnrx. All tiersoni havinn "h-nt aro riMnieKindtftmakothriuknowntothead lnlnlHtratots without delay, and alt iirons In (h'bled nrt roqueted to make navment. ISAAC IjAIKH' (, I . HIUAM It, KI.l.N'i;, ) Allium, 1 KhlnKert-ek, May .1, lsfl7.ct. A nAIIXISTHATOiS XOTICK. 2. I'TATi; UK WII.MAM FAIHMAN.IiFC'li. Lrttrrn nriidnilulHtrnlloii tiitlmrKtiitn i,f U'll. 1 lam rulrmnii, lato or .Mount IMeasant tounshln, Columbia county, deeeaed, has this dav Wen- KiniiuHi oy inn nejiisier in mm eouniy to William ralrinan. Who rcslden In Madlioh townvliip in vatd county. All iktnojim ha)U2 claims nr dc mrtnds nsalnt the estate of the ik'ccdcnt, are rc queHtcd to ii(Heiit them to the administrator wiuimii ucuiy. aim an ihtsoiih uuieuteit aro le rnit'Hted to inulto iayinunt. Matllson 1 1., May 21, AdmlulHtrator. TX Til K tm'PIIANS' coruT IX X nnd for the County of Columbia: In the timt. ter of the estate of KI.IAS IHiriTKItlCK, lute of Moniotir lowiiMiip, ueeeaveu. .Mid now to wit : May ninth, Nt7. tho Court appoint C. It. llnn k way, list., audi tor, to make distribution of tho hahmeo in tho hands of John (1. Oulck, adiulnU trator. to and nmomrst the creditors. Hi tlm Court. From tlio record. Jkhsi: coi.kmax. Clerk. The auditor abou named will attind to tho lullcs of hN niiiinlnlmtit. ut liisofllcii hi llliuunw. hurt;, on Hiitliril:t. Ibt tu-pntfrv-mitl dfiv of June, N,at ten o'chn-k, a. in., at which time and place all persoim ha Ins claluiH nu'dnvl satil estate must present thorn, or bo debarred from cNlmlnn a share In tin same. U, II. lillOCKWAV, AUd tor. Mny.H,lso7. El STATU OP (iKOUUK McKWKX, nt:cKAs.i;n. xorici: or ixyrnsr. To M vihi MitT MrllwF.N, winow ok fli ouch Me- I.WhSJ I MKI..MCl.WKN.IhOUUi: . .MCIAVKN, WlM.IAM !'. MCIIWI.N, JlKNItY J. Mll'.WKN, MATir.ti IitviNi:, hjv. Ma rit.nA McKwkn, AMtMlA llAYMAN, l.lto AMNHV McIIWKN, children and hehn of (icir(e McIIwen, late of (IrcenwfHMl tow nshlp, Columbia county ilec"d, Vminn.liiiioliiirvmi ti-ilt i,i1.-n iimH,.,. tt,nt In- virtue of a wilt if partltlun or valuation, issued out of the Orphans Court ofthe Counlv of Co lumbia, an Inquest will be held at the late dwell Inn house of (icorjio MeKwcn, ileceased, In tho townshlo of fit cen wood. In said count v. on Thtirs- tiny the ilrst i lay of Auku-I, A. i., lM7,forthe pur jhiso of making t-artttlon of the real estate of tho ?nid deceased, situate In (Irceiiwood township, aforesaid, toandamnnij tho children and repre sentalles fif the said deceased, Iftheoaiue can be done without prejudice toorspolllnn the same, othei w l-o tfi value, and nnnralse the same. WAJil'liii M.NYi)i;u,Micriti. hiti KirF's Oi-Firr, llliMimsbura, May 17, 1"H7. ; REAL ESTATE SALES. p v n i, i c s a i, : or vamwiim: iii:ai, i,tati:. Will lio i'iios,'il to miblic Milo. on IliiMiroinlsi s In rishlni' c'li'i'U Irtw nsliln. Coluinliln ivitilitv. nu svii'i'iiv,,lr.NK-.nh Hi;,ut twon'cliKli In tho tirii'riKHiii. nil lli.it trni't nr lot uf Ijitiil. lioun,liil mui iK's,tIIii 1 1 us inllnwi. tnw It : i in tin-north hy auilnf Niitlrm Snillliatnl th,' Iluntlnlmi t'rrplc, mi Ihi'i'.ist hy lfiinl ut Mnrtlu AUttiWH, mi tin south hv l.tnil of rtt'.'iH llollnmn tiul othrrs, nuil on thu w st hy hmil of llllns Ash tint! John Hut chison, 'uutHitiln:' OXi: lirNIIKlIIl NI) rOIITY AIMUW; nlni'tv nrrrs clrnrt'il ; lventvam-n flrst-olassthu-olhy tiKilow liunlstiniiissril hy none In th,1 couu ly: lllly lien's of thulH'r lam), sticli in t'hisluul, i l.il;, ,'ti., Iutoou Is ori-cti1!! a KKVMK Hol'si: AMI liN, m Illi n W(ll ofwator at tin il,Mr:ftl.o a youni; nptl,' oicltanl on tin.' pr,'inlsos. The liiml nilloins th.Toail Icailhn; rnmi Oranee lllo to Join's' Mill. WlllbPsnM IntwopartsoraUtoncthpr.n. nuiysult imiThas,Ts. I,.itu tin' i-stnte of WUUiini Ilnhhln., ih'coasisl. Bi-(tA7;770.V.V Oh' A'.I.W. Tell vr (flit ofih iiiHh.iso money to ht pulil ill the Ntrlklim iloMtof tin- property: leu liereent., less one-lialf, t i he iialil on the ttrst ilay of April, lsus, at which lime If the coii'lllloils havo been eoulplleil with possesion will he irl.eti; the hal.ini'e tiihojialil on the Ilrst ilav of Al'ril, In.'i, with Interest fioin thetlrst tl.iyof Apill, lHts, at wlilfh Union snot! warrentcecUiil will bo matte. .M.M. AMMKHMAK, i', ii. wiiiri:, l'HIilnst'reuk.JunuT, Ivor, Kxccutore. p r ii ii i c a a ii u OK VAI.l'AUMMtKAI, USTATIi , In pursuance of nn order of tho Orphan' (tourt or I'oHnnljI.iciiimlj-, on TitinAV, this 2I8T'1)at or .icnb, 1SU7, at io o'clock in tho forenoon, John W. llelshllne, administrator of Husaimuh Hldler, l.iieof llcuton lownMilp, in said coanty, Uec'd., w 111 exposo 10 talc, Iiy nubllo Tcnilue..on?tho i piemNes, a certain ; lot on nicer, or uuouxn, t boundeil nnd described asfollowH. to wit : On the I north hy land of Johlllkeler.ou theenht by land of William l). Ilarretr. and on tho Miuthnnilwest I hv land, of John lluUlilluo. contatnlui; ono aero aiul a Imlr, moroor lean, whereon aro erected a I ritAMK HOUSKfANI) HTAUI.U. Ijile tho cistate of ntd.'Vlcccnsed, fclttiato in tho tow uship and county aforesaid. I Jusse Colkman, Clerk, j r.loomsburir, May 27, lwi7;.v I Tkums ok S.VI.K: Ten'per'rent. of of the pur- eh.ise money Io tw paid at! thai striking iloun of i the plopellv; tlie oinvfourth less the ten percent. I at the eonlli-ui'Ulon absolute, nnd tho rcmululu': . (hii-e-loutlhs in ono year therealter.wllhlnleresi irom lonllrniailou nit and to bo mcuu-I by iHind and morti'at'c. I John w. imiisiiuxi:, I lienton twp.. May III, Nc. Ailmlnlstrator. ! o i i k ii iT' V ' s s a 1, 13 s. IIY Irlne of Htiiiilrv wrIUof Vitutttiuni Uf ant and Ismri Wi'mh, Issutil out of the Couit or . rominon 1'leas on'oluinhla county, to lue direct ! etl. Will he I'Xposed Io puhlle sale, at the Court House, In Illoolilsbui,!, on SiATTltll V, Ihel.'ith ! ,i.iv ol June. IsiiT. at Wii'cloik A. M Iho lullowlim i le.il estate Io wjfc 'ilnlu loiinkioiiud. situate In l enj imhaui liiwusuip, ou-,m i,miiii,niiiii"iiii's .i. iiioiv or less, lioTin.leil'on the west by lot l.lle of William Ashiuun, ou Hie norlliby public ru.nl h-adliw Io llermanliran, and on the east and south bv lauil-i ol the ik-u-.i .,iouiuuiii i o.u nun Iron Company, on which iscieclcd alwo itiory stone hoil-e Willi the appurl, nances. seled, taken in er.eeiillun and b, be sold as the propeily of llll.im linell. .I..SO. A certain Hail of land, sllll'llo In l,o i usi lowushlp, Coluiiibl.i,'oi'.iil,conlalnlin:illiv--Iv ncivs, more or lehs, iMiunded on Ihe koiiiIi by I milsol p.n ill Krelsher and Henry (lable.ou Iho westb ileiiry (iable, on Ihe north by Henry Kn.ipp, and on ihe e.isl l,j hunh of Almim and 1 1 1 1,1 Krelsher, whereon Is i lei till a Ion house ill.laliMh.irll,wllhllieiippnrlemiiieei,. Heleil, lalceii in exeeullon and Io be Hold as Iho propeily or John l'eir. ,SO.Aeellaln piece of land, slttl.lle in I'Uh. i ....ir t.xin.hto t'olniiibla eountv. contalnlni' lhht aclt'K, more or less, bouililedon Iho south b la'lldsof llalllel Foli c, oil the west by lands or Mexandcr Cramer, on ine noiiu oy iim, j ...,.i, .niiin noil oo I In, cant bv land of M chad Ijimon, ou whh li Is crcetct a rrame dwelllni house anu a inline suiuie. moo hm-hito,,. o, . s.eled, taken In exii'litloii and to be sold as the nronerty or li. W. Malell, r. .IS, A certain lot of uround, siluale In the Iloroiuh or i entrulln, chiiiibla ii.unly, eonlaln in.. L.tw mtv r,'.t front and one hundred and torly reel deep, Uilltnled ou Iho east by Cataw Issa mreel, on Ihe west b street, on tho iiouth by anallev.nnd on the north bj lot ol Henry Jasper, on Which Is crectt-il a lo ior iku,u noose, blacksmith "lion, with tho appurlcnancci;. Iseicd, taken in execution and to bo sold as 111" property of islephen Thin, ut. I.SO, All that certain tract or land, situate In UoaritU'CrCi K 10WUSIIip,l-,uooi,eoo,,i..i.oj.,o,- Ini! lamU or Judah cherrlnutiin, Jim-iiIi lniiue r oiioi other IiiiiiIm or Ihe ctntonf H, Coxe, dec it. and other, bounded and ilescrlhcd a follows, In will ueKinniinc at a nouoi,, ciiei,ini,i norlliui'stern orner or u tiact or land survejed In the name or iieury nnauer o oouion ,, r., , .I,, ii.il ii,,, Ulli ,1.1V or No ember. A. 1). 1,11.1. n...i ..,.,,,i,r in,.,,,-., l,v lnml orjiiilnli Cherrllm ,,, .Kin titi,o ,ieiire,'u. liineLv.eiuiii lie.eitcn ,,, a lust, thence north eluhly-slx nnd one-iiunrter di'itris s east, ono hundrisl nnd neventy.tlv u and ft half perchcii toniiost, thenco norlli llttecn d.s. itrees wei,l,nlnet-eli(htH rclieHtoaclietiiut oak, Ihence south .-li4lit -six mid a inuirter dcKreiji west, Oho nuiuueu uiui win o -,,..,,. iK ielies to the place or Uulnnlim, contal iliw ? l.ooiir.si mid seM-n acies ainUovenly-eli;"' l"r dies, neat measure, , , . h.,m as Ihe Scfiod, laken In exeeullon and M be sold in proiriy of li-.illrtifj; hXVi:h, Hherlir, llloouisburii, May 3l! f"- . A Frin uJa,lve"sul?sla. TUB Col-fMlllAX Menu, 'rintliiK",hc APPftAISER'S LIST. J IS'l OK DKAliKHK 111" COM'MIIIA COUNTY, l'or Iho year ono thoti.atnl eliiht huuilreil lilldiilxly-KeVFli,(ir (l(ln. Wnre., lerchanitlp, I) All Uers.ltreUPrHAvltlll,, tile f 'itotllvori'ottltoliln returned and cla-lricil in netimliince with tho nevenu nets or nHsclnlilv, liv trip upprnlser or Inercnnllle taxeiof ,ldinmty,ii folium,, to w ll. iii.ooH township. ,,Aimiel. llMlim: Clint. Ijlnnir Kilns Meniteldiall, Nlon, II tliOH ., iiiirimau, A. Hollnder, liavid stroup, John IC, (llrtoit, C C. Marr, M. C. HhlMi, J, J. ltobblmi A Co., A.J, Kvans, Charlei W. Hnydcr, linvld Iiwcnburir, Misses Haruian I, . X, Moj or, Sliihner.l Wldmyer, I'aletnon John. A, J. Mlonn, J. II. Moier, II. A. Ileikley, J. M. Shannon, UT. Hharplen, U 1'. I.ulr, ' A. M. import, I.lzrlo llarkley, M.H. Williams, J, K. l:yer, Mr. Jl. li. furinnn, A. li. Webb, J. W. Uiuniborllii, (leori-e W. Correll II CA I WHnrlinnn M'Kelvy, Sail .V Co in Irassmut s II -Miller II c llouer .V J HemlerHllot J K liluar J J llrower I.IIMeUiUllhnll l.lrlo I'ctcrmun II Klelm 10 l 7 IXI 7 in 7 W 11 M 7 Ul 12 ft) 7 l lo oo 7 10 7 UO 7 00 7 0) 7 l 12 60 7 OO 7 UO 10 U) 12 .VI CIolliliic Store store Clolhllift Htore Millinery IirtiKH Coiirccllonery lloolcMtore Kloro IiritVH Hook Hltuo ilrocery store UrUK Mlinci Millinery tliocery Hioro Mllllnrrr l'ancy store Clothlni-storo l-'urulturo Slmo Confectionery Storo limns Hjoiu Mouorf-torc -Millinery tlriK'ery 7 ti 7 IX) 7 (0 7 00 10 10 7 110 7 HO 7 7 no l.i IO 10 io 7 no 12 60 7 10 7 IO 7 to Io to 7 Ml 7 () 7 00 7 60 ' 7 IO 40 10 7 00 7 HI) 7 10 7 to 12 00 .loseph Ilendf rshot o A Jncoby iiioum.burit Iron Co. Mrs s.I Woodwnrd , II II lltlllshcri'er Kloro Conrectionery 11 Tobacco utore 11 Slove II 1'lourMIII II Jncob AielR Cnleb Itarlon ,V. Co, i,ion t'axtou Klour Mill lloitocnn of IlKiivricK. y li Campbell hIich ocii iteiirau IlowtuaB ,V Jneksou millinery store driiKs 1 1 10 7 (O 12 .10 J II Ilodsou 1 ,v 1 1 It llower Miller A- IIuiilKs storo ilrtttrH millinery utoro rancy store sloro Hour mill IlKNTON, conrectionery store -iirs m luuihnr A Miller I' M Sevbert JackMin A Wnodlll 1", O) 7 10 7 ( 10 (W io no 12 .V) 7 to ll c Mens (lenrtfo (1 (Inlscr II 1' i:erflt Samuel ileneock J J M'Hcnry J ll lM.ou IlKAVKIt. It Zimmerman .1 I'riee W. Zoli7enberi!er IlltlAH CltKKK. Isnne Cr.vder sloro Slciihen Michael A Sou j m irntisu Win Krens lteuben Miller Hour mill distillery CATAW1SSA. U I' Dalllunii inerchaut tnllorll 7 (0 10 10 12 .VI 7 IO 3) (O ID 00 7 IO 7 IO 7 IO 7 00 20 IO 7 IO 7 IO M lnc I A Sliutnali storo 11 M M llrobsL lieo HtlKhcH A Son J K Sharpless A Son Creasy A John stoves store drtlKs liter tailor sto es 11 lo io W Il.Iohli Casper It.lhn r John s Ii llliiard (lllbert A Kline Cumphell A Hnrdcr James M'NIncli fttrnlluro Hour mill CO.VYNOHAM. II Thornton, ant. CnNTICAM A IIOltOCfiH. KnlllleAdahl,. Henri l-'lsher A U 1-ortner Win Torrcv ICerr A Snyder storo urocery Mloes More 12 II 11 II II IJ 12 M 7 (0 7 00 60 (0 I J 00 12 60 12 60 7 00 26 IO 7 IO 7 00 12 .V) Mctlilcilha ill, aiser A CoRrocery .1 A T o Connor J I.onu A Co clothlngstote II sloro 9 druijs II .shoo store II grocery 12 eoufeLtionery 1 1 store II Kroecry 1 1 toliucco store 1 1 lliltior store II I W Ilouel .t Co. W I) Mellc); A Co II Klnasbury larthi Moti.iL'lmii John sliiliturer shumnu A Millard 1, 1 etleriu.'UI It Leshel lianiel Weittunii, a John Moran Mrs Win .lames HUOC MIMI II millinery 11 ci:ntui:. K W M A li I. Iaw lore Samuel lieitterlck ifcow 11 liens Abraham Deilterlck urooery 7 00 7 IO 7 W 10 IO 7 00 In 10 7 uo .11:11111)11 II Ulcus Henry Uihman JiK'ob Snoush-r conrectionery 1 1 sloro 1.1 11 11 II JIK'KS Kroecry S S Fowler A Urn., F. Frey FItANKLIN I Clinton Metidenhall Hour mill II 7 00 WfUlntstun C!eae 11 710 FifiiiiN(!ci!i:r.ic. DA Jl M 'Henry Joseph C ltunvan store 7 to 7 00 7 (O III 00 (1M Howell .1 Jones Solomon lluss 11 Alnmcrman I.ovI Znucr .1 u .M'iienry Kllouumlll anuKKWnon? Holuiyler A Black SIit6rT liocnri j: Krnmcr ,101111 rn'sirott Wm Kroamer O W.Kven A Co. intnes ,si itote DAW Masters ilaiinali llcury' , IIKMLOCK. JA. W Harris i;nanes nel nart MO&Wll Hhoeinaker LOCUST. .1 II Va-stine A Co. storo ashlliitlon enKCr " .iiicoo ieui;er Lonir A llrolher " Chat les Fettemutn " PAPJIVoiUlil maim:. F l. Slitltnnn store 11 Cninpbell Ai'o. 11 MIFFLIN. 1 K Sehweppellheiser Creiu.N A Ihowu stole 11 11 7 10 M to 7 00 10 to 10 IO 7 10 Jacob W l'cirer clothing store II sloro 1:1 II litucy stoic 11 MllNTOFH. K.l Millard John II. Heller MrsIIA lies Itrown A Coleniau eonreciloticrv 11 P.txton ,v H.irnntn stole s Win Iluiler Kris-cry 11 7 M V 01 7 l 7 to It. Maryeruin " 11 .MADISON. Anilri w Madlsou storo I'l 10 00 10 00 r iiicuiuci " iii)Aiii.Nciciti:i:i., J cheiinnlou A su sioio OltANCii:. stoto It W Ilowuiun 1.1 11 11 10 00 III 0,1 10 U) V llblewart D K Sloan .Michael Kel er lonfectlnuery II " II Hour mill 11 AlcMinilcr HiikIics Wesley How miin SCdAltl.OAl'. F. t) Wo! sloro SCOTT. More Peler l:ut n 11 II 11 10 12 11 11 11 1; 01 16 10 7 ul 7 IXI 20 10 12 60 7 10 II w I'riusy A l o. Win M cm sloes store Hour mill .store Samuel A. Wurman C. S. Fowler C. S. Fowler II F llelchard A llio. .1 A T OvwIInu 7 no li 00 (I W CreM lilll! A Co., All oerhoiih who mav led itcuTi.-M.il hv tlx iilinui fhisnlilcntion ran ha an otniirlunUv of aiipcaunR, ii) ruiiuit; iun u' uoihtnikuco mi In- rtltliMH'i', In iri-fUwol, townshlj. at an unit 11 mil Aiuiiuav nu iirhi it.LV in ju . I'lunui 11 iiunil.nini.il f-lxty-t-cv')!, ut which tlint an ap- lt ui wm 00 lu'M iti uio 1 our 1 iioui-o in iuooiu- hur. iKOH(iK w. urr( June 7, 1MI7, Mercantllu Appiul&cr. QAHIUAUK MANUFACTORY, luuomsouri;, 1 u. 51. C. SLOAN A nnoTHF.n Hie successoMOf Wll.I.IAM HI.IIAN A Wis continue tholiuslliOKSof malilxj CAHHIAOl-H llt''"f and every style ol FAM-'V n .i,.s", ... .....n.w... t.nn.l tn Jtlll fllM. Mhleh tl'J' .v lia- cimM.v . ,t..l I ..It OlA ItAhl lomers. . .1 ....... 1 ii-itrlrliiill. ,111,1 1 UplOylUK lilt IIHWr, WAI'fltCM". "-1 1 hi toismtiniHuui hcretofort to gUcfiitlre . . f ti InalMt'liilTl Cit Ihey ll' satM.ic 'llOM IU li""""" ... ihclr rk amlor HircwtiuiniHirii- m-to the sami , is iiiri -i I Oil PRINTING .Neatly executed ut UjU Oflloff, 1) BIHBMrT " fflPWiiifc'i'.oo irrorli? 00 ""'r,'lH7 00 storo 'IIUTOO '.-In H t nn 11 7 oil 11 710 It 7 no l'i 10 on 11 7 10 11 Till PA. FINANCES. 111 TO 118' STATI3.M13XT nouNTv rc.Nii or iiuki.m township. School lilrcctorn of Itlontu towmdihi Tonin'l of tax on lluullcale of Hull (12.170 M ' iter, 'i,6ii" .hi 26,DI9 12 Ily exnnointinn. on M Implicate " " at ' ' Collectifis coin, on lt tlttpllcnte 2d " " " al ' Com. of J, It. Moyer, '1 tcinurcr, " li. Mendenhnll Amount paid 60 men to nil quoin H M 10eteinn oluiitecrs r.xpenseR of J, J, lirowcr find M, Whit moyer to Nnlhvllle, Discount, exchnnge, ntntnps nnd tele egrnphliiK InlcieMt on llonds, Attorneys l'ecs, J. J, llrower for tnnklutt Duplicate J, k. 1'xlKnr ns Secretary, etc., T, J, Morris for mnklnK Ihipllcnto llalaucp In hands of Treasurer S70.1 SI Ml m '.HI 112 2i'i :) ISj HI 72 80 y ii CI 81 ICno oo .,K0 tO 769 an 112 21 l.ttW 10 (O 5 60 21 .') T, m The UtlderNlcned havo rxnnilned the iiIhio ne. couni aim nun ll to no correct. JIII.I.-I CIIKMUK.UI.IX, .MIJl.si 1, 11UU1., lIliHimshurcMny 31, 1H07, Auditors, s T A T 13 JI 13 X T in- Tin; ltix'KUTs am) i:xiT.Ni)irimr.s OF TIIK CKNTHAIilA SCIIOOIi DISTllKT, YKAB KMlINt) JUNK 1, 1M7. Amount or Tax levied for School purpnos :6t) ,11 Amount otTnx levied forhutldlliK purposes .178 19 Total nmotint le'vJed SI.1.11 SI raid lor leaclicr .s salaries vn HO Tees of Treasurer and Collector IW 21 I'ttel and fnlltlnnchclcs 6', a, Salary or Secretary l"i no ror ii'pnirilll scuool nouso 111 At ruin samtici jviiorr. In . ror lc- iral service 2", on i.xoncrauons 3.1 im 51,111 61 31.001 21 1,101 21 Uuliine,' hi TieaMirer's hands Slfio :tj Tho schools were keitt isii six months. One lualo teacher wns t'lnploed ut a salary or 376 per month, nnd one female teacher nt n salary of SH5 1st month. II. U IthTTKIlkY, iny,u U7.J Sec y. School Hoard. II 13.MI.OC1C KOUNTY FUXD. AriU rOUS STATI'.MKNT. II1.MI.0CK, May 23, 1S07. , K. the unil,'rsilleil Auditors, hereliv certlfv Hint wo hue nttdlted Iho followlni; nceouut lir iicmirs'iv inwnsnip s 1 una 111111 1111,1 it correct W M. Jl. SIIM',.1.lvl.ltl A. II. IIAHTM AN, JNO. M'ltl'.YNOMlM, Atldllors. Wm, II. SnoKMAKKlt, Treasurer or Ilounty Fund 01 jiviiiiucK lownsuip, lor isui to scptemuer, lilt. To utnouiils voluntary snhscrlpllons $",no2 (0 Cll. l'ald If, men S260 each J 1,000 10 Subscriptions rerutiiled 2s 00 l'nld Jneoh Harris on Ilounty l'und In 1MB MOW l'nld sundry expenses putlluir 111 volunteers 107 00 S3,0O2 (0 s6,0,rj 00 jAtoii IlAitms, Trcnvurcr of Ilounty l'und of Hemlock township, from Ul Sept. fstjl. roniiiount money borrowed on Township llonds tl,tin,) 00 Amount iltipllcnlo for lst',1. 6,012 61 ltecelved from subscriptions to previous fund 19 ,61! Amount duplicate, 1M) 1,2:11 62 lleeelved from County unseated land tax liO (;i 5I1,61 25 Cll. Kxoneratlons on Duplicate IMJI 5110 WI lsft'i lsl 02 Commissions for lsill im) m ' I'rlutltiK, stamps nnd premiums pnld 7.1 .19 Note to Danville Hank paid Hfl 01 Kxienses of N". ltecco 10 si Five percent, allowed tax p.'l ers lsl .17 1i.ms iu:, Interest pnld 2,s 27 ?U,iCT l.l Ilalanco Hi:mi.ick Townsiiic, To nniounl or nolo lo Daniel N'elhnrl " " llimb II. Xl llrl.le Mil 32 III!. ;22) 11 1U 70 672 sa Ciedll by balance in hand orTronsurcr Ilalanco May .11, 1-C7. :ill :i2 DRY GOODS. JphMSU'S STOIth. I'HINII AHIU VAL op The 'uli'-crl.H'r Ihm Just rttiiriul troiu tin tf.il.-s llli nnoilicr t-irw ahl seh'U assort nifiit ol SI'UIKti ANU St'MMint (fOOlis, puii'liiisiMl In Now Yoikithil rhilatU'lithhi nt tin jowi'Kt fljjuu, ninl wltlcti lit Uilt'ti'imliuHl lo hell on ns motl,Tnte terms ns rnn t)i iJioonri'il i'Iso whi'tf In ltloonisliuiK, Ills stock nunprlMs IVDIIX DItKSS COOIH of the fliokojt stylcn ami lntt'it ta.hIons, tonfth.T wlthnlart nortiitctit of Iiry mo.N ami (iro ctjrles, roiisNtln of Uu followlnv; artk If i Ik- ftCttriu'tH, OU Cloths, Cloth. Cas!mer-s, Mi.w 1, Flaum-K silks WIiltodiHuli, l.il ten h( Iho. SkirU, .Muslins, IIoIUaw arc (V-ilarwa- Qjut iHWiir., IIatlMai Hoots Itlhl ,-lintK, Hats ;uul Cais, Itoop Svs, Umbrellas, IiOoklnuIlcssi-s, Tohaots), Com-.-, Sl'K.ir-i, TVak, lllec, AINplcf, 01uu.v, Cliiuninoii, Nutnii'fi, AM N(niONfs ir.NMlA!.KV. In shoit, 'T5 thins UMiahy kept In country stores, to uhtch nt Invitt'H Iha iiltfiition of tr I'uMlo toni'rally. Tin hUhtvt nrlc-wlU U nU fur itiuntry proiltuv tn cxcliunt; l'or koi'1". S. 11. MII.Lint, Arcade UuUdinss lllotimihurg, Tn, J .1. n 11 o w k n, Is now 11IU rliii In the iulille his Slock nf ,v r n J x a a o o n s conslstli In luirt of u tull line of IXfilUIN'. WOOL AN 1) KAli C A U P l', T S, Fine cloths nnd cnsslluere for I.idles' coals, HANIWOMI! DI!I" ('OOl)i, of i,nimttrnsnn,lm..illlles, Inlslds and Prints orMirlousiimlllle'inil Vrtni. Ill IWCIIKl' AND IlltOWN MFSI.INS, I.AlVlK'S l'HKNCII COKSKTS, HAIiMOHAIj HICIUTH. 000,1 n-sortnieut of ..i : .t ciiii.iiti:.vsi.iiri:i:.i.i noom Fre.h liroceilcs and Srlces. N'eW assortment of fiI,A!-i AND (iCFF.Xrt-WAlti:, px-xo, 1 ji a c k k n 1: 1. In onc-liiilf and oue-ruurlli harrels, Xou Isihotlmoto make your selections, ns I nui ofTcrlni; noods nt very low prices, nnd our motto Is fair dealing to nil, and not tn he under old by uny. J. J. lIltoWKU. lllooliisliutK, April 12, Isiff. A 0)1) MlI.CIl COW, Part Durham. She lias u fine calf three wik old, unit is in all restss'ts uuesiriiiiie tsircain. 1 or linrllculnrs Iwiulrenl THIS Dt'FlCli JiUICIl 1, ,v,. CLOTHING. JKW STOCK Ol-' ('..OTHIN'O. Fresh arilval of l'AM, AND WINTKlt IOOI)t. DAVID tAJWr.Mir.IKI Invites nttrntlun to Ills stm'k nf VHIIAr ANDFAHI!I(I.VAllI,KCI.t)TIIIN(l. at lils storo 011 Mn In Street, Iwodoors alsive the Anici lenn Hons UliMinisbtirK, Pn., where lio hf.s Just ris-cvl front New York and Philadelphia full assortment of Jinx and hoys' cr-oTHiNo, Including tho most faslilnimhle, durolilc, nnd liandsonio Dltt'sLsi nivinu consisting nf ' nox. hacic, ritocif, at'.w, and oii,.c:.oth COATS AND PANTS, of nil soris.slres, nnd colors. Ho has also rcntcn. IsIkh! his already latRo stock or fai.i, am) winttu h1iawi.h, stiiiii:d, i'iouiiiid, and pumn vi-.sts, hiiiuts. cha vats, stocks. coi.uvits. handki:iiciiii:fs, (H.OVKS, RUHPi:SJ)i:iW, AND FANCY AltTICMM llo has constantly on liand n lare nod ull... lectwl assortment of CI1TIIS AND VISTINGS. whliih ho Is prepared to make, to order Into any kind of clothlnir, on very short notice, and In the lMt mnniier. All his clothlnir Is inado tow-enr. and most of ll Is of homo manufacture. ooi.d watch ns and ji:wi:i,iiy, of every description, rine nnd cliean. Illscnsnof Jowclry Is not surpassed In this phue. Call and exainine ins general assortment of CI5TIIINO, WATCHUS, JUWULItY, Ac. DAVID I)Wi:NllUItO. I3W CI.OT1IIXO AX I) G13XTLI3- .Mi;.N' I'UIINISIIINO HTOlti:. The tindcrslKiied iev,octrulIy announces to his ninny friends Hint ho has opened a new Clothlnir nnd (lenlleinen's Furnlshlni; storo, in the lowo room of the Hartman lltilMlni., koulhwest comer of Mnln and .Market Streets, llloolnsburs, I'n. llnvlnsjust rclurncd from Philadelphia with n Ijiriro stock of FAT.t. AVIl U'lVTi'i, r.t f,-n, and " iii.su c,i:nti.i:mi:nh ruitNisiiiNo (ioods, ac ac. ho Hatters himself that ho cnu plensonll. Ills stixk comprises MF..VS, HOYS', AND YOUTHS' C'LOTIIINO, such ns Dltl'.ss COATS, HAClv COATS, OVmiCOATH, SHIltTM, PANTS, VIXTS, UNIimiSHIltTS, DliAWr.IH. COLLARS NIX'K-TIKH, misiiiniv, sc.s,pr.NnKiw, HANDKKUCllIin-H, IIMlllll:i.I,AH. Ao nnd in fact everything In the Clothing r Fur nishing line nt vi ry low prices. In addition to tlienlwve ho has 1111 elegant f hortment or CLOTHS, CASSLMKItES, AND VKSTI.N CLOTIIINJI .MADi: TO OltDKIl AT TIIK SIIOHTI1ST NOTICn. Call and seo iK'fore jmrcliasing elsewhere, and SF.ClTIti: OH1UT IlAItOAIXS. "a-ly J. W. CHKMIlKItLAIN HARDWAR.E &, CUTLERY QMAKI.KS W. SXYDKIV, i,i:ai.):ii ih II A It I) V A H E IltO.V, NAIIS, HTLKL, AC., AC., AO.- main stui:i:t. iiLooMsnuita. iknn' Tul;e this method or liirormlnuthe citizens of Co' luniDIn couly, that he ho.s opened nn extensile" : llnnlare store ou Main street, In liloomshury, ' iieur Iron siicet.au I Hut ho has on hand n LAlttlFl! Sit) 'IC AND IIIUTLll ASAOItTHll limn can ho found nny where 1 le In the counlv, ind which he Intends toj.ll ut prlcm v. hlcli dery comnetltlon. - CHAINS, AXKS, STKKL, IKON, i 1w3 1 hae chnlus, all sires, nxes, all make iiiul. ' ,-irio,, r.i,s, iron, mi hilars s, iin,i nil vr W.. IUIM)i:it' II A H 1 W A It K. f eery tlorrltions. NnlN, nil 13 pulleyR,,Kn.h "or.U, lati-tieH, hM-ksiut'l knobs, hutt BerewK,Kfth - Kims, winnow KpniiKt., mo Knobs, sti-up hln'K, hasps and Mnples, IiouUh ami M.nple.s, tw In fact overythlnK nee.h t In that line. 'OA('II A WAfiON' MAKHIUi' HAKUWARK. uihracln.ialnnist every thln In that line. AUo HAUXKSsi MAK :itS IIAUDWAItK. Ihu'klcs,.Iapnniiul; tuuklei., hllver plulotl; hltts revcry kliul , IIamk.s, Iron ; pa l tree.s : Uavm. wood haiMU trees, kIk tr-es, (jlrth well, wurnteit ami cotton : threail, silk, awla ami nceiUeff, t.mls of all klnils. mioi:maki:hs jiaudwaiu; A full usKurlim iit forcarpeutc th. I Iiuveplinu-H all kimlH, s.iw s ; huml, pannel, rlp.amleumnafsM. sriuaiVN steel, iron, ami try:horlne inuehiu.-s. ehlsk-N, itueri, Ikc1s, mallets, braces, uiiucei,. lilit'.n, rules, hits, anil nlhmt evi rvthlmr fr mr. IM'IIUTK, rou inr. I'Koi'i i: .i:n):ham.y Ti I )uii' tiial hotlrt, coal Rhovelh, scoop n, eoal hlfti r.H, hint tnis,tah!ecullery,po kit cutlery, plated n)!!, plat it 1 torks.sencrs.tca ninl cor. lee iMits.lmtler kllU es,mllUaw Kt cm tss cut s, circular ta wh, khiik miu s, tiles, horshh-H's,wieiii'hcr., rhetn,ham iners, hatchets, niatliKks, pirks, fork, uruti. lilnKhoftlhoels,HpliilHilsnalliiis: forku, ho", rake, bid pirn., twlne,t.katef-, plow., eothn tilin mln:;, i:mir, rtsiiiiulh, white ehalk, wlte, hoie nails, mat cutteri, eaW'., whaIi hoards, lause tmrkt-t', wooden palls, clot hen pins, ilue, ihor mats, pnrch nmls, pr.r lov jiiat.t, ci:rn pupp'iH, paint hnuhes, hir.sc hnn-hes, itelU (llrf.lieel rulKN.tnamel eil kettlen, hrass kettles, copper kettJt'j, r.tewUetlle-'.sam-e. paiis.bniatl axes, niillti, HlcdiieH, cm tain itMurcs, '1'ldmhlei-l.elliS and hoteo, I'll in ph, K-ad etc., Tanv I tope and hundreiU of artleh not (enu meiiitiil constantly on hand ul ( IIAltr.I-S W.H.NVDKUH, Main Street, Illooinnhiir-. XTHW STOVK AXD TIN SHOP, on mki sTiti.irr, slon) llLOOMSIIt'liti, PKNNA. Till! tindersliiiicd I1.14 Just fitted up mid opened. his new STOVK AND TIN HHO! In this place, whero he Is prepared to make up newTiN W'aiik of all kinds In his line, mid do reimlriliK with neatness nnd illsimtcli, Usju the most reasonahlo terms, llo also keeiM on hand STOVIM OF VAHIOUH PATTK.MNH & HTYIX, which no will sell 1111011 terms to suit purchasers. lllo 111m 11 call, Jle is a kihhi mis liunlc, nnd lfbcr lUK nt the liuhllc patrounKO. j a c o n Mirrz. lllooiushurir, April -H, lsi!7. JOHN C. YKA (iKH A CO., WholcK.llo llenlels In HATS, CAPS.hTHAW (lOlllKsi, ANII LADllSs' ITIts, No. -in NorlliThlrdSlicil, l'OK NKAT AND UllKAC ,ron puiNTixn, AT Till! COl.l'MIUAN OFFICH. CAI.I 7fy r .-2 Am