if E VOL. T.-NO. y i HOTELS AND SALOONS. ) X fj I' O X n 'TTo T K 1-. i ii i li iiluti" I liiivliu leased and re. furnish I in i I -It t:i . ' vvt 11-itlinWll II. til ,', ..I ii u r i: i; .M X, V N T A 1 i i,i bin- I r or ( ilu n mil 1 Sullivan riitllltl ill i ' i 4 1. Tail an 111 Mil in rui'i i 'ii" m ih. in -f it.-s If mill- nrr-pnrpil l.i ic . - .it I rt.ij mi ji.'rn in 4 unimi late V. ITU 111 Km i'UUI.ltirf. : '' !'"'i I i"i ! I'lennin nr.- Well fnek -.1 tvtth i M.ii ... m me kill-In lii'-iu tin.? I It O I' -i A N I) 1MK V, In K'l.ul i.i.li-r u-lll lie kept foi- Him is . .in. .'Inn .ii in. I mil-o'liir-iit nfirn .'s, mli.-r I. 111114 .H'l.l.'i IIIV XCUMion lip-Ill ml-. In ii.. i . I -il waler whleil In lAl.li.U, MU.IiM IN EXTli.v,. 1 1 1 1 i l.'.l liy ii extern I vo Corral, tli. n l , mi ,i. I : . i ..' iiuiil-ui.in n splendid c.el.l Iji-Ii. nun " "K 1. 11. 1 ."teril.e Willi hl-i 1) (I A ,V II O V S. I. u. 1. r w ill be always provlii. I vlih Hi.' . n th.' . .imiii una l.i. ilm i.i..,iMiih " 11 '"!' -. i In' Ii" use Ih liit'K".. mi ii.i.iiiki. . -, i'ii .-lull.!'..! i'.xii iiMvcmul u.n . " '" '" ' 'I'.i.'iH'.t ii'um ttcve. .1 (i..iii's on ii..... 1. 1 .i.ni ;,v I.ul.nvmiinii Hail... .i.l; iin.l h . '. hi i p.. 1 1 p is, tii.- iiobiii.mtin ,r linn. ''.,.,.., I" HAYltt l.sT. . i" 17, 1 ',7-lin. IL-.. . TPXCIIAXOK IIOTKIj, 5 i 1:1,1 it im .III hi i, iiiiawiiuA iMLNTY, 1'A. . . uiul. .-Iyii.,.1 having purt'liiised this veil, 'i , 1 1. m'i 1 iv :i: 1 1. !'. -I... nl I'd limisp.the Uxrluniu. . . '.-I'm ' ..ii MAIN sTIlhl.T. Ill llioi.iin.imia, I .,, di.il-'l.l 01 i.u lie Ule lAillllntlm County c'oui'1 I ..in, ri '.I'.'.'Uiilly Informs his liicndit utitl tin "' I'' I" ; mi I Uiul hk l..'ii." K nmv In onli't ! . 11..' i. i ';si. u i lid I'lUei'Uul'.n.nt ,. liiiyi-ltcr . 'ii'.u ii,. 1 to lit vor II w.th their en . ':l. ll.' i.iih sj.itu'ti no i'Xpt niip In pt iiitrillK tl ' :.. it:iii.' in nip ( nil Iluill"ipiil ul hw Ktlt'MH ,, I'lii'i -ii .11 thpip in. miyt h Intt wnntlim .on 1. . i lo iiiinist. r to thi ir pcmonnl pomfort. 11' i m-p l Kp.u'liiU", un.l ,'Hjoyu nil c.M'i'lk'lu J.un- . to ..1 1 'i. . 'iiiiiilmi'H rim ut till ttmin Inttwci'ii Hip l- , ',.ii;i Iloii l niul th,. Mirlo Mitllnud tlrtinto, I . Jili'li ti'iivpllori will hp itGn.4nnlt.v convpycil ml mini it., r. -ppctivi st.itlon, in line tiiui. i. ii,.'. ti.. . ii-. joun r. r.sujw. .it,, iiii'lili'i;, .1 tr.'ii -', IS. I, ,f i n r m v. i a ii n u h k, 11 : ii n A r. n st n it en. !l v. i:... l.ii.n iim.-liasi'it nnil fitted up Uip i, , ll-lvii.iwn iiol mi Hotel Propi-rly, lo"Hteti n rrv l.'.oi's n.i ,. inn roi'l'.T iloi'si , t'.p nin '.:.:. or the ntnt't, in iln im'ii m ! oi'islni'. ; i.U'l int itIil.llllP.1 ll li. i n-.' lor i .' - mi.' n. ii u i: ,-; T A I' ll A X T, :i I'r pi'l -tor li s ili-iprinlneil IokUci to the pi -', 'i I'I'i I1..' ton ii i n Imtlnnu or plrawrp, i.rrri.i: moub iioom. IT.' stMiiin.. -ll-o Is t'tenslvp, nml U llttotl up .. ..I Inwirli .in.l pin i liiups In the orv. H Difilii- . - lliill i t i . tl.ni'. i.l,..ut hlHitltliUs)itiienln1iiill I . . . iiiilin ti'.l In in i.nli rly nnil luwfnl miuinci'; i in 1 lie it".p. wutl m.ii. -ll i n slutro ol the pnhllp i.i.'i'.-i'. Imyl7'0"im, 'TKVKNri HOUSE, .V 111! -aiv.av, : V. ' f ,i't Ot' ' ii. I'' N I'T.AN. i i ! i K ui II ditl iy 1: im iv, ii ) ftu irnvi I.u-: pishlif. Thr loi utlon t,t ospi 'Mii tulnlili in in- : 1 1 1.) ni ii n. Idi.nt s tin n ; tt W i rli i'.. m.ii it lii ih" Mi hp-, pari tit ilu' cll I', litl Ilu- llli.liM IV Of hUlltlH'ltl lUHl WlClil Tl nnil n) .ft m lo rtl w i riuctpul milroiiii nl sn-.tiiiiin.ii ih , -. i !u-sit'V( ii- lit ii. h.ts ll'n ial jifcortiniodiiil'in ii ti r ."u kin u is i-ll ltu HinIh'U uiul m- i i i in !ii i 1 1 1 l(l)o i liu-lit fill till rom mi uiul rnii'ii niunriit of ll tnmntfU Tin- .trims an up u-. ttii't v.'tiltuiiiuteu prnvun'ii 1 1 1 is i . mm vim rllu' utlbiitlam-p t nifunpi lit! II s .il ilu-in i hi to itt-iii'rmitlv M'i I with i iii'hciK'.v oj thi' t-astn at hmhI ci.t). K. t UASh t to. I'lopili 'i V ii;w . . '..' ' ri.'..., Pr.ipiii ...r. I- ,ii, vn hotel lias rM-ently uildi i- Intei'litil i. mill!;, til. ul , mi. un-' to lis l.'i lie I ' ll'll'lll hln r i' i', lie that hleonio.lul.i.i, I, , , t ,1,1'e M'i olllllo none in 1 1 ,',. will a'v ..vs be found st.p ' v i-li ubstalillnl f.,..d, but upli nil si I th' -..n.'on. Hie vvltie-s ntl I U t . i",.ailar In venire known n I iii.b i-.'.l dlreet from ihe !mport!n niliilv pine, mid free from nil pol- ul the 1 1 .1 ' U" Hill . 'ir ' lo I ,n: ll .1. .li'.ie ,. - i , h ' ' " , i, nr. , , .UMllll.' .. II.' Isii.aukiiii rur a iiiieini piiti',.ii- i i. m I will l onlliiiip to deserve h in (IKfilKIH W. MArtli.i:. ' ; WAN HOTKTi, , ill. i -ll Cl'l'i I: ITOl'sl.. i vn i.i:, run miiia i " , l'A. Ill, , ,ll 'a piiMI. ii II. ii- truih iiiioii. -. i, K e well of I ntei tiiilillli nl 1 1..I 111 be 1 ili, i e. lii itstoni ol .1 llllll V II ll .1 'lit. , ,ii. wii.i, Kr.i:v a noon tv.i.i:, i .i, i' . II -n . d vi Mil Ihe lien ..f 1,1., i"!-, nnil ". ell-.. 1 1 v. ill Ii.' lilnile l'i r. lid' r elllir ' uis- ,i ,. .IHlIN KNVIU.il. , nnivtevill, . I1.!., Mi.iell 1.1, lw7-liu. XrUANiiK SALOON, ii i Viopn i'ii orihel.M'hemie-'nlonnlius now ti.l . Im, .' s t,p-l: of SIMVll'.I! lillKItlsll.MKNTM, eouslstlne of pni.i OVSI..H-, h.vnniNia, thh'e, uhi.ogs.vs i p ro-.i.i , , ;;.,ii,i.ti runs, .wi itzi ii t uns '. l.Alir.ll lilCFH, ALR, &L i. 'Ml n.Sl , l iiMH Al.l. AXI1 SKI. ' , ' i.avso:; i'ai.man. III. ..msl.nij. M..v .1, 1 7. '1MIK II'Y HOTKI., i M"l , ( ul.PMI'.IA t ul'.VTV, VS. i i . i sui . ill , i i. -j.rrirull.v liifi.inisl.'.s n ei ' ml ihe i nl be, tl'i.l l.e hns tnken tlii'lil.nv. yi 11 u vn ll i l i i"imliinnt, and villi l.e I to 1,, live I l'i' Cltsl'lll ol nil Villi' V 111 , r h'ni w ih n i . II. in. wii.t icpi p A (loop TAHr.t:, iv , ' l 'v ,ili the best of Liquors, mill ,' I i . '.' .1 1-', 1-117. I ) 1( I ( I K 1 1 ( iTKh, vi, I I., inl.rMIlIA rol'SM. I". iPliAl I. "I'.M.MA, I'llOlUllETOIi. , s , . iv , ., ssinn of HiIh well-known - -.'.l.i, k. i by Hutmn-1 r.veri it, die Pi-..-.i.i-ii h. in in i i inlaw nl ri'i nli'iuiil U'hiMi ! ll V N l'i All I'll! Willi tlH'ehnleiKt I .mors , ii,,v. I ... I ii neles, lllSHIIlI'lelsili.l . Me lid ihe I'.ainlv , and mi I'IUUb win vv ti";. -iniiiii, , 1 , i ' Vi,7, v I sq t 1 : 1 1 A N N A 1 IOTKIj, 11 I ,vv '- . I i. ,,,. . i . , ' '. I :v ' , u I.u. In . ' h I' SIIV .1 i .telle I. i. M'i; ..ml li'i been tnormi"inv " iii.'.l. ami Him nl-t"l' 1' V1 '' il i umi llieul and l'p.i.iiNO' "' lb i ', ,,!i. se.'oii.I ' noi'i oi " I', r-. ii iii i'iIIiw vvlsbli, ; I i i i i' .1 in. 1"' m'i uulry, will do vi i ' -'' , I vr. i u a m. i. m noTtW ' i.N'iiip.nitnopHAJJrrJiN, i.l mi North Third Mrcel-. -t,v, ,lfl Mutltet and An ! M 1' .lli.delplllil. i HAlH.PSKf.l i;ni:p. Man t- MMIK I'NION IKlTKh. vv fell Tlllrn ant roll I s' I . 1'lillnllilphlii. CIIBIT Wl.UW l'i..l i-ictom, ( t iitAiti) nor.SK, ni. i of Miith mid I'lwuduiHtttre'iU. llllllHill'llUl, II, W. ItANAOA, l'roprit'ler. THE(X)L,UMniAN. Yi 1 a t in t i i X o w f ' p .. ju' i. .. I'VIll.KIN'.n I.vl'HT rlllD.W MIlll'.INll T ntooMtiiiiiRa, i'i:3K'A. TIIi:i".lnr!ploiion!ij impiTni'onfthi'JclTi'i"(on Inn .'lio,ilof politli'i. Tlioso iirliifliilps will never tip potn)i',imlii'(I,yitrnmtiy hiul Ulnilmu minll not in- Ii until iiItKllscimtiliiijtlu'iii.iiIiclln'rttllli liiillvhliii li, nr wltli contPinpornrlfii of His ptv.H' Tho u.ilty, liiiilncM,anl iimiiprlt ofilii. iwin- II1.' lu .....'nlM km. I 1.1... . .1 . .. " '"" "- inrann in , n'Miiolliiit, wnnlioll liilinr limu'otly nii.lpnruculy 1 miioon,v,niTP"inii.iTn in or our in Kin. , f.atlnn, a TllllMH lir AllVKKTISISG !-OtlP cqtllirp'ttll IIllPK ov le; cue rr Ihrpp liiwtlom H.M rnpli nl v. ipiPllt IllmTtliMl .HI ppjii, KI'.WT. Ijl, nil" - ijimrp .4i.im Two minnrps n,m Thrpp srpinrci Four nqtmips o.nti .1M. Sl.im c,w N.'IO l'V l.'.,00 DO.IlO f.Jt. IV. -:ii,ihj ! w,oi) no l i,i I'.'m J '.oii 11,00 31,(10 so.iio so.oii 30,1X1 IK,'K) f.1,00 S.W 7,00 c,W l'J.00 l,iJ Half polimm i(i,oo . tinp poliimn r,(M t'.xi'Piilor'H nml Ailmliiklrtitnr'it ."."oliri' 51,00; Au ditor's NoIIpo J,W. Other nilvei'tKemenls ii ser ted neeordltlir t'l Kpeplttl (olllritet. Hiii.iU'iiiiritU'e,v,ilhi)iititih ci'tliietiieiit, twenty eenta per line. TnuiNliiitn.tvcrtl.'tiinetilH imynhle In i .lviuie -nil others iluuiifler the flit Jiihci tlon. ll Ii, In a.' i-mw, moru likely to lie sntlNiin tory, both to milracUU'ii mid to tho Publishers, tlmt remlttoui'e.iantl aneomiiinnleationirespeet ln4the ljultii's of tliernprr, lw entillrei't lo the ofllppofpiilillcntlon. All leilerk, whether rcliitlntr to the eilltorliil or Imslnevn ponperpi nf the paper, and nil puyinpiits fiir MibserlplloiK, ailveitl-inir, nr Jobbing, nrp tobo niadPtoniul nddi'esi'ed unnt'iiw.vY .t rimnzi:. "Qilumltlttn O.Woe," llLOOMsnfllll, l'A. Pl'lnte I ni I'.nliK.ni'i IliilldllliCH, lieiir the Coult II .iisi', liy ctiAi. M. VANnmtsi.ii K, l'l!ASK It. HKHI-.l!. IrpiIK LOST CAUSK, I Tub Osi.v stakhmid Ornn vt. jsouTitKitx msTonv or tiih 1 V.'Al!. Hi Kihi.n 1 A. l'ollard, of Vlntlnln. PAMt'r.r.HfiwniM'rxinKri! np mippi.i.n r.'Wiiililp, Intt tu'i'i'Ui'.'d the Ai:i hey or i olumlila homily, tol' (lie valr ot the nliove l.'oil;. II e.im. plis 'i u lull iieeoitut of Ihe I'Ne nn.l pioirrei.s ol I ho lm.' southern t ouf.ileiney, the canipitlmix. Iiiltllei, IllPiilelltJ ulld advelltliremil tile Ill.lKl i;l itlitle vti'UirMl.' ol the WiiiM'k hKlory. Couipli le inone liii-je voltiine of nearly imiiph, with Tvi:sTY-rnru spi.ii.smhi) stup.i, . l'OUTP.AlTS if dlHlhlKUlilie.I Confeilel'llte lea.lel'i. The litt ci of th. 'iiui'tl'ilie I has loo often fallen to !l.i l'i ll of lh.' ietor, an. I to lli'-ure Ju-liet' lo tin llllleril eillli ., the pell ItlUHt he (illct'll liy Millli .utliern limn who lu ullliniMo devote hU tiln '. lid tnleiili to Ilu vin. In 'alioii.il hi.i eoutitrymeti. .ii a hl.t 'ry wiil'-h i.li:ill ehulleii'.!.' tile erltlel.m ' ol the tntetl Itlenl , and In He Hie tilt.'liticil ot nil j Ii 'liest In. Hirers. Ku.'liii wolk will lieol..'eilllin 1 inleleM lo the ."ii.Ild and Intelllueli; l,iil.!l".if , th Voi'tli, and ii ot the utiiio-it ini'ioi" ne. lo ll.. p. opl.' of llie Noiuhein Stales. Ml', 1 o '.al'l, ot ill vi'llei. ill I hi' Kolllh, In .loll!, Ill- th.' I..-1 .i.l.lidl' l lo I I'ep.il'.' a eulllplele mid ht'lll. laid lii-.-,,r ot l'ie',,'.ir, met lo eolillilit to the nieselit . Hid ftitine e:ierall. nn rallhlul mid woilhy l-e-eord of lh.'ii'Ki'i at iU'iisskIii atul of n eatine liet, Haelll lioiior, liavti.'z heeu Pinployed diirmit the entile pu'lntl of lip War jw editor of n ltleliinond lieWnpaper. .ieie i... , , .,, ,jiTin T MIOMiMlUJtlj FANCY TtUM- JiJ mint, ash iiooKM'onr, leeonil.looi below ir.irtiiiwi's,.Mulii eet. !il-t i," i Iv i ,1 u llf'VV stoek nt ZIl'iUIlH, WOOLEN AND COTTON YA11NP, jiim - sKTX, I..ri2S, KMlIIlOIbliltH'.s, Ml'fMN KliaiNQH, llltliSH TlllMMIN'l1 iiiul en i.i vnilelv of unifies iMii.ilIyltept In i pancv sTom:. Also wiiooi, nnoxs, hymn noons, niiii.i:s, SL'NPAY-Sr ilOOI, I10OK-S, and ll huge lot of mikiT':i.i.ani:oitk hooks, al'ioi'nt and miimoitandum iwious, nt:,K ur.uns r.o.ns and jiouTiiAmn, uiul ii aeneral and well-tli-pted nssorltueiit of i-AiTi:, i:NVP.i.opr.-s, a,-. t A. 1). V.'IT.Il. WM. F. .ML'Itl'HY'.S SONS, B T A T I O N F. It S, BTI1.UI I'OWKlt I'lllST: . I! AMI BLANK 1500IC MANUFAfl't'Itiath W I'liesinill street, ,'; .11 Sunlli Fuurlli stveet. piiir.AriKi.nriA, pa. Tliev mnke .1 npei'llillly of flll'llishll'.; Nli'io.lll' l.llU', Ci.u l'..v ' i.u l! "'1' is, lu-ul'itlii-i' .Willi i.inpanU- PenkllU loUi"'"'ll' KVlillY AltTU'I.r.Or HI.ANIv litlllll'S AND PIlINTlNd, Ii i v 1 1 1st maehlliery sis-elnlly ndaple I for nil v.i.i'U Hi. mil..' i.'iuln'. iebsW-!. To Ilolfl nnd Snlnim Itotir ori!lnniii- luiiamid I'olumtila Counly.-l n.ive aiiii.mii.. Mi. II. Klolilli-r aueiii fur UieMlleol myille, iil ler. brow n sli.iit, and laiter li'er, who will supp'y nu at ihesamu .i (unit with thps'iuieiiiiieiei, us i ould AirnMi yon from tlu hreweiy. Knoowlm ti.m in. win b. niinetuiil and alb ini'i-1" ull win v i ,v..r l-li.. with llmlr irade, 1 soli. li for liliu .-..nr niipis.rt. Very reupt elfull.i , l'IIKIH.AP!:it. blemil Ihewel.e, HeudUltf, I'll, N 1. HT'U.KK, f . I l 1 : X !: U A P I T I ' I N K 11 H, Mill Ull. TIIICIO'-V" I'KSXsVlA VMllilsrilllT 1 1 . ll Ihi lolllld id f e OlnlHt-v Ille llol' j, ll' , . "iimev Ille, Kuli- of I'e.il or pi iwnui l' I" " ; .Mended lil.rwllll.il ml l'" ,2 1 v sli.neol l'llblleiaii"ti'i'le 1" 'llullj 1 limine vllle, IVbninrv IT. I -n. '. .Kk .'Mill. IIIM fe.llll H ' I ill.'. - .- .-. ollelU'd '.A IT 01' 10 N K H H. i 1 1 -v biS followed til" pri.felon ' Pll'l'le V' "'.'",' ,. "or m nv viVii'.,' "ould 'V'""" ,"'" ! i''"',1,' ,i.i i.,' l till 111 tlielli'ld, remly i"t vvlll'nu I' .'ItllloollUbUI !, I'll. "' IdNYlTKn, HAUItiS.V I1AS.SKTT, ' iliiiiiitiieliiier.iiiel lobln isol Ml'iN'H ANU ll'il " rUnillN-''. Nipi. iMl Miiiku, ui.d ! l1miiiien.eSlr. et, 1 I'lilltulelplilH' I rro.ii ! : v .... -Elmirn Mull ill l.l'.M'l IU'Ii I r.Kiiri-wi ut fil A-M Philadelphia -Litll tt i A.a. Nl.vvM.rui'.M'ie.'""(i;;;)1,(ll. WP.lill. Sup' BLQOMSttlTIlG, PA., FRIDAY, (I'hoirc i'octt'y. Itt)(I MI! 'I'D M,r,I!i MOTtlt'.R. vl?.. Ill'l'Si"? 'V'""'1"!1 ),nr,'"i Milll. nl.y Mrs. .i.S. ,',iMiih ' I"li'i"'l I'V n Mr. AI."c.ui. I er M, W. lilt, mid tlippoiitestovcrli liiisarown nmt. r-xt'lilnif. WYshnUnowntertt i It ffi?tl?.i Hi; wiii.'iiiisii.'.i i mi,. An,:,-; ,.V.fl "V h,'J'',,.lll'.'lH"'111! '"' WH"lllllllll. it t.l riiVnt? "r ,,, "l"-v " mti.eiiiidltss.,,ti. lV'kwnrd.tiiiiib.iekw.ir I, n thin In vnurtllKlii, Mnttp nip n child iikiiIii Jni r.n- lo-nlirlil ! Mnthrr, come lim it from the echolco -horp, Tnkp hip ngnln to yntir lipnrt ns f yore i t'lss from my Ihrphpnil Ilio fm rows (,r Miimolh tho f..w mi w-r thrcnili mil nf mv Imlr; 'iii-r my S!(irni,..r!t vnur lovlnx w.ilili lnviij Hmk inn lo 1vi, moilii.r, mi'l; mo In l, fji! Ilni'ktrnnl, How lm. hin,1, t) nil,. r the vciir-! I inn o wonry of loll niul of iini,, Toil wlllioiit rpcnmpi'iiKP, tivirs nil In viiln, TiiKp tticiit, mi't rIvp nip my pill,th )o,l nR ,M . I Imvo itmwti wviirj- of (1hm nn.l ilrrny, W'mty of itinslnsi my .oiil-wptil'li mv i ' . ' wpnry t.f unwlllj l.ir ntlii-n torntp; lt '"! iiw tnnU'pp, inollicr, u.i'U run to nip !! Tl.l uf tin- lmMow, nK. i,, the nnti'ii.i Mnllipr, o mnllier, lay heart enll-i for j ,,u Many a Mummer the kih- has ui'owii'jrreeii, UhMwllloil nn.l failed, our fneen lietweeli; Yi t, with strong yearnlnu nnd pnxloiritr pnin, 1 omj 1 to-nliiht for your pipseiiee ngnln. Cnmo frnln the nllenep no lomtmnl ondeop; itoek me to sleep, mother, i Ir me to sleep! Over my In art, In the day that lire llown, No love like inotlier-love ever lint shone; Koolher worship nhldi t nn.l eu.liiu ., rnllllful, liii5el!lHli,alid pnll.nl like .uium; Kolle lilfe n lilotherean ehnria nwny path I'roln the (.il l; soul and the woild wenry liialn, Miiinlier's Mill rnlms o'ir my heavy lids eieep, llo'-k Ine to sleep, mother, lucU me tosleep! Come let yoiirhroMn hair Just llsltte.l with Kid.l, Pull on j our shoulders m-nlu as of old ; U-t 11 ilrnp m it my forehead to-nlthl, Itidlli? my r.ilnt eyes nwny fioln tlie Ilsht j ' oi with its siinuy-i'd'jeil shadows onee more It.ijjplly will throng ihe bwei-l visions of .lore; Lovingly, softly, Us hrlnht Mllows sweep"; lloel; me lo sleep, mulliei, rnek liiuto sleep I Molher, denr mother, the .vi ars have been lonjj since I last listened your lullaby soii'; Hln then, and unto my noul it shall seem Woiil.mh'jod's years have been only u tit-rum, I'lnsped to your he.ut In a iov liii einbiaee, With your lluht lashes Just sweepltnj my tnee, Never herealter to wake or to vi e;i; Uoel; tue to sleep, ttvillier, toek me to ' Kept aUtlSCCUaiKOUC. A HORRIBLE STORY. An Extraordinary Crirao by a Child. A pinvATi: letter, written by a resi dent of Fort l'itt.a small settlement in the Valley of the Sa-kiitchtiwiiii, Prince Itupert's I.niid, contains the following account of a most terrible occurrence which took place there on the 1:1th of March: " A dreadful affair happened here the other day; Mich u singular and ottt-of- llie-v.ay crime, if it can be -o called, that it i-, alino-t without the bounds of i credibility. You know what a quiet little vlllago ours is; here, hedged In by the l'ore-t primeval, and subject only to the wants that attend man in his pi-iinitiveMale, we rely mainly on our out, the little butcher miiat needs dis trapsand guns us moans of gaining a embowel his dead brother ahiio-t in tho livelihood; w" are m happy, even in , "til i-i.i.i.iiui JI...II mv.- i.itv ...ni"'.- ... ...... t .,,1 I-,.,.,., 11... I,.,,,.'f , , ,, .. , , . ... ,. .,, ,ii:, iiivn, .us ,uii- inu milieu iiiHiiu-' 111 inu I'topian Arcadia. The name of the last considered as possessing a weak intel-new-comer is -Martin iiutliiere. He is cet,but was thought to be a good-heart- a Imiiitun trom Lover t'anatla. lie came here hnt fall, accompanied by his wife and live children. It i- in this family that'tlio dreadful tragedy which lain about to relate took place. On Saturday, -th hist., Iiutliiere killed three pig-, slaughtering them in the usual manner that is, after stabbing the animals and allowing them to bleed to death whilst walking around, hedis eiiibowelt'il them, mid plunged their car cases into a vat of boiling water, and then scraped tho bri-tles clean from tho skill. Tlie three pigs- were then hol-ted by the hind legs lo an overhanging beam. The butchering operations of Martin were witnc.-.scd by his two younger children, boys, of tho rcupec iivoagesof six and eight years. The eldest, Uustave, it was observed at the i line, seemed delighted, not only by tho stupid actions of the pigs after receiv-Ini.- their death wounds, butalsoexcited old int'TOited in tlie after proce.-s of the iii'hering, clapping bis lit tie hands and . muttering, In the pultun ol llie-e pco-1 ole. ehlldllke oh-ervatioi'. of Joy. Till'' butchering, its I have b"lore observed, L.iok place on Haturday. In Ihe morn, lug of the next day the variom mem bers of the different humeholds in-enn Med in the little chapel at the ea-t cor ner of the ("ft, ami heard ma celebra ted by our good Father tid'ire.ut. Ho invited lis to intend in the evening, when hoIuteud''d to Uvlu.v upon Mime Hlbjcct suitable to the sca-im or tho ( 'hurcli year. In compliance with his invitation the chapel in the evening was ililod with the mua! number of worshippers, witli the exception ofsonie of thoyouuger members of the commu nity who had hen left at homo. Among these latter were the two boys ofMiirtiu Iiutliiere. It Win pretty late when the meeting broke up. 1 accompanied ItUihieiv and his wife towards their home, which was but a sliori instance from tlii'chapel. When within a few vards uf his doorstep we were all star H...I bv mVerving the little Citl-tave running towards us holding up hi hands all red and bloody ; his eyes glis tening with a wild, but chlldllkosort of ilee, and crying out In broken French mtiieell'ect'lhat he had "killed little piggy; Pome- and see." Tho mother, nhtrtled at the appearance of tho boy, i.iterrogatcd him quickly as to the ciin-oof tho blood, but he only clapped his hands m before, muttering about piggy," and said "I'omo and see." My rh'st'thouglit was that tho child hud been playing with tlie cureiisse, of the iiIl's. ami tl. t this accounted for ihe blood. The father and mother also seemed of the sanm oplnlou.nnd chlded ii.o im. fur what Ihov considered his inischlevomue-s. Little did wo imagine Hie fiMrfnt spccluclo tint nwnltoil tis wltlilu tho limto. Soon tho itoor was roachoil, lttllo DiHtiivu runtiliif; on lp foro ami oii'iilii It for ih. Oh, horror of horror! Tln ilour Is opontMl, and rljjlit lipfni'i' our i',vcs, lmurnjr from one? of tin-low hoAim that ran' nmm the loom, wm tho ilntl, imUcil, niutllatoil hody of the iireclotw llttlu boy, tho yimiifrt'st of Itiithlfi'p'.s Hitlilrcn. Tho Itoor win fovori'it with cloto, anit jiooli of ItUxiil, sstill warm anil -slrcumlng, and horrlhlo to ivl.itc, illrcctly ttiutor tho hamrin;,' uoi'ii.su wcru tho biiwi'l.-i of tho littlo fellow in a hwii, Just m they had lit'Oii torn from tho still warm body ! Tho lnolliiT, with a frantic shriek, swooni'd on tho llni'.shold, tho father stood IrmHlxed with horror, whll.it I, with a Kli'konlnj; fei'llnif, loanod against tho dooi-io-t, ami with my lunula, tried to uluulo my eyes from tho horrid flaht. nine of the Vllliurera Who Wero pllssliiir at the tline, attraeted by tho shrieks of ' Mm. r.utlilero, eanio to the home. Their ; exeiamauoin aiou-etl all lint the poor mother to coii'ciotisnesSjand wosoon be catno sensible to the frlj?hlfiil u.lturo of the deed that had taken place. The boy (iiisiave, in the meantime, stood ne.ir the centre of tho room, with a wondering look on his youthful conn to. nance, and n-axlair up in tho appalled face of his nronlzcd father. Let mo draw a veil over tho scene which -followed, and merely recount tho follow, in"; facts which have been elicited by an Inspection of tho room and from the confe.-sioin of tho young fratricide: It would r-oem that, shortly after Mr. and Mrs. Iliitliiei-o lud left their home for the purpo-o of attendinjr tho lecturo at the chapel, (iintnvo nrono-cd lo his little brother, Adolph, that they should i piny K.iiing pig. in mis request, it Hi supposed that the unfortunate little fel low aciiuiosced. Tho youngest was to be the pig, the oldest the butcher. Gin tavo eagerly assisted his brother to un-dre.-s for tho tragedy; and, taking a small rope, tied him down securely to a rough lounge that stood In the room : l'A".'', j"!'1 J""c'1,r''1' the butcher knife j that his father bad used In slaughtering I the pigs the day before and plunged it into the throat of his passive and hell j less brother. The wound was a mortal one, and it is supposed that death mint i Imvo Immediately resulted. After the 1 child hud bled his little life away, the 'unnatural brother, with the nio-t in- j credible licartlos.-ne.v-, took tho cord j which confined the hotly to tho lounge, i nnd tying ono end round the feet of the corp.-c, threw tho other over tho beam, and, lending his weight and strength, hoisted the body to the position in which it was found ; then, not satUlled with the programme thus far carried ex;u;t iiumner in which his father had .1... . i.-. . i. .1 . I. ,'. j il.... 1 inu II1T-J IHU ll.IV UUllHU. X llieilllllll IIL'IU 1 , , . , , , , 1 mill ine uoy i jiniavo nas always oeen ed and tractable child. What could have induced him lo commit this fear- flti crime is beyond our conleeture. ex cept it bo from an unavoidable desire to imitate his father in tho killing of tho plus. Since tho tragedy ho has seemed to realize in a certain degree tho fear ful nature of the deed, and cries bitter ly when lie see.s how unhappy ids father and mother are. At present ho is kept in elo-o custody, but what disposition the authorities will make of liiml can not say. " .fet- ' KP.siAitKAur.i: w oitics; Ameveu was fourteen milclongaudSghtmlleswlde, and forty-six miles romid;. and with a , wall one hundred fcetlhigh and thick enough for three chariots abreast. Baby- ion was liity mites witmii tne wain, which were seventy-llvo leet tlilcK, anil one hunilrod feet high with ono hundred gates. The Temple of Diana, nt F.phe- mis, was four hundred and twenty feet t(l the support of tin roof. It was (ic hundred ami eighty-one feet In height J xveiUheicd the stress If it had not been and eight hundred and fifty three leet fon, sweet-faced llttlo boy In front of the on the sides. The b;i-o covered ch'veu K.,m.ry. The lad hud hern Innoccntlv acre-. Thestonesareslxtyfeet In length Watclilng the same scene, and at Its cli and the layers are two hundred and i m.lx liUI(;ilc.,i ,ut iol!d with n frank and el-lit. II employed .'lai.nno men in ; nuiCiU explosion, and then suddenly building. The labyrinth contaiin three , .lUniiiieiired backward into bis moth. bundled chambers and twelve hall- Thebes n Kgypt presents ruins twenty- j seven nines lu-miim. .vuicis vwis ,,,. i,. , ty-Ilve miles around, niidcontalned !i:i(),- (inn citizens anil ki.i.uiki siavi-s. ine l enipio oi iieipnos was o ncu in uooa-, thins that it was plundered ot s.o.ot u, (m i and the Kmperor Nei o carried nwny from it two hundred statutes. The walls of Home were thirteen miles urii'iiid. Aor.NTlXMANouceuskedalittlo girl, an only child, how iiianysistPisliohad, ninl win told "three or four." . Her mother asked Mary, when they were alone, what hud Induced her to tellsuch an untruth. "Why, mamma," cried Mary, "I didn't want him tothinkyoti were so poor that you, hadn't hut ono child. Wouldn't he have thought w were drell'ul poor-.'" "My friend," said one gentleman to another, ''your liair is getting qttlto gray." "Yes," was tho answer; "old father I'luie bin been sweeping up tho years around me nnd tho dust has settled upon my head." Josh Iln.i.iNiis says: I always ad- vi-o short sermons, especially " " '"' Sunday. If ivminisler kant "lrlk,L'"" in borelng forty minlj-. " '""''"Z, I got a poor gimlet, r else ho Is borilno in tho wrong J'lce. JUNE 14, 1867. THE YANKEE PEDDLER. There li u chcrllfrcsldlii"; In Illinois, who wm "taken In nml tlouo for" on ono occasion, lloniiido it tv prominent part of his lmMiift.t to ferret out and lumMi peddlers for travollii"; through the .Statu without n lleoino; hut one luoniiii; In; met Ills mutch In tho per son of a ijenuliio Yankeo peddler. "What huvo you got to sell nuy thlnjrV" inked tiie sherlir. " Yiiiis, Harlin ; what d'ye want V Clot razor..', fmt' that's an artlclu yon need, sciulio, I etiotilil Miy by tholooksof your baird. (lot good blaekln ; 'twill make tlicni old boots of youm slilno Mi't youeanshavo in 'em o'liamost. Halm of Clumby, too, only a dollar a bottle; good for tho ha'r and mshlcu iioor human uatur, as tlio poet mys." And .so lio rattled on. At length the lierllVbousht a bottle of tho balm of CollirilKhi. nml in.n.iilv l.i tin. nnr-stlim whether lie wanted auythlnp; else, that functionary ald lie dhl-hu wanted to Kcotho Yankee's Hcenso for iieddllnc In J Illinois', that lielnjr his duty as -MierifT. Tho yank showed him a document llxed up fjood and .stronjr, in black and white. Tho sheritl' looked at it anil pro nnuueed it all right. Then handingback tho bottle to the peddler, ho said : "I don't think, now that I've bought this stuff, I shall ever want it. I reckon I might as well sell it back to you. What will you givo for it V" "O, tho darn stuff is no uso to me, but .seeln' It's you, sheriff, I'll givo you twenty-live cents for it, if you really don't wan't It." Tho sheriff handed over tho bottle at tho largo discount from hlsown purchase alu received his change. "Xow." said the mvldler. "I'vo cota (liiestlon to ask you. Iluvoyougot any peddler's license about your trowsers anywhere V" "Xo; I hav'nt any mo for the article, myself," replied tho sheriff. "Hain't eh? Wal, I guess we'll see about that, pooty tlaru soon. !.! I un Un - stand the law, it's a clear case that you've been tradlu' with mo hawkin and peddlln' balm of Coltliuby on tho highway I'll inform on you darn'd if I don't now !" The Yankee was as good as his word. When lie reached the next village he made his complaint, and tho sheriff was lined eight dollars for selling with out a liccme. He was heard afterwards to say, that you might as well try to hold a greased Lei as alfvo Yankee." ' . - SLEEPING IN MEETING. I Hum: is a picture that might huvo been painted by the pen ofDIckens : , "In what other painful event of life , has a good man so llttlo sympathy as I when overcount with sleep in meeting , i...,. o 4. -..!.. , ,l.l...l.i! .i...i...i.... 11 ii in . luiiis' ine iiisiiuous iieuiicuoii he arrays every conceivable resistance. Ho stands up awlillo; lie pinches him self; lie pricks him-clf with pins. Ho looks up helplessly to tho pulpit, as if soniosuccornilght po-sibly comotlienco. Ho crosses ids legs uiicoinfortably and nttcmpa to recite catechism or the multiplication table. Jhelzos a inn guid.tfan, which treacherously leaves htmfn'calm. Ho tries tojeaTon, to no ticolToJ'phenomena. Oliftliat ono could carry liis pew to bed witli him! What tossing wakefulness there! In ids lawful bed a man cannot sleep, and in , Ins pow lie cannot keep awake! Hup- py man who does not sleep in church ! i Deacon Trowbrldgo was not that man. Beacon Marble was ! ixMwi .Marblo witnessed tho com nict wc i,.,vu sketched above, and when j,00(i jr. Trowbridge gnvc his next lmc-i,, recovered himself with a snort, nml th(,n (lrow 01 n ml handkercliicl' .lul ,)Io. hu n(),0 w,th u ,,, ,mitatIon ,ls if t0 let the bovs know that lie had llot .,,.,., oor T)t.,,con Afnrhio lm,n..lit ., Min.stinlt. lint I imvn .,,. ... ,. tI nt ho .,.oup,i 1..,..,, :er's lap. That laugh wasjmt too much, aml )cllt.on Mmble could no more heir i:Uoh,lfr than could Deacon Trow bridge .sh.,,,,!,,;;, i'or he could not rou nl iti Thougli lie coughed, and put up ids hundkerchicf nnd lieinmeil-it was a UUIi:hi)eacon ! and everybody in tlie house knew it, and liked you better for it so inexperienced were they !' Jlei rier'n AWirooif. (l.voiieoccmlon as the ltev. Matthew Wllks, a celebrated London preacher, win on Ids way toa ineotingof ministers, he got caught in a shower in tlie place called Billingsgate, where there were a large number of women dealing in llsh, j wiu) wm, u-lngmo-t profanoand vulgar iaiitiiitii:i-. As liestonpcd under u shed ' the midst of them, ho feltjscalled unon to givo at ie;nt ms icsuiiioii.v tiir.dust their wickedness "li.m'i vim tliinl.-" said be. sne.tkliig witli tho greatest deliberation ""j" enmity, "1 shall apiear in a swllt win ness against you in wm J""." nient V" "1 presume so," said one, "for tho big r..iiti always turns state's evi- ''' "la'lihew, when begot totlio meeting, i elated the Incident. i .i. i iviini did von savin reply, Mr. WilksV" said ono iff tho ministers pres. ....I. "What could i . ' wasiiiociiaraciensiic reply. OLD KNAPSACKS; Tin: following beautiful nnd touching extract Is from n letter of "A Woman In Washington," to the Xew York Jndc penitent. : "I sawn pile of knapsacks the other evening at tho cottage on Koilrth street; knapsacks and haversacks left behind for safe keeping by the boys who went to the front and never cnmo back. The oloipioneoof the worm-eaten and mould ed bags cannot be written. Here is a piece of stony broad uneaten, the llttlo paper of coffee, the smoked tin cup In which It had boiled so often over the hasty lire onthoes'o of battle. There was tho letter, sealed, directed, and never sent, for tho soldiers could not always get even a stump. Ileru was a letter half written, commenced, "Dear Wife: Howl want to see you." "Dear Mother: My time is nearly out." The rusty pen Just in it was laid down in the half tilled sheet by tho gallant and loving hand which hoped so soon to llnish it. 1 lore was a scrap of patriotic poetry, and impired lyrics carefully 'opted on sheets of paper tinted with red, white and blue. Hero were photo graphs of tho favorite (ienerals, and photographs of tho dear ones at home. Hero werclettersof heart breaking love and loyalty to duty, and holy faith and cheer, written at home: and here was tho Testament given him by the woman ho loved best, soiled nnd worn. Forthe American soldier, if ho rarely read it, till ho would carry his 1 estninent as a dear talisman to savo him from harm. Here were those mementoes of brave, living, loving lifegonoout. They never came back ! Tho mourners at homo do not all know where they fell, or whether they were buried. To one unfamiliar with tho soldier's life, these rellcsnilght mean little. To mo they mean all love, alt suffering, all heroism. I look on them, and again seem to see tho long lines of inarching men flic past, dmt covered and warm on their way to bat tle. I fee tho roads of Virginia sim mering in the white heat, lined with uxtiusjjtd men lying down to sleep and tome, tutor tno last ueie.it, near tno cryofthewounded.tliomoanofthedying see thehalf tilled gravo ami tho unburied dead. All the awful reality of war comes back. So, too, do knightly days and dauntless men. Peace walks amid tho May tlmu flowers, and already our soldiers seem almost forgotten. Days of war and deeds of valorscem like dreams jono by." AN OltlGINAL INCOME TAX. Tin: following isa copy of a ret urn for- warded to an Assistant Asscs-orin tho Seventh United States Internal Itevenuo District of Massachusetts : Dear Sir: In acknowledging tlie rc- ccipt of tho blanks which you were so kind as to levo at my residence, I Imvo to say that, however n.iich I may tcgret ..-....'..,....,.-.,....-...-,..-.-.,.... financial staudingdoes not, and from all appearances will not allow me to assist In liilifiiinlliwp (lirv ifliVfil. nrriiit irvivifii. """""V1""1' ,b," ment. 1 cannot refrain, however, from filling tho blanks as requested. "1 have some llttlo property, and al thougli not enumerated in the printed 8 lice , will you allow me I for nothing ei-U lllllll 111 lit, 11 hltll lilt Oil Vlll, ItF ll,tt.tj thorn ill my insets : "Ono little bay mare named' ,' (sound and kind in all harness, stands without tying, and eats anything,) and of but little value. A buggy, not yet paid for, though good for several years. (It Is now re pairing.) "I havouNoa dog, fivocats, and two plgs.andthesexesofthelatter are equally represented. "Judging from the past, 1 am free to say that if I keep tho pigs through the summer, I shall be obliged to call upon tl... T . !ln.) OI..I.V . t T .1.. .,. me v. iiiieii Klines iu us-ist ,iie-. i mi inu know how in tlio World I do get along, and am happy only when I know that a .i. ....4. il... i.J 1 ncu uiau cauuui liner uiw Kioguoui oi Heaven. My clothes are all second-handed, and my bootsureuboutgone. Notnllor bus made mo a suit lor years ; and since tlio publishing of Income Beturns was commenced, my credit has been sadly shaken. But, being poor, 1 get hope iml strive and work, and wish, and. bet ter than all, lam happy. Find the man who pavs his twenty thomand income, tnen eonioanii visit me. ami uhil'O vour- elf of 'life among tho lowly,' and which Is tho happier. neu my uoy grows up, i iiopo ne m v excel his father In financial ability. of which no one who knows mo doubts, and that you. Air. ,may live long enough to visit him for many years to collect ids Income tax. "Yours, tf (Signed) " KK II Tin: lti ssr v v Dp.spiitism.-. I'rann ....t.... i... ti,,, i.-in.nr linnniiirl; illllllllll!l.lll. 111. 11- llttJ ......" , Ui-minli'liiir tin. Uundetoarn or Itotitid Tower of Copenhagen, recalls otieof ihe egenilsattiiclied lo xun.nii cUtices in Denmark. '"S;0WmM of theelghteenth cenliiry it vwis l.lte I I y Pete? the "wit. In company with tho King of Denmark, iToder ck tho P iurtli 'l'i'" tw sovereigns, having iirr ivcil at Hie summit of tlio tower, were gazing on tho magnificent pano ninm before them, Peler, meanwhile, explaining to Frederick nn poiuicai v nii'iii . .... i 'iii7n,,i,i vnn ikoti have." ho ex claimed, "an Idea of tho power of my authority V" ..,,.,.,. AndWliuoiii vvaiiic,; on i' icueriur, s answer, tno iounner oi ine uin-iau iiwniarc iv noiuieii to a uossaei. o i s uite. mid nolnted witli Idsliiigcrto the aiiy.ss wnicii yawned ai incirieei. "Jumii!" said lie. The Cossack looked nt the Czar, salut ed lilni, and, without lie-ltation, cast himself headlong downwards. "There 1 wiial do you tliinl; orthat V" said Peter, turning to tlio King of Den. mark. "Have you any sucli subjects ."' "Thank Hod, no" win the reply. l'l.IOH I'lVU CUNTS. (cUfliotti8 iUaiUufl. .nir.To.'H iii.i.mj.m;su. (Thk followimj liriiullfiil lines vi, i ilu. I flnntliiK about in mine of our pxelialiven nt If thny vvern nevvl.v wrlllen, We reinemlier well hitvltiK thrm tisidtous liy ii hely III Maryland, one ..Inter ev eulntt, tiioie tlmn a floren yonr mio: ItimoIdniiill.lln.il MpI4 iM.iut at me an Miiltlen by Oml's fi'uwn ; Anilebst and deserted by my kind, Yet t nm tint cost down. 1 am weak j yet slrotiit ; I murmur not that I noloniterftee: Poor, old, nnd helpless, 1 the more lielomr. Puttier utipieme, to Thee. 0 merelful one 1 , W-hen men are. furtlifM, then thou nrt most near; When fi lends pass by, my vvenkiipps to shun, Thy (harlot 1 hear. Thy kIoiIous face In leaning towards me, nnd Its hol lllit Bhlneii In upon my lonely duelling plure, And I hero. In no more night. On my beii'lcil knee, I reeonl7.o thy pui pose, clearly shown j My vision thou havt dimmed, that I may heo Thyjelf, Thyself nlolie. 1 have naiiiiht to fear! Thli dnrknws In the shadow of thy vvliiit j lleuculh il I urn ulniort witred here Clin inlllii no evil thlllt;, Oht I seem to Hai.il . Trembling, vvheio foot of lnortnl ne'er hath bet-n IVrappetl In radlaneo from thy ulnless land, Which eye hath neve r seen. Visions enmeaud go; hhapes of resplendent beauly round me throng; I'roin nn?el Hps I fcreiii tohenr the How Of soft nnd holy song. It Is nothing now. When Heaven is opening on my sightless eyes When nirs from Piiiii.lise refresh my brow Tlie earth In darkness lias. In a purer cllmc Thy beini: fills with rapture waves of llio't Hull In upon my spirit .strains subllmo llreak over me un sought. filve lac now my lyre I I feel Ihe stirrings of a gift divine. Within my Imsom rIows unearthly lire, I. It by no skill of mine. IIuskix on Ji das. Joliu lluskin, in the Crown o Witd Olives, characterises in ids trenchant stylo those who like to make money as imitators of Judas: "We do great injustice to Iscariot, in thinking him wicked above all common wickedness. Hi- was only n common j money-lover, and like all money-lovers a un't understand Christ: couldn't ni.ikoout tho worth of him. lledidn't I want him to bo killed. Ho was horror , struck when ho found that Christ would bo killed : threw- his monev nwav in- stantlv. and hamred hlnnelf. How many of our present money-seekers, i think you, would have tho irrace to liiuig themselves, whoever they killed'.' But . . .. ..... 7i . Judas was a common, selfish, muddle headed, pilfering fellow ; his hand al ways in tho bug of tho poor, not caring for them, lledidn't understand Christ, yet believed in him much more than most of us do; hud seen him do mira cle, thoiighthe was quite strong enough In shift fill-lilmsolr Ollll lm .Tllil.u mtrrhf , . VV( , . mvn ,,',; I u!1a r ,. , ,..,, ,-,,;,.'.,,,,, nwe of J( w, cmit;Iit ,lm, hu m.o l thirty pieces. ow that Is tho money "eeker's idea, all over tlie world. Ho , (oe,n,t , , , , I ' 'stand hini-he doesn't c-aro for iiim- ecesnogood in that benevolent busi ness ; makes his own little job out of it, at all events, coino what will. Ami , out of ; ( ln,c lr,t, nC11) lM of men your main object Is to make money. And they make it make it in all sorts of unfair ways, cliicily by the weight and force of money, or what is called tlie power of capital ; that is to say, tho power which money, ouco i obtained, lias over tho labor of the poor, 'so that the capitalist can take all its produce to himself except tho laborer's I food. That Is tho modern Judas' way I of 'carrying tho bug' and 'bearing what j is put therein.' " , Tm. ,-,.. Cannrrmttmnalht. In nr. , dcr to ma).0 out (k.fenco against tho , nliPPrtlon of S(JI110 Unitarian preacher, i 1 i tlmt "orthodoxy is a failure," cited tlio . mwtlmf vnrlimsdonmiilnriUmm.wliniii ' it ls llI(.aH,,i tocall orthodox. ' . T)m i,, ,,.,,,,;, iii km i n,,,,,, .' in tbu sintn" "ot linnttsf dum.hos: now there are ail." Hero tliuro is a gam of ft little, over lir percent. At the same time, "there were 113 Methodist churches; now there nroSKO." Tho gain here is ti tittle over 70 per cent. "In 1R32 there were 20 Kpiscopal churches; now there are 121." Tho gain i hero it will be seen is nearly -100 per . In the cltvof Boston itselftlio Increase isnot quite so wnnderful.but still It nun increa-.e.cheeriugenoiigh when onocon sidera all the dimctilties. In VSV1 then, "TUero were in iiosion, 8 ortliodox Congregational churches ; thero am now 11." A gain of 7o per cent. "There ere seven Baptist; now there are 1 1. A gain of KID per cent. "There were ,'! McthodM; now there are 1 1." A gain of nearly oOit per cent "There were at the same time ."i F.pi-co-nal churches j now there are 1:1." A ir ! gain of nearly iVl per cent. Pin: llvi'iisi's in lilt: I'NITP.D Si'aths. Theie are In the I'nitedStates and theTerribiric-lL'.oT'i Baptist cliurcli. o.s, with l,o:l,nil members and 8u;!S or dained ministers. Tlie.-o figures tiro from returns made In IMS.", with tlieex- ccjitiou of twelve of the southern States, in which tho statistics aro for ls'bU Of the States making returns in IMl.'i, New ork stands highest, the numbers be ing 82(1 churcho, with Mi.lOT members and 715 ordaiiied ministers. The six Now Bnglaud States liavo an aggngalo of8!)7 churches, with !i7,U71 menu ers ami 7!)!l ministers. Thete are twenty, nine colleges Inthe Fulled States under Baptist Inlluence. The oldest uf tin -e is Brown I'tilvrslty, foniidedlu 17iil,and the youngest is at Chicago, found, d In ISo'.i. There are thirteen Bapll-I theo- logical institutions. Tin: Ut. Bp.v. Damci.s. Ti- rn.i:has lieen consecrated Bishop of Montana, Bishop Hopkins presiding, ttssUted by llishops Potter, Oilenheiuier, Kerfoot, llandall and other clergyman.