The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 07, 1867, Image 1

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    ' ,4'J-U' i r i
' V
VOL. f.-NO.
A iDemoeriilie NowsxJMpei',
llliOOMSIIt'ltM, PKNX'A.
Inn School of politics. Those principles will never
bo compromised, yet isiuitcsy niul kindest shall
hot be forgotten In iIIsciissIiik them, whether with
lndllduul, or with eniitciiipornilo.s of tlio Press.
Tho unity, linppliiess.nnd prospcrlly of the coun
try li our nlm niul objects nndns (ho means to
secure Hint, we shall labor honestly niul carncsl ly
for the harmony, success nml Rrowthofonr oman
Ir.atlon, TeiimsiikAiiv in isiSfii-OncKiunreden lines
or lew) ono or three Insertions I,.V); ench mime
qtient Insertion AQ centn.
est. tv.
tu.oo 810,00
0,C0 11,00
V2JM 1(1,00
1 1,00 20,00
'JO.OO y
00,00 60,00
One siiiinrc.,.. S'J.OO
Tn-o squares ,1,00
Threo sqnnres fl.nn
Pour squares fl.txl
Half col u in n 10,00
Ono column ... I.VO0
nxecutor's nml Administrator's Notice $.1,00 j Auditor's-
Notice 82..V). other advertisements Inser
teil nccordlng to special contract,
Business notices, without advertisement, twenty
cents per line.
Transient advertisements pnynble Inndv.mcc
nil others duo lifter the flnt Insertion,
W It Is, In all cases, more llltcly to he satisfac
tory, iKith to subscribers nml to tho Publishers,
that rcmltlnnces niul nil cnmnumlcnttons respect
ing tho business of the paper, bo sent direct to the
office of puhllcntlon. All letters, whether relating
to the editorial or business concerns of the paper,
mid nil payments for subscriptions, advertising,
or Jobbing, nre to bo made to and addressed
imocKWAY & riti:i:.n,
"Oihimllan noire,"
IlLooMsnntn, 1'a.
l'rlntediit tloblioir llullillngs, near the Court
House, by ('has, .M. Yaxdriismi'i:,
I'nvNic It. Hxydkii.
Hy ttlwnnl A, rollnnl, uf Virginia.
sAjinir Kcmvi:rir.xirrar,n or miiti.ix
Trnvnulilp, linn prncurctl tho Ajjciicy of Columbia
County, inr the miIo nf tho nlwivc work. Itcmn
pnNcs u full iKvmint of thurlc and proi;rtp-. of
Clio Into Southern Confi'ilernry, tin cainpaiciiv,
lmttlcs, Incident ami tl nitnivs of tho most til
Kimllc M ruKlc of tho Work I'm history. Cninpletn
in ono larKe olume. nf marly nki puges ulth
Tvi:xTV-rorit si'Mixini) stkiu,
of ilUtlngitUlictl Conffilorato lenders. The histo
ry of the vamml-liod has too otteu fUlen to
tho in n of tin let 01 , and to lustiro justice to tho
Siutliorn cause, lite pen must bo taken by soiuo
houtbi-rti man w ho Is willing to dooto his linn
and talent k to the I tut lent Ion of his fount lymen,
In a history which Mmll ctmllenj; tho criticism
of the Intelligent, and itnlto the attention "1 all
honest Inquirers. Sin ha uoik will boot peculiar
Interest to tho candid and Intelligent public of
the Nmth, and is nf the utmost ImiHirtanco to the
cnplo t tho Southern states. Mr. 1'ollnnl. of
all wrlti rs In tho South, N doubtless tho best
qualified to prcpaiea complete and stamtatd his.
tory of the Var, mid to commit to tho present
and future Kenciatlon a falthlul and worthy ro
cord of (helrureat htiuuale and of a causo lost,
Nave In honor, been employed clurlnir tho
entire period of the War ,;is editor of n Jtlchmoud
newspaper, (feb-i'tiT.
MINI! AND HOIIKhl'dlti:,
seeonddoor below llillttlli'llV, Mulli Stlrrt.
Just reeelved a new sti I; nt
zr.riiYiw, vooi,i:.vam) torroN yaiins,
coitsr,rn, i,Acr-s i:.MimoiiKuii:s,
mid every Mirlety of mtlcles usually kept In u
nnd n lurKo lot of
11 LANK Ili:i:i)S, 1IONDS AND .MOIlTClAOlis,
nnd ft general and well-selected assoi tnieut of
PAi-Eit, i:Nvi:r.orr-s Ac.
a. i. wr.mi.
H T A T I O X li H S ,
.TO Chestnut street, BlSouth Fourth stiect,
l'HII.Alir.I.rillA, PA.
They make n speciality of fiirnMiliiR National
Uanks, County Olliccrs, Insurance Companies,
Hallklnir Houses, etc., Willi
kvkiiv ahtici.i: 6r ih.ank hooks
bavins machinery specially fid.ipled fundi Mork
they may require. febs ur-ly.
To Hold anil Saloon keeper of lllooma-
buri! "ml Columbia County. I hnve appointed
Mr, 11. Btolmcr intent f"r the mlenf my ulo, portc,
brown stout, and URcr beer, who w 111 supply yofi
at tho samo nrlco (and Willi the same article), as I
would furnish you from tho brewery. Knoowlns
tljat ho will be punctual and atlentlro to all who
may favor him with their trade, I solicit for him
your support. Very lespeetfully,
FHHII U.U'.lt,
Steam llrcnery, Iteadlntr, Ta.
1). S T I Ii E S ,
1. 1 C K N S K II AUCTI ( N V. II It.
nlways to bo found at tlio Oriinsevlllo Hotel, In
(JranVevlIle. Sales of real or i-crsoiia pr ope t
attended to prompt y nnd on icasoiiahni terms.
(tonKJn nViiti .Aclll and sold on coin l.i Iss on.
A share, of publlcisitroiiaiw reyelfully sollclleil.
Ornneevllle, February IS, Istff-'.'ni.
r C T I O X E E It .
llnvloir lollnwed the profession of Public Veniluo
(Vler Sr in "nv yei rs, would Inform Ills frleiuls
hth',"U'V,!uYiuihvicid, icmiy ;; '!,y,,Vi
atlend toall the. dulle of ' call I lit.
deslrllllt IIU ki rVICls souum ,r.rVH7.
at Uloomsburi!, Pa,
Jlninifiicturor. nnd .lobls-in of
Sim. Jil iliiikct. and Sii Coniuicne stiect,
U Vroiiiaiid uller October i, Im, the Iralus will
wisii Hupert an follows! ...... rrl
(Joisii Nohtk. Klmlru Stall at I P.M. I "
KOTit-hillwlelpliItt Mull at U A.M.J
New York Knpres. at WKBIli Sup,.
(Driginat goctru.
1'ATiRii, imlier, on Hie imnej
Softly, Ihi'ilescendhiK ruin
Comes, Hi;,, liiiiriiiurs, brenUlim
On the eiir.uiidKi ntlj nltliu
Mem'rles, Mml hnieshilnberisl Iohkj
roiuotten slriilus
Thnl I'oliieauiiln,
Sil.ilehes of a f.norlle Mine.
livery crystal ilrop Hint fnfls,
Some mvei't memory recalls
As they come, like music, stcullnx,
M'iiIcIiik sweet and tender feellnK-
Tlloushlsof locil ones mine before
licntly milliiB,
Soriiy caiiiiia,
llchoes rrom Hie heu cnlj shore.
Mchll. , K'lllj , now Ihey jdny,
l,lke the notes of merry lay,
Willi their nmstnhl dropping, ilrnpiliiir,
Never for n moment nlopplnir,
I'liceklni; thoiiiilils of rlef and pain
So niei rlly,
And cheerily.
Keeping lime to lively strains.
Thicker, faster, still they come,
lake the mullled beat of drum;
Now the crystal drops nro pouring,
In their denrulnjr, ceaseless roaring
Sounds of warfare we descry;
And they patter
I.IUo tho clatter
Of an army piwslui; by.
detect Eatc
theIm at oransao,"
in,-.- . , , . '
hat piaco is mat iieiore lis V" said
i to 1110 posiiuon
"Cransac, Mr. Captain."
"Cranfac? Can I get a comfortable
lodging over night there?"
" I tight easily. There is an excellent
Inn. Xone better far and wide."
It was a very agreeable piece of Infor
mation, for 1 began to feel very tired.
It is no trifle to be compelled to raise
half-recovered from n sick bed, and
make a journey of several hundred
leagues. My regiment lay at I'erpiguan,
and I had come from Xantes. Some- "I wjll see about it ; but now I must
tiling of a journey! And from Per- go and take the baby from tho philo-o-pignan
there awaited mea pretty march plici-Mown below."
at the head of my company through the I Who is the gentleman, mav 1 a-k,
cursed Catalonia, wherealready many a j v horn you call your philosopher?"
bravo Frenchman had found his grave, -a veryaniiable.intelligent.and agree-
We entered a small village prettily
situntednt tho foot of n wooded hill,
"SVestopt before a neat hou-o. Thomas
my servant, sprang down anil nile.l
me out of the carriage. The landlord,
a kindly man, conducted me into his
parlour, after he had given the neces
sary directions to his people about my
The room, which was large, neat and
cheerful, swarmed with little girls.
Somo were seated at u table and some
under It, while others were gathered at
the window, and the smallest were
playing on the floor. A young maiden
of about sixteen carried a chihlof a year
old In her arms, and was dancing round weari-ome. 1 went down to look at tho
with it amongst the rest. In the corner beautiful butterfly, Fanchon. She llut
of the room sale a young man, who, lean-jtored about, (iod knows whither. I
ing his head on his hand, appeared (o , found nocompany but Herr Yon Ormy
be sunk in thought, and to trouble wi,,, -tood drummintr a match on the
himself very little about tho nol-e of
tho children, or the grace of the fair
"Hush! hu-h!" cried the landlord
n- be entered tho room. "Annette, car
ry this wild troop out of doors ! And,
Fanchon, do thou prepare a room for
this gentleman, Xo. s. lie will remain
I ii obedience to this command, Annet
te, n lovely Amoixtle of about fourteen,
led out the swarm of littlo one-. Fan
chon, dancer, wlthasllght but graceful
bow of welcome to me danced up to the
thoughtful young man, and exclaimed:
"Here, Mr. Philosopher, plea-o to boso
kind as tonmuscmy little sister. I hope
you will bogallant." With these words
she put theehlld she was carrying Into
his lap. lie did not appear pleased, but
he took the child.
"You are plentifully bles-ed, Mr.
Landlord, " said I, and pointed to t''' I
plaviug group of children : "do they all
belong to you?"
'I should bo very wellsati-fled if they
were all mine, just for the curiosity of
the thliiL." saiil Ilerr Albret, so tin
landlord was named: " but only about
one-half of them tire mine, i lie otner
i 1.. .. .!...!... ........ ...
half tire their playmates, whohavocomo
to celebrate the birthday of my third
"And how many ehlldred have you,
Mr. Albret?"
" Six girls, no more."
Heaven lielpus ! all girls? six girl-!"
"Heaven bo praised, you should say,
Mr. Captain. A father can desire no
better fortune, if the girls are pretty.
For something of their lirlghtne-s is re
flected upon him. All the world' cares
ses him, because all the world loves Ills
prettv maidens. I liavo some experience
of that already, and Fanclion gains
much favour for me. hen slm isgone,
folks will bow to me for Annette's sake.
And when Annette goes, then .lulietto
will take her place, and then whoever
comes ncM." . . ., .
"Yet confess, Mr. Albret, thopro-pect
is not very agreeable. Hy and by, they
will have their hubands, and your
hou-e will bo doolate."
"I see tho case differently. I only put
my capital out at interest, when I give
away my daughters. Then 1 shall be
come n grandpapa, and tho young folks
will bring their children to me. That's
a new pleasure In life."
''Yon know how to console yourself,
Mr. Albret. Hut six fine boys, Instead
of six girls might well have made you
1 "Hoys ? ( iod forbid 1 The wild chaps
u-.iiild have turned my hair gray
before this time with their tricks and
roguery (Wlillo my ilntijjlitcrsnru milking
ino youiiR nsalu every tiny. Hud I sons,
ono would dry up n tradesman, overtliu
inultlpltcntlon table, another would be
erijipled for his fntherlnnd, n third killed
in the same taii5e, n fourth would pi
wandering over land ami sea, tho fifth
would be more cunning than hl. father.
It would nil come to nothing.
At thU moment Fanchon hopped Ugli
ly In, mid with u gentle bowsnid to me,
"Your room Is ready. You enn take
posse-xlon of It." The landlord wan
called nway. I took my hat to seek my
"Permit me," said l'auehon, "let me
have the honour of showing you tho
way." Then with as-prlngortwoshe
itood before the young man to whom she
had entrusted theehlld : "Mr. t'hllo-io-pher,
you are very naughty to your little
lady. See how Mum laughs at
you. Come quickly, ks her linnd
and beg her pardon." With that
sho put the littlo hand of tho baby to
lits Hps. The young man smiled gloomi
ly, and scarcely looked up.
Then she sprang toward me and re
peated: "Let me have the honour." Ho
sho flew before mo up stairs. She opend
the door of a neat little room. .Sho had
to wait awhile for me, 1 npologized
for the slownes of my movements on
nccouiit of my late Illness.
"You will entirely recover with us,"
said she; "tho baths of Cransae. will do
wonders, you know."
"T klinu lintlilno' olinnf llinm
fci instil, .ail
Fnnnlimi. Thou vn, i,,. i.
"The most celebrated In the world.
Folks come hither even from Toulouse
and Jlontpcllier. lCvery one goes away
perfectly cured and happy.
Hut who could leave you and be hap
py fair Fanclion?"
"Let me take care of that when the
time conies for folks to go, Mr. Captain.
I know how to tease them until they are
glad to get rid of me."
"(), I pray, do mo the honour to tease
me a littlo bit."
young man, who lias only ono '
fault.thatheean't laugh, seldom speaks,
'and when bespeaks, it is only to express
hi-, di
.atNfaction. He calls hiiii-elf
Ilerr You Ormy, and Is a vl-iter to the
batlw, and wMiesthem to the be
cause they smell so of brimstone."
Willi these words he courtesled and
I coufe-'stlie maiden wa- pretty enough
lu tca-eanyof u. I resolved to remain
thenext dnyat Cran-acand try the bath.
Where could I find better company and
entertainment? I needed the recrea
tion. The solitude of my chamber grew
window pane.
I inquired of him concerning tho
nature of tho bath-. He replied, "They
smell worse than rotten eggs." I remark
ed that I had not come particularly on ac
count of the water: "So much the bet
ter for you." I observed thatthecountry
round .seemed to be very agreeable.
"What if it is?" said he, "tho folks are
so much the more disagreeable." "Ono
might, however, endure a Fanclion
pretty well," added 1. "As well as a
hornet that is for ever buzzingabout one's
I head."
.lust then I turned my back upon
him and ho gave aloud cry. I start
ed, I wa- about to assist him, when
1 saw Fanchon standing before him in
a lovely,meimcingposture,withaneedIo
in her hand, with which shejust picked
his shoulder, "Don't you know,- then,
my gentleman, that we Hornets know
),nv to sting? That I- the lightest of,
. . . I 11...
Then vou are going to sting hi- 1
heart ?" said 1.
"O, one can do nothing there with I
i Jrcrr you ormv
replied -lie, and
(mjjjiy vanished
I -
Ti10V,iiiiiiMiiatimiirmered something
im(, eft rof)I1 jt w;Vs n strange
Isb'ht to me. I had never before seen a
vmIn(j ia, wlio apiieaied to bo pos-es.
kt,,i 0fSoiuany advantages, so insensible
to rncuer'v of a nrettv girl.
I eared not to remain alone. 1 went
lugs, and stepped into tho garden clo-o
i" liois Fnnchon's vourtger sister,
Annette, was watering tlio powers, i
matched with pleasure the activity of
the pretty creature. 1 accounted her
fnlher happy. This ungel, on tho bor
ders of childhood, with nil tho Inno
cence ofsthnt period, and yet already
blooming lu the opening charms of
womanhood, hovering now among
tlio flowers, seemed inoro bowltchlngly
Ideal than U-onnrdoda Vinci's Madonna
of tho Hock.
" Who comes tliero?" she asked
without looking round, when sho heard
my footsteps.
"A thief!" said I.
"What ishegolng to steal? she asked
with a laugh, but without looking to
wards me.
"Annette's prettiest flowers."
Witli that she sat down tho watering
pot, and canto half timidly towards mo
and said: "I should llkoloseo which
they are."
i cast my eyes round and saw u hnlf
blown moss-rose. "May I break It?"
I n-ked.
ItlV plHllSlimenis, liewari' 111 lllfjiuuiilin uuui maiui.iiM... ...... r
heaviest!" I '""S to smooth tho wrinkles out of his
"A thief must not ask 1" sho replied,
and handed mo a littlo pair of scissors.
"1 do not steal It for myself I" said I.
"To whom will you give that little
roe?" sho asked.
"To the prettiest girl In I'raiisac."
"Well, sir, that I will permit. Hut
You have been hero scarcely an hour."
"I only know tho prettiest one."
"You make me very curious, sir; pray
let mo go with yon."
"I pray you now, stand still Just a
moment!" 1 replied, and quickly stuck
the roo In tho riband which eonllned
her rich brown locks.
" Youarc mistaken ! younrcmistakeii!
My sister Fnnchoii Is the prettiest of
"I low can you contradict me, lovely
Annette? Are you to be tho Judge in
your own cuo? If I insist that I hold
you to be tho prettiest of the pretty In
CrniiMic, what have you to say to that?"
"Nothing, but that you convince
me that tho maiden who Is nearest to
you Is always the prettiest In your
.So wo prattled on. .She kept the ro?e.
She led mo round among all her flower
treasures. Wo were soon very well ac
quainted, nnd before tho day was over,
I was well established in the family.
1-rau Albret, tho mother ofthosix girls,
was an amiable woman, talkative, full
of spirits like tho rest. Only tho surly
Ormy'kcptto his humotiramldstnllour
Jests and laughter.
My one day nt Cransaegrow into eight
days. Every evening I packed up for
tho followlngmorning,niidevery morn
ing, I unpacked. Fanchon kept her
word honestly, and, nnd teaedmoovcn
more than the philosopher, whoremain
ed Insensible to all her tricks. Never
was I teased so sweetly, so painfully.
How could I look unmoved upon tho
lovely tender, niry .Sylphid playing her
anticsaround mo? I felt how danger
ous she was to my repose, but I armed
myself in vain. Sho herself, scarcely
entered into hersixteenth year, dreamed
of no peril. She played with Lovo's
I arrows, without dreamingof their sharp-
ne.-s. To all tho magic of maiden Iovc
I liuess sho added the simplicity of a
child. If one said any thing to her
particularly tender, she turned it iustant-
ly into a Jest.
1 sometimes thought that somo feel
ing for me was stirring in her heart,
when she sat silent, when her look
seemed to rest on mo with pleasure, and
an indefinable, intelligentsmllollghlen
ed her eyes and seemed to wi-h to say :
"Understand me, Incredulous !" Hut
no. It was only her good nature,
a certain warm-lieartedness which,
through her ignorance of the
world, llncly accorded witli the
generosity of her mind. She remained
over the same, and evidently felt for
me no ninro than she felt for all to
whom sho wished well. Coquetish she
was not and had no need to be. Forsho
pleased and won all hearts, and knew
that she pleased. This did not mako
her vain, but only inspired her with
that thankful friendliness towards all
the world, which children show, with
whom every one loves to play. And
tho womanly tenderness, the maidenly
nobleness wjiieh is always found In
union with innocence, gave ovon to her
roguery a dignity which permitted none
to forget that ho could not infringe tho
bounds of delicacy without forevwr for
feiting her esteem.
It sometimes seemed us if the young,
misanthrope, Ormy, had greater Influ
ence over her than any other. It must
bo confessed ho was a man whoseexteri
or was very pleasing. Even his moody
humour had something attract! vo In it.
While nothing went right with him, his
bearing towards all was strictly correct.
Audalthough he was continually grumb
ling, he was thoroughly good-hearted.
Once 1 entered the parlour when Fan-
I ebon, while he sat with folded arms, and
did not oven look at her, was parting
O.i. I.n I , wmi. h i li.Wllinili, mil 1,1010,1
brow. Iconfess.tliesigiitoltliisintimacy
awakened niyjealmisy. Hut she wii-sn
littlo serious that, altliougli lier parents
l came in at uie same moment wmi me,
she did not alter her position in tlio
! least, but went on with the Jest, until
I wo all had tolaugh. When mention was
, made orhis golng.she gavehim her ad-
! vice with n comical gravity : "Co," said
, she, "with Mr. Captain to Spain. There
, is the true paradiseof maii-fiaters. They
kill ononnotlter more wnenover moy
meet ; and there, Mr. Yon Ormy, you
will be certain to get clear of folks in
ono way or another."
' 1 lor sister Annette had the same Im
perturbablo Joyousness, tho same viva
city and grace, only she was inoro of a
child. Consequently there was inoro
earnestne-s in her than in Fanclion.
There was n wondrous elevation in this
Innocence. Her features were inure re
gular. One might say that she was moro
beautiful than Fanchon j but It was
impossible to dctermino which was the
most lovely.
It delighted me to ob-ervo the dif
rcrences mid peculiarities lu tlieso two
ralr creatures. Annette took more to
me, Thosurly mood of Ilerr Von Ormy
did not plca-o her. "It goes against
me," said sho; "I lovotho sky, blue
and clear." With childish eoniwwiw
she communicated to mo all her Jittie
secrets, sought my advice In whatever
sho proposed. Even about her die.-s,
and what she sl,.."l'l"' opinion
must bo given. .,,nii .. i
'Cl.oi.blli wove I'cr
, knew how to beseech one
.r Will IHO-t JIIOVlllgl.1
When I
Intimated my unchniigablo determina
tion to leave Cransac at the end of tho
eight ditys, I was forced to yield to her,
If Ormy, who had resolved to go with
mo to I'crplgnniij nnd who was even
more bent upon going than I, would
consent to remain n coimlo of (lavs Ion-
I was surprised when Ormy came nnd
begged that our departure should bo de
layed somo days longer. "Have you
let yourself be persuaded by Annette?"
Insked; "that Is what I had not ex
pected of you."
"Ah!" said he, and ho passed his
hand over his face as If ho would chase
away a faint smile that stole upon him :
"I could not put off the poor child,
when I saw that my refusal brought
tears Into her eyes. I had to enter into
a capitulation witli the littlo witch, and
sho talked me out of eight days more,
under the promise that she would not
utter n syllable then. And when I
yielded at last and how could 1 help
it? sho fell Into n rapture of delight,
nnd oven gave mo a kk, a right hearty
"Oh I" I exclaimed, "for such a price
ono would readily sell himself or a fellow-traveller."
"You may travel, Mr. Captain, If you
will, but my promise binds me. It
would be very pleasant to accompany
you upon your Journey to I'crpignan."
I assured him that I was so depend
ent upon tho pleasure of his company,
that I should delay my going Torn week
and bosides,that the rest would bobenell
eial to my scarcely restored health.
When I next saw Annette, she hop
ped and danced with an air or triumph
beroro me.
"Hurrah !" said she, laughing, "ono
can tamo n half-savage, like Mr. Von
Ormy, after all!"
"I believe it," said I; "with such
powerful means as you used with him,
you might overpower me also. Hut I
envy him less the art with which you
brought him to capitulate, tlian there-
ward wich you afterwards gave him."
She smiled and remained silent with
an air of indescribable sweetness.
"At least, I may ask," I continued,
"without being unreasonable, the
same sweet reward which he received
without" asking."
She looked nt mo earnestly, with a
strange, penetrating expression, while
a gentleblusli overspread hcrangel face.
Suddenly sho turned round nnd danced
on", trilling a ballad. The reward I did
not receive. Xow first 1 began to sus
pect that with her,aswith herslsto l'au
ehon, I had been playlug'the good-na
tured fool. I had taken to myself In
part what was meant only for Ormy. I
pretended to be contented.
Tho eight days soon passed away. I
regretted often afterwards that I had so
protracted my stay at Cranac with this
captivating family. For over nearer
and closer had I woven my alfections
into their hearts. Fanchon's beauty
had made too deep an Impression on
me. I ltjvcd tho maiden with increas
ing ardour, and was the moro unhappy
as I was convinced that it was not In
the slightest degree returned. She was
neither moro reserved nor moro cordial
than on tho first day we met. Site ap
peared to have a greater interest in tho
moody Ormy. Hut truly Ormy was
not older than I, nor I any younger
than he.
Hitherto, I confess, I bad trifled with
women without understanding myself.
Hut Fanchon was my llrat love, and I
had need of all my strength to savo my
self from being ridiculous. At last the
hour of departure canto ; ;tndl was glad
it did conic, however painful it might
Tho parents were as friendly at the
parting as at tho arrival. Yon Ormy
was as cold and dry as any ono can bo
who leaves an inn to continue his Jour
ney. Fanchon, who never appeared to
mo more lovely than at this moment
when I wa- about to leave, showed her
self wholly unchanged. They all wl-hed
us. with equal kindness, a plea-ant jour-
jnoy, accompanying the farewell with
somellvely sallies, and seeming to inauo
It a point to lessen, as much as possible,
tho dl.-ugrceablcnos.soue feels In separat
ing from persons with whom he has
spent a number of pleasant days and
Tho littlo Annette alone showed moro
emotion. Kho held my hand long1, then
she ran off, and returned with a fresh
blown moss-ro-o nnd put it into my
hand, while she showed me a withered
one, which I immediately recognized as
the one I had given her on the first day
of our acquaintance. She uttered not a
word. Her countenance wore an ex
pres-lon of melancholy. When I ki-scd
her hand at parting she fell upon my
neck, kissed me, and sobbing violently,
hastened away.
Xow for tho first time I saw tears In
tho eves of Fanchon and her mother.
"Wo entered our carrlago and drove
Wo said little ror mclirsi nour or '
T r,... .. Orinv ento trlooni.V I" "M0
corner of tho carriage), and 'I"',1"' ,,,h"
mi. I . ,...!!.! mil n oil. I nun l "
violence to niysclfl" ''ll'TT:
for I
,. .,,t like a child. Fanchon
with her K'lirful eyes, flitted ever before
The next day I was somewhat moro
composed. W 1K"C1 through Toil
..mi fimlindlv built Carcassonne.
My coifipanlon, besides not being talk
ntive. opened his nioyth only when ho
found something to blame. "People
exist only to plaguo one another witli
their folly and crimes," said he. "In
palaces and hovels, it's nil the same. I
am u torment to others, 1 suppose; but
I nni so because they are u torment to
"Yet you did not seem to bentonnenl
to the fair Fanchon," replied 1 "or
were you cruel enough to bo unjust to
tho most harmless creaturotindcr heav-
en ,
"I deny it not," horetiirned. "Children
nro upon earth like angels of light In
hell. And Fnuchon is a true child. I
avoided the maiden, because I had nev
er lit my life seen a lovelier. 1 would
have remained longer hi Cransac, for
tho nature or the people, who ntlent
did not understand how to hide their
weakm." or their knavery: but I did
not remain because Fanchon was there."
"What n contradiction!" cried I.
"Xone ut all," nnswered he; "the
mnlden would perhaps liavo succeeded
in robbing me of nil the fruits of my
hardly earned knowledge of thejworld
and of myself. She would have mndo
u fool of me, or doubled my wretched
With these words ho broke off. I en
deavored in valnto lead him into furth
er conversation about tho Albret family
with whom ho had been living nearly a
quarter of a year. Ho either did not
speak, or answered only with a nod of
of tho head or a shrug of tho shoulders.
is ho had already said at Cransac,
It was his intention to go with mo to
Perpignan and tliero leave me. I Us busi
ness I knew not. At tho second stage
beyond Carcassonne he found in the
inn n map hanging on the wall. He
stood before it for somo time, rubbed
his forehead, then wrote something in
Ids pocket-book and canio to mo and
"I had best go to Marseilles, and thenco
to Italy."
Notwithstanding, ho took his seat
again in the carriage. Werodo until it
was qultodark. Tho fnooitshono bright
ly. It wns Impressive almost to sol
emnity, the ride along the mountains,
the sharp outlines or whoso clllTs wero
painted on the clear sky.
Suddenly Mr. Von Ormy, who had
appeared to be asleep, turned and look
ed out to consider the country.
Tho scenery touched him ; ho opened
his heart, nnd related to me his story.
It appeared that ho had been betrayed
both in friendship nnd in love. And
though or noble descent, he had been
harshly treated ly his mother, his only
surviving parent.
While my companion was relating to
mo tho history, wo arrived at tho post
houso or u small town. We determined
after a few hours' rest, to continue our
Journey. I had become deeply Inter-.
ested in my unhappy companion.
The noxtmorniiigas wesate at break
fast, ho suddenly broke out: "I liavo
resolved ; I shall go to Marseilles, and
then to Italy. I must lcavo you."
1 cxpresed my sorrow at the loss of
his company, but did not urge him to
accompany me. "Air. Von Ormy,"
said I, "through your friendly confi
dence you hnve awakened in mo the
deepest sympathy. 1 wish it wero in
my power to show you how highly I
esteem you. Hut alas! I have nothing
to givo you but good advice."
"And what is that ?" said he, gloom
ily. "You nre unhappy, very unhappy,
because with all your excellent quali
ties you have become very unjust
through the worthlessnessor persons who
deceived you, nnd who wero thrown by
chance near you in youth. Hut it is a
common case; whoever begins with
trusting too eagerly nnd rashly, ends
with believing and trustiug altogether
too little. On account or somo worth
less persons, one must not despise the
whole world. How many a noblo heart
that would gladly have opened itseirto
you linvo you probably repulsed! Do
not go to Marseilles, or to Italy. You
will not recover there. Go to Cransac.
You will find your euro in the lovely
circle or the Albret family. There they
know you. There they have patience
witli your weakness, nnd honor for
your virtues. And you know that fain
ily. Tell me, which member of It is or
a worse temper than your own? And
ir tho good people at Cransac resemble
yourself, why do you struggle against
your conviction, to find them lovely?"
All this 1 said from my heart. Ho
took no offence at my freedom. Hut
murmuring a word or two, ho went out
to order hores. Ho accompanied mo
to my carriage. We embraced like old
friends. He seemed to beniuch moved.
I presed him once more to my breast
and whispered to him : "In Cransac
is vour iib.vslclan." So we parted.
Arrived at I'erplgnan.llcarnedfrotiillio
fieneral that my, regiment nan nireiuij
six davs before set out Ur i aiiiioiu.i.
t At tho sumo time he very agreeably
surprised me with a brevet. The emper
or had Hindu lliu a major, i iiusii nvu
to mv regiment, and entered Immedi
ately Into active service.
AVo fought withthoSpntilards acouple
of years With various fortune. I will
not hero enter into any of the particu
lars of our engagements. They are
known, and the deeds ol individuals
dln-ppoarintlio mighty mass of events.
Wo had a Hard service, inmost daily
marches and skirmishes. Soil and cli
mrt(0 wcrt. aga!nt us. My plesantcst
moments were when 1 could bo by my
self nnd dream. And or what did I
dream? Of Cransac and Fanchon. Her
imago was so continually before me that
I amused myself by cutting out her pro
file in paper, and 1 always succeeded hi
bitting It.
For tho rent, I lived in Spain as In
garrison, very retired. My comrades
called mo the misanthrope, indeed I
lalmo-t fell Into the state from which I
would so gladly liavo delivered Herr
Yon Ormy lint I reached tho same
condition by n very opposite way. I
had become 'indifferent to society I
nvolded it, as I could, not becnuso men
had deceived luo but because I never
hoped to find people so amlablo ns the
Cransac family. Whoever has become
possessed or tho rare, cares not fr the
common. Thu death of my father, who
loll mo a respectable estato and tho
hopelessness of retlrlngfroni thoscrvlce
aggravated my peculiar mood or mind.
In this uncomfortable stnto 1 contin
ued still for two years. This period
was rich in events nnd deeds, which de
servo rather to bo forgotten than related.
A bullet under the walls or Tarragona
put an end to my military career. Short
ly before, I hail received the riband or
the Eegion or Honour and tho rank
or lieutenant-colonel. The walls or
Tarragona wero stormed. 1 headed
my battalion, and a musket-ball which
struck my root threw mo to the
ground. I was borne out or tho melee.
My'soldlers loved mo. I lost much
blood nnd for a time all consciousness.
I was carried to Hnrcelona. It was ti
question for a whllo whether my foot
should not bo amputated. To mo it was
a matter of indifference, if would not
have disturbed mo had 1 been told that
I was to die. The thought that I should
bo compelled all my Hfeto hobble nbout
on crutches had nothing very pleivslng
In it.
My case took n turn. A young sur
geon took a great interest In me, and
boldly withstood his superiors, who
decided that my foot ought to bo cut
off. Tho young man knew moro than
his elders, which Is not uncommon.
The doctors qunrclled long. Tho
chief physician insisted that I must
lose my foot or my llfo. It was inevi
table. The young surgeon maintained
that both could bo saved, only the
wounded limb would bo stiff, and I
should bo rendered unfit for military
service. They loft tho matter at last to
mo. I resolved to put myseir into the
hands or tho young man. And I re
solved wisely. I preserved both foot
and Ilfo.
Tho euro was tedious. I obtained an
honorable dismission,with a year's pay.
They dragged mo from Barcelona to the
baths, from the baths to Figueras and
Pcrpigan. Hy tho help or a cane I could
again walk about without pain or limpr
ing. My foot was only very weak.
Hut even this weakness soon vanished,
leaving only ft slight stiffness.
I was advised to continue tho use or
tho mineral baths. 1 determined to go
home and take possession olmy paternal
estate. Hut ns my property under tho
chargo orarclative, was well taken caro
or, I thought, not without a beating or
tlio heart, or tho baths at Cransac. Ah 1
I had thought or them only too often !
Yet 1 hesitated not n little about going
there, l'auehon was without doubt
married by this time. In four or five
years much must have changed In tho
family of Albret. And oven if Fan
clion were still fee, what had I to do
except? I had loved her, but she had
never loved me. sho might not bo
alive. My heart fluttered at tho thought.
Uctterformethcn to renminbi Ignorance.
I was now as happy and harmless ns
tmv ono could well bo with a still' foot.
Xo passion disturbed me. The storm
or tho first lovo had passed by. I was
independent, and the world was open
before me.
I fought long with myseir, and tit last
determined to go whither my under
standing forbade and my heart drew me
to Cransac.
In n comfortable carriage, which I
fortunately purchased at Pcrpigan, I
set out, accompanied by my trusty
W hen, after somo days, l saw lying
before mo in tho distance tho little spot
which had so often occupied my
thoughts, a strango anxiety slezed me,
1 wished that 1 was going elsewhere
mid almost gave command to tho po
stilion to turnabout. I had a foreboding
that It was not wise In mo to go toCran
sac that misfortune awaited me there.
I sought In vain to subdue this supersti
tious fear. I rodo Into tho village and
stopped with n beating heart before tho
onlv too well known in".
It wns it lovely Sunday morning.
The whole family wero at church, ex
cept . She came towards 'me ns 1
.mtnnxl thO llOIKC. WllOsO llOtirt COIllll
help heating? It was Fanclion. It was
not Fiiuchtin.but l'nnchon transfigured,
''S'hnd always thought of herns the
lovely girl or scnrcoslxteen: but what
a eha'ngo had four years made ! It was
the maiden, lu the foil bloom of beauty,
or tenderness, of dignity 1 cannot des
cribe thu Impression which the vision
mado on me. With a silent bow I eon
continued standing speechless before
her. .Sho welcomed me in her friendly
way, with that smile of hers so peculi
arity bewitching.
"Hood heavens! how beautiful you
have grown!" said lathvt; "but you
do not recgnlso me."
She did not Indeed recognise me so
speedily as 1 recognised her. Herblu-h,
tho joyful sparkling of her eyes betray
ed her recognition of me. "Do you
hold us then for folks orso short a inein
ory?" said she; 'fit was only yesterday
evening that we wero talklngor you.
Wo thought that you mu-t bo lost and
dead, nt least for us. What miracle
brings you hither?"
"How can you ask?" said 1, pro-sing
her hand to my Hps. "What miracle
could It be, but the most beautiful of all
miracles under heaven, hut ymir-elf V
1 1. mini Ko on I'oriirn l'(0i:.