THE COLUMBIAN, 33LOOMSBUEG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. SJIte (ipalumbtnn; BLOOMS 1JUKO, PA. I'UID.VV MOll.MXU, MAY 111, ipoj. DESEUTEIl VOTING. At thu Into term of tlio Court of (iuiir tor Hen-Ions of tills County, I.tnvls Ho nor, ony of tlio oillvcrs of tho election Inst Knll, In Cuntriiliu Horou;li, wns tried upon an indictment fur roliislii"; to receive tlio voto of a qualified citizen and was duly convicted of the ollencc. was bentoneed by the Court to nay a lino of fifty dollars, and tlio costs of prosecution. Anotherlndlctnient against oneof the other oillccr-i of the election, was continued until the next term of tho Court. A civil suit In the Comon Pleas for damages brought by tho voter aggrieved U pending for future trial By the prosecution against lloner, the law htw been vindicated, and Just pun Ishmeut for tho public oU'ence adjudged by the Court : and ultliough a pardon ha been extended to him by Governor deary, It Is not likely that any election officer In this County will hereafter re ject a legal vote upon tho pretence that the voter has at some former tlino been guilty of desertion. Upon the trial of this ease In Court, tlio Counsel for the defendant Mr. Comly and Mr. Clark, admitted In the most unqualified man ner that the Act of Assembly dlsfran chislng so-called deserters from the right to voto, was unconstitutional and void, and they put tho defenco of their client entirely upon tho ground that ho was ignorant of law and had sinned un Wittingly. This defence did not pre vail, and their client was convicted. Thoro can be little doubt -that this de cision was Just, "not only because every man Is bound to know the law and obey It, especially where tho rights of his neighbor are concerned, but also be cause tho defendant had full Information given him concerning his duty as an of ficer of tho election. The law, so far as it relates to this question of deserter vo ting, had been previously explained up on two occasions In public circulars by tho District Attorney, and the decision of the Supremo Court upon tlio same question had been published in tlio newspapers. No Intelligent person In the County could therefore mako tlio plea of ignorance when called upon to decide this question as an election of ficer. WHY THERE IS NO MONET TO I'AY HOUN'TlllS AND PENSION'S.. Scakcei.y a day passes but wo nro asked tho question why the bounties granted by tlio Act of July 58tli, 1SGG, nro not paid. On this point Forney's fress says : "The Secretary of War will bo com pelled to issue an order suspending the payment of additional or other bounties to soldiers and their heirs, until somo appropriation for that purpose is made by Congress, tho funds already appro priated being exhausted. As Congress will not in all probabiity meet again till December, the soldiers and their fami lies must mnko up their minds to bear somo further delay." Tho fact is that tho Dounty law was passed solely for political capital, as the ltadlcals wanted tho soldier voto in last fall's elections. Tho Press states the fact when it says that Congress did not mnko a sufficient appropriation to carry out tho law. Let tlio soldiers re member, however, that while funds enough cannot bo appropriated to their use, there is no diillculty in finding funds for tho millions of negroes in the South. Tho InsanC policy of ruling the South by military power Is also costing tho Government ten millions of dollars per month, and at tho same time crusii es out all hopo of rovenuo from that source, by keeping tho' States In their present excited nn anomalous position Millions of dollars aro also squandered in Impeachment and Reconstruction Committees, whoso only objects nro to squander money, make political capital for tho Radical party, and keep tlio Union divided. It is to tho interest of every farmer, mechanic, laborer, soldier and bond-holder, to oust tho present proillgato and extravagant party, and to place men In ofllco who will legislate for tho good of tho whole country. Tin: term deserter has been applied to a vast number of persons In tho coun try, to whom It has no Just application. Not one in twenty of those to whom It has been applied In recent years como within any just or reasonablo definition of tho term. In a military sense, to de sert is to leave, or go off from tho mili tary service of tho government ; to abandon tho perfornmnceofduties which law u been assumed or imposed; and involved always, tho idea of treachery and faithlessness to commander and as sociates. Hufltlu manifestly Inappli cable to ono who luvs never been in tlio public service at all ; who has not signed an enlistment, nor received public money in the form of bounty or pay, nor been mustered into service. Andyut this is tho position of ninotcen-twentl- eths of those who liavo been called do- scrters, and against whom tho penalty of disfranchisement for life of all tlio privileges of citizenship, lias been sought to bo enforced! Obviously, tho offense of not responding to a draft Is"" of a very different character from that of deserters from tho ling after duty to it has been assumed. Sviillo tho latter Is a very high offense, the former U com- j paratlvely a low one and fitly punisha ble In u much milder manner. Dis franchisement from citizenship is n punishment of highsovcrlty, and while it may bo reasonably Imposed upon wil ful desertion from the nruiy, it is out of nil proportion to to tho magnitude of tho inferior offense. Tin: Loyni League has conferred with tho ojjlcertnt tho political organization known us tho "Grand Army of the Re public," about uniting the two organi zations so as to work together. Wu liavo no doubt tho two1 bodies have ono object; namely, tho successor tho Radi cal party. HORACE GREELEY VS. THE LOYAL LEAGUE. In order that our renders may see what harmony and concord exists In the Radical ranks wo give below n portion of Horace Ure'eley's letter to the Loyal League, which called him to account for balling Jefferson Davis. It will be seen that Horace Is mad, mid delles the "Insects" whom he himself has made powerful. lie quotes extensively from tho Tribune to show.that he has always fa vored amnesty, and that It Is no new faith with him. After speaking of nn editorial In favor of amnesty published on tho day of Lincoln's assassination, ho says: The evening of thnt day witnessed that most appalling calamity, tho murder of President Lincoln, which seemed 111 uu Instant to curdlo all tho m k of human kindness in Tweutv Millions of American breasts. At once, insidious etiorts wcro set on loot to turn tho fury thus enirendered airalnst me. because of my pertinacious advocacy of mercy to tlio vanquisiied. tjhaneiiig to enter the club-housethe next (Saturday) evening, I received a full broadsido of your scowls, ero wo listened to u clerical liaranguo Intended to prove that Mr. Lincoln nau been rroviuont a v re moved becauseof his notorious leanings toward clemency, lu order tomnke way lor n successor wno woum give mo Rebels a lull measure 01 stern justice 1 wns soon made to comprehend thnt I had no sympathizers or none who dared seem such In vour crowded as semblasre. And foiiio maladroit admirer having, a few days afterward, mndotlio Club a present of my portrait, its bare reception was resisted in a speech from tho Chair by your then President a sneech whoso vigorous invective was Justified solely by my pleadings for lenity to tne neueis. At once, a concerted howl of denun ciation and rrnro was sent up from every side against 1110 by tlio little creatures whom God, for some Inscrutable pur pose, permits to edit a majority of our minor journals, ecnoeii oy a yea 01 "Stop my paper 1" from thousands ol Imperfectly instructed readers of Tin: TnniUN'lI. Ono impudent puppy wrote mo to nnwer categorically whether I was or was not in favor of hanging Jeff. Davis, adding that I must ston his pa per if I were not! Scores volunteered assurances mat l was ueiying puunc opinion that most ol my readers were against me as if I could be in duced to write what they wished said rather than what thev needed tobotold I never before realized so vividly the baseness of tho lCdltorial vocation accord ing to tho vulgar conception of it. Tho din raised nbout my ears now is noth- ini? to that I then endured and despised I am humiliated,. by the reflection that it is (or was) in the power of such in sects tonnnoy me, even by pretending to discover witn surprise soiiieiiung nave for years been publicly, einpna- tically proclaiming. Gentlemen. I shall not attend your lnoetlnir tills evenimr. i liavo an en grigement out of town, and shall keep Ft. I do not recognize you as capable of Judging, or even fully apprehending me. You evidently regard mo as a weak sentimentalist, misled by a maud I n phi osonliy. 1 arraign you as nar row-minded blockheads, who would llko to bo useful to a great and good cause, but don't know how. Your at tempt to base a great, enduring party on tho hato and wrath necessarily en gendered by n bloody Civil War, is as tnougu yousnouiu pianc a coiony on an Iceberir which had somehow drifted into a tropical ocean, l ten you nero that, out of a "life earnestly devoted to the irood of human kind, your children will select my colnir to Richmond aud signing tbat bail-bond as tne wisest net -...I F 1 t .1!.! A.- mm miu ii'ui mm it uiu uiuiu iui i iw jImivi mwl iriimoiiitv tlmn nil fit Vflll wero competent to do, though you had lived to the aire of Methuselah. I ask nothing of you, then, but that you proceed to your end by a direct, frank, manly way. Don't sidle off Into a mild resolution of-censure, but movo tlio expulsion wliicn you purposed, and which l deserve 11 l ueservo any re proach whatever. All I caro for is that you make this a square, stand-up light, and record your judgment oy Yeas and Kays. 1 caro not how few voto with me, nor now many vote against mo ; for I know that tho latter will repent it in dust and ashes before three years liavo passed. Understand nnco for all. that 1 dare you and defy von. and that I proposo to light it out on tlio Hue that I liavo held from the day of Leo's surrender. So long as any man was seeking to overthrow our Gov ernment, ho was my enemy : from tlio hour In which ho laid down his arms hn was mv formerly erring countryman So long as anyls at heart opposed to tho National unity, tho Federal authority, or to that assertion of tlio Equal Rights of All Men which has become practi cally Identified with Loyalty anil Nit; tlonalltv. 1 shall do my best to deprivo him of power: but, whenever he ceases to bo tints, i demand ins restoration to all tho privileges of American citizen ship. 1 give you fair notice thnt I shall urge the reeniranclilsementoi tnoso now proscribed lor neoeinon so soon as shall feel cnnfldcnt that this courso consistent with tho freedom oftho blael and the unity oftho Republic, and that 1 shall demand a recall oi an now in ex ile only for participating in the Rebel Hon. wlienever the country shall havo been so thorouhlv pacified that its safe ty V111 not thereby bo endangered. And so. gentlemen, honing that you will henceforth comprehend mo somewhat better than you liavo none, i remain, Yours. IIoiiaci: Giihiii.iiy. New-York, May 31, 1807. Tho upshot of the wholo matter has been, that tho Loyal League, was silen ced by this scorching reply, and gra ciously concluded to permit Mr. Gree ley to enjoy their society ; and thoug. Utoy detested tlio treason they could not punWU thu traitor. 0 course Horace did not mean l'alemon John when ho spoke of "the Httlu creatures whom God for somo iiiscrutnlilo purpose, permits to edit n majority oi our minor journals Upon tno Whole this family iiunrrel is edifying to us, and pluinly proves tho truth of tho old adago, that "when rogues fall out, honest men got their dues." Tin', feeling in favor of tho nomina tion of lion. Oeorgo Sharswood, as Dem ocratic candidate for Judgo of tho Su premo Court, in placo of Judge Wood ward who declliicsarenomlntloiijis very general, mid wo think ho will bo select ed by tho convention ln June. Ho Is a man eminently qualified for tho posi tion, and will poll" much moro than bis party voto lu tlio city of Philadelphia, and throughout tho State, Hii.viiY Wakm Rr.iX'iir.u says if It had been necessary ho would havo him self become ono of Jr.FFHiisoN Davis' bail. BRILLIANT AND PATRIOTIC SCHEME. Tin: project lately started by n num ber of prominent mid patriotic gentle men to erect on tho battlo-lleld of Get tysburg n .permanent home for Invalid or crippled Union soldiers of tlio Rebel lion, Is destined to prove a complete success. Tho scheme, which is a very feasible one, and which will bo carried out strictly and faithfully, Is simply this: Although tho erection of a homo for Invalid soldiers meets with the cor dial approbation of every one, tho State Legislature did not feel Itself In a posi tion to mnko tho necessary approprla-J tlon to establish such an institution, bill in lieu thereof passed n bill on the (Uh of March last, granting power to tho corporators named therein to ralso tho required amount by means of a grand gift distribution. It becoming known that certain par ties lu New York had during tlio Rebel lion, purchased a large number of dia monds and precious stones, measures wcro taken to secure them, and certain parties advanced the money for their purchase. Certificates valued at llvodol lars each will bo Issued, and tho holder will not only contribute to a national and comniendablo enterprise, but will also have n direct interest In the dis tribution of these magnificent Jewels Tho princely gifts aro now on exhibi tion at No. 112(5 Chestnut street, and daily viewed by hundreds of our citi zens. The management oftho great enter prise has been confided to ablo and ex perienced hands, and tliero is not the slightest doubt that tho entire scheme will bo consummated to tho perfect satisfaction of everybody Interested. The site selected for tho erection oftho Home, and which consists of thu piece of ground usedns tlencral Meado's head quarters during tho battlo of Gettys burg, has already been purchased, and it now only remains for our citizens to come forward en masse anil purenaso shares for tho grand distribution, to in sure a comlortnhlo homo lor invalid soldiers, where tlicy will bo cared for nt no cost to themselves. Tho project has mot with somo opposition in certain luartcrs where its character and provis ions havo not been thoroughly under stood, but the projectors hold themselves responsible for tho faithful performance of everything they guarantee In tho published prospectus. Tho sale of certificates has already commenced, and tho indications aro that the SO.OOO subscribers required to complete tho first distribution will bo obtained in a very short time. As tho peoplo throughout tho country went witli great readiness into tho Crosby Opera Houso speculation, a scheme solely for personal nggrandizemcnt,-still greater inducements nro presented to subscribe to tlio Gettysburg Asylum tho success of which will'sccurc a happy homo for thousands of crippled sol diers. VhiUuklphia Evening Telegraph LITERARY NOTICES Tin: Diamond Edition of "Nicholas Nicklcby," by Messrs. Ticknor and Fields, lioston, has Just been received It is tho fourth issue of this beautiful edition which will be completed in about twelve or thirteen volumes. If the complete works of tho great novelist can be produced in elegant vol times of 500 or moro pages, on fine paper, with spirited illustration, well printed and well bound, making a set of book: thnt would ornament any library, at tho price of ono dollar and a-half a vol nine, we think it likely thnt the peoplo will tiro of paying nearly or quite as much for worthless books miserably printed and not bound at all. "Tho Pickwick Papers," "Our Mu tunl Friend," "David Coppcrfield" and "Nicholas Nicklcby," liavoulreadybeen issued In the "Diamond" edition. They will bo followed by a volume n month until the series is complete. Tho illustrated Edition, in green mo rocco cloth, with a gold medallion por trait of tho author, costs ?1.50 per vol ume. Andedltlon precisely simllarin re spect to printing and paper,but without the plates aud bound in crimson moroc co cloth, is sold at $t.2o per volume Tho books aro elegant enough lor tlio richest, and cheap enough for tho poor est. "Tho Diamond Dickens" should find a placo in every house in tho laud The people who read the great English humorist and moralist can hardly fail to grow wiser and better. "Van," tho excellent correspondent of the XprlmjJieUl (Mas.) Jtepublican saysin oneof his late letters from W ash Ington to that paper: "It is so dull hero now that you will pardon mo a single paragraph not on po Htcal matters. Rev. Dr. M'leod, editor of "Good Words," London, is writing story called "Tho Starling," and it 1 rich lu pathos, wit, and character drawing. Chapters are nearly equal to somo of Scott's best; and tho story is upon church matters too. Little's Llv ing Agohasjust begun to reprint tho story. J$y tho way, tho Age copies pret ty much everything that Is good from abroad. I have tried to take half a doz en foreign magazines, and gave up, be cause tho Ago will gatherthebest things from all of them, nnd furnish them for one-fourth tho money they cost in their original dress." Terms SS.UOper milium Address Llttlo & Gay Uostou Mass. Vv'r. aro In regular receipt of tho New ork Leader, and must fctiy that wo re gard It as tho ablest literary and politi cal weekly published in Now York. Its nrticies aro nil origlnalnd treat on nil topics with unusual fairness and vicor. it is n inrgoeigiit pagobheet.aud lspub llshed at No. U, Frankfort Street, New New York. vii)i)ij:ro.' Enled is lu ono vol unio octavo, nt thoprieoof $2..ri(l in cloth binding ; instead of what tho types made us say last week. No. 17 Mercer Street ev York A l..vri: dispatch ways that tho Hrltlsh floveniuient has decided to commute to Imprisonment for life all the Fenians sentenced to execution. i'ii(ici:i:ni.(is of Till: Convention of Good Toinplnrs, is soiiTiifMHEin. vsi ntsnmr, Met at Sclinsgrore, J'a., May 1st, '2ml, ana ;ira. in7. Tho Convention was called to order in the absence orW.C.T. Hey. Ithodes, by P. W. C. T. Rev. Colburn, at 7J o'- lock, p. Mi Prayer was offered by ltro. Hov. ltelley. The roll of officers of lust Convention was cat led, when the follow ing members were found present: W T. SMer Maggie Applenian, W. S. Uro. G. W. llackett, V. M. Uro. Geo. Elwell, V. D. M. Sister Itrautlgan, W. I. G. Sister A. E. Miller, W. (). G. Pro. T. J. Miller. After the reception of credentials the following persons wero elected officers of this Convention: W. C. T. Pro. AW J. Mdlcnmn, of lllooni Uodgo No. liKi; W. V. T. Sister D. M. F. Walker, of Aurora, No. IN7 ; W. S. Uro. Emerson, of Pcrsovcranco, No. Tho following officers were appointed by the W. C. T.: W. M.Jacob Hiich, of Pleasant Retreat; W. I). M. Sister R Knight, of Laurel Wreath ; W. Chap. Pro. Relley, of lion; W. O. GSnmuel Reed, of Jewel; W. I. G. Sister Agnes Montgomery, of Emblem ; W. A. S. Uro. Albert Cadwnllnder, of Sparkling Water. fler tho officers wero all liistnlled, the delegates from the different Lodges wero called upon, and reported a most encouraging revival of the Tompemnco cause throughout tho district. A Com mittee consisting of Pros, ltelley, Van Gezer, Wnlkcr,Crosthwnit and Colburn, was appointed to draft business resolu tions for Convention. Convention ad journed. MmiNiNd Sussio.n, Jluy Convention asscmblcdnt nlnoo'clock. W. C. T. Rcidlcmim in the chair. Pray er by llro. Rev. Crosthwait. After tlio transaction of some minor business, the Committeo on resolutions brought in the following report : Whereas, Temperance in regard to alcoholic liquors consists only in total abstinence lrom their use as n beverage; and Whereas, All members oi tlio 1.0. G. . nro most solemnly pledged to such abstinence, as n condition of member ship ; and II hereas. Temperanco as above is tho only certain insurer oi tno genuine aim permanent physical, mental nun moral prosperity of tlio present nnd future generations: nnd w Hernia, js.v unuiucmiig luieiuy to tills great principle not only the gov eminent of our own conduct, but also to lnuueneo tno decisions and conduct of others and secure a healthy public sentlinent embodied in a healthy legis lation wocau alonuaciiieve the highest purpose of human existence, personal and social ; therefore be it llemlvedX. That it is tho legitimate function and most important work of ach lodgo represented in tins Lonven- tion, and all Lodges connected with tlio Order to uso every legitimate means, in the spirit ol our holy religion and oi temperance. l. to gather every pony into our Lodges. to so train them in the nurtureanii admonition of temperance, that they shall becomo sound and Influential ex ponents of this cardinal virtue, and in eternal vigilance, the power of all ex cellence. ). To maintain kind, clear, decisive discipline in all our Lodges:, and - -1. To minister, as did our blessed Ite- deonier to all the diseased, thu suffering and the uistreseu union); us. Jlcnol vc (I '2. T hat while. In our efforts tocreato the right tone of public opinion on the temperanco question, wo would scrupulously avoid the drawing of in vidious distinctions' in our special ap peals for activo co-operations, we espe cially commend the great object of our institution to tno serious and lavoraoie consideration of ministers', physicians and lawyers; theflrstas beingtlioreeog nized ciistctodlans of the morals, the second of tho health, and tho third of the legal Interests oi tho community; but whoso tardiness, nevertheless, in the temperance cause, lias been a matter patent to tho most painful observation and solicitude. .... Jlcsolretl G. That, as in cherishing tho spirit and imitating tlio examplo of our Saviour, wo must not only aim at ac complishing tlio good of our race by raising the iaiicu, uucu'iiik inu nuia iiiiu comforting tho distressed, but also by denouncing sin, and driving its defile ments from sacred places, oven to tho scourging of such as maUo merchandise) of corrupting social agents wo esteem It our duty, as temperance men, to muii to futuro advanced legislation on the temperanco question even to tlio total prohibition of tlio salo of Intoxicating liquors as a beverage. nespectriillysuPmittcdin r. u. until'. .1. M'K. Hr.iiiKY, X. W. t'OMlUUN, M. P. C'ltOSTlIWAlT, Wm. Van Gi:zi:u, C. W. Wai.kuii. Convention resolved to adopt the above resolutions seriatim, which was done with ono or two .slight alterations. A number of other resolutions relative to the business of tho Order wero adop ted. AVTIUtNOON HKsSION, Tho Convention and members of tho Order assembled at 1 J o'clock, formed a procession nnd paraded through the town bended by Feehrer's KilverCornet Hand, and on returning to tho Hall, opened without usual ceremonies. Tho resolutions oflered by tho Committeo elicited much interesting debate, and their adoption occupied a part of tho tlino of each session. They wcro pot adopted as a wholo until during the morning session of tho third Instant. On Thursday evening a public meet ing was held In the Lutheran church at which timo tlio llov. Dr. ltelley, of Dairvllle, discoursed upon tho subject of Temperance. For two hours tho nudl enco was swayed at tho will of the or ator, who produced impressions which can never bo ell'aced from tho memory of those who enjoyed tho privllego of hearing him. On Friday, at 2J i M., tho Convention adjourned to meet at Danville, on tho 7th of August. The meeting throughout was ono of more than ordinary interest; harmony and good will prevailed, and wo hopo In tho I'utiiroto bo ablo to record great good us resulting from tlioionventlon or .North umbeilaiid district. XlIWS received frnm Mnvtroint W' iimton, roniTSL'Ut Unit tlm Uhprnltj linvn 5J it st,,i;altiireu iiuurutaro, and that Maximilian ami hU UcnuraN. Mellu, tiwtcllo ami .Miramon, among other nrnmluont Imperial olUcorn lmvo horn takon prisoners. Maximilian' entire army at wnorainni Juis btirrejulereU Wi: have never seen any derivation of tho word "Fenian." In "Tho Anti quary," Sir Walter Scott professes to translate from Rory M'AIplu some Osslnnle ballad, and gives us this: 1 ti , mi ennipni-p ymtr pHntnn 'In Ilic Piles nf IlioUnri'-nriiuil lVtilnui ? Ireland Is said to have been settled by the Phoenicians. Is "Fenian" a return to, and u corruption of the name 'of the first settlers'. Mnrltt-t Iltpnrl. Wheat per limlicl 11 o " (Vim " ritmr per Ittirrcl Cloverxeeil rinxecil llutler I '.vh - M Tallow Potatoes , Prleil Aliles I'ork - -' Hams sides ninl Sltoultk-rs Wu'il tier ioun1 Hay per toil I.U.MIIl-ni. lliml(H-k llnaiiW pel- tliousatitt feet Pine ' " " (one lnt-li) .. .tolst , He-Mil 1 1 111!.'. I'lnnl:, (Ifemln-1;) HIiliiKle, No. I per tlmusanil . I 2". . i m , III m) .. 7 i) . 2 -"ill is II 12 IS 1 I.-, , Sin oi .. lMl'.H ... I" no ,.. s un ... 7 na SMlns ... IS l PlilliHli Iphln Mm kiln. Tnciisn.w, May 21, ls,rr ri.fiiit Northwextern KUperrtheiit R-W 0 0) .Northwestern extra ivjm" io.-jo Northwestern family V2..i Pennsylvania nml Western nupertluc... ti.'iVrtlo.iHi Pennsylvania mm W estern extra iojuiif 11.2.1 Pennsylvania mul Western family I'LOOM."..!!!) Pennsylvania and Western Inney 17.Wr'nl7.riO live fltiiir s WiiK.vr Pennsylvania lnl.v 1ms fruomS).: California " " while " M.litl.'Ji soul iii-rii " s. .mii'i M.i. llvn I'ennsj Iwuiln rye, vhus Units Yellow, " 1.2l(.i, 51.22 White. 8I.2116MI. ()TS V bus , l'KOVISIONS Mess Polk, Y hht,.. NJelri sawn S21.2.-1 SUcrrttie 1 t?i ',, .lies- iii-ei, Pressed llos, If).., Shanked Ilnms 14 " Miouldeis V ! I,anl,V" , HLr.ns Cloversoed V bus..,. Tlmothyseed bus Flaxseed " Picl IltoN No. 1 Sentch No, I American Cattlk Peer Cattle v IN Cows. head Sukkp V III linns 'I 100 It .s HefliriUn i.vfti.ivr- Ss.ooM. in 83.v , KLIIMi Ml 11.00 IficfiU'c SJ5-U.87U ... 7'e(,iSUe SIU.W1.1 311.30 MARRIED. r.t.7ft)J.V-r.l;.V.t.V-0n tho22dlnst.,nt the residence. 01 me. urine s parents oy uev, -m. r, Crosthwcile, c. H. VANitnnx, of .Muhknlmru 10 .IliXML: MAILMAN, OI J.OW11 1 1 111. linrltIlOMllClY On the 21st Inst., nt the resi lience nf tho brldo'K f.ilht-r, lu (llritrdsvllle. by llev. John A. lUxon, Tiit.onoitK uorit to ami:- i.ia A. mul iiov, an 01 iirarusviiii', t a. DIED. TIXShKVUx llrlarcieek, on the 21st Inst., Tax nik, wife of .losetih linsly, iiri-iI rt2 years, months and 12 days, M'AI.KKlt fhiddenlv, nt his residence lu Neseo peek township, nn the 1.1th Inst., luvm Walk- j. it, ngcti mi years iimu miaitii. J.'y'Y'.'.VyOL'.S'A-Suddeulv. nn Tuesday mnlll- linr. the 21st lust.. Ui.nani: Wi:xrz. iiiliint sou of Pr. (1. W. and H. AJlco lllttenhouse, uged tl mourns. SPECIAL NOTICES. TO CONMr.MpnVllH. The niherlLser, havlliK been restored lu health in a few weeks by a ery simple remedy, nfter having stint-red for several jeurs with a severe lunK a Ilectlon, and that dread disease Consu ui pt Ion Is anxious to make known to his fellow.sulierers the means of cure. To all who desire It, he will send a enpy nf the prescription used iree nt c-narKO), witn tne uitee llons for prepiuliiK and uslnii the same, which they will find a seur. cvm: run Cn.sst'.Mi'ims', Asthma, IlnirNniiTis, Cnruits. Cm.iw, and all i iiioiii inru i.uhk rfWieeunuN. i mi oin v oojeci ui the ndveitlser In semlhi-r the Prescrmtlon is to hem-tit the iitlllcted, and spieuil luioriu.itiou w Ii loll conceives to bo invaluable, and he hones e cry sutterer w lit try his remedy, as It will cost. them nothing, and may prove a hlesslnjr. Purtie wlshlni; the priscrlpllou, Fiti:n, by leturu mall win pieuse niiiiress iti:v. a. wilsov iny.iro7-ly,J Wllllanishurj;, Kings c N. V. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ix tiik oiumiaxs' conn1 IX I unci for tho Cmmtv nf Oouimlitn: In tho mat tt-r ot tht'i'MjUi'or lil.IAN DIlUTintlt'K.latoo Montour township, ilrci-aspil. Aiul nmv to wit Mnv ninth. 1m!7. Um I 'on it mumlnt ( li. ItrtH-k wny, IN')., nudltor, to ninki!, ilistrthutton of tlio nuuiuct' in inn jkuiuh oi jihiii u. muciv, mnnims trntor. to nnd amongst the rreulturs lly tho Court. I rom tht1 Jn4i: t'oi.i.MAN. Ch-rli Tho auditor ulmvo named Mill attend to the duties of his nimninlmcnt. athlsotlioo lu ltluoms- June, l'-OT, at ton o'clock, a. in., and Mlu-ro nil muLr. nit rMtiiiuutv. me m em v-M'eiiiiti ii.iv in jtartiet f iiteiested mnv attend. r t . ii. iiuul iv . i , -utiuor. .nay .tl i-HJi, L1C R A h v: OP VALUAIILI! HKAIj KSTATII. Is t urMianco of an order of tlio Ornhnns Court of t'olutuhla eounty, on Kitinw, uik HlhT l.v ok .1 1'Nl", ISO, at It) o clock in tho forenoon, John nv . neivhiine, iKituliil.strntor ol Misnmiali Nliile late of lleutoii township, in said count v. dec't wllIcxiMjso to sale, hy nulilio vendue, on the in finises, a cuituln lot on piix i: or uuoum, bounded nnd descrlheil nt follow, to v?t : On tho norm ny land or Joniuueler, on the otwl hy lain of William o. lUrrett. and on tlio south and wes )iy lands of John llelshllnc, coutaluliiR ono aero unu u nnii, more or less, wncrcon ar elected ntAMK iiorsi: ad staiim:. Tjito tho chtato of said deceased, situate lu tho in iimiij nun 1'iuiiiiy aioresaai. JrstK C'oLkman, Clerk. nioonishurB, M.ay ITT, 1Mj7. Tkiims of Ham:: Ten jier rent, of $ of the pur chaso money to he nalil at tho strlkintr tlownof thonroiierty ; tho one-fourth less the ten percent, tit the continuation absolute, nnd tho remaluliu; uiree-iourin.s in one year uerenMer.uiinintcreM from confirmation nUi,y and to ho seemed hy mum iiim ioorijiii;e. .ioun w. iji:isi!i,iki:( llcuton twp.. May III, W,7. Administrator ST a t k yi i-: x t op -111K 1!i:ci:iits ami i:xim:xiiititiu:s or rnr. C'KNTItAlilA SCHOOL DISTRICT VKAIt KN1IISI! Jl'NK I, 1SU7. Amount of Tax k-vleil forSi-liinil 1UI(-H tfToO .11 AinimntoiTiixU-vli'il forliullilliiu luireu-iUK :I7S III Totul nmouiit Icvleil 51,1.11 SI l'tllil for Trru'her'H Milul Ics slilill 1-Vcs of Tri'-isuri-r ami I'olli'fliu- iw liu-l ami onttiiKi-m-ii'.s ,Vi Salary of Si-rn-lurv 15 Tor ri-inth fn ki liool lioiiMi 111 l'alil satnurl Knorr, Usij.. for lo- mil M-rvli-o lil KxoiiT-tatlous ."m f 1,1 II -VI suioi i.iwi :i llaliinci- In TlvaMin-rVi lialiils Sll M Tlit' m-IiooIi wvw kt-pl ois-n six month. Ono man u-a-in-r mis at u salary of sTii pt- iikiiiiii, nun inn' u'liiino ii-iii iht ai a sunny in i.urmoniii. i:. i.. in:m-:iti,v. iny.'ll'OT. s-'y. Mi liool lloanl. UDITOHS' STATK.MKXT nouxTV rc.Ni or ulooji townhiui1. Hrliool IMrct-lors of lllooni township lilt. Tiinm't of tax on liuillt-ala of Nil SI.ITii " in iimr " " " ldliU .'I.1HJI cit. lly i-xiincriill.iiis on lut 1 HipUciit.i " " , itl " ColloclnrH isini, on 1st Dupllcati !i (Vim. of .1. It. Moycr, Tirii-urcr, " K. Mi-nUenliull Amount .ili .Ml nu n tn fill iiuotii " 10 vf-tcrau voluiili-i-rs l'.xj i-nsc-i of .1. .1, llrowt-r ami M, Wlilt- innycr to Xuhlivllli-, lilscouut. i-xi-h.iiijfi', htamjii. ami ttU- i-Kraphln Inlrrt'bl on llomls, Attorm-yH lYeh, J..I. llrouorlur inalciui; liuiillcaUi .1. K. IMitar as Sis-rt'lary, i-tr., T, .1. Motrin for malclnu batilli'iilo Uatant-o In hand of 'I'lt-asuit-r i-ar, Ml ai'i i;l in.sim -I.SIKl 7-'l!l l,U-U7l in " 1W Tho umlt-ihliuusl liavo t-xamlui-il tho abovn ai- i-ouiu anil nun it to iiororri-t-i. .Mll.l,s C'lir.MllKltt.I.S', JOHN K. (IllUTZ, lllouinnbul'K.Miiy 31, l07. Alulltors. KM1.0CIC ItOUXTY VVSl), A 17 i 1 ITO 1 18 HTATl :.M 1 INT. llr.MUiri;. Mnv 2"i. lsdJ. U'l ftm ,ii1nr.llMii.i1 Aiiitllors. lii-ri-liv eerllfv Hint we. linvo nmllteil the rollmvliiu iieeoiint of Ilemloc : towns i i s i-mm nun lino ii eorreei W.M, II.HIIOll.MAUr.ll, A. II. IIAlll .11A.. J NO. M'lWYNOI.PSi. Auilltorn. Wm. It, Hiiocmakcii, Treasurer of Pmmty l-'imil or lltflllloeK lownslll i, inriNJl lOMeiueiiiiier. J.'. o amounts voluntary Kulierlittnni tiffin 00 nil. Pnlil 111 men S1V) each Sl.nrni (l suliserlitlons relunileil iN", (HI l'alil .laeoli Hauls nn llminty 1-ntui in ini-i -hiwi Palil uMinlty exieiies pnttlht; in voiumeer Vifo id tZfn no Aeon ll.U'.ius, Tie.uurer nf llouiily l'linil nf llcnunt-'K lownsnip, iroin im f-i-'i. i''h. III!. n ntnntmt money liorroweil on Township ItnlllU l.i ) ,n,iiiiit ililltttcnti. for Kill. .'l.Ol'J Hi ilerelveil from utihserlpllonslo pre Ions ntituiil itiiolle'atr. IsTA l.U iVJ lU'Celxocl lrom County misentei! lnml lux W HI s.1,WI Si (UI. Ixonerat Ions on Duplicate IKil 8110 t-U ltB IM IIJ 'ommlsslons for lsill 1WI 'l 'rlntlii'.', stnmps and premiums 71,11 Note lo l)anvlll Hank paid 8,WI l ixpense.oi iii-eco lv,irer,iit.nllou-eiltnYI)nver.- ltd 17 1 jians and Interest paid a,sl I r. Sl'MiTll 0,1 llalame -11.1 :i: III!. 11l.-Air.llf k Tou-ssiiii. To amount of note to IMnlcl Xelhnrt 11 lll l 70 lluiiii ii. .M urine r,T2 fl I'l-eillt liy lialam-o In liainl of Treasurer ,'U.I ,1. ltalnncn May III, ls7. t'JSO 6r pUltXITUKK! I-'UltXlTUllKl! xr.w riMtxrri'ini WAiuinoo.MH, WltOLllSALi: AXJI 11VXAII., IIOOMS OVKH 3iii.m:u'.s HTOIti:, lir.onMHllt'lto, l'A., Wm:i!i: may hp found the Ilnest nssortinent of f r n x i t u n ! everom-red to the people of tills section, consist- I UK of l'.vni.on, KiTciin.v ANit iu:i)-itoo.M run- nituiii:, of all kinds, sizes, styles, description and prices. CIIAIUS OK AMj STYLKS, Kltelieu, Iilnlni;, l'arlorund iSlttlug llooin (hiilm, KXTKXS 1 OX T A 111 i KS, llrenkfast Tahles, Dlnlnn Tallies, Kitchen Tallies, Lllynry and C'enlie Tables. SID K 11 () A It 1) S . Chestnut, Walnut, and Chestnut-walnut Trim med, UtaKores n lar-su assortment on hand, well made and nlcev llnlshed. uiu:ssixn casks, llnllMainls, llatlreeN and llrackets, eery'nll- cty and Ilnlsh, s 1 ii i x (i a k a s . Tho best ever oll'eied to the public. riCTUllU FltAMlCS, Ainl In fact every tiling to bo found lu a City Ware Uoom can be Jiad lu our rooms, and at the very lowest prices. 1 have established the ltl-IADV l'AY AM) OX!.! l'KICII HYhTHM, And warniut our Roods as represented. J. II. 1IATKM, lllooinslmns, May 31, 1-SII7. O It I XSOX'S (f It K A T souTir-WKs:n-:ux enters. A. HOllINSO.V. ciiAs. covin.rj, - Manaokk, i:m'r.Ti:iAN DiKK("roit, TllKAHL'ltl.It, Dlt. STJ'.VKNS, - , Tiik MammeiMould res pi ctfully state that In nrgunllhg this L'lreus Company ho has spared neither time, lahor nor money, tu maUo (ho pres. out comhlnatlon the most JSIULLIAXT AXD ATTH ACTIVI Hver presented to the pntrnnnco of the puhlle. Ihe four nuai ters of the (llobe have contrlhu ted thelrclHileest Rents tn formthlsjlrillinut Cmv sti-llat lull ! This ( ! HANI ALIJANCi: OV TA 11 INT Is ijruanlzed upon a scale of unprecedented mini uitleence, and the extraordinary ami varied I'er forinauces ot the Great Array of ronr.uiN ami nauvi: tamixt, will inaumirute n new era lu nmusenients. The entertainment will ho produced with a decree of originality and splendor never hefore attempted in mis country. rroinlneiit amoiiK the lending memhers of this extensive Troupe, will he loiind tho fotlowint; nanu s : 15 O IS S M I T II , fl.OWN AMI iiu.Moitisr, Tii r , ...... n. u.i.. .,r m.,...i.. tim ....i., nf l'un, Vlt, Originality aia genuine humor; a uviug oxempnueaiion 01 uiu om uuuge, -jiiihii ami glow Lit." f. CIIAltl.KS COVELLI, flown nnd Character llfjuestrian, inhls groat act CI I Alt IiKS MrCAltTl IY, The Champion Leapertiud Double Sominersault i iirower, h:ssus. HAWJjKY A C'UTLKH, Tho (Ireat Oyinnastf. Ws.ia: anxik uomxsox, Tho most daring and d.iMiIng I'ouestrlenuo the world has ever produced. M'lle Annie Uohliisou will not iiermlt the possibility ot rivalry in her peculiar and elegant school of couitntlou, which she surioumls with nn ntllueiieeof Kenuttcx, and embellisiH-K with a halo of lindiance, cnptlvatliij hv their perfection, and d.i5lini hy their sph n uois, - Mast. ALKX. ItOIUXriOX, The most daring of Juvenile Itlders. whose dash log net Umhi twoilt'iy I'oule.neverlail tonrouso uiioouiiiieii eiunuiaiii. The (Jreat Contortionist and Man Monkey. .IAS. ItOJiLXSOX, Tho (ireat Two, Kourand Six Horse Itlder, will appear in his great net of tho ItusMau Courier ht, l'etersburg. A (IRANI) Kmr.KT J'UOC'l'SloN Will slgiuillo tho eiit.mnce of the estahlUhment Into the town, at Kin, m. This jiriKesslon excels in DAZ.UXU MA(iXIKICKXCK AnvthliiL' of tht kind atteinoted on this coiiti nent, and will he led hv tho new and iK-autllul (ioldeu Dragon Cliailot, containing the (Ireat Nmth Western UraH and Kilwr Cornet llnud, drawn hv eight beautiful Marked Horses, drhen ny col. lialter. 'I he new watei proof pavll lion will holuilllantly UKUlt'tl Willi anf I Oil" III I IKIIIIiei ICr. Aiimission, will ho only ."iiceiitn, CII!1jiki;n, umler 10 years of age, . Scents, To nil parts oftho Mammoth I'avllliou. No stand ing room, Itonni lor all. Afternoon and een Ing, trs. ooin oiH-uat 2 and 7 o'ctork. Com liu-uccN at 2A aud 7' P. M. wjm. t:iniiiT AT HhUOMSHL'ilU, MONDAY, JUNK fi CATAWJKHa, Tuesday, Juno 4U. (UtANdKVII.LK, Katurdny, Juno 1st. DANVlUa:, VidneMlay,.Iuuovth. CliAS. WHITNr.V, mylll'i". den. JUiNluess Agt, HIAItCltKICK HOl'XTY FCXD. Al IUTOItH KTATKMIINT. JniiKJii.vit L'.riMiril, C'ollcelor of llounty Tax, To amount of Implicates li),il'Vj IW Cit. Hy llond-i ri-deemeil t-VW rt; liitciest paid on liouiU l.'.'TK 11 ('ommlsslons 311 vl Aiuouul iiafd Auilllor and Altorncys fees -V h.1 ,11. ,Vi Kxulicllltious 171 hi Amount paid Hclmol Dim-ton l,i) O) italauce duo nn liuiillcato l.-.'H us, o-l 1 ne iome accuion -aiaiui u ami approcii oy .lllll.V (I. .IAClllV,V WM. I.AMI1N, 1-Audlloii.. John 11. hmItii, J llrlanreei:, May il, lst,7-dl. J-HW STOVH AXD TIX HI 101'. OS JIMS miKKT, NliAlll.V OITOStTE MlU.lai's sroai:, Ilt.OO.MfllL'Ilfl, lMIN'N'A. TlIK llllilnl-wlifiwil lint lll.t llllcil llltnlnl 111. new STOVH AND TIX SHOI', In this ilni-p, wla-ru lio In lirpimrnl In make no ni-w TiN WAtiKof all lillnls In his llni', nnil un rLiiiuini( iiiaini-tis aim iuKiai(-n, upon inn most rcasonaljlu Itrm., Ho also ki-rps on linml HTOVIIH Ol-' VAlilOfS l'ATTr.HNM AHTYI.1X whlrli lin will noil upon term. In ult purchaser., i.ivi nun u i-iiii, in. m n kooh mecnanie, unit ileservltiK of tho pulillo patroun-fi. llloomslitirir, April 31, 1W17. ' " A DAllXlSTllATOll'.S XOTICK. KSTATK OF (IIOKUII KIIAMl:lt, lirc'Ii, Ijetters of administration on I hn estaln of (leo, Kramer, latnnf Iiloom township, (ilumhia eouu Iv. ileeea.cil. liavo liren izrauteil liv thn ItrifUl.. of wiliI eounty, to John U. Moyer, ailuilnlstrator. .vii I't-iniin-. nut iii i-iiiiiii-i in .iriiiiiini IIKH1IISL thn estate of the ileeeilent are requested to make them known tn the administrator without delay, and all persons Indebted are. requested to make iiiiioiiisoiirK, .May ii, i-si,, . .iim r, Q 11. nilOCICAVAY, A TTO II X II T AT I, A W, llLOOMUnUlllI, J'A. am tll-'l'lrl-: Court House Allew helnu- fhnrvi. himbitm tutlci. IJaul'(i7. "lSTltAY SIIKKl'. Cami: to thu I J liremlses of the subscriber. InPlnetownshlo. on or about the i"it Inlay of April last, stray sheep, as fol lows! Three ewes, ono buck, and two Vilnbs; tho lelt ears of the old ones aro ellppisl. The owner Is requested to coma forward. proo prop- Tiy. pay enarues, or nicy w in no uisihjscii oi nc--ordlllK tol.lW. I.Uili.Ml,AI, l. iJ.ll-li i.l,.S, May 21, l' T mi IX'IKTH ATOll'H XOTIPK. J. i:STATK OV Wlt.l.IAM l'AlnMAX, m.u'n. fellerM of ailinliilsllatlou tothoestato of Wit- Ham ralrmnn, late of Mount Pleasant township, Columbia eounty, deceased, lias this day been jiranteil by the lleolstcrof said county tow Itllain ralrmau, Who resides lu Mndlson township In said county. All persons having claims or de- mauds a-ralusi tne esialo or inn neeeneni, nre ris questcil lo present litem to uiu auminisiraior without delay, and nil persons Indebted nro re quested to mako payment, Madison In., May 21, 18U7, Administrator. rjnilK XKW STOltK. 1 111; uimersigueu uas openeu a A' e ir va ji j e t y ,s r o a i: liimx'ri.v oi'i'osm: tiik vost iiFi ien, wheio she oilers for sale an entire new stock of iminoxs, LACKS, IIMUIIOIDIIUIIX, DltllSS TItlMMISUS, toi.i..ii.s, ri'rm, iiandki:iiciiifs, it.ovr.s, ZI-U'IIYIW, COTTO.V AXD WOOMIN YAUN, -HOOP SKIItTS, &.V., AC. Ar.r. are cordially Invited to call and exauilne for themselves. M. DliniCICSON-. Hloonisbum, Jlay 21, 11(17. Gr UtKAT KKDUCTIOX IX PltlCKS AT D. IC. HI.OA.'H HTOI11I, IN OllANfUIVI 1,1,11, IA., SPKIXO AXD SUM.MKlt (IOODS. Tlio subscriber hasjust received nnd has on hand at hts store In Oranges'llle, a large nnd select ASSORTMENT OJ aiMHOHAXDISK purchased at the lowest figure, nnd which hols determined to sell on ns moderate terms ns enn bo procured clsewhero in Omnguvllle, 1'Olt CASK OM COUNTUY ntonucn. tils stytk consists of Ii Al) I ES1 DJtESS U OO 1)8, -MOK'i;ST HTVI.K.S AND I-ATKST FASHIONS, Calicoes, Muslins, Ginghams, riannels, Hosiery , ('Ai.nvrs.KiiAWi.M, HEADY MADE CLOTIIINCi, Hatlnets, Casslmers, Cottnnadcs, Kentucky Jeans, AC, AC, M (JUOCEIUES MACKEUAI,, Queens ware, Cednrwuro, Hanlwnte, Medicines, nitl'flS, OII.M, l'A I NTS, AC. HOOTS A- SHOES, HATS it CARS. In short ou-rylhlng usually kept Inn country store. Thepatiouage of his old friends and tho public generally, is respect fully solicited. Tho highest market price paid lor country pro duce. . I. IC. SI.OAN. uruiigowiio, .May 21, is7. K It I V F'S S A 1 US. HV virtue of simdrv writs of Vvnthtumi Ihim nut and Lrvttrt ltrmt. Issued out of tho Court of Common Pleas of Columbia eounty, to me direct ed, will bo exposed to pubtle sale, at tho Court House, In Itloomsburc,on SATl'ItHAV, tho loth day of June, Imit, at la o'clock a. m,, the following real estate to wit: A erlaln lot of ground, situate In Conyngham tow nshlp, Columbia county, contnlulng one ncre, moro or less, hounded on tho west by lot Into of William Ashniun, on the north hy puhlle load leading to (Icrjuantown, and on tho east and south hy lauds of tlio Locust .Mountain Coal nnd Iron Company, on hlch Is erected a two storj stone house with tho appurtenances. Seized, taken in execution aud to he sold as the piopi rty of William laell, .1 A.SO. A certain tract of land, situate In Lo cust township, Columbia county, contain Ing il it -slx acres nioio or less, tioundedon the south hy lands ot bnvid Kielshcr and Henry Gable, on tho west by Henry liable, on tho north by Henry ICnapp, nnd on the east hy lands of Ahrnm nnd luvld Krelsher, whereon Is erected u log Iiou-e and a log ham, with m appurtenances.. Seized, taken In execution nnd to be soM us the property of John Perry. AIMK A certain piece of land, situate In Pish Ingereelc township, Columbia county, containing t hit ty acres, more or less, hounded on the south by lands of Daniel Force, on tho west by lands of Alexander Cramer, on the north by lands ol Jo. Mph Colcmun, and on tho east hy land of Mtchiicl Lamon, on which is erected a frame dwelling houso nnd nlramestahle, with thenppurtcnances. Seized, taken lu execution and to he sold us the propel ty of Ci. Y. Mnsteller, ALSO, A certain lot of giound, situate lu the lloioiigh of Ccntralla, Columbia county, contain ing two lots, Hit v teet flout and ono huudicd and torty feet deep, bounded on tho east by Catawissa stieet.on tho west by street, on thosouth by an alley, and on tho north hy lot of Henry Jasper, on which Is erected a two story plank house, blacksmith shop, with tho nppin teuances. Seized, taken In execution ami to ho sold as tho property of Stephen Thoiras. Af.&h All that certain tract of land, situateiu Uo.irlngereek township, Columbia cfnmty, adjoin ing lands of Judah Cheirlnutou, Joseph Zimmer man, other lands of tlio estate of H. Coxe, dee'd., nnd others, hounded nnd described as tollows, to wit; Beginning at u double chestnut oak, tho northwestern corner oratiactof land aurvejed (11 the name of Henry shaller hy vlrluo of u w ar rant dated the 18th ilay of No ember, A. n. lTUt, nnd running thence by land of Judah Chen Ing ton, south tlttcen degrees, ninety-eight perches to a iost, thenco 1101th clghty-Hlx and om-iiunrter dcgiee.s east, one hundred and seventy-tlvo nnd a Imlf pet dies to a post, thenco north tltteen do grees wcst.ulticty-clglit perches to a chestnut oak, thenco south eighty-six nnd a (punter degrees west, ono bundled aud sevoiity-!lo and a hall perches to tho placo of beginning, containing one hundred and se en ucroK and Kcventy-eiglit er t lies, neat measure. Set 7 ii l, taken In execution nnd to ho bold ns the property of George Ilnrtzell. KAMPi:!, HNVDP.H, SherltV. Illooiuslairg, May 21, IfeW. A DMINISTIl ATOHS N OTIC E. xVUstvtk of HAHMoxIiAnoL'it in:u'n. I .ettern of administration to tho estate or Harmon Labour, Into of Klshlngcreek township, Coluuilla eouut, deceaseil, have been granted by thu Hegistcr of Coliuuhlitcounty, to tH.U'LAiioi'it ami Hii:m It. Kmnk, admiulstratois. All persons- having claims or demands against tho estate oftho dece dent are leqiiestecl to mako I hem known tothend iiilnlstr.itorK without delay, nnd nil persons In debted uro requested to mako payment. ISAAC LAltOl'll. Hllt M It. KLINi:, j-Admr-. Pish Ingereelc, .yay ti, ls07-0t. rETEIUNAHY SURGEON, THE 1 midrrslgncd takes this methiHl of Informing the clllzi ns ot Columbia County, Hint he U loca ted lu LUiHT ,sTiti:i;T, pp-nn-a., whre ho is prepared to attend to all call. made In tho lino of hU business, uud cures UlNOIlONK, Hl'A.VIN, 81'bI.NT, nnd nt) other Ills that horso llesh Is heir to, chal lenging competition In tho treatment especially ol the above mentlom-d diseases. jkxhi: d, mci:, Llahthtnet, April 20, 1KC7, D It. W. II. mtAIMJCY, tl.ate AksWant Sleilleal Director i'. K. Army,) I'll VS I CI AN AN' I) Hiruuno.v, i-Ollleeat the house uiislle Hhlve'. Jlloek, lllooinsbuiir, 1'a. Calls iiroiutiily altemleil to lioth ntsht anil ilay. lllooiusbin;, Jan, H, 1MT7, J It. ltOHISOX, A T T U 1 1 N H Y A T I . A W , llUMJ.UMIl'HU, I'l'.NN'A. 1 nlleo lii irnauasfii llulUllnt.', Main htreet, West of thu Amerlean llouw. luiyil 07. N