THE COLUMBIAN, BL00MSBU11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. farmer's! giartmcnt. Varmti'sAVItls. Vnriuum, cut this out nnd pinto It on the imnels of yourkltchi'ii tlooru! It If, perhniis, ouro to say Mint on titroo farms out of four thowlfo works harder, endures more- thnn any other person on tha pinto more than tlio husband, tnoro thnn tho farm linml, inoru than tho hired help of tho kitchen. Many rt farmer speaks to his wlfo habitually In terms mora Imperious, J inpatient, nnd petu lant thnn ho would uso to tho scullion of tho kitchen or to this hired man. Mnny it farmer's wlfo is literally work ed to death In nn Inadvcrtaut manner, from want of rcllectlon. None can un derstand better thnn he, In plowing or sowing, or harvest time, that if n horse gets sick, or runs txwny, or is stolen, another must bo procured that very day; or tho work will Inevitably go behindhand. Ho docs not carry tho same practical sense in the kitchen when tho hired help leaves without warning or becomes disabled, although ho knows us well ns any man can know, that they will oxpect their meals- with tho samo regularity, with tho samo promptness, nnd with tho samo proper mode of pre paration ; but Instead of procuring other help on tho Instant, ho allows himself to bo persuaded, if tho help is sick, she will get well in a day or two, or a week at farthest, and it is hardly worth while to get another for so short n time. If tho help has taken'1 French leave," Ids mind fixes on tho fact that It Is a very busy timo and neither ho nor a single hand can be spared, or that in tho course of a week fomo one will havo to go to town for somo other purpose, and both theso matters can bo attended to at tho Mimo time. Mcnuwhllo tho wlfo is ex pected not only to attend to her ordinary duties as usual, but somehow or other to sparo tlmo to do all thnt the cook or washerwoman was accustomed to do ; that is, to do tho full work of two per sons, each ono of whom had already " quito as much labor to perform ns who could possibly attend to. Tho wife at tempts it. By herculean efforts all goes on well. Tho farmer perceives no Jar, no hitch In tho working of machinery, nnd because no complaint is uttered, thinks that everything is going on with out an effort. Meanwhilo timo passes, and infinite sliamo on some of them, they begin to calculate how much has been saved from servants' wages, nnd ' how much lass food has been eaten, nnd because Btillnocomplalnthasbeenmado, tho resolution quietly forms In tho mind to do nothing until sho does complain ; but before that takes place, sho falls a victim to her over-exertions, in having raid tho foundation for weeks and months of illness, if not of premature decline and death. Dr. Jfall, Trees Starved toTlcnth. Tho N. "R. VaTiiitr relates n conversa tion which took placo between two far mer on tho subject of deterioration in tho nppla orchards; Tho conclusion nr rlved at was that orchards, as a general thing, wcro literally starved to death. Tliis assumption may bo rather sweep ing, but it Is certainly worthy of con sideration. Orchards left year after year with tho turf pressed compactly about the roots and lower section of tho bodies of trees, with no loosening of tho soil, nor any application of manure, can hardly bo expected to produco much fruit ; nor do they. The soil needs stir ring, wants tho aid of invigorating fer tilizers, and such prudent'earo ns bhall divest tho trees of all superabundant wood. At all events, orchnrdists should avoid tho just censuro of starving their trees to death, as it is asserted many of thorn havo dono and aro doing year af ter year. Manuring Trees. Too many, in applying manuro to their fruit trees, forget tho position of tho roots, and apply within n foot or so of tho body. If they wero to carefully removo tho soil, they would find thnt trees of vigorous growth, and from sev en to ten feet high, havo roots, that aro really tho'mnln sourco of nourishment, varying from six to ten feet from tho body. Thoapplicationof manuro, there fore, to glvo tho best results, should bo distributed nround thotreo at a distance of from flvo to eight feet from tho trunk. In positions wcro tho turf is desired to be maintained, cut and roll it back, put on tho manure, fork it in very lightly, and then replacq tho iutt.ITorticul turlst. Destruction of Sheen by Dogs, The March report oftlioCommissioner of Agriculture dwells upon tho ravages committed by dogs among tlienliccp in tho United States. In 18C0 flvo hun dred thousand sheep were killed by dogs, and their vnlua was ?2,000,000. Tho number Injured was thrco hundred thousand, nnd tho loss Is estimated nt $G00,O0O. Tho number of dogs In tho country is computed at flvo millions, their annual oxpenso ten dollars per head, and the sum totul of their subsls tenollfty millions of dollars an im mense sum to bestow upon a class of an imals, tho mpst of which nro worthies,, nnd ninny of them causing great mis chief to the farmer. Orchard. . Look well to peach trees, shorten In, and sco that tho peach worm Is not at work. I'ourbolllng.wateron tho lower part of. tho trunk near tlio ground, nnd if a sufficient quantity bo used, It will cool: tho worm without Injuy to tho trees j wo havo tried It fairly and nro well convinced that even threo gallons of boiling water to each tree, may bo so used without Injury. Manuro trees, and remember that .they require cultivation. Attend to preparation of clous early, uud graft such trees ns requiro it. Har Lightly. Alderman Meciil says ho has raised moro wheat by iisingn bushel or even, n peck of seed to the aero thun ho could have dono had ho used two or three bushels. What "buss" has found room for the greatest number of pcoplo? Columbus. The Horse mid Hi tlt-uoiit. - A Groom who used to steal and poll n Horse's corn, was yet very busy In grooming nnd wlsplng him all tho day long. "If you really wlh mo," paid tho Horso, "to look well, glvo less of your currying and moro of your corn." The Doft Itilhe Mntlftrr, Dog made his bed Inn Manger, nnd lay snarling and growling to keep tho oxen from their provender. "See," said ono of thwn,"whatamlserabloeur! who can neither eat hay himself, nor will nllow thoso to cat it who can." The Clinking Wheel. Aesomo Oxen were dragging a wagon along a heavy road, tho Wheels set up a tremendous creaking. "Urulot" cried tho driver to tho wagon "why do you groan, when they who are drawing all tho weight arc silent?" Thoso who cry tho loudest nro not nlwnys tho most hurt. The Hare nml the llouml Hound hnvlng put up n Ilnre from a bush, chased her for somo distance, but tho Ilnro had tho best of it, and got off. A Goatherd, who was coming by, Jeered at tho Hound, saying that l'tis was tho better runner of tho two. "ou forget," replied tho Hound, "thnt It Is one tiling to bo running for your dinner, nnd nnothcr for your life." The Ana In the I,loii' Skill. An nss having put on a Lion's skin, roamed nbout frightening nil tho silly animals ho met with, and, bcelng a Fox, ho tried to alarm him also, lint Rcy- nard, having heard his voice, Mild, "Well, to bosurol and I should havo been frightened too, If 1 hail not heard you." They who assume n character that docs not belong to them generally be tray themselves by overacting it. The Cock nnd Hie Jewel, Asa Cock was scratchingup tho straw In n farm-yard, in search of food for tho hens, ho hit upon a Jewel that by somo chance foundlts way there. "Oh !" said he, "you nro a very fine thing, no doubt to those who prize you ; but givo mo a barley corn before all the pearls in the world." Tho Cock was a scnslblo Cock : but thcro nro many silly pcoplo who despise what is precious because they cannot understand it. The Wolves and thefcheeji. Onco on a time, the Wolves sent an embassy to tho Sheep, desiring that there might bepanco between them for tho timo to come. "Why," said they, "should wo bo forever wnglngthis dead ly strife? Thoso wicked Dogs aro tho causo of nil: they nro incessantly barking at us, and provoking us. Send them away, nnd thcro will bo no long' or any obstacle to our eternal friendship and peace." Tho silly Sheep listened, tho Dogs wero dismissed, and tho flock, thus deprived of their best protectors, became nn easy prey to tlieir treacher ous enemy. The Countryman and the Snake. A Countryman returning homo ono winter's day, found a Snako by tho hcdgo-sido,half dead withhold. Taking compassion on tho creature, ho laid. It in Ills bosom nnd brought it homo to his fireside to revive It. No sooner had tho warmth restored It, than It began to at tack tho children of tho cottage. Upon this tho Countryman, whose compassion had saved its life, took up a mattock and laid tho snako dead at his feet. Thoso who return evil for good, may expect their neighbors, pity to bo wore out at last. The Hunter and the Fisherman. A Hunter was returning from tho mountainsloadcd with game,and n Fish erman was at tho snmo time coming homo with his creel full of fish, when they chanced to meet by tho way. The Hunter tookn thncy toadish offish: Tho Fisherman preferred a supper of game. So each gave to the other tho contents or his own basket. And thus they con tlnued dally to exehahgo provisions, till ono wlioob.served them said : "Now, by tills invariable interchange, will they destroy tho zest of their meal ; and each will soon wish to return to his own storo again." The Mau nnd theSntyr. A Man nnd a Satyr having struck up nn acquaintance, sat down together to eat. Tho day being wintry nnd cold tho Man put his fingers to his iiioutl nnd blew upon them. "What's that for my friend ?" nsked tho Satyr. My handsnroso cold," slid tho Man; "I do it to warm them." In n littlo whilo somo hot food was placed before them nnd tho Mau, raiding tho dish to h moutlmgainblowupon it. "And what's tho mcanlngof that, now V" said tlioSa tyr. "Oh," replied tho Man, "my por ridge Is so hot, Ido it to cool it." "Nay then," said the Satyr, "from this mo ment I renounco yflur friendship, for will havo nothing to do with ono who Plows hot and cola with tho muiio mouth." The IVolfniid the Shepbcr d. A Wolf had long hung about a flocl of sheep, nnd had dono them no harm Tho shepherd, howover, had his sus picions, nnd for a whllo was on tho look-out against him as an avowed ene my, Hut when tho Wtdf continued for n long timo following In tho train of his .flock without tho leastntienipt to annoy them ho began to look upon him more as a friend than a foe; and liavlnj ono day occasion to go into tho city he intrusted tno sneep to his care Tho Wolf no toonerfcaw his opportuui ty than ho forthwith fell upon tho slieoi nnd worried them; and tho Shepherd, on his ret urn, seeing his Hock deMmyetl, exclaimed, "Fool that I ivm! yet I de served no less for trusting my Sheep with a Wolf!" Thro Is moro danger from n pretend ed friend than nn open enemy. DRY GOODS, &c. HAND OREN1NO GRAND Ul'KMXU (11IAN1) OPENING GRAND OPENING GRAND OPENING FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FALL AND WINTER OOODSi, FALL AND WINTlUt GOODS, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting ot consisting of consisting of consisting of consisting of UltY GOODS, BUY GOODS, dry noom,'" DItY 0001)5, JlltY GOODS, HATS AND CARS, 1IATIS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAP, HOOTS AND SHOES, ISOOTS AND SHOES, Ilo"0T8 AND SHOIM, HOOTS AND SHOES, HOOTS AND SHOKS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTIIUIO, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-GLASS, LOOKING-GLASSES, IAKIKING-OLASSE NOTIONS, NOTIONS', NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, PAINTS AND OIL'S, FAINTS AND OII.B, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND .OILS,"- PAINTS AND OILS, groceries, groceries, groceries, groceries, groceries, queensware, queenhware, qukenswahk, queensware, queenswake, hardware, hardware, hardware, HAltDWAHK, HAHDWAItL', TINWARE, TINWAltll, tinware, I inward, TINWARE, ALT, SALT, SALT SALT, SALT, fish, FISH, FIHII, KITH, FISH, OIUIN "AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND HEEDS, GHAIN AND SEEDS, OHAIN AND SEEDS, OltAIN AND SEEDS, Ac, -stcKELVY, NE.U, McKKLVY, NEAT, McKELVY, NEAL MrKELY.Y, NEAL CO.'S, CO.'S, CO.'S. CO,' .McKELVY, NEAL A CO.'S. Northwest corner of Main nnd Market Streets, orinwfbi corner or Main and .MuiltctMrcits, Northwest corner of Main end -Market Streets, Northwest comer of'Mnln and Morkct Streets, NorthwcU co rner of Main and Market Streets, nLooMsnuito, pa., llLOOMHIlintU, PA. IlLOOMSlliritfl, PA., llLOOMSHUltfl, PA., IlLOOMSIIUW), PA. IRON I HON IKON I iion IRON AND NAILS, AND NAILS, AND NAILK, AND NAILS, AND NAII.S, In lajir quantities and at reduced rates, alwav ou blind, DRUGS 8c MEDICINES. J-)ltUG AND CHEMICAL STOKE, Illoomsburg, l'u. imUGH, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, PERFUMERY AND TOILET ART1CLIH. EYEIt A MOYEll respectfully Invito n contlnunnco of imlrnnngc. Their Drum nmt Medicines nro nil xclccteil with the grrntnt cure, Avoiding nt much ns powiuio tho Introduction of delirious nostrums, nna nro purchased from thohest importing In tlio country. PATENT MEDICINIM of nit klir1, Including Aycr's, .Inyno'ii, Hollo. wny's, Ihrttit let's, Wishnrt's, llooilnnas, c. constnntly on Imnd. COAL OIL AND ALCOHOL. IfAlH, TOOTH, NAIL, AND CLOTHES UltUSllES PAINTS AND CHEMICALS of every Variety, nnd of tho host quality. FANCY TOILET A11TICLIX. Tho public niny rely nt nil time? on procuring the nbovo nttlclcs, with nil tno new menu prepnra. tlons Itept In Hip liest conducted cMniiIIh1nciits. PHYSICIAN'S PttlCHIPTIONS nnd Family Itccelpts compounded with tho great est nccuracy and dhp.uch. IimiCSN AIUUVAh OV NKW ? GOODS. Tho undersigned has Just arrived from tho city with n largo assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Vnrnlshcs.nnd DyoStutTs, Itemly-Mnda Clothing, Perfumery, Toy ami Fancy Articles, Druggist's Glassware, Hrushcs, Trusses and Supporters, nnd n general assortment of every thing thnt helongs ton well-appointed Drug-Store, Alo Pntent Medicines ofnll kinds, such ns Jnyno's, Ayer's, Wishart's, Winslow'a Soothing Syrup, Brown's Troches, Swain's Panacea, linker's Cod Li er Oil, Hootland's Hitters constantly on hand, Also MOIiOCCO LEATHEIl, KID, FltENCH MOU0C- CO, FltENCH CALFSKINS, PINK TltlMMINGS, BINDINGS, y tho ilpzcti or naif-dozen. Also SHOE-FINDINGS, FISHING-TACKLE, Ac. Having had a largo experience In tho drug hush ness, I would respectfully Invito those wishing anything in that line to call nnd sec my stock he- furopurchnslngelhcwherc. "In medicines quality Is of tho ftrbt importance.' .It'lL lb. i.a. jJ" K W S T O It K a n- r a i-: ir goo i) ,v, MtFFLINVILLE, COLl'MllIA COUNTY, PA Tlinsuhserlber re-nectfuliv Informs his filends nnd the oubllc that he has .lust returned from the cny wan a ireiu ami wen sciecieu ASSORTMENT OF MERCHANDIZE, and has opened a store In tho .room formerly oc cupied by Stephen Wolf. Ills stock consi-is of everything usually sept Inn nrst-elass country More, swell as tuiv noons (iriocni;ir.s, ii.vnnw.ini:, cr.PAit- waiii:, minis siiancisiM, .ir., .tc. He hopes to merit n sharo of the public natron- nje. ItEES J. MILLAUD. -Miminvnie, Jtny isi!7. T k ) v a ii O V JLV C. O. M A it ll'S N J3 W S T () It E r o ani v VN n i.o c k, ox tiii: consr.r. op jiahkct and. ikon JiTnr.KTs, Tho undersigned having received from tho city n full nnd complcto supply of Sl'llf.O AND SUMMER miY CiOODS AND GKOCEUIES NOTIONS, TINMVAKK AND HAHD-WAKE, Ci:i)All AXD VrlLLOW-XTAKV, CONFIX'TIONERV, GLASS-WARE, T OliACCO, HATS A X J) s hot: &', FLOUP., SALT, FISH, AND MEAT, all of which I proposo selllngat rt very low flguro for cash or produce. Call nnd see. April P.', lsi!7. C. C. JIARIt. JOHN STltOUI" A CO., successors to stroup & Iirother, WIIOLF.SALE DEALERS IN FISH, No. 21 North Wlnrves, an 1 i North Water St., Philadelphia. y7"EAVEK & Sl'UANKUE, WHOLESALE GROCERIES ANDCOMMISSION MERCHANTS, Nos. ill and ?.7 Arch Street, Piilladelphla. gCHEI.L, 1JEHGEH & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS Dealers In FISH, SALT, CHEESE, PROVISIONS, Ac, Nos. 122 and 121 North Wharves, above Arch' St. Piilladelphla. Solo agents for Wilcox's Wheel Grease, In bar. rels, kegs, and cans. JSTAUIilSHEIJ 171. JORDAN A nitOTHEIt, WHOLESALE GltOCKItS, nnd Dealers In SALTPETRE AND IIIUMSTONK, No 200 North Third htreet, Philadelphia. QOTTKELL A AYUES, WTiolesalu Dealer lu FISII,CIIEIsi;.tr.,Ac'.. Na. 10 North Wharves, hceond d(wr alHi'vo Arch Street Philadelphia. H. V. I'E'l'EKJIAN, l LII'PINCOTT A TROTTUlt, WHO LI X A LE GROCERS, 51 North Water Street, and No. 20 North Dcluwnu Avenue, I'hlladelphU T AClCAWANNAit llLOOMSHUltfl a J IIAII.IIOAD. on and alter May 2J, IsUO, Pus fcciucr TraliikWlll run as follows: SOUTHWARD. A.M. A.M. r.M.'l'.M. IaveSernnton CM '10.1W 7.10 " Klligston (IM 11.20 .2I U.lio " ltUHrt U.20 S.17 " Danville 0.M n.,',0 Arr, Northumberland lu.M eii NORTHWARD. Leave Northumberland 7,0.) g.2a " Danlllo 7.W s.oo " Rupert . s.h " Klugkion ID.,"'1) 2, ti.tri Arr, Serantnn p.'.im o.m Trains leaving Kingston at s.'t) . m, for Scran- ton, eonucetwttli Train arrilu at New York at 6.2". Passengers taking Train South from Seraiitou ut,Vau in, via Northumberland, rt-nch Harris burg, It'W pin, llulllinorii 5.:is i) m, Washington IU.WI p 111, Maltupelt reaill Pllllaih lphla at 7 11 is. II. A. FONDA, Kupt't. Kingston, r.i., Mar. 22, Nir. T 11. 1'UItSKL, , II AHNKSS, SADDLE, AND TRUNK MANuVAOTUltEIt, and dealer in CARPirr-IIAGS, VALISES, l'LY-NLTS, Ac, Muln Strcot, IlIoomburg, Pu, DRY GOODS. JjUHltAH 1'OU CATAW1SSA1 nil?) wn i ii.iinj.vioo. Goods to comparo with stringency of tho money market. Look and conimro prices he'foro pur chasing elsewhere. Just call nt the favorite, busi ness stand of McNINClt A SIIUMAN, and you will bo met by tho obliging proprietors or thclrclerks, and shown through tneirgreni variety stnro freo of charge, of course. They will glvo yon n fair chnnco to spend your looso change, they trust much tnoro profitably than It enn be spent elsewhere. Their STOCK OF DIIY GOODS this Spring Is much larger In all Us varieties than usual, 'J heir LAPIF-S' DIH'.SS GOODS nro of the nicest styles In market. They have n fine assortment of HATS, CAPS, HOOTS AND SHOES, HU.M.MEIl CLOTHS, CASSINE'lS, CASSIMEIIKS, AND VF-STINGS, nnd numerous nt tides common to such establish ments, besides a general assortment of HAItDWAltE, TINWAnn, ClUKENSWAItE, AND GUOCKUIF.S, nil nt greatly reduced prices. Thoy wish to cnti duct their business on tho system of "PAY AS YOU GO," nnd they think they can nllbrd to sell very cheap. They return their thanks for ninny past favors, and ask tho future patronage of their furmer cus tomers and the public generally. McNINCH A SIIUMAN. ItJlimUSTEU it UltOTHEH, importers nun jinucrs 01 HOSIERY, GLOVIX, SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, llUTfONS, SUSPENDERS, HOOP SKIRT'S, HANDKERCHIEFS, THREADS, SEWING SILKS, TRIMMINGS, PORTE MONNAIKS, SOAPS, PERFUMERY, FANCY GOODS, AND NOTIONS GENERALLY, Also Manufacturers of HRUSIIF.S AND LOOKING GLASSES, uud Dealers lu WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, I1ROOMS, ROPES, TWINES, Ac, Nn. 30(1 North Third sheet, above Vine, Philadelphia. g h. 15ETTI,E, with VJUSH, I1UNN A CO., DRY GOODS, No. w North Tlilrd Street, l'hlla.lelphta. J-J Af. AlAltl'fiE, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, GLOVIVS, AND FANCY GOODS, No. SI Nofth Third Street, Piilladelplil.l. J J. 1,1'ISTEH, v liolosale and Retail Dealer In FOREIGN AND DOMF.STIC CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, Ac No. 2D North Second Street, opp. Christ Churcli Philadelphia. JgAltCROFT it CO., importers mm joimers or STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, CLOTHS CASSIMERES, IlLANKirrS, LINENS, DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, Ac, Philadelphia. NDltEWS, WILKINS & CO., ucaiois in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DItY GOODS, No. ,7M JInrkct Street, Philadelphia, JOSEPH S. DELI,, Manufacturer of and Wholesale Dealer lu CLOTHING, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, AND VEBTINGS, No. 1.1 Noilh Third Street, Philadelphia. "yATSON & JANNEY, Importers and Jobbers of SILK AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, Ac, No. Ktj Market Street, Philadelphia. MISCELLANEOUS. JOWE, HUSTON it CO., Manufacturers nnd Wholesale Dealers in ' COTTON YARNS, CARPET CHAINS, 11ATTS, WICKS, TIEYARNS, CORDAGE, 1IR00MS, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, LOOK'G GLASSES, CLOCKS, FANCY IIASKRTS, TA11LE, FLOOR, AND CARRIAGE OILCLOTHS, Ac, No. Mi) .Market utieet, kouth side, l'hlladelpjila. rpilE KEYSTONE CLOVElt SEED S T H I P P E It . 1'Atkmti: oiTonnn 2, IfiiO. This simple, though eflcetlve muehlne Is admit ted byitll sclcutllicohscrvclstiihcthemokt direct device lor gathering cluicr sci d yel dlseoMred. A mere glance nt it is sllltlelent to eonvillco tliu most obtuse mind of Its practical utility. It strips the clover head Iroiii the stalk leaving the straw standing Ukii Ihu ground. It Is easily draw n by mm hoise, and requtius but ono man or Imiv In wink It. It Iscoiiiimci.fcliiiplo in structure, nml not 1 In u',5.l0El t "tof older, andiiill buelieaply got up, I he grent advantiige in this inaehlnu is, e hale the seed gntlierf d 111 the chilli', for Iho clover mill or huller besides saving the great length of t nieim.l lubor of mowing, handling and threshing It hum the straw, It will alo pay ev ery tanner to gather his seed with this machine, on account of the wiling of the seed which Is lost 111 Hie old way of gallu ring It. Lxtraordinarj liidiimiicnisoilVml to energetic iiieiiwliowlshtiipiirelmsuhtatuor louuty RIkIiU, J-or particulars addnsi WKIITMAN A REINIJOLD, . CKN riCAI.I A, JanAH)7. Columlila County, Pa. MEADYILLE THEOLOO I CA L st'IIOOt,.-Tlie Fall term began Septem. lier .i. ih Faculty of Instruction consists of lour resilient nnd four non-resident protessors, niul a !""!.. 1,l'.i:"l'J':'.'! !,.t" eiluciito voung men for tliu ihrlstlau MluUtry. 'Ihero Is u pivparutoiy elass for those who hale not lecelted a isilleglato education, One hundred and sixty dollars a year are grunted to beiiellelarlrs, with mi additional sum lu special eases. Tim tuition, use of Library and tcxt-lssilts, arc free loull. The Schis.l mis founded by tliu 1'ultiirlnn and t'liilstlaiideiiouit. imtluns, but IsoiM ii toall lio lielleio lu Hiodl vlmuirlulu of I'lirislluiiliy. The Llsriirycon.lsls orsiiii loiumes. Application luily lie made to Rev. A. A. Liver. of Iho Hoard of Instruction, Meadville, l'u. uovl'-ly ftATAWISSA ItAILltOAl). J Fioni and idler October 2, 1N1, tho trains will puss Rupert ns follous: , Goimi NouTii.-Ehiilra Mull ut I cw.; Erlo 'i-M1" " HI ts .1.31 Goi.nii soi rii.-Plilliidclplila Mull nt 11 a.m.i New ort Express at I p.m. GEORGE WUUl), Supt. TOBACCO 8i SEGARS. riMIU ONIA' 1'XiACE J- ogci too UCS& T011ACCO AND CIGARS, AT WHOLCSALH AND IlLTAIf, Isnt HUNGSIlEItGEIl'S, ft few doors below tho American House, llloomshurg, Fn, Ho has tho largest nnd most select of SMOKING AND CHEWING T011ACCO cverotrered to tho citizens of llloomshurg. All tho fancy bra ndg of SEOARS, and tin best Fine-cut nnd Plug CHEWING TOltACCO, can bo hail at his counters. TOltACCO PIPE'S In grent s. arlcty nro nmnng his largo.stoek. DON'T FORGET TO CALL. II. II. IIUNS11E11GER, JJAQKN, 150YD st CO., l-u-Miiniu, .mi.iiuii. irs, nnd Wholesale Dealers lu LEAF AND MANUFACTURED TOltACCO, SEaAlts, Ac, No. CI North Third Street, Philadelphia. Consignors can forward their slock "In liond," without prepaying the United states tax. TT W. HANK'S WHOLF.SALE TOIIACCO, SNUFF, AND CIGAR WAREHOUSE, No. 1W Norlh Third Street, between Cherry nnd Race, west side, Philadelphia. JUSSELI, it WOODRUFF, Wholesale Dealers In TOJ1ACCOS, CIGARS, PIPES, AC, Ac, No. 13 North Tlilrd Street, nbove Market, Philadelphia. pmsmruTir, mtoTHicn it co., WHOLESALE TOIIACCO DEALERS, No. Fil North Tlilrd Street, flvo doors below Race, Factories, Nos. 223 and 22.", Quarry Stiect, Philadelphia. J It. WALTER, Ijlto Walter A Kntih, Importer nnd Denier in CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENSWARE, No. 231 Ninth Third Street, belw'een Race and Vino Piilladelphla. gEXJAMIN GltEEN, Dealer In CARPirriNGS, WINDOW SHADES, OIL CLOTHS, MATS, Ac, No. si North It'cond Street, Philadelphia. Q. W. 15LA110N A CO., Mallllfaeturers of OIL CLOTHS AND WINDOW SHADES, Win'cliouse, No. 121 North Tlilrd Street, Philadelphia. J H. LONGSTltETJI, PAPER-HANGING WAREHOUSE, No. 12 Noith Third Street, Philadelphia. J Y. LAA115EKT, with itosu, siiorr a co., Importers and Jobbers nl CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, Ac, No. 301 Market Street, Philadelphia'. T0VDER KEGS AND LUAlllER. W. M. MONROE A CO., Rupert, Pa., Manufacturers or POWDER KEGS, and denlcrs lu all kinds or LUMliHR, give notice that they are prepared to accomodato their custom with dispatch, and on tho cheapest terms. JILLER it HOST, Succcsors to Franklin P.Sellrer A Co., Importers nnd Wholesale Dealers In LIQUORS, WINF.S, Ac, Nos, 410 and tl2 Noith Third Street, Philadelphia. To Hotel and Saloon lci-ciiera of llloums. burg and Columbia County. I havo appointed simmer agent for tho saleof my ale. porter. brown stout, mid lager beer, who will supply you nr tno same price (and with tho samo article), as I would rurnlsh you from tho bieivcry. Kuoovi ln- that ho w ill bo punctual nnd nttentlro tu all who may f.nor him with their trade, I solicit fur- hi: yoursupisirt. Very rcspectlully, FRED I-AUEH, Steam Ilfewcry, Rending, l'a. pilOTOClRAI'lIK'. i:, 4 II. T. ANTHONY A CO., Manufacturers or Photographic Materials, WHlil.KSll.i: ANll llKrAH.. ftll HROADWAY. N. Y. y,:.".1!".'!"'"" '" "ur "ml" business or, PHOTO GRAl lilt MATEItlALSwuurellciiduuttrters lor the lollowlllL', vli.: STEUIXISCOPES A STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS, f Amerlcatiiind Foreign cities and Landscapes, Group statuary, etc. STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS OF THE WAR, I nun ncgullws Hindu lu tliu various cuiniuilgus, and funning ii completo Photngrnphlo history of the great contest. STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS ON GLASS, Adapted for either Jho Magic Lantern or the NerisBBii, Our Catalogue will bu scut to any addu-ss uu receipt of stamp. PHOTOGRAPHIC AL1IUMS, a innnur.ietuui inoio largely than any other bouse, alsnit 2nd varieties from SI cents to f-'oeacb. Our Al.llljMS ha the reiiuliitlou of being supo ilor In beauty and durability to any others. Card Photographs of Ocnenils, statesmen, Actors, etc.. etc Our Catalogue embraces over FIVE THOUS AND dillerent subjects, Including repnsiuetlons of tlio most celebrated Engravings, Paintings, Statues, etc. CutalogueSBelil oil receipt of stump. Photogrnphcrsand others ordering gisslsC.i I.D., w ill pleaso remit 2.1 jht cent, of tliu amount with their order. Si - The prices and quality of our goisls cannot nil tusallbly. novl7-ly qMKAlnft!AN hay'cnIee -L, AND 1 oitK. We tho uiiderslgned cltliens ot liiluiiiblu tiiunty wituessisl the trial of Imv lorks on tlio fnrtii of Mr, Pursel, in Hemlock lownshlp.oii -Monday, JIuv 7, Iswi, Mwrcn tlio Amcrlciti Hay knllti and Fork muuuraclured bv M.II'ER, WALLS, SHRINER A C," I All burg, Pa., and the Rundel's Putent liny Hook. ih1 M".','rl.'! ' ,' ".'',l ru buy In one I I raught thaii tliiiRundel In three. Woonisatls lied It will take as much bay Into the mow as two good horses can draw. Wu also saw It culling hny.eiidlhliik It cannot bo beat ikii hay kiilh. nnd ehi-erriilly recommend It as tliu best hay rk und kiilfn ue liave ever sis'ii. . l'rrKMihxiu.ii, Dn. F. p. IlAiuiisoN, . It. Uoos, John doak, Jons Durmiii K, Daniu. Nin kii, I , D(ii.i:mii.i.i:k, hyi.vtj.rKii Puiwei., Mii ii.iri, llri.i.Hi John Woi.k. tlieynlsoiuaniitaeiurii the cclebnited Iluckeyo lleiiKT and Mow er, and other agricultural luiple luoiil, ' J IRON, TINWARE, &C. RATION AL FOUND HY, llloomshurg, Columbia County, Pn, The subscriber, proprietor of the nbovc-l amej extensive establislimcnt, Is now prepared to ro celvo ordors for all kinds of MACHINERY FOR COLLI EttlF-H, IILAHT FURNACES, HTATIONAltY ENGINES, MILLS, THIUXHINO MACHINES, Ao Ho Is also prepaied In make Stoves of nil sizes nnd pottcrns, Plow-Irons, nnd everything usually made in first-class Foundries, His extensive facilities nnd protleat workmen warrant him In receiving ths largest contracts on tho most rensonnblo terms. Grnln of all kinds will bo taken In exchange, for Castings. This establishment Is located nenr tho Lacki . wanna ami llloomshurg Railroad Depot. PETER IHLLMYER, gTOVHS AND TINWAKE. j. -M, ltUl'l'.llT announces to his friends and customers that continues the nbovo business nt his old placo on MAIN STItEirr, 11LOOMS11URG. Customers can bo accomodated with FANCY STOVliS of all kinds, Stovepipes, Tinware, and every va riety of nrtlclo round lu n Stove nnd Tlnuaro Es tablishment In thocltlcs.nnd nn the most reason nblo terms. Repairing done nt the shortest notice, - DOZEN MILK-PANS mi hand for sale. piKENMX STOVE DEPOT. HEATERS, RANOIX, AND STOVI, Wliolesale und Ilctntl. PATENT ANTI-DUST COOKING STOVE. VULCAN HEATER, tor heating two or moro rooms. PARLOR, COOKING, LAUNDRY IIE.VTINO, nnd every variety of STOVES. JOHN I. HESS, No. 313 North Second Street, Piilladelphla. I. RURKHART, Importer nnd Dealer In ' IRON AND STEEL, No. CO Front Street, Piilladelphla. Q.EORGE H. RORERTS, Importer nnd Denier In HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, Ac, No, 311 North Third Street, nliove Vine, Philadelphia. HOTELS AND SALOONS. I EXCHANGE HOTEL, li I1LOOMS11URG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Tho undersigned having purchased tlds well known and centrully-Iocaled house, the Exchange Hotel, situate on MAIN STREET, In llomsburg, Immediately opposite the Columbia Counry Court House, respectfully Informs his friends and the public In general Uiat bis house Is now 111 order for the reception and entertainment of travellers whoinay be dlsiKiscd to favor It with their cus tom. Ho has spared no expense lu preparing the Exeliango for tho entertainment of ids guests, neither shall there be anything wanting (on his parti to minister to their personal eomrort. Ills house. Is spacious, and enjoys an exTellent busi ness location. Omnlbusscs run nt all times between tho Ex 'chungo Hotel and tho varlo'- s railroad depotsby which travellers will bn pleasantly conveyed to mid from tho respective stations In duo time to nieot tlio cars. JOHN F. CASLOW. lltnomsburg, March 22, 18M. TURK'S HOTEL, GEORGE W. MAUGER, Proprietor. The above well-known hotel has recently under gone radical changes In Its Internal arrangements, nml Its proprietor announces to his former custom and the travelling public that his accomodations for tho eomrort or his guests are seisind to none In tho country. His table will always ho found sup plied, not only witli substantial food, but Willi nil tho delicacies or the season. Ills wines nnd li quors (except that popular, beveraao known as ".VcYfcar"), purchased direct from t lie llnporthu houses, aro entirely pure,;tiid free from all poi sonous drugs. He Is thankful for a liberal patron age hi tho past, uud will continue to deserve It fu the future. GEORGE W. -MAUGER. rjUlE SWAN HOTEL, ftllK UI'I'KIt IlottSK, ORANOEVILLE, COLUMBIA CO., PA. Ths subscriber resm-etrully Inrurms hlsrrleails and the public, that no has taken tlio nhoie well known House or Entertainment, nnd will lie pleased to receive tlio custom or all who will lavor him witli n call. HE WILL KEEP A GOOD TAULE, n liar wetl stocked with tho best or Liquors, and every etlbrt will be made to render entire satis faction. JOHN SNYDER. Orangevllle, Pa., March 15, lsoT-llii. XCHANGE SALOON, Tiik Proprietor of the Exchange Saloon 1ms now on hand n largo stock or SUMMER REFRESHMENTS, consisting or M'lCEtl OV.STril, HAUIIINKS, IKII'K, JIOI.OO NAS SltKKl' TOXOl'K, 1I01LK11 KUtiS, HWKITZmt rilKl'-sl', LAGER DEER, ALE, AC. tjr COME ONE, COME ALL AND SEE. -is LAWSON CALM AN. Illoomsburg, May .'I, lf07. fJpHE ESl'Y HOTEL, ESPY, COLUMMA COUNTY, PA. Tin: subscriber respectfully Informs his friend' und the public, thnt bo has tukeimhe above well known House or Enterliilnnient. and will he pleased to reitlvo tho custom or" all who will Invor him with u cull. III! WILL KEEP A GOOD TAULE, a liar well stocked with tho best of Liquors, ami every cflort will be made to render entire sails faction. VM. REMI.EY. Espy, l'a., April 12, DOT. J Tu cisTTi 6 t e i7, ORANOEVILLE, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. ISRAEL JIUMMA, PROPRIETOR. Having taken pos,Vsloii or this wcll-kli'ain bouse, so long kept by Snniuel Everett, the I'm orletorhusiiut lull permnneiit repair and furnish ed BAR AND LARDER Willi thocholcest liquors und newest delicacies. His stable Is nut excellid tu the county: and no pains will bo spnicd to uccouimuitate guests. (upr"li" SUSQUini ANNA HOTEL., Cutawissa, Pu. Thu ahovo Hotel lias lately lienn purchased by HENRY J. CLARK, nnd has (lecn'thoroughly re modelled, rcpnlred, and refurnished. It will l found nowjn Its arrangement uud upHlutmtnts. n first-class Hotel, and second to none In tlw country. Persons In cities wishing to spend the hot months lu tho country, will do well to glvo the proprietor a call. gT. CHAR IjESI I OT E Ij7 ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN, Nos. CO, IB, (II, and till North Third Streets, between Market and Arch Streets, Philadelphia. OIIAIU.ES KLECKNEH, Manager. rpiIE UNION HOTEL, Arch Street, between Third and Fourth StrceU, Philadelphia. CHRIST A WEBF.R, Proprietors. qTrard house, Corner of Ninth nnd Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia. II. W. KANAGA, Proprietor,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers