T. . if ... . . T t . . . lu!) utl .SltSTT VKUIV8 . Inn ri)-.nt ! niu)lmM( nbrnl-t r .1- i'.u .iti.'U M!ii-' In nau t.-aV i: i - -I rii nlii-tiw'f vw ;.imi; lln -1 .)) .1 l ilil'.liJ ) .. , i-.-.t i i ' ,i i rint niuV "tea )ltt -ll.ll 'I lJ I- 'lti'-'l i ltd. ', - ..'iilh'i, .' '.i. i-':i...i'i (! -n-.n..- ll .ii.'i l 'V-.l.i . i Hi: - , 1 1 i" itui,ti i 'J . -i,-.. nj'-V". i . . ' i . i;i n 'MM 1 1 Iflf I 111 fff lii 21 lit H . 1W . V .Cv I HI A . A K . AX AX VOL. I.-NO. 20. BliOOMSBTJItGr, PA., FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1867. 'lUtlOE FIVE CENTS. rjMIK FLOllKNCK AU12 THi: 1HMT IN Till; WOULD. tinlMroomi, CM Chestnut Ktroct, llitlndc)i1ila, l'n. WlillonlnrRpnumlirr of MncliltiM linvo been nlfrrcd to tho public, Mimonf which possess iulnts t excellence And nclcnovlll merit, wo linve long felt wlint otlicra huc experienced, tlip m lty of n Mnchlnc more perfect In tin incclinnl enl "structure, combining In tlio ' itianr.sT DnanuK HIMn.ICITV WITH DUIlArilLITY, nnil wlillo capable, of doing n onnATi;ii Hanoi; or womc, one that could be cully understood nnil enmprc. bended by nil. To nupnly n Mowhiit-Mnclilne free from the oh. lection nttnclicd toothcra lmn been notaivuisk: for we not only had to fmrpiiss other Machine, as they appeared years ago, but alio a, Improved from time to tunc by more recent experience. This we boldly claim ban been accomplished by tho liberal expenditure of capital, nnd the pa tient, untiring labor of .Tears j and In presenting onr Machine to the, public, we shall ii'inko strong assertions respecting lis merits, which we are prepared to substantiate In every particular. Discarding the Chain and Loop, or Knit Btltchcs, wo adopted tuo LOCK BTITCIt (alike on both sides of the fabric), which Is re gamed by tho masses as best suited to all kinds of work. Hut to meet objections sometimes urged against this favorite stitch, we have added the Knot, Double Iiock, and Doublo Knot, either of which Is RTIlONOr.lt AND MOW. IU.ASTIO than tho Lock; thus enabling tho operator to select a stitch I'UUt'nCTLY HUITI'.D to evcxy grado of fabric, and whero necessary, ev fccam lnnch stronger than It U posslblo to do by hand. THE COLUMBIAN, A Democrat to Xowkiwdoi', is rem.tstimi F.vniv Htin.tr miuinimi at Itt.OO.MSlIt ltd, FIJXX'A. Tlinprhiclplcsuf thlspiipcrateoflhoJetrerson lan School of polities. Those principles will never bo compromised, yet courtesy nnd klmlcss shall not be forgotten In discussing them, win Ihcr with Individuals, or with contemporaries of tho Tress The unity, happtuess,atid prosperity of the coun try Is our aim and object; and as Ibo means to secure that, wo shall labor honestly nnd oamrstly for the harmony, success and grim th of our organisation. Thii.Miot' AiiVMiTisi.Nd i Onoqiinrc(tcn lines or less) one or three Inseitlons SliOi each subse quent Insertion .10 cents. 1m. $.'.00 .1,( 5,00 SI'Al'K, One s(ilare.,.. Two squares Three squares.. rour squarew 11,(10 Half column 10,00 One column n.w 8.1,00 f,,m) 7,00 f,oo 12,00 1S,II asr. Si.no. (1,00 S,00 10,00 15,01) '.,() flit. $(!,() 1J,I) 11,00 lv, 51o,oo ls,(A jo,c) ),00 00,00 makes TUB l'LOHi;Ncr. I'OUIt DIFPnitr.NT STITCIIHS "vltli as much ease as ordinary Machines make one, nnd with as little machinery. Tho result of repeated tests has been nil wo could desire, and from Its first Introduction the Floreneo has gained hosts of friends, nnd been regarded as a HOUlsr.HOI.D NKClSsSITY; proving that tho public fully appreciate tho many advantages combined in tho Floreneo Machine. Over all others, the Flnronce must bo seen to be fnlly appreciated. W claim lor the A flouf.nci; 'thn following ADVANTAUF-S over any nnd all BrAVINCl-MACHINES IN THK WOULD S-It makes four different stitches, tho lock, "knot, double-lock, nnd double-knot, oi. one anil tho same machine. Ilnch stitch being altko on Iwth sides of tho fabric. 98- Kvery Machine has tho reversible feed mo- Hon, which enables tho operator, by simply turn lug a thumb-screw, to have tho work run either to the right or luft, to stay any part of the scam or fasten the ends of seams, without turning the e- Changing the length of stitch, and from iran Jilud cf .stitch to another, can rcadlty be done sjtMlw theInhlno Is In motion. J-The needle. Is easily ndjusted, nnd does not skip .stitches. r.xecutor's and Administrator's Notice S.1,00; Ml dltor's Notice s'yt, other advertisements Inser ted according to special conlraet. Business not Ici, without ad ertlscment, twenty cents ;.er line. Transient advertisements pnyalrlo In advance- all others due after tho first Insertion. It Is, In all casei, more likely to bo satisfac tory, both to subscribers and to the Publishers, that remittances und nil communlcallonn respect ing tho business of thcpniier, bu scut direct to tho otlleoof pufillcallon. All letters, whether relating to the editorial or business concerns of the p'.iper, and nil payments for subscriptions, adveitlslng, or Jobbing, ni e to be made to and addressed uuocKWAY a Fiti;i:zi:, "CYihtmbian Qlcc," UtfloMsnuno, l'.. Printed at Itoblson's Uulldlngs, near the Court House, by ('has. m. VASiitiusucr, FlEANK 11. RNVI'Klt. (Choice oftrii. MOTIIUIl'H CIHAVI!. iiy n, n. PitKNTtrn. The Ircinbllngdcwilrops fall 1'pon the shutting flowers, like souls at lest; The stars shine gloriously, and all H ive me are blest. Mother, I lovo thy gravel The lolol, with Its blossoms blue nnd mild, Wnvcs o'er thy bead. When will It wuvo Almo thy child? 'TIs n sweet llnwcr, yet must Its bright leaves totbo morning tempest bow. Denr iiiolbcr, 'tis thlno emblem dust Is on thy brow. And I could love to die;; To loavo untnsted life's dark, hitler streams, Uy thee, as erst In childhood, lie, And sliaro thy dreams. And I must linger hem To stain tho plumage of my sinless years, And mourn the hopesof childhood dear With bitter tears. Aye, I must linger hero, A lonely brunch upon u withered tree. Whose last frail leaf untimely sere, Went down w 1th thee; Oft fiom life's withered bower, In still communion with tho past, I turn And muse on thee, the only tlower In memory's urn And when the evening pale Hows Ilk a mourner on the dim blue wave, I stray to hear the night wind's wall Around the grave. Where Is thy spirit (limn? I gaze above thy look Is imaged thrro I listen, and thy gentle tone Is on the air. Oh conic while hero I prrss My brow upon thy grave, and In those mild And thrilling tones of tenderness, Itto.ss, blc.s thy child 1 ctatc of the (Country. MR. BUCKAIiEW IN DEFENCE OP SUMNER. Itrmnrks In the Hciintc, 3Inrcli lfltli, lnT upon the Supplementary Military Itrcuii structlou Kill. 4tf-lt Is almost noiseless, where quiet Is necessary. and can be used Ad-Its motions are all positive; theu-arono springs to get out of order, nnd Its simplicity en ables uuy one lo operate It, - It does not require liner tbre.idnn theuudev than for tho upper side, nnd will sew across the heaviest scum, or from one to inoro thicknesses of cloth, without change of needle, tension, break. lug thread, or skipping studios. atf-Tho Heinmer Is easily ndjusted, and will 1um any width of hem desired. Cj-N'o other Machine will do so or at a range of work as tho Florence. rjiIIK LOST CAUSE, THi: ONLY ciTANllAllII (M'liCt W. SOUTHKUX HISTORY OF Till vVAR. Uy UJwnrd A, Pollard, of Virginia. MA.Ml'llLHCHWKl'l'UXHISKItor MIFFLIN" lovi nsliln, lias procured the Agency or I olumbl. Conntv. for the sale of the above work. It com irises a mil acismiu oi inr rise nnu prunri'ss i ine laio :siuilliern l onieuerney, uie eaiiii'iimns. Iitittles. lnelilefitK and adventures of tho most irl- gantlc struggle of tho World's history. Complete lu one laigo voiumo oi ucauy aw pages, wiui TWUXTY-l'OUll HI'LFNDID STLUL FOIITUAITS of distinguished Confederate lenders. The liMo rv in ine villiqill-.ne,l lias loo oueu laueu in the pen of the victor, and to liwne Jubilee to tiie SAiiiherii cause, the nen must be taken bv Mime Holltbi I'll nian who Is vvtlllngto dev otf bis lllnc mid talents to the v luniciiiumoi nis riiiiiiirjiu. In n nutitrv wliieh sh.ill i h:illi-ti2. the erltlii-l if the In el I gent, and invlleiiie niieiiiinii oi an honest Inquirers. Mu lia work vcill lie, if tteeull.ir Interest to the candid and intelligent public of the North, and 1- ot the utiiin-t iniiiortni to the people or the Southern Mates. .Mr. l i.iru, oi all wrlteis ill (he M.utli, Is doubtless tile best qualified to piepare a e.,iui'l,'le and standard hU tiiry of the War, and toioinnitt to tlie prisent and rultire gi'iirraii'in a launiui niui vioiiuy u cord of tlii'lrgreiit snuggle mid of a cause lot, save In honor, b.ivil.g been emplnv ed iluiiug Hu nt In- period oi the War, as clllor oi a lueiiiuoiui nevisp.iptr. ( u-i.- o. I)i:i.oriii;T oiuians ami mk- I LHDUONS. L nanililously aw.irdeil the First Prize, n (iold Medal, ".i.v tiii: ltr.sr c.uitxirv oiuia.x.v Anierlcnn Institute, New Yolk, October, l-CA lint,,,, n.it, .mi,.,.,! sui-eiior In nualitv. turner and vnrh ty ot tone, and m number of eonibiuii- " v l lie hesl tn virion, 'ills of Aluel'iea were there cnnteiidlng, whichever won the battle would have nothing lett to conquer. -lllirilflil .III juurnnt, (cilltisl Iiy ii well-known niuslcal erltie.i l ney nave invu uu.cii uv i. ,.,.. .,...- ever I'Xhllilteil mis siason. l'l.liAI.OKO VNS. one, iwo noil uiree lianas 11 l,ejs-slv sles jiVl to Sl,..l0. v llhoul ped it not even nntlinrlzo theso offlccrs. who nro to bo appointed by him, to adminis ter legal otiui9 lor mo nsccnniiiiiium, vt tho most necessary fact In comptllnp; tho roKlstratlon upon which suirrnpo Is to bo based. It H said tho military t'oinniander can innko all nccosfury res- illations. That was tho answer given mo when 1 proposed an amendment, as It was the answer given when oilier amendments Introducing regulations Into tho administration or this system were ollercd. Described, then, In general terms and according to tho plain and iiiKjucstlonablofact, this section of coun try is under absolute military rule; and this whole proceeding for tho reorgani zation of civil governments nceordlng to tho wishes and according to tho plea sure of Congress Is to bo absolutely and entirely under tho control or tho mili tary power. Tliero Is not ono Jot or Ju dicial power orauthorlty to bo exercised throuuh anv court or macistrato In or about the whole proceeding from begin- ning to row. wen, men, nnu iriuy ma tiie Senator from Mtissachii'-cttH do- scrlbo thcio prospective States as States to no norn into o.xistenco aim to uikc their places among our States by vlrtuo oi tnouayonet; or, to auauiioit titu ng nro of sneeeh and to use plainer hut gunge, by military power. That he should be called to account for this lan- guago ; that tho accuracy, tho propriety, illness nnu timeliness oi tins uescri i- tion should bo Impeached, is most sur prising. I rose, sir, In behalf of common rea son and fairness to urotest in bis behnlf although I am n volunteer upon tho occasion ttL'ainit tho lustlce or the cnti fisms which have been leveled against lilin, or rather against Ills remancs Mr. STKW'AKT. I wish to say to tho gentleman that his apology 'in. be half or tho Senator from .Massachusetts Is entirely satisfactory. Mr. mJCKALKvV. Then, sir, I will proeeett to tho other point j and l pro nosolo mauo that equally plain, aim In the debate upon tho ".Supplemen tal Itecoiiatruction" bill, on the 10th of March la-t, Senator Sumner took deel ded ground against "military recon struction," declaring that the Southern States so recon.-trueted would bo open lo the imputation of being born of tho bayonet! Ho contended that tho whole subject was within tho power of Con gress and could bo arranged without military interference. He olVercd a substitute for tho bill under discus-ion, covering all the provisions of tho mili tary and supplemental bills and tho constitutional amendment ; declaring that schools, freo to all colors, should bo maintained by the States, anil excluding the Southern States from the Union un til Congress should approve their Con stitutions and become sntislied that tho peoplo thereof are loyal and well dis posed to the Union. In his speech ho iliM'hll'od. eiiiiiliiilii-iitK. Hint mi liMrUIo. tiou of Congress should tic considered a lluality, and that, until the Southern iieoulu had fully sati.-llcd the Radical pany, on every point, legislation would iioW'ea-o, and the excluded States would not be admitted to representation. Sev eral of Ills Radical colleagues wishing to ereiite tho imprcs-lon th.it tho mili tary bill was intended a a Unalitv criticised his remarks, whereupon Sena tor liucualew delivered the lollowlng remarks in Sumner's defence : Li.,,.l I .l.,l,lfi l.ntk- m'lent vnrletv. ,." to ...... . ., I.1...I.1 ...ill, I Itl. ...i..II, . .....III.',. isrf- it will iiem. len. uui.i. uitiii. i. ", ,,.,, , , ,. , ,,,-.,. wiuuiis. ,i - ....... nnd gather and won n rulllo at tho same time. It lias no springs to sot out of order, und will Inst n lifetime. err It is fully protected and tlcensecj by Kilns Howe, Jr., and our own Letters ratl'llt. Tliu taking up of tho slack-thread ts not t-K ,,.. ..t ....... i ..... , 1 1 r.tl w.ln kt,ti,4. si i ,-ntiMi nt Ji..., ,,,.,, i,ll..,l iHilnls. and ci nei-at oriran-liUe clt'ects'are superior for ihurebes, balls, i.irlors and schools. They ate put up in cases oi sniio .....I...,, , . ,,, .,.,'i.h Mil i mil new nun nun lie stvlcs'ilhd elegant roseviiHsl, of splendid deslu'lis and lllllsll, 1111,1 oi nil, l-esi woii.iiiiiiisiii,; ii i'v I... iitti.ti.ii.ti null I'.ieii iiisiriiiiieni. siuiii i' inrlelof Its class. All Instruments down to a llneoi'tavo iriiible Mclodcon.Jiuvc the lie.iutlful l reiiioi.iuie snip, nil. ,ii. . "."h. .V largo nssnriiueiii etiii-iniiii. 'lUisrcUancous. dii:t upon on hand at our fonned by the Irrcgulnr contraction of u wire coil (;,' rul wiilcsule and lletull Wareronins, Sil or uncertain operation or springs, ine iireeisnui und nccurocy with which tho Florence draws the thread Into the cloth is umipproached oy any Sewlng-Machlno hitherto otlcred In the world. lllir liuisir.lieiieireiiuu ,,', . lists, with new ireui.ir. ... i..u ... ri'inlv. send ' J'i;l.(lFltF.T, l'Fl.TON A. CO., Matiuliietlircrs .Hn.l SU Itroadwav, New Yolk City. Vn furnish each Machlnn with "llnrmim's Self. Hc.-r," which guides the work Itself.iind is of in- g(lalablu value, especially to Inexperleueo iqier. liter. II AIXKS RRO'S. 1'IAXOS. Tlir. 1'IANO OF AMIUtlCA. Tlwe Pianos are universally aeklinwiedged by competent Judges equal lu the best l'lilllo made. For references, they have ninny thousand city and llllltry ICahlelllS, IIICIUUUIKI-Ileiv ... .... mils, M'llllllillies, .c. 'hums have not only sIihmI the continual use unit neiivy praeiiee ,i uu,- j.u,, ............ used the last lllleell vears to the ulniost sntlsf.te tlnliol those Using tlieni. They havo taken premiums and medals w her evcr exhibited. Mich has been the demand for l'lanos. that Messrs. Unities Urns, have been compelled to enlillge their works lo the eMellt of Maelilno to bo nil that we ', ,,M ..' ii,a must extensive and claim Mr It, and to lvrUt win give a wniii ii ii'i i gioiiud, coiiii'rlslng a iroiunge in .m un UMiitit nussesslng tho above, nnd many other advantage, tho Floreneo Is sold ii&'orrcspondlng jnurh he), nrlces with other llrst-class Machines, and a care- 'l h ' fill examlnallou will fully substanllato ull that wo i,.,.. ciiimed for It. and Justify tho assertion wo now make, that It Is the belt Sewhig-Machlao In tho world, Liberal arrangements mado with those who buy to sell again. Further Information may bo had by Inclosing stamps to the (leneral Otlleoof the Florence Kowing-Machlno Conipanr. WO Chestnut Btreet, l'lilladelphia, l'ennsylvunlu. ruicns of siachinim. No. 1, rialn.-This Machine makes th hick and knot stltchcs.nnd has the reversible fccd...JS3 No. 2, Florence. Gold-ornamented Mnchlno, M,iih drawer, und light cover, without lock; makes all tho four stitches, und has the re vcrslblo feed ' No 3,-llver-plnted Machine, ornamented ; toblo oil-finished walnut, with heavy half casc, lock and drawer; makes all tho four stitches, and has the roverslblo feed No i Hllver-plnted Machine, highly orna mented, nnd mnkes all the four stitches, nnd has tho rcv-erslblo feed. l'ollshed mnhngnny table I'ollshed Uoscwood Table 3fo. 5,-Wnlnut table, In oil Mahogany tnble. In ll - Uoscwood table, In oil No, 0. Walnut, oil finished Mahogany table Uoscwood table - gitalin!, c They arc undoubtedly the eheni't'sl llrjt class l'i.imi hi niniki t. Fully, guaranteed lr years. scl.dforlllustratcdclrcular.Ais.sI11,ii.s xa, nv, : s, mil. a;;, i!'.; marS'OT-.'lm.l Hecoud Avenue, New oru Lltj . 975 !1 T 1). STILKS, r.i c k n si i: J aX- c t i o n i: n r, run tub TimiTEENTH 1'ensilvasi.v ntsrnici, alwnystobo found nt the Ortingevlllo Until, U Oriingi'Vllle. Kilesof real or peisoua ,pi'o'.rt.v nltelided to prompt y nnd on re.isoiiiinie in,'. Cons g iments solelt.sl and sold till eonilll bs .. . Asliiiroofpuldlt'piltrtill.i4-ert'sp;elfllllysolllllU'd. Orangeville, February 1), Is"'--''". I UCTIOX K K H. MOflKH CO F F.MAN , Ilnving follnvvetl tho profession ofl'iibllo V"" iiuKws'tYu5ln& at ei t?i t titles .".f Ids cnlllng. ivr...ini desVrli.g his services should call or wr to . to ,hi. nt lllisnnktmrg.Fa; tuuram. -ALL PKHSONS KM1W- i,...,iselioln,li tiled to the ulldcrslgneil .. .i. ...... .,,,,1 or l,v Nnle. ale O, (1. KVANS, Oenernl Agent, (i.10 Chestnut Street, I'hlladelpW. TMll DaiiKIiKOTK)X. AN KLKC Is'.rl . "t..."' . .'r.i...... ,,, .i.,. lipids. com- J linn Itir llllicers i tt, . i '.i.T , the pnnv forthe ensuing veur. vjlll Im lie lit t i public house ot J. II. KUth'f, hi the ' "I J.wlssii. on .Volllfiw. (Ac With tl'iy Of .VtlV, I?. sween the hours of one 'yofj',lV5 h Al'i.liw! Oifaulnii Jlriilgt OMkt, Hicrctary Aprils, HOT. J on Ksili .ce mm - . . j, nn, tho priqi M.IIAN v MII.I.A.IIO, llllll II. K. "!.".-' Oraiigevillc, Feb. ', I1--I1I. lMIM in: SIIUTTI.K SKV1NU-MA- M.iilv'AANPFlvT-lrillNVWuTt.sl V Coiit'ilnaU the latest Inipiovciucny.! an; spcetly V! n.r.; .:,: -Audit. wanted, i.u . .; .... ...I s eral tllstsnini uu........ Addicts uutii-iy Nnenlislu'liliients liuule, FVII'lIti: si. M. CO.. 01C llroadwav. Nuw rk Mr. 15UCKALKW. I ri-e to express the opinion that tho Senator from Mas sachusetts Is not open to criticism for the sentiments which he has expressed upon this occasion, nor for the position which he has n-uint'il. Tito former are Justl Jled by fact-, which areopen and known to all ; and the latter is a necessity im- po-ed upon lilin as the reprcsentativeof a special cuiss 01 people 111 the country. He says that these States to 'bo called into being under the provisions ot this and a prior bill will be States bom of the bayonet ; in other word', of milita ry power. This llgure or speech repre sents nothing but tho actual, honest, no torious, intll-piitablo truth. The section of country about which our legi-kitlon Is now concerned, Is bv act or Congress) divided Into live military departments, and over each of these is, or is to be, placed an ollicer not les in rank than a brigadier general of the Army of the United States, with power to take juris diction not only of civil all'air.s but to oxcivi-o ctiniitial Juri-dlction, to insti tute military tribunals, both courts martial and military couinii-sions, for the trial and punishment ot oueu di't's, anil with no limitation upon the power of the military dictator set over the district, except that when ho propo ses to take life there may be an appeal tu the President of the United States. That is tlm condition of thing's now es tablished by the act to which tills hill is u supplement. Novv.sir. what does this bill do? It provides In a section of country thus siibiected to military rule tho most un limited, for the organization of civil governments, State governments; and howv l ho military coniiiiaiiuer 01 me ili-trii't U to appoint wlionisous-er lie pleases to act under what.-oover rules he may prescribe, according to ills uwn pleaure, his own unregulated will, os agents and olllcers to execute tho plan ,,f i-niir-mnlzation nronoscd, And these, bis appointees, owing no obedience to any known law, mid without rule or regulation for their conduct other than that which be shall prescribo.aro to pro ceed to enumerate tho inhabitants, or rather to register tho electors among them, preliminary to, what? Why, sir, to their excrciso of tho most valuable and fundamental privilege of freemen tho institution of government for themselves. And for nny ubiHo of power, for any fraud, for any corrup tion, for any outrage, for any miscon duct whatever, this bill and its prede cessor aro utterly destitute of any pro vision for punishment. And then what next? After tho re turn, am Hindi! to tills military com mander lie has control of tho assem bling of tliueonvontion uy which a con siliiitlnn Is to bo formed. All subsiv .motif iirneo oiiinnsi uti to tho (lino when (lie plan Is coiisiimated, so far ns it can i.oomisiiniiimteil In theStateconeeriiod. Is to bo under his absolute control. Anil we lire Inlil in tills debate that It will i. liniirtiiier for Us lo Insert any regula ti, i whatever to nrevent fraud or to tiii. mi ii't i'ill uu- to horcmitur. (ill cient, and fair to tho citizen. Wo will objected to tho Senator from Massachti' setts that ho comes forward Jiero near tho close of the debate, at a late hour In the evening, with a new proposition; with a condition, or n guarantee, or a provision, (however you may describe it,), which looks to something further, which looks to something beyond what has heretofore been proposed. Xow, sir, I justify tho Senator from Massa chusetts for thisus well as for his descrip tion of tiic-o new States or of tho man ner in which they aro to como into ex istence, rue senator irom -viassacnu setts is the nioneer of r.tritution unon tins uoor, and 110 lias lined mat position lor years. 1 nave not oecn an inmu ii tive observer of tho general course of debate and of the ceneral succession of events in this Chamber and In thisCiov erninent during tho last live or lx vears. Anil. sir. the propositions which the Senator from Mas-acliusetts makes one year, and which are criticised by his colleagues us extreme, liuippruiniuie and untimely, are precisely tho propu sltious which those colleagues support with greater zeal and vehemence, 11 pos sible, than he. tho vcar followintr. In short, sir, we cm foresee nt ono session of CiiiiL'ress the character of the prorio sitlonsand of the arguments with which wo aro tn bo favored'nt tho next in this Chamber, by looking to the pioneer man, who goes forward in advance, his banner thrown out, his caiiso an nounced, the means by which it shall he carried on and the objects in view proclaimed with lorcoaud lratiKtiess. Now, sir, the Senator from Massachu setts sees as clearly as I see, and as oth er rellei'ting men see, that tills measure of reconstruction, as it is facetiously termed, adopted at tho late session, to which tho present bill is a supplement, is not ine conclusion .Mr. KFMxr.it. 01 course not. I of our agitations in this country upon this subject of reconstruc tion and upon the relations 01 1110 two races in the southern country ; and with that caution which a sagacious man is bound to exercise, or at least may well exercise, ho gives us notico in ndvnnco that this gulf is not closed up, that there are debates and (lilllculties and questions in tho future, and that warm passions will lie abroad. When the reconstruc tion bill, so-called, was passed near tho close of tho into si's-ion, 1 endeavored then, stating my views upon that sub ject, to give reasons for believing that it was not a measure of adjustment. I do not believe that Congress nlono will ev er settle this question, tills sectional dif iiculty about which we have had war, and about which wo are now passing laws 1 mean the relatlotisof raco and it never will be settled until it is set tled by tlit sovereign peoplo themselves at their popular elections, when they .-hall choose lo somewhat reorganize aiKl "reconstruct" our political parties ; when it shall be decreed by them that there shall be a settlement ; when they shall begin to choose agents to repre sent them pledged to end our sectional disputes with till the troubles which at tend them. 1 say, then, that in my opinion the Senator from Mus-aclui-cUs stands Jus tified by the necessities of his position a- the pioneer man of Ids political or ganization in saving tho point of honor fur hlniself for tho future, in preparing himself to point back In future times to this very debute nnd to other debates of the present session, in which ho has in dicated clearly that your contrivances fur patching up a hollow treaty of peace between tho Xorth and South did not deceive or bind him, and that ho should be at perfect liberty to re-umo or con tinue that rareer of imitation which no doubt his friends think useful, but which those who did'er .from him in opinion must bo permitted to think per nicious." DIGESTION. INFLUKNCi: OF THK UllALTII. t n lecluro delivered at tho Cooper Institute tho following suggestions wero mado on "Animal Heat, 011 tho Influ ence or Diet on Health, Strength and Long Iilfo;" Tho lecturer commenced bv savlntr that ho would speak upon food nnd drink. As these topics wero closely connected with that of digestion, ho would recapitulate some points spoken or In a previous lecture. Ho then ex plained, with tho aid of models con structed for the purpose, tho various or gans of digestion. Tho slivato glands wero an important agency 111 the utili zation of food. Their olllco was to mois ten and prepnro it for tho stomach. Iiiullids taken duriiiLr tlio meals usurped their place, while they did not discharge their functions. Hence, drinking dur ing tlio time of catlnir was to bo avoid ed ns far as possible. Tlio teeth, the masticators ot our lood, were, it used properly, lilted to last 11 hundred years. and still be in cood order. How was it that they so commonly failed us before tho middle ago had been reached? Tho answer was to be found In tho largo quantity of hot liquids taken Into the mouth, nnd tho inordinate amount of sweets consumed. The tongtio and tho rax lined minor functions in tho work of digestion. Diseases of tho throat wero generally the result or undigested food in tlio stomach, oil'eetimr the mu cous lnembrano lining of that delicate organ. 1 111s Drought nun to speaic 01 tho stomach, tho great agent In the transmutation of our rood. Tlio doctor here brought forward a model of this organ of average size. Stomachs, ho said, varied much in size 0110 pint was 1110 average capacity, wnuo mere wero somo which wero nblo to contain three gallons. Tills member of tho body, be ing mauo 01 mm and elastic material, was eapaoio 01 great distension, in it the food was mixed witli tho castric juice, necessary to properdigestlon. All stiinuiauis nun condiments cneciicd mo exudation of tills juice, llenco tho food, lying undigested in the stomach, fer mented and evolved carbonic acid gas which bcinir absorbed bv the blood ant carried to tho brain, was productive of most disastrous results. Tho tiso of ar dent spirits, lager beer and tobacco, were most vehemently condemned. Men who in perplexities resorted to the Intoxicating draught wero cowards. Tho true man should bo nblo to stand alone. The fond lincnine ehvlebv mc.-ine .7 . y . 1 01 me action 01 mo gastric juice, was passed from tho stomach through tlio t... ,..t....i 1 .v....... 1.. ,.".,. niii'Miuai canal iiurty icei 111 lengin -by whoso veins, arteries and lacteal glands n Is absorbed and distributed through tho body, to bo built up in tho various constituent parts 01 tho human system. Tho blood, supplied witli oxy gen from tho lungs, was thus purified nnu vitalized. The lecturer then en larged upon tho great importance of his theme. Tho blood depended upon the diue-tion. Tho health, hnuslness. cheerfulness, intellect, faith, religion, whole character, were dependent in a largo degreo upon tho duality of the blood. Tho food wo eat and the way in which It Is cooked nnd eaten wero thus widely influential In life. It was more important to reirulato (ho food than tho teaching of tho rj-Itiir (fenera tion. Ignorance was more out of place in the kitchen than any where eNe. The lecturer went on to speak of tho vari ous kinds of food in their relative di gestibility, etc. This portion of the leeturu was illustrated uv a peculiar "bill of fare." Tho various comesti bles wero arranged in a list indicating their respective qualities as allbrdlng nutriment, heat or calcareous matter to the system. From this list it appeared that potatoes contrary to the usually received opinion were not a cheap ar ticle of food, containing seventy-four hundredths of water and but little nourishment. They should never bo boiled, the (rue object being to get as much of tlio water out or them as pos sible, or grains, rice and oats were the most largely nourishing; wheat, ryo and corn were the next. The Scotch Highlander Illustrated the amount of courage and vitality to bo drawn from oatmeal. His tenacity and bravery as a soldier were proverbial. Of meats, beef allbrded tho highest proportion or nutriment, there being twenty-two pounds or actual vitality In every hun dred. It should bo so prepared as to avoid any waste of its juices. The doc tor advocated boiling it. Ilcaus and peas exceeded beef in their nutritive qualities. Of all food, pork is the least nutritious and the most hurtful. It should never be eaten In nny way. Xo man coum-cat hit pon; aiotto lor lour consecutive weeks and survive. In re gard to animal heat two-thirds or our rood went to tattoo and Warm us. ureani, butter, and the like wero intended lor tills end. These articles contained 11 large quantity of carbon. The lungs breathing In oxygen, to bu mingled witli thisjgener.itod animal heat. Henco tho Imiiurtanco of eivinir full ulay to the lungs. Uy a diet regulated proper ly, nil danger of cholera and contagious and epidemlcdiseasis would boavoided. A LITTLE QUAKEHESS IN A IIUItllY. An nmuslntrmntrlmonlnl story Is told of the olden time in Knglnnd. Itsofell out that "two young peoplo beenmo nt Inched to each odicr, ns young people sometimes do. Tho young woman's father was a wealthy Quaker, the young man was "poor but respectable." Tho father could stand no such union, and resolutely opposed It, nnd tho daughter dared notdlsobey openly. Sho mothlm by moonlight, wlillo sho pretended never to see 111m, nnu sno pincu nun wasted In splto of herself. Sho was really In love a statoof sighs nnd tears which women ortenerrcach in imagina tion than reality. So tho father remain ed Inexorable. Time, passed on, nnd tho roso on Mury's dnmnskcheek passed off. She let not concealment, like a worm In mo uuii, prey on mat unmitsK cneeic, however; but when her father asked her why sho pined, she always told lilin. Tho old gentleman was a widower, and loved his girl dearly, uau it been a widowed mother who had Mary In charge, a woman's pridu never would have given away before tho importuni ties of nilaughter. Men nro not, however bo stubborn in such matters, and when 1110 uuiicr saw that mo daughters heart was really set upon tho match, ho sur prised licr ono day by breaking out ; "Mary, rather than mono to death, thou hadst better marry as tlico chooses, and wncn tnee pleases." And what did Mary? Walt till tho birds of tlio air had told her swain of the change, or till her father had time to change his mind ? Xot a bit of it. She clapped her neat, plain bonnet 011 her head,, walked directly into (ho street, and then as directly to the bousoof her Intended ns tlio street could carry her. She walked into tlio housu without mocking for knocking was not fashion able then and sho found tho family Just sitting to dinner. Some little commo- lton was exhibited nt so unexpected an apparition as nn heiress in the widow's cottage, but; sho heeded It not. John looked up ituiuiringly. Sho wnlked to him nnd took his hand In hers. "John," said she, "father savs 1 may havo thee." And John got directly up from tho dinner uioiu aim w ent to mo parson s, in just twenty-four minutes they were limn and wife. WHO STEALS THEMP We understand thatall thorites, mats. nnd other portable necessaries in nnd around tho legislative halls have already disappeared. This, wearotold, is tlio reg ular orueroi thliurs alter every adjourn ment of tho legislature. At the next meeting tho halls, committee rooms, etc., will require to bo completely re llttod and furnished, at a heavy cost to tho State, and yet there has never been a sale public or private so far as the audited reports sho it. of surplus furnish ings, llundretlsof desks, tables, chairs, etc., and thousands of yards of costly carpets, oil-eloths, matting, drugget, to say nomine of thousands of small port- ifplo articles of many kinds, havo thus disappeared and "made no sign." Tho amount of brooms and soap annu ally required auotitme canltoianu puD- ill! oftlcos is nlinost linvnnd hoHef. Sill- gular to say, however, the larger tho uuis lor mose things mo moro iieiue ment results. Wo aro told that thous ands of brooms and tons of soap so called aro charged to and paid by the Senate annually, when, if properly billed, brooms would read beer and soap would spell whisky, brandy and gin. A friend tells us that, a year or two ago, be lrequently saw messengers from tlio Hill carrying suspicious-looking packages from a neighboring t;ro ccry. lleitig intimate with tho grocer, ho put the question to him how could ho get liquor bills audited and pa-scd? "Oh." renlied tho trroeer. with a smile. "that is easy enough. I cbargo It as 1. 1 II w-.. ..?.. l.t.. Wit amd'Sutyor CURIOt'S MItDLKV. By the lnko Mrhero ilrsopod the willow, Ilow, vrnsntp, Ilow; I wnnt to tm on nttgcl, And Jump Jim Crow. ' ( An old Crow Mit on a hickory limb, t , None knew him but to pralso;' Iet me klM him for hU mother, Forho smelWof Rcliwrtt-rkftstV The minstrel to thewnr lifts gone, Willi tho brmjo on kneo j lie nwoko to henr the sentries shriek There's n lllit In the window for the. A frotf ho wouM ft wooing go, 1T1 hfilr wero curled to kill ; lie used to wrtir nnd old rey coat, And tho sword of Hunker II111, Oft In the Btllly nlRht, Mflkc wny forllberty! he cried; I won't po homo till mornlnc. With Veny 1J my side. I nm ilylnir, TKypt dying, Susannah don't you cry j Know how MiWIme n thlmt It To bnnh nwny the bluc-tullftd fly. The boy stood on tho burning deck, With his brtfcRneo checked for Troy ; Ono of tho few Immortal nnmtw, llh name was rut Maloy. Mary had n little lamb, He could n tnlo unfold x Tie had no teeth to eat a hoe cake. As his spectacles wcr gold. Lay on, lny orl, Macduff, Man wants but little hero nlow: And I'm to be queen of May, Ho kiss me quick and go, A YouKfi lady Is chnnred with liavinir snid that ifneart whoci hasnlno fellows, nan jiity a pretty gin can't nave one. A. wit ha discovered that the reason n telegram rocs faster than n letter, Is because tho lattcrpoos by one post, while tlio other goes by many. Tunun Is no creator obstacle In tho way of success in life than trusting for something to turn up instead of going steadily to work nnd turning up eomo- tinng. .1 . 1 1 iV makriki) monstersavs he once had n most delightrul dream, in which ho imagined ho had nn angel by his side, and on waking up found it was only his wife. "Wiru, I thought you said you were going to have n goose for dinner?" so 1 uiti : nnu I've Kept my woru." "Where is It?" "Why. iiiv dear, ain't you hero for dinner?" Smithcrs couldn't see tho point or that Joke. In tho course of a conversation or disqulsiton on Satan, Archbishop Whately onco started his listeners by asking : "If the dovll lost his tail, whero could wo go to find a new one?" and without giving much timo for reflection, replied ; "To a gin palace, for bad spirits aro retailed there." brooms and soap." Wo presume, this again If her husbaud gets killed. Shu way of doing It is still going on, partic ularly as tno amount 01 glassware con sumed is also Immense. It is evident that somebody (perhaps several somebodies) gets tho property that disappears without uaviutr for it. and without any right to do it. This is till wrong. In plain terms itisthel't,and and sliHtild be stopped. In other Start's and at the federal Capitol, surplus and half-worn furniture and furnishings are sold at auction to the highest bidder. 1 Ills plaii'Shoulil lie tuloptetl here, ami "Samiio, can you tell mo in what buildiurr people are mo.t likoly to take cold? "Why no; rae'fl strange in do town, nnd can't tell dat." "Well, I will tell you It isdo bank." "How is dat?" "Uecauso dare aro so many drafts in iti" Dat is good; but ran you tell me sah, what makes dare be so many drarts In It V, "No." , "liccause so may go dare to raisettho wind; yah, yah, yah." A woman says what s. lie choo.-es, with out being knocked down for it. Sheean take a snoo.oafterdlniier.while herhtis band goes to work. Sheean go into the street without being asked lo "stand treat" nt every saloon. Sheean stay at homo in timo ot war, aim get marrieii can wear corselets if too thick, and other llxlngs if too thin. Sheean get divorced from her husband whenevershoseesono bho likes better. Sho can cot her hus band in debt .all over until bo warns thn public not to'trust h'er on his account. Hut all these advantages' aro balanced by tho great fact that she cannot sing bas, go sparking, or climb u treo with any degree of propriety. Pickings toom I'UNon. Substitutes for Profane Swearing Adopted to varl- the sooneit is adopted the better for ous Sorts and Conditions of Men the taxnavers. Patriot and Union. Lawyer : Tax my bill. It is scarcely necessary to remark that Mr, ljuckulew's declarations aro rapidly approaching fulfillment. Tho iiiietness or apathy with which tho Southern ncoulo havo accented tho grinding provisions of tho despotism bills, has nlready brought almostull tho liadieal leaders ovcr.to Sumner's posi tion that thoso bills shall not bo consid ered a lluality. Although his substi tute for tho military bill was defeated by a voto of 120 to 0, thero Is not now a slnglo Kadleal leader except Senator Wilson who contends for Southern rep resentation upon the acceptance of tho odious and tyranlcal conditions of the military bill. and. lor so doing, bo is subjected to tho indignity of being ta ken to task by Tluid. Slovens as an 1111 authorized peddler of amiiesty. Simiitiir Kiicl.-iilew's remarks aro Im noi'tiint as showhiL' how completely bo understands the ltadloat party and how accurately he has measured Its leaders. J'titrlot it I'nlon. What is Tin: L'siiv Tlio tacts men tioned In tho following, from the Haiti- more (azetle, make it manifest that thero Is no longer much uo in having a Judicial branch of tho Government : It Is notorious tliiUm decision of tho Supremo Court, If favorablo to the com plalnunt, would bo treated on all titles having power witn utier cuuiempi. r.v ery other bruiivk of the (Jovernmcnt would regard it as so much waste pa per, and thereby sink still lower tho au thority of tho Judicial department. Havo wo not been tho decisions of this tribunal in respect to tho tot oaths and tho judgments' or military courts en tirely repudiated by Congress anil the Kvceutive Is not tho infamous test oatli still administered by tho ofuclals in Congress in every executive. depart ment of tho Government, and In subor dinate judicial tribunals.' Aro not Dr. Mudd und his fcllow-sulTerers btill in carcerated in tho Dry 'i'drtugas, Ben tenced bv a conclave pronounced by thlii very court tho highest court of Ju dicature In tlio country to havo been assembled In utter violation of law'.' n nut hundreds of others at this mo ment siitferlng punishment indicted by the taxpayers. Patriot und Union. PROFESSOR AGASSI3 ON THE NEGRO. In a recent lecture Agassiz remarked: "I have pointed out over a hundred specific diilerences between tho bonal and nervous Kvstetiis of tlm white man and negro. Indeed, their frames tre alike in no particular. Thero is not a bono In the negro's body which is re latively the samr shape, size, articula tion. or chemically of the samo comiio sltion, us that of the white man. Tlio negro's bones contain afarirreutor per centagu of calcareous s.tlts than those of tho white man. even the negro's blood Is chemically a very ditVerent lluid from that which courses in tho veins of tho whiteman, The whole physical organism of tlio ncgrodlfiersquiteasmuch from the white man's as it does from mat 01 tno chimpanzee that is, in his uones. muscles, nerves, anil fibres, thochimpan zee has not much further to progress to hecumoa negro than a negro litis 10 uo come a white man. This tact science inexorably demonstrates. Climate has no more to do witli tho dif ference between tlio white man and negro than It has with that between tho negro and chimpanzee, or than it lias between tho horse nnd the itss, or the eaglo and tho owl. Jiucii is a instinct und separate- creation. Tho negro and tho white man wero creiueuus iiute.-eiu as tho owl and tho eagle. They wero designed to fill different places in the system of nature. Tho negro is nonioro a negro by accident or misfortune than tlio owl Is tho kind 6f bird ho Is by acci dent or misfortune Tho negro is no more tho white man'a brother than tho owl Is the sister of tho eagle, or tlio ass is tho brother of tho lion, llov stu pendous, anil yet how slmpls is the iloctrlno tint tho Almighty .Maker of tho unlvcrso has created Inherent spe cies of tho lower animals, to fill the different places and olliccs in tlio grand scenery of nature!" solemn decl-bm or tho Illegality of this conviction delivered six months ago V What, then, is to bo gained by even a ravorablejudgment under such circumstances, Hi; suro the wicks of your keroscno lamp aro large enough to fill tho tubes, otherwise when the oil gets low, tlio similar unauthorized gatherings after aitiro may run down inside tlio lamp, ig nite iho gas and produce an explosion. Ink Isa caustic which sometimes bums the lingers of those who make use of It. Doctor: Dash my draughts. Soldier: Snap my stock. Parson: Starch my surplice. llricklaycr : I'll be plastered. Ilrieklaycr'u Laborer : Chop my hod. Carpenter: Saw me. Plumber and Glazier: Soldcrmy pipes Smash my panes. fainter: I'm uauueii. . Hrower: I'm mashed. Kngineer : Burst my Holler. Ktocker : Souse my coke. Costermonger : llot my taturs. Dramatic Author: Steal my French Dictionary. Actor: I'll do insscu. Tailor : Cut me out. Cook my goose. l.lneiulraper: Soil my Silks. Sell me ot.. Grocer : Squash my figs, band my sugar, beize my scales. liaker: Kneuilmy dough, bcorcnmy muffins. Auctioneer: Knock mo down. Tho lleggar's I'ar.tdis-e. Tuttersall's. Tlio Hisiiif (icneiatiou. The I'cninns. AOE.vn.i-UAS travelingto Pittsburgh from 0110 of tlio neighboring towns, stopped toseo ti friend, nnd left his liorso tied on tho road. Onlds return ho found that tho animal hd slipped his bridle, and while in starch of htm he met 1111 Irish pcdestraiii.ofwhomholiiquired. 'Havo you seen ustrangocreaturouny wbers hereabouts, with a saddle on his back."' "Och, by the powers, ye may say that,' replied Pat. "Whero V" "Just yonder." "Will you show mo the place ?" That will, in less than no time,' said thniuu, approaching u small wood of young tiinbor. "Ay, thero hu is, sure enough, honey." , , , Tho gentleman looked up, and said: "I dont see hiiu." "Then, by Subit IV.trlck, you must ho blind! Jfot sci tlm? .'11st cast your eyes in tht'.t direction. Och, by tho power of mud, wliot'shofibout now? Only set, ho swallows hUhead!" "Why, sir, thi't's a turtle, und not a horse." ... .i "A horso! and who lu the deuco said it was a horso? Sure a horso is not 11 strange creature; but that's u strange creature; pointing to it with fear and trembling; "and he has tisadilleou; but hang mo If I'd bridle him lor tho whole country." i 1 A 4', a m A