THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBU11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. amm-'js gcnavtmcnt. Palilori-Scnls lltitt-Ilnds, Header, Imvo you over tested tliu mut ter to ascertain which will yield tho lnrcer crop, seed or butt emit, cut so us tho weights will be about equal ? If so, you doubtless ascertained that tho butt ends bad considerably tho advantage, both In quantity and iunlly, and wcro also some two weeks earlier. Why .Is this so? I answer, simply becauro tho seed ends havo moro eyes and send forth a superabundance of shoots. Some years ago, I road a Patent Ofllco report whero a parcel of potatoes that had been cut threo or four days, and m a conscqucnco considerably shriveled, exceeded largely In amount a parcel that wcro planted fresh. My curiosity being excited upon this subject, I was led to try a number of experiments In order to nsccrtain tho causo of this singular phenomonon "Without giving a detailed history of my operations, I ascertained that tho causo was simply owing to tho fact that tho shriveled portion sent forth fewer tubers, Upon this sumo prlnclplo wo can readily account why butt-ends exceed seed ends. After this I Improved my pro duct largely, both In quantity and qual ity, by throwing out tho tubers, leaving but a sluglo stalk at a place. I havo thus had seven single plants to fill a half bushel, eight would heap it, and the joint product of two plants weighed eleven pounds. Tho extra tubers can readily bo transplanted and make a flno yield. Thoy aro moro hardy for transplanting than tho sweet-potato, and yield equally as well. Potatoes, as a gonernl thing aro crow ded too much for a largo yield. A sin gle tuber for every two feet squaro I think Is Milllclcntly close, whero tho ground Is rich, and 1 am not certain that a greater distance would result advan tageously.. Tho most, however, that can bo dono now is to thin out your present crops. A AViuter In TieCircular ("Walling- ford, Ct.,) gives tho following simplo and easy method to ascertain if pickles contain any copper : Tho test is made by simply thrusting n bright nccdlo Into a pickle and allowing it to remain there several hours. If thero is any copper present It will bo deposited on tho nee die, giving It tho characteristic red color of tho metal. From ono specimen of pickles, which wero warranted not to contain any copper, a heavy deposit of tho metal was obtained by this test with in six hours. Tho copper is present as an acetate, and may como from boiling tho vinegar or pickles in a brass or cop per boiler that has been allowed to be come coated with tho acetate of copper , orvcrdlgors. Somo manufacturers havo been known to use this pigment in tho manufacture of pickles, to produce tho fine, permanent green color which by fcomo Is thought to bo so desirable in this nrtlclo of diet. It may bo taken as a rule, that pickles, with a permanent green color, contain copper. The test is tho needle, nnd any ono can try it. American Artisan. Corn Bread. Ono quart of coarsely ground yellow corn meal, ono tea-cup of wheat flour. Add threo tcaspoonsful of Aziimca. Pass thowholo through a slovoand incorpor ate thoroughly. Then wet up with milk to a pretty stiff batter. Beat up two eggs ; melt two spoonfuls oj any clean fat or drippings, so it bo sweet and frco from all odor ; add to thoeggs, then two spoonsful of cheap clean sugar, and a dessert-spoonful of flnosalt. Stirtheao all together first, and then In with tho batter, making itso thin that It will lift heaping a littlo on a spoon. Havo tho oven pretty hot, dripping pan ready greased, in with tho batter an inch decy evenly in tho pan Into tho oven at once, and bako till tho crust is a bright brown and tho bread thoroughly dono through. Follow this formulafaithfully and if you havo not as a result as good corn bread good either hot, warm or cold, as over was eaten, you aro at lib erty to fall back upon first principles rotting us down In yourmindas a know nothing. To Pry Oyattri. Thero is no dish moro easily cooked and nonosooften spoiled as fried oysters, Drain your oysters throughly, (they should uo largo and of tho best quality. then put them into cracker crumb.-; havo eggs bulllcclnt for tho quantity, well beaten nnd seasoned with pepper and salt; turn each oyster round in this liquid, then cover it again with cracker crumbs, nnd lay it on n dish largo enough so that each oyster shall bo beparato: havo some of tho finest lard or butter bolllny hot, tho hotter thobctter, so It docs not burn, into which plunga your oysters a few times, nnd as soon as thoy aro well-browned remove them to a dish and throw over tliem a napkin, notacloso cover. Geriuuntown Teleyraph. Thcso may bo plantpd as soon as tho ground can bo worked. Won't plant tho first planting too deepj two or threo Indies will do; nnyof tliofervalled extra early peas will do; they aro all tho Mine. Tho pen vino will continue In bearing longer If tho roots aro shaded from tho heat of tho sun. This can read ily bo ' dono, by ..planting radishes, beets, lettuce, or somo other such crop along tho outsldo rows, after the peasaro up nnd once hoed, it Is a good plan to plnnt tho rows adout 18 Inches npart, and lean tho brush lnwards,so'that tho tops will touch, tho vines will lnterlocl and form a strong brace Sue Isaac Newton boingasked why ho never smoked, replied, "! will not mako to myf-elf any necessities." Cnhltngt, Tho plants of early sorts may now bo sot out, ami seed sown for a later crop. m. ' ' Turnip. Tho early sorts may bo sown for nn early crop. j ov tit c (goths. 1IM.NO MAN ASH TIII5 IJIiKI'HANT. It was siv incnof Hlttdnostnn, To learning much Inclined, Who went lo eo tho elephant (TlimiKlti nil of them wcro blind), That each by observation Might satisfy hit mliul. Tho first approached Iho elephant, Ami happening lo full Against hit Mil rdy side, At onco began to bawl t "God bless mo! but tho elephant Is very like n wall !' Tho second, feeling of Iho ttislc, Crleil, "llol what Imvo wo hero, Bo very round Anil smooth anil (sharp? To mo It Is mighty clenr, Thin wonder of nn elephant Is very Ul:o n spear 1'' Tho third approached tho animal, And happening to tako His squirming trunkwlthln bis bands, Thus boldly tip nnd spnko : , "I see," quoth bo, "tho elephant Isory llkoiisnakol' The fourth reached out bis eager hand And felt nbout bis knee; "What most Ibis wondrous benst Is like, It mighty plain," quoth bo J "Tls clear enough.tho elephant Is very like a tree I" Tho fifth, who chanced to touch the car, Sntd, "Even blindest man Can tell what this resemble most j Deny tho fact who can, Tills marvel of nn elephant ' It very likon tan?" Tlio sixth no sooner had begun About tho beast to grope, Than seizing on tho swinging tall That Ml within his scope, "I see," quoth he, "tho elephant Is very like r ropo I" And so these men of Hlndoostan Disputed loud nnd long, Knell In his own opinion Exceeding stiff nnd strong, Though each wcro partly in the right, And nil wero In Iho wrong 1 THE BEAR'S TAIL. a northern legand. Did you cversco a bear'.' If you havo you know that It has a short tall. Ono would think, to look at it, that it had been broken oil. Tho Norso folk havo a legend which claims to tell how the bear's tall come to look llko that. I'll tell you tho story. The bear ono day met tho fox. It was carrying a strmgof ilsh that It had stolon " Whcredid you get thoso Ilsh V" asked tho bear. "I'vo been fishing," said the lying fox "and caught them." "Caught them, did you?" asked tho bear, "why I'd llko to learn how to catch such fish." "Would you, really ?"asked tho fox "Why, It's easy enough." "Tell mo how," rejoined tho bear. "Why," said tho fox, "It's as easy as lying. Youcau soon learn H. Juxtyou go on tho ico and cut a holo in it, and then stick your tallthrough it right into the water." "Ain't it cold ?" asked tho bear. "Well yes said tlio fox, "it isn't over and above hot; but never you mind that. Let it stay Just as long ns you can. I3y and by your tail will begin to smart. Never mind that either." 'Hut why should I not mind it'." asked tho bear. "I don't quite understand." "Why, because when it smarts, that Ehcwstho fish aro biting it,"said tho fox, "Bless my soul," growled tho bear, "and how does that help tho matter I don't seo tho propriety of allowing tho fish to bite my tail. Do you know'.'" "Dutbear alive," wild tho fox, tho longer you let em bito tho moro you'll catch." "Olf no!" answered tlio bear, "cir cumstances alter cases." "Yes, truly," rejoined tho fox, "nnd mind you, when you can't keep it in tho water any longer, pull it out quickly pull It sideways and pull it with nil your might." "Thank you, fox," said tho bear. "I'll go nnd do it at once." Tho bear went down to tho Ico nnd did as tho fox told it to do. IIo kept his tail la tho water so long, that It frozo In hard and fast. Then ho tried to pull It out as tho fox told it to do. You can guess tho end of tho story Tho poor bear's tall snapped oil" quite short; and that's tho reason if you chooso to bclivo tho legend wily tho bear has been stump-tall over since. bnclc James. Ix the Beginning. "Whero did you get your nico new warm sack asked a lady of a littlo cirl. "From God, ma'am," said tho littlo girl modestly. "Why, did not your mother mako It neked tho ladv. 'Yes, mother sowed it.' said tho ehlhl "And did she not buy tho cloth of tho shop-keeper?" asked the lady. "Yes,"said tho littlo girl, "but tho shop-keeper bought it from tho factory whero it was spun and wove, nnd tho factory bought tho wool from tho far mer, and tho farmer took it from tho lamb's back, and tho lamb got it from God, who clothes tho littlo Iambs with (helrsoft wool to keep them warm. Tho Iambs could not dress themselves, nor could their mothers dress them. God dressed them. So God is thobeglnnlng, mother says and without God I should not havo had It." That is tho very first thing tho Diblo sa vs : " In tho beginning Ood created tho heavens nnd tho earth." And so every thing in tho world tslncn every thing wo eat, drink, or use, If wo follow them up to tho beginning, wo shall find God, God o very where. uiicu'sj'apei: A HEMAHKAHLH Yr.Alt Tl,n s.nnr 16G7 will bo a very wentful ono to overv ..,!.! ,. i 3 . , .... . " iimiuuii wini irets married. I'lirniurimtit tho coursoof tho wholo year, whenever tho moon wanes tho nMds win irm. dark. Whoever Is In lovothlsyearwlll think his sweet heart nn autre!. Wlmnwr gets married will Mud out whether It is true. If a .voungladvhamicnsloliliikl slio will look red in tho face. If sho dreams of a vomicr man thr II If'Il Jul In succession, it is n sign of something. n nnynody . limns overboard without kllOWillL' llOW to Mvllll. It li tier, In hogets drowned. If any ono lends an umbrella, it is ten to ono ho is obliged to go nomo J ii tiiornln for his pains, DRY GOODS, &c. fi HANI) OPENING! Or GRAND OPENING GRAND OPENING GRAND OPENING GRAND OPliMNQ pall and winteh good?, FAMj AND WINTER. GOODS, EALI, AND W1NTKII GOODS, fALL AND WINTUK GOODS, FALL AND WINTEH GOODS, consisting ot consisting of consisting of consisting of consisting of DRY GOODS, IlllY GOODS, DltY 000D9, DUY GOODS, DltY GOODS, If ATS AND CAT'S, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAPS, 1IAT3 AND CAPM, HOOTS AND SHOES, HOOTS AND SHOES, ROOTS AND SHOPS, IiOOTS AND SHOES, HOOTS AND SHOES, READY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHING, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-GLASSES. NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, POINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, TAINTS AND OILS, I'AINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, GROCERIES. GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, QUEl'-NSWARE, QUEENSWARE, QUEENSWARE, QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, SALT, SALT, SALT HALT, SALT, risn, FISH, PI6II, I'lTH, FISH, GRAIN AND 6EEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, QRAIN AND SEEDS, Ac., Ac. 4o., McKELVY, NEAT, t CO.'S, MCKELVY, NEAL A CO.'S, McKEI.VY, NEAL CO.'H. MCKELVY, NEAL & CO.'S. McKELVY, NEAL 4 .CO.'S. Northwest corner of Main nnd Market Rtrecte Northwest corner of Main nnd Market Strata) Northwest corner of Main nnd Market Streets) Northwest corner of Main nnd Market Streets, Northwest co rncr of Main nnd Market Streets nLooMsnuno, pa., nLOOMSIIUUO, PA, HL005tsnuitr, ta., IlI.OOMSIIUIttl, pa,, III.00MSI1UR0, PA. IRON AND NAILR, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IKON AND NAHM IRON AND NAIlS; fnn'l?an4.'lU'inUtlM Rnd at "dud ratca.nlwny DRUGS & MEDICINES. JQllUG AND OHEJIICAIj BTOJlIi, RIooimburg, I'n, DRUGS, CHEMICAL, PAINTS, PERFUMERY AND TOILirr AUTICLUS. EVER A MOYEll respectfully lns.Ho ft eontlnuniico of pntronngo. Their Drugs nnd Medicines nro nil selected Willi the grentest core, nvoldlng ns mucli ns posmio tho Introduction of delirious nostrums, nnd nro purchased from tho best Inipmllng houses In tho country, PATENT MEDICINES of nil kinds, including Aycr's, Jnyne's, llollo wny's, llofctctter's, Wishnrt's, Hoollniiil, Ac. constantly on hand. COAL OIL AND ALCOHOL. HAIR, TOOTH, NAIL, AND CLOTHES BRUSHES PAINTS AND CHEMICALS of every variety, nnd of Iho best fiunllty, FANCY TOILET ARTICLES. The public may rely nt nil limes on procuring tho nbovo articles, with nil tho new useful prepara tions kept In the best conducted establishments. PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS nnd Family Receipts compounded with tho great est accuracy nnd dlspnteh. ltKSU A1UUVAL OF XUW GOODS. The undersigned nns just nrrivcu from tho City with n, lnrgo nssortment of Drugs, Mnllcincs, Paints, Oils, VnrnWics.nndDyo Stun--, Rendy-Mndo Clothing, Perfumery, Toy nnd Fancy Articles, Druggist's Glassware, Drnshes, Trusses nnd Supporters, nnd n genci nl assortment of c cry thing that belongs to n well-appointed Drugstore, Also Patent Medicines ofnll kinds, Mich as Jayno's, Aycr's, Wlsbart's, Wluslow's Soothing Syrup, lhown'8 Troches, Swain's Panacea, linker's Cod Liver Oil, Hoofland's Hitters constantly on hand. Also MOROCCO LEATHER, KID, FRENCH MOROC CO, FRENCH CALFSKINS, PINK TRIlfMINOS, HINDINGS, by tho dozen or naif-dozen. Also SHOE-FINDINGS, FISHING-TACKLE, Ac. Having had a largo cxpcrtcnco In tho drug bust nebs, I would respectfully lnvitu thoso wishing anything In that lino to call nnd see my stock be fore purchasing clsen here. "In medicines quality is of tho first impoitancc." JOHN It. MOVER. GROCERIES, &a, 2sT E W S T O It E A N I ir77 W GOOD S', i x MITFLINVIUX, COLUMWA COUNTY, PA. TiiKsuWrlber rrr,f,pt fully Informs fi lends nnd the public tlmt ho luv Just rot it i netl fiom tho cny wiui a irosn mm wen soiwum APKOUTMEXT OV MKItCHANmZi:, ntirt lian opnncil a stnro In tlio mom formoilvoc ouuletl by Menlien Wolf. His slock consists of cerytlilnn usually kept In a flrM-elfts country fciore, hum as imv gooiw, oiioct:iitus iiAiinwAtti:, ci:iau WAttE, imm, Mrweisivs &v., .ir. IIo hopt'S lo merit a Miaro of Uc public pntrou- tn,i.n .i, .uiijijui'. MillllnvUle, May 3, 1 07. pONFECTIOXEUY, FJtUIT, XUTS, STOIINER A WIDMEYER, MANUKA(TUlli:llS 01' 1'laik Axii fa.vcy co.rj:crjoxj;iir, ANn TIHALKKS IN" ' FOREIGN FKUITS AND NUTS, Exchango lllnck, Hloomslmrg, Pa. ORANGUS, LEMONS, RAISINS, PRUENS, FIGS, DOLLS, AC, UKEAI) AND CAKES, of nil kinds. All orders promptly attended to, Tlio undersigned having formed n copartner ship under tho nnmo nnd firm of SToiiNnit A WiDMirvnn, will continue at the "Old Stand" the business of confcetloneiy, fruit, nuts, Ae, HERNHARD KTOIINER, FltEIl. E. WIDMEYER. Bloomsburg, April ", 1m!7. E M O V A L O V C. C. JI.UtK'S N E W S T O It E to sir i vji'.i it lo c k, O.S-TIlECOltNmS OV M.VltKKT AX11 II'.OS St 11I1KTS. Tho undcrslgneil bnvlng received from tlio city n full nnd complclo suiply of SPRING AND SUMMER DltY GOODS AND GKOCEIUES,- NOTIONS, TIN-"WAItE AND IIAIIDAVAIIE, CKDAll AXJ) WlI.LOW-WAlli:, CONFECTIONERY, GLASS-YYARE, T OBACCO, II A T S A Ar I) H II O !: S, FLOUR, SALT, FISH, AND MEAT, nil of which I proposo sclllnsnt n very low llgu.'o for cash or produce. Cnll nnd see. April li, 1X17, C. C. MARR. JOHN STHOUl1 &. CO., Successors to Stroup A Hrother, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FISH, No, 21 North Wli irvos, nn 1 25 North Water St., Philadelphia. "Y7"KAYKU lt SIMtANKliE, WHOLESALE GROCERIES AND COMMISSIONS MERCHANTS, Nos, 22.1 nnd 227 Arch Street,. Philadelphia. gCUELL, liEnGElt & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Dealers im FISH, SALT, CHEESE, PROVISIONS, Ac, Nos. 122 nnd 121 North AVhan es.nbovo Arch St. Philadelphia. Solo ngents for Wilcox's Wheel Rrniu In l,nr. rels, kegs, nnd cans, JSTAULISllED 171).). JOItDAN A nitOTHER, WHOLESALE GROCERS, and Dealers In SALTPETRE AND BRIMSTONE. No 2U0 North Thlnl Street, Philadelphia. QOTTltELL, & AYU1JS, Wliolesalo Dealers In ITSH.CIIEISIAr, Ac. Nn. 109 North Wharves, kecoud ito,r above. Areli Street, 1'hlhKlelphla, JJ V. l'HTJJIWIAX, wliii LlppiNCorr.tTiimwii WHOLESALE OROt'EIW. No. 21 North Water Street, nnd No. 2u North Delaware A.vcnue, Philadelphia. TOR POINTING Neatly execntcd nt thU Oillcs, DRY GOODS. HUllltAll l'Olt CATAWISSA1 ... 1 . Iinll ,1 t ,,,, , ,VU Goods to compare with stringency of tho money market. Look 'and eomimro prices before pur chasing elsewhere. Just call nt the f.ivorlto busi ness slniul of McNINCH A SIIUMAN, and you will bo met by tho obliging proprietors or their clerks, and shown tlirougu ineirgreiu vniieiy store freo of charge, of course. They will nlveymi a fair chanco lo spend your loose change, Ibcy trust much moro prolllably than It can bo spout elsewhere. Their STOCK OF DRY GOODS this Spring Is much larger In nil Its varieties than usual. Their LADIES' DRESS GOODS nro of the nicest stlrs In market. They havo n lino assortment of 1 1 ATS, CAPS, HOOTS AND SHOES, SUMMER CLOTHS, CASS1N171S, CASSIMERHS, AND V1STINGS, and numerous articles common to Mich establish' incuts, besides n general assortment of HARDWARE, TINWARE, QUEENSWARE, AND GROCERIES, all nt greatly t educed prices. They wish to con duct their business on tho system of "PAY AS YOU GO," and they think they can afford to sell ery cheap, They i etui n their thanks lor many past favors, and nsk tho future patronage of their foiiner cus tomers and the public generally. MrNINLTt A SIIUMAN. ItjimtUSTEIt & UltOTlIElt, Importers nnd Jobbers of HOSIERY, GLOVES, SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, RUTTONS, SUSPENDERS, HOOP'SKIRTS, HANDKERCHIEFS, THREADS, SEWING SILKS, TRIMMINGS, PORTE MONXAHIS, SOAPS, l'ERFUMERY, FANCY GOODS, AND NOTIONS GENERALLY, AKo MnnufaetuieTs of HRUSIIES AND LOOKING GLASSES, nnd Dealers In WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, HROOMS, ROPES, TWINES, Ac. No. 300 Noilh Third Street, above Vine, Philadelphia, s. with L. ISETTLE, VUSH, HUNNACO., DHY GOODS, No. 19 Noi Ih Third Slieet, 1'lillndclphlii. M 31. IAltl'l.E, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, GLOVES. AND FANCY GOODS, No. i! North Tlilril Slieet, Philadelphia. J. liKSTEH, "Wholesale nnd Retail Dealer la foreign and domestic carpets, oil cloths; window shades, ac No. 29 North Second Sticct, opp. Christ Church Philadelphia. JAltCItOKT & CO., Importer and Jobbers of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, CLOTHS CASSIMERES, 1SLANKETS, LINENS, DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, Ac, Philadelphia. NDUKWS, WlhlvlNS &. CO., Dealers In FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, No.,W Maiket Stieet, Phllndelplila. JOSE1MI s. di:li, Manufacturer of nml Wholesalo Dealer In CLOTHING, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, AND VUSTIXGK, No. II North Thlnl Stieet, Philadelphia. ATSON A JANNEY, Impoi tcrs nnd Jobbers ot SILK AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, Ac, No. S23 Market Street. Philadelphia. MISCELLANEOUS. JOWE, EUSTON A CO., Mnuuractureis and Wholesale Dealers hi JTrON YARNS, CARPET CHAINS, HaTTS, WICKS, TIE YARNS, CORDAGE, HROOMS, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, LOOK'G GLASSES, CLOCKS, FANCY HASKETS, TAHLE, FLOOR, AND CARRIAGE OIL CLOTHS, Ac, No. KM Maiket Sin ct, south side, Philadelphia. rjiIIE KEYSTONE CI.OVEU SEED S T Jt I 1' 1' E It . I'ATUSikii o(-roni;it 2, ISOO. This simple, though eil'ceilve mneblne Is ndmlt. ted by nil scIeulllleobselAerslobelhemoxt illlett device for K.ilbellllg clover seed J et discovered. A mere glaneo nt It Is Kiuniieiil ti nvlnco tho most obtuse iiilud of its practical utllltv. It itripsih(!elocrheaiI Horn the stalk leaving tho Straw standing ufion Ihe giound. It Is easily drawn by one horse, and leiiulres but ono man or boy to work It, It lscompoit.fcimplK In structure, nnd not Ru ble to gel out of onler, nnd can be cheaply got up. Ihe great nduintiw In this machine Is, wo have IhOMcd gathend 111 thorhntl', lor the cloer mill or liuller, iKsldes kiiIii tlio great lengt h of t ineand labor of mow lug, handling and thieslilng It lioiu Ihctinw, It will also iiav ev eiy farmer togalher his seed Willi this inuehlne, oil aceoiint of the saving of the sotfd which is lost In Iho old way of gniheilng It. Extraordinary liiduccmciiisoncicdtocucrgcllc men who wish lo pun hasestatoor eouiiiy Rlthts. For particulars oddrcs WElti'MAN A REINHOLD, Jnn25'07, Columbia Ciiiiiitypn. EADVILEi: Til EO T.OO I C A l SCHOOL. Tim Full l,.r l,..., s: ...' 1. TilU l''uctill-nf invtriii.l I,,,, .r lesldcnt and f.air noii.r,.lil,ii i,n.i...n. .....i ! ""?'., i '" educate young men for Iho t lulstlun Ministry, There U a piciioiutory i lass lor those w bo lme nut ieeelid a collegiate education, line bundled and sixty dollais u venr nie granted lo binelli lailes, with an additional sum In special ni . The iiiltlon, u-e oi Llbmiy tex';oooks, are fne lo all. The M hool was lollll.led by the I nllarlan anil Christian ilelioml lllltlous.bul Is open to nil vim hcllcc ill the ill ;'J';,.'.rlKl," "f 'l"iHaiill.v. The Lil.inryeon.lsU of SiHO Mllllllies. Application may bo made to Rev. A. A. Llrr W""',' l,',r,',l'.lll of tho Hoaid ol lii.tiuctioii, MeadNllIe, Pa. novi7-ly pATA WISSA It Al MtUAD, ,V, A',?1,rr',',';VoV.(.,;,,,''" " ,r"l,ik m Ex!;,r'ei,srA,:M-.,:imlra J,,iU nt J GuiMi sm ui.-Phlladelphln Mull at II A.M.! Now YorkExpieniut I i'.m. ' GEOltajJ WE11U, Supt, TOBACCO & SB GARS. fJMIK ONLY I'liACU to get the best - TOIIACCO AND CIGARS, , AT WHOLESALE AND Rin'Air, is at llUNOSllintOEIVS, a few doors lielow tho American House, llloomshurg, Pa, Ho has tho largest nnd most select of SMOKING AND CMWING TOIIACCO ever offered lo Iho cltlMns of Hloomsburg. All Iho f.incy brnnils of SEGAR8, nnd Urn best flue-cut nnd Plug CHF.WINO TOIIACCO, can bo had at his counters. TOIIACCO PIPES In great vnrlcty nro ntnong his large stock. don't ronairr to call. II, It, llUNSHEIlOElt. TTAGEN, JlOYD A CO., nnd Wholesale Denlcin lu LEAP AND MANUFACTURED TOIIACCO, SEOARS, Ac, No. 1 North Third Street, Philadelphia. Consignors enn forward Ihelr stock "In Hond," without prepaying the United Stales tav. TT W. HANK'S WHOLESALE TOIIACCO, SNUFF, AND CIGAR WAREHOUSE, No. 1W Noilh Third Street, between Cbei ry nml Race, west side, Philadelphia. JUSSEMi .t WOODHUFK, Wholcsalo Dealers In TOIIACCO-t, CIGARS, PIPES, Ac, AC, No. 1.1 Not th Third strett, nbovo Maiket, Philadelphia. jpmsmruTir, duotiieh a co., WHOLESALE TOIIACCO DEALERS, No. 151 Ninth Third Street, fl e doors below Race, Factories, Nos, 221 and 221 Quarry Street, Philadelphia. j ir. WAincn, Lnlo Walter A Kaub, Imporler nnd Dealer ill CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENSWARE, No. 2)1 Norlh Thhd Sheet, between Race and Vine Philadelphia. v IONJAaIIN Git ken, Dealer hi CARPETINGS, WINDOW RHADi:s, Oil, CLOTHS, MATS, Ac, No. S! North Second Micel, Philadelphia. Gr I AV. BLADON & CO., Manufacturers of OIL CLOTHS AND WINDOW SHADES, Warehouse, No. 121 Noilh Third Street, Philadelphia. T II. J.OXGSTltETJr, tj PAPER-HANGING-WAREHOUSE, No. 12 North Third Street, Philadelphia. J V. EAjUJEUT, with ROSS, SHOTT A CO., Imiiortcrsand Jobbers of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, Ac, No. nil Market Street, Philadelphia. POWDER KEGS AND LUMBER. W. M.MONROE A CO., Unpen, Pa,, Mnniifattuicrsor POWDER KEGS, mut dealers In all kinds of ' I.UMIIER, glvouotlcotlmt they nro jiretiaied lonecomodalo their custom with dl-pntch, nnd on thocheapest terms. IELKlt A- HOST, .SuoeaMsoiR In Franklin P,Scll?er A Co., Importeis and Wholenlo Dealers hi LIQUORS, WINES, Ac, Nos, llOand 112 North Third Slieet, Phlladelpliln, To Hotel nml Sulium Ittepei-s of lilounu- ourg nnd Cohunhla County. I havo nppolnled .Mr. li, sioimer agent lor the saleof invnle. norter. brown stout, and lager beer, w ho will supply you at tho same price (and with Iho mum arthie), as I would furnish sou from tho bu weiy. Kuoowiug that he will be punctual andutlcntlvo lo all who may favor him Willi their Hade, I hollelt lor him your support, Very icspecl fully, FRED LAUEIS, Steam Hreweiy, Heading, Pa. jpiIOTOGItAl'JUC. E. .4 II. T. ANTHONY A CO., Jlamilaetiircrs of l'holograplilo Materials, wuoi.i s n.i: ami iiur.wi., 501 IlitDADWAY, N. Y. (lo'iliV :',Vi'. 'msinessof PHOTO- l' -MATERIALS wo are Headciiiarter.s for the tullowlng, l. : si;eri:os('(ipi:s a stereoscopic views, ( American mid foreign Cities and Landscapes, 4 troll px, Mnluai'V, ete. 1 ''iipic views up the war, I- roll! ucgntiw s made In Ihe various ealiiitaluus. and loiiiilngiieoinpleio I'lmlogiaphle lilsloiy o ttie gi'eal eontitsl, ST'.lti:i)-,l iipic VIEWS OX GLASS, Adapted for either the Magic Lantern or tho Mcrcoscope. our Catalogue will bo bent to any HddltM on leei'ltl of stump. J PlKITiKiRAPIIIC ALIIf MS, 1e maniil u imo more largely ilian anv other hoi se.alHtlll Mtm ,.t ,..ln ,.. .v.. iur ALlll'M-, have Ihe reputation or bt li'm mo ilorlli beauty anil duialilllly to any otlu is. Caul I'hotogiaphsotGeneraN.SliileMilen, Actors, lie., ete. ,?,!' fatali.glle eliibraew. over FIVK TIIOUS l)t 1 'l','l'!d'Jcls, lnehidliiK repiisliictloiiH of tho most celebratetl EiiKinvTiiirs; Paintings. Malum, ele. Calaloguessclit on receipt of tamii! lotogriiphei s niul others ordering uuods c.o.ll. thelr'tii'l'lei'''''' '"'r l'"1' uf "l0 I'1' j:u 'I he iirices nnd minllty or our goods cannot nil ioNatlM, novi7-ly MMIi: AMlCltlCAN IIAYnIfK ,m i ln,,i",,.1,K T W""u' "U'leulMlleil eltlens V ' ,. j 1 ! i Citliiny wllii..hM,l t, trial or bay links on the iiiim of Mr. Piirsol, In Heiiiloe k 'iownship ,,,, j jy 7, iK.lw,.(., u,i A'VV.V.V'1' ""S'dleanil I'olic liianuraclunHl hv, WAL!, slllllNEIl A Co., or Lewi;. I'iii-g, I'n., nml l ie lliin,l,.r i'utent hay Hook. Ihe Aintiieiiii toil; mini mtao buy In ono '. i'l'lf'l i'i ".'"i""" W.'lilelat i" lied U will lake as unit h Imv lnlo the niowns two hiiiM-h s mi dr.iw. We nlso saw It eiitlln.' Jimv, iui.. tliliik It cannot b.. beat nsuh iy lVi le nil. ehcci lully u , oiiiiiu nd II a. the Ue.t liay 1 1: nnd knllo wu hale ever seen. ' W, ,11. Koo.SS, .lollN IIOMC, ' John Di.ri.mrh-,, Novrit. I . DlllI.I.Jlll.l.Ull, KYLVUTi:! : l'V ,KL Mu il.u i. IIi:i.i.i ii, John wlil:,.! li.l !V '.',','"! '""""'"'iura llie eclebuiied Hiiekeyo lui'llis -Mower, nnd oilier iigilciiltuinl lmp!o- IRON, TINWARE, &C. jATIONAIi l'OUNDUY, Htnonishurg, Cohilubla Cuunly, 1'a, Tho subscriber, proprietor of tho nbovc-t iiiwl cxtenstvo pstnbllshmcnt, Is now prepared to re eclvo orders for nil kinds of MACHINERY FOR COLLIERIES, 11LABT FURNACES, STATIONARY ENGINES, MILLS, TIIRIJiHING MACHINES, A0 IIo Is nlso prepated to innlto Stoves of nil sires nnd patterns, Plow-li nns, nnd o erytblng usually mnuo in nisi-eiass rounuries. His cMenslve facilities and prnctleal workmen wnrrnnt him In receiving Iho largest contrncls on the most rensonablo terms, Grain of oil kinds will bo token In exchango for Castings. This establishment Is loenled nrnr tho Lnctc wnnnannd Ilioomsburg Railroad Deiiot. PETER HILLMYKR. gTOVES AND TINWAltE. .. .M. HUl'J.UT nnncmnces to his fi lends and customers that continues the above business nt bis old place on MAIN SiilEI.l, I1I.OOMS11URO, Customers can bo accomodated with FANCY STOVES ofnll kinds, Stovepipes, Tlnwnic, nnd every va riety of article found In n Slove nnd Tlnwnro Es tablishment In Ibeellles.nnil on tho most reason. nhlo terms, 1 tepnh lug done nt tho shortest notice. 21 DOZEN MILK-PANS on hand for sale. piUENIX STOVE DEPOT. HEATERS, RANGES, AND STOVES, Wholesale and Retail. PATENT ANTI-DUST COOKING STOVE. VULCAN HEATER, for heating two or more rooms. PARLOR, COOKING, LAUNDRY HEATING, nnd every vailcly of sTOVF.s, JOHN I. HF.SS, 'No, .110 Norlh Second Street, Phlladelpliln. y I. BUHKUAUT, importer aim uooienn IRON AND STEEL, No. in Front Street, Philadelphia. Q.EOHGE li. HOBEHTS, Importer nnd Dealer In HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, Ac, No. all North Tljird Street, nbovo Vine, Philadelphia. ,-M.J. . : HOTELS AND SALOONS. 17XCIIANGE 1IOTKL, Aj llLOtl.MSllURU, COLU.MIIIA COUNTY, PA. The 'undesigned having pmchased this well- kiiowu and ecnti ally-located house, Iho Exchango llotel.sltuate on MAIN STREET, 111 Hloomsburg, Ilium dlately opposite the Columbia County Court House, lespectrully Informs ids friends nnd tho public 111 gencird that ids bouse Is now In older lor the loceptloti and entertainment of travellers who may bedi-poeiI to favor it with their cus tom, lie has spared no expense in preparing Iho Exchange for tho cntertaln"ient of his guests, neither shall theie be atij thing wanting (on his pal 1 1 to minister lo their personal comfort. Ills house Is spacious, and enjoys nn excellent busi ness location. , run at all limes between tho Ex change llolel and Iho vario' railroad depots, by which travu'Jlcis will be pleasantly conveyed to nnd from the ivspectho stations Indue thno to mi et the eais. JOHN F. CASLOW. niooinsliuti;, .Match 22, I M..1. . polnc's TTotici,, , GEORGE W., Proprietor. Tho nbovo well-known hotel hns recently under gone ladieal ohnngi s In Its Intel nol arrangements, and its pi oprletor announces to his former custom nntt the tia,'lllng public that his accomodations for Ihoconifort of ids guests are second to none In the country. His table will always Iw found sup plied, not only with substantial food, but with alt tlio dellcacii'snf the season. Ills wines and 11 ipiors (except that popular boverago known ns 'JA'Aii7"), purchased dire, t from tho importing houses, are entirely pure, and freo from nil iol sonousiliugs. lie is thankful for a llbci ol patron age In iho past, and will eoniluuo lo deserve It In the future. GEORGE W. MAUGER. rpiIE SWAN HOTEIi, THE ITl'KIl llOt'SK,) ORANGEVILLE, COLUMI51A CO., PA. Ths subscriber respectfully informs bis frleuds and the public, thai he has tnkcli Ihe above welt known llouo of Entertainment, and will bn pleased to receive Ihe custom of all who will luvor him with a call. HE WILL KEEP A GOOD TAHLE, a liar well stocked with the best of Liquors, and evciy elloit will be made to lender enllie satis faction. .IDI1N SNYDER. Oiaugevllic, Pa., March 11, N,7-lin. "jTJXCllANGE SALOON, Tin: Proprietor of the Exchange Salonuluis now on hand n large sloe: ol SUMMER REI'RESHMENTS, consisting of ri'irmi nvHTr.ns, kvuiunis, 'iitii'i:, hoi.oiinai MiKni'ToNfii'r, noil. rn i.'r.c.s, swi:itzi u niKi-sr, liAGElt BKElt, AIjE, &C. ti- CO.ME ONE, COME ALL AND SEE. LAWSON CALMAN. Ilioomsburg, May :i, lsU7. 'jMuT EsT'YTlO;IrEl I1SPY, COH'MIHA COUNTY, PA. Tub Mihu-i Ibor res ifully Infoi ms his fi lend nnd Ihe public, that be has laliell the nboVe well known lloll'e or I'nteitiiliiiiient, nnd will '"' pleased lo iee. le Ihe iutom of all who will l.iMir him wllh n call, Hf. WILL KEEP A GOOD TAHLE, a Ear well stocked Willi Iho best or Liquors, and every illoit will be made to render entire satis faction, W.M, REM LEY. Espy, Pa., Apill I2,lr,7, HICK HOTEL, ORANGEVILLE, COI.f MI1IA COUNTY, PA. ISRAEL Ml'MMA, PROPRIETOR. Having taken possisslon or this well-known house, mi long kept by Snninel lAerell, Ihe Pro i'leloiiiiisi.ul in it peimauent repair an. I furnish ed 11 A 1 1 AND I.Alt) iflt wilh Ihecholi est liquors tilld newest delicacies. Ills stable i.s not exiellcd lii ihe county ; am! no pains will be spared to nceommoilate guests, apr.V(i7, Q I'SQ V E 1 1 A NvTk)TeL O 1'atawlHha, l'a, Tlu uliivc Ilnti'l 1m lati-ly le?n imrclmPil by HKXUY J. CLAltU", nml Iiiih lnvn thormiKhly ie iniHlcMrd, rciMiIiftl, ami refurnNluMi, It Mill Ih) found iniw, In ItrfnrniiiKt'inrnt amt appointments, a Jlrst-t'lii-is Uotcl, and ftecnnd to lioiu in tlio cumitvy. I' r-uns in citlns wMdiiKtohpeiul tlio liot inontlw In tlio country, will do well to bIvo tlio proprietor a call, gT. cflAHLES IIOTJ3I ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN, Nos. (Ill, (12, CI, nml 0 Norlh Third Streets, between Market nnd Arch Streets, Philadelphia. CI'LUlLUs, KLECKNICR, Manager. 'JM112 UNION IIOTKl,, Arch Street, belween Third nnd fourth Stieels, Philadelphia, CHRIST A WP.IIER, Proprietors. Q.IHA1U) HOUSE, Comer of Ninth nnd Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia. II. W. KANAOA, Proprietor,