The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 10, 1867, Image 1

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    VOL l.-x0. 10.
ahi: Tin: nr.sT ix Tin: woiti,i.
Salesroom'!, GTO Chestnut Strict, l'bllnilrlilila, I'll.
While, n lnrKc, number of Machines have b-cn
ofTl-rcil t UlO JailiUe, SOUIO. Of Willi ll MWHOtW IHlllltH
of excellence anil ncl;ni,lcili'''il in. rlt, vc linvc
Ions foil what nllicrs linvnc.ierlinrcil, the ne
cessity of n Machine, Inure ieifect In Its mechani
cal structure, combining hi llio
inaiiiWT ii:oiii:i:
nml whllo capable, of doing n uanoi: or wuiti;,
one that cmiM be easily unilcrstnoa nmt eomre
licllilcil by nil,
To surely n PcwIiir-. taclilnc free from the ob
jections nttnclinl to others has been tin easy task;
for wu not only Imil to surpass other .Maehines, ns
they nppcnrcil yenrs ngn, but nln ns lmpriiveil
from llmo to time by moro nwnt experience.
This wo bohlly cl.ihn lias been nccimipllshcil by
tho liberal cxpcmlltuin of capital, nnil the pa
tient, untlrln;; labor of years; nml In picscntln;?
our MncVIno to the public, we shall make tronn
nssertlons respeetlns Its nieilts, which wo mo
prepared to substantiate In eery particular.
Discarding tho Chain nnd Loop, or Kult si Itrhes,
wo tvlopteil tho
fntlko on both sides of the fabrlc which Is re
earned by tho masses ns best suited to all klmls
of work. Ihit tomect objections vometlniesurired
ngnlnst this favorite stitch, we have added the
Knot, Double Loci:, and Pontile. Knot, either of
which Is
than tho Lneli
select a stitch
thus enabling tho operator to
i:iutxti,y Kt'rrr.n
to every grade of fabric, nnd where necessary, sew
scams mwch stronger than It Is possible to do by
Tin: 1't.oitr.xcK
roun phti:ih:xt stitchis
with n much ease ns ordinary Machines mako
one, nncl with ns little lrnchlnery.
Tho result of repented tests has been, nil wo
could desire, nnd from Its first Introduction tho
llorcneo has gained hosts of friends, nnd been
regarded ns u
iiousnnor.D nm:cixitv;
Moving that the public fully nppreclnle tho many
ndvantnges combined In tho Floronco Machine.
Over nil others, the lToienco must bo seen to bo
fully nppieclated.
We elnlni lor tho
tho following
"over nnyninl nil
ITS-It makes fonrdinVicnt stitches, tho loci
knot, double-lock, nnd double-knot, 01. one nnd
tho sninu machine. Hacli stitch being nllko on
.both sides of the fabric.
St- Kvery Machine has the reversible feed mo
tion, which enables thu operator, by simply turn
lug a thumb-screw, to liuwi the work run cllhir
to tho right or left, to stay any part of the seam
or fasten tho cutis of senms, without turning the
Changing tho length of stltih, nnd from
ouo kind of Rtllch tonnuther, can leadlly bu done
.vbll tho M.ichlno Is In motion.
Tho needlo is easily adjusted, and docs not
skip stitches.
JTS- It is nlinost noiseless, nnd cnu bo used
wiieroqnlet Is necessary, ,
iyIts motions nro nil positive; then-are. no
springs to get out of order, nnd Its simplicity en
nblcs any one to operalo 1U
J3- It does not requhe liner tli read on the under
than for tho upper side, and will sew across the
heaviest seam, or from one to more thlcknes-es
of cloth, without change of needle, tension, break
ing thread, or skipping stitches, ,
3-Tho Ilemnier Is easily adjusted, nnd will
turn nny width of hem desired,
43-Xo other Mnehlno will do so or ntiirnngo
of work as the IToreuce.
fi It will hem, fell, bind, galher, braid, quilt,
nnd gather nnd sew on n nulla lit tho same time.
It has no springs to get out of order, and will last
u lifetime.
es-It Is fully protected and llcjii-ed by Kllas
Howe, Jr., and our own Letters Patent.
Tho taking un of the slack-thread Is not pel
formed by tho Irregular contraction of u wh o cull
or uncertain operation of springs. The pieelslon
nnd uccurncy with w hlch tho riorence diliws the
thread Into Hie cloth Is unapproached oy any
Sewing-Machlno hitherto oll'ercd In tho world
11V furnish each Machine with "lial mini's Self-
Sewer," which guides tho work Itseir.nnd is of In
cnlculablo value, especially to Inexpellcnce opi r
Whllo nosseslng the nbirie. and many otlii
ndvantnges, the riorence Is sold nt conespondlng
prices with other ilrsl-class Machines, and n c.irn-
ful examination will lully substantiate nil that
wo have claimed for II. and Justify the assertion
wo now make, that it is tho lt sevrlns-.Mncliliic
In tho world,
Wowaraant eveiy Mnehlno to ho nil that we
claim for It, and to give entire satisfaction, nnd
will give n written wnirnnty, If lequli'isl.
Liberal arrangement made- with those who buy
to sell iigaln. I'urther Information may be had
by inclosing stamps totho fieneral Olllcoof tho
l'lorenco Sewlug-Miicliino Company, CM Clicsliuit
Street, I'hlladelphln, lVnnsylvnnla.
ruier-si or maciiinih.
So. l.B'Inln'. This Machine makes tho lock
und knot stltehes.and has tho iv erslble feed...!IEl
Hour, l'lorence. tlold-ornnineuted Machine,
with drawer, and llghteoer, without lock;
innkes nil tho four slltches, and lias tin re
versible feed
No. 3.-Kllver-plateil Machine, ornnmeiitel;
table oll-llnlshed walnut, with heavy half
ense, lock nnd drnwer; makes nil the fout
ttltchcs, nnd has the reversible feed
Xo, I, Silvcr-plntcd Mnchlne, highly orna
mented, and makes nil the four stitches,
nnrt has the reveisihle fs d.
I'olUlied mnhoganv table
l'ollshed Itosowood Table
No.S. Wnlnut table, 111 oil
Mahogany table, In nil.... s
HoscwikkI table, lu oil
No. II. Walnut, oil finished
Mahogany table
Itosewood table
n. O. I'.VAXS, Oencral Agent,
(nni'heslnut Rriet, I'ldluilclrihhb
ownnK i:li:ctiox.-ax klkc-
- lion ior uuieers oi ni" Litiiiisiij.n'isi' . i....
luinv lor tin i-iinilnu yur, will In held "'
'uwlssa, on MvtHlat, Hit- .Sum io.v oi .vov, isiu
inioiio utilise oi ,i. ii, iiiMiei, in tin- '''"'-"
. be-
Iwcen the hours ur ono aini lour o chick. . i.
Jull.N fell M'l l-ssi.
(WniffMri llrMgt OMcr, t Secictal'.v
AlrlJ6,lW7. I
A Jlomoci'ixlH' XcnviiMpoi',
is fi in.i m i) i n
1 1' . Mnl.M.Ml AT Mlt IK., WJSX'A.
Inn of puliiii s. Those principles uil) no cr
ImooniprmiilMi, yi t courtesy mid Ulndess shall
not be foriiotien in llscustugtliein, whether with
lndl Idu.ils, or with contemporaries of tho Press
The unity, hnpplness.nnd prnscrlty of the coun
try Is our nlm and object; nnd ns the menus to
secure thnl, we shall labor honestly nmlenrnestly
for llicliiiiiiiiiii,MiccisnnlKrnwtliuf our organ
ization, Tf.iims op AIiVI:rtisi so :-tlne mmre(t( n lines
or less) iino or three Insertions ft,M ench stibsc
iiuent Insertion SJ cents.
Two squares
Three squares..
Pour sijunre.. .
, ZW
,. ,r)
. 5,KI
.. ln,ix
.. i:,,nO
Half i-olnmn....
One column
I'Aeeutor's and Administrator's Notice 830; Alt-
dllor'K Notteo S'Jiii. other mUcrtlseiiients Inser
ted according to special contract.
llusl ness not lees, without ndvcitlsement, twenty
tents per line.
Transient ndviitl-inients payable In advance-
nil others due niter the first inseitlon.
v5- It Is, In till eiwt, inoio likely lo bo satisfac
tory, both to subscribers and to tho Publishers,
that remittances nnd nil coinmunlcntlons respect
lug tho business of the paper, bu sent direct to tho
nllleenf publication. All letters, whether lelalltu
tothoedltoikilor business concerns of tho nper,
nml nil payments for subscriptions, ndvcitlsinc,
or Jobbing, nre to be made to nml nddresed
imocicwAV & rni:i:zR,
"iUiiinbian (icc,"
llr.oorsut', 1a
rrlnted nt lloblson's IlulMlngs, near tho Court
House, hy ('has. M, Vniu:i:si.ict,
1'nASic It. K.VMinu.
1. -.
Tim: Onlv Stamiaud 01 1 ii iai,
Ilylilwnrd A. Pollard, of Virginia.
sAMri:LSfiiwi:i'ir.Ninsi:itor mii'I'lin
Township, has procured the Agency of Coluiiibla
County, ior the Kile of the above woil:. It com
prises a lull account of the ll-e and progless of
the lale Southern Conlodorae,, , the campaigns,
battles. Incidents and ndvenltites ol tin' most gi
gantic struggle of the World's lilstor.v. Coniplcto
in one huge Miltimo or nearly sou pages, with
TWiLNTY-rocit rii'i.r.Miiij kti:i:Ij
of distlngulsbed Confederate leaders. The hlsto
IV of the Minqllislicd lias too otleli fallen to
the pen of the Ictor, and to Insure Justice to the
SMllhern cause, the pen must be taken bv some
II., .in limn ii-liM U i mill.. In his lllilti
aiidiaients totieindicationoriiis countrymen,
111 a history wlilili shall challi nge 11111 1 illlcisiu
ol the llilclllgi'lit, ll 1 1. 1 1 1 1 v 1 1 . Ih' alt, ol all
honest ituiiiiiets. sauiia woik will I f pecittlar
llltoli.vt t.l III.. I'lllKllll nml lllll'lll!-.ll IlllllllCOt
the North, and Is ol the ill must liu,oi liun-e to the
people ol Ibe Sinilla 111 islnl. s. Mr. I'oiald, of
all writers In the South, l doliblless Ibe best
ma! cil to Meiiare II ciuillileti ami sl.inilal'il llis-
torv of tin Wnr, and to commit lo Ihe pit-sent
nnd inline generation n f.dlhlul and worthy te-
onl of t hell irrent snuggle and ol a eau-i' nisi,
s.icitt honor, having bi-en cioplie. ed dining the
entire peiiod of the War , as edilor ol a Utchmoiid
iiows'i.iji'r. ti. ii-.i,..
JL lu
.IIIIKONS. t ulllmiiusly aw iittle.l tliel ll'st
1'iie, iilliil.l Medal,
".i.v Tin: iu:sr vAiuxi:r itim.iys,-
American Institute, New York, ' ictobi r, we.
ltehig pronounced sujieiini In qualil.v, power
and Mirlety ol tone, and In uiuiibi r oi combina
"As Ibe lii'Sl Inslruillelltsol Alllellrawelelllere
'olileudiii'r. whii'hfcrwnu tlieballle w. mid have
uotbing hit to eoniiuiT." .1"" '' .lit'J'HiriHit,
-lilted by awell-KlloMll musical clllli'.i
They IniM nNo liikeii the lli-t ineinhiiii whir'
evi'ri xlilliili'tl Oils s'-iisini.
ri:ll l. Ol'H N's, one, iwo null mm' oauiis oi
1,1 s six sles -iVI to sljim, Wllllulll pcd.lls,
siligiealld ilollble hunk 111 gleat saliet, -- to
st.Vl. These I il'g.ins, Willi their slilouth, lilM'-likt'
qlllllltV of lone. I ,i'JI III 1 1 1 1 solo stojis, SI length of
elioHi-, uiii'iiniilli'tl pedals, iiinlgt'iit nil nignn-llke
elli'et-,ale slipi'llou fur ihuliSlcs, h.ilU, pallors
and si'iionls.- Thevate iait lip in cases ol solid
walliul, l.incy M'lit'i 1 walnut mew mid unique
stvh'si and eleuallt losew I, of spli ndld designs
ami ilnlsh, and of Ihe iH'-rwoikiiiiuishlpl-ii be
ing Intended that eiu'h illsliuioelll shall be a
liiodii of its class. All Insliiiinents down to a
Hue octavo pill table Miioilcoll, h:l e the heaUtlflll
Tlelnolalileslnp, wllhoill cMi-a charge.
A laige iisMituneiit coiisiantlj on linntl atom
Oenelal Wholesalu and llelall Wulerooms, Sll
Uroadwnv. , ....
i in r Illustrated circular oud price lists, with now
st les, are now leinly. Send lor .i eli-i'iilar.
1 ' ri:i.(lVlll'.T, I'LI.TUN A CO.,
Miinuf.ieluieis, No. sii lirtiidiwiy,
liinri-'tiT-ani.l New i oik fiiy.
Till: I'lAND Ol' AMl'.UU'A.
These 1'ianos are iinlersn!ly ackiiowleilg. d bv
collllietelll Judges equal to the ties! Piano made,
l'i, I lefi-lences. Illi'V lllive lilanv thousand i ily anil
countrv lesldelils, lilt llldlllg l.irgelilllillifls of Hu
ll ...I. Ki'iiilmi I'fe. Ac.
These Pianos have not only slootl the continual
Use llUtl IICIH.V Ulieui'i' m nut- -.ti, "u. iini.-. . ..
Used Ihe last llltis'll s tflrs to ihe utmost satlslae
tlon ol those using tlieiii.
ThfV linie taki'il premiums and med-ils wln-r-eM'l'.'xhllilli'.t.
t-Hch Iiiij tss'ii ihe d. liiand lor
IM..,,.. ilmt M. rs. Ilnlll. s ltlo's. have ill I'll
colll'll'ed to elllalge lllelr Works lo tho extent ol
Jti iii.Pi I'lanos it wn k. . , ,
Having now one ol Hie mosi cxtenlo nml
complete taiiollcs lu the I nil' d tslnles. 1.11'lorles
alone covering over thrce-iouiths ol an ncre ol
iiit.iiiid. eoniiiiislngiifioulaae ufi'J'l i'it on the
ATll'ey'ale lltidoubteilly the cheiipest Hist class
Piano lii market. I'lilly guiii.ini 1 lor .i years.
Kend tor eiieuliiy f . y
sin, .tw, , 'll-' mil. w-:iT0' 'kl
luars'liT-'ilil. I sleeonil A eiiile, .Sett' i in It lily.
S '1' 1 L 1C S ,
1. 1 c r. x a i: n a rcn x i: i: n,
i-on tiii: Tiiinrr.iiNTU I'i.snsvi.vania iusthict,
nlwavs to be found nt the oratigevllli; Until, In
lllaligellle. Sales of leal or peisona iloierty
iilieiiilcil toiuoninlly ami on ivasouahle tiinis.
A hiue of iublleiallon.ige n s.ei I.
liiangi vllle, I'ebiuary
inslgninenis niucneo nun --.l'i ',."."",'. ,7 ,
U C T 1 O X K K It .
Having lollnnc'1 the iiriifesslon of l'ublle Vendue
IffieNstllflnthellcld. leildy nml '"''''"
iillclld lulill the illt es of Ills calling. I el sons
III 111. 1.1-si n lee- should mil or Wl te t; dm
lit llloolllsbuig. I'.l.
i.A ll
lligthi'liiscHcluilclitid t" th" uiiileisw ieii
oil IllsiL AlHOUlll ol' I IV -tlli, II'' ' "s
lillllie iflyiilclll n me ',' i.i ,i i. ,, il .,. u i
Those 'tailing to comiil. Uh I 'V'1,' ', .'.,i"
have their nccoliuls, Ac, lilaeetl 111 the liiindsol
Ihc.U'Hicro.llcirlor 't Mii.lAItP,
nnd P. Is. ishiiAN.
oranneville, l'i'b. Sv', Nif-sii.
i oi i vi'js un. .oiu'ilor to nil ic in t ior
,liliillialllhel'ile-l lliiiliielili'lll
linisi i s"tUlliuili'; aoo
t lls
"'i: i.ih.
IllllslUlU'l I I sIS Hi '
eliil discount al!"- I.
.1 1'.'ii-imiinelits inittie,
i i to 1. 1 w. M. I'll
liual iy
ntu lhu.iiliij . Xs-w VolU
(Dvt.Oinat gorti'tt.
ton Tin; tot.r.MiiiAsf.
THIS MIl'r.'N Illll't'Ui:.
"V mi nuke If row m mi himlrn ll lifM."
Ait thou struggling, constant slnvigllng
'dnlnsl the many Ills of life?
Al l Ihou ever dally liieellng
Home new trial, pnlnor strife?
Look allow, n olce Is cull lug
In thy spirit's cheerless night,
' Irf'nru of me, my yoko Is easy,
And my biinleii It Is light."'
Doth the syien voice of plensnle,
Keek lo lend thy root nstrny?
Are thy foes nil bncly forging
l'i Iters to ensnare thy way?
Heed them not, but spurn the tempter,
Listen to the promise bright,
" r.enrn irf me, my oke Is eny,
And my burden It is light."
Doth the world frown dnikly on thee,
Heaping censure on thy head?
Doth the busy tougttcof scandal
l'lll thy nchlngheait with dread?
Then obey thai gentle mandate
Which would guide thy spirit right
"Learn of me, my yoke Is easv,
Anil my burden It Is light."
Alt Ihou walling, patient waiting,
Till this earthly strife shall cense?
Ait thou ocr loudly longing
I'or r Joy and peace?
Turn fiotu eaitli, n voice Is culling
l'roiu thy I'ather's mniislou bright,
"l'iirn of mo, my yoke Is easy,
And my burden it Is light."
"it is now time that wo arrange our
key, ns far a-, discovered, In a tabular
form, to avoid conltision. It will bland
ii represents a
t " d
S " e
"We have, therefore, no le-s than ton
oi the most Important letters represent
ed, and it will lio unnecessary to nro'
coed with the details of the solution. 1
have said enough to convince you that
ciphers of this nature tiro readily solu
ble, and to give you some insight into
tho rationale ol their developenicnt.
Hut lie a-sttrcd that the specimen before
us appertains to the very simplest spe
cies of cryptograph. It now remains to
give .von tho full translation of the
characters upon tho parchment, as un
riddled. Hero it is:
" 'A good glass in the bishop's hostel
in tho devil's seat forty-one degreesand
thirteen minutes northeast nnd by tho
north main branch seventh limb east
side shoot from the left eye of the
death's head a bee lino through the shot
tilty feet out.' "
"Hut," said I, "tho enigma seems
still in as bad a condition ns ever. How
is it noi-ible to extort a meaning from
1 ll t i biro-nil nliniir. 'ilpvil's scnti '
death's-heads,' ami 'bishop's hotels'." "
"1 conlu-s," replied Ijcgraml, "that
the matter still wears a serious a-pect,
when regarded with a casual glance.
My lirst endeavor was to divide tho
sentence into the natural division in
tended by the cryptogntphist."
on moan, to punctuate it ."'
"Something of that hind."
"Hut how was it possible to effect
"I rellected that it had been a point
with the writer to run his words togeth
er without division, so as to increase
the dilllculty ol solution. Aow, n not
over-acnto man, in pursuing sucn an
object, would be nearly certain to over
do the matter. When, in tlte eour-o of
his composition, he arrived at a break
in his subject which would naturally
teiiuiic a tiau-e. or a point, ho would bo
exceedingly apt to run his characters, at
this place, more titan usually eio-e to
gether. If you would observe the MS.,
in the nro-cut instance, you will easily
detect live tich case- of umi-unl crowd
ing. Acting upon this hint, 1 made tho
dlvi-lon thus ;
" 'A good glass in tho lli-liop's hostel
in tho Devil's seat forty-one degrees
ami thirteen minutes northea-t niitl by
north main braiuii eventli limb en-t
fide shoot from the left eye of the
death's-heed a bee-lino from the tree
through the shot lllty eet out. "
---p.-- ,, ,, r ..,
Kvell t lis t ivisioll," s.lill I, "leaves
nie still in the dark." ...
"Itleltnieal-oin thcM iirk," replied
I.egraiiil, "for a few days ; dur ng
which 1 madedilllgent inquiry, In the.
nidirlilKii'liiiiid of Sullivan's Ishind, lor
anv building which went by tho name
of "the 'Hishop's Hotel;' fur, of course,
1 dropped the ob-olete word 'ho-tel.'
Gaining no Information on the subject,
1 was on the point of extending my
sphere of search, and proceeding in a
mure systematic manner, when, one
morning, It entered into myhoad, quite
suddenly, that this msnop's-iiosier
might have .nine reicrenco to an oui
family, of tho name of licssop, which,
timo out of mind, had held possession
of an undent luanor-liou-e, nliont four
miles northward to the Island. I ac
cordingly went over to the plantation,
and ro-iiistltiiled my inquiries among
tho oltler negroes of the place. At
length one of the most aged of tho wo
men said that sho had heard of such a
place as Jkxmit's Ot-stle, and thought
that she could guide mo to It, but that
was not a eiitle, nor a tavern, but a
high rock. ,
"1 offered to pay her well for her
trouble, and, alter sonio demur, she
consented to accompany mo to tltospot.
Wo found it without much dllllculty,
when. dismissing"her, 1 proceeded to
exaiulno tho place. Tito 'castlo' con
sisted of an irregular usseuiblngo of
dill's und rocks one of the latter being
quite remarkable for Its height as well
in. fur its in-ulatetl and artificial appear
ance. 1 clambered to Its apex, and then
felt much at a loss as lo wnat snoutii uo
next done,
"While I was bu-ied in rellection, my
eves fell upon a narrow ledge in the
eastern face of the rock, perhaps a yard
below tho summit on which 1 stood.
This ledge projected about eighteen
in, 'bos. nnil una nut more than a foot
wide, while a nlcho in tho cliff Just
above It, gave It a rude resemblance to
ono of the hollow-backed chairs used
liv our uiice-toi's. i made no doubt
tfmt here was thu 'devll'-s-soat' alluded
lo In tho -MS., ami now seemed to the full secret of tho riddle.
" "The 'good glass,' i know, could lmvo
reference to nothing but a telescope-; for
tho word 'rIuss' Is rarely employed In
tiny other sense by scaincii. Now here.
I nt once paw, was n telescopoto btMisett
nml a tlellnlle Dolnt of view, admlltiiirj
no variation, from which to use it. Nor
tlhl I hesitate to believe that the Dhra
ses 'forty-one ilejrrecij nml thirteen min
ute'!,' nnd 'iiorthea'-t nnd by north,'
were Intended tut directions fortlio lev
elling of the uUi. Greatly excited by
these discoveries, hurried home, pro
cured n telescope, nnd returned to tho
"1 let myself down to tho ledge, and
found tlnit It was liiiDO'jalblo to retain n
sent upon It except In one particular po-
Mtinn. 1111s lact continued my precon
ceived Idea, 1 proceeded to use the
glass. Of course, tho 'forty-one degrees
ami thirteen minutes' could allmlu to
nothing but elevation nbove the visible
Horizon, sinco tlte Horizontal direction
was clearly Indicated by tho words,
'northeast and by north.' This latter
,nHn.,.i.. i nt .;,..
of a 'Uct-coluirthen ' 'poinUng
glass ns nearly at an angle of n.rty-,
ono degrees of elevation as 1 doulddo it
by guess, 1 moved it cautiously up or
down, until my attention was arrested
bv a circular rltt or opening In the lou
nge of a large tree that overtopped its
leiiows in mo disinnce. in too centre
of this rift I perceived a whltospot, but
could not, at llrst, distinguish what It
was. Adjusting tho focus of the tele
scope, I ttgnin looked, and now made it
out to be a human skull.
"Upon this discovery I was so san
guine as to consider the enigma solved ;
for the phrase 'main branch, seventh
limit, east side,' could refer only to the
position of tlioskullupou the tree, while
'shoot from the left eye of tho death's
head' admitted, also, of but one inter
pretation, in regard to a search for bur
ied treasure. 1 perceived that the de
sign was to drop a bullet from the left
eye of the skull, ami that a bee-line, or,
in other words, a straight line, drawn
from tho nearest point of tho trunk
through 'the shot,' (or tho spot where
the bullet fell,) and thence extended to
a distance or fifty feet, would indicate a
dednite point and beneath this point,
1 thought it at least possible that a de
posit of value lay concealed."
"All this," I said, "is exceedingly
clear, and, although Ingenious, still sim
ple and explicit. When you left tho
Hishop's Hotel, what their.'"
"Why, having carefully taken tho
bearings of the tree, . I turned home
wards. The Instant I left 'tho devil':
seat,' however, the circular rift van
ished; nor could I get a glimpse of it
afterwards, turn as I would. What
seems to mo the chief ingenuity in this
whole business:, is tho fact (for repented
experiment has convinced mo it It a
fact) that the circular opening in tiues
tion is visible from no other attainable
point of view titan that afforded by tho
narrow leMgo upon the face of tho rock.
"In this expedition to tho 'Hishop's
Hotel,' 1 had been attended by Jupiter,
who had, no doubt, observed, for some
weeks past, the abstraction of my de
meanor, and took especial caro not to
leave mo alone. Jlut, on the next day,
getting un very early, I contrived to
give him the slip, ami went into the
hills in search of the tree. After much
toll 1 found it, When J camo home nt
night my valet proposed to give mo a
Hogging, with tno rest oi the ativcn
titro I believe you are about as well nc
attainted as myself."
"I suppose," said I, "you inis-ed tho
snot, in the llrst attempt at diirsiiiiir.
through Jupiter's stupidity in letting
the bug fall through the right instead of
through the Ielt eyoot theskiui,"
"Precisely. This mistake matlo a
difference of about two inches ami a
half in the 'shot' that Is to say, In the
position of tht peg nearest the tree; and
had the treasure been beneath the 'shot,'
the error would have been of little mo
ment; but 'the shot,' together with tho
nearest point of tho tree, were merely
two points for tho establishment of a
line of direction ; of course tho error,
however trivial in tho beginning, in
creased as we proceeded with the line,
and by the time we had gone llfty feet,
threw us quito off tho scent. Hut for
my deep-seated impressions that trea
sure wtis hero somewhere actually bur
ied, wo might have hail all our labor
in vain."
"Hut your grandiibiiiionco, and your
conduct in swinging the beetle how
exce-slvely odd ! 1 was sure you were
mad. And why did you insist upon
letting fall the bug, in-toad of a bullet,
from the skull'.'"
"Why, to bo frank, I felt somewhat
annoyed by your evident suspicions
toiiiliing my sanity, and so re-olvcd to
puni-lt you quietly, In my own way, hy
- I.,. . ..I.,.. .111. I......
' jtUo j)It ot' s0)Cr inv-tillcation
O IIH1VJ l,.i l'i l-Wi,i- Hi., -llllillllllli i,i
. n,t. ,n.n I uM nmr tho l.notlo nml for
this reason I let It fall from thelree. An
(,iw.rvation of vour- about its great
,, ht M,K.-ested the latter idea."
..yes.! perceive: and now there Is
only ouo point which puzzles me. AVhat
arv we to miiKe oi inu sueieiou loiiim
in the hole V"
" That is a question I am no more able
to answer than your-elf. There seems,
however, only ono pluii-iblo way of ac
counting for them and yet it is dread
ful to believe in such atrocity as my
iiigo-tiuu would imply. It Is clear
that Kldd if Kidd Indeed secreted this
tii-.i-ure, which I doubt not it is clear
that he must have had assistance in the
labor. Hut this labor concluded, lie
he may lmvo thought it expedient to
remove all participants in ins secret,
l'eiimps a couple of blows with a mat
toe 1; were siilllclenl, while his coadju
tors woro busy in the pit ; perhaps it
required a dozen who shall tell V"
Tin: Ltox ix His Oi.i) Aoi:. AVhen
a voting lion readies the ago of two
years, ho Is able to pull down n. horsem
an ox; anil so lie reaches nis eignin
year, when his talons, teeth ami mane
are perfect, ami he grows no more. .For
twenty years aiicr no arrives ai uiaiuri
tv his talons ami fangs show no signs
of decay; but after that lie gradually
grows "cubbish." Ho Is no longer a
match ior tno xrcmeuiious uuuaio; nu
prowls nround tho cattle krawls, and
snatches u lamb or a kltl Just ns he did
when ho set out with his parents, nearly
thirty years before. A woman or a
child at night shares the same fate. His
strength nnd sight now decline more
and more, tin the inignty non grows
lean ami mangy, ami crawis atioiii lrom
pliico to place, eating any offal ho can
pick up, and despising not even so
small an tinimauistuo iii'iii-inuu-u; ami
ho starves ami (lies, or Is fallen on and
slniiirblored bv a low eowardlv hyenas,
oris discovered unable to move beneath
a tree, and knocked on tho head by
some wandering Jew. South African
Ki:ni paco with the times, or drop
out of lino und make room lor oilier-.
MAY 10, 1867.
S 131. M ON
Prcncliril In the Jtl. 11. C'lmrcli, ltlnnms
tiurir. mi ttic Aimtinl Tlmnk.fxlvliig Das
of I be I, O. ill II. v., April Until, ISO).
l't'nustir.ii n v'K.sT or tub oiideu.
"tUAinrr xr.rim r.ui.vnt."
l'lrsl Corinthians, 13th chapl. Mh vcr.
This Is tho first minimi Thanksgiving
day niointed by the Independent Or
der ol Odd-I'cl lows. You have met to
day to express to Almighty Uod your
gratltutlo lor tho preservation by Hint,
of your Order.
I'irst, slnco Its organization in the
world; Second, during the Into war
which convulsed our Union; Third,
through the pat auspicious year.
individuals have their hereafter.
Ciovernments, institutions and associa
tions exist, as such, only In this world.
Tho reward or punishment of the Indi
vidual is reserved for eternity. That of
" ' ' ' " - " V
uu uiiiiuiiisiuu in i. i.e, ..v
latlon or overthrow. If God,
perm t any organ zat on to
hrotigh ages, it must be be-1
xs In it some feature that ho
Its continuation
continue throii;
cause ho sees
nmmieiu nml ,, In n f,' tlw, llil. I
..,.,....,,.-, ...... s- -j, i..-,
terlng o tho condition ot man. An
organization so witlesprend as that of
tho Odd-l'ellows, especially In Knglaud
ami America, cannot have escaped His
notice, i'or good or for evil, it must
exert a mighty Inlluence in both coun
tries. If tlod had not seen in it some
. . ,
feat ure to appro ve, orel-e, some power
wine u no migtu use to scourge . o sins
ol rebellious creatures, lio wo ild have j
caused it to crumble long ere this; and
lino' If ii'iniM lin ntltnlinwil nliii-oiii flm
things that have pas-od into history.
I..,,, .i .v. .... .....v,..n i'iu
i hat you exist to-ttay as an organiza
tion ss) widely extended therefore, Is
evidence that you pos-ess somo feature ,
in theory or practice, which tied designs
to tiso ior tno elevation oi mo iitiiii.iu
race. That leature we think is tno em
brace, ns a fundamental principle, of
christian eiaritj, tho subject of ourtext.
Jlenco wo invito your attention toertm
tian ciarit; as Hie chief comer alone of
true Qdd-Icltoicmip. "Charity never I
faileth." LWhatisthischristian chari
ty'.' The whole chapter, from which
the text is taken, is devoted to the de
finition and cxallationof this christian
virtue. It is held up, in this chapter,
as being far preferable to the gilt of
tongues', tho power of speaking various
languages, even though they be the
tongues of angels, It is represented as
being superior to the gift of prophecy,
the ability to foresee futuro events and
foretell them. It is held as more im
portant than active beneficence, tho be
stowal of alms upon the deserving poor.
It is said to bo more Influential for
good than martyrdom itself, fortlio true,
cause of Christ.
Charity is represented ns eternal in
duration. It never faileth. Prophecies
shall fail yea oven now tho gift has
been withdrawn from men. And when
all has been fulfilled that has been
foretold which shall beatthecudof time,
even the memory of thegift will fade from
the mind, and man almost forget in
realization what had been foretold In
prophecy. Like tho Queen of Slieba,
lie will" reflect that not the half had
been told him. Tongues shall cease.
Tho multiplication of languages was
tho penalty of sin and folly nt tho
tower of Habel. AVithout sin In the
world, that penalty shall cease. All
the laud shall speak tho lnngiiago of
heaven. Other language will cease to
be spoken. Or, perchance, no language
will bo needed. Wo may then have
power to receive ideas by intuition. As
Uod communicates His will to angels,
so angels may coniinunlcato with each
other. At all events tongues shall twine.
Knowledge shall vanish away. Our
present knowledge is but little. It is
but comparative. It comprehends n
low Ideas. When alt is revealed, then
this little will vanish Into inslgnillcaiice.
When tho sun rises, tho stars recede
from view. When heaven bursts upon
tho view the lesser light shall be absorb
ed by the greater, and thus our little
knowledge shall fade awny as nothing.
Hut charity never faileth. Faith and
hope shall live with It when "the over
lasting hills" have been removed, when
the earth lias been changed ami when
tho universe itself has been wrapped up
as an old garment. Hut, while faith,
hope and charity abide in the eternity to
couie,charity will bo the greatest. J'aith,
the confidence we have In God though
we lmvo entered upon realization will
still exist. Xny, it will even grow
stronger, sinco it has grown, in part, to
bo knowledge. Hope the desire and
expectation ol'gaiiilngahigher degree of
perfection, will still live. I'or we shall
do imtneoolivtos even on entering heav
en. Wo shall have betun a scale of more
speedy exaltation. Hut it will only lie
begun. Xot live degrees alone, nro in
this scale, nor thirty-three nor a hun
dred. Hut step by step, tho climax
reaches on through all eternity. There
fore I'alth ami Hope abide. They will
exi-t as attributes of tho soul whllo It
continues. J tut charitji their sweetest
sister will ho the greatest.
Charity is love, grown out in action.
It is the practical result toward our
fellow man, of till our religion.
it is tho characteristic of God which
wrought us Salvation, that by which
He is Inclined to pardon sin. It is
that which animates tho angels In
their errands of mercy to mankind.
It is that which constitutes the bond
of union between the sons of God
in glory, it is charity alone that will
bind this jarring world In peace, ami In
troduce the niillenium. As then, we
lmvo seen that this Chrlstaln charily I
eleriiat in its duration, nnd that it is the
chief attribute if the ChrWiaii charaetir,
we are led to notice in tin second place
2 Thai Institutions, anil dissociations
s r xn as the hare itv. I. !,((. the; lose
it. The oiliest institution lu the world
Is tho church. The association next in
aire is probably that of Freemasons,
and tho third Is that which to-dny holds
its thanksgiving. Tito euurcii lias ncen
preserved in thu person of sonio ouo or
a few, through all ages sinco tho urea-
liou oi Atiain. erceuiasous uuiu umr
origin from tho llrst building of .Solo
mon's Temple. There is some differ
ence of opinion In regard to tho origin
of Oilil-Fellows as to ns tune, unu wri
ter claims an existence for them among
the Goths and Huns In tho fourth cen
tury of tho Christian era; in Spain, in
tho'lll'th century, in Portugal, in the
sixth, ami in Frame in tho twelfth. Ho
represents that Odd-Fellowship was
carried from Franco Into Knghind, by
John .DeNoville, ami other Knights
who formed there what wasealL'tl "The
l.ovul Lodge of Honor," which In the
eighteenth century, was changed Into
tho Ortler of Oild-Fellows. There nro
other writers who iv-cribo vnriousoth
er beginnings to your order; but we
regard them as so fanciful or palpably
erroneous as to bo unworthy the time
ami place necessary to give them'n re
spectable notice, and will pass them In
silence. It Is true, however, that In tho
Intter half of tho eighteenth century,
J-iodges, ot Societies of mechanics nml
laborers existed In London, calling
themselves "Ancient nnd Honorable
Loyal Odd-Fellows." These met nl
inost solely for convivial purposes. Hut
certain friends of reform opposed to
this feature of the society's character,
culled a convention In lMI.'t, und formed
the "Independent Order of Odd-Follows."
This new form of tho associa
tion had as its object the aid of tho
poor, tho support and care of tho sick,
the defrayal of burial expenses, nml the
relief of the witlows and orphans of its
members. Hero they incorporated into
the system the principle which was des
tined to give them perpetuity. Ho
nellcenco or (rue Christian charity
was a recommendation to all men
and from this point onward they
began especially to llouiish. In LSI!)
they were transferred to the CnltedStatcs
they weretransferrctl totho rnltedStates
, bytlieorganlzationof WashingtoiiLodgo
,: N0 , & autimore. .Aid. And though
11()t yt!t nfty . ,M t 0, this eontiiuiit
t tim n, ,.' ,i,i
.'"V." Y.". ' '.""'"" .'.'" '"
r(.tl'iis in iiioi'tiitCfitiitcs.i,oiJ lodges
aml 17.,)8,8 mcmiK,r!j, I'heni'nountpni,
for relief in that year was SolS.TIii.'.ri.
and for other eharitablo purposes
130.05 and thetolalantount paid totlie-c
purpo-esin thirtyycurs wasjs, 178,32s. 11.
N'ow it takes a mind butslichtly induc
tive to infer from this history tliatjtistas
t.tu in iiiii,. iiii.ii inn in.iiifij iiiiu. iisi in
V0U1. oblation has practiced christian
L.l,arity, it has flourished. Forsiuco the
t,Illlmt.0 of tmt principle as the main
characteristic, your numbers have in-
. ' - ..... .
cni sea n 'inimi rnn i ei in i n tiiienin.
,.,i.t ii, .,,.1.!. ,.i ,.r i, :.i......
vt.i.iip j,i..,v,ii .., ,i uiu iiisiii.k , mi
we might also conclude that jut in pro
portion as you practice charity in tho
jtui.p in Uiat ratio will voit
ami t j,.urj,.i.
lltittisaparlofthcdlvision under which
we are speaking woarc prompted to no
tice that as you lose christian charity,
you will as any tis-oclation decay. Look
at the church in its numerous; branches;
AVhon any branch loses tho Apostolic
charity ami simplicity, that moment
piety begins to decay ,nud then the whole
organization. Of this we see examples
every year. Tints it Is that whole con
gregations aro ili-bandetl and die out
entirely. Thtisitisthatsonienssociations
have passed away. Hut tothehistorian,
the most forcible illustration of an as
sociation practically ignoring the princi
ple of christian charity, is found in the
casoof llio Mohammedan rcllziou. Is-
lainisin started out with as fair prospects
of success as any organization, religious
or otherwise, that lias ever figured on
the pasre of history. Islam means full
submission to Uod. AVhat fairer profes
sion could havo been made in that day?
The system was eclectic. "Mohammed
designated himself a tho restorer of tho
pure religion revealed by God to Abra
ham. As the messenger of God lie re
quired his pagan countrymen to leave
tneir ltiois ami adopt the worship ol tho
one true God ; of the Jews to exchango
the law ol Moos, intended for only a
limited period, for the nowaiid final re've-
lationsgiventolutn; ol tlieeIiristians,to
cease worshipping Christ as Uod, as
Incons'istant with Monotheism and with
the true doctrine of Christ himself. To
say the least of It this was u fairpreson
tation to the world as it then stood. On
their first promulgation, tho doctrines
of itohannned spread with amazing
rapidity. Hut, though every Moslem
was compelled toglvethc fortieth part of
hisinconietostipportthopoor.vot charity
was not one of the.main planks in their
religious platform. Ami no sooner had
they gained, by moral suasion nml the
merit of their doctrines, sufficient power
to levy an army, than they gave tlie lie
tonll profession of charity by tho forcible
propagation of their religion in numer
ous battles It Is indeed true- that by
tho power of the sword their religion
was forced upon many nations of the
world. But as soun as that power ceased
to lie exerted, their inlltieiico began lo
wane oven among those nations where
that religion lmd prevailed. Amlglidiu
a little at llrst, it soon began to precipi
tate headlong, until now the Moslem
Influence which once claimed the supre
macy of the world, embraces but a few
insignificant provinces. A lew tribes In
South Alrica have indeed, been convert
ed loMohnmiucdauisin during lateyears.
Hut their success even here from
two eau-es which coincide with the very
Idea we de-ire to convey. First. Tlie
natives embrace this religion because
they are ignorant olany other. Second.
Hecatiso the Moslems them-clves have
been touched by thecharity of the chris
tian religion and make that character
istic more prominent than over before.
Efforts have been made of late years
to roii-o the spirit of the Saracen among
tho Mulianiniedansaiul renew thebloody
t no-nliist idieUiionltv. ln.t 1 1, ,,i,.
i. ,iiii. ..,., .,...1 ..,.. in... !..;.. i
uiii-ii iit.11 1 mm iii..iiiii null- uci uuie sti
much imbued with tlie chanty of the
cbiistian church, that they have seen
that'thosvord is not'tlieiirost successful
instrument in tlie propagation of any
religion. Thus it may be seen that here
Is nu institution, that once claiifiod the
empire ofthowotid, and yet it is declin
ing toward decay, as it practised charity
toward men, It succeeded. All it gained
by the power of the sword It lost as
fa-t as it gained it ami the to
making now, if any, is gained by tho
re-embrace of that onco discarded
Learn then, that as you practice true
charity among yourselves and towaids
others, you will Increase and be propa
gated. As you neglect It. God will lor-
saKoyou, you will ho divided among
your.-eivestiidyour prestigeaiiiungnien
will be lost. Thomoral sen-e of tho ago
is so highly cultivated, that all may
Judge for themselves. You must stand
upon tno merit ot your actions. Aim
when public opinion Judges your itisti
tution to be morally deficient men will
withdraw their lnlluenco from!!.
U, God will uo with you lust lu proper
tiou as you carry into practice! he prlndp
JesoftiTiochristiancharity. It Is evident
that tiud has laid and Is now engaged in
citrrviiiL' out tho "Teat plan of regener
ating liiannndelevatlngtlie hiimnuraeo.
Ills great designis to lesioreiuan to tue ask uou to go with you during tno
position which he occupied before tho I coming year, ills well that you re
tail. To this end He will mako u-e of cognize God in all your doings. This
every institution that in its purpo-e falls i It-elf Is an ns-uraiicu of his favor. You
in with His de.-lgn. Hut the ax Is laid j have embraced one of the principles: of
at the root of the tree, and every tree , his holy religion, as tho fiindnmental
Individual, association or church that i plank lu your platform. As you stand
bears no fruit unto tills end will ho , upon It and really to it vou will be co
hewn down mid cat Into the tire. As workers with God. Go tot ward. Feed
you practice and cultivate the principle thcliuiigry-elothotliL naked, succor the
of true christian charity you will fall In 1 needy ami bind up the wounds of the
witlt the design of God imievatiiig the' iiflllcled. Comfort the widow, sustain
human family. Charity Is the great i the orphan, and with tender hand lay
characteristic nf the church It-elf, and Iiithetouibthy worthyilepartedbrother.
lis Ibis Is your main principle, you may So shall your life be long and your end
not only lend men to avow that piini l- peace,
pie ns euiineetiil with iilil-Vlliwhi : . T -
You niiiv lead them liltt mi through' '" I'e utiite.l we must go i r- In mm.
your association Into the church. Unlto
your religion with your uuu-ecilow-ship
I say your nliyion not your de
nomination and it will mako you pow
erful to carry forward your plans. You
have a powerful means of appealing to
men of vour number to accent rellrrion.
Tint rillu-t nf vntir Orilni rniililrfi in
approach your members immediately
upon learning that they nro sick. You
go to smooth tho pillow of tho weak
nml make the bed of tiio dying. You
nro present ns Odtl-l'eilows when man
leels most his need or religion. Tho
you to hlsnffoctlonSj Ho ls'dis
pospd to accept (ho food for tiio Foul na
well as themediciiiefor the body. And ns
you lift tiio dark veil of euro from tho
widow's nrow nnd wipo the tear from
her eyo in this world, wo bellevolt to bo
In accordance with your principles to
brighten her prospects for a future
world. Hence may you labor for tho
salvation of your members.
Nor would this he foreign to the ex
miploof tho Savior himself. For his
.miracles wroughttipon thobody, were to
oo out introductory to llio conlcrrmg or
blos-ings upon tho soul. Ho raised tho
willow's son to mako tho widow auditor
friends believers in himscif, ns well as
real worshlppersof tho true anil living
Uod. He nwoko the daughter of Jalrus
to show to her fat her und his nation that
the power of life and death resided In
himself and to open up thoway for their
asking still more blessing. Ho called
forth u Lazarus from his grave to show
to his si.-ters nnd their friends that lie
had tho power of resurrection nnd was
the source of all blessing in dentil as
well as life. And there was not ono in
stance of a miracle performed upon tlie
body, by which some one was not led
to believe, and open tho way for receiv
ing blessing for tho soul.
Thus when you go to watch by tho
bedside of a sinking brother, to soften
his couch while ho lingers to lift ills
trembling form and touch his fevered
lips with the cooling draught, it is your
privilege in a peculiar senso to instil
the gentlo teachings of tho meek and
lowly Jesus. And when you close his
sightless eyes in death, ami straighten
out his body and dress it for tho grave,
it Is yours to point the widow and tho
orphan to that God who tempers tho
wind to the shorn lamb and will not suf
fer us to be tried above that we aro ublo
to bear.
1. Hut in conclusion tho church lives
upon piety the government lives upon
the intelligence of her people and their
obedience to law and associations livo
upon principle. AVhat the food is to tho
body what thought Is tothesoul what
piety is to the church what law is to
thogoveriiinent such is principle to nu
association liko your own. Let not that
principle, as those of the politician too
often are, be but a pack-horse to carry
you into power, nnd to be discarded
whenever yon have accomplished that
journey. Hut onco the principles nro
eno.-en, let the association stand or fall
by the principles. Wohavo shown you
that the principle of charity is immor
tal. It will not only bo operative in
time. It will abid throughout all eter
nity. Men may change; generations may
pass away ; thrones may totter and fall
and dynasties cea-o upon the earth; gov
ernments may be revolutionized ; em
pires cease their light and go out in tho
darkness of anarchy or the jarring world
bo bound in the bonds of peace by tho
coming Savior yet will principle re
main tlte same. Right will be right
and wrong will be wiong. While God
remains God, tho one will be approved
the other condemned. 1 lining chos
en right principles we only need ad
here to them and wo will be safe. Hav
ing chosen your main principlo stand
by Itand you will stand. Tho tooth or
time which marksallthingsbttt principlo
with age and decay, will Icavo you still
unscathed. Charity will preserve you
while age follows in tho track of age.
"For now ubidcth faith, hope and char
ity tlieso three, butthegreatcst of these
is charily." Goon then, Brethren of tho
mystic tie; "and giving all dilligence,
add to your faith, virtue; and to virtue,
knowledge; to knowledge temperance;
and to temperance patience. ; nnd to pa
tience godliness ; and to godliness brotb
ly kinilue.-s; and to brotherly kindness
charity. For if these things be in you,
and abound, they shall mako vou that
yo shall neither bo barren nor unfruit
ful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus
Christ. Hut h" that laeketh these things
is mind and cannot seeafar off, nnd hath
forgotten that ho was purged from his
old sins." "If yo do these things vo
shall never fall." 2, Peter, 1,7-lu.Stuily
to know tho will of Uod toward a
sinful, but redeemed world. As you
discern God's plans for tho regeneration
and elevation of the human race, fall In
wiin Tiiosopmns, as the genius or your
iu-titution qualities you to do. The
1 wiicn non conies lo sum up i no results
i ,. , , ., , , .
! ' We in tho world, and to re-
ward tlio-o who have assisted in the el-
ovation of man, he will find for you,
onio niche in the great celestial palace.
where you may observe in tho society
of heaven tho result of tho operations of
your darling principle-charity through
out all eternity.
Then will you bo able to thank God
for his preservation in time for his
approval in eternity, vou have been
preserved. Centuries alone comprehend
your secret history. Fifty years lmvo
measured your existence in tho United
Stales, yet they have been eventful
years. A rebellion, the most gigantic
tlte world has ever seen, has appeared
upun the-liige if human action perform
ed its bloody drama and passed away.
State, have been disorganized, churches
in fragments riven associations split,
never to bu united and even fa'iiilies
divided ; but you are ne. Like the oak
lu the fnret that has seen thofall of its
fellows, your branchesarestillextending
preserved by that hand that restrains
wind and tldoand ciuisoth the wrath of
man to praise It. For this you owo him
your heartfelt thanksgiving, 1 believo
the past year lias been one of moro than
ordinary activity inynurnrder. H odd
Fellowship is a bles-ing. then vou may
thank God that so many have come to
a knowledge of it. And you may alo