THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBU11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. or the Itouitfl oU',jj. DRY GOODS, &c. DRY GOODS. TOBACCO & SEGARS. IRON, TINWARE, &C. j'a niter's Jcimrtmcnt. Tobacco for l.lce mi Animals nml I'lnuls. Mr.xux, Kditous In your imjierof April Itli, n corrii'oi dent Inquires. "What Is tho best nn.'thoilorklHInj'lIco on culvw and cattle, mill will the kuho tlilngldll ileus on (loirs?" I havo found by experience that iv ptroiif? decoction of tobacco, will destroy vcrniln on cither animals or plants. I havo used It extensively during many years, for destroying ticks onshcop and lambs; havo dipped thousands of them In tobacco water, niiuluby boiling conwo damaged, cheap tobacco, or stems and waste, In water, and have found it an effectual curofor tlio trail), which disease Is caused by the working of an Insect or mlto In the the skin of tho sheep. It Is a sovereign remedy for tho blue lice on cattle aud horses. Tobacco water will destroy tho nphls, or plant louse. Gardeners find their grceli-houso plants need tobosubmltted to ix deluging of this wash occasionally, to place them In a condition to becomo healthy and vigorous. "When applied to fruit trees, if coarse waste tobacco Is used, add one pound of copperas to fivo gallons of tho wash. Plug tobacco con tains copperas In quantities sufficient to kill nny animal, who has not accus tomed himself, by slow degrees, to its use. Almost every tree or plant is infest cd with an Injurious Insect, peculiar to itself, which preys upon its substance, nnd will, If in sufneient numbers, do stroy its vitality. The hop, in sections infested with tho hop frequent' ly cither wholly or partially destroyed; when, by onoor two thorough applica tions of tobacco water, by means of a forco pump or garden engine, ns they commenco their work, the wholo aphis army might bo swept away. AVlien tho vino is trained low, upon seven feet stakes and twine, a garden engine is unnecessary, as tho wash can bo applied as effectually, and with less waste, with a common largo hand syringe. Tobacco smoke will stupefy nny animal andif used in a sufficient quantity, has n fatnl effect upon all which plug tobacco will destroy. Indeed, therosccms to be but oiioanlmal-mammalia-upon which tobacco in either shape, does not havo nn immediate fatal effect. However, If that animal would otherwiso bo infested with insects, even triclilnrcous in their nature, in tho mouth, tobacco will keep tnem away. Perhaps that is their case. If n sheep or calf Is covered with rubber or leathern spread, or thick blan ket, and a smoko of tobacco is mado under this covering, in half an hour or less every tick and nit will bo destroy ed. Currant worms may bo served in tho same manner. This is not only an effective remedy against vermin, but n good uso for a most obnoxious weed, F. W. Collins, Potatoes, No other root, plant or vegetable that wo havo under cultivation, tho tomato alono excepted, is such an inveterate back-slider so prone to run backwards to utter ruin as tho potato. I havo watched and worked with him long, and under all manner of conditions. Inher ently, ho is an unreliable scamp ; never content until hohasgono back to his original worthlessncss, as tho Batata Colorado of the Pacific Andean slope, or tho hill sido of Guatimala. There. nnd back to that status, ho is content to go on forever, producing littlo purplo tubers tho size of grapo shot and con sistency of putty. Starting with six of tho besj; varieties, and experimenting with them nino years consecutively, keeping them wido asunder, I found overy potato of them backsliding nt nbout tho samo rato of speed, all con verging, toward tho common point of wortiiiessness. Then, by changing tactics planting sections of tho oye ends oniy, or rather laying them out on tho surfaco of clean, coarno sand, a foot in depth, having a subsoil of clay so im pregnated with nitro that it kept tho sanil continually moist in tho hottest weather, and covering with a foot of btraw nnd leaves litter, but first sowing over tho surfaco a dry compost of wood ashes, salt, hen manure and loam in tho second year all tho potatoes camo back to something better thnn their orlginnl standard. Innately tho potato is n vagabond re quiring to bo closely looked after, and his status of respectability maintained by absolute coercion. Just let him have Ills head and ho goes headlong to ruin as fast as n potato cnn. Somo eccen tricities and mysteries too nbout. tho potato nro not very clearly understood. Onco I planted half an ncra with what I purchased for full blood.puro Clicnnn- gocs, nnd at digging they camo out yellow, red, bluo, white, and drab more colors, shapes and varieties than nil tho sorts wo havo on our latest potato list. Tho Benmulnii potato planters go to Now York forpeed.ncverplnntlngpota toes of their own growing. Hanging along West street, they gather up all tho potatoes of all tho low-nriced sorts thoy can find, usually buying largely of uiooiu-iasiuoncaiongreU.or "mrtrino," becauso of tho low price nnd general fcoundness. In their stock they may ,,".'on 'lozen varIctles,rnngingas widely different ns over potatoes did. These, thoy plant mixed promiscuously as they buy them.and at digging tlmo'tho cron comes out every potato Is fair, full blood Berrriiidan. every traco of Ynnkeo paternity lost. On tho wholo tho pota to is a tricky, unrollablofcllowwlth too many eyes by half. If wo can manngo to DUt OUt Savnbout lllllrnf thnn, T 1.7. Hove, wo can bettor keep him It subjec tion. Curing llerf. Tho following receipt for curing beef, wliich I havo used for thopast two years. I consider superior to any that I havo overused: For 100 ihs. of beef, lako 1 quarts of corue salt, i lbs. of sugar, ! ounces saltpeter, 1 ounco of saleratus. Mix tho iiJKii-uii-uis jyuu logetner, and sprlnklo tho composition on tho becfas you pack It. Thojulco of tho meat will tlI,.,olvo tho composition nnd makebrinoonoiiirh for tho meat. My beef, cured in this way, keeps perfectly sweet until it is all u'e(l "P C T. Alvoim). Tho Pishorman and his Wlfo. CONTINITI1 FlluM LAST WEEK. Well, wife," said tho fisherman, "nro you king?" "Yes," said she, "I nm king." And when ho had looked at her for n long time, ho said, "Ah, wirol what n lino thing it is to boklng I now wo shall never havo anything more to wish for ns long as wo live." "I don't know how that may bo," said sho ; "never Is u long time. I am king, It Is true; but I begin to got tired of that, and I think I should like to bo emperor." "Ala", wlfel why should you wish to bo emperor?" said tho fish erman. "Husband," said she, "goto tho fish 1 I say I will bo emperor." "Ah, wlfo!" replied tho fisherman, "tho fish cannot mako an emperor I nm euro nnd I should not llko to nsk him for such a thing." "I nm king," said Ilsa- bill, "aud you aro my slave ; so go at onco!" So tho fishorinain was forced to go ; and ho muttered ns ho went along, "This will como to no good, it is too much good to ask; tho fish will bo tired at last, and than we shall bo sorry for what wo havo done." Ho soon camo to thosea-shoro; and tho water was quite black and muddy,and n mighty whirl wind blow over tho waves and rolled them nbout, but ho went ns near as ho could to tho water's brink, nnd said, "Oh man of tho seal Hearken to 1110 I My wlfo Ilsablll Will havo her own will, Anil hath sent mo to beg a boon of theo I" "W hat would sho have now?" said tho fish. "Ah !" said tho fisherman, "sho wants to be emperor." "Go home," said tho fish; "sho is emperor already." So ho went homo again ; nnd ns ho enmo nenr ho saw his wlfo Ilsablll sit ting on a very lofty throne mado of sol id gold, with a great crown on her head full two yards high ; and on each side of her guards nnd attendants in n row each ono smaller than tho other, from thotallest giant downtoalittlodwarf no bigger than my finger. And beforo her stood princes, and dukes, nnd earls and tho fisherman went up to her nnd said, "Wifoaroyou emperor?" "Yes," said sho "I am emperor." "Ah !" said tho man, ns ho gazed upon her, "what a fino thingit is to bo emperor!" "litis band," said she, "why should wo stop at being emperor? I will bo pope next. "O wife, wife!" said he, "how can you bo pope?" tlicro is but ono popo at n time In Christendom1" "Husband,' said she, "I will bo popo this very any." "Hut," replied tho husband "tho fish cannot mako you popo, "What nonsense!" said sho; "If hecan mako nn emperor, ho can mako a popo; bo tho fisherman went but when ho camo to tho shore tho wind was raging, nnd tho sea was tossed up nnd down in boiling waves, and tho ships were in trouble, and rolled fearfully upon tho tops of tho billows. In tho middlo of tho heavens thero was a littlo pieco of blue sky, but towards tho south all was rod, as if a dreadful storm was rising. us uus sigiu ino lisnerman was dreadfully frightened, and ho trembled so that his knees knocked together? but still ho went down near to tho shoro and said, "Oh man of tho sea I Hearken to mo I My wlfo Ilsablll Will liavo her ow n will, And hath sent mo to beg n boon of thee I' "What does sho want now?" said tho fish. "Ah !" said tho fisherman, "my wife wants to bo popo." "Go home," sain tno nsu ; "sue is popo already." 'l lien tho fisherman went home, and found Ilsablll sitting on a throne that was two miles high. And sho had threo great crowns on her head, and around her stood nil tho pomp and powerlof tho church. And on each sido ofherwero two rows or burning lights, of nil sizes, tho greatest ns largo as tho highest and biggest tower In tho world, nnd tho least no larger than a small rushlight Wife," said tho ho looked at all this greatness, "aro you popo ?" 11 es," saidsho, "I am popo." "Well. wire," repjicd no, "it is a grand thing to bo popo ; ana now you must bo easy, for you can bo nothing greater." "I will think about that," said tho wife, Then they went to bed : but Damo Ilsa blll could not sleep all night for think' ing what sho should bo next. At sho was dropping to asleep, morning uroice.anu tho sun rose. "Ira !" thought she, ns sho woko up and looked at It through tho window, "after all I cannot prevent tho sun rising." At this thought sho was very angry ,and waken ed her husband, and, said, "Husband. iro to the flilwand tell him I must bo lord of tho sun nn'd moon." Tho fisherman was half asleep, but tho thought frltrht- ened him so much that ho started and fell out of bed. "Alas, wife !" said, he, "cannot you bo easy with belntr none?" lo," saiu sue, "i am very uneasv as long as tho sun and moon riso without my leave. Go to tho fish at onco !" Then tho man went shiverlnc wltl fear; and as ho was going down to tlm shoro a dreadfulstorm arose, so that tho trees shook-. And nil tho heavens bo. camo black with stormy clouds, and tho lightnings played, nnd tho thunders rolled ; nnd you might havo seen In tho sea great black waves, swelling up llko mountains with crowns of white foam uponlhlr heads. And tho fisherman crept towarts the sea, and cried out as well as iio could, . " Oh man of the sea I Hearken to met My wlfo Ilsablll Will hove her own will, Ana hath sent mo to beg n boon of thco I" "What does sho want now?" said tho nsu. "All!" said he, "sho wants to bo ior oi tnosuii and moon." "Gohome." said tho fish, "to your plg-slyo again." And there they Hyp to this very day. "Jim, I c-euu t-tell you how t-to s-soli J-Just twico as in-much o-oll as you do now!" "Well, how?" groaned ho "F-flll your measure." When is n tired man liko n thief? hen ho needs a rettiny. GRAND OPENINO (IHANI) OPENINO GRAND OPENINO (IHANI) OPENING GRAND opening FALL AND FALL AND FALL AND FALL AND FALL AND WINTER WINTER WINTER WINTER WINTER GOODS, GOODS, goods, goods, QOODS, consisting ot consisting of consisting of consisting of consisting of DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, rTATS HATS HATS HATS HATS AND CAPS, AND CA1-S, AND 0A1-S, AND CAPS, AND CA1-S, HOOTS nooTs BOOTS hoots hoots AND SHOES, AND SHOES, AND SHOES, AND SHOES, AND SHOES, READY-MADE CLOTHING, . READY-MADE CLOTHINO, READY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHIMG, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKINQ-G LASSES, LOOK INO-G LASSES, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-GLASSES. NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, FAINTS AND PAINTS AND PAINTS AND PAINTS AND PAINTS AND OILS, OILS, OILS, OILS, OILS, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, QUEENSWARE, QUEENSWARE, QUEENSWARE, QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE. HARDWARE. HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, HALT, SALT, SALT SALT, SALT, FISH, FISH, ' FISH, FITH, FISH, GRAB.' AND HEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND HEEDS, GRAIN AND HEEDS, GRAIN AND HEEDS, 4. Ac, McKELVY, NEAL A CO.'H, McKELVY, NEAL A CO.'S, McKELVY, NEAL A CO8. McKELVY, NEAL A CO.'H. McKELVY, NEAL A CO.'S. Northwest comer of Main nnil Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main and Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main and Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main and Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main and Market Streets riLooMsnuRa, pa., hlo0m8i1ur0, pa. bloomhiiuro, pa., iiloomsmjro, pa., 11looms11uro, pa. inoN IRON IRON IRON IRON AND AND AND AND AND NAILS, NAIIJJ, NAILS, NAILS, nail; mharnd.qUanUtlM aua ai M, MtW.alway DRUGS 8c. MEDICINES. jrjnua and chemical stow-:, llloumslmrg, Pn. DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, PERFUMERY AND TOILET ARTICLUS, EYER A MOVER respectfully Invito ncontlnuanco of patronage. Their Drugs nnd Medlelnesnroall selected with the greatest care, avoiding ns much ns posslblo tho Introduction of delirious host! urns, nnd nro purchased from tho best (inputting houses In tho country, PATENT MEDICINU4 of all kinds, including AVer's, .Toyno's, Hollo wajs, Ilostetter's, Wlshart's, Hoollatid's, Ac. constantly on hand. COAL OIL AND ALCOHOL. HAIR, TOOTH? NAIL, AND CLOTHES llRUHHES PAINTS AND CHEMICALS of every variety, nnd of tho best quality, FANCY TOILET ARTICLUS. Tho public niny rely nt nil times on procuring tho nbovc nrticles, with nil tho new useful prepara tions kept In tho best conducted oslnbllshiucnls, PHYSICIAN S PRESCRIPTIONS nnd Family Receipts compounded with tho great est accuracy nnd dlsjinlch. "IRESII ARRIVAL OF NEW JL? GOODS, Tho undersigned hrs Just nulcd from the City with a large assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Vnrnlhcs,nnd Dye Htuirs, Rendy-Mndo Clothing, Perfumery, Toy ami Fancy Articles, Druggist's Glassware, finishes, Trusei and Supporters, nnd a genei nl assortment of every t hlug that belongs ton wcll-nppolntcd Drugstore. Also Patent Medicines of all kinds, such ns Jayno's, Ayer's, Wlshart's, Wlnslow's Soothing Syitip, Ilrowji'H Troches, Swain's Panncea, linker's Cod Liver Oil, Hoofl.ind'R Hitters constantly on hand. Also MOROCCO LEATHER, KID, FRENCH MOROC CO, FRENCH CALIKKINS, PINK TRIMMINGS, BINDINGS, by the dozen or nalf-dozcn. Also SHOE-FINDINGS, FISHING-TACKLE, Ac. Having had n large oxperlenco In tho drug busi ness, I would respectfully invlte'thoso wishing anything In that lino to call nnd see my slock be foro purchasing elsewhere. " In mcdlclrcs quality Is of the first Importance." JOHN R. MOVER. JOYALi & HOYEK, Successors to GILnEItT, ROYAL & CO. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, Importcis and Dealers In DRUGS, MEDICIN11S, SPICES, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, DYE STUFFS, Ac, Nos. 309 and 311 North Third Street, Philadelphia. GROCERIES, Stc, pONFKCTIOXKItY, PItUIT, NUTS, ' stC. AC. HTOIINER A WIDMEYER, JfANUFACTUltKllS OF n.AIX AND VAXCY COXrVCTIOXr.KY, AND DEAr.EIts IS FOKKIGN FJtUlTS AND NUTS. Exchange Block. Illoomshurg, Tn. ORANGES, LEMONS, RAISINS, PRUENS, FIGS, DOLLS, AC, BREAD AND CAKES, of nil kinds, esr- All orders promptly attended to. -EJi Tho undersigned having formed n copartner ship under tho name and (Inn offeToUNruA WmjiEvnn, will continue nt tho "Old Stand" tho business of confectionery, fruit, nuts, Ac, Hr.ltNHARD STOIINER, FRED. E. WIDMEYER. Bloomsburg, April ,"), 11117. E M O V A Ii OF O. u. MAR R'H N E W STORE TO fiUIVK'N II LOCK, ON TIIK COKSUU OF MAUKCT AND IKON STllFXTS. Tho undersigned having received from tho city n full and complete supply of SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, NOTIONS, TIN-WARE AND HARD-WARE, CF.DAli AXD WILLOW-IVAIU:, CONFECTIONERY, GLASS-WARE, TOBACCO, II A TS A XI) SHOE S, FLOUR, SALT, FISH, AND MEAT, all of which I proposo sclllngat a very low figure ior casn or produce. All- Call nnd see. A prll 12, 1MS7. C. C. MARR. JOHN STROUR it CO., huecessors to stronp it Brother, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FISH, No. ;i North Whirves, nnd 21 North Wntor St., Philadelphia. yEAVER & Sl'RANKIiE, WHOLESALE GROCERIRS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Nos. 2i3 and 227 Arch Street, Philadelphia. gCHELL, RERGEU & CO., OI..M.UA1, COMMISSION MERCHANTS Dealers lit FISH, SALT, CHEESE, PROVISIONS, Ac, Nos. 122 and 121 North Wharves, above Arch St. Philadelphia. Solo agents for Wilcox's Wheel Grcaie. In bar rels, kegs, and cans. I 7STAULISHED 171KI. JORDAN A BROTHER, WHOLESALE GROCERS, nnd Dealers In SALTPETRE AND RUIMSTONE, No 200 North Third Street, Philadelphia. QOTTRKLIj ct AYRES, Wholesalo Dealers Ju FISH, CHEESE, Ac, Ac. No. JOO North Wharves, second door abovo Arch Street, Philadelphia. JJJ V. I'ETERMAN, with LUTINCOTT A TROTTER, WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 21 North Water Btiect, and No. 20 North Dilnwaro As enne, Philadelphia. J D. PURSER, HARNESS, SADDLE, AND TRUNK MANUFACTURER, and dealer in CARPET-BAas, VALISES, rLY-Nirrs, Ac, Mnlu Street, llloomsbiirB, Fu. UllltAlI I'OU CATAWISSAI THIS WAY FOR BARGAINS. Goods to compare Willi stringency of tho .money lunrket. Look nnd compnro prices beforo pur chasing elsowheie. Just call nt the fnvorlto busi ness stand of " McNINCH ASIIUMAN, nnd you will bo met by tho obliging proprietors or their clerks, nnd shown through their great variety storo frooof charge, of course. They will give you n fair clnnco to spend your looso chnuge, they trust much moro profitably than It can bo spent elsewhere. Their STOCK OF DRY GOODS tills Spring is much larger In nil Its varieties tliiiu muni. Their LADIES1 DRUSS GOODS are of tho nicest stjlcs In market. They haon lluonssortmcntof HATS, CAPS. BOOTS AND SI10F.S, HUMMER CLOTHS, CASSINE'IS, CASSI.MERES, AND VIWTINGS, nnd numerous nt tides common to such establish ments, besides n general assortment of HARDWARE, TINWARE, QUEENSWARE, AND GltOCERIES, all nt greatly reduced prices. They Uh to con duct their business on tho system of "PAY AS YOU GO," nnd they think they can afford to sell very cheap. They return their thanks for many past favors, ami nslc the future patronago of their former ens' tomcrs nnd tho public generally, McNINCH A S1IUMAN. JiniDItUSTElt imOTIlEIl, Importers nnd Jobbers of HOSIERY, GLOVF,, SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, BUTTONS, SUSPENDERS, HOOP SKIRTS, HANDKERCHIEFS, THREADS, SEWING SILKS, TRIMMINGS, I'ORTE MONNAIES, BOAFS. PERFUMERY, FANCY GOODS, AND NOTIONS GENERALLY, Also Manufacturers of BRUSHF-S AND LOOKING GLASSES, nnd Dealers In WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, BROOMS, ROPES, TWINES, Ac, No. .TOO North Third Street, nbovo Vine, Philadelphia. g Ii. UETTIE, Willi WSII.BUNNACO., DRY GOODS, No. M North Third Street, Philadelphia. M 31. 3IARPLE, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, GLOVES. AND FANCY GOODS, No. 51 North Third Sticet, Philadelphia. J. LESTER, Wholesalo nnd Rctnil Denier In FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, Ac, No. 29 North Second Sticet, opp. Christ Church, Philadelphia. J) ARCROFT & CO., Importers nnd Jobbers of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, CLOTHS CAKSIMERES, BLANKETS, LINENS, DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, Ac, Philadelphia. N DREWS, WIEKINS & CO., Dealers in FOREIGN AND DOJIRSTIO DRY GOODS, No. 5ft) Market Street, Philadelphia. JOSEPH S. DELL, Manufacturer pf and Wholesale Dealer In CLOTHING, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, AND VESTINOS, No. North Third Street, Philadelphia. ATSON & JANNEY, Importers and Jobbers of SILK AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, Ac, No. 323 Maikct Street, Philadelphia. MISCELLANEOUS. JOWE, EUSTON & CO., Manufacturers nnd Wholesalo Dealers In COTTON YARNS, CARPET CHAINS, BATTH, WICKS, TIE YARNS, CORDAGE, BROOMS, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, LOOK'G GLASSES, CLOCKS, FANCY BASKETS. TABLE, FLOOR, AND CARRIAGE OIL CLOTHS, Ac, No. S30 Market Street, houth side, Philadelphia. rpiIE KEYSTONE CLOVER SEKD S T R I 1 I E R . l'ATENTEIl OCTOIlEIt 2, 1SW. This simple, thouh ell'eettvo machine Is ndmlt ted by all scienllllo observers to bo tho most direct ilcvlej lor gathering clover seed vet discovered, A mens glaui o nt it Is hulllclent to convince, tho most obtuse mind of Its practical utllllv. It snips thn clover head Irom theMulk leaving thaktiuWfctiiiidlnK upon tho ground. It Is easily draw n by one horse, and lcuulres butouo man or boy to wui kit. It iscoinpait. simple In structure, nnd not 11a Ec' out of order, niul can lw cheaply got up. I ho great advantage In this muclilnu is, wo havo the w ed galliensl In tho chair, ready for tho ;locr mill or huller, besides saving tho great U nglh nf tlinonnd labor of mowing, handling nnd threshing it noiii thu straw, It will nlsopay ov ciy farmer to gather with this machine, mi account or I ho saving of tho seed which U lost in tho old way of gathering it. Extraordinary Imluceuieiitsoireredtncnergctio men who wish to pui chasoHtatoor county Rights. For particulars addres WERTMAN A REINHOLR, . CESTIIAMA, Jan25 ot.J Columbia County, Pa. MEADVILLE THEOLOGICAL SCHOOL. Tho Fall twin began Keptem ber .l. Tho Faculty of Instruction consists of lour resident and four non-resident professors, und n tutor. Tlin object is to educate young men for the Christum Ministry. Thero Is n piepnrutory class lor those who hno not received a collegiato education. Ono hundred and sixty dollars a year 1110 granted to beucnvinrlos, with nu additional sum in sieclnl eases. Tho tuition, uso of Library and tPxt.lMHjkK.iiru freu to til 1. Tho School was luuniled by the I' and Christian dcnoml. nut ions, but Is onen to all u lio li,.ll,v, In l... vlne orlglu of Christianity. Tho Library consists nfsjtm Milumcs, application may no inaiio to Rev. A. A. Liver nunc, President of tho Hoard of Instruction, JJnadvllle, Pa. no17-ly 0 1ATAWJSSA RAILROAD. roin and ullcrOi-tolmr isa-, iimirrn.,..iii pass ItuiH-rl ns follows t GniNU Noiirn.-Elniirn Mall nt i I'.st.i Erie F.xpri'ssut2:ISA,M. ' Hoivu Sol rii.-Phlladclphla Mull at 11 A.H.: New York Expi ess an p.m. ' GEORGE WEBB, Supt. H rj-iIIE ONLY PLACE to got tho best TOBACCO AND CIGARS, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIH Isnt HUNOSBEIiaER'S, n fow doors below tho American Homo, Hloouisburg, Pn, Ho has tho largest and most seloct of SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO evcroirored to tho citizens of Bloonisburg. All tho fancy brands of SEGARS, and the best Fine-cut and Plug CHEWING TOBACCO,, can bo had nt his counters. tobacco Pirns In gi cat variety nro among his largo stock, DON'T FORGET TO CALL. H. H. HUNSBERGER. TTAGEN, UOYD & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, nnd Wholesale Dealers In LEAF AND MANUFACTURED TOBACCO, REOAIW, Ac, No. CI North Third Street, Philadelphia. Consignors cnn forward their stock "In Bond,1 without prepaying tho United States tax. TT W. RANK'S WHOLESALE TOHACCO, SNUFF, AND CIGAR WAREHOUSE, No. 110 North Third Street, between Cherry nnd Race, west side, Philadelphia. JUSSELL & WOODRUFF, Wholesalo Dealers in TOBACCOS, CIGARS, PIPES, Ac, Ac, No. 13 North Third Slreet, above Market, Philadelphia. "t MUSIMUTII, BROTHER ct CO., WHOLESALE TOBACCO DEALERS, No. 131 North Third Street, fivo doors below pace. Factories, Nos, 223 and 22j Quarry Street, Philadelphia. J II. WALTER, Loto Walter A Kaub, Importer and Dealer In CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENSWARE, No. 231 North Third Street, between Race nnd Vino Philadelphia. JgENJAMIN GREEN, Dealer in CARPirriNGS, WINDOW SHADES, OIL CLOTHS, MATS, Ac, No. 33 North Second Street, Philadelphia. G W. BLABON & CO., Manufacturers of OIL CLOTHS AND WINDOW SHADES, Warehouse, No. 121 North Third Street, Philadelphia. J H. LONGSTRETH, PAPER-HANGING WAREHOUSE, No. 12 North Third Street, Philadelphia. J V. LAMBERT, with ROSS, SHOTT A CO., Importers and Jobbers ot CLOTHS, CASSIMERIX, VESTINOS, Ac, No. 301 Market Street, Philadelphia. pOWDER KEGS AND LUMBER. W. M. MONROE A CO., Rupert, Pa., Manufacturers of l'OWDER KEGS, and dealers In nil kinds of LUMBER, give notico that they are prepared to accomodate their custom with dispatch, nnd on tho cheapest jyILLER & HOST, Successors to Franklin P. Seltzer A Co., Importers nnd Wholesalo Dealers In LIQUORS, WINKS, Ac, Nos. 110 nnd 112 North Third Street, Philadelphia. To Hotel nnd Saloon keepers of Illooms- b'. rg anil Columbia County. I havo appointed M . r . Stohner agent for tho sale of my ale, jiorter, l vn stout, and lagor beer, who will supply you n 10 same price (and with tho samo article), ns I s 'Id furnish you from the brewery. Knoowlng that he will bo punc tual and attentlvo to all who may favor him with their trade, I solicit for him your support. Very respectfully, FRED LAUER, Stenm Brewery, Rending, Pa. PHOTOGRAPHIC. E. A II. T. ANTHONY A CO., Manufacturers of Photographic Materials. WIIOI.r.SAI.K AND UCTAIL, S01 BltOADWAY. N. Y.' r.?.nnV!',,...!! .t.'.,!."r ."mln business of PHOTO GRA11IIU MATERIALS woarolleadquartcrs for tho following, viz.! SrHREOSCOPlOS A STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS, Oi American and Foreign Cities nnd Landscapes. OroiiiiSj Htatuary, etc Horn negatives made In tho various campaigns, nnd tunning n complete Photogrnphlo history of the vrcnt cotitnut. HTEREOSCOPIC VIEWH ON OLABS, Adapted for either tho Magic Lantern or tho Stereoscope, Our Catalogue will bo sent to any uddiess on receipt of stamp. PHOTOGRAPHIO ALBUMS. Wo manufaeturo more largely than nnv other Iiou8c,!iljout2i varieties from rti cents tof.i0each. Our ALBUMS havo tho reputation of being supe rior In beauty und durability to any others. Card Photon raphs of Generals, Statesmen, Actors, etc.. etc. A0"? f,'"!01"0 embraces over FIVE THOUS- -y ., ""' , i .... 1? lepiiKiucilous "'""" J.ngniviiigs, runnings, Statues, etc. Catalogues sent on receipt of stamp! 1'hotnLrmiilii.ry nnd nil,.... ,,.i..i.... , .! ti',e!r1'.1,Me?rc""t -3fcr tl''"-"Hho amount w:lti! 'fl1 Plera nnd quality of our goods cannot all to satisfy, novl7-ly rpiIE AMERICAN HAY KNIFE -fv. .AND FOUK.Wo the undersigned citizens oi Columbia County witnessed the trial of ha" ,i iiiu iiinn oi .nr. I'ursei, in Hemlock lottmhip.ou Monday, May 7, W, between llio fcVVK'-w" ,fi'1,:l,'.V!,A!'.,k ifae!ured by burg, Pa., and t ho. Rundel s Pulent lluy H k. Tho American Fork lilted moro hay In o no '. nlVVi'lii'i T.,"'" ---"-f'"- Ihreo. Wo aro sat s. tied It will tako as much liny into tho mow as t,o good horses can draw. Wo also saw It euttliig hay.atu think It cannot bo beat nsnli'iy in 111? SH f.'.'.'irJl!11? rnm"onl R M the best hay fork' mid knlfo so have cer seen. i' ii P"'. Du. 1 O. IIAIUIISO.V, )) !! )y0S!l- John Doak, ' John DKTumc-K, Danifi. Novnn, s.'J.Jf'!!1'1'11"1 HviA-Birtn PuiUkl, ri i ,1:"l John Won-. ....... iTieiiruieu iiueseyo munis' U"'1 cli" "Sflcultural lmplo- RATIONAL FOUNDRY, Illoomsljurg, Columbia County, Pa. Thft ftnbscrllicr. nrntflrtl rril.n t . ,,,u iiuuvc'T nmoj cxtcnslvo establishment, is now prepared to t celvo orders for nit kinds of MACHINERY FOR COLLIERIES, BLAST FURNACES, HTATIONA RY ENGINES, MILLS, THRESHING MACHINES, Ho Is nlso nrennrcd to mnlcn Rln. r n and patterns, Plow-Irons, and everything usiti ,,. ni-i.ib-i', i-uiinuiies. Ills cxtcnslvo facilities nnd prnetlcnl workmen warrant him In rccclvlm? tlm inn.of tho most reasonablo terms. Grain of nil kinds will bo taken In exchange f. Castings. 14 ror Tills establishment l lnpnln.1 n. t.. t.. wnniia nnd llloomsburg Railroad Depot, PETER IIILLMYF.R, gTOVES AND TINWARE. A. M. RUPERT announces to his friends and customers that continues tho nbovo business nt hlsold place on MAIN STREET, I1LOOMS11URO. Customers can be accomodated with FANCY STOVES of nil kinds, Stovepipes, Tinware, and every vn. rlcly of nrtlclo found InnStovonnd Tlnwnro U,. tabllshment In tho cities, and on the most reason, nblo terms. Repairing ilonc nt tho shortest hollne, 23 DOZEN MILK-PANS on hand for Rale. JgAGLE FOUNDRY. JOSEPH HHAHPLESH, llloomsburg, Fn. STOVUS OF EVERY VARIETY, PLOUGHSHARES, FLOUGHPOINTS, and all kinds of Castings, on hand or supplied on tho shortest notico and at tho cheapest rates. Castings for COAL BREAKERS AND COAL BCHUTM made to order. piKENIX STOVE DEPOT. HEATERS, RANGES, AND STOVES, Wholesale and Jlctnll. PATENT ANTI-DUST COOKING STOVE. VULCAN HEATER, for heating two or moro rooms. PARLOR, COOKING, LAUNDRY HEATINO, nnd every variety of STOVES. JOHN I. HERS, No. 310 North Second Street, Philadelphia. "W. I. BURKIIART, Importer and Dealer In IRON AND STEEL, No. CO Front Street, Philadelphia. Q.EORGE II. ROBERTS, Importer add Dealer In HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, Ac, No. 811 North Third Street, nbovo Vino, Philadelphia. HOTELS AND SALOONS. I EXCHANGE HOTEL. ll HLOOMSBURO, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The undersigned having purchased this well knowu and centrally-located house, tin Exchange Hotel, sltunto on MAIN STREET, In HUomsburg. Immediately opposlto tho Columbia County Court House, respectfully informs his friends and tlm public In general that his house Is now In order for tho reception aud entertainment of travellers who may bo disposed to favor It with their cus. torn. Ho has spared no cxpenso In preparing the Exchange for tho entertainment of bis guests, neither shall tlicro bo anything wanting (on tils part) to minister to their pcrsonnl comfort. Ills house Is spacious, nnd enjoys an excellent busi ness locntlon. Omntbusses run nt nil times between tho Ex. chango Hotel and tho variot railroad depots, by which travellers will bo pleasantly conveyed to mid from tho respective stations In duo tlmo to meet tho cars. JOHN F. CASLOW. Bloomsburg, March 22, lsafl. PORK'S HOTEL, GEORGE W. MAUGER, lroprletor. Tho abovo well-known hotel hns recently under gone radical changes In Its Internal arrangements, and Its proprietor announces to his former custom nnd tho travelling publlo that his accomodations for tho comfort of his guests aro second to nouo In tho country. His tablo will always bo fonud sup plied, not only Willi substnutlnl food, but with all tho delicacies of tho season. His wines and li quors (except that populnr boverago known as "Jftllenry"), purchased direct from the Importing houses, aro entirely pure, und frco from nil imi. sonous drugs. Ho Is thankful for n liberal patron age lit tho past, and will continue to deserve It In the future. GEORGE W. MAUGER. J1IIE SWAN HOTEL, TUB UrPER HOUSE, ORANGEVILLE, COLUMBIA CO., TA. Ths subscriber resnect fulls Informs bis friends nnd tho nubile, Hint iio has taken the above well known Ilouso of Entertainment, nnd will bo iieuseii in receive 1110 eusiom oi an wiio mu avor him with n call. HE WILL KEEP A GOOD TABLE, a liar well stocked with the best of Liquors, anil overy effort will bo made to render entire satis faction. JOHN SNYDElt. urniigeville, ra., March 15, lMi7-lin. piIE ESPY HOTEL, JiHl'Y, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The subscriber res inrnrmsbis friends and the public, that ho has taken the nbovo well known House of Entertainment, nnd will be picnsed to reeclvo the custom of all who will favor him with n call. HE WILL KEEP A GOOD TABLE, n Par well stocked with tho best of Liquors, and every eirort will bo made to render entlrn satis faction. WM. REM LEY. liipy, Pa., April 12, 1S07. JJRICK HOTEL, ORANGEVILLE, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. ISRARL JIUMMA, PROPRIETOR. Havlm; taken oossckrIoii of this wi.11.1rnowH house, so lonar keot bv Sfiinncl KTerett. thol'ro- orletor hns put In It iierinanent repalrand furnish ed HAR AND LAUIir.Uwith thnrhnicestlinoors and newest delleueles. Ills stnbla Is not excelled In tho county; and no pains will bo spared to accommodate guests. npr5'07. SUSQUEHANNA HOTEL, Cntnwlssa, Pa. Tho above Hotel has lately been purchased by HENRY J. CLARK, and hns liecn thoroughly re modelled, repnlred, and refurnished. It will lo found now, In Its arrangement and nppolntmonta, n first-class Hotel, nnd second to uono In the country. Persons In cities wishing to spend the hot liisinlhs In tho country, will do well to give the proprietor ncall. glCHAIUEslK)TEL, ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN, Nos. 00, 02, 01, and 00 North Third Streets, between Market and Arch Htreers; Philadelphia. CHARLl'-S KLECKNF.R. Monngcr. piIE UNION HOTEL, Aich Street, between Third nnd Fuurth Streets, Philadelphia. CHRIST A WEHEIt, Proprietors. Q.IRARD HOUSE, Corner of Ninth and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia. II. W. KANAGA, Proprietor.