THE COLUMBIAN, 13LOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Sffa dffltwnbimt. iir-ooJisiiuna, fhiday, may 3, inr. A rr,v copies of tho Columihan wero worked oir before correcting U10 error In tho Assessing Dlstrlet ; of which l'nlo 111011 iiinkos mention. "Tnr. Young Mini's Library," In six volumes, Illustrated, for sale nt tho Co i.vmiiian otllcc. Tho sixth volumo Is an edition of Johnson's Dictionary. For snlo cheap. L. X. has returned from tho City with a fine stoekof Drugs, .Notions, nnd other nrtleles In his line. Go and see them, and wo arc satisfied you will purchase. Submit Mim,p,u has restocked the "Old Arcade," and now Is tho time to purchase before tho best of the gooiN are taken. Ills selections are unusually tine, and as everybody knows be cannot be undersold. A TjADY has given ten thou.-and pounds (about fifty thousand dollars) towards building churches In lllrmlnghain. "Will some of our people apply thcsanie spirit of giving to our Instltutu liulld Ing? How easy and light It would be if all worked together.' Tin: days of ready made clothing havo longgono by, becaiHo who would pur chase 11 baggy suit of shoddy when by calling 011 Mr. David Lowcnberg they get tho most fashionable s'ults at lower prices than city mado goods, and then they havo the assurance that goods and workmanship Is "A" No. 1. Tin: Itadlcal Legislature haying re pealed tho law giving bounty and pen sion to the soldiers of 18112, and to their widows, tlio-o who have been receiving it can draw no more, and those who havo applied, aro Informed that In con sequence their claims aro rejected. Lot tlieni place tho fault where it belongs, oti the Geary administration, Tin: Hash IJam.Ci.uii had their first game for tho season, on last Saturday, at tho Fair Ground". Quito a number were out, and an unusually good game was played. The whole Club should bo 011 hand next time. The ground is In good order, the weather fair, and there is 110 better remedy for "Spring fever." To clerks, students, and persons of sedentary habits, there can be no better exercise. A Itoiumirj: TuAannv. On Thurs day morning of last week, tho citi zens of llerwlck were thrown Into excitement by tho suicide of John Fowler of that place, lie was Hvlnir with tho family of Mr. John F.gcert, and occupied a small room, having a stove In tho centre, nnd chests In oppo site corners. Over 0110 of these chests hung a small looklng-glas, which ho faced In committing tho horrible deed. It would seem as If he had placed tho muz.lo of tho pistol close against tho inner comer of Ids right eyo when ho tired, or otherwise so small a bullet would not havo produced such a terri ble eirect. When found, the feet were lying towards the looklng-glas, show ing that ho had fallen backwards, nnd the pUtol was tightly grapcd In his hand and tho finger still 011 the trigger. II10 bullet, about the size of a buckshot, had paed through his head Into the iling. The entire upper part of hU skull" was blown olf, and nieces were ittered about the room, and under his bead was a large nias of clotted blood. On the chest In front of him lav an al most entire lobo of tho hi nin, while the other lay under tho of her chest at the opposite corner, which stood u few In ches above tho floor. Not onlv tho looking-glass, but tho celling and entire corner of tho room were spattered with brains. The deceased was over seventv years of age, and reported to bo very miserly. it is said rather than pay $!.) water tax per annum, whlloboarding himself, he carried water all the way from tho river, one-half a nillo distant nnd up a teep hill. Jlis wife left him some years ago, and married another man. Their only child is dead. 1 1 is property amounts to several thousand dollars. It N said that a few days before his sui cide ho requested one of Mr. Kggert's family to procure him poison, but they opposed him to he jesting. Tho mania 1 for self-destruction seems to bo Ireredl- nry in Ids family, as his mother de frayed herself, his brother, Henry 'owler, sonio years ago shot himself on the mountain near Foundry ville, and a sister lias made numerous at tempts at self-destruction. Wo remember the deceased well, for ho was long tho terror of the youth of llerwlck, especially thoso inclined to rob his orchard back of town. Ho was rim looking, yet had a dry humor that made lfini many friends. His connex ions arc numerous and respectable. "Wr. aro In receipt of tho Xational Police Gazette, published weekly In Now York City by Georgo vY. Maxell ,t Co. The first page Is devoted to portraits of leading criminals, scenes of murders, and of unusual events. It is n complete record of all that is horrible, and of all tho crimes committed in tho United States. Thoso wanting a criminal record can get none that furnishes tho details better than tho Gazette. Tin: Ohio Legislature has pasted a law prohibiting tho publication 01 ad vcrtisements of secret drugs and nos trums imriiortlncr to bo for the exclusive uso of women, and also tho sale of the sa me. llxeh a ityc. "Wo wish our Legislature would pub lish a law for the same purpose. True it would break down such sheets as the Republican, whoso columns teem with those foul ndvcrtNements; but the peo plo could easily survive tho loss. "Wi: arc informed that a thrco foot vein of iron oro has been discovered on tho farm of Mr. Cornelius Hellas near Orangeville. As it is said to be in the red shale some doubts aro expressed as to its value. Tho finders, however are (sanguine. Should they prove correct it would bo another Incentive for build inga railroad up tho creek, bccaure iron ore is becoming scarce here, and unless fresh supplies aro discovered tho iron interests of our County must suffer, AVfi aro gratified to bo able to an nounco to our readers, that shad are be ing caught In respectable quantities above the Columbia Dam. This solves a knotty point, and wo trust that Imme diate steps will bo taken to form sluices at Clark's Ferry, Sunbury, and Nanti- coke, through which this lino fish may pass. Xot only shad, but other classes of tho fish tribe will pas up, and our people can then enjoy tho pleasure of catching their own fish, as they did years ago, before the present dams wcro built. Mysteiuou.s AiTAin We aro in formed that on Saturday last there was found In a rail pile, on Mr. Mellon farm, above Kspy, tho remains of a child wlilfl. lmd been secreted there. The head was nearly eaten off by thorats, and from thonppearancoofthebody it had linnn fliern several months, its ago 1 estimated to havo been between tw and three months. An Inquest w: held on Sunday which renedered verdict in nccordanco with the above facts. "Wc trust tho proper authority ivin mni-n vlenrnus efforts to bring to trial tho perpetrator of this foul deed. A mother who would thus abandon or destroy her child Is infit to llvo In a Christian community. 'Fi:V townscan boast of as lino a Cem etery as ours, "it occupies 11 command ing situation, is well laid out, and well kept. Tho view from It is unsurpassed In loveliness. AVo regret that somoar rangement cannot bo mado by which our Catholic friends would permit their grounds to bo thrown Into It, and tho dilapidated fence fiurroundlng their lot removed. It is also a source of regret that It Is accessible only by -Market street; becauso no person cares about wadinir through the filthy alleys lead ing from Main street. Wo bopo to see the time when they will bo enlarged and 'kept clean. Our peoplo can then enjoy more fully the beauties' of tho Cemetery grounds, and find thero n plea-ant re treat from the cares uiid dust of tho street. Wr. have received The Atlantic Month ly for May. The following are its con tents. The Guardian Angel. Part A. Ily Oliver Wendell Holmes. History of tho Sewing-Machines. A sketcli of tho in vention of Scwiug-Machines, of tho difficulties and delays in securing their introduction to Use, and of tho changes effected by them. 15y James l'arton. Heart and Health. A Poem by Thos. liuclianan Head. The Genius of Dickens. A critical e.-say, by Ji. 1'. Whipple. Germany in Xew York. By Charles l'awson Shanly. Katharine Mome. 1 art VII. Uy the uithor of "Herman." Sorrow. A l'ocin. Tho Plaintiff Nonsuited. Some Unappreciated Characters. A humorous statement of tho possible,but not popularly credited virtues of such personages as Solomon's Sluggard, the Old Man of the Sea, Xanthippe, Hlue- Heard, Gallio, and Caliban. l!yC. C. Ilazewell. Oldport in Winter. Uy T. AV. Hig- 0111-011. Marble Quarrie-. A Poem by Gen. II. 1$. Sargent. The Custom of llurial with the Head toward the Fast. Uy Kov. X. li. I'rothfnghani. Heroes of Central Africa. Uy W. Winwood lleade. lteviews and Literary Xotices. l'icKXoii A Fiin.iw, Publ-bers, Dostou. Tun ancient town of Catawi-sa is in 1 high state of excitement over the "Liquor question." Tho teetotallers havo Inaugurated a vigorous campaign ainst the Hotel Keepers, and they have put themselves on the defensive. Counsel have been retained on both ides, and the contest will probably bo decided by the Court next week. Ix Spain, the Cortes, being something like Congress, took up first and pasod an act of Indemnity, freeing the gov ernment from legal liability for its Iato unconstitutional acts. OurCongiess at Washington has done the same thing for Lincoln, Stanton it Co., four or five times. Disgraceful. THE KALEIDOSCOPE : .. . Amnpfif litnyllfc lit niicttintiotiH mill Itn vnttcuiici'riii." Ml. XVII I. I'OlT.'fl VIUOl.VrA CAMPAUINi During that night tho men slept In lino of battle, but towards morning wero placed In a stronger position farther to the rear, In consequence of threatening movements of tho enemy. Daylight showed that they held Cedar Moun tain In force, and though wo had been recnforml, 1111 attack on our part would havo resulted In another repulse. During tho day Gen. Jackson sent In a Hag of truce permittlngus to bury our dead, which was readily accepted. Tho olllcers and men of the two armies mingled together freely, and talked as pleaantly as though but 11 few hours before they bad not been engaged In deadly conlllct undoll mound them lav the still nnburled dead. Among the otbersingular meetings was that of Gen. Hartsiifl' and Gen. Stuart. The former on meeting, Jocularly remarked: Hallo! Mtiart, my boy now goes it 7 who'd a thought of such changes within so short a time? I was over you once you know; now. you're a full Major-Goncral, and I but a simple brigadier." The enemy were astonished nt tho pluck and audacity displayed by our troops, especially In charging again and again their batteries; but they attribut ed It to the fact that our Uegliuents wcro mostly from Pennsylvania and Xew York. Tho battle-field was anything but an inviting sight. The dead were being placed in trendies, some In comfiields and some in the woods. So slouchily wero many buried, that it was a frequent sight to seean arm, a leg and sometimes n human face protrude, while not far off would bo tho carrion crow ready to feast on the mortal remains of our gal lant dead 'u soon as wo wero out of sight. What a blcs-Ing It was that the fond mother, or bereaved wife knew nothing of the condition of tho remains of llio-e they loved so dearly. Farther to the rear tho sight was mnro horrible. Those of tho wounded who could ride wero carried in two wheeled am bulances (especially designed for torture) to Culpepper, while the most danger ously wounded were scattered around on the grass awaiting their turn at the Surgeon's hands. Some would still'en in death before reached others would die during examination. Some would cursohorribly,others would bear their woundspatiently,or send word homo to their kindred by tome attend ing comrade. A largo brick hou-o in rear of ourbattery was u-ed as a hospital, and was entirely filled with men. Tho fine, largo piano was Used for an ampu tating table, and as I saw the blood trickle down through the ivory keys, and the pile of legs, unns, and oth er remnants of humanity under it, I thought how sad was the chango since delicate fingers pressed those keys, and melody instead ofgroans came from the Instrument. AVhatn blessing is war! AViitu: any further evidence of tho prosperity of our town required, wo would send tho doubter to J. AV. Cham berlln's Cheap Clothing Store In Hart man's Ulock, Though only established for a short tlnio ho employs a largo number of experienced men and wo men, who do their work far better nnd neater than oureitycstnblishments. Ho has n large quantity of goods on hand suited for spring and summer wear, and now Isthe time to let M'Konzlo give yoajlts. LEGAL NOTICES. A PPLICAXTS FOIt HOTKL, KFS- iV TAl'ltAN 1' AN1I 1,11(11011 Kroltl'. I.K DN Ml N N'nllcc I. hcrchv irlvcn Hint the fotloulnz persons have lim,1( application In the Pmthono Inrv or Ciihiinhi.i County for Tuvelh, ltostnurant nixl l.lipiiir sunn License to In itinnted nl tho cniuiuiz .nay mini HARDWARE & CUTLERY. nitov nn UAK MH'S lllnotil llt-ruer llt'tilon l!.Tli'lt Ililnrrri'dt Ottiiu Ksil tVntmllu Joint T,piiw!t John 1' t'ltttlmv ;m W MmiiK'r Hrrnnnt MtnhtiiT c t A Jncobv 1, It Motutrttlinll. Witt IKlilinorc II Milliner Jolill V CiihIoxv John S Mnnn rmntnrm A. Son John J Miles M II (JIIHirM f(U Iron O llo.lrr llenrv J Clark J II IvUtlcr 1'hllln UofxehnU KlineA-dllhert J 1) ltiiimm l,rl Krilfr Joint Uroer II 11 Iilmum Nuituel Uiettertch A W C'n-iuner Tlmi OVnnner, Joint Cannon, 11 A WYMensiUil Sli-nlirn Ilnrntt Mkli:iel O'llnlro l ho (lerntv Samuel Itlcluml l'iitii. k Killi-on, Unhurt 1'nrrell Mnrv Cliapiium Slepln'ii 1 lioinai Tnvern V Manor stnrf Cat in a Hoiiio I.lnnnr store Kallni? flouto ratltnr House Tnvern I'utliiK House I.lijuor Storo Tnjrrii Hat Ing lTouo 1. Hi rrliiiiton ThuniiiH o Conner " Jolni siirllntrcr " lT M'Klerimm Tavern Tlminn Monrnp ' Samuel Leihy Joint U Kline " HUiiatn:! " Cnrnollu- M'Carn " Milton llCox " JoKpjih V Lona " Humphrey Parker " John llnttmnu " I.u.lwlL'Thlele " Joshua Winner ' John Kline ' Nane Ilhoileq " U'tvhl Ynuer " Samuel Yeltor Taem a K smith " Samuel Hlmby ' Anron He. 4 " (ien II Urown " liiowu Cnlemnn Knllntt Houso Win. Mutter Mel Irk " Jaeob (looil Taertt John Snter " " lintel Mummer ott I'hillp 1) Killer " " John saviure " John Hummel " Win ItinilfV " J It Itlee natini: llouvo JI-i; C'iim:ma, rrothonotury. llIoomvbuiK, April lDT. Cunym;ham rKlilnuerr He Orcenuon-l Ueiuloek l,oeU.t MauKon Minuu Montour Mt IMenstnt (innie ii a n D v a n n, IUOX, NAII4t W'l'MKI. AC, AC, 4.C. MAIN HTIU'.r.T, nUJOMBIlUUO, I'KXN'A. Take thU melhoil of Inforinlna th cltlronnf Co lumbia, eouty( thai lie linn opnieM tin c.ttenlvo llanhraro itnre ott Main streftt in Itloumiburtf, near Iron ntreet, Hti-1 that lif linn on lminl IAU( WTO K ANH IliriTKU ASMJUTKI) iluwx vnn tie foutiil any whero flue in th eottnty, nihl whli ti Itn Intend to sell At price whlrlt defy competition. CHAINS. AXK3, STKHL, IllOX. I Iimo cltAln, nil sires, ftie, nil make nml elftht,fitctltnlt hlzLlrutif nil tmnpea, nnd nil erylow. 11 u in i) n 11 lunDVAiin, of every deicrlpttoni. NaIN, axlo pulley, fash eonl, lalehei, lockinnd knoln.butt screw, nam f.iHit, itiilow Hprinii1', bano knobo, strap liltmen, haps and staple, hookn ami Maple, nnd in fact w rry t hln needed In that line. COACH ,t WAGON MAKKKS' ItAUDWARIl, enibraelnir nltiut crcry thlut: tn that line. Alio ltAUN1lS MAKillt-S' HAItDWAHi:, Itueklei, Japanned; liuekle, silver ptatcdj ldtt nf every kind , IIami. Iron : put treei : lUiirx, WfMiil i Raddle tree". tree, fflrlh web, worMed and eoltott : thread, f Ilk, nuhninl iieedles, tool nf nil kinds. sitor;MAKt:its iiAnnu'Aitr, A full nnorttnent forearpcnter.1. I liaveplnne all klndi, avj hand.paitnel.rlp.nndeompas.!, miunre- steel, Iron, and try 1 Imrlnn mnehlne, cliUIei, nusen, lieelf mallet", lixaeei, RfWitjci, plnuy, rnlei, blli, and about everything for can inciter. i on Tin: l'non.i: or.Ni:nALiiT I linve coal hods, f al tdlOM'1 scoops, (oal sifter!, lnnt ern,tableiutlery,lH:kt cutlery, plated poom, plated forkHtserverH,teaandeof reepotH.liullerknKeMtmlllsaus, crosi cut saw , circular ia 1, Kane saw, flies horse Khoew renclies, rivet sliaui mers hateliels iuatlockT, picks, forkprub blnt; lioei, sho eli, Kpade, spudhiK fork, hoes, rake, bed pins, twine, sdcatej, plnwi, coftln trim- lnliiRS Kmery, led chalk, white, challc, wire, horse nails, meat cuttem, Ki-ale.s, wash boaid, liorso buckets, wooden palls, clntlies pins, glue, door mats, porch mats, par lor mats, corn toppers, faint brushes, horo urttshes, lelgh belN, heel calks, enamel id kettles, bt'ass kettle', copper kettles, htewkettles.sauco pans, axes.ualli, Sledyei, curtain fixtures 'iltimblf skein nnd boxes, Pumps, lead pipe, etc., Tarred rope and hundreds of article? not nu merated constantly on hand at UHAltLUS W.HNYIUin S, Main Street, Illoomsburs. A. sinvixu maohinhs, New York, Tennessee, Vnnsylvanln, Mississippi, Mklili?an, Call for n In, Vermont, Missouri, Ohio, Vlralnln, Wero awarded the Holiest rreinlumsot tho Htate I 'air of Kentucky, New Jerioy Alabama, Indiana, North Carolina, Wlmnln, lown, Oregon, at Titr; KAins or Tin:- American Institute, 1'rankllti lntltuti Mary land Institute, Ma". Mechanic' Associa tion, Tenn. Mechanics' Instltute,St, f,onls Agrlcullurnl ami Me elianles' Association, Attdnt numermw Institute nnd County Fairs, Ineludlugnll tho I'alrs nt which they were rxlilb- iled thwpast thrco years. rirslPrUi liao nlso been nwarded thco Machlnesat tho exhibitions of LONDON, PARIS, DUISMX, LIN, ncsancan, nayonne,St. Dlzler, Chalons, nnd they liae becij furnished, by -pecIat command, to tho Kmprcssof I'ranco, llmprcis of Austria, Kmpres of Itusla, nmpressonira7ll, Queen of Spain, nnd Queen of llavnrln. tiik onovr.n a iiakhr r.t.ASTIC-STICIt H K W 1 N G A 0 II I X K S arc superior to nil other for tho following reasons: 1. They sew with two tlnends direct from tho spools, anil requiring no rewinding. 2. They are moto easily unuerMood nnu used. ami les llabloto derangement than other ina-ehlnes, 3. They aio cnpnblo of executing perfectly, with out change of adjustment, n much greater arlcty of woik than other machines. MISCELLANEOUS 'JMIK PADDY UUX U ) A Ji o u l' a ' y , o p B1IICKS1IINNY, 1'ISNNHYIA'AXIA. CAPITAL 4130,000. JUiiN' it. TACi;ilOUBH ltltlfl. C11AH. A. llOO.Vi;, Secretary anj Trtmnri-r. DIltr.CTOHS: John !. Xlnclilioskt, X. I.. Campbell, t'hn. 1. Uoont, Cyrus HtnckboHe, A. JI'l)awell. () ITIOBi MAIN BTItnUT, S1I1CK9II1KXY, FA. CLOTHING. Payraonts to tho COLUMBIAN for April, 18Q7. Columbia co. $SG fiODr Kllno 0 00 J IS 1 lilt StUll - vv .nn ciiuiiii.'.-3 II Will 1 1 111111(3 I"' 2 mi Slimlnu'k He 1 OH 2 (l(U JI JIowtit 1 oo 2 0(1 Samuel Kliuo 2 00 ' Oil Daniel Kicfor 2 00 KpTrowbrlilsoi 00 " 00 Kn Hvam - 00 .Io?eiilt Walter 2 00 John Oman '1 0 .lao'Wllllijera 00 llobert Wnut fi f Samuel Iletz 2 oo Henry 11 1 2 0 J-Mato of Har- iSam'l Kclelmcr fii man Milllieiiii 15 00 llir M'llenry 2 00 IJ II Karns 1 00.1 .MiteM nu - I liiiauR' - Henry Folk S JI kills (ieo W Jteari Thos Hlekey Silas Conner John (iirton W P Whito SlaiiKlitor'.s Jlountain, nromid which this battle was- fought, Un remarkable eminence in tho plain which stretches from the Itapldnn totlioltappalinnnock, ami on to tho Potomac. It ri-es abruptly at Cedar Hun and terminates ti mile this shle of tho llapldaii, and from its Mimniit can bo had ouo of the lovlie-t views in Virginia. The Mlvery thread of tho many streams can be di-tiiictly traced as they How through the beauti fully undiilatiiii; plain, and tho onto smiling villages which dot tho surface give a plea-ing variety to the hatlovy wood-, andgrccii lieUK In the di-tance the lilue Itidgo looms up, in itelfa lur- riar to the parage of a ho-tilo foe into tho beautiful valley it enclo-cs. The Slaughter family had a handsome residence built near the Minimit, and 1 commanding a lino view to the north.) They were considered one of tho "F. F. V's;" and tho records lying scattered j about tliepreini-ow bore out tlieir claim, i Captain Philip Slaughter, at tho ago of( seventeen Joined the "Jlinuto mon" of i evolutionary renown as a private; and alterwards was commilonoil as Lieutenant in the 11th Virginia Hegi mcnt of which Daniel Jforgan was Col onel, and In which Lieutenant (after wards Chief Ju-tice) JIarsliall served. He participated in tho battles ol liran dy wine, Germantown, Jionnioutb, and at the storining of Stony Point, lie -pent the winter 1777-8 at Valley Forge, audit is said, "whik' there his wird robo was reduced to a single shirt, mid while this was being washed he wrapped himself in a blanket. From tho brea-t of hisonly shirt lie had wrist bands nnd a collar made, to complete his uniform for parade." 'NVa-hlngtoii daily invited the otllcers in rotation to dlno witli him at hN private table, but for want of decent clothini,' fow were enabled to attend. Slaughter being m much better provided, went in tlioplace of others, in order as ho said, "that the Hegiment might bo represented." He lived until a few years ago.hiivingbeen twice, married, and had nineteen chil dren and over one Hundred descendants. I On Tuesday, tho twelfth of August, ! Hayard's Hrigado madou reconnoi-aiice i in our front anil a-cerlalued that Stone- 1 wall Jackson had retreated behind the rpiUAL LIST FOHJIAY THHJI, 1S07. '. Win. I.. Iiiu'o v. Atfivil Crevcllnc J. lli'iij-imlu Zarrnml Wlfi' n. Win. sharpie'. 3. Ivluunl lllllur Xh.TllolAK-ut JluualniiiCiial l ', (. M. Cli.nnlii-rlln uso vs. MUsll. IMcar. . .lacali Kolnlt'V VP. Thu futawNn Itallroail Cn. fl. Ilcniy 1', Mi.- s 'IIm' nuriniBli ol llvrulrk. 7. KM .Inn vs. HllosC. Milmtt vt.ul. . Wrljlit lluili"i IVlPi-MIUor. f, .louullian KnillUi . Wrlitlit lluirlin". la Marf :. liivill U. S. llimi'll 1 1, al. 11. .lolm I.aM' llainoy M'lltcnily. IJ. li.iM Vwuior . Cllnlim Dinillu 1 1. .I.lllll W. I.l si-1TV. IVIlth. ItUhel. H. WiH.'V .' l'cili t. .lolm W. l.i's'hor. - I.'i. i:ihiH Ktuni i.' s. liiulol Kium'ft ailmr's. 1 M. rinrl' Try v. li.mll Krum's n'lmr'h. 17. Win. . Itarr vs. .lames llyUo. Is. sj Ivrsu-r J. Tain- v. W. ('. (ireon's mlra'r. l't. .I.ienb s. i:am . w. i'. ilrecu's iijin'r. I ai. .1. 1'. rinclier v. I-a.iu Yt ller. I 'Jt. .l.lcuh A. SiwIsIht vn. Altel Thitma''. ! .laeuli A. Sw isla-r vs. Uieliaril Lyons. , 2-." j.Ia lues 4 Itn m:i n Mli'lriel Crime. I 2"i, tH-oriii Itiinin s. Lennaril Stelninan. I 21. Win. M. lloasliiml vs. Il.irney jrilrearly. vs. '1 hus. Slaekhotlse's Kxt'h. 'Jii. Joseph I.illey vs. lVler MelleU. 1 -J7. slrouil .S: lh-oun s. Ainlrew l 'reveling, i s. D.-liorah Ili-en vs. dwell I., lleall. '."i. IMwanl M dill el. al. mi. John Sweeney. dirk tewail an 1 Wife vs. :. ('. I ' rr. SI. I'ranUUn Yoeum vs. William T. shiiman. I ?tj. William reason et. al. s. slnlon I'.Miive. .lolm 1. su-ohinoier vs. Samuel Xeylmit. HAND .Il'ItOHS I'lllt MAY VI'.nM, 1SC7. .V i"tii Aii'lr, iv Alaillson. Ilri,-vr . Isn.le llower. ;.-.. JlrnriH John M'Anall. Hi Html Naae K. KiieUhtllim. ri'i. siimnel llniehlsou, 1. Has Creasy. Ctlan iKsil lletn.v .1. Miller, riii''i'"i'i I'anlel T. M'Kelinatl. yWioi..-j.-. . ll.ivul S.lvaK'', lleoli;e M. Ilowi-U. Jaekson Ale. ,-i-. run i'jil mill 'lirey rarkt-r, llrmlrwl. IV! el' llrillfh-1. .,....... Ituheil I :.l r.,r. Ml. l-li a-iinl li.inlel Vantlci-slleo, I'.llas Unwell. MiXlltn Aaron Mnsteller, .lolm li. Atiaie. .Uuoo-Aaroli Miller. Miutimin W' I'tn-hell. J'mr sh.i-lihk lAi-s. Ilmtrt titrrcf A I irn liani Heaver. .siuinrliiuf winder Miulu, Klehanl Kile. T' MtAVFUSi: Jl'ltOIbS I'Dll MAY TKltM, iwr. Illmm .losiah II. l'lirinaii, Isal.ili Iliirlinnn, j liomas .1. enner. Unafi'n .- I.nos .Miains, jonu l esier. jr. Iteititr I'liiirli-H r. Mann, Nullum llieillH-mler, N'alhan lli-eilheinler, sr. ;.ic. ;.'.rii-Wllliaiii 11. Illlleiihoiise. i Htiinna John Marlr, A'iain 1'eiierojr. I'ltiilUtn lieoli; llalllnail. koii irmk Win. Ash, I'lilllp Appleman, t.mnuiiml .IrR nes Mtmnlnir. .lolm Miller. . mlwk I lush W. M'lleynolils, Andrew J. Km nii It, Is.i 10 l'ulaell W illl.iin II, Minelililker, Win-Winter-teen, John llet. oeiii' I'eter Miller, .laeoli Harm r, .W.(Hol .Inline. Ill-tier. M-intuitr Isime Mini ry. Minlwui Win. ll.irtohl. Samuel Ulnlliy, Jr. 1. I'trtiwnt I'eter Illppenstlel. oiviee Jesse llrnmstitler. y.;ie Ir.l I'lllsi ll. , y.'-fO-oi'erei. Il.mlel ll.u itf. .-watt lohn shtimnn, A. li. I'lmrntnii. StfiH.'lmtt sloslali II. I'ril, Henry (.'. Hess. TKW STOCK OF CLOTIIIXG. Tho IntvU lioM ly Coinpflny, cms 1st of I'oun nuxoitKD axd i-outy- oxi: A CHICS, niut lxty-fonr ietTlns, of curf fully fccleclod lnnd yluit Honliiwct nf wliWes-Ilurre, I.uterno coun ty, I'll.. In Iho wptorn port of Iho flrcat Xorthorn or W'i oinlty? CVwl Iihi. Awry cnrffii mm ihoronsn oiftmlnntlon tf ocntly inmlp 1ms iiroM'ii Uieho (for ttm nbove) IntuN to 1)' tho cinlrinllinrnt f a vnt ntnount of tho wry nl quality of untlimclto coal, having every facility thf.t couM bo umlrea for trrtns- lrtnt!nn lu nil illrccttonn. Tho nbove trnct Is prfWrfnl tiy a r(km1 rnnl, find n1o dlrretly In ft out, nml JoInfni?nrothP ItcknTvnnnfi & Blooms lnirRrnllrtnil,nn(l tho Wiotnlnj? canal, thus nf fonlinn tho very boftmlviintiyjc of n carry lug rndd ntnt timnl rminhm tn the very mouth of tin? tnliiM witlunit cxppiifn to the rt mutiny. The men'-urfim'nt nf tho tl I flei cut IhmJs or senilis nlri'iitly tlevclftpctl ua cnrrfttlly obtained nnd" ndiled tncthpr: the tlilcktifM of thee nenniB, InrtndliiK the cplebrulPd "Ued Ah," "JJuck Moun tain, ' nr "(lrand Tunnel" fin, Is thlrty-ono nnd Rlutlf ft'r.t.mi.Uj), every cubic ynrd of which will yh'ldri ton, Klvlntr ft lnrgo antonnt of tho best fjunllty of cnul. Tlu'lot'atl)n KMich that Ml the veins mny b cut nnd WfdJied t(itheyu'filPti"islblendvftntngo ttbovi' water lewd, nnd nt much less exppno than can bo done from collcrirs operating below wnter lewd. The coal can be brought to tho surface through drift or tunnols which drain the water from the mines and unvrs tho lioMlut; of the coal. So th (.'lUilMUly of thct-o lands forehenp ntlntns Is un questionable. Very lately tho J '(J run d Tunnel" or "lted Avh" vein lmn keen opencil, nnd Is now producing as tine a quality of coal as has ever been produced lu Ihf nnthrnelto reglvui. Tho breaker now In operation Is capable of preparing from l-jOtuiV) tons per day. Tho surface contains nn nbund.tnt supply of wood ami tlmbpr very rnl liable for mining purposes, which rIvcs tho trnct Iho ntlvnnlnge of many other coal lands. Tho f.ict that nlmost nil valunblo coal lands are being rnpldly tnkcti up by h?avy capitalists or laro cor porations, allows that thry must stendlly nnd ir really rWc In th mnrket value, while with tho immense and constantly Increaslns demand for this eoal, and the Hailioad nnd North llrnneh ca nal, paIn? by the mouths of the mines, through the Great Iron making districts of Illoomsburff, Itntivllliv Diitn'nniion. 1 1.'irrUhitrrr. MidiUptnu-n. i. Thewtltchmadoby thevo machines Is much Mn. u,.,n ..... , ,1ilinilli.. to ii-io-xtsiPr nt ITriTr moiellrm, elastic, and durable, especially upon llo (;mv0f oll0 rnn sc.arroly conceive of a morj nrtkleswhlcluTqulrLMobo washed and Ironed, j rront:ildo or permanent soureo of wealth than I'resh nrrlvnl of TAIX AND OOOPH. I) A VIP LOWENlirild Invites Attention to his stock of ciircAf ANprAmoNAma.oTiiiNn. nt his Rtoro on Mnln f-ticet, two doors above the American PTous- Illoomsburg, la.t where he has Jut reeehed from Now York and Philadelphia ft full Asortmcat of MHN AND UOYh' CLOTHING, including tho mod fahliionftnle. durable, nnd handsome imns noons, consisting of uox, hack, rnocic, gum, and on.-cr,oTii COATS AND TANTf , of nil vorti, "Izes, and colors. Uo has nlio rcplen' ished his nlrealy large Moek of FAM. AND VINTi;it SIIAWI,S stiui'i:d, norni:i), and tlain vusts, siimrs, citAwry, htocicm, collaiih,, olovus, -usii:ndi:in, and tancv Anncr.i:s lie hns ponstantly on hand n large auJ well-so lcctttl a-jsortment of CI.OTIIS AND VIISTINOS whUdt he is lirepired to make to order Intonny kind of plothln. on wry short notice, and in tho best nn nner. All bis clothing is mado to wear, and mo-d of It Is of homo manufacture. COM) WATC1IIX AND.IKWKI.HY, than any other stitch. 0. This stitch, olng to tin- manner In which tho under thread is Inwrought, Is much tho most plump and beautiful lu uso, and letalus this plumpness nnd beauty even upon articles fre quently washed nnd Ijoned until they are worn out. C. Tho structure of thr seam is such that, though it bo cut or broken al Intervals uf only a few stitches. It will neither open, run, nor ravel, but remain firm and durable. 7. Unlike, other machines thoso fasten both ends of tho seam by their own operation. 8. With thrso machines, while silk I used upon the right or side of tho senm, cotton may b used upon tho other sldo without lessenlm; tho strength or durability of tho seam. This can Uo done on no other machine, nnd Is a great saving uion nil articles stitched or made up with silk. 0, Thce machines, in a Iditbm to their superior merits as instruments for sewing, by a change of adjustment, easily learned nnd practiced, execute tho nust beautiful nnd permanent (inuroiaery nnd ornamental work. In addition to their family machines they hac nKo tho may lie found in lands like these. In order to be nblo to op(n their works on a morn extensive plai, this compsnyhns placed ft portion of their capital stock in market on the follouln terms: Any person taking one or moro shares of stock at TEX DOLLARS EACH, will be entitled mutually to ft ton of coil nt et at tho mine per si in re, nnd tut stockholders NOT lir.CTdVING TIIK COAL ns ftfoieialrf, to be credited on tin books of tta? Company, with the dllTorcncr bclwcn th cot and Kclllnicpvlee for each share, to L paid befor a dividend fchnll bo declared. C. F. ItNA?r, Agent. March 1, 1SC7. VOTIOI Tho Stockholder1 rsnf the 11 LOOMS nVIS CI LIT- WtAlti' IX.STIJ UlJ'nr notitled that nn elec tion will be held In the Library ltoom of tno In stitute Itulldlnc, on tho first Saturday of May next, between the hours of one and four o'clock i I. M.( heiiii the Ith proximo, to rlct nlnn Plrec- ioim hi iiuuiue 1 1 if ituaiiH n in i.tniuuir., three to serve one year, three to serve two ypsra, nnd thtee to sen three yi-ars. reraiins whohava sul'M-nlti d, nnd w lv havL- )nld up their Inulal meuts In lull, can nil on the President, L. U. Ku jHit, and ieteie their eerUilcates of iiock. Ily order ot the Hoard. F. C. KYKlt, Secretary. Illoont-buiv, April 10, 1SU7. IMPHOVKD DOUIUjK LOCK bTITCJt MACIUXKS, I s . I I4..1. ntll.-n I .J. Ill lI,1iu 'I'll I J fVll. oi eery uosiTii'tion.iine uuu cnenp. iinnm - n..,,!, fctit..ti Mn- s. il In till eninlno his Kcnernl nssoi tinent of ci.iii'iiiNti, WA'rciiiN..ii'Avr.i.nv,.'.r. iiavii) i.owi:.Niii'iin N OTKW CLOTHING AND O KNTLK- mi:n",s runxisiiiNv: H'niiii:. Tho miiler-lj;lieil l-especlfnlly unnoiinees to ills iii!in fileivU that he hns ojteneil n new Clothing nlnl fjentlciiien's I'urnlslilii Store, In the lmre room or Hie ll.ulTiiau IlullilIiiK, Minthwebt eorner of -Multi ninl M.irket Streets, lUoonisbnri;, l'.i. lliivin? Jnst retnrneil nom l'hll.nleliiliin Itli n Ii rco Mnelc ol l'AI.l. AND WINTKIl CLOTHlNd ehines, hotlmt persons having n iireferenee ean fccleet (-uelins Ihey like lust, uiul If not sulieil ean e.i li.nne. for the other, tluHKivIU); the. puliUe, thu nilviintiiKoof this nrrangeiiu nt. They also inaUe tho newly Invented no. i i.oeic sxiTcrr machines COLLINS, rASllION'AIIlU SIIAVIXO, HA lit C'UTTINCl n AMI SJlAJirOOI.NT. SALOON", CVml Hono Alley, next iloor toCbitiii'.iuiiOfV, m.oii.Msiiur.n, ia. Hair 'livelnx tiinl A'lill;ers eolnrel Mnet or In-own. ll.iir I'ouie to ileMrovilaiulrufT.nillienu- tlti lint tho hair; win restore hnlr to its onainnl eoior witliont soiling on hanq. the tlnest lahrie, eonstanlly fipri. u. TI DOWS A 1'1'lt A ISEMEXTS. i r I i 1 I I I WI vi ; Kllno l Wliitewtconi! m ! Uttjililiui. As irt of M'C'Icllnn's forces . . . . .... -V.... l 11 I . . 1 .1 c wiiitetiHtii: i 1HII.IIHI1I ,;'iii" - i,,u-,,.i,li,' (Mi.ii'oo Moort! - 0(1 H WliitLT.,ten -1 0U(ii'o Stt'iulinaii j U) ( i w) El well 1 .Vl' John Van l.U'W 2 0( Hohr MM Icnry '1 ("I Jtpuiion eiui-r J ) Itlco 1 On, Win Woliber 2 (JII. WUW llll'KS Jonas Itnntz Viindlno A J I'urr (iOO ItCH'llt'l Simon Lowry John Hunt. Juvob Yiiiins Jacob Met. .1 I) Hiinyan J it uorvur oil 2 Oil 2 OO (Hi LEokroth 2 (in rj() ML'WooilwanU on 2 OO'Ij II Criiv-y 2 li 1 00 Sol. Iltirnian 2 oo 1 00;.I H Dliiini 1 oo 1 OOTJIIlIti'hilHOll 2 00 no ou 00 oo 00 00 2 00 .Iniiii's Lako 1 00. E.I M'lU'nry 1 oolU 1' M'llunry l.ilm I.Vonrn Gl fi() A liollllT list W lloblson (i 50 II M Itcavcr ii ii i ....i. en Con H MiirKlu kVirvlhinimn2 00 Nlfholas 2 I)rJIvKobliIns2 00.1 (UiiinliiKliiiiiil .1 L (iirton 2 M Ht'l;tir'iollK-t'l i..,,,! Kllno 2 00 (ieo W Miller 1 U" I'.Ki k'lmer 2 00 iivn Eekioth I'eter Ent 2 00 J W LyiU'h W E Albright 2 00 hail already been withdrawn from the IVniiisiila, and a eaeh day helped to strengthen thoforco massing inour rear, tills movo of. Jackson's was eliifrnlar, and has been regarded as ono of tho tho few blnnderi eoiiiiiiittGil by that Gen eral. On tho fifteenth our DIvMon was moved up to tho Itapldan, whero wo wero soon after Joined by Slfiel's Corps, Ily ascend in;,' tho southern nob of Cedar Motiutnin, wo not only obtained a tfood vlow of tho enemy's position, but wero enabled to IoeatcUordonsvllle, MadUpn C. II. and Charlottesville. Wo estab lished a sijjnui station on this point, much to tho annoyance of tho enemy, 'l lie iollowlliiiniii.nil-enii-nts of real mm per son il nropeil v i-et u-.o I l. w Mows of ileeeilents, Ii. if hern Ills. .1 in tlieoiliieol the llenisler oi l'n liiiiil.l.i eonnty, un.lil Hi. lSnles ol I'ourt, niul nill he preM'iiteil lor ul.-.ihilu eonlliinatlon, to in--iii-ih.ins' I'oml to I-.-lu lil In lllooinshuii;. In .01 I W'l iinjHVV, I 111. I In. Ill II 1 1 i oi .Ma, 1si,7, at two o'.-IoeU in llieiitlei noon of s-ii.i .lav, unless i-M-i .:...iis tn hiu-h euiulrnm I Inns are pieMonslv llli-.l, oi'Mlileli nil porous in!- i. steil In estatis 11 E ttliie l-otiee: 1. Wl.low nf William llueliiilcw, lale of l-'lsli-Inm. I; tounsliiii, th e as, .1. j. Wl.low of llol.eit (iill'isiiy, lato of Hemlock toil lisliln, ileeuaeil. !l. Wl.low of Jiwep'.i n-.l.hlns,lnleof Oieenwooa Iom nsnip, lueeascii, I. Willow of fhmye H, lliiylinut, Into of Cala Ml.. a township, ileieiiMsl. '. Wl.lowof Jacob Veller.l.ite of 1 leaver town ship, ileeense.l, ... Wl.low of Atlnm I.ut, lain of r.cnton town- shiii, .leeeaseil. T. Wl.low of A!enlliler Yeaplc, late of Fishing. i. . K lolMlslllp. ilieells.-.l. i Wl.low of (leoran.M llwen.IiitutifOrec-nwoo.l t.,u iisliip, ili-eeaseit. 9 Wl low of Henry Hosier, lam of Heaver town ship, ileeeaseil. jiiiin ii. rui:i:.i:, Hejuter. lllooiiislmr', Aiirlt "i, ln.7. CCO TNT OE'i'lIE ES ati: nr nt vn' i a. i.v s i i M. Al i.i-1-Kinis llltt 1. steil Ml I.IUU tlotlee. thiil saniiiel I'reM'lin;, i ..ininltlee of 1'ranUlin I -reveille.' a li-. Im . til. -t III" Hrt aeenuut ot the malum mi nt of III.-. -lute ol Hie hillil lllll.llie wltlitlio I'l-othonotaiy oi tliu Court ot I'ouuuou l'leaH of tho County of Columbia, ninl that Hie alii neeount will 1m? presenteil to llvo JinlneK of llieCouil of Comuion l'letis of kiI1 County, for the hearing ainl eonllrin-ttlon, on Tueiiday, Iho hevi-ulli il.iy of Mny mt. JIInsiI; ci it, K.MAN, Protlionoinry. Illooiiishun;. Mai eh i. NiT-Ut, pitllHiE N(7nCE. THE T' H1CS I- i dent niul lili-.-i lor. of the L'atnwlssu IlrliUe i ..iniLiuy lia. this tiny tleel.ireil iv illvl.leutl of llai m per rent. tseeut -live ielit per share) on the e.i i.ltnl Moel, ot the Company, pavahla In Hie Moi-lili'tliler- or ivpn senium es, ou or till, i Hi,, I. nib loshitit. .KillN KI.lll'Us, C)imiiuri V'hljc On-e. I Treasurer. April 5, ll!7. I and flHNTI.nMr.N'S I't'llMHIIINd fiOOPH, Ae. ho H. liters himself tint he ean please all. sloe!; Ml'.N'S, IlOV.-s', sueli ns COATS, 'f Mtl'SrKK X TA OIlEHIEI'''S HA LE. Uy Viitrci: oi-' O a writ of .it. I'rititih'tiU I Vi'iiitu, lsued out of , the Court of Comuion Please of Columbia county, mill to u.e illll eti il, Will In eliOseil topuhlio .alii lit the Courl House, ill lllooiusliurj.on lO.VJl.l 1' thcbixni ;' JM 1', ls7, at onoo'i-loi-k In i the all u noon. Hie i.illnuin rt al esiat lo wit: an n'lvaneouiion nil midlines heretof-uo known fit,mll't,nin,i v niilminiowushl'.,Coluiulil.s. forsewluir Willi tho l.oi-li-silnh. It Is nf great eountv, eontainlui; lllly leet Iron! nn.l two lain power ni,lS.renlMh.espie,..y.,u.,pe i-lioeiiuilceri., Iiiiruess-inaliers.iiiiriwji-lrlmmeis', Si,.,,.....,,, o,,,! ,i i,-,m ciuuaiiv. n.l outho nn.l for all ilLsellptlons of work to vvhlill the east I.v hinds ol luvviinee Casey, whereon U AO. His; and vorriis' ci.onii.vo, PANTS, rNi)i:iisinr.Ts, Nix'i-Tir.s SACIC COATS, VtSTS, uiiAWinis, OVHUCOATS, COI.T.AUS PUSPHNIUIUS, At.i. tho Judged of tho Court of Com mon I'leas In Ireland, aro now Humanists. IS N THE CoritTtn-' Common I'i.kas OU 1IIK ClIU.NrV III' CoLl'MlllA I nn vnixi'. llmr. liv hen Dieeiiiber Term, IsiA next tllen.l Julm Mauler, r No, ii, i . Tllovi.vs ltoAl'. ) In lllvoree. ToTliomn Unit. iteitpoU'leni Mr : llio ( ourt have uinuleil aiuleou .viu to show eiiu.; why a illvoleoo riiiruto mUrlmmiil klioulil not he ilee.issl, P.etuilialileMon.l.i.v, Jlav lMh. si- at lOiieloel; a. in. h.Ml'l.l. mNVIiKU. isherlll. illooliKburt', Maieli 1, 17. HOSIKUV,, U.MIIP.nt.I.AS, AH an.llnfnet evorytliliij lu the Clothlm; or Pur- nUklng line at very low price. In n'Mltlon tnlho nbovo he lintna elegant kortmtutof CLOTHS, CASSIMHUn-S AND VI'iSTIN cLorniNQ ma wr. to op.nnu at this kllOUTKiiT NOTIt'H. Cult nnd so. befor. purchftklni; elsewheie, Hlid KCUH13 UKI3.VT llAltdAINH. octO-ly J. W. CHHMlir.HI.AIN MILLINERY GOODS -gLOOMSHUlUl, FANCY T1UM- MINO AND hookktohi:, necoiid dixir he low llnrtmnn's, Main Street. lust reeelve.l n new stock ol zupiivus. woor.r.N and corrov YAit.v-, COIUSHTH, t.A(JI3rl, l'.MHUOIDICP.llN, MUM.I.N i:iMIIN(W, DHl'.sS TUI.MMI.vas nnd every variety of art Ielen usu.'.lly kept in n l-'AN't'V HTOK13, Also si'Hiioi. nook's, hymn iioouts, imir.r.s, srND.VY-St'HOOI. HOOKS, nnd n larje lolnf Msci-:!,i..Ni:oi:s uookr, ACCOl'MT AN") M13M01!ANIIWt lloillvV, lii.ANic in:i;ns, honds and .MntT(iA(H3s, and ii jeneral nnd wellilirtl nwortiupnt uf l'APIIH, ILVVIU.OI'US, Ac. A. P. W13IIU. lo-I;-sllleh Is applliable. II works with eipial facillly silk, cotton, or linen thread, and will sew the liucst inuslln ns well ns the Ihlckvxt leather. PiieuiMjj villli llL-nuucrs, Ssl. 'Ihelr No. H Is .1 LIGHT JIUXXIXG MACiirxi:, containing miinj linprovemcnts, adapted for tal-, loilJi',', vest-inaklni;, Iliiht slioeumkln, ns vvellua i for family sewing. Ijire uuiubeis of these ma chines are In use, and they Klve lllllvor-nl Mill-I fjetlon. None who havo seen tills mnehlnowlll vvllliimly uso the noisy and cumbrous lock-mich m.iehlneii Veretoforo in general ue. Price ioj: with Ilemmers, S Theiid iiiaelilui. of every description can Ihj had atthonsent'fi olllee lu;illoombuiB, tit positively tho mauiifaclurer'.pilces, to which Hie ntlentlnn of Iho public U especially luvllcl. T. II. MA.STUP.S, .Ijai.I, Ifartiiirin' Jlulliliii!, Ill ..n)lMili;i:n, Mnt2Vf.7-ly, Columbli County, Pa, ,-t-i t-teil a lo ' house vv Ith the ntmurtennncas. M-i.ed, la ken lu i eeulloli uiul to be. sold as tho tiroperty of John Casey. isAMl'P.I. SNYDl'.Il.Bherln'. llloomslmr?, April li, Wjt. c. i:. S A V -V G E , I'r.ACTK'AI. WATCHMAKI3U and .nAvin.r.n, aln Street, nnir the vit Ilnuse, IIIiioMsiici.o, Pa. Cor.slnully on hnnd n fine aRorlment nf AMi:lllCAN- AND BWISH WATCIU'.S, C'loelcR, .Tovvelry, Mlv erware and Hpeclaclcs Particular nttentlon inid to tho rrpalrlnii of Wnlelyw, c1ocJ.ii, .lew elry nnl Speclac le. JUti- Maionle marhs'iiiudo to older, AH work warranted. nprll)'07. j. j. ii n o w e u, Ii now mrerlns to tho publlo his Mock of .V ' It J X G GOOD S ronslstliu; In part of u full Hue of INGltAIN, WOOL AD UAC! C A It P PI T S, Pine elollu nnd cnsslmerg for Ladles' cutt, IIANDSOMi: IlKI'.sS flOODS, of ullpnltuiisundiiualilhk, Inlalds and Prlnu of v al Ions iitlulitS.' nnd pi Ice, lll.HAl'HHl) A.VI" IlllOWN MfftW.W, LADH'S l-15ENCli COltSETS, I1ALMOUAL SKIKTS, flood nKorlment of j.Aitmv aiir.nniir.i ei .im.7W.t- hoots. I'resh Groceries mid Wplu . New Assortment cf cu.ass and iiUP.n.Vci-WAni:, FX NO. 1 MA OK Ell EL Inone.linir and otic-f.uirlh tmrreU. Vow la Iha time to niake Sour seleelli-iH, lis I mo ollViine; uooiln at vcis' low prlee", nuil our moitosfiiird.iilliiistoiill,iiii'l "t lo uouii'hr oldbynny. . J. J. WlOWnit. IlloomshurK, April 12, lW. C T 1 O N E E 11. JIOSUS riHTMAN. .. ....... , .R...n.ui..., r liul.lle Vendu. .' "".'V. . '"J,iT ,S hi. frleiuU 1 1 v u 1 1 u i s. is til T I i I i I i w 1 3 1 -1 1 L ri-'uUy ?T i J 1 1 H ii iitlci i. toil til" 'lulu iMlflUA IVrwiiK .le.lrliiB hl"erv-lec; should ell or 7te to him ullJioomsoiui;, i.i. i ' N S V U A X C E A Ci E X C Y . Wyoming J110.0M .V.tna I, '.'" Commerce vji Pulton SMAD lialtle -A"" Putnam M,n MerclmnU ".f'l fsprlncneld ko.ivi Gcmmnttt ,. ow,uni In.tiiaiii e company or Statu P.nn'n CSTlfln Coimeetieilt Mutual I.lfr I0,f,W Norili Anierlepn Tmnalt MO.OOO I P.l AS IIUOWN, Joaul, nnrs'll: I.v .; IlLOOKsUCBI, PJ. T ACKAWANXA & IlLOOMSnUllO 1 j I! Ml.iui Ml. on ninl idler Mui as. Hits. Pas. seiiKurTrulusuili run us ioIi.iwai , MOVtllVVAHU, C. V. 1.10 cm KIT KV A.M. A.M. P.M. Jave ferunton JJW IMS J.W KhiKsloii M ll. SW " lliiivert 9.9) Arr, NoriluimliarMml IMS .uivinvv Ann. , d.00 (I.T. J0nms.Mnm wa Arr. (vnililon 1'J.IU . BeO l".ia TMlnslmvluif Klniptiiii nt R.10t.m. lor Seraii. ton, eoliuiH-l with Truin iiillvlnu at New holUnt 5. 'o pilsseiim rstaKiiii! Tialn Kolllh rolil Sernnlon at ., ii in. via . niiaiiobriliiiul, reach llariis. bum. lifip in. Ilnlilmore s.-'d n in, WnsliliiBi..n lu,uj p m, in lliitiei'l reaeli PlilUideliililn nt 7 i; m. If. A, 1 ON DA. bupl t. Klnaston, IV., A!ar. 22, in)?. Leavo NortUumuarUnd T.WI Iianvlllo 7.1(1 " lumen MS Kliutnirm I'i.m i). stiles; 1. 1 c i: n i: D a P c t iosh K rt. lUr. T TltiaTrKKTH PMKIiaJI.VANlA niSTllllT. alvraynlolio found at t ie Orntmovllla Hotel, lu . in., simi. ..I retil or iMiraoliul nrowrty attended lo proiuplli and oil list-suuible lellils. (lulitlKiiliielils solielle.l and o AWI.H-U Omn MOlll Oil lUllllllllssioll. i uf nubile tutt rollout) rtss't fully solicited. :iTlll. 1'vbruary IS, lM)7-au.