The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 03, 1867, Image 2

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IWrTlio Li'sMnturc!) of sovcn States
liuvo pur-cd cltjht-luHir laws.
E.-J Kx-Sonutor t'owan Is tfoliiL' to
iimi'tliD law In iililii";tii.
Hlilp Cultivator, from San t'ran
(lco, arrived at Ni'W York, brings on
trel"lit cai'Ks ol wnrtit.
O.i A single iiiMitifiictory In lilvlnton
nniiity, ill., luv recently tnmio 1011,11110
liouiKH oi gooilKiinariroin Deet-rooi.
fiarCongrcwnum Mycr Strouo has
been given a stolen ring belonging In
.lell'er.-on DavN, that ho may restoro it 1,11,1 1,13v:l"1 ."
111 iii lltVIIIl. hiroclalms itM.'lf to bo "tliu Hunrenio
. ti t- i ...I J t. i ..i ...... 1 1 I... I
tar 11 13 hUlll'll IIIIU UL UllU JliUll 111 UlU 1
Seine on Alber.nario Sound, on Tliur. es,
' ,,..V w "cn ",KS mm ,tv""' mm
WUf UlimVU,
1 1 iy i t , i
3 i ' V"'i'. 7 .V i uB. 11
ii. .i .- uinu mi.. .... ..v.. ......
board, claiming $."1,000 damages..
fay A young woman was burledullvo
in I.ockport.N.Y. Shewas found turned
... ' .!.. I. 1...! I 1
ovvr in tue coniii, uur iiuir loi n, "wr i
hands clenched and Intense agony (. -
litcleil on her face.
r..v-Thn mKt. nnu-n nt llnvnii
was broken into and robbed. The let-tnl
ters were all torn open, tlio contents
lnJf.pJ!,'i! "V.! '!, "r01""1 tl,u
.v-.Ieir. Davis' nlantatlon. with that
former slav
iuu vuiiiM lu.iM.', nun uiu TOiui in. ui, hi
i . ....i.i .....t... d.ia inui ti.t
N,,ut ,,,llKU l11"
,fi.i.,i (l.n ir iikci .
against Jefferson Davis before the lnves-
I JJ ..Hl.llif. .1 .......v... .. ...iv'u i
tlgatlllg Coinniitteo ol Congress, lias
been eol.victed of perjury umfsen.inccd
to ten years Iniprisoiunent at Albany.
r.lif An old lady insisted on Her mln-
ister's iiraying for rain, had hercabb.igo
cut up by a hail storm, and on viewing
tlio wreck remarked that she "never
kuewhlm to undertako anything with-
out over-doing it."
f.3!-Mr. Fox denies that ho ever told
any one that Russia was willing to give
ttsiier Xorth , America pensions, or
iiinr. t in firiiri.niiitiT. wim inn', sin it.
seems that tho Tribune's correspondent
manufactured tlio tiling out ot wnoio
fiST D, Field,!). V., the
r...i n. 1 1 i..!l.l .. !...!
. V." 5. "L-'.i V Vi .
Dudley Field mid Hov. I ntv 3
j 1 viii 1 Junvi wi uiu jiyuwi iiiv-vi in
?;u."". t,, "l
UIh iitli n llni-ufiri HiuMttJ .1 Itt I li;ril I
at tlio ago of S(i.
pa"A history of tlio lifo and cam
I . . , r ii,.!,.:,,! r.,1... C! -M.. 1... I...
pa gas of Colonel Joliu S. aiostiy, by
Jo in Scott, major in Ids command,
whoo work is tl.eonethatissanctioiicd
. .. t.jji . 1 1 .
by tho subject of the memoir, lias been
jiurcha,t'd and will soon bo published
y -n,'"'1'?' 1 ,it:.,n f,M,i,.
r-iT The colored citizenspf Columbus,
(11. In fit 11 nifcliiiL' on tho Ulh inst
r- r Icir Dwls' nlantatlon with that rW'.' pmccs jur umauimy wu- mxiiuie citizens oi tno respective county
his brother .loe have been sold to a csse.i in us jaivr ; ana to nave iic as- at large, n nuuiuer,suaii as aicrin oi uiu
adopted resolutions thanking Congress power to try him, and ho refuses on the slmn ,-uverally take the oath or alllrma
nntl tho State Legislature for their re- ltouuiI that military jurisdiction is ex- tipn now prescribed by law to bo taken
cent action, and promising to bland by
tho Kepublican party as the hope of lib
erty on mis comment.
tss patent corn liusker is ndver
Used In Ohio, which will husk sixty
ears a minute, doing tlio work of ten
men. it tawes on 1110 ouier husk, men
tho inner and fairorportion.Iayiiigeuch
bvitself-and then strips tho silk per-
fectly clean and deposits tho ear in its
IS-Florida produces lemons that
. ..!i. ..,..i ...wi ni-,. twnii-i.
i;iSii 1 iu a ... ...v..,
inches in c rcumferenco. Theso mam-
moth lemons arc obtained In east Florl-
mmi.n(1,C,nf S'l'urnln1-
J'liillips is not moro than six Indies
from the tall and tho shining pitchfork
. . .. - .. .1 ...11
of tlio master of them all."
rar-Tlcknor & Fields have
Mtr.l.....a i')lin oa lite clinpn riT fl-n nrifUj
on their "Dlnniond Dickens." and the
novelist has written a letter in which
hotavs: "I think vou know how hitrh
and lar beyond tlio money's worth I es-
teem this act or manhood, delicacy and
honor. I havo nuver derived greater
p casuro irom 1110 receipt on money in
nll 111 v life.
number of delegates wero present, reii'
resentinsr three-fourths of tho counties
of tlio State. A number of colored del
egates wero present. A Conservative
plalfotm was adopted, and Emerson
Etheridge was nominated forGovcrnor.
E3 Advices from New Orleans btate
mat tno 11st 01 appointments 01 uoards
of registers for tlio entire State of Louis-
iana is at last completed. Each parish
ot tlie Htato constitutes a registration
district ami 1110 election precincts remain
tho eamo us under tlio present State
law. Tho work of reconstruction is to
proceed nt once. In Xew Orleans, thus
far, four thousand voters linvo been
registered, nan 01 whom nro colored.
Tho Salem (Mass.) Journal, under
1 ..riliPl... IV-.... I-..,., ..!... ll
UIUUL.IUU1 x.iu iiuius, s.iv?.
iiiiii mu'KHVi's' in Liui xw'siprn mihisi
educated up' toourhiglierlawbtaudard.
Winn, 1i f,.. mnrj mm. ( uiv .inl ........
us-tlio despised Abol tion'iits wo do-
termlnod that tlio 'nigger, (us thoy cal-
led tho colored man) should bo mado
tin I nil tin 1 J fir 1111 M'riiil.l r,-til.
Vnhni. 'The fM.t of the negro is,;;, the
W...I.-L! rni'llniM niwl
who nro not In our tolls must stand from
under." Tills is n sample of New
England ltudicallsm. Success l bring-
i...J r,,f .1... ii, ,...( i,t i,..,,.,..,....,...i "i
pifrltan tyranny and dovllIslTncss of tlio
old Abolitionists who aro now-tho lea-
ders of tiio Itadlcal party. Aroourpeo-
plo prepared to bo tho instruments of
heir own undoing?
ftiy Tho Democratic malorltvi.i f.'nn.
necticutfor Govenor is 'JS7, and on tho
-Congressional ticket islSiit; while tho
ncpuuiicans navo tno i.egisiaturo by a
majority of 11 on Joint ballot. Tho
euuso of this Is, that towns or districts
as old as 1818 send two members while
now towns or district, send but one.
Tiioouirago ot tueimug win uo seen by
mo iouowiug example :
At the lute election, thocitv of Hart
ford polled .11(52 votes, and thecounty of
Tolland polled ITiiil votes: yet tlio for-
mer. with a Conservative maloritv of
.100, elects but t wo members of tho lower
brauciior tno Legislature, mid tlio lat
ter, with its Itadlcal majority of 171,
elects twenty-one. Again, thot'ountie.s
oi Tniiami, wiiiiinam, and .Middlesex
polled nn aggregato voto of 17. IIS.S, and
in theso counties thero nro forty-six
towns Having sixty-seven representa
tives in tlio Legislature; tho cities of
Hartford, New lluvcii, and llrldgeport
polled 17,077 votes, and they nro alhlwcd
but live representntlvesfrom cities, giv
ing mi aggregato Conservative majority
of i-M, against tho sixty-seven repre
sentatives from counties giving an ag
gregato Kepublican majority of lusii.
da and on the southern coast islands by son, .11111 iiiuiougn inuusuiius cuuiuui- iv.sii.-i;iiu uiiiiuiv,iiiiiiiiiiiii:is,uiiii inm?
grafting tlie lemon cutting on tho native ted tho samo crime, yet lioalonoisheld. "f of As.semlily.iiowln force.impos
,our orange tree. The fruit is equal in WIint did Americans think of Aus- S.? 'o?
flavor to tho tot -West India lemons. trhl f(jr L.onllnlng Lh Kayctto iu ur $tn& 0
IS5"ihe.eworL lloj-Wsajs: Mr. ,imi(,P(,ns.. Wimt would wo think of omitted bv them in relation to tlio keen-
31r. Greeley, and Mr. Oreeley is Franco were she to Imprison Victor r
' ...... I .... I fll. .. 11 I.. .1. .-T. ...!!.. .... - ....tll. 1111m
only six weens nciiimi num. rjiuvens, iiugo 111 1110 itoauiu mr iwujrars 1111-
nnd Iliad. Htovens is omv six days oe- mil n fr ,1 " IFnvr im ovc !l 111 lira IK
-. tiv 1" i'C V , V v i own preceueius win nu usea wun icrn- nor mid recovered Ueloro any justice 01
Sl'i Z )e, ! . o (Mb ins? n', d iron Ki fn h cilcct against themselves, and when the peace of the debt
yille, on tlio 10th inst., and Hon. Liijah -'i, ...m mi ofliko amount aro now bvlnw roovor-
ptrt.'i'iio 1 n mrvm I'll I mini siiiiiii I . i 1. -.1 ill. . i
wciKer was enoscn rresiuent. Aiargo "1"" i"'ll " .
Ire (ifolumbum,
13LOOMS.Jtfua, PA.
.MAY n, 1H0T.
There Is n document ealled tho "Con
stltutlou of tho United States," framed
r Vni,,. t,nr .,i,i,in,in f.wi t
1.7 " . i ...i.t..i.
Inn - of 4 liit tn ml If Mm linuti1fitif i .1 tutrv.
ntu i.i.i.i win 'wo-iiM ""fc ;
lembers of Congress, and other of-
'1'" nssundng tho duties of their
lm.. ,.!. III,. I,,.,,,.,,,...,. Si
vFimu. inuu u auivnui umu iu muih.)
iw lml" tlmt Constitution,
Inltwellndtho followintr :
"ln all criminal prosecutions, the t
' '.
cased shall cnio.' the rinht to u sneabt ami
.. i,-lnl. tui nn imiiarlial turn of Me
... . , ...
.""c?" U1,
'District wherein the crime shall
... , ,...., f
ivominUteil, which dhtricl shall
'lave ueen committal, wnicn umrwi snaa
time uccn vrcvumsi nxccrimncu uy utw: o
to be, informed of the nature and
Causc of the accusal on; to 6c confronted
wilt, the witnesses aaainst him ; to have
iow. ii Jenerson iavis is iniioceui
of anv crime, ho should bo at onco re-
' ....
... .....
,.';,' . f nl. ',;,,,. ,,
flo. m I . it l.r. j ti iil 111 I lit. I nllll II t II ll I .
" .. .... j ....... .
entitled to "a speedy am public trial.
Wo care not how great the crime is, all
nro entitled to this, and a refusal of it
,.,, .,,.,, , .',,,,.!,, ii.tii
'".'i "' ",'1"""" r ".M
without the semblanco ol u trial, ami
in tho faco of tho fact that both Ho ami
liU coun-el havo been ready and willing
to rocec(i '0 nrc not a-kin" fr
n ' n ,1,1 , wfl
even accept a parole unless it is nn tin-
conditional one; ho simply demands
ti... 1 f 1 1 ,.i.i! t,.!.,i I
Tho lllCttlltet in , liUltt ls cll.
I L' UUlfll UI ll FtiriTLTll V illlll ffllUIIVy lllitll I
titled to, and receives this. It is a part
of our fundamental law. Hut where
iijw uiv ui.uuu inn wjwi x noivn-iu
-r 1 1 1 1! -
uecau-o 110 nas noi tno power
to try him. "or can ho release him,
1 .1 1 t.n .11.1 . 11... .
oec;lUS. IIIU JUUIllUlll lie lllll SU, IHU
i.lti...,i uk would erv out -md
noio Jiatiuai pack wouidtii out, and
would chanro complicity with traitors.
. . -
ami tlmt he had let tho Chief among
thcm j, chief Justice Cha-e, in
whoso district lie is, must bear the wliole
.,,,,.. ,.., i., ,. ,
.,,us. .. , u.,- .
tnnilnl nenr flin Ktnlo. This is lllnmv.
i,n,....,.,. ,.ti.. ,...JJ f., ti,,.... at.,1.
- " -
nro ucing tried; aim oesmes, rcnnsyi-
vania, is as much under military con-
trol as Virginia, and tho samo reason
! ....... .1 . .. i10r0.
' ' ;,.,', ..,, Mlo
Jboso who attempted to fasten tho
crime ot Lincoln's asasination on iw-
vis, havo ignobly failed', and Conover,
one of tho perjurers lias received the
. ... ....
rcwuru 01 nis vinany. 1110 reuiaiuiiig
,, ,,!. T,lvia ti,rfrn u trn . T
clmrS na, '. S ;l's. thereforo is tre.i-
tho tyrniiiiy of Italia for sending po-
... ,,,,,
l'"1 prisoners to tho snows of Siberia,
.,...1 ...I il.n n n.l nl,.,l n
and yet they aro first accorded a trial.
JS 11 uossiuic mat in ireo America we
nro ninrn tv.rnnnli'nl tlnili ilpsnolle Ulis-
Utn? Tint nnlv Is this flm ense. 1ml I lit
,,rn, i,u n-toiiiuhmi tlmt n
1 ,
,m,y 1,0 connned in a dungeon,
loaned down wnn cnains, ami deprived
of his liberty at the will of a party in
,.,,.,, 1 w ,,. ,,- Tf,,,ii,..,i rrinmi
f. .. .. . .. .
tnnt riwi tinin ,11m pnmn wlion t ioirl
. . . ,w , .-
the Dastiles of tlio nation.
Orriei.vii Chaxoks. As remarked
yesterdy,tlionewonicials,wlio werocon-
firmed by tho Senate to fill tho vacant
niacin in this city, will enter upon tho
active performance of tlielrduties to-day
ana in several 01 tno tie lanmenis 1111
nortant changes will occur.
Colonel J. V. Cake, collector of tho
port, yesterday mado tno lonowing ap
Fiust Di'.l'UTYCoi.i.KCTOit Hon. If
W.Tracy, of Uradford county, vico J
Heed Meyer.
Sixoxn Dcputv Cou.r.oTOit W. 15.
.101ms ot miladelplila. vice William
""""a n. 1 ,0. i"!ou u'
IHW isCll.UU, IIS Sill Yl'l IU 111 CUSIUIUS.
Pasi III : ll Wi 1 1 iiiiii 11. Stoovor. of
tOUItiy. I llWIUeipilltt jMUS,
r .
l'ursol, of Northumberland
Of tho nbovo appointments, Hon. II
W. Tracy ls a Johnson Kepublican, who
supported Clymer and Klwell last fall;
" J
ulL "i0 ol ',i,ro ""'"ocral-.
CoIOIlOl CilkO WHS ril'mUlllC:
rmmimended for
nppolntment by twenty-eight Democrat-
lo member of our Legislature, and was
sm.nor tedbv Se
supported n ftenator liiicKinew and op-
l'wed by General Cameron.
, T,.. ,. ,T
Statks HU.vatous, In answer to tho
inquiry ol a, wo would
s,ntc tlmt tho rlowl"S Kx-U. S.Sena
tors from Pennsylvania aro still living
Hon. Walter Lowrio. resldenco Xew
Yorl: City.
Hon. Daniel Sturgeon, Unloiitown,
Fayetto county, l'a.
lion. James lluchanan, Lancaster. Pa.
Hon. William Iiigler, Clearfield, Pa.
lion. David Wllmot. Washington
City, 1). 0.
Lx Governors living!
Hon. Joseph ltltner, Carlislo, Fa.
Hon. David It. Porter, Harrhburar.
Hon. W. F. Johnston, Philadelphia,
Hon. Win. Ulgler. Clearfield, Pa.
Hon. James Pollock. Philadelphia.
llon.W. F. Packer, Willlnnisport, Pa.
Hon. A. G.Curlln, Philadelphia, Pa.
John Cami'uki.j,, 710 Samson Street,
Philadelphia, has constantly on hand
and for salo cheap, a largo assortment
of now and second hand law and mis
cellaneous books.
Tho following U a copy of tho now
Jury Law, passed by both Hoiibes of
the l.egHlaturc:
Hue. 1. Jlc It enacted, etc. That on tho
general election to bo held on tho
Tuc.-day of October, Anno Domini one
thousand oigut numtrcu ami sixiy
seven, and IrUenniallv thereafter, nt
such election, tho ipialilled electors of
tno soverai counties oi tins uiiiiiiion-
fmtli sliiiil c-lucl, III tnq manner now
1'iovKled liylnw rortlieelecllon o otner
county otneers, two souer, lmeiiigcm
nntl Idulcioiis nersons to servo as Jury
roniinllniH'rs. In cncli of sulci coiintiort
,, , - .
, 1 , " "V" 1
"0 H, " , not bu oilgiblo for ro-elec-
.1 .... I.Y r
i iwil mui u until tniu; in mi in imu in
six years: ',rftcrf. That each of .slid
l'iucu electors sua., voto ior on.
normi nil v lis llirv rilll11lllssniHr. nnii
.......... i -v
two jierMms Iiavlng tho greatest
number of votes for
jury couijnistoncr
shall bo duly elected Jury eominis-lon
!:,llulI'.t'",lln1VV'i it ,. r
Snc. -. It Huall bo tho duty of said
. (.ominissloners to meet at tho
r lust co ol l ie res icctive counties, at
lea - t thirty days lieloro tho llr.M term of
I1"" conrioi cuminim iiieii-. m
"! M KI '.Sf,
...... in" n..;u..t
,w Ihh n in ,.v,.mi ;vu ..r-iu- n-mintv
iiiiL'tiiuuiiiiiiiii. iiiiiwiwii? iii i;
".'J': "r":;'.; . . "
I . .1 .1 1. I It i. l . n ll 1 1 It Till. KIWI lt!1.
il-ioners cannot arree unon'tlie name
. ,.., wtnlin wilnrteil liv them as
'.ev tlinll ,ceed follows
,i.'.u.l 0f thu conimlUloners shall make
n list conta In linr the names of one-half
of the renuirlto number of persons, and
ten per eentuin in addition thereto, and
the iirotier number shall be obtained by
t,.,cIl .e.,,i (.onintissionors striking
from tho list furnished dy tho other a
number equal to tno i-aJtl audition ; and
the names not stricken out shall bo tho
'!! ?L . . ,'r!il1
mode and manner now directed by law,
m s:iiii uiv 1-uiiiiiiipsinivis siitin. in
piaeo me names oi per.-o 13, so seiccie 1
in the nrmier ury wheel, and tlio sain
W - k ... .,,. nn, ;
. ...". t
commissioners and tneiceys
thereof in tho custody of said county.
aid Jury conimi loners
... ,1, --1 if r tin vTt -t .t!.(i Min i v
I4III uiu nnviiii u nib i.r rv.u vuum.t
. of them, shall draw from the
proper Jury wheels panels of jurors, and
:..i 1......... ..( 41. n . ...... ... .i...l.. .....I
kiluiujiiiui - , ui iiiuiiiu ici luiimj, Jim
"s petit and traverse Jurors, for tho trial
,,r L,nn in fm-t whlt-li nnv ln tnlfnn in
.r.';.;uX. Vllh .) -S1. . "l . '.'iV:,? .
illlv tilt 1 if 11 111 ui. wi uiu lum ta v.i 11 m ui thesJveral counties aforcaid
in the manner now practised and allow-
wl; but before the saldjury ;conimlslon-
ers and slierill shall proceed to select or
(i1..uvj,lrol.sin the mannerafursaid, they
by U10
before selecting and drawing jurors,
j.. .1 'I'linf 1.11 iiitw.ti ntiin nf.t nr
,iCts of Assembl y of this Commonwealth
hs makes it tho duty of the sheriff inn;
commissioners of said countie to
select and draw jurors shall bo repealed,
and cea-o to have any force or effect
fmi,uuidnftortliellrst dayof December
next, Anno Domini one thousand eight
hundred, and sixty-seven: J'rovidcd,
'Hiat all nets and parts of acts of Assoni-
lily, now In force, in relation to the cus-
t ,.1:. M1.,in ,,ii 1 lnnl-ln
V ' V" swK 1I0C'-1,I1,K
UIUi opening o tho jury wheel ot tlio
locking, opening, .sealing or break-
tho seal of any Jury wheel, or in re
lation to tho selection or drawing of
Itirora snail be taken, deemed and held
to apply to tl
anAl.;!lc-, 'V-,
D1A. O.
the saldjury comniu-loneM
ich of said jury commis-
nlonertt whall bo allowed and paid out of
Ulli respective county treasury two dol-
Iiirs mill llfl-v i'iiit inr dnv. nnil fnnr
cents per inUe.circulurfroni tho residence
of tho commissioners to tho court
si:c. C. It shall bo tlio duty of each of
said jury commissioners to tauo upon
himself and di-chargo tho duties of his
sam mcu uiiuer u icimiiy 01 onu iiuii-
dred dollars for each and every neirlcet
1 . .. , , . v. . ,
iiii - ri'iiis..ii(i'iiiiiiiiiTii)!iiiin.iiiiiiiiii)ii
.ible, ten. dollars of which shall go to tho
person suing and tho residue to bo paid
by said Justice to the treasurer of tlio
respective county forthcusoofthosaino.
Snc. 7. In case of inability of either
or both of tho said jury commissioners
by sickness or death, or other unavoid-
amo causes, to niscnargo 1110 duties 01
tin oince, or iu case 01 neglect or re
itisid to serve thereon, it shall-bo tho
duty ot tno president judge in sucli
county, wherein such vacancy may
nave occurred to appoint a suitable
person or persons, as tho c:iso may be,
posseting the qualification aforesaid, to
perform tlio duties of said ofllco during
such a vacancy, and such person or
persons after having complied with tho
r"'r?"H "?, .LV'?.,V"W...n. "i
11I1S llt'l, Sllilll IIUCCCU HI UIU 11 U I ICS Ul
wild omen thnsiinmns if plnrtoil hv Hie
people, until mo next general election
wnen tno peopiosnaii electa conimi
sioner in licit tuereoi
WASH1N0T11X. 1), C,
Tho IIouso Judiciary Conimltteo
meet in Washington next week to ro.
sumo tho impeachment invcstiiratlon
matter. Several witnesses havo been
uniinoued wlthinadayortwo, and will
hero in tlnio for lliecoinniltleo. The
evidence heretofore taken has been
nrinted. and will ho nreson eil in ilm
lloiiso with tho report of tlio cbinmittei
m .iiuy, as reipnrwi uy mo resolution or
lasts ession, provided a quoruni bo pre.,.
out. It is contemplated bv tha coin
niitteo to nnish tliolnvestigatlon during
Till! CASE Ol' JKFFEnSON 11.WI9,
Tho District Court of tho United State
meets In Itlchmond on Monday, and
mo ouiy case on tno uocuei oi any iiio
ment U that of tho United States vs
Jefferson Davis. Tho District-Attorney
arrived hero to-day, and has been In
consultation with oiiicersof tho govern'
ment relative to tho trial. Tho counsel
for -Mr. Davis aro also bere. and will do.
maud that their client bo tried nt this
term, or thatf ho bo released from con
llucmcut. To this tho court will prob
able reply that tho prisoner is not with
In its jurisdiction, as lie is iu military
custody. An nnneal direct to tho Pres.
Ideut will then bo made, which will
pronauiy result in tno released Mr,
uavis on nominal nan.
tip: i'caci: rovni:i-Ai,
Tho European Conference, which is
to meet in i.onuon next mount, to set
tle tho dispute between Franco and
Prussia, in regard to Luxemburg, will
bo composed of tho lepresentatives of
until Jiniiuu, r ranee, iTUssia, Alls
tria. lltissla. and thoK iiL' of Holland.
us Grand Duko of Luxemburg, It Is
understood that llio following terms
havo been agreed upon as abasls for tho
deliberations of tho Conference i
1. Franco Is not to enlarge her tires-
ent boundaries.
2. Tho formications of Luxemburg
aro to bo evacuated and dismantled.
3. Tho future noil! cnl status of tho
Ormiil Duchy is to bo acertained nud
determined by tho Confercnco.
1. Tho ilnal t ec s on of tho Confer
ence Is to bo guaranteed by nil the gov
ernments participating tlierel n.
A xoriit) in St. Louis sub-
scribed $10,000 to tho rebuilding of tho
iimiell House.
l)H:r.At hU resltlrticr. In I)uihrr, SttlHvnn ro.,
on Tumtait. Avrll Wit 1'I7. Pit. .ItislAl! JACKSON,
fu tt,n scvcnty'tlith ymf of hi at'.
Homo history of tho life would aeem proper, in
tinouiicliiK tho ilrnlli of ono of our moil nlticil
IHzons oho whn hit bt'cti nlwuys known nin
puhlli..plrltoil linn, whoio every wish nntl effort
lime been for the Improvement of his county nnil
t!ipileelupment of Us wealth i whether conslst
lin? of Iho iniiieriit utuler uroutiit, or tho suhjugii
llon of Jho fnre-st, It was nlwuyn his plenstiro to
lenil iery enersy nnil nil of his menus In tlmt
Predion: nnil In tho prnelieo of Ills profession,
his well-known hUIII nnil nooil Judgment were
eiilled In reriulsldoiilonsftfler lilsnse would Imvo
iiiituriilly rellecil him from hlsnctlvo duly. Ills
benevolent foelliuts would not permit lihu to re
main ldlo Mlienecrlilspervleeivero needed. He
was ever lolio found nt Iiln post, nud for many
years nfter he had iilven up prnellelnsr his profen-
slon for other remuneration than Iho knowleilpto
of nml satisfaction In tho relief given to Ills pa.
lie was born at Catawlbsa, Columbia County,
Pennsylvania, on Hie Sth day of May, 1701 lack
Inn less than n month of bclnjc Rovcnty-Rlx years
old nt Iho time of his death, llemoved to York,
(now Toronto,) Canada West, with his father, n
row years beforo tho war of lspj, nud was living
on Oeoruo street, (Vorkl, tho breaking
out of tho war. tits father bavllu? eotisldembln
money, Invested It with n friend In n township of
land near Toronto. There wero of Iho family
nine bnysnud twoulrls, Joslah Jackson being Iho
fourth don.
Soon after the breaking out of the war, his fa.
ther (Samuel .lacltson, Senior) nnd lilmselfjolned
"olonel Joseph Wilcox s regiment, which was
composed entirely of United Stales citizens who
nt the breaking out of the war wero living In
Canada. Joseph Wilcox was Colonel, Mnl
lory, Major, Samuel Jackson, Sr., Quartermaster,
nnd Samuel .Tnckxon.Jr., Lieutenant.
.loslnh Jackson crossed tho Lake, (norno sixty
miles,) with thirteen otherii, (one lady being In
the company,) In an open boat, starting In n storm
In the night, for the purposo of Joining tho tho
American nriny.
Ills brothers Samuel and William were Impris
oned In Toronto for not taking tlio oath of nlle-
glaneototbellrltMi Government. While In pris
on, the wife of illiam was taken nick and died.
lVrmlsslon wus refused him to free her, nnd his
guards held him back from tho window to pre
vent bU seeing her when the eollln was homo by
Iho prison, nud opened to give lilm the opportun
Ity to seo her, but was refused unless bo would
llrst loko tho oath of nlloglancc. Tblsliorefused,
mid afterwards escaped, and Samuel, Jr., was
lulled out, nnd bolh Johns! Colonel Wilcox's reg
iment, and fought with their father and brothers
until penco was declared. Joslah Jackson fought
at the battle of Lundy's Lane and other battles
his father nnd brothers bclag with lilm. The
large and now Immensely valuable property of
tho family iu Canada win. confiscated, nnd tho
nd of Iho war left them nil poor. Ills father
died In the West, on Iho 12th of June. UG4; nnil
Dr. JoMnli Jackson supported blf mother until
her death, which occurred at lJerwlck, Pa., on tho
Clli of January, ls!9.
Dr. Joslah Jackson coremcuccd the, study of
medicine in Canada, with Dr. llrisnlck, beforo tho
war. After peaeo Mas dec!ared,ho settled In lluf-
lnio, cw ork, and llnlsiied tlio stuity of mcdi
cine. IIo led thero nnd removed to Berwick, Co
lumbia eouuly, l'a., lit 1317 was with Dr. Mnssy
ln llerwlck for two years, and then commenced
tho practleo of medicine.
tin tho lOlhof February, 181 ho married Fanny
Stevens, In Duchess county, . Y. She died on
the 21st of Marcli, 1SJ1, leav lug one child a daugh
ter (Mrs. Oottlelfer). On tlio 2(ith of February,
1S2 ho was again married to Mnry W. Abbott,
whodiedln Duhoro (then Cherry) on the 23d of
June, lsfil, leaving Ilo children twobons (Geo,
I), nnil 11. Push) and threo daughters (Mrs.
Thompson, Mrs. Llpplncott, and Mrw. Woodrulf.)
In addition to die practice of his profession, bo
slarteda storo at llorwlck in INHj and In If),
when thoseltlement was very sparse.nnd accoin
mod.itlons much needed, ho traveled olf Into
Cherry, thus early ldcnllfyliis himself and Ids
fortunes with this county, by starting n btoro un
der the charge of his brother Samuel, who carried
it on until his dentil, on tlio 21st of January, ISO.
In December, ls.1l, Pr. Joslah Jackson moved
from llerwlck to Mnuch Chunk; remained thero
lu Iho practice of medicine and the mercantile
business until February, KIs, when ho moved to, where, in connection w ith Messrs,
Corey and llrown, ho built two hcctlotia of tho Le
high fc Susquthannn railroad, being 'os. 31 and
31, situated near M llkes-barro.
In April, lsll, h moved to Ilntiover, wliira In
connection with Mr. Merrick, ho continued tho
meicnutllo business until HI'l. In April, lSlo, ho
reinoveil to Iviugstiu, opposlto Ukes-barre,
where he remained until bis removal to Cherry
(now Dusliore,) which placo ho reached on tho 1th
of July, is)- being tho samo yearSiilllvnu county
was taken from Lycoming, nnd commencing bis
residence at the Inception of tho new county. Ills
brother bavlnsdlcd in ISM, bo sold tho Uock of
goods to Wm. Colley, who continued tho buslnc&s
for several years. In June, 1SI0, bo again opened
Iho store, under tho charge of Wm. Colley, who
continued In uhnrgo of It until November of that
year,w hen his son, George 1), Jackson, took chnrgo
for his father, until April, 1SH, at which timo ho
became partner with his father. That partnership
continued until tuft, nt which time 11. Hush Jack
son was taken In as partner, tho firm then be
coming 'J, Jackson .t sons." and so remained un
til tho death of Pr. Josl.lh Jackson, who died
about half past four o'clock on tho morning of
Tuesday, tho lull of A prll, 1M7, nt his resldenco In
Dusliore. On Thursday his ftnnl resting place.hls
remains being followed by ono of tho largest pro
cession of mourners nnd sympathizing friends
that was ever nssembled In the Counly for such
purpose. Tho funeral sermon was preached by
llou, Itlclmrd Bedford Iho Masonic fraternity
with Iheir imprcssiv burial service, being In
attendance, and having chargo of the funcrni rites
of their deceased brother.
jurat j i. .Jui. jupsuny. .prii .win,
iw , in uiu rt'MuviK'n m uiu uriuu h iiioiiht. iiy
lliaHov. Thus H. Cull fii, Ttima UiMitoii, of
Wa-iiliiBlon, i). C lo .Mattit) L, Hloant of tuw
.W.U!VJX-S.lXTKIOn tho Cllh ult by Rev,
A.JmKon l-'urinun, Mr. A. M, Marvin, of Muh
lcbur to Miss houhiii Hantct', of Town Line,
Ki:.XSKVU0rir Ii tliU place, on tlio Z7th ult
It.itr T IF lllmm tr .tlirnt.i U I.rr.nL...- .
5iisMltuel!t lH. llocll, botli of iloltenback, i.u
rprne county.
JlI!UXJ)AllfTOXJ:J!Iti:iia):i!-At thohouKO
or joim hMinirlitrt!'r,in ilollentmck townsblp(
Luzoinnfouiitv.uiitli(VJUtbuU..I)v Auron llovd.
rqM Mr. Ilowant llrumlnKP, of New-opeck, to
ID I K 1 .
Jtt:iX-ln Hemlock town'shlii, on Thursday tho
Ulli ull., Cathnrlnu lleea.ajjed 77 years.
.V.I Ji'.A-In Ilspy.on thoSIst ull., Mrs. Hample,
widow of tho Into HobertHample, iculoriMl) wjftd
j'jr.i:ixorox-i miiiviiio, on tim sotu uit,
josepn 1'iiKinsioii, iigeu nuoui w years.
AInrkct Krport,
Wheat per bushel
Hyo "
Corn " .,.,
l-'lour iwr barrel
riaxsetit ,
I '.mi
Tallow .', ,
Hrled Apples
I'ork ,. ..,......
ltuinsn ,
Hides and hhoulders M
lird per pound
Hay per Ion
- LUJIllint.
HeiulocI; Hoards per thousand feet
I'lne " " (one Inch) .,
Joist, Scniitlliig, VlaiiU, (llemloek)
blilnglcs, No. 1 js-r thousand-
, S3 IXJ
, (10 oo
,. lsn'jo
,. 13
., H Ol
.. 7
ft. ,
,. WW
rlillmltlpliln MiirttiU.
TiiUiwiiAY, Mnjr 1, 1S07.
FMien . ,. .
Nurlliwcnlrrii miporflno nt f Vina OiO
NorlliwMicni rxlrii V'1 lo.i)
NiirlliwrsiiTii minii)' f Is, "s-
Vmnitii-ititiiln. nnil Western extra
I1I1SJ villi in mill i'i i "',. "tZ .
ennsvivnuill nun iicniitii iiiinu.v
'eiinsvlvniiliiniid Western fancy.,
live Hour
Wnn.vr IViinsylvanla red, V "us.
souineni " " .
California " " ..
. " while " ,
. "lelfl 75o
ItvK t'eiinsvlvnnla rye. V bus.-
CoiiN Yellow, "
White, " ..
iixis i mis
'IIOVISIONH .Mess 1'OIK, T inn
iui ss iieei, "
Presseil Hogs, Hi
Smoked Hams " ,.
" shoulders V B)
Lard. lb
J in-, 1 1'-.e
SHUUiii Viil
Skkps Cloverseed V bus ,
iiinninysccKr nus
FlnXRi-eil M
10 Iltox No. 1 Scotch... .
No, 1 American
xVi;MrTi: or IlAUMoNtiioint ni.c'o. LrttPM
of lulni.i.Nt ration t thorstatnnf Ilnnnon I,nlnnir,
lutuof rililiiKcrcck townhip. Columhla nmnly.
K-t'ennfU, navo nei'ii firanit'u vy 1110 ncaiMrr n
ilinnlim con it iv, in 1-sAArijMiorii nun
. Ui tviv lulinliiUtrntitrH. Alt tif-rMtlt lilt vllllf
elallim or ilpnmtxM ncnln-t the rmtp ortlio doro
ilt'iit arc rfuur,-t'Itnniii1ip tlipm known to tin-nil-lninNtnitorK
without Oclny, nmlull iktsuiih in
ilulitcil itre rcnuovtfit to make payment.
J-VV IdVIKM Il, l iltlirS
IIIUAM It. KLIN!?, AU,nr8"
FllilntTrrckf May .'t.lWT-lt.
Titn iTOprieior or mo ixcnanf;craioonn nuw
ou lmnd a lurgo stock of
OonsKtlng of
shki:p tonqce, sweitzku ciikii:. noiLnn nnns
IjAGKH heek, ale, itC.
Illoomsburc, May .1, 1SG7.
Hr GOO 1) S
Tiirsubscribcr ropncctfullv Informs his friends
nnd tho public that lie Juvt returned from the
city with a fresh nnd well selected
nnd lias opened n store lu tho room formerly oc
cupied by Mephen Wolf, His stock eoiiM of
evertlilns usually kept inn Ilrht-cluss country
htore, feucli as
imv ooons, onocnuiKs, HAnnwAiti:, ckhau-
He hopes to merit a shuro of the public pa trim-
nsie. KKIiS J, MIMjAKU.
.Miiumviiie. May y, imj7.
JIY virtue ofn writ of Allan Levari Jbcn. Issued
out of tho (yourt of Common Pleas of Schuylkill
pi ill n I v. it m I Iii mn 11 rpi-t I'll 1 linrn will Im hiild liv
publlc endue, or outcry, on Hatuhihy, .Htnh 1,
I"", at ten o'clock In tno lorenoon, nt the Court
House, In the Iiorout;h of I'ottMNille, Schuylkill
couniy.ine ioiiowiiik uni usiaic o wi:
All that, tlio undivided seveii-sUteentii nnrt of
nd iu the following described piece or paicelof
coai Hum, eoiiiposeo oi portions oi eerinni on fi
lial surveys, referred to lu tlie Indenture of Com
promise nnd Kclenscs hereinafter relerred to,
.ltuate. lyinir nnd lieimr partly in tho tounsbln ot
Hutler, (Into lUrry) lu Schuylkill county, and
puriiy inuonynu'immiownsnip.unuiniJifi eoumy,
in the Stnto of lVniv Unnlu. nnd bounded and
described accord In ir t n recent murkluif and
reptirt of a larger ploco or poitlonof land, of
wiiir-n huh ucscnncu is ynii iiimtio ny reicr
W. slmeler nnd Allen Ki slier, I tho borough
oi roiuvnie, lnsum .NcnuyiKUi couniy. surveH)
tii) follows, to wit; lUKlnnlni nt a point In tlio
mtddlu or tlio Minimlt of tlio hiub rkl(!e, next
north of tho Mahanoy Creek, vhicb point In mid
way between tho eastern boundary of u tract or
iginally suneved on a warrant dated tho thir
tieth dav of Mav. 170.1. issued to William llllloli.
nnd tlie wehtern boundary ofn tract orlirlnullv
burveyedou a warrant dated tho tenth day of
January, iivi, issued to .loan Alexnnder, nown
part of tho (J Irani estato: (which point was maik
sj by t lie Mild shucler nnd FNber upon the ground
LIT IL 1)1 ltd KI11IL Mil Kit 1111(1 n I) mil k t)H PH. II IK 1 U' I
nessed upoiieilitcliestuut oak trees, each having
threo notches towaids said pile;) them e by tho
middle or Uio summit of wild ritltio by tno follow
ing courses anddl.stanreH(tho same being mm kod
by tho said Shaeler and Fisher by cutting a blnzo
between two notches upon the eight tiees and
uiaze ior oiuer lines;; innt is losny, soum eigniy
llvo degrees nnd three-ounrters oi a Umieu weht
soven hundred nnd eighteen feet to a oung pluo
iree, niariieu oy uio Mini nimeier ami i isner ior a
corner, by three notches ou tho easterly andist-
rrli' Ride tlmrcnf n ml u It tin.k(l li t limn imtdlmu
upon each of tho sides, resiiectiely, towards the
samo of seven neighboring trees, ono of which ls
a largo white oak, stiiuuing westwnrd of said
young rune: thence south degrees and
one-quarter of a degree west, four hatulrcd nnd
nlun teet to n pine tree, marked by said shnefer
nud Fisher with tlireo notches on the easterly nntl
westerly sides, nnd witnessed by threw notches
upon the side, towards the snme of each four pine
t lees and two rock oak trf es j t henco south ulglity-
one uegrees mm iweuiy-iwo luiuuies wesi, seven
nunureu ana sixty icei to npino litiot siaite, set
lu a pile ofstom s, made by said surveyors on that
imp of tho westermost survey, on a warrant to
John Dreher, which extends noithwardly trom
the norlh-west corner of an lnterlerlng survev
on a wnrrant to John Kelley; (the last said slake
nnd Pile of stoncH are nt n distance of two linn.
dred nnd eighty-six feet north, eight nnd one-lmlf
uegrees west irom snm cornel oi ine .louu Jveiiy
Mir ey.anu were wllnest1l oy xiiesuiUMineieruna
Fisher, by threo notches from tho sides towards
the same by six trees standing In tho neighbnr-
nooa inereoi;) incnco oy a lino parallel witu iho
southern boundary oftheGlrard tracts, orlgnal-
iy Min t- nn nrrauin isiut'ii 10 iioncri mil.
heimor, William Shannon and (ieo. liecklmm, to
wit : soutli eighty-two and one-half degree west,
ntiout three thousnudelghthuudrid nud two feet,
bo the samo more or less, until it strikes tlio
eastern boundary lino of tho tract originally sur
eved on n, wnrrant Ksncil to Dilmrnli f'li-mit
dated the second day of January, 171f(, at tlio dls-
utnee oi nve iiuuurea aim sixty icei souiu, seven
nnd one-half degrees east from tlie double pine
uiiiiirr ui nut him. mm inici; ineiico nioug me
eastern lino of tlio snld Deborah Grant
survey, north nlno degrees west llvo hun
dred nnd sixty feet to the arorsald double
pine corner of tho Deborah (irant survey ; thenco
uiuiiK uiu iiuriuiTii ijuuiniury iiuo oi hhui iasi
imtllCll (stirVI'V cntttll Ptirtitv.tivn ilnrrri.r.u u'ui.1
about four hundred feet, betliosnmemoreor less'
uiniiiiH-i, (umitrui uiu nun urigiiniii y Mirvey-
ed on u warrent Issued to William Kllfot, Uatul
inotenih or.May, 17'JIj themo along tho eastern
lMtunday lino of tho said William Klliot survey
north seven and ono lulf degrees wot, ero-is-Ing
tho county lino of Schuylkill ami Coltubla
countlet into sold Columbia eounty,alout three
omit; or ies, ion corner oy the omciai piot.u chest' on n neighboring tieo; being tho
southwestern comer of tlio nforeald tract orlgb
nnllyturvevedonavvarratitto Hubert Hllthei-
nub mr, nut uuw hiones. HUCsu'd iv oir
iner: tliencebytho southerly iHMindary lino of
ni" msi inenuonea tract, und or tno nroresald
tract Oriciriiillv kiinrwilnn it u'lirrimt In U'nilii,i
Shannon, north eighty-two degrees and one-half
ran, lour wiousnnu nine nunareii nnil eight VMilne
feet to a point midway between tho eastern lino
of tho said William Killotsurvey nnd the western
line of tho John Alexander survey; which iolnt
was ascertained by actual measurement. nnd was
ntu-fcted by tho said Shnefer nnd Fisher, by mark
ing u young plno for n corner with three notches
uu uiu riiMcny, westerly nun southerly siii, re
spectively, nud also by vvitnchalng tho samo by
three notches upon tlio sldo looking to wan I ih,.
fcamo four trew, respectively, standing in the
neighborhooil thereof; thenco by a lino parallel
wit Ii tho eastern lino of said survey on a wnrrant
to illiam i;illot, south seven degreeN niuUnie
half Hist, three, thousand six liundrerl nnd thirty
four feet Und one-hill f In ttm lini'fmihtir itr.lnt n
the middle of tho summit of th ridgo aforesaid,
containing within the said boundaries thequnntb
ty nfalioutilvu hundred acres, bo the samo moroor
less. With tlin itlimfc-tcilfiiii'i'H' luliu mirt nf ti.,.
Kjutto plecoorp(jrtlon.iof Und which lllchard P,
Foulke, William Varker Foiilke, und thocorpor
ntion known an "Iho Preston Ketreat," parties o
lllO Mrst ti.irt. in nml tn u rtnln In.luiihir..
Ueedof compromUo, nnd of mutual grants nnd
releases, dated tho eighteenth day of June.
A. D., l5s, recsirded in Schuylkill (Yuntv, 111
Deod J took No. .Vt, page III, and InColumblaebun
ty, In IVedHook t), pngel7 granted, released nnd
cpntlrmod all their rUht. title and interesu
Jherelu and thereto unto John Anspach, Jr., his
heirs and assigns forever,asliiaud by snld recited
Jndenturo refereneo thereto being had, und ton
copy of a plan thereunto nnuexed, tho sail in wilt
moro fullv nnoenr. nml u-lili-li thn k.iH.1 I..1...
pnch, Jr. granted and convoyed in mortgage to
I,evtMAttsou ami Charles IWber, uism tho 5th
4.j i uiu?, j, t. ivji ; which sain inorigago
ls recorded in Schuylkill coutiy, In Moitgagoll.MVk
Q, and In Columbia county, in Morluagu
ltookNo, 4, pagoSlO.
Tlieronro two Collieries upon this tract ono
upuu uiu .iiuiiiiiioiii vein, iH'jow Winer-level
worked under fenso liv Schnll A fidiinhoi. th.. i..
provemenUnt which belong to the lessors, und
consists or two Slope Houses, two Slopes, mo
Hoisting und Tumping Fnglnts, one ot 'ninety.
Hoisting nml Pumping Machinery complete.; ono
ljuuhle llreaker, with Fnglne, CJeuring und Ma-
!'"'M'i '"iii mum iracKS, inirieeii
blocks of MIupi' Housi-s. eight single Housr.
pun inrgo Stahln, Itlacksmlth Shop, t'arpenirr
WP. Oil nud l'owder ilousts nud Omco, 'ilm
...nt M.inyi it iujiuh uiu niviiiumro vein, uuovo
water-lovel, and Is now worked under lease bv
tho New York City -Mutual Coal Company. Iho
Improvements nt this Colliery consist nfima Coal
llreaker, with i.ngine, (ieurlng and Machinery
coinpleto; live liliM-ks of Miners' Houmw, It.i 1
; iiil'niii-rniiu ,, IliaCHSIUUU MlOp, htUhlU,
Oil ami 1'owdcr Hoiues nnl Oillce.
sejred nnd taken in execution iistlm property
. v..i i(i4i nui.'ii.. Mini J nu MUM 11
u... . Ui JIOUAN.sherim
TolU Ulet ii.( May 3, 1S07.
at riiTnii r.NT's HTonn,
in MnitT HTnr.r.T,
Tlin aubscribor bns Just recolvrd ami Iim nn
hnnd at his otd stand In Mht Btrcet, ft larpo nnd
purchased nt tho lournt fiRiirp, find viilch ho I
detprmtnrd to Bell on ns inodoratn terms fti can
be proeurpd olsowhero In Mght Htrprt,
ron cAsir on vovxrnr rnonvci:. .
His stock consists of
choicest styles nnd latest fashion,
Cnllpoo, Muslins,
Ginghams, 1'Janiipls,
Hosipry, Carpets,
Silks, Shawls,
S.illnetts, CaHslmors,
Cottonadcs, Kpntucky Jeans.
Quecnswnrp, Ceilarwnre, Hardware, Medicines,
Dnifrs, Oils, Tnlnts, Ac.
In short everything itsually'kppt in a country
store, Ttie pntronnffo of his old friends nnd tlio
public Rpnerally, is rpspeet fully sollritPil.
Tlio hlKhest market prleo paid for country pro'
duce. ri:Ti:it knt.
Maht Street, May .1, 1C7.
Throuiih between Itiiltlmore nnd Itnebestcr
wrniorr ciiAxoi: ot cAits.
On and after Aprils. 1M7, trntns will leave as
0.03 a. yt. T.i:AVi:NouTnitMnKittiVNinlatlv fex
IT pi .tlllllllil.t rVM)JHllli ill J II I III.' 1 1 lll MIIII'IIH
v nrrlln nt Willlnnisport "JO n. m., Illmlra
- iz.f noon, i niinniinmun .t.i i n. in., inn neu
ter I. II p. m., ItulluloO.lj p. m., nnd Niagara
I'nllftO.fO p. m.
1.15 I. m, titiAVP. NouTnrMni:nt,ANi dally (ex
cept Sundays), stopplnu nt nil tntlons; nr-
ll.U.) p. III.
O.03 a, sr. Lfavk Noimn'MiiKULANn dally.
stopping at principal siaiious; nrnuiK iu
llarrlsburirH.'n. in.. IlUHmtro l'.'.T) p. m..
Washington j.U p. m., and rjdladelphla 1.00
P. in.
10.10 v. m. T.rivRNoiiTiirMiiniL ixndnllrfex-
eepir-uuii.tvK), ninnm ni niirrisoum i.i
p. III., Ilillll HUM ii. in., it"iiiiiHH'ii itw
p. m., nnd Philadelphia.;. I" p.m.
a. in i m. I. i:avp. vxnibu vfex'
eept sunuavs), Moppniux oniy in piinriptu
-UllUMIfo; lllllVUIH IIV Illllll-Mnillt n..n .i. III..
l'liUadelphi.i !.' n, m.. nn'd li.iltlmure 7.0)
n. m.
11.50 V. M. liKAVK NoIiTltUMHI HL VSP, Mopping
nt principal stations; arrlvtniit IlnrrNburi;
'.!,liln. in., Kaltlnioioi.oOn. m IMilladelpbla
t.w p. in., ana v iisiiiuioii j.iu n. in.
i:i. S. YOUNO,
May J), 17. flen'l. 1'assenner Audit.
J-i bead nnd body hrown, white ring around tho
neck, tall w hue, tegs w line ana mown spoiten;
lost since Mnreh flat It. A suitable reward will be
paid Ior Information that w 111 lead to tho iccov
cry, left at this otllcwor with me.
it. nnuwij niLiiiii iri,
Oraugcvllle, April 2H, lsi,7.
i underrIi:ned takes this method of informing
ine eiitcns or Loiunuua k. ounty, mat nu is loca-
ieu in
MuiiT sthi:kt, tknn'a.,
where ho Is prepnreil tonttendto nil cnlls made
in tno une oi nis ousmess, nun cures
Jt I X 11 It O N K, S I A V I N, H !' I.I N T,
and all other Ills that horse flesh is heir to. ehnl
lenglng competition In the tientinent especially
oi uiu mime meiiiioueu uist-uses.
JISt; 1). IIU'U
Light Street, Aprils, ls(J7.
Till. lin.ln.Llirnn.1 l.ns lit.l Hit...! .... n i,.l ......l
' -' " i - i...
lll ilUll
in this place, where he Is prepared to make up
now i in vv Aiti: ot nn icums in ms line, nun no
repairing with ncatnes and dlspntc h. unon the
inoit teusouable terms, He also keeps on hand
whli'h he will sell unon temis to Milt imri-lmqctN.
dive u nucai. lie is a trooil inei lianle. una
ui-t i ni ui iiium- p.tuiJiitiii'.
llloouisburj, April 2(J, 107.
-undeisianeil Audllors of Catnwlssn tow n
ship, ih heriliy certify that wo Imvo settled with
mif.ii 1,001,, i oneeior oi iiounty ia ior the
year iwifi, nnd that tho lulIowJnu Kntiuo stale
meiiL oi ine haine :
Tonmount of Duplicato $3,231 8!)
- CH,
Ity amount of Kxonerntlons Wi "i7
nd S. 1). ltlnnril.Treas. LM77 at or,
" ' CtimmUsbm Ml;L"i,lUls
llalnncc due township 71
Catawihsv Townhiiii', Di:,
ToSninucl Kostenbauder on Nolo SZtl 15
" Cliarlos ICrelsh " 2")7 $7M 05
r. w. M'Ki:i,vy,
M, V. H. Uf.INi:,
Catfiwissa, Ajirll Cfi, 1517.
17 KVKHKTT & im. J. ii'. CASK'S
iVJ7 1 1' I)R UG STOllE,
in oitAxar.vii.1,1:,
wmr a sn.i-.NDiii ash vaiui:ii assoktmrnt or
rum: mtuos nii:Mii'.vii, kic,
In iilinrt liny nrtlolo llmt ran ho namcil In tlio
I'Miii iiiiri .n iu inui ih meir hiorr. Jir. .1. II, iy u i-riicuoiipr, iinu m.o unticrkiiuuls riuu
mui'yj i:. i:iri'tt is u .Mwllcul hiihli nt, has nt
ti'luli'd nnu ti'rm nt tlie .Icll'i'ninii Mcillcal CuIIoki'
nml uinlorataniU tlin I'oiiiniiunillni; of limit.
mey ri'spwtlully iinlii- tin imtinnnuii of iholr
.. ii ii-i., nun un- puuno lii-niTiiuy, ftssurinir nii'ni
ltiKK' w linl'vi r will bo purclMkctl of lliom
i.,i urMi iinu pun-. laiirjiuj
Jiotlet isherrliy civenthnt llii'iindfrslaneil, An
sessor of tho llili ULstrld of IVniuvlvnnU will
hohl Courls of Appeal for tha eorreelion of erro.
ucous nsk0k!iiieiiis, follows ;
i.v wvoMi.Mi mirsir
onTliesilny thn llth day of Slay, lf7, ut Wnll'.
Hotel, In TunkhanniK'k.
I.v lir.Aiirniii) county,
onTlnirvlavnii.t I'rl.lay, UclMh nii'l ITlli ilnvs
of May, IH7, nt Iho Mean's Honso iu Tovanda,
IS hl'LUViN t-Ol'NTV.
on Monday the Mill ilny of May, HOT, nt tlio I.v
porlo Hotel, In Jjiimrtc,
IN Mll.Morn COU.STV,
fin Tlinrsilny, the Slditay of May, ihC7,at i10 m0.
lour llout.1. in Uaiivllle,
on.J'r':!i' '!'" ?'" f My. JSC7. at the Assen
mr k Ollk-o In lllooiuthurs.
All npiimw niintbolnwrltlns nniUliouIdnneem
the iBirlleulareause, inatteror thln-t, renpettlli'ir
wlii.-li a deiKion is reo.uet.ted, nnil kViiklt mato the
crnuml or prlneiple ol error eomplalneil of,
ApiK-nls niny be inadont thoulllen of tho
or ntnny tlnui previous to llioilais iihove llxtsl
for hearing appeals.
V- If nny person liable to Ineome tax. or own-
.l!!fi!Sr''t'!'f,iw" '.'''"? f.ud .'-,tl'!'r "rtlclM llablo
uiider si-hedulo A, of tho llxcUolnw, have not
jet repoi led, ihey aru hereby notliled in do ku at
one.., or beeoine liable tollw peiinlly. It Is Ih"
,i"iy.'if l'u'r" !"." ."'"' 'inblo lo ilm lav t hl.ek
tno A.sek.or of his HMrlel, ami iiuiko lilsreiuui
HOllKltT K CIiAIllC.
AwesRor 13tli UUiriet, t'enn'a.
, Asjisoii' orricK, ) "
Uloniiisburu-, ru., April 21, IHn.l
A r"i Jlranch Democrat, jifen.e rojy.
li INrATHiir Hamaktiia ,i Hvanl iiKr'n.
l.eiier lehtninentury on the esinla of Hainan,
tlin Jane, l.vans. lam of Hlnoiinhunr, Cnl.mbln
eoiinty.deeenseil, havo been nrnnte.1 hy iba ltea
lir oUalil eouuly lo J. it, r.riiii.,r,Mliiuiii
he townslilp nml csiunly nforesahl. AH iierous
liavlnii i-laliiis on tho eslalo aro requete( to ,,te.
jent theni duly auihenllealeil forieltlement, anil
those kiiowlni! Ibeinsi lves indebted lothoeit ito
wtllinnkoiiayinent fortlnvllli. i'i"iio
April lil, lieiJSw. J- U- 'StiSitor.
1 11 nr mhe'k l t'alawls.a llrldBo Com
Vi'f J'ir"'e ,''".,".l!,.v'''. "HI bo held al the
nEOISTHIl'S XOTlCE.-XtiTit-i: is
otlier iHTsoiis lnterejt(sl in tho cslntes of tlie re'
iimnduilnltratlvit nnd uuardlnu accounts havn
been (lied Intheoniceof the lleiilsterof Columbia
eoutitv, and w It bo presented for ronllrmatli n
nudallownticp lu tlm Orphans Court, tob brj
In lllnniinhittK, In tlin county nforesabl, on Wfih
two o'clock In thoutternoon of snld day, ' '
1, ceouni in jonti K. (irotr., ndmlnlstrntnr of
ltobcrt II. Arthur, Into of lllooui township, cU'c'il,
2. Account of .lohti C.Myers, ndmlnhtrator of
Henry D.ver.lateoritoarlnnfycn k township, ilee'd,
.1. Apeonnt . r Michael IVleroirnnd Mary Mow
ry, ndmlnlstrntors of Mlchncl Mowry, into of
jmnriiiKcrccii iowiimii), ueo u,
4. Account of .tohuson It. It;.tr.r n.ii..tti...
tor of Uoswoll Smith, Into of Oreeinvood town
ship, dee'd.
.". Account of Theodore Welllvcr.ndmtnlstrntor
of Win. 11. W'cMtvcr, Into of Mndlson township
dee'd, '
R. Clrst and flnnl account of tTonhfo vM.,
cuardlan of Wm. V. lives, minor child of Charles
4v es, dec d.
7. First nnd flnnl account of Ttouben AVIlson
utinrdlan of Jnmes 11. Hves, minor child of Urns
lives, dee'd,
S. l'lrst nnd Ilnal nccounl of Thomns Tlcecp, nd
tnlnfstrator of John lleecc, lato of (lreeuwoKl
township, dee'd.
0. l'lrst nnd flnnl account of Silas nnd Kmnnnr.1
Conner, ndmlulstratots of Samuel Conner, late
of Orange township, dec'il,
10. Second account of Jacob nnd M'nshtnKton
Yeacer, ndmlnltrntorrt of John VeiiRpr, Into of
Locust township, dee'd.
11. Account of David 11. Ifowpr.uunidlnn of Jer
mluli Muwrey, minor child of Mlchncl Movvrcy.
12. Account of .Iee Hoffman, ndmlnktrntnr i.f
William Hoirmali, late of Cent io township, dee'd,
I. 1. Account or Samuel HMtny.nnd Wm. .T. Hid
lay, executors of William HMIuy, lato of LMitiu
township, ilee'd,
II. Account of Jnmes W. Kitchen, ndmlnlstrntor
of Samuel Kitchen, Into of Sugnrloaf township,
l.'i. Account of Henry Di-lomr. ndmlnUtrnlor of
I'eler Delonp, lato tif Centre township, dee'd.
10, Account of A. J.Slonn, ndmlutslrntorof Mrs.
Mary Hlwjs, Into of Utoom township, dee'd,
17. Account of John Trembley, punrdlnn of Jas.
1. Trump, minor child of Henry Trump, dee'd.
is. Account of John Tromblev.oimidlnu of Clint.
Trump, minor child of Henry Tiump, dee'd.
111. Account of John Shuman, executor of rcttr
Schmlck, late of Scott township, dee'd.
i?0. l-'irst nccount of Peter I!nt. ndmlnlstrntor nf
Thomas W. Vounn.lntoof Jackvoutownshlp.ik'c'd
21. Mnal tieenunt of Cyrus Itobhlns, executor of
Daniel St ticker, lato ol l-'ishlnscreek townshln.
22. Account of John Conner and Oeorao Con
ner, cxecutorsof Thomas Conner, lato of Centre
township, dee'd.
2:1. Aeeiinnt of It, S, Merrill, cnardlnn of Clara
ItltteulH-mler, minor child of Nathan lllttenben
der, dee'd.
21. Account of Joseph I.illey, ndmlnlstrntor of
Samuel ltemley, lato of Scott totfhshlp, dee'd.
2-i. Sixth nnd flnnl nccount of IVter Knt, one of
tho executors of Matthew M'Dovvell, lato of Scott
township, dee'd,
21. Account of Marshall CI. Kinney, guardian of
Clara M'Dovvell. a minor child ot Theodore M
Dowell. 27, Account of Lemuel-Toller, administrator of
Charles Stevvait, lute ol Columbia county, dee'd.
2s. Account of Wllllnm W. Trescott, udmtnis
tnilor ilo bonis non, with tho will annexed of
1'iederlek Itolir, lato f (Ireenwood township,
2M. Tin1 final nccount fif Lewis Yetter, ndmtuls
trator of Catharine Drumheller, Into ofCntnwlssA
township, dee'd.
!t Theiliuil nccount of Lewis Yetter, ndmlnls
trator of Kilns rensinuMiclu dee'd.
31. Tlie final account of Lewis Yetter, executor
of Marv M Adatns, Into Mary M Howcr, Into of
rrankliu township, dee'd,
:i2. Account of Jonas rnhrliiEer, ndininlstrntor
of Kliabeulli Marks, lato of Locust township,
iU, Account of TJioinas Stackhouse, cuardlan of
Kllaheth Stac khousc, minor child ol M. Kiirsch
uer, lato of l'lne township, dee'd.
Ill Account of Ilobert Kast, ndmtnlstrator of
Samuel Kast, late of Scott township, dee'd.
t Account of Sanderson Ln7arus, ndmlnis
tratorof William Ia.:uus, lato of Orau(;o town
ship, deceasrd.
JOHN O. I'llKKZi:, Ueglstcr.
ltloontsburf;, April 0, lsu7.
"OUll OWN"
Superior totlioinnny patent nostrums flooillns
Iho rountry.
OAMi'iion ick, with at.Ycr.itiNU,
A ilellglitful coinpnuml for whllcnlnir, boautf
lylnir, nml 8oflenliiR tho skin, will rc-movo
tan, fiTckles nnil blolelu-s iiom tliofcUln, is a
rertain lenii'ily for c-hnpiiril nnil fcoro lips anil
lianilv.iiRnn appllciitlon to r-utaneous erilp
Hons It lias no ennui. I'rlca" ronU pi'rlior,
nt jii;ni)i:iwiiott'h.
Contnlnlntj no whisky or other liitnximtln
lHUit-tllf ntH, n U-iiMint nml eiri-cUiul remnly
for ll.vupi'phln, loss of nppetlte, low nplrlts,
ili-hlllty, ili-rauci-iiH-uiH of tlin liver, etc- etc.
Try It. rim lloltlc-s 50 er-ntK rneh, at
HAI.H.VJI or iioitr.iiouM),
Asnfe, frpeedy nnd certnln rqre for coushs,
colds, hoursenesH, etc., etc., ntIordiii(Jniniedl
ntoiellcflu all alleetioiis of the throat nud
lungs It has noequnl. I'rleo ft) cents, nt
Tor clenuinstho hend nnd removing ilandrull
pieventina loss of Imlr nud dlscnst s of tint
scalp, by remuvlnz tho can so. Price i" ccius,
at iii;Ni)i:itMioi-rs.
RfUVIN AND SWi;i:XY r.lNAMlINT. The mott
elllraclous application in ums for sprains nnd
swelllnji, biulsHs, spavin. riiiK-bone, sjl'1iiu
hitlt, loundered feel, uulls, mmit;u, etc., etc
I'i lee cents jter bottle, nt
All the above preparations prepared onh nna
for sale by JIIlN,i)i;itSllorT,
apr.VtJ7 Main street, UlooniburB, l'a.
AJT or n Htlvep Hedul
I Brill. N. II. SM. Anrlcullur.1 t U
lu kklr holilrn In kbual nipt. lid, Ij
Vegetable Hair Restorative
Jltrei Gray Hair to 111 natural cnlor. Pro-
mule, me pmwtn ol mil nmr. ..naazra in.
rvoi. iu ini'ir onsiuai urranic acuun. f.raai. tv
ratra llanilriitl and Ihinm... l'ra,.nra
llnir miun. uua. laahutctlor l)ralau.a
riiiiinuia no iiguriuua incniuiema,
. alia anirlu Uirnuvliuut 111. .
Lail, fit. North and
3. R. DARRETT & CO., Proprietors,
HAtiCllESTEK, n. II.
Sold by I,. S. MOYUt, Illoninsbuni, l'a.,
nud UrugicLlM generally. aiirj'Cr-ttin1
Wiii:iii:as Iho I Ion, William Klwell, rresldnit
.ludKoof tho Court of Oyer mid "Terminer and
(teiiernl .Tall Delivery, Court of Quarter Hesalona
of tho lVaeo nud Couit of Comuion I'leasand fjt
l.linn'sCiiuitln the julli Judletal District, eoia
jioscd of tho enmities of Columbia, (Sullivan ami
yomliiK, nml tho Hon. Irnm Dorr and I'eler K
lleibeln, Assoclalo Jud(;i-H of Columbia eouuly
bin o lulled their pri ceol, beiirinu Ualn 111 'JOlli
day of Jfareb, In tho yenr of our lord, ono
tboiisaiiil.eiulit hundieil mnl hfxly-seven, and (i
luedlteeted lor holdlni;n Court oft Iyer nnd Termi
ner and (jeuernl .lull Dellwry, fleneral (itiainr
Heshlotis of tlltiIVai-o, l.'olilliloll l'lens anil tlrrii'
nit's Coutl, Iii lllooiusburi!, In Iho eouiuy of lo
lnmbla, mi tho ilrt-t Jionday, beln lit (lUtday of
Mnv next, lo enutlnuo ono week.
Nolleo Is heri-by given, to tho Coroner, to (lie
.lui-lieisof the IVneo and tho Constables of llw
Mild eouuly of Columbia Uuit tbey bo then nn.l
thero lu lltelr inoiier iierson ut ten o'elotk in tli.
forenoon of Kald day with tlirlr rceords, iiirjulM
tlous nnd other reuiembrniK'n to do those thlniEi
which lo their oilWi-snHiertnln to bo done, A"1
those Hint nre boiitul by recognizance, tn prosi'
euiengaliiht tlio nrlsoners that are or may b
Iho Jail of tho snld county of Columbia lobo then
und lberolfiro-.eeutetheui ushliull bo Just. Ju
rorsnro rcnuesitil lo bo imuctiial lit their attend;
(. .1 mice, ngroonbly tn their notices. Huliil
Vnt Illoomsburg, tho atli day of Jlanli,
Is-v 'I In Iho yinr of our lord, ono thous
nml eight hundred nud klxty-slx; nnd In ll";
nlnetlclh year of tlio Independence, of tlio I'liiiol
mates of America. (Con bavk thu commox
Illooiiuburg, Jliirch 1.11, 1SU7.
Tlloonisburs, Tn,
si. c. hloan imoTiii:n,
lh successor, of
WII.I.IASI 8I.0AN ii 60N,
contlnuo the business of tnnklng
c.utiiuciKs, iiuaains,
nnd every sl lo of
which they have constantly ou hand to suit cus
tomers, :,cr using nny material but the. bt
nud cmplojiiig tlio most cxierleuceil wurKmeii,
they liojie lo eonlliuiu its heretofore to glveintui-'
sutlslaillon tn every customer. An lnclion of
their worlc, nnd of the reasonable prico asked for
tho same,' Is sure lo luauru a sule.