mm VOL. I.-NO. 17. rfllE FLOItENCE HEWING-MACHINES ARE THE BliST IN THE WORLD. Salesrooms, 030 Chestnut Street, 1'lilladelphla, I'n. Willie a large number of Machines have been tiered to the public, some of whleh possess points of cxeellence Anil acknowledged merit, wo liavo long leu what others liavo experienced, the ne cessity of n Machine morp perfect In Its incchanl sol structure, combining In tho highest DEonnn SIMPLICITY WITH DURABILITY, and while capable of doing a OREATER RANGE OK WOItK, one that could be easily understood and compre hended by all. To supply n Kewlng-Machlne free from tho ob lections attached to others has been noeasy task; for w not only had to surpass other Machines, ns iney appeared years ago, but also as Improved from tlmo tn time by more recent experience. Tills we boldly claim has been accomplished by tha liberal expenditure of capital, Mid the pa tient, untiring labor of years; and In presenting our MacMno to tho public, we shall make strong assertions respecting Its merits, which wo are prepared to substantiate In every particular. Discarding the Chain and Loop, or Knit stitches, we adopted tho LOCK BTITCH (alike on both sides of tbn fabric), which Is ra (tarncd by the masses as best suited to all kinds of work. Hut to meet objectlonssomctlmes urged against this .favorite stitch, wo have added the Knot, Double Lock, and Double Knot, either of Which is stronger and moue elastic than the Lock; (elect a stitch thus enabling tho operator to PERFECTLY SUITED to every grade of fabric, and where necessary, sew cams much stronger than it is possible to do by hand. THE FLORENCE makes FOUIl DIFFERENT STITCHES with m much ease ns ordinary Machines make one, and with an itttlo ir ncMnery. Tho result ef repented test has been all we could desire, and from Mb first introduction the Florontt? has gained hosts of friends, and been rtgarded as a HOUSEHOLD NECESSITY; proving that the public fully appreciate the many advantages combined in the Florence Machine, Over all others, the Florence, must be seen to be fully appreciated. We claim tor the FLORENCE the following ADVANTAGES over any and all SEWING-MACHINE'S IN THE WOULD: MV H makes four different stitches, the lock. knot, doublo-lock, and dmihle-knot, on one and tke same machine. Eauhhtltch belu i; alike on bctk sides of the fabric. S Every Machine has the reversible feed n- tion, which enables the operator, by simply turn ing a thumb-screw, to have tlie work run either to the right or left, to May any part of tho seam, or fasten the ends of scams, without turning the fabric. 3-Clituiging the length of stitch, and from one kind of stitch to another, can readily be done while the Machlno is In motion. 5- Tho needle Is easily adjusted, and does not kip stitches. ftf-It Is almost notieless, and can bo used I Ad Its motions are all positive; there are no springs to get out of order, and its simplicity en ables any one to operate It. 4- It does not requlro finer thread on the under than for the upper side, and will sew across the hoavlest scam, or from one to more thicknesses of cloth, without change of needle, tension, break ing thread, or skipping stitches. 44-The Memmer Is easily adjusted, and will turn any width of hem desired. S-No other Machine will do so or at a range of work as the Florence. ylt will hem, fell, bind, gather, braid, quilt, and gather and sew on a ruflle at the same time. It lias no springs to fc-ct out of order, and will lust u lifetime. Wit Is fully protected and licensed by Ellas Howe, Jr., aad our own Letters i'utent. Tlie taking up of the slack-thread Is not pel formed by the Irregular contraction of a w lie coll or uncertain operation of springs. The precision and accuracy with which the Florence draws the thread Into the cloth Is unapproached oy any Scwing-Maeatnc hitherto ottered in the world. We furnish each Machine with " llarnnm's Si lf- Sewer." whleh guides the work Itsclf.and Is of in calculable value, especially to inexperience oper ators. While possesslns the above, and many other advantages, the Florence Is sold at corresiwndlng crlcea with other first-class Machines, ana a care ful examination will fully substantiate all that we have claimed for It, and Justify tho assertion we now make, that It Is the best Sew lug-Machine In the world. We waraant every Machine to be all that we elalm for It, and to give entire satisfaction, and will give a written warranty, tf requireu. Liberal arrangements made with those who buy to sell again. Further Information may be had by inclosing stamps tp the General Office of the IToreuoo Sewing-Mat iilne Company, 10 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. miCES OF MACHINES. v. 1. n4n. This Machine makes th lock and knot tltches,ana lias uiere ersiuie ioeu.. o ,.-,...,- nnl.l.r,,mnte.l Machine. Ko. 2. Florence. Oold-oruamented Machine, with drawer, and light cover, without lock ; makes all the four stitches, and has tho re versible feed 173 No. 8.-llver-plated Machine, ornamented ; table oil-finished walnut, with heavy half ease, lock and drawers makes nil the four tltches, and has the reversible feed No. . Silver-plated Machine, highly orna. mented, and makes oil tho four stitches, and has the reversible feed. Polished mauogany table Polished llosewood Table No. 8. Walnut table, In oil W sfahnesnv table. In all M Uosewood table. In oil.... Nn. a. Walnut, oil finished sfnlioirAnv table u I' llnsewitfiil table vs O, O, EVAW, Oenerol Acent, 030 Cliestnut Street, Philadelphia, JOB PRINTING Mtatly extcuted at tbls Office, THE COLUMBIAN, A Democratic Nowspupoi - i. iti.isnt.ii bum riiiii.Y 3lon?llMi AT III.OOMSUUnCi, PKX.VA. THE principles of tit Is paper are of the Jefferson- Ian School of politic s. Those principles will never be compromised, yet courtesy and kindess shall not ('e lo'&otten In discussing llieni, w hethcr with individuals, or with contemporaries of tho Press The unity, happiness, and prosperity of the coun try Is our aim and object) and as tho means to secure that, we shall labor lionestlynml earnestly for the harmony, success and growth of our organ ization. Teiims or AliYLHTisisn s-0'nesn.iiare(tcn lines or less) one or three insertions $ ; each subse quent Insertion CO cents. SPACE. l.M. fiOO . 3,(0 . 5,00 . Q,t .. 10,00 .. 1.5,0) ftt. (1,00 7,00 K,ofl li.oo 1,) 31. l,) CIO 8,.V) li),() 11,00 31,10 Cm. Iv. 80,110 J 10,00 0,10 11,00 12,00 l,l) lt.oo SV" 18,00 ),II0 30,00 60,00 One square... Two squares ...... Three squares... Four squares..., Half column.... One column... . Executor's and Administrator's Notice $V0; Au ditor's Notice S2j0. Other Advertisements lnser' ted acconllng to special contract. lUiMncsv notices without advert Ucmcnt, twenty cents per line. Transient advertisements payable in advance- nil others due after the first Insertion. s It Is, In attcaies, more likely to bo satisfac tory, both to subscribers and to the TublUhcrs, that rcmlttnncesnud all communications respect ing the business of the paper, bo sent direct to the ofllconf publication, All letters, whether relating to the editorial or business concerns of the paper, and all payments for subscriptions, advertising, or jobbing, aro to be made to and addressed nitOCKVAY A FREEZE, "Columbian Ofilce," IU.OOM3UURG, TA. Printed at RobUon's Buildings, near tho Court House, by Chas. M. Vakprimlice, FltANK R. S.NYDElt. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. E. H. LITTLE, A T T O R N E T A T L A W, Office on Main street. In white frame house, be low tho Exchange lintel, llloomsburir, Pa. M. E. JACKSON, ATTORNET-AT-LAW? llerwlck, Columbia Connty, Fenn'ft. 71 T M. Tit AUG II, A T T U K . t. I - AT-LA W, Berwick, Columbia County, Tenn'a. jyj m. l'velle, ATTOaMil -A T-J.A W, Ccntralla, Columbia County, Penn'as yy ILLIAM Hl ABBOTT, A 1 TUIl.Mil- A I 1- -V , CATAWISRA, PA. TOUX Ci FREEZE, ATTOItS K V-A T-1. A W, Olllco In ItegNter and Recorder's office, In the basement of the Court House, Illoomsburg, Pa. pOBEUT F. CLARK, AllUll.l.l"Al-IiA Ofllce comer of Main and Market streets, over First National lljnlc, Illoomsburs, P. T)R L. B. KLINE, A graduate of Jetrerson Medical College, Fhtl adi'lphin, having permanently located, oirers hit pioffsslnnal ser Ices to the cttlrens of Cntawlssn nnd vielnitv. Offlee on Main street, second door east of creasy i joim s miiniiug. taprj o.-uin. W. II. BRADLEY, (l-aie .ssisiani Aicuicni mrecior j, niwrii PHYSICIAN A X I R UHQ EON, S- Olllce at tin Forks Ilotnl, llloomsljurg. Pss Calls promptly attemled to both night and dy. llloomsh-ir, Jan. 1. !T. c. a BROCKWAY, ATTOUNET AT LAW, IlI.OOMSIlUItO, PA. ffi- Offick Court House Alley, below the fo- lumbian Olllce. Authorlze.1 ogeiu for tho collce- ,r Ilm,,,tlr.u lln.-lr Put- IVnsldHS. flllil till other demands against tho Stnto and National uovernments, JOIIX JACOBS, Has remoeil from l.lgm ireei 10 ron -vnnr. In this county; ami is prepares iu pmciivu hi. VETERINARY SURUEON, and prescribes for all diseases of Horses and Cat tle, and cures Jliynno.yn, sr. r.v, . v., u Those desiring to secure his sen Ices should ad dress him ut Illoomsburg, Pa. lntli n. J IIICKLING A- CO'S (lltEAT SALE OF WATCHES. r t,1A nun tlflfA t.lnil. -Ivillf e'f TV Oa- troii a tiaudsouie nnd reliable watch lor the low price oi iVu Dollars I Without regard to value, iuid not tol paid lor unless jK-rfectly satisfactory: ySl .-.Ollll UOlll llllllllUK 'ji Maale Cased Hold W all hi s Limto .) .rii Ijidles' Watches. Enamelled . Its) to .u .'i,i0Mlcr hunting Luplenes . . . . Jin asi 3.l fiold ladles' atchis so to Sill M.KKllioIdhuntlllK h pllies. .. ... Jo .) lO.Ooo Miscellaneous sfler watches. Mta lu i- iiIluiitliiK hunting sller wiitches Si to J' ao.KwAssortid wntches, all kinds . into ,a me'ni. coMlnubut S Every pairon aoiainsii wii.-ii mj ....a ........j,. - lent. costlnubut Sid, while It may bo worth S.jO. au isiriuuiiy. L.R' V"- J-..'11'' 1 A Co. s Oreat American Wale h Co.. New Yoi k City, wish to llllllleiiuiie y Ulsimseof the alsive miuinlllcent stoi k. l erun eates uaminit nrtliles, are iiliiced in sealed enje T".. itAi.i?.ru nru ontli e.l Kilhu urlicles named on their certincates, uisin paynieiit of ten dollars whether It ben watch worth ) or ono worth less. Tlio return oi any oi ui tniwvun. ..... lies you to the article named thereon, uijon pas liient. irrespective of Its worth, and ns no artlcli valued less than 10 is named on uny ci ruiicui.-. n stratitlit.rorward leirttlmato transaction, whirl may b.i participated In eseu by the most fastld u'l 1 1 ni niii-a uu seen nut in, a - . ....t - ions, A s: simile certificate will bo sent by mall, iinsN fuld. UWUl reee )il OI - ceuis, n.u -;'-.: or J,'thlrty.thieo and elegant P'1'1"? & Kixtv-sis nun iiioru uiuinjif ;.-,:. , !'. . ' i ..... i ..,.i Liii.i.rii u'utrli for 8 15. To aueuts ... ".. i.".. .:;.!: ,i,. i,,.,i,ivinint this is n rare on- ! lsmunltv. It Is a leulllniaiely conducted business 1" .'inii oi I.nriVed liv tlie OoM-miiieiit, and open to the most cjrelul scrutiny. a Address, J. HltivI.lNO a ly- ' 9 llroadw ay-Near P.O. fibrw-lni.) envoi w "fK, 1 V nolselei "X ' ' rcof. s f m. 'AL-cnts wanted. IJk- duriible: and easy to work. erni dlseouut allow ed. No "'.n.lniiients made, Address ll'i)rodway,New "JtioT L-tfllllll.- M U. fHl Uil-ly l.OriKiol.lliuntliigcliioiiiiineier watch tz)tii s IKUlli.Id hunllllg English lesers. tf" to ill 3MU (iold huullug Dili'lex wati lies. 1 1) to JU SJWUnlil hunllng Amirliau watclies lew to iti r.noiiullvr imritliitF lvi-rs .pOto 1 Ml'lRH HUUTTLK .SKV1N-MA- ..':''?&?..,..iHT.,:'?,r.K.,l S'A'WftPosEs Cmitalnol'ltheliit'esllniproveiiunts; aiespsedy BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, (Choice gortru. DEATH'S FERRYMEN. Boatman, thrift I'veeutled thee o'er, Walt Inn on llfe'n ftolemn shore, TrochiK, In the Ml er wind, Letters, till thy bont should land. Drifting out alone with thee, Toward the elline I cannot iee, Read to me the fttraiigo device Ornen on thy wand of ice. 'FuMi the curls of golden huo From thine eyes of starlit dew, And behold me where I stand, Reckoning thy boat to land, Where the river mist, o pale, Trembles like a bridal ale, O'er yon lowly drooping tree, One that lo e me waits for me. Hear, still bont man, hear my call, Last year, with the leaflet's fall, Resting hetpa1e hand In mtne, Crossed she In thnt bout of thine. When the corn ediall cense to grow, And the r e-fleld's sen1llce flow At the reaper's feet Is laid (Crossing, spoke the gentle maid). Dearest love, another 5 ear Thou sliajt meet this 1ontu.ati here, The white fl intern of despair Flaying with his chining hair. From this sIHer sanded shore Beckon htm to row thee oer; Where yon solemn shadows be, I shall wait thee come and see I ' There! the white sails float and flow, One In heaven, nnd one below ; And I hear a low voice cry, Ferryman of Death nm I, WHAT SHE SAID, " Oh, I recall her tone," ald Tom, "As sweet as any forest bird's; The thrush she might hac learned it from, And after fashioned it'to words." 'How blest n man," cried Ned, "you are! Such charms the coldest heart would woo; Last eve, I watched you from afar You sought her door I envied you!" " Indeed," said Tom, "I fancied not You watched my Mep 'twas after dark But she Oh ne'er hlmllbc forgot Her simple and her sole remark 1" "What did she say?" cried ardent cd, "Ah," Tom replied, with twinge of pain, "'Twlxt you and me, she well, she said, 'Thomas, you needn't come again I'" UisrcUnncouis. THE GOLD-BUG. costisuf.d. At sight of these tho joy of Jupiter could scarcely bo restrained, but tlio countenance of his master wore an air of extreme disappointment. lie urged us, however, to continue our exertions, and tho wonU were hardly uttered when I stumbled and fell forward, having caught tho too of my boot In a largo ring of iron which lay half buried in tlio loose earth. Wo now worked in earnest, and nev er did I pass ten minutes of more lib tense excitement. During this inter vnl we had fairly unearthed an oblong chest of wood, which, from its perfect preservation and wonderful hardness, had plainly been subject to some min eralizing process perhaps that of the Iii-cholridc of Mercury. This box was three feet and a half long, three feet broad, anil two and a half feet deep. It was firmly secured by bauds of wrought ron, riveted, and forming n kind of open trelliswork over the whole. On each side of the chest, near the top, were three rings of iron six in all by means of which a firm hold could be obtained by six persons. Our utmost united endeavors served only to dis turb the coffer very slightly in its bed e at once saw the impossibility of re moving so great a weight. Luckily the sole fastenings of tho lid consisted of two sliding bolts. Theso we drew back trembling and panting with mix iety. In an instant, a treasure of in calculable value lay gleaming before u As the rays of tlie lanterns fell within tlie pit, there flashed upwards a glow and a glare, from a confused heap of gold and of jewels, that absolutely daz zled our eyes. I shall not pretend to describe the feelings witli which I gazed. Amaze ment was, of course, predominant. Le grand appeared exhausted with excite ment, and spoke very few words, Jti niter's countenance wore, forsomo miu ntes, as deadly a pallor as it is possible in the nature of things, for any negro': visage to a-suine. lie seemed stupified thtinderstricken. Presently ho fell upon his knees In the pit, and, buryinp his naked arms up to the elbows in gold let them thero remain, as if enjoying the luxury of a bath. At length, with a deep sigh, ho exclaimed, us If In oliloniiy. "And ills all cum ob degoole-btig ! do inittvgoole-btig! do poor little goole- bug, what I boosed in dat sabbago kind ob stylo? Alnt you shamed ob your elf, nigger'.' answer mo dat !" It becanio necessary, at last, that hould aroitso both master and volet fo the expediency of removing tlio treas tire. It was growing late, and it be- liooved us to make exertion, that w might get everything housed before daylight. It was difficult to say what should be done, and much tlmo was spent In deliberation so confused were tho ideas of all. we, finally, lightened tho box by removing two-thirds of It contents, when wo w6ro enabled, witl soino trouble, to raiso it from tho hoi Tho articles taken out were deposited among tho brambles, and tho dog left to guard them, witli strict orders from Junlter neither, upon any pretence stir from the spot, nor 'to open his mouth until our return. Wo then hur riedly made for homo with tho chest reaching tliehut in safety, but after ex cesslve toll, at ono o'clock in the morn ing. Worn out as wo were, it was not in human nature to do more Immedi ately. Wo rested until two, and had suppcri starting for t"o hills Inimcdl- tely afterwards, armed with three ntout sacks, wlilch, by good luck, were pon the premises. A little before fuur onrrived at tho pit, divided tho re mainder of-4ho booty, tw equally as might be, among us, and, leaving tlie holes itiilllled, again set out for tlie hut, at which, for the second time, we de posited our golden burthens, Just as tlio llrst faint streaks of the dawn gleamed from over tho tree-tops In this Kast. Wo wero now thoroughly broken down i but tho lnteno excitement of tho time denied us repose. After an unquiet slumber of three or four hours' ltiratlon, we nroe, ns if by preconcert, niako examination of our treasure. Tho cheat had been full to tlie brim, and wo spent tlio wholo day, and the renter part of tho night, In h scrutiny its contents. There had been noth ing like order or arr.ingement. Every thing had been heaped in promiscuous ly. Having nssorted all with care, we found ourselves possessed of even vaster ealtli than wo had at llrst supposed. In coin there was rather more than four hundred and fifty thousand dollars es timating tho value of the pieces, as ac curately as wd could, by tlie tables of tho period. There was not u particle of silver. All was gold of antique date and of great variety French, Spanish, and German money, with a few English ulneas, and some counters, of which o had never seen specimens before. There were several very largo and heavy coins, so worn that we could make nothing of their inscriptions. There was no American money. Tho alue of tlio jewels wo found nioredlili- culty in estimating. There wero dia monds some of them exceedingly large and Hue a hundred and ten In all, and not one of them small : eighteen rubies f remarkablo brilliancy ; three hun dred and ten emeralds, all very .beauti ful; and twenty-ono sapphires, with an opal. These stones had all been broken from their settings and thrown loose in tlie chest. Tho settings themselves, which we picked out from among the other gold, appeared to have been beaten up with hamniers.asif to prevent Identi fication. Besides all tills, there was a ast quantity of solid gold ornaments; nearly two hundred massive finger and ear rings; ricli chains thirty of these, if I remember ; eighty-three cry largo and heavy crucifixes; five gold censers of great value; a prodlg ious golden punch-bowel, ornamented with richly chased vine-leaves and Bae- eltanlian figures; with two sword han dles exquisitely embossed, and many other smaller articles which I cannot recollect. Tlio weight of theso valua bles exi-ccded threo hundred nnd fifty pounds avoirdupois ; and in tills esti mate I have not included one hundred nnd ninety-seven superb gold watches; three of tho number being worth each flvo hundred dollars, If one. Many of them-wcrc very old, and as time keepers valueless; the works having suffered, more pr, less, from corrosion but all wero richly jeweled and in cases of ,'reat worth. We estimated the entire contents of tho cheat, that night at n million and a half of dollars ; and upon the subsequent disposal of the trinkets and jewels (a few being retained fur our own use), it was found that we had greatly undervalued tho treasure. When, at length, we had concluded our examination, and the intense ox citement of tho time had, In some mea sure, subsided, Legrand, who .-aw that I was dying with Impatience for a so lution of this most extraordinary r iddlo entered into a full detail of all the cir cumstances connecte.l with it. "You remember," said lie, "thonight when I handed you the rough hketch I mil made of the tearabrrtts. You rec ollect also, that I became quite vexed at von for insisting that my drawing re sembled a death's head. When you llrst made this as-ertion I thought you were Jesting; but nfterwards I called to mind the peculiar spots on the back of tr.o Insect, and admitted to myself that your remark had some littio foundation in fact. Still, tlie sneer at my graphic powers irritated me for I am consid ered a good artist and, therefore, when you handed mo the scrap of parchment, I was about to crumple it up and throw it angrily into tlio lire." Tlie scrap of pa.ier, you mean," said I. "No ; it had much of tho appearance of paper, and at flrt I stippo-ed It to lie such, but when I camo to draw upon it, 1 discovored it, at once, to bo a verv thin piece of parchment. It was quite dirty, you remember. Well, as I was in tho very act of crumpling it up, my glanco fell upon tlio sketchnt which you had been looking, nnd you may 1m magino my astonishment when I per ceived, in fact, the flguro of a death's- head Jut where, It seemed to mo, I had made tho drawing of tho beetle. Kor a moment I was too much amazed to think with accuracy. I knew that my design was very dllferent In detail from this although there was a certain sim ilarity In general outline. Presently I took a candle, and seating myself ut the other end of tho room, proceeded to scrutinize tho parchment moro closely Upon turning it over, I saw my own sketch upon the roverse, Just as I hud m.ttlo It. My first idea, now, was merit surpriso ut tlio really remarkablo -similarity of outline at tho singular coin cidence involved in tho fact, that un known to mo, thero should have been a itktill upon tho other sldo of the parch ment. Immediately beneath my figure of tho ecurubicm, and that his skull not only in outline, but In size, should APRIL 26, 1867. so closely rescmblo my drawing. I Bay tho singularity of this coincidence ab solutely stupified mo for a time. This Is the usual effect of sueh coincidences, the, mind struggles to establish aconnox Ion n sequence of cause and effect ami, being unable to do so, suffers a spe cies of temporary paralysis. But, when I recovered from this stupor, .there dawned upon me gradually a conviction which startled mo even far more than tho coincidence. I began distinctly, positively, to remember that thero had been no drawing upon tho parchment when I made my sketch of the M-nra-Ixcun. I became perfectly certain of this; for I recollected turning up first one side and then tho other, In search of the cleanest spot. Had the skull been there, of eourso I could not have failed to notice It. Hero was Indeed n mystery which I felt it impossible to ex plain ; but, even at that early moment, there seemed to glimmer, faintly, with- u tho most remote and secret chambers of my intellect, a glow-worm-like con ception of that truth which last night's ulventuro brought to so magnificent a demonstration. I nroso nt once, and tutting the parchment securely nwny, llsmis-cdall farther reflection until 1 should be alone. "When you had gone nnd when Ju piter was fast asleep, I betook iny-clf to a more methodical Investigation of the 'iff.dr. In tho first place I consid ered the manner In which thi parch ment had come into my possession. The spot where we discovered the icar6(CtM was on the coast of tho main land, about a mile eastward of tho island, and but a short distauco above high wa ter mark. Upon my taking hold of it, it gtivo mo a sharp bite, which caused mo to let it drop. Jupiter, with his ac customed caution, before seizing tho In- cct, which had flown towards him, looked about him for a leaf, or some thing of that nature, by which to tako hold of it. It vas at this moment that his eyes, and mine nlso, fell upon the scrap of parchment, which I then sup posed to be paper. It was lying half buried In tlio sand, a corner sticking up. Near tho spot whero wo found it, I observed the remnants of tho hull of what appeared to liavo been a ship's long boat. The wreck seemed to have been thero for a very great while j for the resemblance to boat timbers could scarcely be traced. "Well, Jupiter picked up tho parch ment, wrapped the beetle in it, and gave it tolrie. Soon nfterwards we turned to go home, and on tho way met Lieu tenant O . 1 showed him tho insect, uid he begged me to let him take It to tlie fort. Upon my consenting, ho thrust it forthwith into his waistcoat pocket, without the parchment in which it had been wrapped, and which I had contin ued to hold in my hand during his in spection. Perhaps lie dreaded my changing my mind, nnd thought it best to make sure of the prize at once you know how enthusiastic he is on all sub jects connected with Natural History. At the same time, without being con scious of it, I must have deposited the parchment in my own pocket- " You remember that when I went to the tnblc, for tho purpose of making a sketch of tlie beetle, I found no paper where it was usually kept. I looked in tho drawer, nnd found nono there. I searched my pockets, hoping to find an old letter, when my hand fell upon the parchment. I thus detail the precise mode in which it came into , my posses sion; for the circumstances impressed mo with peculiar force. "No doubt you will think me fanci fulbut I had already established a kind of connexion. I had put together two links of a great chain. There was a boat lying upon :f sea-coast, nnd not far from the boat was a parchment not paper with u skull depleted ipon it. You will, of course, ask 'where Is tho connection '." I reply that the skull, or death's-head, Is the well-known em blem of the pirate. Tho flag of tho death's-head' Is hoisted in all engage ments. "I liavo said that tho scrap was parch ment, and not paper. Parchment Is du rablealmost imperishable. Matters of littio moment aro rarely consigned to parchment ; since, for the more ordina ry purposes of drawing or writing, It is not nearly so well adapted as paper, This reflection suggested some meaning soino relevancy In the death's-head. I did not fall to observe, also, tho form of the parchment. Although one of its corners had been, by soino accident, dc stroyed, it could bo seen that the origi nal form was oblong. It wasjust such n Hit, Indeed, us might have been chosen fur a memorandum for a record of something to bo long remembered and carefully preserved." 'But," I interposed, "you say that tho skull was not upon tho parchment when you made thodrawing of tho bee tie. How then do you traco any con nexion between tlio boat anil tho skull since this latter according to your own admission, must have been de signed (God only knows how or by wfioinl nt soma period subsequent to vnnr i:i"ti-hlii the senralittua f" 14 i I. Ur... ntifiti furiw flu Vl'hnlp I11VR- ton- ultliniiih tbn secret, at this noint I Ii-iiI rntiinm-atlvt'lv little difficulty 111 solving, ilv steps were sure, mid could airordlmt a single result. 1 reasoned, fur example, thus: When I drew tho avurtiOaw, thero was no skull npparatit upon tin1 parchment. When I hud com pietcd the drawing I gave It to you, and olcrvcd you narrowly until you re turned it. Von, therefore, did not de 4)git'tho skull, and no onoelse was pros ent to do It, Then It was not done by hTITfiun agency. And nevertheless It was dune. TO UCCONTIliUIB. TIItlEK tVOni) OF ITIUssNOTll. Translated from the Oermsn of Schiller, There are three lessons I would write Three words as with a burning jn In tracings of elernat light Upon the hearts of men. Have Hope, Though clouds environ now. And gladness hide her fact In scorn, Put thou the shadow from thy brow; No night but hath Its morn. Have Faith. Where'er thy bark Is driven The calm's disport, ths tempest's mirth Know this : God rules the host of heaven, The Inhabitants of earth. Have Love j and not alone for one, Hut man, as man, thy brother call, And scatter, like the circling sun, Thy charities on all. Thus grave these lessons on thy soul Hope, Faith, and Love; and thou shalt find KtrengUi when life's surges cease to roll, Light where thou else wert blind. The Lord's Steward. It is estima ted that Deacon Crane, of Baltimore, who died recently, gave during his life tlino over a half million of dollars to objects of benevolence. Wo copy from the Texas Jlaptist tho following extract from his "hist will and testament." It shows the principle on wlilch he acted through life, and tho desires which he cherished for the loved ones left behind him: "I have never felt at liberty to accu mulate nnd hold any larger amount of property than my character and standi ng as a merchant, or a plain competence for my Aimlly whenever I might be taken from them, might seem to demand. From tho ago of seventeen, when I trust the Lord converted me, I have always regarded It my duty to tho Giver of all good to devoto personally, during the remainder of my life time, as His lalth fui steward, all my surplus tlmo and money to Ills cause. Nono of my children can expect from me what tho world vaguely denominates a fortune. This I have never desired toleavo them. My hope is that my offar tcie , and uny helpless members of my family, may bo left with a reasonable competence, while thoso who may possess health and vigor may bo far moro happy and useful by relying on their own cxertIon,as I have always done myself, and trusting a be neficent Providence tor their support." The Lord's Phayf-k. Did you ever think, short though it iv, how touch there is in it? Oh, it is beautiful! Like a diamond In the crown of r. queen, it unitesa thousand sparkling gems in one. It teaches all of us, everyone of us, to look to God as our parent"Our Father.' It prompts us to raise our thoughts and our desires above tho earth "Who art in heaven." It tells us that we must reverence our heavenly Father "Hallowed bo thy name." It breathes the saint's reward "Thy kingdom come." And a submissive, obedient spirit "Thy will be done on eartli as It is in heaven." And a dependent, trusting spirit "Give us this day our daily bread." And a forgiving spirit -"Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive thCso who trespass against us." nu a cautious spirit "Deliver us from evil." And last of nil, an adoring spirit 'For thine is the kingdom, nnd tho power, and tho glory, forever and ever. Amen." Teaching Children. Do allln your power to teach your children self-gov ernment. If a child Ispasslonate, teach him by gentle and patient means to curb his temper. If ho is greedy, cultivate liberality in him. If ho Is sulky, charm him out of it by encouraging frank, good humor. If he is indolent, accus tom him to exertion. If pride makes his obedience reluctant, subdue him by counsel or discipline. In short, give our children a habit of overcoming their besetting sin. A Summary of Religion. There Is no salvation but by tho free mercy of God; no mercy but by through thomed iatlon of Christ; no Interest in Christ except by faith in Him; no Justifying faith but that which works by love and purifies -the hear; no love to Christ which does not include love to Hi people, His example, His precepts; no genuine love to His people which docs not influence a man to do good to them as he has ability and opportunity. Thf. Rev. Cornelius E. Swopeof Trinity Church, Pittsburgh, Jtas re ceived a call to bo assistant minister in charge of Trinity Chapel in West Twenty-slxth-st., t supply the vacancy occasioned by the recent flection of the Kov. Dr. Koeloy to ths Bishopric of Maine. Tub following Methodist Oonfereuoea begin their annual sessions on Worjeng day noxt: Eastern German, Bishop Simpson presiding, at Newark, N. J.; North Indiana, Bishop Anns, at Ador son j Now Hampshire, Bishop Klnrjaley at Manchester. It is said that while the Catholic have only 32 of the 307 churches in New York, yet their church attendance Is nearly as large as that of all the other denominations combined. Dr. CoiiLEiQH, who has edited Iht Hion'i IferaM at Boston for threo and a half years,has reslgned,and Is succeeded by tlio Ilev. Gilbert Haven. The new Catholic Cathedral in New York will bo 300 feet in length. Ono to bebulltin St. LouiswIU be 400 feet Ion;;, and tho largest church edifice in the couutry. PRICE FIVE CENTS,:4 Wit nnd Tiumor. A counury paper speaks qf a man Who "died without tho aid of a physi cian." Such instances nro very rare. A gentleman Just returned to this country from a tour in Italy, was asked how ho liked the ruins of Pompeii. "Not very well," was the reply, "they aro so out of repair. A youno woman fainted In a New York theatre a few nights since, and water being thrown into her face, she revived, exclaiming, "Oh, my new bon net!" "Jenny," said a venerablo old man to his daughter, who was asking his con sent to accompany her urgent and favor ed suiter to the altar, "Jenny, It Is a very solemn thing to get married." "I know It," replied Jenny, "but It's a heap solemncr not to." "Sally Mander safe!" said Mrs. Partington as her eyes fell on an adver tisement. "Do toll me, Isaac, who this Sally Mander is, and what sho's been doing that they've got her safe?" "I don'tknow whatsho's been doing," said Ike, "but I guess sho Is a sister to Jer ry." "Jerry who, Isaac &" Why Jerry Mander," said Ike, as he resumed his work by the window, catching flies and impaling them. " Mr. Smith, you once officiated in a pulpit, did you mean that you preach ed?" , "No, sir, I held the light for the man that did." Ah, tho court understood you differ ent, they supposed that tho discourse camo from you." "No, sir, I only throwed a light on It." "No levity, Mr. Smith. Crier, wipe your nose, and call on the next witness." During a steam-voyage, on the sud den stoppage of the machinery, consid crabloalarm took place,cspeclally atrfong the female passengers. "What is the matter? What is the matter? For Heaven's sake tell me tho worst!" exclaimed one moro anxious than the rest. After a short pause a hoarse voice from the dock replied : "Nothing, madame, nothing; only the bottom of the vessel and the top of the earth are stuck together." Woman's Will. Dip the ocean dry with a teaspoon ; twist the heel into tho too of your boot ; make postmasters perform their promises, and subscribers pay their printer ; send up fishing hooks with balloons and fish for stars ; get astride a gossamer and chase a comet; when the rain is coming down like tho cataract of Niagara, remember where you left your umbrella; choke n mos quito with a brickbat; hold Glbralter at arm's length ; in short, prove all things heretofore considered Impossible to be possible, but never attempt to coax a woman to say she will, when ho has made up her mind she won't. Alas ! but too true. The Folly of Law. Two Dutch men, who built and used in common a small bridge over a stream which ran through their farms, had a dispute con cerning some repairs which it required, and one of them -positively refused to bear a portion of the expense necessary to tho purchase of a few planks. Fi nally the aggrieved party went to a neighboring lawyer.and placing ten dol lars in his hand, saying : "I'll givo you all dish money if you'll make Hatis do justice mlt do brlifge." "How much will It cost to repair it?" asked the honest lawyer. No moro ash five tollar," replied the Dutchman. "Very well," said tho lawyer, pock eting one of the notes and giving him the other; "take this and go get tho bridge repaired; 'tis the best course you can take." "Yaas," said tho Dutchman slowly, yaas, dat ish moro better as to quarrel mlt Hans ; but as ho went along home he shook his head frequently, as If una ble, aftsr all, to see quite clearly how he had gained anything by going to law. Eccentric Divine. The Rev. Zeb. rwltchcll was tho most noted minister in Vermont, for shrewd and laughable sayings. In tho pulpit he maintained a suitablo gravity of manner and ex pression, and out of the pulpit he over flowed with fun. Occasionally he would if emergency required, Bay something queer in a sermon for tho sake of arous ing the flagging attention of his hearers. Seeing that his audience was getting sleepy, ho paused in bis discourse, and discoursed as follows: "Brethren, you haven't any Idea of the sufferings of our missionaries in the now settlements, on account of the mosquitoes. Tho mos quitoo in some Qf these regions aro enormous. A great many of them weigh a pound, nnd they will get on the logs nd bar!; whon the missionaries are go ing along." By this timo all ears and eyes were open, and be proceeded to finish his dis course. Tho noxt day one of his hearers called him to account for telling lies in the pulpit. "Thero never was a mosquito that weighed a pound," he said. "But I did not say ono of them would weigh a pound, I said a great many, and I think a million of them would." " But you sId they barked at tho missionaries." " No, brother, I said they would get on the logs and bark." 1,'s., '.'V ill )3 ! V