THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBU11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. he a OM&IIVIlUi FIUMAY, A1HII. 10, isot. TiiH Repuoncan isucicnuing "aiioon- llutlcr. X11E several mm played by tlio Band jut Tuesday evening wore- excellent. Mr.. Ostrander nns uccn eonnrmcti - - . 1 -- . r-i i . ost Jld'icr at iinviiii', niter n imni intcft. WILLIAM L. MAE-DOCK AND CO. oalera in lino groceries, No. llfi South ,r.i-..l. I .- . 1 . r. l T ) - .. 1- lllt'."-'I THE largest, best and cheapest nssort- ... aF Ufnima ntwl TlnifnHi Im tl.n Will VI wiuivj ...tit . inumu ... fc.ivj janly, is at tno storo ot wnimm m. The Hadical-Negro-Suffraglto State invention will moot at Williamsnort, ltnniltiif Timn O.UI. Jr. .,n...t..nn j canulunto for the Supremo Bench. A concert will bo given in Seminary nail on Saturday evening April EOth, i Dr. u . o. i-iuuura uiusa in yuuu mu io. Doors open at 8 o'clock. Admls ion twenty-fivo cents. i nun suuai juuh isi js iriuwinir cun stantly and steadily. Tho blows wonro .A n f in Ifflrltnnl nnnni hnrn nin r.t f t . f 1- -1 l ini our iriL'iiu.i Biiow mcir ninroe. uinn iy tiiLutitiiuu inii vnv.v-nv turn iivvj paper. TnE Columbian account of tho i Blnnmsbiirtr Liitornrv Iimtltntn Dn.llnn. tion has been highly spoken of by many aitnc oesi, iuuu.ii. mm uyiarmost reau able. Wo sliall continuo to merit tlio MHn.lnl nn 41i vt..l.1t iMronTANC.n of a Vote. Tho Now xin.on .ffliMett BniM xnnr. l r .nrrnn i the Democratic eanamato m tno BIX' ! teenth Senatorial District of Connecticut Is defeated by four votes ; and this gives tho Scnato to the Republicans by ono majority. C. B. Bkockway has been appoint ed by tho President, as Consul to San Jose, in Costa Rica. Ho has also been confirmed by the Senate. Tills appoint ment was notonlyunsolicited,but,unox pected, as ho knew nothing of It until after his confirmation. Ho has not dc elded to go. Oun enterprising druggist, John It, Mover, has just replenished his stock from tho Eastern markets, with au as sortment such as tho wants of the pub liedemand. Mr. Jfoycr has long been established in tlio business, and there fore knows what tho multitudo need. His placo of business Is on tho West siilo of Market Street. The editors of tho Columbian' aro writing sanctlmonlos lectures on moral ity l Jcepuoiican. Tlio readers of the Republican novcr expect to find anything of that sort in its columns. They aro treated to a very different sort of reading ; and wo leave tho public tojudgo which ismorolikely to bo profitable and beneficial. Tun heaviest charge that Uio Radical Republican can bring against tho Col- UMBiAN.istliat it, tho Columbian, isn moral paper, tiiat it publishes lectures on morality, and that Its editors write what tho radical in elegant language calls "religious squibs." "Wo bclicvo wo can bear tho full weight of that charge, and trust wo shall ever bo found to teach and practico all tho Cliristiau virtues, not forgetting liberality and chastity. Ox Friday, April 2Gth by order of tho Grand Lodgo I. O. of O. F. a national Thanksgiving will bo held throughout tho United States. Wo published tlio order a few weeks ago. In accordanco with" it, Van Camp Lodge nt this place will meet at tho M. E. Church on tho day specified, at half past teu a.m. Rev, J. R. Dimm will deliver a sermon, and Rev. Mr. Prlco an address upon tho oc casion. Members of adjoining lodges and tho public generally aro invited to attend. Senatoii Saulsiiuiiy Sent Home to Reform. In consenuonco of the continued drunkenness of Senator SxuLsnunY. of Delaware, n resolution was offered a few days ago in tlio Senato to expel him. His friends liavo taken him home where ho will remain during tho recess. Unless ho reforms ho will bo oxpelled. Republican. It Is scarcely necessary to say to our readers that thcro Is not n word of trutli in tho above. To bo found in io Repub lican is sufficient evidence of its falsity Its editor must feel desperate. Tun water has been lot into thoNorth Branch Canal, but boating Is at astand still. Hugo masses of lco cover tlio tow-path abovo Nantlcoko dam, and it Is estimated that It will cost llvo Hun dred dollars to removo them. Wo have also been Informod that a number of rocks and stones havo been thrown into tlio canal abovo "Wllkesbar- re, which will require tinio to havo them removed. Tho prospect for .tho boat men Is not brilliant wo aro sorry to say, Wo know of no class of men more uso- ful, and yet who nro so poorly paid for tho amount of labor nnd privation they undergo. P. John claims to havo got another letter. Of eourso It Is n proftmo one. Every man who writes to him seems to bo ablo to tako his exact measure, and oaths and vulgarity abound. If such letters wero genulno, which they are not, no gentleman would publish them; If false, as they are, I'. John nlono would do so. So, ngaln, when ho writes to himself a letter, not stated to contain two dol lars, ho forthwith abuses nnd denoun ces tho writer j but two dollars fills tho placo of his soul to overilowlng, nutl ho goes off In ccstncles. TUB KALEIDOSCOPE: " A map of.lmsy life ItH llitetuatloiis mid Its vast concerns.' NO. XVI. pope's Virginia campaign. Tim wrltr. nf 11,1c n iwl l,n fnu. tnnnm1. lin nf tin, KnlnliWnnr. .Inrw not pretend to give a history of tho nr- mvnmlnr flnn. 1rmn Pn.iimmiil. ,.. nf nut nnrHnillnr fVsi!ia nt IlK'tatnti In it but will briefly relate such incidents as .inwn.ll1ll.lnr llU rm-ll iiiimrvntlnn in. frptiir-r U'tfh Rllnl. l.Mnrlnnl i,nln nml inlin.irniililnnl ilnsortnf Inna na l, mn dpnm1..tnrnt!,..l.!l,.. " I Tho impolicy of tho Administration In making rapid changes of command, crs was never better Illustrated than when Mr. Lincoln placed Gen. Pope at thnlmndnf "Tim Armvnf Vlrrlnln." Ills reputation in tho regular army, bo. foro tlio war, was bad, nnd bis only rcc- - ... ommondatiOIl Was tho Victory nchlCYCd lSiniUli.NO. iU. , rt I IT ,1 izn ninnv nr linr nT nin n-niinni lu wi believed that tlio armies of tho Kast had never been fought, and that tho rebel Army of Virginia was as undisciplined a mass of gurillas as those who had op posed him on the Mlosalvuppl. Any good opinion thearmymay have formed of him, however, was dissipated by tho braggart order issued by him up on taking command, hi which he said : "I have come to you from tho est, lnnf II I.. .i..i. 1 ni.l, , "V 1 tiurtiiiiibij '" hcadrpiarters would bo in tho saddle." Unother grave mistake on his part was tho order ssue.I to t in mon entW'Mvhieh tly .in i.nllmitnrl llo.,.n "to live off of the interpreted to me; v u'"1" ..........v. and which soon spread demoralization 11 i ii , . , ,, through tllO ranks. Not only was dU- nlnllnn rnlnvn.1 .nwl tfnm,l 1., r-n nlnllnn ,lvn,l .....1 si,ni !,, r- .,.,( cipuno relaxeu,una straggling freiiuent, but tho inhabitants were Incited to islstancc by scenes of rapino and outrage, which finally Drought out Tnir f i.4Brtni o,.i . Jell. Davis's famous order to treat rope's mcors as "felons, cut-tliroats, and thioves." iVt tlio time Pope joined, his army was much scattered, our Government having been trying tho plan of spreading the smallest possible number of men, over Dm...1iu.oiuiviiuuiuu ' ". "-i greatest pOSSiblo amount Of surface. T, . , . . Popo wisely commenced concentrating his command for tho purposo as he ex- pressed it, of "laying off on tho ene mies flanks." Our Division was en camped in tho vicinity of tho beautiful city of Warrcnton, then occupied by our troops for tho first time. I say "oc- cupicd" becauso neither Geary's nor Ulenkcr'S Division's Stopped long enough even to try tho virtue of tlio eel- enriueil rarquier WIUIO ftUlplllir bprillgs. THIS placo Hail long been tllO rosortof aristocratic Southerners, nnd one of tho hotels alono was capable of ucconiodntinc 1000 people. Chief Jus- Men r.irsliiill lin.l mn.ln ir. his linmn ComodoroAri Catesby Jones of revolu- tionary famo had his residence- In its vi- einitv. and men of later dato such as Extra Rilly Smith, "and tliocommand- er of tho "Florida." At tlio opening of tho campaign, Pope's forco amounted to GO.nnn men. Tho Corps wero commanded by M'Dow ell Ranks, and Sigel. King's Division of M'Dowcll's Corps wasnt Fredericks burg, hisbrigadc.commandcrs being Au ger and Patrick. Our Division was commanded by Gen. James B. Ricketts of Bull Run fame, and ho was ably sup- ported by Hartsuff, Tower and Duyroa. Ranks had under him Crawford, Green, Princo, Gordon and Geary; and Sigel, who was in tlio valley with Fremont's old command was supported by Cooper and Slough. Bayard commanded our cavalry, and Hatch led Bank's troopers, Our Battery was commanded by Capt E.'NV. Matthews, aud tho sections during that campaign wero under Lieuts. God- bold, Case, and Brockway, Lieut. Rlcl; ettsbeinc absent on recuiting Ferviee. Wo wero armed with six pieces of rifled -lll II. 1. !.,. 11. nn :,ln,n In uuuury, uiu juiia m-iug iiiitu uiuiio ... diameter, yet. wcrocapauiu m iiirowinK a ten pounder shot or shell tho distance of two nnd a half miles. Tho battery was well drilled, fully equipped, aim went Into tho campaign with ono hun dred and fifty men, On tlio 5th of August (1SG2) wo moved lrom our camp on ine neugeman m vur, and shaped our course towards Culpep per, where a concentration of troops was to bo made. Tho day was so Intensely hot that nn unusual number of hordes and men gavo out and were loft by tho wayside; and tho clouds of dust caused by tho trampling of so many men made respiration and sight equally dinicuit Wo encamped for tho night on Hazel Ulver, anil a low moments aner mo Ktrnnin u-ns swnrniinir with men CD.l0.V- .... I) - i.,lmi,.,ciinl liiviirvnf a hath. At 11,1 a nnlnt 'rlnrlnii4 SnrarrtlO Carrel's" rigadoJoinedus,inwhicliwastho81tli and 110th Pennsylvania Heglnients. rrs I .1I t . 1 ..... ..I. I I 'iiltsftW. .v,.- preceeded us. Btonownll Jackson'scom- inanil. wo ascertained was at Gordens- ' ., vlllo. twenty-live miles to thoSotith. n.., lll.A'.,..w.frMi Ijrlnhlll uuijn.-1'i'uii " . historic legends III the Clerk's oiuco 111 tho Court Houso appears this vcnorauio entry : : 20th July, 171. (0. R.) Oeorgo AVn.l.lmrtnn. nonf. iimdueed a Com- mission from tho President and Master iiiiuiiiMn."..i j. of William and Mary College, appoint Ing him to bo survovor of this county, which was read, and thercopon ho took tho usual oaths to Ills majesty's person nnd L'overniiii'iit. and took and sun scribed tlio abjuration oath and tcst.and then took tlio oath of Mirveyor, accord- ini? to law." Heroalo wero nuseil tho eeicuraieu mlnuto men" of tho Uovoliitlon, of whom John Randolph nahl In tho Sen ato "thev wero rni.-ed In a mlnuto, firmed In n minute, marched In a mill- nti. fmiL'ht in a minute, and vanquished in u miiiuto" They wero orgaulzed by whero wo have always seen the backs of : . , , tn divorcovHrwomrtrmoRhouidn tho cnemies-from any army whoso 1 " i uetumabioMoHdny, May ? xn. i ... J . 47 . lm vnnm with iinwilnr. hut. iliov rnnhl n.. in, AMlrKI H1 hiwlnrw It h'w lionn fnunonir tlio ndenpen. 1 ."., - rf . liioomsuurir. March 1. 1Mj7. ryUnaio!eiani,n Men fount-, whoso fiol TX Till' COURT or Common I'leas policy has been attack and not defense." wet wits to Iooen n plank In tho lloor. lKonT1,BCou.VTYnl..c.,i.tiHni.v: ITnl i ,i,m,,,o (,,, They next tried to fcllioko hllll out With Maiiy J. Masnino, by l,erl lebrunryTerm.lRlT, JiO lUaO SpOKO 111 COIltelllplUOUS terms , , ' , , ,, , . , ,, next friend AlniiH llnrlnn, ) No. 11, r iii.nnu r c tt,.o ...,.i u...,. r brinistorio and Indian pepper, but fall- u. anukewj. manning. I in Divorce. Of "bases Of supplies, mul lines of ,, To Andrew J. MannliiK. l(enon.lent. HIri-Tlie order of Patrick Henry, then command er of tlio Virginia forces, and among their ofllccrs was Thomas Marshall, and his i-on Chief Justice Marshall. Their ling horo the inscription "Tho Culpep per Minute men. Liberty or Death I" TllO CClltrO Of tllO fll'lll llllll a COllM rat tloSllnke, intended torCpreSCtlt Virginia! n,ld twclvo rattles, ono for each of tho OtlierStateS,audbeloWtllOW0rds"doil't trend on mo." A writer of tho ttmo ndl,3 "lhu Corl's wero dressed In green hunting slllrtS With tllO Words 'LlllER- TV Oil DEATH' ill huge WhltolfttOrS On lr i"' 111 UlCir IllUH Weru UUCK- tails, and In their belts tl.oy carried ..,1. ,1.a ,,,! ,!.,. tntni ,1 4 ," "ik " revolutionary wng, seeing i no inscrip- 110,1 01 u Llr ,V10,u?ul 11 woT vcro uul .. ","r . ,cu ,lm 1,0 ,: 10 l'""sl mo worn were nitcreu to "AMnty or be Crippled.' Culpeppcr also bad the honor of bc- j. iw.,., r ri. T,M.n.,i oft.a , -vti i,.., a L .11 tt it i 41.- i in.,.. r rt a. I . , , . .. . . , r I'll L (llSllIl(JLlt)Il 11L LiltJ UitLLies Ul 1 TL'IIL - ...... ---- i C'aiiHlcn, Guildford Court House, nnd aimu ui iuiivi i Will o lor linl.lf.. linw. ""w ' f ever, they nro stnlnerttby tho persecu- UUIl Ul IKIIHISt Jllllll'SlUin 11UUUL 11 UL'IIIU- I ij hu. vmuii iiiujii.iuj isuiiuiuin vu-) the Hov. James Ireland who was Im prisoned In tlio county Jail for his rcllg' loin opinions, tlio Virginians in this in stanco proving to bo as intolerant as lK 1" mil us nui, .v uutiui uuu luujiin- oplnnllv nilinlnlsirnl tinUnli nnd u nctuIUI niinunisircu ponon, anu 1 1 1 "ul ' . " '" ...n. iu ui. u.ii... Chirstiaiiity in those days, and I fcar WO witnessed US atrocious crimes 011 tin..mncnll itt.rl. tlin iutc:n nF mlit same sou uiuitr ino guiao oi pain- otlsm. 3Ir Ireland In trlvhi!? an nc- ""ini. Jir. Artumu in b'y'fa a COUllt Of ills persecutions Said : "JlypriS- COU1H 01 Ills porsecillions nam : "jiy pns- ,,.., ,, i. .i . i r,mii, 1 .1 X. . """" . . " ' J.'v M;V.olT, presence, a uoj seiuom " 1 l"u,uu u u B,",iu lUKU" " " U1VH1U iiuuuiiua luw.uii mi;, wiuuil .. b . . . , l" 1C1 mY ,? 1U w, I0M U'rs in 11110 worus, srum inyjiuiucei Ill LUipeppCr." 1 ...- . . , . ii. , r ii.. i i 11113 iiincu isxne jiuiuu ui uiu ix-iu- brated Mosby who is nowpractisinglaw there. Mayor Wntlach of Washington , ni,,,, tlirrc nnd owns a fine nls WM re'S1-11 lIlcrL 111111 "ns " "uu place ill town. J, B R O W E R, J. Is now offering to tho public his Stock of S V R I X G GOODS consisting In part of a full lino of INGRAIN, "WOOL. AND RAG rino cloths nud casslmcra for Ladles' conts, haxd'.omk. noons, ot ftn patterns nnd (lunlllles, Inlalds nnd Prints of vnrlous qualities nnd prices, nLnAciir.D and imowx muslins, LAME'S FRENCH CORSETS, and UAtiJlUllALi Olvlllio Good assortment of www cniT.DitEy.i gaiterm hoots. rrem Groceries ana apices. Xcw assortment of GLASS AXD QUEENS-WAKE, FX NO. 1 MACKEREL In one-half nnd one-fourth barrels. Now Is tho time to mnke jour selections, as I nm offerinc coods at very low prices, and our motto W fair dealing to all, and not to bo under- old by any. J. J. llloomsbnrg, April 12, 18C7. APPLICANTS FOR HOTEL, ItEs- X1.TAUHAM A.U l,llUUll riluilL. lill-..- mm vmlr-rt l heri-hv ctven that tho folloulliET persons havo niado application to the l'rothono tary of Columbia County for Tavern, Restaurant anil Liquor Hloro Jjicenso io oo gruuieu ub ino coming May Term: .Tohn I,eaeock Tavern Jolm K CaMow fieo W Muucer llern.inl htohncr O A Jaeoby Ij I Mendenlmll, W'mlKJtlmoro John F Cnslow JohnS Mann C Shuman A Hon John .1 Stiles M II Gilchrist Henry J Clarlc .1 It KIMler l'hlllpiiotbeliaU .1 I Hunyau IpvI Keller John Orover A W I'reamer DTM'Klerman Llauor Rtoro lltllltf lloust I Beaver Benton Tavern liorwlc c Catawissa Hating Houso CnttiiR House Tavern I.lquor Storo Ciuti-aiia conpgham " i avern Themas .Monroo Samuel Leiby i; Unaug'st Cornelius M'Cam Milton K fox Joseph 1-' Long Humphrey l'arker John Ilartmau LudwlsThlelo JokIiuh Woraer John ICllna A K Smith Samuel Itlmby Cleo II lirown M elicit Jacob (iootl John Snyder pi-hi,,.. urcenwoou iIemi0C.. Locust Matllson "iVaLnt jnraei juimrauy cott Vhlllp 1) Keller Jolm saati rnh llmitni-1 4 j i) uicts Katlng Houso JESHi; coLKM A, lTotnonoiary, nioomsburg, April 12, 1WI7. V Russell's Itch Ointment, Immediate, tm certain cure ;;",,firfT' 11 IS also ll huro reiut-uj mi uttu llusselrs null lineuiu umiiuent, w m..,-.iv.-- inwii '" ' 'I""":,:,"' - M Thfso ointments are certain, safe, and reJbiblo l .... .1 I. hnv. unil nm ll.ttlV KVlb "r"1'1"' '"uu " 1'"' eiy "ll l'rcxlst mdlc no aeaiMs. wh;i j-.fie, $1.50. l'"ri'tf7-an. I ii T)Tnrl TrT.PPTTnN AN ELEC It .1.,.. nnnrc nt thrt ('jitnwiRhit Hrlilco Com- .mi;o Xil&W ofVai': ;iWi,Mi, on .VMdau, a suihiiau 0 .uuy, isw. be- iucii 1 10 hours or one una lour o noi-K, r. o, tecntnouuurs u joii.v hiiapI.ehh, in tiirnH-i"ii t", . Aurll 5, isa, nriau-ina UrMtc QffUv, X NMTClary. AprllS.lSW. J fUANaEVIl n ATCTlVATTrR NORMAL SUM- v.;, I'on next lernioi una insiivunt." mvn.i 1. AVHIL. 13n. 107. Tuition per term of eleven weeki , from l,ou to 1 iLmnl lliL'OOil laillllli'A Pt'i wt-r.. . " 11. p. walker, rrinciri. Nniirr. All nrrsoiis kiiosvhiB tUtin.elve Indebted to either of tho unuersigneo.ou i.uun Kote.or Judgment, aro requested to inako pay ment without delay, If they would savo costs. WIU.IAM M'Kin.VHV&CO. joit SALE, a 00011 milch cow. ;)lirlmmi fiI,0 has n nno calf thre woeKs SVAn!l,u,,Sra,tct" """'iiiH wfeiT March I, M, WILLIAM H. AHUOTl', ATTORNET-AT-I.A W, CATAWISSA, l'A. LEGAL NOTICES. I? X KC UTO Il'S NOTICK. ESTATE Jot' ItonruT W Mll.i.pti.iir.r'n. IicticrnlcUv nitnlnry on tho cstnto of Itoliert W. Miller, latoof MnUlAntt township, t'nhitnliln county, linvelwen ernntnl by tho UeKlster f Columbia county to Mm. Hinannnh Miller, All persona lmvln clnlmt fiRnlnttlio cKtntdnro reiiitCKte.1 to preRdit tliotn for Kettlement, ami tlioso Imlebteil to tlio cstnlo win innito payment to tho i;xeeutrlx wiihoutdo- Slnrch 8, 1W7. Kxecu'trx. A DMINISTJIATOU'S X OTIC K. X.1TATI10P MAHY KlSRNHAItT. DF-O'n. Lot' tors of lulmlnMrnttou to tho cHtnte of Mnry KWcnlmrt, Into nf Ontnwlssn townililn, CoInmMi roimty,tlfcenel, hnobcon grnntoil by the UcrIv tcr of Coltimbln county, to lipoimm Atlamt, of nnld county. All person hnvlng clnltns or ilc nmmUnRnlnstlhn cstnto of tho decedent nrero qiicstcd to mnlip them known to tho administra tor without dclny, nnd nil person Indebted aro requeHted to mnke payment. March 1, lW-flt. Admlnlstrntor. J. 1'jiTATR of Joseph Honnisi, DF.c'n. I-ttern or numimstnuton to tho evnteor Joseph itobblni. deceased, has been Krnnted hy tlio KcjiMer or toiumma county, 10 Lunion uoumni. ah per- nou imvuiR cminiHorucmnnos npunisi ino esmio of tho decedent nro requested to nmlto them Known to mo nummmrnior wunout uemy, ana I persons indebted aro rmnwteit in 'mvMnnay ITJlt. AfltnlnlNtrntiT. ' ..... TV TFTP. miTPT ni.ifnfVnv Pr.vio " " ' - " 1 ' vmi TiiPdnitvTV nv Cm ttMtit a uiiahuh Kvr..,Lv DecemberTerm, we, .MAitnAKrr i yoly. i jn uivorrc. -1",rB.nre' '-Jeriy. iwnmnuciii, jiaunmo i- iiiotDiuumvfl lErnnicu h ruio on you xo snow !,ilvTO 11, Ul, 1U O tlOl'lt U. HI. inoomstiurpc, tarcii 1, law. TIIK COUJITof Common 1i.bas 1 ron the County iipComtmhia! catkakink I to at, by her) December Term, 1800, nextrnena joiiti Htnurer, iso, 1 . TIIOMAH HOAT. I in DtVorCP- ToThomns Hont, Hespoudcnt Hlr: Tho Court cnusownyn ot bo decreed. r, nt 10 o'clock UH, tihcrUr. Cnnrt Ium smnteil n ruin on v why ftillvorco a rtnculn matrimonii should not lio llec'tcnl n0tUnuibie, Mon.iny, Mny sixth, iw, "'iJKSSw. MaH V fiw. M - "- - KSSffiW Her, Mnry M'lntosh, Nancy lluell, I'leWi iBJIUEL a. 1UCIC. Is. Ruth Till' IrftMint 81ms. r.UJali O. Illclcetti, the heirs of Sarttli l ortrli dccenseii, heirs of ix-viAshton, decerned, Bm 0,1 other nenionHtittcretu-d, greetings you nro hereby cited to b nnd nppeur bei tho Judges of our Orphan;' Court, to bo hell ortnght, 10 before ino juagesor oururpnans- iouri, to uo nem m nioomsCurg, county nf Columbia, on tho nrst o. mcketts, deeenied, nt the nnpmised valuation laid trrJd returned n,y "tho w.,VTa; ol'.how cause wny ine KaiuoKiinuiu not ue soiu. mm the iionornbio winiam oeii. rre - SSWiTOifi ,lw l,u, .ili: COI.CMAN, Cleric 0. C. 1HWJ1II1MUIK, .Ullll-ll 17, 1CT. rpnndTi.'P Arrmivp nv tittv X tatk oi-' ciikveltno, a i.u ffil'ra'liSW.SiiriSi ISfffl CrevclluK n lunatic, has filed his first account of the mnnacemento. thoestntoof tho said lunatic with tho Prothonotary of tho Court of Common rlm, of th0 CmmtJ. Columbia, nnd that the suld nroount will b it relented to tho Jmltros of tho Court of Common Picas of said County, for tho licaririR anil con tl mint Ion. on Tuesday, the seventh day of May next. lUooimtiurg. March 'A 18C7-6t. MILLINERY GOODS. B LOOMSIJURG FANCY TRIM- MINQ AND BOOKSTORE, second door below Hartman's, Main Street, Just received a new stock ot ZEl'HYItS, woolen and cotton yarns, COItHLTS, IiACEH, L-MllHUIDEItlFX, MUSLIN EDGINGS, DRESS TRIMMINGS nnd every variety of articles usually kept In a FANCY STORE. Also .SCHOOL BOOKS, HYMN BOOKS, BIBLES, HUNDAY-SCIIOOL BOOKS, and a largo lot of MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, ACCOUNT AND MEMORANDUM BOOKS, BLANK DEEDS, BONDS AND MORTGAGE, nnd n general nnd well-selected assortment of l'Al'ER, ENVELOPES, dr. A. D. WEBB. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. jg H, LITTLE, A T T U K Si li X A X - Lj A V, Ofllco on Main street, in white frame hous, b- low the Exchange HoUl, Dloomsburg, ra. M. E. JACKSON, A T T O IfN U Y-A T- Ii A W, Rerwlclc, Columbia County, Tenn'o. jy if. TUAUQII, Al 1 U Jl .1 I l A i 1j A Rcnvlck, Columbia, County, Tenn'a jJ r. L'VELLE, ATTOUMj Y'AT'LA W( Centralla, Columljl County, Penn'iw jn. W. II. BHADIiEY, Uaie Assisiani .Meuicni uireoior u. o. aitiit-.j 1'lIVfiICIAN AND fSUUGKOIT, vomcenttho Forks Hotl, llloomibursr, IVi. CatW promptly attendetl to both nlsht nnd day, Bloomshavf, Jau, IS, lRflT C. LIGIITE & CO., Manufacturers of riRST-CIS.S GRAND ASD MVABE PIANO POBTESI Solo Patentees of Lighted celebrated Patent Ii- sulated Iron f rame. Are also maker of tho vary best Piano l-'ortes In the market. HAVING 11EEN AWARDED THE IIiailEST PREMIUM AT Tin: AMERICAN WOUI.D'H PAIR! and the Exhibition of tho Industry of allNatlotui, iidcs numerous other I . . . -. -ww-r.n - T-IT I T f. UUIA) AXSIJ Hiijvnu miuaus, together with testimonials froi. all tno most ais- tlngulshed Musical calebrltles In Europo anl America, They havo also Jnst received THE HIGHEST PREMIUM At the Illinois Statu Fulrl Tlio Indiana State Fair Tho Iowa Stato Fair I Th Wisconsin Btats Fair, etc. In competition with the most celebrated Mann f.icturers of New York, lloston, Philadelphia, Iiiiltimore, etc. Warcrooms, 421 Brooms .trect, near Broadway, New fork City. Orders by moll promptly atten ded to. Seud for Circular. (Jmls 67, QMNIRUS LINE. Tho undersigned would respectfully announce so tho citizens of llloomshnre and the publlo Ene- rally tluit he Is runulnc nn OMNIBUS LINK between this placo nnd tho different railroad rVs iots dally (Sundays excepted), to connect with the. several trains going South and West 011 tho Cata- wlssa and Wllllamsport Railroad, and with those going North and South on tho Lackawanna aud Bloomsburg Railroad. HlsOmntbussesaro In good condition, commo dious and comfortable, nnd charges reasonable. Persons wishing to meet or see their friends d p art, can bo accomodated upon reasonable chaw by leaving timely notice at any of tho hotels, JACOll L OIRTON, Proprietor, nti to N inw enlmo Q.KOV 3311 & BAKER'S SEWING MACHINES, Wero awarded tho Highest Premiums at the StMo Fnlrs of Kentucky, Vormont, NowJersoy Missouri, Alabama, Ohio, Now York, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, Mississippi, Michigan, Callfojnla, Indlnna, Virginia, NorUi Cnrnllin, Wisconsin, Iowa, Oregon, at tub fairs or Tim American institute, Frankllu Institute, Mary land Institute, Mans. Mechanics' Associa tion, l'enn. Mechanics' Institute, St. Louis Agricultural nnd Mo chanlcs' Association, And nt numerous Institutes nnd County Fairs, including nil tho Tnlrs nt which they wero exhib ited the past threo years, First Prlres havo also been awarded thesa Machines at the exhibitions of LONDON, PARIS, DUBLIN, LINZ, Uesanean, Ilayonne, St. Dliler, Chalons, nud they havo been furnished, by special command, to tho Empress of Franco, Em press of Austria, Empress of Uussla, Empress of Brazil, Queon of Spain, nnd Queen of Bavaria. TIIK CIROVER & RAKER KLASTIC-STIClt SEWING MACHINES aro superior to all others for tho following rea sons : 1. They sow with lwo threads direct from tho spools, and requiring no rewinding. 2. They are moro easily understood and used, and less liable to derangement than other ma chinos. 3. Thej arccapabloof executlngperfectly.wlth- out change of adjustment, nmuch greater variety of work than other machines. i. Tlio stitch made by theso machine. Is much more firm, clastic, and durable, especially upon articles which require to bo washed and Ironed, Hum any other stitch. 5. This stitch, owing to the manner in which tho under thread Is inwrought, Is much the most plump and beautiful In use, and retains this plumpness and beauty even upon articles fre quently washed and lronod until Uicy ro worn out. Tho si rocture of tho scam Is such tlrnt, though It bo cut or broken at Intervals of only a few stitches, It will neither open, run, nor ravel, but remain flnn and durable. 7. Unlike other machines, these Hustcn both ends of tho seam by their own operation. 8. With thrso machines, whllo silk is used nron the right or face side of tho setim, cotton may bo used iion tho other sldo without lessening tho strength or durability of the seam. This can bo dono 011 uo other machine, nnd Is a great suvlng upon all articles stitched or made up with silk. O.licso machines, In addition to their superior merits as Instruments for sewing, by n chango of adjustment, easily learned and practised, execute the most beautiful nnd permanent embroidery and ornamental work. In addition to their family machines they fcavo also tho IMPROVED DOUBLE LOCK STITCH MACHINES, making a stitch alike on both sides. This Com pany make both the Look and Double stitch Ma chines, so that persons having a preference can select buch as they like best, nnd If not suited can exchange for tho other, thus giving tho public tho advantugo of tills arrangement. They also mako tho newly Invented NO. 1 LOCK STITCH MACHINES an advanco upon all machines heretofore known for sewing with the Lock-Stitch. It Is of great power and strength, especially Adapted for tailors, shoemakers, harness-makers, earrlage-trlnimers, and for all descriptions of work to which the lock-stitch Is applicable. It works with isjual facility silk, cotton, or linen thread, and will tew tho finest muslin as well as tho thickest leather. rice &o; with Ilvmuiors, !3o. Their No. 9 Is 1 LIGHT RUNNING MACIIIXE, containing many improvements, adapted for tut Iorlng, vcat-niaklng, light shoemaklng, as well OA for family sewing. Largo immbors of these ma chines are In use, and they give universal satis faction. None who have seen II1I4 machtno will willingly uso tho noisy and cumbrous lock-stitch machines heretoforo lu general use. Price Mo; with Hemroers, lX These machines of every doacrlptlos can be had at the agent's ofllce inlloomiburg, at positively the manufacturer's prices, to which the attention of tlio publlo Is especially Invited. T, 1L MASTERS, ffcnr, llwrlman't Budding, ULOoxsnuua, Mart9'67-ly. Columbia County, Ta, NSURANOE AGENOY, Wyoming IIM.000 AHnn. - 4,000,000 Commerco - 400,000 rulton - . 800,000 Baltle SM.iiO IMtuam -., MO.OOO Merclianls SM.OM Springfield - - 670,000 Qermanla KO,o Insurance Company of Htato. Penn'a 6.10,000 Connecticut Mutual Life 10,000,(0! North American Transit 500,000 FREAS BROWN, Agent, mar6'6T-Iy.l Ili-ooHanuno, Pa. -ypi. F. MURPHY'S SONS, a t A t 1 u fl is 11 a ) STEAM rOWHR PRINTERS AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS 830 Chestnut Etrcct, 4 ST South Fourth street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. They make a speciality of furnishing National Bunks. County linkers, Insurance Lompaniee, Banking Houses, etc., with EVERY ARTICLE OF BLANK BOOKB AND PRINTING, having machinery specially adapted for all worlf they may require. Ileus m-iy, JOHN G. FREEZE, ATTORN II Y-AT-LA W, Ofllco In Register and Recorder's oftloo, lu the basement of tho Court House, uioonisuurg, ru. HARDWARE &, CUTLERY. QHAIILES W. SNYDER, nlAMtll 11s HARDWARE, IRON, NAILS, STEKL, AC., 40., AC. MAIN STREET, I1L00MSI1UR0, I'ENN'A. Take this method of Informing the citlens of Co lumbia entity, that ho has opened An extcnslvo Hardwnro store on Main street, 111 IJlooinsourK, near Iron street, nnd that he has on hand e. LARUEH STOCK AND BETTER ASSORTED than can bo found any where elsoln the county, and which ho Intends to tell nt prices which dey competition. CHAINS, AXES, STEEL, IRON. I havo chains, nil sizes, axes, nil make nnd weight, stoel, all sizes, Iron, all shapes, and all very low. llUILIir.R'S HARDWARE, ot every descriptions. Nails, axle pulleys, sash cords, latches, locks nnd knobs, butt screws, sasli fasts, window springs, bsso knobs, strop hinges, hasps and staples, hooks nnd staples, And lufact everything needed In that line. COACH A WAGON MAKERS' HARDWARE, embracing almost every thing In that line. Also HARNESS MAKERS' HARDWARE, Buckles, Japanned; buckles, silver rlated ; bltts of every kind, Hamf-1, Iron; pad trees: lUsir.s, wood ; saddle trees, glr; trees, girth web, worsted nnd cotton t thread, silk, nwls nnd needles, tools of all kinds. SHOEMAKER'S HARDWARE, A full assortment for carpenters. I hare planes all kinds, saws ; linnd, pannel, rip, find compass, squares steol, Iron, nnd try: boring machines, chlslcs, augers, bovels, mallets, braces, gauges, plows, rules, bits, and about everything for car penters. FOR THE PEOPLE GENERALLY I havo conl hods, coal shovels, scoops, coal sifters, lant erns,table cutlery.pockct cutlery, plated spoons, plated forks.servors, ten and cof- fee pots.butter knlves.mlll saws, cross cut saws, circular saws, gangsnws, flies, horKoshoc.s.wrenches.rlvcts.ham mers, hatchets, mattocks, picks, forks, (-rubbing hoes, shovels, ".podes spading forks, hoes, rakes, bed pins, twine, skates, plows, coffin trim mings, Emery, red chalk, -whlto clrnlk, wire, horse nails, moat cutters, scales, washboards, horso buckets, wooden palls, clothes pins, glue, door mats, porch mats, par lor mats, corn poppers, paint brushes, horso brushes, sleigh bells, heel calks, enamel ed kettles, brass kettles, copper kettles, etewkettles.sauoo pans,broad axes, nails, Sledges, curtain fixtures, Thimble skeins and boxes, rumps, load pipe, etc., Tarred ropo and hundreds of article not .enu merated constantly on hand at CHARLES W. SNYDER'S, Main Street, Illoomsbure. CLOTHING. J"EW STOCK OK CLOTHING. Fresh arrival of TALL AND WINTER GOOD. DAVID LOWENBERO' Invites nttcnUon to his stock of CHBAP AND FASHIONABLE CLOTIIINO. at his store on Main Street, two doors above the American Houso Rloomsburg, Pa., whero he has Just received from New Yoikand Philadelphia a full assortment of MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Including tho most fnshlonablo, durable, raid handsome DRESS GOODS, consisting of BOX, SACK, I-ROCK, OUM, AND OIL-CT.OTH COATS AND PANTS, of all sorts, sizes, and colors, ife has also replen ished his already large stock of FALL AND WINTER SHAWLS, STRIPED, FIGURED. AND PLAIN VESTS, SHIRTS, CRAVATS, STOCKS, COLLARS, HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, AND FANCY ARTICLES He has constantly on hand n largo and well-selected assortment of CLOTHS AND VESTINGS, which he Is prepared to mako to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, and In tho best manner. All his clothing Is node to wear, and most of It Is of homo manufacture. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWELRY, of every description, flno and cheap. His case of Jewelry Is not surpassed In this plaoo. Cell and examine his general assortment of CLOTHING, WATCHES, JEWELRY, && DAVID LOWENBURG, jVJ-EW CLOTHING AND GENTLE MEN'S FURNISHING STORE. Tlio undersigned respectfully nanounccs to his many friends Uint ho has opened a new Clothing and Gentlemen's Furnishing Store, In the lowo room of the Hartman Building, southwest corner of Main nnd Market Streets, llloomsbnrg, To. Having Just returned from FhUadclphla with n Largo Stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING end GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Ac, ho flatters himself that he can please all. His stock comprises MEN'S, BOYS', i.ND YOUTH.- CLOTHING, such as DRESS COATS, BACIC COATS, OVERCOATS, ANTS, VESTflt, SHIRTS, COLLARS v.. SUSrENDERfl, UNDERSHIRTS. DRAWERri NECK-TIE3, HOSIERY, HANDKERCHIFiI'S, UMBRELLAS, Ae an la fact evorythiss in the Clothing or Fuf- nlsnlnj lino at very low prices. I addition to tho above he has am elegant as sortment of CIQTHB, CASaiMEREfl, AND VESTIN CLOTHINO MADU TO ORDER AT THH BII0RTF.S1T NOTICE. Call and sea before purchasing elsewhere, and BECURH GREAT 11AROAINS. octj-ly J. W. CHEMRERLAIN jyjEROHANDISE. NOTILI3 !rt Jll.iu.ui. uiiis.1 To my friends and tho publlo generally, that all kinds ef DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, NOTIONS, AC, are constantly on hand and for sale AT BARTON'rt OLD STAND, BLOousuuita, r JAMES K. EYER. CD- tin, Role Agent Air Elms' Phosphate or Lrsrr. Largo lot censtiwuiy on nana, iieos 111, CJNYDER, HARRIS & BASSETT, Manufacturers and Jobbers of MEN'S AND BOY'S CLOTHING, Nos. 5S3 Market, and 822 Coniniercu Street, Philadelphia. MISCELLANEOUS fJMIE PADDY RUN U U A Ij u Q II I' A H T, op HHICKSHINNY, PENNSYLVANIA. CAPITAL, 9150,001). JOHN M. STACK1IOUSE, President. CHAB. A., BOONK, Secretary nnd Treasurer. directors: John M. Slockhoase, N, L. Campbell, Chas. A. lloone, Cyrus Blaokbomie, A. M'Dowell." OFJ-'ICJSl MAIN STREET, SHICKSniNNY, PA. The lands held by this Company, consist or FOUR HUNDRED AND FORTY- ONE ACRES, and sixty-four perches, of carefully selected land lying southwest of wllkos-llarro, Lutcrne coun ty, Pa., In the western part of the Oreat Northern or Wyoming Coal Rasln. A very careful nnd thorough examination re cently made has proven these (for tlie above) lauds to be the embodiment of a vast amount of the very best quality of anthracite coal, having every facility that could be desired for trans portation in nil directions. Tho above traot Is crossed by a good road, and also dlreetly la front, and Joining aretke Lackawanna ABlooms burg railroad, and the Wyoming canal, thus af fording ths very best advantage of n carrying road? nnd canal running to the very mouth of the mines without expense to tho company. The measurement of the different beds or seonu already developed was carefully obtained and added together : the thickness of these seams. Including the celebrated "Rod Ash," "Buck Moun tain," or "Grand Tunnel" vein, is thirty-one and a half feet, (31i), every cuble yard of which wlU yield a ton, giving a largo amount of the best iiuaUly of coaL The. location is such that all tho veins may bo cut and worked tothogreatestposslbleodvantuge abovo water level, nnd nt much less expenso thau can bo dono from collerlos operating below water lovel. Tho coal cAn bo brought to tho surfaeo through drifts or tunnels which drain the water from the mines nnd saves tho hoisting of the coal. So tie eligibility of these lands for cheap mining Is un questionable. Very lately tho "Grand Tunnel" "Red Ash" vein has been opened, and Is now producing as flue n quality of coal as has over been produced In the anthraclto regions. The breaker now In operation Is capable of preparing from ISO to 200 tons per day. The surface contain an abundant supply of wood and timber very val uable for mining purposes, which gives the traot tho ndvnntage of many oUier coal lands. The fact that almost all valuable coal lands are being rapidly taken up by heavy capitalists or largo cor porations, shows that they must steadily and greatly riso In the market value, whllo with the lmmcnso and constantly Increasing demand for this coal, and the Railroad nnd North Branch ea nal, passing by tho mouths of the mines, through tho Great Iron making districts of Bloomsburg, Danville, Dunonnnon, Harrlsbur?, Mlddletown, Marietta, and ColumblA, to tide-water at Havre do Grace, ono can scarcely conceive of a more profitable or permanent source of wealth than may bo found In lands like these. In order to bo ablo to open their works ou a morejoxtenslve plan, this company has placoda portion of their capital slock In market on the following terms : Any person taking ono or more shares of stock nt TEN DOLLARS EACH, will bo entitled annually to a ton of coal at eoet at tho mlno per share, nnd any stockholders NOT RECEIVING THE COAL as aforesaid, to bo credited on the books of Hie Company, with tho dllTerenco between the eoet and sclllngprlce for each share, to be paid before a dividend shall be declared. C. 7. KNAPP, Agent. March 1, 1SC7. DRY GOODS. QREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES AT PETER ENT'S STORE, IN LIGHT STREET, or AND WINTER GOODS. FALL THE subscriber has Just received aud has on hand at Ids old stand In Light Street, a large and select ASSORTMENT OF MERCHANDISE purchased nt tho lowest figure, and which he Is determined to tell on as moderate terms as can bo procured elsewhere In Light Street, FOIZ CASIT OR COUXTRY PRODUCE. His stock couslsjs of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, choicest styles nnd latest fashions, . . Calicoes, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Hosiery, Carpets, Silks, Shawls, READY MADE CLOTHING, Satlnetts, Casslmers, Cottonades, Kentucky Jeans. &C, &C, AO. GROCERIES, Quec-nsware, Cedarware, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, OUs, Paints, Ac. BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS. In short everything usually kept in a country storo. The patronago of his old friends and the public generally, Is respectfully solicited. Tho highest market price paid for country pro duce. TETER ENT. Light Street, January 4, 1807. TVriLLER'S STORE. FRESH ARRIVAL OP SPRING AND SUMMER G00D3. Tlio subscriber has Just returned from the dUee with another largo and select assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, purchased In New York and Philadelphia at the lowest figure, and which he Is determined to sell on as moderato terms as con be procured else where In Bloomsburg. His stock comprises LADIES' DRESS GOODS of the choicest styles and latest fashions, together with a large ;nssortmrnt of Dry Goods aud Gro ceries, consisting of the following articles : Carpets, OU Cloths, Cloths, Casslmeres, Hliawlx, Flannels, Bilks, While Goods, Linens, Hoop Skirts, Muslins, Hollowware Cedarware Queensware, Hardware Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Hoop Nets, Umbrellas, Looklng-Glssses, Tobacco, Coffee, Sugar), Teas, Rice, Allspice, Ginger, Cinnamon, Nutmegs, AND NOTIONS GENERALLY. In short, everything usually kept In country stores, to which he Invites the attention of the publlo generally. Theliljhcet price vrlll be pa'4 for country produce In exchange for goods. B. H. MILLER, " Arcade BuUdlcgt, Bloomiaurg, Pa. n - f I 1