The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 19, 1867, Image 2

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CA Frenchman In Now York solved
Ms rcllBlousdoubtsbyshootiiiEhlmseir.
USS-Tlm Detroit lce J'ress snys of
llrownlow's colored competitor for tho
(lovernornorshlii, tluit, "iinllko llrown
low, he N iv negro from necessity, and
not from choice."
teifA letter from Greenville, Me.,
f-tntcs that the heaviest enow storm of
tho winter In tho Moosheiul Lnko sec
tion took )lnco Inst week. Fifteen
hiclies of snow fell.
ftiyWllllnm Hakor. nsetl 73. died
recenty In Spencer County, Indlmm. Ho
was followed to the (jravo by seventy
clKht descendants, IncludlliKsixty-threo
jjrumlehllilrcn and three great grand-
CfaV830.000 worth of cold nnd lewels.
wrapped in n nowapapcr, and encased in
bitumen, whs found in n barrel-of pork
at New Orleans, n few dnvs since. It
had probably been concealed there dur
ing too war.
jSaT Ulsliop Whltchouso, of Illinois,
who has Just returned from Europe.
says that nt least 50,000 Swedes will emi
grate to tho United States during tho
present year.
IfaT If there is u prospect of tho Con
gressional committee- getting scaipcu.
Mr. Qullp thinks It would bo a good
investment for tho country to pay the
expense or tnclr Western tour. isos
ton 1'osl.
EST Nino hundred and elghty-nino
love-letters were produced in evidence
in a recent breach of promise caso in
Mverpool, England.
- Democratic papers Is Connecticut
says that Colfax nnd Dcming wcro so
sure or ueming's return to congress,
that Colfax promised to "leave n hole''
fur him In tho Military Committee,
The hole Is left.
1ST The Boston Traveller says that
twenty years ago, miring a competition
between a raiload and stagollno runing
out of Boston, passengers were carried
free, and In some Instances were fur
nishod with a bottle of wlno at "Tho
Half way Home."
CQf A cat recently got Into tho largo
cylinder of tho Hoo press of tho North
British mou newspaper tho umortu
nato cat remained quiet for two hun,
drcd revolutions, whensho fell under i
upon tho forms nnd was "dsstrlbuted"
over tnem.
isy At Suffield Centre. Ohio. Tuesday
nitrht. five young children of .Michael
BUtzcr wcro burned to death, In their
dwol inc. which was accuicntiyiireu by
thplr mother. Tho oldest girl, when In
th'o agonies of death, aroused and saved
nor parents.
SSF" In Louisiana minority forms no
impediment to a legal marriage, the
laws of that Stnto requiring that the
bride Do not less man twcivo, ana tno
bridegroom not less than fourteen.
jST One thousand men out of workat
Portland, nnd seventy men discharged
and In want at Rockvill for opinion's
sake. What a commentary on Repub
lican dishonesty in professing lovo for
the working men uarojora 'limes.
ESrTho Iowa lady, who is reported
to invvo m ner stomacn a snaice so large
that it can't get up her throat to cat
tho milk hcldat hermouth, issupposcd
to bo distantly related to tho man-who
has for many years carried a snako In
his hat. Tho lown rcptno is evidently
a "hoop" snaKe.
tfiy-An old shoemaker of Dayton,
Ohio, nged eighty-four years, had, on
tho lstlnst., abstained from food for
thirty-two days. He took n chill on
the :Bth of February and went to bed
where ho has lain ever since, painless.
but wasting to a skeleton. Ho imagines
that nngels supply" him with spirit
car Queen Victoria has a dusky god
son In tho person of tho Siiahazadah,
tho Infant son of his Highness tho Ma
harajah Dhuleep Sing. Tho christening
was performed In tho privato chapel of
Windsor Castle on March 20, tho Queen
standing In person. Tho child received
tho names ol Victor Albert.
tgy-Tho University of South Carolina
has Just closed las examinations for
tho March session. Owing to tho unset
tled condition of tho Stato, tho number
of students in attendnnco is limited.
There are ten professors, ninety-three
students and tnreo resident graduates.
The library contains 25,000 volumes.
Tho present year closes in Juno, and the
next collegiate year commences on tho
on tho first Monday in October.
rfflf Ex-Gov. Sharkey of Mississippi,
and Robert J. Walker, Esq.. appeared
before tho United States Supreme
Court nt Washington, April Cth to mako
application on behalf of tho Stato of
Mississippi foran injunction restraining
tho President and tho officers of tho
Government from enforcingtho Military
Reconstruction Bill in that Stato. Gov.
Sharkey asked premission to file tho bill,
his motion being opposed by Attorney
General Stanbory. Chief-Justlco Cliaso
declined to entertain tho question out of
regular oraer, so tno motion lor leavo to
mo tno Diu was simpiy received, anu
was argued on Friday.
tSF Tho proposed annexation of West
Florida to Alabama is receiving much
attention In that section, and a Mobilo
paper says i
"Xow that Alabama and Florida nro
mero territorial subdivisions of 'District
Number Tlireo.' thero Is littlo room for
tho operation of Stnto prido upon tho
question. Tho union of Montgomery'
and I'ensacola by railroad, tho depend
enco of Pensacoia for future prosperity
upon tin intimnto connection with tho
Interior of Alabama, and her cn tiro is
olation from Middlo and East Florida,
all have tended to bring tho question to
tho moro favorablo attention of her
fgf It appears from tho report of tho
Attorney-General, submitted to tho
Ilotiso of Representatives by tho Presi
dent, in answer to n resolution of that
body, that from April 15, 1605, to
March 2, 18C0, Gov. Bramlett of Ken-
tucky recommended for pardon 01 Reb
els: Gov. lirownlowof Tennessee, 03;
Gov. Fletcher of Missouri, 18 j Gov.
AVells of Louisiana, 250 j Gov. Bradford
of Maryland, Do; uov. unmuton or
Texas, 625 j Gov; Murphy of Arkansas,
125; and Provisional Gov. Marvin of
Florida, 07. In Missouri, 05 Rebels
wero pardoned on tho recommendation
of tho Hon. Austin A. King. Tho
President ordered the pardon of 121
BgyMr. Stantou reports to Congress,
.Inlv 19. 18CC. that of Southern prisoners
thero died In tho North 20,130, and of
Northern prisonerniu tno south .',070.
What a fearful record ! Over 20,000 of
nrisoners dvlncr In tho midst of plenty !
Mr. Stanton glvca tho total number of
prisoners in tho North nt220,U00, and In"
tho south, at vm,vw. supposoims to do
correct, though mis biniement comes
certainly from no Impartial sourco,
there died of prisoners in tho South,
without medicines nnd provisions, tho
fifth part, nnd in tho North, with mo
dlulnes nnd provisions, tho eighth part.
But In tho number ofSothorn prisoners
In tho North are probably included tho
paroled prisonera of Leo's, Johnston's,
and Smith's armies who nover en
tered n Northern prison, If that bo
ho, tho mortality of Southern prisoners
hi tlio North will boeven greater than
that of tho federal prisoners In tho
South. I
u flffflumMun.
joiin a. Fiir.r.zn,
While wo hold oursclf responsible for
what appears In ourpaperriWorinfi.wo
by no means vouch for what appears In
our adverlhimj department. Tho latter
Is a buslnc!) matter and Is so understood
bv tho public. Columbia Re
And so becauso It Is n "business mat
ter" and money Is to bo mado by It;
tho editor of tho Republican deliberately
panders to tho very worst nnd lowest
Instincts of the most degraded human
ity. For money ho prostitutes the col
umns of his newspaper, for monoy ho
becomes tho pimp of nil tho ras
cals who "comply with ids terms," for
money ho publishes n sheet not fit to bo
read In tho family clrclo by reason of
profanity and obscenity ; and because
ho can mako money by it, ho boldly
stands up and defends that, which even
to bo guilty of, would make any decent
man blush with shame.
Corruption, profligacy and crime aro
tho order of the day, and it Is not tho
least among the signs of national decay,
that men dare to defend as "matter of
business" such foul nnd disgraceful
things; and it is to such papers doubt
less, that very much of this crimo and
corruption is owing.
And thus when n venal and unscru
pulous man gets hold of ji newspaper,
he sells first himself, and next his party,
and then, sacrifices decency, propriety,
public virtuo, and private worth to
"The Almighty Dollar."
Tho country seems to have gone
"Dickons" mad. Therearo an Immense
number of dlifercntedltionsof his work,
and tho sales of his no vols are enormous.
Among others Messrs. Hurd & Hough
ton, No. 459 Broomo Street Now York
publish threo different editions; as fol
lows :
Tho ilrst and cheapest is known n3
tho "Globo Edition" In 13 volumes at
$1,50 each, illustrated by Darley nnd Gil
bert. Tho slzo is convenient, tho pa
per excellent, ilud tho typo largo and
clear. It Is an exqulsito nnd beautiful
Thoy have-also, "Tho Riverside Edi
tion," in 20 vols, crown octavo, profuse
ly illustrated. Tho volumes, in cloth,
are $2,50. This edition is of course su
perior to tho above, but at greater cost
indced'it is unequalled ns a library edi
tion, In gize, type, and paper.
Tho third is tho "Household Edi
tion" In 53 vols., green vellum cloth $1,25
Illustrated. It will boeeen that Messrs,
Hurd & Houghton can supply any kind
of books desired; tho abovo being nlso
bound in cnlf, morrocco, etc. etc. Wo
recommend them to all our friends in
tho book buying line.
Messrs. Hurd & Houghton, No. 459,
Broomo Street, New York ; propose to
publish by subscription, nn American
edition of Dr. Wm. Smlthl's "Diction
ary of tho Bible ;" a work acknowledged
by scholars to bo tho best ever yet com
piled. Tho English will bo published
without abridgement or chango ; but
additions prgperly designated, will be
mado to articles, nnd now articles will
be added by tho American editors bring
ing the work down to date, and supply
ing omissions, unavoidabablo In so ex
tcnslvo and difficult a work.
It will bo published in numbers, pro
fusely illustrated, at tho rate of one c
month; and each number will contain
112 pages. No. 1 begins with tho word
'Aaron" and ends with tho word "An
tichrist." Wo havo cone through It
very carefully and can heartily recom
mend it,as full of Information and learn
ing, and indispensable In every library,
Coming in monthly numbers It is
within tho reach of every man. It will
compriso about 30 numbers.
Tho terms aro ns follows : slnglo num
ber 75 cents ; six numbers in advanco
$1.25; twelvo numbers in advnnco $8.00,
For further information apply to tho
Tho New York Radical Stato Con
vcntlon to select delegates at largo to a
Stato Constitutional Convention, met In
Syracuse on tho 10th. Wo commend
the following resolution, adopted by
tho Convention to tho consideration of
our radical neighbor, and Inqulro of
him whother ho Is in favor of such
measuro for Pennsylvania?
Mr. C. S. Spencer of New York offered
tho following resolution, which was
unanimously adopted :
Resolved, That tho delegates of tho
coming Constitutional Convention, this
day appointed, bo Instructed to support
by every honorablo means an amend
ment to tho Constitution giving to tho
black man tho samo rights of ballot as
to tno wiiuo man.
We.vdkm. Phillips has no right to
iori-o uunerai urani upon tno itcpuuu-
nnn rmrf v nta (la nniiflMntr, fi nnvt TJi-a.
Ident. Whether hols tho right man for
tno piaco, wo win consider in duo time;
but this Is not tho time, nor Is Mr. Phil
lips tho man to mako our nominations,
Let tho peoplo have a chanco to observe.
reucci, aim decide. i: i . urtoune.
It would seonf from this that tho Tri
bune Is not satisfied with General Grant
nnd llko Butler, nnd Phillips, Is making
oponnttacks on mm. Go on, Messrs,
Radicals, you will soon bo without a re
spcctablo noldler on your pido of tho
house. You havo repudiated Sloaum
Blair, Custer, and hosts of othors, nnd
now declaro "you do not want Grant
forced upon you as your next candidate
for tho President."
Tin: following Justices Commissions
nro in tho hands of tho Recordor,
Tho persons named will plcaso present
themselves with a surety, enter Into
bonds, take tho prcscribod oath, nnd
lift their commissions :
John I). Houck, John Smith, John
0. Mover. Charles Nuss, Peter Swank,
D. A. Watson, R. II. Eaton nnd Benja
min F. Savage.
It Is getting to bo a serious question
among Christian men and women
whether wo ought not to havo n Society
for tho Prevention of Cruelty to Chil
dren. Wo had not recovered from tho
sickening horrors of tho caso of tho
Rov. Lindsay, who whipped his littlo
son to death because the child would not
say his prayerc, when wo wcro called
upon tho other day to record n frightful
instance of child torturo near Hackeu-
sack, N. J. which fortunately camo to
tho knowlcdgo of tho authorities before
had culminated in downright murder.
A man and his wife, named Vnndcrbllt,
had taked nn orphan child, ono Mary
Ann Farrell, from an nsylum, for tho
purposo of employing her as a servant.
For about cloven months tho husband
knocked her about with a broomstick,
and tho wlfobcat her with nn irondlppcr.
They used totnkoherto thecellor, strip
her naked, tie her up by tho wrists, lash
her with n horsewhip till tho blood ran
down he'r limbs, and then rub tho raw
flesh with brine. Sho made her escape
at lost,and was found ono morning in tho
open fields, with baro feet and legs, and
wearlngonly n single thin undergarment
so saturated with blood nnd tilth that
it had to bo peeled from her body llko
n scab, Sho nppeard In court with evi
dences of torturo so pitiful upon her
person that stout men wept at the specta
cle. Her Jaw had been broken ; her
hair had been torn out by haudfuls ; her
faco was swollen nnd deformed ; her
lips wcro cut open; her eyes were black
end nnd scarred ; her wholo body was
bruised and discolored. Littlo wonder
that tho neighbors wero with difficulty
restrained from wreaking Lynch -law
vengeanco on tho authors of tho outrage.
The samo day wo reported the dis
covery of the dead body of an Infant in
an nlloy way in this city. Its throat
had been cut from ear to ear ; tho head
was nearly severed from tho body there
wcro three or four cuts about tho neck,
as if inflicted by tho trembling, hurried
hand of a woman. On that day also
another caso of infantlcido was added
to tho long list which disgraces our
annual polico calender. An unknown
woman was seen to drop a bundle In
Twenty-slxth-st. When opened It was
found to contain tho murdered body of
a child, killed by strangulation. '
Onoof-thomost shocking and Inhuman
child murders that wo over read of oc
curred in tho early part of March in
Warsaw, Indiana. An nbandonded
woman named HInes apprenticed her
little boy, four years of age, to a Mr.
and Mrs. Harl. They wero to have
kept tho boy until ho was of ngo ; but
tho process of "conquering" him which
the man Harl Immediately commenced
was too severe for so tender a baby,and
death rellevd him of tho charge at the
end of four weeks. The day after his
Introduction to his now homo tho poor
infant was wipped with "a blacksnako
Wlllii" Pccitusu lio Hd not. know his
letters. Ilo-was scourged with a knotted
wagon-whip, beaten with straps,knoek-
ed out of his chair for falling asleep,
bruised with clubs and bits of board
until his flesh was like a jelly. One day
tho bruto Harl hanged him by tho waist
from a hook In thowall, took offhisshocs
and stockings, and kindled a flro under
tho soles of his feet. When tho flames
began to dIooul,thechiId'smother,who
was present was compelled, with dread
ful threats, to bring fresh coals. This
torturo lasted nearly half an hour,
Then tho sufferer was taken down and
tied to a bed-post. Spent with pain,
ho fell asleep ; for this crimo he was
locked up half naked for two hours and
a half on a cold February day In a eel
lar. At night tho executioner dipped
hi3 head in a bucket of water and im
prisloncd him again In tho ccller. Then
ho turned him out of doors In his shirt
and trousers. After the burning, said
Harl's wife, in her testimony in court,
"tho child was not able to run around
as usual." Sometimes, as a variation
of tho torture, tho boy was hanged up
by tho heels. Ono day, after ho had
been whipped as usual, ho seemed "very
poorly ;" ho "did not talk any," and at
noonhowa3 put to bed. .Early in tho
evening Harl sent his wife to her room
It was very late when ho followed her.
wo had no conversation that night."
says Mrs. Harl; "tho child was not
there in tho moruig." Mrs. Hines, tho
mother, supected foul play, and applied
to a magistrate. A search was mnde,and
tho body of the poor boy was found In
ft trunk at tho bottom of a well. Harl
mado his escape, but has slnco been cap
tured. Tho women wero both arrested
and tried as accomplices In tho murder.
Thoy wero ncquitted, after an exami
nation which seems to show that tho
mother, who had done littlo or nothing
to prevent tho foul cruelty which had
been exercised under her very eyes,wa3
tho worst criminal of tho three.
A few days ago a German carpenter
was arrested in Chicago on a charge of
wlpplng his daughter to death. Tho
neighbors, alarmed nt tho horrid
outcries of'tho littlo sufferer, entered
tho house; tho man nnd his wife wero
absent, and tho child was found dead,
lying on her faco upon ft bed. Her back
was a mass of wounds ; her garments
woro saturated with blood ; her neck
was purple with tho marks of a clutched
hand ; tho eyes wero open, and tho faco
was distorted wltii agony.
Tlioso things aro almost too sickening
for comment. Wo used to believo that
tho wholesalo killing of children by
slow torturo was a refinement of wicked
ness in which England led tho world ;
but the records of tho last year or two
go far to transfer the bad preeminence
tooursevles. Murder by tho lash seems
almost to havo becomo ancpidcmic,and
onoof tho worst features in the caso is
that women nro so often implicated in
tho unnatural brutality. A stato of
society in which such horrors can becomo
frequent, such inoffablo crimes bo per
petrated by parents on their own off
springcries out to Heaven for signal
punishment, with a cry to which God
cannotlongbodeaf. New York Tribune,
TrtE Mayor of Now London, Conn,,
lias been lined for selling liquor.
As tho editor of tho Republican has
been absent in tho city, wo presume ho
Will not bo nhlo to wrllo to himself his
usual batch of letters. In order that no
disappointment shall cusuo, wo append
ft number, which aro exactly in stylo
oxcopt that wo omit tho eustomary pro-
faulty, n falling common In nil tho let
ters wo hnvo seen.
"Millvllle, Pa. April 13, 1807.
J)car J)octor:Va miss vou sadly.
Tho ducks In Shin Street have ceased to
cry "quack," and Thompsonlan drops,
No. 9, catnop, etc., nro at n discount.
Ploaso send mo fifteen copies of your
valuable paper. Yours truly,
Our wallet clasps tho desired green
backs. Wo thank our friend for his
compliments, and beg to assuro him
that our heart fondly turns to tho homo
of our earlier years. Though wo aro
not with hlm-ln tho ilesh, yet mindful
of our post profession and of tho ills
which tho flesh of our Into patients is
heir to, wo ndviso them to consult tho
columns of the Republican, whero thoy
can And relief for all tho ailments of
"Catnwissa, Pn., April 12, 1807.
1' John : Although vou havo n nart-
ncr named Yost, yet as nil tho fellows
wrlto to you alone, I do tho samo. I
apprcciato your noblo course. You do
right In cursing tho Johnson men. What
do wo want with moro Republicans in
this county. I send you $22.00 for clev-
yeare subscription. Yours,
Our friend is right. Tho party is
strong enough hero, tho smaller it is the
easier wo can control It, and as tho lato
elections tills Spring and last Fall prove,
wo aro making 'lour glorious organiza
tion a unit."
"Berwick, Pa., April 15, 18G7.
Dear Friend: I havo always been ft
Democrat of the strictest sect. Your
able paper, however, has convinced me
that tho Constitution is a worthless
parchment, and tho Union not worth
preserving. Send mo your sheet.
i'jvcr etc.,
' ii
We welcome our friend to our ranks,
because of such Is tho Republican party,
as witness Butler, Cameron, Forney,
Geary el al. He can't havo a Post-Ofllco
however, and ho must scud two dollars.
Roarsburg, Apl. 13. 1867.
i3. John: Go In lemons, Glvo 'em
. which means fits. I hev long ben
a scriber to yuro vallblo shcat, nn Its glo-
ryus. yuro l'ltcnin into tno moon and
them rcligus squibs is gud.
very Aiucniy yures
Tho commendation of such friends is
highly appreciated. As a bold, fearless,
dauntless, unyielding and independent
Journalist we intend to grow down this
growing demand for family reading. It
don't pay near so wellas 'Golden Pills,'
"Know thy Destiny" and "Afflicted
suffer no more."
Danville, April 10, 1807.
iS'iV: Your success Is wonderful. I
havo taken your fine, moral sheet elev
en years, and calculate your edition as
enormous, lou started with six hun
dred SUPSCrlDUrS, Ulld ovciy -rrcoli: an
nounco tho addition of several new
ones, in eleven years thero aro 572
weeks, and an averago addition of fivo
per week, gives -you tho handsonio
number of 3,100. I congratulate you.
Ever your
Our friend should not cipher so close
ly, wo spokojlguraltvely.
Bloomsburg. April 12. 18G7.
Dear Sir .-Allow an old soldier to
send you two dollars for your paper,
Your noblo efforts to keep tho Southern
States out of the Union deserves every
soldier's approbation. Your efforts also
to mako tho negro our equal, because ho
fought so valiantly Is appreciated. Your
patriotism in holding tho Post Office,
and tho lirmness with winch you sup
ported us whllo Assessor, the liberality
with which you "paid money to avoid
tho draft, will all bo remembered.
Always yours,
Our legal friend "Justico" has glad
dened our heart with two of Chase's
photographs called Greenbacks. How
our heart leaped into our throats ns we
clutched tho Joy of our soul ; and had
ho sent us ten cents wo should have got
n drink of lemonade, provided tho
crackers wcro thrown in. Our unflinch
ing support of Congress after wo wero
deprived of the nssessorship, is well
known. Although in a moment of
mistaken zeal we applauded Andy
Johnson's 22nd February speech,
Freedmen's Bureau Bill veto, etc., and
promised him our ontlro support If ho
would not deprivo us of office, yet as ho
did not listen to our prayer, nor would
tho Senato tolerato Mercur, wo aro now
opposed in toto to tho "Bread and But
ter Brigade." Your allusion to tho ser
vices of tho olored men, (nmong whom
you gained n rank and position n ser
vico among white men failed to accord
you) is most apt, because wo believo
With our favorito leader, Wendell Phil-
Hps, that "in deeds of valor tho negro
bears tho palm," and wo also believe
that without him, our glorious Union
(with ten States out) would nover havo
been nchloved
The Louhvllle Journal says: "Ono
might think that tho Radicals of tho
North would feel the shamo of a dete
ct! sheep-stealer when thoy forco Negro
ounrugo upon tno south, caning it an
inalienable human right, and yet refuso
to permit It within their own States.
Thoy havo no thought, except perhaps
In two or three States, of lotting their
own negroes vote.
Of course, tho villain who concocted
tho abovo knew better know that no
ono who oven pretended toboa Radical
opposed votlngbynegroes"within their
own Btates.".iV. 1'. Tribune.
What say you P. John, guilty or not
guilty ? you claim to bo a radical. Aro
you In favor of negro voting in Penn
sylvanla? Speak out, no dodging, Aro
you in favor or not? Yes or no.
P. JOHN linswrlf ten lilmalf nnntlinr
lottcr. and for vnrletvRnkn slimn lr. "A
Johnson Democrat." "This affords him a
nno opportunity to uso moro profanity,
as well as such oloirant expressions ns
"scoundrel" "coward" "cusses" "white
livered" etc. It also gives him n chanco
to snow his vnior.twhlch ho with diffi
culty reprcssetl during tho war In order
to servo his country as Pont MnsteH nnil
ho promises "to knock tho brimstone
nut." nf KnmnhmW. fin Innl-
"Johnson Democrats," for P. John has
waxed wroth, and his Quaker blood has
PhllMlcliihln Market..
Wednbsdat, April 17.
Gnocxnins. Coffco continues scarco:
small sales of Rio nro reported nt 2 1 J cper
id currency, in sugar tncro is niuo or
nothing doing.
Flouii. Tho market continues very
brisk. About 800 bbls sold in lots to
tho homo trade Including
Northwestern supcrflnsnt SS.0CW4 8.C0
Northwestern extra. 0.10 10.(ig
Northwestern family 12.WAU.X,
1'elnisylvnnla mid Western superfine... 0.S0ft10.0
Pennsylvania nnd Western extra 10.00(tll.U)
Pennsylvania nnd Western family 13.0UW15.00
Pennsylvania nnd Western fancy t5.0O17.0O
uyo uour M coo
Wiikat of nrlmo nualltv has been In
good demand, anil holders aro firm In
their views. Wo quote Pennsylvania
red at $3.003.35 ; Southern do. at $3.00
3.10, and white nt$3.153.20; Penna,
Ryo ranges nt about $1.05. In Corn
no Imnrvm't. with sales of 7.000 bus.nt
$1.21 and $1.25 for yellow, and $1.15 for
white. Oats are selling at 7tC2Jiuc. tho
receipts to-day areas follows: 1,200 bbls
flour; 2.C0O bus. wheat ; 0,200 bus. corn,
4,4uo uus. oats.
Pkovisionh Continuo very dull, but
prices aro unchanged. Small sales aro
making nt $23.50 per barrel for now
mess. Mess beef ranees from $21.25
$23 for Western and city packed. Dress
ed hogs sell at 8J9c. Smoked hnms
nro steady ntlGl7c ; pickled do at13
13Jc. Smoked shoulders at lllljc.
nnd salted do at 839je. Lard sells at
I3i3jc ! lb lor pnmo in urns nnu tier
Seeds Clovcrsced Is in fair demand
and 400 bushels wero sold nt from $10.50
$11.00 per bus, tho latter rate for choice
timothy sells r.t $3.50 and flaxseed at
$3.103.12 per bus.
Cattle mauket. Beef cattlo wero
very dull this week, and prices M-ero
unsettled nnd lower. About 1.300 head
sold at tho Avenuo Drove-yordat prices
ranging from 17nl8c for extra Pennsyl
vania and Western steers; loaiujc lor
fair to good do, and 13allc per m for
common, as to quality. Tho market
closed very dull within tho abovo rango
of prices. Cows wcro unchanged. Sheep
wcro in fair demand. Hogs wcro dull
and lower.
Cows. Wero unchanged: 200 head
soldat$50a75 for springers, nnd $G0a90
per neau lor cow and can.
Sheei'. Wcro in fair demand; 7,000
head sold at 9a91c per lb, gross, as to
Hogs. Were dull and rather lowor:
3,700 head sold at tho different yards, at
rom giuaii per iuu ids, neit.
Pig Iron has been very dull, and the
market depressed ; prices have ruled in
favor of tho buyer, and closo heavy at
$4114 for No.l Scotch, and $ 12 for No. 1
Market Report.
Wheat per bushel -
Rye "
Corn "
Flour per barrel
,.. S3 T5
... i id
,.. m
... 10 oo
.... 7 oo
... 3 X
... Xi
... a)
Dried Applcn R
Hides nnd Shoulders
jAttX per pound
Hay per ton
... 75
... 2 60
... 15
... 10
... 15
... M 00
HOOREYOItKS-Oa the 9th Instant, by Mont-
uumery tuie, u. 1., Itir. -.urisiiuii u. .uuore, 01
bugarloaf tpwnsblp, to Mrs. Elizabeth Yorks,
ui .jticjtsuii lovruiuip, miumuiu cuumy.
JL) x isr.
JACKSON At Dushore. BtiUlvan counts', on the
ihu uiNiuut, .ur, jobina jncufcou, jormcriy 01
Ilcrwlck, aged 75 years.
BF.rnnRT In Bench Haven, on tho 11th Instant,
"Tho young may dloj tho old mis( die."
O T I C E.
Tho Stockholder of tho liLOOMSnVRO LIT.
im Alt r xa; nro noiuipumat nn elec
tion will bo held in thu Library Room of tne In.
stltuto Building, on the first Rnturday of May
next, neiwewn mu noun ui unu unu mur o ciocje
p. SI., belnir tho 4th Droxlmo. to elect nine Direc
tors to mauago tho affairs of the IKSTITUTi:,
three to servo one year, three to serve two years,
and three to serve three years. Persons who have
BUObcrioea, nnu wno nave paiu up ineir instru
ments In lull, can call on the President, Ij, B. IClv
part, anu rceeivo u.eir ceruncaies 01 siocic.
By order of the Board,
F. C. EYEIt, Secretary.
Bloomsburg, April 19, 1807.
Main Street, near the Court JIottset
Bloomsdujio, Ta.
Constantly on hand n fine assortment of
Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware and Spectacles
Particular attention paid to the repairing of
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Spectacles.
4jT Masonic marks made to order. All work
warranted. n prlO'CT.
Tj. Estatk or Samantiia J Evans, jec'i.
Letters of administration on the eatato of saman
tiia Jane Evans, lato of Bloomsburg, Colombia
county, deceased, have heen granted by the Het;.
lster of said county to J. It, Evans, residing in
iuu iuw iiimwjj uuu vuuiiiv murusaiu. -ill persons
having claims on tho estate are requested to pre
sent them duly authenticated for settlement, nnd
those knowing themselves indebted to tho estate
wm many payment lorinwun.
April 12, 1S67-CW. Administrator.
n writ of At. Venditioni Exponas, issued out of
the Court of Common Please of Columbia county,
and to me directed, will bo exposed topubllc sale
at the Court House, In Bloomsburg, on MONDA Y
he 8IXTJI DA Y OF MA Yt 1S07, at one o'clock In
the afternoon, the following real estate to wit:
A certain lot or two lots of ground, situate In
Germantown, in Conyngham township, Columbia
county, containing fifty feet front and two hun
dred feet deep, bounded on the north by the turn
pike, on the west and south by land of the Locust
Mountain Coal nnd Iron Company, and on tho
east by lands of Lawrence Casey, whereon Is
erected a log house with the appurtenances.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the
property of John Casey.
Bloomsburg, April 1J, lwi7.
nns removed from Light Strct to Port Noble,
In this county ; and 1, prepared to practloe a a
and prescribe, for all disease, of Horses and Cat
tle, and cure,
nixanoNE, spavin, da, ic.
Those desiring to tccuro hi, service, should ad
dress him at llloomsuurg, Fa. aprl2'!J7.
Court House Alley, next door to CMumilanOfflco,
Hair Dyeing and Whisker, colored black or
brown. Hair TonlO todestrcvrlflnrlrtifrnnd liAfln.
tlfylhgthiiualrj will restoru hair to It, original
color without soiling tho finest fabric, eonstuntly
on hand, laDrl2'67.
tfH...';'! "ro UP? rlor to all others for
Family and manufacturing purposes
Contain all the latest Improvements; are speedy
noiseless-durable; and easy to work.
Illustrated Clrculsrsfroe. Agent, wanted. Lib.
eral discount allowed. No consignments made.
AddreM UMPIRE H. M. CO.,
enul-ly 618 Broadway, New 'iiioY
Office corner of Main and Market streets, over
First National Bank, Uloomsuurc pa.
imu'.ny ciivei to nil lecMec. creditor, and
other persons Interested in the cutatcs of tho re
spectivodpcendentsnnd minors, that the follow
lng administration nnd gunrdlnu nccounM hnvo
been filed Intheolllcoof tho HoaUtcrof Columbia
county, nnd will bo presented for ronllrmntUm
mid allowance In tho Orphans' Court, to be bold
in Bloomsburg, In tho county aforesaid, on Vi:n
nksdav, thi: EinitTtr day of May, 1807, nt
two o'clock In tho nfternoou of said tiny.
1. Account of John K. Orots;, ndmlnudrntorof
Robert B. Arthur, late of Bloom township, tlcc'il.
2. Account of John C. Mrern. ndmlnmrntor or
Henry Dyer, lnte of Itonrlngcrecklowiiflhlp, dee'd,
3. Account of MIchnel TedcrofTand Mary Mow
ry, administrators of MIchnel Mowry, lato of
ivoanngcrci'K luwnmiip, uec u.
4. A pro nnt of Johnson II. Ikeler. nam hist rn
tor of Uoswell Smith, lata of Uroenwood town
ship, dee'd.
ft. Account of Theodore WetHvrr. ndmlnlstrator
of Win. B. Wclltvcr, late f Madison township,
fl. FlMtnnd final account of Reuben WlUon.
guardian or Win, W. Eves, mlnorchlld of Charles
Eves, dee'd.
7. Fh-Btnnd finnl account of Reuben Win on.
guardian or James B, Eves, minor child of Chas,
fcves, dee'd.
R. Tirnt nnd final necnunt of Thomns Tteecn. nd-
mlnlstrntor of John Rcoce, Into of Qroomrood
township, dee'd.
0. First nnd final nreount of filing nnd Emanuol
Conner, administrators of Samuel Conner, Into
of Orange township, dee'd.
10. Second account of Jacob nnd Washington
Yeagor, administrators of John Yen g it, late or
Locust township, dee'd.
11. Account of David R. Iiower. tniardlan of Jer
emiah Mowrey, minor child of Michael Mowrcy,
12. Account of Jcsso IfofTmnn. ndmlntstrntor of
William Hoffman, lato of Centre township, dee'd.
13. Account of Samuel Hldlay,ond Win. J. Hid
lay, executors of William llldlay, latcof Centro
township, dee'd. j
H. Account nf James W. Kitchen, administrator I
of Samuel Kitchen, lato of Sugarloaf township,!
15. Account of Henrr Delonor. ndmlnlstrator of
Peter Belong, lnte of Centre township, dee'd,
10, Account of A, J.Slonn.ndmlnlslrntorof Mrs.
Mary Biggs, late of Bloom township, doe'd.
17. Account of Jolm Tremblev. cunrdlan of Jni. !
E, Trump, minor child of Henry Trump, dee'd.
IS. Account of John Trembler, cruardlan of Clins.
Trump, minor child of Henry Trump, dee'd,
19. Account of John Shuman. executor of Tcter
Schrnlck, Into of Scott township, dee'd.
20. First account of Peter Ent. ndmtnlstrntor of
Thomas W.Young, Into of Jackson townshlp,deo'd
21. Flnnl nccount of Cyrus Bobbins, executor or !
Dunlol Stacker, Into of Flshtngcrcek township, 1
decenxed. I
22. Account of John F. Connor nnd Ooonro Con
ner, executors of Thomas Connor, Into of Centre
township, dee'd.
21. Account. of B. S. Merrill, crtinrdlan of Clam
Blttenbender, minor child of Nathan Blttenben
dcr, dee'd.
2i. Account of Joseph Lit Icy, ndmtnlstrntor of
Samuel Hcmley, lato of Scott township, dee'd.
25. Sixth and final account of Tctcr Ent. one t
the executors of Matthew M'DoweU, late of Scott
township, dee'd.
2fl. Account of Marshall O. Khmer, cunrdlan of
Clara M'Dowcll, u minor child of Theodore M
Dowcll. 77. Aceountof Lemuel Totter, ndm In 1st rat or of
Charles Stewart, lato of Columbia county, dee'd.
23. Account of William W. Trescott. adminis
trator do bonis non, with tho will anucxed of
Frederick Rohr, lato of Greenwood township,
30. The final account of Lewis Yctter, adminis
trator of Catharine Drumhellcr, late of CatawlbJKi
township, dee'd.
30. The final aceountof Lewis Yctter. adminis
trator of Ellas Fenstftmacher, dee'd.
31. The final nccount of Lewis Yetter, executor
of Mary M Adams, lato Mary M Hower, late of
rruuKiiu imvii5iupt ueu u,
52. Account of Jonas rahrlncrer. administrator
of EUzabcnth Marks, lato of Locust township,
33. Account of Thomas fitackhouo, guardian of
Elizabeth Stackhouse, minor child of M, Knrsch
ner, late of Pine township, ilee'd.
31 Account of Robert East, administrator of
rsumuei iiuu oi ocoit lownsnip, uee u.
JOHN O. FREEZE, Register.
Bloomsburg, Aprllf, 1M7.
The foltowlne nnnrnl.ements of rrnl nnd tier-
fional property set npnrt to widow of decedents,
have been tiled In tho ollleo of tho HefiUtcr ol Co-
will bo presented for nboluto eontlnnatlon, to
inourpnnii- i-ouri 10 ue nem in mooimimrg, in
nnd for wild eounty.on AVkdnhsiia Y, tiiic I-:imt'ni
Day or May, 1S67, nt two o'clock In thonfternoon
of hnld clay, unless exceptions to t-neh eontlrina
tloim aro previously tiled, of which nil persons
Interested In said estates will tnko notlco:
I. Widow of William r.uekalow, lato of l'lsh-
infci,..,. tnwn.lifp, .IcrtpiiSCd,
2. Widow of Itobert dlllnspy. Into of II,m,lou
3. Widow of Joseph Itohblns.latoofGrrenwood
lownsmp, utccaseii.
4. Widow of George It, Ilayhurst, into of Cnta
wltsn township, deceased.
6. Widow of Jacob Keller, lnte of llenver town
ship, deceased.
C. Widow of Adam I.utr, lale of Ilouton town-
nilip. ui-CCUBCU.
7, Widow of Alexander Yenplo, lnte of rislilns
creek township, deceased.
8 Widow of Georco M'Kwen, lato of Greenwood
iuwiisnip, ui-ceitseu.
0 Widow of llonry Ilnslor, latoof llenver town
ship, deceased.
JOIIN G. ntenzn, Register.
Itloomabnrg, April 5, 1?07,
llloom Andrew Madison.
Jlnarcreek Isaac Bower.
Jloro. IJerwtck John M'Anall.
lienton Isanc K. Krickbaum.
Centre .Samuel Hutchison, UllaH Cieasy.
Catawista- Henry J. Miller.
Cojijjnghnm Daniel T. M'Kelrnnn.
Jishmffere cK luvld (savntje, GeorgoM. Howell
Jnckson Ale.
Greenwood'-Humphrey Parker.
Hemlock l'eter Hrugier.
Jackson Hubert Edgar.
Mt. J'lecuant Daniel Vandersllee, Kilns Howell
Jij7m Aaron Mnsteller, John 13, Angle.
Maine Anron Miller.
Madison Wlltlam l'ursell,
IHne -Shndrlck Kves.
Jioarlngcreck Abraham llenver.
Kugarloo Wheeler Khultz, Richard Kile.
llloom Joslah II, Furman, Isalali Harttnan,
Thomas J, Weuner,
Jlrtarcreek Knos Adams, John Fester, Jr.
Jleaier Charles F, Mann, Xnthiiu llredbender,
2tnthan llredbender, fir,
Jloro. Ilcrwlck Wlllinm II. Rittenliouse,
(iitawlsm John MarU, Adam Fedurotl.
J-yanklm George llnitmnn.
lshlngcreek m. Ash, l'hillp Appleman.
Rrcemeoorf James J Mnuulng, John Miller.
Hemlock Hugh V. M'lteyn. Ida, Audi ewJ. Tin
men, Isaac I'ursell William II. Shoemaker, Win
Wlutersteen, John Iletz.
IsKiut Feter Miller, Jacob Ilarucr,
Mijltn Jolm C. Hctler.
Montour Isaac Mowry. ,
Madison Wm. llartnlil, Samuel nimby, Jr.
Mt. rieasant Peter Hlpncnstlel.
Orange Jesso Prumstctlr r.
Jinc Ira Purselh
Jtoaringcreek Daniel Itarlfr.
Seott John Hhuman, A. u, Thornton.
tiugarloaj Joslah R. Fritz, Henry C. Hess.
1. Wm. L. Lnneo vs. Alfred Crevellng et. al.
2. Benjamin Zurrnud Wlfo vs. Wm. Kharpless.
3. Edward Hllucr vs. The Locust Mountain Coal
4. M. Chnmberlln use vs. Silas D. Edgnr.
fi. Jacob Remley vs. The Catawlss Itnllroad Co.
0. Henry F, Nuss vs. Tho Borough of Berwick,
7. lilt Jones vs. Miles C. Abbott et. al.
8. Wright Hughes vs. 1'eter Miller.
0. Jonathnn Kntttlo vs. Wright Hughes.
10. Mary 12. Green vs. 11. H. Howell et. nl.
11. John iJiverns vs. Jlnrney M'Brearty.
12. David Ycager vs. Clinton Dowltt et. nl.
I. 1. John W. U'schcr vs. Peter s. RUhel.
II. Woolley 4 Poho vs. Jolm W. Lcscher.
!5' I'rum uso vs. Daniel Kruin's admr-,.
10. Phosbo try vs. Daniel Krnm's admr's.
17. Wm. A. Marr vs. James Dyke.
18. Sylvester J. Fnux vs. W. (!. Green's adra'r.
19. Jacob H. F.vans vs. w. O. Green', adm'r.
ai. J. P. I lncher vs. Isaao Yetter.
21. Jacob A. Hwlsber vs. Abel Thnmns.
'Ji Jacob A. Swisher vs. Richard Lyons.
St, Oeorgo Brown vs. Leonard btcliiman.
21. Wm.M. Hoagland vs. Barney M'Brearty.
23. Jas. Mackhouse vs. 'I'hos. Ktnckhouse's Uxr's,
2il. Joseph Lllley vs. Peter Mellck.
JT. Stroud dt Brown vs. Andrew Crovellng.
28. Deborah Dean vs. Owen L. Dean.
2ii. Kdwanl M'Call et. nl. vs. John Sweeney.
8i). t'lnrk Stewart and Wlfo vs. i:. C. Cleaver,
SI. Franklin Yocum vs. William T. Shuman.
82. WlUUm reason et. al. vs. Simon c. slilvo.
S3. John I". Strohmoyer vs. Samuel Neyhart.
dent and Directors of tho Catawlssn Bridgo
t'ompnny hnvo this day declared a dividend of
three per cent, (seventy-five cents per i-harc) nn
the cnpltnl stock of the Company, payable to tho
stockholders or tho legal representatives, on or
after Uio tenth Instant.
CMatrtiia Jlrldgt ojjlce. I Treasurer,
April 6, lbCT. ;
"S uradunto of Jefferson Medical College, Phil
ndelphla, having permanently locates), oirer, his
professional services to tho citizens of Cnta Issu
and vicinity. Ollleo on Main street, second door
east of Creasy & John', Building. aprY(J7-m,
nlway. to be found at the Orangovlllo Hotel, In
qraiigovlllo. hales of real or personal property
attended to promptly nnd on reasonable leruifc
Consignment, solicited and sold on commission,
A share of publto patronage respectfully solicited,
Oraugevlllo, February 15, lw-Sm.
Superior to the many patent nostrums flooding
thu country.
A delightful compound for whitening, beautl.
fylng, and softening tho skin, will remove
tan. freckles nnd blotches from tho skin, Is n
certain remedy for chapped nnd sore lip, nnd
linnds, ns nn appllcntlou to eutnueous erup
tion. It hns no equal. Price W cents per box.
Containing no whlslcy or other Intoxicating
Ingreillcnrs, n pleasant nnd circctunl remedy
for Dyspepsia, loss of nppctllc, low spirits,
debility, derangements of Iho Uvor, etc., ete.
Try It. Pint Bottles 00 cents each, at
A safe. Bpeody nnd certain euro for couglu,
colds, hoarseness, etc., etc., ntrordlng lmmedl
nto relief In nil nircctions of the throat and
lungs. It has no equal. I'rlco ) cents, nt
For cleaning the head nnd removing dandruff,
preventing loss of hair nnd diseases of tho
scalp, by removing tho ennsp. Prico 25 cents,
SiutAtN and Sweeny Linamest. Tho most
cmcnelous nppllcntlon In uso for sprninsaud
swelling, bruises, spavin, ring-bone, spring
halt, foundered feet, galls, mange, etc., cte,
Frlco W cents per bottle, nt
All the abovo preparations prepared only nnd
forsnloby HENDERSHOTT,
upra 07 Main street, inoouisuurg, pn.
Of n Silver Medal
By the N. II. Sft Aurlcolluttl CI
lu 1 sir liolJcn In ScpUW, lyM.
Vegetable Hair Restorative
Xltstnrei Qrf If air to Its mtnri. fftlor. rro-
catei jJiuvimii ma numori, ittii.i w
ll.i. Inllini nut. I. A Hnnnrlnr T)riiin. A.
llir inuinfr OlH. 4" cmponor 'rBinf. i
ltrontainfl no injurious inrautenu,
Dll II inc until uitiariiiu nu
llv Eut, Wtit, North od At
J. R. DAnRETT & CO., Propri.tort,
JKS-Soldby L. N. MOYER, Bloomsburg, Pa.,
nnd Druggists generally. npr5'C7-in.
Was stolfn from OioVilJUcrlberon Monday tha
snuaro tiox, u neit of double hnrnesi, two horse
bfunketft, n rob nnd wlitp. A reward of one bun
drcd dollars will bo paid for tlin npprehcuslon of
the litter nnd recovery of the property.
Description nf the Horses Ono Hay Ilorso fif
teen bandi high, six yearn old. carries n straight
ni'clc. heavy tall, and 1 henvy ltmbod. Ono light
dappled sray hortsc, fifteen nnd n half hand
high, coming nix years otdt has a large head and
Human nos c, Is n pretty heavy chunk of n horse,
earrys tolerably well, good inuno nnd tall.
Description of lUiug? Ono Ringlo Heated Top
Buggy, square lox, having on the Nido of the box
tho Initials "O. U.," plato on hind spring box
"W'm. Hloan A Son," ono UulJ'alo Itobe marked
"Jacob Ulehl."
Description of ffle Jlrtn. Iteglnterod .T.IJ. Brown,
nged between tueutyllvo and thirty years. In
height about hIx feet, Mender built, nalecoinplox
lon, has no wiskors but woro a mustache, hair of
n brownish color, had on light pants nut' vest,
nnd a brown overcoat, wore a largo pcarf around
his ueck.
The nbovo reward will bo paid to any rnion or
persons on tho apprehension of tho said thief wnd
tlio delivery of tho property toltsownor, or 87f
for tlio recovery of tlio property.
ailonoH itniswicic.
llroomsburg, Vtu, March 2U. J8C7.
rjIHE Ij O S rl CAUSE,
Tin: OnlyJJtandakd Officiai.
Uy Kdwnrd A. rollnrd.of Virginia.
Towntshlii, irns procured tho Agency of Columbia
Comity, ful null, of th nhovo work. It coin
prises a lull account of the riso nnd progress ol
tho Into Southern Confederacy, tho campaign,
battles, incidents nnd ndventiues of tho most gi
gantic struggle or tho World's hUtory, Complete1
in one hugo volumo of nearly feOO pages, with
of distinguished Confederate leaders, Tlie histo
ry of tho anqulslied has too often fallen to
the pen or tho victor, and to Ins nro Justice to th
.SiMithern canst, tlio pen must bo taken by korao
Houtbein man who is willing to devote his tlnia
and talents t tho vliullcatiouof his countrymen,
In a history which shall cliallengo tho crulcism
of the Intelligent, nnd Invite tho attention cJ all
honest Inquiiers. Such a work will beof peculiar
interest to tlio candid nnd intelligent public of
the North, and Is of tho utmost Importance to the
peoplo of tho Southern Ktates. Mr. Pollard, of
all writers in tho Houth. is doubtless the best
qualified to nreparo a compute, and standard his
tory of tho War, and to commit to the present
and future generation a faithful and worthy ro
cord of theirgreat struggle nud of a cnuso lost,
savoln honor, harlr.g been employed during tho
entire period of the war ,ns editor of a Richmond
newspaiKT. tfil8'07t
WitnREAS, thollon. William Elwell, rrealdent
Judge of tbo Court of Oyer and Terminer and,
General Jail Delivery, Court of Quarter Session
of tho I'enco nnd Court of Common Pleas nnd or
phan's Court In tho JUth Judicial District, com
posed of tho counties of Columbia, Bullivan nnd
Wyoming, nnd the lion. Irani lerr nnd Peter K.
Herbeln, Asboclato Judges of Columbia county
havo Issued their precept, hearing date tha IDtti
day of March, in tho year of our Lord, ono
thousand, eight bundled uud sixty-seven, nnd to
mcdireeted tor holdinga Court ofOyor nnd Termi
ner nnd OeneralJall Delivery, General Quaiter
Sessions of tho Pcnco, Common Pleas nnd Orph
an's Coutt, in HIoombuig, in tho county of Co
lumbia, on the first Monday, being tbo 6th day of
May next, to continue ono week.
Notice Is hereby given, to tho Coroner, to thr
JuMices of the Peace and tho Constables of the
said county of Columbia that they bo then nnd.
thero in their piopcr person nt ton o'clock In tin
forenoon of wild day with their records, inquisi
tions nnd other remembrance to do thoso thing
which to their otllces appertain o bo done. Anil
those that nro bound by recognizance, to prose
cute ngainstt tho prisoners that nro or mny be iti
the Jail of tho Mild county ol Columbia to bo then
nnd thereto prosceutothemnsM.nll bo Just. Ju
rors nro requested to bo punctual In their attend-
(4 ) mice, ngrcoably to their notices. Dated.
UH. J-at Jlloomsburg, tho jyth day of March,
I' r-'Hn tho year of our Jord, one thous
nud eight hundred nnd slty-bix, and In the
ninetieth year of tho Independence of the United
Htntcf of America, (fion hat. tub Common
Dloiirmburg, Maruh 1"J, lh07.
llloom&burg, Pn.
M. C. 8LOAX & nitOTHEIt,
tho auccofcsors of
continuo the business of malting
and every stylo of
which they Imvo constantly on hand to suit cus
tomers, Xevcr using nnymnterinl hut the best
and employing the most experienced workmen,
they hope to continue ns heretofore to give cnttra
satisfaction to every customer. An inspection of
their work, nnd of the reasonable prlco nke4 for
tho same, Is sure, to Insure a sale. .
KAILHOAD. On nnd nfter May 23, l&oo, Pas
henger Trains will tun as follows:
A.M. A.M.
Leave Bernnton 5.&0 ju.oii
" Ivlngston 0.5.1 11,20
" Jtupert 0.2D
" Dauvlllo 9.51
Arr, Xorthumberlnnd 10.W
Ieavo Xorthumberland 7.00
2.60 mu 8.30am 9.05
imuviue 7,ii)
Itnpert fi.n
" Kingston 10,50
Arr, rscniuion 1'J.00
4.00 O.M 10.15
ton, connect with Train nrrivln'tf at Xew York at
Passengers taking Train 8outh from Scrauton
nto.aia ni, via Northumberland, reach Harris-
ur, i.'.ju p 111. l Aiumoie n in, Washington
10.00 p m, via Hupert reach Philadelphia nt 7 n 111.
JI. A. POXDA, Hunft.
Kingston, Pa., Mar, 2S, 1&07,
on Tin: nunoriiAN tlax.
Nos. CO, 02, CI, nml BO Xorlh Third Streets,
betwoen Jlarket aoj Arcli Streets,