'Tw y iu i" hum r 0 VOL. I.-NO. 10. rjpiIK FLOItENCE snwiNa-MAciiiNns AHi: THE 11 EST IN THU WOULD. Walcsioonu, 030 Chostnut Street, IMitliullihla, l'n. Whllo a lnrga number of Machine linvo boon oll'cred to tho public, somo of wliloli pocm lxilnM of excellence and acknowledged merit, wo liave long felt what others have experienced, tin ne cessity or n Machine, inoro pel fect In Hi mechani cal ulrucluro, tismblnhig in tlia iik-iiust Di:am;i: BIMPUCiTY WITH UUruUlILlTY, and whllo canablo of dolus a ant:.vn:ii iianoe or woiirc, oho that could bo oaHlly anderslood niul compre hended hy nil. ToMipplyn Mcwlng-Machlnc free, from Iho ob lections attached to others lint ixon no cany tanks for w not unly had to surpiht othor Machines, nt they appeorcd yearn ago, but also as Impimcd from tlmo to tlmo by inoro recent cxiicrtciico. Tlits wc boblly claim has bum aoeonirdlshod by th llbirul expenditure of capital, and the mi. tlcnt.iiullrlnirlnbi-ir of years) nml In prosciillng our Mnc'slno to Ilia public, wa shall inalta HtronR tiHusitloim resiwclliiR Its merits, which wo are prepared lonubManllata Inc-ery parllcutnr, DlseardliiR tho Chain and Loop,orKnlUtltcJio, we adopted tho, 10 Civ HT1TCII (alike, on both Mri of tho fabric), which is 10 Kiirncd by lh masses as licit mlt.nl In ull klm.il of work. Hut to meet objection! homcllmos urged ngalnst thin favorite Mitch, wo bavu nddoA'tlie Knot, Double Lock, and Double Knot, either of v hlcli is HTltOOKlt ANli MOltU rXAHTIU than the Lock; thus enabling tho operator to keluct n stitch VEltFUCTLY SUITfcl) toevoiy grado of fabric, and where lwioesvary.New wsiins nich stronger tlian it Is r-ps'.lblo to do by Tin: Fi.onnxcn irwfces l'OUIl WFI'IilillNT STITCH r! with as much oase as ordinary Machines malio on, and with as llttlo ltaclilneiy. Tlio result of repealed tests has been all wu (wuld doslro, and from Its first Introduction the lioranuo has gained hosU of friends, and been rwuardcd an a nousi.noi.n nixisssityj. jrovlng tlrat tho public fully apprecintoTho many advantage!! combined hi tho Kloronco Machine. Over all others, tho Kloronco muni be soon to bo fully appreciated. Wo elalin lor tho FI-OIIKNTII tho following AHYAJfTAOKS over any and all , PKWINUsMACJHXK) IN TIII3 WOULD: C3-II makos fottrdiircicnt stitches, tho lock, knot, doublo-locJc, and double-knot, ol. one and tho hiunu machine, nuh stitch belns ulUco on both Hides uf tho fablle, J) Every Machine Inn tho reversible feed mo tion, which enables tho operator, by simply turn ing a thuniD-scrcw, to have tlio work rim culler lo Hie right or left, to stay any part of the beam, or fasten lliocnda of scam, without turning the fuWle. .fSi-Chanalns tho length of stitch, and from ono kind of stitch to another, ran leadlly be dbue w law tho Machine is in motiuu. ill) The needle. Id easily adjured, and docs not skip fclllchcA, A3 It U almost noiseless, and can bo used vvberonuiet Is ncesaiy. siz-lts motions are all positive; there aro no frpilns to get out of order, and its simplicity en nblos any ono to opeiate It. J.'B-It does not require liner thread on the under than for tho upper side, and will sow across the heaviest seam, or from one to moio thicknesses if cloth, without chaiiRo of need e, tension, break- bis thread, or skipping slllehes. JOS- Tho Jlommer Is oaslly adjusted, mid w 111 ttuu wiy wldtliof hemdeshxsl. C3-No otlior Machine will do to or it a range of work us tliorioicnce. nrll will hem, fell, bind, gather, braid, (pillt, raid gather and s-woii a rulllu at the samo limu. It Iiau no prln(; to get out of order, and w 111 last a lifetime. JK3It is fully pioWcted mid licensed by Ellas JIuwe, Jr., und our own 1a'Ucij 1'aU'iit, 'i'ho taking up of tho slack-tluvad is not pel fouiiod by the lucgular eoutiactlou of u wlie coll or tltlceitaln opcuitlou of spring. Tho precision nd accuracy with uhlcltho Floicneodinws tho tlueail Into tho clotli Is uu.ippio.iclnd oy nny Kow lng-Maehine hlUierloolleied In tho world. Wo fm iilsliiifc.il Machine with "I'-irnuin's Helf ikiwer," which guides thewoik Itself.alnl Is of bi ciilculuble aiue, esioeially to inexperience oper ate! s. WJillo possessing tho above, and mny other Ddantages-, the I'loreneo is sold at coiresiondlng lulcos Willi oinerinsl-rlass .Maclliues, anil a care ml examination will fully substantiate all Hint wo hum claimed for II, ami Justify tho assertion wo now make. Hut It is tho butt Hewlng-Miiihuio In tho vol Id. Wo waraanl every Macbluo to bo all that wo claim for it, and to gho onllro satisfaction, and win glvo a wiitleii wariuuty, u rtrtulieii. labiial m rangeinentbinado wllh those who bny jo selt ngnln, Rnther iufnrmalliii may bo had by lifeloslng stamps to tho llineral Olllcoof tho I'loieneoKewlng-MaLliIno Company, (IS'H'hestiiut blreot, I'lillftdelplilii, reiinsynania. 1'iticna or machines. i No. I. Thrill. This M.irhlno makes the locli oiidknotstltches,and has Iho reversible fel..5(i3 Wo. t!, HfTence. aold-ornainenleil Machine, with draw tr, mid light twer, without lock! makes all tho four stitches, and has the 10- verslblo feed K. 8. rillv.r-plated Machine, niiuimonledi table oll-llnlslioil walnut, with heavy half (uw. lurk ami drawer t makes all tho four stltehrs. and has tho icverslble f. ed Sl Ko, i. Hllver-platud Machine, highly oriia inented, and makes all tho four stltchd, and has the reverslblo feed. rollshed mahogany tablo M I'ollsheil llosowoc.1 Table (U Ko, S. Walnut table, In oil W Mahogany table, In nil W ltosewoml table, In oil leo Ko, 6.-M'aIuut, oil finished 11 MaJyigany iable Uosenootl tablo IM fi. O, r.VAKS, Oeneral Agi nt; two tlirstnut Wits t, Vhlladelpbla, 1-IlINTlNCr Neatly cxecutcci at Ihii Otllei THE COLUMBIAN, fVtDomoci'atic Nowspupor.i 11 rUDMSHEl) I'OU T11K 1'KOmiKTOIIS 11V DHOCKWAY & FREEZE, KVEUY l'llIDAY MOUNIINU AT Ulooiiilburg, Columbia County, l'o. TIIEprlnclplesofthlspapiraicofthe.Ie(reriioii. Ian Hchool of polities. Those principles will never bo compromised, yet courtesy and klndess shall not be. forgotten In discussing them, w hcthor Willi Individual", or with contemporaries of tho Press. Tho unity, happiness, nnil prospeilty of tho coun try Li our ntm and object! und as tho means to securollmt, wo shall labor honestly and earnestly for tho harmony, success mid grow lb of our organ ization. It has teemed to tho Pioprletors that thore oulrenicnls of a County newspaper bao not bicn heretofore fully met by thctrpredecessors or con temporaries i ami they have determined to, If possible, supply Ihodellclency, In a llliirary point of view also this paper will aim at a high stand ard, and hopes to cultivate in Its readers a corioct taste nud sound Judgment on merely literary, us will as on political questions. Tho news, Foreign and Domestic, will bo care- fully collated nud succinctly given; whllo to that of our own Btato nud section of the Htate, pnillc ular attention will bo directed. Important Con gressional and Legislative matters u'lll be fur nished weekly to our readeis Inn mutable and reliable foim; and Notes and opinions on lniwr- taut and leading measui cs w 111 be always publish- wl ; so that our paper will form n complete recoid of anient political events. Tho Local Interests, news and business of Co- lumblii County will receive special attention; and wo will endeavor to make the paper a ne cessity to the fanner, mechanic and laboring man, upon whom nt last all business interests depend. Tlieflresldo and family clrtlo will bo diligently considered In making up tho paper. No adver M foments of un Improper charactcrw-ill cut, tin der any pretext, be ndmlttud into Its columns. Its Conductors are determined that 11 shall be en tliely fuo In ull respectH from any deleleilous doctrine or allusion, so that eery man tan place It In tho hands of hlsehlldiun, not only without fear, but with conlldeuco In its teachings and tendencies. Promising to use their v cry best en deavors to fullll In lutter and spirit the nnnounce incntjiboo set forth, the Publishers ofTHECo- LUJIIUAM tl ustfully places it before the people be lieving that It will answer a want In tho com munity hitherto misapplied. To C'oiinKSi'ONiii'.M.'.. In older to make The CoLUMiiiANascompl.lo a record as possible of all factsand events, accidents, lmpiowontntsnud discoveries relating to folumMa County, were- spictfully Ini lie eoi lespondence, accompanied w 1th responsible names, from all points. If facts, dales and names are carefully given IholMllois will put the Information In proper form. Tkums. of Huust'iiiiTiox: Two Dollars for ono year when paiment Is made 111 advance; and all subscriptions not paid In ndvame, or by the list day of April, 1SC7, will invariably bo charged Two Dollars and Fifty Cents, All contracts of sub scriptlon and for advertising wilt bo mado with the Publishers and all paj mcnlsthcrcforcnforrcd lu their nanus. Tm: Col. l nni.VN will hndellvcird through the iuaIls,tosub-cilbeislu Columbia County, fit of postage. To those outsido of tho County, live cents peniunrter lu advance, paid at the olllce Whole lecelved. Tiniais or Ai)Vi:ia is i n : One square (tun Hues orlcssjonoor tbice luscilitns 51,50; null subm- iiuvntlnsiitlou 50 cents. M'.UT, IV. 2M. 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A postfuastcr Is l cqulred lo glv o notice by lutter (returning the paper does not answer the iqulri.mriit of tho law) when : subscriber does not take his paper fiom theotUce and to stale the reasons for Its not liclng taken iV neglect to do so makes the postmaster respoitvi bio lo the publisher for the payment. 2, Any pursuit who takes u paper regulaily fiom tho post olllco whether directed tohlsnimin or anolhcr or whether ho has subscilbed or not Is lespouslblefor tho payment of the subscription 3. It a person ordeishls paper discontinued, ho must pay up all aiteatages, or tho publisher may continue to send It until payment Is made, and eulloet lliovvlole amount vihetherit Is taken fiom Ihe olllce ornot, Tlieierau benolegal dlseoulin nance until the payment Is made. 1. If u suliscilher who Is hi urreius orders his paper lo be slopped at n cciuiln time, and Ihe publisher continues to send It, tho subscilbcrl bound lo pay for It If he takes It out of the post vlllcc. The law proceeds on tho ground that man must pay lor what he uses. 5, Tho courts have decided that lefuslng total. newspapeis and periodicals from tho post olllce, or lemovlng and leaving them uncalled for Is prima facie evidence of Intentional fraud. It Is, in ull fine-, moie likely to be satlsfae. torv, both to subseilbeis and to tluJTublbhcis, that rcuilllancesuud all communications I espect lug tho business of tho paper, b sent direct lo Ihe ipllleoof publication. AilletWis, whether relating lo the cdlloibil or business concerns of the papr nnd all payments, for subscriptions, udvcitlslur, or Jobbing, aio lo bo made to and addressed DKOCKWAV & FHEEZrJ, "CWumWan Office," IlLOOMsUl'liCI, l'A. Printed at Ilobtson's Ilulldlngs, near tho Court House, by f'HAs. M, VANiiKitsucr, V WANK 11. B.NHUai, r-i 1'PAWKIA 1! AI1.UOAD, S 1'iuiii snd utter October 'J, lsi), tho Iralns will .. ll.i.ii.rt n w ti.llllM S ! HoiMi Noiirn.-Eliiiira Mall at i I'.M, Kilo UoiMi ssVi'iii.-1'lilladelphla Mall at 11 A.si, ow oric t-xpress iu . C. 11 imocicwAV, ATTOUNEY AT LAW, HLOOMMIL'ltG, l'A. OlTKT. t'olirl llislso Alley, Isqow III" !"' ttihibmn Olllce ..II.... i,'i-iit LV.rllwi collci Ion of liounlle, Itaclf l'ay"l'enskois, ami al other ih mauds a-rtbel lh Male and N'"'??"1 cioUiniiitnt mjii.u'i. BLOOMSBTJUG, PA., FIlIDiVY, (Drlfllnat poetry. I'OU Till! COLVMMAN. DEAD. I1Y MAUI AN llOSJi. Folded tho little hands, Closed Iho blight ej es, Nevwmore to open, Exivpt In the skies, Scaled tho once rosy lips . In Morning's glow; Hushed Is the liny volte, l'orev er, below. Mlcnl the lettering feet Oneo wild lu mirth, Varum, tho little thalr Utuuds by the health. ireless the play-things, Ihnpty, the bed, Where, nightly, was pillowed, A golden bead. Yonder, in the Church-yard, A Utile mound Angels are watching o'er The hallowed ground. Mournfully tho willow Ilclids o'er his head Bad ale the loving hearts ll.lby Is dead. (lone! Oonn from tho henrth-stonu Tho light of yore Iii tint Mansion above, OnemiKcl morel flirnanro Cbioif.v, .V, 1", THE GOLD-BUG. CONTINUED. "Wlmt do mnttcr now, 11111511?" said Jui, evidently hltanicd Into compli anco : "iihvayci for to raise fuss wid old Iger. "Wits only funiiln any how Me foereil do bus 1 what 1 keer for dc bug'.'" Hero he took cautiously hold of the extreme end of tlio string, and maintain!!!!; tlio lncet as far from his person as circumtanco. would permit, prepared to aeentl the tree. In youth, tlio tulip-tree, or JArioden ilroii Tulipicnim, tlio most magnifi cent of American fore-tors, has a trunk peculiarly smooth, and often rises to a threat height without lateral branches; but, in its riper age, tho bark becomes gnarled and uneven, while many -hert limbs make their appearance on tho stem. Thus the diillculty of a-ceiislon in the present ca-o, lay inoro in sem blance than iu reality. Embracing tho huge cylinder, as closely as possible, with his arms and knees, seizing with his hands omo projections, and restiii, his naked toes upon other, Jupiter, af ter one or two narrow oeapes from fall intr. nt hiijrlh wriggled hininlfinfn tho llr.t jj.'uit fork, and .-coined to consider the whole busine-s as virtually accom plished. Tho risk of tlio achievement was, in fact, now over, although tlio cliniber was some tlxty or seventy feet from tlio ground. "Which way mus go now, Masa Will V" he asked. "Keep up tho largest branch the one on thi-: side,'' said l.egrand. The negro obeyed him promptly, and apparently with but littlo trouble; aic"iidiiig high or and higher, until 110 glImp.o of bis squat figure could bo obtained throu; tho dcno foli.vgo which enveloped it Presently his voico was heard In a sort of halloo. "JIow much fuddcr is got for go? "How high up are you?" Hiked Lo grant!. "Ebbor so fur," replied the negro an see do .-ky fru do top ob tie tree." "Never mind tho sky, but attend lo what 1 say. Look down tho trunk and count tho limbs below you on this side How many limbs liavo you passed?" "One, two, tree, four, ilbc I done pas llbo big limb, massa, pon disslde." "Then go ono linil) higher." In a few minutes tho voico was heard again, announcing that tho seventh limb was attained. "Now, Jup,"crled Legrand, evidently much excited, "I want you to worl your way out on that limb as far as you can. If you sco anything strange, let mtf know." Hy this time what llttlo doubt I might havo entertained of my poor friend Insanity, was put finally at reft. I hail no alternative but to conclude him stricken with lunacy, and 1 became se rlouly anxious about getting him home. While I was pondering upon what was best to bo done, Jupiter's voico was again heard. "os feerd for to venlur pon dls limb berry far tis dead limb putty much all do way." "Did you say It was a (h ad limb, Ju piter?" cried Legrand In 11 quavering voice. "Yes, massa, him dead as do door nail done ti) for sartaln done depart ed dls hero life." "What In tho namo of heaven shall I do?" arked Legrand, seemingly In tho greatest distress. "Do !" said J, glad of an opportunity to interiio-e a word, "why eomo homo and gn to bed. C'onio now! that's a lino fellow. It's getting late, ami, be sides, you remember your liromi-c." "Jupiter," cried lie, without heeding 1110 in the least, "do you hear mo? "Yes, JIassa Will, hear you ebber so plain." "Try tho wood well, then, with your knife, and soo If you think it very rot ten." "Him rotten, massa, stiro null'," rc plied tho litgro in a few moments, "but not so berry rotten ns inought be, Jfoiight venture out a littlo way pon do limb by myself, dafn true." "Hy yourself ! what do you mean?" "Why, 1 mean do bug. 'Tis berry hebbv bog. Sposo I drop him down 111-s, nnu ticii iiu itinu " i 1 ttts-t dc Wl'iidlt ob OI1C nigger. u fu.s, and den do limb won't hre.iK win "You Infernal scoundrel!" cried Le grand, apparently much rcltcvod,"what do you mean by telling mo such lion- censo ns that? As euro ns you drop that beetle I'll break your-iicck. Look here, Jupiter, do you hear mo?" "Yes, masa, needn't hollow at poor nigger dat stylo." "Well! now listen !-If you will ven ture out on tho limb as far ns you think safe, and not let go tho beetlo, I'll inako you a present of a silver dollar as soon as you get down." "I'm gwinc, Massa -VilI-dcod I is," oplicd tlio negro very promptly "1110s out lo the eend now." "Out to the end "hero fairly screamed Legrand, "do you say you arc out to tho end of that limb?" "Soon bo to doeend, massa, o-o-o-ohl Lor-gol-a-marcy ! what Is dls here pon do treo?" "Well!" cried Legrand, highly de lighted, "what is It?" "Why taint nollln but n skull some body been lef hint head ill) do tree, and do crows douo gobblo ebcry bit ob do meat off." "A skull, you say ! very well 1 how is it fastened lo tho limb? what holds It on?" "S 11 ro null', massa; mus look. Why dls berry curous farcuinstanco pon my word dare's a great big nail in do skull, wlmt fastens ob it on do tree." "Well now, Jupiter, do exactly as 1 tell you do you hear ?" "Yes, m 11111 ,! "Pay attention then! find the left eye of the skull." "Hum! ho! dat's good! why dare alnt noeyo lef at all." "Curso your stupidity ! do you know your right hand from your leltv" "Yes, 1 110-0 dat 110-0 all bout dat tis my lef hand what I chops do wood wid." "To bo sure! you arc left-handed; and your left cyo is on the same side as your left hand. XoW, I suppose, you can find the left eyo of the skull, or the place whoro tho left eye has been Have you found it?" Here was a long pause. At length tho negro asked, "Is do lef eyo of do skull pon do samo side iu do lef hand of do skull, loo? cause do skull aint got not a bit ob a hand at all nebber mind! I got tie lef eyo now hero do lef eyo! what mus do wid it ?" "Let the beetlo drep through II, as far as tho string will reach but be care ful tnjiil not let- in j-oia . liulll or tliu string." "All dat d.mo Ma-a Will ; mighty cay ting for to put do bug trough do hole look out for him daro below !" During this colloquy no po.tion of Ju piter's person could bo seen ; but the beetle, which ho had tillered to descend was now vi-iblo at tho end of the string and glistened, like a globoof burnished gold, in the lat rays of the setting sun, somo of which still faintly illumined tho cminenco upon which wo stood. Tho searahtrus hung quilo clear of any branches, and, if allowed to fall, would havo fallen at our fect. Legrand imme diately took tlio scythe, and cleared with it a circular space, threo or four yards in diameter, j list beneath the In sect, and, having accomplMicd tin, ordered Jupiter to let go tlio siring and eomo down from tho tree. Driving a lvg, wilh great nicely, into the ground, in tho precise spot where the beetle fell, my friend now produced from his pocket a tape-mea-ure. Fast ening 0110 end of this at that point of tlio trunk of tho treo which was nearest tho peg, ho unrolled it till it reached the peg, and thenco farther unrolled it, in the direction already established by the two points of tho treo and peg, for the diatanco of fifty feet Jupiter clearing away tho brambles with tho scythe. At tho spot thus attained a second peg was driven, ami about this, as a centre, a rudo circle, about four feet in diameter, described. Taking now a spado him self, nnd giving 0110 lo Jupiter and 0110 to me, Legrand begged us to set about llgging as quickly as possible. To speak tho truth, I had no especial relish for such amusement at any time, nnd, at that particular moment, would nio-t willingly have declined It; for tho night was coming on, and I felt much fatigued with the exerci-o already ta ken; but I saw no mode of escape, and fearful of disturbing my poor friend's equanimity by a reftial. t'ould I have lepended, indeed, upon Jupiter', aid, I would havo had no hesitation in at tempting to get tho lunatic homo by forco; but I was too well aurod of the old negro's dp-position, to hope that lie would nsI.t ine, under any circum stances, in a pcr-onal contest with hi master. I made no doubt that tlio lat ter had been infected with some of the innumerable Southern superstitions about money buried, and that his phan tasy hud received confirmation by the finding of tho miruUvitu, or, perhaps, by Jupiter's obstinacy In maintaining It to bo "a bug of real gold." A mind disposed to lunacy would readily holed away by such suggestions especially of chiming In with favorite precon ceived ideas and then 1 called to mind tho poor fellow ' speech about tho bee tle's: being "tho index id' Ids fortune." Upon tho whole, I was sadly vexed and puzzled, but, nt length, I concluded to ninko a vlrtueof necessity to dig with a good will, tuufihus tho sooner to con vince tho visionary, by oscular demon stration, of tlio fallacy of opinions ho entertained, Tho Ianlcriis having been lit, wo all fell tu work Willi a will worthy a nmro rational cati-' s fliul us the glare fell up APRIL 19, 18G7. on our persons and Implement, I could not help thinking how picturesque a group we composed, and how strange and suspicious our labors must havo ap peared lo any Interloper who, by ehanco night linvo slummed upon otirwnorea- bouts. Wo dug very steadily for two hour. Llltlowas snld; (tint our chief embar rassment lay In tho yelpings of tho dog, who look exceeding interest In our pro ceedings', lie, at length, became to ob streperous that wo grow fearful of Ills giving the alarm to some stragglers In tlio vicinity ; or, rather, this wns Iho apprchon-lon of Legrand ; for myself, I should have rejoiced at any intcrrup lion which might havo enabled 1110 lo get tho wanderer home. Tlio nolo was, at length, very effectually silenced 1y Jupiter, who, gelling out of tho holo with a dogged air of deliberation, tied tlio brute's mouth up with ono of his supenders, and then returned, with a grave chuckle, lo his lak. When tho tlmo mentioned had ex plred, wo had reached 11 depth of five feet, and yet no signs of any treasure became manifest. A general pause en sued, and I began fohopo Hint the farco was al an end, Legrand, however, nl though evidently much disconcerted, wiped his brow thoughtfully and re commenced. AVo had excavated the entire circle of four feet diameter, and now wo slightly enlarged tho limit, and went to the farther depili of two feet. Still nothing appeared. The gold-seek er, whom 1 sincerely pitied, nt length clambered from tho pit, wilh tho bit tercst ill-appointment Imprinted upon every feature, and proceeded, slowly and reluctantly, lo put oil his coal, which he had thrown oil al tho begin ning of ids labor. In the mean time I made no remark. Jupiter, al a signal from his maslerbogan to gather up hi.s tools. This done, and tho dog having been iininu.zled, we turned Inprofound silenco towards home. We had taken, perhaps, a dozen steps 111 this direction, when, with a loud oath Legrand strode up to .1 upltcr, and seized him by tlio collar. Tho n-lonishod no gro opened his eyes and mouth to tho fullest extent, let fall the spades, and fell upon his knees. "You scoundrel," said Legrand, hiss ing out tho syllables from between ids clenched teeth "you infernal black vil lain! speak 1 tell you! -answer me this instant, without prevarication! which which is your left eye?" on, my golly, Jiassa Will ! aint (lis hero my lef eye for sariain?" roared the terrified Jupiter, placing his hand upon his rinlit organ of vi-ion, and holding it there with u desperate peril naeily, as if in Immediate dread of hi master's attempt at a gouge. "1 thought so '--1 knew !-t! hurrah!" vociferated Legrand, letting the negro go, and executing a series of curvets and caracols, much to the astonishment of his valet, who, arKIng from his knees, looked, mutely, from his master to myself, and then from myself to his master. "Come! wo must go back," raid the latter, "tho game's not up yet;" and ho again led tho way to the tulip-tree. "Jupiter," said he, when ho reached its foot, "eon'10 hero 1 was the skull nailed to tho limb with tho face out ward, or with the face to tho limb?" "Do face was out, massa, so dat de crows could get at doeyc.5 good, widout any trouble," "Well, then, was il this cyo or that through which you dropped the beetle?" hero Legrand touched each of Jupi ter's eyes. "Twas dls eye, massa de lef eye jls as you tell me," and hero it was his right eye thai tlio negro indicated. "That will do wo must try it again." Hero my friend, about whoso mad ness 1 now saw, certain indications of method, removed tho peg which marked tho spot where the beetle fell, lo a spot about threo inches to tho westward of Its former position. Taking, now, the tape-measuro from the nearest point of tho trunk to the peg, ns before, and con tinuing the extension Iu n straight lino to the distance of fifty feet, a spot was Indicated, removed, by several yard-, from tho point at which ho had been digging. Around tho new position a circle, somewhat larger than lu tho former In stance, was now described, and wo again set to work with tho spades. I was dreadfully weary, but, scarcely un derstanding what had occasioned tho change iu my thoughts, 1 felt no longer nny great aversion front tho labor Im-lio-ed. I had become most iiniu'cnuntn iily Interested nay, even excited. Per haps there was xnuetblng, timid till the extravagant demeanor uf Li grand soir.o air of forethought, or of dellbi ra tion, which Imiiro.-cd me. 1 dug ea gerly, nnd now nnd then caught myself actually looKing, wim suiuetuing mat verv much resembled expectation, for I the fancied treasure, the vl-Ion of which bad demented mv unfuruimto compan ion. At a period when such vagaries of thought most, uniy poasosseti me, uuii when ho had been at work porhajis an Iwiiir nml 11 half, wo wore tiL'aln inter rupted bv tho violent bowlings of the iVUg. 1 lis uneaslnes, in Iho first instance had been, evidently, mil inn resiui u playfulness or caprice, but ho now as sumed a bitter and serious tone. I pon Jupiter's again attempting to mu.7io Dim, HO lllUUO lliuun liawLimv, unit leanlna into the holo, toro up tho mould : frantically with Ills claw. In a few second-, ho had uncovered a mass 01 1111 1111111 bones, forming two complete skcl etons, Intermingled with several buttons of nictal, and what appeared t bo tlio dust of decayed wollen. tiuo or two strokes of a spado upturned tlieblado ot a large Spnnl-h hullo, and as we dug far ther, lliroo Ol" lour uio-i' inrci-. in B""' aiulsiivercoiu came id ngni. ro iik is, 1 istri.n INCREASE OP SALARIES. In order that our renders may sco wlmt tho Radical Press think of their own Legislature, wo copy below nil ar ticle fromtho WestJlraneh Jlullitni, and which wo also find In tho Plttston Cfa:ette. Hy their own confession their men iirocorriipt,andshould be removed. "Nothing in tho career ol our Legisla ture shows tlio march of recklessness and want of honesty inoro than tho con stant grasping for increase of their own and other olllcers' salaries. Tho mem bers of the present Legislature of this Hlalo first passed a 1)111 increasing tho ices nnti saiaiiosol 1110 loliowiugouicers about twenty per cent, viz: Kherllfs, jToinonotarics 01 tnoi ouris 01 Lonnnou Pleas, Clerks of tho Courts of Quarter .Sessions! Clerks of tlio Oyer and Tormi- nor, rieiits 01 tlio orphans courts, At-torney.s-at-law, Aldermen and Justices of tho Peace, except In Philadelphia. Tho lncrea-so In tho fees of tlio lte'ister.s and Recorders Is large. About onehiln- dred men Iu each county aro anxiously seoking those olllces'at tho oltl prices. Not 0110 of them comes out of his term of olllco without having more money limit when ho went In, unless he is a spend-thrifl, a drunkard, or a gambler, which is loo often the caso with men elected to fill tho county olllees, as well as that of legislators. Not iv single aspirant lor county olllco would reluso to accept on account of inadequacy of too salary. Tlio pay was hotter than that of a good mechanic, or laboring man. It Is more than the olllcc-seekers could make or earn at home, or they would not follow 11 so persistently. No olllco over went bogging for candidates, nut swarms 01 cautiiiiaies were con stantly seeking tho olllees. Jloro than this: wo willL'iiaranteo thnloverv olllco 111 tins county can nnti nine, eitieieni uh 1 noiiest men 10 nil ltai 1110 omraics. The members of the Legislature, or the rjiur." hud undoubted! vmatlo un their minds that their chief business ut llar- risburg was to make money, and they wished to inn! tlnlv advocates of high sal aries ns much as possible. With tills view thev 11111x0 all the county olllcers Interested by voting them twenty per cent, increase. The next outrage Is tho immense grab iu relation lo their own salary. Tlio Commltlco of Wnys nnd Moans, of which M r. Waddell, of Ches tor, is chairman, inserted u clause in the appropriation bill making the salary of each member &1,G0()! 'Iho impudence was stiunnie. it was largo enough to cut down, and still make 11 big thing of it. jir. rennypacKor, 01 Chester, move.llo insert !?7U0 Instead oSl,.iliii Tills bad l!t votes out of tho hundred members, but Mr. Wingard ol our City, voted "to reduce the salary to the old standard, as dltl Me"-!'-1. ltouch mid Wrialil. of this district. Hut they faibid for want of support by other members. Then it was proposed to re iki, d itto $1,0 J. This hail 11 voles, all our member) voting for tho reduction but they had -17 who voted that S-1,000 wasjiot, enough tor ineir vaumoio for vices for threo mouths. J'inally, they voted to fix the salary at i?l,:i.-u ! This is absolutely outrageous. Aside front the indecency of voting to increase their own salary, which men of honesty or ovendlgnityofcharacler, would shrink from, it is a gross imposition on tho people. This very vote lo increase their own 'alary, Is, of it.-elf, reason enough for legislative reform. Tho amount which members .-hotild receive, should bo in corporati'd in the Constitution of the State. Unless wo have some guarantee 01 that Kind, thcro seems to 110,110 way to cnecK 1110 outrageous grasping pro pensitics of tho men wo send to Harris hurirtomakalaws. Nooucslltni should hereafter beallowed to koepoutofsiglit ' tno important ono 01 reiorni, when nitin'oersareiigalu elected. Let thopeo plo sco to it, before they are totally bank rupted by tlieso cormorants. A HITCH ON TIIE APPROPRIA TION BILL. Yesterday evening, In the House, tho Appropriation bill having been reported from the commit! v of ('(inference, Mr. ISoyle, Democrat, put tho following questions to tho Chairman : Whether thcro was not an appropria tion of 10,000 for tlio CJovcruor,s man sion ; 512,000 for Washington agency; $ir,,0no for AdJutantjLlener.il, for which it has been demonstrated there was an utter want of necessity ; $:il)U for chap lain, a member of tho House, and a number of appropriations of like char acter 7 And thou whether the bill did not repeal tho law of 1500, granting u pen sion toold soldiers of lSli? The Chairman answered nil tho ques tions in thealllrmatls'e. Thoreport was then opposed by Messrs, Hoylo, Head man, and Qulgley, nnd supoorled by Messrs. Mann, Waddell nud Davis, when the report was rejected, by nvoto of ayes 41, nays 10. Tho vote win afterwards recjusldore.l and tho bill r&'ommltled to the Confer ence Committee. Intorniutiun was then transmitted to tho Senate, when Speaker 1 lull ruled that tho Senate, having agreed to tho report, It could not be recommitted The conference coniinlltceoftheHouso finding the Senate committee dl-chargod were uuablo to act, and therotipou asked lo bo discharged, Tho commlttco was accordingly discharged, by 11 voleof ayes' !)nay8l- Thus tho bill, ns originally agreed upon by the Joint comniittceof conference, wai agreed to. Tho mil as adopted manes tno appro priations mentioned, above, by Mr. Dnyle ; fixes the balaries of members at $1,000; increases tho salaries of tho vari ous olllelals, and repeals the law nf lSG(i, granting pemlon to the 1 ohllcrs of the irar olS12! Tho extravagant and n-closs appropriations mentioned by Mr. lioylo foot iip$lJ,:;o:i; tholncreao' tn members aggregates .10,000 more Ti.MOO-and scores of other useless and extravagant donations run the whole up to hundreds of thousands of dollars, (In a total bill of over four million dollars,) and yet thoso patriotic, 1!) loyal, (!) soldier-loving (!) Klinon-Camcroii Radicals refued lo grant a single cent to tho few old sol diers of tho war of IblU! Let tho people niakeanotoof tho fact. IWrtotA I'nlon Tu 1:1 v. inches of red - now lately fell I in SwitPrrliiml PRICE FIVE OENTS. Wit and uuuoi AVI 1 AT I'D DO VOll lU'.lt. ny iiAluiY novi.K. 11 overheard a innon-slriiek elinn.lho other day, remark that he loved a eel tain young lady well enramli lo die for her. Now lovu emefy very lunch, and 1 I'd nwear forlior Til toar for her Tho Iird knows vvlial I'd bear for her Til llo for her 1'dslgli for her I'd drink the Hudson dry for her. I'd iray for her I'd slay for her I'd walch tho house ull day for her I'd"euss" for her l)o "wuss" for her I'd furnish eoincllilnglo "uus" for her I'd leap for her I'd weep for her I'd ro without my sleep rorlior I'd Ilalil for her I'd bite for her I'd vvnlk the ntreets all night for livr; IM plcjd for her-' I'll bleed forlier I.ddo without my "feed" for her I'd Khoot for her I'd boot for her A llval who'll eomo lo "loot" for her. rdlmciiforlier I'd xleiil lor her Hueh is the lovo I feel for her, I'd hlldo for her I'd 1 Ide for her, I'd vv lm 'aaliiKt Iho wind and lido lor iter I'd try for her I'd cry for her Uttl hang me 1 I'd flic fjr icr. X. It. Or any other woman. 1 ' Purudiso lost, (letting out of bed in u fro-ty night. Paradise regained. (Jetting In again. " Wo.max Is it link between earth nml heaven." .V. "So is a s.iusago tossed into Iho air !" Vreidkc. Ghammatioal.Ti:aciii:ii Whatgon- der is Harry? Purn. Masculine. Ti:aciii:k What gender is Julia ? Pui'il. Crinoline. LoviStuic!ki:n Youth "Oh ! Sal- He, your smllo would shed would shod would shed " Sa IjI.ii: "Nevermind tho wood shed, but go on 011 with tlio pretty talk." "nr.iin's! Wr.nsTr.it on a bridge," said Mrs. Partington, as slio handed Ikon dictionary. "Study it contentlve ly, and you will gain a great decal of liillaiimiatiou." ANr.cnin'i: or Tr.xAs Soi.rmin. Napoleon, Arkansas, sends us an unee doteof a Texas soldier: Whllo trudging along ono day nil alone, a soldier met a Methodist circuit rider and at oneo recognized him nssuch , bulalfcetcd Ignorance of It. Preacher "What command do you belong to?" Soldier "I belongto tho thToxas regiment, Van Horn's army. What army do you belong to?." Preacher (Very soleninly.1 "I be long to the Army of the Lord !" Soldier "My frienfl, you've got rf very long way from headquarters!" Old Stump was a man of labor, and had littlo or no tlmo todovoto to specu lation on tho future, llo wns, withal, rather uncouth in tlio uso of language. One day whllo engaged In stopping up hog holes about his place,- ho was ap proached by acolporteur,aud presented witli n tract. "What's all this about." demandod Mr. Stump. 'That, Sir, is a book describing tlio coIetinl state," was tho reply. "Celestial state?" said Stump, "in whntseetion Is that?" "Mv worthy friend, I fear you havo not" 'Welhnovcrinlnd.'interruptedStump, "I don't want to henrubout any better Stato than Pennsylvania. 1 intend to live middle right hero, if lean keep un m uarneii nogs out." "Tm-.M's' Km." Wooftcn hear of ro- markablo ca-cs of absence of mind. Hero is one equal to anything wo havo seen lately 1 "I say cap'n," said a llttlo keen eyed man, as ho landed from tno steamboat Potomac at Natchez. "1 say cap'n," this hero ain't all." That's all tho baggarro you bro't on board sir," replied tho captain. wen sco now. 1 grant tt an 11 iv ac cording to list four linxcs, three chests, two uan'-I)oxcs,a portnianty, two ham ono part cut threo ropes of lnvons nnd a teakettle ; but you see, cap't 1 nut dubersotii.Ifecl there's somethingsliort. Though l'vocounted' em nine times and never took my oyes oil' ,em while oil board, there's somo thin' not right SOII1I1UVV . "Well, stranger, tho time Is 1111 : thcro Is all 1 know of; so bring your wifo and live cmiitren out 01 tno cnuin, mm wo are off." Them's 'em, darn it; them's 'em! I know'd I'd forgot soniethln." Tin: OniiiiN ur 1'nic'Tiox Matchix. In 1832 a man by (lionamoofPhllllps, In Oakland, Connecticut, invented and patented a mulch that would Ignite by friction, llo inado them upon a small scale, us his menus wero limited, put them in lin boxes of 0110 hundred each, and sold them to the inhabitants about, carrying them in a pocket handkerchief. Many pcr-ons slill recollect thofearand consternation in the minds of thepeopli at tho lline,.let their houses and barns would bo burned by tho baud of tho In cendiary, nnd many thought that ho should bo restrained front scattering his tlre-brauds lu tho community. Phil lips afterwards removed to Springfield, Massachusetts, where, ho formed a co partnership with a man by thonamoof Chapln, under the title of "Clmpin & Phillips," when they largely Increased tho production of matches. Tho first matches wero made anil dipped singly by hand; afterward Phillips invented the card matches. Such, In brief, Is tho early hl-tory of this little article that Is now considered nn indIspenablo neces sity. There must bo many persons now living in Hartford who will recollect the red wagon, painted In largo letters upon tho side, "1'rlction Matches," ns it p.iviil tliiotigh the streets, drawn by ino lnre