THE COLUMBIAN, ELOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. gffoc (ifotumMmi MOOMMitmu, i'uiiay, Aran. , isnj. Tianou tuned by (Jnoncu: Ewvr.M,, Bloomsburg, 1'n. -It. WlM.IAM L. MAUDOOIC AND Co. dealers In flno groceries, No. 115 South Third Street (oppCHlto tho QlrardUnnk) I'hlludelpliln. Ouii receipts for March nro very flat tering. Our friends nro determined wo shall not run In debt for that "Strain Tower Pros." The largest, best and cheapest nsiort niat of Stoves and Tlnwaro In tho county, Is at tho otoro of William 31. Knt, I.lghtstrcet. It. The real estate of Abraham ltubblns, tleceasod, situated In Fishing Creek Township, has been sold to Paul Gilbert for flvo hundred and six dollars. Thk real cstato of tho lato Frederick Hoes, sltuato In Sugarloaf Township, and containing about ono hundred and fifty acres, on Saturday last, wasfcold to Cyrus Larlsh, for $1,712. We nro Informed that Kdward Ever ett and Company, proposo opening a Drug Store In Orangovllle. Wo have no doubt It will pay, as tho people of that populous region nro now obliged to comu to Uioomsburg, or go to Berwick The Expre-s Offlco has been removed from Ilartmnu's Ulock, to tho rooms adjoining Sloan'tf Store, opposlto tho Court House. It Is more contral than tho former offlco, and Is still under the management of tho popular agent, Newton Barton. Bt. Ili:v. Bishop Wood, of Phila delphia, has, by direction of tho coun ell recently held In Baltimore, selected Passion Sunday, April "th, as tho day for tho annual collection for tho relief of His Hollnes tho Pope. Ho proposes to personally present tho offering of his wrvico, to tho Holy Father. Ouii heartfelt thanks arc duo our friends in Salem, for tho ilnc subscrip tlon list sent us. There nro many more In that neighborhood who do not take ant paper, nud yet who are abundantly ublQ to do t.0. Now is tho time to cir culate Democratic literature. Let tho people understand what their rulers aim nt, and tho rule of Radicalism ceases Cokoiiess adjourned last Saturday, Tho Sonato wus called in extra session to confirm appointments, etc. The country will breathe freer, because it weighed on tho business interests like a mightmarc. It has provided for a ses sion in July, but it Is believed no quo rum will be present, and that wo will not be troubled by it until next winter, We publish this week tho new law In regard to licensing Hotels, Kitting Houses and Restaurants. Wo have prepared blanks to meet tho case, and will forward them on tho receipt of twenty-five cents. All Restau rant keepers should fllo their applica tions within ten days. The Bond mint be Blgned by two of tho petitioners. TriE Columbia Spy comes to us en larged and Improved. Its Editor lias purchased n Potter Power Pres, and finds that it works llko a charm. The paper Is clean, freo from unsightly cuts and disgraceful advertisements, and Eccms gentlemanly and courteous In Us tone. This is an era of improve ment In the press of tho country, mid will result to tho benefit of tho reading public. TnE Scnato has douo two things wor thy to bo recorded. Tho first was to confirm General Steadmau as Collector of Internal Rovcnuo In Now Orleans. Our readers may remember that Gen eral Stcadman, In company with Gen erul Fullerton, got up that ablo report on the mismanagement of the I' reed' man's Bureau. Tho second good thing was tho rejection of Jnmes B. Fry, lato Provost Marshal General, as Brevet Brigadier General. If such men get brovottcd, the honor would ceaso to bo ono to tho true soldier. The Scnato has refused to .confirm Ralph B. Little, ns Ascsor of tho 12th District, and A. C. Hussel, ns Post -Mas ter at Danville, and Colonel Allen M'- Kean.ns PostMastcratTowanua. ltna1 nlso reiected General Slocum, late com wander of tho 12th Corps, for tho posi tion of Naval Olllccr of Now ork. General Frank Blair, another gallant soldier, nominated ns minister to Aus tria, has also been rejected by theso gal lant stav-at-homo patriots. What love for tho soldiers now! Theso two sol diers led two columns in Sherman's 4,grand march to tho sea." On Saturday last,cntlced by tho balmy nlr, we made n trip up tho Fishingcreek. The roads above Ornngovllle wero tol erably good, though in tomo places wo found thrco feet of snow In tno centre. Wo found tha fanners busy making pre parations for tho Spring's work, and heartily glad that their sea-on of ret was over. Our dinner nt Ezeklel Colo's was ti model, and wo did it full justice. In order to show our "better-half" what buckwheat cakes owjM to lie, wo purloined one, and brought it home. We counted no Uv-s than twenty sugar camps on tho route. Men, women, and children wero gathered around tho blaz lug fires, evidently regardlngthoniattei' ns lluo fcport. It is a life In tho woods after being pent up nil winter. Some camps wo found produced 1,000 pounds. Mr. Colo showed us somo that was as light ns our Louisiana sugars. Tho In terest is n large and growing one, and cltould bo fostered. Wo met many of Sugarloaf 's yeomanry at tho "Hess mIo," and found them strong In tho fulth and hopeful of the future. BLOOMBBURG LITERARY IN STITUTE. DED1CATOUY UXKItCIBlM FUMi KE I'OUT. Tho day was beautiful In tho extreme. and oven warm for tho tlmo of venr. nnd everything seemed propitious for tno ouccessiiii inauguration of tho new building, and the brilliant success of the ceremonies. THE I'l'.OCESHIOX. At ono o'clock p.m., tho Bloomsburc Bross Band headed tho procesiion from tno old Academy buildings on Third Street, to proceed to tho new Institute. The Band was followed by tho Board of Trustees, they by tho Clergy, next tho parents of the pupils, then the pupils,. nnd lastly tho Faculty. Tho proceInn passed up Third to Market, up Market to Second, nnd up Second to tho Insti tute. On nrrlvlng at the door. Judco Rupert, President of tho Board, un locked It, tho Band fell back nnd escort ed tho Faculty nud pupils who entered first, nnd wero followed by tho parents and Trustees. THE iiuii.dino Is ono of tho finest in tho State, both as to architectural beauty nnd correct pro portion, nnd the plan has been admira bly carried out by Prof. Carver, tho contractor. It Is impossible in tliolini lied space at our command to describo it fully. It Is perfect in nil Its parts, located in n commanding situation, nnd making a splendid nppearanee, from any direction in which itmaybc viewed Uioomsburg may well bo proud of tho enterprise it displays. THE AUDIENCE. Tho spacious Hall of the Institute, capable of seating comfortably over fif teen hundcred people was rapidly filled in Ml Its parts with a moat intelligent and attentive nudiencc. Wo wercKrat- fied to sec n very largo proportion of ladies, and to observe that many of tuem had the exquisitely good sense to leavo their nursing children nt home. THE EXERCISES. After music by tho band prayer was ouereu uy now V. J. Waller a song " eleome Chorus," by tho gleo club: Hon. L. B. Rupert, President of the Board of Trustees, mado a report of tho inception nnd progress of tho work Tho Dedicatory address was delivered by Prof. Mos of Lewi-burg. It was plnin anil practical and labored to dein onstrato that tho thrco important things in an education were to teach men to observe accurately, to think correctly, and to express, whether through sculp ture or painting or language, efficiently After music by the Band thoConinience- ment exercises began. ESSAYS AND DECLAMATIONS. It K not our purposo to single out for special commendation any of tho atu dents who took part in the exercises Where there was so evident an amount of careful labor and preparation, and such good tnste in essays nnd tlcclnmn- tions, though somumay liavo been read or delivered in n manner superior to others, yet distinctions nnd compart sons wero unkind and invidious. Wo can in all honesty and sincerity say of each and nil that their several part wero carefully committed and delivered in n style much superior to ordinary school exorcises, for which doubtless much prali-o is duo to the teaching, Perhaps there was nn occasional effort too low,another too high and still nnoth cr in too rapid and vehement an utter mice. Jn too afternoon the following young ladles took part in tho exercises, to wit Mies Brower, Pinvcl, llondorshot Bittcnbcudcr, Rupert, Mira John, Low- enlerg, Hnrmaii, Van Busklik, Abbott riistln, M'Kiiiney, Williams, Sterner Torbct, Corel 1, Edgar, Dereamer, Cas low, Robins, Lutz, Armstrong, Buck inghani and Elwell: and by Ma-tcrs Waller, Little, W. II. Clark, Snyder, Buckalew, Blllmeyer, Funk, Homier shot, Elwell, J. M.Clark, Bittenbender Nea!, Schuyler, Woods and Unangst At tliecloso of tho exercises Mr. E. R Ikeleron behalf of the Teachers of Co lumbia County, presented, in nn appro priato speech, an nlbuni with tho portraits of tho Teachers, to M r. Carver, ns u testimonial of their respect. Al though taken entirely bysiirprise, Prof. Carver replied in a very happy manner. accepting tho album with thanks. ftcra song, the afternoon exercises closed, and tho nudienco was dismissed EVENING. Tho cxerd-cs opened in tho cvenin nt seven o'clock, with prayer by Rev Mr. Tiistin. If tho Hall M as eiowded In tho day time it was Jammed full nt night. Every available spot of sittin and standing room was occupied. Even the orchestra was crowded. Tho inter' est manifested is gratifying in tho extreme, nnd nuguvswcll for tho future The estiiys nnd declamations wero in foresting and well read and delivered many of tho boys giving promise of success in oratorical efforts. Altlioug prolonged till u lato hour in tho evening but little over ono half of tho program mo was filled ; nnd by n unanimous vote of tho audience, It was decided to finish on Thursday evening. Wo nro thereby prevented from giv. ing thoclo-lng oxerciscs this week, ns wo go to press too early to get tho mat ter into type. Wo will sum up next week. Goveunoh Enoi.ish has toven huu drcd majority In Connecticut. Tho uv erngo majority on Congressmen is eigl teen hundred. Put that In your smoko and pipe It, Mr. P. John. Light has broken In upon tho country from tho East, nnd plainly loroshadows our sue cess at thoioxt Presidential election Closo up tho columns, men, see to It that thcro nro no stragglers from tlio rutins nud welcomo all deserters from tho beat en enemy. 0. C. MAnn has removed his sloro to Shlvcs's building, on tho corner of See nnd nnd Iron Streets. It is much moro convenient for his customers. Call nnd examine hhftook and prices. TnE KALEIDOSCOPE : .. . mnpof buy lift Its fluctuations nml it vmt concerns.' Ml. XIV. l'HILir PENDLETON COOKE. Twenty years ngo, Philip Pendleton Cooke, then ofClarko county, Virginia put the finishing touches to n voltimo of poems entitled "Frolssart Ballads,"nnd which, with somo miscellanies, mado a book of overtwo hundred pages. It was published by Carey & Hart Philadelphia then among tho leading publishers In the united States, and whoso books arc, for the most part, well mado nnd saleable This volume is, doubtless, outof print nnd 1 judge that either n small edition of It wns Issued, or that the owners of tho volume set great store by It, for I have never met hut ono copy of It In nil my rambles through bookstorcsoldnnd new. That copy 1 baought, and I have It now before me. Philip Pendleton Cooko was n son of one, who was among tho famous men, and brilliant lawyers, nndchlvidricgen- tlcmen, for whom Virginia has always been renowned; the friend, companion, and peer of Chief. Iutlce Marshall, Pros IdentMndlson nud John Randolph; and In point of intellect tho son was not be- hind tho father, but, at the time of Ids death, had not yet acquired that habit of steady thought and continued exertion which must, ovcntually have placedhlm very high on the rolls of his profession, whetherof letters or law, which he choso to adopt. 1 Io was born at Martinsburg, Virginia in October, 1810, and died in January 1850, oged thirty-three years. Ho was n graduate of Princeton Col lege, and a student nt law under his father, nndcamo to tho bar befor he at tained ills majority. But to the law ho seems never to havo devoted himself nud being a lover of out door life and field sports, he settled himself, with his beau tiful bride, in the fertilo Valley of tho Shenandoah. Ho lived tho lifo of a country gentleman of the old school, stir rounded by all the charms of nature and urt. Even to the muses his attentions wero only desultory, but the poems ho published gave evidence of a delicacy of perception, n clearness cf thought and a command of language which promised great tilings in tho future. But thosennticipationsand hopes were fated to be never realized. Ho passed away from tho beauties of tho ill-fated Valley of the Shenandoah, whllo yet peace and happiness and union blessed our beloved country ; before, the storm- cloud of war, heralded by John Brown, pa-sed up and down the valley, foe de stroying what friend had spared, until ono might, fairly and honestly, pray to be delivered from them both. However much the eye of tho poet might havo gleamed, the soul of tho patiint, and the heart of tho man must have wrung witli anguish overthoraidof Phil. Sheridan In tho valley; when, farns the eye could reach grain-stack and farm houses and country-seat wero wrapt in flames, nnd tho wretched inhabitants, innocent wo men and helpless children, were flying from the a-he.softlieirhonic.s,Iiavingno covering but the Heavens above and no resting placebut tho parched and blood stained earth. The poet, the scholar, the gentleman, rests from his labors ; ho hears not the tramp of armed men, nor the neighing of the battle charge ; ho sees not In tho rear of the marching host the smoking ruins and fell destruction which marl: their track. Olrl how oft "lli'iicnlh them layn burning town Srcnlln huluulM, nlul Klrilling wall 'J he ruslngllamosi weioovernll." Wero ho now to pass down the valley, ho would see ono of his own vivid de scriptions filled out upon tho ground: "Tho corn lay trmnpleil In the inliv. The vlncynrtls jhiIo ana vinowcro down Aiul ruin lay on tuwer anl town. Jloinml fa see thow loicljj laiuli .V'tfe tlaotuteby nutiie linntlt !" Says General Sheridan in Ids report; "Tho wholo country, from tho Blue Ridge to tho North Mountain, has been made untenable for a rebel army. I have destroyed over 2,000 barns filled with wheat, hay and farming implements; over seventy mills filled with wheat and Hour; four herds of cattle have been driven before the army, and not less than 0,000 sheep have been killed mid Issued to tho troops. This destruction embraces tho Luray nnd Little Forks Valleys, as well as tho main valley." A correspondent, who was with tho army, writes: "Few bams and stables havo escaped. Tho gardens nnd corn fields havo been desolated. Tho wailing of women nud children mingling with tho crackling of flames, has founded from scores of dwellings. I have seen mothers weeping over tho loss of that which was necessary to their children's lives, setting asido theirown ; their last cow, their last bit of flour pilfered by stragglers; tho last morsel that they had irt tho world to eat or drink. Young girls with Hushed cheeks, and palowith tearftilor tearle-s eye, havopleaded witli and cursed tho men whom tho necessities of war havo forced to burn tho buildings reared by their fathers, nnd turn them into paupers in a day. Tliocompletcnc: of the desolation is awful." Tho heart sickens nt tho recital ; nnd yet there nro men and women too, who applaud tho wanton destruction ofllfo and property and gloat over tho miseries of their fellows, tho wails oftlio widow, and tho dying gasp of tho orphan Uy a lato treaty Uusdia cedes to tho United States all of Russian America, for $7,000,000, Tho treaty has not yet been ratliled by tho Senate, ThoTerri tory is about goven times tho blzo of Pennsylvania! but has only about (.0 000 people. In a financial point of view it is not worth much j but it may prove of Immenso valuo In other respects. It Is n singular fact that all acquisitions of Territory mado by tho United Ftatcs havo been made under Democratic ad' ministrations Tunui; thousand and sixty-four Ian truntresaro spoken, and ono thousand different religion professed in tho world. LEGAL NOTICES. TXECUTOU'.S N OTI C E. EST A T E jluw iionciiT W Mtt.i.i'ii.nrc-!!. 1 trf.tprtr-Ktn, nii'iilary cm Ihci'Mtntc or Hubert W. Miller, lato of Madlfou touiKltln, Columbia county, have been urnhteil by tha Healntrr of Columbia county to 'ir. r-u-niiinni tinier, n pcr-inn uavioK ( lining iKiuiiM i no ciaionre retucMeii 10 ureacm mi in for ficttlcliiclit. unit tlinvo Imlebteil tutlin entntn uiinnaku payment totho Exeeulrlx wlthoutilo- y. nus,..Aii .Miijiii.ii. Xlnrch , 1W7, Executrix. A DMINISTKATOH'S N OTI OK. XVUsTATIlOt Maiiv i;ti:sitAUT. DKC'n. !rf?t toM r iHlinlhNlrutltiii lo tho oMiito of Mary Khonlmrt. Intf of Calnwtsmi tmviuhln, ColnmMji r-mtiU- ilm-i di..1 l.t lmi.ii irrntifo.1 liv'llirt Itn.rU tor of Columbia t'ounty, to I,eon.inl AiluiiiH.of iHi(i muniy. .n pciNont unvinir cmiini or uo innml nualiit thn i-stntf of tho ileewliMit nro re (Hiestett lei m.iko thctii ltnmvti tn thn nitmlnNlm im- wiiuimi ncMy, nun nu jicihuih iihh'iucu urn rfiiui'HiiHi io iimko payim'tu. Mnrch 1, AilmhiMiattir, A mnXISTUATOK'S NOT I CK. XL KsrATH Ol' JofKIMl ltnilHINS 1)1 r'H. IiHtrM ni iMimmiMnumii in iitepMiruoor jo'iin uohiHin, tlerivwil, Iiim iH-cn urniitrti 'ly tlio KepMcr of ColuiuhlH rmtnty, to riliitnn ltohbltii. AH lur oil ImMhiz rlalniH onlf iitanM niraltit lho cMntr of tho ttcivdctit an lcqm'sted to mnlco thorn Known t o 1 1 IP in i ii 1 1 U l I mi or wiumui uoiay, iuii mi iHTMJiii iiiuruii'ti urw ri'nuf'Mrn id huiki nay tnrnt. t'ljI.MU HI MH HAM. (JrccmvcHMi, 22, 17-ut. Ailmlnhti-atnr, i riii'iviina -vrvPTnt.' t tKuinn xV. phanV Court oftlio County of Cntuniltlixj - tor iittoolnteil hv lho Con it to mako itNlrilmtloii of tliu lialatifo of tho ostato nf Knhl decoact!, In mo natniH or l'.u-Jii .iniiti, iixecmor oi uio miii John Walter, lato of Locust townvlitn. in Maid county, lU'ooast'd, will meet tho parties lor tho liurpo'iO oi nn nppoinuucm, on i iicuoy, jpru ninth, A J. Iv'f7, nt ten o'clock n. in,, at Ins olllco In nioomtlnirif, enruary 1 1, jui, Auditor, A TOIIXKS'LfHATOn'8 XOTK'K. :sTVTi:OK .Ifl.IANM ItFCKASKTI. Letters ot ndtulnlHiralloit on tho chuiIu or .lull' Letter- nnn Hower, Into of Centre township, Colmbla couuiy, ucci'aon, irivo neon crantcn uy me upk N ter of said county to Daniel Hower, roslillni; in lho township and county aforesaid. All persons ImvIhit cIuIiuh on tho ostale nro rouuettl to me- scut them duly nutlientlcatcd for settlement, ami thosp knowing thcmcUen Indebted to the citato will mnue puj ment iuiiiiwiin. IVbruary 13, lW-Cw. Administrator, 17XICCUTOHS' XOTICK. 1MTATK X Joi William Uomiiins, Pfci:asko. Letters testamrntaiy on tho estate of William lEobhlns, into oi i- iMinitfcrei k low nvnip, l oiumoia eouniy, ili'i'Dfwnil luivi. I.inn irriiiifdil thn llpL'Ktcr nf snltl county to C. H, W hite uudM. A. Aminerman. All persons hnvlns claims njralnst tho estate mo rc'iucsled to present them for settlement, nnd those Indehtwd to tho estate will mako payment io iuu j...eciuors iiiiuni ocaiy, C. Jt. WIIITK. M. A. ALMKHMAN, Tehruary 1", lW-Gw. Ilxocutors. tx Tin-: roUHT or Common Plkas X roit tiii: County ofColumhia i Chakli-m Ki:hly 1 December Term, 1S00, tt. Xo.'JI M.AitnAi!i:r t In Dloreo. To Martraret llyorly, Uespomlont, Madamn ! Tho Court hao granted a rulo on you to show cauM why a dlvorco t vinculo matrimonii should not iKMieciefHi. iteturnable Monday, Jiny sixth IWI, III IU O CiOCK II. 111. HAMUr.T HNYDLII. Sherlir. IUoomshuvti, March 1, 1n7. TX T J. i-'oi: i THK COntTor Common Vlv.ah TitnCofNTv or Coi.rMntA: Catii akin K Itovr, b herl Drcemhrr Term, IsCO, in. vt .Inlin tuiift.i' Nit tv t.TiioM s I to a r. I In Dlvoico. ToTlannas lloat. Itepondeut. Jslr: The Court ito (iranicii u line on ou io snow oaiiM- wuy n divorce a rinrutu Matrimonii should not bo domed. Ketumablu Monday, May sixth, l0o'clm-k a. in. i 1. 1 j n i iumi, mieiin, Illoomsburir, March t, IjoT. TX TUK COt'UT or Common Plua JL ioi: tiik CofMi or CotA'MitiA: MAiiv .1. m xnimi, oy ncri I cuiuary ieriu,iNu nut lileud Amos Italian, J- No. ll, c.. AMiltllW .L M VNNlMi. I Dl Divot CO. To Andtow J. Mannlmr, ltepondenl. Sir: Tho Court has iirantcl a tuloon o to show cause u hv it diioiee tt itncu! mittriniunii should not In dcc'ieed. Iteturnabh', Monday, Mnv sKtli. lstV7, at in o'clock a. in. wami ll s.n vii;ii, nun. itloomsbui'tf, March 1, i(7. 17STATK OF CMntUKIi (i. ItlCK J.J HITS, Drfn.-To.Iohu Itlckctt-, Huth Mu lier, Mary M'Intosh, Nancy ltuoll, I'leasant slms, KlllahO.llIekitts. tho hehs n harah Coitrlaht. decea'-cil, bell s of Levi AMitou, ileccaM'd, and to all other poiM.ns Interested, greet hv.;: Yomue lu'vehv elted to b aiil nppeilV Jteforo lho Jutttits of our Orphans' Court, to bo held at llloomsbuiv. County of Columhfn, nn the Iltst Momtav of Mav uct, tin n nud there to accept or reliisc to take tho real e-tato of tho said i leium I i. lllcjcctts, dcccaspil, al tho appialx-d valuation put upon ii oy an uopieM iiuiy nwnnitii uy 1111; sai'l t'ourt. and leturned hv lh" Mierltl. or show cause why Ihe same should not bo sold, Wllnossihe llouorablo Wlltlam Lhull, Vresl dent oi our said Cwtirt, at lUoomsbuiy, tho 1'JtU day of IVbiuao, . n. s')7. i-vjiiij.i.i,., v.ierji ij, l, IUoonishinv. Match r, Im7. ISTATJO OF liKVJ ASIITOX, DK- lli CKASLD. To Ann Ashton. Wllllain.t.Si.roul Mt'phen spiuul, Ascntth Hess lntermartiel with Hainan in', aran i.vcs, i,oui-a i-puunu inier- inarricd with jonn spuiahnr, Alien lives, I'arvm I'aiv iiiul,lrsM Kvi's. heirs of Levi eeased, anil to all oUkt pcrauns Interested, greet Ins: on n iv hereby cited to ho nnd appear before IboJudKesof our Oi plums' Court ti he hold at liionmsuuiit, i ouni oi omiuoia, on iu. iiim Monday of May, next, then and there to ac- ccpi or reiuse io iauo ine icso esiaiooi ino sant 1 Ashton. deceased, at tho nimraKed valu- ntlon put tipo.i it hv an lniuont duly awarded by tl e said Court, and leturned by tho Sheiltl', or shi.w cause whv the fame should not ho sold. W itness the Honorable wjumm Llwcll, Cresi nt of our said Court, at llloomshurL'. tho 12lh day of rebiuary, A. !., Is'i7. Uioomsburg, 1'clunary 1&U7, riMtUSTEK ACf'OUXT OK THE ES- L TATI; Or 1 HANK I fN CHLVKinNll, A Lr NATlt'. All neisuns inicieted will lah'e lintbe. that Samuel ('reveling. Committee of rnuiklin Cre cling u lunatic, hm Hied his ilrst aecoutd of ino manaemoni oi ino eiaio oi ino sain innaiie with tho 1'iolhonotary of tho Coutt of Common Tleas of the County of Columbia, and that the said account 111 be mcst-ntcd to tho .Tmbresof the Court uf Common Pious of said County, for tho hcniingnnu eoutirmaiion, on lucsuny, tile seventh day nf May next. i jvsflrj i iToiuonuiary. nionnishurg, March L".', Ot. r RAXD JURORS POU -MAY TintM, 15C7. Mourn Andrew Madison. Jlriurrft A' Isaac Hower. Jl'tro, Jlmrfvk .lohu M Anall, JlcntoiilvAC K. Kiltlcbauin. rvjtrc Samuel Hutchison, Klias Creasy, CXituuwt Henry .1, Miller, tmunyhnm Daniel T. M'Kelrnan. 1'ishinarrtik OalilSavane. tieome M. Howell Jackson Ale. t;rrcnu-Qoa Humphrey mi nor. Hemlock Ptter Hi ugler. .fcAoii llohort Ml. I'latmnt Daniel Vandei slice, P.llas How c 11. Mituin ,arun -MaMeucr, aonu u, .ugie. .l(,i,.-Aaron Miller. Mtdison William Ptirsell. 7'(jtc MiaihieU l'fs, Jtotirii'ycrcvk Abraham l!eaer, buytirloiif Wheeler Mailt, Hit hard Kilo. riUtAVEHSE JURORS X pou may ti:um, isct. Iltonm Joslah H. Purman. Isaiah Hart man. l nomas j , eiirier. Itnnrci'it l. laios .untns. Jo in l ester. t Hriitcr Charles V. Mann. Nathan llredbeuder. Hainan iirenoeii'iei, r. Jl'iro. y'THcA wiuiain n. iiiiennouM tit (Mi'wti-John Mait:, Adam 1'edeioir, J"ittiihUn Oeoiiiii Hart man. 'i nniicw A Wm, Ash, Pliillp Appleman. (iirvnu'ovJ James Maunlng, .hilm Miller, llcmluvk Hush W. M'ltcvnoiiU. Andiew J. lliiv niftt, Isaac Purstll Wllllum 11. uocmakei, Win inleisteen, joim net. fiw I'eier Jltiior, Jacob Jittrner. ,1rtfa-JohuC Hctler. .Vjoitr Isaac Mow ly, J.(tiaon Wm. Uartohl, Hanuicl Itlmby, Jr. ML J'teavtnt Peter nippenstlel. Oiiutye Jesso Ihumstellcr. Ptnc Ira 1 'in hell. JitMtrw'tcm A Daniel Ilurlir. tcutt John Miumaii, A. (1. Thornton. tittyartofif Jo-iali It. I''rll7, Henry C. Hess. rjiIAl-LlSTrOIlMAYTEnM,18C7. , Win. u lJincos, Allied t'reeiing, lit nlatnlti air and Wife w. Wm. hnridess. IMwaul JIllnirs, The UwustMounlain Coal louipany, I. M. Chaiuberlln use vs. Silas I. IMcar. ii. Jacob Itemjey vs, The Calawiss lhiltrnad Co, a. Jicury i , hu s. ino itoroutni ui uerwicii 7, KM Jones h, Miles C. Abbott et. al. 8. Wiisht Hushes s, Peter .Milter, H, Junalhuu Kullllos, Wrlaht Huuhes, la. Maty K. Creeu vs. It. H, Howell el. al, 11. John Ijiveiusvs, ltaimj M'lltearty, 1'.'. David Ywikit v. Clinton Hewitt et. al. II. Jidin W. I.eebervs. Vui r s. Hlshel. II. Woulley tV Pohe c John W. lscher. 15, ! Jlas Krum use n Daniel Krum's ndmr'a. t. Plaebe Pry vs. Iani 1 Krum'u admv'u. 17. Win. A. Marr s, James Dko. IS Sylvester J, Pa us vs. W. C. Oreen's adm'r. hi. Jncfib h, Kvims vs, W. c, ( ti cell's adm'r. J. P. rincher vs, Isaac Yet ter, iM. Jacob A. swisher s. Abel Thomas. 22, Jacob A. hwteher vk, Hlchaid Lyons, Zi, (iiHro ltrown . Ia onard htehiiuan, Wm..M. lloitiflntid vs. Ilaliiev M ItreartV. 2". Ju, htackhonno . Tlaw. Stack house's Hxr's. 1.U Joseph l .11 ley s. IVter .MClleK, 27, Hi rood V Ihown ns. Andrew Ciovellug, 2&. Deborah Dean n, Owen I. Dean. a. lMwaid M'Call et. al. s. John hweeney, ft), Clark tflewait and Wll'o v. P. C. CIoaer. ill. Franklin YiKiim vs. William T. Hhumau, 3a, UMlllalil reason el. Hi. s. hltuoil C, HhlVO. 33. John P. Minium" n vs. Hsmucl Npyhnil. tt UAKKK'S s i: W I X CI M A C II I X K s , Were awarded tho Itli;hcHllrciuUtmifttUioytato Vnrt ot Kentucky, Vermont, Now Jei5cy Missouri, Alabama, Ohio, New YotU, Tennossco, reuusjhnuln, Mllssippl, Indiana, Vlrghiln, Noilh Caroltun, Wisconsin, Iowa, Oregon. AT Till; FA 1 114 OF TltU Michigan, Cullfornta, (Vmcrlcan Institute, rranlctln Institute, Mary land Institute, Mass. MoehnnleV ArsocIu tion,Peuii, Meclianlcs' lnstttuto,HL Louis Afiricnltural and Mo chanlcs' AKsouiallon, rmlat numerous Institutes and County I'nlrn, Including nil tho Pairs nt which they woto exhib ited tho past Ihreo year. First Prizes hao ulso been uwardedthesoMachlnesntlho exhibitions uf LOXUOX, PARIS, DUUUX, hlX, Ilesaucan, llayonno.St, Plsler, Chalons, ami they hao been furnished, h; special uommand, to tho Kmprexs of Prance, KmprcRsof Austtia, impress of Uussla, I aaipreteiof Ilrnzil, (iuccn of h-paln, and Queen of liaaila. Tin: oitovmt a. iiakci: r.i.Asric-HTicii S K W IXO 31 A C II I X K S are superior to all others for tho followJm; rea sons : I. They sew with two threads direct from tho spools and requiring no rewinding. 2, Ihey are moro easily understood and used and less liable to derangement than other loa ch I ncs. Ii. They are e.npabloof cxccutlngpeifcctly, with out thango of adjust ment, a much greater variety of work than other machines. I. The stitch mado by theso machines Is much more llrm, elastic, and durable, especially upon articles which iciiulro to be washed and ironed, than any other stitch. a, nils stitch, owing to tho manner hi which tho under Ihteud is Inwrought, is miuh the most plump and beautiful in um and retains this plumpness and beanly even upon articles fie-. quently washed and honed until they aiu woin out. 6, Tho Mnicturv of tho seam istttt'h tint, (houf;!i it bo cut or biokcn at Intervals of nly a low stllchcs, It will neither open, run, nur unci, but remain llrm and durable. 7. Unlike other miehhir, these fasten both ends of llioseamiiy their own opetalloii. fi. Willi these machines, whllo silk Is uvM u.vm the rlyht or face side of lho noam, cotton juiy I uied upon tho other sldo witleait lessening Ihe stivngth ordurabilily of the seimi. This can ho ilouo on no other m-ichlne, and Is a meat sa In( tt priii all articles stitchcl or mado up with silk. Thesi- machines; In addition to their superior mei Its as instruments for sewing, by a clmngn of adjustiiK'Ht, eadly leal tied and practised, execute tho most beautiful and permanent embroidery and ornamental work. In addition to their family mnchluca ihoy Kao alo the IMIMIOYKD UOUUMC LOCK STITCH MACIIIXtfS, making nstlteh nllkonnbotli sides. This Coin pnnv mako both the Lock and Double stitch Ma chines, so that rtrh,t's having a piefereneo can select such ns they Uku best, and if not suited can exchange fur tho other, thus gUlng tho public lho advantage of this arrangement. They also make the newly Invented XO. 1 LOCK STITCH MACI1IXES an advanco upon all maehlneh hereUfore known for sewing with the Lock-Stitch. It Is of great power and sti ength, especially adapted for tailoi s, shoemakers, Uariiess.makcrsloaniai;o-lritiimers nnd for all descriptions of work lo which the lock-Mitch K applicable. It works with equal facility silk, cotton, or linen thiead, and will sew the Ilnest muslin ns well ns lho thickest Nat her, Pileo fso; with Hemmers, $sj. Their No. 0 is t LIGHT JICXXIXG MAVJUXJ: cwtitafnlng many Improvements, adapted for tal loring, vest-making, llsht shoetuakiug, as well as for family sew ing. Jjirgo numhers of ihebo inn chines are In use, and they give uuhei.-al satl faction. Nono who have seen (his maMilne will willingly use tho noisy and itimbrous lock-stitch machines heietoforo in gencial use, PilcoSyi with Hcmmeis, W, Theso machines of every description can bo had ntthoneont's nfileo InJIllooinsburg, at positively tlio manufacturer's prices, to which tho attention of tlio public Is especially ln lied. T. II. MAhTi:U8,.t?fft Jfurtnmn'a Jtuihllng, HLOOMSIIL'IUI, MarC0'C7-Iy.l Columbia County, Pa, JXSU R A N C 10 A O K N C Y . Wyoming JPAOaO Xtnii J,o(j0,m)i) Commcrco imywl Pulton ClM.Oio Italtio SjO.IhiO Putnam 510,00ii MeViluiuU 3tO,n.)0 pringlleld Kn,m (Jcrmania .vm.Ooo Insuranco Company of Htato lVnn'a., .. C'5iiii) Connecticut Mutual Lifo 10,li0i,no Noith American Transit ano.noo I- HE AH UllOWN, Agent, mnrd"C7-ly.l Hi.ooMnuito, Pa, rjmi: SWAN IlOTEIi, TUK riTEIt JIOUSK,) OHANClVILLi:, COLUMIIIA CO., 1 Tbs kiibhcrlbet1 rennecl fntlv tnAirnis iin fi'lends and lho public, that ho has taken tlio uixno well Known noting 01 laiterlaiitmeiii, amt win in1 leaed to nwhe tho custom of all who will lavor htm with a call. III! WILL KLP.P A GOOD TAIILK, a liar well stocked with the bust nf Lluuors, nud every euou win uy inane 10 rt uoer enure saus lacilon, JOHN HNYDPll. oraugevllle, Pa., Maich H, lsJ7-lm, A U O T I O X E E R . HaUii? followed ihe piofcsslon of Public Venduo Ciier lor many yeais, wmtld Inform his friends that ho U sllll hi the held, leady and willing lo attend lo all tbo ilull-s ot his calling. IVr-onn tloKirtiu iiu fervievs should tall or wine 10 mm ul llloomshsrg, pa. imai7, i no vis n HARDWARES CUTLERY. QUARLEH AV. SXYDER, DFAI.KH IN II A R 1) AV A R 12, I HON, NAIUS, HTVAU, AC, AC, AC. MAIN BTRIXT, HLOOMSllUHO, Pi:NNA. Take tht metluwl of Informing tho cltizetnof Co lumbia rauty, that ho hat opened an extensive Hnulwaro store on Main street, In Moomsburg, near Iron street, ami that ho has on hand n i,Aucn:n stock and iuriTi:u ah.stuti:h than ran bo found anywhere elsoln tho county, and which ho Intends to sell at prices which defy competition, CHAINS, AXES, STEEL, IHU. I liavo chains all sles. axo, all mako and lht, steel, Ml sizes, Iron, nil shapow, nnd all very low. nUIIiDr.H'fl II A H 11 A H H, of eery ilescrlptlons. Nails, axl pulloyw, sash cords, latches, locks and knobs, butt sciows,BasH fatts, window ftprlnss, haso knobs, sirup Hinges, hasps and staples, honkf nnd staples, and In fact everything hooded In Unit Hue, COACH A WAOON MA KliHS HAHOWAHK. mbrachu almost every thing In that lino. Also HAUN1WS MAICiltH IIAUDWAHe;, UucklcK, Japanned t buckles, silver plated; bltts orovery lUnd , itAMi-S, Iron; pad trues: llAMl-s, wtMMl saddle trees, gig trees, glrlh web, worsted and cnltnn i thread, silk, awls and needles, tools of till kinds. hiioi:maki:ii'h HAitnwAiin, A full afsorlment forcarpenters. I haveplanes all kinds, saws; hand, pannel, rip, andcompas?, stpta res steel, Iron, and try! boring machines, chlsles, augers, bevel, inattels, brace, gauges plows, rules, hltn, and about eveiytlilhg for car puitlcrs. rou Tiin phoplk oi;Ni;uAiiy Ihaveeoal liuds, coal shovels scoops coal sifters, lont crns.tahle eutlery,tockat cutlery, pluled spoons, plated forks, servers, tea nnd cof fee pntsbutler knives.mlll saws, el oss cut saws, circular saws, naugsnws, Hies, horse shos,wrenuh'c.s,rlets,ham mors hatchets, mathnks, picks, forks, grub hlnchoes, sho els spades, spading folks hoos, raket, bed pins, twine, skates, plows eollln trim mings, iJmcry, led chalk, white thane, vne, horse nails, meat cutters scutes, wahjioards, horse buckets, woixten pnlN, c.lotheb pins, glue, door mats, porch mats, par lor mats, corn poppers, paint biushes, lurso brushes, blelgli hells, heel callcs, enamel ed kettles, brass kettlws, copper kettles, stcwkettles.sauco lions,broad axes, nails, felcdges, curtain fixtures. Thlmbleskeinsanrt boxes, Pumps lral pipe, etc., Tarred ropo and hundreds of articles not ,emi mcrateil constantly on hand at Oil A 11 Id W V. SNYIiKU Main Rtreet, Illoomsburg. DRY GOODS. ri.uK.vr nicDUCTioN ix piticics vji IN MGIIT STKUKT, or AND WIXTIJU OOOD.S. Till' vulwrllier hm Just rwdii d ninl linn on lniHlM liliulilKtnntl In Light Htu i.-l,it largo and M'lt-ft ASSORTMENT OK MKUCII AXDISK purchased at tlio lowest (lsure, and which ho Is let. rmlnfd lo sell on ns moderate terms as can ho procttied elsewhere In Ught Slii'et, ran c.tsn oic for.viuv pjioduci:. His stock consists of LADIES' DRK8S COODS, choicest styles nnd lalebt fashions, Cnliroes, Muslins, Vltujhams, Plannels, Hosiery, Carpets, Silks, Miawls, ri:ady madk ceotiiixu, H itlnetts, CwsHlmorH, Cottonadrs, Kentucky Jeans, AC, AC., AC. Ci R O C 15 R I K S , Qneenswrtre, Cedar ware, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paints, Ac, ROOTS A SHOES, HATS & CARS. In short overjlhlng usuidly kept in n country store. Tho patronage of his old friends and tho public generally. Is respectfully solicited. Tho highest maikct price paid for country pro duee. PITTIUt KNT. Light street, January 1, Im17. .JjER'S STORE. PllPSH AHUIVAL OP SPUING AND SCMMLIt GOOIH. Tho subscriber has Just returned from the cities with another large and select aitment of SPUING AND Sl'MMP.It GOOpM, piitchased In New York and Philadelphia nt Ihe lowest ilguro, and which ho In determined to sell on as moderato terms ns can bo proeund elsO' win re in Uioomsburg. His stock comprise LA DIIlS' DIUS OOODs of the choicest styles nnd latest fashions, toethe with n large Jessort ment of Dry Goods and Gro ceries, consisting of tho following attlclws: Carpets, Oil Cloths, Clolhs, Casshneref, hhawU, 'A Plannels, Bilks, While Gi)d, Linens, " Hoop Skirts, Muslin, Jlollowwaro tedarwaro Quenware, Ilnrdrtato Pools nnd bhoc, Hats and Caps, iIoopNet, Umbrellns, Iooklng-(!lasses, Tobacco, CoflV( HtigorK, IVns, Rlc, Allspice, Ginger, Cinnamon, Nutmegs, ANT) NOTIONS GKNCUALLV. In sliort, everything usually kept In country stores, to which ho IiiWIcn the attention of lho public generally. Thohluhest pi Ice will bo paid for country produce In exchange for goods, K H. MILLKH, Areado Ihilldlng. llluoiiudmrg, pu. jE ROHAN DISE. Nonci: is Hi:nu.JiY givp.n To my filendsand ths public gHncrally, that nil kinds of DRV OOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENSWA RE, NOTIONS, AC, 010 ronklniUly 011 huud and for alo AT HAHTON'S OLD HTAND, lU50Miar.n, uv JAMHrs K. LYPK, 1- Polo Agent for Ui.i IV PmoVI-hatr or LlMr. Lntjlot ontsntly vn hsnd. 'f.M'fl'. MISCELLANEOUS rpilE l'ADDV RUN COAL COJ1P A N Y , op sniciisiiiNNy, rKNXsYi.VAHfi; CAPlTAIi 9100,000. JOHN M. HTACKIIOUHi:, l'rcsldout. C1IAH. A. UOOXII.Hprrelnrjr iuaTriMt.r. inn r.cToiwr John M. Sliildiou, N. U Campbell, (,'bas. A. Uuoiio, CyruaHtuukUuut,, A. M'DotviiU;. or vi vui MAIN Hl'UIIKT, SIUCKSIUNT, PA. Tho lands hold by this Company, cibn oi FOUR HUNDRED AND FORTT- ONE ACRES. and Ixtyfour ierches, of carefully selcetodllind lyln southwest of Wllkos-Ilnrro, Luzerna couu ty, Pa.. In tho western part of the ftrcat Northern or Wyoming Coal liasin. Avery careful and thorough examination rn- eently maln hns prown theso (for tho nlwre) lands to ho tho embodiment of a vast amount of the very best quality ofaulhrnelto coal, having every facility that could bo desired for traut jrtation In nil directions, lho above tract l rosscd by n good road, and alio directly In front, and joining are tho Lackawanna & Mourn burg railroad, and tho Wyoming ennui, thus nx fordlng the very best advantage o( a carrying road and ennal running to tho very mouth of th mines w ithout expense to tho company. The measurement of tho different beds or scams nlrcady developed was caicfully obtained aud added together: tho thickness of thofe sennu, Including tho celebrated "Ited Ash,""lhtek Moun tain," or 'Ornnd Tunnel' vein, Is Ihtrty-ono and half feet, (31JO, every ruble yard of which will Icld a ton, giving a largo amount of Ihu bt quality of coal. TholoeatUiii Is niuh that nil tho veins may h nt and worked to the m fntel itosKlliInndvutitjUTA ahovu wa (or level, and nt much less expense than in bo dono from collet I e operating bolowr wtor level. Tho coal can bo brought to thn surface through drifts or tunneU which drain thownter from th mines and saves the hoisting of tho coal. Ho th ollifthillty of these lnnds for cheap mining It un questionable. Very lately tho "Grand Tunna!" or "Ited AshM vein has been opened, nud is now producing as flno a quality nfcoal as has over been produced In tho anthraclto regions. Th breaker now In operation Is capable of preparing fiom 150 to2iK) tons per day, Tho surface contains nn abundant sujiply of wood and tlmlwr very vn4 uablo for mining purposes, which gives tho traoi the ndvantngo of many other coal lands. The fact that almost all valuable coal lands nro being rapidly tnken up by heavy capitalists or largo cor Iterations, hows that they must steadily nnd greutly rise In the market value, whiln with tha Immenso and constantly Increasing demand for this coal, nnd tho Hall road and North Ilrnuch ca nal, passing by tho mouths of tho mines, through tho Ureal Iron making districts of Uioomsburg, Danville, Duncauuou, Ilarrhhurg, Mlddlotown, Marietta, and Columbia, to tide-water at Havre do tlrace, ono can scarcely conceive of a mora irotltablo or permauant soureo of wealth than may ho found In lauds like these. In order to bo ablo to open their works on k moro extensive phn, this company has placed a portion of their capital stock In market on thf follow lug trims : Any person tid;lng ono or mot shaies of stock nt TEN DO h EARS EACH, will bu entitled annually to a ton of coal at oott at the mine pet-Khare, and any stockholders NOT HLCKIVING THH COAL as aforcsail, to bo credlled on the books of th 'ompany,wlth the dlfl'eieueo between tho cost nud selling pi lee lor each (dure, to bo paid Lefors a dividend shall bt declared. 0. F. KNAPP, Agont. Manh I, Isir;, "7EEE-TR! ED REaIEDIK'?. i Hussell's Itch Ointment, lnnnedlate nn 'i lain cine 21 eta. It is aKn a sine n medv Tor scratches on horaoi. P.usseU'H Salt Ithcum Ointment, Is uncqua- led .yict. IltiMseirH Pile Ointment, cures alter all luher renudlen have failed ?l m Theso ointments aiu cei tuiu. safe, and l tillable speciilcs, as thouwuids h-ive and arc dally certi f Ing. For sale by all Druggists and medicine dealers. General ivpnt, nor, Hhiti:x A Hoiiaht, Wholesale Di uunlsts, '.'II Pulton st (near Green wich. New York, bent by mall; Itch, lac.; H. U, V.j Pile, 51.5a. lmoiPC7-3m, JJAIXES RROS. PIANOS. Till; PIANO OP AMKHICA. Theso Pianos nro unlversntlv acknowloftsed hr eoniprtent Judges equal to tlio best Piano made. Por ieferenei", they have many thousand city and country residents including largo numbers of 111 mmi nciioois, rciMiimrics, ac. Iheso Planus hnu not onlv stood the continual use and heavy praet leo of ono year, hut havo been used the last 11 fieri i years to tno utmost snthfac tlon oi those Using tl.ejn. They have taken premiums nnd medals wher ever exhlblteJ. Such has been tho demand for Pianos, that Messrs. Haines Ilro'u. ha been compelled to enlarge their work to tho extent of '21 to 30 Piano a week. Having now ono or tho most extensive nnd comnlete factories In tho United States, factories alotio covering over three-fourths of nn acroot ground, comprising n iron I ago ot '219 feet on th r vrmic. Thev are undouhtedlv tho ehennest Hrst class IManos lu market. Fully guaranteed for 5 years. Hend for illustrated circular. IIAIM-S JIICO'5., rs, rfio, rwj, wii, sut, sua jsto, :17a marVf7-,m. second Avenue, New ork City. PEEOURET ORCiANS AND MK LODI'ONS. Unanimously awarded iheFlrfct Prize, a Gold Jledal, "js run Jii:sT cjnrynr oiiGAxsr American Institute, New Y'oik, October, 1W. lU'lne: oronounecsl miwrlor in oualltv. nnww and variety of tone, nnd In number of combina tions. "As the best instruments of America wero ther contending, whichever won tho battle would ha v nothing lelt to wnoucr," Amtrtvun Art Journal, (edited by a well-known musical critic.) mey nave him) inueii uio mi premium Wher ever exhibited this season, Pr.iiAi.Oito.AMs, one, two nnd three bank nf key six sizes lo ci,5ui). Without pedals, single ami double lmnk In great variety. 05 to fii. These Oigans, ilh their smooth, plpo-likn (piality of tone, beaut I ltd solo stops, strength of elioius, imequnlh'dpedalu, and general oignn-llk eileetH, nie superior for churches, hnlN, parlors und schooN, They are put up in cases of solid walnut, limey veneered walnut (new and uniquo styles) and elegant rosewood, of splendid designs and finish, nnd of the best workmanship! It ho- Ing intended that each hist nunc nt shall be n model of Its class. All Instiumeuts down to a flue octavo jHirlablo Melodeon,haotlio beautiful nvmoiauie siop, wiinmu exua enarge, v largo assoilment uuistantlv on hand at our General Wholcsalo and Itelall Warerooins, 841 lh nnd way. Our illustrated clrcularandnrlcolIsU. with ntrw stylet, 1110 now ready. Send for a circular. rj.iaji' jiri, I'i'aaon u' Mantifiicturers, No. RH llroadway, mnrS'OT-.tin.l New York city. D. STI EES, 'l i c n n k 1: i a v c t i o n n r. h, ron twr Tnimtr.Mn tennvlvania district, always to bo found nt tho Orangevlllo Hotel, In Orangovllle. Sales of real or personal property attended to promptlA-atul ou rea-souablo terms. Consignment solicited and sold on commission, A shaie of public patronage rofpoetlully solicited, Orang. ille, Pebruiiry 15, 1'toT-im. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. II. LITTLE, " ATTOIlXnr.AI-I.AW, onic-o on Muln fctrci-t, In whlto frumo houir, h low tltn i:vi-lm)so Hotel, niooinsliurx, I'a. -jr E. JACKSON, " ATTnilXi:Y-AT.t,A Iloreklc, Columbia County, l'oun'n, "jr r. TH.vuciii, ATTOHSliV-AMiA V, II. nvlik, CnlumliU County, IVnn'n, A J M. L'VKLLK, ' ATTOll X P. Y-A T-1. A V', Ccntiulln, Columbia County, IVun'n. J)H. W. II. UK.VDLEV, ' laic AksMant Mnllonl Ulrcctor J.S. Army. l-JIVHICIAN" AM SUKGKON, g"OItlrntthu I'mks lintel. Hloonnburs, P. rnlN i-roiiiptly nttcn-liNl to hotlt night ml ! tl!---mhiir; II.