The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 05, 1867, Image 2

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tar Tlio l'rii'ilnu solillors now rwcl vo
seven tcnls a tiny.
iaS-Freemasonry wna Introduced Into
tho United States in 17S0.
jjfiy-Georco 8. Jones, u colored niiiii.
has been elected Constable, In Ulack
btono, Muss. '
JQf It lsnprcat satisfaction to know
that tho earth weighs 1,2.'0,1j;,(i7U,0UU,
000,000,000 tons.
BeSAfow days slnco n hoy In Hnrt
ftCity, Ind., losthls Mis by a grain of
corn in his throat.
Jtffl-A hntchcr in Wheeling, during
tho past thlrty-thrco years has mado
C25 miles of sausage.
tsy Two superstitious negro women
in South Carolina burned up a child,
thinking it was tho devil.
J" Gentlemen attending church In
Columlnis, O., nro Invited by n printed
notice to leavo their tobacco at tho door.
&3r Tho subscription to tho fund for
tho relief of tho South, in Xew York
city, has reached the mini of thlrty-ouu
thousand dollars.
Cffir An Iowa lady had Just recovered
J10,000 damages for domination of her
character by a man who told scandalous
stories about her
S. II. Rowland, night clerk in a
waro houso In Memphis, received news
last Saturday from .England of ids hav
ing fallen heir to an estate of $8,000,000.
fcSy Tho numberof Southern men who
Will bo disfranchised by tho Constitu
tional Amendment is 20,715, thatjboiug
tho number who havoheld ofllco under
tho Confederate Government from Davis
jPaTThe Governor has approved and
signed ablll for tho relief of wives and
children deserted by their husbands and
fathers, in this and other counties, by
punishing tho delinquent with flno or
lay" John Cheney, a hunter of Ad! ron-
Annra ..(t.W.l ...UK ..l.t..l. l.n
claims lie has killed 1,500 deer, 12 otter,
gamo without number. IIo has carried
the pistol thirty-two years.
8 According to a Washington inven
tion, an oxcitod patriot declared, "if the
rebels aro going to bo allowed to rub
over us, then tho blood of tho colored
substitute, for whom I paid threo hun
dred dollars was shed in vain."
aTA Washington dispatch states
that under the Equalization Bounty Bill,
111,000 claims lor additional bounty,
have been filed In tho Sccpnd Auditor's
ofllce, and 100,000 more in tho Paymas
ter General's ofllec. Applications for
bounty are still flowing in at tho rate of
1000 per day.
SQrAnact relative to wciirhls and
measures, fixing n bushel of wheat at CO
pounds; ryoCO; corn (shelled) "(!; corn
(cob) 70 ; corn meal -10 : ;salt (coarse) 7( j '
xalt(ground) 02jsalt(iino)17; barley 47; i
uuts o , uucKwneat ou ; ciovorseeu u i ;
timothyseed -15; turnips Go; onioiiBoO;
peas CO: malt 38; unslackcd llmo 80;
anthracite coal 80 ; bituminous coal 70;
cokc-10; potatoes 50; sweet potatoes 01 ;
flaxseed SO; bran 20; beans 60; dried
peaches 08; dried apples 25. Passed
SSTThc1 pay and allowance of thegen
tleinen who wear stars and shoulder
straps in our army on its peaco footing
General Grant, 818,120; Lieutenant-'
General Shc'rman, $14,811; Major Gen-1
' juuh'ck, t,ur, luajor ueucral
Meade, S7.717; Major-GencralSheridan,
$7,717; Major-Gcneral Thomas, $7,717;
Brigadier-General McDowell, $5,517;
Brigadier-General Ito-ccrans, $5,517;
colonels, $1,000; licutcuant-eolonels, $3,
004; majors, $3,705; captains, $3,01!);
first lieutenants, $2,713; and second
lieutenants, $2,053.
Sr The origin of the portrait of the
goddess of liberty upon our coins is of
great Interest. Mr. Spencer, tho Inven
tor of Spencer's lathe, used by tho
American bank nolo company, was tho
artist who cut tho first die for our Amer
ican coin. Ho cut an exact medallion
of Mrs. Washington, nnd tho first few
coins wcro struck with her portrait.
When General Washingtonsaw thciuhc
was displeased and requested thoflguro
to bo removed. Mr. Spencer altered
tho features n little, and putting a cup
upon Its head, called it tho goddess of
liberty. AVashington was too modest to
allow of man worship or even woman
worship. Yet now-a-days tho Spimier,
Chases, and all tho underlings oftho pa
per money, must stamp their impudent
faces on tho fraudulent coinage. It is
tho ago of progress.
""The Peoples Magazine" is a London
publication issued under thodirection of
"The Society for promoting Christian
knowledge;'' is beautifully illustrated
nnd is filled with tho very best reading
for nil classes. It contains original
stories, historical and biographical
papers, Sketches of llfo and manners,
articles of natural history, and illustra
ted sketches of tho halls, castles, alleys,
cathedrals, country churches etc. of
Certainly wo need not tell many of
our readers that this magazine lias no
oqual In this country, and that It ought
to bo abundantly sustained. Wo know
a dozen females in this to wn who
ought to tako it. It begins with January
1807, and conies at $3,00 a year.
It is republished by Pott & Amery,
0 4t 13 Cooper Union, New York, Send
iwenry-nvo cents for a specimen eonv
JJtteWs Living Age, No: 1101, com
pletes voium .MJU oftho entlro series,
Back numbers cati bo supplied. Boston,
$8,00 a year, Tho lust number is a vory
good one.
The Atlantic Monthly, Tor April.
Contents :
Tho Guardian Angel. Putt IV. By
Oliver Wendell Holmes.
Tho Itcstless. A Poem. By Hiram
Pioneering. Fuels and suggestions that
may tend to a morojust appreciation of
President Lincoln's llfo and character,
By Mrs. Caroline II. Dall. t
Tho United States Sanitary Com
mission. By ltov. Edward Everett
Tho Haunted Wisdom. By T. W.
Katharrtft Morno. VI. By tho author
or "Herman."
Tlmon's Soliloquy, A Poem. By T
Buchanan Bead.
Considerations on University Reform,
By John Fixkc.
Tho Claudiun Emissary. ByThcodoro
Travel In tho United States. By Bay
ard Taylor,
unester J larding, A Sketch of tho
Artist's career.
A Fumlllar Eplstlo to a Friend. A
Poem. By James Russell Lowell.
Adelaide HI, tori.
A Winter Adventure on tho Prairie.
Reviews and LIterarv Notices. I'nli.
llshed by TlcWnor A Fields, Boston. I
Sflrc ((.otmnMiw,
it o. ninr.j-.n, 1 rmT01tM,
iii.oo.vsiititd, i-uiiiAV, a imi Hi a, isnj,
ltrluocrntlc Stnlc Convention.
Tin: DeinncrMlrfttntc Committee, II" moot.
Iiw, on Jnmtnryaitli.nt lliirrlsburir, wloptisl tho
I nllnu Inn resolution t
1st. That tho romtlitr Convention of the pnrty,
or nomlimting n enmlMnto for the Humetno
Jrnrli, 1- hehl nt lliirrllnir, on tho 8KCON1J
Tl'IXDAY OK at'Ni:. MIT, nt twelve o'clock M.,
iniil tliat snM Convention ho cotnpnseil of tho uk
mtl nunilier of tlrlrirntp.
2ml, lit mlilltlnit thereto, It I recninmentleil to
tho Deinoeincyof rniiisylvniiln In POItl'IlWlTIl
elect, In the n.ual ninnner. two ilelruntps, nf re
eounled (million nnil influence In the jutrty. for
ench llenrcRontntlve niul Hennlor In their re-o-lectKe
illslilrt. who sltnll meet In Jl ASH CON'.
VKNTION, ill n tlnv to bollxrtlliy
!' I nniriniin 01 ,oe riiue eoinu oioiooiee.
Ur orilcr of the lh'inocrtitle Htnte Committee.
n. L. TonATEK, Secretary.
PIDITY? During the past two months wo hnvo
presented many articles which cxpo:od
the deceptions and knavery of tho fac
tion of conspirators In Congress, who
have overthrown tho Federal Constitu
tion by which tho States of our Union
wcro formed into n grand republic, and
on Its ruins havo attempted to establish
a worso than Turkish despotism. It is
now time that wo should have some
plain talk with tho people, who aro ex
hibitingitmost wonderful apathy, while
the most notorious political charlatans
in the country nro depriving them of
every right whiclwteiuls to enoblo free
born men.
Can it bo credited that constitutional
liberty tho only real liberty which
men in civil communities can enjoy
Is not valued by tho American peo
ple? Call It bo possible that men
who have inherited the most liber
al Institutions which the world has ov
er known caro not for them, and aro
content to sit still while mercenary vil
lains reduce them to a condition of tho
most abject servitude? Nay, is it cred
ible that American citizens havo voted
for their own enslavement and glory in
their debased condition? Wo nro
nwaro that there aro many intelligent
men among us who speak In blltcrtoncs
of censure eoncerninlug tho monstrous
usurpations of tho squad of traitors who
call themselves Congress, and arrogate
to themselves all tho powers of govern
ment, but in any thing ilone, in uny tie
monstration nuule, to resist tyranny f
Do those who cherish the Constitution
and desire its restoration talk as Patrick
Henry did lcs than a century ago, pr
do they act us Washington, Hancock,
Adams, Jell'erson, and their compeers
did, when their civil rights wcro invad
ed? One fact is now manifest beyond con
troversy. It is that tho Americans of
tho present day either ilo not know the
lUffcrcnce between, freedom and slavery or
that they have not the courage to defend
their dearest rights.
Is it not strnngo that men who would
shoot a foot-pad rather thnnglvo him
their pocket-books will remain passive
whilo greater scouiitlrcls rob them of
all that makes life dcsirablo to high-
minded men ?
Hero is a question which we should
Hko to havo candidly answered at the
present timo: WHAT DOES THE
RESENT? It would be the most hollow mockery
to pretend that it represents tho great
"Union of sovereign States," which in
former years wo proudly called tho best
government the sun ever shono upon;
and to be consistent wo should craso tho
stars from tho bluo field and substituo
tho crescent, tho ensign of tho infidel,
Turkish despotism ; for our country Is
now ruled by outlaws, who havo no re
spect for law, decency, nor religion.
Havo tho American people prido? Aro
they content to allow tho most notori
ous thieves and scullions in tho land to
destroy all that their fathers toiled
through a seven years war to win, nay
all that their ancestors for ages had been
striving to gain? In tho recent war
hundreds of thousands of men marched
to their death, following "stars and
stripes." Tiioy had been urged to en
ter tho army by tho oft-repeated asser
tion that tho war was for tho pres
ervation of the Union. What Union?
Did, they supper that "tho old flag"
for'whlcli they wero called to sacrifice
their lives was tho ensign of a new des
potism ? How shall wo look in tho rec
ord of history which wo nro making?
Will it not appear that the glory of those
who established our now lost republic
lias been eqaled by tholKv-cncss of those
who have allowed harpies and vultures
to destroy it ?
Thcro many nmonght us who find
somo compensation for tho loss of their
own freedom In tho gratification which
vengeanco upon tho defeated peoplo of
tho South affords them ; but Is undent
able that tho men of that section ex
hibited unusual courago In tho strugglo
for their independence. Can men oftho
North oxult while they show that they
havo not tho manliness to defend their
undoubted rights?
Tho people ofour country must pre
pare themselves to hear somo very tils
agreeable truths, and men of lutellt
genco cannot too Hion begin to recog.
nlzo tho fact that thoy nro Ixcxcitsablo
lftheyinaUo noeflbrt to break tho chains
which crafty villain's nro forging for
Ix tho present pleco of a Congress no
less than seventeen States aro unrepre
sented. Ten nro destroyed nnd nro now
governed by military commissions;
although by our sygtcm of Govern
ment, tho military Is subordinate to tho
civil power. It was upon that pretext
General Jackson was fined nt New Or
Tun Act to prohibit fishing with nets,
seines, etc., in Big Fishing Creek has
passed finally. It does not prevent
fishing with baskets.
Tho proposed law to prevent fishing
in ourslream with poisonous bait has
pawn the H'r-i.
We havo beforo us n copy of. ihe Col
umbia County Republican, which claims
to be, nnd for aught wo know Is, tho
organ of tho radical negro suffragcltcs
of Columbia County. Wo pro'poso to
show tho reading public, as wellns wo
can without soiling our columns with
Its profanity nnd obsccnlty,thocharactcr
oftho paper which tho proprietors offer
to their patrons, nnd to tho children,
wives nud families of our citizens. As
wo may find it iniposslblo to do Justice
to tho subject without trenching some
what upon our established rules, wo beg
pardon ofour readers In ndvance, for
nny breach of decorum which wo may
bo forced to commit.
In a suppositious letter written to
himself, hodirects himself to "Glvo 'cm
h ." nnd talks of "mean cusses."
Tho editor don't tlrink, except when ho
can got somebody to treat him, nnd he
Is mean enough to publicly ask n gen
tleman of Danville, who, he says, sent
him threo subscribers, with tho cash, to
treat him, when ho next comes to
Bloomsburg. To somebody who threat
ens to stop his paper, tho editor saj's ho
"don't caro a d " for certain parties
who opposo his headlong course.
But wo desire moro especially to call
tho serious attention of heads of fami
lies to tho most infamous character of
tho advertisements with which ho fills
his columns.
The wonderful woman who for fifty
cents will send you a portrait of your
wlfo or husband, together with a de
scription of character, etc. Tho very
Important circular, which is to give
special Information to'tho young of botli
sexes ; The celebrated female astrolgist,
who for tho Insignificant feo of ono dol
lar will marry you, make your fortune
reveal your secrets, restore your mis
tress; The sufferers for all sorts of beast
ly dissipations, who havo been treated
by "quack doctors," for ono dollar arc
to bo restoied; Tho Psycometrieian
who falls into a tranceand looksthrough
you and who will for fifty cents and a
lock of your hair, tell who you nro to
marry; Tho Lccturo to Young Men, in
a sealed cuvolopo; and tho friend of
humanity, whose exertions in favor of
misguided men aro of tho most broth
erly nature ; not to speak of humbug
hair dyes of various kinds and prices;
aro welcomed to tho columns .of this
miserable llepuliliean.
The examples wo havo given are all
taken from a single copy of tho paper,
and it is a fair sample of tho fifty-two
they print yearly. And yet that pa
per, debauched and degraded as it is,
lias its place upon tho centre tablo of a
majority of tho Republican families in
tho county. Wo trust that no Demo
crat permits it to defllo Ids household.
Impure and profane as tiro its teachings
and tendencies, it should bo shunned by
every man who has a regard for his fam
Wo will not further enlarge on so dis
gusting a topic. It was duo to ourselves
and to the community that this thing
should be expo-ed ; and hnving per
formed that duty, wo do not now In
tend over to return to tho subject.
An act to regulate the granting of Licen
ses to Holils and Mating Houses.
Section- 1. That when an application
is mado to any court of quarter sessions
of this Commonwealth for licenso to
sell intoxicating drinks, it shall bo law
ful for said court to hear petitions, in
addition to that of tho applicant, in fa
vor ol, anil remonstrances against tho
application for such license, and, in nil
cases, to refuso the samo whenever, in
tho opinion of said court, having due
regard to tho number nnd character of
tho petitioners, for nnd against such ap
plication, such license is not necessary
for tho accomodation of tho public, and
cnlcrtainmcntof strangers nnd travelers,
and upon sufficient cause being shown,
tho said courts shall have power to re
voko any license granted by them ; and
all laws Inconsistent with this section
aro hereby repealed: Provided, That
tho sureties in tho bond required of tho
applicant for license shall be signers to
his petition.
Section 2. That applications for li
censo to keep an eating house, beer
houso or restaurant, authorizing tho sale
of domestic wines, malt and brewed
liquors, shall hereafter bo mado in tho
same manner nnd to tho samo authority
as application foi licenso to keep a ho
tel : U'rovided, That tho regulation in
relation to bod-rooms and beds shall not
apply to applicants for an eating houso,
ueer iiousoami restaurant dlccnso; and
tho tenth section oftho act of twentieth
April, ono thousand eight hundred and
fifty-eight, authorizing county treasur
ers to grant an eating houso or retail
brewery license, is hereby repealed.
Suction 3. No licenso to keep an eat
ing house, beer houso or restaurant.
under tho provlsons of second section of
tills act, sliall be granted in nny incor
porated city, for a less sum than fifty
dollars, nor elsewhere for a" less sum than
twenty dollars.
Sixrriox l. If any person, after tho
passage of this act, shall sell spirituous
and vinous liquors, domestic wines,
malt or browed liquors, without having
obtained a licenso authorizing him so
to do, such persons shall, on conviction
in tho court of quarter sessions, bo lined,
for tho first offenco, in nny sum not less
than fifty nor moro than two hundred
dollars, and for tho second, or any stib
spqent otl'ence, such person shall bo fined
not less than one hundred dollars, and,
In tho discretion of tho said court, bo
Imprisoned in tho county jail not less
than thirty days, nor moro than ninety
days i Provided, That nothing in this
net shall bo construed to repeal tho pro
visions of tho net of Assembly, pased
March thirty-first, ono thousand eight
hundred and llfty-slx. relating to bales
by druggists anil apothecaries.
Section 0, That tho provisions of
mo nrsi section oi tins net snail not ap
ply to tho city of Philadelphia or to
tho county of Allegheny: Provided,
That nothing in this act shall authorizo
tho granting of licenses to hotel nnd
Inn-keepers to vend vinous, spirituous
and malt liquors, and to licenso beer
houses, eating house anil restaurants,
In nny locality whero llcensingof hotels,
Inns, beer houses, eating houses or rev
tnurnnts is now prohibited by law.
End of Negro Suffragoites !
Tho election In Connecticut on last
Monday, resulted In tho success of tho
Democracy by a magnificent majority.
In nddltlon to electing JAMES E. EN
GLISH, Governor; wo havo elected
threo out of four Congressmen, twclvo
out of twenty-ono Senators, and tho
Democrats cloltA tho House.
Tho last heard of Barnuni, ho was
urging tho Woolley Horso at tho top of
his speetl toward tho head waters of
Salt River, with P. John nnd Sambo,
In tho back ground looking onln de
Vote next week.
Tho second speech of General Butler,
on tho Surratt murder, which wo print
on our outside, is startling by Its slguill
enncy of deception. Wo propose to ills-
cuss the question In tho light thrown
on It by Butler's charges and Bingham's
denials; and If it fixes tho guilt of
Lincoln's assassination upon prominent
Radicals, It is the fault of the facts, and
not ours.
It cannot have been forgotten, that
at tho timo of tho assassination, Presi
dent Lincoln was suspected of n feeling
of leniency and amnesty and forgive
ness toward tho rebels." It will bo re
membered also, that Chaso and
Wade and Sumner, and other promi
nsnt Radicals opposed his rc-nomina-tlon,
and got up the Cleveland Conven
tion ; and wero only driven to his sup
port nt last, by the calculation of tho
chances In favor of his election nnd
lastly, it is equally well known that
Vice President Johiison,wasthen classed
with tho bitterest Radicals in the land,
and tho clergy made tho occasion ono of
special exhortation, ns to tho servant
whoso work was done, and who had
been called to his reward In good time.
It was not tho first timo tho Radicals
had talked of displacing President Lin
coln. Early in the war, and beforo they
had fully broken him into their meas
ures, they began to cast about for tho
coming man ; and when tho conflict of
arms was over, it became a necessity of
tho situation to be rid of him. Ho was
not In the way of tho conservatives,
nor of tho restoration of tho Union ;
but ho in tho way of Radical pro
gress, as they stylo progress.
It was then that Bootli undertook tho
abduction of tho President, but it must
havo been at tho instigation of some
men of moro political consequence than
any whoso names have so far been cer
tainly connected with tho crime. That
abduction was changed to murder, also
at tho instigation of somo ones who
wcro to profit by tlio change. Now,
Booth's Diavy says that ho propood to
return to Washington, and glvo himself
up, anil clear himself of thisgrent crime.
Ilow clear himself, except by exposing
ills employers? Ho did not live to re
turn, and when his Diary came Into tho
hands of Stanton, ho read it, and Gen.
Butler Intimates that tho War Depart
ment mutilated tho book, by cutting
out eighteen pages. Those pages havo
never seen tho light, probably they
never will. But their ubsenco proves
these things.
First That President Johnson had
nothing to do with the assassination or
tho abduction of Mr. Lincoln. Had it
been otlicrwiso, tho Comniltteo which
has been raking tho country for nearly
two years to find evidence to Impeach
ldm, would havo used Booth's Diary to
furnish tlio testimony.
Second Jefferson Davii is nlo free
from implication in tho death of Mr.
Lincoln. And tho samo argument that
acquits President Johnson, proves Mr.
Davis innocent.
Third Thcro was nothing in tho Dia
ry to convict Mrs. Surratt, or It would
havo been used for tho purposo of man
ufacttuing popular sentiment, if not
for legal evidence.
Tho conclusion is Inevitable. Those
who mutilated tho book had tui object
not to screen President Johnson, Mr.
Davis or Mrs. Surratt, but to protect
themselves. And thoso who needed
protection, wero those who desired tho
death of Lincoln.
In glancing over tho broad streams
and small rivulets, tho mind does not
always recall tho various changes pro
duced In this cool and health giving el
ement, when subjected to different sur
roundings. Whon water is heated to
two hundred and ten degrees, (Fnhren
holt's Thcrniometor) nt tho level of tho
sea, It expands almost ono-twelve-hun
dredth of Its own bulk ; raising it two
degrees higher, it bolls overcoming
tho pressuro oftho atmosphere. If wn
ter Is exposed to tho Sun, nnd n dry at
niosphcro, when tho Thermometor
stands at ninety or over, or oven nt
much lower temperatures connected
with a moderato wind, It soon saturates
tlio air, which in turn produces show
ers. Tlio law of Chemistry declaring
"tho expansion of matter proportional
to tlio augmentation of temperature,'
Is not npplicablo to water, slnco that
body diminishes In bulk when passing
IntOhteatn; and thohcat being Increased.
At thirty-two degrees water becomes
Ice, tho flakes of which, form angles of
sixty and ono hundred and twenty;
thcso tingles increaso In number as tho
temperature decrease', until finally
thcro Is so much light reflected from
thoso nngles as to glvo that body tho
hppearanco of snow. Ice Is less denso
than water, henco It swims In that fluid
soon forming n shlold to tho latter, pro
tecting It from tho cold, nnd preventing
it rroui rrcezing to tho bottom.
Water, like solids, gives out heat
when passing from high to low temper
ature, and llko transparenUollds, it re
fracts light, causing objects seen in It to
appear where they are not.
When water Is decomposed Into Its
elements Oxygen and Hydrogen, by
means of tho Galvanic, Battery, its O.V
ygen appears at tho positive polo, whllo
tho Hydrogen is given off nt the nega
tive. By collecting theso gases' and
burning them, wnter Is reproduced. In
burning Oxygen and Hydrogen In tho
proportions of ono of tho former, to
two of tho latter, (by quantity) tho
most Intense heat Is given off, melting
Platinum so rapidly that It runs llko
water. By tho Inhaling of Oxygen, bad
colds may bo gotten clear of. Hydrogen
being much lighter than common nlr,
rises rapidly In It nnd on this nccount
Is used for Balloons. Nature, in her
largo laboratory, has formed from these,
(and ono or two other gases,), nil kinds
of vegetables, by slightly varying these
proportions, whilo art has decomposed
ilietn, testing to n certainly, their com
positions. V. H. W.
Mount Pleasant.
In tho early part of thomonth of Au
gust last a girl named Eliza Drummond
nbout eleven years ofnge, whoso parents
Iivo hear tho town of West Monroe, in
tills county left her homo ono morning
for tho purposo of picking berries, nnd
novcrieturned. Themost diligent search
was made for her by tho parents and
neighbors, but no.traces could bo found.
Tho event,whlch created a profound sen-
satIonntthotInie,had almost ptisscdfrom
tho niiuikofullsavothostrickcn parents
when it waspninfttllyrecalled by nreccnt
occurrence. On Tuesday last live or six
lads went out hiinlingin tho vicinity,nnd
during theday camo upon a spot wherea
largo number of blacksnnkcswerodiscov
ercd andkilled. Tho appearance of the
reptiles In such numbers and at this sea
son ofthoyear, was considered remarka
ble, and it wns suggested by ono of tho
party thftt a breeding den must bo some
where near. A search wasimmediately
commenced, which resulted in n manner
fardlfi'ercnt from their expectations.
In thesidcof alittlchlll nearthoedgo
of a swamp was found a sort of opening,
which in tho summer wns concealed by
tall grass and bushes. In this opening
was foumlnhuman skeleton, from which
every particle of ilcsh had been taken.
The bones whero as whitoas ivory and all
perfect. Near by was a tin pail in a rust
ed condition, and a tin cup. Tho boys
wcro terribly frightened, and gave tho
alarm. Tho reniaiuswcretakcnfrointhc
mouth of tho den, and nn examination
sliowedthattlioplacehad been, nnd prob
nbly now wns, n breeding place for black
snakes. Tho boldest hesitated to enter.
Tho entrancowhichwas largo enough for
tho admission of a man's body, grew
smaller and tended downward. Lighted
balls of hay soaked in keroseno wero
thrown into tho cavity, and in less than
fifteen minutes eighty-two snakes, rang
ing in length from one and n-half to four
feet, werekilled.
Tlio pail and cup were recognized by
Mr. and Mrs. Drummond as thoso taken
by their child when she went away for
tlio fast time. Tho physicians pronoun
ced tho remains tlioso of a female child,
nud there can bo no doubt that tho poor
littlegirl, whilepickingbcrriesin the vi
cinity of tho spot, became tired, seated
herself in tlio shado of tho opening to
tins horrid den was attacked by tho rep
tiles in numbers nnd killed. Tho discov
ery has shocked the whole community.
OurgnUY, V.) Palladium.
There aro fifty-five daily papers in
New York State.
rilllndtlililn Markela.
Wkunesoav, Apt II 3.
Gltoci'.Rir.1?. Coffeo continues scarce;
small sales of Rio are reported at 21 Jcper
lb currency. In sugar thcro is littlo or
nothing doing.
Fi.ouit. Tlio market continues very
brisk. About 1,200 bbls hold in lots to
tho homo trade including
NorthucMern hiipcrflnoiit 6.00.3 8.5A
Northwestern exlra o.oOf-i 10..rjO
Noltliwestem family l.TMm
Pennsylvania ami Western Mliiorllno... SWh U.wi
Pennsylvania aul Western extia '.dotf'.lo.w)
Pennsylvania anil Western lamlly ll'.tnk".! I.ot)
Pennsylvania aiut Western fancy ll.'jUetlT.nd
11 e flour 7.V)
Wheat of prime quality lias been in
good demand, and holders aro firm in
their views. Wo quofo Pennsylvania
red at $3.15g3.25; Southern do. at $3.00
(V 3.15, and white at $3.1GC? 3.20 ; Prima,
Ryo ranges nt nbout $1.45. In Corn
no imprvm't. with sales of 7,000 bus. at
$1.10 and $1.11 for yellow, nnd $1.15 for
white. Oats aro selling at G7(,70e. Tho
receipts to-day areas follows: 1,800 bbls
Hour; 1,750 bus. wheat.; 0,100 bus. corn,
2,750 bus. oats.
Provisions Continue very dull, but
prices nro unchanged. Small sales aro
making at $23.50 per barrel for new
moss. Mess beef ranges from $21.25(Tr,
$23 for Western and city packed. Dress
ed hogs sell nt SJfcOe. Smoked hams
aro steady at 15(,l7e ; pickled do at liltjf
13Jc. Smoked shoulders nt lllle,
and salted do at 8i(',0Je. Lard sells at
13(?il31e ? lb for prlmo In bbls and tier
ces. Seeds Clovcrseed is in fair demand
and 4110 bushels wero sold at from $10.50
(n'Sl 1.00 per bus, tho latter rato for choice
timothy sells at $3.50 and flaxseed at
$3.10(i$3.12 per bus.
Cattle market. Beef catllo wero
very dull this week, and prices wcro
un-ettled and lower. About 1,300 head
sold at tho Aveiuio Drovo-yardut prices
ranging from 17al8e for extra Petiusvl
vnntannd Western steers; lOalOlo lor
fair to good do, nnd leper 1 for
common, ns to utmlitv. Tho market
closed very dull wlthlutho abovo rango
of prices. Cows wero unchanged. Sheep
wero 111 unr ucnianu. nogs wero null
and lower.
Cows. Wero unchanged; 200 head
sold nt $5IU75 for springers, and $(i0a90
per head for cow nnd calf.
.Sheep. Wcro in fair demand; 7,000
head sold at OaOJc per lb, gross, as to
1 Ions. Wero dull nnd rather lower ;
3,700 head sold at tho different yards, nt
rom $10all per loo lbs, nett.
Murltet llcport.
Wheat per bushel
Itya "
Corn "
flour er barrel
nrM Apploi
Wiles irtiil Shoulder"
liul per pound
Hoy per ton
$3 T5
. 1 10
, in no
. 7 (
. 2 2i
. ;
. a
, ; so
Si l
Pnymonts to tho COLUMBIAN for
Mnroh, 1Q07.
AM1..II A fn..
tit Hi lElMm Wbllmoj or 2 M
lleorgo Mlllor
HI1 Peter I'lsber
(Ml .Mosch Daxls
2 lal
2 110
2 00
2 110
win. 1 eager,
llpitl. Wntrlier. '2
l IP Trlvellileie
00 Ucicmlali Stout
HO Adam (labia
(j 'I'ut (ilhson
Am Yrki, a
j a rut . . -i
Abraham Manning 'i
.lohu Younx 1
2 TO
in :t M Itelchvldcrfer'.' Mi
(i (John Ando o 00
All I II Hlilltll 2 no
Andrew .Mamson -1I
Peter Jlourur '2
Hainuel Creasy 2
mi Iw A Thomni W
W (l II Thomas tf
m Samuel Prltz 2 l
00, Illramllltleiibender2 00
00 Vhallcs Neyhalt AO
orsamucl Ilruglur 2 00
t t ItOlMI
V .1 llemleritliot 1
N 11 Creasy '2
Hainuel Nuss 2
Hamuel Smoyer 1!
J II Heller 2
Charles (Iruver 2
Michael lllshlluo 2
Philip Wilson 2
00, C It (llitou
On Wm Ent
(m,!M llrnrle
On Wm niclerlek
on Ir.tltWMIllcr
00, Philip Creasy
noJTJ Vnndersllco
Km hlanies Emmett
uo 1 1 mm Derr
(W ,1'iedcrick Derr
00, minions Adams
(fliJames Adams
do John Richard
fiO, ,JainesCadmnn
00 Est Ellr. lllchurds
00 lAdam Utt
01 sllas Mcnstngcr
00 ,.l (I Pi cere
on IPS Harmon
(HI .1 P Pmvler
00 Ezra Runyttii
On, J .1 llobblns
on 1.1 M While
on ,(! W Animerman
m 'W II miotics
do (ic Knhlerjr
(hi i.lacoh rishcr
oo Aaron Hess
.V) It K'Adams
oo Ell llnitiniin
CO 'a II Patterson
Mi ,(!en W H Ent
do lllcnry ltoscnstook
2 00
2 (10
2 00
0 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
(I (10
2 00
2 00
10 OO
2 00
2 00
2 00
a oo
2 00
1 00
MM Miller i
Wm William"! 2
s s iu ry l
Mo-cs Everett 2
Isaac M'lllldo 2
Win (loodman 2
DRAlheltsou 1
(leorgo Ilassert 2
Wm llohlson 2
Win Plsher
,1 C Hum an i
Anron Mnkleller 1
l.racl Mumma 4
1) II Montgomery 2
John Esslck 2
.loin. Krenmer a
Peter Wullli 2
Powel Klrkendall 2
Hugh M'Collum 1
Est Ijumli l'iedlur a
fillips 2
CCJIarr " 2
II II Winlerstein 2
WHSmllb 2
Charles Iteeil
Wm M'llrldo 2
.lacoh Kreamer
Jesso Merielo
CDRohhlns.kt'o II
H.I I'aux 2
Wyoming Ins Co 10
l-'reas llrown 2
.1 .1 1-rulcuir 1
W.iliiliot I
2 00
2 U)
2 (10
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 IW
I 00
2 00
2 00
2 .VI
Jonathan snoop
.Samuel snyitcr
.loMoin ii Long
Nathan Miller
Ecklcl Prllz
M A Annuel man
Philip I.ltchaid
John llllllielin
2 UO
2 Ml
2 00
1 no
2 on
1 on
2 oo
'j no
2 00
2 00
1 on
2 Oo
1 00
Am?l .shoemaker
Win Whfti.
wrMurphy'slsuns!! ()'
Iiculs Graham 2
Rohelt Vincent 2
John W Keller 2
Jacob Relulcy 2
DICHloau 2
Klouu ii Millard 2
Augustus Everhnrt 2
J V Kceler 2
II Itcrnlnger 2
II Zimmerman 2
W P lllbersoll 2
on I Edward Stout
on (Win Dnrlln
on Wm M'Keo
00 P W.Davis
(10 lA Wagner
lai ulohii Allen
.W s I) ltlmby
0O A Tllvelplccu
on i H metier
00 i
lli:iA'ia-I.OX(!-n UieTlll tilt., lit tho Olobo
Inn, In (lellysbiug. by Hit. Ilev. I). W. Wolil,
.Ml. sjoionion j iciwig. oi itunwisxa. to .missiso'
phla Long, of Snyder county.
3D I D .
SrtWAX In Cntuwlvu, on llio 20th ult., Miir
tli.i, (liuiLjtiti'rnf Suluitiiinaml irtmmih Sliumim,
niri-il sixteen jcais, bevcu months, ami lour
ttuj s.
INARY. The nvil Term of this Institution
will commence on .W.XDA V, Al'Kll. lVn, lst-7.
Tuition per term of eleven weeks from $4,00 to
0,50. Hoard In good Iambics per week. S-'l.
II. 1). WAl.KElt, Principal.
OrangcvlUe, April .", si!7-3t,
11. 1,. 1$. KL1XK,
frrruluntp of .Tcflrrhnn CoUcuo. l'hil
mU'lpliln, havlnR pi'imimeiitiv locatcii, oilers his services to tho cltlens nf CuttuvNii
and vicinity. Ulllee on Main street, second door
eui oi creaky v jonn h jiuiiuiii. iipr-jtM-mu,
J Hon for oniccrs of the Cntawlsn Ilrldne Com
puny for the cniiing ear, will bo held at tlio
pllhlle house ol .1. II. Kistlcr, 111 the lown of Cat-
aw Ksa, on Jioiuht!, the A'um ihiji of Mai, 1WI7. be.
tween the boms of onu and four o clock, r. M,
(ttaivt,i Ilrhlne OJJlcc, Sceretaiy.
Apill .", 1MI7. j
i- in nriM Nrn'i'ir'i.' Tin.' iui.'i
cut ami Directors of the Catawlssa llrldgo
Coiupatiy hae Ibis day deflated a dividend of
tlirr-o per cent, (sevonty.flvo cents pr share) on
II c capital klock of tlio Company, intyablu to the
siockholtleis or iho legal representatives, on or
Ottaulitm itrtdue 0lcc. I Treasurer.
April 3, lsi.7.
Having taken possession of this well-known
bouse, so long kept by Samuel Ereretl, Iho Pro
nrletorliasputiult permanent repair and lurnUh
eil IIAIl AND LARDER with tbeeholeest liquors
and newest delicacies. His stable is not excelled
In tho county; and uo pains will bo spared lo
utuuiiiuiim.iKi BurBii. pipr-J 0
J AC. AC. ill
M A K U F. CT C It E ri.S OF
I'laix .i.vj j'Axcr co.n:crioxi:nr,
anii in:Ai.niis in
Exchango lllock, llloomsburg, Pa.
1'IGS, 1)01.1.1, AC,
of all kinds.
B- All orders piomptly attended lo. -i9
Tho undersigned having formed a copartner
ship under tho nainn nnd llrm of A
WniMKYKit, w 111 continue tit the "Old Stand" tlio
business of confectionery, fruit, nuts, Ac,
llloomsburg, April n, 167.
4f Of n Silver Medal
Srth N. II. 6Ut Agricultural
Jl Alt JtfCTT'H
Vegetable Hair Restorative
ittiiorfi uray iiiirw .' natural rolor. I'ro-
inuici mr EPiwin oi uiB 11 nr. Clianpi't In
iw i iu uicir onuuiAi oriaiiic BCtum. 1 rail,.
raiei iMnuruli mt Humor. IVtvrntt
Jlnlr TULaiIIaJ vuh JRMt)eilOr VtHlkUlg tfk
i rnmtiinN no iiijiinuiia. incrrdieufi, A 7
tiul I tlirmoit iuUrBiil it II- rXf
can, him. jOftH aud
J. R. BARRETT & CO., Propriflton,
rfcoMl.y I X. MOVER, Bloomsburp, Ta.,
nnd Prugciitr. wniri-lly.,
"oun own"
Superior tu the ninny I'uU'iit noMriuns flooding
tins rountry,
A delightful comitouud for whilciiliiL, beaut t
fylntr, uiitl tjofU'iihiK tlui MUii, will iviiiuvn
c-rfaiu U'UU'dy for rhapiiud and fiorc llpn nnd
liatuls.asnn application to nitaiH'ous trm
tloiu. It hus no tuiml, Trfrftai i-ciiU irho.
at JiUMnutMnorrH.
Contulnlna no uhUky ur other Intoxicating
inifu-dii'tits, a pleasant and etlVctiial lenit ily
for DyepfpMa, loss of appetlU', low uphits,
dt-hllily, dcraiiKomcntfl of iho licr, etc Ho.
Try It. Tint llottles 00 cent each, nt
itAUSAM or iiounnoran,
AMifr. fcpeedy and certain cur for couhs
coMm, houihcni-st 'U'., etc., urnmlliii; JuiiiuhII
nta relief In all nttectlonn of tlui throat nnd
luugfi, U had no count, IViceHleenti, at '
shampoo UQrin,
I'nr clcnnins tho head and ri iivivins dandrufi;
ptevcnttiiK Jomi (if hair and dlKcnt. or the
scnlp, hy icmovln tJiu vnu-v, I'rlco i" cmtM,
'it JILNDKHrtllorm
fiTo rAUMi:ns animjok8i:sii;n
Hi;ttiN' an!) fiwrrsY Iinami:nt. Tho innst
clllcnciuusnpntlcntlon tu uso for i-ptalunniid
MvyllliiK, iHiiUrfi, r-pavtn, rliiKl'iu hprlnu
'4t. loundcred h-t t, culls, munc, etc.. etc.
Trice W cent per Initio, nt
All tlio above prcparntloim nrrnatul onlv nnd
forMiioi.y m;Nli:usiioiT.
l'r "7 Main Urcoi, Uloouihbuiij, i'n.
joux n. ruKK.K,
ATTOItN j: V-AT-r(A W,
onlcplu li1r and IVcoHtir'i oilhe, in the
h.ieinft tf thtfCuuil Home, nioMhnbur, I'n.
.LV'HMtiii nivi.s tonll leKnt.ed, crtdltor iiA
olhcr purNOiiH ItttcreKtrd In Iho t-Mntea of u,0 re,
tpi ctlvci deeeniteiitfi and minor, thai the folio.
InandmliilHtialloH mid vunrdhm ntccutitu luiv
hi en Hied in thunillifnf Iho lteijlMteroM:uiuinhu
connlv, and will ho presented Tor contlrmniion
undnllowanco In tho OrphatiH Court, to bo hfiltl
In llhMiuiHburu, In Hie county nforeftnkl, on Wru
fI-si , till. J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 JA Ul i.l , JJ7 is
Uvuo'i hx lc in tttonfternoon of mild dny. 1 1
1, Aeenunt of John 1C, (lrntr,'iilnilnlMrutor.,f
v(Mtv:i i ii, .liiiiur. luiu oi mown ww miup, Ut-cM
2. Account of .John L Mer8, ndiniiiKtintorof
Henry Dyer, Into oflloarlnBcieelc towii8hlp,dic',
3. Account of Mlelmol redeintrnhd Mnry Mow.'
vv, ndmltdstrntor of Mich net Mowry, lat of
(, Account of Johiivm If, Ikcler, ndmluiitrn.
lor of Hoswcll Hmlth. Into of Urcciiwoud trtWn.
ship, dee'd.
5. Aecnunl of Theodom Welllver,ndinliilitrtof
of Win, 11. Velller, laid uf MndUon towtublr.
ucc n,
(l. 1'lrwt nnd tltinl account of Ituuben VIICin
Kuariliatior Win. W . U cs, minor child ufUtnrlu
Lv, dce'd.
. 7. J'lrNtnhd flnitl neccmnt of Reuben Wilion
cmirdlnu or James 11, Ues, minor ehlld of (JUa!
di eM.
8. rirst and fluid aeenunt of Thomns Utecc, M
mtttlstrator of John Itciiee, Into of Ureemfood
U. First nnd final u cam lit of Kilns and Kiiihmji
Conner, adinlulttiatoiH of Sntuuel Conner, lu
of Uritugo tvw nship, dee'd,
10. Second account of Jncob and Washington
Yener, ndmlnhtlatori of John Vcugur, lute of
lioetift tolithlp, dee'd.
11. Aeenunt of David It, Ilowcr, cunrdlnu of Jer
cinlnli Muwiey, minor ihlld of Mlclinul Mowror,
12. Account of Jesse Hofrmnn, administrator of
Wllllnm I loll man, lute of Centre loiithlp(Uvc'J.
13. Account of Hnmttel Hldlny.nnd Wm. J. HM
lay, ndmiulstrnton of Win. llldlay, latoof CVu
tro towiinhlp, ilcu'd.
II. Account of James W. Kllclii-n. ndmtnUtrntor
of Sin mi el Kitchen, luto orMuguiloaf toniuhlp,
15. Aeiouutof Henry Detonir, ndmlnlntrntor of
l'eter Dcloitfj, luto of Centre township, dcc'U.
Id. Account of A. J.Ktonn, administrator of Mrs,
Muiy HI hk". Into of Itlooin township, elee'd.
17. Account nf John Trembley, pun id Inn of Jm
1. Tiump, minor child of Henry Trump, dee'd.
IS. Account of John Trump, guni-dlnn of Charles
Trump, minor child of Henry Trump, dee'd.
Ii). Account of John Hhumnn, executor of lMor
Hehmlclc, late of Heott township, Uce'd.
JO, I'lrst nccount of lVtcr Knt, administrator of
lliumat W, You tig, In te of Jucltnon tow nshlp,dec'd
'Jl, l'lnal aer-ouut of Cyrus Uobblnn, executor of
Daniel Mucker, late of. l'Mdugereek township,
22. Account of John V. Couiwr nnd Gcorffo Con
ner, executoisof 'Ihomas Contier, Into of Ceulrt
low nship, dee'd.
St. Account of It. S. Merrill, puurdlan of Clnr5
Itlttenbender, minor cldld of Nathan llltlcnboD
der, dee'd.
21. Account of Joseph Jillpy, admlnltrntor of
Hamul i Kemlcy, l.ilr of Bcott IciuiiKhlp, doe'd,
2.i. Sixth and dual account of l'eter Knt, onu of
the executors or Malthow M'Dowell, Into of bcoll
tow nsldp, dre'd.
2ii. Account of MurHhall O, Kinney, cunrdlanof
CInra M'Dow ell, a minor child of Theodore M
27. Account of Lemuel 1'oltcr, ndmlnlstrntor of
Clmrlos Stewart, Litoof Columbia county, dee'd,
2. Account of Wlltium W. Trcscott, mltnlnls.
tiator do bonis Hon, with thu wltlunuoxed of
1'iederlck ltobr, lalo "f Greenwood towustilp.
joux o. rmn:zi; ncgutor.
llloomtburg, April 5, 1M7.
'1 be foltowlniriinnritbtcniriitn nf'rnnl nnil nnr.
nonal property net apait to wldowH of decodenu,
hac been tiled lu tho otllco of tholtegistcrof Co.
lumbla county, under the Itutoa of Court, and
will be ptcM-ntcd for absolute continuation, to
tho Orphans Court t lie held in IlloomiiburR, In
nnd for said county, on VKHNi:aiAY,Tlii;Kiiiirnj
Day or May. I8tf7, nt two o'ctock In tticufternoon
of said day, unless exceptions in sncli conllrma.
tlona are previously Hied, of wtdoli alt person!
Interested In snld estates will tnke notlco:
1. Widow of William Jtuekulew, lato of Tlih
lncrcek low nship, deceased.
2. Widow of Itobcrt Glllnspy, Into of Hemlock
township, doeeuscd,
3. Widow of Joseph llobblns, Into of Greenwood
township, d(eenscu.
i. Widow of Georgo II, HayhurM, Into of Cat.
lsa township, deceased.
. Willow of Jacob Keller, lnte of Denver towu
ship, deceased.
tt. Wlilow of Adam Lutz, latoof Denton town
ship, ih'ceascd.
7. Widow itf Aluxnndcr Yenplo, luto of rishlna.
creek lownhlilp, duensed.
JOHN O. ritKUZi:, negltr.
Dloomsljur, April 5, 1S07,
H K W A It D J
stop Tin: TiniiFi
Was stolen frorh the subscriber on Mondav thi
Mb Inst., TWO HOUSES. ON 11 Toi DUllOY.
M)Unrolx)x, a bet of douhlo harnesH, two liorso
blankets, a rube and whip. A rewnrdof ono hun
dred dollain will lie paid tor the apprehension of
tho thief and lecovery of the property.
Description o thr Uorses; Ono Day Horo flf.
teen hands hhjh, six ) can old. carriea a BtrafRht
neck, heavy tall, nnd Is heavy liml)ed. Ono UkuI
dappled piny horse, liaeen and n half Inuda
hih, coming lx years old, iias n largH head and
Homnn nose. Is a pretty heavy chunkof n liorsa,
earry.s tolerably well, good mnnonnd tail.
Description of Du(m;Ono slnglo oatod Top
lluguy, Nuaro hot, luivln on the mUIo of tho box
the initials "G. H.," plat on hind spring box
"Wm. Sloan A: sjon," ono Ituiralo ltobo murked
"Jacob Diebl."
Dtscrli'tton of the Jnn; Hegliitcroft J. D. Drown,
aged between twenty. fl nnd thirty yearn. In
height abouslx feet, slender hutlt.pnlecomplox
ion, has no w Iskers but wore a mustacho, hair or
a biownisli color, bad on light pants nnd vest,
and a brown overcoat, woio n largo heart around
his neck.
The ubovu reward will lw paid to nny person or
persons on the npprchcntouaf ttio snld thlofwnd
thu delUery of tlm jropcrty to its owner, or 573
for tho recovery of tho property.
UloomsburR, Dn., March at, 1867.
Tlds simple, though eireetlvo machine- la nrfmU
ted byatl clcutlflcohscrverritohothpmotdlrtct
delee for gathering clover seed yot discovered.
A meroglaneo at It Is sulllelent toronvinoo tht
yost obtuso mind of ltn practical utllltv.
It strips thu clover head from the stalk loftvinc
the straw btanding upon tho ground. It Is ruMly
drawn by ono hotse, and reepdrtf but ono man or
lov to work it.
It is compact, frfinplo in structure., and not Ha
hie to get out of ouler, and can be cheaply got up.
Tho great advantage in this maehlno Is, o
hnvo tho seed gathered In tint-chair, ready for tlm
cioer mill or holler, besides saving tho grent
length or time and labor of mowing, handling and
throning it fiom thestniw. It will nlsopay ev
ery tanner to gather his beod with this mnchlun,
on account of tho saving of tho seed whlchdt lo4
In tho old way or gathering It,
Kxtraonllnary luducemantanflTttred toenergetl
men who wish to purchase Stato or county lllghtt.
For partlwutars addies
Jan2VC7, Columbia County, Tit.
Tun o.Nbv Htaxdaud Oiticiax,
lly IMwnrd A. rollard.of Virginia.
sAMiMxsciiwr.iU'i;NHiHi:nor" Mirrr.irf
Tow nshln, has procured tho Agency of Columbia
County, for the salo of tho aboe work. It com
prises n lull nccount or the rlso nnd progiess of
the Into SouUiein Confederacy, tho campaign,
battles, incidents nnd ndeiitnrcHof tht inot gb
gnntlo struggle or the World history. Completo
lu one largo volume of nearly NX puge-s, with
of distinguished llonrederato leaders. Th histo
ry ol tho aniulHhott has too often fullnn t
the ien of tlnietor, aud lo insure Justlro to tle
Southern causu, the pen must Ini taken bvfcoms
Southein man who Is willing to deoto his tlni'i
ami talents t" the iurlicntlouof his countrvinen,
lu it history which sludl challenge thucritleUm
of the Intelligent, and lmlte thu attention Ot all
honest intpiirers, suclm work will bo of peculiar
Inteiest to the euinlld and Intelligent public of
the North, and Is oftho utli)ost luiportnnce to th
Ittsjple of the Southern states. Mr. I'ollnrd. of
nil wrlteis lu the Suuth, is doubtless tho best.
iunllllcd to picparon complete nnd stnudanl hit
tory of tho War, and to commit to the present
and futuie generation a rnlthful and worthy re
cord of theirgreat stiugglo and of a caune lost,
Kieln honor, liavit.g been emp' yed during th
entlrn pei ludof thu War, as editor of a Dlehinonel
tiewttpniHT, feb5'l7.
.vr.w ii in; a HToitn,
Mnln ftlri'i't. Ill.omsburg,
PiiiilriiK,ninnloal, Vrtlnls, rutty. Viitnlslio,
Turj'iitlii, (UN,
iijuMitirs r.iint nrnsii.s,
HliiiiuoisSklii. rerfuntfr.
I'.VNCY AMI TOlI.r.T AltTIt l.lW,
in gront vnrloiy.
(.OAli OIL, COAIi Olb T,AMl'i.
llininlrllors, riilitiiii, liiirimrs iiikI Mtii'lM.
rronrh unl Amiiisili Wlliilow Olns, lf.
tfi, l'l'PM'rljilln rrilcjtilt.v put tip At nllhur
f ili' l.i iiivl nllii mnrl. " Ii