The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 05, 1867, Image 1

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    if! id I tit tilt lit fit it'
Aim thi: hist in thh would.
Salesrooms, CW Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, IVu
Whllo n largo number of Machines hnvo boon
otTercd to this public, somo of whleh possess poUits
bf excellence And acknowledged merit, wo havo
long felt what nthera havo experienced,
eesslty of ft Mncliliio moro perfect In Its lucchaul
cnl structure, combining In tlio
nnd whllo capable of doing ft
one that eould bo Cftsllj- understood nnd compre
bended by nil.
To supply n Bowing-Machine freo from tlio olj
ectlons attnehed to others 1ms Hccn no easy task j
for wo not only had to surpass other Machines, as
they appeared years ago, but also as Improved
from tlmo to thno by more recent experience.
This wo boldly claim has boen accomplished lrv
tbo liberal cjpondlturo of capital, and tho pa
tient, untiring labor of years s and In presenting
our Machine to tho public, wo shall mako strong
assertions respecting Its morlts, which wo nro'
prepared to substantiate In every particular.
Discarding the Chain and Ioop.orKultsUtchoi,
wo adopted the
(allko on both sides of tho fabric), which Is ro.
learned by the masses as bost sullod to all kinds
of work. Hut to meet objectlonssomctlmesurgod
against this favorite Mitch, wo have nddod tlio
Knot, Double Lock, Bud Doublo Knot, either of
than tho TKk
select n stitch
thus enabling tlio oporator to
to c ery grado of fabric, and where necessary, sew
(wains much stronger tliau it Is possible to do by
With as much easo as ordinary Maclilnes make
ono, nnd with as llttlo machinery.
'ino result 01 repeatea tests lias lioon all wo
enuld deslro, and from Us first Introduction tho
Floreueo has gained hosts of friends, and bcoy
rvgurueu tvs a
uousimoLD itncnssiiYj
proving tlmt tlio public fully appreciate tho maitjr
advantages combined In tho Florenoe Machlnei
Over all others, tho Florenoo must bo seen to bo
fully appreciated.
Wo claim lor Uio
tho following
HKWiNa-MAcinxEs in Tim woni.Ds
JKrH makes four U0Vrent sUtches, tho loclq,
knot, doublo-Ionk, nud iVmble-knot, 01. one and
tUu same machine. Each stitch being allko on
both sides of the fabric.
Every Machlno has tho reversible feed mo
tion, which enables tho operator, by simply tunv
lng a thumb-screw, to liavo the work run oUhor
to tlio right or left, to stay any part of tho seam,
or fasUn the ends of seams, without turning tho
ir Clianglng tho length of stitch, ftnd from
one, kind of stitch to another, can readily bo doife
wnUu tho Machine is lu motion.
i- The needle la easily adjusted, and does not
skip studies.
tfir- It Is almost noLseloss,
where quiet Is nceossary.
and can be used
.SS-Its motions aro all positive! there ore no
springs to get out of order, and its simplicity en
ables any ono to opemto it.
fir It does not roqulro finer thread on tho under
than for tbo upper side, and will sew across tho
heaviest saam, or from ono to more thicknesses
of cloth, without change of needle, tension, breali
kig throod, or skipping sUtches.
JB--Tho Hemmcr is easily adjusted, and wtn
turn any width of Horn dcblred.
rs- No other Machlno will do so or nt a range
of work as the floronce.
It will hem, fell, bind, gather, braid, nuilt,
and gather and sowonaruflloatthesnmollmci,
It has no springs to get out of order, and will lay
a lifetime.
It bj fully protected nnd licensed by Ellas
Howe, Jr., and our own Letters ratciu.
Tlio taking up of tho slack-thread Is not pet
formed by the lucgular contraction of n wire coll
or uncertain operation of springs. Tlio precision
nnd accuracy with which tho Florence draws tho
thread Into thn cloth Is unappiunchcd oy any
Bowlng-Machluo hitherto offered In tho world.
Wo furnish each Machine with " llarnrtm's Kelt-
Bewer," which guides tho work ltself,and Is of in
calculable value, especially to lneitperleuco opc-
While jiossesslng tho above, and many other
advantages, tho Florence Is sold at corresponding
prices with other first-class Machines, nnd a care
ful examination will fully substantiate nil that
we have claimed for It, nnd Justify the assertion
we now mnke, that It Is tho best Sowiug-Muchlno
lu tho world.
Wo waraant every Machine to bo all that we
4'lalm for It, and to glvo entire-satisfaction, and
will give a written warranty, if required.
Uboral arrangements mado with those who buy
to sell again. Furthor information may bo had
by inclosing stamps to tho General Office of the
lTorenooHowlng-Miu-hlue Company,!!" Chestnut
Street, riilladelphla, I'enusylvanlu.
o. 1, rinin. Tills Machlno makes tho lock
and knot stltcucs.and has tho revorslblo fced..9C3
No. a, Florence, (lold-omamented Machine,
with drawer, and llghtcover, without lock;
makes all tho four stitches, and lias the le
vorslblo feed $75
No. 3, Hllvor-platod Machine, ornaniontod;
tablo oll-nnUhcd walnut, with heavy half--ao,
lock and drawers makes nil tho four
stitches, nnd has the revorslblo feed fa
No. s Silver-plated Mnehluo, highly orna
mented, and makes nil the four stitches,
nnd has tho revel slide feed,
Polished mahogany lablo fO
1'ollshed Itosowood Table M
Nt. a. Walnut table, In oil 18
Mahogany table, In oil M
Itosowood table, In oil 11
No. 6. Walnut, oil finished.. IH
Mahogany tublo 15
Ilosewomt tablo 150
(I, fl. EVANS, flonoral Agint,
U.K) Chestnut Street, PkllaiMphtit.
Nv.illy euculml at this Office.
A Domooratlc Nowspupor,
is rum.isittD ton the rnoi-ntEToits uy
Illooin, hoi g, Columnla County, In.
TJlEprlnclplcsof this pnporatcof tho Jefferson
lan School of politics. Thoso principles will never
bo compromised, yet courtesy nod klmless shall
not bo forgotten In discussing them, whothor with
Individuals, or with contemporaries of tho l'ress
Tho unity, hnppluoss.nnd prosperity of tlio eoun-'
trylsournlm nnd object! nnd as tho means to
secure tlmt, wo shall labor honestly and earnestly
for tho hurmuny, success and grow Ih of our oi gan
lzutlon. Hhns seemed to tho rronrtetors that there.
iulremonts of a Coilrrty new spapcr have not been
heretofore fully met by llielr predecessors or con
temporaries ; nnd they havo determined to, If
possible, supply tho deficiency. In n literary point
of view nlso this pnpor will aim at a high stand
ard, nnd holies to cultlvatoin its readers n correct
taste nnd sound Judgment on merely literary, ns
well ns on political questions.
Tho news, Foreign nnd Domestic, will bo care-
Hilly collated and succinctly gl en ; while to that
of our own Stato nnd section of the State, partic
ular attention will bo directed. Important Con
gressional nnd Loglslntlvo mattcis will bo fur
nished weekly to our readers inn readable and
reliable form ; and votes nnd opinions on Impor
tant nnd leading measures will boalwnys publish-
csls so that our paper will form n complete record
of current political events.
Tho Local Interests, news nnd business of Co
lumbia County will rccelvo special attention;
and wo will endeavor to mako tho paper n ne
cessity to the farmer, mechanic and laboring mnn,
upon whom nt last nil business lnleiests depend.
The fireside nnd family elrclo will bo diligently
considered In making up tho paper. No ndver
stsemcnts of an Improper character will ever, un
dernny pretext, bo admitted Into Its columns.
Its Conductors nro determined that It shall bo en
tirely freo In all respects from any. deleterious
doctrine or allusion, so that every man enn plnco
It In the hands of his ihlldreu, not only without
fear, but with confidence lu Its teachings nnd
tendencies. Promising to use their very best en
deavors to fulfil In letter nnd spirit tho announce
ment.abovo set forth, tho Publisher) of TiikCo
I.UMUIAN trustfully places It beforu the people be
lieving that it will nnswera want lu the com
munity hitherto unsuppllcd.
To Conr.Esi'oKiiE.Nis. In order to mako Tub
CoLUJiniAN-ascomploto n record ns possible of
nil facts mid events, accidents, Improvements and
discoveries Hinting In ColumVIa County, we re
spectfully Invite correspondence, ueconipnnlcd
with responsible unmes,fiom all point". If facts,
dates and names aro carefully given tho Editors
will put tho Information In proper form
Tkhms or St'iiscmi'Tios: Two Dollais for ono
year when payment Is made in advance; nnd nil
subscriptions not paid In advance, or by the first
day of April, lb07, will Invariably be charged Two
Dollars and Fifty Cents. All contracts of sub
scription mid forndvcrtUiug will bo made with
the Publishers and al'l payments therefor enforced
lu their names.
Tin: Coi.umuian will bedellcred through
the subscribers In Columbia County, free
of postage. To those outsldo of the County, five
cents per quarter In advance, paid at the olllce
where reoelved.
Tbkms of A DvriiTisi no : One square (ten 1 lues
or less) one or three inscrtiwus ?1,00; each subse
quent Insertion 50 cents.
One square
Two squares
Three squares...
Four sqnares,...
Half column....
Ono column
l.M. 2i.
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11,00 3),IO
11,(0 30,110
30,10 50,00
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6,0) 8,(0
10,00 12,00
15,00 1VO
Executor's nnd Administrator's Notice fJ.OO; u
dltor's Notice 82,50. other advertisement lii-cr-
ted according to special contract.
Hiulncbs notices, without advertisement, twenty
cents per line.
Transient advertisements payablo lu advance
all others duo after tho first Insertion.
NEWSi'Ai'Cit Laws. 1. A postmaster Is required
to givonotico by letter (returning tho paper does
not answer the requirement of tho law) when a
subscriber docs not takehUpnper-froiitho olllce
and to stato thoieasons for Its not being takm
A neglect to do so makes the pwst master res pousl
Mo to tho publisher for tho payment.
2, Any person who takes ft paper regularly from
tho post ollico whether directed to his name or
another or whether ho has subscribed or not,
Is responsible for the payment of thn subscription
3. If n person ordeishls paper discontinued, ho
must pay up all arrearages, or the publisher may
continue to send IU until payment is made, and
collect thu whole amwunt whether It Is taken from
tho oillco or not. There can bo nolegnl dlscontin
uanco until the payment Is made.
1. If a subscriber who Is In nnenrs orders his
pnper to bo stopped nt n certain time, and tho
publisher continues to scud It, tho subscriber is
bound to pay for It If ho takes It out of the pr ,t
since. The law proceeds on tho ground that n
man innst pay for what hnusos.
5, The courts have decided that refusing to take
newspapers nnd periodicals from tho post olllce,
or remoUng-nnd tawing Uin uncalled for Is
prtmi facte cvldencoof InMitlonal fraud.
a- It is, in nl( cam, more likely to bo satlsfaC'
lory, both to subscribers and to tlio Publishers,
that remittances mid all communications respect.
lug the business of the paper, lie sent direct to the
olllceof publication, All letters, whether relating
to tho editorial or business concerns of tho paper,
nnd all payments fur subscription, advertising,
or Jobbing, nro to bo made to nnd addressed
"Mumbtan OJIce,"
llLooMsiirim, Pa
'Printed at Itoblson's Ilulldlngs, nenr tho Court
House, by ' ('has, M. Vanhk.hslice,
Thank It, Hsviunt.
A taw IKS A ItAlI.ltOAl)
j From and afterOUoLer 2, tsu.-i,tho trains will
ntiu ItoiM.rt UK fill OWN t
(ioi.u. Noutii. Elmlra
Mall at I p.m.; Erie
KfloVHoUTir.-iiiilailel.hta Mall at 11 A.M.
New York Excess at I ijMj m
i-orri( K-Coiirt House Alley, below the fts,
fnni'iim Olllce. agent for tlio eo l.s -i,,n
of llountles, Hack Pay. Pensions. J '
Kher demands against tho Wain and MitUinal
mi ,i,iu nr.,.
roit the roMunitAN.
Unhappy vessel I shall the w aves again,
Tumultuous bear theo to tho faithless main?
What would thy madness thus with storms to
sport ?
Cast firm thy nnchor In tho friendly port.
Heboid thy naked decks) tho wounded mast,
And sail yardsgroan beiieatlitho noilhern blast;
Nor can thy keel unaided, longer brnvo
Tho rushing fury of the Imperious wave.
Torn nro thy sails, thy guardian Hods aro lot,
Who sn ed theo on. In previous tempests tost.
Tho' lato majestic In your pride you stcsul,
Homo of tho free, tho white man's highest good i
Seo Stevens stand, tho Demon of the storm,
And Sumner follow ed by a dusky swarm,
Whllo rights long sacred, boldly they deride,
And Constitutions, onco tho country's pride ;
You now may vainly boast an empty name,
Or birth conspicuous In tho rolls of fame.
Tho mariner when storms around him rise,
No longer on a painted stem relies j
Nor seeks to pilot 'mong tho Cyclades,
Soma learned landsmnn Ignorant of the seas.
Ah I thentnko heed, lest theso new tempests
In very truth, thy glories to tho deep ;
For sunken rocks along thy courses lie,
And clouds nnd storms hang heavy In the sky.
Ah I thou so long our care, ourlove, our praise.
Avoid thove straits, avoid thoo gloomy way,
And bring to us onco more thn halcyon days.
What ho I what hot this fellow Is dancing mad I
Ho hnth been bitten by tho Tarantula,
All tn the U'rotiff,
Many years ago, I contracted an inti
macy with a Mr. William Legraml. Ho
was of an ancient Huguenot family,
ami had onco been wealthy : but a sc
ries of misfortunes hail reduced hint to
want. To avoid tho mortification con
sequent upon Ids disasters, he left Xcw-
Orlcans, the city of his forefathers, and
took oi) his residence at Sullivan's
Island, near Charleston, South Carolina.
Tliis Island is a very singular one. It
consists of llttlo clso than tho sea sand,
nnd is about tlirco miles long. Its
breadth at no point exceeds a quarter
of a mile. It is separated from tho main
land by a scarcely perceptible creek,
oozing its way through a wilderness of
weeds and slime, a favorito rcaortof tho
marsh hen. Tho vegetation, as might
bo supposed, is scant, or at Imtt dwarf
ish. Xo trees of any magnitude are to
bo seen. Xonrthu wo.-tcrii extremity,
where 1'ort Moultrie stands, and where
aro sonic miserable framo buildings,
tenanted, during Uic summer, by the
fugitives from Charleston dust and fe
ver, may bo found, indeed, the bristly
palmetto ; but tho whole island, with
the exception of this western point, and
a lino of hard, while beach on tho sea-
coast, is covered with a denso under
growth of sweet myrtle, so much prized
by tho horticulturists of Kugland. Tho
shrub hero often attains tho height of
fifteen or twenty feet, nnd forms an al
most Impenetrable, coppice, btirthening
the air with its fragrance.
In the inmost recesses of this coppice
not far from tho eastern or more remote
end of tho island, Legrand had built
himself a small hut, which ho occupied
when I first, by mero accident, mado
his acquaintance. This soon ripened
into friendship for tlioro was much in
tho rccluso to exclto interest and esteem.
I found him well educated, withunusu
al powers of mind, but Infected with
misanthropy, and subject to perverse
moods of altcrnato enthusiasm and
melancholy. JIo had with him many
books, but rarely employed them. Hi
chief amusements were gunning and
fishing, or sauntering along tho beach
and through tho myrtles, in quest of
shells or entomological .specimens ; his
collection of tho latter might havo been
envied by a Swammerdanim, In thi
xeurslon ho was usually accompanied
by an old negro, called Jupiter, who
iiad been manumitted beforo tho re
verses of tho family, but who could be
induced, neither by threats nor by
promises, to abandon what ho consid
ered ills right of attendance upon tho
footsteps of his young "Ma.-sa Will
It Is not iniprobablo that tho relatives
of Legrand, conceiving him to bo some
what unsettled in intellect, had eon
trived to instil this obstinacy into Jupi
ter, with a view to tho supervision nnd
guardianship of tho wanderer.
Tho winters in tho latitude of SullI
van's Island aro seittom very severe,
.mil in the Fall of tho year it is u rare
event indeed when a llro is considered
necessary. About tho mlddlo of Ocfo
ber, IS, there occurred however a day
of remarkable chilliness. Just beforo
sunset I scrambled my way through tho
evergreens to tho hut of my friend,
whom I had not visited for soveral
weeks my residenco being, at tlmt
time, lu Charleston, a dlstanco of nine
miles from tho Island, while tho facili
ties of passago nud ro-passago wero very
far behind thoso of tho present nay,
Upon reaching tho hut I rapped, as was
my custom, and getting no reply, sotigni
for tho key where I knew it was secre
ted, unlocked tho door and wont in. A
fino tiro was blazing upon tho hearth.
It was a novelty, and by no means an
uiiirratcful one. I throw oil an over'
coat, tool; an arni-clinlrby tliocracklln:
logs and awaited patiently tho arrival
of mv hosts.
Koon after dark they arrived, and
tmvo mo a most cordial welcome. Ju
niter, grinning from car to ear, bustled
about to prepare some marsh-hens for
supper. Legrand was In ono of his fits
howelso shall I term them V of en
thiisiasm. Ho had found an unknown
bivalve, forming n now genus, and
moro than this, ho had hunted down
and secured, with Jupiter's assistituco,
n fcaritbccwi which ho believed to bo to
tally now, but in respect to which ho
wished to havo my opinion on tho
"And why not to-night?" I asked,
rubbing my hands over tlio blaze, and
wishing tho wholo trlbo of scarubid at
tho devil.
"Ah, if I had only known you wero
hero I" said Legrand, "bill It's so long
slnco I saw you ; and how could I fore
see that you would pay-mo a visit this
cry night of all others? As I was
coming homo I met Lieutenant U ,
from tho fort, and very foolishly, I lent
him tho bug ; so it will bo lmpossiblo
for you to sco it until tho morning.
Stay hero to-night, and I will send Jup
down for it at sunrise. It is tho loveli
est thing in creation I"
'Xonsonsol no! tlio bug. It is of a
brilliant gold color about tho sl.o of a
largo hickory-nut with two Jet black
pots near ono extremity of tho back,
and nnother, somewhat longer, at tho
other. The ttnknmc are"
"Doy nlnt no tin in him, Mas-a Will,
I keep a tellin on you," hero Inter
rupted Jupiter ; "do bug is a goolobug,
solid ebcry bit ob him, insldo and all,
Sep him wing nebor feel half so hobby
a bug In my life."
"Well, suppose it is, Jup," replied
Legrand, somewhat moro earnestly, it
seemed to mo, than tho caso demanded,
'Is that tiny reason for your letting tho
birds burn ? Tho color" hero lie turned
to mo "is really almost enough to war
rant Jupiter's idea. You never sawn
moro brilliant metallic lustre than tho
scales emit but qf this you cannot
judge till to-mqrrow. In tho meiuitiino
I can give you somo idea of thoshape."
Saying this, ho seated .himself nt a
small table, on which wero a pen nud
nk, but no paper. Ho looked for somo
n a drawer, but found none.
"Xcver mind," said ho at length,"this
will answer;" and he drew from his
waistcoat pocket a scrap of what I took
to bo very dirty foolscap, anirmado up
on it a rough drawing with tho pen.
"Whllo ho did this, I retained my scat
iy tho fire, for I was still chilly. When
tho design was complete, ho handed it
to mo without rising. As I received it,
a loud growl was heard, succeeded by a
scratching at the door. Jupiter opened
It, and a largo Newfoundland, belong
ing to Legrand, rushed in, leaped upon
my shoulders, and loaded mq with nv
esses ; for I had shown him much nt
tcntion during his previous visits
When his gambols wero over, I looked
at tho paper, and to speak tho truth,
found myself not a little puzzled at
what my friend had depicted.
"Well," I said, after contemplating
It for somo minutes, "this U a strange
searabaius, I must confess : now to mo:
never saw anything like it before un
less it was a skull, or a death's head
which it more nearly resembles than
anything else that has como under my
"A death's head!" echoed Legrand
"Oh ye.s well, it has .something of
that appearance upon paper, no doubt
The two upper black spots look like
eyes, eh ? and the longer ono at the bot
tom like a mouth and then thoshapo
of tho whole is oval."
"l'erhaps so," said I ; "but, Legrand,
I fear you aro no artist, I must wait un
til I sco the beetle itself, if Iain to form
any idea of its personal appearance."
"Well, I don't know," said lie a lit
tle nettled, "I draw tolerably should
do It at least havo had good masters,
and Hatter myself that I am not quite a
"Itut, my dear fellow, you nrojokin
then," said I, "tills is a very passable
skull Indeed, 1 may say that it is a
very excellent skull, according to tlio
vulgar notions about such specimens of
physiology and your scurabtKus must
bo the queerest scarabtcua in tho world
if it resembles it. Why, wo may get
up a very thrilling bit of superstition
upon this hint. I presume you will
call tho bug scarabtcus caput hominis,
or something of that kind there aro
many similar titles In tho Natural Ills
tories. Hut where are tho untenme you
spoko of?"
"TUo aiitenmc !" said Legrand, who
seemed to bo getting unaccountably
warm upon tho subject : "1 am sure
you inut seo the imleimiv. I mado them
as distinct as they aro in tho original
insect, and I preunie that is stifllcent.'
"Well, well," I wild, "perhaps you
have still I don't seo them :" and
untied him tho paper without addi
tional remark, not wishing to rulllo his
temper; but I was much surprised at
tho turn affairs had taken ; his Ill-humor
puzzled mo and, ns for tho drawing of
tho beetle, there wero positively no an
tenna' visible, and tho wholo did bear a
very close resemblanco to tho ordinary
cuts of a death's-head.
llo received tho paper very peevishly
and was about to cruinplo it, apparently
to throw it in tho lire, when a casual
glanco nt tho design seemed suddenly
to rivet his attention. In tin instant
his face grow violently red In nnother
as excessively pale. For somo minute:
ho continued to scrutinize tho drawin
minutely where, ho sat. At length ho
nroso, took a candle from tlio tablo, and
proceeded to seat himself on a tea-chest
in tho farthest corner of tho room. Hero
again ho mado an anxious examination
of tho pnper; turning it in all direc
tions. Ho said nothing, however, and
his conduct greatly astonished mo; yet
I thought it prudent not to exacerbate
tho growing 'moodiness of his temper
by any comment. Presently ho look
from his coat pocket a wallet, placed
tho paper carefully in it, nnd deposited
both Inn writing-desk, which ho locked.
Ho now grow moro composed in Ills de
meanor; but his original air of ciithu-
Instn had qulto disappeared. Yet ho
seemed not so much sulky as abstracted.
As tho ovcnlng woro nway ho becamo
moro nnd moro absorbed in reverie,
from which no sallies of mine could
nuouso him. It had been my Intention
to pass tho night nt tho hut,ns I had
frequently done before, but, seeing my
host in this mood, I deemed it proper
to tnko leave. Ho did not press mo to
remain, but, ns I departed, hoshookmy
baud with oven moro than his usual cor
diality. It was about a month after this (and
during tlio interval I had seen nothing
of Lcgrand)whcn I received a visit, nt
Charleston, from his man, Jupiter. I
had never scon the good old negro look
so dispirited, nnd I feared that somo se
rious disaster had befallen my friend.
"Well, Jup," said I, "wlmt is tho
matter now? how is- your master?"
" by, to speak do troof, massa, him
not so berry well ns liiought be."
"Xot well 1 I am truly sorry to hear
, What does ho complain of?"
"Darl dat's itl him ucber plain ob
notin but him berry sick for all dat.
"Very sick, Jupiter! why didn't
on say so at onco ? Is ho confined to
Xo, dat ho nint I ho nfnt find no-
wliar dat'sjust wliar do shoo pinch
my mind lias got to bo berry hebby
bout poor Massa Will."
"Jupiter, I should like to understand
what it is you aro talking nbout. You
say your master is sick. Hasn't he told
on wlmt ails him?"
"Why, massa, taint worf whllo for to
git mad about do matter Masa Will
say noflln nt all nint do matter wid him
but den what mako him go about
looking dis hero way, wid lie head down
and his soldiers up, and ns white as a
goso? And don ho keep a syphon all
do time"
"Keeps a what, Jupiter?"
"Keeps a syphon wid do figgtir-n do
late,dc queerest figgurs I ebber tlid see.
Isogittin toboskecred, I tell you. llab
for to keep mighty tight oyo pou him
noovcrs. Todder day ho gib mo slip
foro do sun up and was gone do whole
blessed day. I had a big stick ready
cut for to gib him deuced good beating
when ho did come but Iso sich a fool
dat I hadn't do heart niter all ho look
so berry poorly."
llL'TI.llIl'.S HF.CON1) SPF.IX'II.
AVo copy from the Xew York Tribune,
radical authority, tho recent speech of
liutler. on tbo Surratl murder. That
ISingham is as great a rascal as liutler
seems agreed ; and the queer revelations
ho makes will cause tho people to be
lieve the radicals mado way with Lin
coln, as lias always been suspected.
That Mrs. Surrutt's execution was mur
der, is now beyond doubt.
Tin: nuTj.rn-niNfiitAjr co.ntkovkksv.
Mr. Ui'Ti.Kit (Ken,, Mas-s.,1 asked and
obtained unanimous con-cnt to make a
lersonal explanation, the time being
imited to fifteen minutes. Ho stated
that ho had caused to bo nlacsd on tho
desk of each member a copy of Mr.
Bingham's speech tho other day on tho
personal discussion with himself, show
ini: in parallel columns tho speech as it
appeared in tho manuscript of the re
porters mm tno speciii as pttniisiied in
The aiooe. i iiosneecn as written con
tained flvo hundred and clehtv-nlne
words ; ns printed it contained one thou
sand and forty-seven words, and in tho
reporter's manuscript mero wero two
hundred and eiulit.v-two erasures and
alterations, llo (liutler) hud understood
I no ru o lo no tnat in a personal tieunte
a member had no right to mako any
chnnges unless they wero submitted to
tno member aiiccteii uy tiiein. rue ruio
had been violated in this case. In tho
matter thus intcrlopated was this sen
tence: "What docs tho gentleman
(meaning liutler) know of tho'ovidenco
in tho case, ami what does ho caro for
tho evidence when ho tints assails the
official conduct of those men who con
stituted tho Court?" Ho (liutler) would
stato tho ovidenco on which ho had
mado tho other day tho statement that
Mrs. Surratt was Improperly convicted.
Ho hold In his hnud tho printed report
of the trial, nnd had examined It with
great care, becaiiso this was no sporadic
thought of his. It was tlio result of
and n dlfi'erent purposo to seo who wero
in tno treat conspiracy, i lioirentlenian
iiiuiLMiain nan sum mat no was tno
Advocate on the part of tho United
States on that trial. That was a trreat
mistake. Ho was tho special Judgo
Advocate, whoso solemn duty it was to
protect ino ngnis oi ino prisoner as wen
as those of tho United States, and to
sum up tno eviiieneo witnin uio trentic
man's (Uinghani's) knowledge which
lie nail not produced on tnat mot mo
mentous trial. When Booth was cap
tured uy Lleut.-Loi. congor tliero was,
said Mr. Butler, taken from ids pocket
a diary hko tno ono l now noiii in my
hnud (lioituut; up a small morocco cov
oral pocket diary) in which ho (Booth)
set down nay uy uay ins plans, nis
thoughts, his motives, and his excuse.
'Hint dinrv was mil lino tno possession
of tlio Government, but it was not laid
bo oro tno .Military uminiKsioii. in
though tho gentleman (Bliuilinmi tlid
lay neforethoCotirt Booth's tobacco pipe,
spur, Kline, mm oincr articles loiintt on
ins person, xno diary was not prouuecu
Thnt dinrv now tiDiiears beforo our .III
dicinry Committee, and let mo say hero
t lint 1 did not omuiii my iiuunimiiou
from that Committee iti)outiuoeiiiiccii
pages of entries made In tlio diary, prior
in tho timo of Mr. Lincoln's assassina
tion absont. Tho cdgcssliow that tlicso
unites wero all cut out. What 1 want
to know Is this: J'lml. Was that diary
wholo when it cnino into tlio hands of
tbo (Joveriiment? ,v-o)i(. W nether I
was good Judgment on tho part of thoso
who wero prosecuting tho assassins of
Aln-nlmm Lincoln to nut In a tobacco
plpefouiul In Booth's pocket as evidence
against tho prisoner, whllo tho dlnry in
Booth's own handwriting detailing all
tho particulars of Ills crlmo was with
held ? I did not clmrgo thcnblo, brave,
and gallant soldiers who sat on that
Court with any wrong. They did not
sco tho diary. They did not know of
Its existence. If they iiad, they might
havo given n dlirerent ticcount of tho
matter. Who spoliated thnt book?
Who caused that innocent woman to bo
hanged whllo ho hud in Ids pocket the
diary which would havo shown nt least
what was thoJdca and what wero tho
thoughts of tliomainconstilrator? Thoro
Isstill remaining in thatuiary n memor
able Mcntnnco written but a few hours
beforo J. Wilkes Booth's death. 1 quote
from memory. " I havo endeavored to
cross tlio Potomac 11 vo times nnd failed.
I proposo to return to Washington and
give myself up, nnd clear myself from
this great crlmo." How clear himself?
By giving liiins-elf up nnd disclosing Ids
accomplices! Who wero they? who
spoliated that book ofter it got into the
possession of tho Government? If it
was spoliated, why wns Lieut. -Col. Con
ger allowed to go on ami stato what had
been found on Booth's body? Tlio ques
tions wero carefully put to him, bo ho
should iiottellaboutthobook. Ho Iden
tifies tho knife, pair of pistols, holster,
tobacco-pipe, cartridges, n bill of ex
change, etc.; but ho wns nowhere asked,
"Wero these nil tlio articles that wero
found on Booth?" If ho had been asked
that question, ho would havo nnswered
that ho taken Booth's dlnry from Ids
pocket ns ho lay gasping in death. I do
not know wlmt would havo been the
verdict of tho Military Commission if
that ovidenci' ban been produced. That
evidence found on tho person of Bootii
should havo Been produced. 1 under
stand the theory to bo that tlio reason it
was not produced was lest Booth's glo
rification of himself should go into tlio
case. I think that a most lame excuse.
If anassasin can glorify himself let him
do so: but tliero is no danger of It.
Therefore. I ngaiil say here, it wns n
remarkablo circumstance that a piece of
ovidenco found on tlio body of the great
conspirator should bo concealed. 1 will
take that back I mean that it was not
put forward not brought beforo tho
great public mind. I believe that piece
of ovidenco would havo shown what in
myjudgmontthcwholo case now shows
that Booth up to a certain hour meant
a capture nud abduction of Mr. Lincoln,
and tnat no changed his purpose and re
sorted to assassination. Mrs. Surrratt
may or may not havo known of tho
change of purposo. What I find fault
with in tlio Judge-Advocato who did
not sum up for tho prisoner, is,tliat tliero
was no notice by liim brought to tltomind
of the Court, in his very able but very
uuter argument against tno prisoner, oi
this chango of purpose. If Mrs. Surratt
mi not Know oi tins change, siio would
have had no knowledge of tho intended
assassination, and therefore could not
have been couviclcd. Theso arc tho
reasons why I say that 1 am glad tho
blood of that woman, whether she were
Innocent or guilty, is not on my hands.
1 mean by no Intendment to say a word
unsi tno onicers who composed that
commission. They wero men who re
lied for tho law upon tlio Judge-Advo
cato who thought they had allthe facts
neioro mem, out ucioro whom all the
facts wero not put. I do not mean to
iy that they judged wrongly under
tho light which they had. Tlio point
which I make, and the point which I
should stand made beforo tho country,
is that all the testimony was not beforo
the tribunal. If all the testimony had
been presented, wo should have been
lino lo mirsuo t ho accomplices-, and to
find out who it was thnt changed Booth's
purpose from capture to assassination
who It was that was to profit by tho as
sassination, and that would not profit
by the capture of Mr. Lincoln who it
was mat should succeed to Air. Lincoln
in caso tlio bullet mado a vacancy. In
somo aspects of tlio caso that diary
might not nave ueen legal testimony,
but its moral cvidenco would havo car
ried conviction to tlio mind of every
body, because it was tlio dying declara
tion of n man, assassin though ho were,
who was telling tha truth between him
self and God. How was Booth, by coin-
lug back to Washington, going to clear
himself of that great crime? That ques
tion still remains. Wero tlio 18 pages
of Booth's diary gone when it cnino lu
the possession of tho learned Judge-Advocato
? If so, why did he not inquire
wlmt became of them ; whether Lieut.
Col. Conger gave them to somebody ;
whether it went from his hands into
other hands, nnd whoso knifo it was
that cut out Iho.-o leaves? I should not
have pursued this matter further, except
that tho gentleman (Mr. Binglinml
charged me with having made tho as
sertion i did without un examination
of tho evidence. Helms chosen to bring
tno matter hero, not l. and l deslro now
that In some form this mutter may bo
JUiiynmi morotigiiiy investigated.
Hero tno mil inn oi tno hammer indi
cated the termination of the 15 minutes
allowed to Mr. Butler.
A GoodTckeBi't XotOppou-tu.nm:
A gentleman visiting in tho family of
n worthy deacon, in a neighboring town
had been showing tho children, one ovc
nlng, it beautiful musical box, after
which ho wound up and put tho Instru
ment a'way In his pocket. At tho hour
of retiring for tho night, tho visitor
wns called upon for n prayer, and, huvltij
got upon his knees, was in tlio midst of
wlmt promised to bo a somewhat pro
longed petition, when suddenly, Incon
sequence of a chango of position on tlio
part of tho supplicant, tho musical box
started gayly olf with tho tune. "Tnko
your time, MNs Lucy!" To say that
tho prayer wns brought to a rather ab
rupt termination, nnd that even tho
worthy deacon roso from his knees all
but convulsed with laughter,! drawin
tho effect of the incident quite mildly.
At nn examination In ouoofouryoun,
ladles seminaries, t!ioothorday,llioqtios
tiou was put to a class of llttlo ones.
"Whonudo tho laws of our Govern
inent?" "Congress," was tho reply
How Is Congress divided?" was tho
next question; but thollttlo girl towhon
it was put failed to answer It. Another
littlo girl luthocluss raised up her hand
Indicating that she could answer It,
"Well." haldtho(!anilncr, "MissSullIo
what do you say tho division Is?" Ill
staidly, witn nn air ofconfidencoas well
as triumph, tha aiuwer camo, "Civl
llzcd, half clvllivcd, ami savage."
(Choice Uactvi).
Itev. Mr. Mnitlll, Hector of HI. Paul's Church,
Peru, Illinois, heliiK nuked the nbOTO question by
n lady, i ponded in follows t
I am of n band
Who will faithfully ntnnd
In tho bond of affection nnd lovoi
I havo knocked at tho door,
Onco wretched and poor,
And tliero for admission 1 stood.
fly the holp of a friend,
Who nssManco did lend,
I Miccceilcd nn enlraneo lo pain ;
Wni received In tho West,
riy command from the Hast,
Put not without feeling somo pain.
Hero my eonclcnco wns taught
With a moral nnlto fraught
With iicutlmonts holy nnd true;
Then onward I travelled,
To have It unravelled,
Wbat Hiram Intended to do.
Very aooti to the Host
I mado known my requewt,
And "llsht" by command did attend ;
When loll perceived,
In duo form revealed,
A Mastor, nnd Ilrother, and friend.
Thus far I have slated,
And simply related,
What happened when I was mado froe,
nut I'vo "passed" ulnco then,
And was "raised'' up again
To n subllmo and nnclcut degree.
Then onward I marched,
That I mlsht bo "Arched,"
And And out tho treasures long lost ;
When behold I a bright flame.
From the midst of which camo
A volco hlch my ears did accost.
Through tho "veils" I then wont,
And succeeded nt length
The "Sanctum 8anctorum" to find ;
Uy tho "Signet" I golnod,
And quickly obtained,
Hruployment, which suited my mind.
In tho depths I then wrought,
And most carefully sought
For treasures so long hidden thcro :
And by labor and toll,
I discovered rich spoil,
Which nro kept by the craft wltli duo onro.
Having thus far nrrlvcd,
I further contrived
Among valiant Knights to appear;
And as Pilgrim nnd Knight,
I btood ready lo fight.
Nor Saracen foo did I fear.
For tho widow distressed '.
There's a chord In my breast;
For tho helpless and orphan I feel ;
And my sword I could draw
To maintain tho pure law
Which the duty of Masons roveU.
Thus havo I revealed
(Yet wisely concealed)
What the "free and nccepted" well know,
I am ono of n hnud
Who will faithfully si and
Asa brother, wherever I go.
"WITTICISMS.,sn Tlio "gny deceiver"
who runs tho local department of tho
Xew Albany (Ind.) Ledger, tells of n
now invention of which ho has a patent,
gotten up for tho purposo of determin-
ng whethor or no a lady woro patent
calves. It was a cano with a fine nccdlo
in it. As a lady passes, witli a beauti
ful turned pedal extremities exposed to
view by the "tlltcr," the valves nro
slightly punctured with tho cane. If
tho lady kicks, tho calves are gcnuluo ;
if she docs not they nro "false."
" What nro you sitting that child on
that quarto. dictionary for?" said Mrs.
1)., as tlio pater arranged ills littlo boy
at tlio breakfast table.
" I am," replied he, "fixing the basis
of a sound Knglish education."
""Ve," said she, but you nro begin
ning at tlio wrong end."
An old maid visiting a newly married
friend recently, saw the husband's shirt
on tlio bed, and exclaimed, "O mercy I
a man's shirt on your bed I Such a
thing on my bod would give mo tho
nightmaro!" "Very likely," replied
tho wifo, "unless thoro was n, man In
sldo of it."
"Sammy, my son, how many weeks
belong to the year?"
" Forty-six, sir."
"Why, Sammy, how do you mako
that out?"
"Tho other six aro Lent."
"Say, Pomp, you nigger, whero you
get dat now lint?"
"Whykattho shop, of conse.
'What is do price ofsuclian nrtlclo?'
I don't know, nigger, I don't know,
tlio shopkeeper wasn't dar.
A "Western man, speaking of tlio
Pacific Itailroad, says it is "one of tha
funniest coincidences in tho world that
almost ovcry nlternnto section of land
on eacli side of tho road belongs to somo
member of Congress."
A Ti;.M'lii:it said to a llttlo girl that
was at school, "If a nntighty girl should
hurt you, Ilko n good llttlo girl you
would forglvo her, wouldn't you?" "Yes
inarm, If I couldn't catch her," was tho
" Why, Doctoh," said n sick lady
"you aro giving mo tho samo medicino
tlmt you nro giving to my husband.
AVhylsthat?" "All right," said tho
doctor, "what is sauco for tho goose is
snueo for tlio gander." m
" I don't believe its nny use, tlds vac
cination," said n yankoc. "1 had a
child vaccinated, nud lie full out of tho
window a week after nud got killed."
TiiF.iti: i n bashful bachelor who
dares not meet ladles on tho street. Ho
says they wear so many bugles ou their
ilres-es that- ho fears overtures from
Jack, eating roltou cheeso, did say,
"Llko Samson, I my thousands May."
"I vow," quoth 1'etcr, "so you do,
And wllli the -elf-sanic weapon, too."
s i