THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBUIIG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. imncr's Sciiavtmcnt. 1'oolUli Virgins. A fuwtlnys stnco wo wcroilluliigwltli n frloml who lmd gathered a bovy of pretty girls nroiiml his hospltablo hoard, mid during tlio meal wu received n liuiKiituhlo cvldeiK'ioftho iguorauco of our latter dny younc Indies of tho first rudiments of making ruunu happy. Wo spoko of eabbajro liuddiiii:, and heavens I what a flutter Klght pretty hands clasped at onco In holy horror j eight bright eyes turned up their whites in refined surprise, nnd eight rosy Hps chorused in refined disbelief, "Cabbago pudding! who over heard of such thine?" If indeed, so bo that this comfortable way of cooking tho vegetable, has passed from tho memory of housekeepers, let us recommend a trial of our recipe, given merely from recollection : After boiling tho cabbago well, placo it In a baking pan with layers of crumbled bread; butter, salt and black pepper liberally used, sprinkled well on top with grated cracker and bako gently until a crust Is formed on top. Tako our word for It nnd wc nro no mean Judgo of tho crcaturo comforts It is good and dcllcato enough In llavor for tho finest lady that over fainted at tho pinell of turpcntlno soap nnd then used hair oil. l'dcrsburg ( Va.) Index. How to Double the Value efSnw ril Shingles Fir, hemlock and somo other kind of fchlnglcs can bo mado to last about twico as long as usual, by Immersing them for a few minutes in strong lime water, which lias about as much salt as will readily dissolve in it. Old meat or ils picklo will answer. In proof of this. you will find that any old picco of n mortar pen, or any wood Impregnated with lime, will not rot readily. J. have known common fir shingles, prepared as above, to last well, raising twenty years, on the fcido of a roof of a building whereas, tho other sido shingled with sawed iedar, without being put in lime water, did not last as long. No sawed shingles will last as long ns shaved. My father's houso was shingled, 37 years ago, with shaved pin, tho north sido hardlyncedingrcshlngllngyct. It might bo a benefit to many of your rodders to hear from others who havo tried tho above named experimont,'or it is quite an extra cost to reshinglo onco in eight or twelve years. Heceliit for the cure of scab on Sheep. To 1 pounds tobacco, add nbout 2 gallons water, and boil strong, reducing to 1 gallons ; then add oz. salt petre, 21 oz. blue vitriol, 2J oz. wliito precipi tate, 2 gillsof common orsoaft soaplgili nut an Dolled together. In puttingln tho toap, care should bo taken when first put in as to foaming over, which it will readily do, and should bo over a slow fire, or whero it could bo readily hauled off from tho fire. From ono to one and a half gills is sufficient for a sheep. I'art tho wool on tho back from tho noso to near tho root of tho tail, and pour tho liquid along tho back, which will run down tho fchoulders and sides of tho sheep. Feed plenty of sulpher and salt, to cleanso tho blood. Onco doctoring has mado effectual cnrcs.although I applied it twice, as mlno had it very bad, at an interval of about two weeks, not withstanding onco might havo been Eliulclr t. A PoiTcr-al Fertilizer. Every farmer has soot at command, whoso presenco In stove-pipes or chim neys is not unfrequently tho causo of fires, occasioning tho loss sometimes of both property and life. This agent for ovll is ono of tho most vauablo manures, and nothing but tho most culpablo care lessness and indiirerenco will suffer it to remain a standing menace to lifo and property when it can bo easily removed and turned to good account in tho field or garden. Twelve quarts of soot in a hogshead of water will mako a powerful liquid manure which will improvo tiio growth of flowers, garden-vegetables or root-crops. In cither a liquid or solid state it makes an excellent top dressing for grass or cereal crops. InaeeU on Plants. A gentleman who had many vears cxpcrlenco as a florist, states that thoso wiio aro troubled with insects on plants In their dwellings, and who do not prefer tho smoking out process would do well to try tho following remedy, wuicn iio na3 never Known to fall Tako water heated to a temperature of nbout ono hudrcd.and twenty decrees. nndaftcr filling a syrbigo witli it, shower tne plants copiously, and tho death of tlio insects will certainly follow, and no injury no caused to tho plants. An ox cellent way to pre&ervo bounuets is to occasionally clip tho ends of tho stems that rest in tho water which will furnish more nourishment to tho ilowcr. Connecticut Farming A correspondent writes "I havo had n pretty good'oxperienco of what it is to run Into debt for a farm mid pay for it. wo can raise better corn now than any of our neighbors, but grain will not pay for us to raiso nt present prices. Fat toning cattle Is tho principal business In this section, buying them In March, and selling In September nnd October. Most of tho cattlo fattened here, como through your city." Kentucky Agilciiltural College. Tho Lexington Gazette says thnt "thcro aro now ono huiidred and forty 11 vo students matriculated lnthlsdepart ment of Kentucky University, and ns boon as tho urrangeniculs are completed which nro now In progress, two orthreo times this flumbcr will bo accommo dated Mce White. Cake. I havo used tho following recipe, and find It good: 2cups sugar 2 cups flour J cup butter 3 cup milk with of 8 eggs i leaspooniui cream laricr j tea spoonful soda. Plough deep, that you may have corn to soli and keep. the younn Mollis. Tho l'oi mill Hit Lion, A Fox who had never seen n Lion, when by clmnco ho met him for tho first time, was fo terrified Unit ho almost died of fright. "When ho met mm iignin, ho was htlll nfrnld, but managed to dlsguiso his fear. When hp saw him tho third tlmo, ho wa? so much embold ened that ho went up to him and asked him how ho did. Familiarity breeds contempt. The Files nml the Itnliey-pot. A pot of honey having been upset In n frniw's shon. tho Flics camo around it In swarms to cat it up, nor would they movo from tho spot while thcro was n drop loft. At length their foot became so clogged that they could not fly away, and stifled in tho luscious sweets they oxclalmcd, "Miserable crca. turcsthntwo are, who, for nn hour's pleasure havo thrown away our lives 1" The Mule. A Mulo thnt had grown fat and wan ton on too great nn nllownnco of corn, was one dayjumping and kickingabout and nt length, cocking up her tall, ex claimed, "My dam was a Racer, and I am finite as good as Mio ever was." But being soon ucd up with her gallop ing and frisking, she remembored nil at onco that her siro was but an Ass. Every truth has two sides ; it Is well to look nt both, beforo wo commit our selves to either. The Ant nml the CJrnsshoppf r. On a cold frosty day an Ant was drag ging outsomo of tho corn which ho had laid up in summertime, to dry It. J Grasshopper, half-perished with hun ger, besought tho ant to givo him i morsel of It to preserve his life. "What were you doing," f-aid the Ant, "this last summer?" "Oh," said tho Grass hopper, "I was not idle. I kept sing ing all tho summer long." Said tho ant laughing and shutting his granary "Since you could sing all summer, you may danco all winter." Winter finds out what summer lays by. The Fighting Cock nml the Englr. Two young Cocks wero fighting as fiercely ns if they had been men. At Inst tho ono that lmd been beaten crept into a corner of tho hen-house, cov ered with wounds. Hut tho con. qucror, straightway flying to tho top of tho house, began clapping his wings and crowing, to announce his victory. At this moment nn Taglo, sailing by, seized him in Ids talons and bore him away; whilo the defeated rival camo out from lus hiding place, and tool possession of tho dunghill for which they had contended. The T.lon anil the Fox. A Fox agreed to wait upon n Lion in the capacity of a. servant. Kach for n tlmo performed the part belonging to his station ; tho Fox used to point out tlio proy, and the Lion fell upon it and seized it. But tlio Fox, beginning to think himself as good a beast as his master, begged to bo allowed to hunt tho game instead of finding it. His re quest was granted, but as ho was in tho act of making a de.-ceut upon a herd, tho huntsmen camo out upon him and ho was himself made tlio pnzo. Keep to your place, and your place will keep you. The Onc-cycil Doe. iV Doo that had but ono cyo used'to grazo near thn sea, and that sho might bo tlio- moro secure from nttack, kept her cyo towards tho land against tlio approach of tho hunters, nnd her blind sido toward tho sea, whonco sho feared no danger But some sailors rowing by in n boat nnd seeing her, nimed nt her from tho water and shot her. When nt her last gasp, sho sighed to herself: "iH-iatcu crcaturo Mat i ami l was safo on tho land side, whence I expect ed to bo attacked, but find an enemy in tho sea to which I most looked for pro tection." Our troubles often como from tho quarter whonco wo least expect them The I.ton nml the llotvmnii. A man who was very skillful with his bow, went up Into tlio mountain to limit. At his approach there was In stantly a great consternation and rout among nil the wild beasts: tho lion alone showing any determination to light. "Stop," said tho bowman to him "and await my messenger, who ha; somewhat to say to you." With that ho sent an arrow after tho Lion, and wounded him in tlio side. Tho Lion smarting with anguish, fled into tho depth of tho thickets ; but a Fox, tec ing him run, bado him tako couni; and face his enemy. "No," said tho Lion, "you will not persuade mo to that; for If tlio messenger ho scuds is so sharp, what must bo tho power of him who sends it!" The Wulf ami the Crnne. A Wolf had got a bono in his throat and In tlio greatest agony ran up nud down, beseeching every animal ho me to relievo him: atthosamo tlmo hint Ing nt a very handsome reward, to tlio successful operator. A crano, moved by his entreaties and promises, von tured her long neck down tho Wolf throat, nnd drew out tlio bone. Sho then modestly asked for tho promt: reward. To which tho Wolf, gilniiing and showing his tooth, replied with seeming indignation, "Ungrateful creature! to ask fur any other rowuv than thnt you have put your head into a olf'sjaws, and brought it safo out again !" Thoso who aro chnrilablo only in tho hope of a return, must not bo surprised If, In their dealings with ovll mcn,thoy meet with moro Jeers than thanks. A Tailor, who was bleating fell through tho Ice, declared that ho never would leavo hi t , "'" for a cold duck. or DRY GOODS, &c. 1 HANI) OPENING Of 0I1ANI) OPENING grand orraisa GRAND OPENING URAND OFENINQ FA Mi AND WINTER 0001)8, l'AUi AND WINTKIt GOODS, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, l'AM, AND WINTER GOODS, rAI.Ii AND WINTER GOODS, consisting of consisting of consisting of consisting of consisting of DllY GOODS DUY GOODS, DKY GOODS, DRY GOODS, BUY GOODS, 1 1 ATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAPS. HATS (AND CAPSJ, hoots and miois, hoots and shoes, hoots and show, BOOTS and hiiokh, HOOTS AND SHOES, READY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHING, HEADY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTIIirtO, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-GLASSIS-i, LOOKING-GLASSE NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, , NOTIONS, NOTIONS, TAINTS AND 011.1, l'AINTS AND OILS, l'AINTS AND OILS, l'AINTS AND OILS, l'AINTS AND OILS, onocr.itir.s, groceries, groceries, groceries, groceries, queensware, queensware, QunnxswAiti:, QUEENSWARE, QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HAItDWAItE, HARDWARE, TINWAHE, TINWAHE, TINWAHE, TINWARE, TINWARE, SALT, SALT, SALT SALT, SALT, risn, FISH, FISH, F1TH, FISH, CHAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, (111AIN AND SEHIH, GUAIN AND SEEDS, GItAi:l AND SEEDS, As., Ao alcKELVY, NEAL A CQ.'S, McKELVY, NEAL A CO.'S, McKELVY, NEAL A CO.'S. McKELVY, NF.AliA CO.'S. McKELVY, NEAL A CO.'S. Nortliwcit corner of Main nnd Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main nnd Market Streets, Norths efct corner of Main nml Market Sticets, Northwest comer of Main and Market Slreets, NorlUwi nt co rntr of Main and Markot fatrcets, ULOOMSHIIRG, PA., HL00MSI1UR0, PA. HLOOMHlllIRG, ' PA., HLOOMSIIUltG, PA., HLOOMSHUItO, PA. IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAIIX, IRON AND NAIIxI In !srKfuantltic andV reJured inu-i, oTway DRUGS & MEDICINES. HUG AND CI1UM1CAL STORE, Bloomsburg, 1'n. DRUGS, CHEMICALS, FAINTS, FEnFUMEHY AND TOILET ARTICLES. KYEH & MOYEIt respectfully Invito a rontlnunnca of patronage. Tholr Drugs nnd Medicines nro nil selected with tlio greatest cure, nrokllng ns much ns possioio tho Introduction of delirious nostrums, nnd nro purchased from tho best Importing houses In tho counliy. PATENT MEDICINES of' nil lilnds, Including Ayer's, Jayno's, Hollo- way's, IIostcttor'K, Wlslmrts, HooIlantlB, Ac. constantly on hnnd. COAL OIL AND ALCOHOL. HAII1, TOOTH, NAIL, AND CLOTHES BRUB1IES FAINTS AND CHEMICALS of cvciy variety, nnd of tho best quality. FANCY TOILET ARTICLES. Tlio public may lcly at nil times on procuring tho nbovo articles, with nil tlio new useful prepara tions kept In tho best conducted establishments. PHYSICIAN'S l'RESCHIPTIONS and Family Receipts compounded with the great est accuracy nnd dispatch. 17Ui:SII A1UUVAL OF NKW I ; GOODS, Tho undei signed has Just arrived from tho Clly with n largo assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oil", Vnrnlshes.and Dyo Stuffs, neady-MadoClothlng, l'ci fnmery, Toy nnd Fancy Articles, Druggist's Glassware, llrushes, Tiusscs nnd Supporters, and n general assortment of every thing that belongs ton well-appointed Drugstore. Also Patent Medicines ofnll kinds, suchas Jayno's, Aycr's, Wlsbart's, WJnslow's Soothing Syrup, Drown' Troches, Swain's Panacea, linker's Cod Liver Oil, llootland's Hitters constantly on hand. Also MOROCCO LHATllEIl, KID, FRENCH MOROC-. CO, FRENCH CALFSKINS. PINK TRIMMINGS, MNDINGS, by the dozen or naif-dozen. Also SHOE-FINDINGS, FISHING-TACKLE, Ac. Having had n large experleneo In tho drug busi ness, I would respectfully Invito thoso wishing nnj thing In that line to cull and sco my stock bo forepurcliaslngelsewhere. "In medicines quality 1, of tho llrst importance." J0N K MoyEn, POYAL & IlOYElt, Successors to GILI1ERT, ROYAL A CO. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, Importers and Dealers In DRUGfl, MEDICINES, PriCFX, FAINTS, OILS, GLASS, DYIJ STUFFS, AC, Nos. S09 and 311 North Third Street, Philadelphia. ' GROCERIES, &c, JOHN STItOUP & CO., Successors to Stroup A llrotbe r, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FISH, No. SI North Whirves, nn 1 2 1 North Witter St., Philadelphia. "VP lAVEIl & Sl'ltANKLK, WHOLESALE GROCERIES ANDCOMMISSION MERCHANTS, Nos. 223 nnd 227 Arch Street, Philadelphia. gCHKLL, BEIlOKIt & CO., Ul..L,ltAlJ LUJUUSBIU .MHUllAiN in Dealers in FISH, SALT, CHEESE, PROVISIONS, Ac, Nos. 122 and 121 North Wharves, above Arch St. Philadelphia. Solo agents for Wilcox's Wheel Grease, In bar rels, kegs, and cans. E 7STABLIS1IFD 1793. ', JORDAN A BROTHER, WHOLESALE GROCERS, nnd Dealers lu SALTPETRE AND HRIMSTONE, No DUO North Third Street, Philadelphia. QOTTKELL & AYKES, wnoiesnio ueaicrs in FISH, CHEESE, Ac, Ac, No. 100 North Wharves, second door abovo Arch Street, Philadelphia. JJ V. I'ETERMAN, With LIFPINCOTT& TROTTER, WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 51 North Water Streit, nnd No. 20 North Dclawaro Avenue, Philadelphia. MILLINERY GOODS. LOOJISUUKG FANCY TRIM- MINO AND HOOKSTORH, second door below Harlmiin's, Main Street, Just received a new slock ot ZEPHYRS, WOOLEN AND COTTON YARNS, CORSETS, LACES, EMBROIDERIES, MUSLIN EDGINGS, DRESS TRIMMINGS and every variety of nrtlcles usually kept In a FANCY STORE. Also SCHOOL HOOKS, HYMN HOOKS, DIUI.ES, SUNDAY-SCHOOL HOOKS, nnd n largo lot of MISCELLANEOUS HOOKS, ACCOUNT AND MEMORANDUM HOOKS, HLANK DEEDS, BONDS AND MORTGAGES, nnd a general and well-selected assortment of PAPER, ENVELOPES, Ac. A. D. WEI1I1, J R. I'URSEL, - HARNESS, SADDLE, AND TRUNK MANUFACTURER, nnd dealer in ' CARI'ET-HAGS, VALISES, FLY-NETS .Ac, Main Street, Rloomsburir, Fa, rj.MIE UNION HOTEL, Arch Street, between Third and Fourlh Streets. Philadelphia. CHRIST A WEIIER, Proprietors, Q.IRARD JIOUHE, C'vrner of Ninth nnd Chestnut SlrecW, Philadelphia. II. W. KANAKA, lroprietor, "jiOR SALE. A GOOD MILCH COW, Part Duiliam. Slin linsnflno calf thren week old, nnd Is In all respects aitcslrnhlKharirnlii. For pHruriunrs innuueai 1JI1 Ul FKE, Msrrll 1, Hr7. DRY GOODS. II URRAII FOU CATAWfSSA! THIS WAY FOR HARGA1NS. Ooods to compare with stringency or tho money market. Look nnd compnio prices beforo pur chasing elsewhere. Just cnll nt tho f.ivorlto busi ness stand of McNINCH A BHUMAN, nnd you will bo met by tho obliging proprietors or thelrclcrks.nnd shown through, their great variety storo free of charge, of course. Thoy will glvo oil n fair chance to spend your loose change, they trust much moro profitably than It cnu bo Bpcut hcwhcie. Their STOCK OF DRY GOODS this Spring is much larger in all Its varieties than usual. Their LADIES' DRESS GOODS nro of tho nicest styles In market. They hnvo n lino assortment of HATS, CAPS. BOOTS AND SHOES, SUMMER CLOTHS, CASSINE1S, CAS9IMERES, AND VESTINOS, nnd numerous nrtlcles common to such establish ments, besides 11 general assortment of HARDWARE, TINWARE, QUEENSWAHE, AND GROCERIES, all at greatly reduced prices. They wish to con duct their business on tho system of 'TAY AS YOU GO," nnd they think they enn nll'ord to sell very cheap. They return their thanks for many past favors, and nk tho future patronage of their former cus tomers nnd tho public generally. McNINCH A SHUMAN. RMBRUSTER & BROTHER, importers uuu jouueis ui IIOSlliRY, GLOVES, SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, BUTTONS, SUSPENDERS, HOOP SKIRTS, HANDKERCHIEFS, THREADS, SEWINQ SILKS, TRIMMINGS, FORTH MONNAIES, SOArS, TERFUMERY, FANCY GOODS, AND NOTIONS GENERALLY", ,lso Manufacturers of BRUSHES AND LOOKING GLASSES, nnd Dealers In WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, BROCMS, ROPES, TWINES, Ac No. S00 North Third Street, nbovo Vine, Philadelphia. g L. BETTLE, with VUSII, IIUNN A CO., DRY GOODS, No. 19 North Thhd Street, Philadelphia. ,jy M. JIARFLE, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, OLOVFA AND FANCY GOODS, No. M North Third Street, Philadelphia, g J. LESTER, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, Ac- No. 20 North Second Street, opp. an 1st Church, Philadelphia. JgARCROFT & CO., importers nuu jouuers in STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, CLOTHS CAbSIMERES, I1I.ANKLTS, LINENS, DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, Ac, Philadelphia. NDREWS, WIL1UNS & CO., xieaieis in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, No. 503 Market Street, Philadelphia. JOSEPH S. DELL, aiamnaciurer or ami wnoicsaio neater in CLOTHINO, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, AND VESTINGS, No. 13 North Third Streot, Philadelphia. "yATSON & J ANNE Y, Jmpoiters and Jobbers of SILK AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, Ac, No. 323 Market Street, Philadelphia. MISCELLANEOUS. QUR STARCH GLOSS U the only artlclo used by FIRST-CLASS HOTELS, LAUNDRIF.S, AND THOUSANDS 01- FAMILIES, It gives a beautiful polish, making tlio iron pass hmoothlv over the cloth, saving much timi: and lalxir. GoiHlsdono up with It keep clean much louder, cuiisciiqeniiy w in nui w car out so soon. IT MAKES OLD LINEN LOOK LIKE NEW. OUR IMPERIAL BLUE IS THE BEST IN THE WORLD. It ls soluble In hard as well ns soft water. It Is put uplu tho safest, neatest, anil most convenient mm! oi tiny oueieti to too punitc. IT IS WARRANTED NOT TO STREAK Till CLOTHES, Agents wanted everywhere, to whomwooffe CMiaordluary inducements. Addiess NEW YORK STARCH GLOS CO., s;p22-t in-ii.ic 21S Fulton Hurt, New York, JOWK, EUSTON & CO., Manufacturers und Wholesale Dealers In COTTON YARNS, CARPET CHAINS, 11ATTS, WICKS, TIE YARNS, CORDAGE, BROOMS, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, LOOK'O G LASSES, CLOCKS, FANCY BASKETS, TABLE, FLOOR, AND CARRIAGE OIL CLOTHS, Ac, No. 130 Mnilfet blleet, south side, Philadelphia. MEADVILLI- TIIKO LOG 1 C A L M'liooi,. Tho Fall term began Scptcm ber ,i. 1 ho Faculty of Instruction consUlsof lour resident and toui-iioii-resldeut prulessors, and n tutor, llienbji-i t N tn eilueato i iniug men lor tho riirMlim Mlnlstiy. Tliero Isa preparatory class lor lluiso w lui have not received it collcglato i-ilui'iillnu. ono hundred and sixty dollars n year nro granted lo beneilclarles. with an additional mm In special cases. Tlio tuition, use of Llhraiy uuu text-lioiilis, nrofiva to nil. Tho School wits founded by the Unitarian mid Christum delimit! nations, but Is npi-ii to all who bellevo lu tho ill vlneoilglu or 1'hrMIaulty. Thu Library consists ots,rnn) volumes. Application may bo mado to Rev, A, A. Llver iiioit;. President of tho Board of Instruction, Meudvllle, Pa. liu17-ly TOUVIN'H KID GLOVE CLEAN W ER.-litabllshi-d 12 cars, Tho only t.,ni nrtklii lor Instantly tlt-anliig Kid Glows. They can be cleaned, while upon tho hand, and worn Immediately, H is Inodoiotis, Ono boltlu will elcali .H pairs. Prlto aici-nts, Retailed by ltmt DrugclMs and Fancy Hloros. Wholcsalo bv He. mas Harm A Co;, F, C Wills A Co., and "tbors, Str Ysrlc, nv:i dm TOBACO & SEGARS. rplIE ONLY PLACE to get tho best TOBACCO AND CIGARS, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Ls nt IlUNGSDERGERS, s, few doors below tho American House, llloo-.usburg, Pii. Ho lins tho largest nnd most select of SMOKING AND CHEWING TODACCO cvcrofTcred to tho citizens of Bloomsburg. All the fancy brands of SEOARS, nnd tin best Fine-cut nnd Flug CHEWING TOBACCO, can be had nt his counters. TOBACCO PirES In great variety aro among his largo stock. DON'T FORGET TO CALL. H. H. HUNSHERGER. JJAQEN, BOYD & CO., 1U.u.uinmu.s .uL.utiwi.i Are, nnd Wholesale Dealers In LEAF AND MANUFACTURED TOBACCO, SEOARS, Ac, No. 01 North Third Street, Philadelphia. ' Consignors can forward ihetr stock "In Bond,, without prepaying tho United States tax. JJ W. RANK'S W11U1.1.SA1.1J 1U1IAUVU, W.tJl-1 , A.MI CIGAR WAREHOUSE, No. HO North Third Street, between Cherry nnd Race, west side, Philadelphia. JTUSSELL & WOODRUFF, Wholcsalo Dealers In TOBACCOS, CIGARS, PirES, Ac, Ac, No, 13 North Third Street, nbovo Mnrkot, Philadelphia. pRISimUTH, BROTHER & CO., WHOLESALE TOBACCO DEALERS, No. 131 North Third Street, flvo doors bolow Race, Factories, Nos. 223 nud 223 Quarry Street, Philadelphia. J II. WALTER, ljtto waiter tv Kaun. Importer nnd Denier In CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENSWAIU3, No. 231 North Third Street, ' betw ci-n Race nnd Vino Philadelphia. jgENJAMIN GREEN, Dealer lu CARPETINGS, WINDOW SHADES, OIL CLOTHS, MATS, AC, No. 33 North Second Street, Philadelphia. (J. W. BLABON & CO., Manufacturers of OIL CLOTHS AND WINDOW SHADES, Warehouse, No. 121 North Third Street, Philadelphia. LONGSTRETII, PAPER-HANGING WAREHOUSE, No. 12 North Third Street, Philadelphia. J V. LAMBERT, with ROSS, SHOTT A CO., Importers and Jobbers of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, Ac, No. 301 Market Street, Philadelphia. T0VDER KEGS AND LUMBER. W. M. MONROE A CO., Rupert, Pn,, Manufacturers of POWDER KEGS, and dealers in nil kinds of LUMBER, they nro prepared toaecomodat their custom with dispatch, nud on tho cheapes jyILLER & HOST, Successors to Franklin I'. Seltzer A Co., Importers and Wholcsalo Dealers In LIQUOItS, WINES, Ac, Nos. 110 nnd 112 North Third Street, Philadelphia. To Hotel nud Saloon keepers of lllooms. burg nnd Columbia County. I havo appointed Mr. II. Stolmer agent for tlio salo of my ale, jiortor, brown stout, nnd Inger beer, who will supply you at the same prlt-o (and with tho same nrtit-le), ns I would furnish you from tho brewery. Knoowlng that ho will be punctual and attentive to nil who may favor htm with their trade, I solicit for hhu your support. Very respect fully, FRED LAUER, Steam Brewery, Reading, Pn piIOTOGRAPHIC. E. A II. T. ANTHONY A CO., Jlanulacturers of l'holograplilo Mateilals, WHOI.l'SAI.K akii itnrAir,, . 4111 BROADWAY, N. Y, In nildltlolt to our innln Imslnevs of 1'llnTO, GRAPHIC MATERIALS wiuire Headquarters lor inn ii.iiuii iiiu, I . . STEltEOisCUl'lM A STEREOSCOPin VIEWS. 01 AiuerU-au and Foreign Cities and I-atudscapcs, uiuoim, niuiuary, eic. sll.'llEOSL'llPIO VIEWS OF THE WAR. nud forming it completo Photographic history of ItlU Kit-ill l-Ollll-tl. STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS ON GLASS, Adapted for cither tho Magle ljintem or tho nteteostope. tair uttaioguo win ue sent loiiuy uuiiica-, uii n-i-i-ifa ui noiiiiii. l'llOTOOIlAFIIIO AI.11ITMH. Wo manufacture, inoto largely than any other nouse.aimut .ihi varieties iroin miceiits to &iU each Our ALBUMS have tho reputation of being supu 1 lor lu beauty and durability lo any others, Card Phutogiaphsof Generals, Statesmen, Actors, in-., en. Our Catuloiruo embraces over FIVE Timi'S AND iUUt-ri-ut subjects, Including reproductions of tho moat celebrated Engravings, 1'nluliugs, Statues, etc. Catiiloguessi-nt mi receipt of stamp, PJ lot omphersuud others orilei lug goods O.O.I)., will pleasu remit lii per cent, of the amount with their order, if J- 'the prices nnd quality of our goods cannot nil to sntlsly. novl7-ly riMli: AMERICAN HAY KNIFE L AND FORK. We tho undersigned citizens oi Columbia County witnessed the tilal of bay forks on tho farm of Mr, Puisel, in Hemlock Township, on Monday, M"v 7, Iswi, Is-ttteen tho Amcilcau Ray Knife and 1-iuk miiiitif.ietuitsl by SI.IFER, WA1.IJS, H1IR1NER A Co., of Lewis' burg, P.t., nnd tho Bunders Patent Hay Hook, Tho Aincrlcnii Fork lilted more hay in ono draught llian thu Rundcl in tluee. Wouresatls. lied It u 111 tako as much bay into Hit mow ns two ttood horses can draw, Wo nJso saw it culling hay, mid think It cannot bo beat usit h.iy kulte, and cbeerliilly rC-commcnd It tn tho best h.ty loik and knltii w u have ever seen, ('. liirn..Nnr.NUEH, Du, F. f. ILvitmsoN, . it, KtsiNs, John Dok, John DEremtK, Iunii:i. Novkii, H. IIIIII.KMII.I.EIt, SVI.Vl.STlUt PcltSKI,, MitiiAEi, Hri.i.Eit, John Wni.i'. Ihoy Hlso mniiiif.ii'tiiru Ilie celcbrali-d nuekova I!enp(-nnd Mower, ml Mlisr iilculturnl Inipls. IRON, TINWARE, &.C. RATIONAL FOUNDRY, Illooinskatrg, Columbia County, Pa, Tho subscriber, proprietor of tho nbove-t tnd extensive establishment, Is now prepared r(. eclvo orders for nil kinds of MACHINERY FOR COLLIERIES, BLAST FURNACES, ST ATI ON A Y ENGINES, MILLS, THRESHIN MACHINES, Act He Is nlso prepared to mako Stoves of nil sites nnd patterns, Plow-Irons, and every thing usually mado in first-class Foundries, His extenslvo facilities and practical wotkrhen warrant him In receiving ths largest contract 6n tho most reasonable terms. Grain of nil kinds will bo taken In exchange for Castings. This establishment Is located near tho Lockt. wanna und Bloomsburg Railroad Depot. FITTER BILLMYER. gTOVES AND TINWARE. .. .11. jiur,iir anuounocs to his friends nud customors that continues tnonuovo business nt his old placo on MAIN STREET, BLOOMSBURG. Customers can bo accomodated with FANCY STOVES of all kinds, Stovepipes, Tinware, nnd every va riety of article found In n Stovo and Tinware Es- InlilUlimmit In lltnnlllna n,l n,i I1,ntiin.l ablo terms. Hcpnlrlngdoncntthosliortostnotlcc, 23 DOZEN MILK-FANS on hand for salo. E AGLE FOUNDRY. JOSEPH SHAItrLESS, Bloomsburg, Fa. STOVES OF EVERY VARIETY, PLOUGHSHARES, PLOUGHrOINTS, nnd nil kinds of Castings, on hand or supplied ou tho shortest notlco nud nt the cheapest rates. Castings for COAL BREAKERS AND COAL SCHUTE3 made loonier. pilCENIX STOVE DEPOT. HEATERS, RANGES, AND STOVES, Wholesale and Retail. rATENT ANTI-DUST COOKING STOVE, VULCAN HEATER, for heating two or moro rooms. PARLOR, COOKING, LAUNDRY, HEATING, and every variety of STOVES, JOHN I. HESS, No. 310 North Second Streot, Phllndolplda, i' BURKIIART, importer nuu ucaior in IRON AND STEEU No. 00 Front Street, " riillndelplila. 1J. EORGE II. ROBICRTS, Imiiorter nnd Dealer In HARDWARE, CUTLERY', GUNS, AO.. No. 311 North Third Street, nbovo Vine, Philadelphia. HOTELS AND SALOONS. JADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S RESTAURANT. B. H. STOIINER hns fitted una FIRST-CLASS EATING SALOON, whom ladles and gentlomen can bo supplied wilo tho dollcnclcs of the season. A suppl of FRESH OYSTERS rilwnys ou hnnd, FRESH BREAD, CAKES, AND PIES, FRENCH AND DOMESTIC CONFECTIONS In every stylo nnd variety, NUTS, FRUITS, anil everything usually found in n FIRST-CLASS CONFECTIONERY STORK. JERK'S HOTEL, GEORQE W. MAUGER, Proprietor. Tho nbovo well-known hotol has recently under gone radical changes in its internal arrnngeinonts, and Us proprietor announces to his former custom and tho travelling public Hint his accomodations for tho comfort of his guests aro second to liono In the country. His tabic will always bo found sup plied, not only with substantial food, but with all tho delicacies of tho season. His wines and li quors (except that popular boverago known ns "Jt-A-nry), purchased direct from tho importing houses, nro entirely pure, nnd free from nil poi sonous drugs. Ho ls thankful for n liberal pntron ngo In tho past, und will continue to descrvo It la the future. GEORGE W. MAUGER. QUSQUEIIANNA HOTEL, KJ Catawissa, Pn. Tho abovo Hotel has lately been purchased by HENRY J. CLARK, and has been thoroughly re modelled, repaired, nnd refurnished. It will ba found now, In Its arrangement nnd appointments, n first-class Hotel, nnd second to nono In tho country. Persons In cities wishing to spend tho hot mouths lu tho country, will do well to giro tho proptietor n cnll. QARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, Bloomsburg, Pa. SI. C. SLOAN A BROTHHK, the successors of WILLIAM SLOAN A SON, coutlnuo tho business of making CARRIAGES, Buaaius, und overy stylo of FANCY WAGONS, which they have constantly on hand to salt ctig tomers, Nover using liny material but tho lies nnd employing tlio most experienced workmen, they hopo to continue ns heretofore to glvo entlro satisfy tlon to every customer. An Inspection o their work,'nml of tho reasonable prlco asked fo the same, is suro to lnsttro a sale. J? C. LIGIITE & CO., Manufacturers of riitsr-tuAss. ovand ash sqcAim 1 I A N O F O R T E St Solo Ptttoiitees of I.Ighto's celebrated Patent In sulated Iron Frame. ,roalsoiuakcrsof the very best Piano Fortes lu tlio market. HAVING BEEN AWARDED THE HIGHEST PREMIUM AT THE AMERICAN- WORLD'S FAIRI and tho Exhibition of tho Industry of all Nations, besides numerous other GOLD AND SILVER MEDALS, together with testimonials from all tho most dis tinguished Musical colebtlllus lu Europe and America. T hey have also Just received THE HiailEUT PREMIUM At tho Illinois Stato Fair I Tho Indiana Slats Fair), Tho Iown Stifle Fair! Tho Wisconsin Slnto Fnlr, etc. Ill competition with tho most celebrated Manu facturers of New York. Boston, Philadelphia. Baltimore, etc. Wnreroonts, HI Broome street, near llroadway, New 'orkClly, Orders by mall promptly alien. dud to. Send for Circular. (JanlS'07. Notice. AH pitsuns lilioit Ing t Imiusflv Indebted In cither of tho undorslgned.on Hook Note, or Judgment, aro requested lo mako pay. ment without delay, if tln-y would savn costs. M'KI'.LVHV. NEAL ti m.,n,l WILLI l jrYCM.VWY .