THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBUHG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. 8flw (ifolumbimi iii.oi)Msnuit(j,ruii).v, .MAju'iini,i(ir. Pianos tuucit liy anoitai: Kt,wi:t,i,, Bloonisbiirg, l'n. .t. This week wo Imvo plnced (ho column for "Young Folks " on our fourth imgo. "We liuhlish clsowhoro (ho Trlnl nnil Jury list for the Mny term of Court. Ooy. Geaiiy linn signed tho hill re quiring rnllrorul coin-mull's to carry nil passengers without distinction of color. Miw. Jr.iT. Davis, In n letter to n friend In Philadelphia, announces that she ha been blessed with another ton. WILLIAM ti. MAIIDOCK AND Co. dealers lu flno grocevles, No. 110 South Third Street (opposilotho Qlrard Bank) Philadelphia. The largest, best and cheapest assort ment of Stoves and Tinware in tho county, Is at tho storo of William jr. Ent, LIghtstrcet. -It. The farm of tho lato Cioorgo l'fell, deceased, of Orange township, this coun ty, was bought by Itcuben Sltlcr, for two thousand dollars. A in Mi has been Introduced into tho Legislature, allowing the bodies of pau pers after death, to bo used In medical schools for scientific purposes. Ei'iiuaim V. Ki.wiJM,, has been ap pointed assistant assessor In this county. Tho appointment is a merited one, and will bo satisfactory to tho people. We are pleased to announce thatltcv. A.IIiirtman has been appointed as Stt pcruumnry minister nt AVashingtonvillo Montour county, by tho East Baltimore Conference. is reply to numerous queries wo would say that tho present Congress has made no change in existing ISouiity laws. Tho Houso Dill giving eight and one-third dollars for each month's ser- vico failed in the Senate. Tin: Plltston Gazelle comes to us on larged and improved. As a further evidence or prosperity, our "brother ehlp" has in successful operation u new Htcam Power Press. Though a Vff?- ical sheet it looks well, and is ably edi ted. Oun townsman, Andrew J. Madison, has purchased tho .storo and fixtures of William Kreamer at .Jeiseytown, and proposes to take possession next week We know him to boa courteous, upright mau, and trust ho will meet with the success he merits. Stephen C. Johnson, late of Light Street, one day last week fell through the hay mow of Mr. Samuel Everett, at Orangcvlllo, and died within twenty four hours, from tho injuries received. Ho was an elderly man, and at tho timo was probably Intoxicated. Amono tho many changes that will tako place In our county next week, wo may mention the removal of Captain It. J. Millard, or the llrm or Sloan and Millard, from Orangovillo to Milllin vlllo, where ho proposes to open a tlrst class country storo. Judging from Ids well known energy ami capacity, we doubt not ho will revolutionize trade matters In tho pleasant littlo village to which he moves. Ouk neighboring county or Schuylkill la getting a bad reputation for lawless ness. Murders and outrages aro of fre quent occurrence, and the local author ities seem to bo unable to check them. It would seem that a largo numbeiof men there are out of work, and that "Satan is finding mischief still, for idle hands to do." An organized band called tho " Molly Maguires " aro reputed to bo foremost lu causing thoso distur bances. On Tuesday of last week an explosion took placo at Du Pout's Mills, at Wap wallopen. Tho eauso was unknown. At the time, the workmen, some twen ty in number, wero at dinner, save Evan Davis, who Wits instantly killed. Ho was blown somo distance, ids head btrlking a log ayd Ids limbs being bro ken, lie leaves a wlfa and several chil dren. Tho loss Is nbout eight thousand dollars. Tho mills under tho active su perlntendency of Mr. Dealing, will boon bu in running ordei'. James P. Sandeks, M. W. Grand Siro of tho Independent Order of Odd Fellows, has, in obedience to n resolu tion of tho Orand Lodge, issued a Pro clamation appointing April 20th as a day to be observed by the, members of tho Order, as a day or Thanksgiving and Prayer, and that they do assemble on mid day in such manner and form of organization, with their families, as the appropriate authorities in their respec tive Stnto Jurisdictions may prescribe, do render thanks to tho ever-living God for his manifest favor in protecting tho Institution, and especially for tho preser vation of Us unbroken unity. The condition of our streets Is hor rible. Our taxes aroexecedlngly heavy, yet tho roads aro never Improved beyond thoso of the previous year. Tho mate rial that is placed on them makes tho mud and du-t deeper each succeeding year eo that our prosperous town lias become u bvword and reproach. Sonio systematic and permanent plan of Im provemont should bo devised and exe cuted, and it will prove clu-aiier in the end. Tho muck and loo-o dirt should bo hauled away, (it would make a good fertilizer) and its placo supplied either by a paved stieet or a road over which our oro teams could drive without tho wagons sinking ludf- way to tho hub. It would be' economi cal in tho end, bavo n great deal of horse IJcth, beautify our town, ami increaso the value of property. Li:oisi,.VTivi:. Our member, -3lr. Chalfant, has Introduced a bill (o pre vent thg fishing with poisonous bait, In thoSunquchanna or Its tributaries in tho county of Columbia. An net to re peal tho Act of April llh 18(10, to lay out a Stnlorond in tho counties of Col umbia and Schuylkill, has passed tho Senate. Hills to authorize tho purchase of real estato and the erection of l'oor Houses, lu tho townships or llloom and Hem lock, have been reported In tho House or Representatives. An Act to Incorporate tho Danville Water Company has passed u second reading In tho House. A law to compel railroad companies to carry negroes with other passengers, has passed by a party vote, and has or course promptly received tho npprovul of Governor deary. Hadleals can now enjoy n rhlo with tomo big fat negro wench, on n hot summer day, according to law. Tho proposed law to allow the street cars in tho city of Philadelphia to run on Sunday, as was also tho bill to allow a vote to bo taken on tho question, at tho next October election. Tho city members supported the measure, but It was opposed by members from the country. Vote in tho Senate, Ayes 12, Nays, II. A resolution to adjourn slin; tile, on Thursday, April 11th, has passed both Houses. P. John speaks in this week's. Issue of the "glorluus lien. Duller." Wo re member also that his name was con spleuous on tho Doyal Leagues tran-pa' rency over the way. Why don't our lladical opponent print his speech on Mrs.Surnitl'.s murder'.' Tho "Olorlous lien. Duller" shows that the Infamous Judge Holt pocketed Dooth's diary, in Which the lolloivlng sentence occurred written by Doothnftcr theasaiiiation, and a few hours beloro his death: have endeavored tocrus.ilie Potomac fax tunes and faded. I nronosalo return In Washington, and yivc myself uj, and clear myself from this ureal crime." He also shows that eighteen pages of this diary have been cut out by the-e lladi cal leaders, lor fear the world would And out what an infamous thing a Mili tary Commllim is. Will the llepuUl can say that Mrs. Surratt was not mur dered '.' What a privilege is conferred on tho Christian priesthood, in being permit ted to oiler Sacrifices of righteousness,' instead of bulls and goats, etc. It is ours to offer the peace oll'ering of pnii-e and thanksgiving; the Iieave-oll'ering of prayer and heavenly de-ires ; the wave-offering of universal obedience; the meat-offering of charitable distribu tions; and tho drink-offering of godly sorrow. ( hiist is the altar upon which all our Kicrillees must bo offered oven our most spiritual sacrifices are only ac ceptable through Jesus Christ. Ikon Duihoe. Danville is to have another iron bridge. The wooden foot bridge crossing tho canal on the west side of Mill street Iirtvinjr become much dilapidated is to bo taken down and an iron structure put up in its place. We understand that tho contract lor build ing this bridgo was taken by Waterman A Heaver. As a matter or economy, wo have no doubt these iron bridges will prove the cheaper in the end. Inhlli yenccr. The progress of tho Columbian lias frightened our Itadieal neighbor. Delias brought all his guns to bear on it, show ing that ho has been bit. Go on, Mr. Republican ; wo like to bo abused by you; nothing can help us more In tho County. Asa friend, however, we sug gest, that in writing letters to your-elf enclosing fictitious amounts ol money, that you avoid so many profane express ions. They show a bad temper. Gov. Geaky has gone into n wholesale veto business, ir impeachment is tho proper remedy against President John son, for the exercise of tills privilege, why not use it again-t Geary? He is endeavoring to obstruct legislation omiojinp; tlio Min of thu icoplo tw exiirowl tlioiif;li tliclr ri'iire-cntativc, anil r' course must Im removed. It i-s a poor rulo that does not work both ways Tho tintral Courier, a Itadieal ulit-ct at Sellnarove, slvcstho DMi tliufollow IiiK dig. They sDonlil venieniber it : "The IVninns continue, to make deni oiistnitioiis all over Ir.eland but with no .show of Mure.-s-. Wo always tippo-ed tho plan, for tho Irish, in u people, aro theinosl intolerant and bigoted mitlon nlitv on (iod'searth. Thev can no more piv'ern tlieinelvcs than a parcel of chil dren can." I'. .Toiix published nu extract purport ing to eoino from tho Tribune, pulling Ulysses Jlercur, and over which ho chuckles hugely. Wo dare him to give Us tho number and dato of tho Tribune containing said extract. Wo do not bellevo tho Tribune ever editorially noticed such small fry. A iu:WAl!l) of ono hundred dollars Is offered by Mr. llolswick, for any Infor mation which may lead to tho capture of tho thief, and return to him thuspan of horses which wero stolen on tlio 1Mb Inst. For a definite description refer to our new advertisements. Tin: Government lias paid ono hun dred thousand dollars in gold for a lot three hundred feet Mjunro in Han Fran cisco, as a site for tho United .States llraueh Mint. Tlio propo-ed building will cost six hundred thousand dollars. l'i:!ii-ox proposing to change their residence April 1st, should notify us promptly, m that wo can change tho address of their papers, (iivo us tho oulco form, and to which they remove. Tnr.itnls nothing now at Washing ton or abroad, hence wo glvo our read ers other matter this week. In Con- Igress tho principal question discussed , Is adjournment. THE KALEIDOSCOPE: . "A innp of huy life IU fluvluntluna audits vast wiuvma," INDECENCY. There is nn evil in community that cries uiotid for redress.. It Is one tot which there seems to bo absolutely no punishment, but which yet deserves prompt and sevcro chastisement. It is doubtless nt tho bottom or much or tho moral degradation wo seo around us: and as the only check to It seems to bo by a most thorough exposure, It is meet that public attention bo called to It, and those hereafter guilty of such breaches of decorum, good manners, and decency, should know tho foul wrong they are committing. This crying evil to which I refer, is the most vile fashion some-very nmiiy old men, heads of families, have, of tell ing .wiiill; stories and cracany obscene Jokes In the presenco of their grown up daughters, and often, to when young men, strangers, nro In the company. Now, in my opinion, any rather of u family who will bo guilty of such a breach of decency, deserves to be kicked out of tho room. Wliatkliidofanoplu lon can a young gentleman entertain of tho purity of young ladles, who are thus every hour of tho day subjected to tho vllo language and outrageous behaviour or their father. I have seen many old men who seemed to delight in detailing such stories, and ignoring all tho rules ofgood breeding and propriety. It is not lu the power of the English language to express tho leollngs widen the gro-s- ness of such behaviour engenders In the heart. A father is the seducer, and un married daughters aro the victims. H It were a stranger, tho recurrence could be prevented by forbidding him the house, and 1 trust that no father would hesitate a moment to protect his family from the foul language of a black guard; but shall Iiiniseli be licensed to behave worse and more brutal, because he cannot bo turned out of doors'.' Is it poslblot'"'t he, who .should protect them from even the suspicion of contamina tion, should bo the llr-t to awaken tho pa-shins of his son-, and to dull the moral prcceptlous of Ids daughters, de stroying that innate feeling of modesty, which belongs to every woman'.' If this paper should be read by any man who has been guilty of the dis graceful practice to which I have alluded let nie ask him what ho would think of a stranger who should do or say, lu the preenco of the family, what he hlimclf has done and said ? Would lie dare to insult them, sir, as you consider your self privileged to do? Have you not often caused wife or daughters to bhi-h Sir your want of decency? "When did you lh-sl feel regret nt having written and published immoral poems?" said a friend to Thomas Moore, the poet. "When I had a daughter old enough to read them," was the shame-faced reply. Aro you more lost to the higher and holiersentlmeiits.tliautho.-ciisiioiisjiriet, whose paternal feelings brought- him to appreciate tho immense wrong he had done to their families, when he found it reacting upon Ids own? If there is any place that .should bo held sacred to moral and mental purity, it is the social circle. There tho child, looking up with admiration, respect ami love to the parents, is ever ready to catch and imitate every word and action ; the stripling girl just now awakening to a sense of wonionhood, hears allusions but half understood, and piqueing a curiosity which is not satisfied with half knowledge ; and tho full blown maiden, in tho very hey-day of her young blood, is prepared for corruption, by a father's brutality, indecency ami obscenity ! Can you Imagine anything more dis gllstiiigaiid mure reprehensible? And let me assure you,it is not so rare asyou may imagine. Look abroad and see the terrible strides that vieoand inimorali tyaroinnking through our land, and tell me, if tho seeds wero not planted at home, whether tho pace would be so tremendous, and the harvc-t so abund ant. Fathers of families ! you are responsi ble for much Hist, by permitting your daughters indl-criminate associations; J and next, by habitual inilulKi.-m.-e in the i vlleiiraetleoto which 1 haveemle.ivdieil local! your best thoughts and atteu- tion l'UBUC HOUSE. Tho nnilpisilsmal hi" ojit-ncil n new Homo of Ihitc-ituinnu-nl ut IlKNTON", COl.l'MUIA I'OL'.VTV, 1'A., wliloh Is l.irm i-oinmoilloi!, woll furnWlii-"!, mul s.tiiiit ! iihniit tho ii-ntio r tin- IM.iko. 'Ihostiv IiIIiik Is also now, Moll iiiiniiiil, i-uiiM'iiU'iit iiinl hn'iiro. . , . , , , , , It will oo Ills I'onsmili rniiruvor in iiiniisn ins tuhlc with iiooil, ph-nly mul HilMiuitliil his lllir W 1111 rlOU-l', lUlll-HIIU IHIO-s,,ll, llijlKlin; mm III, slllhU- WUIIOMTJ llllll, (".tu'.IWiim'iit iit-oi'siarv til IllK'nO his 1U- holiclu tk lmi'o ot lllu iilllillu imilouuhv l'lrrnn aiti.i:man Hcnton, Munli 1, li" t N a U It A N 0 K AOENC'Y Wyomtim' - 6IV.oao .Ktuii l,i.VW I'oiiinu'rio , Imimo rnlton lliiltlo riitnmii Mi'i'i-liiints Hprlnefh'hl " - tiolllltllll.l Insiiiuiii-o I'oiiiiuiiiy of Mato lVnn'n., ., I'otinootlciit Mulual I.lfo ,11)11,01 ) USO.ihu .Mii.OiXI SHHH) 57ii,nm .VKIjIKI l 1,1 III 10.IXJO.IKHI Xorlll American Tianstl riUl.Vsj llltOW.V, Agent, mnrSW-ly.1 f I il IE ICEVSTOXT UuinMellt'lCU, l'. Ul.OVEIl yiCEl) J. H T 11 I 1 1" E H . TATKNTKII IlllnllCll !, IsM, Tills flmple, tlioiiKlieirifllve niatiilne Is mlmlt It il hy all M-li'litlllf tihsen er to Im llic moM tllioel do le'e l'oi- itallu-rllDl i lover m l el tllM'ovtireil. lllt-le Khlliee at 11 Is Mllllelenl to enlivllieo Ilia llliist iilitll-ellllllilot its pillitle.ll UlllilV. It htllpsllieelnel heail Irolll the .Mill It iMlVlIU the straw kt.iiulliiK upon the Biouinl. H U easily ili'iiwn liy one Iioim', aiul leiiulion but una nian or hoy lo w'orl; 11. .... . ,, Itlsoiiiup.iet,liii'lo. Ill striietiiie, mul not lln l,Ii in net out of oriler, ami t an he ehoaiily pit up. The uicat aiUanlaue in this machine Is, wo Iiiimi the i-eeil i!allii'lt'il 111 Iheeliull", leaily for lllu eloyer mill or liuller, hesliles nilna the meiil h i milt of time ami lahor nf hum Im;, lianilllii ami llilfshinsll Horn the straw, II will nlo pay ey. "rv larnni- loiiallu r his see.1 with ihls iii.ieh no mi neontllit t.r thes.iUnuol Ihe stetl whkli l.s lost 111 llleol'l .l of mllllflllli It. i:lraorilliiui liiiliieinieiilinfrereillinii;ruello ineiiwhowMiloiniri'liioehlatuor cuiinty JtltliU.,mel'lnsAsAni.iNiiill) L'ENTII M l . ni, ut rniuiniiis iouiit . l'n LEGAL NOTICES. A DMIXlSTItATOlt'H NOTICE. -II I.STAT HI 10 MMlV l.tSKNltAUT. Ilfc'll. Lot tors (if IlillillliUtt-ntlotl In 111. i.Klntn of Mul-V Klsollh-irt. late iifl'ntiiu-livn tnwli.hlti. (VilinnMil cnu nty.ileioaseil, have liecn firahlcil liy llio ltcKls- icr 01 iniiinuiin county, in j.i-nnarn ,iiiiin, ni Mil'l r-nunly. All ih-ikohs havlnir claims or tl- mumis ntftilnt tin ostalo or tho ilccctli'iil more iiucsteil in make them known to tho nilhiltiMrn. tut without ilolny, itml nltnersons lnilcblcil nie rciiucstcil to nuke iiiiyiuent. I.EONAltl) ADAMH. March 1, 1-07-M. Administrator. A DMINISTHATOK'S NOT ICE. SY l'STATI. MF JOsH'll ltOttlllNS, tlt'c'll. l.cttlTS ufmlminiMtutlnu tn ttnH'stntPnr.lntrtili Untihlim, liccrnf-pil, lint ben strniitca liy tint llfuMrr 111 coiinnma pmintv, In nmtnti Uohiiln. All ii-r-firms lim-lnurl'tlm nrihMiuunl-wmuliiM llio pstnlo of llu1 ileccilcnt nro lciiUi'Mfl In liliiko thorn known to llio mlmlnMnitnr without ih-lay, mul nlliH-rioni link-hli-il wv U'om-iti'il In tnnk-o tiny limit. LES ION llOIIIIINS, llroemvnocl, 1YI, 2?, lsi.r-Jit. AilminlMnitnr. A UDITOlt'S NOTICE. In the On -TV ohiihi' Coorl nt thn t'ounly of Colutntiln; i.suiif 01 . i vr ii. s M .ijii.h. i pprnspii. 1 op ll I'll lornppoinipii i- uipi'ntirt to iniiKo tiiMriotitinn of Hi. Imlanpp nf Hip pHtniPor mill iIpcpii-ciI, in the linniN of t' John, Expclltol-of llio MlM John Wnlti-r, Lit- of licitii tmnlilt, In mux coimly, ili-i'i-ii-fsl, will inrpt tint luirtli's tor Hip puipo-p ni ins tii)Oiiiiinpiii, nn iui'iiy, ,liru ninth, A. 1), ly(7t ut ton n'cloi'k n. 111., nt hit nlllpp m iiioonisiiuiif. itUiii.ur 1 . i. i.Ai.iv, I'l'liruniy !", 1. AUilltnr, AV, DMINISTUATOD'S NOTICE. SI'VTK OK .M-MANN lluwiut. Iircr sr.ll.- 1,1-Mpihoi tuliiiinlsinitlnii on Iho estato nt .lull- nun IIkwi'v, Iiiic of I'mtic lowii'-lilp, i'nK.mlila pounty, tU'ci'iiM-.l, hnvt' bom irni.tinl by (In Itoii tsWrtit KiMfimut. In Dmlel llmvi r, nxMlnKln tlif ittw nvlitp titnl county iitort-nlil. All iorMim lm inn Hal mi on tho palutt1 arc iciiurstt'ii to i ni sei. t tliclll itlily tint ti-'llt U'.'ilrfl fnrscttloini'lit, Mini HMi'M' HUOVt III('Ill'-iM'S UlUCDM'tl Ut UK? I'SIHIC will Jiiuko inn aiciit tortliwlih. dan i i:r isown:, Tcruary 1", Hm-Cav. ArtminlMmtur. 17 x icc rn ms' xotick.-kstatu I J Ol' WlIMAM ItuillltNM, Df'.t iLV-f tV-l,cttetH tchtamr ntiirv on 1 1 jo cstiituor Willi. nn IiObbln Into of rNlilirjcn'i k lownslilkt. I'olinnbi.i emintv tlocciltctl. h:ii I) 'en irrnntoil bv tli lloiibttor nf miM county to r. It, Whltottnd M. A. AmiinTtiuiii. AlMX'ivniiH bu bit! c iilnisi iiirtiln-t liio ttntin! icqtu-ttt'it to prcwiit ttioin lov vctib'iiicnt, ntnl tbovc liiitcblud to flu- estate: will mako iuj niciit loiut iocmoi-t wiinoui uomy. c, 11. wjiiti:. it. A. AMMKIIMAV, IVbruury I'i, IIThIw, Kxt-cittor-s. TX 'I' I l'oi: i Ill-: CorilT oi' Common Pi.kas riiKCors1 r or Vmmiu i ciiAin.i.s 1 licet moor icrin, iv'f, I Nn. 21 M.t:nTi; r Kvnti v. I In I)Ioito. 'l'n Maiti.itt! I-eil, Kcitotulent, Madame : Tho Court hao j. Hinted a nile on you to .bow eaue m hv a illnrce (f vtncvto tmttrimvnlt Miuuld not bo decreed, Iteturii-ihlc Monday, May vlxth, l'iT, nt 10o"tiH kn, m. sAMITJ, SNVJ)i:U. Sherlir. llinnm-huru, Mail h 1, Hj7. TX TI X V nit 1 1 UK COntTor Common Pi.kas 1IK Cor NT Y OK CnM'MIl! 1 ATM II I N I' I In 1 . 1)V her 1 Dfccliilii'f T.Tlil. lWJ. next tilend .lohn stattler, Nn. 21, I". TllnM s Ho at. ) In DUoieo. To 'J limine lto.d. lte.-iondent Mr: rheCouit i,;i o urnntt d a ndc mi on to hbou- cause hv a illvi.rce a i iiii'nt hi'ttrltnritill Kliould lint be decreed, Iteiurii!ibleMmuluv, May lth, iMiT, at I'lnVJoek a. m. AM('i:i, SN )i;i:,herlir. ltbnmi-.burp, M-uvh 1, 1nI7, TX Tl K COCKT or Common Ti.kas I l'olt Till. CorVTY OK lOMMlHIA! M auy .1. M vnmmi.Iiv lur) i-Vbuiary Term,lyj7, lie.M fltelid Atucv II nlail, V Nn. 1), i , Asmii.w J. M nnimi. ) III i'linrco. Tn AndiewJ. Maiinlmr, Ilostpnndcnt. Ctr: Tho Coint lrn granted a inleim jou to hov rhLls, w hy adl oiee a i Inmln matrimonii should not bu decreed. Ketuuriblo, Monday, Mav Ixtb, Ih;7, at lu o'clock a. ni. SAMCl!l, HN VUi:K, HUtY. Illnoiuxtinrir, Ma ifli 1, W7. 17STATK i)V VUKWVAj (i. 1UC1C j J KTl'", lu'n. Tn.Iohn Ulrketts. Until JIic ber, M.irv M'lutnvh, Nancy JIuMI, riciMiu Sims, lUIJah o. Hlckett-, the hclri ot Coitilitht, di acd, heirs ol l.e 1 AMiton, deceased, and tu nil nther per-mi-i inierestt'd. ureethu: You are hereby cited tn be and appear before tho .lud-ro- of an -: phiinv Couit. In tie held at ttlnoinshuiy. Count v of Columbia, on the lli"d Monday "f Mav in t, then and there to accept nr n ItlMt tn taKe (lie leal estato of tho said Cleimud (t. Itlckotu, deceaved, at tlio nppr.ilscd valuation put tumuli b an impuM duly auaideil liy the said l outt, and utmntul by ih MaTit!", or show einvi hv 1 lie sainc "linillil not be sin Id. wiuiesHiue iin'niMioio im.liu i.ieH. lTel- dent of our sild Cniitt. at Itlnoimburti, the Utli day nf I'ebiii'irv. . n. Ni7. .Il.-M', i OILMAN, Clerk O. C. UhroinsbitrK. March .', Im". 1N J. am nil-: ouimiaxs' corirr IX and lot- tlio ('mum of Columbia : In llio mat- lel of lln-est!tle uf .JAl OIt 1 IVKUHaU l late of Omne township, deeened. And iuw to wit, 1 ehuiaiy lltth, ih, on motion ot .Mr. lnoeKway, dim m y I'm-li u itf'si, i;. II. Mttte, INq., wnt aj poiuted andilur, mi eVtvpt Innt tiled to tlio ne count nf Aumivtus i:vei hart, executor of &ahl dc co.iNed, and lo make distribution. F;j tire L'ouit. i'roin the recoid. JunSi: rot. i h ax, (Mori?. The auditor uboo d w 111 atb-nd to t be du tlcsiol liU uppolulint-ut, at bN oMlro In Ulnom tnutr.nnSaturd.i.v.tlietwvnti-ttilrdtlaynf.Manli, mi7, iii ten o'clock m. m., when ami wbeiv all par ties lntcIVSted m.i attend. k. ii, i.rrn.i:, Amiitnr. rebiunry IM. TX TJIK OIUMIAXS'S COUHT IX I and for tlio Count of Columlila; In tho mat ternt tbe -tato ot WILLIAM Kill IV., late nf Orange tm D'hip, iIiwitiI, And now, to wit, 'Kill, r'i7, the Court appoint i:. II. LU tie, 1Sm audllnl tn make dMrihutinii ot the bal mice In the bands of accountants, ,1. if. rut ami s. Aehenba-breecutoi,t(inndaiiinni;vl tlieerod Hois, liy thu Ciiiu l. I'loiu the record, .Ussi; Com. max, (Moil?, 'riieaudltnr abnvo named will attend tn tho duties ol Ids appoint men t, at hKnillee in Hlnnm. bunx, on saiuidiiv the twenty-third day of Maieh 1-fiT, at tell n t Inr-K, n m., and wlieru all p.irtUi lutclisted m.i tUU 11'!. i:. It. Ll'lTLi:, Auditor. 1'ebi u.iry 1, Im, TX '1' 1 anil fn HE OIll'HANS' COUltT IN il the Million 'nt tho mi.lPllilll ol l'llll.ll Ki:l.lj:u, lor salt, ot nil.t minor's loal i-Mato: Ami now. lo Mil. IVIiiuiuv M:olilh. 1MI7. M. Jl I,,Vt'llt Ks,j.(iii,i,ohil'iU-iiiiilillssont'l' lo li-ioit till- 1.11-ls Willi Ills iipllllnll, (-II-, l!y tho I utirl. I'lom Iho loi onl. .Ii:ssi: Cloik Tin1 ( iminls'.loiu'i-ahoM' n-iiiioit will nttcnit to (111- thill, -s ol" Ills nppnllltllll lit 111 lilt' ollli-o of III. II. AWlHltt, til I'llltlW IsS-.l, Colli lllhi.l t'.HllltV, till Wfihli'-ilnv , Ihc- tl.-lllli-lli il.n nf Milll-ll, 1-U7, at It n o i-l it-k, it. in., u ni-ii aii,l hero all parties IntoH-sti il iu:i. all.-ii'l. m. m. i. vi:r.i.i:, Coiniiiisfiiiiir. IVhlunry IMir-It. INSTATE Ol.' LEVI AN11TON. DI I Jl'llA-"!:!). Tn Ann shton, William. I. M.rnnl sii-lilu'ii i-pitiiil, Aki-iiIHi Hi -s Inti-rmiiirii"! ulth Niilhun Moss, f-.irah i:vi, !.niiKt Siialillnx Inti-r-in.iri ii-il Willi .lohn l-iialillii, Allt-li Kvos, raivln l:rs, ami .It'sso llvt's, hfli of I.OV1 Ashlon, Ho-i-t-.i-i'il, ami to all nllu'r iu'I-miiis lntol'eslt'il, Kivi't lllL' ! Vnu si-o liou-hy t-itt'il to ho aiul appfiir ln-foro llio .llHIOS Ol our I il'iui.llis t oiiii il no iit'in ill lllooiiishni-i;, roiiniv of rohinilil.i, on tho ilrst Moii'l.iy oi .May, i.t r, linn aiul llioro to nc i . ol or refuse tn tnki Hie rial t-sale nf tlio s.ihl l.el Ahtoll, tlel-eilst-il, at 111,' apiillll-eil Mllll- ali'in put upo.l It hv i ll hi'tiliM only aw.inleil by the Milil l'ouit. Iili'l retllllli'il hy t-he Shi'i-lll', nr slniw e.lllse why the muiio sliiniM linl lie Mllil. Wlmess Ihe 1 oniiralile William IHwell. l'lesl. .li-lil of our niil I'niirt, at Ulooiiisliuri;, the l'Jtll t av nl l eiiriiury, a. I'., i'i'. .llSsSli I'lll.r.MAN.ClJrltO. C niooiiihui-r, yehi uary l"i, 1-s". TN Til 1 unit lor t nn-: OIMMIANS COCIIT IN tho count von olumbla; In the matter ol the estato of HANI1L Ll VAN, lato of Locust Inu nldn. tleet nt it. And liuW to Wit. leblllUI'V lth, 1-1)7, IhotVairt nnpolnt c. II. Ilroekway. K-m-. atittltor lo maKcuiMrioiM mn 01 ino oaiaiu it in nie ha:uN of John Lcvan and wm.Oooiiinnn.numm Ut mini's, to und milium the ht'lri and dMilhuicc Jty thoCtUllt, l'lom Hie leeord, .li.-i. Coi.i;m n. Cleik. The auditor above nauied will attend to the du lbs nf Ids iiiinolntinent. at Ids ollicf In II loom.' Iiimr ,,n UV.flw.h.v (In. 1 1 ihl of A lirlt. ISiiT. at ten o'clock, u. m., iiii'l where all p.ntles luter t Med may attend. C. It, IlUOCrCWAY, Miiich S Jhi,7. Aii'htur. i' ij- J !i i'ii it'A iitiZ'Uc cj,i. TX Till: OIUMIAXS1 COUltT IN 1 and fur the count vot ( olumbla; In Ihe matter l the cKtateof l)AIi;i. ii. I'.S'V, hit e of t 'ranne township, dee'd. And now. t" w It, IVbiuary siMh, N7,t he ctMii l appoint C. It. )hoeU a , V.sii,, auditor to make distribution ti the Lalaiice in the IiamN of Iteiijainlu Allabaeh, administrator, to and ninonu'st the cudltor.. Hy Hie Court; I'lom the leeonl. .1i:sm: Coi-fman, clerk. The auditor nbovo named will attend to the tin tlcHid his aiipointiiieul, at his otlbo In lllooins blUK, on Tuesday, the mvoiiiI day of Apl It, WtT, at U u tVl(H k a. m and ,lu n- nil jmrllfK intei-oi-ted may attend. I . U. liltoCKWAY, March s, ist. .tu.or. tia' Jlmttvk (lnutti i-.v. 'I?XECUTOUS XOTICK.- J JF HontliT Y MlM 1 It.tifl' Ii.- i:statj; .etlelstt-sta lueiitai-v on Hie Ohtalo ol Hubert . .Miller, tale t, MaillMii tiiwniililii. rtilumliia eontily. Iaie liei-n k'lanleil hy tho lituM.r ot CoIllloMu eonnty In .Mr. Mis.aiin.ili .Miller, All ihimius navio i i. uiii awiln-lthti (".tutii ate rtnilei.ti'il to present them t,n- wi-t l l.-iii. nt. mul Ihovi' lmlehleil In llio eittatu will make (laymcnl toiho i:et ntiK w Ithoiit tie. 'M'ariliK. llxu-uiil'x, jonx o. fiu:e.k, ' AT TO 1! N P. Y-AT-I. A W. Diner 111 ilt-KlHer llli'l K onlel' (iftli ' li'jSlllu III of Diet .'u ' ll'ill-..' II 'Ul-I REAL ESTATE SALES. piTltlilO SAIjK OF VAliUAHTiK .1 iii:ai. Vj-iTATi' !h tiiirsiiiinfo nf mi order of tlmOriihnnV Court nf Oolniiiblm-ouuty, !'n.t on HATUMiAW MAUCit TUIHTIIiTIt. nt ton o'clock In ttio forctHwin, Thoinnn Itrs, I.k i-xutnr of rrodork'k llci( Into nrHimnrloafi-own f-lilp( tn ald HHinty,dcct'atcd( will rxpon to sain oy punnc riiiuu1, mi inu ini'inistrs n ccriain inci- Minga mul tract of laud, r-ltuato In MtwirkMrtrm n sldp.Colunibl'i county, bounded by landofHtmry IIoni, CoIIJiih Silt I ill", Danlrl i:crlmrt ivnd others, contalnlnn oni; iifNimnn anm TinnTV-nvi: ahiw, tuorc nr lot, on which Is creeled a I'm me llouo and Run, 'i'heto H hIsd a line ntchanl on tin preiuUe., and tait of tliel.iud In a i;oo1 ntatc of cultl tat ton. Ijitc llipi'stt.itf of nald doccaved, sit unto In tho tuwuslilp imhI cyiinty nforohnlil, Jnssi: t'ou.MAS, Clerk, iiiooinsuurg, renrunry vt ihU7. f1i)Mj7o?i of Sitm Ton nor cent, nf oncfourtli of the puifliave money at tho Mrlkltitf down of i lie piopeny ; ine nnc-iouri u iof-i me ien tvr rein, at tho colill mint inn absolute, und tw remaluluu threffourtbs in one year Iheiealb-r. hit cr est from Ihe cnnilnnttoti nteL Tho inuclmter tu nay inr ucvu niiu nini-'ipt, TiltiMAH HUSH, llxocutor, retiruary 22, prniiic kalIj of vaijUahlk J ItllAI KSTATI:. In piiruatice ornn tinier of the Orphans Court of Columbia County, mi ritlDAV, MAItClt TWI'.NTV-NINTII, nt ten n't In. k In tho fnronomi. I'.ll Itotibhit, ml mini dratnr of Aluah.un ltnbblpsi. Into of t-'Nidnu creek tow nshln In sidd cnunty,deri'aeil, will ex jmwc b sali. by public vi nduo, on the picinhix, a fti lain lucosunge mm T U A CT O V li A X D, situate Iti nhliu:( reek tnwm hi p.Cnliimblaomin' ty, bounded bv Inndnof Harinaii Lalmr, KM Hob bins D iYld Colo i inn and ntheis.erintaiuinLrnlnu' teen ncre( more or lent on m hlch is 'Hctod u Fit AM K HOCSK AXD 15AUX. There ! also a tlirifiv (Min'rnp'lonr.hnrd on the pn niiMw, lu'ie uio tine m fain ueeei'ven, ate In thu town 'diUind county aforesaid. AiK Coi.i:m in, cioik. Illoomnburg, IVbrunry hi. 1 ti7. fhn'Wnm nf Sale: Tho tau-thlid of Ilia pur chase money to leiualu t hatred upon the piemb r ' turnip uiu iiiiiioui inu in jiuiiiii iiiiniHiii. widow fit ll'o tnld deceased, ami the IntrreHl thereof lo be euiiualtr and renl.irly rald her by the pin chaser on tho ilit day nf May of eat h and ovciy.M-ar dmnii he natural life, and at IvtJ" deatli the principal tn lie jiald bv tho puuhaser to the per-ons ifdlv ( ulltled thereto. Ten p4-r cent, or nf the t wn-thlnU ol the puich.ive money to bo paid at tho strlklm? ilou u nt the propel ty ; the one-t'Mtrtli nf the two thlids, h s- inu ten percent, at the onlli ruMIon ansniiMi'. ana liio iemuinin two-third- in nne ear thci caff or. witti lutetct rrntu tho cniitlrma llniintf. Tlio puiehascr tu o-iv for d 1 and stampt. i.i. I ltoituiN. I'ibruary 22, lCT-Ot. Atlmlnhtrator. prilMC SAhK OF VAIjUAIUjK X ri:ilMNAI lltOl'i;UTY.-WIH bonltoiednl public sale, nt the irvidcncuof tho Mih-erlber, lu oiancevllte, on lVittn ami S'ltnrttny, Mmch 2.VA tinti ."in, ai ien o ciock in nie inrciiuuii, inc iui lowing personal prnpertj to wit : ONE COir, TIIIIEE YDAItS OLD, onooow", two cooklns stnM', two jmrlor stovo-, llKIW AM) lll-:il)IN(l, rllillls. tahlo. t;'o liliroillli, f-nrplli, tIKhos, Conk' Inu liti-tislW. unit other attk-los loo ti'dious to muitlou. 'lornis uimw Knim ii nil "j1..j.l'J!l1Sj, X. 1)., Aurtioitecr. Omiiui-x llli-. Ma ri-h s, 1-07. CLOTHING. V"i:V t'hOTIUXU AND CiKNTLK mi:.v rLMiNiMiixo sTom:. Tho undersigned lcspectfully nnnminros to hlb jnuny filetjdsi that ho lias opened n now Clothlm; and Oentlomon' FurnUhlm; Store, In tlio Ioro room of th. Hartnum IlullJing, soulhweil coriiQr of Main anl Market Btrot?, IHoomiburij, HavlnsJuRt returned fium riiil.vlHphlu wl!U n Larjro Stock of 1'AI.Ij AND WINTHU CLOTIIINQ and (in.Ti.i:Mi:xs ruriNiMiixo (joods, ac.c. ho natter Idmsolf that ho can please ivlt. HU stot-lc cnmprUes w mi:n"m, uov.s', axd youtus clothing, such as ultras coats, BACK COATS, OVr.ltCOATB, VANTts, S11111TS, rNIIEUSlUUTS. DRAWKXW, CiH.LAItiJ ni:cic-tii:s. iiosiwiY, itAxnunncmiirs, UMItltHLLAH, and In fact everythlns In tlio Clothing or I"ur- liMilm; lino at very low prices. In uddltion lo the abovo he m an ilegant v -nrttnent of CLOTIW, CARSIMnitnJ, and viistin ci.oniixo madh to ouiu'.it at tiih SUOUTUyT N'OTICi:. Cull and eo before puiclmiiiK clsewhoio, mul MZCUlti: (iUKAT I1AUCIAIXS, ootft-ly J. CIinMlir.IiLMX jStkw ; STOCK OF CLOTHING. rc!ih arrival of CALL AND WIXTHU CIODDS. DAVID LOWIINllUUG invites attention to his Mock of ' CHKAl AXnrASIIIOXAIlLUCLOTIU.VO, nt his hloiooti Maln.Sli'Lft,two door nbovo tho Amcikum Hons Itloonisburt?, I'a., whero ho his Jut rcecivetl from XcwVoiknnd riilladelphlu a full assortment of mi:n and liinv clotiiino, Including the most fashionable, Uurablo, imm! haiiUiomo imuss goods, couslstliiK of 110X, SACK, ntOCIC, GUM, AND OIL-CLOTH COATS AND l'ANTf, of nil -nrts les, nnd colors Holms also ro;don Ished his already larJ Mock of TALL AND WINTKU SHAWIX, hTHIl'i:!), riUUUKD. AND PLAIN VErtTH, HIIIIITS, CUAVATS, SJ OCKH, (AILLA1W, iiANDivi:itciiu:rs, glovi, hrsPKNDIUtS, AND I'ANCV AHTICI.IW Ho has constantly on lunula largo and wolb leetcd assortment of CI.011I.S AND Vr-STIG-t, which ho Is prepared to make to order Intonny kind of dothliitf, un ery short notice, and In the hcht manner, Alt his (lotlilu Is tnado to wonr, and most of It Is of home manuf.icture, GOLD WATCIIUS AND .IKYVnLKY, of every description, ftiio nnd cheap. Ills cne of Jewelry Is not suipasscd In IhU plaoo. Call and examine lilsueneinl a.suiiment of CLOTIHX(, WATCHi:s, J TAVKLltV, An. DAVID L0Vr.NItUIL QMXIIICS LIXE. Tho iiiuterslKneil wonlil refcpectfully luiiionnco u the citizens of lUnomvtnirg anil Hie lubllo gene rally Ihut ho U in lining nn O.MNI11U.SI.1KU helncen this i-lacoanil the illlleient uilroml ile ln,tAtlally (Suinlays cxcentotl), lo connect with tho nivcral trains koIiiji Sotitli ami MVst on the (Vita wUmi ami Wllllanisiort ll.illroatl, mul with thoo KoliiK North aiul Koulli on tho rxiclinwanna and JlIiKiiiishnrB Itallioatl, lIUoiuulliutMiiaro In good condition, coniino. lUoiiimid c-onilorlalile, nnd ilmrges rU"oiuliIc rersoiiH wishing to meet nr ken their friends de li tut, can lio accomodated uiionit'asoiiablochargu hy knvln,s timely notlro nt nn- of tho liolcla, JAl'Oll I OIllTOX, rro)irletoi- niilJAM II. AliliOTT, ATTOUXHT-AT-I.A W, i VTAVIM, l'. HARDWARE So CUTLERY. QllAIMittS SXYDKIt, imAI.Ktt IN II A It 1) V A H 11, IIIOK. NAIIA HtKVA, AC., AC. AC. MAIN MTHKlvr, lUiOOMSllUMta, I'JINN'A. TiiliothlMiiU'thnd of InformliiKtho iltizcnsoi Co lumbia couty, that ho has opened an extnilo Hardware storo on Main Mrcct, in lUQomnuurg, hear Iron Mroet,nud that Iio hai on hand n liAlUlKH HTO"lv and iii;ttj;u am.mjki j;d than ran bo found ntiy w hero clsoln thoeonntj, ntnl which ho Intend to kcll at price which defy competition. CHAINS, AXKS( STKKIj, 1HUN. I Imvo chains nil nse-i, all make and ehttHtecl,nll fdzesjtou, all shapes, and ull vry low. iiun.nint'fi n a u d w a nu( of every rteHcrlptlonn. Nail'-, nxlo pnlloyn, flash conl, latches lotUn nnd lmb,buU kcrowsah fasts window mlnu-, imso knotstrap hinges hasp'sj and staples honltM and slaplos, and lu fact uverythliif; needed lu that line, COACH A WAOO.V MAKI'.IW HAUDWAltK. embraelnK nluuHt erery thing In that lino, Alo HAItNlCi MAK ills' HAltDwAHI', 1 Ui cities Japanned J buckles slUer plated bills ofeveiy klml , 1IAM1S Iron ; pad trees ! Hamf.s wood fxadillo trccH, KlfC trees ulrth vvh, wortod and enttnn i tlitoad, fllk, nwlnand liccdk", tool- of nllklmls snor.MAKi.irs HAiinwAUi:, A full asMoitmont I'orenrpenletn, I haveplnnos nil kinds haw-; hand, pun ncl, tip, mt com puss, siuatcs toid, Iron, und tryjNjrlnjt machines chlnlcs augers beol, mallets braces Rouges plows, rules hits ud ubout everylhltiK for ear punturs. rou Tin: rmn.K (' I have cual hods coal shovels scoops coal sifters lint orn,tablocutlery,pooket tuttory, plflteil fpoons ptatod foi k,ser ers tea und cof fee pots,butterknlvcsmltl saws, cros,s cut sawn, circular m , K.ii)K"aws tll8, horse fchowswreiu-hesrhet sham mers hatchets, mattocks picks, forks, grub bing hoes, sho eh, spade st-Plllnff forks, hoo.s, rakes, bed pins, twine, skates plows, coflln trim mlns 1 Winery, rod chalk, whlto chalk, wire, horse nails, meat cutlers ncale.s, wash boards buckets, wooden palls, clothen plus, glue, door mats, porch mats, p&r lor mats Cfjm poppers paint brushes horso brushcn, hlelgli bells, heel eulKs.euamel ed kettles, brans kettles copper kettles BtowkuttloH,saucii paushroad axes'i.iUs Klcdgcs curtain fixtures, Thtmblebkelus and boxes, rumps, lend pipe, etc., Tariod roponnd hundreds of artlclon nut ,o,nii' mcrated con&tnnlly on hand at CIIAItMX AV.HNVDKIVH, Main Ktreot, ItloomslnirF. DRY GOODS. G lUCAT JtKUUCTIOX IX 1'IUCES AT l'KTEn llXT'H STOltir, IN LIOIIT STllKKT, or WINT1311 FAIiL ANI GOODS. 7 HIT suliscrlbor hiw Just raoolyeJ anil ha? on h.iii.l at IiLi t'U staml In Light .Street, a largo and feelect AS30UTMKXT OF JIKllCIIAXDISE ireliaieil nt tho lowest ftsurp, mul which ho Is Pennine,! lo sell on ni inotlcrato tcrin-i nscan he iiroeiirotl eKovhoro 111 Llnht Street, run cash on cou.vtjiv mouven. Ills stock oonslfctn of L A D IKS' DUHSS GOODS, choicest styles ninl latest fashions, Calleoe, Muslinii, ulnghams, I lanticN, Hosiery, C'ariiets, Kllks, Khawii, HEADY MADE CLOTHING, .Satlnctts, Cassimern, Coltonailea, Kentiii-liy Joans, if., AC, AC. G 11 OCKHIUS, fiueenswnre, Cetlnrwaro, llartlware, Sletllclncs, Drniss, Oils, ralntt, Ae. HOOTS & SHOES, HATS A CAPS. In short everything usually kept In n country storo. Tho pationauo of hUold friends and tho public Rencrally, Is respectfully solicited. Tho highest market prlco paid for country pro dmv. VUTUll EXT. Mailt Street, January -I, ISC7. MIIj .Liai'S STOItE. ritUMit AiutiVAi. ok Kl'IlIXO AND HU.M.Mi:it GOODS. The Mihscrlher ha-. Just returned fi-inii tho cities with another largo and neleet nssoilnient of WItlXli AMI) SU.MMKll ROOIM, purchased In New York nnd rhlladelphlaal Uin lowest llgure, antl which ho Is determined to sell on ns moderate terms ns can ho procured else. win re In Uloomshurg, Ills sttxk comprlsen I.AIHIM' I)I!1-S (iOOlM of tlio choicest si) les and latest fashions, together with ii largo assortment of Iiry Goods and Gro. ceries, eouslsiliiguf the following nrtlcUs: Carpets, Oil Cloths, Cloths, Casiilmercs, Khawls, riannilpt WlK, WhlloOootl", I. Incus, Hoop Ktiltft, Mu.llui., llolluwwiro Cedarwaie Oueeiiswnrc. Ilardwaiu lloots and .shoes, lints nnd Caps, IloojiNet", Unilirellns, IooUlllK-fia"f, Tol'iK-co, Cotree, Bugir, Ttns, nieo, Allsplc, dinger. Ciniinmon, .'uti.iegs, Axn notio.ns or.xr.iiAi.iiY. In Mioit, (.vcryllilng usually kept In counlry which Ii liivlles tho attention nf lln. pHhllo gener.illy. Tholilghet price will ho pnld for i-ountry prwluco In exi hange for goods. S. II. MU.I.KU, Arcade Ilnlldliigs, llloomsliurg, l'n. M KllOllAXDISK. To my filonils mul Iho luibllc catirrall)-, that nil kliulsof DHY GOODS, onocnuins, QUKKNSWAKK, NOTIONS, AC, arc rnnilnntly on liau4ninl for halo AT llAISTON'rl 1)1,1) fiTANI', lll.ooiisiifno, rty jamks k. r.vnit. u-g- .tlii, Role Alien! (01' IMiosriiArr ur l.urs-. I,srgiloi 'isnitnnll hniul 'fwh'flr MISCELLANEOUS T MI13 l'ADDY 11UX 0 O A Ii COMPANY, or blUCKSIItNNY, lrXNSYI.VA.NM. L'AIUTAIi 913(1,000. JOHN It, KTACKIIOUHK, rresldMiU CIIAH, A, 1100Ni:,8ecrolnry and TrwMniw. DlllCCTOlW! John M. Wlx klioiuc, N. I,. Caniiibell, Clini, A. Ilooiio, Cyriu tnakiioun, A. M'I)mr6lI. MAIN BTUUUT, SltlCKSHINSY, I'A. Tin lntidii held liy Hits CompAny, conUt ttt 1'OUlt HUXDIIKD AXD fOUTT- OXK ACKKS, und lsty-four i crchos, of carefully elocto-J lwid lying ftoutliwrtil of Wilkes. ltarre, T.tixorno vouti. ty, l'n.. lu llio western part of llio Orent Northsru or Wyoming Coal ltasln. very earefiil nnd thoruugli oxnnilnntlon ro- ently inndo lias pioyen llifse (for thn above lands to ho the embodiment of n Mist amount of the very best quality ofiintliracllo coal, having ever)' facility Hint could bo desired for trnua. portnllon In nil directions. Tho nbovo tract is crossed by n good road, nnd also tllroetly lu flout, and Joining nto the I.nckn wanna Altlooin- hiiig railroad, and tlio Wyoming canal, tliuf nf fonllug llieery best ndvaiitago of a carrying roid nnd canal running (o tho scry nioulu of thtj mines without expense to tlio company. The inensul cmelil ot Iho different beds or tennu nlrendy devtlopeil was carefully oblalncU nuJ n.lded together: tho thhkness of llieso nonius. Including Ihc celebrated "lied Ash,""Iluck .Moun tain," or "Grand Tunnel" vein, Is thirty-one and u half feet, (31i), every cubic sard of which will yield n Jon, giving n lnrgv amount of tlio bast quality of conl. Tholoeutltinlsviclitliatnll tlio veins mar b cut and worked totliogrcatcstposslhlendrnutngn nbovo water levul, nnd at niucli lcssoxpunse thau an bo iiono from collerles operating below waWr level. Tho coal cnu bo brought to tho sitrfneo throiiuti IrlftK or tunnels which drain llio wnlor from tha mines nnd saves the hoisting of th5eoal. Ho Uu ellglhlllty of theso lands for cheap mining li un questionable, Very lately tho "Ornhd Tnnnl" or "ited Ash" vein lins Ik-cii oncned. and Is now producing ns fine, il quality of coal as has ovor been produced In tho anlhrnclto regions. Tin brenker now In operntlon Is capable of preparing from I'M luJOOtons per day. Tho surface contains nn abundant supply of wood nnd Umber very val uable ror mining purposes, which glvos tho trnol the advantage of many other coal lands. Thu fact that almost nil vnliiablo eanl lands nrc bolng rnpiuiy taken up by Heavy capitalists or largo cor- porallons, shows that they mind steadily nnd greatly rise In the markot value, whllo with the inimeiise unit constantly increasing dumand for this coal, nnd tho lhillrond nnd North Ilrnnch ca- nnl, passing hy tho moulhs of tho mines, through tho (Irent Iron ninklug districts of llloomsburg. nauville, liiiucaiuion, llarrisbiirg, Jlhl.llotown. .Marietta, and Columbia, to tide-water nt Ilnvra doOraco, ono can seaiccly conceivo of a mor profltnblo or permanent sourco of wealth Uuui may be found In lands like these. In order to be uhlo to open their works on more extensie plan, this company has plneod a portion of their capital Mock In niarkut on Uis following terms Any porson Inking ouo or raor shares of stock at TKX DO MiARS EACH. will be onlitk'il annually to a ton of ccnl At ooat at tlio mint! per slmic, anJ nny stoekholJort NOT UKCKIVING TDK COAL ns aforesnU, to bo credited on tho bookiof the Comimny.wltli tlio dlnor&nce betwuun Uieoott and selling pricf for each Imro,to bo pMd bfw a dividend shall bo duclnrod. a r. knam Aut, Match 1,186?. UrKIiTi-TIUEn HEME DIES. Tf UussolTs itch Ointment, lmniwdlato k4 Ttain cure afret. It is nlso n sum rcmedv for scratchi-H on horn. IluseH's Halt Itlieum Ointment, in unectun- led OOcii. ItU'iseirs Tile ointment, cnren after &11 other remedies havo railed 91 00 Theo ointments aro certain, safe, and rellnbla cpeciilcs, ns thousands hac ami nro dally oortl il 1117. Tor sale by till DriiL':Nti nnd medicine dtalon. fienerat lcpot, I'lM'imr, Ititucx te Hohabt, Wludesale IiruirfiUtu, 21 1 Hilton M., Cncar Orven rich. Ne- York, feunt by mall: llcli, 40o.j H. It. (VjC.; I'lle, lJit). marl tJ7-3ni. H AIXES 111108. PIANOS. THU PIANO Or AM1SKICA. Theo Pianos nro unlvursnliv ncknoulaclfffvi hr competent JiuIkcs enuat to tho best Piano nifidp. l'or left re nees, they have many thousand city and country 1 evident s includinc largo numborB of the mi'ii .cjiikh", r'i'iiHiiaries, tve. '1 In .so Pin una bao m.t only stood thn continual use and heavy practice of one car, but haebvn used the last llfieen yeais to the utmost hatlsfao tton of those uslntf them. llipy tiavo tai;en i)remiums nnd rneaais wnor iver exhibited. Such has been t he demaud for VJnno-, that MessrH. llutna Ilro's. have beon ompelleil lo enlarge their works to tho extont of II to an Pianos n week. JIalnir now one of thft most extensive and com 1 tide laetorles In tho United htalcn, factories alone coverini? fiver thrcf-fomths of an noreot jrround, coinpiiblnisn tiontago of LTJ feet on th Avenue. . They aro undoubtedly 1110 cnoapefli nrst ciast Pi:mi- Inmnrlvct. Pnllv cuaranteed for 5youm. Send fnr Hlublrtitfil circular. .vst sw. aa, w, wm, .w. ro, irrs mar8'G7-3m. hwond Acnue,Nuw ork City. OELOU1JKT OUOAXS AXD ME . I.Ol)i:0NK. Pnaiilmouslv awarded therirtt Prize, ntiold. Medal, ".is Tin: itiisv cAnrxKT onaAxsr American Institute, New York, October, 1W5, Iti'im; nroununeed superior In duality, imrr nudvatlet of tone, and In number of combina tions. As the best iiitrnment.(of Amcrlm werethor contend Inu, whichever won tho tint tie would hav nmuiuc it'll 10 conquer. -iamci -he jentmat, (edited by a well-known musical ciltlc.) ine.v nave aisn uiuen ino nrw premium wnor ever exhibited this se.ifon. Pfi b Oi'UAs, nno, two and thrfe t-nnli nf ke,s six sizes Sim to $1,0"", Without jMslalt, sin4haud double bank In great variety. t to SlV'i. Thes Organs, with their smooth, pipo-llko quality of tone, bcuutltul bolo btops, ftrcnith of chorus, unequalled ( dais, nnd ceneral organ-like onecis.aro superior mr cnuicnes, nans, pariora nnd schools, They are put up lu caen of solid walnut, fancy venocied walnut mew nnd uniqim styles) and elegant loseuood, of Pplendiit deslKiis and finish, and of (he best woikmanhlp! It btv hij lntnidt'd lha (aih instrument shall ben model of Its das-.. AH Instruments down to a liiH' H'tai iioitnbh xiuliMleou, have tho beautiful Treniolnnte stop, witliout extra charge, A largo asMiitnumt constantly on hand at our Wholesale and ltetull Warorooms, il Uroadwny. Our Illustrated clrrnlarand prlcoU-d. with nw Htylws, are now ready. Send fur n rlrctilnr. pkij)Pim:t, pr.irov .t ro., MunnfucturerB, No. Ml Ilroadwnr. morCT-Jlm.l New Yoik Olty. 1). H T 1 LES, - r 1 c r. n h 1: i) a u c t 1 o n r n n, ron tui: iiuiiTtrcNin i-cxnsvvasia nwrnirT, Hlwastnlie f'liiud at tho Oraiu;evIllo Hotel, In orniiire hie. Kiles of leal or tcisonal property tttlt'inli d to prompt I and on reaouablu term. Cons Im 1 im ills solicited and ttold on commission, A shat ut public patronage rented fully sollcitdl. rauK ville, Pebiuary Pi, lstr;-2m. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. K. II. It ITTIiK, A T T o It s n Y A T I, A w, Olllee on Main frtrei-t, In white fiatno liouso, h. low the Kxehansie Ilolel, llloonishtiri:, I'a, 12." r. JACKSON, ATTO It N i: V - A T-1. A W, llerwlck, ('o'.iinihl.i Oainty, IViui'h. "A J M. TIIATCMI, ' ATTOItNKY'AT.Ii.yV. lleruick, roltnnhl.i Counly, lVnn"n. jyj 31, h'VKI.LlC, ATTOIIN I'.V.AMiA W, C'cnlralla, I'olnmhln County, IVnn'a. Jlt. W. II. ItltADLKY, iljite AksUtant Mwlleal Director i'.P. Army.i P HVHICIAN AND KUKGno.V, i4-l)ino at tlw I'iiiI.s Holel, lllnomsburK, Ti. L'alls pioinntlv nltcnilcil to both nlylit and ilsy lil)i"ni.iM.u' 1 1 wrr