THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBUKG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. .1 CUAB. B. DllOCKWAY nLO03ISllt'll(I,I.UlUJAV,MAHClla,tMlt. Democratic. Stale Convention. VitP. Democratic Stale Onmintltoc, nt its incit ing, on January aith.nt llnrrlsburg, ndopted the, fofiowlngresolutlonsi 1st. That tlio rcgulnr Convention of the parly, or nominating n candidate fur Iho supremo nrh. bo held nl llarrisburg, on the SI'.COND TUKSDAY (IK .ll'NI'., lsii7, nt twelve o'clock M imd that said Convent ton bo composed of the n ual number or delegates. . . Ind. In addition thereto, It I, recommended to the Democracy of rcnnsslvaninloFOimiWITH elect, In the usual manner, two delegates, of to ognlrcd position and influence in the party, ror each Uenrcsentutlve niul Senator In their ro-e-jnctlvo district, who shall meet lit MASS CON VENTION, nt Harrlsburg, on n day to be fixed by tlw Chairman of Iho state Cent ml Committee. Hy order of tho lieinocrallo state Committee, WILLIAM A. WALLACi:., Chtvlttnun. n. I FenKTKit, Secretary. TO OUR PAHHONS. The Columiuax lins been less Minn three months under Its present mnimgC' nicnt, yet tho support accorded it Inid been most gratlfylug, niul proves that the people appreciate our efforts to give them a flrst-clns3 paper. Where there arc so many hundred different tastes to cater for, it is of course Impossible in every particular to plcaso all ; yet we believe we havo fulfilled the promises made, to our subscribers at tho com mencement of our enterprise. Our party lias been strengthened and consolidated. The falsehoods of tho lladical organ hero havo been checked and exposed. Its negro suffrage and equality doctrines havo been held up to the public eye Tho reaction against it hero lias been overwhelming, and its defeat at the polls comploto. These results arc especially gratifying ; and it is equally so, to find that our party friends know nnd appreciate that they havo In Tim Columbian, an organ, ablo and willing to defend its tenets, its doctrines, its measures and lis men. They shall not be disappointed. In order to enablo ourselves to do promptly nnd efficiently the labor wo havo proposed, wo havo purchased a 'STEAM POWER PRESS, which will be In running order about the first of April. It is tho most complete and efficient ono in this section of the State, "Wo havo also supplied ourselves with a lot of new typo and oflleo furniture Tho wholo at a cost of twenty-five lum tired dollars ; and wo trust our friends will, in a substantial manner, second our efforts to make tho organ of the De mocracy of Columbia County a power and a success. As heretofore, wo shall endeavor to give all tho news, to discuss all ques tions fairly, to keep our readers posted on local ovents, to provide reading mat ter for the farmer and the mechanic, and to secure a wcleomo in the family circle. Above all, tec shall most stinli ously exclude from our columns all those pernicious and indecent advertisements, with which so many of our eotcmpora ries arc filled. MORE DEMONOLOGY. Thero are constantly occurring, in different parts of tho country most as toundlngpsychologicsl phenomena; but because they are distant, or because wo know not tho parties, they are heard with a doubt and a shrug of the shoul ders. 3Ulss Owen of whom wo spoke a few weuks ago, wo know ; wo had the facts from Indisputable sources ; and as thero is no doubt of tho facts stated, thespec ulations concerning them nro not alto gether fanciful. Tho case wo givo be low Is of an entirely different nature. It is clairvoyant, and mnemonic. It is probable that sho has at somo time heard latin recitations; sho may havo also studied drawing without takinglcssons. Tho facts are, if possible, moro singu lar than tlioeo In tho easo of Rebecca Owen, and Inexplicable by any known laws of life. Tho New York Evening Gazette says: A trustworthy gentleman gives us an account of nn extraordinary illness of a young woman, a Miss Winsor, in Prov idence, Rhodo Island. Miss W. had been confined to licr bed for several months, and has not partaken of suffi cient nourishment to keep her alive If sho had been In a normal condition. Yet her faculties havo becomo strangely acute, and sho seems to bo endowed with a species of second sight. "When tho physician, Dr. Ira harrow, calls on her, sho can tell tho number of visits ho has mado, tho number of tho houses of his patients, and described accurately their complaints. Tho clock having been removed from her cliambersho was enabled to deter mine at any hour tho exact tlmo of day or night, nnd sho would tlecrlbo tho color, sizo nnd marks of tho doctor's horse, and tho huo and tho toxturo of the linings of his carriage. Sho com posed n poem, which sho called tiie "Sea Serpent," onc-hulf of cadi Hue In Latin and tho rest in English, which was pronounced by tho professors of Brown University pure Latin, although hho novor hart tho least instruction in tho langunge. Sho also draws finely without having taken lessons, nnd does other extraordinary things not to bo ac counted for by any of tho known laws of temperament, medicine or sclenco. Whllo asleep, her right nnn is constant ly in motion, though it is perfectly powerless when sho is awake. A num ber of tho physicians and savans of I'rovldenco nro deeply interested in tho easo of Miss YVlnsor, and aro endeavor ing to solve tho mystery of her seem ing supernatural power. Tnr. number of Indians in tho United Slate at present is 55,7". BOOK NOTICES. "The Diamond J)lcktns,n Published by Tlcknor nnd Fields, Uoston ; is a now edition of tho Novels of Charles Dickens, In tho neatest, best nnd cheap eft stylo we have ever seen them got up. Tho works will he comprised In twelve or fifteen volumes, and furnished at the low prlco of 81. ai for the plain, and SI.50 for tho Illustrated edition. Tho voluiiios will bo Issued at tho rato of ono per mouth. They begin with The 1'iekwtck Papers, which In this stylo makes a hook of four hundred and six- ty-llvo duublo column pages, with a portrait of IMckcns, nnd sixteen full pago illustrations, exquisitely humor ous. Tho print Is beautifully neat and clear, tho binding ornamented green cloth, tho tizo so convenient that you can put tho volume In your coat pocket, or hold It nt your easo anywhere j nnd this we hold to bo ono great considera tion In book-making. We havo no question that this 1 tho cheapest, mot convenient, and elegant edition of Dickens that has ever been offered to tho American public. Tho volumes will bo sent frco of cost on TO' ceipt of tho price by tho publishers ; or If our friends desire it wo will bo glad to order tho books and furnish them at tho publishers prices, on receipt of tho money. Every body can manage now to get a copy of Dickens complete, and such beautiful books so cheap, will be a thing of joy forovor. "Backbone," being a selection of ar ticles frdm tho "Scalpel" nn occasional publication by Dr. Edward II. Dixon, is published by R.M. DoWItt, 13 Frank fort Street, New York. Pages, au'O. It is absolutely impossible to glvo our readers any id"a of tho contents of tho volume ; but wo can say that It is a racy, fierce, insolent, independent attack up on all kinds of Radical old fogyUm ; and in its courso hits right and left at everything elso that conies in It way Tho book is for sale by D. A. Dcckley, Dloomsburg. The Jliversidc Magazine, for young people. Tho April number is ono of unusual excellence, comprising great variety in its articles and Illustrations, and is characterized by the prominence given to "out-door life." The story of tho "Little Rid Ilin" will causo many a hearty laugh, and the little children will bo specially en tertained with two stories about their. pot, the squirrel. Dr. Hayes, tho Arc tic explorer, continues his story of Phil ip, tho Greenland Hunter. Vieux Moustacho's article Is upon "Spring Sports." There is a story about a sin gular fish, tho (iarpike, and another concerning a new way of Hying kites, whllo the coming of Spring Is tiiinoun cod by an Easter Hymn, with music. Hurd & Houghton nro tho publishers nt -159 Rroomo Street, New York. Sub scription price, jli.uO per annum. JEFFERSON DAVIS. Senator Wilson has taken one step toward rescuing tho country from fur ther di-grnce, by ills resolutions concer ning tho trial of Jihti:umn Davis It is now very nearly two years since ho was captured and consigned to prison, not under any process of law, but by military authority. Meantime tho war has ended, the armies mo dis banded, nnd Davis .-till remains in prison. Ho has never been nrrainged for trial , either before u civil orjunilitnry tribunal. Hois not held under any authority known to tho law of the land, No charges are on record against him, and no effectual steps have been taken to bring him to trial. Every now and then Congress denounces tho President for not hanging him tho President ex plains mat no nas no power or au thority even to try him, and tho Chief Juscico declines, to metkllo witli tho matter at all until tho condition of Virginia is more to his mind. Mean tlmo Davib lies in prison, and nobody is responsible for it, or has tho power, apparently, either to put him on trial, or set him free. This stale of tilings would be a disgraeo to tho worst days of tho worst despotisms of Europe Start ling stories used to bo told of victim of Austrian tyranny being left to rot in tho dungeons of Spielderg until even their names nnd existenco had been forgotten. Our Government, by its treatment of tho only conspicuous Stato prisoner they havo bad, seems likely to relievo tho reputation of foreign des potisms from tho unshared obloquy under which it has restcdso long. Wo agree witli tho Massachusetts Senator, that Davis should either be put upon Ills trial or set at liberty. MURDER OF MRS. SURRATT, TICK TltUTlI AT LAST. In order that our readers may see the very words Used we cut from tho regu lar proceedings that part of General Butler's speech, llo said : If during tho war tho gentleman from Ohio Mr. Dinsluiml did as much ns I did in that direction I should bo glad to recognizo that much done. But tho only victim of tho gentleman's prowess that I know of was an innocent woman, hanged upon tho scaffold. Ills onlv victim in tho war was Mrs. Surratt. I can sustain tho memory of Fort Fisher, if ho and his as-oeiates can sus tain him in tho blood of n woman tried by a military commission and con demned without sufficient evidence, in my Judgment. General Butler calls Mrs. Surrall "an innocent woman;" "tried by a military commission and condemned without sufficient evidence." So then, when rogues fall out honest men and women too.get their own. But can this acknowledgment restoro her mother to .Miss Surratt,or take the guilt from Stanton and Holt of Murder, and tho "victim an innocent women'.'" No! it confirm it. The Woofdif "nn innocent woman" is on their bunds, tho guilt of her murder Is on their souN. And yet they live nnd nro In high olllco! 11ns tho law Indeed lost Its power, and is tho manhood of America buried in tho dii-t? WASHINGTON LETTER Washinotiv-v, Mnich H, lfC", Dhau Coi.umiiian, Tho Radicals nro determined tosarry out In this city tho extreme limit of political favor to tho negroes. It Is probablo that tho time for holding tho munlcpai election, which would tnko place in its regular courso next year, will lie changed to ,luno of tills year, so us to enablo the newly created "citizens" to exercise their voting privilege nt nn early date. It Is much to bo feared, from tho npa- tliy shown by tho white voters of the city, that tho candidates of tho blacks will bo elected. Tho indlguntlon which is felt by tho whites at tho courso of Congress in relation to suffrago often expresses Itself In n determination to forego their rights ns voters, nnd allow tho negroes full piny nt tho polls. This Is shown in tho result of tho registra tion of voters which is now taking place. In tho First Ward tho only ward in which tho registration thus far lias been completed thero wero four hundred and fifty-seven moro blacks registered than whites, and It is feared tho same preponderance of numbers In favor of tho blacks will bo shown in tho other wards. Many of tho citizens nro, however, waking up to tho importance of a fair trial of political strength be tween tho whites nnd blacks at the polls. Ward meetings are spoken of In furtherance of this object, nnd ono late ly held in tho Second Ward is looked upon as tho Iniatory step in tins direc tion for tho accomplishment of much positive good. Thero is a hard fight be fore us, and extra exertions are required to defeat tho designs of tho Radicals. A spicy debate took placo In the House on Thursday, of which Mr. lilnghani, of Ohio, and Detiiel Fisher Rutler,were the prominent participants. Mr. llingham, who sits on tho Demo cratic s.ido of tho House, was charged by Mr. Butler with having gone over to that sido not only In body but in spirit. Mr. Bingham replied, by a re view of Jiis opponent's military record in anything but a flattering answer, and Mr. Butler in reply charged Mr. Bing ham with having been tho active means of hanging nn innocent woman (Mrs. Surratt). Mr. Bingham alluded to Mr. Butler's courso In tho Charleston Con vention, nnd the active part ho took in favor of Jeff Davis, snowing in his courso then a damning record which could not bo obliterated by his present political position. Altogether, tho "horo" of Fort Fisher seems to have been severely dealt with. Butler, by tho way, has lately received a present from somo ono in tho South in tho shape of an iron spoon. Tho se lection all will readily admit, is an ap propriate one. Butler, if not born with a sllvcrspoou In his mouth, has mado up for the neglect in Iii.s older days. Ono of the hardest hits Butler has re ceived in Congress was given by "Hon est John Covode." Tho Southern re lief bill being before tho House, Mr. Covode remarked that during tho war ho had sent a number of packages to Federal prisoners in tho South. "Ho had sent them with duo care through tho hands of General Butler, at Fort ress Monroe, but not ono lias over readied tho prisoners." Tho lato message of tho President ex plaining his motives for vetoing tho Supplemental Reconstruction Bill is considered n noblo production, and you should not fail to publish it. There is so much of the true Christain spirit shown in it that ono cannot but bo im pressed with its spirit. I havo Just tiiii'J before closing this letter to givo you tho result of one day's registration in tho Second Ward. Tho wholo number registered was GOO ; of these -111 wero colored and 1U8 while. Tho vast number of Negroes that flocked here after Iho war is perhaps ono reason of this majority over the, whites, and their easy importation hero' by means of tho Froedmon's Bureau is probably tho principal one. Romeo. TOWNSHIP OFFICERS. Constable. John llinlcr liter; Supervisors, Nathan Bredbender, Charles Hoats; Assessor, A. W. Mann, Assistant Assessors, Moses Schlichcr, Daniel Gcarhart; Poor Overseers, ('has. Michael, Isaac Kllngerman ; Judge, Andrew Shunian; Auditor, Ed warn Schell; Inspectors, Levi Michael, David Fink; School Directors, Wm. Michael, Thomas Hoffman. Br.NTON, Constable, Abraham A. Kline; Supervisors, John R. Davis, John Ikeler; Poor Overseers, Jacob WclIIever, Ruben Gibbons; School Directors, Thomas Slgfried, Hiram Ash Inspectors, Abraham llartman, W.Ash; Assessor, Abraham A. Kline: Assistant Assessor, StottE. Collcy, I. K. Krick bauin; Auditor, Win. Apploman ; Judge, John Klell'er. Bloom. Judge, Jeremiah J. Brower; Inspectors, Jo-lali H. Furinan, Ellas Mendcnhall ; School Directors, Charles B. Brockway. Andrew M. Rupert; Su pervisors, Peter Blllmeyer, John J. Barkley, Matthias Shaffer; Poor Overseers, .John Lcncock, Samuel Mel Hck ; Assessor, Leonard 11. Rupert ; As sistant Assessors, Ell ; Barton, Jos. W. llendershol; Constables, Leonard S. Stlneinan, Chester C. Marr; Auditor, John K. Grotz. Bon. Binnvicic.-Chlef Ilurcess. Isaiah Bower; Assistant Burgess, Henry Fran I.Ull II V I, 1,1,1., 1, ... 44, IllfWlllll, J, J,, Bowman, D. C. M'lieny, Win. Jlerrin, inuisou uweu; justice oi mo reace, it. II. Eaton; Juritre, Richard Thonm-oii : Inspectors, J.W.DictterIch,W.Thonias; .sciiooi inreciois, j, .-. rsaiuiers, i;. is. Hull; Assessor, N. W. Sleeker; Assis tant Assessors, (ieorgo li, Thomson, Paul Kli-Ketlall ; Overseers of Poor Gil bert Fowler, Jacob Mover; Countable, John M'Auall; High Constable, Hiram Smothers; Auditor, Hiram R. Bower. BniAiicnr.i:K. Judge, Isaac Bower; Inspectors, Levi Shaffer, iteeco M. Eck; Hupervi-ors Eminer DIetericli. Jeremiah (.'.Smith; Assessor, Enos I?. Adams; Assistant Assessors, .Samuel Kelclmer, George M. I lower; School Directors, Wesley B. Freas, James Boylc; Over seers of tho 1 oor, Wm. Kllnetoh, Geo. Evans ; Constable, Adam Suit ; Auditor John 11. Smith, Catawissa. Constable, 1' G. Camp bell; Assessor, Clinton Ellis; Judge, Solomon Sliuman: Inspectors, Walter Scott, Samuel II, Deiiuer; School Di rectors; Benjamin P. I'ortner, Goorgo lllcliel; Poor Overseers, Stephen Baldy Peter Kerns; Audltor.Jolm K.ltobbhis Assistant Asses-ors, (loo, Scott, James S. M'Nlnch ; Supervisors, John Kelffcr, John Strau-e. Cr.NTitr.. Judge, Jeremiah Hngcn buch ; Inspectors, Ellns Crony, Tlieo. M'D. Prlco; Supervisors, Sam. Ilagen bucli, Sainucin. Hutchison; Overseers of tho Poor, Frederick Frcy, Daniel Neyhard; Assessor. Josso Hoffman ; Assistant; Assessors, Samuel llower, Frederick llngenbucfi ; School Directors Henry Sliall'er, Samuel C. Kelclmer) Constable, lllrnni A.Schweppeiihelscr; Auditor, Lafayette Creasy ; Town Clerk Samuel Neyhard. Coxynoiiam. Justices of (he Peace, Uriah TIley, Andrew Mull ; Constable, Franklin Wnrnlck; Judge, Charles Notlinau : Inspectors, Peter Snyder, Jan. Ilrennen; School Directors, Patrick M'Ginley, II years, I'cterSnyder, 1! years Froedrlck R. Wohlforth, 1 year; Audi tors, Casper Hughes !1 years, Henry Moser, t! years, Luko Brennaii, 1 year; Town Clerk, William Dolphin ; Super visor, Lawrence Cacy ; Assessor, F. R. Wohlforth; Assistant Assessors, Jnmes Dewey llllatii Goodman; Poor Overseers, Fetor S. llclwig, Charles Engoi ; Treasurer, Frederick R. Woh lforth. Fi.sinxnciiEnK. Judge, Levi Ilelsh Hue ; Inspectors. .1, F. Hutchison ; J. Y. Allegar ; Constable, Tlios. J Hutchison; Poor Overseers, Jnines Edgar, John Wcnner: School Directors, C. B. White Cyrus Bobbins; Assessor, Hugh M' Bride; Assistant Assessors, Philip Appleman, C. 11. M'Hcnry; Auditor, Danial M'Henry; Supervisors' Joseph Column, Peter Crcveliiig ; Town Clerk, John Sutton. FitANivLiN. Judge, Michael Mcnsch Inspectors, Daniel Zarr, Wm. Claywell Supervisors, John Holder,.! os. Hartman Constable, Hamilton F. Clark; Auditor Jacob Kostcnbauder; Assessor, William Teplej Assistant Assessors, Clinton aMenueniiaii. .lonainan Former ; hciiooi Directors, Ziba Osinun, C. Seosholtz ; Poor Overseers, Abraham Lilley Joshua Mendcnhall; Town Clerk, Salnuel Hoaglanrt. Gr.r.UNwoorj. Judge. Pnrvin Eves; Inspectors. Wesley Moris. A. E. Kline: Supevisors, A. II. Kitchen, F. P. Eves, I'oter Ulrton, Jolin Tiiomas,(last llirce tie); Assessor, John Kester; Hum phrey Parker; Poor Overseers, Aaron Muscravo, Isaac Haycock ; Constable, Jacob S. Evans; Auditor, Geo. Masters School Director-', II. F. Battaln, John btiuition, I'.awin .lomi, i year. Hi:mlock. Judge Gideon, Sleeker; Inspectors, Lewis Girton, L. Wright; Constable, Daniel Neihart; Supervisors Isaac G. Pui'scl. Daniel Yocum: Poor Overseers. James Boat, Reuben Bogart; School Directors, Poswell Folk, John G. Nevius: Assessor, James W. Edar; Assistant Assessors. Hugh 1). M' Bride, Ruben Boniboy; Auditor, William H. Shoemaker. Jackson. Justice of IhoPeaco Benja min F. Savase; Judge, Joshua Savage ; Constable, Elisha Bobbins ; Supervisors, Michael Beniley, Jacob Young ; inspect ors, Abram luious, Henry Wagner; School Directors, Georgo Getty, Hiram Baker; Assessor, II. Shultz; Assistant Assessors, John M'Hcnry, Geo. llurlo nian; Auditor, Geo. W. Fnrver; Town Clerk, Silas W. M'Henry; Poor Over seers, William Parks, John Yorks. Locust. Justice of tho Peace, Peter J. Swank ; Supervisors, Peter Bitncr, Michael M. llower: Judge. John P. Walter; School directors, Isaac Fisher, Silas John-on; Auditor, Isaac Dyer; Constable, Solomon Fcttcrman ; Asses sor, Gcra llower; Assistant Assessors, .lonas caiinnger, .lacou istino; inspec tors. Samuel 1'. Lcvan. Maberrv Snv- dcr; Poor Overseers, Christian Small, John Reinbold ; Town Clerk, David S. iieiwig. Madison. Justices, I). A. Watson, John Smith ; Constable, Wm. M'Ninch : Assessor, C. II. Tyrenian ; Assistant Assessors, itlcliaril JJeniott, E. 11. Jlnrt mnn ; Supervisors, John Smith, C. Krcamer; School Directors, Wm. Dc niott, Isaac Wagner; Poor Overseers, Lewis Schuyler, Valentino Welliver; Judge, Henry Wagner; Inspectors, Jos. C. Smith, William Masteller; Auditor, T. 11. Ginglcs, Maim:. Justice of tho "Peace, Chas. Nitss; Constable, Rudolph Shumtui ; Supervisors, Jacob Fisher, Amos Dca nor: School Directors. Jeremiah Dorr. Wm. Masteller As-e-sor, Wm. T. Shu- ,.n, . .t.o.'r.n,..; .a," T.. I. 111 ill. , Ulliavi .T Wl X UUI , ,.1111 Ml' I J 'L lljll, John J. Gcarhart; Auditor, Wm. Long enberger; Judge, John Harmony ; in spectors, J. E. Longcnberger, A. R. Shu- man; .Assistant ..assessors, .jonn au-s Peter Fisher; Town Clerk, Isaac Yet tor. Mii'plin. Constable, Peter J. Lantz; Supervisors, Peter Michael. Abraham Masteller; School Directors, Isaac An drews, Charles G rover ; Poor Overseers, John R. Yoho, Charles If, Hess; Jtidgo A. C. Millard: Inspectors, Jonas Ilnrt, zel, ElcazorSchweppenheiser ; Assessor- saniuei isciiwopponiiciser, Aiirctl W, I less, (tio vote) ; Assistant Asses-ors, Thomas Aten, GeorgoBrown ; Auditor, j una .vicn. MoN'roun. Supervisor?, Peter lleiin baeh, Andrew Clark ; Judge, John Diet terick ; Inspectors, Henry Lazarus, Ellas uigor; uonstauio, livan welliver: 1'oor Overseers, Joseph Mauser, John Leiby ; School Directors. Michael Ranch. Noah Mauser; Asses-or, Joseph Ranch; All- tutor, isaao Aiowery ; Assistant Asscs sors, nono elected. Mt. Pleasant. Judge. John Wa.- nicli ; Constable, Georgo Cramer: Poor uverscers, iiavid Applcmuu, Benjamin Kistler; Inspectors, Ru-sel l.cmoii, Joel ReicheldelferjSupervfsors, Ellas Howell, Peter Hippenstecl; Auditors, Joseph R. Vandersllce, :l years John Kline, '1 years; Assessor, Jo-epli Ikeler; School Directors,lfcaaeAppteman,JacobStraub; assistant Assessors, none elected. On.iNGi:. Judge, Edward Dolong ; Inspectors, Oscar Achenbach, Silas Con ner; Supervisors, John Van LIow,Aaron Patterson ; School Directors, John Van Liew, John Snyder, HowardH, Grimes, D. K. Sloan ; Poor Overseers, Daniel Kieier, iteuueu l (el las ; Assessor, M B. Patterson: Assistant Assessors. Thos M'Henry, Reuben Stiller; Constable, M. 0. Keller; Auditor, E. J. Rlcketts. Pini:. Con-table, Thomas Harlen: Overseers of tho Poor, Benjamin Win- tersteen, Jonn w nitmoyer; .scltool III rectors, P. W.Sones, Jacob Long; Su iiervlsors, Cornelius M'Ern. Josenh Sweeny; Assessor, A. G. Girton; As sistant Assessors, .ioim Lore, ij.A.uar iimii t Inspectors, Uriah Chaniberlln, Ira Puisel; Judge, Henry Richie; Au ditors', 1. W. Soues, U yours, Joshua iioiiuiiis, i year. RoAitiNiicitiniu. Justices of tho Peace, John C. -Meyers, John 1). llau1.: : Supervisors, Henry Hoffman, Samuel Hauki Poor Overseers. Abraham Wit. ncr, Joseph Lovan ; School Directors, Charles Dyer, Kilns Rarig, William Rlioads, Amzl Craig, (last three tio); Auditors, .hidah ('liorriugton, Nathan ureisuacn, tnanes i;ck, .losiali J, Thomas, Israel llolstlne, Martin Ernst, Ua-tfoiirtioi ; Judge, Abraham llleber; Inspostors, .lacob Ernwino, Lewis Ilrels bach ; Assessor, Nathan Dreisbach ; As sistant Assessors, John C. Meyers, Abra ham Wltner; Constable, Jacob Long cnberger, Scott. Judge, Georgo W. ('reveling; In.-peclors. Isaac M'Kiitnev, Thomas Trench; Supervisors, BeiiJ, Zclglor, lteiibeiiCulp; School Directors, Charles. S, Fowler, M.G, Kinney; Pour Over seers, John Shunian. O-car P. Knt; Au ditor, Wm. A. Bnrton, 1 year, Thomas Crevellng, II years: Assessor, William Cliristnian ; Constable, Sain'l Kressler; Assistant Assessors, nono elected. St'dAiii.oAr. Constable, Wm. A. Kilo; Judge, Cyrus Larlsli : Inspectors, Wm. B. Pcterman, John Mooro; School Directors, Aaron Parks, Alexan der Hess; Assessor, Joseph O, Hess; Assistant Assessors, Jesso Fritz, Henry C. Hess; Supervisors, Wm. Hess, Jo seph O. Iless; Auditor, Elijah J. Al berlson. Poor Overseers, Kilns Fritz, Georgo Mooro. COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCE. IMilInilt ililti Mmhcti. Wkuni-sday, March ?T. Gltoci:itll'.s. Ill sugar there Is very little doing. CO lihds of Cuba sold nt 10J cents currency nnd 110 boxes of clarified at lie, gold. , FLouit. Tho market continues very brisk. About 1,3)0 bbls sold In lots to (ho homo trade Including NolthnrKtern Mlicrllnont -8.00(3 S..VI Norlhwcstclll extra 1UK9 KM" Noilhwe-teni family ll..VVrf.l'l..V) lVnnsylvnnluaml We-tern snperllno... H.iiKi) lVnnsvlMinlannil Western extra IWhuIojuj lVnn-vlvanlannil Welern family Ii.nw3ll.0n 1 Vnn-ylvnnla nnd Western laney ltye Hour 7.5U Wnr.AT of prlino quality lias been in good demand, and holders nro firm in their views. Wo quote Pennsylvania red nt S&UUC'f fj.lfi ; Southern do. nt $3.00 ( 3.15, and white nt$; Pennn, Ryo rnnges nt 1111)0111 $1.15. In Corn no Imprvin't. with sales of 1,000 ()tc mid O'Jo for now yellow, anil SI for white. Oats ore selling at (WC" ilc. Tho receipts to-day areas follows: 1,050 bbls llour;L',S00 bus. wheat ; 10,000 bus. com, t!,"S0 bus. oats. PnovisioNs Continue very dull, but prices nro unchanged. Small sales nro making nt per barrel for new mess. Mess beef ranges from $21.25(j) Sill for Western ami city packed. Dress ed hogs sell at Sl(,!)c. Smoked hams aro steady at ir( 17c ; pickled do nt 13(3 13Jc. Smoked shoulders nt .HMllJe. nnd salted do nt 8W!lc, Lard sells nt 13(ti 131c Y1 lb for prime in bbls nnd tier ces. Sr.uns Clovorsccd is in fair demnnd nnd 200 bushels wero sold nt from SS.00 ( $0.00 per bus, tho latter rato for choice: timothy sells at $4.00 and flaxseed at $3.10($3.12 per bus. Cattli: maukut. Beef cattle wero very dull this week, and prices wero unsettled and lower. About 1.050 head sold at the Avoimo Drove-yard at prices ranging from ICalTc for extra Pennsyl vania and Western steers; llalolc for lair to good do. and 12nl3c nor lfc for common, as to quality. Tho market closed very dull withni tho abovo rango of prices. Cows wero unchanged. Sheen were in fair demand. Hogs wero dull and lower. Cows. Woro unchanged; 200 head oldat$50a75 for springers, and $00at)0 per head for cow and calf. Sin:i:i. Were in fair demand; 7,000 hood sold at Oa'Jio per lb, gross, as to condition, Hons. Were dull and rather lower: 3,700 head sold at tho different yards, nt rom $ioau per iyo ns, nctt. Sixer. 1801. Mexico lias had 23 Presi dents, 7 Dictators, 2 Emperors, 1 Vice rresiiient, ami 1 uoiieranssimo. Jlarltct ltrporf. Wheat ner bushel ll.vo " Corn " . ?2 . 1 ll) ti'l . 10 mi .. 7 Ml Hour ner barrel..... Clover'.oed r Inxseeit Putter Itas Tallow , I'otaloes Prleil Apples I'ork Hams , Skies irtul Shoulders Lard per pouud Hay per Ion MAltKJK.'T). Yi:rrl:l!,StA IlTWOOI)l the iwldenre of the bride's lather, in Pal Ion, N. Y., on the huh Inst., by Hev. Joseph .Madis -Mr. WllllauUI. Yeller.of Calawlsa, Pa., and Miss lllaua Sjwart- WOO'l. SltlCh'-Cf.AJtK-On the Wlh Inst., at St. Paul's Peetory, by tho ltev. 'lholuas II. Cullen, Mr, P. A. Schick to .Miss Mattle.1. Clark, both of Cut awlssa. ;i7.T.IAV)-7fr'.V)MA-Ill Asbury, on the7lh lut., by Iiev. W. c. Ileser, Mr. Wislev Ice land 10 Miss Maggie Punkah, both of Columbia county, l'a. DIKD. MATWUl In (Jrcenwood on the 21th Inst ..Sam uel Mather, ncd hlxty.llvejears. r.l.V.V.I77'.l-Ill Ploomsbuiu, on the Sl Inst., Hubert I'. Cialk, son of Thomas anil Maipuet I. Vannalla, aaed three jeais, lle months and tuenty-ouu days. A7l'77VIn tlds place, on the 241 Inst., Albert shult, ased twcnty-llvu years, two mouths and eight days. CAHSOX In this place, on the2llh Insi.. Martha (lllroy.daughier of William, and lalu Marv.1. Clarson, aged thirteen days. .f'A'O .".' In Kujjailo.if, on the 22d lust., fieorce II. .M'l'lellan, only son of lllram and LungiT, aged lour jeuis, seven mouths nnd twenty-live days, Ono sweet flower has drooped and faded, One sweet Infant voice has lied, One fair brow tho gnue has shaded, l'or our daillng now is dead. Put wo feci nolliought of sadness, l'or ounhlld Is happj- now, He has kuelt in heart-A lt gladness, Where the blessed angels how. Ho lias gone to Heaven before us, Put he luius nnd waves his hands, Pointing to the glories o'er us, In that happy sptilt laud, Oo.l has called our Utile, Willi Ihe angels now Indwell, Against His ways we would not murmur, Pur He docth all Ihlngs well. s, v, 11. PA TT::S0X-hi Lpy, on the 21 of February P.ltlciMIII, teen days. IMiT, Tannic, daughter of Oeorge and Nnnev l'.itleMiii,aged two years, llveiuouths and six- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 'IMll'STUK ACCOUNT OF 'HI 13 ES JL TATU OK 1'ltANKI.I.V CitLVKLINO, A Lu natic. All persons Inteiesied will tnko notice, Hint Samuel frevellny, Comnillteo ol rranklln l ieM llngalunalle, has Hied his Hrst account of the management of the cstaloof tho said lunatic Willi tho l'rothonotary of l ho Court of Common licas of tho County or Columbia, and that the said account will be presented to the Judges of tho Court uf Common l'ieas of said County, for the lieai lug and contli niatlon, on Tuesday, tho scNcmli day of )Iav next, JIXsi: COLl'.MAN, l'rothonotary. Woouisburg, Mauiiai, IsO.-til. $100 WAHD! .vj'oj' run ritiiu'i Was stolen from tho subscilber on Monday Ihe Istli lnt 'I'tV'.k,-jlj iivo .......... ' ,,ii, -.,,-. ii.,, lltl- JliUW, Miunro box, a set oi double harness, two hoiso died dollais will bo paid lor Ihe applohcusloli of the ililcr and rccou iy oi the pioperly. Ihsnliillmi ,,, VfurM-i.w onii l.iy teen hands high, six .mum old, niriiesasiialght neck , hcn. tall, and is heay lluihed. lliiollght daiiiiled giay horse, mi,. on and n halt hands high, coming si years old, has a largo head and Uoman nose isi, puny heay chunk or n horse, uuiys loler.ihly well, good lu.iiieiind tall. llrm-rliJlmi i,f HutMH :-inv single seati'd Top buggy, souare box, haing on tliesldoof tho box !.',o U,'l ll ." " I'1"1" "" '''"'I prliiK box U ni. Sloan s,on," ono lhulalu ltobo niurked "Jaculi llhiil." I)n, ni,ituii i. the Man .--lteglslereil J, II, llrown. aged iciwien twentj-iHe and ililrly jeais, In nig U about six lei I, slender lailll.paloeomplex. Ion, lias no wiskers but wmea mustache, hair of a blow color, had on light pints nu m.sI. I'lV-s ni 'p,wumi',m,, woie ii largo searf arouud The above inward will be ptild loanv person or iK-rsonsou ihe aniireheiislonof I lie said thief mid Iho delivery of the i.roperly In It, owner, or 475 I'll tile ieeoery of Iho properlj. 'i!JUi,r. ucmwii k, Llooiusburs, ln Ma nil Imjt , , .1 lo'ieaii'i wnip. , icwnidorouo liuu 11 A KBlt'S S K W I N O M A C II I N E S , Were awarded TlMicst l'lcinlumint the State l'nlrsor New York, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, MUsUclppI, Michigan, California, Kentucky, Vermont, New Jersey Missouri, AlnlHima, Ohln, InJInim, Virginia, North Carollua, Wisconsin, Iowa, Oregon. AT THE FAIUS OI TI1K American Institute, I'liuiklin Institute, Mary land Institute, Mas. Mechanics Associa tion, 1'enn. MecIumteH Institute, St. Jiuuls Agricultural niul Me chanic Association, And at numerous Institutes niul County l'alrn, including all tho Mill's at which they were exhib ited thu imst throe years, l' TrlzcH havo aUn hecli awaided thceMiu-hlneHnt tho exhibitions of LONDON, PAULS, DUUUX, MXZ, lte-inran, ltayonne,Ht. Dizler, Chalons, and they hnve Jeeu furnished, by special command, to tho Ihutress of Kraiiee, lhiipreHSof Austria, Kmi-mss of Iliifcsl.i, KmpruHs of Ihazll, Queen of Hulut and Queen uf liavarlu. THC OltOVint & UAKUIl KLAsne-srii'ii S E AV I N O M A C II I X K S are superior to nil others for this following ien mhIs: 1. They sew Hi two threads direct ftoni tflo spools, uml requiting no rewinding, 1!. They are more easily understood and ued, and less llablu to derangement than other ma chines, H. Thoy nro eapableof oxeeutlnfjperfectly, with out change of adjustment, n much greater variety of work than other machines. I. Tho stitch made by these nuuhlnes is much moro Arm, eUstle, and durable, especially upon articles which require to bo washed and Ironed than any other stitch. 5. This stitch, owing to the manner in which tin under thread Is Inwrought, is much the most ptump and beautiful lu utu, and retains this plumpness and beauty even upon articles fre (luently washed and Ironed until they nio worn out. 0, Tho structure of tho seam is such thnt, though it bo cut or broken at intervals of only a few stitches, it will nelthur open, litn, nor ravel, but remain II rm and durable. 7. t'nllko other machines, theso fasten both finis of the scam by their own operation. 8. With thofco machines, while slllt Is med upon the light or face side of tho seam, cotton nny be used upon the other side without lessening tho strength or durability of tho seam. Tlds can be done on no other machine, uudlsagieat a.iving upon all aillclus stitched or mado up with silk. 0. These machines, In addition to their superior merits as Instruments for sewing, by a eh-uigoof adjustment, easily learned and practiced, execute the most beautiful and permanent embroidery and ornamental woik. In ndilltlon to thulr family machines thuy havo also tho IMPllOVKD U)CK-STITCII MA CHINES, making n-Rlllch nltko on both sides, Tlds Com pany make both th Lock and Double stitch Ma chines, so that persons having a preference can select such as they like best, and If not suited can exchange for the other, thusglvhigthe public tho advantage of this anangemeut. Thuy also mako the newly invented NO. 1 LOCK STITCH MACHINES an ndvance upon all machines heietofore known for sewing Willi the Lock-stitch. It Is of great power and st length, especially adapted for tatlois, shoemakers, harness-makers, eurrlago-trlmuiciK, and for nil descriptions of woik to which tho loik-stitcli Ik applicable. It works with equal facility silk, cotton, or linen thread, and will sew the finest muslin as well as tho thickest lcalhor. I'rieo Su); Willi Ilcmincrx, StS. Tliolr No. 0 is .1 light iiuxmxa macjiixj:, containing many Improvements, ndapted for tai loring, cst-mak!ng, light shoeiuaklng, as well as for family sewing. Large nuinbeis of these ma chines uio lu use, and they plve universal satis faction. Nono w ho have seen tills machine will willingly uso the noisy and cuiubious lock-stitch machines herctoiore lu general use. 1'iheSM; with Ileuiiners, SHO. These, machines of every description can ho had at tho agent's olllco inIUoomsbiirg, at posltlvi ly the manufacturer's prices, to which tho attentjuu of Ihe public Is especially Invited. T. H. MAKTCItM, Jfnrtnitin't JluiliUtig. llMIOMSIIl'IKI, SlarJO'CT-ly. Columbia County, l'a. rIIE SWAX HOTEL, Tin; CITKIl IIOUsK, OltANOHVILLK, COL11.M1IIA CO., I'A. Thssubserlbor respectfully Informs his friends and the public, that lie has tnken the above well known House of imtcrtnlmueht, and will bo pleased to leceive the custom of all who will lavor him wilh ueiill. Hi: WILL KKKI' A (IOOI) tauli:, a liar well stocked with tho best of Liquors, and every ettort will bo mado to tender untito stitls factlon, . JOHN SNYDLIt. llraiige Hie, l'a., March 11, lsti7-lui. T ACK AWAXXA A lll.OO.M.SIltTIiri .1 J lt.MI.UOAl. On and afler May in, 18iiii, Pas singerTruIuswllI run as follows: HOL'TIlWAlll). A.M. A.M. P.M. P. M. Leao Scranloii r..VI lO.m) 7,lu t.ta " Kingston 1I..V1 ll:i S.iJ n.tsi '" ltllpelt Ml 8.17 " Hanvllle Il.'il r.W Air, Xoithuiuberland lo.M V,l"i .NOItrilWAltli. Leave N'orlhumberlaud 7,i) .VJ1 " llallMllo 7.10 iJ " Hupirt .: " K'liigstou in..-) 2..vlpmR.rviam li.u" Arr, Scianliai IJ.KI t.ilcl l.:i 10.11 Tialns leaving Kingston at Vto a. in. for Sci an ion, connect Willi Train anhlng at Now Vol k at Mt Passengers taking Train South from Seranlon at .Wi a in, la Norihuiuhoilaiid, leaih Harris burg, li.Hi p m, llalllmore Sn 11 in. Washluglou lu.ijup m, vlaHuiieit leai li Phlladi'Mihla at 7 p in. II. A. l-O.NDA, supt t. Kingston, P.I., Mar. ls7. 11' OlIKHT F. CLAllK T T O It N i: Y - A T L A W Olllco corner of Main and Mm Let Mreels, mr l irsi National Haul., liloniubni;. Pn n.novun & (JOUHT I'ltOOLAJlATIOK. , AVitmsr. vs, the Hon. Wllllatn l:iu cll, Projldmt .fudgoof th" Court of ()cr niul Terminer nod Oeneial .tall Hellyery, Court or quarter Hui0m ol the Pence nnd Court or Common lioas niul ,S plian's Court In the Alth Judlelnl District ei ft posed of Ihe eoliiilles or Columbia, Hullivnn an i Wyoming, and the Hon, Irnm lierr and Peter if Herb. In, Assoelalo Judges of Coluinbln couniV have Issued their lireceut. benrltiif ilntn .V.lf day or March, lu tho year of our Lord thotisand.elght hundred and slxty-seven. nnd moillieeteil foiMioluliiKnCouitofOyernudTcrmi ner nnd (leneral Jail Delivery, flcnernl Ousr!; Sessions or the Pence, Common Pleas nnd ornh mi's Court, In Dloouisburg, In the count v or c ............ ......... ...r.. ,.,i, .., , tiK my yu, gHy u. May next, to continue onu week. ' ul Notice is herebv elven. to Ihnr'nnihr., ., . Jusileesor tlioPenci nnd tho CnnstnblcsVr sahl eouuly or Columbia that they bo then n,,.i tlu-re In their proper peison nt ten o clock in tlio rorcnoon or said day witli their records, Inouui. Hons and other rcmcmbraticn to do those thim,. which to their olllees uiipcrtalu to bo done And those Hint nre bound bv rccoimlznncu. in cute against Iho prisoners that nro or may ho i the Jail of Ihe until eounly of Columbia to bo tho,, anil theieto linisi'culetbcm ns shall ho lust, Jn. Mrs ni o reipiested to be punctual lu their ntlnuj. i L.S. Ut llfoomsbnrg, the ffltli day or March 'I In the venr of nor lit-,1 n... and eight bundled and sixty. six, and hi tin, nlnelli lb year or the Independence of thePnltisi stales of America, (don mvi: Tin: fouiies-i wr.At.Tit.l SAJllir.LNYUi;it,,SA.ri(r. llliHimsburg, March ?J, 1.SH7. f UtANl) JUllOllH V J I'Oll MAY Ti:il.I, 1SC7. Andrew Madison. Itriarcrct k Isaac llower. Jlorn. Jlvrwlek .Mm JPAnall. yfenoa Isaac K. Krickbaliln. i are Samuel Hiilchlson, Kllas Crotuy, f t(im.f( lleury .1. Miller, f mtmKjM Ilanlel T. M'Kclrnali. 7vdHfeircA- David Havace. fleoreo M. Ttnwcll Jackson Ale. ' f, 'vevnivomi Humphrey parkor. fcaiocA' Peter llrugler. .il'-Z-fia llobert IMgar. Ml. l'humnt Ilanlel Vandal sllco, Kilns llowftli Mijflln Aaron Mnstcller, John 11. Auztt. .l-iac Aaron Miller. Miullttm William Pursell. y'la-Shfldrlek lives, lltKtrtnuercvk Abraham Heaver. Niitinrlutif Wheeler Hhiiltt, Itlcluml Kile. 'pilAVKHHI JUHOHS X l'OIt MAY TLP.M, LSilT, llloam Joslah II. 1'urmau, Isnlah llartnitui Thomas J, Weiincr. rolitrt cs Lnos Adams, John Fester, Jr. 7cnccr Cliarles P. Matiu, Nathan firo&bentlor Nnthaii llredbcniler. sr. Jlorn. in rii frA William It. Illttenliouse. ttitfiaf..'! .John Malt. Adnm l'oderotr. I'ltnthlln (leolge Halt man. Mshln'cra k m. Ash, Prdlip Appleman. (invniiufMl James Mauulng, John Ullor. yfoaf.W. Hugh W.H'Ueynotds, And row J. Kra. inlt, Isaac Pursell William II, Htioemakur, Wm Wlnlerstecn,.Iohn Vet. .nrusl Peter Miller, Jacob llnrnor. Mifflin John C. Heller. Mimluur Isaac Mowry. M'Hllmn Win. Itarlobl, Samuel Hlmby, Jr. Ml. yVcflwiaf Peter Httipeuslhd. clnoi.v-lesse Itrumsteller. 1'lnr Ira Pursell. Jiitnrhum'evk Daniel Unrig. ,Sruil .loliu shumau, A. (J. Thornton. Nuynrlmi Joslah 1. Krltz, Henry C. lies. rjilll All LIST FPU MAY TI3UM, 1807. 1. Wm. L. Lance vs. Alfred Crevellng ct.ftl. '2. lletijaiiitu .arr and Wife vs. Wm. Hharplcsd. 3. lMward Illlner vs. Tho Locust MountulnCoid Coiniauy. . 4. M. Chaiuberllu use vs, SIlnsD. Kdgnr, ft. Jacob lleiuley vs. The Cntawlss ltuilroa1 On. li. Henry 1', Nuss vs. The borough of Berwick. 7. I lift Jones vs. Miles C. Abbott el. al. s. Wright Hughes vs. lvter Miller. tl. Jonathan Knlltle vs. Wright Huglavs. 1(1. Mary H. (Iiern vs. It. H. Howell et. nl. 11. John LtivernsAs, Harney Milrearty. 12. David Yvager vs. Clinton Dewitt ot. Hi. I. t. John W. Lcschervs. PuterM. Hlshel. I I. W'oolley A Polio vs. John W. Lescher. 15. ljlas Kruiu use vs. Daniel Kami's ndmr'. hi. linebo i-'rv vs. Daniel Krum's ndmr's. 17. Win. A. Mnrr vs. James Dyke, is. s lvester J. l'aux vs. W. c. Orecn'a odin'r. III. Jacob S. P.vans v s. W. C. Green's udm'r. l'a. J. p. l'ineher vs. Isaac Yctter. 21. Jacob A. Swisher vs. Abel Thoinns. I"-. Jacob A. Swisher vs. Hichard Lyons. -1. thsirgo ltrovvn vs. Leonard stelnmnn. 21. Wm.M. lloaglaud vs. Harney M'Urenrty. ItJ. .las. stactihouso vs. Tlios. stackhouso's Kit's. eil. Joseph Lllley vs. Peter Mollck. 'Jt. Shoud .v. llrown vs. Andrew Crevellng. 2S, D.'borah Dean vs. Owen L. Dean. -I. IMwatd M'Call el. al. s. John wesnev. IH. Clark Stewart and Wire vs. K. 0. Cleaver. 31. I'mnkllu Yocum vs. NYilliam T. Sliuman. S'J. William i-'eason 1 1. al. vs. Simon C. Shivo. .11. Jolin P. Ktrohmoyor vs. Samuel Neyhnrt. rpiIK hOST CAUSE, The HTAMiAnn Officiai. SOUTI1I3UX IIISTOHY OF TnB AVAIL Hy Edward A. Pollard, or 'Irglnlu. RAMt'P.L SC'l!WKPPi:NIIIHi:it OF MIFFI.IW Townshbi, lias proem (si the Agency of Columbia County, for the sale or Iho above work. It com prises a mil account or the riso nnd progress of Uin lalo Southern Conrederacy, tho campaigns, battles, incidents and adventmes or the most gi gantic stiiigghinrthe World's history. Completii In one laigo volume or nearly too pages, with TWUNTY-l'Oini HPLV.NDIl) 8TCKI, VOP.TIIAITH or distinguished Conroilerato leaders. Tlte. histo ry of tho vanriulshod has ton often fallen ha tiie pen of tho victor, and to lusuro Justice to tho Hwuthoin cause, the pen must he taken by somo Southern man who is willing to devote his tlmo mid talents tu the vindication or his countrymen, lu a history whloh shall challrngu tho criticism or the intelllgculfaiid Invite tho attention ot all honest Inquirers. Hnchn work will hoof peculiar Interest to tho candid nnd Intelligent publlcof the Noitli, nud Is of the utmost lmiiortnnco to tho people or the Southern States. Mr. l'o'lard, or all writers lu tho .South, Is doubtless the best MiMlillcd to pi eparo a ismiplcto and standard his lory or tho War, and to commit to the present and futuie generation a f.illhrul nnd worthy re eoid or thelrgieat stiugglo and or a cause lost, save lu honor, liavli.g boon employisl during tho eiitlio period or tho War ,iu editor or a HlclimoaH newspaper. frenfOT. T7X( 'I I A NOE lIOTEIi, XU IILOOMSill'ltO, COLUMH1A COUNTT, TA, The undersigned having purchased this well knowo nnd centrally-located house, tho Kxchnngs Hotel, sllu.lte on MAIN fiTTtL' Bliomsbum, Immediately opposite the Columbia County Court House, respectfully Informs his friends aud tho public, in general that his houso Is now In order fur the lecepllou nnd entcrtnlument of travellers w ho may Iw dlsisud to favor It with their cus tom, llo has spaied no oxpenso In preparing the Hxrhaugo for tho entertainment of his guests, neither shall tbcio bo anything wnntlng (on hht Isart) to minlslcr to thoir personal oomfort. IIU hrsise Is spAclous, nnd enjoys nn excellent busi ness locntlon. Oiunibiisses run nt nil times between the Kx change Hotel aud tho va riot l railroad depots, by which travellers will ho pleasantly conveyud l nnd from tho respective stations In duo tlmo to meet Uio cars. JOHN r. CAULOW. TUoomsburg, March M, ISOfi. TTK.MJUnSIIOT'S ni:w i) huh HTonn. Main Street, Illooiusburg. Purs Drug", Chemicals, Paints, Putty, Varnishes, Turpunllne, oils, IiyoHlufls, Paint llrnshcs, sttamols skins, Perfumery FANCY AND TOILET AHTICLIH, ill sreat variety. COAL OIL, COAL OIL LAMPS, Chandeliers, Chimueys, Humors nnd Bliades, French and Ainorl.'au Window Glass, Ac, .Hi-Prescriptions mrvfully put up nt nil hours or the day aud night. inarl.TCT-lt. "VfOTlCE. ALL 1M3HHOXS KNOW- Xl lug Ihemselvo Indebted to the underslgncsl on Hook Account or by Note, nro requested b make pavmcnt hy tho lueiitlctli of March next. Those falling to comply Willi tills notice, will have their account, ,te., placed In the hands or the tuoiior olllccr for eollectlon. SLOAN A MILLARD, and D, K. SLOAN, Orsnjerllle, Feb. 1, ls07-t, TX T11I3 OHFIIAXS' COURT IN .1. and for the count v of Columbia: In the matter ot the eslalo or JO-illl'I! HAYIIt'ItST, late ol Orange township, deceased. And now to wil, February sIMh, lsi,7, u. Couit appoint C, H. Hrockway, Fsij auditor to make dlstrlbullonof the balance In tiie hands of Samuel AehenbiK'b. ailmlulstrator, loaud amongst tlw heirs and dis tributees. Hy the Court, l'roiu tho reeoid. .flMSK Coi.kma.v, Clerk. The niulllor abovo naineil will nttend to ties ilnllLk ,if his innuiliitioeol. aLlils omceiii Hhsmis. hang, on Monday, Ihe llrsl day of April. Isti7, nl leu o cioci; a, lu,, nini neio an names ioiei.-n,- lllavallend. C. II. llIiOCKWAY. Murch s, Isi!7. .liditw. Cd- frnrcA tiitit'tta s.v. A LM'Tlf) N E 13 11. Musrs COFFMAN. llavlivg fiillowed the profession of Public Vcndun Cilei tor many .vears, would lufoini his rrlend Mint lie is still In the ih Id, ready nnd willing m attend lonll the ilulles of his enliliu. Peisons dclrltv his .erviees should enll or vrrllo to h,w at llloiiiuslmu. Pa mat ST. s.