THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBXJ11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. FARMERS DEPARTMENT. G tllat. To Fni-mci-. What JIocs to Cec In planting or hoeing corn, use tho oriUmiry hocfi In general u?c. Neither Indian ltubber hoes) nor cotten hoes would bo of nny account in n corn Held j no nioro than would one of lloo's eight-cylinder pros- ECS. Jlow to IMd the Plow. Don't try to hold It out arms length. You can't do it. If you havn't n plow of your own, get out an attachment on your neigh bor's, who owes you. Any jii'tico will tell you whether you can hold it or not. Tic Bat Time to Put in Jlye.X nlced on old farmer oneo what was tho best thno to put in ryo? Ho looked nt hid watch and said: "This is about iny hour." Tho ryo was immediately put in. Altseasonsnrotlio sumo for putting in rye. JTow to Com. -Tho best place to keep corn is in a good corn liouso though somo prefer to keep it in tho system in tho julco. If they don't keep corn they keep corned. Jbasy If ay to Draw Saw Logs. Draw them on a pieco of paper witli a crayon pencil. After a littlo praetico you will boablo to "draw" tho largest kind of fcaw logs with case. Pork. Packing thread is of no uso in packing pork. In curing hams tho timo vnrlcs. Hams that have got trich ina can't bo cured at all. Fences ami Fencing. Good fencing is essential on a farm. Getagood, "fencing master" to learn you. You can't repair a worm funco by taking vermifuge. Nejthcr can you cut good whitewash brushes out of bush fences. To Drain Lands. Drink wNkey, and spend all your timo at tho villago tavern. This will drain you of nil your laud in n short timo. To Jal.c Stone Fence. Equal parts of whisky and eider. This is tho reciprocal stono fenco ; tho moro you lay of it tho more it will "lay" you. reparation oflVJillevrnsli, "Whitewash is' one of tho most valuablo articles in tho world when properly ap plied. It prevents not only tho decay of wood, but conduces greatly to tho healthiness of all buildings, and fences whether of wood or stono. Out build ings and fences, when not painted, should bo supplied oneo or (wico every year with n good coat of whitewash, which should lie prepared in tho follow ing way: Taken clean, water-tight bar rel, or other suitable cask, and put into it hair a bushel of lime, Slnko it by pouring water over it, boiling hot, and in sufficient quantity to 'cover it flvo inches deep, and stir it briskly till thor oughly slaked. When tho slaking has becii eflecteil, dissolve it in witter, and add two pounds of sulphate of zinc, unci one of common salt. TJieso will causo tho wash to harden, and proven t its cracking, which gives an unseemly ap pearance to tho work. If desirable, a beautiful cream color may bo coininu. nicatedtotho abovo wash, by adding three pounds of yellow oehro: or n mi pearl or lead color, by tho addition of lamp, vino of ivory black. For fawn color, add 1 pounds of umber Turkish or American, tho latter is tho cheapest ono pound Indian red, and one pound common lampblack. For common stono color add four pounds raw umber and two pounds lampblack. This wash may bo applied with n common whitewash brush, and will bo found much superior botii in appearanco and durability, to common whitewash. Prrctlcal IlliiL. A coating of three parts lard and ono part rosin applied to farm tools of Iron or steel, will effectually prevent rust. Common nails heated redhot and dropp ed into cold water will clinch and answer tho purpoa&of wrought nails. Tliesharp corner of a common Indian arrow head orfllnt will cut glass quite effectually. A good wagon jack may bo made of two pieces of boards, two or moro feet long. Plnco tho board in front of tlm u-wi ono end on tho irround. anil th Just under onoof spokes, closo nn tn t hr. felly j then tako hold ofaspoko on tho uppsno siuo 01 uio wheel and lift ; at tho tamo time plaeo the SCt'nnil linoril miilni. the axlo tree. In this way a loaded wagon may bo lifted with iuo. Riwty nails may bo drawn from wood without uiiiiuimy, oy nrst giving them a blow nam enough to btart them a little. A gun will not need cleanl ntr fur vo'tm If tho muzzlo id thrhtlv pieco of rubber kept on tho tubo under mo iinmmer, whllo standing idlo. Onions nml Poultry. Scarcely too much can bo said in pralso f y .... ui unions mr iowjs. Tliey seem to bo a luuM-uuvu aim icmeuy lor various dis eases to which domestic fowls aro liable Jluvlng frequently tested their (vnlinn Cles, WO Can snealc For gapes and inflammation of tho throat, oyes and head, onions nro almost ,i specific. Wo would, therefore, recom iiiciiugivingiowis.nntiespeeiallyyoun chickens as many as they will eat.asoftc as twice orthren M should bo finely chopped. A small addl. nun ui eurmncai is an improvement. Vler Proof Sole, oriloofa unit Shod. A correspondent of tho Philadelphia Ledger writes that six year,' oxperienco nus convinced mm that a coat of gum eopai varnish, applied to the soles of uoots and shoes, and repented nslfiiri.u until tho pores nroilHcdand tho surfaco shines llko polished mahogany, will mako tho soles water proof, and also cau&o them to lost tiirpo times as long ordinary soles. Wool IJuycr. In Council. It Is stated that tho Wool Buyers of u esiem JNow-Yori: nro to moot In con volition at llochestrr on tho 10th Inst. to concert such u Uon rolativo to tho purchase of wool tho coining tea. on ;s may ho nwc-tary or c,jciit nt - DRY GOODS, &c. HAND OPENING (IRANI) uriixiwi ClltANn OFENINO (IRANI) Ol'ENlNfl U11AN1) OPENING! FAU. I'AI.t. FAU. 1'AMj FAIJj AM) AND AND AND AND WINTER (100DV, WINTER OOODH, wiMT.u noanw, WINTER GOODS, WINTER GOODS, consisting of consisting of conslfctlns or s consisting of CJUUtlng of imv GOODy. DltY OOODH, DHY (100P1, DIIY GOO DM, DltY GOODS, II ATS AND CArs, HATH AND CAT. HATS AND OAFS, HATS AND OAFS, HATS AND CA1W, hoots and Minns, HOOTS AND M1IOI&V HOOTS AND MIOEH, HOOTS AND HHOIX, UOOTS AND hllOEH, READV-MAUE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHING, 1 1 E A D Y-J I A 1) E CLOTHING, UKA DY-J! A I IK CLOT1 1 1 NO, READY-MADE CLOTlIiriO, LOOK I NO-G EAW ES, LOOKING-GLASS 13H, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-G LASSHS, I.OOKINO-GLAf-'iDi NOTIONS,-' NOTIONS, 'NOTIONS, NOTIONS,' NOTIONS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OII.S, PAINTS AND 01 I.I, PAINTS AND OII., PAINTS AND OIIX, (1R0CERIEH, groceries, groceries, groceries, grocerif-s QUEENHWAltK, QUEKNtiWARE, QUEENSWARE, QUEENSWARE, IJUKHNSWARE, hardware, hardware, HAllPWAIti:, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE. TINWARE, TINWAHU, TINWAHU, fsALT, SALT, SALT Si ALT. HALT, FIMII, I'lfjU. PISH, KITH, PISH, grain and mikds grain and heeds, GHAIN AND heeds, ghain and heeds, grain and sunns, At., MoICF.I.VY, NIIAL & TO.'P, JlrKHLVY, NI'L A C'O.'H, McKHLVY, Nli.L & CO.'S. jicici:lvy, nual & co.'H. JIcKHLVY, NHAL & C'O.'H. Northwest corner of Main nml .Market Northwest corner of Main nnd Murkct Northwost corner of Main und .Maiket Northwest corner of Main nml Market Norlliwwt no rnf r of Main nnd Market Streets, Streets, Streets, Streets, Street", HLOOMSntlltG, PA.. HLOOMSntlRO, PA, HLOOMHIUMIO, PA I1L00MS1IURG, PA., HWOM'iliUUG, PA, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAIIJ. IRON" AND NAIIJs, IRON AND NAM A J.ltON AND NAIUi! in Ijrge nusntitu's a, d o mln i tan on hand nlwnj DRUGS & MEDICINES. JltUa AND UIIKMIOAL STOIU'2, Hloomimru, Va. DHUOS, CHHMIOALS, PAINTS, rKlU'UMHIlY AND TOILET AIITICLIX. i;yi:h & Movnit t-poclfutly lul(o a c-oiillniinin'o of pntrotifigc. Thdr Drum nml MccllolmnronU nrlrctptl villi the Krcnloi.t enro, nvolillni; ns much m pnnsllilo tho Iiitroiliicllon of ilcllrloim liostruim, nml nro puri-hnwl from Ihp Ih-kI Importing liouicn In tho country, PATHNT JIKPICTNI'-S of' nil ldml, lmlmllnR Aycr'n, .Inyno's, IIollo- M-ny's, Itofctcllcr'f, WMinil'n, noofl.ind'i, Ao. contnully on liniul. COAL OIL AND ALCOHOL. IIAII1, TOOTH, NAIL, AND cLorncs iiHU8itr.s PAINTS AND CHH1HCAI.S of ucry vuilcly, nml of Iho licst tiunllty. PANCY TOILI1T AltTICLIM. Tho public mny lcly nt nil time? on procuring Iho nbovo nrtlclc, Mllh nil Iho new nwftil pn-imrn- tloni kept In Iho best londucUil iMiilillMinu iits. physician's rmwcmiTioNu nml l'nmlly ltiTclpH ii'iniouiulcil with IhPKrcnt est nccurncy nml ilUpulth. 11KS1I AltHI VAh OF NEW GOODS. The iimlcnlKnni nn just nrrivcu rrom tho Cily with a lnigo nwutmcnt of Diurs, MPillcIum, Pnlnlii,Olls,Vnnilsho,niulDyo8lufr, llcmly-lnilc Clothlns, Perfumery, Toy mid Policy Articles, liruRkW's Gln.sswni;c, Hrushes, Trusses nnd Supporlers, nnd n gcncrnl nssortment of every- thing thnt belong ton wcll-nppolnteil Drugstore, Also Patent Jledlclnes of nil hinds, such ns Jnync'd, Ayer's, Wlslmrt's, Wiuslow's Soothing Syrup, Hrown's Troehea, SwnlnV Pnuncen, linker's Cod Liver Oil, llooflnnd's Hlltcrs conslnnlly on haml. Also Mor.occo li:athi;h, kid, fhhncii jiokoi'- CO, PIir.NCH CALl'SKINS, PI NIC TItlMMINOS, HINDINGH, by Hie dncn or naif-dozen. Also snoi:-riNDiNG, i'isiung-tack'li:, ic Having li-ul u large experlenco In llieilmg bust ness, I would lespect fully luvlle those wishing un thing In that lino lo call nnd heo my stock be fore purchasing elsewhere. " I luuedlcines quality Is of the llrst Importance." ' JOHN II. MOVER. JOYAL & KOYIJU, oucccs-sors in OILUEUT, ROYAL A CO. WHOLESALE DltlTGGISTS, Importers and Dealers In DRUGS, JIEDICINI'-S sriCl'.s, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, DYE STLHT'.S ic, Nus. "no nnd ill! Noi Ih Thliil Sjtreot, Phllndclphln. GROCERIES, &c, JOIIX STIIOUP & CO., Successors lo Stroilp A Hrothi-r, WH0L1IALI-: DE.VLEHS IN PISH, No: 21 North Wii irvos, an 1 25 North Water St., Philadelphia. KAVKR & Sl'ItAXKLK, WHOLESALE GROCERIES AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. ?25 nnd !S7 A rcli SI rcet, Phlladeli.hla. s CIIKLh, llKHGKIt & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS Donleisin FISH, SALT, CHEESE, PROVISIONS, Ac, Nos. IS nnd 121 North Wharves, nbo o Arch St. Philadcliliia. Solo ngcnls for Wilcox's Wheel Grcnsc, In bar rels, kegs, uml can. jSTAULISIIKI) 1703. JORDAN A HROTIIER, WHOLESALE GROCERS, and Dealers In SALTPETRE AND HRIMSTONE, No SJ9 North Tlihd Street, Philadelphia. QOTTRELL & AYUICS, Wholesale Denleis In FISH, CHEESE, AC, Ac, No. 100 North Wharves, second door nbovo Arch Street, Philadelphia JJ V. l'KTEIUIAX, with LI PPINCOTT A TROTrEH, WIIOL1WALE GROCEIW, No. 21 Noi til Water Street, nnd No. 20 North Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. MILLINERY GOODS. Di.oojrsuuito i'axcy Timi -U MING AND HOOKSTOHE, sccoii.1 ilour bulow lIarluuin's,Main Stleet. Just received u new stotk ol ZKI'IIYIIS, WOOLEN AND COTTON YARNS, COIISias, ICl-X, EMnROIPHRIKS, MUSLIN EDGINGS, DRESS TRIMMINGS und every variety of articles usually kept in n PANCY STORE. Also school hooks, hymn hooks, Riiii.ns, SUNDAY-SCHOOL HOOKS, and n laro lot of MISCELUS.NEOUS HOOKS, ACCOUNT AND MEMORANDUM HOOKS, I1LANK DEEDS, HONP.1 AND MORTGAGES. nnd iv geucrul unci u ell-suioctud nssortment of PAPER, ENVEI.OP1W, Ac. A. D. TOlt J 11. 1'UltSKh, IIAItNUSS HAPPLE, AND TRUNK. MANUFACTUHER, nnd dcnlcr In CAHl'in'-HAOS, VAI.IS13S, FLY-NETS .Ac Main Strut t, Hhsnnsburg, P.i, IJIK UKION JIOTI31., Arch Street, between Tlilnl nmt I'oiirtli Strt ct. Phlladelplila. CHRIST A WEPEIt, 1'ioprietors, QIUAHU 110USK, Coiner of Nintli nnd Cliestnut Streets, Philadelphia. II. W.KANAOA, PrnpiJetor, Olt BALK. A GOOD .M1I.C1I COW, I I'nrt Durhnin. Mm lins il line r.iir t,i u-f,i.i- 1 tuii.iuid it in an H'H'p'-irj ftUfsinui!,' iiurwiun, i i imrlk-ulaiMjiuiHlrcut HUH (Jl'Jti;, DRY GOODS. -TUIUtAII FOlt CATAW1SSA! THIS WAY FOR BARGAINS. Goim ids to conipnro wllh stringency of the money rkel. Iwlc nnd eoniparo prices before pur chasing olscwhcie. Just cnll nt tho favorlto busi ness Hand of McMNCH & S1IUMAN. ml von will be met by the obliging proffi letorsor llielieleiks.nnd shown Hi rough thelrgrent variety stoic freoof charge, of course. They will give you fa r cbnncc to sneml your looso ciiange, nicy trust much moro profitably than It can bo spent Isewherc. Their STOCK 01-' PHY 000D3 this Sptlng Is much larger in nil Us varieties than usual, llielr LADIES' DltKSS GOODS nro of tho nicest stjlcs In market. Tlieylmvcii fine nssortment of HATS GAPS, HOOTS AND SHOES, KU.MMEU CLOTHS, CASSlNlnS CASSIMEItns, AND VUSTINOS, nnd numerous nrtlclfts common to such eslablMi- meiits, benlilcs n general nssoi tment of HARDWARE, TINWARE, QUEENSWAltE, AND ailOCKUIIM, nil nt grcnlly reduced prlcc-ii. They wish to con duct thilr business on tho system of "PAY AS YOU GO," nd Ihey think they enn afford to sill voiychcnp. icy lctnrn their thnnks for many past favors, nnd nvk the future ilronago of their former ens- omeis and tho public gencrnlly. McNINCH A SHU.MAN. immtUSTKll & 11HOT1IKH, imporiers nnu j ouuers 01 HOSIERY, GLOVES, SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, J1UTT0NS, SUSPENDERS, 11001' SKIRTS, HANDKERCHIEFS, THREAPS, SEWING SILKS, TRIMMINGS, PORTE MONNAIES, SOAPS, PERl'UMKRY, PANCY GOODS, AND NOTIONS GENERALLY, lso Manufacturers of 11 HUSHES AND LOOKING GLASSES, and Dunlcrs In WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, 11R00.MS, ROPES, TWINES, Ac, No. 500 Norlh Third Sticet, nbovo Vine, Philadelphia. g L. BUTTLE, Y3USH, HFNN A CO., DRY GOODS, No. 49 North Third Street, Phlladelplila. M. MAKPLE, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, GLOVES. AND PANCY GOODS, No. S3 North Third Street, Philadelphia. J .1. LESTEIt, i noiesaio ami iieian ienier 111 OREIGN AND in.MEsTIO CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, Ac No. 23 North Second Street, opp. Christ Church. Phlladelplila. gARCROFT & CO., importers nnu jooueis tu STAPLE AND TANCY DRY GOODS, CLOTHS CASSIMEHIIS, HI.ANKETS, LINENS, DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, Ac, riilladelphi.i. JNDREWS, AVILKINH & CO., ijcuicrs 111 FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, No. am Market Street, Philadelphia. JOSEPH 8. DELL, iuanuiaciurer 01 nnu noiesaie uvuier 111 CLOTHING, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, AND VUSTINOS, No. Norlh Third Street, Philadelphia. AY r ATSON & "3 ANNE Y, Importers and Jobbers of SILK AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, Ac, No. Wl Mnlket Stioet, Philadelphia. MISCELLANEOUS. rUR STARCH GLOSS is tho only article used by FIRST-CLASS HOTELS, I.AUNDRIUS, AND THOUSANDS OF FAMILIES, It t-'lvcs n bruutlful luillsli. mnkiii'; llto Iron nass smoothly ot-r tlie cloth, saving Mi'cif ti.mi: und moor, noons none up who it i.t-rii m-.ui lutico longer, comeiuicniiy win not om so soon. IT MAKES OLD LINEN LOOK LIKIJ NEW OUR IMPERIAL Ill.t'E IS THE REST IN THE WOULD. It ts soluble In hni-d ns well ns soft water. It I put upfii I lie safest, neatest, und most convenient lorm o; nuy onereti 10 uio pitotit-. IT IS WARRANTED NOT TO STREAK THE CT.OTHF.S. .Virents wnnteil ever where, to whomwooffe exilaoiiuu.try lntiuceiueius. .uuit-.s NEW YORK STAIK'II GLOSS CO., k"p22-in-ude 21S Fulton Mictt.Ncw Yolk, JOWE, HUSTON & CO., Maiiufactuters nnd holesaio DcalerH In COTTON YARNS, CARPET CHAINS, HATTS, WICKS, TIE YARNS, CORDAGE, HROOMS, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, LOOK'Q GL.VSStiS, CLOCKS, FANCY HASKETS, TAHLE, FLOOR, AND CARRIAGE OIL CLOTHS, Ac, No. W) Market Slreet, south side, Philadelphia. EADVI LliH TIIEO LOU I C A I. .. SCHOOL Tho Fall term began Senttiu ler .1. 1 lit. 1-lieu 1 iv 01 111 Kinit-lion I'm 1 istn oi 1(111 icsiueut nnu lour non. resKieiu nioivssors. uml 1 tutor. The object is lo edm-uto ouii tor 1110 t iinsiian uuisiiy. jnei-o is u picpnruiory t-iiou. jvr tj.iwu who lliltti not reei-iveu 11 coiicgltll odlicittlon. One luuulred , ml slxtvdollars n vt-.i uio granted tn bencllclarles. wltfi uu nd-llllounl sumlll soeelnl tuses. The tuition, use of I.llmirv 11110. le.t-boot;s, nro freo to nil. Tho Sclnsil mus loumteit by tlio Cnlturlan ntitl ( liilsiinn uenomi nations, but is ooen to all who beilel o In the til vino origin of Christianity. Tho I.lkiury coulu ui iiiiiiuei., Annlli-atlou miiv bo mads In Rev. A. A. Live more, President of the Hoard of liutuii-llou, .Menuv uic, t'u. novii-iy OUVIN'S KID GLOVE CLEAN IJt. l-hlublUlu'il 12 vmhh. Tho niil' tnuu iirUi'l' fur liivtuiiltv eloiiiiliitr KM tllovt'S. 'i'lit-: run 1-c .'Ifiiiii d J)!li) iiinti tho Imtul, nnt Viurn iniun ir u ty. 11 1:1 1 ui Minn lilt, wilt' ikiuic wil cii'tm i (ian. rriceitiivntx. iii tulh'ti i inn. liiUsjl.tlx mill riuu'v MitrcH. liuii.ilc hv Jic ion, nov.'Hin TOBACCO & SEGARS. rjMli: ONLY PLACE to get the best TOI1ACCO AND CIGARS, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, lint HUNOSnEIiaEIt'S, a few doors below tho American House, Hloomsburg, Fa. Ho hns tho largest nnd most select of SMOKING AND CHEWING TODACCO over offered to tho citizens of Hloomsburg. All the fancy brands of SEGARS, nnd Ilia best Flue-cut nnd Plug CHEW1NO TOHACCO, can bo had nt his counters. TOHACCO PIPES lu great variety nro nmong his lnigc stock. DON'T FORGET TO CALL. II. II. IIUN8HEROEH. TTAOEX, IIOYI) & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, nnd Wholesnlo Dealers In LEAF AND MANUFACTURED TOHACCO, SEGARS, Ac, No. 01 North Third Street, Philadelphia. Consignors can forwnrd their slock "In Uoiid,', without prepaying tho United States tax. TT "W. HANK'S WHOLESALE TOHACCO, SNUFF, AND CTOAH WAREHOUSE, No. 110 North Third Street, between Cherry nnd Race, west side, Philadelphia. JUSSELL & WOODRUFF, Wholesale Denleis In TOBACCOS, CIGARS, PIPES, Ac, Ac, No. 13 North Third Street, nbovo Murket, Philadelphia. 7IUSIIMUTII, lUtOTHEU & CO., WHOLESALE TOHACCO DEALERS, No. 151 North Third Street, live doors below Race. Factories, Nos. 223 nnd 2i5 Quarry sti ect, Philadelphia. J II. "WALTER, j.ate aiier .v kiiuii. Importer and Dealer In CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENSWARE, No. 231 North Third Street, between Race and Vino Philadelphia. JJENJAJIIN GREEN, Dealer In CAHPETINGS, WINDOW SHADES, OIL CLOTHS, MATS, Ac, No. 33 North Second Street, Philadelphia. BLABON & CO., Manufactuiers of OIL CLOTHS AND WINDOW SHAPES, Warehouse, No. 121 North Third Street, Phllndclphln. J II. LONGSTRETII, PAPER-HANGING WAREHOUSE, No. 12 North Third Street, Philadelphia J. V. LAM1SERT, ItOSS, S1IOTT A- CO., Importcisnnd Jobbers of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VIXTINGS, Ac, No. 301 Maiket Street, Philadelphia. pOWDER KEGS AND LOlllER. Y. 11. .M IKMlUIj X L U., itupcit. r.i., Mnnufactureisof rOVYDEU KEGS, nnd dealers lu nil kinds of MTMUnit, give notleo thnt they arc predated tonceomodnt their custom with dUjiatch, nnd on tlio ehenpes erms. jJTILliKIt & HOST, 8ueees"'ors to Vranlillu V, Heltzer vl Co., Inniorters nnd Wholesnlo Denlrrs la utiiroiis, wini, ac, Kos, 410 nnd il2 North Third Sticet, Philadelphia. To Ilntsfl and ftnloon UerptTM of llliimu bui'K and t'ohunbla County, I hnvo appointed Jlr. 11. siohncr iient for tho snloof my a!o, portur, brrmn btoitt, und lnr ln-cr, who will supply ou nt the saute pneo(aiul with tho snmenitlHoj, ns I would fLirnlli ou from tho lirowt-ry, Kiumwliis that he will Ik punctual and uttcutivo to all who may favor him with their trade, I iu licit for him jour Mipport. Very ropcctlully, runi) l.vui:ie, htenm Hiowcry, lteadlnt;, Va. piIOTOGKAPIIIC. Vm & II. T. ANTHONY JL (., Mauutactnrcrh of Photographic Material, vtioi.H vm Nn ltrrAiL, &)1 llltOAUW'AY, N. , In inl.llllon tn itnr itinin ltiifshicM of l'lfOTO. OItAPmcMATi:itIAlScnroHcaduuarterhlor Of American and Foreign Cities and IjuidMjnpes, vjiiiui'. niiiumrv, ric. kIi:ui:(1sC(ih! vitavk dv tiii: w.vit. and (ormluxu innnplctc riiotornplilo liUtoryo! HninKo-sconc vikws ox olass, Adapted for either )w Maglo Ijititirn or tho mereosenpe. uur utinioKiio win uo beni to any VHOTorinAPiiTn at.iipmq Wo inninifartiiio uioio laip'ly than anv other iiuuse.uiiimi mi arieucsiroiii wi cems 10 rfH'acii( our AI'iUi.M hac mo reuutatltai uT Ih im; buiHi rior in beauty and durability to tiny others. Curd 1'hotoyruphnof (Jeiierals.btotesmen, Aetor, 1 iv.. riv, Oiir Cataloinio eml)raeen uvrr 1'IVP Tlini'rt AND iliilorent Huljecth, Inctudlm; rcprnductifiiiH miin", ru. iuniogucshcui ou receipi 01 Mam I'hotouranliet'Mnial ui hfi'iita dci tni mMlir.(-i will pleaMi remit "il per cent, of tho nmouut ulth their ciiter. r Tho prices nnd quality of our yonds cannot uu iuiuiiiy, uoviT-iy rjMlK AIKIUt'AN I AY KN1KK X AN!) roltK. Wo thouiidetsiBiied cltlMii 01 Columbia County wltneisMtl tho trial of liav inn i.ii in m ..11, ui "ii. in ijfmiKni 'iownship, nn Monday, Mnv 7, lMiil, lietwccu llm iiuy uiiin iiiui 1 01 it uuiiiumciurcii ny niill'i.ll, WdMMiTi, nillllttr.Il 4V l !,, Ill W'Wlh 1 nil tr. Pa.. Illld tint Ullltdcl'H Pnu iit IInv llnul; Tho American 1'orU lilted mmo hay In one iiiuiiuui iiinii uiu uiuiuei ui iiiree. warcMiiiS" Unit It will tula iim imicli lt:iv into tin i im t pood hoi-ht-M can diaw, Wv aUo haw It cuttlnu hay, mid think It cannot lio heat nsa liay i.iilk-. inn i iieenuuv rec)mmoim it an tno hest nay iorl c. ltirrt:NiiKMiUi, int. V. C, JI.uimfc.ov. W. Jl, Koo.'sfi, John !oik. .ToitN Hi rF.mcK. lUNihf. Nnvpn. II. iMiti.KMir.LCit, Hti.vtMnui rrti-sn. .Minuri,, John Wii'i.I'. 'llii-l hImi nialiutiK-iiiin Hi.- .-. U 1 .i I ii Ilii.lii-M; onwi nml Muwisr, mirt lna ui, lui4i Ron Ull'lltt. IRON, TINWARE, &C. j"ATI02s'AL KOUNDllY, Hloomsburg, Columbia County, I'n. Tho subscriber, proprietor of tho nbove-rn'ncd extensive, establishment, Is now prepared re ceive orders for nil kinds of MACHINERY FOR COLLIEIHES, HLAST rURNACES, BTATIONA Y ENGINES, MILLS, T1IRESIIIN MACHINES, AO Ilo Is nlso prepared to mntto Stoves of nil sires nml patterns, Plow-Irons, and every tiling usually mnde In first-class Foundries. His extenslvo facilities mid prnetlenl workmen warrant him In receiving tlm largest contracts on the most reasonable terms, Grain of nil kinds will bo taken In exchango for Castings.' This establishment Is loented near tho Lackr- wanna olid Hloomsburg Itallrond Depot. FETER HILLMYER. TOVKS AND TIXWAUK. . m. lturrnT annouhoes to b friend1 ntul customers that continue tlicntmvo bmlncis nt hlsoldplrtceon MAIN fiTKHMT, ULOOMSIiUIia. Cuvtomcrs can bo accomodated with rANcv.tsTovns of nil kinds Htoveplpeft.Tlnwnrc.nnd every va rletj of nrtk-lo found in n Htove nnd Tlnwnro tumlshintnt lu tho cities, nnd on tho most ictison able term, Hcpnlrlng duuont tho shoitest notice. 25 UOZHN MILK-l'ANtl on hand for wile. JAQLE FOUNDRY. r-ii.ti.i 1.I.O-?, Hloomsburg, Fa. STOVES or EVERY VARIETY, PLOUGHSHARES, PLOUGlirOINTS, nnd nil kinds of Cnslinps, on hand or supplied on tho shortest notleo nnd nt the cheapest rntes. Castings for COAL UREAKEHS AND COAL SCHUTES made to order. , piIffiNIX STOVE DEl'OT. HEATERS, RANGES, AND STOVES, Wholesale and Retail. PATENT ANTI-DUST COOKING STOVE. VULCAN HEATER, for beating two or moro rooms. PARLOR, COOKING, LAUNDRY, HEATING, and every variety of STOVES. JOHN I. HESS, No. 310 Noith Second Street, Philadelphia. "Yr I. 1JURKIIART, importer uml ncaiec 111 IRON AND STEEL, No. 00 Tiont Street, Philadelphia. Q.EORGE II. ROBERTS, Importer and Denier In HARDWAHE, CUTLERY, GUNS, Ac, No. 311 Noitli Third Street, nbovo Vine, Phllndclphln. HOTELS AND SALOONS. T A DIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S JLi RESTAURANT. 11. IL STOHNER has titled up n ITR-jT-CLASS HATING SALOON, whera ladies and gentlemen can be supplied with the delicacies of the season. A suppl of FRESH OYSTERS nlwnys on hand. FRESH HREAD, CAKES, AND PIES, FRENCH AND DOMESTIC CONFECTIONS In every stylo und vnilety, NUTS, FRUITS, and every thins usually found lu n FIRST-CLASS CONFECTIONERY STORE. uiuutii; w. iAuui;u, iTopncior, Tho nbovo well-known hotel hns recently under gone radical chnnnes in Its Internal arrangements, ami Us proprietor announces to his former cuMom nnd the travelling public that hN accomodations for thocomfoit nf hN guests nro hecond to none in tho country, UN table will ulny Lo found hup pllcd, not only with MilMantlal food, but with nil tlia delicacies of the season. Ills wines nnd II- nuors (except that popular bei'iago known as 1JcCHr1y"),purehaod dliect fiom Iho lmpoiting houses, nro entirely pure, and fiec from all pol KonousdrugM. Ho lsth.inkful foi iillbernl patruiv ao in tho pat, and will continue to descn o It In the future. GIIOllOi; W, 3IAUGi:il. QUSQUHHANXA HOTEL, ij Catuwissa, l'a. Iho nboe Hotel lias lately been purehased by IIINTIY J, CI.AKIv, ami has bet n thoiouglily ic modelled, icpaired, nnd refuiuMied. It will b found now, In It arrangement nnd appointments, a Unst-elnss Hotel, nml second to none in tho country. Persons in cities wishing to spend tho hot months In the eountiy.wtll do well to ylvo the proprietor a call. QAIUUAGH MANUFACTORY, Hloomsburg, m. c. b i.o an a imo'nu:i:, lllC SUCCt'ShOlbOf WILLIAM HI.OAN A hON, contiuuo the business of making CAlUlLUlDi, nrGoii;s( and cvwry Flylo of TANCY WAGONH, wlikli they Jmvo constantly on hand to mi it cos tomeis, Nt' cr ulng any material but Uio bes and employing the most oxpctlcuccd workmen, they hopit to continue as hcietofoio to glo entire satisfaction to every custonu r. An Inspection n tlufrwoik, andof tho reasonable pi Ico asked fo the same, is biiru to insure a sale. V. LIGI1TE it CO., .MulHiruotlllois of . UiiST-l'LAbS UUAN1I AND KQI'.UIK 1' I A N O F O R T E S ! Holo l'utoiitei's of I.lijliliiN ( rlt-LraU'il Pulciit In Hulateil Iron l-'iaine. Ai-eiilkOiimkcisof tho cry best l'liiuo I niU-H in llu maiUtt. JIAV1NO 1IEEN AWARDEl) THE HIGHEST PREMIUM ,T nn; AMERICAN WOltl.ll'B I'AIRI uml Hie KxhlMltoiiol' tliolnilu-slryof nllNnllona, iii-hiiu s iiuiiu-roiiii oilier GOLD AND SILVER MEDALS, toiictlii'r llli Irnllmunl.ils nil tlio most ills tliiKUl-.heil Mtistc-i! t-ililirlllci4 lu Eiuoiui ntitl America. '1 lu-y lmvo also jubt roi'i-li od THE 1III.III-1T l'REMIUM At Uio IlllnuU KtatoFuIrl 'Hip Iiiill.inaHliito Falrl 1 ho Iowa blalo Falrl Tlic WlM-onslii Hlnto Fair, clc. In cotnjietltlon wllh Jlio most rili-lniiled Mann fiii'liiii'iB of Now VinU. IliMlon, i'hllailolphi.i lliillliiioro, -tc. w Wiiri rooiiKi, VI llroomo tlicot, lion) Ili-oiuluiiy, Nuw loin uty. riracru by mull .lomplly nlli n ilwl tn. Homl for Clrciilur. JunWli7. Nlll ll't'.- All 111- 1-SniiM I. lint. I ill I lit-i, hi-1 lluli'Uivl ( i-ulu-i oi Iho uii'li-r.-l'iiul, on Hook I oK-MT JU'lsiueiit. lire iiciii slid lo j liU'lll nliwn.Ui-I.-iy, If tliu woulil su ' M'KKIA I.V, NE.M Nole.oi'.lu'luiuoiil, nro iv(iu su-il tn inaUo p.i,v- sin o costs, A I'D., an 1 SEWING MACHINES. ryilV, FLORENCE SEWING-MACHINES ARE THE BEST IN THE WOIILD. Salesrooms, 030 Chestnut Stroet, Philadelphia, !. Whllo n InrRO number of Machines lmvo boon ollered to tho public, somo of wlilah possess points of excellence and ntknowlcdged merit, wo h&v long felt wnoi oincrs navo experienced, tho ns ccsslty of n Machine moro perfect Inlts mcchaul eat structure, combining In tho HIGHEST DEGREE SIMPLICITY WITH DUIlAIlILtTY, nnd whllo capable of doing a GREATER RANGE OF WORK, one thnt could bo easily understood nnd cotupro. bended by nil. Tosupplyn Sewlng-Mnchlnc free from tho ob jections nttnehed toothers has been no easy task for wo not only hnd to surpass other Machines, si they nppenred years np, but also ns Improved from time to timo by moro recent experience. This wo boldly claim has been accomplished by tho liberal expenditure of capital, nnd tho pa. tlent, untiring labor of years j nnd In presenting our Machine lo tho public, wo shall make strong assertion respecting Its merits, which we ar, prepared to substantiate In every particular. Discarding the Chain nml Loop, or Knit stltchos, we ndopted the LOCK STITCH (alike on both sides of tho fabric), which Is ro gamed by tho ninsses as best stilted to nil kinds of woik. Hut to meet objections sometimes unrcd against this favorlto stitch, wo have ndded tht Knot, Douhlo Lock, and Doublo Knot, either of which 1 STRONGER AND MORE ELASTIC than the I.ock; thus cnnbllng tho operator to select a stitch PERFECTLY SUITED to every grade of fabric, and whero necessary, sew sennis much stronger than It Is possible to do by hand. THE FLORENCE makes FOUR DIFFERENT STITCHES with ns much enso ns ordinary Machlnos raak, one, und wltii ns little ir nchinery. Tlio result of repeated tests hns been all ws could desire, nnd from Its first Introduction the Florence has gnlned hosts of friends, nnd bcoa regarded ns 11 HOUSEHOLD NECESSITY ; proving that tho public fully appreciate tho many advantages combined in the Florenco Machine. Over nil others, tho Florence must bo sccatoU fully appreciated, Wo clulm lor tho rLonnNCK tho followln? ADVANTAGES over any nnd all SIIWING-MACIUNEH IN THE WOttLD: H makes four dlU'erent stitches, tha lock, knot, double-lock, nnd double-knot, ou. ono and tho samo machine. Each Mitch being nlikt ou both sides of tho fabric 3' Every Machine hns tho reversible feed m tlon, which enables tho oiwrntor, by simply turn ing n thumb-screw, to have the work run cither to the right or left, to stny any part of the seam, or fasten the ends of Beams, without turning tho fabde. a Changing tho length of stitch, and from one kin I of sti t fh to another, enn readily bo duua whlU tho Machine Is lu motion. fitf-Tho nccdlu Is easily adjusted, and doe not skip stitches, SIt Is almost noNeloss, nnd cau ba used wliercrjulet Is necessary. JSTrltn motions nro nil iKisltivu; there nro no springs to get out of order, nnd its simplicity en ables nny ono to operate it. jr It does not require finer thread ou tlio under than for the upper side, and will sew across tho heaviest senni, or from one to moro thicknesses of cloth, without change of needle, tenslou, break ing thread, or skipping stitches. 3-Tho Ilemmer Is easily adjusted, and will turn nny width of hem desired. 7T-No other Machine will do so op atn xaozt of work ns tho Florence. 43 It will bein, fell, bind, gather, brnld, num. and galherand ew on a intllo at tho snmc time It has no spring to get out of order, and will last a life time. erji-U Is fully protected nnd licensed by Olai Howe, Jr., and our own Letters 1'atent. The taking up of tho slack-thread is not net foimeil by tho irregular contraction of n wlie coil or uucortain operation of Fpiings. Tho precision and accuracy with which tho Florence draws tho thread into Iho cloth Is unapproaehed oy any Sewlng-Machlno hitherto ollered In the world. We furnlslunch Maehlno with "BarnnmN Self- tiewer," which guides tho work Itself, and Is of In calculable value, especially to inexperience oper ators. Whllo possessing tho above, and many other advnntag-!, the Florence is sold at corresponding pifecs w ilh other first-class Machines, and n care ful examination will fully substantiate all thnt wo have claimed for it, and Justify tho assertJon we now make, that It It tho best Sewlng-Machlno lu tho world. We unraant etry Maehlno to bo all that wa claim for It, and to glvocutlrobatisfactlon, aud will give n written wniranty, if required, Liberal nrraugdnetits mart,- with those who boy to Fell again, l'mtUer information may bo had by Inclosing stamps to tho General Otllceof Uio riorint'uSLsin.?MachtUH Company, OA) Chestnut Htrect, Hiltadelphln, Teunsylvanlj, ritiaa of MACHINE. Nn. 1, Fliriu. This MucMno mako, tlio loclt nml knot Rtltrli,utul h.isthoicvcnlbloXocil...CS No. 2, IToreuoo. liolil-oriiaiuenttil Machine, srlth iluiMcr, nml light ro cr, without lock; makes nil tho foui Htllolu s., aua lias tio ro suislhlo fuoil , , No. 3.'il Machine, ornaiiiontoil s tnblii oll-iluMicil wnlnul, with heavy linlf case, lock anil (Iran or ; ni'ilccs nil the four Ktlu-lics, mi'I Im the reversible feoil ri No. I. Mllver.platisl .Maehlno, highly ornn-itieiiti-il,iiuil luukcs nil llw four stitches, niul h is II. ii iv L-rslljlo feoil, rolMioil mahogany Inlilo tit Follslu-a Rosowoo.1 Tuhlo M Nn. 5.-VnIuut titUc, in oil Maliojjuy tuhlo, in oil., llasewooil t.ifilo, lu oil No. . Walnut, oil llnlblied MnhoKuuy talde , Hooewooil table O. fl. EVANS, Oeneral Asi'iit. I'M thestnut Kliect, l'hlladollila. 17.MPIRE SHUTTLE SEWIXGOIA- , 1 J CHINES aro binoi-lor to nil others for 1-AMII.Y ANHMANl'l-'AlTl'IHNll l'l'ltl'OSIX Contain nil lliolntestlmiioeiiu-iits; uiosiicu,. Iiolsi-ess'ilurnblo; nml easy to work. Illustrnteil I'lictilsisfroe, AgenU vnntcil. Un ci nl ilisiount allow t-il, Noi-onvinumciits nmle, AiMicmi EMI'llli: K M. CO., nugl-ly OKI Ilronilway, Now 'n-urt gT. CHARLES HOTEL, ON THE F.t'ROl'lUN FI.AN, Nos. fio.ju ill, mi'I l Nurlli TlilnlhlrfClf. li.-iw- - ii M.nkct nn t Aicb Sirwis. ri..tncklpIiU. !1 Wl E.1UD KNER Hans,- W tw I Ill liJ WI1.1.1 M MHI I l"l A in