THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBUllG, COLUMBIA COUOTy7 PA. llMIO.nSlltmO.I.'ltlDAV.JIAUtll ll.tMU, Captain Maihu, of York, has w eeiitcd n bill In tlio Legislature, c':uiniit lug soldiers of 1812 from bounty tuxes. Owino to the lato rnlns tlio river U conslilernlily swollon. Thcro U nn abundance of snow In tho mountains yet. AVii.uam L. Mahdock and Co. dealers In lino groceries, No. llfi South ThlrdStreet (opposite tho dlrard Hank) l'ldladclphln. Ex-Sm:nirr John B.vydku has tn ken tho upper tavern In OrangovllJe, tho "Swan Hotel." Mr. Snyder Is too well known to requlro nny words of praise from us. Tin; fine Seminary, which tho liber ality of our citizens has erected at this place, Is rapidly approaching comple tion, and will bo formally dedicated on tho 8d of next April. UoVUKKuu OrjAiiv has re-appnlntcd VTUlinni Peacock, Enii., to bo iijKolnry Tubllc for this Common wealth, for threu years from thirteenth March, 1S07, to I resiuo in jsioomsuurg. Mr.. Gunnison, our efficient barber, has removed his place of business from Hunoenherger's Tobacco Store, to tlio frame building on Court Iloue Alley, which ho has fitted up at considerable oxpenso. CiiAitu-.s V. UnowNr, better known , as "Artemus Ward," tlio American hu-! iiiorist,iuitIior ofa -i'Tiosof popularconi- Ic productions, uud nsuceesful lecturer. died at Southampton, England, last week. Tavkkn Licns-Hr. l'ctltious and Ilomls aro for sale at tho Coi.umman Ofllce. Parsons proposing to apply must havo their Petitions on file, so that three ivteks notice can beglvon of tho intended ap plication. Do not delay, or you may b? too late. Maximii.i.ian, Emperor of Mexico, was on the fourth of March, at Qursa taro, with ten thousand men ; and Jua rez, President of Mexico, was on 21st February, at San Lulu, awaiting rein forcements. There will soon bo a bat tle between tho rival aspirants. iHUALjr, Mumma, of Espy, on the first of April takes tho hotel stand now kept by Samuel Everett. Wo nro assured that Mr. Mumni.i is thoroughly versed in tho art of hotel keeping, and with such men iw be nnd ShorifV Knvilur t the business, llio traveling ptiblio will not suffer. Although the Democrats havo not gained much hi actual numbers in tho present Congress, yet they itro greatly htrongeriuability than before. There are In the House no abler men than John V. L. Pruyn, James Urouks, nnd Fe. iiando Wood, nnd tho opening debates, do them great credit. Oun enterprising friend, Xorman J. Uendershot, has built n fine drug store on tlio north side of Main street, oppo Hite tho American House, and stocked it with as fino a supply of drills and varieties as can bo found in any Inland town. Wo truct his entcrprim will prove amply remunerative. Mn. Landon, tho Iladieal Senator from hrudford, John's candid ate for United States Senator, les intro duced a Resolution into th Legi-laturo to repeal tho r.ct granting i. gratuity and annuity to tlio joldicrs of lMi',ud their widows. How very friendly tne Itadieals tiro to old soldiers ! Aui:anki:mi:nts aro b"lng made to supply our dtlzoiii in a sliprt time with coal of tho best quality fiom the mines of the Paddy Hun Coal Company. It lino quality, and its nearm.$ to our markets, together with the fact that it can bo mined at atrlfllngcxpense, make tho stock a desirable investment. An wh rxi'EUTi'J), the Itadical over tho way attempts to defend Col. Stewart from his villainies during tlio Columbia County Invasion, lie doubtwhether ho ever extorted one hundred dollars from Mr. Hess on pretence of saving him from tho draft. All wohavo to say on that score is tec I. 'il the receipt yiven lit Coionct Stewart for that one hundred dollars. Wo cannnd will cxpoocertain other villanies committed by the petty ofllclals hi this District during the war. Kansas, Hit tlitrty-rvrntli or the finally of the Union. ntiiifN In m it It n iru llnn In 1ri L'nnstl. 1 ill lull uYclarlnistlmt "llu'ln Kliill lm nailonlul of mitt'icvittr iritiuiiisu, ir nr miy uiiht Huiii, lu uny porHon liy wuson of ructi cu- color, t.vjit In ill'iiw not tnxr.1." This l the rUhl wny to innlio Htatci for a trt-o I'ouu.Uiu'iK'y, lUetutuye. Another bitter pill for poor Huouk Way I For him just entering political Jlfo tho prospect looks dltcourngliig. 'Tho people no longer pay any attention to tho demagogue cry ol ." nigger." It lias lost Its foixv.Jtepitbltcun. " Poor Urockwny," although "Jut entering political life." would leave It in 'Hsgust if ho thought his readers would believe such pitiable trah as tho above. Last week tho learned and -sapient edi tor of tho Republican In speaking of Mr. Pursel'fi confirmation said "that only thlrty-flvo Senators wero present, and of that number nearly all wero Demo crats nnd friends of tho President," when In fact during the entlro session thu President's friends only numbered fourteen. Tho assertion wo quote this week Is on n par with It. Kansas, Instead of being tho thlrty-soventh State, wan ad-' initial l.e years ago. Instead of her Constitution giving negroes tho elcetl' e franchise, they hare no more right in Kansas than they have In Smith Caro lina, Wo don't wonder, much, howev er, nt our Radical neighbor getting mix ed, because It would tako a smarter man to tell what States aro In tho Union, and what ones are out. THE KALEIDOSCOPE: t. .. . A limp or tjiMjrllfe-. Hi nuctuatloiiM una It vart concern..'1 r.o. xi. "OMIUMITIH." In the .Spring of 18-, I, In common With others, fell u vlcliiii to oleumltls i or In plain Anglo .Saxon, "Oil on tho llrnln," and can therefore, perhaps, Hpeak knowingly of tho causes, symp toms, course, effects nnd treatment of tho malady. This disease first made Its nppearanco about tho year 1833, In a slnglv locality In nn Intciuonnd innlignaut form, al though Isolated cases had been noticed In previous yars ; nnd ILs most marlted peculiarity was, that Instead of driving tuvnynll within its roach, It actually drew from all parts of the .State Its hap less and devoted victims; and thus ex tended its ravages until tho middle nnd western part of l'ennsylvnnh and por tions of Virginia nnd Ohio were over nin. Like tho cholera, It mado headway against wind nnd tide, stopping nt no banier and overleaping nil ob-tnelcs. It Is not only endemic in Its character, but pandemic, ami hlghl;'coiitnglous. Com bining these qualities, wocan caullv ac count for it? ravages and tho number of its victims. " . It is now generally conceded to be long to that clas of dNeases known by the Cienerieal name of "Cucoethes l'eeti nlx," and wo may mention Shpiighale tN, Mcrlnoltis nnd .Morus Multieaulitis omo of varieties, forms una lvI'M r lhii higular complaint. Tlio symptoms aru "Sul Generis" and "Unltims" and cannot be mistaken. Tho flit Indication pf an attack is a slight aberration of tlio mind, or a protionoss talk on one only subjci.f, ?.nd every one with whom the patient meets Is "bored" nbout but not for oil, oil stocks or oil companies. Should tho attack bo ephemeral, tho patient rapidly conva lesces without treatment, but should the system be thoroughly Impregnated with the peculiar miasm of Oleumltls, the patient is seen wandering through swamps nnd marshes, on hills and in valleys, looking eugerly about liko u man who has lo-t n jewel, or his wit, scanning the slime arising from the frogs and HAards that Inhabit the swamps; and lie be frequently seen dipping up Iiandsful of the filthy water, and heard exclaiming "Oil," "Petroleum," "Eureka," or using tlio language of little boys when about to engage in tho manly art of self-dcreiiso "smell that." Sometimes tho patient fairies with him a bottle, fll'ed with bad whisky, wliic'i lie usei for tho purpose ol nui ' E11"0".'01- or improving the alimentary i eanal. After having thus disposed of the conUnts, lie fills it with "indica tions of oil," which lie shows to those who arc In the i.icipient stages of the malady and a .-iron-' of forming in "uiuen Oil Company." I Wo will mention ouo other nnd very singular symptom of oleumltls, and I then pa-s on to tho anatomical le-ions, and it Is this, should tho patient haven gimlet he commences to boio, what in Ids disorded imagination is n two inch hole. Tho Green Creek Petroleum Company, although having for its "Medical director" tho most celebrated "Herb Ductor" in the Stato, afforded the best subjects fur Po-t Mcrlem ex aminations that could bo hud ; nnd tho medical faculty availed themselves of tho opi'orhu.ity to iovestigato the pecu liar iffecl.i 'if this n. w and rare malady. Tho principal, and in fact tho only legion pircei vable alter death is, in what N familiarly styled, the "pocket nervo." This is affected from Us origin to Its most minute '-amiilcaficiu, but Us of fe.Ls can be more particularly noticed in the "Chase" or "Greenback" Gang lion. This; h t uud.rgopo a thorough nnd eompletu collapse, and tho sides ad hero with a- much teucity as If glued together b, the "cohe.i! ve power of pub lie plunder." l-i acute attack a strictly untipIogNtic treatment should bo adopted. The "Circulating Medium" must bo rapidly ... 1.1. .1. ....... In 4.., ..f t 1 limi.iw ij , mm infill ci.v w n i thicie Sam's leeohcs recently imported from New England, and known by the name of "Moral Reformers" or "Union ists" tho latter name probably derived from the fact of the roadincsj and ra pidity with which they unite to any thing that can bo carried away or ab sorbed, applied to the funds of the pa tient soon brings him to that stage of the disease in which milder means may bo resorted to with benefit to the vic tim. Inmost cases, gentle exercise, fresh air, not impregnated with thu odor of oil, a light but nourishing diet, and thu shower bath will carry the patient through the ilrsl stage of the disuse and leave him convalescent. Rut in order to insure a complete restoration to health and strength, it is necessary to resort to a remedy little known and less incd. We speak now of the "Ruck and Saw." To many people tiiK is a nau.-eating medicine, but "desperate diseases require desperate remedies." hi many eases, a long continued and regular course In its tiio. ha resulted mill. Ux n ,im.p111,i ,. ( li. it .... I nut only in a ncum euro ol tlio urease I but thu "pocket nervo" lia gmdtmUy recoveied its normal eoiulltlon, ami the "L'lutMj" (jtuigliun aunied iw natural conIMenYy, color uud dliuuiislou's. In order, howuver, that tho euro ,-liotiltl ho liiiro and eil'eetual, prompt treatment mint ho secured ; tho patient mu( he earefully wutelied, ua ti relaiiso U almost certainly fatal ; and lo.-Iu; all de.-lre to he cured I . .-lowly hut biirely declines, until v: Jiu ulla into tiio open nrni-5 or tlio tUitrict overseer, or is consigned to tho dark nnd hileut Poor Hoiwc. Mnwir. O.N Wednenlay Iat, hy order of the Town (ounell, tlio mIo reiuaining por tion of Tahlo Itot'k was to ho Mown from lt pro.-ent ilangerous portion. This will entirely ohlltomto every trafo of that natural mriodty. Notice to I'o.sT.MAsTmf. Postmas ters tliroughout tho country wlllsavo trouble by obeying the laws lit regard to I'jiajicrs, etc. 'When a paper re main dead In nn oflleo for four consecu tive weeks, It is tlio duty of tho Post nmter or his deputy to send tho publish er of tlio paper u written notice of tho fact stating, If possible, tlio reason why tho paper Is not lifted. This returning to tho publisher of n paper marked "not lifted," "rcfucd," "uncalled for," Is not ti legal notice. Postmasters who fall to comply with tho law In this re spect nro llablo for tho subscription for tho time said papers remain dead In their office. Wo havo been greatly 1 in posed upon by tho neglect of jiost nwlut!S, Ashland lUlrocatc. A hmu jioiiK Crrrnt:. A few days ago n little bill was olfcred In tho Jiouse, at HarrKburg, to incorporate n Aiiwieni Society ; and 21 r. Mann or Pot ter, (,)inovcd"tostrlkoout," In tho lino of tho section, tl.o word "white." Darkles must havo social equality, and tho radicals must come to tho level of tlio African. We presume tho rad'cal over the way endowed tho matter. SUNAToi. 15rt'KAi,i:w. Tlio Phlla 'asi publishes an editorial In favor of t-enator liucknlew, strongly defending him from tho charge of Indifference on the League Island (mention. Tho 7Vcm gives him credit for known ability, and steadfast lldelily to tho intere--ts ofivtm Hylvania, in relation to tlio harbor for iron clads. "Let Justice bedone though tlio heavens should tal."Monlotir American. Tin: New York Times (ltepublicnn) nas a long editorial, opposing the pres out Itadical programmo of cettlmr m a civil war with Utah, in order to "fix up uiings in L-ait imo Citv." Market Itrporl. Wheat per lni.hel nvu ........r.;;; Com " t ritcir per harrcl . ' ('lo01'SI''ll l'l.ixveod nutter W:i ". ... T.dloi. S. . 1 III in . in oo .. 7 IKI . Ill . 1: II I'ol-ll-, Dried Apples.. I'orl: Ml . M it..t..a Mdci u'lldMliouldus I jinl per pnUlld lluj per ton 1 . 1 1 . 8". Jll MAimiED. t: A xaar-sriu-ln l.l-ht Kuwi.on itn nth urn., o .iira-pii i.'.n.'v, i.m.. .nr. i:iinnl i n mi.".!,, or l'Milnm-iii-lc, luMfn Mary 11, sillis, OnAXrin-KM.r.KK-nn IIikTIIi Invt., I.v tlm Ui-v. V, lllmm .1. i:icr, William (Iranjc, of .'. .J.IIU11 j.iiuu.-ui ivriur, 01 AKn-IVl!lil!-M tho Till Itisl., nt llic riilrn-n mint'r, nv uio l(cv. .M. 1. l ioslli wnlli, Mr. llirMlan .1. Ash. of nihlm-iTi i-l lonllMll., lo Jllv, Jlmrlut J I. Iphor, of J-uli T) r k ii. JO. sl..y in I tin i(i-burit, on tho Tthlnxt., uftora i-Mir jiinosN, 1 1 is, .ry, wiu- or.ioim J ones, d si'fiity-J'mir yi'iii-, six months find fifteen j;V.iXSTn Illoomsbnrc, on tho Uili Inst., Mrs. Mim.mth.i J. Ilvi.ns, wlfoif Dr. .1, U. Ksans, In the t won ty eight It joar of iicrngo, KIMIlAhlzXX. M'llllnmsnort. In .Innnnrv Inst. Mrs. Heheedi Klmhnll, itlo of hvth 'IClmluill, aii'l d.uiKhtcr in J. I). M'ilenry, of Colunibia tuum) . MAS ADVERTISEMENTS. rpiIE SWAX HOTEL, f TUB I I'l'M! UOl'li:,; (UlAXBUVIIJ.n, t'OLl'-MIlIA CO., l'A. Ths Milisi-llhor rosnfclfully Informs lib filomls nun ini- pi-mio, u. at nu itiKon tlio tiliovi- m.-U l.uovn llouso nf !:nti-rtnlnnii.nt, nml will ln liionnsi io rciviri. llio cusluni or nil who will l'.im lilin Willi n rail. in: wii.t, ki:i:i a conn taiii.i:, Mi II with the In-M of Miiiiorw, nn 1 rvi-ry i ll'orl 111 1 ,o nwilo to l.-nlor rullio miIIs- iH""- .mux SXYli:i. llraiiirAlUc-, I'a., March 13, lSilT-lin. ISTTE OE 'l.EMl'Elj (i. RK-K- ji j ia lis, iini-n. to jolm itiikotlH, lliith Hu ll, r, Mm) M lnliish, .Vnnc-y Jhn ll, l'lcisan: smis. i:llj ill (I. llli-ki-lts the holiM ofi-uinh Coilrluli;. ili'ivi.M'ii, hflrs of I,ovl Ashton, ilf"i..l.soiI, niltl to till other pi'iNons lntf.n.H.('il, n i-i Inir : Vou niv I'-Toliv I'llo.l to lit- ntul apiK-ar bofoio Hi. of our Orphans' Court, to Ut h.M -it i looiiiMjui ii, i oiuiiy ol i iiiuniiua, on tht llr-t Monilav of Mav nol, thon amt Ihcro toaoci'i.t or refuse to t ikr the ostati' of the illil Clel.llle! (1. Itltketts, ileeeaa il, nt tho i pornlsril vnhiatlon luil upon It oy un iurim a itn.v nwn'iliil hy the snl.l i v.uil, nml returnr.l hy tii" Khoritl", orVhow eause wh the aino shoulil uoi heoKI, lllle-.s Ihe lliillol'llhl" William l'luell, I'lesl- ! U.iy of 1 hrunn , . n. 'si;r, nf .11 Ml-', ml UMAX, I'll I'll ll. C. in.joinstium, M'trch l., IsoT. II CfEN D ERS HOT'S n i: w nn ri htou i:, MnhiStioot, llloombiir. Pun. ItniK. t'l'i'mlcals, Talntu, I'utty, VnrnMies, 'iiirK'nt!iu', niN, njostmr. I'.ilnt Itruslios, SliaiiiiIsSkIni, lVifuiuory, jw.vcv tuim:t auticij:s, In sroat urkty. CO AT j OIL, COAh OIL IjAMPS, Cliamtellern, C'liimuoys, Ilurnors and Shades, Kit m il and Ainerl'iiu WlinlowGl:i.sbttie. 45-1'n 'Tlptlon- euiefully put up at all hours of thedt. uud nllil. miulV07-lt. p It O V O A li S. IKVNSYL A N I A AUUK'UTrUHAL U A X I) fiCMtlPT VOll SALK. ,The lloaid of Coinmlonors now oiler for wile Five Hundred and Twi nty rhoiwnnd uckh ot ak il ultural i'olh'f Ijiud hcrlpt, beln tho balance of tho Kcilp tiiui'lid to tho I'ouniioiiwoalth of 14 nii'.jh.nil i fur tho oiidowmeut uf Aurk-uluiral (olloj;es ill (his Mute. I'mpnMd tur Hi p'uvline oftlifs I wind Hcitp. addie, In "fho Hoard of t'onimlj.Rionoi-H ol urlcultuinl Land Serlnt," will bo ieooled at the ureyr fjeneiai s on loo, at iiutristmnr, until ijoviIk Ic, m on wvdmwhW, April iu. 1 hi iiiitii niny i' moaioii in anv stalo or Tori I Ury. b tlio itoIdoiH of tho korin. uimii anv of (In ttn'ii'pi'nprlatisl lands oeepi mineral l.uab i o llH l lilted Matts lueh limy be llbjeet loMi'e at plHatu ( ilttv, J jicli plen ut M'lllt rrpiv hi-utMii quaitor hO( Hon of imo hundiei) uii-1 wlxty uoies, Is Issued lit hhinlv, and will bo inuHfentbfe, with out ndoicuieul or formal uvdKhiuout. The blank need not I to tilled until tlu strip U pivkoii led for location and onto , when the pnrt hold. Inn it iau lilt the blank and t uier (bo laud lu hi aw n name, I tit 1 - umvi h" iu.id4 a per at.-)e, and no bids will be leetived tor los than one ju irb i hOetloli. Tbofrip will bo !mh d lmm(sllatoI on tho pa ii'oiil of thu iuotio toih hiniynr tioiioral. i)n a) I 11. U for m , .(tiantlU tlmij lorty thouind aoros, on -third of the puiehusi money iiiut ho luld within tin da), and tho remulnlni; two thirds wUhlu thirty da alter uotltloatlou oftho aeeeptalioe ot tho bid or bid by the JIuard of ('oniiiiliiiiiiei m, .lACOIt M. i.'VUrAtUSurwuor (ienwit. 4 or the Jliuwtl of (hMtiitrtwtui', Ilarrlsburt', Manii 1, Im7. A C T 1 o X K K n. MOnKh COITMAN, lluvlnj; followod llio profoloii of lubllr Vonduo ('lb r lor luioiv yi aif, wmiltl Inform Ids friends tlial bo h still In the Hold, ready and wILIInu to ulh tidtoall tho duthti d Ids oallluu. INtmidh ilehlrlim IiIf le. sfchould tall or willo to bfhi ii lii'H.iii-iiuiu I'" ai irr. LEGAL NOTICES. A lKMINlSTUATOR'S NOTICE. XWtTATRIIC MAI1V UtlKMtAllT, tlKC'li. 11- U't hi niliiilnlslriitloii to llic oitnto of Jlnry liNl'tllinrt. Intf of r'ntiilvlvkit tnwittilii. (-olontliliL rounly,ilc(TiHCl( luiVL'lH'cn BrnntPil livtln' lli-ttlfi- iri-01 . omnium coniuy, in iironnrti Aimni, 01 nuiil county. All ii'irsonn liavlnix clntm or le inniiilM nKtilust tlio iKtntorf tho tleocilent nro ro tiuctoil to mnkn litem known to tho nilinlnutrii lor without iloluy, una nllietoiii lnilrhti-il nro iiijui'moo in ni.iKO liyinoin. . Mnrch 1, tWT-Ot. AOinlnWmtoi-. A DMIXISTRATOR'S N O T I C E. X KsrATi: nt- .Tnri'it HntitttNM. nrf'n.-Iltrr tf mliniithtrntloii to thncsIhtJof .I(ifci1i Itobtiin., iiiiimii nncnniigii iniiuip, jiiiiiniia couniy, i1rrciintl. tin hoon irrnntnl liv ihn ltrirltcr nt Columbia eotmly, to I'llnton Untihltiv, All ir hniH hi Itiu fltiliiin tmU'iimniN nt;jilnt tiio iMnIn of the iliTcdent nro rcqncitml Xtt mnlto thoin unown in inn nuruinisircunr wiuioiu fici.iy, nnu nil pciKons iiitU titotl ur-J iofiuotivi to nmUo iay int'lit. (JI.INTON HOIlttlNH, ui-eouwfKM, i iMj, iMH)t. .uinitniMrmor. A UDITOIl'S XOTIC13. Ix tiii: On- XVphntiV ('niirt ofttin rminty ut Columbia: lhilo or .TOfIN WAi;ri:U,ik'i-insoi. Tin mull tor luniolnlotl hv thoCnurt to mnka ilNtrlhntlnti of the tmliiH'i of tlio ostntoof wild ilet'eovoit. In tlio immN of 1.1 Ida John, Kxrctllor o. tlio nnhl lolm Wnllcr. lutit of I.ot-iiMt town litn. In fnl.l ootiiitvttb'crnvM( will iiiri-t tlin tnrtlos for llio jmntoHo. or no uppoinunom, nn nit trij , April ninth, A. I'. ISUT. at ton o'f-.oi Ic n. in., nt liW nnko til Htnoni-tburK. HOHlCltV lCl.AlttC, lobnii,ri I, lk'f.7, Amlltor. A DMIXISTJtATOIt'S NOT I CK. -TV.i:sTATKor DANtRLlIlIWi: IHHTASKI). liot- torn or inlinlnl'-tt.ition to tlio wtMo of iJnnlel Iiowcr, laic of Knuikltn tmvi.nhlp, (nliumila nmntv, iIoppiimi t, Inwo ti u'M KMnloif. ov tho lto ltlirof mtl roiu 'v to'flioii.n Jlnwei mid iJtxis U por-rnirt lmvlnj( clnlms or tie in tint I h in;ntnst tliot'itnto of tlio ilcrV.ont nru ronurftnl to mnko tlnMii known without di-lny, tuid tliuso It uif Mid to innkc i.iiyiuoiit. TIIOMAH IKAVKII. ;i()s'-:s Tiowr.n rcbnmiy 1, l"',7-flw. AdmlnLHtntlura. A lKMIXISTltATOH'y XOT1CK. jtv lmtatk or SA irKr. rFitt.ii, iutkask!). frfMlois or tul'nlnHtmtlnii to tho otato or.Ninun1! ivlfor l.ito oi" siiii tn.Mtht i Cutiiiiibla ciiuutv, ilooon' d.lmo l-i on ynn!oitoy tlioitonNti-rotHnld oni'!it tfi Kiiutiot o luml. All pirfons luiVtllS la.nn or (Innnnd.H iiiiiliist the wild ost oaro ro (ini'vtrd to nifiko tlioiii known without delay, niut -those lmti btoit to mako ui.'tni nt. HA.MUl.Ii NKYIlAlili, rtbruaty 1, 17-Cv., AdminUtnitor. DMIXISTHATOll'S XOTIC E. laitoiH of admliiNtratlou on tho oviuto of Jiu oh Keller, lato of Iteaver townsiup, Columbia county, ihTiMod, Invo br -tmtautfdby tho IteistLr ot Mll.l llltllf f1 T,,lltl Ml,.ll.l..1 All (.npyolldlnll'lllii claims or doi'itindH ai;.tfnt the said ostnto are ro nuostcil to present thorn for Ncttlomont without uelay, and all persons linlelitrd tomakopavment, JOHX MICHAUIi, AdmlnUtrator. January ip, lHi7-(jw A DMINISTllATOH'S NOrifiR. A Kstatk of I'niTir.bA HAYJirn.sT, iu:cn. letters nfadmlnNtratlonto tho ostntoof lMiscllla na iiursi, Kite of ratuwiss i tow nship, Otlumhhi oou nty, do cased, havo been granted y tho Itei; istur of (oumbl.t county to Henry llotIhif; hoad. All persons havhu elahns or ili'in.miU against tho said oslato aro romaMed to mnlto inoui Known n inotvimmisirator without delav and all pcr.sons Indebted to ninko paviunnt. 11KNUV IlOIdd.N(lsJIi;AI), rebruary S, WiT-iiw. AdmlnlMrator. i DMIXJ.STItATOIt'S XOTICK XX l.-sTATK if SfsN.VA Si I l.LII, DK'KAhMl. Letters oi almlnistiatl(ui to thoostatoof Susanna sltler, latottf n.utttn township, Columbia conn;., in-i-iii-w hum' i'i ru K'moeu uy me le;i-U'r Ol Miuioouuiy io .loun ji, ucikiiiuie, All persons havliuiiatins ordemnuds against tho said estnto aro i e j lulled to mnkclhcm knowntotla admin istrator without delajvmd all por-ons lialobted 11 lliIVf JHl JUt lll, John ir, nnisnr.ixr:, lVbnnry S, lfiT-iav. Administrator. A m FixisTji 7 T( ivry or i iVImn or Jcmaxv liowmt, DKt'UAsrn. lA'tnis o ai.mlntr d.uii on tho e-tau nt Jull ann llow-oi, hd of t'eniro tow'M-htp, Oil .mbia ooui.'y, iioo a od, nave neon granted hv tin' Ite Ktor of saM eounly to Daniel Itower. rosidluir In the township and county alorcMild. . II pernios jrtvni; eiauus on mc t snuo are leiiueMcii to pro W lit I bflil tltllv atl.elitb a toil for si If Iron. tit t.n.l tboe knowtm; thoni'-elves iialebttd ti th ostalo w in inaivc paymoui loiiiiw un. iiA.viKi, nownu, rebruary lM.T-liw. Admlnlstrabir. l?XKCCTOHS XOTJCI-:. KSTATK JJof WlI.LtVM hOlllIlNs, IlKCKASf.ll. LetterH ieiaiii( miiry on mo osmtenr William Itohbhis, late of I'Mpiiucn tk tu.Mi-hlp, t'otuinbla lotini v, deecased, ha e been granted bv tho I!eKl"lor dt said oounl Kt ('. 11. While and M. A. Ammeinian, All pervous havhu claims against tho exbito aro rtoiieMedto present llieni lor Heltleinent. nml thovo ludebtud to tho o-tuto will maku iriyment u me i..vuimjin nunuiii ocuiy. ( it. whiti-:, M. A. AMMlIItMAX, Pebruary 15, isc-v:. Kxecutoift. TX TilK CoritT ok Common I'lkah X HJitTiiiU'nr.MY ol (oi.CMiti v : Cn.YitUis I;yijii.i ) L)avmhrTorm, IhM. m. No. -Jl M VltfiAlttrr IIVKIIIA. Ill Divorce. To MirKurot Ilyerly, ltot-pondont, Madame : Tho Court hae prautcd u rule on you lo kIiow euuMi wny muM.ieeif vuinuo m'frnnnnu Milium not boihvroed. Itetuinablo Monday, May hlth, ImjT, at 1W o'clock a. m. SAMTKIj HNYDKU. SherliT. liloomvbun;, Match 1, isi7. TX Tin: COntToF Common- Plkas I. kok 'inn I'nr.N r ok Comvihia : ( vniAitixi: Itovr, In In r") Dectmber Teim, ISfiO, next friend John Mauler,!- No. vi. Tfinjpi ltoT. ) In IHvono. To Thomas lloat. lEespondent Sir : 'J he Court have granted a ruh on you to show oauowhva dion i atiwtitf tmtrhmtnd h',nh not bo dei re'ed. lletiirnabloM.ouda, Mav sixth, wr, at 1 o'clock a. m. AMl'KL sNYDKlt, Mi. till". Illoinnsburj., Tlan-h 1, Wi7. 1 X TIIK COritT or Common PIiKak L Foit nn: t'orsn or Commiiia: Mahv .1. .Mannimi, h her) lVbruary Torm, IsffT, l. ANIiltKW- .1. MANMMi. I In DlVoice. ToAndiew.I, Maiinlnu. llcspondt nt. Mr: Tho C'euit has jfi-intcd u rule on ,m to flio'v cauc wbj a dlvoi ce ft i iuvuu matrimonii hbould not be decrotd. Ut tuni'iblo, Miaid.iv, Mav sixth, ls7, at liinMo-ka. m. fc.VMl SNVDi:it, fihll'. liloomhurK, Mnrch 1, Ivi7, IX TilK OUIMiaSs'" COIJUT "IX I and lor tho Count v of Columbia: In th m:il terot Ci.-'Chtatoof .lAColl KVrilllAltT, lateof Orana" township, deccnod. And now to wit, l bruarv ilttii, 1.7, on motion ot Mr. Itiockway, attorney tor hfu(cc I. II. Mttlo, INfj., was np poiuted auditor, on o-eiol Vohs Hied In tho nc eount nf August us rAcihart. o(cutor of said do ceased, and to make dttiibutlon. Hy tho Com t, 1'ioin ihe record, JImH I'OI.KM N Clelk. Tlioandlto'Mibovo named will attend to the du ties of hi wii'iolnlinent, nt hu oillca In Itlooms burir.oii Widurday, the twenty-third ilay of M,i rch, si,7, at n n (t'oloek a. m., when and whero all pal ties Intercut d may atl'-nd. II. UTTLi:, Auditor. rebrunry 15, W17. TX TIIK OUPHAXS'S COUitT IX .1 and inr the Cnuiu i Columbia; In tho mat br of llio estate of WlId.IAM I'll IT., lato of Orange lowiiNhlp. deceatd. And now, to, February sixth, sfi7, tho Court appoint ll. II. Lit- tie. IVi.. auditor Ut make dUlrlhiillim of I be hnl- auce tn llio hands ot accountants, . I, II. Kill, and m. .cneuoa( u,oecuiors,ioaudamoimsiiiiucrod ltorn. Hy tho Couit. Krout the iccoid, Col km n. Clerk. Thoandltor ahoo nanud will attend io the duties of Ids appointment, nt hlsoilhv lu Ulooms b'iru', on Satuila the twenty -third da of Maicli Ht7, at ton oVl(H-k, a. m., and whero all parties tutcreidid may attend, i:. II. Ml n.K, Auditor. rebrunry l ISC, TX TIIK OltPIIAXS' COCHT TN J and lor tlm county of Columbia: In tha m;it- t I the pilltloii the guardian of I'illldP KIXLKIt, lor sale ot said luluor't real estate: nd now, to wit, l bruaiy fienth, 1N17, M. M. I ..Velio, I'.so., appointed commisfdoiK to Ictsnl the tai-ls with his opinion. to. lly tlio Court. I rom tin icoid. .)f-r Coi.ijm fink, Tla Commissioner ubuw uiun il w 111 attend to Ihe duties of Tils appointment at tho otllco of in. 1 1. Abbott, in t .ituvif..i. Coltnnhl.i e.nuil v. on Wednesday, the twi ntlctb dav or Maicli, l"it7, at ten o'cloek, a. m u lieu and wheto all parlies interested may atiend. -M. M. J.;, CommUsjoner. I'ebru iry Wt7-it. IASTATK OK JjKVI AS!IT()X, DK stepheii spro'ul. Agendo 1I hdermari led witii .smnaii jiess, tanin i.ves, i mi i atumu imer-jiai-iIedwilli.lolmHpal'iinu, Allen lAcv. Pan In I'Aoaud.Iosfo 1:vok, lieli. n,oi Ashton, de ceased, and to all other nerbuns Intciestui . irreei- luti: on aro borehy oiled to bo and npionr '-tforo tho Judifesof our Orohtuis' Court I i ba held nt llloonuburt;, County of Columbia, on tho !lnt Monday of May, not, then and thorn lo uc ccpt or refuse lo take Ihe real cMatooftho salt la'l Ashton, deceased, at (ho ap)iraUed valu ation put upoa It by an Inquest duly awarded by llio said Couit. and returned by tho Shcittf, or show calico why tho same should not be sold. WltnoKs tho lionorabli- WiUlaiu r.lwoll, I'iosi dent of our Mild Court, at lllitnnuthnit;. tho I'.Hb du of l'tbiuan, A. D.. 17. Ilsii i )U;.M AX, Clerk O. C. InoomsburK, I'tbruary la, lsi7. OTU'R ALU PKItSOXS KXOW Inn thoniselo Indebted to the uudcrdirnod on Uod Account or by Note, aie rifpieslol to maku pavmeut by tho twentieth of Maicli iiet. Those fallli'ir to comiilv with this not fee. will li'ivellielruocnunU, Ao., placed lit tho hands of IhO plopor Otitis V lor eollecllon. hHVN A MIl.I.AltP, nnd D. K. M.iHV, OiniiRn die r1') I" "t LEGAL NOTICES. '17XlX!UTOIt'H NOTICE. ESTATE- JiK lUwiEUT V Mll.l.Fll.liKr'li. U Ki rntMitn. iii'iilnry on tlnu.itnli'iifltnborl W. Miller, Inti. ir .Mu.llnn tnuutlilii, Ciiluinlilii roiinty, limn Lecn urnntpd liy tlio 1!.'iIict of Cnlumltln omnly In rM. Hmnnmli MIHcr, All iicrsonn ImvliiRrlnlin tiKalnit tliorstatonru inpH-nltl in Trci..'iit ttinu for BcHlrmcnl, nml tliewi" In.lcl.ti'O In llio rslnlo will ninko imymciit In tlin lSximtrlx wllhniit do lny. SIMA.NNAli J!II,l,l:K, ..iiircn n, I'M.. liXPCIliriX, TX TIIK OIUMIAXB COURT IX X ntul for tho county of Columbia! In tlmmittrr nt the ckUiIh of JUMlUMt HAYIIUItHT, lato of OraiiKO township, deceased. Ami now to itt 1'cbruary KlMli, lnr, the Couit appoint C. it. Urockwny, Kmi., auditor to tnnko distribution of tho balance lu tho handi of Haiuiicl Achonlmch, administrator, to and anion est tho heirs and dis tributee, lly thoCuurt, I'rotn tho record, . .IiyMn coi.kman, Clerk. Tho auditor altovo named will attend to tho duties of his up Htlnt incut, at bin otllco In lllooms Inn a, on Monday, the first day or A pill, 1W, nt ton o'licsj; a. in., and w lu ic all parttew Irderestcd luayatlend. C, 11. llltOCKWAY, JIarch 1M37. .ttiyr. iWr IlcntirK- Oatttte copy. IX TIIK OIU'IIAXH' COCUT IX X and for tho county of Columbia i In tin matter ol tho estate or I)AN'Ii:T IdlVAN, lateof bh-iut tow nshlp, decoaseil. And now to wit, I'ebruary Flsth, Iw.tbeCnurt appoint C. ll. Urnckway, It., auditor to innkodMnbmtnu ortliobalaneoln the hPiul-4 of .John LoMinaixl Win. Oomtmau, admin istrators, to and ntuontt tho hell s and distributees, Hy thu Couit, I'rom tl.o recetrd. .Ir-KMK Cot, km Ai., Clerk. Tho auditor alwivo named will attend to tho dii tit s of hN apnointmer', at bit ftillco In lllooms. btinr, on Wislncsday, the third day of April, WI7, at ton o'clotk, a, in,, and wiicro all parties Inter ot'si may attend, L 11. llltOCKWAY, Man liH, iMtr. Auditor. J Jlcru Irk (itiuttt mp'. X TJIK Ottl'irANS' COUIIT IX X nnd for tho rountyof Columbia! Intlio matter ol tin ostatoof DANIKIi ( i, EN'l', KUl of Oianvi Inwiislilp.deeM. And now, to wit, I'ebnuuy Mv'h, lf.r7,theoouitniipoint l,, ll. lliokwa.v,i-()..iiudn r to iiedto distrlliUtiTiu ol iho bal nice in lite hands: or llitijainlu Allabaeh, ndmlnlsti'ptor, to and amongst tho credittrs. lly tho Court, I'rom thu leeoul, Jlsso, Com .MAN, Cteik. The auditor above named vlil attend to tho du ties uf his appointment, ut 111 4 ofUlC Jll UhlOMlS buitr, on Tuesday, tho Fotnnd day or April, lKf", at ten o'cUh k a. m.. and whero allp-irtle Intor ostcd may attend. C. It. llllUCKWAY, Mnrch Ah lit jr. Jl Ilerictck (,'azftte coftf. REAL ESTATE SALES priJLIC SATiE OF VALUAHIjK X UKAIj IISTATK, In purvnanco or an order oftho Orphans' Couit of Columbia, on SATUllDAY, MAIlf il TniUTIKTH, at ton oVloek In tho forenoon, Thomas Hess, l:x ox u tor of 1'ie I' rick IIoss, lalo off-UKarloaf town ship, lu wild onuuty, deceased, will expose tonalo by public vendue, on thepromKes, a certain mes suuko and tractor land. sit ua to tnNuuarlouf town fhlp,Columhla county, bounded by lands of Honrj' Hons, Collins Hull ill", Daniel Hvcihart and othois, containing oni-: nuNDitrn and TiiiRTV-rivn Acnns, more or less, on which Is erected n Frame llouso ami Thcro is also a tine orchard on the premises, imd pirt of tho land in a pood state of cimivaiioii. ijine mo estate oi saio ucceascil, hlt uato lu the township and county afoiosald. .Ikssk (xiLbMAN, Clerk. Bloomsburf, rebruary li', lso7. Onnlitioni nf S'ulc 'Ton per cent, of one-fourth of the purchase money nt the striking down of tho property ; tho one-fourth less tho ten percent, at tho t otiilrmatlnii i: lute, nnd tho remaining three-fourths lu ono year theivuft -r, with lntci Ostfrom thoeonnnritloii tiM. The purchasor to pay for deed and stn Aps. TiroMAfi III25S, r.xerutor. 1'obruary 22, Is07-,, "DiniLIC SAliK OF VALUAI1LI X HliAIj IXl'ATi:. In nursuanto of orders of tuo orpiians' ( ourt or Montour und Cniuiub a counties, Pa., tho undeiwlitned, ndmlulstnitoiK of iiiirmon ai uiifiiu lato or il'rolaiid imvnv'iip, Lycomlnp county, oc'caed, w)d epo.o to fc-ilo, by iiublle endue, at tlio hotel of Jonti Ililttain, In while Hall, Montour county, on THUUHDAY, MAUCIl TWIJNT Y-I'I KhT, at twelo o'thuk m., a certain piece or putcol of nrn, siuiaic partly in .wauison low iiUil), oinni- bla county, and partly In Anthony township, Montour county, enntultiln; oni; nrNDanx) and two aciu:s, more or less, adjolnlm: lands lato of V.'m. tails, Win. Adinus, M. Kins and othiiht; the lmprno monts brina LOG JHJUSK AXI) LOG UAUX, an orchard, and about thirty acres cleared ; the balance well timbered. ,1 -so, Oneot her ia reel of land, situate In Mad ison t wnhlp1 Columbia county, adloluim: the abo e, land of Adam spring, and others, contain ing twenty-live ncres and twcntyonc peiche moietirlos. and belii well tlmbcied laud, latt thu estate of said deceased. i;orrd:in mmihatlkk, MiciiAi;n wiNrtiAitD.snn, I ebruary ls(j7-lt. AdmlnlstratoM. PUBLIC SALK OF VAUJAni.K X ltllAI Isr.TK. In puiKiinnce of an order ol thu Orphans' Couit of Columbia county, on TUUItSDAY, MAUCIl TW1;NTV-SIXT1I, at ten o'clo' k in tho fonnoon, Hamut-1 i:orett, adiulnl-tiatnr of (icnrt Well, late ut OraiiKo tow mhlp, lu said oonutv.ilcoeasod, will epoe to sale, by public vendue, on tho premises u uoitaln lncsMiauo and TUACT OF hAXl), situate In Oramro township, Columbia eountv, bminded by lands or Daniel ICtefcr, Widow Unj mau, Jlcniy Sillier, C. C. Coleman, Jacob' lioini, and others, containing oni: nuNDiti;n and rom aciiih moro or less, on w hleh Is erected a l'mmo House, a tfiKtd ll.irn, Wauou Miod, Ac. Alsou kihh S))rln of Water at the door. Lato tho estnto ot said dot eased, situate lu the township of Orange, and county atorcsaid, Jiwsi: Coixmak, Clerk, lihtomsburir, IVbritary Jil, 1607. (t0itliti')ii9 of .SV(c. Ti u per cent, of oiuMTmrth tho purchase money at the Mrlklnn down of the property, one-tburlli loss the ten per tout, at tho continuation absolute, and tho ii inalniu Ihtee f.ui th-. limn, ear theiealtor, with Interest from continuation juj, '1 ho purchaser to pav tor dood and stamps. SAMl'i:i KVLItinT, IVbruary Ji, N7-t. AilmluMrator. lrm.IC SALK OF VALFATILK X lll'AL JXrATK. Tn iiursuanco of nn order ot tiio Oipli.tni' court of Columbia County, on SVTl It DA V, MAItCH f i.Ti:i:Tir, at ten u eltock in the foienoon, Jacob Snnkev, James w. Smkov, John Sankey aud.Iohit lb l-!i-atd, Uxectitors ol ihu last will and tostann nt of John Sankev.Kr., lata ot tVntrp('uuntvlceiuN0i will exitose In salo by public vendue, on Ca1 pre mises, the follow ItiKileseilbed vtal cstuto, a lui or T H ACT OF LAXD, sltnntolnNcntt town-'ilp, In tho County of Co. lumbla, bounded mi tho north by land of Mary llelM,., on the east and smlh by land or 11.11. Melk k, and on the west by laud or Andrew Cio -ollm;, containing sevoiiUen acres, tdl iuipnncd land, ALSO: A certain tract of land situate In Mt, Pleasant township, eounly nlnresald, bounded on tho east by laud of Jacob Hartzel, on tho south by land of James Orlines, on the wet bv lands of John Milpmau, and on tho north by land of John Metier, CONTAININO HI-TV ACUIX, about thirty acres of which Is cloaiod land, .IMO. A town lot, sltuato In LlKhlhtit'ct, and county aroaesabl, bounded on tiio south by lot of Hai rlet liytr and John Mellck.on thu west bv a lot of Dlt.-tbt-tli Miller, on tho north by Mill street, and on thocust by tho main road leading froill lllooinshtirif tO Oiaiiecvllle. whereon nr. eroetotl a larno two and onn-half story I) K Ij I j I XG IIOITHK. a Rtoro Ilou-o, and atwo-fctory l-'ramo Dwelling noose. iHiie iiic csutinoi saai nts-easoo. sttuate In ihe townships or Kcott and Mount Pleasant, and county atoicdald. Jnsi: roLCMAS, Clerk. IJloomsbure, IVbruary 7, 1mj7. CitmlUion. nf AVie T.n nor pmiI nf ilui mir. ehao hamev to bo paid by tho imrcha rorour- chasors ru tho day of sale, ono fouith of the pur-cha-e money less tho ti;u ht cm ut. to bo paid mi ihe absolute eonlli matlon or sale, and tlio bal unco In ouo eai lioiu tho absolute conflrmnlloii tilth Oi1i.rr.vt nn.x 1 1 . tt..H..i or PiiK'jias'iH to pay lur ilet ds and siainos. j,ai;i ni js , JAMLH W. HANKKY. JOHN SANKP.Y. JOU.V ltlilCHAltl), rebruary i IW. i:i.ctitors, prnuc Sauk of vamtahlk 1 ri:itsoAL PltOi'KUTY.-WIU U-ottertdnt public sale at thorofcldencoof th- snbserlber, lu oi'iiiiieHl", on ftlttmt and &iUirdni, Mmvh avi nml iXith,ux ten o'tlock In tho ioiemfHi, tho fol lowing pcmmal property to wit : ONK COLT, TIIKGI2 YICAKS OLD, ono cow, two cooking stoves, two pnrlor stoves, ni:iw and nr.nniNo, t lintrK, tablcK, two bureaus, cart t. dishes, oiolc lm; utensils, and other at t hies too tedious tn mention, Tonus madu know n on dav of n-ile. HAML'KL nVHllIMT. N. D., Aiffttt'ivtr. Ornnjfevllle, March N7. PCHLIC SALK or IMnt-ONAL 1 J'uofLiil'V. Will bo olleiiHl at public hale, at he icsidtnce of the subscriber, at Lvei .lfioe. in oicenw(u.d lownsiiip. on r, yn';.- n-V77i Oi-'MAtU Jf, at ten o'chnic Jn tl.o forenoon, tho following piojierty to wilt TWO COLTS TIIUICK YKAltS OLD, ono colt I wo yeartt old, oimoolt ono year old, TWO MH.CII COWS AND 1 UltKi; Iiril'J'.ltS, ten eond Fired 1ioatM,mio cart, tituic wtmoii.ono sde-hllt ploimh, two istmiuoii ploughs, tunow, ciitthator, one sled, and niIotih other t.irmtii InipteiueniN, JACttn l.Yl.ll, Mosi I'oriu is, iWit- . Mafll . I'', REAL ESTATE SALES. PVv',1, lilC SALK OK HOUSi: A LOT. Will bo mild nt taibllo nale. on Thurvlttu. the i iremj'jirsiuttf oj .unrcn, nesi, ai ion u ciovtt i" thu forenoon, n ItOL'M! A A7 LOT VF OIWVXJ), lluato In Itlootn tow-nshtp, Columbia county. Hub! houo fronts mi the public road Ic adltiK from IHontnshun; to ornm;eille, about two hundred yaids ii!ki tho Korku Hotel. Possession of mild houo and lot w 111 li rIoii on tho iirst day of April next, tf-Terms inado known on dav of ffale. WILLIAM ItAllJl. JHoomsburG. Mnrch 1, IR07-.H. PUHLIC HALK OF VALUA1JL1-: X IlIIAIi IXTATi:. In purnuanco or an order or tho Orphans' Court of Columbia County, on rillDAY, MAItCII TWr.NTY-NINTlr, at ton o'flnek tn tho forenoon, I'll Uobblns, iul ministrator of Abraham ltobbins, lato of I-'lshlng creek township, tn nM oounty,dccoaotl, will ox l)su tonalo, by public vendue, on tho premise, n lertaln luessinirfo and TUACT OF LAND, situate In risldimcroek tnwiHilp, Columbia eoun tv, bounded by lands of Hurman Iibor, I'Jl ltob bins, David Coleman and othcis, containing nine teen acre, inoroor less, on which s erect oil a Fit AM K JIOUSK AM) HAUX. 1 hero Is nlsn a lhrln. j oling apple orchard on tho pM'iulws. Uiie tho estate of said deceased, Mill ale In tho tow nship and county nforooatd. Ji-ssi: Colkman. Clerk, lilooinMmrK, l ibruary Hi, lt7, IbwUttotii tr ,Vfc Tho nne-lhltd oftho pur chase money to remain charged ihmui the pre ml sos dutlUiC tho tuilural llfo of Diana ltobbins widow ot tho in Id deceased, and tho Interest, Ihercor to bo annunlly nnd roRiilarlv paid her bj Iho purehasor on the tint day rf Mtiy 'reach and ery ynw' dm i. c her natural iu , ad at her death the pilneipal to bo pi id bv tho purchaser tothv persons U trfilly entitled tlieicto. Ti u percent, ol of the two-thirds of tho piitchato money to Im. paid nt tho striking down of tho proK.rty; tlio one-iimrlh of tho twt t'tirds, Uhs tho ten per cent, at thu onntlrmatlon absolute, and tho icmaiairi; two-thirds In onn year tin realtor, wkh interest from Ihe oontlnna 1ion'rf. Tho puicliasr to pas lo deed and Rtamps. Lid ltulniiNs, 1 obruary ,lfC7-0t, Adminlstiator, HARDWARE & CUTLERY. QIlAltLES W. I3XYDKU, ItRAIXIt IN II A U 1) W A 11 Kt ntox, xailh, htij:l, AC, it'., AC. MAIN STUEIVr, IlLOOM-SIlUnO, I'CNN'A. Tako this method ut lnformlnstlie titlonsof Co lumbia, oouty, that ho has opened nn extensive Hardwaiuhtoruuu Main street, in llloomsburg, near Iron street, nnd that ho has on hand a LAHOnrt STOCK AXI) IIETIXU AH.SrJUTi:i than mn bo found nny whero else In tho county, ami w hich he Intends to sell nt prices which defy competition. CHAINS, AXES, STEEL, IRON. I have chaliiH, nil stzen. uxes, ull mako nnd welia, Ntcol, all sires, Iron, nil MiapCM, nnd all very low. I1U I Ij DIHt'H HAH 1) W A H i: , of every descriptions. N'alls, axle pullej'-s, sash cordj, latches, locks nnd lsnoba,butt screw n, sash fasts, window iprlngs, bnso knobs, strnp hln;es, hasps nnd staples, hooks nnd Maples, and In fact uciythlng needed lu that line. COACH A VAOON MAKKHH' HAItDAVAHK. embracing ntmost every thing In that lino. Also HAHNIS MAK illS' HAHDWAItK, Buckles, Japanned; buckles, silver plated; bltts ofovcry kind , HAMft, lion; pad tiees: Hami-S, wofMl saddlo trees, gig trees, Rlrth web, worsted and cotton : thread, silk, awls and noodles, tools of all kinds, hhoi;maki:ii's liAHDWAurj, A full assoitment forcaipiuttrs. I liavoplancs nil kinds, saws; hand, paiinel, lip, and compiits square teel, iron, and tiyiborlug im.c'aincM, chNle, augers, bo vein, mallelH, braces, gauum, plow, ruleo, bits, and ubout oveiythlng for car ientcrs. 10H THU PKOPLi: OHNUIIAIXY I have coal hods, coal shocJs, scoops, coal .Kilter, lent crns.table eutlery.pocJiot cutlury, plated sponnj", plated foi ks, sen ern, tea and cof fee pots.butterknlvos.inlllsaw.s, crosscut sawrf, circular saws, ganssaws, lllos, horse i,hos,wrenche, rhots.ham mors, hatchets, mattocks, picks, mrks, grub bing liiK-s, shovels, spades, spading forks, letos, rakes, bed pins, twi no, skates, plows, coilln trim ming, Ianery, red ihalk, white chalk, wlro, h(rsu nails, meat cutters, scales, wai boaids, horso buckets, wooilcn )alls, clothes pins, yluo, door mats, porch mats, par lor mats, corn iioppers, paint biuihoH, lurso biie-hus, sbdyh bel I s, heel cal ks, enamel oil kettles, bras kettle, coppor kettles, btewkcttles.sauco nxes, nails, HIwlgOK, curtain fixtures. Thimble skeins and bote, Pumps, lead plp, etc., Tarrol rnponnd hundreds of articles not .enu merated constantly on hand at CI I A II Ll X W. SN Y prill's, Main Street, llloomsburK. CLOTHING. KV CI.OTUIN(i AXI) GKNTLK- Tin- un li'islcunl ii'si icl fully iiutiounno to IiIb many fikiuls Dial ho hns on'hl u m-w Clothlui; nnd nenllonicn's I-'iirnlhlilns Slop', in tho lowo rualn if the Hnrtlililll lUlllilltii;, sotliuest cornor of Jl.iln nii'l Murki-t strcciH, llloninsl.uii.;. r.v. Havlnsjust ruturnod fro'ii riilliulclpliliiMltha f.argo Hlo'-U of I'AI.I. AXI) V.'INTUIt CLOTHISO an.l gi:.i'i.i:mi:.vs runxiHiuxo ooods, ac in. lin tlnttpri lilm.clf that hu inn iiliusi; all. llln stwlc roinprUcs .MH.N'H, 1IOW, AM) YOUTIIH' CLOTlIIXf!, such as DKKSH COATS, HACK COATS, ovnncoATH, BHir.TS, l'A NTS, UMliniHlIlIlTS. DIlANVliliS, CX)LU.VltS ni:ck-tii:p, HOSIMIV, sr.sriixiicriH, liAMiKr.itciiir.Ks, ir.imir.i.r.As, a mid In fact ovorytlilnjc In tlio Clothing or I'ur iilliiii lino at cry low )rlctn, Iu niMitlnn to tin; ubovo ho tins an clogant Kortmont of cloths, cas.simi:ui, and vp.stin CU1TIIINO MADU TO OHllllU AT TIIK HII0KTIT NOTICE. Cull iiinl koo lipforo urLhaNlns t-Nouhcio, nnJ Pixriti: tiitn.vr iiauoains. (H lC-ly J. W. ClIKMlll.'HI.UN J XSU It A X C E A U E X C Y . Wyoming riVM"! -I'tlUl .IKnt.Ollil Ciuiimer e imt,Wi I 'tilt on .... ifni.wo I'altlc 9-i,(hi0 rutnam totti Mercbatit CMffX) Springfield &7im tlci mania fVio.oiio ll'iyal Insurrtuce (V a,(M.,(Mio LlvciiKK) and liondou l.u o.acO iiuranv i'umwiny of Sinto iVnn'o.,... t;tinn Connecticut .Mutual Llm , iri,Gm.Mi North Auurtcua Tmithlt h , &ju,ou rilEAS 1UIOWN, Affwt, IlLOOMtll'IKI, IM, niarS'(J7-l.v. V R I X T I x n atl . "-ui- I ibi- nm. rpilE I'AUUY JlUN COAL COMPANY, or UHICKHIIINNV, l'UNNSYI.VASIA. CAPITAL 150,000. JOHN M, hTACKIIOUSU, l'TMldeut. UlIAa. A. HOONi:, Bccrolnry nnJ Tm.urr. imtucToits: Jolm M. Slnclthomo, N. I C'Hinphell, Cluu. A. lloono, Cyru Htncklmim, A. M'Dowall. OF PICK! MAI.V BTHIJET, SIIICICmilN-.XY, I'A. Tlio Innda licM by tlila Coin puny, conilst roun liuxniiED anw toiity- OXK ACIIKS, nml ilxty-four porchcn, of carofully teloctoil land lylni? outliot of Wllkovllarre, tjatnne comi ty, I'a.. in tlio ivcutorn part of Iho Orcnt Northern or Wyoming Coal I)uln. Avery careful unl thorough examination ro ccntly mado lina procn thcRC (for tho alioro) latulii to bo thoctnbodlnieiit of n vant aniount of thi" very host iiuillty of anthraclto coal, Imvliis every facility that could bo ilcslitd for tram portntlon In nil illrprtlon. Tlio nbovo truot la croxKOil by a Bood rond, nnd nlsu dliettly In front, and Jolnlinr arc Hie iicliawiinna & lllooms burs tnilroact, and tlio AVj'omliiK canal, thus af. fording tlio very best nd vantage of a carrying road and cannl running to tho very mouth oX tbo iiiIiks without expense to tho company. Tho niMtiureinent of the different bed or toanu already developed was carefully obUilneJ and added tOKcther! tho thlcknesa of thoso senm, liieludliig the celebrated "lied Ash," "Uuck SIouu tain," or "Ornnd Tunnel" vein, Is thlrty-ono nnd nlinir feet, (3P2i, every cuhloyard of Mhleli will ylellu (on, nMus n laico amount oftho host iiintlty of The location Is such that nil tlm veins may bo cut and worked totheRrontcst posslblondvantaga nbovo water level, and at much less expense- than can bo done from collcrlcs operating below wntor level, The coal eon bo brought lo tho surface thrown)! drifts or tunnels .vhlehdmlu tho water fromtho mines and saves tho holitlng of the coal. Hn thj I'lljilblllty of these lands for cheap mining 1 1 un ituestlonuble. Very lately tho "Grand Tunnel" or "lied Ash" vein hns been opened, and ls'nuw producing as (lno n quality of coal as hns over been produced In tho nnthracltn regions. Tho brcukor now In operation Is eapablo of preparing from IV) to Cm) tons per day. Tlio surface contain nn abundant supply of wood, and Umber wry val uable for mining purposes, which gives tho traot the ndvautago of many other coal lauds. TIw fact that almost nil vnlunblo coal lands nro boing rapidly taken up by heavy capitalists or largo cor porations, shows that they mint steadily and greatly ilso In tho market value, whllo with tlio llnmeiiso nnd constantly Inclcablug demand for this coal, nnd tho rtatlroad nnd North Ilranch ca nal, passing hy tlio mouths of the mines, through the Great Iron making districts of liloomsburg, Danville, Duhcaiiuou, llarrlsburg, Mfddletown, Marietta, nnd Columbia, to tide-water at Havru do Grace, ono can scarcely conceive of a mom ptomaoie or pcimatidut source of wealth Uum may bo found In lands liko tlici.e. In order to lie nblo to open their works on n more extensive plan, this company has placed a portion of their capital stock in market on the fol low lug terms ! Auy persou taking ono or morn shares of stock at TEX DOLIiAItS EACH, will bo entitled annually to a ton of coal at oot nt tho mine ir haro, nnd any stockholders NOT llI.Ci:iVINll TJIH COAL as nforesnt.', lo bo credited on tho books of tlio Company, with the illlVerenee between tho colt and elling price for each nltaro, to bo paid Iwfon a dividend shull ho declared. a r. KNArr, Agont. March 1, 19il7. MISCELLANEOUS J) It. W. II. BHADLKY, (iJlte Assistant Medical Dliector i. a. Army,) I'HYHICIAN AND SUltOriO.V, ita- OlHee nt llio l'i.ilr. lli.inl itinn.. I. ...... ... Calls promiitly attended to both' night and day. jjiuoiiisuurtx, jail, in, isot. A U 0 T I O X K K It . jamkh ic. i:vnn. Having had much experience as a I'ublio Ven due Crier, has taken out a UXITKD STATUS LICEXSK, and takes this method to Inform his Mends ajid the public rcnornlly, that he can alwoj r be lound at IltimiN'H (ll.l) hTAxp, lllooiusbuiK, leudy to attend to all cults In his line. (leliX'i7-lv. WKlil-THIEI) HHMHMEfl. f T Hussell's Itch Ointment, lmmllntn nn.s certain cure is Cla. It is also a mho remedy for scratches on horsos. Hii'-seirSalt ItlKUiii(Jliituieiit,lsuue(iua- led SQcU. ltussell'h l'lle Olutliielit, cures alter all other lemeilles havo failed 81 0) Theso ointments aie certain, nafe, and rollaola pi clllcs, ui thousands hao and uro dally certl f Inir. I'or shi by all Druggists anil medicine dealers, (.enenil Depot, 1'INC'IIOT, ItHl'KN Jc Houaut, WhoIcMilo DiuggintH, i;ii Kultonst.. (niar Green wich. New York, heiit bv mail: Iteh. 4ftc SL It. COc.; l'lle, 41.50. (iimrl ffr-Jm. rjiIIK KEYSTOXE CI.OVEH SEED ti T 11 I 1' V E It . r.TKMr.:i oitoiieu 5, rV6. This klmple, tbougli ellectlve machine Is admit l(il bvall hLleiililtetibKir..rs1iiltlhiniiifct devleo for gatlierlnir clover Mcd yet dheovurul, A mere glance at It Is sutllelelit to convince tho most obtu-e mind of Its practical utllltv. ii amp?, me eioer iieaii iioiu ino iaiK leaving the sllnw hllllldltli' utinll Hie lfinntiil. II U.nsllv drawn by one hore, and requires but one liiitu or OOV O. Hill K 11. It Is compact, simple In structure, and not lla blo to get out of onler, and can Ik. cheaply got up. The great luhtiutat'n 111 this machine is, wo have the rt-eil gathered in the chair, reiulv for tho ckner mill or huller, besides .aing Hie great length of time and laliorof mowing, luiuillliig and tlile-hiug it fiom tho htraw. It will also pav ev ery farmer tn rattier IiIsmsmI with this m.iehlue, on nceount of the saving of the beed which Is lost In the old way of guilii ring ll. Kxtrnordlnnry Inducements offered toenorgetlo men who wish lopuriliasosmteor county Hlthu. Tor particulars addrcs WUUT.MAN fe llIUNnOI.D, , . CKNTItAMA, Jan'ii 07. Columbia County, rn. JJA1XES UHO'.S. 1'IAXOS. Tin: riANo or AM1IIUCA, Theso I'lnnm aro unlMrsatly acknowledgod br coin)H.'teut JudsfrtCfiualtotliu ln-l l'lano lua.ltf. 1 or reterem cu, t bey have many thousand city and country residents, IiicludlnKlarsouuiuben oftho lliuh Schools, Heinluarh-K, Ac, 11hs,i IMuuos have not only blood tho continual use and heay practlco of one year, but havo Ucu used tho last lift ecu yeais to tho utmost satisfac tion of those utdiiK tliein, 'I hey havo tahen premiums and medal wher ever exhltdted. buch has been the demand for 1'ltmos, that Messrx, Ilahnif Itrn's. have been compelled toenlaiKc their vorl;s to the extent of 'JI to .b) I J nn os a wti Ic. JIusliiK uou one uf the most extensive nnd cifinplet. f.u-torlcs In tho rnlb'd Statt M, factories nlom covcims oer Ibrec-lourthw of an ncieof Kiound, compilsinsafrontago ot .19 feet on tliij Avenue. 'Ihey me untluubtwUv tho cheape-t ilrst chv I'lanof iumarket. Cully Kuar.mtoed for a yoars, bctul tor Jtliiitrubtl circular, KAIMX HUO'H., S-Vi, Ra, fW, a;i, :m, sw. riro, .i;2 marS'fiT-3m, .second Acnue.New Vork City. nKLOCHKT OltOAXS AXD ME L LulU'-ONS. Cnaulmouiily awarded the Tlrtft 1'rUe, a liold Medul, "AS Till: UrsT CAItXET OliGAXS" Amcilcan in.l'Uile. yew York, October, IhfW. Hi bin crououm cd superior in quality, pouer and atlety of tone, and lu number ofcomblua. tlollH. "As the best instruments of America werothcro coiitcndliw, whU hcer won the buttle would havo nothing h It tnconoucr.''Jt'(-f'frrm Art JuurmU, (cdlttil by a ut-tl.kj.ouu musical ciltle.) Tbcv hae also iiiicii tlic hut ptemlum vhvr ct'rt'.xhlbiltl thix sinm. riuiAi.OiHiANy.nn', two and thrcr banks of hryMsl.v ne- JjV) to tiw. Without MdHls, slnulcniid double bank In urcnt variety. H't to if IV i, Tbf si Orpins, u ilh their suuhUIi, plM-liko iualir of tone, beautiful polo stops, strength of clioru. uiuqiiallcdps'daN.nndKcneiul orBPtidiktt cthH-t.-. ait Mieilor for church haIN, jmrtors .ui'l seb. s. I beyare put up in ciihc ot solid walnut, I. 'Hex en -cictl wiitmit new Htid uuUiuh st, It- i ami eleuant itf.eowtt of splendid dcliih and finish, and id the tK.-t woikiiiaiiHhfpl it lut; IntciMlcd that iwh Instrument thatl boa iin(h-l uf IU elasH, All ImttrmucntH down to a tine, oetavo portable Melodron.hattt the IwauUfut, without cirn charto. Alartco nsi-utmud cmuluutly on hand at rt-h (icneial WbuUsalc and lUi.ili Warerwm.. tvU lUiuuhmy, our lllufttmtMch-eiilaraudnrlcoIifiU. vrUU VHw styii-ft, aic now r adv. Send for elreutnr. nL"tfllLT, l'LLI'ON A CJ. Ifinut;i''turer, o S 1 1 Hmodwnv,' i V VnU h