THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBUHG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. FARM IMS' DEPARTMENT. The Taxti of L'nnucrs. Tho following is very Important to formers, raid tho decisions have recently been given by tho Commissioner cf In ternal ltcveuuo nt Washington : 1. Farmers will not bo required to niako return of produco consumed In their own immcdlato families. 2. Tho farmer's profits from salo of Hvo stock aro to bo found by deducting from tho gross receipts for animals Bold tho purclmso money paid for tho enmo. If animals havo been lost, during tho year by death or robbery, tho pur chase money paid for sucli animals may bo deducted from tho gross income of tho farm. 3. No deductions can bo mado by tho farmer for tho valuo of services rendered by his minor children, whether ho acta ally pays for such services or not. If his adult children work for him and n ccived compensation for their labor, they aro to bo regarded os other hired laborers in determining ids income. 1. Money paid for labor, except such ns is used or employed in domestic sor vice, or in tho production of articles consumed In tho family of tho producer r may bo deducted. C. No deduction can bo allowed in any caso for tho cost of unproductive labor, If houso servants aro employed a por tion of tho tlmo in productivo labor, such as tho making of butter and ehceso for sale, aproportionalo amount of wages paid them may bo deducted. C. Expeuso for ditching and cleaning now land aro plainly expenses for per manent Improvement, nud not to bo deducted. 7. Tho wholo amount expended for fertilizers applied during tho year to tho farmer's land may bo deducted, but no deduction is allwocd for fertilizers produced on tho farm. Tho cost of seed purchased for sowing and planting may bo deducted. 8. If a person sells timber standing, tho profits aro to bo obtained by esti mating tho timber, and from tho sum thus obtained deducting tho csrtimated valuo of tho land on tho first day of January, 1802, or on tho day of purchaso If purchased since that date. 0. AVhero no repairs havo been mado by tho tax-payer upon any building, owned by him during tho preceding fivo years, nothing can bo deducted for repairs mado during tho year for which his incomo is estimated. 10. A farmer should mako return of nil his produco sold within tho year, but a mero executory 'contract for a salo is not a sale ; delivery, cither actual or constructive, is essential. Tho criterion by which to judge whethcra salo is com plete or not is to determine whether tho vendor still retains in that character a right over tho property ; if tho property were lost or destroyed, upon which of tho parties, in tho absence of any other relation between them than that of tho vendor and vendee,, would tho loss fall. Meat forfosvls to mnltc them I,ny. Ono subscriber asks, what food will Induco fowls to lay ? another asks about Bcrap cako ; another about hogs' lights nnd similar offal. To thoso wo would say: It is tho naturo of fowls in good health to lay, and they cannot help it tho eggs will come. Scanty faro will reduco their laying propensity, and on very short commons, eggs ccaso alto gether. Etch food promotes tho tenden cy ; certain seeds, liko buckwheat, sun flower and hemp seeds increase it and meat of any kind does tho same. All tlds howovcr, forces tho fowl Into an unnatural state, and ordinarly shortens licrlifc. Tho eggs besides havo often a poor flavor. Occasional feedings of fresh meat, liko tho lights of hogs chopped flno, aro very good In winter when tho fowls find no insect food. They need besides hearty food In cold weather, es pecially if they aro not kept in warm houses. In very cold weather, hens running about and roosting In exposed places will not lay though richly fed; their food goes to keeping them warm. SaveYonrOU. "Wo find tho following receipt for saving oil wo presume coal oil In our exchanges. Try it : Put tho wich into tho lamp, and fill tho latter about half full with coarse saltand then put in it about an inch of oil and It will bo found that a great saving will bo tho result. Tho salt wastes away gradually during the burning, and must therefore, bo renewed from tlmo to time. Tho light Is purer and moro brilliant titan without tho salt, dud tho wick re quires no snufllng. Coffee at a Disinfectant. Coffeo is an effecti vo disinfecting agent ns tho following experiment will show; A quantity of meat was hung up in a room which was kept closed until tho decomposition of tho meat was for ad vanccd. A chafing dlbh was then put In, and somo half-roasted coffeo thrown on tho fire. In n fow moments tho room was disinfected. Tho beat way to effect this fumigation is to 6trcwground coffeo on a hot iron plate. To Destroy Cockroaches. Mix a small quantity of arsenic with fcomo breadcrumbs and lay it near tho insectcs' haunts. Caution. Arcenlc Is poisonous. Another method is to half fill an earthenwaro basin or deep ple dlsh with sweetened beer. They will enter tho basin or dish, drink tho beer, nnd, in their efforts to climb tho glazed eurfaco of tho earthenwaro, will full back and bo drowned. To Destroy Ilcd-Hugs. Thero aro innumcrablo recipes for tho destruction of this household post. Ono of tho best is tho following : Scald tho bedsteads, and wlpo them dry; mix ordinary lamp-oil with n littlo quick silver, nnd apply tills to tho cracks with n feather. To Prevent tho Incursions of Slice, Strew wild mint wheroyou wish to keep tho mice out, and thoy will never trouble you. DRY GOODS, 8to. G HAND OPENING grand openino grand opening GRAND opening GRAND OPENINO FA Mi AND WINTER GOOD, FALL AND WINTER ClOOIw, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, l'AMi AND WINTER HOOD'S, l'AU, AND WINTER GOODS, consisting of consisting of oonxlstlng of consisting nf consisting of DRY 0001)3, DIIY OOODS, DRY OOODS, DUY GOODS, DIIY GOODS, HATS AND CArS, HATH AND CAPS, HATH AND CAPS, HATS AND CA1"S, HATH AND CATS), BOOTH AND SHOES, BOOTS AND SHOES, 1I00TH AND SHOES, HOOTS AND HH01X, BOOTH AND SHOES, ready-made clothing, read y-made clot! uno, ready-made clothing, ready-made clothing, ltll.VDY-.MADi: CL0TII1IIQ, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-GLASSES. LOOKING-GLASSES. NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, TAINTS AND OILS, l'AINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, l'AINTS AND 0II.1, FAINTS AND OILS, groceries, groceries, groceries, groceries, groceries, queensware, QUEENSWAItn, tiurxNSWAUi:, QUEENSWARE, QUEENSWAKB, HARDWARE, HAIIDWAHC, HARDWARE. HARDWARE, HARDWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, HALT, HALT, HALT HALT, SALT, risn, l'ISH, FISH, riTH, ribii, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND REEDS, GRAIN AND HEEDS, GRAIN AND HEEDS, QRAIN AND SEEDS, io., McKELVY, NEAL & CO.'S, McKELVY, NEAL V CO.'H, McKELVY, NEAL & CO.'H. McKELVY, NEAL & CO.'H. McKELVY, NEAL & CO.'B, Northwest corner of Mnln ami Market Rtrcots, Northwest corner of Mnln nnd Marki t Streets, Northwest corner of Main unit Maikct Streets, Northwest corner of Main nnd Market HtreetH, Northwest co nur of Main uud Market Streets, RLOOMSBUHO, PA., RLOOMHllURG, PA, 1IL0OMHIIURO, l'A., BI.00MS1IURO, PA., BLOOMSBURG, PA. IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND tSMW, IRON ANI) NAHM, IRON AND NAlt, IRON AND NAILsI In large quantities and nt reduced rotes, nlwny DRUGS & MEDICINES. JIIUQ AND CHEMICAL STOHE, Bloomsburg, Pa. DRUGS, CHEMICALS, l'AINTS, PERFUMERY AND TOILET ARTICLES. UYElt A MOVER respectfully Invito a coutlnunnca of pntronngc. lhelr Diugs nnd Medicines nro nil (.elected with th greatest enre, nvoldtng tnncli ns iiosslblo tho Introduction of delirious nostrums, nnd nro purchased from tho best Importing houses In tlio country. TATENT MEDICINES of nil kind", Including Ayer's, Jnyno'n, Hollo wny'K, Hosteller's, WIshurl's, Hoollaud's, Ac. constantly on hand. COAL OIL AND ALCOHOL. HAIR, TOOTH, NAIL, AND CLOTHES BRUSHES PAINTS AND CHEMICALS of every vnrlcty, nnd of tho bent quality. l'ANCY TOILITT ARTICLES. The public may rely nt nil times on procuring tho nlmvo nrtlcles, with nil tho new useful prepara tions kept In the best conducted establishments. PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRI1TI0NH nnd rnmlly Receipts compounded with the great est necurncy nnd dlspntch. JllCSir AlUtlVAL OK NEW GOODS. Tho undeislgned has Just nirlved from tho City with n largo assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Paint, Oils, Varnishes, nnd Dyo Bluirs, Ri ady-Mado Clothing, Perfumery, Toy nnd Fancy Articles, Druggist's Glassware, Brushes, Trusses nnd Supporters, and a general assortment of e cry thing that belongs ton wclt-nppottited Drug Store. Also Patent Medicines of all kind, such nJayne's, Ayer's, Wlshart's, Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup, Brown's Troches, Swnln's Panacea, Baker's Cod Liver Oil, Iloolland's Bitters constantly on hand. Also MOROCCO LEATHER, KID, TRENCH MOROC CO, FRENCH CALFSKINH, PINK TRIMMINGS, BINDINGS, by tho dozen or naif-dozen. Also SHOE-FINDINGS, FISHING-TACKLE, Ac. Having had n large experience In lliodrug busi ness, I would respectfully lnlto thoso wishing anylhtng in that lino to call nnd seo my stock be fore purchasing elsewhere. " In medicines quality Is of tho first impoitnncc." JOHN II. MOYER. "JOYAL & KOYEll, Successors to GILBERT, ROYAL A CO. WHOLE-SALE DRUGGIST'S, ' Importers nnd Dealers in DRUGS, MEDICINES, SriCES, TAINTS, OILS, GLASS, DYE STUFFS, Ac, Nos. SWnnd 311 North Third Slreot, Philadelphia. GROCERIES, &c, JOHN STEOUP & CO., Successors to Stroup A Brother, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FISH, No. 21 North Wharves, an 1 21 North Water Ht., Philadelphia. "yEAVElt & SPItAXKLE, WHOLESALE GROCERIES AND COMMISSION MEltCHANTH, Nos. 223 and 227 Arch Htreet, Philadelphia. OC1IELL, UEKGEH & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS Dealers In riSH, HALT, CHEESE, PROVISIONS, Ac, New. 122 nnd 121 North Wlinrves, nbovo Arch St. Philadelphia. Role ngents for Wilcox's Wlusil Grcnse, In bar rels, kegs, and cans. E 7STAULIBIIED 1703. JORDAN A BROTHER, WHOLESALE GROCERS,, nud Dealers in KALTPETItE AND BRIMSTONE, No 200 North Third Street, Philadelphia. QOTTltELL & AYUES, Wholesalo Dealeis In riSH, CIIF.ESE, Ac, Ac, No. 1M Nwth Wharves, hoeond door nbovo Arch Street, Philadelphia. JJ V. PETEIOIAX, with LIPPINCOTT A TROTTER, WHOLE-SALE GROCERS, No. 21 North Water Street, nnd No, 20 North Delaware Avenuo, Philadelphia. Q 1). ItOIJBINS & CO., IRON MERCHANTS, Northeast corner of Second and Vino Strcots, Philadelphia. MILLINERY GOODS. 13 "I.OOJISllURa FANCY TltUI- jiino and nnnTrRTnni.7 second door btiow Hnrtnian's, Main Street. Just received n new Rtoelc ot ZEPHYRS, WOOI.F.N AND COTTON YARNS, CORSETS, LACES, E.MIIROIDEltllW, MUSLIN EDGINGS, DUIXi TRIMMINGS nnd every varh ty of nrl Icles usually kept In a FANCY STORE. Also HC1IOOL BOOKS, HYMN BOOKS, BI1ILF.S, HUNDAY-SCIIOOL BOOKS, nnd n largo lot of MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, ACCOUNT AND MEMORANDUM BOOKS, BLANK DEEDS, BONDS AND MORTGAGES!, nnd n general nnd well.selecled nssortment of PAPER, ENVELOPE, ,c. A. 1). WEI1B. J U. l'UHSIJh, IIAUNF-SS, SADDLE, AND TRUNK MANUFACTURER, nnd denier in CARPET-IIAGS, VAMSEH, FLY-NETS .Ac, Main Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. rjMIE UNION HOTEL, Arch Street, between Third and Fourth Htreets, Philadelphia. CHRIST A WEIIEH, 1'roprli.tors, Q.iHAIlI) HOUSE, Comer of Ninth aud Cliestnut htreets, Philadelphia. II, W. KANAOA, Proprietor, DRY GOODS, JJUIlltAU FOIt CATAWISSAI nils ruifci.iiWii.D, Goods to eompnro wllh stringency of tho money market. I)lc nnd eompnro prices beforo pur chasing elsewhere. Just call nt.lho favorlto busi ness stand of McNINCH AHIIUMAN, nnd yon will hornet by the obliging prnpilctorsor their clerks.nnd shown through theirgreat variety store rieoorcharge,or course. They will glvo jut n fair (banco to spend your lonso change, I hey trust inucli morn prolltabiy than u can bo spent clscwheie, Their STOCK OF DRY GOODS this Spring Is much larger in nil Its vntlctles than usual. Their LADIES' DRESS GOODS nro of tho nicest styles In inniket. They havo a lino assortment of HATS, CAPS, BOOTH AND SHOES, HUMMER. CLOTHS, CASSINE1H, CASHMERES, AND VESTINGS, nnd numerous nrtlcles common to such cstnbllsh mcuts, besides ix general nssoi lincnt of HARDWARE, TINWARE, QUEENSWARE, AND GROCERIES, nil nt greatly reduced prices. They wish to con duct their business on luo system of "PAY AS YOU GO," and they thhdc they can nITord to sell very cheap. They return their thanks for mnny past favors, nnd nsk the futuio patronage of their former cus tomcis nnd the public generally. McNINCH A SHUMAN. KMMtUSTElt & mtOTlIElt, Importers nnd Jobbers of HOSIERY, GLOVES, SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, BUTTONS, SUSPENDERS, HOOP SKIRTS, HANDKERCHIEFS, THREADS, HEWING SILKS, TRIMMINGS, PORTE MONNAIES, SOAPS, PERFUMERY, FANCY GOODS, AND NOTIONS GENERALLY, Also Manufacturers of BRUSHES AND LOOKING GLASSES, nnd Dealers in WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, . BROOMS, ROPES, TWINES, AO., No, 800 North Third Street, nbovo Vino, Philadelphia. s. wltli Jj. IJETThE, !USH,BUNNACO DRY GOODS, No. 10 North Thhd Street, Philadelphia, M MAIU'LE, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, GLOVES. AND l'ANCY GOODS, No. 33 North Third Street, u Philadelphia. J. LESTElt, v iioicsaiaanu iieiau Dealer in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, Ac, No. 20 North Second Street, opp. Christ Church, Philadelphia. JAItCItOFT & CO., impoucrs nnu jouuers or STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS CLOTHS CASSIMERI'.S, RLANKETS, LINENS, DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, Ac, Philadelphia. A NDKEWS, AYIEKINS & CO.,' Dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, No. 503 Market Street, ' Philadelphia. JOSEPH B. DELIi, Manufacturer of nnd Wholosnla Dealer in CLOTHING, CLOTHS, CASSIMERF-S, AND VUSTINGS, , No. 11 Noi th Third Streot, Philadelphia. "yATSON & JANNEY, Importers and Jobbers of HILK AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, HIIAWI.S, AC, No, 323 Market Street, Philadelphia. MISCELLANEOUS. QUU STAKCII GLOSS Is tho only article used by FIRST-CLASS HOTELS, LAI'NDRIEri, ANI) THOUSANDS OF FAMIl.IIX, It gives n beautiful pulMi, making tho Iron pass sijioolhlv over the cloth. m ilur Ml'cii time nml labor. Goods done up with it keep clean much longer, cunseuqcmiy wm not w ear oui so soon. IT MAKES OLD LINEN LOOK LIKE NEW. OUT. IMPERIAL BLUE IS THE BEST IN THE WORLD. It Is soluble In hard ns well ns soft water. It Is put upln tbes.irebt,ueatesl,nnd mo&t convenient jouu oi any uucieu iu inu puunc, IT IS WARRANTED NOT TO STREAK THE CLOTHES. Agents wanted everywhere, to whom wo offer extraordinary juuueeuieuts, .uuut;S NEW YORK HTARCH GLOSS CO., ep22-em nJo SIS Fulton Mrctt.New York. JOWE, HUSTON & CO., Manufiictureis nnd Whnlesalo Dealers In COTTON YARNS, CARPET CHAINS, 11ATTB, WICKS, TIE YARNS, CORDAGE, BROOMS, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, LOOK'O ULASSIiS, CLOCKS, FANCY BASKICTS, TABLE, FLOOR,' AND CARRIAGE OILCLOTIIS AC, No, 530 Market Htieet, south side, Philadelphia. EADVIliliE THHOLOn ICAL, 11. M'HOOL.Tlio Fail trrm Iswun Heptem. T .1. TllO Kllfllltv l.f IllStrill'lln), (.tli.klui.f limi. resident and four non-iisldent pmressors, nnd u tutor. The object U lo edueato young men lor uiu iiiiiHtiuu tinisiry. tnero rri a prt imiulnty Class ffir lllOSII hO IlllVO lint 1 1' i il ii .llo.rl lir, edueatlou, Ono liumlred tuiilslxlv dollars it year nro Kiunted lo benellelarles, wllh iiuiiildltlonal sum In special cases. The tuition, nsoof Llhruiv iilut le.l-books, nro lice lo nil. 'Ihu School was iiiiiiuii'i! ny i no L'liiiarian ami I'niisiiau tienomi. nations, but Is ois'ii in nil who bi.llfti, in th...H. vluooilgln urchilsllaully. 'Iho I.lbruiy conslsls II, ",.Fn. , II, l, l, Aliolli'itt ion nisv bo mmlp In Tint". A. A. moie, Piesldent of tho Hoard of instruction, TOUVJN'S KID Ol.OVE CLEAN ft Lit. Established 12 years. Tho only insul iiillcle lor iustautlv cltaulug Kid Glotes. They eitu lioelejiued while upon Iho hand, nud worn llnnieillati Iv. It Is IniHlnriius. linn IhiIIIi. im clean jl'i pairs. Price ;li cents, Retailed bv most luut-Lisis nnu raiiey woic. Wholesale hv I)e. masaniim A Co., I , C. Wtlls&CU.iuul oilmu, Now Voik. nmCKhn TOBACCO & SEGARS. rjIIE ONLY PLACE to got tho best TOllACCO.AND CIGARS, AT WHOLUSALi: AND RETAIL, Is nt nUNOSllERGEirs, n few doors below the American Itotue, Btoomsburg, Pn. Ho has tho largest and most select of SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO over offered to tho eltlzoiis of llloomshitrg. All tho fancy brands of SEGARS, nnd tin bCBt Flue-cut nnd Plug CIIEWINO TOBACCO, ran bo had at his counters. TOIIACCO TirES In grent vnrlcty nro nmong his largo stock. DON'T FORGET TO CAM. H. II. HUNSnEROER. TT AO EN, I JO YD & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, nnd Wholesnlo Dealers In LEAF AND MANUFACTURED TOBACCO, HEGARS, Ac, No. CI North Third Slreot, Philadelphia. Consignors can forward their stock " In Bond,', without prepaying tho United States tax. TT W. HANK'S WHOLESALE TOIIACCO, flNlTFF, AND CIGAR WAREHOUSE, No. 140 North Third Street, between Cherry nnd Haco, wost side, Philadelphia. TUSSELL & AVOODItUFF, Wholesalo Dealers in TOBACCOS, CIGARS, PIPES, Ac, AO., No. 13 North Tlilrd Street, nbovo Market, Philadelphia. JpiUSIIJIUTir, IJItOTIIEIt & CO., WHOLESALE TOIIACCO DEALERS, No. 131 North Third Street, fivo doors below Race. Factories, Nos. 223 nnd 225 Quarry Street, Philadelphia. J II. AV ALTER, Lnto Walter A Kaub, Importer nnd Dealer In CHINA, GLASS, AND QUTJENSWAlin, No. 231 North Third Street, between Raco and Vino Philadelphia. jgENJAMIN GItEEN, Dealer In CARPETINGH, WINDOW SHADES, OIL CLOTHS, MATS, Ac, No. 33 North Second Sticet, Philadelphia. G W. ULA1JON & CO., Manufacturers of OIL CLOTHS AND WINDOW SHADES, Warehouse, No. 121 North Third Htreet, Philadelphia. T II. LONGSTKET1I, PArER-IIANQ ING WAREHOUSE, No. 12 Notth Third Stroot, Phlladcriihla. J V. LAMUEltT, wllh ROSS, HIIOIT A COM Importers nnd Jobbers of CIX3TIIS, CAbHIMERES, VESTINGS, AC, No. 301 Market Street, Philadelphia. "pONVDEK KEC'S AND LUMJJEK. W. M, MONROE A CO., Rupert, Pn., Manufacturers of POWDER KEGS, and dealers In nil kinds of LUMISER, glvonotlrothat they aro prepared tonccomodnt their custom with dispatch, and on tho clienpes crras. M 1LLEH & HOST, Successors to Franklin T. Scltzpr A Co., Imixirters nnd Wholesale Dealers hi LIQUORS, WINES, Ac, Nos. -HOund 112 Noith Thhd Htreet, Philadelphia. To Hotel unit Mtlooii lcccpri' of IUihiiiis- burg nnd Columbia County, I havo nppulntcd Mr. II. Hlohncr ngent for tint sale of niynle,iHrter, brown stout, nnd lager beer, who will supply you at the samo prlco (aud with tho samo urtlele). ns I would furnish you from tho brew cry. Kuoon lug that he will bo punctual and attentive to nil who may favor him with their liade, I solicit for hUu your suppoit, Very lespeelfully, FRED LAUER, Ktenm Brewery, Rending, Pa, pIIOTOGItAI'IIIC. E. A II. T. ANTHONY A CO., Jlnuufactuiers of pholographlu Materials, wiiiii.rau.ii ami uur.ui., tall BROADWAY, N. Y. Innditltlon lo our main business or PHOTO GRAPHIC MATERIALS woarolleadciunrters for tile tollou'lng, U.j HTEREDSCOPUS A STEREOSCOPIC VIEWH, (If American and Foreign Cities and Landscapes, Groniis, htaluury, etc. Hl'l.'ltEosl Ol'IU VIEWS OF THE WAR, I rmn niinili-,.. inn, In in 1 1 in i-n.i,.,,. M,.,i...i .n. nud forming n complete Photographic history of'OPIC VIEWH ON GLASS, Adapted for either tho Jingle Ijiutern or tho hteitoscope, Our Catalogue will bo seut tonuy nddress on receipt of stainp. PIIOTOGItAI'IIIC AI.I1UMS. Wo mauul.icture more largely than our other linuse.Hliout al varieties trom Mwnts lof-Vleacli. cmr AI.llli.Ms have Iho icimlntlon of belitg supe i lor in beauty nnd durability tunny otheis. Curd Fhutographso'fGcnerals.Slatcsmeu.Aitora, etc., ele. Our Cataloguo embraces over FIVE TIIOUH AND dltierentsubjeits, Including repioduitlons or Ihu most celt United Engmvlngs, Paintings, Hlatnes, etc. Catalogue scut mi receipt nrstauni. rhotographersnnd others ordering goods (J.O.I)., w ill pleaso leiult 2.) per cent, of the amount with their order, -'lho prices nnd quality of our goods cannot nil lo satlsiy, uovl"-ly riMIE AMERICAN HAY KNIFE A. AND l llRK. We Iho Uhdcrslgncil tltlzens hi Colunibla County witnessed the tiial or lwv loil.s on tho rami of Mr. Puisul, In iltniloilt 'Jownsblp on Monday, M.iy 7, Isui, bclwcin tlio American Hay Knlfn 1 I ork nianufaetiired bv HI.II'Elt, WAI.1.S, SiIIRINl.R A Co., or Lewis, burg, Pa., nnd the Runilcl's Patent Hay Honk, Tlio Ameilcin I'oik lined more bay In ono draught than Iho Riindel In thlte. Wo me satis, lied II will take as much buy lulu tho inoivim two good horses call draw, We also saw It Hilling hay, nud think It euuuot be beat nsu liav knll and c heerfully lecoiiMileud It ns Ihu btst liny folk and kiillo w e have ev er si i n. II'. I'trrKNIlKMllBII, Dii. F. C. H.M1UISO.V, W. II. kno.NS, John Doak, Jons Di.rr iiirir, Hanih. Nin kii, 11. DMii.i', Hri.vrxri'u Priixct. MiniAi:i, llhri.Kti, John Woi.r. Ihev also m turo the leleiiriitfil lluikeve Rtdpur nd Muwet , nd he' lmp(e. nietits, IRON, TINWARE, &C. JyfATIONAL FOUNDRY, Bloomsburg, Columbln County, rn. Tins fctilianrllini. risnflnlnr .if Hm nliOVC.l lUied extensive establishment, Is now prepared lo-. eclvo orders for nil kinds of MACHINERY FOR COLLIERIES, BLAST FURNACES, BTATIONA V ENGINES, MILLS, THRRS1IIN AIACUINF-S, AO Ho Is nlso prepared to mako Hlovesof nil sires nnd pntlcrns, Plowlrons, nnd everything usually mndo In first-class Foundries, His extensive facilities nnd practical workmen warrant htm In receiving tho largest contracts on the, most rensonntilo terms. Grain of nil kinds will ho taken In exchange for Castings, This establishment Is located near tho iJickr," wanna nnd Bloomsburg Railroad Depot. PETER RILLMVKR. s TOVES AND TINWAHE. A. JI. RUPERT nnnounecs to his friends nnd customers that eonl limes tho nbovo business nt his old plaeoon MAIN STREET, BLOOMHIIURO. Customers can be nccomodated with FANCY STOVES of nil kinds, Stovepipes, Tinware, nnd every va riety of nrtlelo found In n Stove niut Tlnwnro lis tnhUshinent In tho cities, nnd on tho most reason nolo terms. Repairing done at tho shortest notlco. Si DOZEN MILK-PANS on hnnd for sale. T7AGLE FOUNDRY. JOSETH HHARI'LESS, Bloomsburg, Tu. STOVES OF EVERY VARIETY, PLOUGHSHARES, rLOUGHFOINTK, nnd fill kinds of Costings, on hnnd or supplied on tho shortest notlco and nt tho cheapest rates. Castings for COAL BREAKERS AND COAL SCIIUTKS mado to order. piiaSNIX STOVE DEPOT. HEATERS, RANGIJt, AND STOVES, Wholesale and Retail. PATENT ANTI-DUST COOKING STOVE. VULCAN HEATER, for heating two or moro rooms. PARLOR, COOKING, LAUNDRY, IIEATINO, nnd every variety of STOVES. JOHN I. HESS, No. 310 North Socond Streot, Philadelphia. E BUUKIIAKT, Importer nnd Dcttlor In ntON AND HTEEL, No. 00 1'ront Street, Philadelphia, Q.E011GE II. HOUEllTS, Importer and I)ealr In HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, Ac, No. 311 North Third Street, nbovo Vine, Philadelphia. HOTELS AND SALOONS. LADIES' ANI) GENTLEMEN'S RESTAURANT, B. II. BTOHNEIt has fitted up a FIRST-CLASS EATING HA LOON, whern ladles and gentlemen con bofiupplied with tho delicacies of tho Nonsou. A suppl of FRESH OYSTERS always on hand. FRESH BREAD, CAKES, AND PIES, FRENCH AND DOMESTIC CONFECTIONS In overy stylo and vnt lety, NUTS, FRUITS, nnd ovcryllilng usually found In n FIRST-CLASS CONFECTIONERY HTORE. jpoiacs HOTEL, GEORGE W. MAUGER, Proprietor. Tho alnvo well-know n hotal has recently under gone raillcjil changi-s In Its Internal arrangements, ami IN pi oprictor nnnouuees lo his foi uicr custom nnd the travelling public that Ids accomodations ror the comrort or his guests aro second to nono In the country. His table will always bo found sup plied, not only with substantial food, but with all tho dellcuclesof iho season. His wines and li quors (except that popular beverage known us "Mcllcnry"), purchased direct from tho Impoi ting houses, nro entliely puie, nnd fieo from nil pol- sonousdrugs. Ilulsthnnklulforallberal patron age hi tho past, nnd will continue to deservo it In tho future. GEORGE W. M AUGER. SUSQUEHANNA HOTEL, Catuwlssn, Pa. Tho abovo Hold has latety been purchased by HENRY J, CLARK, nnd has been thoroughly re modelled, repaired, nnd refurnished. It will bo found now, In Its nrrnngemout nnd uppolntmeuts, n Drst'clnss Hotel, nnd second to nouo In the country. Persons iu cities wishing to spend tho hot mouths In tho country, will do well to giro the pioprletoracall. Q A 1UU AG E MAN UFACTOIIY, Bloomsbuig, Pa. M. O, SLOAN A UROTHHK, tho successors of WILLIAM SLOAN A SON, conttnuo tlio business of making CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, nnd eVory ntylo of FANCY WAGON?, which thoy hnve constantly on hand to suit ens tomers. Never using any materlnl but tho bes mid employlng.llio most experienced woikinon, Ihey hope to continue, as hcietofor." to glso entire satisfaction to ctery customer. An Inspection n their work, and or the reasonable prlco asked fo tho same. Is sure to Insure n salo. J? C. LIGIITE A CO., Manufacturers of riIlST-CI.AS.S flUANIi AND SO.rARB V I A N O F O It T K S 1 HoloPntenlees of Llghle's celcbratod Patent In sulated Iron Frame, Arenlximal.eisoftho very bejit Piano Fortes in tlio luaiki t. HAVING BEEN AWARDED THE HIGHEST I'KEMIUM AT T1IH AMERICAN WORLD'S FAIR! nnd tlio Exhibition of tho Industry or nllNatlons, besides numerous oilier GOLD AND SILVER MEDALS, together with testimonials frois nil tho most dis tinguished .Musical celebrities In Eurupo nnd America, They have also Just leeolved THE lIKIHIXr PREMIUM At tho Illinois Stale Fair! Tlio Indiana Hlnto Fair! The lown Statu Fair I Tho Wisconsin Hlato Fair, etc. Ill eoinpclltlon with the most cclclmitul Mann i.icHtters of New York. Boston, Philadelphia, iialtliuoie, etc. Wurrrooms, IJI Riooino street, near Ihoadwny, New 'iu k City, Ordeis by mall immiptly nttcn did lo. Send for Cheular. janis'07. Notice. All pirsolis kiiiiulllf; llii lnsl I, n IndehtPil to eilherof (lie unilerslgnwl.on Book Nule,nr,lndgineiil, ma iwuusstwl lu niakn pay ment willliAit dehv, if Ihuy would san costs. M'ltEl VF.V. NT vi. C. and WILLIAM M'KKI.VIJY A CO. SEWING MACHINES. IJHE FLOllENCM ARE THE BEST IN THE WOltLIX Holes rooms, (00 Chestnut Htreet, Phllndolplilrt, IV. While n largo number nf Machines havo ottered to tlio public, soma of whlsh (Kissess iKluts of excellence and ncknowledgcd merit, wo liav long felt wnnt others havo experienced, thsno. ccsslty of n Mnchlno moro perfect In Its moelinuS cut sttucturu, eumhliilng In Iho HIGHEST DEGREE SIMPLICITY WITH DURABILITY, nud whllo cnpablo of doing a GREATER RANGE OF WORK, ono that could bo easily uudorstood nnd compre hended by nil, liisupplyn Hewlng-Mnchlner freo froin tho olw Jcetlotis nl inched toothers has been no cosy task for wo not only had to surpass other Machines, tJi they nppenred years ngo,bnt nlso ns Improved front tlmo to tlmo by moro recent experience. I ins wo boiiiiy claim hns boon accomplished fiy tho llhcrul cxpendlturo of ennltnl. nnd tlio ms. tlent, until lug labor of years i nud In presenting our Machine to tlio public, wo shall make strong assertion respecting lis merits, which wo nro prepareit to substnutlato lu overy particular, Dlscnrdlng tho Chain and Loop, or Knit stitches, wo ndoptcd tho. LOCK HTITCII (nlllto on both sides of tho fabric), which h to- gamed by tho mnssosns best suited to nil kliuM of work, But to meet objections sometimes urged ngnlnst tills favorite stitch, wo havo added the Knot, Double Lock, nud Doublo Knot, cIUhk uf which Is RTRONOKll AND MORE ELAHTKJ than tho Lock; thus enabling tho operator to soloct n stltcli PERFECTLY SUITED to every grado of fabric, nnd where. nrccoHAry, bh seams uiuuh stronger than It Is posslblo to dv If hand. THE rLORKNCE makes FOUn DIFFERENT STITCIIF-S with ns much enso ns ordlnnry Mnehluos mdto ono, nnd with ns littlo tinchlncry. Tho result of repeated tests lias been all wo could desire, nnd from Its first Introduction the Florence has galuod hosts or frlonds, aud btsjsj regarded ns a IIOUHEnOLD NECESSITY! proving that tho public, fully appreciate th runs' atlvantnges cnmbluud In tho Florence Machine, Over nil others, tho Florence must bo sues to l fully appreciated. Wo claim lor tho FLOnttNCB tho following ADVANTAGE OTernny nnd oil SEWING-MACHINES IN THE- WOJOIX S-It makes four different sUtches,Uw look, knot, douhlo-lock, and doublo-knut, oi. one mv tho samo niachlno. Each stltiti lutlnu .lUi.. .... both sides of tho fabric. lion, which onnhlas tlio operator, by simply turn- in iiiuuiu-amrow, tj navo mo work: run oilhur to till, rlilit nr tlR. lllttni'linir nn.l i - ' " "'J "" .iiumuiiq or fasten tho ends of scums, without turning the litUUC. Changing tho lens,th of stitch, nnd Toot one kind of stlleh toonothur, etui midlly bo Ut-'j while tlio Machine is lu motion. ev The noetllo is cfctlly wlJnsUHL nod dow not bklp stitches. XT5It Is almost notsolem, mn mil bo awsj wheieiiulet Is ueoessary. 43-Its motions nro nil polttvo there aro no springs to get out nr order, nnd Its simplicity on nbles uny onu to operate It. It does not require finer thrend on tho nrnjor than for tho upmr side, nnd will sow ocrosa tho heaviest seiiui, or from ono to moro thickness of cloth, without cliangoofnoodli, tuiuton,breulr lug thitsut, or skipping stltchw, "-Tlio lloinmer Is cosily alJastetLnna flrltl turn itny widtli of heiu tloslrod, 3- No other Mnchlno will ilo of w ork as tlio Florouou, It will honi. fell. hind, entber. r,rHl.l riiit nnd gutheruud si-wonnrutlloatthosaiuollmit. it uus no springs to get out uf orilur, uud will lint n lifetime. It Is fully protected and llconsed liy Elfc Howe, Jr- "ud our own letters PaUW. Tlio taking np of tlio slack-thrond Is not pec, formed by ttio Irregular contrnctlon of n wlrs con or uncertain opeiatinn of springs. The precision nnd accuracy Willi which tlio Florvnco draws tho thread Into tho cloth Is unnppionched oy nu Hewlug-Machtno hitherto offered In tho world. Wo furnish each Machine with " Baxnnm's Hel-. Hewer," which guides tho work Itself, and la of life eulculablu value, especially to lnoxporluuca ojiort ntors, Whllo osis!ug tho alxivo, nnd many otlier nd nntages, the Florence Is sold nt currwpondlug pi Ices w illi other Drst-clliss Machines, und nun. fill esiiinluntlou will fully substantiate all that T,o have claimed for It, und Justify tho assertion wu now make, that it Is the best Bowlug-MaUtLuy lu tho world. Wo wnraant overy Moclilno to bo all that w elahu for It, and to give entlro xutlsfoctlixi, nod will gto n written worruuly, If ronulrod. Llliernl niTangemonls made with thoo win b'ny to sell again. Further lnrt motion may bolutj by Inclosing stamps to tho General Olluwul tho FluiciifoHcwIug-Muchlnu Company, iaJCistmit Htreet, Phlln.lelphla, Peuusylviialal PR1CIM OF MACHINKJ; No. 1, plain. nils Mnohluo makes the loola nnd knot stl tehes.nnd has thu revorsihlo feed..Wt No. 2, Floienee. Gold-oruaniented Machine, with drawer, and light cover, without look; makes nil Iho four stitches, and has Uiu ro varslble feed M w $ff No. 3. Hllver-platud MuclUne, ornainontil table oll-ilnishcd walnut, with heavy half ease, lock nud drawer j mnkes all tho funr stllchcs, nnd has tho reversible reed Ssl No. l.-Hllver-plaled Machtuo, highly oruo meuted, uud makes nil the four stlUJics nnd has tho roveislblo feed. Polished mahogany tnblo .., jsil Polishoil Rosewood Tnblo... No. 5. Walnut table, tn oil W Mahogany table, lu oil ,. ml Rosewood tnblo, lu oil Iltl No. (1. Walnut, nil lluLshcd Hi Mahogany table , I3i Rosewootl table ., , O. O. EVANS, Geueral Agent, CW Cheetuut Htrtsjt, PhlhulrlpWm "lMl'IIUC SIIU'lTLE SEWINGOIA- .1 A CHINES are superior lo all others for FAMILY AND MANl'I'AlTl'RING Fl'IU'OSI Contain all the latest Improvements; nro speedy uolscltss-'tlurable; and easy to work, lllusiiated Clrcnlsisi'iiin, Ageutswnnted, IJJi. eral dlsenuut ulluwtxl. Noenuslgnments nisdo, Adihess KMPIRK H. M. LM., uugl-iy 61U Broadwny, New "J 1 L' . ". J .JgttB gT. CIIAHLES HOTEL, ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN, Nos, 01, C2, r,l, nnd CD Noi th Third Htrcots, between .Market and Arch SlwiK Plillailelplili. cnARI.V.4), Mnungcr.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers