THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBU11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Sflte flfotumbfan. iii.ooMSut'iiu,riiiiAY, march h, isoj. Rr.V. .1. R. Dimm 1ms resigned ns Pnalor of tho Lutheran Church nt this place, nnd accepted tho position of Prin cipal of tho Seltti.'grovo Fcninlo Col lesc. Mh. J. J. Urowku hn? pttrchnscd tho front part of tho lot on Court House al ley, Known tho Roblson properly. 11c bought It of E. II. Little, Esq., for two thousand three hundred dcllais; and wo understand proposes to erect on It a line building. We proposo to add, next week, to the attractions of tho Columbian, a de partment "For the Young." It will ho regularly kept up and will bo of tho most entertaining character. Look out for it girls and boys. It begins next week. "We publish this week a circular from Mr. Hates, State Historian, which U of interest to ull our soldiers. Wo hope that tho required information will be furnished in order that n fair, Impar tial and comprehensive history may bo published. Tun Old "5tuyve?ant Tear Tree," standing at tho corner of Third Avenue in Thirteenth street, Now York City; and which was brought from tho United Provinces and planted there by the old Dutch Governor himself, more than two hundred years ago, fell to rise no moroa few days since. It is the last link connecting New York with tho New Amsterdam of the good old Hol landers. The President has signed the bill di recting tlo Secretary of War to refund to each person drafted under the calls of February and March, 1SGI, who paid commutation, and was also required to cuter tho f-ervlco or furnish u substitute, tho sum of thrco hundred dollars, that being tho amount of money so paid by them, it being the meaning of tho amendatory act to exempt persons thus paying commutation from further .draft until that quota should bo filled, not exceeding one year. Tun Mutual Life Insurance Company, of Now York, of which Colonel Freeze la Agent here, 1ms over eighteen mil lions of assets : has issued durlnc thf year fourteen thousand three hundrcit policies, insuring over $30,000,000 ; and their dividends for tho last thrco yearn were almost three millions. Dividends nro declared annually,and are available as cash in payment of the subsequent premiums, or can be added to the policy. It is the best, safest, and richest com pany in the world. Oun Town Uovs. We arc comiicllcil to ay Mint in all our exiicricuco wo novur 8.1 v- a town in which tlio boys bo Imvo worse than in ours. It li a ju-l-tivo dlsgraco to the community. At cluiich, l'cslivals, lectures couct'its niul entertainments of all hinds, they are always present, tintl by their outriigeotii conduct not only mar tho proceedings, but prevent many of our citizens from attending. Ko person is free from in BUlt; and obscenity, drunken wit, and profanity are only too common. It is timo our citizens united to put down this growing evil. Numerous well founded complaints have been mado against thehacUuwaim A liloonibbtirg Hall Koad, for not re pairing the fence along the public road between ltupert and Catawis-a Station. Tho road for nearly a mile runs within a few feet or the railroad track, while on tho other hide the mountain rises perpendicularly. Tlio placo i- very dangerous, especially at nl'ht, and it is timo something was done to remedy tho evil. Undoubtedly tlw one-horcc-railroad which runs through our county ohuuld be compelled to remedy the mis chief they create, but it is doubtful whether they will do it have under compulsion. We aro glad to know that counsul havo been consulted, ami if possible the Company will be compelled to rebuild thu fence. If not done soon, wo fear some terrible accident t ill hap pen between ti.OiO points. Ok Saturday night the Senate held nn Executive .Session, onlv about thlr- ty-livo Senators wero present, and of that number nearly all were Democrats and friends of the President. Tlie op portunity was embraced to push through h. number oi continuations, among them that of John li. 1'uisel, I'ostmaster at this place. Jtejntlilteait. Doestheeditorof tho Republican think his readers aro ignorant enough to be lieve thenbovo? Ilo&ays "only thirty five Senators wero piesont, and of that number nearly all wero Democrats," etc. Tho " Democrats and friends of tho President" number only fourteen in the Senate, when they aro all there, which was not tho case on tho night in question ; and according to his own fig ures the Itadiculs had seven majority! Mercur must get up a better excuse for his lack of Inlluenco in a Senato which is three-fourths Radical. Wr, regret to bo called upon to chron icle tho death of William II. Evans, at Van Stork Mines, near Providence, Lu-7-erno County, by means of a heavy piece of coal falling upon and crushing him. He was burled In this placo on Saturday last with military honors. Lieutenant Evans first entered thearmy nsan enlisted man In Battery "U," 1st Pennsylvania Artllery, was discharged for physical disability in front of Wash ington, and then returned homo. After various borvlees ho entered Company "IJ," illOth lteglment Pennsylvania Volunteers, and September lith, loOl was commissioned Second Lieutenant, mid December Sth of tlio same year was commissioned First Lieutenant in bald company. Ho turvlved tho dangers of the tl.'ld in a niiuo nt li'inw. THE KALEIDOSCOPE! " A imp of Inuy life Its fluctuations mid lu vast e-ouceins." NO. X. WATlHtl'A !,!.!). A subject of such large dimensions cannot be fairly disposed of lu a single number of tho Kaleidoscope! nnd lu this I will confine myself mainly to their origin, nnd to statistical Informa tion. Of course a precis? man would make a division of the subject by class ing waterfalls us natural and artificial j and under tho former head would write nn es.-ny on tho magnliudu and grand- cur of -Niagara, or give a description of Tequcndama, lu New Oranadn, which has a waterfall of near seven hundred feet. At present, however, I will confine myself to tlioso unnatural, obtrusive hump3 worn by tho fashlonablo of tho "softer sex," nnd known In common parlanco as "waterfalls," but In circles polite, and Ladles' Magazines called chignons; for bo it known that new fangled notions, and improper phrases are made palatable to American ears by means of trench name. To our uninitiated lady readers we will say that these chignons vary in size from a six pound cannon ball to a large pumpkin; the weight depending itnou mo amount of ballast tho wearer can carry. Tho shape varies. I have seen them spherical, oblong, angular, coni cal, smooth, milled and frizzled. Some nro worn as though like n huge wart creancer tho thing grow there, while others are suspended In a not and boli up and down with tho movements of the wearer. And now a word ns to their origin, upon which subject writers are divided in opinion, spine claiming for ehignoni the greatest antiquity; but m'. Du Chaillu, tho celebrated French traveler bays, that the Xegio women under the African Equator, wear chignons of enor mous size, and that it take.? them from ten to twelve years to grow siiilicient hair to bring them to perfection. As everything African is now decidedly popular, wo aro at no loss to understand why the custom was introduced into our country. The same writer ni.v.i that the belles of the Equator to add to their charms, have a scries of cuts on their faces, and four float teeth pulled out. Wo cannot say how long it will be be fore our wives nnd daughters will adupt the same cu-jtom. It is generally alleged and believed that the hair from which chignons are j made is procured lrom the corp-es ol people who tlie in ho-pitals and other i public institutions. Kuans, however, .. ii. t i... ,i,..,n, i.,t.. i I .... . ........v.. i,i ,. i..u ...... e.L, ,.l-,j brittle, and eanot bo curled or twisted into form. Marseilles, in France, is the centre of thu trade; and the enormous sum of forty thousand pounds aro Im ported there annually. Tlio chief sup ply comes from Sicily, Naples, the States of the Church, while Spain, and parts of Franco contribute largo por tions. In Brittany and Aiivergue, the buyers go round ou market days, and the maid who desires to sell, mounts a wine cask, unlooses her head-dress, and showers her locks os-er her shoulders, whereupon spirited bidding commences among tlie dealers. Tho poor demoi selle whom poverty compels to make t!ds sacrifice is then shorn, nnd after wards hides her head until nature or death provide another coveiing. Tho-o 1 of my readers who have read Victor Hugo's grand work "J.cs Jliacrutiltu," must remember how poor Famine s,u tlliced her wealth of hair to provide for Co-ette. Tho weight of hair in an ordinary chignon doe not exceed thrco ounces and a half, hence tlie annual quantity imported into Mttr-cillcs, alone, would make nearly one hundred and eighty thousand ''waterfall." Of couro our ladies are not the only customers, be caue large portions after being made up are re-exported to Spain and Al geria. Tho hair dre"ers of Marseilles, the most of whom arc engaged in tho "wa terfall," or -hi'jnon business, number about four hundred, and of these, four large houses mako llfty-livo thousand annually, for homo consumption alone, thirty thousand of which are sent into tho interior, and twenty live thousand u-ed lu Marseille. One llrm in Paris retails no less than llfieen thoiiFand a year, at prices ranging from two to lifteen dollars each, although some go as high its fifty dollars. Tlio-o of l'axen hair, which are mostly Im ported from .Scotland aro the most cost ly. Tlio number exported from France to England dining the past year was eleven thousand iiinehundrtdaiid fifty four, and In addltlun, sulllclent hair was exported for seven thou-nud more to be mado up in that country. The total value of hair and chignun.i export ed in one yea.' lrom Franco Is two hun dred and twenty-live thousand dollars, or which, the I'uited States, next to England, takes the largest (itnuttity. 1 may further stato tiiat tho hair arrives at tho manufacturers in largo Kicks holding about two hundred pounds each. It is filst thoroughly washed in hot water until every particle of greao is removed, after which it has a final bath of potash, ami when perfectly dry Is pas.-ed through common Hour. To those of my readers who cannot procure a French chignon, I append tho following recipe: Tulsa live pound of rai-s nnd ft bunch of shavings. An old tin run and n buin hof mt.iws I'liui nn old hat ol bona body's h-uvlngs, And car Its our own toKft ilenr ol the law. Next, get an old Hoddna and stuff it Ith paper, And If It Is possible put In It a mole, Then Bit some old china and am.. mil! grater, And inalio them all up lu u nhe little loll. Put all thebo minus lu n in t of red. And gllsteiiliii! biu.U must cover them all, 1'iien fatten It on to the l .u It of your head, And you will li.iveti nice walerlall. Quu;x Sauc. ... r-, Ui?i i ax Tj. 11 ADIidCIC AM) CO. dealer in UnoKrovorJo Xo, ltf. South Ir a Junior editor of one of our eotcin norarh-s never "breaks his neck" until he is witty, ho will live for somo years yet, unless indeed, a rope breaks It. A'c puhlican. Rest cuy ; while you remain unhung wo are In no danger. You and ono of your reverend assistants tried thoropo business once, ns tho records of our Court show. Do you wish to try It again V Yv'f. find the following confirmations among the latest official acts of (ho Sen ate. Postmaster John 11. Run-el, Uloonwburg; Levi II. Lclb, Ashland. The following In this vicinity were rejected! Peter Purscl, WilkMiarre ; .la- ol3 Salada, Willlamsport; John .1. Crotise, Muncy ; H. H. Oullck, Danville Or.onciK II. litiowx has taken pos seilon of Conner's hotel stand nt Ru pert. Wo bespeak fur him n fair share of eulom, ns no one knows better "how to keep a hotel." Tun Majority Committee of the Mas- saclutsetts tlouxo of Ueprpfcntntivcshas rciiorted against the ratification of the Louiuuiuoihii Amendment. Nebraska liii" been admitted into the Union as a State ; and tho veto of tho Colorado lilll has been sustained. Tun Tenure of Office Dill was pa-sod over the Prc-ldential veto, by both Houses anil Is now a law. E. W. Wvxuoor'H next term of school will commence on Monday, April 8th next. 2 1 COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCE 1'Jilliulclplilu Markets. Wi:infiv, March Onocnnir.'. In sugar, there is a fair bu-ine-'s tloinir. -!) boxes Milil at Ml i-i'iiN iruld. and '25 boxes at i)c, cold, and ol) boxes at lit c. per lb. currency; 13)0 b.igsol Kio coiioo sum at is;e per il, KOlll. Fi.orr.. Th? market continues vcrv unsettled. About 700 bhlssold in lots to the home trade Including Noilliv.-c.stern Mine! lie at :7.(IO'fi Northwest, ill etrn vhi. i'.'ri Norllmv.-iii ruiuilv P.-unsvl nnl.i and Western tiim 1 anr .. SJMli.t IVnnvlvaul.iand Western eMm in.: l'loiowlviuil i and W of.: .'in f oollv 1J.OII.. !.(.. I'ennHVlvnnla nnl Western t.niey .. . .ll.wd'i.W liye Hour i.." Witr.AT ol' prime quality has been in good demand, anil holders nro firm in their view, we quote reunsyivaui red at M.'.io :i.nii; Huithern do. nt $:).(i ("u.10. ami wliiteiitSo.i.i'.iCi.a); rciiiin live ranees nt about Corn is liw-i aetiv, with salesof (i.OOO litw. at !ISe and Oile fur new yellow, and id for ,'; 'Xdav niVas ibiiou;.: 7 IS.) UU ii,utr; l,.-o bti-. wheat; 8,!W0 bus. corn, ;i,(;nn bti. oats. I lMiovisiii.vs-t.ont miie very (itiii, iiut nrit-es are titiflmniictl. Small sile.- .,.);, lU CO!..-,,, vcr ,.,m, ,',. new mess. .Mt-s neei vainrcs liom ti-i.-i o sii for i'-toni and city pricked. :iv I'd .ho:rs sell at M(lc. Smoked are steadv at !":" i"e ; piidled tin a' lfi lfHc Smoked shoulders at II' Mile, and salted do at S;(,i!)le. Lard sells at l.'Kn loic Y lb for prime In bids and tier ce. Srnns Cloversecd is In fair demninl and -Di) lniliels were sold at from rSs.on (iifO.nn iter bus, tlie latter rate for choice; tlmotliv sells ut S 1.00 and ilaxsccd nt S:J. Hi'.. per bus. .-Iurl. t It. pot (. Wheat per Uusln 1.... lte l nr-i " . . 1 lour perljancl ( !o ev-.eeil I'l.iv. id Hmlel I. tt 'I'.ltloW I'olaloes IVVd Apple' P. I; . . . II. nn Side '111 1 sljollhler l.'ird per pound . f S Sll . I II II so 2 .VI I'l !' 12 I. i' V) Hay per lou MAUUIT31). M;.'KAOV-V)!IY.'-Oii the '-nth lilt., In !!erwl 'It. bv liev. A. It. llottelisleln. Jtr. S. II. llail-'sou, of lluntliuton, to .Miss hue I'owler, of lit rwlcll. KfSXi::Ji:i!l!M:n-M It.irleton. on llie Sit I) nil bv ll. v. Mr. Newllli. Mr. .1. II. Kl-llel. of StOv-ktou, to .Ml.., Kmtaa .I.Jei lard of lta.-.Ii lou. --In fireenwond township, on Ihe Till Ills. , I. Kves lo Ml l llelld s I ereuionv, Mr. .1 .: i i. l.lli'U K. i:e-, nil k; f lil.eliwoo-l. T I E 1 . , V.V.V.' Iti M. mnt VU asjmt, oti tlio iUth lilt., John 11. Jtrimur, iit;iHi itiitfii jtius, CMi'.V.I.Y-At thf (iiInv.'Us.i iiv MIH, fn ih' tsi imt., wiy Mui'iniy ui m-jin ii- -i-.-. IK'iuy Cimniuui, iui-il iilioul tliiny-Jtvi' . ctiv. n i ri.7'-iii .n'li n.nvn. fin il'H "( li or.Innu- iV-v, itatuhti-r Df Vt.ti-y nnI 1,ku Hh--n, uiitsi tliivi' uiontli"aiil tWL'ntj-tuuihtjh. ll'of(ir.N.7 fin Jnniun.1Kt, C'lmrh" 'ofI wiril, --on l John nul Muiyiuet Ui'Urt, used hi.v tniiiitlnaiiil uiiiUy,, V A lilinll MII.CII COW, rart Ilillham. she ha a line calf three welts old, and I hi all l,speLlsudeslrableb..rlin. I'or piirlU lllal im.llllellt IIIISj Ul 1'ILI.. Man Ii 1, I'i7, PiTllI,IC SAl.i: O'-" VALUABLE 1I:a1. i:VI'ATl:. In I'ursiianee ot null-Is or .,. on.i,i.ii.' I,,. nls oi lolltoill- mid Cotumbl.i eotititie., I'n., the uii'h-rsliitied, adtiilnlstl'atois of lluimoll llllieini, laie oi ,i..iei, inn lowiisiuii, l.s eollllllii eounty, dice.ied, U. I .Apon, lo sale bv i nolle vendue, at the hot. 1 ofJolm lllittalii lo While 1 1 .ill, .Monioui loiiuly, on TIirii-sllAY, MAl'.l'lI TWi:NTV-rn!-T, at twihe o'cloi 1: 'I., a lerliiiii piece or paieil of land, silt lie p.llllS 111 Al.l'llo:i lowusillli, v oilllll- hlu eoiiiin, end partly In Anthony township, Montour eounly, e.iiilallllu o.nm: iii'.suiti:ii anh two At'itr-s more or less, luleiliilna lands late or Win. I'.llls, Win. Ad uu, 11- Kins and other; the Improve mi nts in iiu a 1AKJ HOl'SK AXI) U)(i liAllX, Hi orcluid, und tiomit thirty mil's flt-nrcd ; thu iMlUll'V Wi 11 tiniln ii'd. .1 -i mtMiilu-riuiTtlof latid.hituati'ln Mad-li-on iouwhi, loluinbia count v, adjolnlnu tin ahoe. l.iiul el Adam Hpi Ins, and oil it t'ontuin lnl ta'iny-ihv ih-ics and luenty-oiiH t'ithf., moitini Itr-s, and lifiiut wt'U ttmlifivd land, late i ".'SiJin-i-rmrATi.. MII'IIAlfl, WINI l.AllllN'l:!!, rebruary ;.', 1-iiT-ll. AdinluMratois. i IIPL IXrATII. In puiMUUU'O ot un order ol tliL'tuphau Court of Cdumhi.uaint, , Pa., oh SATCltlAV, M AllCII TIUUTIKTII, nt tt n oVloelt in U.e forenoon, Tlionvi' Hrss, Cx eMitot'ol' 1 " dericl; Hew-, lato of miluMo-u lowii slilh, in ial.i etmuty, d.-cfuveii, w ill expo to hale by nuhU veiulne. on tin1 pivmlws nr-nnln lues MMijenud tniel()fUtvl.hituate iuUsi:n;U.iih'Wii Jiiii tijlumhUeoiintv.linundt'dliv LmtNtif Ih nry Ht, Collin htulltr, Daniel i:ciluut and cilhvu, idiit. lining oni; nuNimiU) and TiuiiTV-nvi; acui, inoraorUhK, on whli li I cu t tod a I'laino Ilou-e and ru, 'Hit'io i uKo u lino orchard on the uremic, mid pint of Ihe land In a ood si ito ot cultivation, Late tho t -dale, of hatd dtceaMd, hit uaio la thu to;vu.shtpund eountv aforesaid. Jhsh coi dm AN, Clerk, lllooniahurg, I't-bruary l'J, 1K7. CniUtinm of Mite .'-Ten per ot nt. of ono.fomtli of tl.o purchase money at t!ic hii tMnLj down of tho m'opniy ; iiuMiin-PiiuiiiwiMuini p'i'i ,.t m iw.'.i.tlniiationalHoJtito. and Ihw lemalulim LEGAL NOTICES. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. -CY-RsrATKOF MAltY EtSr.NllAlIT, IIKC'II. Let ters of administration to the estate of Mary Klscnlintt. Into ofL-ntawlssn township. Columbia couhty.dcctnsoil, havobecli Brnnted by the Regis ter oi loiilllini-i counts, io licouarii itiiiius, ut said county. All persons hnvitiiz claims or de mands nualnst tho estate-of tho decedent urn rc UttcRled loinaUc them known to thcndimnlstra lor without delay, und nil persons Indebted nro iciucsicu m mane payment. r March 1, HK-CI. Administrator. A DMINISTRATOR'H NOT I OK.- v. i I NT Air. or Jost.i'ii ltonnis-s, 1ii:c'n. belters of administration to theostat.of Joseph Rolihln, Into of tliccnwood township, Columbia county, coiuniida county. deceased, has been emitted by thn Register of iltiniht-i counlv. 1o Clinton Bobbins. All sons Iiuvliiii claims ordemandsmialust the estate of the ilcimlpiit nn1 rc-quested to ninlto them known to tho administrator without delay, nnd all p( rsnus Indebted nru leum-sted to make pliy- IlH 111, 1 I.I.WU.s', uticnwnod, i tn, Z-, 17-tit. Auiiunisi nior. A U )l'R)ll'ri NOTICE. In- Tin: Ok- X V. plnii' t'oiirt or the fVamty of Cohnnbln! IMnlc or .IOH.V W.I.Ti:it, ileeeil'eu. The ailcll torTiitpolnti'd bv the Court to mako tllHirlhutlon or tin lul'tlice of 1 lie estalo or -.aid ile-ea-.ei1. In the bnnil of l:llda Jolin, llxeeutor of the fald .tiihn Wi.tti.r. Info of I.oi-list towtishlti. Ill Sfltd county, ileeeaed, will meet tno parlies lor mo purpo-e oi III aii)oininieiii, on iiiu-o. ;,V,rl! iilnlli, A. Ii. 1Mi, ut ten nVlojlc a. in., at hi In liliKiiiKbuiK. i;um.lll l ci.Aiii:, Am.itor. l eoiuur-t 1 1, l-i... DMINISTUATOH'S NOT I CK. ins til' uiltnliiWlnitlmi tti tlio Mnlt! of Imnl'-l ITuwir, l.itt tr I'mnKim lowniiini. nmimum i-.ittnt-v ilo.M.n-ui.,1 lii-i tl ir.ltl.fif liV thn lift'. Uiof f.t vii LI iiimtitv tiil 1 mm ii 4 I uu nr fiiiil 11umt. All per.nns iinviny; emim or u-finuiiu-i xv; tlnt tl.f C'Hitilo or 1 lie tU-rp(lciit tin reiiUfHtcd to imiki1 ilioiii known without Ueluy. nnd luiUUi'il to tiiaUo iiiiyment. rbruaiy 1, lC7-0.v. Ailmlnlstralors. A DMlXISTIiATOR'S XOTICK. XA. l:.rATi: of HMVi:t l'untii, pi:crMi. T.t Her of nilloluw lotion lo llie evinio OI Mllliuel i eller rue oi r-cou iiovii-ioii, i iiimiimii wiimi, ilert.iieil.hnvi' heeiiKiiuilediiytiieiiei'.ieroiuid eonnle, to Milnni 1 Nevleml. All peions bovine, em nn orii-'oituui-. nim-i " --V ,l. . (pievted to mnl.'e them l;novu iltlioutdelny, an I those lilt ebted lo iii.n.i' l' ""-'" Mtrin. xrviiMti), IVhrunry 1, 1H"-Cw. Ailnilnlslriilor. DJIIXISTUATOn'.S XOTICK. Jr. KST T1' UK JAfOH KKI.I.i:il, PfcCEACEIi. Letter or udinlnMintlon on tho c.nile or.bieot) Ki-ller, lnli-of lleaertowlihlp,'olulobin eounty, ileeeiisi d, hne been Granted by the ItcsMer of sill.1 eountv toJolm Mlebnel. All jieroiis ha Intr el'ilm or ilein.inds nsnlnst I ho Mild eslntu nro r qllesteil to pleent thetll for l-elllement Without delay, ifndiill iiero"'- .iideiitedtouuikepaynient. JIlKN JIICIIAEL, AillllluKllutor. .Tnnu.iiy 2", 1m!7-iw. I DMIXISTltATOIfS NOTICE. iV i:tvii: oi- Pi.wcili.a llAYHL-usr. iirr'n. I, i lent "f adiniiiMral Ion to tlie etnto or l'ri'.cllla llinhul!, late or l-atuwlsa township, Columbia eounty, d." eaeil, hac U ell granted by the Hc-b-Mer of (Wiiml)la eounly to Henry I(nllln:r bead. All perons linvliu elahns or (leninn Is nimlut the said etato are requested to mako them known to tliendinlnlslrator whliout delay, and all peiois linb-ltled lo make pavinelit. lin.NUY, rebrunry s, lDT-ow. Adiulnlstrator. DJIIXISTIIATOIt'S NOTICE. A i Isi.wr or srsANNA kiti.ui. m. i.asmi. I., iters or itdlulliNtrntloll totlieesltil. .! Hlisantia Milt r. latent Hellion low lllllp, t'ollliobia comity, dec-asisl has e been uniiited by thu ltculsterof said eounty to John II. Uelshline. A.i persons havliu claim orilenriiids ii2.ilnt the s ild et.ilo are it ipieled to 'nitUo t hem known to tlie mini In llrator wllhout delay.and all persons Indebted to iiiiike payment. , joiin ii. lmistiuNi:, February s, lr,7-6w. Administrator. i DMINiSTIlATOll'S NOTICE.- 2. INrvtr or Jci.iann Howkii, Un-i- vrn. Lfiii'ts of .i'lmilutiatiou on the i -lab- of .lull aim ltowor, late ol I'enlro township, L'lUmlitu eountv. dei'i"ii'd. Il ive been i;ralltl'd by the Uetf Uterol ald isiuoiy to Ouiii-1, residing In the townhip and county nr.irealil. All persons h ivin.t elallo on the estate are reqlli sted to pre sent tin in dulv authenticated rorsettlement, and tnoe icnow toe. iiieni'-eives ii.uenieo lo ins esiuio will liial.e I'tiynu tu loi'inu-itih DANinti novi:u, AilmlnHtmlnr. lXKC't'TOHS' NOTICE. 1 jir Wii-mam IEunuiN", iiKrr.i ,. i:tati- IiKrr.!-ii. ljt'ttoia IJltlH'tlliirV nil tilt) On 1 11 It' Of ill lltfll Uounlns. inti'ol I ili n"i,rt,f Ii tim tislftp, C'oluiiihl'i fotinty, !..,.. i.i. .1 li.iv.Jim n liV tin. ItiHsitnr i.f s.iid I'cunt.vM'' ('.It. VliitL nnd M. A. Anuiicrmnn, All DLMNiiiw h i 1 1 i fl.itiii mr'iln-.t tlK? i-sutt1 urtt ic(iirhtc4l Ik juv-icnt tlit'iu fur hPtthiut-iit, ami 1 1 USl lll'II IIIVH UP Ull CMillf lt Ill.UiU IMJillCIll li. 111 l 1j, A. AMMt.UMAN', lVhrniiry 1', ltrr-flw. lixeentnrs-, X Till; COt'IET ok Common Tuias imt niK i 'tirs i'V of Coi.UMiti : CHAliLKs i:i.ui.v "i LMw.ibi'rTerm, 130il, I. y 0.1:1 M.Kiid tn.r r,vri:i.v. ) In Dlvmr', 'In .Miuirfiii 1 i:ei-iv. Iltsnointl lit. Mtliluiilf :- l'ln'(,mi h!i u ri 1 lit i(l il ruin nn vim tti linw tiuisi' v liv mHoii-f n tinctiln nrn'runmili sliuu'd n it Ito ilfvttiM. Ititturnabie Moiui.iy, May Mxin. IViT. at l'J uVIiil'I: 11. nt. hAMlTJi H'Vr!;i:. MirrJtr. ltUirimslmrc, Matidi 1, l'7. is T 1 FOlt T Mi: CO CUT or Common Vluxh ivimi:im. ltuvr. li Iht) UtcL'inhcr Ti-riii, Ti ii (M vs lluAr. ' f In JMWirtV. TuThoniiis Uoiii. ICosn indent Sir: The Co-irt tmve uiiinti'il n uilf tm tui to how cuisy wnv n divoii'i 11 ruic'tln iiifttriHiotilt hoitldliol h s.t'i .' I'd. It.-tuniaLilf Monday, Mxth. v.,7,nt Mi. ' . 1; lllooipOmrir. M:rr'i 1, 1"',?, rin-: I'orirr or common- 1'i.las L foi in Till. I'or.MV ol' Coi.rMliiA : ..i a it .1. M snn.mi. by hen 1-cbiuary Term. ISO" in xt ti lend Amos Jfaruiu, Jo. II, n. AMiiiKv.'J. Manmmi. In iJlvorce. To Andiew .1. M.iunlne:, Uciondent, sir: TI.e l-niirt bus eiauleil 11 ru e on .sou to show cms bv a itlvolee 0 rlitcu'n tmitrtiiiotlll s'lould not be .lie'le, ,1. Ill tlllU'lble, . Monday, M.IV .sKth, 1-1)7, al I'L. '.!. I; a. m KAMI i:i. S.NYIJi;tt,.'hll l!looin,bull!, March I, 1M.7. X Till-: Oltl'lIAXS' OJUUT IX iitwl tit I ho i'i i'l nt v iif I 'ol n m hln ! I li I hp hint t 'mUh'M'-tatotit JACOII CVKIIIIAUT, latotX tntiliwe w iisui n, iit-eeaeu. i't unw 10 wn IVhrunry llitli, en motion of .Mr. Itrockwas attorney tor Ir-ntiM" I- II. I-Utle. I.sij., wiii ft? noiuiiii aimiitir. on ici nioni men to ine i ount of Am:u.tiis i:erlrMt, executor of bald do' ce.i'.t'd. and to in.tUedMiiimtion. ty thu Court, l'rom the leeord. 1 he auditor ttbovn naiiud wdl uiteinf to tlie itn !-.ol nn aoi"i ntiiieni. in iisoiino in fiootii 1 uin.onsiturd.iv, tlie twi iitv-ll)lriday nrM.iifli, l-d7, t't u n o cloeli n. m., wht'uand wueiu all ties inuriMui may uiuuo. i:. II, MTTLi:, Audttor. 1'chiunry I. 1V.7. TX Till? OHIMIAXS'S COUHT IX l nn I fur the Counrv fit' Co iiMhtn In themut h i-of tho estato t)f WILLIAM 11111., Lite l (iriinye township, deeeaed. And imvv. lo wit. I (. til Hill J "I.MO, 4-1K, 111" UII I M PI" Mill J il. l.ll tl... mid 1 tor if i 01 iLf( ii,,triliiii!on of the h it iiuee in the haihN nt at'fountants, .1. II, 1'i-ltaial S Achfiihaeh, executor, truuid ninoii-'itlhe-cu-il ltoi--. Hy the Court, i mm tho record, .iK-hi: Cdlemas. Clcrlt, Theaudltor nhovo inimed will attend to tho dnili's ufhK appoint mi hi-otllL'0 In Ulnomt hnu', on .Saturday thu Hreiity-thlut day of Miuvh 1---7, at leno'tloetc, a. ni and vhet'o all p.ullu uieies uu may uut'iiu. . ,, L. II. LITTLH, Auditor. IVhnmry 18-17. X TIIK OHIMIAXS COUUT IX I und for tho county oi (ounnnta: ier ot the petition i-1 the nuatdlan of I'lULU1 KI L I. l.ll, tor Mill- oi kiui mitiorti rem t-vtiuei tut tiiiU-- to wit. Ki'lmnrv eeut)l. lk17. M. M, 1 .Velle, I Vj., ppp ilntcd eonimllouer' to it port ttn Mfti Mini nt t-pinion, tic. lly tho Couit. 1'tom tli' ia:ord. .Ii.-.k LVj.i:mav. fieri:, Tho CotnmhsdoiK-r above named will attend to the dot If td UN tippoininuni ai ino ouite u Win. II, Ahhott. In Cutav -nt Columhia county on Wednesday, the invuiieth lav of March, lo, lit ten o eio Mt, it, in., iun mm voufu 101 juiui liili.f.-sli 1 nine nth nd. 'M, M. JVULLr.fommlS'.loner. i i nruary .-, ii7-tt. n.5rATT:"7)F "ucvi ashtox. di I J ci AHi:i. T Ann .!ittm, William J.Kpt mil steplh n iproul, Mt nilh JU-ss iutcrininrlal with Nathan les,Natah 1.M-, 1 oul-a Wimldlnp Inter man let! with John spiildlng, Allen lives, l'.irvln, iilitl ,li'Me -., ii 'in or Levi AMlUMl, ue eeaed, und to all other pn'-tun-i liUeruhtcd, greet' 111!' Yon ina liercliv cited to Lo nnd appear Lefnra l uu .1 uiu'i'i ot our tirpii.oiH i uiiu if uu oeiti in inooiuiiairi;, lou my t i outiuma, on tue or- Mondnv ot Mu v. next, tlx-n and there to ae t em or rciuo to iaae uie rem cbimeoi nm mu i l tv Aklitnn il nved. ut the iiiiuratsed viilit l Ion mil unit i tt liv nn himifwL dll V uw.,rded liV tl e wad Court, and lelurned by iLe Shcrlfl", or hhnw-cuuto wliv tlie kiino should not oo hour Wltnes-i tlie llnnorab o W II am I; wul . l'n h! dent of our -aid Court, at Hlnoiu-buig, the l.lh nay oi reuruary, a. ik. tNi. J Jlsl-1 COLl'.MAX.Cleri. O. C, Ulonnihburtr. I'thruary i 1-07, MOTICK.-ALL PKHSOXS KNOW- -Li inu'tlieiirtlveindttiied to tlio nndcrdyned on liuAi Acenunt or by oie, nro iefihiei it mako pavmeut by the twenth lli of M-rcli noxt, 'I'lu.wi. t.llliiir In ivniinlf wllb tbU llolioe. WW liiixothflrnccouutH.iti'., pl.ieoil lu tlio lamdsof mul,l0lCOUU'Cr,0rTlN, MILLAUP, nnd I. K. HIIAN." gTATKMKNT OF TIIK FIXANCEd Oi THE COUNTY OV COLUMBIA, FROM Jntinnrjr Ut 1500, to Jnnunr)- lit 1S07 Tun Auditors rlfetnlto settle find odJnU tho luihllc ncfounU oi Columbia County, rripoctfully lirft lcno tu report tlmtthcy linve oxnmlncd the sniiio from tho Ilrnt dny of Jrtnunry, A. o. ono ilny of Jnnurtry, A. u. ono thounmt ulght hundred nnd tlxty-fvtn,nivl rc-poctfully lny bolorn tlio Jlonoinblo Judnct of tho Court of Common Vvrh of mid County, thp followliiR Statement nnd ltf ion, nurt'fnoiy 10 ino iweiiiyr-uronci spfiion oi ho Art ot (Jc-nt-riil Afccmblv of this Common- wnnlMi. imMcd the fourth tiny of April, a. u. KUt J07A' J, .V7AW, Tnasurfrof Columbia Coun- ty, in iiccount w nn tnia coumy. DR. ISM. Jan. 1. To nirouiit outstnndln? for IvJinnd irelous jertri Co317 21 Aiuount enh rccoUcd of bun'l M'lii-nry iiiio j K'usuitr, as per Auunor repoit, 281 CI do ('mh wplv(dof DanlctM'lIfnry hitn Trpfiurrr. for sutnlrv tnL'i 1512 Sfl Vcb.o. Cnih tt Snnuuil Kelclinrr. of Hrl- nrerpuic township, lor Keeping rutbnrlno Kult. 80 M 7 W rob. fl. Cash of II. .1, llcoder, for plank, nt. J), casti or iiiium uiw ion, inua ic- dotn('i1. Atirtl ft. ("nth of .Tfw. Motcllrr. for brlfl;, Muylu. Cali nf Mauuiel Nii.dr( Slicriir, I l )HI lCt. Ill KUll Ol U1U UIUIUJ- tt. W in. Strtter, collector of Con yiun.uu township, Tontnounior County tax usc red for Isiwi, 13 1) June. .lu ne?; Aug. Hept. I iiin or ucoigo inumy, innaic tlremod, Cah ii'cclved for tfl'toq on Broted nnd nnoated lands icturiivd, Ca-b orHniuucl Kclctmer. of ilil nrcictU nnvnhlp, for keeping 1 13 1Q10 II i niniinnr uu. 77 40 10 60 170 00 M 00 SI M r,no oj Oct. Dec. 19. To amount ten day nsesment In llnrouKh of llenilck, Jury res nnd Hiil of Josso Cole man, l'rothouotnry, To eah of dov tax fund paid ns Mssors for l-'Cfl, Amount tiutitandlns, balnnee, To sundry taxen, 2-01!) 57 OR. IJy nmount outstanding for lSC0,nnd pre- vlou years, S5-T12 4? Ily exonemiloii-i nllowed collectors 111 23 ltv i:ominlloners ' " 10ii o1) lly nm't of i.-ounty orders reilecmed 17,70.1 11 lly 'I'rensurer'i, eonunUnlon on S15,DlIJ S7 nt four per cent., C!0 TK) lly balaiieo duo County, Sflns 70 i3,010 S7 JO tr.' J. Treasurer of Columbia Coun ty, lu account u uu thu tax ou uog. Atrinimt niitstnndlllt? for ISOj and nravl- oils years, cii v-i nssecsed lor 1C0, 1.2S3 40 duo lruuiiuur, &ijiii ;'J1 Ul CIt. Amount nolsfniidlin? nnd tilirolleeted. 917 00 exoneiallonuuoucu eoneeiore, w commission, 3 00 Rbeep damage, orders ledeenied, 1,3J2 73 pai'l assessors lor assessiiieufa oi tax lor the year l-JiU, SO 00 Treasurer', eommUsloll on 31, 412 73, 70 C3 .',351 01 KTPEXDITfltCH. AUDITORS' AND CX.EItK'3 PAY. Amount pnl.l Auditors and Cleric. $13 00 in win miiuiiin. .iu.uouoLnrv and ltceistir'H account, 15 ro tia w assi:s30i:s' pay. Amount pal 1 assessors for Spring assess- ...ilil, llItlDOi: CONTIIACTS. SJ05 13 .Vmount paid Huvld Savage, brldgo In W. A. idle, bridge In rishlng creek, W. A. Kile, bridge In Susnrfoaf P. I.. S3humn " PruuLUn ) CO SI) VI 1,173 00 tafiio oj lmiiiGr. kei'aihs. Amount paid John Ilerner. fW 01 111 51 li.ivm rt.ivaKi-, " Aaron Kcttr for planlc, '- 1. llartmau, " s UUU1..1 Applemun, " M. L. Woodward " .lolinLjt-r, " l'hlllp Uriiwford for stem) " John Mordau, " Wllliani i;vir. " Josl ill 11. l-'urman. " S'undry persons, " Mouttiomcry Colo. 16'.' 3J TI sis :a 40 00 A h) (11 31 55J.I 50 1US UJ 1SJ7 li. Ufii) 01 IIIjANK ISOOK3. iVmount nald fir blank books for Pro. iiiououiry ana i;cisicr, ii itj COUNTY HUIIDl SGS. Amount mid Riindrv persons for matcrl- iiisiiiinisuc'iun'i worKiopnv.- bow ll for repairs nt t.uuit lluso and Jail dining tlio yew, Ai-., 13) 13 cli:a.vinq couut iiousk. Amount p.iM to nuudry pcisonii, M com missi on i:r.'s atto ux i: v. Amount to W. Wirt. CoiuinlbhlGuer'n At torney, 5,u vj court cnimt. .Vmount to M. Coirniau for tlio year ISM, K7 M CON.STAUl.U'.S ItliTUItNS. mount itald to thn seveinl Constftbksi uuiii.K yoar, siw u COMMONWEALTH C03T3. Amount paid to sundry persons, -107 33 COMMISoIONlUtS AND CI.tUK. .Vmount paldT.J. V.uidersltcc.Commlss'r $S 00 " .llell .il.illll, - iiio VJ 1 " John l. l'ow Ier ' -JjO 00 ' " Montyoincry Cole " 1 o) 1 " It. C. 1'iult Cleric. Coo 0'J 1 " " expenses to liar- rl5buri; 10 00 51,250 00 msTiticr ATTOUNIIV. Amount paid U.II.r.llllc.Htu Dlst.Atfy. S12I M -ii. .11. l ruugn, ii w i:t,i;crio.v i:xrnxsi;s. Amount vald fcttlidrv oerholis for prlng i-ii'i-iioii sjji iai juid Miniiry peri-ons lor l-oor House ami general election TJI Sl.ll.-J 33 rUUL. Amount forco-l .t Mood for Court Iloaso and Jail t l'.u VOX AND WILD CAT PCAI.r.i. Amount to sundry persons 75 'JO INCIDENTAL EXI'U.SSr.S. .Vmount of stationery, etc., for court. $13 00 INUl'.ANCi:. Amount to Lycoming Mutual Ins. Co., f INQULSTtf. Amount to. I. O. Oulek. llso.. on C. Wal- ICl-S 51V Ot to Wm. M. lloaztand on Thos. Divloo 10 3 to Ji 11. Case, M. D oKanlnln lioJv of Kaiiiuel Waranco at lIKUfst, 5 00 e-S 7.1 JUl'.OUS WAOUS AND MILlIAOn. Aoioiint In .Tur-irs fit tho saveral courts utirinj ino yeur ti.wj i MllDICAL Knnvicw. monnt nilil Hi. V. C. Harrison, nttond. mice on prisuiieis, hi ritOTHOXOTAUV. Amount paid Jesso Coleman, rrolh'y.. 8103 CO 1'ltIXTIXO. Amount lo W. II. Jncobv. f 1?3 Oil io.i, r. nan u-r. ii-w to U L.Tall. W Oo tol'.Ju'in il 00 .111 W ro-T.VGi:. Amount paid I). A. llccl-.ley, r. M. S3 I'nXlTKNTJAKY. Amount paid T. lll-i I'ouvieii, iht- " pal 1 State Lunatic Hospital for the support of Cittiuriuu hult 1'.7 0 ItOAD AND IilUDCli: VIEWS. Amount vnid sundry persous for roadnnd bridge li, UOAD I)A.MAOr.f. Amount paid Thomas K norr, llloom t p , " Wni.Kiliie,.Iaolikon tp., 4W 7H lo ,T, w. t:cii, liiiarcu cK ip., II. A. Itowm 111 o73 Ami rv I'leas. IV) l) W, 11, Kobblns.Grcemvood tu. 13 mir.nirr'a hill. Amount paid Sauiiul r-nydcr for board. in prisoners " " i-onveyinKNntlinnlil Verry lotbo llousoofneiiigeiind Ismio Hint lol'.b, 1',-iilicn- uoiixcyltntAltralinnirwilor " is th n. e. TfiilL-mlnry 470 70 W siinr.p DAJtAon. Amount paid toumlry pcron to wit! Ulooni towti&hlp lienton M (Ireenwood " llrlarcrotlt " Centro " rislilnccrcelt " JncKsou " Locuit " Mndlnon " Mnlno " Mt. l'lcnsont " Montour " Oningo " l'lno " JlemlO'V " Hiuniloif M ' Hcott " Miraiu " 141 CI U) 110 1S7 P0 139 00 nr, it) fj so 93 W a oo 00 eo m 61) 60 w m fti 00 m tJ2 60 r9 00 101 00 41 7S SlTO 75 STATE ItOAD. Amount poMlnylnj out Stnto Uoad thro' Columbia nnd Luiertio countlci TIT BTAVIH. Amount pnM nt tho several courU CIS 01 tCT CO TAXr.S IlCrUNDED. Amount of raid, nchool nnd county tunes . retunded by tlio overnl to-nslilp 1,920 23 Amount of older Ismoilforlhu year ISM SlJ.SlCl 03 Deduct nmount of sheep nulcrn luod ier the ye ir 1)) f l-ITH T3 tnxenefundedtotonnslilp 2s 3,500 01 Actual oxpcnv for year 1HCJ S15.S0I GO We this iindprslirnpil Auditor of Columbia county, belntf duly elected to ndjust and cttlo tlio nccountsof tho Trensurcrnnd fommlslonuri, ceitiry tiiat wc met nt tno oince or tho coin lKlnnr In tltonin Outre, nnd rnrffullv exam. .ietl the neeounls nnd vouehcrM ot the Mtine from the tlrst day of January, a. ri.lOJ. totltellrstUay .January, a, jj. nnu mm iiiein eorreci ui t forth in the forego I nc statement, and wc find balance due Columbia County of mo thousand etcht liundreil and eitity-two dollars nnd sevcu tytlx criif. 7C ftom John J. Stilw, Tron suter of Knld county. mven under our imnui inio ei(nin nnyoi jan uniy, a. iJ.oiiuthoiisanJt'lglitliundredaud sixty soen. . k JOHN 1'. h'aN.VOX, I Auditors, lt(ft(.' DAXICL I.I.E, arr. Wr tlio undorslancd. Commissioners of Colum bia county, do eel Illy tiiat tho foreKoiug lq a cor rect staiement of tlio account of bukl county fr voar iwi-j. Wltc our liandK, January olehtn. 1SCT. J. I'. l J-Comtn'rs. Attest: Wt. KmcKUACM, Clerk. At-rnoVED by tlio Court, February four'b SOT, Dloomsburg, lcb. 8, lb'J7. HARDWARE & CUTLERY. QIIARLES W. SNYDEIl, DCAIEU IS II A It V) W A R E, IRON, NAILS, STEEL, AC, AC, AC. MAIN STREET. ULOOMSBUItO, I'ENX'A. Tako this method of Informing the citizens of Co lumbia couty, that he has opened nn extensivo Hardwaro store on Main street, In Bloomsburg, near Iron street, nnd that holm on hand n. LAHUKIl HTO-IC AND Bl.TTCU AliAORTED than inn bo found any hero clso In the county, tnd which ho Intends to sell at prices which defy competition. CIIAJXS, jVXES, steel, iron. have chains, nil sizes, axes, all make nnd weight, steel, all sizes, Iron, all shapes, and all very low. BUILDER'S HARDWARE, " of every descriptions. Nails, nxle pulleys, sash cords, latches, locks and knobs, butt screws, sash fasts, window springs, base knobs, strap hinges, h ips nnd staples, hooks and staples, and In fact everything needed in that line. COACH & WAGON MAKERS' HARDWARE, embracing n'.most avery thing In that line. Also HARNESS M AK SRS HARDWARE, Buckles, Japanned; buckles, sliver plated ; bltts of every kind , II.VMts, Iron : pad trees: Hamf.s, wood : saJUle trees, gi trees, jjlrth eb, worsted and cottuu i thread, situ, awls and needles, tools of all kinds. i-1 lOEMAKER'S HARDWARE, A full assortment for carpenters. I haveplanes all kinds, saws; hand, pannel, rip, and compass squares steel, Iron, nnd try : boring machines, chlsles, nusers, buvels, mallets, bracts, gauges. plowp, rules, bit;, und about t-vcrj thing for car penters. FOR THE TEOl'LE GENERALLY' I have- hods, coal shovels, scoops, coal sifters, latit ern,tnb!e cutlery.pocltet cutlery, i-laltd spoons, plated foi feo pnts,ljuttcr knlves.nilll saws, crosscut sa s, elrcjlar saws, gang saws, Mies, horte sho- s.wivnehe.s, rl ets.ham mers, hatchets, mattocks, picks, forl.n, ftiub blng hoes, shovels, spades, spading forks, hoes, rakes, bed pins, twine, skates, plows, cofiln trim mlngs, Emery, red chalk, white chalk, wire, horse nail", meat cutters, scales, wash boards, horso buckets, wooden palls, clothes pins, glue, door mats, porch mats, par lor mats, corn poppers, paint brushes, lurse brushes, sleigh bells, heel coins, enamel ed kettles, brass kettles, copper kettles, Etcwkettles,F,auco pnns.broad axes, nails, Sledges, curtain fixtures, Thimble skeins nnd boxes, Pumps, lead pipe, etc., T.uml ropo and hundreds of unities not ,enu. merated constantly on bund ut CIIARt.l.'s W. SNYDER'S, Main Street, Rloomsburg. DRY GOODS. rtREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES Ji .,. IN LIGHT STREET, or FALL AND WINTER GOODS. TIIK subscriber has Just received and has on hand ut his old bland In Light Wlrcel, a largo aud select ASSORTMENT OF MERCHANDISE purchased at the lowest Ilpure, nnd which he is determined to sell on us moderate teims uscau be procured elsewhere lu Light Street, ion c.iif on cou.vrnr I'ltODCCB. His stock consists of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, choicest styles and latest fashions, Calicoes, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, HosUiy, Carpets, milts, Shawls-, READY MADE CLOTHING, Satluelts, Cisslmeis, Cottonadee, Kentucky Jeans, AC, AC, A1 GROCERIES, Quccnswnr. Cedarware, Hardware, Medicines, 1)1 ugs, Oils, Paints, Ae. ROOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, In short everything usually kept In a country store. Tho p.ilionage of lilold filend" and the puullc generally, Is lespcetfully sollcltod. Hio highest marUi t price pat.l for country pro. dutv. PETER EXT, Light Street, January 1, Iwi7. J E R C II A N D I S E . NOTICE IS IIEBEUY GIVEN To my friends and the public generally, that all kinds of DRY GOODrf, GROCERIES, QUERNSWAr.E, NOTIONS, &L, are constantly cn hand and for salo AT lSAF.TOX'S OLD STAND, lll.OOMSllU'K'l, BV JAMBr) K, EYER. 3- Ab Me Asent fur F.niV PjioarjiATr or I.tus. ljrrel8.tKUHni!rfnhsii). JWiS'. CLOTHING. JEW STOCK OF CLOTIIINO. 1'icsli arrival of rALi. and wixmn OOOM. david Lowr.xnnno Invito attention to hi, stock of ClinAI AND FASHIONABLE CLOiniXO. at his store on Main Street, two doors above, the American IIou,, Tiloomsbiirg, !',, whero ho has Jt't received from Xotv Ytfrli aoj rnllailclphln a full lessorlmcnt ot MEX AND BOYS' CLOTIIIXO, IncluJtnst tlio most f.vshionablc, durablo, and handsomo DRES3 O00D3, consisting of dox, sack, rnocit, oujr, and oil-cloth COATS AND TANTH, of all sorts, sires, nnd color. Ho has also replen ished his aliendy largo stock of fALL AND WIXTCU SHAWL-3. BTIHPED, FIOUItED, AND TLAIX YEHTO, SIIIItT.S, CUAVATH, STOCItS, COLLAKH. iLvxDicr-nciiiErs, gloves, HUSPEXDEIW, AND FANCY He has constantly on hand a largo nnd -troU-so- lected assortment of CLOTHS AND VESTIX03r which hols prepared to make to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, and In tho best manner. All his clolhlns Is rnada tovrcar, and most of It Is of homo manufacture. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWELUY, of every description, flno and cheap. Ills case of Jewelry Is not surpassed In this place. Call and examine his general nssoitracnt of CLOTHING, WATCHES, JEWELIIY, 40. DAVID LOWEXBUnO. JEW CLOTHING AND GENTLE- Tho undersigned respectfully announces to hi m"ny friends that he has opened a new Clothing and Gentlemen's Furnishing Store, In tho Iowa room of the llnrtman Building, southwest corner of Main and Market Streets, Bloonuburg, To, Having Just returned from Philadelphia irlti Largo Stock of I'AT.L ANn wtXTm r-T.nTTTTjn and jGEXTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Ac, 4 he flatters himself that ho can please oU. ma stock comprises MEN'S, BOYS', AND YOUTHS' CLOTEOXO. such ns DRESS COATS, SACK COATS, OVERCOATS, BIIIRT3. PANTS, VESTS, UNDERSHIRTS. DRAWERS, COLLARS NECK-TIES, HOSIERY, SUSPENDERS, HANDKERCHIEFS, UMBRELLAS, &a and In fact everything In tho Clothing or Fur nishing lino at very low prices. In addition to tho above ho has an olejant ii sortmcnt of CLOTHS, CAS3IMERES, AND VESTIN CLOTHIXG MADE TO ORDER AT TUB SHORTEST NOTICE. Call and see beforo pureha-ila; elowhro, ncX SECURE GREAT BARGAINS. octC-ly J. W. CHEMBERLAIX gNYDER, HARRIS & BASSETT, jinuiaciurcrs nnu jooocrs oi MEX'S AXD BOY'S CLOTIIIXO, Nos. CM Market, and 'iH Commerce Street, Philadelphia. MISCELLANEOUS E. A. HENDRY, Pucce-sor to Hendry A Harris, Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer la BOOTS AXD SHOES, No. 33 North Third Street, Philadelphia. jyll. W. H. 15RADLEY, tiaio jsismui .npuicni unvcior w. ri. Army, p ii y s i c i a n a d sunoi;o lu 4'B" Ofllco at'the Torhs Hotel, Iiloomsbur?:, ra. Cnlls promptly nltcndpJ to both night and day. Illuomsburg, Jim. If, left. D. STILES, Ii I C E X H K D A U CT I O X UK II, ron Titr nnnTrr.NTH tennsylvama district, !iluflv, tolw f'Hiii'l nt tho OrnnRGvllln Hotel, In Oronrvvllle. s.ils of rt'ftl or jieisonal property ntli'ii'loil to promptly and on icnsonuhlo terms. ConsliininiMtti polieliod nrd sold on rntnmtfslon, A Mian oriiuui.cp.uronnjtri"jppotmily fioJiciU.-U. Au CTIOXEEK. JAMES K. EVER, Ilavlnc had mueh evnerlonco as u Public Ven due Crier, has taken out a UNITED STATES LICENSE, and takes this method tolnlormhls friends and tho public pener.illv, th u ho eim atwnysbe tound ut'is Oj ii feiAn, Bloomsbuic, rendy to nltrnd to all calls In his line. tel-'C7-Iy. rpiIE KEYSTONE CLOVER SEED a T R I 1' I' E R . t'ATCNTr.D oc-iniir;n J, 1S0O. Tills slinnle. thoushetlectlvo mai hlne Is admit ted liyall sciiutitleolervcrsiolie the most direct ele-vieii for gathering clover peed yet discovered. A mere gitinee ai ii is suiueieni in eouvuice mo most obtuse, mind ot Its pnu tleal utility. It snips the clo.-er from thnstnlk leavln? tho straw standing upon the cround. It is easily drawn by one horse.uud rc-cmltcs butono man or bov to work It. It is compact, simple In structure, nnd not lia ble to p-t out of ord r, and can be cheaply cot up. Tho ureat ndvautniro In this machliio is, we have the seed gatlu led lir the chaff, ruidy for tho clover mill or huller, besides saving tho creat lcnutliof Unieand labor of movvlmr, liundllnnund Ihreshlna It lrom the siraw. It ill also pny ev ery farmer to uather his seed with this machine., on account of the savins of the seed which is lost In thoold way e,l K itherlna II. Rttru'irdlnary iii'lueeiiienis offered to enercotla men who wish topun base otutuur comity ItlshU. For naitlculai-- ad Ires P Wliltl'M AN ii RElXnOLD, tcMium, JanSVfiT.J Columbia County, Pa. rpiIE LOST CAUSE, Tun Only Si.tstunD OrriciAL SOUTHERN HISTORY OF THE AVAR. By Edward A. Pollaid.of Vtrglnln, H VMFEI. Sl'-llWEri'F.NHI' OF MIFFLIN Township, has pioeureil ilio Aitencs of Columblt Counlv, lor the sale of tl;. above work. It com prises n lull nccouni of I io rise ond progress of tho late southern Confederacy, the campaigns, battles, lne. tents and ndventures ot ihe most ul emtio stiuinjleof tlio Woi l.t's history. Complete tn ono l.trte voluino of nearly 69) pages, with TWENTY-FOl'i: hPl.EXDID STI'EL PORTRAITS of dlstlnjuUho-1 Confedcialo lenlers. Thn h!tr ry of tha vanquished has too often fallen to I he pen of the victor, and lo lu ,uu lustl -e lo tho Niutliern cause, the pen must ho luiteii ti sua,o fsout'ierii J.nin xho Is wtlimitto devote his tltna i.ndr tlenu io the vindication ol his i-uiimryinen, In a historv which shall challenge llie i . !ti. '. 1 1 oftho liitelllseut, and Invite ihe att nitmoi all honet nuiulivrs. hilcii u worli ve'U 1 , ffp. -nllur u.ierew I., tho ondld and li't' llicut pabllcof tlie North, und In tuthe utmost iiisjii.ii.eo to tho iMsiple of the Southern sums. Mr. Foll.nd, of lIlH-litels tu the r-oJtll, 1 do.ll'tle.s I ho best nutilltlod to iirep,irea tsitiiphte mid sluudard his t.'ij of tho Wur, and to eoiillult to iho liresent and fiitiironetierutl inii falthlul and worllij- le eordot tlielrnismt struvilo and of a cause lost, eftvelu honor, hnsli.a ihwu i-iuployit duriDi; th t'nlb'u xilit of thevwr ,u istiior of a lllihrn si i n9-r.p.r. fi-t'ififT.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers