THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Sflw Ofotumtuam John o. rucnzr.. ,) i:i)lTOU3. CltAS. II. HKOCKWAY, lII.UOMMiriUI, riUIAVMAHClI H,1S0T. Dtmncrntlc Hlnfe Con vutlmi THRPftmocrftlleHtate Committee, nt It meet ing, on January a'th, ut llnrrl-iburg, adopted tho fuHowlnff rcwlutlnim .... US. That tho regular Convention m the pnrtv, for nominating u rnndldnto for tho Hupiemo ;; held nt HnrHMnjrp, nn the HIX'ONl) 1UKHDAY OF JUNK, W7tuttUClvo O'eloek M., nnd that snlil Convention bo composed of the us- tin) mimhornf ilelerrntr. S.HU. In addition thereto. It 1 r commended to me jjeinocrncy 01 rennHyivnnm 10 ritinii 11 n rlert. In tho tnunl manner, two dclrcates. nf ro cognbiHl position nmt influence In tho party, for each KpproMjntattvo nmi Senator in their re-e-Iftctlvft Utotrlet. who shall moot in MASS CON VENTION, nt iTnrrishnrs, on n Any to bn Axed by ui tiuurman ui mo raiuiu v emriii uiimumu', Lty order of the pemoenitle Htato Committee. WILUAM A. WAM.Arn., Chairman. H. I roRflTKiirH-retary. DEMONOLOGY. For somo timo imst tho citizens of Wllllfimsport havo been In a statu of Intense excitement, arising from wlmt sccmcil to bo n well mitlientlcnteil chso of supernatural visitation. AVc have been nt somo pains to investigate the subject, not only because of lis singular character, but because wo hove known tho young lady who Is principal in tho nffair, from her childhood. Miss Rebecca Owens, about whom all this excitement is raised, Is tho daughter of Mordccai and Louisa 0v ens, formerly of Dcnvlclc, lu this conn ty, where sho was born and raised. We remember her as a gay, laughing girl, who apparently never saw a troublo nor knew n care. A few years ago lior father died, and sho went to livo with an aunt who resides in William-sport whero sho became a member of tho Pino Street M. E. Church. Her ago is about fifteen years. Not long since sho observed that wherever she went singular noises fol lowed her ; or If she remained standing, sounds llko rapping with tho knuckles were heard, and sometimes a scraping or scratching of tho wall. At other times it would seem as if a heavy sub stance was being dragged over tho floor, So frequent did these alarming sounds become that tho girl, and Anally the family, became alarmed nnd betool themselves to prayer. To increaso their terror the spirit, if such it be, began to call her in an authblc voice, using such expressions as "Picky, come with us wo want you." "Becky, they are v alt lug for you in hell." Not only was her namo used hut that of other persons, On Saturday evening the Pastor was called for, and at first ho thought there must bo somo collusion bvtween the girl nnd outsido parties, but investiga tion proved that sho was not only inno cent, but was really suffering on account of these strange visitations. Tho mm Ister nftcr satisfying himself on this point, called in another well know Clergyman, but tho "spirits" were not to be overcome by prayer, and mocked the supplicants. On Sunday morning tho family took tho girl with them to church, whero tho samo noises were heard and her namo was again called whereupon sho got up and left. Theso sounds and voices were heard by all In her vicinity Thoy followed her along tho street, rapping and talking from tho fences, from theground, from board walks In the street, and from places in accessible to human beings. During her nbsenco from tho house, the same phenoncma were observed. At class meeting on tho samo Sunday tho samo voices nnd noises were heard. One of tho hymns commenced nbout as follows: - " If you want to go to Heaven, Ton must bo followers of the Lord." No sooner had this been sung than tho voice returned "You must bo lovers of tho Devil, Or you can't go to bell when you die." A pious old lndy and gentleman tools her homo with them to stay one night, ami Miss Owens slept with tho lndy while tho gentleman kept watch at tho foot of tho bed. About midnight th ominous sounds were again heard, Miss Owens being sound asleep, but In a few moments n heavy crash at tho head of tho bed awakened her. This was sue cceded by sounds of sweet music which apparently camo from the walls and to which all threo listened in amaze ment. At ono timo when tho calls for "Becky," were unusually strong tho aunt said, "you shall not havo Becky,1 tho voices returned "we will hav Becky I" Tho aunt asked "what do you want with her ': " Tho reply camo "v want her to go with us to hell." It is needless for us to recapitulato all tho incidents of this singular matter. Hundreds of peopio visited Williams port to prove tho truth of tho state mcnts or rumors that wero llyin abroad. Many efforts wero also made to detect imposture, but as yet the my tcry remains. Some assert that a gang of devil worshippers resldo in that city while othors say they are only a band of spiritualists. The effect on tho girl was nearly to dethrone her reason, and nt ono timo sho was taken with a lit, during which many supposed her to bo dead, nnd straightened out hex limbs and bound up her Jaws. However, sho camo to and last week accompanied her mother, who had been sent for, to Wllkesbarre. Tho mother believes her to bo bo witched. Sho has been offered enor mous sums to exposo her daughter to tho vlow of tho curious populaco, but sho has refused. Wo deeply sympathize with our young friend, nnd sincerely triiit this mystery will bo cleared up, nnd if she lins been rondo tho victim of heartless scoundrels that they may bo properly punished. We suppose it is not generally known that tho celebrated Charlotte Temple, of whom every lady has heard or read, passed hor childhood In a house, situ ate at tho corner of tho Bowery and Pell street, in New York City., Tho houso Itself has given way to tho spirit of improvement, but tho locality is eas ily bottled. TO PENNSYLVANIA aOIiDIER3. Tho undersigned, appointed to pre pare u History of tho Pennsylvania ohinteer and Mllltln organizations, having discovered many Imperfections in the muster-out rolls of tho companies, desires that each soldier, who served In ny organisation from this State, would furnish Information In his personal his tory pertaining to tho following points, lz: 1. Wounds. If wounded, trivo the date: In what engagement' reclved: naturn of wounds; result of wounds; nature of surgical operations, If capital, and by whom performed. iiiiui'isoiinicnts it n nnsoncr. give tho date; nnd plaeh of capture; whero imprisoned: nature of treatment; and tho date and manner of cscapo or release. He also desires that tho relatives or companions In arms of deceased soldiers would give the cause, date, place of death and placo of Interment of each, and nny facts in his history touching the subjects above referred to. Write, at tho head of tho page tho namo of the person to whom 'Informa tion pertains, tho number of regiment nnd letter of company to which hobo- longed. rito in conciso terms, In a plain hand, on letter paper, and on but ono side of a leaf. Tho undersigned also desliC3 to make a-collection for present and for future use of 1. Completo flics of all newsnaners published in tho Sato from the boglning of 1801 to the elo'-o of 1805. to bo bound and permanently kept in tho archives ot tno state, win tne publishers or any friend possessing them furnish such tiicsy i.'. Discourses commemorative of fal len soldiers; pamphlets pertalnintr in any manner to tho Rebellion or its causes? articles published or in man uscript containing historical faeK j. I'uuiisiicu Histories or suetciics 01 rctrlmcnts. batteries or companies : pnntcu rons ami uescripttve matter. 7 . 1. . . ... , ' i. jjianes oi somiers : letters iiiustra tlve of military life, contaiiiinir infor- irutlon of permanent historic value, or u.'scriptions1 oi interesting incidents ; plans ot unities, sieges, ions ami oi navai engagements. 0. Completo rolls ofstudentsnndcrnil nates of each Collego in tho Stale who were in the service. 0. Card photographs (vitrnettel of each nllicer, of whatever grade, who, nt any time, acted as commander oi n reg iment, battery or Independent company, inscribed with his name, number of reg iment, Cc, dates of period durintr which ho held command, with his present post office address. The relatives of deceased otllcers are requested to forward the photographs of such officers inscribed as above. No Use will bo made of the.-e photographs without the express per mission of the seiuler.-J. funher than to arrange them in albumsfor preservation. Much of tho matter called for under theso several heads may not bo needed for immediate use, but the day will come when it will beinvnluublc, anil the present is regarded as a favoiablo time for commencing tho collection. Let every true son of Pennsylvania respond promptly to this call, and thereby rescue from oblivion many memorials of her patriotism nnd her power. - S. P. BATES, State Historian. Department of Military History. Ilarrisburg, February 22, lS(i7. ELECTIONS. Tho township elections which are to tako placo in this county on tho lolli proximo, should bo nttended by all our citizens. The selection of good men is of prime importance, and should not be neglected. Tho Act of Assembly ap proved the 30th of March, 1800, requires tho names of all tho candidates to bo printed or written, or partly printed and partly written on a single piece of paper, similar to the tickets voted last Fall. In tho townships, tho tickets must bo headed "Township," and tho names of all tho candidates follow, with the ticket so folded that the word "Town ship appears on the outside. Tho tick ets ior tno tmrougiis arc to ue tho same except that " Borough" must bo substi tuted for "Township" on tho heading, Our friends should organizo before, the day of election, and nomlnato a ticket, becauso If left until then many votes will bo lost, and the opposition would in consequenco carry the closo districts. Wo would advise the wo ot printed tick ets, as it will savo "splitting" nnd save trouble.- Wo are prepared to furnish them on short notice. Tho opposition are well organized, vigilant, and nllvo to the Importance of cnrrylng these local elections. Let our friends bo on tho alert. TnE FAMINE IN THE SOUTn. Wo havo received a circular on this subject, asking our volco and nld in be half of our starving countrymen. He ports from nil parts af tho South show tho condition of that people, both white and black, to bo truly deplorable. Tho results of tho war and tho failure of crop3 have reduced them to this con dltlon, nnd they now appeal to us for bread. Shall thoy appeal In vain? They ask not for luxuries, but for tho bare means of sustenance, and unless it is nt onco furnished, thousands must perHi. Many or our readers am do something In this matter, either by contributing money or grain, and it can bo forward ed by oxpress to No. 150, Rcailo Street. v-. -v..i, r,n. u ...... ,.. r.r.l c" ,!. . r. 1 . . mnvuuuuui U) u KJU.Ulllllll.lll, VeSSCI, rum men insinuated among tno needy women mid children. All suppllessent hero will bo forwarded freo of expense, by tho Kdilors of this paper. A Si:ttm:k. In Washington they not only legislate on Sunilav, but run cars on ilu suue day by tho sanction of Congress, tho highest legislative body in tho Union. Thoy not only allow them to run there, but when tho bill was before Congress to charter the company, they.put lu u proviso compelling them to run on Sunday. So said Mr. Qulglcy in tho Legisla ture, on tho Sunday car question. Thus Congress tramples on the Divine Law. Whllo God says, on tho Sabbath day "thou shalt do no manner of work ;" Congresi, not having tho of God bcforodhelr eyes, compel men to break tho Divino Commandment. And yet thoy havo a prnyor meeting I They need ono t HOME NEWS. WASitisnToN, March 3. Till: CLOSING! 110UUS OP CONGIRUSS. Tho excitement nnd confusion attend nut upon the closing hours of a Con gressional session were considerably heightened last evening on account of tho veto message on tho military gov ernment bill, which had been expected almost every hour since tho opening of the session on Monday last. It was delivered to thoHoiiso precisely nt half past one o'clock, and was soon nfler read by tho Clerk, Mr. M'Pherson. When tho leading had been completed, Mr. Itlaluo offered n resolution suspending nil tho rules of tho House, in order to reach a direct Vote upon tho bill, tho President's objection to tho contrary notwithstanding. By tho decision of the Speaker, thu question of suspending tho rules had priority over any other motion, anil, after nn nppt-al from that decision had been voted down, tho reso lution was adopted by n strict parly vote. Tho rules having been suspended there was no chance for tho Democrats to defeat tho bill by dilatory motions, although Messrs. Lo Blond, Finch, Buyer, and others expressed themselves ready to sit it out to tho end of tho ses sion, If they could by any means prevent the pas-age of tho obnoxious measure. But they wero powerless. TheSpcaker was against them, nnd so was the whole Radical side of tho House. Shortly af ter threo o'clock tho Clerk commenced to call the roll on the final passage of the bill. As tho call progre.--ed it bo camo evident that the Radicals wero united, and tho bill would receive a full party vote, which it did witli but three exceptions Judge Hale, of New York, Mr.Stlllwcll.of Jndiana.and Mr. Haw kins, of Tennessee. When tho result (yeas 135, nays -18) was announced there were somo manifestations of npplnuso mingled with his-es, from the galleries. A ines.-ago was immediately sent to the Sonata announcing tho action of tho Hou-e. Tho bill, however, was not taken up until the evening session. The galleries were densely crowded, and even the corridors nnd lobbies wero fill ed with anxious-looking individuals, awaiting nn opportunity to hear what was going on inside. The debate was ntthcr limited, Iteverdy Johnson mak ing the longest speech in vindication of his eour.-o In supporting tho obnoxious bill, which seemed to be satisfactory to himself and tho Radicals around him. At precisely twenty minutes to eleven o'clock tho question was taken and re sulted in the pas-age of tho measure, by more than tho necessary two-thirds vote. Cowan, Dixon, Doolittle, and Norton were among those who voted in the negative. Tho President pro tewnore (Mr. Fo-ster) announced tho enactment of the bill, notwithstanding tho objec tions of the President. Tho Senate soon after went into Executive Session, and remained for some time. General Dix was confirmed as Minister to France. f-onatnr Slinrmnn's l.rntlior f 'P Slim-. man, L.-q., was confirmed tu Judge of -- j . . - the Northern District of Ohio, nnd Sen ator Cowan's nomination as Minister to Austria was tabled, which was tanta mount to its rejection. Tho vote is said to havo been very close. Tho carousal in each wing of the Capitol continued through tho night. In nearly all the leading committee rooms n substantial repast was served up, nnd in several of them whisky and other strong drink was abundant. Bills passed and con ference committees wero appointed ev ery few minutes. Altogether, the scene was anything but credible to tho legisla tion and legislators of iho country. A recess was taken shortly after eight o'clock this morning until half past sev en this evening. Tho indications aie that tho session will last through most of tho night and a brief recess will bo taken to-morrow morning. Tho Until adjournment of tho Thirty-ninth Con gress will tako place at twelve o'clock, and the Fortieth Congress will assemble immediately thereafter. uiriJAcminxT itr.ronTS. Both the majority and minority of the Judiciary Committee havo submitted reports on tno impeachment investiga tion. Tho former simply state that in their opinion tliero is sufllclent reason for recommending n continuation of tho investigation to tho next Congress, but they submit no evidence. .Tho latter (Mr. Rogers) says that tliero is not a particle of testimony in nil that has been taken which will sustain a siuglo charge contained In tho resolution au thorizing tho Investigation ; and, fur thermore, that tho evidence taken by tho committee Is not such as would be admitted in a court of Justice. W.vsinsoros, March, i Tin: jfr.wco.vauKss. Tho Thirty-ninth Congress expired to-day at twelvo o'clock m. In the House, tho roll of members elect fortho Fortieth Congress was immediately called and nil but threo or four answered to their names. The organization farco was then enacted. Colfax was the can didate of tho Radicals for Speaker, and of courso was elected, receiving 127 votes out of 157 east. The remainder were "' "uii. given to Hon. S.S. Marshall, of Illinois. Democratic wndida!c, Beforotho I yOtlU"' for Speaker commenced, Mr. Brooks, -of New York, obtained theiloor and, In a brief but fort-Udo speech, showed that tho pre-ent semion of Con gress has no parallel In tho history of the country, having been convened within a montlf and nine days nftcr tho pas-ago of tho law nuthorl'lng it, nnd lu addition to that fact, tliero iirono Representatives from seventeen States of tho Union only twenty, n bare majority, being represented. In con clusion, ho submitted n protest, signed by all tho Democratic members, against such an organization. Honsked to havo Rentercd upon thoJoiirnnl.butthoClerk decided that ho could not entertain It pending thoelectlon of Speakers. After tlm lrn.,r.Hn., c.., ....I .... wi, ; V ... V'!7'" ' 1 business, and tho appointment of com mlttecs to wait on tho President and tho Senate, a resolution was offeree! de claring Mr. McPhcrson Clerk of tho House for thb Fortieth Congress which was ngrccd without a division. Tho crowd In nttendanco was tho largest ever seen nt tho Capital for somo years. Tho rules of tho Houso wero suspended, nnd (he families of members nnd others were admitted to tho floor, which from the reporters' gallery presented n scene of animation and excitement seldom witnessed at tho close or opening of n Congress. nintATioN or The general Impression is that 'the present session will not Inst mora than a few weeks. The Intention seems to be to refer tho impeachment question to the legular Committee on the Judiciary, or a special committee Butler prefers tho latter and to authorize said com- initteotosit during tho recess of Con gress, and lo report at tho next session There are some who oppose any adjourn mcnt until tho Presdcnt is removed, but at present they are lu the minority The great Inducement to nn early ad journment is, that the members get no more pay by remaining hero than they would If they wero home. BT.KIIXAnn TO CAMKItOX. It is announced that a serenade will be given to Simon Cannon this evening, Assessments have been made on Penn "sylvania clerks In tiio Executive do- paitments hero fortho purpose of de fraying tho expenses of the same. Washi.noto.v, March 5. coxoiti:ss. Tho second day's session of tho Four- lietli Congress la-ted but a short time, Tho Senate transacted no legislative bu.-lne.-s on account of tho non appoint mcnt of its committees. The House perfected its org.mizaton by electing n sergennt-at-arms, door keeper, postmaster, and chaplain. The Speaker announced that ho would ap point but throo committee one onelcc lions, one on mile.igp, nnd one on .rules, unless tho House should order other wise. 'This is significant of nn imme diate recess over thespringnnd summer months. It is to bo determined, how ever, in caucus to-morrow night as to whether a recess shall bo taken until Political October. HANK rAlLUIlES. First National Bank at Meredith, New York failed. Cause Specula tions of the President. Second National Bank of Hudson elo-cd. Cause Speculations of Cashier. Third First National Bank of New tonvillc, Massachusetts lost twice its capital. Cau.-o Speculations of Cashier. Fourth Mechanic's National Bank, Baltimore defalcation S.100,000, by Book-keeper and Paying Teller. Fifth State Bank, Boston defalca tion 6000,000. Cause Speculations of Cashier. Auusv, March 5. At tho city elec tion to-day Charles S. Wilson, Democrat was elected Mayor by 1GS majority. Tho Pcmocat elect all their city ticket with tho exception of tho Overseer of the Poor. Tr.ov, N. Y. March 5. The charter election to-day resulted in the' choice of the whole Democratic city ticket. L. FIngg is re-elected Mayor by 1115 ma jority over James Foisythe. P.onnyrj:i:, March 5. Fish, Demo crat, lias bet l elected Mayor by 302 ma jority, a gain to the Democrats of 1,390. FOREIGN NEWS. Loxdox, March 1 Noon. Tho bill for tho British North America Province Confederation has been read twice in tho House of Commons. London, Sunday, March 3. It is re ported that di-patehes have been re ceived here announcing that war has broken out in India. Bnuux, Saturday, March 2 p.m. llnp.n Si.mson has been chosen Presi dent of the North-German Parliament. Tho-Klng of Prussia gives a banquet to thu members of tho Parliament. Loxdo.v, March 4 Noon. A dis patch has been received hero from Dub lin, which announoe.s the capture of the famous Colonel O'Connor.thc leader of the late Fenian revolt in Ireland. He wa3 overhauled by thoauthoritiesal Athlone, west Moath County, nearly two hundred miles from tho scene of the insurrection. London, March, 4 Evening. Lord Brougham has made n speech strongly urging the adoption of the principle of household suffrage. Thefiillowhig changes have been mado in tho English Cabinet : The Duko of Richmond bivonics Colonial Secretary; Sir John Frankiugton, Secretary of War; Sir Station! Northcole, first Lord of the Admiralty; Right Hon. A. .1. Canning, Under Secretary for tho Col onies, and Mr. Stephen Care, President of tho Board of Trade. Bi:itM.v, March 4 Evening. Count Bismarck to-day laid before tho North German Parliament the draft of the new constitution fortho confederation of tho North German States. Fi.oitiiN-oi:, March 4. Garibaldi, having sent his sons to Crete, promises soon to go himself nnd take up arms to aid tho Cretans. An illustrious trio of small politicians left Uloonisburg a short timo ago, to havo Mr. Purse! removed from tho Post Oillco here. It resulted in his vonjlrma Hon by the Seiiato and his officious ene mies camo homo in di.-gtist. Whllu tho ollico was held by John, tho Medicine Man, and the exceeding! reverend Buckley, they represented the lucomo as being below ono thousand dollars. But as soon as It was Irrevoca bly out of their paws, they rupudiato their llrst lalselioods and post to Wash Ingtun with llio Information that it Is worth about twelvo hundred dollars, and tho appointment must pass the Senate. They misrepresented the facts to the Senate Committee, and got n re-port-adverso lo Mr. Pursel; hut Mr, """ 'lwuy BUUISUICIICU It Olll 1 . . I ....t.M.. ... 1 ... .... ami settled their business forovcr. Tin: notorious Ben Wade, Senator from Ohio law ban elected President of tho Senate. loll TIIK COLVMMAK. A CONFAB. Ono liny, not i-ry Ion? ncj, 1'. .luhii niul JmltnlKl Itoil Wi-iil mr to Wiitlitntton, you know. To hce llio sight, nbronilt Ami icr7!T(ii(ii! tho Avcnuo With Merour by lilidMe, Tho Into Ates-sor, hulking blue, Ills hide ilM sorely chide. " I cumo tn llloiiintburu very poor, As every hotly knew, Hut finiml lilml fi lewis on every slJc, Who lielpoil to )nil me tluough; JWrjioU wul freedom wis the ton-.!, I laboreil ilny by tiny, To gel my jmrty level with The Hon, of Aft lea. Ami overy thing was comltiB right, Tho roo,o as hanging lit?li, I worked my hoys both day nnd night, And grew iniltu ilch thereby; Nor would 1 crlugo or bow tho knee, Pur office or for pclft A sturdy yeoman I would be. Sullldent lu myself. I held the fattest ofllecu, I also knew the plan On which vc mennt to run tho things And Johnson was my maul' " What, Andrew Johnson was your mnn 1" Quoth Mercnr, much in fear; "Bo sure hero's tho Jlcjniblican, I'll inako the mutter clear. I Just had read the famous speech, Whero Johnson seemed Inclined To give tho lcoiltig Iladlcnls A little of hN mill J; And lludlus things were In n fix, And like to bo n inus, In eighteen hundred hlxty-slr, I wrote M'Cullough thus: ' I edit tho J'cpubltcan, Tho only pnprr hi re. That stands by Mr. Johnson And defends him without fear. I am a bold outspoken man, As every body knows, And don't do this for oniccs, Nor money, I suppose. Tho late IJalltiuorc Convention Was englneeied by me, And Lincoln nnd brr vo Johnson And inyclf were Just the Timr.i:. And I have faith lu Andrew, As I often said, That ho will not go bnck on mo And lalso tho coppcilicad. lie was my choice at llalltmoro, Old Thad can't humbug me, I went for Andrew Johnson I'iom tho State of Tennessee. I send n paper now to you, And to the President, You'll see I'm not opposing him, What lies they do Invent. If I can only bo sustnined, And keep tho teat I've got, I'll btlngthc pjirty up to time, And show you what Is what. I'll make the Union party hero A unit at the polls, Por I'm the man, you undor&tnnd, That all theso chaps controls. Oil I let me still Assessor be. Our hearts shall bo as ono. And I'll be yuura forcermoro, Most humbly, PAI.EMON JOHN.' " Hero Mercnr stopped and scornful said: "Such meannc-s I desplso, A radical a Johnson man I can't believe my eyes. You want to sell our party To a mnn you know mo hato, l'or a petty little olllec; And yet you dare to prato About j our sturdy yeomanry, You common country lout You have no piinciples at all, I'm glad they turned you out, 3'on'tl make u pretty Congressman You'd sell your soul for pelf ; You're now Just whero j on ought to bo, I'll run ayalii tnjielf," And so P. John and Josh nnd Pod, Moaning life's various ills; Iteluctant took the liomcwnrd road, Ana r. John jiolii tU bills.'!! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A UCTION K E It . ?iowi:s corr.MAN, Itnvlu:; folio wi-il tlio proffsslon of r.tbllc Vendue itcr lor lnuiiy yi-ms, wouM jufoim Ills fitrmls llmt Im ishtltl in the lU'hl, remly niul witting to fUtritd toult tho duties of his enlllns. l'uitoiw iiL'inncf ins Mivieei, Hnouiu cull or write to him ui mouiiiMmrj:, r.t. i.uus (i7. TX THE OIUMIAXS' COlTUT JX X "nd fur tliceotinty of (.'olnmhln: In tho matter oi Ihfl.'sliiteor IIA.M1X M-'.VAN, Into fit ICet lowiithh). dee-!,. And now to vit. l-Vliiiiiirv Mxlh, 1Mj7, the Court niipolnt C. II. UrtieUwi.v. l.sq.t umium nt iiiuurniMriuuuuii oi uieiiiuuiu-e in iiu hands of John Levunnnd Win. (iondniun,(u2min htriitnr-.,u and anions tho heir. nmUllstiluutier Ky the Com t. I-rum tho leeoid, .Inssi: OoT.nMAN, Cleric. The niulttornhoe tunned will attend to tho du ties of hi- njiointnient, at his olIU-u in lHoonii hum, fn Wi dnt?iday, thu third day of Anril, 1HS7. ai it-ii o hoik, a, in,, aim wiii-i-jan pfirues unci csted may attend, C. II. liUOCKWA Y, Mnreh !Sii7. Auditor, 5 Jtvnvivh (I'ttictt cop;. TX THE ORPHANS' COURT IX H it i it i ni uiu .-nit ii i in iiriuiiimii ; iii inu ma tier ci the estateof DAMKL (1. KNf, latu oi unitize L.unvlihk .t..M n,l nnu' l..ii-lf Pi-.t . tt n- vii ill ti iiitiomiuui i.ismu i. r.i, iiiiu ii iJiiiiie fcyttiixhip.dcc'd. And now. to wit, lYbiuarybKth, l! I7,t he com t appoint (,'. H. llrot l;way, i:sf.,uudltor to m.iUe distribution of the bnhui'-o iu the hands of Hi-ujnmtn Alluhach, administrator, lo and estrd imiv nlloiul. (. It. IIILunk' U'.VV M.uch, NIT. AuJttur, iii- Uiralck (tazttfeeopi, TN THE ORPHANS' COURT IN .1. and for the county ot Columbia: In the matter oi the (Mate, of JOMIl'H lIAYIll'liM', lato ot Oranue. township, duiased. And now to wit, l'ebiuaiy hixth, 1WI7, the Court appoint O. JI. Itroikwiiy, Km)., auditor to inako dlMtihutloimr the balance tn the hands of hamuel Aelienbaeh, administrator, to and amount the heirs and UU-tilbutLO-, Jly the I'ouit, l'toin the leeoid. Jfssl Cim,i:ma.v, Clerk. Tho auditor alroo named will uttend to tho duties of blnnpfkiiilnifjit, at his ollh-eln ltloom hum, on Mond.iyf the first day of April, li7, at ton o'elmk a. m., and whet call parties interested may attend, C 11. IJltUCKWAV, Match lcr. AuiUtvr litrulck Gazette eojty, jyc nTiosAU'; of valuaiuJ: 1 l'lnisONAJ- PltfM'int'i'Y. Will boolterednt public Kite, ut the icsldcneu of the MihuTiber, lu Oranst'Vlllo, on 2'ritlm unit kuttn ihn, March $ittt rti;iwi, at ten o'clock In the to re noon, the lol lowin personal property to wit; OXK COW, TIIltKK YKAItS OUT), ono cow, two coohliig stoves, two parlor stoves, IlKIW AND IIIIDDINO, chairs, tables, two bureaus, em pets, dishes, coolt lii iili-usils, and other aitlelcs loo tedious to locution, leruis made known on day ot sale. WAML'IJI. uViaiL'I I'. N. 1). H1II.KK, .U(I0,('. Orauuev tllo, Muii-h s, i rr, l5TT iuTl C "sTTi: or Pi:konai. I rnoi'Einv. Will be otlVreil m public Hule, ut tho resldi ni-o of tho subscriber, in tirt'euwuod lowllshlp, on MO.XDA 1. TWUSry-flt'lll 111' MAltCH, at ten o'clock lu tho luicuoon, the fol lowing propel ty lo wit: TWO COLTS THREE YEARS OLD, ono colt two yearn old, ono coll ono ye-ir old, TWO .MII.CII COWH INI) TlIItKU HlI I-'l-atH, ten i,'no.l sized shoats.ono cart, trucli wauou, one btde-hllt pioiii.'h, two common ploughs, iiarrw, eutlivator, ouuslett, and var.uus other fanning ttni'K incuts. JAcoi) i;vli:. Mosul Coffman, Auctioneer. March a, Im.7. J"NS"U it A N C E A O E NOV. Wyoming : SlW.OOO .I'.tna ,000,000 Commerco JO.ooO Fulton ayi.oid Haltlo rutnniii MO.OOO Meiehatils Mu.noo HprinKlleld 570X) Itoynl Iusurauco Co., H.OtfJ.tWO I.lveipool and tendon IS.OO.OX) Iiuurnnco Company of Stnto renn'a,,... WlfAo Connecticut .Mutual Life lCyiOO.OOO Norlli Amerleiiu Tuuisit . tift),iH nitS BltOWN, Agent, mars'iy-ly ; DtooMiuruo, r.v. record. Jusst: Coixman, t'leil:, The auditor abovo named will attend to tho Un ties of his appointment, at his oillce In JUooms hurtf, on Tuesday, Iho seeond day of April, 1mI7, nt ton ii'i'Iih-I: n. in., ntul u-hfru nl I n.irt leu liii..i. 17XKCUTOIVS NOT1CR KSTATI? JQioP HontiiT W MILi.i:n,lit:c'n.-I.i-lteistcsln-nieiitary on thoestnlooMtobort V, .Mllk-r.lnlc nf Madison township, Columbia county, havo been pi-nnled by tho llegMer of Columbia county to Mrs. Stiannnh Miller, All pcr-.ons having claims nsrnliiit tho estate are iciui-led to pic-sent them for settlement, ntid thoe In b Med to tho cvtata will nuiku najiuciit tuiiio l:i-riiirW without itc lay. bl'fJANN'Ali MllXhll, March 8, K'CT, i:-ccutrl.v. "DKLOFBLT ORGANS AND MK JL LODl'OXH. t'nniilmously awarded the I'lrat Wife, a Oold Medal, "as tjw m:sr CAiirxnr onaA.xw American luslllulo, New York, Octoljer, I'M. Tlrhnf iirniinnncrd Slinerlor In nunlllv. lunar nnd vmlcty of tone, and lu number of combina tions. ... .... "As tno best instruments or America were Micro ontondln '. whichever v on tho ball lo would have notlilnir left to cotitiner." Anui Uctn Art Journal. ledlleil by n well-known musical critic.) i uey iiiue ni-o inaeii mo inn pn mum. ancl es cr exhibited this season. l'MiAbO'-oANH, one, two and Ihreo banks of keys-six sles-Sl to ClrVW. Without pi-d.ils, single and iloublu bunk lu gient variety, 05 to SIM. Tlic-o Organs, wllh their Muootli, plpe-llko quality of tone, benutiml solo slops, strength of chorus, uneiiu.illed pedals, and general nt gnu-llko fllceiSjnre superior for churches, halls, pnrlors and schools', 1 hey me put up lu eases of solid walnut, fancy veneered walnut (new nnd unluuo styles) nnd elegant rosewood, of splendid dcsluns and finish, nnd of Iho beat workmanship! It be ing lllll-nili'll lhal eaeu insimmom Mian uu n hiod?l of Its class. All Instruments down to a line octavo portable Mclodeon.havo tho beautiful iremoi.lllio Slop, wiiuinii cxira cnarge. A lnri-o nssoilmciit contantlv on hand fttour General Wholesale and Kctulf Waieiooms, fell 11 road way. Our Illustrated circular nnd price lists, w llh new styles, are now rendy. Scud ior a circular. lM-XOUIIW, r.ixiox A CO., .Mnniuacuu'crs, o, mi nrotuiwny, mnrS'C7-3m. New York City. H AIXES UKO'S. PIANOS, Tim riAXo or ami.mca. Thep rianos are nnlversnllv nelmowledired hv ronipeieiiL jiuik " eiiutii iu iiic ol'm rinmi iiuiue. country le-lilentv, InelinllhKluige numbers of tho i orieitTences. inevnavc iiiniiviiiunsniiti riry iir ti men ncnooi-, r-cmiiiarifs, c. These I'ianos havo not only stood tho eontlnurtl usn nnd heavy nractlco ol ono year, hut havoheen used tho last Mliceii jvnisto tho utmost satisfac tion of thoso uslntf them, Th- hnve t niton iireliiinms nnd medals wher over exhihltcd. Win h iris been Iho demand Ior rianos, that Mer. IliUnes llro's. havo bo-ii compelled to cuLiik" their works to the extent of i io ..v j'jnuos a wiiic. Having now ono of the most exten.lvo nnd complete factories in the United Ktules, factories alone coverinir over three-fourths of an acre ot Ktound, tompiMnt; a irontago of 219 feet on tho .wenuc. Thoy aro undoubtedly tlm cheapest frr class riano" iu market. Turn iruaranteod f.r ,5 years. bend ior illustrated ciieular. HAIMiH linrrfl., .TAKs, SCO. SC2, Wlt "2 mara'CT-Sm.! Heeoml Aveuuo,Neworl; City, REAL ESTATE SALES. PUIJLIC SALE OF VALUA15LE UHAIi l',STATIj. In nurKuanco of an oider ox mo urpiiiiis' v.ourt oi woiuiiiuiu uouuiy, on SATUHDAY. MAItCII HIXTJinXTIt. nt tfvn rVl cno 't In tlio f.irfiiftrn Juinli KnTilrnv James W't Snnkey. John Kankcy nml John Iteich- nf.l I, ..T tlx. I. sat si. Ill i.x.l ln3n. Joh'n Sankov.Hr.. lain of Centiecountv.deneiLvod. will exposo to sale by public endue, on the pre mises, uio louowmuescrioeu reai ciaie, a 101 or Tit ACT OF LAND. flltnato In Hcott township, in the County of Co- nmiuia. oounaea on mo norm nv a i oi .mi uv llettle. nn iho east niul ninth bv Innd of If. II. Melick, and on the west by land of Andrew Ciev cum;, coniaium scveniccu acres, uu improvea mnn. A WOA certain tract of land situate in Mt Pleasant township, county aforesaid, bounded on tho on t liv Inn. I lit .T t'nli Iltn l?nl iti thn i.mlli by land of James 0 rimes, on tho west hy lands of John Shlpman, and ou thu north by land of John Stetlcr, CONTAINING TIFTY ACRICH, nbout tiiirtv neies of whteli is eleare.l land. ALSO: A town lot, situato in Muht street, nnd county afojo.suid, boun ietl on the south by lot of llnrrlet nnd .Tohu Melick, on tho west bn lotcf Ullaboth Miller, on tho north bv Milt street, ami on tho cut by the m iln rid leading iruiii iJiouui-ouri; m wimiijcvuie, wuercou are eretioa a niryu two nnu oue-nair Btory D W 13 Ij ling no xr S E, n Wtnro Hntmo nnd n tu'n.kfnrv I'nitnri Ttti-11lti House. Lato tlio o'tnteof saii deceased, sltnite in me lounsinpn oi tsvou ana Blount fieasant, and county utoiesald. .Trssn Cou.jia, Clcik. nioomsburg, rcbruary 7, loT. Omttitlont of .Vi'c Ten per rent, of tho pur-cha-o money to bo paid liy tho liuichas. r or pur chasers 111 tho tiny of sate, one lonrth of iho nor. chase money less the tin perc- nt. to bo paid tn thoabsoluu couirmit n rf vilo, nnd tun lil atu'e in ono year Irom the pbso!ut eonfirniallon with interest from eonilrmattou nut. l'urchasor or i'urcnasers to pay fur iieo'ls and stamps. jvcoiisKiCi:v, JOUV KAMCIiY. JOHN' lll:iC'HAtI). Tcbruary 13, 1SC7. llxecutora. "nUIJUO SALE OF VALUABLI JL HKAIi TATIi In pursuanco of an order oi ino urpuaus-uonri in uommuia county, on TIIUUSDAY, MAr.CII TWKNTY-SIXTir, nt ten o'clock m tho fronoon, Hamuel Kverett, administrator of Gcovko IVell, lato of Oramre township, in said county, deceased, will expose to Mm1, uy pnuiiu veiiuue,oii ino jiremises, a cuitain iiiui'sniitj nnu TRACT OF TjAXD, ' pltnate In Oranro township, Columbia county, boumled bv lands of Uaitlel lriefcr. Widtni' ITnv. man, Henry stlner, U. C. Coleman, Jacob Ituup, onk iiuNimui) and rouix Acnni, more or less, on tthlrh is erecttd a Tramo House a iriiod llanlc Ham. VVllL'on Shed. .Vc. Also n L.oml spillutof Water at tho door. Lato tho estate of saiu iiiceai-ii. MUKiiein tno towiuhtp of Omnr;e, Jrun Cor.r.MAK, Clerk. Illoonislmrg, rcbruary PI, Istir. G'HHl.tfoni of S'ulc .- Ten nerr-enf. nf onp.fnnrtli tho pmcliaso money at thestrilUni; down of tho piop'-ily, oue-fouitli less the leu pir cent, at tho i-Miiiiiiiiuiiuii iiiiMuiiii-, nnu mo reiiiaiuinu.inree" fouiths Inline year thercaller, with lutelest from (onilrmtillon mi, The piirchiiM-r to par for deed .urn "tuuirh. iivi-.ui-.i l, 1 ebruary 1".', 1 sil7-5t. Administrator. DUBLIC SALU OF VALUABLE i ltllAl, KSTATil. In pursiKince ofnu order of tlio Urphaiib' Court of Columbia County, ou lT.IDAY, MAHCII TWIIXTV-NINTII, nt ten o'llicU In the forenoon 1:11 itohnins, ad iiilul&trulor or Ahiahiiu. llobblns, lute or rishlua crceUtounslllo. In said eollntv.iti x.-,l illl .,v. poo to sale, by public vendue, on tho premises, n Til ACT OP LAND, situate tn I-'Ishliurereek towiishh. Columbia mint. ty, bounded by hinds ol llniuuiu Ijibor, Kll Hob. inns, iiaviu coieinaii .ukiioiners.conuiiulnntnu teen notes, more or le, on which Is eu-cted a FllAME HOUSE AND DA11N. Tliere l.nlvin tlulfty younnpploorcliaidon tho mini-"-,., iiiu iiiuiMuit-Ki fciiiu uteeascu, hull ato 111 Uu. tuuuslilpuud eoiinty nloresald, Jis.-ii: Colluak, Cleric, nioomshui g, rcbruary 10, lto7. Conditions of A'u'e.- Uio onedhlrd of tho pur chase money to lemiiin cbarued noon ltu i,rnil, m-s duilni! the natural Hie of Diana ltobblus, (., ... h.vj n.,u, ,ii;i;uci, niei mu llllClt'Sl theicof to be annually and regularly paid her bv tho puichn-er ou tho ilr-.t day of May of em h anil every year during her natuial Hi,., and at her death iho principal to bo p-ild by the purchabtr to Iho nei-hims It-i'nltv (Utllteil lln'r,.!,. Ten per ce nt, ot oncfourtli ct the two-thlrdii of uu-pureoasu money io no pant nl the Kti'llclng down of tho piopertyj tho one-lomih of tint Iwo- tlltrds. less tho tell ner cenl. at tlm eimllrno.tlr,,. absolute, and tho remaining two-thirds In ono yeartheicutte;', with Interest from Iho continua tion nisi. Thu purchaser to pay for deed und wimps. J.l.l KOIilHH, I'ebruary 22, 1SW-61. Ailmlnl.,trator. PUHLIC SALU i or pi:h.sonai. l'niitTitTv Vlll bo exposed lo public sale, at tho residence of llio subscriber, in Maine towiuhlp, Coluniblu TL'IMUAY, MAKCIl TWIILI'TII, ut ten o'clock In tho rorAicion, tlio iollowlns por boual property to wit : 1'OUH 1IKAD OF HOUSES. nne iiiacic Hawu Coll, coming tuo years old, three i i in ucii i o vs, olll. uu -iiuigsow and one . sow n rw, unco miouis, loiiru-eu nenit or Pheep, olio I L'bl folir-hul-e Wli'rnn wllh lu-n t.-.i one new top bujie .-, one pprln wagon, one sulliey one ne.v slde-hlll .irow, plows, laiirows, culiira liir.s.onowhcelluriow. one liav hool: M-Illi ronn and pully, rakes ami forks, ou.-evenili pari of n i..M,.-t p...-,, iiiiuet, one luiASey ieaier, one ItUCU- eyo lleaper, one set of Yaiiken harncsa mid one iloub ii new set ot 1-urrl.igo harness, lour barrels tiuci ior vinegar, ONK COOK I NT, S'lYU'I-r half iloren new chairs, lot of hariols, corn, oats nnd potaiooK by tho bushel. Terms made know u oil i day of mi'?, NATHAN .VIIM.l.l:. u-.i.i-u ..sii-.i-.sirn.s-, 4tuitoncer. l ebruaiy 15, ls(,7. PUIH.10 SAL IO OF HOUSE A LOT. j. Will lifsi1,1 nl pu'- silo, mi ?'A irnev. !A. i .VuiiVi,lll..t, ut lUJ u'clinl 111 the fuienoon.i; v JlOVfU! A XI) LOT OF tinovxn, slluale In llloom lowns'dp, Coiunibl-i county. Said house fionts on the nubile in.ul had!nlroui Hlooiushurg lo Orangevllle, about two humli.-d yards above tho 1'oil.s lintel. Possr sslou nl s.itd houiMand lot will be givrn on Iho Hist (lay of April net. 44Tinw in idi known on dav of ei')V , .. VII I I A 'J l.-VUll, REAL ESTATE SALES. Public: salk of valuabli: L ltllAfi l'ATATi:. In pursunncn otnnoidtr or tho Orphans' Court ofCnlumbla County, ou HATL'IIDAY, MA11CU NINTH, nt Inn o'clock In the forenoon, Henry llolllrra. ucad, administrator of Oeorao U. Ilnrhurst, lata nf catnwlssn township, in snl 1 couiitv, decease.! will oxiiosii to siilu by public vendue, on thonra.' mlses, thofiillnwlugdi-scribed cstato towiti all that Lcitaln 1 llOtTSH AND LOT OF GROUND, Minau! in inu iinvn oi ,;innw issn, in inn countv nlniesald, bounded lu front Ivy tho public rrwS leading from Ctttnwlssa to.villllinvl11u,onthnoa,t by n lot of Henry Hollingshend, on th south by llio puone ron'i icaAiug io .uauiviup, mid on thu north by nn nlli-y, on which nie erected a two nnd n hnir story finmo dwelling house, n good fnini! stable, nnd other outbuildings, iJUothoeshitoof .aid dieensed, situate in tho township of Cuta. wl'su and county nfoiesnld. ITOLEilAS, Clink. Ulooiusburt, rcbruary 7, isw, fitul:ttonl fit Sitila Ten tier rent, nt,Mi. of tho purchaso money to bo paid by Iho putch-i. scroti the day or sale; one-fouilhless the tenner cent, on tho ubsolutn confirmation nf sale, nnd the balance lu olio ear from tho confirmation or sale, with Interest from tho coniltinallon ntrt. . ' . . IlllNUY HOLMNOs'lICAD, rcbruary is, I'W. Admluutrator. TU1JLIC SALE OF VALUABLE I Itl-'AL 1STATH III UlirSllauea of nn nr,lr, of tho Orphuns' Court of Columbia county, on SATURDAY, MAllCII NINTH, nt ten o'clock In tho forenoon, John AppUman administrator of Ilaltls Apptctnati, lato of Hem. locit lownsiup, in saiu eouniy, iieceaseu, s. ill ex pose to sale by publto vendue, on tho premlsoi, tho following described Heal Kstntetowlt: All that certain tract of land, sltunto In Hemlock township, aforesaid, niUolning lands of tho heirs of Jacob iliutnian on tlio west, other lands of said deeoient on the north, lands of Jacob I'm mm an, i ucmus i'urei on too east, ami land of Wni. (Hirer and Jiiiulii Houlislev on thu south contiittiln oni: iiUNnnni) and'N Acrtra, more or less; about sixty ncrcs of which IscUarM land, u hereon aro elected a two ami ono-half story l it VMi: DWHI.I.INO H0U8I.', n storm kitchen, n large Hank Itai-n, a wagon shod ami cow stable, n well of water nt tho door of tUo dwelling houe, and nn npplo orchard. isii,- ah mai cerium iiacioi lanu, situato In tho tnwnsbln aforesaid, bounded rut follmt-d. iidjolultig lauds of the. heirs of John Hrugler on i in- nun ii iiii.i ivesi, uio noovu uesrrioeil tract OU tho south, und Inula of Jas. l'mmltt ou tlio otut. COJSTAlrursU -1.1 ACRES. more or less, all chared land.Tho flrstnbovodvt. erlbed issnbJecftoth right to mine, and tako fiom H all tho lion ore, M-Illi lugiess. egress and regiess In, tn, and upon tho said premises. I.ato the estate of said deceased, fiituato lu tho town ship of Hemlock, and county aforesaid. , ji-ssf uottaAW, cicrt. Illoomsburg, I obruary 7, lkC.". (tonilitiom of Kite : Tho one-third nt tlm r,u.. ehnsc money to remain charged upon tho pn.rul sesditrlng ho natural llfo of Margaret Applemati. widow of said deceased, nnd the Interest thoriof to bo annually nnd regularly paid by tho said purchaser or purchasers, to sain Margaret Apple man, ou the llrst day of May of each nnd eery year during Iit natural life, nnd at her death ths jutncipal to bo palj b- tho purchaser or pureha sersto lliopi'isons legally entitled thereto. Ten percent, of one. fourth of tho two thirds of tha purchase money to be paid on tho day of mile, und one-fourth of tho two-thirds less tha ten per cent, on tho nbsolute continuation of sale, nnd tho halanco of the two-thirds In ono year from tho coullrniatlou, with Intercut from continuation nisi. Purchaser or poichascrs to glvo bonds and mortgages on the picmlses to tc curototho widow nnd It-gal repiesentatlves of the said deceased tho principal nnd interrstof uu- oue-iiuni uoovo meniioiieu. i urcuasers lo pay for deed and stamps. JOHN AIH'I.nMAN, r.'bruary 1 1S07, Administrator. rjpiIE PADDY KUN COAL COMPANY, OP filHCKSHINNY, rr.NNSYLVANIA. CAPITA!. SlSO,00O. JOHN M. .STACKHOUSi:, Ircsldent. CIIAt). A. 1100NH, Hecretury nndTrooiUTM-. mr.KCTons: John M. PticUhouse, N. L. Campbell, Cltas. A. llooue, Cyrus HtnckhouAo, A. M'Dowcll. Ol'riCF.: MAIN STUin'T, S1IICKSHINNY, TA. The lands held by this Company, consist of FOUll HUNDRED AND FORTY ONE ACRES, and sixty-four perches, of cniefully selected land lying southwest of Wllkes.llarre, I,u7cmo couu ty. Ha., in tho western part of the Great Northern cr W oinins Coal Hasiii. A very careful and thorough examination re cently mado has proven thco (for tlio nbovo) Imidi to ho tho embodiment of a vast amount of tho very best quality of atithracllo coal, bavin every facility that could bo desired for tinns poi latlon in all directions. Tho abovo tract U crossed by n good load, nnd also directly in front, and Joining aro tho I.ackawnuna illloom. buri; railroad, and tho Wyouiins canal, tlms of. fordl ng tho vi ry best ndv antnge of a carrying roai nnd cinal ruuuliig to tho very mouth of tho mines without expense to tho company. Tho measurement of tho dlflereiil iiedsnr scurrm already developed was carefully obtained and added together : tho thickness of these seams, Including the celebrated "lied Ash," "Huck Moun tain," or "OranJ Tunnel" vein, is thlrty-ono and n half feet, C!i;2-), every cubic yard of which will yield a ton, giving a largo amount of tho best quality of eonl. The location Is such that all tho veins may bo cut and worked to the greatest possible advauUga ubovc w.iter level, nnd ut much lessoxpnso than can bo done from coltcrlcs operating below v.atar level. Tlio coal can bo brought to tho surface throujh drifts or tunnel vi hlch drain thovvnler from tho mines nnd saves tlio hoisting of tho coal. No tU eligibility of theso lauds for clunp mining la un questionable,. Very lately tho "Grand Tunnol or "Hod Ash" vein lias been opened, nnd is now producing as lino a quality of coal na has ever been pvoduced In tho anthracite, regions. Tho bleaker now In opcintton Is capable of pieparlm rom 1M lo'. tons per day. Thosurfacecoulalnj un abundant supply of wood and timber very val uable for mining put nous, which gives the tract tho ndvant.igo or many other coal lands. Thu fact that almost nil valuable coal lands nro bclug lapldly taken up by heavy capitalists orlargocor purntions, shows that they must steadily and greatly riso In tho market value, whllo with tlio Immense and constantly increasing demand for this coal, and the Itailrond and North Hrnnch c.. nal, passing by tho mouths of the mines, through tho (front Iron making districts of IJIoomsburj, Danville, Duncaunon, Ilarrisburg, Mlddlotmvu, Marietta, mid Columbia, to tlde-wntor nt HoVr de Grace, ono can scarcely conceive of n moro profitable or pcrmanant source of wealth than mny bo found In lauds llko these. In order to ho nblo to open their works on more extensive plat, this company has placed a portion of their capital stock In market on tbn following tonnsi Any person talcing one or moro shares of stock nt TEN DOLLARS EACH, will bo entitled annually to n ton of coal at cost at tho rulnu per share, nnd nny stockholders NOP KKCI'lVINU TIIH COAL iih nforcsild, to ho croditid on tho books of tho Company, with tho dllTereuco between tho cent und selling price for each share, to bo paid bef ta a dividend shall be declared. C. F. KNAFI', Agent March 1, 1SG7. Vy-ELL-TRIED REMEDIES. 1 Husscll'H Ilcli Olnlmonl, Immediate nnd certain euro.. l&cl. It Is nlsoasuro i.-iiivdy for sciutches on horse. Ilusi ell's rlalt Hheum Ointment, is uuequa- led i Wets. r.iisscll's I'llo Olntnunt, cuies utter nil oilier rrmedles havo failed Jl Tiicso olutnients nro certain, snfe, and j speeilli-s, as thousands havo und nro dally isTli lying. l'or snlo by all Druggists and medicine dealer", fli-norn! Depot, Pimi-iiot, 1Ikui:n A HouAur, Wliolesnlo Drui-'Klsts, 211 1 ultun St., (near Green wlihi, New York, hunt by mull: Itch, 40c; H. it. We.i I'lle, (1.00. tmarl'o7-3nt, .TEW PUULIO HOUSE. "11 1: N TO N II OT n L.' Tho undei signed hus opened a now HouM cf Unt'-rtatnineut at )tr..s'iO:., COLUMJIIA COUNTY, I'A., sa lil.'li Ii la-ce, o iminndious, well furrWii-d, an I iiuiatediilsmt tin-ceutro of (he village. Th.-st.i-hllug IsaUoiiLw, well nruingcd, convenient uu I Selllle. It will he his constant endeavor to furnish Mi table wllhgii,Kl,pl(iity and subslnntlnl food; hi liar with choice, puro und wholesome liquors r and his stub!,, with e very llilug neeesar toiwikaM iislabllshiui'iii eomiilete, IIcMlteitJ the publl' patronage. rnitiK An'i.i.vM i llontnn. Mavh 1. IM7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers