ifflf itf tint itf in ft ley ii i if 111 JP ft lll vol. i.-m 10. BLOOMSBUHG, PA., FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 1867. PltlOE FIVE CENTO. THE COLUMBIAN, A IDomooratic Newspaper, m rciiLtniiKti rou Titn ritoriiiKTons nr BROCKWAY & FREEZE, EVKUV KKIDAY MOUNtXO AT Dloomtbnrg, Cnlumlita County ln .THKra-lncIpItflofUilHimpcrflrooftlicJcfTerNon VmBchwlof pulltlcs, Thusc principles ullliirvcr fco compromised, yet courtesy nml khuiVrw slinll not bo forgotton In discussing tliem, whether with Ui Jlvidimls, or with contemporaries of tlio Press. Tho unity, hiipplnoss, nud pro iorlty of the coun try 1 our ulm nnd object; and a the menus to fHxsaro that, -wo slmll labor honaiitly nnd cnrnpHtly fcj Uioluirinony, nucctfsumJ growthof our organ isation. U litis bcooumI to tho Proprietors that tho re quirement of a County lU'WhimperhnNenot heen heretofore fully uiut hy their pu'decohsors r con tcmporarl ; mid they Imvo determined to, If i IoJhletsupplytUeilfiilclency, In n llternry point , Of vlow aJr this pnper will nlm nt a high stand ard, nnfl hopes to cultivate In it renders n rnrreet tMc and Bound Judgment on merely literary, iw tvcll oa ou political question;. Tho uowh, I'orelffu and Domestic, will he enre Djlly collated nnd succinctly given; whlh; to that of our own Btato nnd section of tho Wnto, partic ular attention will ho directed. Important Con B regional wad Ieglslntlvo nmtter will Iki fur tUahod weekly to our readers in a readable and tellablo form ; ond votes niul opinion on Impor tant aud lending menMtrs will he always publish Od; so that our nwr will form n complete n-cord of oorrent political events. The Local Interests, news nnd bustnci of Co lumbhi County wltl receive special attention; nnd wo will cudtavor to malcotho paper a no odty to tho farmer, mechanic nnd laboring man, Uku whom nt La I nil business Uilcrcbta depend. Tho flrohldo and family circle will Ik diligently owns Id or od In mulling tip tho paper. No ndvor tfkoni&nt of an improper character will ever, tin dor any pielext, bo udmlttod into lt columns, ltd Conductors uro determined that It whMl be en tirely free In all respects from any deleterious POETRY. tiii: iii:m1ii and tiii: vluwhhs, nr LONMFM.I.OW, There Is n Hcoper, wluisc name Id Death. And, with his tdcklo keen, lie reap the bearded grain at a brenth, And tho Iloweis that grow between, "Hlinll I have naught that Is fulr?'rilth he; "Have naught but tho bearded grain? Though the breath or these flow crs is fcwect tome I will give them nil hack again." 11c Razed at the flowers with tearful eyes, , He ItNsed their drooping h nve.s It was for tlie Lord f Paradise He bound them In hiiHheaes, "My liord has neod nf these flmvorcls gny," Tho Hen per mdd( nnd smiled ; "Dear tokens of tho earth nrc they, Wheic ho wns once it child. They Mmtt nil bloom In fields of light. Transplanted by my eaie, And saints upon their pitmen ts white, These sacred blossoms wear." And the mother gave, in tears nnd pain, The flowers she most did lovo; Hho knew she could find them all again In the fields of light above. Oh, not In cruelty, not In wrath, Tho ltcaper came that day; Twns an angel IMted the green earth, And took the flowers away, POLITICAL. THE DESERTER QUESTION. prr.r.cii or iio.v. oi:oitcr. j). jacksox Of Sullivan, on the Act to change the ven ue in (lie case oj tvmmonwcaun vs. Jesse 11. MCarty, Joshua 11. M'Carly ami Charles Jtorton.from the Court of Ouartcr tie tons of Sullivan Countu, to the Court of (Quarter Sessions of Bradford County. Mr. JACICSOX. Mr. Speaker, I nm opposed to tliu passage of tho bill now under consideration of the Senate, be cause It is unnecessary, unjust, and un called for, ami the administration of Justice does not require it. There lias no implication of un.v kind been ure- (joctrlno or uliuslon, m thnt every man m place s-cnted, either before the Judiciary Cimi- 1 tla tho linnJn of lus children, not only without mittces ill tlie JloiHO or the Senate, ' .1 It.... I... 41. I fear, but with mufldenro In Its tcnchlnm mid 11 l" Pie inicicsicn in uns inu, llSKilii; iui u cmumu ui eiuiu. xiiuiu has been no alliilavit presented by the election uoani oi l'.iKianu lowu-iiin, who have been indicted, stating that they could not receive a fair trial in the county of Sullivan. Nothing but u mere petition, signed by a fuw citizens of tlie county of Sullivan, hni been pre Minted, asking for a change of venue in this case; and that petition, i-ir, is lillcd with nii-repre.-oiitatious from beginning to end signed, an it is, by Minieentinia blo citizens of Sullivan, many of whom probably hail no knowledge that the statements nuuio mere were mostly totidcurJoH. Promising to uso their very lnM en doavors tofnlfll In lotter nnd hjtlrlt tho nnnounco mcntibovu net forth, tho Puhllnhcrs of Tun Co LC&miAM trustfully jilncert It beforo the ncople be lieving tlml It will answer a waut lu tho com munity hitherto unMipplIod. To Connrai'Oi.iir.jnH. In older to mnke Tin: OoLUMniAM Ofioomiileto a record as posslbloof nil facta and ovcntu, aecldent", linpnn emenUand dloovorle( relntlng to Columbia County, wo re fToetfully luvlto correspondence, nceonipunled wlUi reix)nslble nnmoH, from all points. If facta, otM nud names oro carefully given tho lldltors f.,! froni beginning to end. do not Bill put Uio Information In proper form. blame nil who have signed tins peti- Teuus ok scMcimTioN:-Two hilars for one tion : but I do hlamo tho aut hor of i t ; pubscrlptlonii not paid In advance, or by the first j.jj0Wijj t)10 contents of it. tiny of April, 1T7, will Invariably bo charged Two j j,rono,se, sir, ill US brief a manner as Dollarsand fifty Cents. All oontracta of mb- tilC fcllbjcct Will allow mo, to examine scrlptlon and for advertising will bo made with this petition, and to give my reaMius ttiol-nbllsiiersnndnllwmc.b.thereforcnforccd iny on position to the bil, and why itshoiiltl not bo passed. In the iir.-t In their name. Ul thcl gir) tho j.otltioix starts out , TnnCoi.rMr.iAX will bo delivered throush wt, theassertion that tho county ii in tliomaii,toHbseriiMi8 in Columbia County, free tensely Democratic. Thnt, I believe, is ofinstnge. To thmc outoldo of tho County, llvo the only truth ill "tllO Whole petition, oenupor Quarter In advance, paid at tho offleo Wo poll, Sir, nearly two DcMnoeratie Vrlicro recoivexl. Tsum.1 or ADVEKTHisa : Ono hquare (ten lines r loss) one or three lnsertloni 81,50; each sulrie (runt Insertion GO cents. CM, Iv. of John Dlckerson, who was sworn Into too service uy mo provost, marsiuu oi iroy, wountiett in tnc iiattlo ol tno Wilderness, middled in Libbv nrlson: and yet ho is hero branded as a deserter. i can snow you tho naino of ltaiplt ai. Wheeler, tiiion these records, as having deserted a man who went to that sahio irovost marshal, and enlisted there. lie went Into the service nnd camo homo with his honorable discharge, and was met at tho election board and branded as a deserter, witli his honora bio dNehnrgo in his pocket. j count givo many otner cacs,sir, out will not take tin tho time of the Senate. .... ii T... il. i I I i uu suy iiiuru uru coses mat nru uaiii indeed, tliero are, sir, anil in your zeal to nrocuro votes, and carrv vour narti- san ends, you passed that act, nml w lilst you lilovided that, ifiv man should coino beforo tho election board. and prove that ho was not a deserter and had a right to vote, he should Imvo that right. You provided no manner in which tho roils should bo corrected and his name stricken from tho list- but you left his namo there, and com pelted him at every election to make tno saino prooi, aim wncn no dies, ins familv. for all time to come, are to bo taunted witli his being a deserter. That sir, was ono of tho things that I object ed to, from the stump, in tlie County of Sullivan. If that is a defence of tho right of deserters to vote, then mako tno most oi it. Tho petition assorts "thnt tho Demo cratie sheriir and commissioners liavo placed a largo majority of their parti sans in tho Jury-wheel, including i number of deserters, so that deserters niul their sympathizing friends are cer tain to bo a maloritv of every Jury. Now, sir, I wih to say right hero, that tno sneriu aim commissioners oi Mini ...... nn.. i. ..rt ....... ..r 1.1. -I. ill. vvmui v nil: 1111:11 til luii siiiiiviuin, and would scorn to take any advnntago in nutting tlie names into the Jury-box; they aro as free from partisan feelings ns any men in the state, ino jury i selected without rcirard to nolitics. am I think I can establish that fact beforo 1 am through. 1 hold in my hand lists of tho iuries drawn in tlie year ISM, and for February court, 1807, certified by the iirothonotary and commissioners of Sullivan county. Dy a special act of Assembly but two jury courts are held each year; but a third or a fourth can be, if deemed ne cessary by tho court. Three jury courts were held in tho year ISCii, viz: February, May and December. You will remember that I referred to tho fact asserted in tho petition "that tho county is intensely Democratic," that wo polled nearly a two-thirds vote. Let us see how the juries were compo-ed. In the traverse-Jury, of February, 181SH, I 11ml the names of ten Republicans and twenty-ono Democrats, and live wlio.-e political proclivities aro to me tin- Known, uu tno traverse jury, oi -mij. his namo is not found on tho certified ist, nor on tho rooordd sent to Sullivan county. It was only tho wickedness of tno Hearts ol llioso men, or uicir parti san feelings, thnt caused this dilllcully. Tliero was no evidence, i nm liiiormcu, beforo tho election botird that this man was a deserter. You cannot Unci any evidence on tho record that ho wns a tlcst rt t ; ami now they coino hero ami mnko tho assertion thnt ho was n well known deserter. Tho gentleman irom Hradford county, In tho House, Mr. Kinnev.l referred to tho very "patriotic class of citizens who fought Leo In Can ada." etc. 1 would advise tho gentle man not to no so very narti upon ins rim i ran lr oik s ol Hill lvnu county. Ho thought tho stump speeches ho used In Hradford County would do to uso in tlm bnll of thn lloiisn of ltenresenta- tlves, and thought they would apply to tho Democratic party, when, unfortun ately, they applied moro to his own lr em s t urn to tno J'emocriuic puny. Communications have been sent to tho naiiersof hradford and Sullivan coun ties, by sonio person claiming to bo an outsider, but who, I believe, is nmem- oer, in wnicn tney navo endeavored to cxcHonnd get up a partisan feeling, in wliicli thevsav tusticc cannot bo done unless this cao is transferred. 1 nm anxious that, wherever this caso. is tried, it shall bo tried upon the merits of tho case, without parti san feelim? enterinc Into It. 1 ue- ltnvn Hio ...in lin ilnno In tlm pnnntv of Sullivan; I bclievo it cannot botlono in tno county oi urauioru 1 think tlie member of tho other branch made n trreat mistako in excit ing partisan feellngsinlJradford county, Tho other member from Hradford IMr, Webbl made a statement In tho llolt-e in regard to which 1 wish to say that ho was laboriin? under n wrousr impression lie said thnt circulars had been issued there, signed by myself and others, in which it was agreed to defray tho ex penses of deserters, provided wo could have their votes. For my part, I never saw or signed a circular oi tunc Kind Tliu only nn-ltimi 1 over took. I tool onenlv. beforo tho people of Sullivan in my speeches. I do not wish to say that lie lr. nstatcd t ie caso Knowingly 1 think now ho acknowledges he was wrong. Now. sir. this chantro will put tho co-ts on Sullivan county tinju-tly. That bill proposes that all the costs and ex penses of the change of venue shall bo paid uv inoconimissioneisoi iiiecouiiiy of Sulilvan. 1 do not know the inten tions of those who drafted tho bill. I think, for mv part, that it should bo put in a different shape, and left fur tho cots to follow tho suit. Now. sir. 1 wMi to slate, further, that this petition wrongs Judge F.I well Judge Khvell has charged the jury that in indictments against olllcers of elec tions, for rclectimr votes and lie has s liarired the ury in every ease oi tno MILITARY GOVERNMENT, MT.r.im or no.n. c. it. iivckai.kw, In the Senate of the United States, Feb' ruarji ioii, ihoi, upon inc. jiiu jrom the Jlouse qf Jlrnrrscntattves for the establishment of Military Uovcrnmenl in the Southern States. Mr. l'nr.stnr.xT. mv volo has been snllrlted for tho present amendment by gentlemen in wlioso judgments i navo ery mttcli commence; and in ono re iicet tho adoption of tho amendment would bo quite proper, perhaps benell idnl. In sn fnr ns it places n limit Upon this enormous, novel, and porlentfotis military power tho bill intends to es- k n i s i. it may no vindicated uv sound reasoning ami considerations of public lolicy. Any nnuiuiioii vviiaiuver win io boiler than tho ab-enco of all limita tions In tho proposition ns Introduced beforo us. . . . lint. s r. there arc two reasons which Will induce mo to veto against tills nnicndment. In tho first place. I am opposed to the proposition which it con tains upon a consideration of tho merits ol tno proposition ltscn. x am averso, I'rom thoroiiL'h conviction, to tho intro duction of nny State into this Union, or to her rehabilitation with an ner lormer lolitical powers, upon the condition that slio shall make suirrago within her limits universal and unlimited among tlie male inhabitants over twenty-ono years of aire. 1 need not go over tho arirunicnt upon that point. I have stil ted it upon it lormer occasion in tno next place, i Know periccuy well that n vote for this amendment, nlthough given under circumstances which do not commit mo to tho propo sltinn ns n llnal ono. will bo misunder stood nml perverted. It will be snid throughout the country oi cacn oi tnoso who stand in tho position in which I stand, thnt wo havo departed to some extent nt least irom mat position wnici wo have h t icrto ma itaincu. ami mam tallied against all tho influences of tho time, against tno pressure oi circum stance which havo swept many from our sides anil carried tneni into tneiarg and swollen camp of the majority. Sir Not n constitutional principle, hitherto regarded sacred in this country, is writ ten down in this bill or covered by its vague nnd general phracology,tnoro In delinlto, vnguo,nnd Indeterminate than tiiatot anystatuionow upon mo recurm of tills Uovcrnnicnt t ny, or of Knghtnd, abused 'mill trnduced Englnnd, of whom wo complained becnuso heruovernmcnt wns nrmtrary, anil tnercioro iook up nrms to throw olflls lursdlctlonnnd vin dicate American freedom. Tho General of tho Army is to assign to the command of ench of tho military districts created by this bill "an ollicer ot mo Army not uciow tno rniiKoi urig adler general," nnd to detail n sulllclcrit torco to givo dignity mm cuect to xno iurlsdlctlon conferred upon him : and there is conferred upon each district commander, in tho third section, power "totmnisnorcauseto Dopunisncdmi dis turbers of tho public pence, mid crlmi- nuls" ol every description auugraue. no may in his pleasure, by no rule of law, by no regulation of statute, by no principle Known to tnc Lonsiiiuiion or created oy Government, but iicconlimr to his own unregulated pleasure and will, conde scend to turn cases over to tno courts "Or when In his Judgment " his supremo uud unchallenged Judg ment " Itmnv bo necessary for tho trial of of fenders, ho shall havo power to organize military commissions or triounais ior that purpose, anvthlntr in tho constitu tion anil laws of any of tho so-called, Confederato States to tho contrary not- wlthstandin And then tho Supremo Court of tho United States, which your lathers ea- tnhlislied us the supreme uiounni oijus tice in tills country.witli appellate pow ers from inferior tribunals, wilh tho great power of tlio'writ of habeas vorjius in its hands to correct Injustice upon tho citizen. Is to bo restrained from med- dlliur in any wnv whatever with this new, unexampled, nnd nbominablo Jur isdiction which tno bill establishes). J am mistaken, sir ; there is an. exception The judges of your Supremo Court may nave juri-diction in particular cases n: n clause which I propose to read. Nei them dictatorial powers. Thnt Is tho word. This bill established rt military dictatorship by congressional enactment for ono third of tho United States, and its grants are In tho largest nun vaguest terms. Under them nny net pertaining to civil government, nny net pcrlnlnlng to tho punishment of criminal offenders, nnv Im niitlinrlzpfl nml liinvbo perform ed by tlie military power which you set IStili, 1 find sixteen Republicans and kind beforo him that they could not 1 for ono urn ambitious of being known thcr tho Supremo Court nor nny Judge as urn.- uuiuiig nun iiuiuui-i u un.-a ,i uu 0 timt court or ol too district courts can navo Kepi uieir mini ; who iiuvoioiiow ed their convictions ; who havo obeyed the dictation of duty in tho worst of times : who did not bend when the titorm beat hardest nnd strongest against them, but kept their honor unsullied, their faith intact, their self-re.-pect un broken nnd entire. 1 shall not vote to degrado suffrage. I shall not vote to pollute nnd corrupt tho foundations of political power in this country, either in my own State or in any other. 1 shall resist It every where and at all times. If overborne, if contrary and opposing opinions pre vail. I shall siniply submit to the neces sity which I cannot resi-t, leaving to t . a . i a.. i ii j fiPACK 11. Onesiuaro 2.00 Two squares........ 3,00 Throo squares. 5,00 Four nqunr fi.'O Half column 10,00 Ono column l.r,00 votes to ono Republican in tho county I wish this point to bo distinctly under stood, because when I come to consider another part Of the petition that part in relation to tno manner oi drawing inrios in that county, I intend to show fiiio sio.oo this Senate that partisan feelings have ti.oo li.oo not been allowed to enter into mo jury 12,00 n,oo box of the county of Sullivan. It goes ,oo m.oo on to stale that tho "prevailing sentl- i,no ai,no nicnt of tho Democratic party in tills 3o,(io M.oo county is that deserters have a right to vote," etc.; ami tins view nus ueeu impressed upon the people in harangues from tho stump, not only by leading Democrats, but by judges who aro to try the cn-so. All of the judges of tho court of quarter sessions of this county woro candidates for olllcc at tho late election, and actually engaged in can- Aptma.terisr.nuired vassing for vote ihnt iietuion seventeen Democrats, and three tin- j known. I defy any gentleman to show 'in fair a record in Pennsylvania. On tho traverse jury, of December, ISiiO, thcro were twelvo Republicans and twenty-two Democrats, nnd two un known. For tho grand jury, February, 1SG7, now drawn, tliero aro eight Re publicans, fifteen Democrats, nnd one not known. On tho tjnverso jury, for February, 1S(!7, thcro aro eleven Re publicans, twenty-ono Domocaats and 1 not known. Now, sir, if you tnko all those unknown, nml add tlicni to tho Democrats you still have over one third of those juries who were Republicans ; if you would mid tho unknown to tho other sido von would have nearly half that wcro Republicans. Let us go still further. I see Unit the Senator from Hradford Mr. handon 1 8-1,00 5,00 7,00 8,00 12,00 1S,) ,1JC. I,l C,ll0 8,.V) 10,00 11,00 20,l) Kxccutor's nnd Administrator's Kotlco M,0; Au ditor's Notice J2.W. Other advertisement s lner tod according to f.peclal rontrnct. Iluslncm notices, w Ithout nd crllstmeut, twenty cents per lino. Trantlcnt advertisements payable inndvnnee- all others due aner tho firkt Insertion. NliWKrAPKlt r.A w toRlvo notice by letter (returning the papcrdocs , '.j t ,, infamously, malicious not nn-iwor tho icqulrement of tho law) when a jy j-als0 . j10 bj10ws Very well that while eubscribor does not uiKeins paper irom ineoimu; juuge i-iweu wns u eiiuuiiiniu iui .uh nnd to state tho renon for Its not being taken. gresS ill that district (and Unit too ...... i. ntrainst li s own wbhes.) ho did liol A nog.eci 10 . o w. ,..u... . i-.. ,.?,. golit.irySI)CCchfroni the stuiiip, bio to me pnbiisiK-r lor mo paj mom. canvass tho district, or work for a voto S. Any parson who takes n paper regularly from K Hy.,,, county, 1101' ill liny other tno post offleo whether illriiteu lonisnaiiw or I county composing 1113 .lUdlCUlI district. .,ii, r,..iiir im has subscribed or not, All'of tho India's aro honorable, up is responsible for the payment oftbe ..ubscription right gentlemen, and liayotho full coil- , . pcr.o.1 orde, . h, ,.a,.r discontinued, he IU Oneoo. .0 ot , iif msUyuinUlarrcaro8e or tlm publisher may I S()farus j mn tnfurmed, mako llioro eoutluuo lo scud It until payment Is made, and Ji.,,n f..... r (hrco speeches 111 tho COUll- eollocttliewlioleanKsiiitwhetlierltlstalienfroni fy. Iliad tllO honor sir of Stumping lis offleo or not. There can be no legal dlsoonUu- the COllllty In connection With JlldgO . ' .i.,,, IScdford, ono of tho candidates for asso- ,,., ....Ul tho payment Is made. 1 . . . ... , , i. if n suiweriiH-r who u in arrears orders in. thc feul,j JJ.t'0f desertrrs at all ; and hero poiier to bo stopped nt a certain time, and the jL,t mQ rcmrij tllflt there is 110 coiltet poblUhsr continues to send it, the subscriber 1- tho COllllty ill relation to the election . rrii if i,e ink- it out of tlm post of Judges. Their election is not eon- imco. Tho u. 1 on , ground that ft tested I do not cla m to boleoill,,; man must poy for what he uses. . ... .. ,v10 nm(b. nny speeches 111 re . n-i.. h.r.,iii,isii that refnlnc to tnko iiini, fn Hint sulileet. and 1 have never lepers and periodic from , ho po.tomce .take,, VWffi, or romoving and leaving mem uueanu,. ,u. i minnls Court of l'e.in-ylvania jwli.ioacl evldonco of Intentional fraud. m(j ,it,t.,iwj Imt a Ulan should not 1)0 '4a- It l, In all taiet, moro likely to bo atisnic- (jisfnllu.l1;ed on tlio simple assertion , to the l'ubiwicri, that ho was a deserter ; mat no must uu ns in ills hand what 1 think is tho pe tition sent In here. While lio is glan cing nt it, let mo refer to the met mat ten of those men who signed that peti tion wcro drawn ns jurors in 18(1(1, viz: John Warburton, grand, i-enru.iry, 1800. William Olidowcll, grand, i-euruary, 1S6(5. . ... Joseph Rogers, grand, leuruary, 1SIJ0. . . . ..... C. Roy les, traverse, l-euruary, 1S00. Jcsso AToIyneaiix, traverse, i-enruary, 1800. J. II. Rogers, traverse, .May, inki. Kd. Warburton, trnvorso, Jlay, lUU. K. Jt. Frost, traverse, May, 1m!6. Jonathan Rogers, grand, December, 15111! Joseph Jl'Carty, traverse. i;eccmuer, IRfill. And. sir. further than that four llioro ofthesopetitioncrsarodrawnonthojury lor l-el). ISU7, mid noioro somu ui uitu ii, u tri-il will tnko liliipe. if not removed to llrudlorit county, i reier t'i mu names of David Molyneax, Jonas Rrnd ford, Joseph Wliiteiy and J. R. liird. A ml i-nt lluwn irnntloineii havo tho nu- v..v j. ----- ---- - . , daclty to eonio ncre nun cuuiio.uii tho manner of drawing tho Jury in tlio county of Sullivan. Iiiskimy gcntleinan hero to set aside some sixteen, whom I have been Informed aro minors, nnd tnko tho balance of tho.number in that petition nnd go into nny county in tho Commonwealth, ond seo if he can pick out ono hundred names in that county nml In that one hundred llnd as many persons who havo been drawn on Junes as there are in this Instance, ii, .t r am nut ,1,11111 with that petition vet. 1 will ask the Senator from llrad ibrd .Mr. handonl to read tlio two ilrst names on that petition, Henry Norton and John Norton, two very loyai men be convicted without its being estab lished bv tho evidence that tho defend ant knew tho party offering his voto was a legal voter, and yet rejected his vote. If ajuilge, or Inspector, acting unon Ids best iudirmcut. honestly re jects a voto as illegal, he cannot be con victed ot a misdemeanor, niinougn no was mistaken as to tho law. lie can only bo punished when he acts corrupt lynot for tho honest exercise of his judgment. Now. I wi-h to ask nny member m this Senate if ho would ask any judge to charge ililferently. Judge Klwell is uu honest, upright and conscientious man, and as a man and as a judge, wo ire all proud ot mm. no says: "Ho can only bo punished when ho nets corruptly, not for tho honest exer- clso of his iudirnieut." Aow. Air. tspctiKcr. l navo anotner thing to say. I am authorized by tho associate judged of tho county of Sulli van to state, "that if tho election board now standing indicted by tho grand ju ry of tho county aforesaid, in the elec tion case of l-;iKland district, in tno ch-jo In which you purpose 10 cnangu tho venue, may so desire, they will most cheerfully vacate tho bench iluriii; snlil trinl." If the gontlemam from Bradford will acknowledge, as I think he will, Judgi Klwell is an honorable, upright man he can certainly havo no obiectlou to his trying this ca-o alone. The associ ate judges aro willing to vacato the UeilCll llllllllg 111U lllliu Ul mu mm. Vow. sir. it is mv duty to refer a lit tie further to tliL petition. I find at tlio end of it tlie following: "As attorney for tho defendant. I re tfullv nsk'th-.it tho above petition may bo emitted, being fully of tho opinion that tlio defendants cannot get a lair trial in uiuvau county. Thomas j. ikquam." That sounds to mo a good deal like tin, i-i-iiiiiniil liefiu-i) tlio court of Justice who boirun to crv. and felt very bad nml tlm Imlirn remarked to him: "Why II1V ilrvir fi'llnw. von shall havo Justice.' "Ah! vour Honor, that's Just what 1 nm n n-nlil nf." Now. sir. tliisinaii. Ing ham, was Indicted and tried Peloro tno I'lllll't iii Sullivan county. I think, dur ing tho last May session. The evideneo wllllll'lll I tlm f-ii-i Hint bo hail met a man In tho streets, and told him that, if ho attempted to voto, ho would arrest him as a deserter. Towards ovenlng, this nmii l'eterman o ereil his vote, aim imrlumi and others grabbed him, tor his clothes off, and kept him under ar ,.,..1 until nftr.r tlm election had closed aiid then gavo him tlio hint that lie ust men and to future times tlio viudi- ition of mv conduct. The consideration of this amendment does not involve ilebato upon tho bill Oil; lllSllllllO (lisuuci, Hum ll, una i.l It iiiov lin i-nnhIoi-(-(l distinctly. I ii of opinion that tho debates of the Senate would be greatly improved if, tlie laws of tho United States, and liave vision against thoso dangers to which i ...... . - ------ - . ... ..,, V- n n hero an 1 ask for Justice, and ;!"" ..Fl " """'" A? " FUectioiifron, thodescrter i'0!1... "t". 6 , m ' 1, I arrested tills man for tho purpose o I, to iubserlhcrs and kuaVre.i.utaj.cos.uidallconin.uuUatlonsiespect. tried, convicted, ami the seiiteuco ap- skinla.a from tlio dralt 11 tho hUuS,nes,oftheW,e,bosen,d,f:e,,o,ho ed Ofo. bo can b p ouieoof publlentlon. All letter., whe.he lela.lng cr u.iature of .1 1.110 1th, the womls ; and they come here and i V,ilM,lvhM I c- to the edlto.uu or bu.lncss concerns of tho ,.aper. m b , U.o acts of Con-' ,0n.plaln that Democrats want to give "K'",ij iZllMMVufnrtmBm- nnd all payments for subserlptio,-, ndver.lsing. . mt the records of dratted men, j .lesci ters the right to vote. lor ho 7 e aveiis t hat could prevent a ,rlobblUg,ar0tobemadetonds.Wis.Hi marked "Jailed to report," was no ; the Uo fmllior, t-lr. I hold in my hand 1 ; t f ..Kulltvi. being rendered, imouicWAV a F.ti:i'..n, "offlc al ev idenco J'f t ho &yt f e': tho ce.tlllcato of tho wm-wj""? That shows that we do not do things tuu,mn fljic.," "'.". rS!l" i , 'f , t tl mt th ,ll''lfte(I '"S"' froJn, 10 vt'L e M lUo as rashly and with as much mi- nmoiism-na a tllL' 1,ctV', J,"" iw,, , , ,i,i i n '.vou --cut into .Sullivan louiity hi IMiO. i ,- lh s - ,s wo tirt) ucc-used ol, or liwoHsm no, l a. ontv oiilcial evlilfiico that there could bo , , ( t)mt u,t t10 mUiio of Abel ' ' 1 , t t rrinwdaiiiobUon'.iiuihiiug.,n.r thu Court ; tho rt.criN f the court, showing a , M.t.nrtyauother very loyal man 1 ,0" . ,,,, ni)t uU to uouscby . VAni.En.McB. trial, a conviction, a sentence et ce w , uttia-hed to that pe t on. N M-b hKo 1 (1 (,,.rV i ,t 1 "u,c,l,y l'uANK n.8i.Yi.n. ... 111U1 tho sentence approved, U '' " (This ...an, Abel M'Carty, Is p.. b is bed , ""j-1, 1 evi- lip. Xll.ll Id 11 ll LCllllUl nil l' XI" lining. by wliat iinnro It bo designated, thnt Is ltstiiuure. Jiuit, you usiuonoii uy mn bill. Whatever you propose, that Vlll bo tho authority created: it will bo known ns n dictatorship In-nil futtiro Mr, President, nt what time is It pro posed to pot up this military dlctntof- shlp In tho United Stales. Is It not nearly two years niter iiiocuiii iusiuu m the la'te wnr? Is It not nt n time when complete peaco reigns throughout tho United Stntes, when tliero is no resist nnco to tlio authority of tlio Govern' nicnt, and when wo opprencnti no such resistance in future unless thnt resist nneo be provoked, possibly, by our con duct and policy ? There enn bo no vin dication of this measure upon thoground of its connection with thu wnr. There enn bo no vindication of it npon tho ground that it is necessary in tho conduct or management of military operations, In the subduing of a force arrayed ngniusi our auinoriiy m nny portion of tho country; nor mailt is ncecessary to guard ugainst renewed re volt nnd renewed resistance in any placo or section subject to our Jurisdiction. Tho Long I'nrlinment, to which refer' enco has been made, established n mili tary force of Its own, independent of tlio Crown, mid it placed over that force military commanders. It nrmcd them nnd sent them forth upon a mission of resistance to kingly power. That was during n tlnio of civil convulsion, when parties woro to bo arrayed against each other in daily eonllict. when tho-grcat battle between executive, prerogative, and populnr freedom wns to bo fought out upon llrltish soil. Thcro wns soma reason, somo excuso then for n Parlia ment which claimed omnipotence to confer onormotis powers upon military conimanderssclccted by Itself. Tliero la no reason now why an American Con- Isstie n writ of habeas corpus or look into gross wliichisnot omnipotent, tin Aincr- the legality ot any proceedings in wnicn lcnu congress whubu wi-m uiu u..j- tliis military jurisdiction is concerned fully nnd grudgingly parceled out to it "T'iiloenniipniiitiiUsionLMl officer " in the Constitution of the country, a U)ii Ln csssoniL Coniniissionul olllcor- crs nro subjecte(, tow Some dlgni led lieutenant of tho second 0S1U.V mul extensivo limitations ; it is degree possibly not uow n tttno for an American Cou- " Unless some eoniniissioncd ollicer press to nssiimo to itself thoso onmlpo on duty In the district wherein the per- tent powers which will bo implied by son is detained shall indorso upon said tlio passage of tills bill. It Is not now u petition a statement certifying, upon time for tlio American Congress to set honor, that ho lias knowledge or infer- Uj, military power nml a military dlcta- matiou ns to too cause nun ciiciiiiisi.iu- lorship in any portion oi tno country, ces of the alleged .detention, and that ho Tlio duties of tlio hour of which wa believes the saino to bo wrongful : and hear so much aro to heal tho wounds of fiirtlior.that he believes that tho indors- i-oniliet. to restore real peaco and genu- ed petition is preferred in good faith inc concord throughout our country, to and in furtherance of Justice, and not to return to tlio pacific debates which In hinder, or delay tho punishment oi former times characterized the proceeds crime." lugs of the legislative department of tho The wealthy criminal, forhis feoof $.10 Government, to restore by sound liieas- or$l()0orj.1i'(),cangetalieiitenant'.scertif- ttrcs that prosperity which wns lntor icato to his petition, and go to tho courts ruptedby the war.and by a careful nnd ol mo united Slates ami uo nearii tinner proviuoui suiiesiniuisiuii tu uuu.u iat i-oursu weru taken ordinarily or unifonuly which has been suggested in the discussion of this bill, to wit, tlmt hen an amendment is pending donate hall bo conilned to it according to tho triet rules of order, uud that debate nun tho principal proposition upon tho original bill itself shall stand over and lie deferred until tliu amendments arc dIspoeil of. Hut, sir, my experience in tno senate nus instructed me. r nave upon several occasions delayed speaking upon .1 measure iiiiiu iiiiieniuiiuiiis ue fcrcd to it should bo disposed of, and found myself at tlie end of a debate at tempting to speak to an exhausted and impatient fconaio aim wneu my own freshness of feeling and physical energy ad departed. Dining tills week Uiopo of us who aro not endowed by nature with vigorous hvsical constitutions hnvo been sub letted to a severe strain by constant sessions day and night, besides other duties very numerous, Harassing, aim vlniustive outside of the (. Iiiiniber. And now, sir, nearly at the end of tho week, at mi additional night session or dered witli special reiereiico 10 mis measure, wo aro called upon to consider i , ti it it., a,-.. l, unit to consider it uuiiiiy. n u mu i, lil tlmt if It bo within tho power of tlio-o who i'ivo direction to tlio action of tho Sennto to force a final vote upon tho hill to-night, that voto shall uo ou tlined, tlie giving ol it snail ue coeri eu. And when did this bill come to us'.' wiililn nlmiil twont v-fotir hours. I bo- llnvii T fniinil mv.-elf ablo to give it only n hurried rending beforo it was cal .. .... . . i. ..... ii,. i,. led upon ior iieuate. is it nut u umu rcnmrlaihlo that a bill 111 which tho social and political condition of eight or ten million American people is involved should bo driven through ono branch of Congress under tho previous question, without opportunity for any extended debate, and should then be driven through tho Senate under tho discipline of an organization confined to a portion only of tho members of our body, with somo twenty-four or forty-eight hours only of consideration, timid tho pressure of other duties that crowd upon us, and wlirii our own overtasked physical pow ers scarcely enable us to givo tho subject some llttlo protection from tho Const!- the pecuniary interests and tho liberties tution oi your minors, irom mat nisiru- oi our country mu nuuiu in mu i.u.u. Iltl.tlt Mill ior M-iiinh win urn iiwoiililiul 1 f I venil aright tho duties of the hour. hero and which you tiro sworn to sup-, they may bo thus described: they do port. Tills is tho manner lu which not consist in prosecuting in a umu ui judicial power may iuko noui oi any peaco tne priijcci3,uiii.iiiYSi"'""'"- Mi.n in, imittni- ii.u mini-iiinii. n n ii-I urns m :i i mm ui wnr. nuv uu out in- raguorof iniiiuitv, in one-third of tho cludo tho injecting into our councils ete Unlted States, under this bill. mcntsof conimotlon.of hatred, of nntag- - - in i ii i Li,nt uu ,,1-nvn i-a inmsiii. inn lsiiuiv luuiiiivii.miii i'.,.- , ,.i.i t.. 41 ,,,,l. " That no sentenco of tiny military uciimny in is aiiu i nmnil.sinn nr tribunal hereby author- lauoiis.ui . tuu legisiiuu . u, loum., ized, aHeeting the life or liberty of any person, proved district." which Is the crcat branch of Govern -Ti lio ecutcd un fit s p- incut, isasnirtt of Christianity nnd of ' nml innlrn lutn i-nvl..i rf Vflwtnrdttnll fl till There, sir, sl.nmeft.lns the fact appears, "ruig this spirit, wo shall I in iinwer nver lho life of nn American ' . ....., i.i.1. ..,..,ii,.t ...... . :'"., n,. periorm our iiiissiuu iiuuiy mm Bianvi.j , citizen u confided to either one of flyo without lt our lnbor wUI bo vain mul military commanders, who aro to bo future inglorious, seleeteif not by tlio Comnianiler- n- SXSttancMlan. Chief of thc nrnilesof tho ynited States, n, oninin(.tnt.0 which wo do not pos- iw tho Constitution requires, uut py a nud which, Ifwo did possess lt, wo uai-i.uuii, jo" V'.e " Ollgllt 110t tO OXCrclsO J 00 might iu-t as well, instead of having selected tho General of the Army for this purpose, havo selected the hero ot Dig liethel ortiny other general, or oven a civilian, it Indeed this learlul and un ought not to exercise: uecuusu n an nounces beforo tlio world tho failure of republican institutions among us ; be cause it disreganls nil the constltutlonnl. protections of tho citizen, and; wimout . ..i.i. ... . i.i... ,.. i.i . necessity or reason, sun ecis nun in uia " - , Y e .,!..- ...lit,,.... UCl.eftSll Ul U'iluil, diii-jvlio huh ii. ! extiiiiplod power of creating inilita y , , , ,)r0,)Crtv, liberty, nud oven llfo rule resides In Congress Rt "1 . lho it.lf t() t10 .lensuro of military power, commanders ;of theoo departments havo j , u voto'u,, lt, as I bllafl voto ;.i,u" V" ','.', , . ,, ,,' "' ;i, ago nst a u similar measures wnicn may to JOSH BILLINGS, oven that attention which Is nccc.-sary f in.iin It. Inlidlln-nntl v. lllllcll less to examine ami discuss it pmpuiiy. W nit iiil-'ineiit will bo lorincd ot US, M-lir, nrn clim-iroil with till! leL'lsllltlVO powers of this t.overnineni, uy our a" i-iiniiti-viiii-n nnd iv tno men o. omer mnuuivu i. nations, who observe our proceedings, when measures oi mis gravity, magni tude, importance to millions of people, interesting to our whole population, aro to bo acted upon in this manner, to bo determined under the-o circumstances, adverse to correct and proper reflection, ii-lilrli I hnvo described'.' Now, sir, what is tills measure? I shall bo anxious lu all that I say to bo brief and to speak Oiily on points which mo material. Sir. this bill Is prepared and introduced to confer upon live mil itary nlHeem of lho Bulled Slates the the power of life and of death, tlio pow cr now nnd to iilimdcr or kill tlio citizens, am .1..., ...f.l.n... ...... .,lM-a Win ..! ,V . ' ftoV .niill Hi Hint TO THE UWffl OF A 1U.N1.YOM.XT 60 ,,111,, .11.. . I. ...,, v......... . ,,.,.,.. n.A,,41,.!.,ll,iii-n-i A rt mil tlirillll'lll.l UJ,i 1' .nim,in.i i... ti.tJnmonrin r-nmiiinnd. Kcllar Sisters Wlieu I ensto ml oyo selected to do his bidding-organized on a circlo uv luvly wimmen bizzy nn....it ir i.r. iiiutrn. i-nnviiilnn. u-lth tliaro needles, ml hart seems to n.i i..,u ,.rn,.-.n,iitimi cniiiort in ids nn- stretch clean across my bussum, nnd nn.ii.li Vn... S.IP. oven sentoneo of when I rellect n mlnnit, that thar to !i.,.,ti, i... i,ni u t iui mrriKii in) n nr. work for notlilii and find themselves. ,U'V." "' . ... ...ITi T v....-" .. I l...l 1,M... uti.ia rnmlv edition occoriling to nis win, neenu-u iimi mm jmU fi 1..,..... M.i.1 mn nti .11,, ii-iirw iiior-miiiiii oxecu- veining aroiuiii mu lunivi iui vitii it.,.. r ., ,.in,i, lel.ul l.nrm-n thosn trllui. shirt mar worKlllg oil. ll ftuz seeiit to ..,.j cl,l,. iiiwm 4 In. nnnrnvnl nl 1 in ino mat 1 cull snout nozauuur lur miuu ollicer commanding the district. weoks on n ?tretch. l-'eliar Bisters, you Such, sir, is tho bill introduced ncre, Kan kouih on josh juunigs ns m i for the passago of which our votes aro lie luves chnrlte, nn pup hankers fur solicited, nnd to pass which wo are dri v- nu milk i his very nater looks out Into .... Iiili. 4I. linnr-inr flirt lllirlit. linirll'lll V illf! horizell UV tlO POOr folks, JUPt IW and unprepared, while somo cxpoctnn't the light uv a till lantorn ttlilncs ncross - . .. ' . , I....1.I. t ll.n I .ttn.l.l.. ...1 l.r. urn a Illf, llflf-ll persons outside, pcrnajis, iook wiiu no- uiu 1.- wuuiu. .mm u -. -..- -pallenco upon the delay which is taking bak young ones shivering for a crust uv place, this unnecessary delay, this pro- bred, and hungry fur u s ilrt; and then 1 ,.p .,r.u...,MitiN nils u-11-.tn inni.-antflinSIiers.ala k ng and sowing of time, tills foolish appealing to old and sowing nnd talking, ho kounts n nnen with t lOHCtS (ll (.Ollg T ACKA WANNA AND JJiAnuiis- !Uut the .siibseiiueiit acts In relation to tknV,XV1iiVrl.iV!!;Vl'-c,1BcrTra.nS,v,., deserters. Wt "ffiW,i.mn,?,A UhHol'de.l'dte ri bnt'l'dtd 111' B:lOA.M.KlllBl.ll.utlllM.Bll.ll:..?Al'lV.l.'.,.: ". .. i ' . .!.. t.,.t.i n,'t llnn lnen. K!ji i-.H.iiiui ijiia.m. ,rin(--i s si. nun uu nun iiiri-ti - ----I ....j nt 11.111 - - .... i"" ' i, ill ut ns u i i-surter a ircuy iii.ui . -- . ,,.,. u , ... .... .- - ,1.. iif-iii-.t in inn i'--inn in mu i-v.-iutit.- in mu iuiimvi.ttik .- .. . , ,.t.i.. ... , ,1.,.. I, . Hull mm musvT ii.,,, it. liurir III lii rlnn.l nt IbV) p.m. nnd lu fi a.m '........ . ,. I ...it-.. V,.rllilll .; . V!V. .. . iii.,'i.i.l,iir .it h-jr. a.m. nml Wil'.X Ivru'uliinVit II-.M A.;t .nnd r,M. Aul t rn-iuit- tlum s su(;i tonut isWA.a.....i..jj;.Ai roNJ)Ai HurU KliuMtim, Miirch l i. isj. il (t-.Jl l-.v. nml llh'ti A.M. ...I...... ..f., li.i-i. WA.iiii.-UMivii.V.rlliiiiuli'rlaiYln.. l.fnro voll pimMl them as such. I reierreu, msu, m m injustice that was done to iiiany citizens in mv county, in the rolls that had been sent but. 1 can takeuplhesu rolls, fir, ..,! .rU-it vim cvlileiu-o of Instances ol such gross Injustice done many honora i.i,. i.ion. ns will make yon-make any iiian-bluli, to whatever- party ho be longs. I can show you, tir, thu namo (ATAWISSA ItAlI-HOAl). , , j riiim mi, I mtr-r i)i-lul-r 2, Ix.i, llif trnliu "111 Erlo a.m.: iinllH..-iltwi"ii'is':, ,, ,, , . llolNU Niuitii.-Uw.i M'dl t 1 I'.M.J ,:nV.Vs,V'.i'i.-i'hlhul.l.l.l.i Stall nt II UW Vu.k i:.x,.r,-i i WJ.UBi bul,t loyalty d to principles which wo have hole parcil ov little shirts on the table, far beyond in our revolution- and he feels Jest nzthoho wud 1 ko to . Yes, sir, n spirit of iinpa- own nil tho fcmalls sowing societies in lt.V.i Unlnll.w,!. cnVrntitifl iu nml thn vnri lll'lf. nilll TllltS llOlO UUIIUU ill I VI lllVWailllll.1- t-n I . j ,,., I-. finds voice even upon this floor. fortin m me utile rcuuy iuiw nv.i. I will state objections to tho bill in shirt blzlness. general terms and conclude. I nm not Oh, C hariteo! Oh, Charitco When inclined to spea c nt lengm, uut i snoiiiii .iusu uuuu vuuunm. -i take hliamo to myself if such a bill as feels as tho he Just had been tired out,, this could bo passed or bo under coiiild- and sot away to cool, l-ciiar bisters, ...... .'..iiiw,t .mm-ii.cmw. Ci-u- .lnii'tlKiskrcrix . et t ho rich nnd the sincere words in opposition to Its enact to preach party of Su vnn c.mi.ty, n w . , , t t f.llr trlnllii county, for rcluslng tho vote of . olu . ""''."Vr votes ' will do bo on political "rti!! ,!m,W;"S"u ' Jom! gmund nnd !om" other rea-on. . C. Warburton is a well Icnown desoiter, nr 1 hut ho ever iiescneu . It Is true, Mr. speaker, that the role of John f. Warburton was ruftised. Uut Wiu:n you havo spoken Urn word, it n-Igiis uver you ; hut w bile it is not yet spoken, you icign over It. d : , ' K, ' TmW o l u. c.mWslon inado by us in the presence err lory of tl o 1 nlted Sti es without of our coun trymen nud in the presence ii y-e.tr- its or 11.. Itati . s siu h as aro oftho world, that our republican insti- wrll i-ii i 7lli ii Kn manner in tutions are not as they weiosupposed to eVe v fud mental law iu tho United be, destined to ininior a 1 y or 'to ut re States both that oftho l'cdcral ( overn- renowns that their pel led ol 11 le ins ., it an hose o fa the Stales: ay, nnd about closed, that wo are to bo added to oervTeX "'.""'1 ofnumbllcs o lornier mesa... '-ve go o ,. ,d establ M,l re- o, other conn ries u ho ,, n Inn, I d, but mi iniiiii lruvL'iiin i-iiis. iitsiiiniit.it .in.. innileled tiller tho examples of the Stntes from which they went. Wltl. no right or trial bvjury, no challenge to the Irl buiial wh'ich tries tho accused, no com pulsory process for witno-ses, no right .if tiiiiii-n 1. tlm vlelini stands ilefcilselc.-s before arbitrary power: hf must bow to it mandate and submit to its decice. huwty stick up thcro noses, and let tho ....,..( educated .a.. .iou wuu uu mi i ui" Sir, this bill, In tlio lli-st place, is an fun limn just to bet his nine dollers, open confession iu tho fnco oftho world that enny Si, cr, iu full communion n that republican government is ti fail- this ero sowing cociety, who puts n UIU limi t uiHi vmn iivj s.n'& vantage, will get her final reward, 'lo konkludo, 1-VllnrSI-ter.s, pitch In. Cum together arly, and often, by your col- ting uv tlio pease, no i.tii-iui mm delo out yiuir shirts, fortharo Is every now nnd then n bogus hethen. Stnn by vour coiistitullmi nnd bl-lnws. do nil this and tlie'l-'emall hilllngsville miw ing Sitciety,' will go down to f ut uro priisiieriteo, like it wide awake torch procession. 1 bid you tondclio a Joy. end iu what this billstiggenls.ln thoruli ,,r ,,i,it(or. iii tlm Psiniiiis ninent oi uiii- iinrv linuer. In Uio chastisement of crime, of violence,nnd of private wrong, mi iivi-K-ll l.iu-. but bv military force. You propoe to put In command of ono third oftho United States generals ol vour nrniU'g. You propose to confer on A tai.sk fiiend Is llkonslnvlow on n dial-it appears in clear tveather, but vanishes as boon as it gets cloudy. Tun speaker wljo took Uio floor lui been nrmted for stealing Umbu; 5 i"
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