THE COLUMBIAN, KLOOMSBUllG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. mint hi.oo.usiiuiki, viuuAY, ?i Alien i, i snr. Tnii Slnnding Cominltico meet Jii Blooinsbttrg, on Sntunlny, Jinrch Dili, to select Delegates to tho Htuto Conven tion. WlLT.IAM L. MAHDOOIC AND Co. dealers in nno groceries, No. 115 South Third Street (opposite th Glrard Dank) I'lillndelphla. CoiiONl'.ii L. L. TAtt:, has sold hH reeldonco on Third Street, to 31m. Sarah 15. Evans, wlfo of, A. J. EvniH, for 3,a.W.C0. Tho Colonel proposes to go to WlUjamsport in tho Spring. AitnANnKMnNT3 nro being made to issuo a dally Democratic paper In Wll lianiRport. Such enterprise Is commend nblo, and wo doubt not will rceolvo tho 6iipport of tho Wllllanisportors. It Is an cvldenco of growth and prosperity. Wn havo received tho first number of tho "Daily Scranton Register," Issued by our friend E, H. M. Hill, It Is a neat, handsome sheet, ably edited, and wo trust will bo well supported by tho growing city which it represents. John Kullku, Esq., has sold his tnvoru stand in Miflllnvillo, to Aaron IIoss, for $2,000, possession to bo given April first. Isaac Yettor, Esq., takes Mr. Iless'a stand at Malnvlllc, at tho saino time. In our "Court Proceedings" of two weeks ago, In caso of Commonwealth vs. Itussl W. Stout, by an error of our ro 'portcr tho proceedings were mado to read Commonwealth r. Edward Stout, Wo clieorfully correct tho error. Itnv. W. C. Hr.asEii, of Orangovlllo, was "surprised" by a visit frolicsome of his friends on Saturday evening last, and presented with a snug llttlo sum in greenbacks, as a token of affection and respect. lie deserves many mora such surprises. Some of our subscribers at Mninvillo and Polkvillo complain that our paper is not regularly received. Wo havo in vestigated tho matter, and trust that hereafter there will bo no cause for com plaint. Ah our paper is always regularly mailed tho fault does not lie with us. We givo up a largo portion of our space this week to tho speech of Hon Thomas Chalfant, our Keprescntativo in tho Legislature, on tho pending Con stitutional Amendments. It is a thor ough argument on tho subject, and is treated in his usual torso and vigorous style. It will amply repay perusal. Tnn Concert and Exhibition at the Academy Hail on tho twenty-second at Orangovlllo, was a success. Itarely has that spacious Hall been filled with a more intelligent and interested audi enco. It was truly, a rational way of celebrating tho birth-day of Washing ton. Hy a late decision of tho Court of Claims, commissioned officers who wcro in the servlco botwoen May first 1S0I, nnd March third 1805, are entitled to fivo dollars a month additional pay, as commutation for pcrvant hire, that be ing the dlfferenco between tho former nllowanco, and tho increaso of pay of enlisted men. TIiomj entitled can have their claims adjusted by calling on C. 15, BrockwAy, at this place. A short timo since, tho Republican printed an extract from tho Philadel phia Inquirer, rcfiectingon Ir. liucka lew's course in regard to League Island Wo nublish an extract to-day from Forney's Press completely vindicating Senator Buckalow. If tho editor of the Republican had any manliness, he would retract this slander, which ho so eagerly published. Of courso ho will not do It Wncni: white men alono vote, the Spring elections nro in favor oftho Democrats. For Instance Wo havo carried tho city of Ecadlng bya fine majority; wo havo elected our mayor in Syracuse by two hundred and forty Hut In Georgetown, D. C, where tho niggers now vote, the ltadicals have elected their mayor uy ninety -six votes, That tickles our lladical neighbor hugely. Mn. nitAi.FANT. our member of tho House of lteprcseuUitlves has presented petitions from citizens oi coiumuia County, praying for a law to prevent tho fishing with seines, nets and baskets, in lm u-utors of Ilisr Eishiiiircreek and its tributaries, in thocountlesof Colum bia and Luzerne. On tho 18th lust., ho nisi read a hill in place, to meet tho views of tho petitioners, which was re ferred to tho comniittco on Agriculture. On tho 13th Inst., ho presented, and had read tho rcmonstranco of David Yost and slxty-tbrco other citizens of Columbia County, against a law allow ing btreot cars to run on Sunday in tho city of Philadelphia. A FEW of our readers will recollect tho "Campaign on tho Kishlngcroek," under command of Couch, Cadwuladcr, Stewart and others. Well, Stewart, Colouol Commanding, among other ille gal arrests aud and flagrant outrages, got into his dutches a 3Ir. Alexander Hess, of Sugarloaf, and after many threats and much chatrerlng. agreed to dlschargo him from tho Draft upon pay ment of ono hundred dollars. Tho dlschargo of courso was worthies-, and Mr. Hess sub-ierpieutly report ed to tho Draft Hoard, and was dis charged. Hut Stowart gut tho money. raise pretense of courso, and ho ought to go to the penitentiary, but tho itadl tttl over tho way will defend thui-vuuud-iel in tho Republican for n very small part of tho sum out of which Hess was swindled. E. W. W YNKoor's next term of school will commenco on Monday, April 8th next. i Wli.MAM S.vyduu has sold tho houo now occupied by Lewis It. JIaus, to W. JJ. Koons, Ksi., of this place, for four thousand ilvo hundred dollars. We arc reliably Informed tlmrmi rf. fort will soon bo made by some of tho utizcns of llrlarcreek township, to havo t divided by a lino riiiiiilmr nisi nml Weston thu ton of Hummer Hill. W'n do not know what tho iirospects of suc cess are. ON Eilday last, the Hov. Mr. Hrcn nger was ordained Pastor of tho Der ide Hanllst Church. On tho ftnmlnv evening previous, at the same place, itev. J. l Tusthi baptised boiue fivo or six converts In the Susuuuhanna. bv moonlight. WllV U tho colored man stuck Inln n corner? Why Is Frederick Douglas crowded Into some shady nook ? it Is noi ino lauiroi mo railroad companion Whero is tho fault? It nvUon frnm thoso sickly, mean, unchrMloti. un democratic prejudices that pervade hu man society. jMiulon. So, It is a "sickly, mean, unchristian prejudlco" that Induces a white lady to refuse to rldo In a railroad car along side of a darky. And It Is "un-ilcmocralic" too Is It ? And Landon intends to mako people well, high minded, christian. democratic, by forcing them to social equality with tho negro. I am sorry that there Is such a stato of public! sentiment and religion, that such n man as Fred. Douglass cannot sit down in a passenger car without being m.Mircaicu. i am sory mat it is so. What nro we to do? Keen this senti ment alive ? I, sir, am for raising tho people up into a lilgner and purer at mosphere. London. white people arc to bo raised "into a higher and purcratmosphere," by being put into sleeping berths, and seats In railroad cars.along with the very highly perfumed and "sweet scented nfrican." Tho Republican endorses that and goes for tho "lovely Landon" for United States Senator. O.v last Sunday, William P. Mc Hrido, a soldier of tho late war; was buried in tho Cemetery with tho cus tomary honors. He was n member of tho ninth Pennsylvania Cavalry, and was accompanied to tho gravo by a mounted escort, and a largo concourso of people. Wo are now familiar with these scenes, and pay less ceremony to our soldier dead than they deserve, considering the sacrifices they made; but tho time will come when a new generation will pay them tho honors due thoso who dared to venture! all to endeavor to maintain an, unbroken Union. If tho objects of the war fail it is no fault of the brave soldier. Tun Paddy Hun Coai. Company. Vo call the attention of our readers to tho advertisement of this Company. Ve nro personally acquainted with many of the parties nnd with the loca Hon of the mines, nnd have no hesita tion In saying that wo think their en terprise a worthy one, and likely to prove far moro remunerative than "Green Creek Oil Stock," and similar projects which have agitated our people in the past. Tho quality of the coal is of the host, the facilities for mining un equalled, nnd its location on tho canal and railroad, and only twenty miles distant from Hloonisburg. That Stop Tmi:r Cky. Tho editor of tho Republican prints his paper so badly that it cannot bo read, and then attempts to mako his readers think it is "spicy!" by crying out continually that other papers aro "dull ;" especially sucli papers as aro attracting general attention and patronage. This week a larger portion of his papers might bo read than usual, and wo submit that a duller sheet was never imposed upon subscribers. As tho "irregular country doctor" whilst attempting to practice ids profession, was soon discovered to bo nn Impostor, it is not probable that that this stop thief cry will pass of his half-printed dull sheet; for a "spicy" paper. Of courso ho cannot get typo and material to print his paper decently without tho "assesiorshlp," and it is fortunate that so few of his misrepre sentations can bo read. COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCE. l'liilmUljiliiu Jlnrlicts. Wi:hnesiiay, 1'clMnnry 27. GnocrniES. In sugar there is a fair business doing. IIOJ boxes sold nt!)J(Vi 1-lc r' Hi, currency, tho latter rato for clarified, and 1U0 hhds of clarified at 13o I Hi. currency. Laguayraeofi'ee sells In a small way at lSVlSlc f 11, in gold. Fi.oun. Tho market continues very unsettled. About l.WObblssoidln lots to tho homo trade Including N'nrtliwostorn Mim-rAno ut S7.il0.fil 7.7.i Niirlliwtini i-xlrii. i M" i'.V) Norihwe-'leni fiimllv I0.7V-1 M,r ivnn3 Iwmt.i mill W.Mern suimtUihi... to. s.7.i r..iiuvlvtin!n mi.l Wi-su-rn t-Mni v.i"li.!vi lvnns Ivanln nml Wi-Mi-ru lumlly l.i.rnKi:;.-,') Vmii. Iviuila initl Wi-stt-rn l'uiu-v U.UOif W.'iO lly.- Hour 7.71 Wheat of prime quality has been In good demand, and holders nro firm In their views. Wo quoto Pennsylvania red nt W.0"i(7fa.00; Southern do. at $:1.U0 i XS), and whitasat?:).3t(":).!t'; Pemia, Hyo ranges at about ?l.:i". Corn Is loss active, with sales of !!,0i0bus. at life and Oflc for now yellow, and $1 for white. Oats aro selling at W!(n.")7e. The receipts to-day aro as follows: 000 bids Hour; l,flfi0 bus. wheat; 0,100 bus. torn, a I his. onts. Pi-civihiii.vs C'ontlimo very dull, but prjies nro unchanged. Small sales are making at i:'1."') per barrel fur new jjkv Mcs be' ranges irom Ml.a.v tW.I for W'citern and eitv n.iekiid. l)r -.s- ed liiiirs tell at n(. Oe. Smoked hams are steady at 1"'" We; plrdleddo at 1:1 l.ile. Kinoked shoulders at ll'.'illie. and salted do at MmOIc. Lard sells at i) ij.lillo f lii lor prime In bbls and Her ees.' Si:ins-f'Iovcrseod Is In fair demand and i'iM btuhe!.-. wore sold at from js.00 Oi tvxrn per litis, tho latter into lorelioice; timothy .-ells at il.00 aud lUxaCed at t'jjn ' .J.J J pel bus. THE KALEIDOSCOPE t . .i . '.'; A !nl,r ff tmij- lire lis fluctuations utkl Ha vmt cuiiccriia.' NO. IX, WATUtirAU.3. Talking of ynti, uM ho, my ,trr, Two of Hie nrvntnt wllj In lown, Ono nkcil If Hint high furzn f hnlr Wns bom flite nil ynur own. Iter own I most certain, th olhrr ?nU t for Nun, who Utiowi tho thine, will tdl yo Thu hair wal liought, tlir mnnoy rmlil, . And tho ui-uliit wai eltnioil Ducatlly, l'rtor. With ilrowsy water-fill? bihtiid, (iralngcr, From tho earliest historic ages wo learn that tho dressing and care of tho hair havo occupied a great deal of tho time and attention of tho human race. and especially of tho femalo portion of it. Jitil whllo they have not been alono In tho follies of tho fashions which havo been introduced nnd pursued, wo will do them tho Justlco to say, that In every instaiico tiicy iiavo far exceeded tho men In tho ridiculous absurdity to which thoy have carried tho dressing of tno nalr. Wo aro told by Xenophen, that As- tyages, King of the Modes, wore falso hair, and that tho Modes affected an ef feminate llfo ; from which wo nro to In fer, that tho women of that day, nearly six hundred years before Christ, were given to much hair dressing, tho wear ing of falso hair, and all tho necessary paraphrcnnlla to givo It efTect. Tho Assyrians also, both men and women, always paid much attention to the hair ; but so Air as wo can judgo by tho sculptures and bas-reliefs which havo como down to us, It was combed down smooth on tho head, and then gathered up on tho shoulders, In rows and curls. Among tho Jews, the hair was, almost equally with tho beard, an object of great care and veneration. It would bo curious and perhaps Instruct ivc, to go back and oxamlncthocitstoms and manners bf the nations of antiquity. as to their different modes of dressing tho hair and head, but for our present purpose it Is unnecessary. In tho early ages, long hair seems to havo been worn Indiscriminately by men and women ; and A.n., IKi, Popo Anleetus, forbade tho clergy to wear long hair; and tho same faihlon for laymen obtained gradually. Hair pow der camo into uso about a.t., lWO, and for over two hundred years, one cxtrav- nganco in dressing, pomading and powdering tho hair, was followed by a still greater absurdity. Hy tho year 1705, the folly of fashion had attained such a height, that a tax was laid by tho Hritl-h Parliament, upon persons using tho powder, which brought In over one Hundred thousand dollars a year. An examination of tho drawings nnd plates of all the various styles of head dress, and dress of tho hair, has con vinced ua, that at no period of tho world known to history, has there been anything equal to tho absurdity, ugli ness and immodesty of the Waterall; provided always flint tho peck mcamro full of "rats, and mice-and such small deer," dirty stockings, cast-off-handker chiefs and curled hair, are known among tho initiated by that name. Not long ago at a public tablo where wo were dining, an ultra faihlonahlo lady camo in after tho dinner had fairly commenced, with such an enormous waterfall, ni attracted tho attention and remark of every person at tho tho table. It was so excessively in the way that tho waiters could hardly get around that part of the table without knocking the meats off of tho plates, or knocking tho waterfall off of her head, and spill ing tho contents over tho floor. Even tho waiter girls sneered nt the bundlo ; and If it had been a few inches lower, it would havo resembled Christian on his pilgrimage. Wo never heard, it pretended that thero was anything handsonio In tho style, by which it could bo recommend ed to female taste. It is followed be cause it is the fashion!! Everybody knows as soon as tho huge lump comes into sight, that it is mado up of a mis cellaneous collection of cast-off trump ery which no pcrfumo can keep sweet smelling, and no water can keep clean. Heido causing constant unfavorable re marks by its immodest obtrusivencss, it gives to tho expression of tho face a boldness and baldness, which every thoroughly modest and ladylike woman seeks to avoid. Xo woman is well dressed, no woman is oven modestly dressed, when her very apparel makes her a subject of remark, or oven of observation, to tho company or tho passer-by. Think you, It was of such huge monu ments of folly as protrude their ugly shape's from tho backs of your heads, that tho Homan Poet spoke, when ho saltl to Pyrrha : Tor whom lilmlM thou wreaths thy coMen hatr, l'lnln in thy neatiiens? It used to bo said of another fashion, once carried to tho cxtrcmo, but now gracefully abandoned, and it is to bo hoped not soon to bo resumed : Jl-iitlrt nr.. nil n fief H113 show. Tor mim'H illusion kUtii; They'r.. tllleil with bran or fctufTeil with tow, Anil htu lc out 'bout n feet or 1.0, and fbo walerfallhwi tho "stick out" of tho "btitlo," and some additional ob jections to which tho latter was not sub ject. Thoy aro neither useful nor orna mental, neither hand-oiiiu nor tasteful. They add neither beauty nor grace; Tor loveliness Needs nut the fiirelmi 11M of ornament llul 1 when uimiluriuil adorm-d the most. JTisi Pint.-. On last Thuriluy, L'lyBo.s jroruur look tlluucr with VrcIdciit .loliuson. It mvijw that ultliouh Hio ctlllor of tho fii'jHifjlivttn tlitl not fall upon tho I'rcsl dent "bpcaio ho ilhluH tUlni;," rr Moretir ha no atirh scnijile. Whero Is John CovoUo or John WVnt worth, with their "ftiiu'lllntf iDiiimHterrtV" Thero U surely luibory mid eornipthm ahioatl whoa Mcrcur tjoea and Ulr.od with -tho i"BlXMt Sljiusttttu." LEGAL NOTICES. A DM I NIST 1 1 ATOl VH NOT ICE. JV IKtub ok .Tmcpii ltotniiNs, utte'ii. iK-ttcm oflidnitiiMrfttlon to thOMtnlnof .losonh llohhtn, latyof (Ireeiiuood lownidiln, Columbia rounty, tlcrened, hn been granted by tho Iteglater of Columbia entinty, to Clinton ltobMns. All per win hnvluir elitlniM nrilemnnil-. ncnlnRt tho plnto of tho deeeili lit nro refiuenti-d to mnko them Known to the luluilnlKtrator without delay, and nlliHivonsliHUUIiHlnnf remitted to mnl-.e pay ment. CLINTON HOIIIIINS, Urcenwood, Frli. 22, li!7-. Administrator. A UDITOIl'S NOTICE. In tiiijOu- xV nhain' Court of tlm County of Columbia! IMnlo of JOHN WAI. I T.Il, do ene,-'l ho audi tor niijmlntod by tho Court to lnaUo distribution of thu bnlnnei' of tho estate of wild deeeaitd, In Umi handq of I'.lldn John, llxeeulor of tho said John Wnlter, Into of !ieut township, In said eounty, deeeaseil, will till et tho linftles for tho imriioHi. of Ids npiiohitmcnt, on Tuesday, Apilt nlnlh, A, I). Iw, nl ten o eloelt a. m., nt Ids oiileo In llloomsluirir. llullllllT 1 CI.AIIK, It binary 15, 18(17. A nd I tor. A DMIXIHTHATOU'S NOT I OK. X V ITATP, Ol 1U.NIEL UlIWIIv UKCrSKI. U I tiTf nf iHlmlnlMrntlon to llin tnt nt lniihl llowtr, Into cir I'nuiltlln tnwi.sbln. t'uluinbla (oinitv, lof( liscd, lmn I't-cn crnnlpil by Iho lten- i"utim hiiiii coiiniy 10 i nonia nowcr nim .iifwoi I lower. All ihtkomh lmvliuf 1n linn or flrimtniN nu iliit thp iotn1n nf tho iliiTtlrnt nro rfum sit 1 iiiiihv mi 111 1, mm u it.uiiui ui.iti nim iiiuhu lllUCUlttt IU III.IKU I'KVJIiUMl. ItOHUS IIOWKIt, relminry 1, liffT-O. AtlmlnUtintor', )Af ! NLSTJt AT )VH NOT 1 CE. I,t Ut th of inliiR)iilrutloii tn tho entitle of Kntnuel rolffriMto of Hcott townililn. (lolumlilrt n hi lit v. tkft,a,tfl,lm(3 been urnntnl Uy tholtcKUiornfRniil county, to S.miut'1 Ncyluml. All iH-rHons hnvlnt; cl)iliii or iliMiinndt ncnlit thcpnitl cutnto nro ro-fnu-stnt to mnlic them known without ilelay, nnd IVhrtmry 1, l'!C7-0v. Admlnlstrntor. A DMINISTUATOH'S NOTICE. XJLKHTATi: Otf .IACOJ1 KKT.Lnit, Drritsnit. J,rUorn tn ndtwlultnittoii on tbn ostntosrf Jnojb Krl for. Into of lloiiver towiiKhtn.L'olitjnhlacoiiiity. (lH'onci), lmvo been erunttnl by Iho ItmUter of fhI'I lounly to .John Mlchnrl, All persons Imvtni; elnlm or (lotnmnN nsnlnst tho rnlt eMuto nro re o nested to prevent them for Mttleinent wllhont netJiy, ami aiiiiersons innemi-a nininiieiviyiiieiu. JOlIN MICIIAOj, Administrator. A DMINISTKATOIVS NOTICE. XV USTATi: Or KbKAMUIl N.UAJII'IIKIjIj,!)!: ckhki. Ix-tteiR of administration on the estate or i ion nor . Campbell, into or ueniro township, Columbia county, oeoenied, have been ((inn tod by tho UeirMeror Columbia county, to Nathaniel U Campbell, of Centro township, nnd county nforo Mild. AlliK-rsono havlm; claims aim In si thecs- tato of the decedent, mo re(ucsteu to present tlipjn for settlement, ud thoso lmlebtod to tho CM mo win inajo pu meni WH w Ml'lji! T January If, l$fi7-4w. ' Administrator. lXKCUTOH'S NOTICE. ESTATE Sit 01' DAVID FOX, fckakh. Letters leti- ineniary on inn osmio oi iiavm rn, iao oi io oust lownshln, Columbia county, l'n., have bf en granted by tho lteister of Columbia county to hloyd Fox nml Peter Yocum, All pernons hnvlnu tl.dms nyalnt the estate arc lOfjuestod to present them for settlement, and thoo Indebted to tho cstntewiU liniko payment to tho Kxeeutors with out delay, I.fiYD FOX, January 1 I8il7-0v?. Kxccutors. A UpilXlSTUATOU'S NOTICE. IMlcrs of administration to the estate ofl rlKcllIn Hnyhurst, into f Cntawisn township, CoTumbl.i eouniy, uereneo. iuwq oeen Krunieu oy i tin lies Uter of Commbla eountv to Henry ItoUllii:s head. All nelsons lrivlnir claims or di innndi a nut nst tho said estate nro lequcted to mako them known to IhontlmlnKtrator without delay, mm mi iHTbUus iruii'iiiin in' iivinriii. IIIiNltY HOLMNtisHKAD, February Administrator, DMIXISTUATOU'S XOTICK. LSTVTK OF Ht'SANNA HlTLm. HKf i:ASKI. Letter1, of admliilstrallon to the estate of husnnna Hitler, latoof lieniotitownsiiip, t'oittnoiia county, deceased have been granted by tho K'"Kterof saldiounty to .loim ll. lleinnne. All persons havln? elaims ordomnnd anal nut tho Knld Ohtate au n n lie led to mnko them known to l he admin istrator without delay.nnd nil persons indebted io niaiio pnj mem, JOHN H. IIF.ISIILTNi:, February S, ISCT-Cw. wVdmlnlstrator. TX TJ X and for in: oiomians' cotht in for thuCoiiiitv of Col in u bin In tho mat- ftlio estate of .IACOI1 KVl'.ItH.inr. latoof township, deeeasod. And now to wit. Febinarv llfth. lsitT. on motion oi .Mr. ItmcUwav. ntlornev for legatees, J-l. II. Little. IN-i., was ap pointed niunior, on oxeopuons men io mo nr. count of Augustus Kvcrtiart, oxeeutor of said Uu (('iwil, nnd to m.Uio distribution. Hy tliu Court. From tho leeord. Jjssn Coi.kv is. Clerk, Tho auditor vbovo nnmod w 111 nit( nd to tin tin llos of his nt'Oolnlmeiit. at his otlic in It'ixmis buru-.on Siiturd.v, tho twenty-third diy of March, imi.iu ien o i ii'ii u. in., wiivn auu wuoie an par ties iuteresUd max ntlend. JJ. H. L1TTLK, Auditor. IVbnnry n, HC7. TX TJIE OIU'JIANH'S COUltT .L nnd for the Count v of Columbia: In the i IN ho tor of tin ctuto of WILLIAM FJH1'. Into of urno'o n. deocasi tt. And How. to wit, February siwh. li7, tho Cumt appoint li. H. Lit tle, IN ., audtiot to make dislrdiuliun ot tho bill mice In tho h.uuls of accountants, ,f. If. Frit? nnd , AiMieniiaen.i secuiorsonnntimoiiKsi inocieti itoiH. lly tho Court. From tho record, .If-KSn Co I, KM an. Cleik. Thonudltor nbovo named will attend to the duties of his not filut ment. nt hisofllco In lllooms- buru, on Kalui'tuv tho twenty-thtid day of Man h W,7, ut teini'tlock, a. m., and wheiu all parties iiueresieu iuiy aucim. IU. 11, Jul 11 I, l., Aiiunor, Fob! nary IS. 1807. TN TIIK OUPIIANS' COURT IN 1 and for tho eountv of Columbia: In tho mat ter of tho petition of tho Kardlan of PHILIP, iur mic in Mini junior h rein i'muim; And now, to wit, February seventh, lyiT, M. M. I. Voile, Lsrj,, npKlnted commissioner to reiuirt lliti i.ieiH wiui mi tijuniuii, ie. uy iuu twouri, 1 10m mo. io oru. .TRvSi: Coi.r.MAV. Clerk. Tho Commissioner nbovo i mined will attend to tho duties of his appointment nt tho otllee of win. ii. auihiii. in uuiiiwistia. i;o umoi i c v, on U'oilnesdiiv. Iho twent'eth d-iv of March, lsi!?. at ten o'clock, n. in., when and whero all pat lies iiui'icMCU juny niicitu. -M. .M, L'VLLLE, Commissiomr. February . lk'"-lt. INSTATE OE LEVI ASHTOX, DE- lli CKASL1K To Ann Ashton. Willliini .LWoroul Mophen Spixml, Asentth IIuss intermarried with Hainan ness, aran j;e, iaiuisii jmidin inior innrrled with John hpaldln'i, Allen lives, l'arin j.vt n. miu .ifhst ivt'. iicirt in ijiivi jvmiuhi. in- eeascil, aud to all other persons Interested, (ji cut inif : 1 III! illtj Jill 11 lV I 1 1 tri I lv I -' illKt IIJll'lHI liflUltJ tho Judges of our Orphans' Court t ite held nt Itloomsburti;, County of Columbia, on tho llrst Monday of May. next, then nnd thero to no- ct-pb or it'iusi it utikO inu rem esiiuu m mu mioi Ia'M Ashton, deceased, nt tho nppraiscft valu ation put upoa It by un Inmiett duly awarded by iim said t-ouri, nni reuirneu oy iuu ,-snerin, n show niuso wnv tho snino should not bo sold Witness tho Honorabto William Fluell. Presb dent of our said Court, nt lUoomsburg, tho 1-th nay w reurnary, j. im. j i i t.i Jiji.-M.k , liorit u. . moomMburg, February 1.5, W7. REAL ESTATE SALES. PUIILIO SALIi OV VALUAHI.i: X ItKAI. IiTATl!. Iii nursnnneo of an ordi of tho Orphans Court oi lJ()liimplioount-, V&., on HATUItDAY, MAliCH TJIIitTILTH, nt ten o'clock In tho forenoon, Thomas Hess, V.x exutorof Frederick lloss. latoofsimarloaf town- snip, in sum county, tieeeason, wiu oxjkim' xo saio uvintnne eiutuo. on t no premises, a curiam meh slilp.Columhi.aconnty.imandcilby liindsol Henry in'fs, i-oiihih huuiji, j'umui ttvermui auu ouicra. cuuiamint; (NF. HrNIHn:D AND THIKTY-nvn ACItlX moro or less, on w bleb Is uns-totl n Framu Houso and llam, Theio la also a lino orchard on th1 piemlues,und pan or tiioianu in n ifnoi Mateo: (iitllvatlon. Jwim thoeviaie of said deceased, it u.uo in mo lownsiup ano eouuiy mortmain. Ji.-mk Colkman, Clerk. Illwmsburg, Februnn l', 1n7. Cyinrtitton nf Sate.' Ten per cent, of one-fourth oi iiiti pumuiie money in it in miihiiij; iiiiwii oi the Property i tho ono-fourlh less tho ten t-er cent, at the continuation absolute, and tho remain nt; i km -ii'orins l u one ye ir ineveaiier. wiwi line r- ist from thocoufinrition mt, 'i'ho purcha&er io IHiJ IUI IRLll it I II 1 r lit Jl 1 11uM.AS H1S, Kxecutor. February 22, PG7-A.. niMHilP HALE OP VALUAliLI J. UKAL l-rATM. In pursuance of orders o thn Jrphan' Com is or Montour and Columbia count ns, i'a the ttinliTMUneii, luluilulstiiiloiH ol Harmon Milhelm, lat 4 M-reland towtixblp, LycoiiiinaiHinnti . dts uM ii. will exiwtMJ in sale, by laiblle vvndiii , at the holol of Joim llilltalu, in nno jiaii, .Montour oounij, on TiirusiiAY, MAitcir t w i ; n t y-rn ist, at twtlvo o'clock m,, a ci-it ilu ptet- or p.ncel n land, siluato iirtly In Madison low iii-oip. Coluui bin eountv, nnd partl in Anthony wwiuhli .uiMiuiui c-muiy, c'Miiaiiiin ONI! HVMMU:i AN1 TWO ACUFX moroorh'ss, ndj.diniiu' land talo of Wm. Lilts t in. .vi.iiiin, Ji, iviii auu ihikiu; wio iuiiuuu IllUllt-S llt'lll II, 1)U Ilur.SE AND LOO UAUN, nn on-hard, and about thlity ncrit cLuieil ; the lillllttico well t J llU'clt d, .l.Af, (tin uiitfi- paiceloflaud.sUuitoiii Ma 1 Ihon low nshlp, Columbia county, iid.lolnlni tho id tow, Lind oi' Ad tmhprltw, nnd olhein, isjtiln Iuu twenty-tlvo ttcivrt and twfntv-oiio )rtbes, Moro or Itws.uud botu t t 11 ttmheuil lund, l.Uu thutNtatu of wild drcciMiHl, liOIMMIt sCHRV'n.F.It. MHMLVIX WlNLfi MCltNFlt. i'lbuiui ,!. l-Ail it. .vUmli..ttKtu REAL ESTATE SALES. DU11L10 HALE (IF I'JIItRONAT. l'ltOrtinTY, Will bo exonssil tmuihllp snlr. nt thu l-esldeneil of tho subscriber, in Malnu township, Columbia WU.I.J, ...1 TUJ-SDAY. MAUCJt TWnt.VTK. nt ten n't'toclt In tho forenoon, Iho following per Bonn! iroierty tn!t t FOUR 1IKAI) OK 1IOUHK9. nnolllixHc Mn wit Colt, f omlngtwoyi'niHoM, tlireo htmi iiini'n rfiw, nun urcHlimt rtv mm inn fmv With 1lt. Ilnott feho.itB. fiiurf.nii Iioml of uliffh. nun niaiuurinrro wiinii w tin nvn cxim wiihmk, nno new t'mlmirKy, miu nnrlu? wuoii( fiio htilkrj' iir w'w pi'n.'uiu ntnv( jui ovk. ii.m-tiU'fi. ritllliiii ninl pnlly, mkcHittnl fork, ont-fuvrlit1i ixirtol a clurr M t'l liullrr, nno Ilussoy ltoiirM'' lluclc rye ltMnT, uno sctof YiinUun ImrncHq nnl ono 1'iiiimi iiiiwhu ni (nmiiRt) miim'SH, iour ontiois if citlt r for liH'jrrtr, OXK COOK I NO 8TOVK. hntf itoroii iifw.mtt. lot nf Imrrul;. rorn. onl4 nnd iiutntopH by tliobusbcl. TtTi tmulo known untliH-armilp, NATHAN MILlihlk .I'HKI'H y INTr.rHTKKJTi t ItCil'jtU IT KLlnunry 15, lsii7, puniiio haIjE or vaijItaiHjI3 L HUAU KMTATi:. In i.itrRtnneo t nn order if tho Orphnnr Court of Columoln Comitv, on HA TUlt DA V. II A IIC I N TX Tit. nt ten o'clock In tho forenoon, Henry JlofUni; liendjidmlnlstrntorof (Jeornu IU Uuvlitirt, Into of fntnwlntownhlp, In snM counts, deceived, will expop to unlo by public, venilno, on tho pro inlvesi.thofollowltigile'icrlbeil runl cstnto towltt nil Hint certain HOUSK AND LOT OF OTIOUNI). lliifito In tho town of Cntnwlmn. In tho roiinlv nforenId, bonnrled In front by tho public rond londlnj Iroin CntnwltsT to Minilnvlllo.onthncoit by n lot of llcnr Hidlini;diend,on tho Ronth by the tmbllo roid lending to Malnvlllc, nnd on tho north bv nn nllev. on which uro erected a two nnd n half tdory frnmo tlwelllnK house, n pood fnnno stable, nnd other outbuilding. Iito tnoodnto of said ileeeasetl, hltuateln thu township of Cutn wlssn nnd county nforcsaid. nioomsbnrg, l-Vbrnnrj 7, 107, nmrfillon at RritetTi 11 tier rent, of nne-fonrth of tho piuthao money to lie paid by the puichn- per nn iiitioayoi mho; imn-iuuruucs iuu icnper cent, on tho ubxoluto eonllriuntlon of sale, uud tho bnlaneo In one year from tho continuation nf khIo, with lntercd fiom the eonilrnmtiun nisi. Hrcuascr to pay ror neon mm Rtinnps. February 15, 1M7. Administrator,. Punrjc rale op valuable HHAfi 1STATC. In iiursuanco of nn order ot tho Orphans' Court of Columbia county, on THU USD AY, MARCH TWENTY-SIXTH, nt ten o'clock tn tho forenoon, flnmuel Keictt, administrator or ueurKO l'feil, Into of OmtiKO township. In said county, decensyd, will expose to side, by public vendue, on tho premises, u ccrtnlu Tit AC T OP LAND, nltuato In Ornnco townsldp, Columbia oounty, iMnmded by lands of Daniel Kleler, Widow Hay man, Kury Htlner, C. C. Coleman, Jacob ltoup, and others, cont'llnlug OKU hundhi:d and roun ackf. moro or le. on Uilc-H Is erected n FratnoHousi?. a good Hank Darn, Wagon Mind, S.Q. AUo u klm1 Sprltn; of Water at thu door. Lulu tho ektato or mid deccasod, sltuatoin tho touihhlp or Ouiukc, and county iLforesald, Dloomsburg, February 10, IdW. OtnifUttoni Of fllrc. Ten per cent, of ono-fourth tho iHirchano money nt thu striking doun of tho propel ty, one-fourlu les tho ten per eent.nt tho I'uiiiuniiuiiMi iiooiuio, linn iiiu reiiiaininK miei1- fourths Inono year thereafter, with Interest horn continuation . The purchaser to pay for ileud and stamps rtAML'FL ICVLllCn, i-t'oruary iso7-t. vuminiMiaior, OUHLIO SALE OV AALTTAIJLE l. IEHAL 15-.TATI!. fn nuretinneo of nn ordr of tho Orphans' Court of Columbia County, on Fill DAY, M AUC1I TWENTY-NINTH, nt ten o'clock In tho forenoon, Ell Hnhbuis, nd- nlnlstrntor of Abraham uobblns, lato of I iMunff r ok township, tn Kald county,decensrtl, will ex pose to i ale, by public endue, on tho preml-w, n erimn messu'to ano Tit ACT OF LAND, situate In Fbshltmcreek township, Columbia eoun tv, lKuuib'd by lands of Harmnu Jabor, Lll llob bius, pavld Cob tir.m nnd otht is.fsiutntulilgnluc- een ncn s, moie or les, on which is ereetetl n FItAArE IIOUHE AND II A UN, There Is nlson tbrirty youn-x apple orclnrd on Iho picuilsi's, Ijito the estate of said deceased, Mtu itlo In tho township und eoi.nty afonsald. ,ii.s4o t, tit'iii. Dloomsburgr, February HI, H7. Ojnflttioni of .SiiV: Tho one-third of tho pur h iso monov'to retnain ehaned intoiutho oreml- hes during tho tnlnrnl llfo of llntm Hobbln.-f, low of tho wild deceased, nnd tho inU-irnt theifitf to bo nnnually and ivr?ulnvly p ild lit r bv tho mn cinder on too ilit dav ot .Mnv of each and even-year during her uaturil 111 nml at her tleath tho principal to bo paid by the pttichacr to the poi miiis legally entitled lliereto. Ten tier cent, of ono-fourth of the two-thirds of tho pun-hast- money to bo pull ut the striking down of the property; tho oiic-fmirth of tr-o t wo tblrds, less tho ten per cent, at tho confirmation nwiiur, mm ino leinamiim iwo-tnirtis in 0110 u r tnereattei. iu nneioNt in mi t bo eotitirnm. tloiwW. Thu ourihaftor to nay for dec; nnd Mumps. LH HOlIItLNS, i euiuary .v, injc-ji, Auuiniiitiutor, 3lTr.LIC RALE OF VALUABLE L lllOAL KSTAT11 In nurstvineo of an order oi tho Orphans Court of Columbia County, on BATCItDAY, MAUCH SlXTHIlXTir, nt ten o'elciK-k hi tho forenoon, Jacob H'tnkov, James Vm Kuiltey, John Han key aud John ltcich nrd, LvecutorN ot the lat will und testament of John Hankey.r.. lato of ( I'ntrocounty.tlLceased. will exjMisn losnlo by publlo venilue, on tho pro mibts, iho follow lug described renl estate, u lot or TRACT OF LAND. Kltunto in Scott township, In tho County of Co- imnoin, oouuuen on ino noun oy lauo oi .nary iieiue, on ino msr ana houui uy inna nt n. n, Mellck, nnd on the weht by land of Andrew Ovv elliur. containing f-eveiitoen acrch. nil lmnroveil land. AMiO! A ceitaln tract of land Mtuata In M"t. Pleasnnt township, county aforesaid, 1 mmi tided im the oast by lancl or J'icob Hurtol, on tho south by land of James flrlmes, on tho west by lauds of John Shipiuan, und on tho north by land uf John Htetler. CONTAINING FIFTY ACTUM, nbout thirty ncres of which is cleaved land. 1 ..SO: A town lot. fa t unto In Lai d street, nnd county ufojfNald, bounded on tho south by tot of Harriet i;yer nno .bum MeiieJt.on tno west by a lot of Elizabeth Miller, on tho norlh bv Mill street, nnd on the east by tho main road leading from lUoonisburg to onmcoAlllo, whereon mo elected u latgo two and one-half story D XV K LLING II O IT S 3. nStoro House, nnd ntwo-ston- Finmo Dwelllns j i on so. ino i uo esiaiooi biuo (loccastii, situate In the townships of Hcott and Mount rietuant, and county afoiesald. Illoomburg, rebruary 7, lsoT. fmtl!fian nftttU' Ten nor cent, of tho nnr. clmso money to bo paid by tho purchaser or pur (liacrb rn the day of sale, ono foartli f tho pur clmso money less tho ten per cent, to bo imldon t ho niisottito continuation of uale, und tlie bal nnco In ono year Horn tho absolute confirmation with interest lrom eontlrmatlon nisi. 1'iirLlmkiu- or Pm chancre to pay for deeds ami stamps, JACOM H VNKF.V, .IA.MI.S W. HA.MvJiV, JOHN HANKHV, JUHN ULIUHAHI), Executors. February 1.1, iStf?, OF VALUAWiK A UEAL j:sTATi:. In imrbuauco of un onler oi mo urpirms court or coluianln county, on HATUItDAY, MAUCH NINTH. nt ton o'clock In tbn forenoon, John Applernan, a huluisliator of Halt Is Appleiuaii, late of Ihiu- i'kk iownsiii', in saui eouniy, iioecaseii, will ev iioso to halo by publio vendue, on tho promts, the follow dig ilrM-rllied Heal Estate touit: All that certain tract of land, situate in Hemlock township, nlorenald.ndtoluinj; lands of tho lielrH of Jacob llartman on iho wcsl. other limits nf paid decedent nn Iho north, lauds of Jacob Ivm- unit and i tennis mrsci on the east, nud lands of Win, ihr r and Jumc Uoun&luy on thu bouth, containltiK ONE HUNDRED AND ELEVEN AfTtKS more or less- nUmt hlxty acie-s of hlch U cleared bind, wheteon are erected a two and one-hulf Moty I'll AMH DWEM.INtJ HOUSE, n Mono kitchen, a lariro Il.tuk Uun, u wjiuoii shed nud cow htable, u well of water nt the door of thu dwelling lioiiKc, nnd no apple orchard. All that certain trnttof land, fltualo in the towiWilp aftreh.rd, hounded us fulUiwa: adjoining binds of tho bt tm of John llruyler on ino non u nun wer, ino noou noscrnHsi tract on t Uo houth, and lauds of J lis, Emmltt on tin" east, roNTA ixixo i;i aimu:s, more or lew, nil ilenied land.Tbo nri-tnlwivodoK crtbeil l-.cul.lecf tollio rluht to mine, uixl take fmni It nt! the Iron ore, with Imneerf, cuieh nnd retness In, o, nnd upon the Mild picmiM h, lAtte tlu fftHle of Kild dri jKeJ, xlUuto In tho town bblpof Hemlock, and county atireMdd. Ji-isii CoLL'M in, Clerk. Illoomsburt;, Tcbru-iry 7, itn, Oii'.fojii nf S'llc The oiiO'Ihlrd of the pur ebio.1 itiotM'V ii ifuiittn hailed ii'xui tho i n mU hcH diirlh v llic n-tuual Lie 'f M.trii' t Applenuiu, widow of ald dei i o.isl,aud the Jiitelt! ila-reol to In .iiinuiillj nnd u.ulaily pfdd Ia the s.ild inireh im l or puic'mst losald !ai;,aicl Appb' liiiui. on llii-tlt,l tUi nl Mux id inch nud eerv . ti diu b r nid hi' il Mle, olid ut her dealll Iho pitnctp ii to pjitd ii iho p.miiiiiftcr or pureiia i.i-i'i to I hn oeihoiiH teir illv entitled thereto. Ten f r ent. of iine-toiiith of the luo-thlrds i f iho laii'l'tiMO utuie) to ho paid on (he dav of suit, and orv-fmtrth or the luo-tuiuit u.n Un ncr ecpt. on 11k aoAiilule mi urinal on of half, and Iho inco ot thu tun-thirds In ono ear Io m tho (onlhiiiutloii. villi ljiieii.L fioiu (oiiliitit.iiton nisi, l'iitch.iM-r oi iuichnMers to Hie I'oiiOH uno iinnitiJii;i h on me i-ieimci id re- ciuutothe wMow nud leal icpn w illume of Hit n tid ih'CiiiM-1 tho ntlnelutt and lnteitiof llw nei'-Hilid nlnio nientlono"!. J'un-hiserM to pa iur ouds and hlaitii"'. JuJIN M'l'LKM W, lVbrLry n. 1-j7 A-1-1'11 v-t'- HARDWARE & CUTLERY. QlIAULEa Wt SNYDEIt, jir.Af.rn I if II A It I) W A It Kf I HON, NATW, ftTHKL, AC, AC, AO, MAIN HTItKF.T, llf-OOMrtltritO, riJXN'A. Talso thts method of lnforinltiKtliocIlIeitsof Co lumbia couly, Hint lio linn opetieU nn rxtot!lve Hantwnru toro on Main Mreet, in illoomsburfj, nojtr Iron street, nnd that bo has on hand a LAItOLIl HTOCK AND MrrTLU AKSlHlTHl) ttinti can Ihj found nny whero elaoln tho county, nnd w likh ho Inlendi to sell nt prices w hlch tkfy cotnietltlon. CHAINS, AXES, 8TEEL, IIION. I bnvo clmlnp, nil nlrei. nxen, nil mako nnd wo!i-hl,Mocl,nU tdzoit, Iron, nil pimped, nnd nil very low. iiuiLDnrt'B it aii mv a ui:t of everj dcscrlptloin. Nnlls, nxlo pulleys, sash cords, latches, lorksnml ktio1K,bntt flcrows, fnftlfl, window fpiInRt, bno knobs, htrnp hlnjtes, hnspsnndKtaplefl, books nnd Maples, nnd In fact civerythlin; needed In that (Inc. COACH tt WAriON MAKI'lW HAUUWAUn. ombrncln( nlmost overy thing in that line. Also HAUXlXri MAIvfilW IIAItDWAHLi, riuckles, Japanned t buckle, Mlvcf plattsl; bltttt yf every kind , HAltM, Iron pad trees t HAMna, wootl ( Rnddlo treeH,l(! trees, girth web, worsted nnd cotton t thread, silk, nwls nud noodles, tools of all kinds. HHOnMAKnU'fl HAUDWATIE, A full nssortmont forenrpenters. I havo planes nil kinds, saws; hand ,wnnelt rip, nnd compass squares stoel, iron, nnd tryt boring machines, chlsles, ntiKcrs, bovels, mnlkts, braeen, gauges, plows, rules, bits, nnd nbout cvcrytlilng for car penters. Fcm thi; rnori.rj GnNLitALiA I hnvo -oal hods, coal shovels, scoops, coal Fitters, lant cms,tablo cutlcrjMocket cutlery, plated upoons, plntetl forks, seners, tea nnd cof fee pots,butterknlveB,tnIll saws, cro-is cut saws, circular saws, KaiiRsaws, (Ues, horsofhocs,wrenclics,rlvcts,ham mors, hatchets, mattocks, picks, forks, grub bing lioes, shovels, Bpades, spading folks, hoes, rakes, bed pins, twlno, skates, plows, cotlln trim mings Finery, red chalk, whlto chalk, wire, horse nails, meat cutters, scales, wash lioards, horso buckets, wootl en palls, clothoa pins, glue, door mats, iorch mats, par lor mats, corn poppers, imlnt blushes, inrso brushes, slclgU bells, beel calks, enamel ed kettles, brass kettles, coppor kettlos, Btowkgttles.saueo pan s,b road nsos,iialls, Slcslgos, curtnltl flxturew, Thlmbloskidus nnd boxes, Iumps, lcml plpn, oUt Tarrol ropo nni hundreds of articles not ,enu- mornted coniUutly on hand (ft chahlls w.SNYDnn'fl, Main Street, llloomsburg. DRY GOODS. M1 ILLEU'S STOKE. rRKaii AnniVAL of tsrniNa and bummhk goodk Tho subscrlljcr has Just returned from tho cities with niiothcr largo und select assortment of bPIUNG AND HUM M EH GOOUS, purcbasod lit New Yoiknnd l'hlladelpblant tho lowest ilguio,nnd whlehholsdeterinlned to sell on as inodeinto terms ns can bo iirocured qlse whero in lllootusbtirt?. His .stock cotuprl.sei LADIE.S' miEb-S GOODS of tho choicest styles nnd latest fashions, toc-etb( r wlthnlurgpnsMHlinent of Dry Goods nud Gro ceries, consisting of tho fuUowlng'artlclost Carpets, OilCbiths, Cloths, Casstinore, bhawls, Flannels, hilks, White Goods, Linens, Ibmphlclrts, MimIIus, Jlollowwnro (Vdaruaio Queenswnro, Huidwaro Kits nnd HIioom, Hats and CttpH, Hoop Nets, Umbrellas, .Looltliis-OIa-sseH, Tobacco, Coileo, Hugar.s, Tons, Itlco, AUsplco, Ginger, - Cinnamon, Nutmegs, AND NOTIONS GENERALLY. In short, orylhln usually kept in country stores, to which ho Invites the nttention of tho public generally, Tlyi highest prlcowlll bo paid for country produce In exchange for goods. 8. II MILLER, Arcade Buildings, Illoomsburg, Fa. QKKAT 3HCUUCTION IX I'lUCES AT I'r.TEU ENT'H 6TOUE, IN LUJIIT S1T11EET, op FALL AND WIXTEIt GOODS. THE fiubscrlber has Just reeelvtsl nnd luv on hand ut old btnud in Light Htreet, a largo and beleet .VSSOKTMEXT OF MERCHANDISE purchased nt tho lowest fltnno, and wblcJi hois determined to bell on as tnoilenito terms nyenn ba procured elsewhere In IJsht Street, 20Ji cash on cauxniY miODUcn. His stock consists of LADIES' DUESS GOODS, cholcint styles and. Intent fathIons, Calicoes, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Hosiery, Cuntf, . HllkH, Shawls, READY MADE CLOTHING, Knllm-tla, Ctuslmers, Cottonndes, Kentncky Jeans, AC, SU, AC. anoouniEs, (iueensware, Cedarwarc, Hardware, Mrtllclncx, Drngs, Oils, Paints, Hc, boots a snoi:s, HATS a cars. Inhhort evtrylblna usually kept In a ountry store. T'.t i-atroiino of hN old friends nnd tho pulilic ucnoraily. Is lespectuilly Millclted, The hlKhest market prk-u paid Un country pro diuv. PETEU E.NT. Unlit Rtreet, January J. 1V7. KUCH ANDISH. NOTICE IS Hi:miV CUVEN To my mends nnd thu public generally, that nil lClliiUltf DltY GOODS, GUOCKKIKS, Qui:i:x3VAm:, NOTIONS, AC, nrijcuiislyntlyon hand nivl forwlo AT HAltTON'B OLD HTAND, Lluj.)iilii-:o, UY 3 M1 If. nVEV ry ,n, R.,le Awnt fur ru n' VlbHl'ii.vii or LUm l.)t uj;.Maat!" :i li.i.l. liLbo" CLOTHING. jKW STOCK OI' 0LOTII1NO. Ym nrrlvnl of l'AM, AND WlN'Tflfl (100m. DAVID LOWHMIItfltd Invltei nttention to liln fIotK of C'ltliAf AND FASIflONAIUX ClOTHINtt. nt ltli Htoremi Main Strict, tro iloon nlwvo Iho Amcrlcnn IIwiso, Illnombnm, l'n., wliro ho hu Jttat nwlvcil from Nctf York Mvl rilluJ:l'hlu n full nwrtincnt of M UN AND HOYS' CLOTHINO, lnc 1 nl I ntl Uio mont fashlounUo, dnr&Uo, nnd haiiduuma DltCMS 0OOD3, conlslIng of box, back, rnoctc, oom, and onaiOTii COATS ANDTANW, of nil norti,i!l?.o, nnd color, Uo lifts nlso roptou. inlic-a M. nlrendy larBO Btoclt of FALL AND WINTlUt SHAWM, STiiirni), Fiatmr.D, and ti.ain visth, 8IIIUTS, CHAVATW, STOC1CS, COLL.ll, HANDKHitcnini'H, aisvcH, susrnNDKiw, and fancy auticms Uo luvi coiitnntly on lulud a largo and ttull-.t lcctcil asHorttuuut of CLOT1 W AND VESnNfJfl, Tlilch ho Ii prcpnrott to mnko to order Into 011? kind of clothing, on very nhort notice, nnd In tho best tnnnnor. All hln clothing 1 mndd tovriu, nud most of It li of homo manufacture, OOI.D WATCHUS AND JEWKLilY, of everj dcrlptloii, flno nnd chenn. HI. capo of Jewelry 1 not burpivssiHt In thlft placo. Cull and cxamlno his general assortment of CLOTHINO, WATC11IJA, JEWELI1Y, 4a. DAVID I3WKNDUIIO, TW'EW CLOTII1NQ AND GENTLE- MKN'S FUUNISIIINa STORE. Tho undersigned rosiwetfully nnnoiinec to Mn mnny frlonds that ho hai opened a new Clothing and Gentlemen's Furnishing Btoro, In tho loru room of tlio llartman Dulldlns, noulhwcet oornor of Malii and Market Streets, Ulooinsljurt', fu. Having Just returned from riilladclplitn with n I.argo Stock of FALL AND WINTKn crXrTIIINO nnd G ENTIEMEN'S I'UnNIHlIINa GOODS, 4a, An. ho Hatters himself Hint lis am plonsoiUl. IIU Block comprises MEN'S, HOYS', AND YOUTHS' CLOTHING, such nn DltEStt, COATS, BACK COATS, OVERCOATS, SlIIUTS, PANTS, VESTS, UNDEIlSIIinTS. DUAWEItM, QpLLAIW NECK-TIES, II03II5UY, BUSrENDEISi, HANDKErtCIIIEFH, UMDUELLAS, ia nnd In fact CTorythlng In tho Clothing or Fur nlfhlng Uno nt vory low prlccn. In ivlilllldii to Uio Abovo he has an elegant u hortmcntof CIJTHS, CASSI.VEttlW, AND VESTIN CIxmiINO MADE TO OUHEIl AT TUB SIIOUTHST NOTICE. Will nnd seo Ixro purchasing cNcuhero, on.1 KECUItE CltlLVT IUUOAINS. oct0-ly J. ,V. CIinMlinitLAIN s XYDElt, IIAUULS & I3ASSKTT, Man u fact mora nnd Jobliera of MEN'S AND110VH CLOTHINO, Nim. .US Market, nnd 522 Commcrco Htroet., Phllalclrbl.i. MISCELLANEOUS , E. A. JlENmtY, Bucccssor to Hendry & HarrK Mtuiuicturer and Whn!i.n!u lKvder tn DOOTHANDBIIOUrt, No. 65 North Thlnl Btroolk rhlln.1pi,in. Y)U. V. 11. HUAULEY, tiiio AHsbinni .Mcuicnl J)Irector o. H. Army,) I'HYHICIAN AND HUltOKON, !Somconttho Forks llolul, lllooinsbnri;, I'u. QiIIs promptly nttended to Ixrth ulsht and Oay. Bloomsbnrs, Jnn. 19, 1NJ7. JJ- D. STILES, IilCE.MiBD AUCTIONEER, FOU Tlin TIIIRTEnSTII I'ESSSYLVASIA DHTHICT, nlwnj's tftlm found nt tho Omnsevllln Hotel, In orancevllh', Hales or rvnl or peisonnl piojrtr ntti-mb'd tnprutnptlymul on riiMuablu IfrniM, C'onslKuruents solicited nnd sold on commission. A sliuio of publlepntvonncoresncctlully bollclteil. unu.i;viiln, 1 t'hrnary 1 , Wi7-2m. A UCTIONEER. JAMES K. UVKIt, Hnvlncr had much oxnerlonoo am u Pnbltn Von. dnoCiler, has taken out n UNITED STATICS LICENSE, nnd takes tliis motliod to Inform his friends nnd tho public Rcnorally, that hornnnlwuysb) lound ut IUutoVb Old Htam. UloomsburK, ready to attend to nil culls In his line. fclWtrr-ly. rpiIE KEYSTONE CLOVER SEED- STRIPPER, rATENTED OCTOBER 2, 1600", This simple, though eneetlve tnnchlno Ifl ndintf ted by nil Hcientitlcobscrvetstoljo tho most dlus?t ilevico for Kntberlntr clover eed yet dlscovuresl. A inero Ktanco nt it Is hulUclem to oonvluco tho most obtuse mind of Its practical utility. It strips the clover head from thuMnlk leaving tho straw standlns uym tho Krounrt, It Iseastly drawn hy ono borne, uud nsjuires but ono man or boy to wotk it. It is compact, Blmplo InBtructure, nndnotllaV blo to ect out of order, nnd can 1j cheaply uot ujv Tho reat ndvantneo In this machine it., wo tho seed Katlierc-d lu tho chair, leody for tlui clover mill or liuller, besbk-s savliiK tbo preat leuuthof tlmonnd latiorof mowing, handling niul tbreshlnu It Horn tho Mraw, It will nlsn pay ev ery fanner to eather his ecd with thin nrmhlnor on account of the savins of tho beed which U lott in tho old way of ipithfrini? It, Extraordinary lnducenunton"erodtocnerKtb) men who wisii to purchase Stato or county J tights. For pattluularn white 1 WLUfMAN A ItEINriOLI), CENTUAI4A. Jan2V07. Columbia County, FjvUE LOST CAUSE, Tub Only Btandabd Official SOUTHERN HISTORY OF TUB "WAR. lly Edward A. I'ollnnl, of Virginia, BAMUEL SCH W KITE H I KEU OV MHTLIN Tow nshlp, h is prncuiod tho Agency of Columbia. County, for tho bale of tiro nUvu work. It com t riM m u lull account of tho rlo nud pi-ourcs, of the late Houtlrcrn Confeterncy, thu camimliznK, b.titloh, Inchli-nts nud adventures of tho inobt k1 uaiille Miut;i;loor tho W'oild shUtory. tonipb to Inono kiri;o olumo of no.irly tiO pago, will. TWKNTY-FOUH SPLENDID fiTEEL ruETUAITW of dlsiluui'.h'Ml iHmtedcmto loaders, Tho histo ry of the vanquished has too often fallen to Iuu H?u tf Ibu vlf tor, and to Iiinuio justice to thu houtluiiM in e, th- pen must m taken hy fc.nw fijiitl ci n man wlm Is willing to ilvoio his I mm tuidtult'iiti to tlui indlwUionoi hl isHtntr.. men, lu n hlshviv which shall chalknnn tlitfcntlMMn or the inulhrfuiit, nud linitothc utteiu'utiol ail hone, t Inquirer-, Siu-ha woi't will lutciout Ui tho cnndld nud iu(clhrcitt public uf tae North, and Is of tJio utint inisirtaiici'tollirt (unplo ol thohtulhcrn Mates. fr. IS.Ihtd. of bllwiltur in (be Mouth, l doubtless tbo bcst jualiflei to pieivireii ronipN-tf rid standard bb-lot-y of Uu War, and to loimnTi to tho pnvwnt und ftituie cuier.itiiiiia I'.filiful and wurt'tv n conl of thelrwrAit stnifl" and of n cause kt, .ivel.i Iminir, h n li.c hefii employed dm m ti I ht'e u Uh ut ill W'tit tdaor ot ft Kl'l. nint uev -iMtpAi 'fcluT