The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 01, 1867, Image 2

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SCfe (MumMitm
John n. rm
lhah. 11. unoc
Mi.ouMsituno, rniDAV, jiAUcit 1,1907 .
Dtraocrnllo Stale Convention.
TitK Democratic Stain Committee, nt lt meet
tug, Jnniiiir.v'Jlli,iUlIaiilsburg, adopted Uio
following resolutions!
let. That tlm regular Convention of llio piirt-,
fur liomluntltig n candidate for the Supremo
..IMH-h, bo held nt Unrrlnlmra, on Win SECOND
TUESDAY OF JUNK, If OT.nt twclvo o'clock St.,
mid Hint satd Convention bu cotuposod of tho Its
tint nnmlier of delegates.
2nd. In addition thereto, It Is rccommendrsl to
the Democracy or Pciinsylvnnlatnl-'OitTllWITH
elect. In tho tisunt mnnner. twt delegates, of ro
cngnlrisl position and Influence In tho burly, for
cnch Representative nnd Seuntor lu their rc-o-loctlv
district, who shnll meet In StASS CON
VENTION, nt Hnrrlshnrg, on a day to bo Axed by
tlm Chairman of tho State Central Committee.
lly order of tlio Democratic Slate Commute.
. . Clmlnnnn,
II. I- TotWTF.n, Secretary.
Tun Slovens' BUI for tho Military
Government of tho Southern States,
was passed tlnally l03t week and sub
mittixl to tho President for his approval
or rejection. In Its original form, as It
prtssod tho House, It was for Military
Government puro and simple: tho
Southern States being treated iw con
quercd territory nnd to bo ruled by
Generals of tho army according to their
pleasure, through military commissions
nnd other instruments of despotic pow
er. ThlsBlll, which wasspoken against
In tho Senate by Sir. Johnson, of Mary
land, .Mr. Uuckalow. Mr. Hendricks of
Indiana, nnd others, beoamo loo odious
to secure a majority In tho Scuato j it
Svas thorcforo sent to a caucus of tho
ltadical majority nnd manipulated into
n new form. Tho power of selecting
Generals to command Military Dis
tricks, was transferred from General
Grant to tho.l'resldcnt: Tho third sec-
tion, which limited tho Supremo Court
In its Jurisdiction in cases of habeas cor
pus, was struck out, and a fifth section,
providing n plan of reconstructing
Stato Governments, 011 a basis of negro
suffrage, was ndded. Tho caucus bill
passed tho Senate, and after somo fur
thor proceedings, and tho addition of
two odious amendments by tho IIouso,
wero agreed to and sent to tlio Prcsi
Tho preamblo declares tho existing
Stato Governments iu tho South to bo
illegal ; subjects thoso States to military
Jurisdiction, nnd asserts tho comploto
control of Congress fo nil purposes
over tho people. It thus expels tho
Constitution of tho United States, with
nil its guaranties of liberty nnd self-
government, In tlio wholo Southern
conntry, except Tennessee, which Is
represented In Congress.
Tho plan of reconstruction, proposed
by the bill, Is wortny of tho unscrupu
lous and malignant men who mako It
Tho formation of new Stato govern-
monts Is provided for, but in choosing
members of -Constitutional Conventions,
ond in voting upon Constitutions which
may bo made, nil malo negroes! abovo
twenty-ono years of ngo aro to votoj
while all will to citizens, who over held
any ofllco, Stnto or Federal, nro exclud
ed from voting. And then tho States,
thus re-organized, aro not to bo recog
nized as States, or admitted to repre
sentation In Congress as n matter of
right. It is declared that Cougress may
rccognizo them or not, as it pleases, and
in tho mcantiino, tho governments set
up aro to bo considered as provisional
ouly. Tho existing governments set up
by tho people, aro to bo wiped out. Ar
bitrary military government is to bo
BUbstltutcd for them ; tlio wholo mass
of adult male negroes aro mado voters,
nnd then Congre-s Is to consider what
inoro Is to bo ilono 1 Despotism and do
graded suffrage nro tho leading features
of tho bill, nnd all tho good peoplo of
tho North who woro oheatcd and mis
led Into voting for Itaflicnl Congrcss
mtn, nro oxpected to cry amen 1 Itcan
now bo seen distinctly that the preten
tions) In moderation nnd Justice,, mado
beforq tlio peoplo, by Radical caiull
dates.wero wholly falsc,nnd tho charges!
mado against them entirely true. They
establish despotism, pollute tho ballot-
box, nnd spurn tho Constitution. "What
nro their oaths worth? For they nro
each bound by a most solemn obllgntlon
to maintain tho Constitution of our
fathers. They aro worth Just what
their mendacious declarations last fall
boforo tho peoplo wero worth, when
thoy declared that negro suiTrago not an
issuo in tho elections. And these aro
tho men who talk of Impeaching tho
President because ho performs his Con
stitutional duties, keeps tho oath bv
which ho Is bound, and remains truo to
our Republican institutions, and to tho
wholo peoplo of tho United States !
Wo nrlnt In nnnthnr noltimti (?m
"Military Reconstruction Bill" as it
passou mo tscnato nnu House, on tho
20th. Without being qulto so bad as
Thru!. Stevons Bill, it is a disgraco to
tho Nation as a scienco or a business.
Tho first ftvo sections of tlio Bill nro
tho original Senato Bill ; and tho pro
viso to tho fifth section, and tho sixth
.ficctlon wero. added in tho IIouso, and
agreed to In tho Senate. It will be
seen that tho Bill as It loft tho Senate,
imposed negro suiTrago on tho South,
oven in tho making of tho Stnto Con
stitutions, by saying that tho delegates
should bo voted for without regard to
race or color; and it puts tho wholo
South into tho hands of Irresponsible
military satraps, and tho Stnto or civil
law is null and void. But wo refer our
readors to tho Bill Itself, for a full des
cription of nil Its outrages.
Wo aro glad to obsorvo that the Dcmo
cmtsln tho Senato votod against tho
.Bill ; and tho proceedings stnto that nil
tho Democrats in tho IIouso voted
against it, as follows :
All tho Republicans present, includ
ing Messrs. Stevens, Banks, Boutwell
and Raymond, voted for Mr. Wilson's
amendment as wodlflod, nnd all tho
Democrats against It.
Tho question recurred on agreeing to
Mr. Wilson's motion to concur with
tho Senato nmendnont offered by Mr.
Wilson, as that was amended on motion
f Mr. Hhollaborger.
TJ10 voto was taken by yens nnd nays
nnd resulted 125 yeas nnd -10 nays n
atrlct party vote. So tho Sonnto amend
ments, ns thus modified, wero agrred to
and tho BUI win nt 1 :o o'clock sent
back to Uio Senate.
Very great, and let us bono unlnten
tlonnl, Injustice has been dono by somo
tif tho Pennsylvania papers to lion.
Charles R. Uuckalow, Senator from this
Stntc, for hlscourso.on tho bill nccept-
mg j,cnguo isinmi ns tho silo for thonow
iron-clad navy yard. In tho ncccossn.
rlly bricfnnd therefore Imperfect reports
of tho proceedings of Congress by tho
Associated Press, which nro nil that tho
general public over sees or knows of
these Important proceedings, no Justice
can do aono to tlio ordinary business of
tho bodies, much less to tho Senators
nnd Representatives; nnd until somo
system is adopted by law by which tlio
dally summary for tho newspapers of
tlio work of tho two houses i3 mado up
uy experts, mm sent forth ns an official
or rather authorized condensation of
that work, nothing but Imperfect re
ports need bo oxpected. Sucli summa
ries would not provent special reports
by tho Journals that could afford tolmvo
thcm,but they would provent tho griev
ous omissions that aro placing Bcnntors
nnd Representatives in a false light be
foro their constituents. Of course, it
was uccatisoiur. Bueknlcw's position on
Leaguo Island was not or could not bo
reported that his opponents hnvo charg
ed upon lilm Indlfferenco or negllgcnco
to a matter lu which not only his own
peoplo but the wholo country feel n doer.
Intorest. A Philadelphia paper alleges
thatwhilc ho voted forncceptlng Leaguo
island no never opened his mouth in
favor of it; and, Judging by tho report
of tho Associated Press, this is truo
enough. But what nro tlio facta ? To
Mr. Hendricks, of Indiana, who, in co
operation with Mr. Bucknlew, has sup
ported thoblll from tho first, the task of
speaking on tho measure was gladly ac
corded by both tho Ponnsylvauia Sena
tors, because ho. enmo from nnother
Stnto, nnd Mr. Cattell, of Now Jersey,
had to speak in its favor as long a mem
ber of tho Philadelphia Corn Exchango
nnd other bodies In our city, nnd there
fore fully identified with tho measure.
Mr. Buckalew was prepared to follow
on tho samo sldo, but It was evident
that tho bill would pass if it was not de
layed by speeches from Its friends. Ac-
cordlngly.nftern full understanding be
tween them, Mr. Buckalew waived his
right to speak in order sccuro tho suc
cess of tho bill. Wo copy .from tho olll
cial proceedings in tho Globe of tho slxi
tccnth of February last :
Mr. Buckalew. Ttls not very often
that wo nro occupied In tho questions
that nro local to my Stato; it is very
rare indeed. This bill is of local inter
est to all our people and to all the mem
bers in both Houses who represent them.
In order,however, tosavo valuablo time,
both tho members from Pennsylvania
in tills body are willing in this deb.ito
to wnivo the ordinary privilege, which,
under other circumstances they would
exerciso to discuss this measure and to
reply to thono arguments which have
been submitted osrainst it. For in v own
part I havo never Intended to sav any
thing moro since tho subject was'tnkon
up for tho last time than to Milmilr. n
few observations, not occupying flvo
minima, ui uu i'pinuniory cnarncter,
to explain to my peoplo at homo tho
reasons why my colleague and myself
havo not entered more Inro-nlv Into tUU
debate. Thecircum'stancos are peculiar,
and in ordcrto facilitate tlio business of
the Senate and that this measure-' shall
not bo an obstruction to other measures
of legislation or a eauso of ofl'enco to
any gentlemen who desiro other ma
snres to bo taken up, wo havo adopted
1110 couio wnicn 1 Jiavo mentioned. I
think, however, it would bo n very un
reasonable thing if tlio Senate should
rofuso now, when tho debate must bo
pretty well spent, when it cannot bo
po.-siblo that a very considerable! norlnd
of time will bo occupied in further tils
ciission, to put this mcasuro to n voto
after listening to whatever of debate is
yet to take placo upon it. It cannot
bo protracted ; and then, when wo havo
heard It, letusdecido tho question nnd
docido it finally.
As tho two Houses contemplate a
chango in tho publisher of tho Congres
sional debates, tho matter of an authentic
nnd intelligible bumninry of the business
of legislation for tlio daily and associ
ated press may now bo safely considered.
Tho Joint Commlttco on Printing havo
had it before them on several occasions,
nnd nro probably well posted In regard
to it. Forney's Press. (Republican.)
Whereas, No legal Stato Governments
now cxisun uio rebel States of Virginia,
North Carolina, South Carolina, Geor
gia, Alabama, Louisiana.Florlcln.Tovns.
and Arkausas; and
Whereas, It is necessarv that nonon
and good order should bo enforced In
said States until loyal nnd republican
oiaio uovcrnments can bo legally estab
lished ; tnereioro,
Me it enacted. C-o.. Thnt said rohol fifolm
shall bo divided into military districts,
nnu mnuosuujccttotlionillltnryautliori-
iy 01 uio unueu states, Hereinafter
mentioned : and for that numnw vir.
ginia shall constltuto tho First Dis
trict, jxorui caroimn nnd South Carolina
tlio Second District, Georgia. Alabama
nnd Florida tho Third District Mia.
IssipplnndArknusasthoFourth District,
nnd Louisiana and Texas tlio Fifth
Sec. 2. That it shall bothodntvnftiin
President to assign to thocnmmnminf
each of Bald districts an ofllcer of tho
nrmy not below tho rnnk of Brigatller
Gciicral, and todotall a stifllplont. miiifn.
ry forco or enablo such officer to perform
his duties and enforco his nuthority
wiinm uio district to which ho la as
Sec. 3. That It shall ho tlm lnt.. r.r
uu person in uieir ngnts of person nud
property, to suppress insurrm-tinn .u-
ordor nud violence nnd to ntin!i. ....
causoto bo punished all disturbers of
uio public peaco nnd criminals; nnd
to tins end ho may nllow local civil
tribunals to tako jurisdiction of nnd
try offenders, or when, In his Judg
ment, it may bo necessary for ilm Mni
of offenders, ho fclmll havo power to
organlzo military committers or tri.
btimilsfur that purpose; and all Inter
ference under color of Stato nuthority
with tho oxOrclso of military authority
under this net shall bo null nnd void.
Sec. -1, That nil persons put under
military arrest by vlrtuo of this net
shnll bo tried without unnecessary delay,
and no cruel or unusual punishment
shall bo inflicted, nnd 110 sentence of
any Military Commission or tribiinnl
hereby authorized uHVctlng tho llfo or
liberty of nny person shall bo executed
until It is approved by tho officer in tho
command of the district; nnd tho laws
nnu regulations for the government of
tho nrmy shnll not bo affected by this
net, except lit so far as they niny ton
lllct with Its provisions.
Sec. 6. That when tlio peoplo of nny
ono of said rebel States shall havo for
med n Constitution and Government,
in coniormlty with tho Constitution of
tlio United States in all respects, framed
by n Convention of delegates elected by
tho mnlo citizens of said Stato twenty-
ono years old nnd upwnrd, of whatever
race, color, or previous condition, -who
havo been resident lu said Stnto for one
year previous to tho day of such election
oxcept such ns may bo disfranchised for
participation in tho rebellion, or for
felony at common law, and when such
Constitution shall provldothat thoelcc
tlvo franchlso shall bo enjoyed by all
such persons as have tho qualifications
herein stated for electors of delegates.
nnd when sucli Constitution shall bo
ratified by n majority of tlio persons
voting on tho question of ratification
who nro qualified ns electors for dele
gates, and when such Constitution shall
have been submitted to Congress for
approval, nnd Congress shnll havo ap
proved tho same, and when said Stato
by a voto of its Legislature, elected
under said Constitution, shall have
ndoptcd tho Amendment to tho Con
stitution of tho United States proposed
by tho Thirty-ninth Congress, nud
known as artlclo fourteen, nnd whon
said nrtlclo shall hnvo becomo part of
tho Constitution of tho United States,
said Stnto shall bo declared entitled to
representation In Congress, and Senators
and Representatives shall bo ndmltted
therefrom on their taking tlio oath pre
scribed by lnw, nnd then nnd thereafter
tho preceding bections of this net shnll
bo in operation in said state.
Provided, That no person excluded
from tho prlvllego of holding office by
said proposed Amendment to tho Con
stitution of tho United States shall bo
cllgiblo to election as a member of the
Convention to frame n Constitution for
nny of said rebel Sates; nor shall nny
such persons voto for members of such
Sec. G. That until tho people of tho
said rebel States shall by law bo ndmlt
ted to representation to tho Congress of
tho United States, tho civil Govern
ments that may exist therein Miall bo
deemed provisinal only, nnd shnll be
In nil respects subject to the paramount
authority of tho United State's nnytime
to nboIWi, modify, control nnd su
persede tho tame, nnd in all elections
to nny ofilco uudcr sucli Provisional
Governments nil persons shall bo enti
tled to vote, and 110110 others, who nro
entitled to voto under tho provision of
tho fifth section of this act. And 110
person shall bo eligiblo to any ofilco
under such Provisional Governments
who would bo disqualified from holding
office under tho provisions of tlio third
irticloof said Constitutional Amend
Perilous Freak ok a Woman A
Mother Attempts to Drawn herself and
two Children in a Well. Mr. James
Bath, Mary, his wife, nnd several small
children, arolivincr iiiMillvilo borouirh.
Thoy orignnlly camo from England.
.air. uath is n miner and works in tho
coal mines of tho Cambria iron compa
ny. On last Saturday morning, about
0110 o'clock, ho arises from his bed to
prcparo to go to his work ho usually
goes about two o'clock In tho morning.)
Ills wife got up nnd prepared breakfast
of which thoy partook. It being early
Mr. B. sat down by tho stove. Mrs. B.
goes Into an adjoining room.tho slecnlnc
apartment, nnd takes her two younger
children out of bed, ono aged two years
nnd the other nbout six months; sho
wrapped her dressnround thehi and left
mo nouso, carrying them along.
Her husband soon missed her nnd
starts out to find her, nfter looking in
vain for her n short time, ho henrd a
gurgling nolso In tho well, ho runs for
his miner's lamp,gives tho alarm to tho
neighbors, and descends into tho well :
hero ho finds his wifo and children In' n
drownlngcondltion. Ho gets a foothold
In tho rough stone wall of tho well, rais
es his wlfo's.hcad above tho water and
holds it between his knees, takes n child
In each hand and ngalu calls for help.
Mr. Parflt, a neighbor, arrives and takes
tho children out of tho well. A ropols,
fastened around tho waist of Mrs. Bath,
nnd sho is raised, thethreoaro taken in
to tho houso in an insensible condition.
They wero then divested of their wet
clothing, wrapped in dry blankets, roll
ed and manipulated until signs of ani
mation returned.
Mrs. Bath and tho elder child nro now
fully restored, whllo tho younger child
is inn critical condItion.havimrfrL.o
spasms nnd In all probability will not
survive, xiio wen is twenty-six nnd
one-half feet deep, and there is ten feot
of water In it. Tho walls aro rough and
crooked and tho diameter small, and
had tho children bceu thrown down, or
tho mother Jumped down they must
havo in their descent received sovero
contusions, but nono appear on their
persons. Mrs. B. says sho carried tho
children down In her npron, which np
pears from tho circumstances to bo tho
case. .
TJioro has been no reason assigned
why this woman should thus seek to
destroy her own and her children's lives.
Mr. Bath is a sober, hard-working man.
and his neighbors sav is kind to his
mini y. It appears, howover, that at
tllOblorO llU M ini llllll iliuu-n .1..,.,
tho amount of wages coming to him.nud imil-illlSttJ, Kir inn 111110 liolllfr.
bad been stopped. Tiu trouble of pov
crtv may havit lnnn mi ii.,.,..,n.. ..........
butmorolikclysho hlnsano. Johstown
Wamiinotos, rebrnary 20.
In coinpllaneo with tho instructions
of tho House, Mr. Wcntworth, of 1111
hols, this morning, submitted n report
from tho special commlttco appointed
to inqiilro into tho particulars of nu al
leged compromise between tho Presi
dent nnd certain Republican members
of tho House. Tho evidence taken by
tho committee, not being written out in
full, wns not presented. Tlio report,
however, contains tho points lu the tes
timony of tho two most important wit
nesses Messrs. Wordcn nnd Esto from
which it nppcars there was no bargain
or agreement whntovcr between tho
Executtvo nnd tho members referred to,
and not n slnglo word of ovldoneo from
any quarter to sustain tho allegations
contained in tho prenmbloof tho reso
lution raising tho committee. This fact
wns ndmltted by Wcntworth, nnd Its
ndmlsslon created great laughter on tho
floor of tho House. Tho attempt to
mako political capital against tho Pres
ident by means of this investigating
commlttco has proved a mlscrablo fail
ure, nnd placed Mr. Wcntworth In a
rather uncnvlablo position. After hav
ing been tho chief Instrument in raising
tho committee, ho was compelled to nsk I
tlio Houso to-day to dlschargo them
from tho further consideration of tho
subject. Mr. Glossbrcnncr, n member
of tho commlttco, followed fn n speech
giving nn nccount of tho doings of tho
commlttco nnd tho method of tho Inves
tigation. During tho delivery of Mr.
G.'s remarks tho members crowded
around him and listened attentively
ivfter ho had concluded tlio question
was taken and tho commlttco unanl
mously discharged from tho further
consideration of tlio subject.
It was understood, last evening, that
Mr. Morrill would call up tho tariff bill
at nn.enrly hour to-day, but, up to this
writing, nothing of tho kind has been
done. I hear that leading members of
tho IIouso givo up tho bill as lost this
session. Tho voto yesterday effectually
Killed it off. Jt will bo. revived, how
ever, early In Jlarcli, nnd may, possibly,
bo enacted cro tho closo of that month.
John II. Surrntt wns yesterday ar
raigned before tho bar of tho Criminal
Court of this district. Tlio fact that ho
would bo brought before tho tribunal so
early was not generally known, and tho
crowd in attendance was not uncom
monly large. The prisoner was brought
over from Jail and placed at tho bar by
Marshal Coding. Ills Zouavo uniform
had been removed, and ho was attired
In a suit of blnck. When brought Into
court his iinnds wero handcuffed, but by
request of his counsel tho Court ordered
them released, and tho indictment was
read to him by tho clerk of tho court.
Surrntt entered the plea of "not guilty."
Tho clerk then asked : "How will you
1)0 tried To which tho response was
made; "By my countrymen;" when
tho officer added, "Then may God send
you nsafo deliverance." Tho handcuffs
wero then replaced, and tho prisoner
remanded to jail. No excitement what
ever was manifested during the tlmoof
Surratt's presence In the courtroom.
It lsthcintcutlon toconimencohlstruil
early in March. His counsel nro actively
engaged In preparing his defonco. Tho
three principal witnesses for tlio govern
ment are St. Marie, who discovered Sur
rntt inRomo; Weichman, who testified
boforo tho Military Commission ; and
Lloyd, tho man who received tho fire
arms from Mrs. Surrntt nt the tavern In
Maryland. They nro nil hero.
The veto message of the Military Re
construction bill was read at cabinet
meeting to-day, and will probably bo
Font into Congress to-morrow. An at
tempt will be mndo to pass tho bill over
tho veto at once.
General Grant, on good nuthority, Is
reported as saying that ho regards tho
Military Government bill us very un
wlso legislation.
An election took placo yesterday in
Georgetown for Mayor nnd Common
Council. It wns tho first election in tlio
District of Columbia nt which tho col
ored voto is counted.
Tlio registry shows nlno hundred nud
soventy-ono negroes nnd 0110 thousand
threo hundred and flfty.whites. A de
tail of ono hundred and forty men for
duty was made, including tho police of
tho town and tho mounted forco, In or
der to presorvo tho peace. At nlno
o'clock tho polls wero opened, and the
rush of voters, without distinction of
color commenced. Tho votes of soveral
colored men wero rejected because thoy
could not bo identified, and n few on
the grouud of minority. This notion of
tho Judges of Election delayed tho col
ored voters somcwhnt, requiring them
to mnko oath to their identity and ngo.
Grcnt oxertlous woro mndo by botli
parties to bring voters to tho polls.
Tho restaurant and tippling homes
wero closed all day, nnd tho Metropoli
tan Polico wero constantly patrolling
tlio town.
Charles D. Welsh, Radical, is elected
by n majority or ninety-six votes, over
Henry Addison, tlio present Mayor,
who was tho Conservative or While
Man's cnndldato, nnd seven Radical
Cotincllmcu out of cloven. Tho negro
voto weut solid for tho Radicals.
On Friday a Senatorial caucus will
bo held to nominate n cntidldnto for
President of tlio Senate, In placo of
Foster. Senators Wade, Fessendcn.
and Sherman aro mentioned.
There is a good timo comintr nnd
this is how It will 1)0. Tho Jleimblican
goes for Lnndon for United Slates Sena
tor to keep him out of tho field for Con-
press ; P. Johntlcslrlng to go thero him
self. Btower of tho Montour Imerfetm
goes for tho samo take, nnd there nro til
ready blgns of wrath and muttering
thunder. Mnko n ring boys. It Is tlm
light of tho "bear and tho husband ;"
nobody tares width whips.
London, Feb. 23. Tho Sultan of
Turkey hns officially informed the lead
lug Powers of Europo that ho hns dec!
ded to call together an nssombly of tho
rcprcrcntatlves of all tho different ro
llglous creeds In tho Ottoman Empire,
for tho purposo of deliberating upon
nud adopting measures for tho moro ef
fectual execution of tho provisions of'
thoy?ncm of 18G5.
Vienna, Feb. 23. Tho. restoration
of tho Constitution of 1818 to Hungary
by tho Emperor Francis Joseph, lias
had tho effect to romovo tho troubles
heretofore existing in thnteountry. Tho
peoplo nrd now quiet and contented.
London, Feb. 0. Tho nows from
Spain is of nn exciting character.
Though tho Government of that country
is seeking to keep from tho public tho!
course of 'events, thero Is no longer
any doubt that n serious insurrection
Is impending.
London. Thursday, Feb. 20 Noon.
Tho suspension of tho writ of habeas
corpus In Ireland lias been prolonged.
Pnymonts to tho COLUMBIAN for
Month of Pobruary, 1007.
Knn. T. flinlfnti, e.Kl OOiin T.- MoticM.
2 no
2 in
4 m
2 110
2 IU
2 HI
2 00
5 (
2 00
Homur-I !lnenbiictl 2 CO iMninn Ki'lchiur
John Ili-rrini! 2 (i jl'ctcr Wrrkhclscr
dnbrlel Everett, 2 (HI .lnlnes Ront
Alexuniler Kramer 2 oir'PnrM Hhntrcr
Jneob H. Kvons
2 110 lml Hhiim-r
EllUH. stoker
J. I-', Stoker
Chnrlet, Conner
N. A. Tnbhs
J. R,Krll
J. 11. Stoker
Jncnh Wenner
J. It. Pennington
Imlnh Power
Thomni A. Jllllor
Iwuie Power
Pr. E. O. Homo
Christian Wolf
J. W. Kruy
Jaeob Knlttlo
J. H, Cn-avy
James Klsner
C. II. Tyrenian
H. P. Johnson
E. H. Il.ihly
Hamnel Knt
J. o. Oulclc
Win. Lnmnn
.7. P. Kitchen
RimlK-n Miller
2 00, II. W. Mellelc
2 oo s. Snyiler, Shff.
2 ''!:. (I. ltleketts
2 OOi Uarnentcr. Hcncev
2 00 A Co. 1100
2 00 Kennedy. Stnlra &
2 00 Co. 1100
2 oo p. p. Montgomery 2 oo
2 oo J. p, Wilson 2 00
1 (NH L. Kahns 2 00
2 00 iW. ll.Lomr fiO
2 00l'hlllp Anplcranii 2 00
2 00 llenj. Nusa 2 00
1 oo, Charles Num 2(0
1 00 Wm. Ilelshllno 1 00
2 w Henry Itleho 2 00
2 00MOrnliKovlIlH Hand 3 (0
1 ( iJolin llnrinony 2 00
1 OOiJneohDelDOtt 2 00
2 oo Est. of Win. Knrns 2 CO
2 00 lEKt. Hnlllinh lioono 2 50
2 00
illnvld Koehor
2 00
2 00,
2 00
2 Oil
naniei wenner
F. KlcmliiK
Adnm Rnat
Mrs. M. t.'readv
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 no
8 00
2 00
2 00
2 (10
2 00
1 00
1 00
2 00
2 no
2 00
2 00
2 00
Jienry llcllH
Wm. Lonscnliergor 2 110
jJ. O.Keller
I'.nuei imwur
Samuel Suyder
John Savnco
John Whltinoyer
Peter Jaeohy
7.. M. liot.hlns
Jcsso Orush
Jnoob Smith
Samuel Herr
Pent, (leilncer
P.O. Dlutrlck
Lewis Roth
.1 00
.1 00,
Andrew simman
Alien Mann
12 00 M.schlleher
8 ooI-Wni. Oinans
2 00..S. Ilhono
2 oo John Jacobs
2 0O Henry Heller
2 nods. H.Swunlc
2 DO, Joseph Weiss
2 00; Isaao Dcwilf
2 00 IHcnry Adams
3 !W.IM.8, lInyIiurst
3 00
Mnrket ltenort.
Wheat per Vmihel $2 75
Corn "
I'lour per barrel
rinxsced ,
t 10
is 00
7 00
2 00
Potatoes M w)
Pried Apples 2 W)
Pork 10
Hams i)
Sides and Shoulders H 15
L-ird per pound 1.5
Huy per ton j-,
.VrLr.nn-nAVW-M tho forks Hotel, on tho
21st ult., by Rev. J. It. Pimm, Sir. John Stiller,
of Orecnwood township, to Silssllauuuh Davis
of lllounisburK.
J.tCA;VOAVCI.VWrt-On thuUthnlt., at tho
n-sldcncnof tho bride's mother, by Rev. A, J,
Lyon, Sir. C. 11. Jackson, of llcrvli-k, l'a to
Sliss Emma. a. Campbell, of Tlllln, Ohio.
lIVaillVL-AT.LA It A CJT-M Ornm-ovllle. on tho
pi ult., by Hey. W. C. Denser, Sir. Jos. ilughes
to SIlss Annetta Allabnch, allor thetamo place.
nrrTF.xnouiin-Kiio.n:ii-. tho Forks Ho-
111 .n.i.iii-iuuii;, oil win iisi i liy lll-V, A.
llartinnii, Sir. Alem II. RlltenlioiiM., of Prlnr
ct'i'.li.,..",w"f.1.lll,'.,'., Nnimnd.i E. Kromer,
of .Mllllluville, Columbia county.
SMKCJCCOOr-On the 21d ult., by tho Rev. Win.
j. i-.ver, .ir. nenjomin ji. smteli to Sllsa I'hu-bo
Cool, both of CutawlsKn, Pa.
S"?CA'-iropn-InStuncy,on tho nth ult., by
iiev. i 111., nr. .-uicnaci Meek, or New Mex
Un, formerly or this county, nnd Slks LI17.I0
Viond.daiiKhtcr of Thomas Wood, EMiof Jlun-
jqirxspx-nnxnRi!?imr-At Turbotviiio, on 1111, i.y ii.-v. .inline J-.. illllins, .Mr. 11. J.
Johnson, Slount Pleasant towushlp.l to SIIbs
Salllo Ii, of Jomcytowu, Columbia
KKWtrv-ln nioomshiirg, on tho 2M ult., Henry
Ivcshtc, aged about 75 years.
AVUTJSM In Light SH.M, on tho Eld ult., Jnmes
P., ton of Isnnc J. ami Sophia Kester, uged 3
years, 10 months nnd 15 dnj s.
M'nitriE-ln PliKimKbuiu, on tho 211 lilt., Sir.
v llllam 1'. SPPride. uged 31 years, 1 month nnd
J days.
J;7iOU7-.7.-On the Kith ult., Clara, daughter of
Ihcodoru and Angelina SPllmvoll, of Lieut
Street, nged 18 eaih, I inonlli nnd la days.
A GOOD siiLcn cow,
Part Durham, fthn hnn n fh, .mir ,i...n
old, and Is In nil n sietta uikslrnble bargain. For
TN THE COU11T ov Common Peeas
"I Peceinber Term. IMin.
t j.
i ... '
ri.ii. 41
T 111.-..-..,
.ri n .i "esponaein, jiadamo :
Tho Court have granted a rule on you to show
causo why a divorce u inrtilu iimtrtmonH should
l'H.' 'r.''Vrt', Iteturnablo Slonday, Slay sixth,
1N17, at 10 o'clock n. in. '
, , HAMPEL SNYDER, Sheriff.
nioomsburg, Slanh 1, Hs77.
TN THE COUltTop CostsioN Pleas
J roit tut. CoiiMTv in. fii 11.11 11 u i a .
UAiiiAiiiNK llpAT, by heri December Term, 1600,
next fi lend John fitaufer.S- No. 25
n. ".TjioMAHltovr. J In Dlvoreo.
ToThiilinw llnc....i..l..i .
liinogiiiiitedariileonyou toshow enusowhyn
iU oreoii rf nrulo mab lmoiiU should not bo decreed.
....iiiiiiiiuiuiuiiuay, .iiuv K1XIU. inur, ul 10 o clock
'SVi'v w A5ltIELSNYDElt,bhoriir.
Plunmsburg, March 1, isc7.
N THE COURT of Common Pleas
ton tiik County or Coi.umiiia :
Llll'.T t.vwivn 1... 1,-1 IT. ...
next frlend Ainos lnrlnn, V Ko. II. ' '
t. ANI1IIEW J.SIAN.NIM1. I In DlMirce.
r. . , 1 u. i-iiiniiiiii,, ursiKjiiui-111. nir; me
H.uiiiu,, nuiiuii you 10 snow cause
why a dlvoi eo u tlitrulu mntrliimilt should not bo
lUerced. Roturnable, Slonday, Stay sixth, lsw.
nt 10 o'clock a. m. WA.MUEL SN'YDElt.sShir. '
Illoomsburi;, Slarch 1, INI7,
-J - Eh r ATE OF SI Alt V EtSKNIIAHT, llEC'U. Ia.'U
ii-rs or uuinlnlstratlon to Hie estate of Slarv
... . n"iniiiisiniiioii 10 ine esmio 01 aiim
Elsenhart. lato 01 L.'uinu'tuM.i tnu-nsiiiti
county ileceasisl, hnvo been granted by the Regis
ter of Columbia oounty, to Leonard Adams, oi
said eounly. All K-rsoiis having claims or de-
r.isiiiiiari, inus oi uuawissa township, Columiiia
llltlllds iitra'ltlst Hie nstiilM nr tlm iT...-..i..i.i
iiuestisl to make them known to the administra
tor without delay, 1111,1 all persons Indebted nro
...-.jiii-piru iu inuue payiiieni,
Starch 1, lSC7-t. Admlnlslintor.
JL Will be sold ut nubile sale. 011 rhuimlau. A
i tceiitl.jlritdamj Afurci, next, ut ten o'clock lu
the foieuoou,ii
7l'.VSi jvn r i-i ti niJAint,,
sllnat In llloom township, (Vilnmblii county.
Said house Ironts on the nubile nsid leading fruiu
.iiniiu-,i,UiK lu uiniigeiiiie, iiuoui iwo huudriHl
yards ubove the Forks Hotel. Possession of snld
house und lot wilt be given on the first duy of
, .v......i. .,,, . ii; ..av ui
llbsmisliurg. Starch 1, t. x
1 iiik 1 lit -iimeivB 11
Indebted to the undersigned
on Pisik Aivount or by Note, nro renuesiisl tu
make ijiynient by tho twentieth of Slarch nexl.
Ihuse fulling to comply with this nollee. will
:v """ii-". 11.. fi.u;i-u 111 1110 nuudsui
the pioin-r olllier lor collection.
m,u.r. iv .Mil, 1, .1111,
COAL company;
JOHN St. HTACKltoUHK, I'rralilciit.
C1IAH. A. ROONE, Secretary nnd Tronanrcr.
directors: ' "
John SL Htnclthnuse, N. It. Cnmpholl,
CIiiui. A. Uuono, Cyru StuckhoUflO,
A. M'Dowell.
OFF I cm
Tho lands held by this Company, oonslut of
and Blxty-four porches, of carefully nolectod land
lying southwest of Wllkes-llnrro, Lur.erito comi
ty, Pa.. In the western part of tho Ureal Northern
or Wyoming Coal Ilasln,
A very careful mid thorough examination ro-
conlly inado has proven theso (for tho abovo)
lands to be tho embodiment of n vast amount of
tliu very best quality ofaulhracllo coal, having
every facility that could bo desired for trans
IHirtatlon In nil directions, Tlio nbovo tract Is
ciosscd by a good road, nnd nlso directly In
front, nnd Joining mo tho Ijieknwannn A Mourns
burg railroad, and tho Wjomlng canal, thus nf.
fording tho very best advantngeof nearrylng road
nnd canal running to tho very mouth or tho
mines without expenso to tho eompnny,
Tho measurement or tho dliruront beds or scams
nlrendy developed wns enrefally obtained ntul
ndded together! tho thickness of theso seams,
Including tho celebrated "Red Ash,""lltick .Moun
tain," or "OiandTunnol" vein, Is thlrty-0110 and
ft half feet, (3IJ4), overy cubloynrd of vildch will
ylold n ton, giving a largo amount of tho bet
finality of coal.
Tholoentlon Is sucli Hint nil tho veins niny bo
cut nnd workod to the greatest possible advantage
nbovo water level, nnd nt much loss oxpaiiNn than
can bo dono from eollcrles operating below water
Tho coal enn bo brought to tho surfaeo through
drifts or tunnels wlilchdraln tlio water from tho
mines and saves tlio hoisting of tho coal. So tho
eligibility of theso lands for cheap mlnlni! Is un
questionable. Very lately tho "Orand Tunnel"
or "Rod Ash" vein has been opened, and Is now
proaucing nsiiuo n quality or coal nu has ever
been produced In tho nnthroclto regions. Tlio
breaker now In nis-ratlon li cnpablo of preparing
from 150 to BOO tons per day. Tho surfaco contains
an nbundant supply of wood and timber very val
uable for mining purposes, which ghes tho tract
tho ndvuntago of many oilier coal lands. Tho,
iitci. mai. niuinsi au vniunoio coal lands are ijolng
rnpldly taken up by heavy capitalists or largi cor
porations, shown that they muBt steadily nnd
greatly rlso in tho market vnluo, whllo with tho
Immense nud const an Uy Increasing demand for
tills coal, nud tho Railroad nnd North Pranch ca
nal, parsing by tho mouths of the wines, through
tho Oroat Iron making districts of Illoomsburg,
D.mvlllo, Duucnnuou, Harilsburg, Sllddlelown,
Marietta, nnd Columbia, to tide-water ut Havro
de Grace, 0110 can scarcely concelvo of a moro
profltnblo or permanent source of wealth than
may bo found In lands llko theso.
In ordor to bo nblo to opon their works on n
moro extensive plan, this company has placed n
portion of their cnpltnl stock in market on tho
following terms : Any person taking ono or more
sliarss of stock nt
will bo entitled annually to a ton of coal at cost
at tho mtuo por share, and nay stockholders
los nforosald, to bo credited on th books of tho
.Miii-mij , ..mi iiiu 111111-reiicu ueuveen iiioexwi
and selling price for each share, to bo paid beforo
n dividend shall bo doclared.
C. V. KNAPP, Agent.
Starch 1, IW,
Russell's Itch Ointment, Immediate nnd
certain euro- 2,1 cts.
It Is nlso 11 suro reinnly for scratches on horses.
Russell's Salt Rheum Ointment, Is uneoua-
led 50 cts.
Russell's PUo Ointment, cures utter nil
other remedies have failed 81 00
These ofiitmonts nro certain, safe, nnd lellablo
njn-i.-iiiu.'., tia 1UU11SUUUH I114VU UUU lirO Uaiiy CCHI'
For sale by nil PrugKlsts nnd modlclno dealers,
nenernl Depot, Pmuior, Phi-kn ei Ho-.-aut,
.. ...... ..hrtiom, , i-iiiiun si., inuar itroou.
wichlJc'W orli. Sent by mall; Itch, (Oo.; H. It,
Tho nudcrslgmsl 1ms ocuisl n now Houso of
I-.nteituliinioiit nt.
which Is largo, eommoilloiis, well furnished, and
situated about tho centre of the village. The. sin-
sV-eiiTo uiiiuiKisi, couvciuoiuanu
It w ill Iki ills constant endeavor to furnish Ids
.. .... ... ii,., iiii I.IIH.SI.IH1IU1 locsir ins
!"ilr u'!l,'l'll',ll'',''I'lll'PK'll,"lloll'',,,"iell'iiors:aii(l
. n"i--i i-i. iiuiig mvessiiry 10 nuiKo His
cstiibllslinicnt complete. Ho solicits a sliaio of
thll till LI In 1 1-1 1 n. 111. in.
Benton, Starch 1, 1W7.
Xjl. Ewtati: of Jiimann Powkii, DucEAsm.
i ,11 .in 11111111111.MIU111111 011 1110 esiaie orjiui
nun Power, Into of t'entro township, Col.mbia
county, ileceaMsl, hnvo been grautisl by the Peg.
lsler of said oounty to Daniel Power, residing In
tho township und county nforosald. All persons
having claims on tho estate uro rivnie list to pre
sent them duly authenticated forsoltlemeiit, and
tlioso knowing thcmselvus li.dibted to tho esUito
11111 inuiiu ynij nielli loriltw uil.
February 13, lW-flw. AdmIiiLstr.itor.
XJor Wim.iaw RoniiiNs, Dfi-iiaskii. letters
.vpi.iiiii i iiu v on mo esuuooi ivuiinm ltohiiins,
late of Flshlti;creuk townslilti t
deceasisl, hnvo lieen granted by Uio RegMeroV
siild county o 0. U. wilie and SI, A. Ammerman.
Alipotsoimluuliigelailns ngalnst the eHtatoure
rernteslisl to present liiem for settlement, nnd
thiMu Indebted tothoestnto will make pnyincul
ttlllui r.Tis.iitnrM u-ltlmii. ,1.1... I'V.i"-"
(!. 11.' WHITE,
.. , ,. , SI. A. A.M.MURMAN,
I-ebruary 15, lsOT-ow. Executors
ov Trtri
Jnunnry 1st 1800, to January 1st 1807.
Tick Auditors elected to settle nnd adjust tho
nubile accounts of ColuiiibioCounty.risiiectfiilly
Iwg lenvo to rersirt that thev lmvii.Tnnii.i 11.-;.
samufroni tho first day or January, a. 11. ono
l liousand eight hundred nnd sixty-six, to the first
.11., u. . miiiimi j, A, one iiiousnini eight nunurisl
nnd sixty-seven, and ie.sin-ct(ully lay lieforo the
Hounmble Juduesof the Court of I'mninm, iid
of said County, the following Htutement nud Re.
pint. agreeably to tho twenty.second section of
the Act ot (leuernl Assembly of this Common.
0A J. NTll.m Ti ensurer or Columbia Coun
ty, lu uccouut with suld Couuty.
18M. Jan. 1. To amount outstanding for
lstt.1 nnd previous years (B317 21
.....vim. u,,i ,wiri 01 ism 1 ji iieury
lato rrensurer, as per Auditor's
do Cash ris-olvisl of Daniel Sl'Henry
.. , . InloTieasurer, fir sundry taxes
Feb. 5. Cash of Samuel Keleliiu-r. nf llrl-
2S1 61
IM2 m
arerook township, fur kis-olim
CathurliiBSult. 1 a
Feb. 0. Cash of II. J. Resder. for plank,
reti. 20. Cash of William Lawtou, laud ro-
April 25. Cash of Jos. Stosteller, for brick.
Slay 10. Cash of Samuel Snyder, Mieiiir,
costs Ac., In suit of tho County
t-i. Win. metier, rnllectoror Con"
yiiguam township,
Juno. Toniuoiiiit of Oounty tax asses.
7 50
2 m
2 75
15 10
rea ror isiui,
JunoSi. Cash or Oecrgo HiiUay. land re
deemud, Aug. Cash n-celveil fur taxes on siiitod
a nd, unseated lands reiurn.slir
Sept. 1. dish nr Samuel Kelehnur, orilrl-
iircreeli townsJdp, ior keojiing
, CuthiirlneSiilt,
Ocr. To iiiiiiiiint tendaynssessmontlii
,, ,. Borough or lli-rwlck,
Dec. 19. Jury Ires ami linos nf Jesse Colo-
iiian, Prothonotary,
To cash of dos tax fund pnld ns.
150115 B2
1 -11
1010 II
Amount outslnndlng, bnlanco,
'lo suudry tnxes,
-NU9 57
Py nmoiint outstanding ror 1C, and pre-
Mom nars, r Silll-H
Py I'xoilemlloiisnllnwislisilleclois 1111 .si
Py (llllllsslllllerH " " lino fti
lly iiln't or ('oiiuly iinleis lislis'lned 17 701 n
Py '1 n-asiirer's isniimlssloiis on (MJU! C7
nt four mt rent., (til (ill
Py Isdaueu duu County, s2 70
H-Sj.llMI .'.7
jailX J. NTr.llV, Treasurer of (ihjinbla Coun.
Amount fiMlstandlng forTStlSnnd btrvt
011s years, rrcii.
' assessed for 18(50, t(J rn
" duo Treasurer, U'-,,
Jli 8
OR. '"w
Amount outstanding nnd Uncollected .
" exonerations nlluwed colloltorii
" eommlssloll, "".mm, j,
" sheep dainago, orders redeem,.,! i,'i"
" lmld nssessors for assess ncnl J
------r,x'r.n0yonrl'), """Hot
Tiensuror'ii commission on Ji . W
Amount pntd Auditors nnd cicrli .
IV W,'1 .n,,"".tl"K J'rothonoUw. ,yw
" nnd Register s uecount. ,.
Ij Qo
at a
Assessors pay.
Amount pa'd iwscssori for Spring assam,
Amount paid David Hnvngo, brldiru In
. Ponton, s iu
W. A. Kll
bridge In Fishing.
W- A. Kilo, bridge In HugaHoaf Si
V. L.SUU1111.U ' 1-iuuuilti IjmSS
63,30 go
nniixin repaiiw.
Amount pnld John Iternort
" 11 David Savage,
J !! AuruttKuslerforplnnli;
" ' P. llarlmnn.
" " Samuel Aptilcman,
" SI. -C .Woodward
" " John Eyer
" " Philip Oiawford for Btouq
" " John Slorilnn,
" " William Ever.
" Joslah H. Furinno,
" " Sundry persons,
H Montgomery Colo,
40 Sj
71 aj
f 1 11
? 5U
Amount pnld for blank Imoks for Pro.
UiouoUiry nnd Register.
Amount paid sundry porsons for mntorU
111s luriiisiieu iiiui wnrttlnprliy ff.Qu
for repalra nt Court Houso oui n
Jail durlug tho your, Ac, 1Ja
Amount paid to sundry licniolM, jjfJ
Amount to W. Wirt, Cominlssloucr's At
Amount to M, Comnnn for Uio yenr lso 55; jj
Amount paid to tho several Conslublug
ourmg year, jip u
Amount pnld to suudry iwrsons, tS st
Amount pntdT. J. Vnnderslloo.Coimubw'r Ks 01
" ' Allan M111111 .. .......
Winn 1-, j- uwiur
i.Vi.r. ir u
Stoiitgomery Oolo
il ,li
11. u. 1- run
Clerk. on ,i,
expenses, to IIiu
Amount paid E. II. Little, lato Dlst. AtPy. tlx 0)
" St. SI, Truugh, asQ
Amount )snld sundry lersous fox Spring
paid sundry porsons for Toor
Houso and gouural election
Amount for oool A wood for Court IIouso
auu tinu 91JI1J1
Amount to sundry persons 53 3)
Amount of stationery, etc., for court. fret W
Amount to Lycoming Slutual Ins. Co., Ui N
Amount to J. O. Quick, Esq., on C Wnl
to Wm. St. Hongland on Thoo,
Ui J. II. Cnsn, SI. D.. oxniulnlna
Issly or Sumuel Wuruuco u!i
Amouut to Jurors nt tho several aHirU
dnrln tho year Sl,ous 21
Amouut inld Dr. F. O. Harrison, at tout,
unco on prisoners,
1 hi
Amount Iild Josso Colomau, ProlU'y..
Amount to W. If. Joooby,
to J. S. Sanders,
to 1 1. L.ToU,
to P. Jolm
so w
tLsli VI
Amount paid D. A. Hwckley, 1'. Si
Amount pntd E. H. Ponltoutlary, mitinort
InjcninvlelH, " paid Hlntn Lllllatlo Hospital for
Uio supisjrt of aitUurluo Suit
- 8-u) bO
Amouut pnld sundry persons for road and
bridge vlws.
Amouut iild Thomas Kuorr, Bloom tn
" " Win. Kline, Jackson tp..
" J. W. Eck, llrlarcrmsk t
" D. A. Powmnn, "
" Andrew Freas, "
W.U,lUibblns,areoiiwooil t;i,
Ajo 00
13 10
Amount paid Samuel Snydtr for bourd-
lug prisoners 8370 03
" " coin eying Nathaniel Porry
to the House of Refuge and
Isauo Bird to E. s. lVnltcii
tlary to ft)
" " oonvoy I ng Abrnliam Pooler
" to tho E. S. Peultditlary 70 M
Amount isild tosundry persons to wltt
llloom towiuldp
Benton "
(Ireenwood "
Brlarcniek H
l-'lshlugeroek "
Shidlsou "
Shllno "
stt. pionsnnt "
.Montour '
fhaiigo ,
llenilrsik "
Sugnilouf "
e,n 01
H) 01
tc to
ro oo
116 lO
21 U)
12 ul
20 ll
HO 1
aj o)
u w
SJ3 Ii)
sj CO
M 00
ti,so o
Amount paid laying out Stnto Rood thro
inuiuuia nnu i.uzerno gouuuch cio fu
Amount paid at tho sovurol courts J-fl oo
Amount of rood, school and county tnxerf
leitiiiiitsi ny mo sevciiu lowusuips Cli'-f v
Allintlllt of milnrslKSiin.1 faptliA I'luiFtAAl Ammo IU
ixstuct iimotiut of sheep ordera
isniit-u ior ine vear ison Hl..-j70 70
taxes refunded to townships l.trjg ttt 8i,JitOH
Actual exjienaes for yecr lsoa 155I W
Wk tho iindcrslmK-ii Amtiinrs or folmntiia
eounty, being duly elected to niljust nnd sell'"
tho necsiuiiUiir thoTreiisuterund Commlsslonm,
do ceitiry (hat we motut the olltco or the Cum-
iiiissiiuiers in iiiooinsimrg, and rurrfully unm
liicsl tho accounts nnd vouchers of tho siiine from
the I rst liar nf .Iimiiiiriv A . 11 Islli: n f l, tlrkt I.IV
of January, A. H.1SH7, and nud them correct
sot rorth In tho furcgoing statement, nnd we flu J
a luiliuieu dun Columbia County of tirotlious in i
l-lght hundnsl mid iii;tit-.t u-o 1111111111.1111,1 seli-u
ty-slx cents. (S2.S.S2 701 from Jouw J,Hnu.s,Treu
surer of said county.'
(Jlven under our iinnds tills eighth day of Jan.
nary. A. n.oiui thousand eight huudrisluud slxtk
joIIn''iIasFnon, j" AuJ1MV'
Attn 1 DANIKI. 1.I.K, fri-. '
Wk the iiiiderslgni'd, (JanimliwlQneM of CoIiui-
lll eolllll.V. doeerllfV (hat llnl fnroirnlni? Is UNI-
reet statement of tho accounts of said couuty for
tuess our hands January eighth. 107.
.i,i.i;.n MANN, 1
J. F. FOWLHR. ICoiiim"!
Allot ) W.X. Kllli KliAUM, Cirri.
Ai'i'iiovKii by tho Court, I'cbiunry four'U
IltA.M Ill'.ltlt. 1 . ......
P. K. HEItllElN.
t, iivwviui, nnn i,w mx Oil llotJ!i,
llloomsblllg, Feb., 1S07,