THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBU11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, BA. FARMERS' DEPARTMENT. RAISING CLOVER SEED. This Is ono of iho mo3t profltnblo crops raised by Northern fanners. It la not Kenernlly largo In quantity, but so fur ns it goes, it ylclils largo returns for the la bor and money expended on It. From three to flvo bushels per aero may gen erally bo expected, and this, sellingnt from $8 to $12 a bushel, Is a good return for the labor. Tho culture of clover Is simple and eaey. The ground should bo well plowed and harrowed fine, tho manuring moderate. Such lands as bring good crops of wheat, oats and bar ley, will produco good crops of clover. Tho seed should bo sown early, tho ear lier tho better. As clover does not last nsually moro than one year forn full crop It Is generally best to seed down tho land to timothy ; tho latter to form the main crop of tho second year. When tho clover has got well established, It Is tho practice of many to turn in their cattle and sheep upon It. This furnishes ex cellent feed, and tho cropping of It does no harm to the clover, but rather helps it. Tho stock nro kept hero until tho middle of Jnnc, when they are taken out, and tho crop nllowcdto take a new start. If kept on longer, tho clover would not have tlmo to mature seed beforo frost. By being fed down pretty closely over tho wliolo field, tho plants now start uniformly, and all blossom and ripen their seed nearly at once, which' is a very important matter. At tention to this point can hardly bo urged too much. Tho closer and evener tho feeding off, tho better and more uniform tho ripening of tho seed. Sheep will feed closer than cattle, and they should bo relied upon for finishing off. As soon ns the stock aro taken from tho field, plaster should bo applied which will give tho plants a vigorous growth. A spell of dry weathermay bo usually ex pected during tho mid-summer season, and then plaster will bo particularly useful. Tho seed will generally bo ripe by tlio time of tho first frost, and then is tho time to harvest it. It Is mom, and then wilted, well raked into small cocks in which it is loft tO' dry tho cocks being occasionally turned over by passing a rako handlo under them, mid with one handon tho heaplnvertlngthcm. "When dry enough, let it bo hauled to tho barn, where it may bo threshed and cleaned in a mill provided for tho purpose. Or after beating tho seed off from tho stalks, it may bo left in a heap with tho closely-adhering chaff to heat slightly, and then tho seed Is rubbed out and separated in a com mon fan-mill. TO MAPLE SUGAR MAKERS. Uso the half-inch bit for tapping, but bo sure to keep perfeotly sharp, and no danger of splitting tho wood. Bore from a-half to flvo eighths decp,that will give a quarter of an inch for freshing, Without materially damaging tho tree. I would uso tho alder spllo In prefer ence to any mettle spllo I have ever tried ; and if properly cleaned every spring, with your pans or buckets, thero will bo no danger of soured sap. My plan is to hot limo juice them, with good rinsing. For cleansing your syrup afterstraiu ing through double woolen cloth Into a tub, lot it stand two hours in order to settle, then draw off by n faucet, Insert ed in the sido of tho tub ono inch above tho bottom ; that will glvo you tho clear stuff. Then, place over tho tiro, and on n boil, add a pint of sweet now milk to every twenty gallons, to slack it ; and skim well as long as any thing comes to tho top- Stir your sugar for one hour, whilo it Is graining and cooling, in largo wood en trays or bowls, with a thin wooden paddle, and you will have as white, nice- sugar as you could wish. If you would economizo tlmo and wood, by all means have a tight sugar house over your furnaco, for a cold gust of wind, blowing on the surfaco of wa ter, will stop tho boiling, as tho watery vapor" is thrown back by lids into tho syrup. Try it for a moment with a lid: then raise your lid and seo tho water dripping back. Tho faster tho evapora tion, tho moro and better sugar. HOW TO GET RID OF RATS. What is tho best way to get rid of raisr. j.noyaroin my cellar, anu also in partitions anu ceilings. Will it an swer to-poison, them? If so, what is uiooest v 1 nave tricu uostar's rat ex terminator, without any dead rats. SARATOGA. After tinny years' experienco wo have nover found anything equal to a few good cats not fed into laziness nor starved Into feebleness. Next to that, uso arsonlc by mixing it with anything they will eat after they have eaten somo of it without tho poison so as to becomo inured to it, as they aro very suspicious. Extreme caro must, how over, bo taken to avoid tho danger of accidents by placing tho poison whero nothing elso can get at it. Ingenious boys aro sometimes qulto successful in catching them In box traps, madoso that the wholouppersldoandonoend.nuiled together in ono piece, drop and secure them. DOMESTIC RECEIPTS. Farmer's Pie. Paro and grate largo mellow sweet apples j thin tho pulp with milk, and bako with ono crust, Hko a pumpkin pie. A Httlo sugar and ppico to taste. Bore Tiiuoat. Dissolvo a quantity of saleratus In strong vinegar j heat, andlnhalo the fumes through a funnel. It will cure sore throat or dlpthcrla so My thoso who have tried it. Blanc Mange. Ono omico of Isin glass dissolve in ono quart of milk, ono tablespoon loaf sugar, lemon, orany fla vor you prefer; stir it gradually till It bolls j strain-through a bag Into your moulds. Now Is tho tlmo to got In rendlncis both horses and plow for the turning of the Ml. DRY GOODS, &c. G RAND OPENING GRAND OPENING grand opening grand opening UllAND OPENING! FALL AND FALL AND KALI. AND FALL AND FALL AND WINTEH GOOM, WINTEIt GOODS, WINTFtl GOODS, WINTER GOODS, WINTER OOOIW, consisting of consisting of consisting of consisting of consisting of DRY GOODS, BUY GOODS, DRY GOODS, DHY GOODS, DIIY 000D3, HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS AND CArs, AND CAPS, AND CAPS, AND CAl, AND CAW, HOOTS AND SHOES, BOOTS AND SHOES, ltOOTH AND SHOES, BOOTS AND SHOES, BOOTS AND SHOES, keXdy-made CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHING, HEADY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHItlO, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKINO-G LASSES, LOOK ING-f 1 LASSES, IiOOKlNG-0 LASS ICS, LOOKING-GLASSES. NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS .AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, QOEENSWARE, QUEENSWARE, QUEENSWARE, QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, 8 ALT, SALT, SALT SALT, 8ALT, FISH, FISH, FISH, KITH, FISH, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN" AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, ORAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, McKELVY, NEAL McKELVY, NEAL McKELVY, NEAL McKELVY, NEAL McKELVY, NEAL CO.'S, CO.'S, CO.'S. CO.'S. CO.'& Northwest comer of Main and Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main mid Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main mid Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main and Market Streets, Northwest oa rner of Mulu und Market Streots, bloomsburg, ta., i1loomsi1uro, ta. bloomsburg, pa., BlOMSllURO, PA BLOOMSBURG, PA. IRON IRON IRON IRON IRON ANT) NAILS, AND NAILS, AND NAILS, AND KAII, AND NAIIA Id Isfgf quanrlttes and at icdntcd rstc, alnay oa haad. DRUGS & MEDICINES. JRUO AND CHEMICAL STORE, Rloomsbuig, Pit. DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, PERFUMERY AND TOILET ARTICLES. KYKtt A MOVER rrsiicctfully Invito n continuance of patronage. Their limits and Medicines arc nil selected with the greatest care, avoiding as much ns posslblo the introduction of delirious nostrums, mid nro purchased from tho best Importing houses In tlw country. PATENT MEDICINES of nil kinds, Including Ayer's, Jayno's, Hollo- way's, Hosteller's, Wlshurt's, Ilootlnnd's, Ac, constantly on hand. COAL OIL AND ALCOHOL. HAIR, TOOTH, NAIL, AND CLOTHIIS IJRUSHES PAINTS AND CHEMICALS of every variety, and of tho best quality. FANCY TOILET ARTICLES. The. public may rely at all times on procuring tho above articles, with ml the new useful prepara tions kept In tho bent conducted establishments. PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS and Family Receipts compounded with tho grent est accuracy and dispatch. THRESH ARRIVAL OF NEW I? GOODS. Tho undersigned 1ms Jiist arrived from the City with n largo assortment of Drugs, Medicine, Paints, Oils, Vnmlshes, and Dyo Stuffs, Ueady-MttdoClothlng, Perfumery, Toy nnd Fancy Articles, Druggist's Glassware, Brushes, Trusses and Supporters, and ngeucral assortment of every- thing that belongs to n well-appointed Drug Store. Alsf Patent Medicines of all klnds,such as Jayne's, Ayer'B, Wlshnrt's, Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup, Brown's Troches, Swniu's Panacea, linker's Cod Liver Oil, Hoofland's Hitters constantly on hand. Also MOROCCO LEATHER, KID, FRENCH MOROC CO, FRENCH CALFSKINS, PINK TRIMMINGS, BINDINGS, by tho or nalf-dozcn. Also SHOE-FINDINGS, FISHING-TACKLE, Ac. Having had n largo experience In tho drug busi ness, I would respectfully Invito thoso wishing anything In that lino to call nnd sco my stock be fore purchasing elsewhere. "In medicines quality Is of tho first Importance." tiWU. it. .HU11-.U. JOYAL & ROYEK, (successors to GILUERT, ROYAL A CO. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, Importers and Dealers in - DRUGS, MEDICINES, SPICKS', PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, DYE STUFFS, AO., Nos. 303 and 311 North Third Street, Philadelphia. GROCERIES, &c JOHN STROUP & CO., successors to stroup ,t Brother, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN KISH, 21 North Wlnrvos, and 25 N.irth Water St., Philadelphia. yENNEDY,. STAIRS & CO., WHOLESALE FISH DEALERS, Nos. 130 and 132 North Wharves, Philadelphia. "yEAVER SPRANKLE, WHOLESALE GROCERIES AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Nos. 223 nnd 227 Arch Street, Philadelphia. gCHELL, BERGER &. CO., Dealers In FISH, SALT, CHEESE, PROVISIONS, Ac, Nos. 122 and 121 North Wharves, above ArcU St. Philadelphia. Sola agents for Wilcox's Wheel Grease, In bar rels, kegs, and cans. ESTABLISHED 1703. JORDAN & BROTHER, WHOLESALE GROCERS, and Doalors In SALTPETRE AND BRIMSTONE, No 209 North Third Street, Philadelphia. QOTTRELL & AYRES, vnoiesaio centers in FISH, CHEESE, Ac, Ac, No. 106 North Wlinrvos, second door nliovo Arch Street, Philadelphia. JJ V. PETERMAN, Ik LIPPINCOTT A TROTTER, WHOLESALE GROCERS. No. 21 North Water Street, . and No. 31 Nortli Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. Q D. BOBBINS & CO., IRON MERCHANTS, Nottheast corner of Second and Vino Street, Philadelphia. MILLINERY GOODS. JJLOOMSDURG FANCY TRIM MING AND BOOKSTORE, second door lelow Hartiuun's, Main Street. Just received u new stock ot ZEPHYRS, WOOLEN AND COTTON YARNS, CORSETS, LACES, EMBROIDERIIS, MUSLIN EDGINGS, DRUBS TRIMMINGS and every variety of articles usually kept In u FANCY STORE. Also SCHOOL BOOKS, HYMN BOOKS, BIBLES, SUNDAY-SCHOOL BOOKS, and a largo lot of MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, ACCOUNT AND MEMORANDUM BOOKS, BLANK DEEDS, BONDS AND MORTGAGES, and a general nnd well-selected nuortmcnt of I'APER, ENVELOPES, Ac A, D. WE11II. J B. PUHSEL, HARNESS, SADDLE, AND TRUNK. MANUFACTURER, and dealer In CAni'ET-DACS, VALISES, rLY-NETS .Ac, Main Street, Blnomsburg, Ta. rjUIE UNION HOTEL, Arch fitrccl, between Third and Fourth streets, i miaueipum. CHKfSTrt WEBER, PteprlctOTS. DRY GOODS. JJURRAH FOR CATAWISSA! 11119 njniirtmiaino. Goods to comparo with stringency of tho money market, 1wk nnd compaio prices beforo pur. chasing elsewhere, Just call at tho favorite busl. ncss stand of McNINCH A SIIUMAN, and you will be met by the obliging proprietors or thelrclcrks.utnlsliown through Ihelr great variety storo freo of churge, of course. They will glvo yiut n fair ehaneo to spend your loose change, they trust much moro prolltubly than n cun bo spent elsewhere. Their STOCK OF DRY OOODS this Spring Is much larger In all Its varieties than usual. Their LADIES' DHESS GOODS arc of the nicest Btylci In market. They have n lino assortment of HATS. CAPS. BOOTS AND SHOES, SUMMER CLOTHS, CASSINI71S, CASSIMERES, AND VESTINS, nnd numerous articles common to such establish- ments, besides n general assortment of HARDWARE, TINWARE, QUEENSWARE, AND GROCERIES, nil nt greatly reduced prices. They wish to con duct their business on tho system of "PAY AS YOU GO," and they think they can niTord lo Rcll very cheap. They return their thnnks for many past favors, und nsk tho future patronage, of their former cus tomers and the public generally. McNINCH A SIIUMAN. RMBRUSTER & BROTHER, importers ami jouuers oi HOSIERY, GLOVES, SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, BUTTONS, SUSPENDERS, HOOP SKIRTS, HANDKERCHIEFS, THREADS, SEWING SILKS, TRIMMINGS, PORTi: MONNAIES, SOAPS, PERFUMERY, FANCY GOODS, AND NOTIONS GENERALLY, Also Manufacturers of BRUSHES AND LOOKING GLASSES, and Denlers in WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, ejlllOOMS, ROPES, TWINES, Ac, No. 300 North Third Street, nbovo Vine, Philadelphia. s. L. BETTLE, MUSH, BUNN A CO., DRY GOODS, No. 49 North Third Street, Philadelphia. with jJ M. MARPLE, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, GLOVES. AND . FANCY GOODS, No. A3 North Third Street, Philadelphia. E. J- LESTER, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, Ac, No. 20 North Second Street, opp. Christ Church, Philadelphia. JgARCROFT & CO., Importers and Jobbers of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, CLOTHS CASSIMERES, BLANKETS, LINENS, DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, Ac, Philadelphia. NDREWS, WILKINS & CO., Dealers In FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, No. 50J Market Street, Philadelphia. JOSEPH 8. BELL, Manufacturer of and Wltolcsalo Dealer In CLOTIIINO, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, AND VESTINOS, No. North Third Street, Philadelphia. yATSON & JANNEY, Imiiorters ami Jobbers of SILK AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, AC, No. 32:1 Market Street, Philadelphia. MISCELLANEOUS. QUR STARCH GLOSS ts the only article used by KIRST-CLASS HOTELS, LAIINDRIIM, AND THOUSANDS OF FAMILIES, It irlves a beautiful oollsh. making tho It-nn linhH MiUMitniy over iiio eicnn, saving ML'fll timi; anil labor. Goods done up with it keep clean much lunger, ion.-,cucjcmiy win noi wear out bo boon. IT MAKES OLD LINEN LOOK LIKE NEW. OUR IMPERIAL BLUE IS THE BEST IN THE WORLD. It is soluble In hard as well as soft water. It Is put up in the piifeM. neatest, and moat eunvc-nlent IT IS WARRANTED NOT TO STREAK THE CLOTHES, Agents wanted everywhere, to whomwoofler extrac-rdinury Inducements. Address NEW YOItK STARCH GLOSS CO., kep22- in-iiao 218 Fulton t-lu-i t, New York. JOWE, EUS'i'ON & CO., Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers In COTTON YARNS, CARPET CHAINS, BATTS, WICKS, TIE YARNS, CORI1AOE, BROOMS, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, LOOK'G GLASSES, CLOCKS, FANCY BASKETS, TAI1I.E, n.OOR, AND CARRIAGE , OILCLOTHS, Ac, No. MO Muiket Street, kouth side, . Philadelphia. EADVILLE THEOLOGICAL SCHOOL. Tho Fall tellil beimii Kert,.m. r .1. 1 'lieu It v of Intrnellnn ,.iiiwli.tu i,r iiuii roddcut and four non-resident professors and n tutor. Tho object is to educate young men for the Chrlstlnn Ministry, 'lliere It u prepuiatorv class for thoso who lmw not rci-elvul iicnlU-ulntc education, Ono bundled und sixty dollurs a cni are granted to benctletarles, with an additional sum In special eases. Tho tuition, no of Library anil text-hooks, inn fieu to all. Tho School u as iimnui-o ny iiio I'lilliirian ami riirlslhin ilenoiui nations, hut Uoncu to all who lielicto In vine origin of ChrMlunUy, Tho Library consists Application niuv be mads In Rev. A. A. T.lver, more, President of tho Boaid of instruction, McudWllo, Pa. novl7-ly TOUVIN'S Kil) GLOVE CLEAN t ER. Established 12 years, 'lhn only good nrtielo for Instantly cleaning Kid Gloves. They can be cleaned while upon tho baud, nnd worn Iniinedlattly. It Is Inodorous, Ono Isittle nill drain " pairs. Prlco III cents, Retailed hv most Druggists uml l'nucr Htnros. Wholesale by Do. mss ristues A Co., K, C. Wells A Co., nud others, TOBACCO & SEGARS. rjMIE ONLY PLACE to get the best TOBACCO AND CIGARS, AT WHOLIMALE AND RETAIL, Is at HUNGSnERGER'S, n few doors below tho American House, Bloomsburg, Pa. He has the largest and most select of SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO ever offered to .tho citizens of Bloomsburg. All tho fancy brands of SEGARS, and the best Fine-cut and Plug CHEW1NO TOBACCO, can be bad at his counters. tobacco nrra In great variety are among his largo stock. DON'T FORGET TO CALL. H. H. hunsiieroer; JJAGEN, BOYD & CO., lAJl.MllVMU. U1,1V.U,. AO, and Wholesale Dealers lit LEAF AND MANUFACTURED TOHACCO, SEGARS, Ac, No. 01 North Third Street, Philadelphia. Consignors can forward their stock "In Bond,', without prepaying tho United Stales tax. JJ W. RANK'S V ilULilVIAljI-i, Dl urr, .ViiJ CIGAR WAREHOUSE, No. 1 10 North Third Street, between Cherry and Race, west side, Philadelphia. JJUSSELL & WOODRUFF, Wholesale Dealers In TOBACCOS, CIGARS, PiriX, Ac, Ac, No. 13 North Third Street, above Market, Philadelphia. JpiaSHMUTH, BROTHER A CO., WHOLESALE TOBACCO DEALERS, No. 151 North Third Street, five doors below Race. Factories, Nos. 223 and 225 Quarry Street, Philadelphia. J II. WALTER, Importer nnd Denier In CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENSWAIID, No. 231 North Third Street, ljetwocn Unco and Vine rhllftdelphin. B ENJAMIN GREEN, Dealer In CARPETINOS, WINDOW SHADES, OIL CLOTnS, MATS, Ac, No. 33 North Second Street, Philadelphia. G W. BLABON & CO., Manufacturers of OIL CLOTHS AND WINDOW SHADES, Wan bouse, No. 121 North Third Street, Philadelphia. II. LONGSTRETH, PAPER-HANGING WAREHOUSE, No. 12 North Third Street, Philadelphia. J V. LAMBERT, with ROSS, SHOTT A CO., Importers nnd Jobbers ol CLOTHS, CASSIMER1CS, VESTINOS, Ac, No. 301 Market Street, Philadelphia. POWDER KEGS AND LUMBER W. M. MONROE A CO., Rupert, Pa., Manufacturers of POWDER KEGS, and dealers In nil kinds of LUMBER, glvo notice that thcyaroprepnrod to nccomodat their custom with dispatch, and on tho cheupes erms. jyILLER & HOST, Successors to Franklin P. Seltcr A Co., Importers nnd Wholesale Dealers In LIQUORS, WINES, Ac, Nos. 110 and 112 North Third Street, Philadelphia. To Hotel nml Saloon keepers of lllnotiis burg and Columbia County. I have appointed Mr. II. stohncr agent for tho satoof my ale, porter, brown stout, and lager beer, who will supply you nt tho samo price (and with the sumo urtlele), ns I would furnish you from tho brewery. Knoowm; that he will bo punctual und attentive to nil who may favor him with their trade, I solicit for htm your support. Very respectfully, FRED LAUER, Steam Brewery, Reading, Pa. PHOTOGRAPHIC. E. A II. T. ANTHONY A CO., Manufacturers of Photographic Materials, wiiui.ife.ii.1: ami m:r.ul,, .Hit lllttlAIIWAY. N'- V. Til addition tn nor tontti nf PirflTO. qitAI'HU! MATERIALS we aiu Headqual tcrs for mo ioiiuiuiik, i'.. . HTi:iimMYHM'.st .fr MTPrtrnyrnmn vn-vvs Of Aiuerte.m and Foielgu Cities and lindseupes, H'l'IMtl'.O-sl-lil'll! VII-'.WH rP Till". Will and forming a complete. Photographic hlstoiy oi to; Kiini I-OIUI.-M, MnUtKO.SCOWC VIUWH ON (JLAHS, Adtiptcd Tor t'ithor th Mnylo Lnntcrn dr tho iMeivuHcoju. iiur l amioKtio will uo (wui to any Ullilll'Mt Ull ItTi-ipiUI mu in p. lMI(lTlflUAlirr(! ATU1TM4 Wo infiiiuf.M turn more largely than nnv nthor liouM',itliut 'jufi vitrii'tlrslrom ."VipentK to sVH-acii. lur ALIIUMH h.iv the roputatlnn of befnif bupo- I MM III tilt HI 1J- 1IP1M IIIIIUIMIIiy III IIU) UllU'IS. Card l'liotoKiuiihs of aciii'rals,Stutt,mci. Actors, eli'tte. Our CatnloKUO rmlnnccs vr V1VIZ TIIOUH ANI) dltU'i.'iit KiihJfctH, liH'luiUns rfproiliu tloitH nuuuux, nr. uuiuiouctit.rni on rtmipi ortiiHiiip, it ml nlluiru . .e. I.,fl .. I Kit 1 1 will please remit ia pt r cent, of lhu amount w'mi their order, dTho prleuj irnd fiuality of our goods rnimot Ull iu Aiiiiitiv, liUY!Tjy ''PUK AMEU1CAX HAY KNIFE X AND FOItK.-Wo (heundetkiitned ellli ns in Columbia County witnessed the trial of bav forks on 1 1 i.i fiimi of -Mr. Itirsel, in JleinliHk limnshlp, on .Monday, May 7, 1MI, In tweeu the Aiiu rleiin Hay Knife und 1 ork ni.iuurai tuiid by M.U'ER, WAI.I. SHRINElt A Co.. of LnvU. burA, I'll., ami tlw lluudcU Patent Hay Hook, Iho American Fork lirted moio liuy In ono drauulit than the lluiidi-l In lliree. v i.knii.. fled It will tul: i-an mmli liny Into tho mow as tuo r.oou iiori.,- rail ur.iw, 0 IllkO haw It itltllui; lay, uml think It eiiunnt be bent hi, a liny knife, uml cheerfully recommend It us the best buy fork .in. on niiimirrtn eci'il. . ( . BlTTi:.NllK.NIJK Dlt. F. O. llAltlllSO.-I, , B. IvOONH, JOHN DllAK, John DirrfiiKK, IUmrl Novkh, 11. DKll.KMIU.Klt, SVI.V1W1K1C PfltSBI lllK.f, III',.,.!. T...... M'... IheynlMiinunufiicliirn the celehratixl Buckeye Itenjier nnd Mo cr, and other agricultural implo mcnts. ' IRON, TINWARE, &,C. RATIONAL FOUNDRY, Bloomstmrg, Coluinblu County, in. Tho subscriber, proprietor of the above-l mcd extensive establishment, Is now prepared ro eclve orders for all kinds of MACHINERY FOR COLLIERIES, BLAST FURNACES, STATION Y ENGINES, MILLS, TIIRESHIN MACHINES, Ac IIo Is also prepared to make Stoves of nil sires and patterns, Plow-Irons, nnd cvcr thing usually mailo In Ilrst-closs Foundries. His extensive facilities, nnd practical workmen warrant him In receiving the lnigcst contracts on tho most reasonable terms, Grain of nil kinds will bo taken lit exchnugo fur. Castings, This cstabllslimeut-ls located near tho Lack! wannn and Bloomsburg Railroad Depot, PETER BILLMYER. 8 TOVES AND TINWARE. A. M. RUPERT announces to bis friends nnd customers thnl continues the nbovo business nt Ids old place on MAIN STHEirr, BIX)OMSBURO. Customers can be accomodated with FANCY STOV13 of all kinds, Stovepipes, Tinware, and every va riety of nrtlclo found In n Slovo mid Tlnwaie Lsi tabllshment In the cities, and on the most reason able terms. lleialrlnt;doiieat the shortest notice, Z DOZEN MILK-PANS on hand for sale. JgAGLE FOUNDRY. juni.l'ii raiiAiiri.iws, BloomsbtirB, Pa. STOVKS OF EVERY VARIETY, PLOUGHSHARES, PLOUGHPOINTS, and all kinds of Costings, on hand or supplied on tho shortest notice and at the cheapest rates CastlnRS for COAL BREAKERS AND COAL SCHUTES made to order. )HGCNIX STOVE DEPOT. HEATERS, RANGES, AND STOVES, Wholchale nnd Rctull. PATENT ANTI-DUST COOKING STOVE. VULCAN HEATER, for heating two or moro rooms. PARLOR, COOKING, LAUNDRY, HEATING, nnd every variety of STOVES. JOHN I. II12JS, No. 110 North Second Street, Philadelphia. T I. BURKHART, Importer nnd Dealer In IRON AND STEEL, No. CO Front Street, Philadelphia. ?1 EORGE II. ROBERTS, Importer and Dealer in HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, AC, No. 311 North Third Street, nbovo Vine, Philadelphia. HOTELS AND SALOONS. TOADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S RESTAURANT. B. H. STOHNER has fitted up a FIRST-CLASS EATING SALOON, whera ladles and Kentlcincu can be supplied with the delicacies of the season. A suppl of FRESH OYSTERS always on hand. FRESH BREAD, CAKES, AND PIES, FRENCH AND DOMESTIC CONFECTIONS In every stylo and variety, NUTS, FRUITS, and everything usually found In a FIRST-CLASS CONFECTIONERY STORE. PORK'S HOTEL, GEORGE W. MAUGER, Proprietor. The aliovo well-known hotel has recently under gone radical changes In Its Internal arrangements, nnd Its proprietor announces to his former custom and tho travelling public that his accomodations for the comfort of his guests nre second to none In tho country. Ills tablo will nlwnys be found sup plied, not only with substantial food, but with nil the delicacies of the season. His wines und 11 quors (except that popular beverage knowji tut "Mcircnri"), purchased direct from tho Importing houses, nro entirely pure, und fieu from nil poi sonous drugs. Ho Is thankful forn liberal patron ago In the past, und will continue to deserve It In tho future. GEORGE W. MAUGER, SUSQUEHANNA HOTEL, ' Catawlssa. Pu, Tho almvo Hotel has lately been purchasodhy HENRY J. CLARK, nnd has been thoroughly re modelled, repaired, and refurnished. It will bo found now, in its nrrnngemeiit nud uptiolntments, n tlrst-clnhs Hotel, nnd second to nouo in tho country. Persons In cities wishing to spend the hot months In tho country, will do well to giro the proprietor u call. QA1UUAGE MANUFACTORY, Bloomsburg, Pn. M. C. SLOAN A BROTHER, tho successors of ' WILLIAM SLOAN A SON, continue the business of making CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, and every ptyle of FANCY WAGONS, which they have constantly on hand to suit cus tumors. Never using any material but thn bes nnd employing tho most experienced workmen, they hopo to eontlnuo ns heretofore to glvo entire satisfaction to every customer. An Inspection o their work, nud of the reasonable prlco' asked fo tho same, Is sum to Insure n sale. ? C. LIG1ITE & CO., Manufacturers of ril'-ST-CLASS URA.NIJ AMI! HQl'Alin PIANO FOR T E S ! Sole Patentees of Llghto's celebrated Patent In sulated lion Frnnie. Are also makers of the very best Pluno Fortes In the niurket, HAVING BEEN AWARDED THE HIGHEST PREMIUM AT T1IK AMERICAN WORLD'S V A I Rl and the Exhibit Ion of the Industry of all Nations, "besides numerous other GOLD AND HILVEIt MEDALS, together Willi testimonials fioin all tho most dis tinguished Musical celebrities In Europe and' Aiueilca, 'they have nlso Just ircetwd THE HIGHEST PUEMIl'M At tho Illinois Slain I'nlrl Tho Indiana State Fair) Tho Iowa State Fair! The Wisconsin Mnto Fair, etc. In competition with lhn most" celebrated Mnnu. f.utuiets of New York. Boston, Philadelphia, Baltlruoie, etc, Wnrcrnoms, 121 llroome street, near llroadway, New I'ork City, Orders by mall promptly nttini. ded to. Send for Circular, Jsnll'iff. Notice-All persons liiiatthiK lltemielve Indebted to cither of lhn uiidirslgucil.on Book Judgment, nro rciueslcd to ninko pay. men! wllhout delay, If they would save costs. M'KF.LVEY. NEAL A COsud WILLIAM M'KKLVEV .VCO. SEWING MACHINES. rpHU FLORENCE SEWING-MACHINE! .IRE THE BEST IN THE WORLD. Salesrooms, (Mil Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, r. While n large number of Machines linvt beta offered to tho public, some of whlek possess polnte of excellence and acknowledged merit, we have lotiR rclt what others nnvo experienced, the be cesslty of a Muctilno moro perfect In IU mechiiu. cul structure, combining In tho HIGHEST DEOREB SIMPLICITY WITH DURAlitUTT, and while capable of doing a GREATER RANGE OF WORK, one that could bo cosily understood and coupre iienucii ny mi. To supply n Sewlng-Machlnc free from the tt tectlonsnllnched toothers has been liocasy Utkf for wo not only had to surpass other Machine, t they appeared years iiro, but also as Improved from time to tlmo by more recent experience. This wo boldly claim has been accomplished br the liberal expenditure of capital, nml the pa tient, untlrlnir labor of years; and In prcsentlcs; our Machine to tho public, ire shall make strong assertions respecting Its morlts, which wo are prepared to stibsta nt Into In every particular. Dlscnrdlni; the CImiti and Ixxip, or Knit ill Wm, wc ndoptetl tho IX1CK STITCH (alike on Ixith sides of the fabric), which Is re. Knrned by tho masses as best suited to all kinds of work. But to meet objections sometimes urged ngnlnst this favorite stitch, wo have added the Knot, Dottblo Lock, and Double. Knot, olthor of which Is STRONGER AND MORE ELASTIC than tho Lick; thus enabling tho operator to select a stitch PERFECTLY SUITED to every grado of fabric, nnd where necessary, te9 seams much stronger than It Is possible to do be band. THUFLORKNCU makes FOUR DIFFERENT STITCHES with ns much ease as ordinary Machines maksj one, and with ns little iLachlncry. Tho result of repented tests has been all we could desire, nnd from Its first Introduction the Florenco hns gnlnod hosts of friends, aud been regarded ns n HOUSEHOLD NECESSITY ( proving that tho public fully appreciate tho mane adsnntages combined In tho Florence Machine. Over nil others, the Florence must be eoea lo be fully upproclatod. Wo claim lor the FLORENCH tho following ADVANTAGE nror any and nil SEWING-MACHINES IN THE WOIU.IX 4jr-It makes four different stitches, the loclt; knot, double-lock, and double-knot, ol. ono and the sumo machine. Each stitch being alike oq both sides of tho fabric ? Every Machine has tho roverslbls feed mos lion, which enables tho operator, by simply turn ing a thumls-ycrew, to hnve the work run either to the right or left, to stay any part of thn seaia, or fasten tho ends of Beams, without turning the fabric. 4d-Changing tho length of stitch, and from ono kind of st Itch to another, can readily bo dftrsi while tliu Maehlno Is In motion. Jj3Tho needle is easily adjustod, and doos not skip btltebos. It is almost nolsolmg, and can be ued whcruiiulet Is necossory, i -93-Its motions nro all positive; there ere no springs to get out of order, nnd Its simplicity on. ablcs any ono to operate it. 3r It does not require finer thread on the nndar than for the upjier side, and will sew across the heaviest senm, or from ono to more thicknesses of cloth, without change of needle, tension, break lug throad, or skipping stitches. OS.Thii Hemmer Is easily adjusted, and srlD turn any width of bom deslrod. Is'-Nn other Machtno will do su or at,a rans of work as tho Florence. 3-It will bom, fell, bind, gnthor.bmld.qnrtt, nnd gather nnd cw on n rualo st tho samo time. It has no springs to get nut of ordor, and will last n lifetime. 3- It is fully protectod and licensed by Ellis Howo, Jr., mill our own Letters Pntont. Tho taking up of tho slack-thread Is not per formed by tho Irregular contraction of a wire noil or uncertain operation of springs. The prectslou nnd ueeuracy with which tho Florence draws Uiu thread Into tho cloth Is lthapproached oy any Sewlug-Moclilue hitherto ottered iu tho world. Wo furnish each Maehlno with " Baranm's Self Sewer," which guides tho work itself, and Is of In. calculable, valuo, especially to lnexperlenoo oper atois. Whilo possessing tlio aliovo, nnd many other ad vantages, the Florenco Is sold at oorrespondliin prices wllh other tlrst-class Machines, and a co ru ral examination will fully substantiate all that wo have claimed for It, nnd Justify tho assertion wo now mak', that It Is tlio livst Sowlng-Muchlue In Iho world. We warannt every Machine to bo alt that we claim for It, and to glvo cutlro satisfaction, anJ will glvo a written warranty, If roqutrnL Libera! nrrsngemonta made with those who bay tn sell again. Further Information may bo had by Inclosing stamps Ui tho General Otfleoof the Florence Sewlng-Machlne Onnpairy,tl30ChosUiat Street, Philadelphia, l'unus) l uuuw PRICES OF MACHINE No. 1, Plain. This Maehlno makes tho lock nnd knot st Itches ,nnd has tho roverslbls foedJH No. 2, Florence. Gold-ornaincntod Machine, with drawer, and light cover, without lis; makes nil the four stitches, and has the re versible feisl pj No. 8. Silver-plated Machine, ornamented ; table oll-ilnlshed nlnut,.wlth heavy belt case, lock and draw er ; makes all the. four stllchcs, and has tho reversible feod W No. I. SlIver-plJtiHl Maehlno, highly orna mented, nnd makes all the four stltcln!, and has the reversible feed. Polished mahogany tablo M Polished Rosewood Table 91 No. 5. Walnut table, In oil W Mahogany table, In oil tW Roseuood table, III oil 100 No, 0. Walnut, oil finished 111 Mahogany table . 113 Rose ool tablo I 1. O. EVANS, General Agent, C10 Chestnut Strrat, Philadelphia lMPIRE SHUTTLE SEWINGOIA- .1 J CHINKS i.resuoerlnr to nil others for I AMILY AND MANUFACTURING 1'Ultl'OHI-J Contain all the latest I mprovementu; arosj.i ft!f iiolstdesK-iduriible; nnd easy to work, Illiistiuted Clrculsisfri e. Agents wanted. Ule eral discount nllou isl. No isiiislgnmiuits mode, Address EMPIUK S. M. CO., nugl-ly nisiiroaiiMoj-jMownwI -J" QT. CHARLES HOTEL, ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN, Nos. no, ttl, M, nnd 06 North Third BlreeU, belueeu Market and Arch tttr- lliiladslpbU. o.x.inLis Ki.ixn;rEH, Mnns'4'V, 0